#armin in liberio au
aruanimess · 19 days
Hello Myrtle!
Regarding the fanfic authors ask game, what about the Armin in Liberio AU?
Fanfic Author Never Have I Ever
Hello, Anna!
I'm answering based on the assumption that you mean non-Warrior Armin in Liberio (if not, welp, sorry).
To me, an Armin in Liberio AU has one major snag: when Annie leaves for Paradis, the plot stagnates. The way I would work around that would be to have Armin sneak into the Marleyan ship that got the young Warriors to the Paradisian harbor.
Basically the story would start with your usual Armin in Liberio shenanigans: Armin and Annie meet, they become friends, he hates her dad, she in turn loves his grandpa etc. Then, Annie is chosen for the Female Titan and everything changes.
She is forced to go to battle, facing indescribable horrors every single day. She's missing for months and months on end, and when she comes back she's sullen and unapproachable (well, more so than usual).
Armin is worried. His only friend is turning into a shadow of herself, the country is constantly at war, the only option viable for Eldians who don't have an established trade within the internment zone is soldiering and Armin knows what that means (you get turned into a mindless titan and sicced on innocent civilians). So when his grandpa catches a nasty cold, which turns out not to be a cold at all but consumption, and dies, Armin is put in an impossible position.
Faced with the option of the orphanage for Eldian children (and everybody knows what's going on in there), he decides to take to the streets. He evades the social services (disguised government goons) that come to collect him and runs away. Soon, he hears talk of the Paradis mission, perhaps he's even in the crowd that waves the young titan shifters goodbye, and... well... he has nothing to lose. It's death by starvation or joining Annie. There's no question in his mind. He hides in a crate of supplies and boards the ship.
For her part, Annie is distraught with guilt. Over her deplorable actions abroad, yes, but also because she didn't pay enough attention to Armin when he needed her most. She didn't even know his grandpa had died until a week after the fact! And now Armin disappeared and is probably alone, scared and hungry, hiding in the forest or some grimy abandoned hovel. So when the Paradis mission is brought up, she takes it as a personal punishment for her failures. Her dad is asking her to come back, but she doesn't feel like she deserves it.
(In this AU Annie is more prone to questioning the morality behind her actions (even more so than in canon) bc of her friendship w Armin and the countless hours she spends with Grandpa Arlert and his books. Also, she and Pieck are more open with each other in this, again bc Annie has influences other than her dad, and the two of them can discuss their scruples to a greater extend As a matter of fact, when she withdraws from Armin she turns to Pieck, because she believes (correctly) that she will have a better understanding of her situation and will not judge her for her actions.)
Meanwhile, on the ship, Armin is hiding from the guards left and right. He manages to get off when they reach the harbor without being noticed by sneaking out during the change of shifts. He steals some supplies and starts following the group of Warriors from some distance. For a while, it goes great. Until the night Marcel decides to reveal to Reiner the truth about the decision behind the Armor.
The Warriors are clearly in samples after the revelation and Armin, amidst all the panic, takes this opportunity to reveal himself. (He's spent too long alone and afraid in this strange land filled with monsters, everything seems to be going downwards anyway, he might as well gain some company).
Annie is shocked, relieved and horrified that he'll witness all the monstrosities they're about to inflict. Bertolt is speechless and wants everyone to get along. Marcel is angry that a civilian is with them. And Reiner is shaken, insecure and ready to lash out.
They all fight. Ymir's Titan shows up. Marcel saves Reiner. Marcel dies.
After this, both Reiner and Armin blame themselves for his death. Only Armin is at an even greater disadvantage because except for Annie they all consider him a liability. So Armin tries to figure out a better plan to attack Wall Maria to prove his worth. He improves the strategy somewhat (idk how but probably sth to do with Annie NOT passing out from exhaustion).
They go forth with the Shiganshina plan. They succeed.
After the battle, Reiner begrudgingly agrees that Armin could be an asset, but in reality he's pissed off at him for getting involved and stealing his thunder. Bertolt is also somewhat hostile towards Armin as he slowly figures out that Annie has feelings for Armin, and he is therefore his rival to her affections.
On the other hand, Annie is ecstatic. Her hope for the future has returned. Now, Armin understands what she has been going through for so long and he’s here with her and more importantly alive. She wants to make quick work of the mission and return to Marley… but there’s a problem. Armin doesn’t want to return.
He’s seen the horrors, he’s even been responsible for some of them, now he wants to live in peace. There’s nothing for him to return to Marley. As far as he’s concerned his only friend is here with him. He promises to help the Warriors find the new Jaw Titan because he feels guilty over Marcel, but that’s it, he wants to be left alone in Paradis to live out the rest of his years. (He’d die in a war for Marley anyway, he might as well enjoy some years of peace.)
He tries to convince Annie to join him, but things are not as easy for her. She still has her father back home, and Pieck. Not to mention that, unlike Armin, her time is limited by the curse of Ymir. If she manages to persuade Armin to return to Marley, everyone she cares about would be in one place.
This creates a situation where they’re in a bit of a standstill. They agree to disagree for the time being and continue with the mission, both of them secretly hoping that the other will change their minds. 
Of course, as the mission goes on, they unveil more and more secrets that complicate things further. They become friends with the locals and discover that their feelings for each other are stronger than they initially suspected. They fall in love and become closer as a team (with each other but the others as well). In the end, they probably figure out a way to bridge the gaps between their conflicting desires. 
And, anyway, I gotta stop now, because I'm running the risk of starting another WIP… hahahaha… ha… 😰
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moonspirit · 2 months
Have you ever considered a scenario where Armin and Annie's roles are reversed? He comes from Marley, and eventually betrays the corps and Annie. No one expects Armin to be the female(?) Titan since he looks so innocent. Annie ends up visiting Armin's crystal for years and so on.
Hi anon!
Oohhh a Liberio AU tho! I remember some Aruani week prompts were based on this xD
I don't think I'm a very imaginative person in the AU category (ahha...) but the implications of Marleyan!Armin and Paradis!Annie would be veeerrry interesting. Armin would be that guy who's chosen to be a Warrior for his intelligence and strategic talent but the pressure put on him as a shifter would be monumental; Marley believes he really isn't suitable to hold the FT's power because he's physically weak, but he's extremely valuable for his brain and the others have already been put in their own roles...
He doesn't believe Marley's propaganda even if he's being force-fed it day and night; instead, he's heard tales of Paradis and is really curious and downright excited to see it. He believes there's a beautiful land there, inside the walls and falls in love with it the moment he infiltrates.
Annie meanwhile, is sick and tired of life inside the walls. Her father is an unpleasant man and he trains her rigorously so she can become an exceptional military cadet to secure a spot within the Inner walls as a soldier in the MP. She lacks nothing on that front; she'll easily get into the MP with her skills, but the hypocrisy and superficial attitude of people makes her sick. There's nothing for her to look forward to, life will be like this - drab and dull and monotone - and her heart is cold. She doesn't get along with people, preferring to stay aloof and away, often spending sunsets and quiet nights all alone above the walls, staring at the stars.
Until they meet.
She's struck instantly by this kind boy with soft, intelligent eyes who doesn't hesitate to sit with her. He's struck with her quietude, at the hidden layers, at all the emotions and thoughts that make up Annie that she refuses to show. They spend time together. She has no idea why the light is so bright in his eyes and why he seems to know more than he lets on. What's there beyond the walls? Why does he talk about a glittering ocean he claims to have never seen? Why is life worth living at all?
And he; he wants to make her smile more, to show her that there's beautiful things in the world if she'd only know where to look. He's seen blood and death and hatred and excruciating cruelty, but there's one cell in his body that's still in love with the world for all the other hundred that aren't. He wants to show her, to take her, to offer her better food and better things - but he can't speak a word.
Until he's short of time and has to kill, and she to witness his monstrosity and traitorous blood - and he seals himself for her to visit for four years to come.
