#art fight got me drawing so many refs
galewindstudios · 4 months
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Some 3 Idiots Wips! Been working on a height chart + fullbody references at the same time.
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xycuro-illuminati · 2 months
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I finally sat down and did a ref of Andrew Murdock Smith, the bitter exes stuntdevil clone son. Big thanks to my friends redfingrs and cowumbo-uwu for helping me fix up the design and finalize it.
More info and art under cut
Andrew came from a shitpost What If idea of George obtaining the piece of the criminal cowboy DD suit that Johnny ghost rider damaged that contained Matt's blood and dead skin cells to create a clone son with his and Matt's DNA. The guy has connections and was able to obtain drugs specifically made to trick Matt's powers, why would he NOT know a scientist that can clone people. Made it into a way less-shitposty idea where George did that not only to get revenge on Matt but to have a true Stunt Master successor.
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Andrew was made physically and mentally a grown adult in his mid-late 20's, but George still raised him for a bit. He tricks Andrew into believing that his other father, Daredevil, was a megalomaniac that was too dangerous to be around and that he needed to be put down, despite the news showing him as a hero. George showed Andrew "how Daredevil really is" with evidence of Matt's criminal cowboy days and even the shadowlands incident. He also convinced Andrew that he should the one to replace Matt as Daredevil while also being a Stunt Master successor. Eventually, Andrew got sick and tired of George because George sucks so bad as a parent, so he ran off to start his mercenary life. With enough training, he gained the name Infrared and goes after Daredevil. However, Andrew found out that DD had trained another vigilante before named Blindspot. So he decides to go after Sam first just to test him and get an idea of what to expect from fighting Matt. Andrew shows up randomly to challenge Sam many times until one fight led to Sam putting the pieces together.
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After that particular exchange, Andrew finally goes after Matt. Sam had trouble finding/contacting Matt to ask questions, but Andrew got to Matt first. As explained in one of my late night ramble posts, Andrew had this idea of Matt in his head, expecting him to be arrogant, cruel, and downright malicious. The Daredevil that George described aligned more with how Matt acted during his criminal cowboy days, so Andrew was fully expecting that. He wasn't expecting Daredevil who refused to fight back after learning the truth, and wanted to help him instead. That shattered Andrew's world view and made him leave.
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Later on, he comes around and tolerates Matt and his attempts at being a parent. As for Sam, they act like rivals. Sam can't stand his ass and wants to beat the shit out of him for all the trouble/injuries he's caused and Andrew just likes to annoy him and fights him for fun. Horrid stuntdevil offspring.
Andrew uses a kusarigama bc he thought it was similar to batons but sharper (and I thought it would look cool leave me alone). He also uses pistols and other types of guns, but mostly for his merc work rather than his I'm-going-to-fight-vigilantes-for-fun work.
Also I'll maybe draw his motorcycle in the future, idk, I imagine it's something like this:
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rjshepherd · 1 month
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so yall might have guessed by my late night dishonored posting but i got into the games recently and now i have brainworms.
anyways heres some art featuring spymaster daud, post lobotomy Jindosh, Lamb (but make her void spicy) and low chaos ending Outsider.
also have some headcanons below the cut
Pose refs by Mellon-soup
After fighting him in the flooded district, Corvo makes a deal with Daud to serve as spymaster as a sort of community service to the empire he's partially responsible for kneecapping.
No one is happy about this, least of all Daud.
But as an important lesson to Emily, sometimes you have to put your feelings aside for the good of the Empire. People are tools and it's up to her to use them properly. Daud quickly proves he really is the best man for the job.
Daud is constantly cold, even in serkonos. He seems to think this is because he is void touched but Corvo is the opposite, he metabolises like a house on fire.
Since he's always cold he's taken to wearing a lot of layers. This has the added benefit of padding his falls or protecting him from sword slashes.
When he came to work at dunwall tower, most of the whalers followed suit, watching from the rooftops for dauds command to take the place over. Only the order never came and with nothing else to do the whalers decide to join up.
Daud has an incredible sweet tooth but after losing so many teeth to that corrupted bone charm he decided he couldn't afford to lose more to cavities.
In his limited free time from his duties Daud enjoys playing with the castles wolf hounds.
Kirin Jindosh
After his impromptu electro lobotomy he was dazed and very confused for months but did eventually regain some of his intelligence.
Despite that he still struggles with his short term memory, coordination, tinnitus and sleepwalking.
Kirin also lost the sight in one of his eyes due to the high voltage of the machine damaging the vitreous of his eye.
His hand wasnt damaged by the shock but he replaced the entire thing to help with his tremors.
He spends most of his time now in wei-gon researching the insects that live in the countries unique flora.
The Outsider
After being freed by Billie she quickly realises she's not up for being someone's responsible adult and promptly delivers him to dunwall tower.
Developed a strange sort of sibling relationship with Emily.
He spends most of his time travelling and drawing. Would probably attract sokalovs attention had he not already left for tyvia.
Despite being disconnected from the void, he still has powers similar to the marked that he can use for traversal.
The scars from his fatal wounds weren't present when he left the void but developed over time.
He spends a lot of time with jindosh, drawing and the rest of the time in Morley with Lamb.
The little bag he's carrying with the whale patch was a gift from her. It contains all his art supplies.
Transplanted lamb from bg3 world so I could have a DH oc lmao
She's part of an au with @je-suis-problematique . She's sort of a void creature who deals with souls. She's mostly hanging around observing things and the changeable nature of the void in low chaos Vs high chaos
Got kicked out of the void around dh1 by the envisioned for trying to help the outsider.
Landed pretty much smack dab in the middle of the flooded district, kinda got taken in by Daud and the whalers for a few months (read as: they couldn't get rid of her and she made good food so she got to stay)
By dh2 she is running an apothecary, traveling between the isles to acquire herbs and plants.
If the Overseers ask her eyes are a " medical condition"
I don't feel like expanding on it BC this au only appeals to me and my frendo but lamb has influence from the Kindred so I'm designing a Wolf for her as we speak
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helluva-world-innit · 2 months
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So...they are finally here...the height charts! At least of the main Hazbin Crew (bonus Mimzy; idk about Baxter yet). These are the final designs for me but, as I improve my art skills, I may change some things around I couldn't accomplish when I first started drawing them.
I will do actual character ref pages at some point now that I have their designs (mostly) finalized. I still wanna tweak them a little, ngl, but that will have to wait until I draw them a few more times (and probs after I do the height charts for the Helluva Crew too; everyone else will be sporadic af).
Anyway, since I got a flight soon and can't sleep, let's talk about some of the changes I made for everyone as well as how they got to be where they are now, hm? Sidenote: I have decided the events of this story will take place in 2052 for...reasons. Sidenote sidenote: I went with the original Sin colors for the Rings so Wrath is red, not Pride. Greed is gold, etc., etc.
