#aromantic Dean Winchester
Have I ever explained how happy I am that Wincest has so many possible different levels to it within fandom and therefore has a lot of spaces for aspecs?
Like we've got straight up Wincest, it's a classic, it's exactly what it says on the tin, it's insanity and beauty and loyalty and fucked up codependency.
And then there's weirdcest, which is really giving off sex/romance interested aspecs. Like yeah, they're platonic. Yeah, they're not actually attracted to each other. But sometimes they fuck. Sometimes they dedicate their lives to each other in a church. Sometimes they adopt a dog together and live out that queerplatonic married life that a lot of us aspecs dream of.
But that's not the end all be all. Sometimes, gencest my beloved, they're literally just brothers. They're platonic, they're family, they're each other's most important person, and sex and romance and anything in between has nothing to do with it. They're soul mates, they're each other's past and futures, and they're platonic. And that's all they'll ever be, because its already so much.
Like I just, as an arospec asexual I didn't know I was gonna find so much representation from these two fucked up weirdos, but god I do. And I love it
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*pokes you loudly* I'm bored and dysphoric and no one talks to me about aro dean. Can we talk about aro dean? Can we talk about how "chick flick" moments totally implies that he thinks the stuff in those movies (like, you know, romance) is made up bullshit? Can we talk about dean who does not actually understand that dating is about more than getting laid? Can we talk about-
Hey! I'm always up for talking about aro!Dean! That's literally the first headcanon that came out of me watching the show xD
And this idea of the chick flick moments being of Dean not understanding romance is sooo interesting. I always took those as repressed feminity but they could very well be a clue to his aromanticism.
As an aromantic myself, I can attest that I have seen people (usually women) in movies act outright idiotically and talk about how the world is ending over a heartbreak. I always thought it was overdone until I realised I was aro and that some people actually feel like this.
So Dean thinking that all those chick flick moments in movies and TV shows are overdone and above him is so so real. This also brings into the forefront the amatonormativity Dean is subjected to. He's seen couples in movies. And it's always, being physically attracted to someone (which Dean gets because he is allosexual), then a weird limbo of romance and stupid stuff (as Dean views it) and suddenly BAM sex. So Dean tries to get to the sex without the weird romantic limbo in the middle. How to do that? One night stands obviously.
Now, it is important to note that Dean thinks talking about his feelings is a chick flick moment even when his feelings have nothing to do with romantic love. This is because the media has convinced him that people only talk about feelings when they are in love. Which is idiotic. Because romantic love isn't the only kind of love and to begin with it's not always about love. This is why Dean has a skewed vision of his feelings.
I sincerely hope Sam eventually figures out about Dean's aromanticism so he can actually make a presentation paper and talk to Dean about it. Like a reverse coming out. Naturally Dean would deny everything at first. But the presentation was so detailed he could actually relate to a lot of things so he starts thinking about. Sam is very patient with him.
At the end of this, I want them to have a big chick flick moment where Dean admits how he feels about other people and how he's never wanted anything more than Sam and his friends. But mainly Sam. Sam reassures him that he's okay, that they are okay.
Long story short, Sam finds the term "queerplatonic relationship" a month later and he keeps using it so much that Dean eventually relents and allows Sam to officially be his life partner.
This got long 😅 Not sure if this was the kind of aro!Dean you wanted to talk about. Thank you for the ask! Always excited to talk about aro!Dean 😊
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samsrosary · 1 year
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they b at pride!
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schizosamwincester · 2 months
Romantic relationships? Absolutely not. I'd fuck my brother before I'd ever be romantically involved with anyone.
- Dean Winchester, probably
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mothgardens · 8 months
acespec sammy 🤝 aro dean
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psychicnatural · 1 year
“dean is romantically in love with cas” and “dean is aromantic” are two ideas that exist simultaneously in my brain and that is the beauty of fiction and headcanons
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panicroomsammy · 9 months
I wrote the aro Dean wincest fanfic I want to see in the world
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I'm thinking about Dean. Wow that's a new concept I know. But more specifically I am thinking about Dean watching Hesrtstopper season 2. He's seeing not only Nick getting more comfortable with being bi but he's also seeing Isaac discovering his aroace identity. He's seeing, possibly for the first time, a character that is like him. Not Nick. But Isaac. Someone who doesn’t understand butterflies in the tummy. Someone who doesn't get romance.
Through Isaac, and Nick, Dean can see himself getting to live a normal life.
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magictreefaust · 11 months
Okay but season 11 with aromantic dean.