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arminsumi · 1 year
hiii! It’s me again! (i’m becoming your fan fr)
so, I wanted to came up with the idea that during the raid on Liberio (s4) armin meets the violetevergarden!reader who is marleyan weapon who got badly injured, and and first sees armin as a treat when he wants to treat her wounds ^^ i would like to see that also with Eren but i think it will be too much work for you…
i will thank you in advance, hope you have nice holiday! take care of yourself ( ˘ ³˘)♥︎
˗ˏˋ꒰ 🍒 ꒱ Marley's Guardian
Armin x fem!Marleyan!reader
Overview; Armin feels compelled to help you after you emerge from a fight with Mikasa and Levi badly wounded.
Contents; canon!au, fluffy angst, fraternizing
Warnings; major S4 spoilers!! injuries, war/battle setting
Note; i rewatched a bit of this show and cried, i forgot how beautiful it is. thank you for your lovely request my angel 🥰 you take care too!
p.s. i'd loveee to write this for Eren too but maybe another time hehe
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"Keep your eyes and ears alert for her." Levi's voice echoed in Armin's head.
"Mikasa and I will be responsible for slaying Marley's Guardian. The rest of you stay far away from her. I don't need anyone dying on me tonight."
As much as everyone was bitter to admit it, you were the strongest enemy on the other side of the sea.
In the Scouts you were referred to as Marley's Guardian; known to be the soldier that protected them from taking a finishing blow during the Battle of Shiganshina.
Now the invasion of Liberio was at hand.
You were perched on the rooftops, alert and ready for battle when a bolt of lightning descended from the sky and struck the center stage where Willy Tybur was currently giving his impassioned speech.
You watched as his blood was squeezed out of him by Eren Jaeger. The roar didn't send chills down your spine, nor did its appearance frighten you. For you there was nothing to fear, except...
"Your mission is to keep Levi away from Zeke." your captain had instructed beforehand. "Avoid confrontation with two Ackermans."
Armin sat in a vacated apartment, watching out the window as you leaped from rooftop to rooftop and became smoothly airborne in the night sky.
Mikasa and Levi swarmed you, their hearts panging as loudly as yours.
Although you were Armin's enemy, he looked at you with amazement and awe in his big eyes. He was taken by you.
"So that's her..." he thought, watching your battle intently.
You moved swiftly and calculatedly, like a cat.
Armin's eyes struggled to follow you, they were darting around the night sky. Sometimes he lost you, and only found you again when he saw a flicker of ODM gear.
"Blood...?" he muttered under his breath when he saw you again.
You changed course desperately. It seemed like you were trying to escape the overwhelming fight.
You headed straight into the window of the vacated apartment building where Armin was hiding.
"Where is she going — !! "
He pulled out of sight just in time before you hurtled through the window with a violent smash.
The glass was pierced, shards flew everywhere. The sound of breakage and your body thudding on the wooden floor startled the atmosphere.
Armin flinched and reactively shielded himself with his arms as some glass shards struck his body. His cheek begun to bleed, a thin river of crimson ran down it.
He kept one shaky hand on his sword, ready to draw it. Knuckles white.
But his grip loosened when he saw you struggling to push yourself up with two hands.
It felt like a major moment when you and him looked at each other for the first time. For a second, Armin admired your beauty, albeit with a bit of bewilderment in his chest.
Your chest was violently heaving up and down. He could see you were pained by the impact of hurtling through a window, but injured by the fight with relentless Ackermans who now flew back hurriedly to Eren in the main battle.
You looked at him and he looked at you. Panting. Him less than you.
He lowered his gaze to your abdomen. "You're bleeding." he commented.
You didn't respond.
Armin cautiously approached where you limply laid.
"I just want to help you, I promise." the blond assured.
But as he approached you, you made a swipe at him and shuffled away like a cat. He very nearly got scratched.
"I'm not going to hurt you." he said earnestly.
His uniform was stained with blood, his blond hair bespattered with it too.
Armin drew closer. "You can trust me." he said.
He wondered why your eyes were still fearfully staring at him. Then he realized you were eyeing out his blades and gear.
"Will this help?" he dismantled his ODM gear and let it fall to the ground with a metallic thud. "I'm unarmed now."
The apprehensiveness in your face dulled out, but you still had a look of bewilderment as he came closer.
You felt puzzled.
He was a soldier, an enemy; a threat. So why did he show tenderness and humanity to you?
Slowly – for what felt like an infinity of a time – you let him draw closer to you.
He was cautious. Curious. Confused.
Cautious that you might try with your last bit of strength to kill him, but curious about if you would let your enemy treat your wounds. And confused, because he had no idea why he was betraying Levi's order's to stay away from Marley's Guardian.
"It's alright." he said comfortingly.
You remained still, your piercing eyes calculating his movements as he took off his military rucksack to retrieve medical supplies. It made him nervous to be your object of focus, even if you didn't seem hostile anymore.
When he showed gentleness in how he wrapped the bandages around you, you felt... well, you felt something, but you couldn't quite understand what it was or what it meant.
"Your name... what is it?" you asked him. You felt you just had to know his name, at the very least.
He looked up at you, his breath hitching. "Ah – ah, Armin." he said.
"Oh. The God of Destruction?" you remarked.
Armin felt awkward and awful. "I am the Colossal, yes." he admitted almost guiltily.
"That's very strange. You're the God of Destruction, but you're helping me. Why?" you asked blankly.
You seemed doll-like to him, he was absolutely intrigued.
"I... I don't know. I couldn't just leave you here to bleed out."
"But that's what you're supposed to do."
"I know, but I couldn't." he said, temporarily biting an end of the bandage.
Your blood got all over his hands and uniform but he didn't care.
"I don't understand." you furrowed your brows and began to tear up. It was all so confusing that it made you want to cry for some reason.
"Why are you treating me kindly?" you choked.
Armin forced himself to focus on wrapping your bandages or else he would have cried, too.
He breathed heavily as he listened to the battle outside continue.
He didn't answer you.
When he finished tending to your wounds and was sure that you could make it on your own, he disappeared after giving you a long, blue-eyed stare.
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annawayne · 9 months
AruAni Week 2024
Day 4: Armin in Liberio AU
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aruxani · 8 months
Hi everyone!
I'm Ally, also known as aruxani on ao3! I mostly write about aruani but I'm considering giving other ships a chance (at least at a oneshot)
I'm also a huge Swiftie and a firm believer that Armin and Annie are as well.
My ships include:
Aruani, Eremika, Hitlowe, Eruri, Yumihisu, Reibert
📜Snow on the Beach
-Longfic (completed)
- High school au
- Golden child (clearly the favorite)
-Very Midnights coded
-First person POV (I've changed since then, I swear...)
📜Here it's safe, here it's warm
-They have children omg
-Heavily inspired by the ending of Mockingjay
-Canon verse, post-rumbling
-Very proud of this one
📜Dream of some epiphany
-Everlark coded
📜Wanna be end game
-Enemies to lovers (to enemies?)
-Royalty AU
📜Everything has changed
-Summer camp AU
📜What a ghostly scene
-Inspired by the hunger games
-Armin in Liberio
📜Foolish One
-Armin is a police officer
-Annie is a criminal (apparently)
-Enemies to lovers
-Wrote the ending after watching Grey's Anatomy
📜Between me, the sand and the sea
-Aruani's children
-Lots of fluff
-Canon verse, post rumbling
-Longfic (completed)
-...its on wattpad
-I like to pretend it doesn't exist
-Probably gonna rush the ending
-Everlark coded but at what cost?
📜 Colored Skies and Cotton ties
-Valentines day special
-Modern au
-Same universe as SOTB
📜 If our love is tragedy why are you my remedy?