So, Charlie (Charlotte Lucinda Isadoros) Morningstar has more texture in her hair this time around and I made the stitches on her coat obvious just because I thought it looked more slapdash that way. She's slim to the point of not really having much of a figure (much like her father; they are almost copies of each other but it's because he really didn't use anyone else's "genes" for her) so she gave her coat a little bit of shape to the hips but she still largely wears more masculine clothing. Like most of her extended family, Charlie isn't too hung up on being perceived as strictly male or strictly female, though her title is Crown Princess of Hell (Luci just thinks it sounds cuter, but Charlie doesn't object to people naming her as Crown Prince of Hell either). Age: 222
I already kind of did a rundown for her deal earlier on this blog so lets move on to...
Vanessa Chavez Hernandez Fell into the vicious Ring of Wrath upon her death during the Salvadoran Civil War in 1986. Fun fact: She and Alastor are some of the only Sinners that go by their given names. Everyone else's name tends to be a chosen one. Vannie died fighting on the side of the Farbundo Martí National Liberation Front (FMLN). She was caught and killed with so much (understandable) rage inside that it led to her dropping into Wrath Ring. US soldiers killed her peasant farmer parents in cold blood in front of her when she was 14 for the belief they were aiding the Front with weapons. Her father actually was, but her mother was not aware of any of it. As a result, Vannie dedicated her life to killing as many soldiers and government officials as possible instead of leaving for the States with her older sister. She was killed by beheading at the tender age of 20.
Vannie has been devastating her fellow Sinners in combat ever since. All to avoid being taken for torture practice by the bloodthirsty Ringmaster, Satan, should she lose a fight. Most of the armor pieces she wears are handed down from other fallen warriors, bequeathed to her or surrendered upon her victory. I originally wanted to base her on a Death's-Head Hawkmoth but decided to go with a Banded Skipper moth instead (we don't gotta be that edgy here now). They tend to have quick, skip-like movements and Vannie is very agile to make up for her small stature.
Vannie is very level-headed usually, but when her eyepatch comes off, Blind Rage takes hold and she will not lose focus on a target until they stop moving or perish. She was captured and sold as fodder for the arena, à la Thor in Thor: Ragnarok, and, she quickly grew into a crowd (and Satan) favorite. Joins up with Charlie after being liberated for the rehab project. The fact that Charlie's really cute and has a pout that can put puppies to shame probs had a hand in that decision.
Cherry Bomb! The gal, the legend, the agent of unrestrained chaos. A Brisbane native, Cherry fell to Gluttony in 1987 when punk was dying down, but "be gay, do crimes" was still more than an empty slogan. She got blown up while attempting to steal some food from a grocery store, and, like the cockroach she is, she got back on her two four feet in Hell and stole directly from Beezlebub's gardens instead.
I decided to make her look more diy punk and gave her a mullet. Why? Bitches love mullets is why. And Cherry is very much a lover of the bitches. Based her on a Giant Burrowing Cockroach too, which burrows, as its name suggests. This makes Cherry hella good at tunnels and underground infiltration but she also has a knowledge of how to build explosives as well from her time hanging with her more reckless, anarchist buds back on Earth. Her father (he's become an informant and dealer in Hell), regularly threatens her and Angel to get her to build and develop new ways to take out his competition in Greed (including even Moxxie's father). She was just about 28 when she died.
Since we're going in Ring order here, Sir Pentious is next. This cordial king cobra slithered down to Greed Ring in 1888 (aged 30) after his ambition cost him everything: his inheritance, his family, and ultimately, his life. At age 15, Sir Pen had had enough of just reading about machinery and decided to begin building some of his own. Upon entering a late puberty, this became harder for him to pursue with the pressures of high society barreling at him at full speed (he's trans). Sir Pen often disguised himself with the help of his younger sister and brother and attended engineering presentations and operation theaters despite his gender assignment at birth keeping him from formal training in engineering. The open disdain his parents showed for his inventive spirit and lack of feminine graces led to him becoming more withdrawn and abrasive to would be suitors. By age 22, no man in the county wanted anything to do with the seventh-born, obsessive, outwardly sexless child of the Lord and Lady Edwards of Dacorum, England.
Dejected by the steadily increasing hostility towards him from his family and fellow aristocrats, Sir Pen's own resentment grew and he retreated to the family summer home to begin developing an easier and painless method for removing "damaged" body parts (because of his own untreated body dysphoria) on the battlefield. Unfortunately, he used members of his own household staff to test it on. He was labelled as insane and was due to be moved to a private asylum owned by a distant cousin, but opted to take his own life instead of staying trapped in a cage of society's making anymore. Sir Pen now spends his days in Hell building various contraptions to help him one day compete in the Circus Games. He aims to win the title and position of Overseer to reclaim some of his old glory. Left him a snake because honestly, lookit him. Baby noodle. Also snakes tend to symbolize betrayal and untrustworthiness in Christian folklore so it fits him well enough.
Nifty is based on a skunk cleaner shrimp (look them up, they're super cute and also known as 'Doctor shrimps' >///<) and fell into Envy for similar reasons to SP. Three shitty husbands led Nifty to have a psychological break. She ended up killing them then turning the gun on herself in her grief after witnessing her final husband's infidelity in 1954 at age 33. I made her a cleaner shrimp since she is the maid/cook of the hotel, more or less, but also tends to clean up any of the messes she, Alastor, and Husk make (they eat people together! Isn't that...sweet?) Gave a bigger version of her to see since I made her so leetle.
Growing up poor in 1920's-30's Korea as the daughter of a Japanese soldier and a Korean sex worker with three younger siblings and lots of local children to look after, Nifty developed an early sense of caretaking and the desire for comfort in the ways of a well-kept home and delicious food (when it could be afforded). She married relatively young (17) to better care for her mother as her health declined until her death in 1946.
With trauma from a lifetime of war, poverty, and spousal abuse/neglect, it really is a surprise that she's remained as sweet as she has. At least on the surface. She worked in several restaurants and estates in the Envy's Ring of Influence upon Falling, but never managed to be appreciated no matter how efficient or hospitable she was. In the end, Nifty was approached by and made a deal with Alastor and has happily served him since.
Husk(er), in comparison to his contracted colleague, Nifty, is big, gruff, and a total softie inside despite looking like something out of a Bram Stoker novel. Husk died at the ripe age of 72 (1979) which is no small feat considering the amount of wars and bloody revolutions his home country (Russia) dealt with during his lifetime. A second born son of a Petrograd (St. Petersburg today) baker, Husk lost his older brother in the Bolshevik Revolution of 1917 (Husk was 10 years old) and has had a difficult relationship with conflict and faith ever since. Between marrying a woman he didn't love, being an awkward and distant father to their only daughter, and deserting during WWII, Husk has more passive demons than most.