He's never been in love. I think after season 6 he's aware of that to some extent at least. But he has this connection to Amara, and its weird and it's scary and it's intense and he doesn't even understand it but he hates it.
And everyone keeps comparing it to love. Mildred from 11x11 does the whole "I know when someone's pining over someone else" thing. Amara is his deepest darkest desire in 11x13 and she tells him that the LOVE he feels is "cloaked in shame."
Love has always been this super loaded term that he's on the outside of, but now the scariest thing he's ever felt is being labeled that way.
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unwhelve · 6 months
S05e17 It's a terrible life is so important to me. Because what do you mean even when living a 'normal' life dean doesn't have a romantic relationship? Oh, the one thing dean uses to prove his life is real is his family? His sister Jo, their mom Ellen and their dad Bobby? Dean Smith, having just met this person that he spends the first half of the episode convinced is insane, calls Sam Wesson "Sammy"??? out of instinct???
Look me in my eyes and tell me Dean isn't aro and know that you are lying.
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hannaxjo · 2 years
okay, but, like, listen, hear me out. dean doesn't get that cas is romantically in love with him, and he says things like pal, buddy every time he confesses his love for cas, because that's how he sees it, cause he is aromantic. so he doesn't really get it like that, he just knows that he wants to kinda kiss cas, but he also really wants to be cas' best friend.
aromantic dean winchester supremacy. no i will never shut about this. it. makes. sense.
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iamdancingmuffin · 2 years
Hey wait,who was it that use to run an aromatic dean account. I liked that blog ...wonder if I still follow them/are they still active
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Just wanna say I fucking looove that your blog is centered on qpr samdean. Aromantic Dean Winchester is something that can be so personal
Thank you anon! Aromantic Dean lives in my mind rent free. Like, this man? "Romance? Huh? What do you mean romance? I only care about my Sammy family---" and I love him for that.
Definitely viewing samdean as a qpr. I can see them growing all together. I can see them becoming sth like Bobby in their old age but TOGETHER. The young hunters consulting them for stuff and they always hear their playful banter in the background. And of course they start thinking that Sam and Dean only say they are brothers to hide that they are a couple but they don't want to call them out on that. So, Sam and Dean don't know that and get really confused when a young hunter (who has heard many rumours about the Winchester couple) asks them how long have they been married.
I could also see them adopting children together. Maybe children of old friends who passed a way or some orphaned child they saved. And that confuses everyone even more because "they are brothers!" "but they have kids" and I'm gonna stop now bcuz I can talk for hours about them having the most special relationship in the world........
Sorry for the looong reply. It just spilled out of me. But anyway, all hail qpr samdean!
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samsrosary · 1 year
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what if i told u. they wented to the p*ide parade
wincest dni
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phrysic · 4 months
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happy pride month but im ace so everyone in spn is on the ace/aro spec now
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m-artsoul · 1 year
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starting to feel proud
reply to be added to the tag list
He remembers firecrakers going off under girls’ feet and screams, and running, and sitting next to a man, whose pink shirt started turning red.
He loves every person he meets and he lives believing that there is only one of them waiting for him in the end, that it is a universal experience. “True love” kind of thing. One day, he talks with Sam about it, about being in love. His brother looks at him with a frown. 
“You can fall in love multiple times,” he says.
Dean chuckles, “No, you can’t.”
Sam tries again, “Okay, how come I was in love in Jessica and Eileen?”
Dean shiftes in his seat, “You, uh... You only loved one of them.”
Later that day his brother shoves a laptop at him, word “aromantic” big and bold on the top of the screen. A few years later he finds himself sitting on the dungeon floor, realising, that his “true love” was gone.
He looks back at his life, at the girls, at the one-night stands, at himself, so fully convinced of his feelings. Then, he looks deeper, comparing how his eyes lingered on men as often as on women. He always explained it as an admiration of the male form. He never once wanted to actually spend his life with any of the men. But then again, he never really wanted that from women, either.
He cries softly over the missed opportunities, over Benny and Ash, and Crowley, and...
If one would ask him, how many genders there are, he would confidently say “at least three” and leave it at that. He doesn't want to think about it much. He’s Dean.
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tag list: @gaymishacollins ; @dakrapatops ; @hauntedpearl ; @vwwingsandthings ; @your-endless-oblivion  ; @jessika12-3 ; @malicmalic ;  @pleaseraisemefromperdition ; @pattywinchester ; @squirrelsarecool​ ;
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