- Oneshot
- sickfic
-Annie's birthday fic
-modern au
📜 Where the Spirit meets the Bones
- ongoing fic
- Pure angst
- modern au
- Armin is dead so...
And hopefully more to come!! (will eventually add the links, my phone is dying)
If there is anything else you want to know, ask away!
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kodydrs · 10 months
you want some - porco galliard
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a/n: I LIVE!! ok. Attack on titan has my heart, and I literally wrote this when I was about 14 and saw Galliard in the manga, but this is the like, new and improved version. in this, all the scouts are spiders, and idk why. but i head-canon that eren would have spitting spider like abilities, and levi would be a camel spider bc they’re known the cut through their prey. i hope everyone has a nice day and why not reply / reblog, or send in an ask or request.
warnings: venom!porco x spider!reader, porco x fem!reader, reader has invisibility powers, and her mask consists of his pupils disappearing, spiderinamn au, kirstein!reader, have a nice day, not proofread. I am drunk and high when i write this
request: yes / no
ib: none
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‘You find anything?’ Jean asked, dangling from his web. You swung between the buildings, sticking to one to reply.
‘Nothing useful. There’s just a bunch of old debris from that attack years ago. Still no life or anything.’ You could hear your brother grumble, the noise muffled by his mask, but the annoyance still filtering through.
‘I could’ve sworn this was the way Zeke went. Damnit.’ You stood in silence as he argued with himself.
‘Oi. There’s no point getting worked up. Just keep searching. I’ll go check Liberio , then meet you back here in 30 minutes.’
‘Yeah whatever.’ You rolled your eyes. If Jean was good at anything, it was complaining. He watched as you slowly blended into the environment, making the most of your chameleon-like ability.
‘You need to stop acting like such a baby.’
‘Like you can talk.’ When there was no reply, Jean realised you’d already taken your leave. ‘Stupid.’
‘Have you seen anything?’ Armin asked through a small earpiece.
‘Not yet. But I doubt anything is here. It looks so deserted.’
‘Sounds just like your territory.’ Jean teased from his own position. ‘Do a ground search. There’s only so much we can see from the air.’
Usually you’d ignore his ideas, but this one wasn’t bad. Detaching your web, you lowered yourself to the ground, careful not to get caught in the torn up main street. You were right in your assumption. The place was completely deserted, mind a few pests here and there. The only noise was the soft buzz of a store light.
‘Hey Armin. What’s this place’s yearly power use?’ There was a loud crackling noise from the earpiece, followed by silence. ‘Armin? Jean? Either of you there.’ Again, nothing but crackling. ‘Shit. I lost reception.’
You did a scan of the remains of buildings lining the main street, and shot a web towards an only stone one.
Most of the buildings were in a rough state, very few having windows, and even fewer having all 4 walls intact. One thing that did stick out though was that random buildings had lights on, illuminating the street.
‘Why would there be lights on in an abandoned city?’ You thought. Your thoughts were interrupted by a high frequency from the mic.
‘Y/n!’ Armin suddenly shouted.
‘Hey! Why’d you have to shou-‘
‘You need to get out of there right now! Something big is-‘
The mic cut out before he could finish.
‘Hello. Armin. Come in. Something big is what?’ With no reply, you lifted yourself to the top of a building, trying to reconnect. ‘Armin? Hello?!’ With no reply, which meant no signal, you were practically alone. Well, you thought.
The dumpster thrown at you gave him away.
Narrowly dodging the flying rubbish container, you looked in its direction. Nothing. Only the empty alleyway.
‘I know you’re there!’ You shout, hiding in your surroundings. ‘Otherwise, I wasn’t aware Shiga had flying objects.’ When there was no reply, you frowned. Crawling to the edge of the building, you looked down, finding nothing. ‘Damnit.’
As you go to stand, your earpiece crackles once more. ‘-ehind yo-‘ Armin howled before you’re suddenly pushed into the concrete.
‘Shit.’ You think, trying your best to get up, only to have your arms pinned down by a gooey black substance.
‘Don’t even try.’ A raspy voice above you whispers. ‘Nothing gets out of this. Not even spiders.’ You felt a hand grip your head, turning it to look up, and you came face to face with 2 large white eyes, surrounded by the same stuff as what had you trapped.
‘What are you?’ You stammer, trying to keep your confidence. It laughs. An evil laugh.
‘We are Venom.’
‘We? Th-There’s more of you.’
‘Relax.’ This time, the voice is different. Instead of deep and raspy, the creature had a softer voice, with a more comfortable tone. ‘There’s only 2 of us. And I'm a human, just like you.’
You watched as the goo melted away, revealing the face of a man. A man with a strong jaw, but soft eyes. An undeniable attractive face, but you couldn’t say that, even if you wanted to. This guy had been decided as a villain the minute you were attacked. You watched as he stepped out of ‘Venom’, coming closer to you. As well as an attractive face, he was also quite tall. Or, taller than you at least.
‘So, what’s a pretty lady like yourself doing in my home?’ He asked. You still frowning, moving to attack him, but being restrained by Venom. ‘Come on. It’s an easy question. You can’t have wanted anything valuable. There’s nothing here.’
‘Who are you?’ If you couldn’t escape, you’d get as much info as you could before someone else arrived.
‘Who am I? Well, I’m glad you asked. Porco Galliard. And you’ve met Venom.’
‘Unwillingly, but… yes.’ Venom didn’t seem to talk your comment so nicely, pulling your arms in opposite directions. It felt like the symbiote was trying to tear you in half. ‘Ah shit.’
‘Hey. Venom. Quit it.’ Porco said, turning to him.
‘Oh please. Let me tear the spider apart. What’s the point in having her around? Her friends will be here soon.’
‘I’m aware of that, but it doesn’t matter. God. You have terrible people skills.’ If Venom had pupils, you guessed he probably would’ve rolled them. ‘In fact, let her go. What kind of person holds a guest down like that?’ You sighed when the squeeze on your body subsided, and you were able to stand. For a second, you thought about going camo again, but if they’d caught you the first time, what was stopping them from catching you again.
‘Don’t try.’ Porco interrupted your train of thought.
‘You’ve seen him now. He’ll find you.’
You stare at the symbiote for a moment, then move to the blonde's eyes. You felt sympathetic for them both. They were stuck in this shitty city. You were only a visitor. Or, a hostage depending on how you looked at it.
‘So what am I meant to do? Wait here for the rest of my life?’ You ask, tightening the grip on your fists.
‘Well that’s an option-‘
‘No, its not!’ Venom cut in. ‘She’s seen me. I get to eat her now. That was the deal.’
‘No. That’s with bad guys. She isn’t a bad guy.’
‘She’s a spider!’
As the 2 argued, Jean’s voice finally reached a signal.
‘2 minutes. I’m nearly in Liberio now.’
‘Please hurry.’ You whisper.
Looking back at the 2 in front of you, you find 4 narrowed eyes.
‘Oh come on. Look, you’ve scared her now. This is why you need better social skills.’
Opting to not come between the 2 bickering, you shot a web at the next closest building, dragging yourself back. You heard a faint ‘hey’ followed by the sound of walls being grasped, but you don’t look back to see what it is exactly. You had a pretty sure idea, and looking back would slow you down. For now, all you had to focus on was getting out of Liberio. And seeing your brother in the distance was your first sign of luck.
‘I’m perfectly fine, Hange.’ You informed, phone being held to your ear by your shoulder. ‘I wouldn’t even count it as an attack. The guys just wanted to talk.’
Hange Zoe is the Captain of the current Spider-People. It wouldn’t exactly be called an organisation, but they’d found that recent, there was more Spiders than ever. Why exactly, they didn’t know. But regardless, Hange wanted to make sure there was a place for them.
‘Even if you think you’re perfectly fine, you may not be. Come around so we can get someone to check. I don’t care who, as long as it isn’t you or Jean. Preferably, I’d like Armin to check.’