After returning home in 1958 from hiding out in South Korea, he spends the remainder of his life gambling and drinking to forget all he's lost and given up. He died after passing out in the snow and Fell to Sloth Ring where he quickly amassed enough power from siphoning the soul energy of others (through their blood) to compete in the Circus Games. He even won it, but immediately regretted this as Belphagor proved to be too demanding of a Ringmaster for the bat to submit to. Scared, full of remorse, and aching for some comfort in the coldest Ring in Hell (he ran to Pride to escape Bel), he was approached by and made a deal with Alastor and has faithfully served him ever since. I made him a vampire bat because it just seems to fit a lot better than a cat with wings (OG Husk's ears always made me think of a bat anyhoo) and it's a sort of nod to his feeling like a drain on others. He's wearing a security hat because he is the security bat. More on that when we get to it.
Angel Dust is Hell's highest grossing pornstar. Such fame comes at a terrible price, however. Angel died at the age of 32 in 1947 (yes, i aged him down a little) after a jealous lover from a rival mob family gunned him down. Before that, Angel used his body to get information and fuel his drug habits, routinely practicing drag and giving the anti-sodomy laws a workout during his life, much to his family's embarrassment. He really wasn't too upset or surprised upon finding himself in the Lust Ring of Hell even if he wasn't too happy about the form he took (Angel is terrified of spiders). After a couple decades of banging and binging, Angel's family slowly began making their way to Hell as well and reunited to form one of the most powerful Sinner gangs around. He tried rejoining them too, only to be brutally beaten and ejected by his father. Back out on the streets, but no longer interested in just getting by anymore, Angel became the perfect target for a predatory Overseer of Lust: Valentino.
For the last 75 years, Angel has been featured in countless porn media (even audiobooks!) and loaned out to every demon Valentino aims to have connections with. If he hadn't met Cherry and formed a strong friendship with her shortly after her Fall, the spider's soul most likely would have Broken long before Charlie got a hold of him. While Angel actually likes his job and enjoys having something he excels at, being bound to an Overseer is a one-way ticket to being ground down into pure soul energy for Hell's use. I kept him a spider because I genuinely have no issues with him being a spider, but the fact that his original design doesn't look like one gives me the fucking pip. Also, he gets even more spidery later. Also, also, I gave him two gold fangs because they're actually just his fangs coated in gold under Valentino's orders. Anything to make him less dangerous since Angel does have venom sacs. the poison can't kill anyone already dead, obviously, but it is extremely painful and lasts for hours. He can also inject a solution that temporarily paralyzes others instead of causing them agony.
Finally, there's Alastor, the only Overseer of Pride Ring. Bound to the King of Hell, Lucifer himself, Al enjoys the kind of power most Overseers can only dream of. I made him a rabbit (actually a Snowshoe Hare) mostly to get away from a culturally appropriated beast (you know what one, I ain't finna name it) and to actually make him even more aggressively cuddleable. I like characters that defy expectations. Also, I grew up with Bugs Bunny like many of you and I love the idea of Al having Looney Toons-ass ways to deal with problems. Like hole magic. Go ahead and laugh, it's funny.
Al died in 1938 after being sentenced to the death penalty (electric chair). He was caught in one of his many, many murders after one sloppy mistake at 39 years old. He was a modestly famous radio host in his hometown of New Orleans, but only after moving away from the city with his mother and stepfather to Chicago from ages 6 to 17. His mother died when Al was 8 and his stepfather's abuse led to him becoming a skilled and emancipated serial killer by 16 years old. He saved whatever he could from victims to feed himself and put himself through speech classes when he learned that a decent living could be made on the radio for someone so obviously of mixed blood. Alastor moved back to New Orleans to start over and took advantage of the more seedy sides of the city to cover up his hunts until his discovery and capture.
Al Fell to Pride and began exploring and hunting in the other Rings, meeting a fellow entertainer in Gluttony (Vox; died 1955). The pair of them hunted together for close to 25 years when an unknown rift formed between them and both competed to win the title of Overseer in the same year. There can only ever be one Overseer per Circus (Lucifer burns the losers to ash with holy fire to keep them from returning), but Alastor and Vox are the first and last dual winners in the 200+ history of the competition. Vox pledged himself to Beezlebub while Alastor pledged himself to Lucifer and the pair have been bitter rivals ever since.
Bonus: Mimzy is an Overseer of Lust Ring that knows all the hot goss and isn't afraid to share it. She died in the 1920s after being thrown from her then-boyfriend's car in the Bronx and getting run over by a trolley. Your girl has seen it all and then some. Now, she runs one of the slickest clubs and makes her soul quota for Asmodeus with young performers of all kinds. She and Alastor became fast friends upon meeting and she's one of the only people aside from Valentino and Velvette to know what his history with Vox is. She's got a giggle in her talk and a wiggle in her walk and I so based her on that mink girl from Animaniacs as well as a little bit of Toot from Drawn Together (who was loosely based on Betty Boop). I just want her to be soft and sultry. *Jon Lovitz voice* Is that so wrong?
Woo, this got fucking loooooooong. Hopefully, I covered just enough to get y'all interested in what else I have planned for these knuckleheads and I'll be back with the Helluva Main Cast for you next time. Bye!
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nightcomet01 · 3 months
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Art fight is coming up pretty soon and this year I’m on Stardust!! I’ve still got more character refs to add before then so not everyone is there yet. If you plan on joining you should definitely follow me so I can follow you and we can attack each other💥💥💥
I will draw anything that isn’t complicated mecha cause that takes me a while and I want to get as many people as I can with the time I have
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neververy4 · 1 year
Controversal YCH opinion
Been thinking about this one fora bit, posting about it here as well as on my FORUM and COHOST.
So, furry YCH's. Your Character Here. An artist draws a sketch of some vague characters, and you pay that artist to make those vague character shapes into your character. A simple concept.
Why are seemingly most of the (digital) YCH's single use ones? One person pays, gets the art, and the artist never uses the base again? Like.. You have this premade base. Part of the work, posing refs and viewing angles and basic body atonomy, is already done. All you need to do is shape the rough outline into a specific character and you have both an artpiece and a satisfied customer. Look, as an aspiring artist, I would like to have a few YCH's that are always-avaiable asides from the normal commissions for many reasons:
- As already mentioned, part of the work is done. I can sell a YCH for less than a normal commissiom because of that. Customer gets cheaper art, I get an easier piece to do. In fact, the more I do a specific YCH the easier it gets. Getting accustomed to drawing the same posing and angles, with minor character variances.
- I can have cool extra things, such as a detailed pre-drawn background. Detailed backgrounds usually cost a good chunk more to add, and for good reason. But if the YCH already has one specifuc detailed background? Well I've already made it, no need to draw it again. And the customer doesn't have to pay extra for it either; add it on at a big discount, spread the price of the one detailed background over multiple commissions
Me and a friend got a YCH like this awhile back. Consisted of a headshot of one character, and a full body of another. The artist had already done about 40 of this YCH already, and for us? both characters were a total of $40USD. Artist got it done within 5 hours after payment. $40USD and a 5 hour turnaround is SUCH an impressive feat, I'm still pleased. Would love to do that again.
Anyways, I don't understand the point of single use (digital) YCH's. That, and for the real controversal take, I think Single-Use YCH Auctions are borderline scamish. You have this partially made image that you make people fight over, and only the highest bidder can get it before the base is never seen again. Anyways what are other people's thoughts on this?
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flingza-roller · 2 years
Sorry if this is bad timing, but I just saw your post about lorikeet and I love them! Could you tell me a bit more about them and your other splatoon OCs?
OHO YES! there is no such thing as bad timing to ask about ocs, im just incredibly happy that somebody is interested!! heheh time to Ramble (this is long sorry)
ok so im gonna stick to the bird kids cuz theyre a lot easier to explain GSJFD (maybe someday ill give my other ocs refs and backstory stuff....)
all four of em are very much based off how i play the game as each character, so i pretty much just grab my in-game behaviour and give it to em as a personality.
so, lorikeet! splat3 is still very new but i think ive somehow already solidified their personality lmao. theyre super reckless, pretty much always falling off stages and getting themself splatted by doing stupid things like running headfirst to a tacticooler or trying to challenge the eliter that wont leave them alone (i think mahi-mahi is the absolute worst for this). they like to go a little bit cazy and get as many kills as possible, which is silly when the only mode u play is turf war... (on that, there is not a single splatoon game that has gotten me to like ranked/league. i played it a few times and then swore off it, so now all four of the kids hate ranked lol)
lori fucking ADORES deep cut so theyve got the three earrings in their right ear bc they wanna be like shiver and frye. on deep cut, they love splatfests and all the music n fun stuff that comes with it. theyre weirdly not too competitive when it comes to defending their team, BUT they will go extra feral during splatfest turf wars and go complete beast mode. they still dont have a main weapon? favours brushes but thats pippins thing so they should probably pick something else GDKGS
oh they have the worst adhd brain. if they see something cool happening in the bg of a stage they will just straight up stop in their tracks and watch for a while, completely oblivious to whatever is happening in the match. and of course the moment they hear the tacticooler they will run for it even if theyre literally in the opposite end of the stage.... stupid. favourite stage is yet to be decided, gotta let the game marinate for a while longer
as the new agent 3 lori is pretty good at following orders, they just kinda... die in the dumbest possible ways. trying to jump through walls, walking straight off ledges, accidentally attracting attention to themself by throwing lil buddy right next to them. but theyre pretty good at fighting! also they like annoying the captain, because of course (this doesnt bode well for kiwi)
id like to build more on their character eventually but that requires me playing more splat3 and ive been rly unmotivated to do so >:/ ive barely played any salmon run and still havent touched table turf. augh. lori u will grow as a person i promise
now PIPPIN! (she/they) theyre my kid from octo expansion! shes very silly but surprisingly strong and skilled. never asked for help from OTH and went through every single test multiple times to get every weapon ticked (hell). also enjoys fighting inner agent 3 because ??? clearly a lot more competent than theyre letting on.
so once pip came to the surface they were very much like "id rather NOT do the whole fighting thing again" and jumped into turf wars with the intention of just having fun and messing with people. her gear set is 100% QSJ cuz she likes annoying the enemy team and then jumping away like a coward when theyre cornered (it jumpscares people bc they dont expect an octo to jump THAT fast).
she uses brush so that they can draw love hearts in enemy base :] they think its very cute and gets sad when ppl ink over it. also if an enemy tries to initiate a party they will always join bc make love not war etc. always goes for the highest inkage (highest score excluding win points was over 2000) favourite stage is inkblot art academy!
zero sense of fashion btw they either wear the QSJ gear or whatever they think will make her look hot (big fan of the octoling armour and marinas crop top). sometimes changes gender to Boy bc why the hell not, gender is arbitrary.
when grouped up with the others, they like teaming up with pigeon to cause chaos and havoc. shes very excited to see lori joining the team cuz theyre equally as insane as the other two! kiwi is the only one carrying a braincell here rip
PIGEON time!! (also she/they) technically my first oc because splatoon 2 was my first game! so she definitely has the most going for them. foil flingza main (my beloved), absolutely a frontliner and goes for the kill as much as possible. very good at sneak attacks! main gear is almost entirely special charge up (sorry. im the og missile spammer) except for ninja squid which they use to scare the shit outta ppl.
pigeon adores the birds u see hanging out on various stages, especially the pigeons (naturally). favourite stage is moray towers! i never said we had good taste. moray is excellent for roller users and allows for fast clean base inking >:]
like the others they love a good squid party but isnt always in the mood, HOWEVER she will never splat an innocent partier bc thats a dick move. if theyre not a threat, theres no need to splat.
outside of turf, pigeon is actually not a very violent person. very sweet to their friends and oh so very lesbian. she sees a pretty girl in the square and goes 😳 (btw this DOES work in battle, be a cute girl and they will be distracted). fucking absolutely obsessed with squid beatz like you have no idea, aims to get gold on every hard mode song. favourite songs to play are frantic aspic, shark bytes, and entropical. she and pippin love playing games like this together, i bet theyd be great dance duo.
in hero mode, pigeon is naturally a completionist and obtained every weapon. fucking loves harassing marie and annoying her as much as possible. adores callie so much <3 their best speedrun time is 40 sec on octo samurai (sadly cant reach the world record of 39)
unlike pippin they actually have a pretty good fashion sense, always coordinating their outfits and ink colour to match. a very stylish squid!
now kiwi is an interesting one. i first played splatoon 1 in beginning of 2018, so sadly i missed out on the splatfests. still got plenty of turf in and played hero mode repeatedly bc i have brainrot!
so kiwi (again. she/they) is really into amiibo challenges, especially the kraken challenge. being a kraken for that long makes em feel powerful, and its lotsa fun. they actually spend far more time on hero missions than anything else, they enjoy turf on the occasion but find it weirdly intimidating (favourite stage is flounder heights!). she feels most at home in the valley, with craig and the squid sisters. theyre far too sympathetic toward octolings (unlike pigeon who just goes fucking ham) and tries her best to just avoid fighting them entirely. because of this, shes pretty good at stealth missions, especially since she rarely makes much noise anyway. theyre definitely the most low-key out of the four agents.
SO!! why do i name them all after birds? because.... i like birds :D yes im a wannabe ornithologist and birds are my main special interest. i also mainly name them after aus/nz birds cuz im just Like That. we have cool birds in australia, and lorikeet was just far too fitting to pass up. (btw pippin is short for peregrine falcon)
despite being so skilled in hero mode missions they do actually get hurt a lot and almost always has some kind of bandaid or gauze on her body from various injuries. is it a lack of skill, or just recklessness? hmmm (its definitely just because she doesnt take enough care of their body lol).
if kiwi were to be captain in splatoon 3, theyd definitely be just constantly scruffing new 3 by the collar to stop them from doing something stupid. is very afraid of a new idiot joining the gang, as if pip n pidge werent bad enough. all 4 as a splatfest team would definitely be the most chaotic thing possible.
also theyre this way because when i draw squirds (tagged on my blog as "wings au") i think its fun to see how different they all look! kiwi would certainly be more fitting as a bird of prey but i think they look so silly with the stubby wings so im not changing my mind. this does mean shes real fast at running! pip and lori are the fastest flyers, pigeon is just kinda in between rip
final note, theyre all at LEAST 18 just so that its not weird. they all use she/they except lori, whos exclusively they/them. they all fucking hate ranked but love hero missions. also all of them have 1 braincell bouncing between them (mainly held by kiwi)
if u managed to read this far, thanks for ur time!! ill eventually draw all these silly bird kids together as squirds, i think itd be fun.