‘I’m not getting anybody to check.’ You argued, storming around your kitchen. ‘If I was dying right now, then I’d be… well… dying.’
You could hear Hange sigh on the other end of the call.
‘Spider’s aren’t invincible, my dear. You of all people should know that-‘
‘And I do! I just…’ Now it was your turn to sigh, dropping your mug and holding your phone properly. ‘I’m fine, Hange. I’ll get Armin to check over me tomorrow. I’m just tired is all.’
The line went silent, the only indication they hadn’t hung up being that the call was still active.
‘First thing tomorrow, get Armin to do a check over. Get some sleep. We’ll take tomorrow.’
They hung up and you stared at the screen for a moment.
All spiders had a canon event of some sort. You could barely call yours recent, and it happened to a lot of spiders at the same time, but a large-scale earthquake in your home town 8 years ago, and watching a 50 metre building come down on your parents did the trick. Did the trick for you and your brother.
You wipe your hands over your face and groan. It’d been a long day.
The pizza that’s been sitting in your fridge for almost a week was practically screaming at you the minute you opened the door. You chucked it on the counter and thought about heating it up for about a second, deciding cold pizza is superior.
‘So you have (eye/colour) eyes?’
You’re blending into the wall and shooting webs before you actually see who the person is.
‘How on earth did you-‘
‘We followed you.’ Venom admits, coming awfully close to your face. ‘We figured it’d be easier to eat you when you’re alone.’
‘He figured that.’ Porco adds. ‘But yes. We followed you.’
You’re clinging to a cupboard door, looking around for ways to get to your apartment door when your phone starts ringing.
‘Shit. Jean.’ You mentally curse.
‘Venom. Back up. Let her answer it.’
You stare at Porco, slowly revealing yourself, and he laughs at the way you’re gripping the cupboard. But he nods towards the phone, mouthing a “pick it up”.
With shaking hands, you take your phone and bring it to your ear.
‘Hey.’ You say.
‘Hey. Hange just texted saying you refused to do a check up. Are you all goods?’
‘Y-yeah. I’m fine. Just tired and a little shaken after today.’ As you’re speaking, you don’t take your eyes off the blonde standing in your apartment, seeing him smirk but obviously listen to your call.
‘Do you want me to come around?’ Porco’s grin melts away instantly, and he shakes his head. The decision was really up to you.
You could’ve said yes. You could’ve gotten your brother to come to your apartment, and both Porco & Venom may have left straight away, but something in you does the opposite.
‘No. But thank you. I’m probably going to have dinner then go to sleep. I’m going to see Armin tomorrow for a check up anyway.’
‘You sure? Ok then. Make sure to look after yourself, Y/n. Call me if you need anything.’
‘Yep. Tell Marco I say hi.’ You ended the call, and watched Porco’s look of surprise as you climbed down from the shelves. ‘You happy?’
Neither he nor Venom speak, and you think for a moment that you’re imagining them there. Until you shoot a web at him to make sure and it sticks to his face, sending him into a fit of trying to get it off.
‘Ok, you are actually here.’
‘Of course, I’m actually here.’ He whines, shaking the webs off him. If he hadn’t broken into your apartment. you might’ve laughed at him, but the circumstances were different. With a bit of your fear dispersing after his reaction, you go back to your pizza, taking a slice of it.
‘You want some?’ You ask, mouth half full. Venom frantically nods, and you smile a little bit. ‘Pizza fan?’
‘He’s a fan of anything with meat on it.’ Porco informs, getting the last of the web away. ‘Just throw it and he’ll grab it.’
You do as told and watch as Venom contorts to catch the food. Your smile stays, and you offer Galliard a piece, but he declines.
‘So why did you follow me?’ You ask casually.
Porco seems to freeze, trying to think of an excuse but Venom chimes in.
‘He thought you were hot. And he never gets any girls in Liberio.’
‘That’s only because there’s no one in Liberio!’
You’re slightly taken back by the confession, but you burst into a fit of laughs. ‘Hey. What’s so funny?’
‘You followed me this far just because of that?’
‘W-Well, like I said, we never get any girls in Liberio, so I think it’s justified.’
You nearly took yourself out laughing so hard. Tears were in your eyes as you fell onto your kitchen floor, clutching your stomach for life. Porco just glared down at you, a dark red tint on his face.
‘I could kill you right now and you’re laughing at me!’
‘I’m sorry. I’m sorry. It’s just too funny.’ You apologise, attempting to stand but falling into another fit of laughter.
Venom grinned at Porco, and Porco just flipped him off.
When you calmed down, you breathed deeply, too exhausted to stand up.
‘Jokes aside, that is really sweet, I guess.’ You pat the spot next to you, and Porco hesitates but takes it. ‘If you hadn’t tried to kill me, that is.’
‘I wouldn’t call it trying to kill you.’ He reasons. ‘More like-‘
‘A shit attempt at flirting.’
‘Will you fuck off?!’
Venom melts into the blond’s back, and it disgusts you at first, but then realise that it could be worse.
A blanket of silence covers the kitchen, you both just staring into space when there’s a knock at your door.
‘Shit.’ You curse, jumping to your feet to answer. ‘Armin?’
‘Y-Yeah. Jean told me you needed a check-in after that thing attacked you.’
‘Yeah, but I was gonna do it tomorrow…’ You only realise then that that thing was sitting in your kitchen. ‘If that’s alright.’
‘It’s probably better to do now, if you don’t mind. I promise it’ll be quick. I just need to do a blood test, then check for any visible wounds or bruises.’
‘Uh. Yep.’ The ‘p’ is stretched out as you open the door, allowing your friend to come in. The minute he’s in, you basically sprint around to check your kitchen. It’s empty.
‘Everything ok, Y/n? You seem on edge.’ Armin asks, sitting up a blood bag.
‘Yeah. Yep. Just fine.’ You answer, rubbing your face again. ‘Do you want some pizza?’
‘As you all know, the festival goes from the main street to the subway. Your job today is to stay on the lookout for anything dodgy, or anything that could harm the mayor and her wife.’ Levi told, looking over the spiders standing in front of him. ‘You are not to engage unless you are certain they are in danger. If you are certain, then you are to report immediately, and keep casualties to a minimum. Understood?’
‘Yes, sir.’
The festival was to celebrate 10 years since the earthquake, and to commemorate those that didn’t make it. The mayor, Historia Reiss, and her wife, Ymir Reiss would give a speech, showing respect for each victim, before travelling around the city to orphanages were children whose parents died were welcomed. Unknown to the public, Ymir Reiss was in fact a Spider, which meant that on days such as the festival, it wasn’t hard for the couple to get that extra bit of protection..
‘How are we meant to know if something is the right level of dodgy?’ Connie asked over the comms-device. ‘I mean, some of us might think that people surrounding the place in pairs is dodgy. We probably look like a damn cult.’
‘Just anything out of the ordinary, I guess.’ Jean replied. ‘Although, a bald guy and a chick stuffing her face is pretty peculiar.’
You all heard Connie send a string of curses are your brother, but you just laughed under your breath.
The event was generally pretty safe. Everyone lost someone, some more than others, so everyone was more of less on the same page about the festival.
‘How did you 2 get stuck together?’ Eren asked, looking at the duo through the crowd. ‘And how come I got stuck with Horseface? Why am I even a pair?’
‘Just focus on the mission, please.’ With Levi’s command, the comms fell quiet.
The day was nearly over, and so far nothing bad had happened. The odd protester here and there, but police were able to deal with them without you needing to step in.
‘All good on my end.’ You checked in. Everyone else replied in the same state. ‘Pretty good year if you ask me.’
‘Nah. Some drunk asked how one of Santa’s elves escaped’ Connie screamed. ‘And then he had the audacity to start singing carols to try lure me in.’
‘Suck it up, Connie.’ You could practically hear Connie fighting the urge to reply, but fighting the Captain seemed to weigh out that option.