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goldenmadness-art · 1 year
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Finally got all my refs done! At least the ones that needed it for art fight; I do want to update some that have smaller changes and make some for characters that don't have concrete designs yet, but that's for another time...
Any way, I cant decide what team I want to be on this year. On one hand werewolves... On the other hand being on team vampire will probably give me more people to draw and will get more people to draw my characters, since all the people who draw animals will probably be on time werewolf... I think I'll wait till last minute to pick so I can see how many animal artists are on team vampire. If there aren't many then Ill go with that one.
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I posted 9,594 times in 2022
That's 9,586 more posts than 2021!
296 posts created (3%)
9,298 posts reblogged (97%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 2,128 of my posts in 2022
#bean's random thoughts - 176 posts
#asks - 66 posts
#my art - 50 posts
#motojirou kajii - 46 posts
#:o - 46 posts
#bungou stray dogs - 43 posts
#bsd kajii - 43 posts
#bsd - 41 posts
#&lt;3 - 39 posts
#yeah - 39 posts
Longest Tag: 140 characters
#zoning out or thinking of a whole plot to a story you'll never write is so much more entertaining than something someone else wants us to do
My Top Posts in 2022:
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here's your order!!
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the lemons are there spiritually, trust me
84 notes - Posted May 8, 2022
finished another attack for art fight!
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used a different brush for the lines to get a cleaner look. and colored them too since i couldn’t shade much so thats the garnish.
this is @kitty-c4t​ ‘s Dreamkeeper AU of Sun and Moon!! They are so pretty and sparkly, so I absolutely had to draw them.
(also i forgot to shade the floof on the cape but i only noticed after i already submitted it)
119 notes - Posted July 11, 2022
after a month of procrastinating and not knowing when this was done, i present onto thee:
a frame redraw with the intention of making it more detailed and dramatic than it needs to be
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there are. too many layers. clip studio was lagging.
regardless, i really enjoyed creating this
(we ignore the absence of the oil drum. i did not want to render it)
(also the B♡ on the scarf is just my signature thing, for those unfamiliar with my work)
ref pic belowwwww
See the full post
236 notes - Posted September 15, 2022
finished my first artfight attack!! finally
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this is Universal Library Moon, created by @pinkiepig​ ! This was super fun, I love his design so much. I’m probably gonna try Sun soon as well
278 notes - Posted July 3, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
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behold, moon man. i was gonna give him a cape but that was too much work.
no layer count cuz im tired as hell and my eyes are killing me
lines under the cut
See the full post
518 notes - Posted April 27, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
Of course my Daycare Attendants art got the most attention. Also holy shit I didn't realize how much I reblog.
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brenilla · 4 months
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It’s about time I did this.
Salvētē! I’m Brenilla.
I’m an artist, nature lover, gamer and all arround media enjoyer. You’ll mostly see me posting my Art on this blog! In general I mostly do art of my own Characters. But I will draw fanart on occasion and others OCs in trades or for Artfight Season.
Asks are open feel free to ask about them or me whatever!
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About Me:
- I’ve been drawing more “serious” for just over a decade now. Mostly with traditional pen & color pencil.
- My Favorite games are Minecraft, Sky COTL, The Long Dark, Genshin Impact, & DnD (TTRPGs in general)
- I love the outdoors, camping and such are so much fun and I love doing it with family. I hope to visit all the national parks one day!
- I’ve taken 3 years of Latin but I’m still sloppy. I enjoy it a lot tho.
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My OCs Worlds/Stories: I have three main stories / worlds.
- The Druid’s Tale: A middle aged Druid has gone through a lot in her life, she finally set out to find a new permanent home only to start setting up and become friends with someone familiar in a way. A story loosely inspired by a MC modded server my friends had. Heavy on loosely, there was only personal “lore” made with no actual interactions but I had a story in mind for my character and this is that. It’s Tag is #The Druid Doirean.
- My Homebrew World: Where my DnD (or other TTRPG) campaigns I run is set. A high fantasy setting. I’m working on more things every so often and throw most my loose fantasy characters their when they fit.
-Adolfa PI: A comic idea about a pompup investigator in Gahstapelt, a layered towering city state. I’m working out the details and plots but ye. it’s Tag is #Adolfa PI.
- Many of my characters aren’t tied directly or are nebulous. Especially with fan or Characters for TTRPGs.
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Where to find me:
You can find me all over the place, but I’ll be here in thease uncertain times. If you want a better look at my characters I have a ToyHouse and Art Fight. My Card has all you’ll need.
I also have a Side Blog for Adolfa PI and one for reblogging/“spamming”
- My own art tag is #Brenilla Arts (& #Artist: Brenilla has been used by reblogers before)
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My Persona:
This is my persona Brenilla! She’s my first ever OC, but she was basically a self invert for Minecraft Diararies. So now she is just a persona! She’s got lots of outfits, if you look on her TH. She is also a werewolf! (This ref is also years old, not one for redesign often)
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I also have a lil mascot called Doggo Froggo. Based on a old nickname from a friend
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Commissions ⇒ closed. (Organizing & pricing them out)
Art Trades⇒ Open!
Welp… that’s All I can think of… Walētē Vos Omnes! E>
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all-0f-the-above · 3 years
DC PRIDE #1 has me living for many different reasons so let's go through it story by story
The Wrong Side of the Looking Glass
the mad hatter storyline being pretty much a retelling of kate's upbringing and the fact that her being a lesbian is one part of that but not everything thank god
wonderland parallels keep you more interested in the story bc you know it's mad hatter, you just don't know why he's doing it; just another one of those "i know the ending so the question is how they got there"
By the Victors
constantine just being like that and trying to get gregorio and his husband in bed with him - my guy this is why you constantly run into exes and one night stands i swear
the fact that m and gregorio just casually team up just gets me bc this just further confirms that m will call his friends on missions not just because they're qualified (ref: m being unsure if extraño could undo the, and i'm paraphrasing here, "time blood magic") and calls his friends to join him just cause he can
m's reference to the love story between patroclus and achilles made my heart hurt since it kind of parallels him and andrew and i almost checked the writer before realizing that it was, of course, the one and only Steve Orlando - midpollo's saving grace
also can i just mention how much i love gregorio's costumes they show in this? becuase BOY are they a fantastic, dignified kind of hot; thank you Stephen Byrne
this midpollo cover art is killing me
Try the Girl
renee being a badass is always amazing
also the fact that she was admiring the defense attorney that would sometimes be arguing against her case is such an Inconvenient Crush that i would love expansion on
i love that you can see the lipstick stain on her mask - that's the reality of kissing in costume, kids
the way they draw all the women's outfits has me so happy and i esp. love renee, valeria's hair as well as the question's coat - it's just so nice to look at (all my love to Skylar Partridge and José Villarrubia)
Another Word for a Truck to Move Your Furniture
ant harley and aunt pam being antiheroes soothes all my mortal wounds
btw i love how Amy Reeder draws them; they have such a bad history of being sexualized and it struck me when i finished reading that not once was i uncomfortable with the angles or body proportions and i got to read two antiheroes who are women and bisexuals! and being able to be comfortable with their framing and writing the whole time
harley having cartoon logic as her meta ability is so close i can taste it
the coloring is gorgeous - thank you Marissa Louise
also this format of people arguing while also beating up a villain or carrying out a complex plan is my favorite - i love the dynamic and the dialogue of relationship speak and fighting a large plant monster
i think harley's mallet is alive and honestly that's great for her
"He's the Light of My Life!"
i'm going to be impressed with myself if i don't cry at alan and todd's story
damon being impatient to meet alan is great and i love the flashbacks to when father fought son like "no duh we have issues making smalltalk"
alan being bad with common slang in the lgbtq+ community is such an Old Queer staple
the fact that they're still kind of awkward at the end but working on getting to know each other is such a breath of the fresh air that is real life familial relationships
Clothes, Makeup, Gift
andy's whole aesthetic is offending me with how cute it is and good lord Lisa Sterle draws us enbys really well
jesse with those suspenders
jesse with those hips! i'm glad we have a non-binary character that doesn't look like a waify cis male
getting real adhd vibes for jesse rn like repeating the same words over and over in order to remember them yes that's my life
Be Gay, Do Crime
whoever pitched the title idea has my ultimate respect - it's not often that queer culture references make it in
plus size queer antihero; dc my guy are you trying to get my money because here it is- take it
they got gen z slang right! i'm impressed; usually i say "bougie" instead of "boug" but hey do you
pied piper being responsible but also not is such a chaotic good move that i love
also drummer boy's costume kind of reminds me of those old rock star ones
Date Night
yes my girl nia's just checking in with her mom during patrol
her little dream journal is such a cute idea that she wakes up and just haphazardly scrawls it in there
"cute face" yes the most important piece of information
her full body panel with the moon in the background is just amazing - thank you Luciano Vecchio and Rex Lokus
this action is pretty hq not gonna lie
love that brainy is just like "well ok i guess we have an unconscious criminal with us; how are you liking the movie?"
tl;dr i enjoyed it
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vulprius · 2 years
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I finally got around to making updated refs of my characters for Art Fight this year !
I am on team Bloom ! I loved Wither but there was already so many people on that team haha.
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If you are interested in attacking me I do fight back!! ( if you don't know what Art Fight is I promise this is not an actual attack threat )
I now have to make refs for my fursonas , Me, and another chara ♡
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I draw Furries, humans, dragons, idc I am willing to try it!
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dragonshoard · 3 years
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Shdhf here’s most of the other drawins! M gonna be workin on sm digital ones tmrw probably but these are the traditional ones i did in my free times :>
(Btw these were all done yesterday morning/afternoon, so more visible/harsh scarring than i’d now draw with the new info u gave me)
Honestly, since u havent posted a ref/in depth description i jus went with whatever i thought might be likely(shoeless because grew out of them+couldnt get any in the pits, tho im guessing she likely has shoes in the au shfg- also scarring on the chin cause i thought ‘damn what if she smacked her face into the floor while trying to get away’) tho obv i’d draw it differently with any new info. The ‘Jinx’ carving into the collar was also jus me being like ‘damn dont they smtms do that to dogs in fighting rings?? Thatd be fucked up lol’ so like,, feel free to ignore it shdhf
Anyway! Away from the doodles! I am jus,, fuckin burstin with questions mate- ur au’s so cool!! U dont have to answer any of em tho dw sjdjf
So does vi show up well post!pits or do her n cait investigate the pits n see jinx? Im assuming its post based on ur comment of them takin a while to show up since things happen differently, but i felt like askin anyway :p
Does fighter!jinx still tinker/build stuff?? Ik u said she would never touch bombs n such(which, understandable. That sounds like jus askin to be triggered tbh)- but if/when she meets up with ekko does she maybe help with buildin them stuff? Makin/repairin hoverboards, makin guns- or maybe knives n such? Idk what skills u’re givin her dhdgdb
Oh, and with ur first post on this au, im assuming jinx escapes at 15? Can i ask how old she was when silco first gets her? Does she spend a lot of time after escaping just hiding out and ekko happens upon her by accident? Does she gain any injuries while escaping? Does she stay with the firelights when she meets them or does she only visit so as to not draw silco towards them too much? Does silco have specific people hunting jinx down(say, her handlers from the pits, or sevika?) or is it jus like,, everyone in his empire is on high alert for her n everyones to go after her if they see her?
And speaking of sevika- whats her opinion of all this? I mean, obv im guessing shes in favor of whatever silco wants, but do u think she ever felt guilt/regret over tossing vander n his kids to the wolves(literally, in powders case) or does she jus,, not care??
And a final thought(im so sorry i jus realized how many questions this is dhdhdhv)- with jinx’s seeming penchant/willingness to bite anyone n everyone(jus based off the mention of biting the animal-turned-shimmer!monster she fought + her desire to bite silcos hand) does she ever get muzzled?? Or nah??
kjnkdjfnkj i love the pics!! Nah any creative liberties you took are cool to see! I’m still having a hard time drawing Jinx so I was practicing before I could actually post any art refs. 
“Jinx” would be inscribed in the collar if Silco was a pure asshole, but as cruel as he seems in this AU, he doesn’t actually see her as a dog or a pet despite what everyone thinks. He wants her by his side eventually and sees everything that he’s done (towards the last year or two) as a means of “freeing” her. Oh and she does have shoes. They’re falling apart, but they exist xD Not the best idea to fight barefoot on metal. 
And I can totally see the logic behind the scarring. It doesn’t help that she is malnourished, especially in those first few years, so her healing wasn’t very efficient. But, surprisingly, her face is not as marked up as you think it would be after 5-6 years. It’s the rest of her body that’s got an impressive collection. 
(He visits her pretty often towards the end, talking to her and braiding her hair, and it sucks because Jinx naturally wants to not be alone, but also hates the bastard with everything in her. She’d have Stockholm syndrome in this au if it wasn’t for the voices)
Vi is gonna have a straight up heart attack the minute she’s close enough to see the scarring. It’s pretty extensive on her upper body, despite how most of it is pretty faint (barring a few bigger scars) and it’s enough to tell Vi that Jinx has had a rough couple of years. 