‘Hey guys. I got something down the end of the main street.’ Armin reported. ‘I think it’s dormant for now, but I might need someone down there soon.’
‘I’ve got it.’ You replied, slowly pushing your way through the crowd. ‘Can you tell me what it is exactly?’
‘It’s like a black goo.’
You stopped in your tracks, frowning.
‘Come again?’
‘A black goo?’
‘I’ve got a visual.’ Eren added. ‘Definitely ain’t dormant.’
‘Do you need back up?’
‘I might in a minute.’ Without further discussion, Eren decided this was dodgy enough to engage, throwing his mask on and swinging into action.
The minute he moved, the symbiote threw himself off the building, shattering the windows as he propelled towards the spider. Eren grunted when he came into contact, goo covering his arms and immobilising him.
‘Shit.’ He cursed, doing his best to try escape.
‘Surely I can eat this one.’ Venom hissed, inching his face closer towards Eren. ‘There’s plenty of spiders around.’
‘Fuck off.’ The brunette cursed. He tried to shoot a web, only for it to be absorbed into Venom’s body.
‘Come on. I can get it over and done with quickly.’ Venom’s mouth was surrounding his head when it suddenly began choking, grabbing at its neck. Eren took the opportunity, spitting acid into the goo. This time, it melted away and he was able to pull a hand free. Free enough that he was able to latch onto another building and pull himself out of the symbiote.
‘Thanks, Y/n.’ You stayed clinging to Venom, arms wrapped around where she knew Galliard was inside of him.
‘H-Hey. Time out.’ The blonde shouted, voice muffled. You loosened your grip, still holding them both.
‘Get the fuck out of here before we kill you.’ You whispered. Venom grunted, but you suspected it may have been Porco instead. As you went to pull your arms away, the organism wrapped around your arms, pulling you into it.
‘I’m gonna need backup.’ You said over your air piece before Venom ripped it out of your ear.
‘You can eat this one, Venom.’ Porco smirked. You winced, feeling the symbiote’s teeth curl around your arm. Just as you thought it was about to bite your arms off, a blinding light cut through his body, eliciting a deafen screech from Venom.
‘You brat.’ Levi degraded as he swung past, cutting through Venom again. You felt as it pulled you away, keeping a hold until it dropped into an empty street.
Venom unravelled, leaving Galliard standing there.
‘Long time, no see-‘
‘Get out of here.’ You hiss, urging him away. ‘If Levi catches you, you’re dead.’
Whether he believed you or not, he sprinted off, disappearing as the other spiders came down the street.
‘Where did it go?’ Jean asked, obviously ready to kill the thing that attack his sister.
‘I’m not sure, sorry.’ You say, hands on hips and out of breath. ‘It dropped me and disappeared. I didn’t see where.’
‘I’ll go find-‘
‘Leave it for now.’ Hange decided. ‘It seemed to have no intention of harming anyone other than us. And we have no idea what it is, so until then, we keep on looking out for it. Return to post until Historia and Ymir are done, then return to base.’
‘Yes, Captain.’
Your apartment was quiet when you got home. Lights were off apart from the one in the kitchen.
‘Please say you chucked the pizza- what are you doing?’ You said, acknowledging the blonde sitting on your kitchen floor.
‘I’m having withdrawals.’ He whined. taking another swig of his can. You just laughed.
‘Too fucking close today.’
‘It wasn’t even. You were perfectly fine, and it wasn’t like he was actually going to bite your arm off.’
‘I thought about it.’ Venom said.
‘Yeah well. Get the fuck out of my body.’ You replied, walking over to the other imposter. Porco took your hand and (with great discomfort), Venom transferred back to his normal host's body.
‘That’s better.’ Porco sang, suddenly brought to life. You shook your head with a smile, opening the oven to see he had in fact chucked the pizza in to heat it up.
‘Are you staying the night?’
‘Well, it’s probably easier than trying to get back to Liberio right now.’ Porco stood up, wrapping his arms around your waist gently and resting his head on your shoulders. ‘The lights finally gave out.’
‘They’ve shut it down?’
‘So where are you going to stay now?’ You place your hands over his, stroking the back of his palm. The man sighed, breathing hot air against your neck.
‘No clue. I’m sure there’ll be somewhere in Liberio that still has power.’
There was a moment of silence between you two, and you leaned back against his shoulder. No one lived in Liberio but them. You knew because you’d been lying to Hange about it in order to keep that small amount of power going there. But they must’ve done a scan themselves and seen no one.
‘You could move in with me?’ The suggestion seemed like some wild thing. Something that hadn’t even crossed Porco’s mind. ‘Then you wouldn’t have to put in as much effort to get stuff, or to come see me.’
The arms around your waist tightened, and you felt a smile press to your lips.
‘We wouldn’t annoy you?’
‘Porco. We’ve been together for 2 years. If you annoyed me enough, you would’ve already.’ You spun in his arms to face him, hands finding his jaw. ‘And Venom can sleep in a dog box.’
‘I am not sleeping in a box!’ The symbiote shouted, enraged by the idea. ‘Let me actually bite her arm off!’
You laughed, pressing a chaste kiss to your partner's lips before reaching for the pizza.
‘Venom. You want some?’
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sinigangsta-ao3 · 1 year
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AOT/SNK fics masterlist
the formative years series
junctures - modern au from mikasa's pov; about the most formative relationship in a young woman's life [rated M, 12.7k words, complete]
bearings - modern au from eren's pov; sequel to junctures; how a young man reconciles past trauma and finds a way to move forward [rated E, 38.3k words, complete]
the straight/edge universe
straight/edge - drug dealer eren x top-student mikasa; first love and coming of age [rated E, 25.1k words, complete]
love me low - car sex one-shot [rated E, 2.7k words, complete]
4:23 p.m. - 69 one-shot [rated E, 2.2k words, complete]
meant to be // not made to last - letter to mikasa in straight/edge universe [rated T, ~500 words, complete]
chance with you - sequel to straight/edge set 15 years after main fic [rated M, 6.7k words, complete]
see you later
all the time I have — it's yours - cabin fic; all smut and angst with a dash of domestic fluff [rated E, 13k words, complete]
purgation - cabin somno fic [rated E, 950 words, complete]
if only - breeding kink in the cabin [rated E, 1.9k words, complete]
children of evil - dark cabin fic; hateful/violent smut with light bdsm; features dom mikasa [rated E, 3.5k words, complete]
under the tree - post-canon, dub-con ghostfucking fic [rated E, *dead dove*, 1.5k words, complete]
seasons in shiganshina
her summertime sentiments - canon-divergent, post-canon happy ending ft. elderly eren and elderly mikasa [rated G, 1.1k words, complete]
his springtime sentiments - canon-divergent domestic fluff ft. eremika as parents [rated G, 2k words, complete]
multi-chapter fics:
Asmodeus - cosmology/mythology fic with eren as the sun and mikasa as the moon [rated E, *dead dove*, 10.6k words, complete]
but, actually... - 1990s high school au based on the movie "clueless" [rated M, in progress]
sins of our fathers - eremika rival gang au [rated E, in progress]
one-shots (canon/canon-divergent)
here - canonverse one-shot ft. drunk eremika at the refugee camp [rated M, 2.8k words, complete]
the home the girl found - canon-compliant exploration of the time mikasa lived with the jaegers [rated T, 4k words, complete]
until tomorrow - canon-divergent one-shot ft. black odm eremika the night of the raid on liberio [rated E, 2.1k words, complete]
where flowers bloom - post-canon armin & mikasa; eremika in the afterlife [rated T, 2.3k words, complete]
one-shots (alternate universe)
blinding lights - toxic modern hollywood nepo baby au [rated M, 1.2k words, complete]
from doctor jaeger - epistolary fic ft. clinical psychologist eren and his patient mikasa [rated E, *dead dove*, 2.9k words, complete]
mother! - dragon eren x princess mikasa monsterfucking fic [rated E, *dead dove*, 3.8k words, complete]
updated: 13 december 2023
🔗 intro masterpost || other fandoms masterlist || wips masterlist || tumblr aus
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strscrossed · 1 year
✨actor au headcanons✨ part 1
originally, Sasha was meant to die in Liberio but it was supposed to be by Pieck. Sasha said “well how about Gabi kills me and it would set off the rest if her arc” and they liked it so much that they kept it. Sasha didn’t anticipate Reddit incels start to bully her cousin so she had to get involved.