I’ll be honest, when I first posted about this AU I thought Powder was 10 in Act 1 and 16 in Act 2-3. Apparently she was 11-12 and 17-18, respectively, so that ruins things a bit xD 
So for sake of keeping it mostly canon, she is roughly 11 when she’s captured by Silco and 17 when she gets free. It won’t be Vi and/or Cait who comes to save her though (I’m actually writing her escape right now so I think I’ll keep quiet on the ‘how’. It’s gonna be appropriately tragic xD). But she does get about a year of freedom before Vi and Cait go into to the undercity. And they show up because she’s messing with Silco’s stuff and leaving a very noticeable trail of destruction behind her. The firelights may or may not be getting caught in the crossfires of her crusade. Ekko is desperately trying to find her (take her in), but for a long while she is absolutely convinced that he’s working with Silco so avoids him like the plague (but doesn’t seriously hurt him or his out of respect for who he used to be to her). 
Speaking of Silco, he absolutely is having multiple people hunting her down. Everyone in his circle has a “report if found, do not engage” order while a select few lead capture attempts. He’s very aware that, as her target, she will eventually come at him so he fortifies himself the best he can. He’s ALSO very aware that she is much stronger than most of his lackies, so knows not to attempt a “capture on sight” order.
As for Sevika... I’ll be honest, I don’t think she gives a damn what happens to the girls. She was perfectly fine with a bunch of kids dying for the undercity, so I don’t see why she would care about Powder being put into the Pits.  Personally, I think Sevika is in favor of getting rid of her and makes her opinion to Silco very known. Jinx was a danger to them if she ever escaped and Sevika was well aware. She also knew that Silco was soft enough for the kid that he would give her leniencies that might lead to said escape (she’s not wrong). 
On another note, Jinx does eventually learn to love building things again. She’ll start building at first out of necessity (her guns aren’t gonna come from thin air, ya know), then because she remembers her passion for it. She is going to be very scared for a while, but eventually learns to get that part of her back. No explosives, but there are plenty of other things to make. In the future, she does spend a lot of time with Heimerdinger once he comes to the undercity/Zaun and he sort of takes both her and Ekko under his wing. He understands she’s been hurt for a very long time and there used to be a part of her that loved to invent, so he does his best to support her interest and catch her up on what she’s missed over the years. 
Personally, I think he’ll encourage her to go back to the basics and start her off on small things like those butterflies/animals before moving onto bigger things, but Jinx would probably try to jump right into the deep end (she would be building guns at this point, it couldn’t be that difficult - said Jinx). Not sure if that works out for her yet. This post is a bit long, so I’ll talk about her skill a bit later (but it does change over time). 
Ekko... I’m on the fence with him. There’s going to be so much guilt and anger there for a long time. Once she realizes he’s not with Silco, Jinx just wants him to forget about everything that’s happened and go back to the way they used to be (desperate to re-claim the very few good things she has left in this world), but that just can’t happen. 
I’m a timebomb shipper. I want them to be together if Jinx is shipped with anyone in this AU, but I don’t know if I’ll actually put her with anyone. She’s got a lot to work on personally (not even looking at her mental health issues) and I’m not sure if pairing her with Ekko is what’s best for the both of them. 
-- oh no you’re giving me ideas with the muzzle ahh. But really, I could see it happening the first year or two before she’s permanently fitted with a shock collar. By that point, I think she’s learned when to bite and when to punch or kick. 
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Upon some seeing input from users that are close to me or enjoy my content, I'm just gonna go ahead and stop any mention of the Legussy joke.
Reasoning for more below
If you're actually reading this then, hello!
I probably should start this incoming wall of text with a apology.
Back when I was starting to draw my stylized Lego art, I did make a mention for a art piece I was working on about how weird it was that in the entire Lego Ninjago series, Jay- the most annoying and weirdest character from S1 to S6 (and a bit of S7)- was the only character to be shown "naked" in the series.
I only knew of that tidbit cause the art I was working on at the time was the Seabound Alternate Ending AU, where Jay merged with his element inatead of Nya. And for his reference, I had the naked ref (from the wiki) used so I knew he had a 6-pack.
That was all that I cared about, and then a little afterwards since the ref and art then got me to rewatch a portion of S4 until I got to the infamous scene where "Legussy" originated from. At that point I didn't think it was too much of a deal and honestly it irked me more that Bolobo- a CLEARLY older man snuck into Jay's room (who was depicted at the point of the series to be a late teen/young adult) with the intention of ambushing/assaulting him.
BUT- Bolobo snuck INTO Jay's room BEFORE the end of Chen's announcement for the Jade Blades even finished. That made me confused and concerned cause
Older man sneaking into younger person's room + young person unaware and naked and vulnerable = more concerning issue.
Like why the fuck was Bolobo targetting Jay.
Back to the point, I made a few posts afterwards about the naked ref as a little joke and more focused on the creepiness of Bolobo.
Some of you guys in the posts of course were responding with "omg why was that even a scene" and "holy crap i thought i erased that memory from my head" about the nude Jay fight scene and I had my chuckle with "yeah that was weird and unnecessary".
To be personally honest, while the Ninja are tended to be depicted as teens, S3 onwards had me on the idea that their teenage years were actually behind them and the steadying fact that Elemental Masters age at a slower rate was what kept them young. Which is why throughout the many years of them doing their work as Ninja still have everyone calling them teens. Cause-
they age slower.
But again, S3 onwards they've done a lot of things that spelled out to me that they were at least 18-19 by then like
Becoming teachers (not TAs, actual teachers who lead classes)
Kai drank alcohol (censored as sugary juice but you get the context)
Cole and Jay had sudden careers as a Lumberjack and Gamshow Host respectively (jobs you'd think their parents would have to agree and sign paperwork for but rly???)
Jay and Nya were engaged/promise ring-ed (Yin-Yang Promise)
Several year gaps were between some seasons and clearly stated (2 years between S2 and 3, 1 year between S3 and 4, another year between S7 and 8)
It may be personal depictions on my end, but a lot of what the series has shown is that growth has happened, mental, emotional, and physical.
So the Nude Jay joke was all that... a uncomfortable scene with nudity and mixed intentions of a older male character.
And then Legussy happened.
I'm not gonna say who the poster is, you all know who it is if you've seen the post. And by then you know the joke. My only guess to such a close time between my "why did Jay get a nude scene" and Legussy is probably coincidence. But I do feel responsible since the close timing was too close to be two different users remembering things at the same time.
But yes, I'm not going to make the Legussy joke anymore. And I'm not going to delete any of former posts I made cause I don't like doing that. If I delete, then it's cause I did a error and go about fixing it like grammar or changing language to be more distinct. And I don't really think deleting posts is going to fix the unintended discomfort I've caused some users.