Grisha is a veteran and celebrated actor in Hollywood but he agreed to make cameos in aot and his performance was so praised that they wrote in more scenes for him
Zeke is also a movie star but he did express interest in aot so he joined the main cast for the final season and made guest appearances in seasons 2 and 3.
Grisha and Dina married hella young and they divorced at 27 because Grisha had an affair with a soap opera actress, Carla. it’s an awkward situation and the divorce sucked.
Marco still makes half man jokes 10 years later and people liked it so much that he was part of the spin off series: High School Castes
High School Castes came out between season 1 and 2 because it was such a hit and there were also issues getting season 2 into preproduction
Eren rarely does interviews and he’s kind of a hermit but his personal life is constantly in the headlines because he has that bad boy phase and the writers were so inspired they wrote the whole depressed hobo thing into the story
The Ackerman are a pretty prominent family in film and Mikasa is the latest star. she launches a full on movie career after aot wraps. Levi is known for being selective and does arthouse films and as a result he’s won two academy awards by the time he joins aot. Kenny does action/western flicks and he’s one of the biggest stars ever
The Reiss family are also Hollywood royalty. Rod and Uri are celebrated actors and Frieda is known for her period drama. Historia is the result of an affair but she climbs her way up and lands aot. the reason she was barely in season 4 is because she got signed to a major multimillion dollar franchise and she started doing her own thing there
Armin went onto becoming a director after aot because he preferred it to acting
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sailorspica · 2 months
okay okay i've been seeing the bar drink musings and tangentially, because i have been thinking about reiner/zeke's joint bday approaching, i would like to know what you think aot characters fave birthday cake / alt dessert would be 🍰
firstly, being grim in canonverse and known round these parts as invested in agriculture, i really doubt either liberio or the walls post-845 had regular access to white sugar. i imagine the donut from annie's OVA episode was milled from sugar beets, not sugarcane, which is largely tropical or subtropical like coffee (see zeke). i think especially for the warriors it's gonna be something like medovik, which IS delicious! but probably a massive indulgence, so sweets are mostly fruits or fruit pies
but moving along, disclaimer i watch gbbo
annie: croquembouche, heavily teetering into my chef AU
reiner: apple cake, like idk if this is canon besides gabi leaving him some in shiganshina but in Never Let Me go by THEE @fromriches-tosin they both like apples so it's canon to Me
jean: prinzregentorte
pieck: babka
zeke: tiramisu
historia: kugelhupf
mikasa: cheesecake (my fave personally)
armin: souffle or dutch baby, for the science
eren: funfetti
erwin: black forest cake (old)
levi: lemon cake
hange: hot huge delivery cookies
hitch: strawberry shortcake
...kenny: mooncake, he is a second decan aquarius sun generally near lunar new year 😔
surely there are more but this is probably who i think about the most!
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daleelahwrites · 9 months
Hey Daleelah, wondering if you got Any ideas on what Timeskip Bertholdt would have been like if he made it back to Marley with Reiner and the warrior pals following RTS?
I’m thinking His hair is shaggy and overgrown, heavy eyebags, he’s even taller, but like Reiner poor baby has lost weight 🥺
Definitely thinking he would be Vice Chief Hoover. I also think that he’s basically unfazed by anything. Dead inside and is a blunt, straight-forward person
Also what do you think might be Sasha’s reaction to seeing Bertholdt like this in the timeskip? Bertholdt burdened by his warrior duties
Hey anon!! Thanks for the ask! 🥰
I'm glad you sent your own headcanon because I haven't think about it yet. I really liked how you imagine Bertholdt, so many years of loss, Reiner's time is close to end, his own time is running out... I can see poor boy couldn't have a single night of good sleep in years. Eat? If wasn't for Pieck, he would pass the week with an apple and a glass of water. But he's good with the kids, after all he knows people out there aren't good with them :'(
((I know that headcanon of him being a smoker is popular (whyyy) but I'm not really a fan 😭))
I can see him being all stoic and blunt as you said. The last time we seen him, Bertholdt's already accepted that the world is like that, there's none they can do. So he's probably just working for Marley as he waits for his time to pass his titan for the next warrior. Like Reiner, he's also worried about the kids, but he don't have no one to look at anymore, as we already know after the time skip, Bertholdt's father died. And I'm interpret this situation as if Annie is still in the crystal, so he's already don't have a lot of friends.
I think that if Bertholdt have come back with Reiner, Porco maybe would have this grudge on him too, like "what was the greatest colossal titan doing he couldn't help Marcel?". And so as Reiner he would just accept that he's another good-for-nothing person and waits his dead could at least bring something good for the people he couldn't help.
And then, Liberio. Eren and all. Chaos. Suddenly his life is up down, he was so sure he would never see anything about people from Paradis again, and now is seeing all that people on black flying around, shoot soldiers, some shoot civilians (hey Floch), a real attack. He recognized the wings of freedom, but he hadn't to see it to known who they are. He was there once, but he isn't one of them. And, for some reason, he also don't feel like he's one of the warriors. He was there just waiting his time to come, and now everything is falling, everything is burning. After those years, finally something inside him is burning too.
He sees Sasha and he notices she have seen him too. So many years...
Here, do you remember in canon while trying to defeat Reiner in his titan form, Sasha was hit in the head and passed out? She was the only soldier that didn't seen when Armin eat Bertholdt, she didn't seen his death. In this AU he didn't die but as same she didn't see him running away with Reiner. So what would she feels when see him after a long time with no goodbye?
Also, I'm sure if Sasha was alive she would join the Alliance without hesitation, probably the first to join and YELLS "WHY ARE YOU WAITING WE NEED TO DO SOMETHING!!!" because no way she would seat down and watching the world burn. Arthur already said, he sent his daughter out of the forest, she wouldn't going to come back. And I'm sure Bertholdt would finally react after years of silent remorse and pain, and being as vocal as her that they need to stop Eren.
Wow, this one was long lol sorry for the long text. Thank you for sending this ask and sharing with us your ideas, it was really fun to think about it!! Let us know if you have something else in mind! Hope you have a good day~ 🩷
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naomikozura · 3 years
➣The Only Exception
Porco Galliard x Fem!Reader (College AU)
genre: enemies to lovers, sfw
wc: 2.2k
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01. The Beginning
♪ Farsighted - The Band Camino ♪
There were two things that your family was sure of. One was that going off to attend University of Paradis was something you had always dreamt of since you were a kid, and two that you would most likely end up being the one who could survive college without getting a boyfriend, or rather that they would kill you if you got a boyfriend before establishing your career first. As traditional as they were, you didn’t really have an interest in guys to begin with. 
You were pretty quiet and minded your own business most of the time. You preferred being alone and most of your friends knew that too, you were more introverted than the majority of your friends that you’ve made but did tend to go out every now and then. It was rare but it was something that your friends took advantage of, you going out once a month or every other month type of occasion. 
Tonight would be one of those once in a month outings. There was a party being held at one of the fraternity houses to kick off the new semester before classes started.
You had been in school for a year, going into your second year was pretty exciting, especially since you had been offered an internship for one of your professor’s wife’s company in downtown Sina. It definitely would get your foot into your dream profession once you graduated from university. You really needed to focus the next two years to make a good impression on her network of people, then all your goals would be more achievable than you once thought them to be. 
For now, your mind could only focus on the loud music around you and the endless amount of people who were talking and bumping into you. You were trying to focus on not getting pushed over as you followed closely behind Mikasa, Annie, and Historia. They had somehow convinced you to come out tonight since it would be the last party before classes started again, saying you needed to relax and have at least some fun before then and if you didn’t want to go out again for the whole semester, they wouldn’t force you to go out again. 
So, you agreed for that reason alone because you knew you would definitely deny their future invitations. 
Once you all finally reached the backyard of the house, Mikasa led you three over to Eren and where all the guys were. Armin, Jean, Connie, and Marco were all standing with each other, catching up about their winter break. Historia quickly gave everyone a hug before excusing herself to go find her girlfriend, Ymir, who was most likely hangout out with some of the people from Wall Rose U. Ymir knew a lot of people from the prestigious private school since she also attended the high school that Wall Rose accepted 80% of every welcoming class. “So, what have you guys been up to over winter break? Any cool spots you visited or did you just stay home?” Jean asked, then taking a quick sip of his beer while Connie offered drinks to everyone and only Annie and Mikasa accepted. 
“Nah, nothing big really, I went back to the Liberio Academy to help mentor some of the incoming class”, Annie stated quickly. 
Liberio Private Academy was her old high school, with a big reputation for training some of the best classes of student athletes to go off to high ranking universities in the future. It brought in a lot of money from notable alumni, it was a tough school to get into, not just anyone could go there. Annie got in due to her martial arts, it gained her a judo scholarship to several universities but ended up choosing the University of Paradis.
“What about you, (Y/n)? Anything exciting?”, your eyes suddenly meet Jean’s, completely ignoring the conversation before the question. 
“Oh, uh, not really. I just stayed home and finished out my preparations for the semester.”, Jean seemed surprised with the response you gave but nodded and continued sipping his beer.
“Have you guys heard that some more of the Liberio Academy fifth years finally transferred into our humble university?”. Connie chimed in, of course wanting to know more intel on the incoming sophomores, some of them most likely would be a part of the soccer and football teams. Both of which, the guys in your friend group were apart of. 
“No, but I did hear that it’ll be four of them this time.”, Eren quickly said before turning around to go find Historia. 
“Is it normally more than four? Or..?”, you didn't understand why it was such a big deal. Everyone who went anywhere knew that Liberio Academy always required their graduating seniors to do the first year of university there in order to better prepare them. 
“Not necessarily bad, but we don’t ever get any of them. A lot of them follow the footsteps of the past graduates to enroll to Wall Rose U. It’s kind of a big deal that we’re getting four versus none”
The conversation suddenly stops and becomes another thing that bores you. You didn’t really find any interest in small talk, but you loved catching up with your friends so it didn’t bother you too much. 
Sometimes you wish that these types of outings were the only way to catch up. Sure you went to the guys’ practices after school and study while supporting them and you would always hang out with the girls after class and work but it still seemed that parties were the only way to get everyone together. 
“Hey, do you guys know where the restroom is? I need to go.”, you wanted to do anything besides just stand here watching everyone dance and scream along to the music. Your anxiety was definitely getting the best of you. 
“Yeah, there’s one upstairs, make sure the door next to it has the green arrow on it, that’s my room and it’ll be on the right.”. You thanked Connie then excused yourself before heading for the stairs. 
You walked through the kitchen and turned down the hall, you felt someone shove you and your back bumped into someone’s shoulder. You quickly turned to apologize but the person wasn’t even aware it was happening. Probably because everyone in this house was used to being pushed and shoved for space. 
You kept walking and finally reached the stairs. You made it to Connie’s bedroom door and tried to open the door to the restroom but luck was not on your side because you accidentally bumped into someone walking out of another room in the house. He had blonde hair that was shaved on the sides, he had a tall stature and seemed pretty fit and not bad on the eyes. The only thing that kept you from being mesmerized is the fact that he looked pissed.
 You did not have the time nor the patience to even try and engage in any sort of banter or conversation with this random stranger and just walked into the restroom. 
You have not been enjoying your time at this party, I could probably leave now I doubt anyone would really notice. You splashed water on your face and suddenly changed your mind on using the restroom after seeing how absolutely trashed it was. You were not trying to catch any type of anything in this gross restroom. 
You opened the door and tried going around to the front. You reached the front yard, which was also filled with a bunch of drunk college students, and tried to call for a ride on your phone. Having a lyft or uber come by would be too expensive, especially since your dorm was on the other end of campus and would take 15 or 20 minutes to get there. You tried to see if it was worth calling your roommate, Sasha, but she most likely wasn’t even back in town from her hometown yet since it was such a far drive. 
You go back inside and head to the backyard but not before you catch the attention of some random stranger. In a split second, he tried to get in your line of vision to introduce himself. 
“Hey, I know we don’t know each other but I just saw you and I wanted to say that I really like your outfit.”, he complimented loudly so you could hear him over the music but not so loud that he was yelling.
 You hadn’t ever seen him before, he was tall with a muscular build, blonde hair and either brown or hazel eyes. He seemed to be wearing just casual clothes, just like any other guy here. He complimented your outfit although it was a bit boring, and you thanked him. Wearing a flannel with jeans and combat boots wasn’t necessarily what you would wear to a party but you decided the wardrobe was appropriate since you were under the impression this would be a quick visit when in the end, it was not.
“Thank you, I think it’s pretty okay for a party outfit”, you shouted back, he smiled and introduced himself to you. “I’m Reiner, it’s nice to meet you” you politely shook his extended hand before saying your own name “(Y/n). It’s nice to meet you.”, you said nicely back to him. 
The conversation started out pretty nice and he was really cool to talk to. He invited you back to hang out with him. You would usually deny strangers like this, but decided to go with him anyway, besides, you doubt he would try anything, and if he did, you always had your spare pepper spray in your pocket.  
Reiner grabbed your hand and led you through the crowd, sliding past people but not before putting a hand on your back to guide you and keep you from getting pushed. Not thinking much of it, you followed his lead to a group of people standing off to the side. It was a group of four other people. Three guys and a girl who was sitting on one of the counters. They seemed like they would be a pretty tight knit group, just like you and your group. 
You weren’t really sure if you should be here with them right now, it’s been around 20 minutes since you told the guys you were going to the restroom. You were trying to focus on being able to actually learn these people’s names. It seemed rude to ignore the gesture that Reiner made to introduce you to people he knew even if you did just meet him a minute ago. 
“Hey guys, this is (Y/n), (Y/n) this is everyone.”, the first to speak was the tall brunette and the girl sitting on the counter. 
“Hey, I‘m Bertholdt”, the insanely tall brunette one answered. He seemed really soft spoken, you barely heard his name over the music.
“My name’s Pieck, that short blonde over there is Colt, and the one next to him is Marcel”, she introduced everyone quickly, she smiled at you before talking again. “I’m surprised Reiner didn’t try getting with you first before bringing you here, that’s kind of his specialty”, Pieck added. 
“Hey!”, Reiner barked back, and you let out a small laugh. They liked picking on each other too. That’s refreshing because sometimes you were convinced that was just a you and your friends thing. 
They all said their hellos and continued talking about some training. They’re probably talking about sports or something. Maybe Connie and Eren know them. “Yeah, sucks that he didn’t come with us to Paradis. You think he’ll like it at Wall Rose?”
“I mean, everyone from the academy goes to Wall Rose, I’m sure he’ll be okay”
Your attention suddenly turned itself back to the conversation. “Wait, are you guys from the Liberio Academy?”, you asked. 
“Yeah, we’re new transfers. All five of us actually.”, Colt was the one who answered this time, his voice holding a sort of calmness to it.
These are the people Connie was wondering about. They don’t seem like they would be any different from any other group of students.