That said, you may feel uncomfortable with scrolling through my recent timeline. But that's what blacklisting is for, and I keep my posts coming. Pretty soon, the legussy joke fad is gonna fall more and more down the rabbit hole and you'll be able to keep veiwing things without it ever being mentioned again.
So sorry again for any discomfort and don't feel uneasy telling me if something is bothering you.
Swampamus out. 🧡
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danikatze · 3 years
I got a bunch of new followers (hello 💖) bc of Inktober, and I came across this tag game today (on @vacationgerry 's blog!) so I figured I'd answer these questions as a sort of introduction :))
1. Why did you choose your url?
My name is Danika and a 4 year old English girl once, 15+ years ago, called me Danicat. I loved that so much that it's been my username most places since. It used to be danicat91 bc it wasn't available without numbers, but I hated the numbers so I changed it to the German version Danikatze a few years ago. (it's daanikatze on twitter and ig)
2. Any side blogs?
@danifanatic where I rb stuff is the only active one. I have another where I collect art refs/advice and only to never look at it anymore. And another one where I posted original art but that one's dead too (I don't make enough original art and I prefer posting it here anyway)
3. How long have you been on tumblr?
Since 2012 I think
4. Do you have a queue tag?
for my sideblog yeah. It's "q"
5. Why did you start your blog in the first place?
.. bc I wanted to post nsfw stuff and I heard this is where I could do it hehe. I deleted most of it since then. I had a nsfw sideblog for a bit, but I deleted that too a few years ago bc it was dying anyway and then the porn ban happened and I got sick of it.
6. Why did you choose your icon/pfp?
I love (and in some ways relate to) Shino and he's wearing one of my favourite hoodies in that one. Just really pleased with that drawing overall!
7. Why did you choose your header?
I thought it was cute and Wai just makes me happy :) (She's kinda my air bison oc? My best friend gave me an Appa plushie and it looked nothing like him, and so Wai was born ^^)
8. What’s your post with the most notes?
My dog dad Kakashi comic.. Almost 30k notes now
9. How many mutuals do you have?
Around 15 I think? I've talked to maybe 5 or 6 of them hahah
10. How many followers do you have?
A few thousand, but I accumulated them so slowly that I feel like half of them must've left tumblr by now hahah.
11. How many people do you follow?
12. Have you ever made a shitpost?
In hindsight I guess the dog dad Kakashi comic is pretty much a shitpost ^^;
13. How often do you use Tumblr each day?
Err about 15-30 min every morning and then compulsively checking the rest of the day
14. Did you have a fight/argument with another blog once?
Once, wwwaay in the beginning.. I followed someone who kept bullying one of their friends. I told them said friend didn't seem to think it was funny at all, and they told me to mind my own business, after which I unfollowed them. I've learned to just unfollow people when their blog makes me anxious in whatever way (if I can't blacklist the stuff that makes me uncomfortable)
15. How do you feel about “you need to reblog this” posts?
I skip those very quickly, or maybe see if I can rb another version.
16. Do you like tag games?
Yes, but tagging other people is bad for my anxiety :P
17. Do you like ask games?
Yeah! It's been a while since I've done one
18. Which of your mutuals do you think is Tumblr famous?
19. Do you have a crush on a mutual?
Oh for an aro person I crush so much.. Art crushes mostly, like a mutual will post something and I'll go 🥰 ohh 🥰 amazing 🥰 how skilled 🥰 how cute 🥰
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baebeyza · 3 years
Kingdom thoughts - Bae edition
Not gonna make individual posts this time, I watched the show at 1-3 am after sitting in a tight space for 30 hours with almost no sleep.
Just gonna share my bingo card and my thoughts under the cut! ~
No spoiler thoughts: show overall gets a 8/10 from me!
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A little loose with the definition of personality for Unicron, but I did like the few scenes he had :D
1. BW Megatron
Honestly? He worked. Good character, understandable motivations, nice use of references, you could really feel his affections for the Silver Megatron and how desperate he was about winning the future he fought for.
10/10, good german voice work, epic design, nice shows of the fact that he is still kind of an ass, he was STRONG, showed that he can be boss when needed, nothing to complain about, also YES, T-REX HEADPAT! xD
2. Dinobot
My brain-deprived head had trouble making sense of his actions, but overall it was fine, they could have needed more time for him though. And unlike most other BW references, I didn't like them with his character - the refs they used from "Code of Hero"...ike, that BW episode has a lot of build-up plot-wise and character-wise. The quotes matter a lot in that episode.
It just doesn't fit or have the same amount of weight as they thought they would in Kingdom. The honour quote didn't even make much sense context-wise.
But overall, nice enough. 8/10
3. Primal
10/10, loved him so much. Every scene with him was epic, the way he was written was great - Snarky, sarcastic at times, far less patient and calm than Prime, still a great leader who cares and doesn't take any shit! <3
4. Prime
I do love his story of WFC overall - he made one mistake that he admits to, goes through a lot to fix it and he did fix it and came out with a better future for it. Loved his last moment with Elita, loved the moments with the Allspark, and I loved his dynamic with Primal! 8/10
5. Megatron
He went unhinged as fuck, was still regal and sweet, loved a lot about him! As always, the angst he has about doing what he does was great! I especially loved the scene in the forest when the disk told him that he got lost, tried to go back to look a the road he took from another angle, but he refused to do it.
He went his way until he got defeated, and Starscream being the one who finally got him out of his one-way route was so sweet! 15/10
6. Goddamn disappointments
So, coming back to Megatron...I think I explained my problem well on discord:
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7. Mainly comes to my problem with MAGNUS...yall know I am a MagsMegs shipper, but they could have fixed the problem with Megatron's angst coming to a closure with having him have a last moment with Magnus, just like Prime had with Elita.
It is clear that he feels guilty and horrible for the Death of Magnus, similar to how Prime felt responsible for everything else.
And Prime got closure at the end, while Megatron did not.
He should have had a moment of choosing to fight Galvs and Nemesis because he realised that his past deeds were wrong, and doing that with Magnus would have been a good representation of it all.
Like, I get that he might have gotten over his pride and selfishness which is representated by him choosing to save Cybertron over saving his own future, but still...!
They gave him such amazing angst, but just didn't end it in a satisfying way! Let him have peace with it in some way!
7. Six episodes are not enough
I've been saying this since Siege - plot is good, characters are good, but in neither season have six episodes been enough to really flesh it out real good.
WFC is plot upon plot with no filler, and filler is usually needed to show give the characters more personality and show-case them in some way. Show us what makes them the character they are, what makes them unique.
WFC didn't have that, and you are left with having to draw the characterisations out of their plot relevance. And if you aint plot-relevant, you almost got no personality at all.
As far as I know, this isn't a WFC-specific problem though, as many shows have decided that 5-8 episodes are enough and we don't need more.
And I guess some stories manage with that limited time - WFC did not.
I still loved it, but they could have made it much better if they had more time.
Anyway, expect some art and stupid comics in the future - I will defend this show's and my own honour by contributing to it with content! <3
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