The rest of the night seemed to die down and you found your way back to find Mikasa and Annie, you gave your goodbyes and exchanged numbers with Reiner, who asked if the two of you could hang out outside of a party setting. You smiled and obliged. He waved at you before you turned to find your way back to the group.
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“Where were you?”, Mikasa asked on the car ride back to the dorms. “I met a few people that just started going to school here. They were really nice.”
“Woah, you actually went and talked to random people you didn’t even know? You’re growing up so fast.”, Historia fake cried as she gave you a small thumbs up. “Yeah, they were cool, I got one of the guy’s numbers.”
“Wow, you really are spreading your wings (Y/n). Next thing you know you’ll end up with a boyfriend.”, you laughed at the comment and quickly followed with how your parents would murder you if they even found out that you went out to parties with them. 
The conversation was light and there wasn’t much else that really happened besides driving home and crashing for the night. Classes started next week so you hoped that you wouldn’t drown in school work and your internship. 
Maybe it’ll just be a normal semester and everything will be fine, just like it was last year. 
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Alright guys, so this is the first chapter of my Porco x Reader series. It’s set in college AU so I have been trying to use the names of the places and everything in a way that won’t be confusing. I really hope you enjoyed this first chapter, you’ll get a little more Porco in the next chapter. 
Also please bare with me, it’s my first time writing a series like this so It might take me a little to get used to a writing style. But I really hope you enjoy! Still not sure on how I’ll do updates, if one or twice a week but I’ll figure it out soon :)
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little-spoiled-brat · 3 years
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pairing: levi x reader
cw: modern and actor au, father levi, might contain slight spoilers for season 4 part 1 episode 66, a lot of content with other aot characters, fluff and chaotic
author's note: longer than usual, got carried away. oops.
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- behind the scenes -
d/n was always loved in the set of attack on titan, she was the stress reliever of everyone working on set. anyone who sees her curious self wobbling around every morning ends up with a smile on their face.
you had d/n in the middle of filming the third season. it was hard to film a full on series with action scenes while pregnant but with the support of all the cast, staff and especially levi, it made work and your responsibility as a parent easier.
for someone who was two years old, she was very intelligent for her age. she understood that both mom and dad have work to do everyday and she just sits her chair quietly watching behind the scenes whenever you and levi would be filming.
of course, there were times where she stays in the trailer with one of the staff members or sent to a different set with the other cast if the scenes are a bit too gore for her to see.
you were currently on the set of the first half of the last season for attack on titan. you and levi were sad that the series was ending soon since you've made a lot of memories in the past years you've worked as actors in the series.
it was a busy day, you just got to set and you were already glued to the makeup chair with levi next to you. d/n was somewhere in one of the stage sets with mikasa and armin, being curious about all the props and costumes.
even though it was the middle of the day, you were going to be filming in a night setting - more specifically, you were filming the raid on liberio episode.
after hours of putting makeup on and getting your hair done, you were finally dressed in your all black survey corps uniform. you and levi immediately heading to the stage set where you were going to be filming for the entirety of the day.
"mommy! daddy!" d/n yelled, running over to the both of you once you walked in on the set. you giggled, seeing her in her own survey corps uniform that the costume team made for her.
"hey smaller brat, you look adorable" levi said, picking his daughter up and ruffling her hair as she giggled. you pinched her cheek just as your assistant asked you to get to where you were first filming.
you and levi headed to where the first scene was being filmed and took your seats in the directors' chairs. d/n reached over to you as you sat her down on your lap.
"auntie mikasa and uncle armin showed you around set today?" you asked as your makeup team touched up on your makeup a bit. d/n nodded and pointed to all the areas she explored earlier today, telling a few stories here and there as you listened attentively to her.
"levi, y/n, you're up in five. just some scenes with the anti-personnel omni-directional mobility gear" the director said as you nodded at him, you set d/n on your chair and kissed her forehead.
"mommy and daddy has to go to work now, okay?" you said to d/n as she nodded. you got strapped on the harness that would help you fly around while you film as levi also got strapped in.
"goodbye, d/n. i'm gonna miss you" levi said, dramatically wiping away a tear from his face as he waved at her before he got lifted off his feet and suspended in the air. d/n laughed, waving at her father as you also got lifted off your feet and into the air.
"come on, d/n. the food team got candies just for you" your assistant said, knowing that some of the scenes you were filming have a bit of blood involved. d/n nodded in an instant, going with her and disappearing into where the food was.
you immediately got to work, filming the shots that they needed for the episode. the rest of the cast soon joined in and it turned into a full on busy scene with everyone moving about.
"levi, you say your line here and then zeke's going to come in and you're going to fly towards him. got it?" the director asked as levi nodded, giving back the bottle of water he was holding to his assistant.
you got back to your position, putting your acting face on just as the director yelled 'action'. you stared down zeke's beast titan form, waiting for levi to say his line.
"don't die on me. survive!" levi ordered before charging for zeke as the camera followed him. zeke, who was in his motion captured beast titan outfit, walked towards levi.
you and the rest of the survey corps were supposed to charge after levi when a certain cry filled the silent stage set.
"cut! the smallest ackerman is crying" the director yelled as your heads shot towards the cry that filled the room. levi was immediately lowered down and removed from his harness when the director said that it was d/n who was crying.
you were also removed from your harness as everyone was given a break. you rushed to d/n who was holding onto levi as if her life depended on it.
"shh, shh. daddy's here, i got you" levi softly cooed, running his hand through her hair. your assistant approached you, chuckling nervously.
"i didn't know that you were already filming with zeke" she said as you smiled and shook your head, silently telling her that it wasn't her fault. you followed levi as he sat down on his chair, setting d/n down on his lap.
"she got freaked out when she saw zeke's beast titan costume" levi explained, gently rocking the small child in his arms. everyone came over to check up on d/n, including zeke who was still in his costume.
"is d/n okay-" zeke started but was cut off when d/n cried even more when she caught a glimpse of him. sasha, jean, and connie ushered zeke out and told him to get rid of the outfit first.
"i suggest that you get rid of the monkey costume first, zeke" jean said, chuckling as zeke made an 'oops' face before rushing to get the costume off.
zeke came back a few minutes later in his usual marleyan uniform he wears underneath the costume as d/n slowly looked up to look at him.
"no more monkey. i'm sorry for scaring you, d/n" zeke apologized, d/n slowly reached up as zeke picked her up from levi's lap.
"i forgot that she's scared of the beast titan costume" zeke chuckled, ruffling d/n's hair up as levi handed her his water bottle. d/n nodded in agreement, taking a sip.
"scare my daughter like that again and i'll cut you up in the next scene we have together" levi said, suddenly going back to character and glaring at zeke.
"don't glare at me like that, levi. what if i piss my pants?" zeke said, going back to character as levi narrowed his eyes at him before they both burst into a fit of laughter and followed by everyone else.
"i don't get it, why is d/n scared of my titan and not with porco or eren's titan?" zeke said, pouting as d/n wiggled out of his grasp and ran over to where porco was.
"because uncle porco not monkey" d/n said, reaching up as porco picked her up and nodded in agreement at what she said. zeke, crossed his arms and scoffed, making everyone laugh once again.
"maybe if you don't look like a gorilla, d/n will like your titan" eren teased, making everyone laugh even more and zeke just pouted in defeat.
"guys! back to one!" the director yelled as everyone went back to where they were situated in the current scene. d/n ran back to you and levi as you picked her up.
"daddy and i will beat uncle zeke's titan for you" you whispered, winking at her as you and levi got strapped onto your harnesses again.
"no monkey" d/n said as you chuckled and nodded, levi winked at her as she giggled. you gave her to your assistant just as you were lifted off your feet once again.
"you hear that, zeke? d/n said that no monkeys are allowed on set! you better be scared now!" levi yelled to zeke across the room as he faked a shiver and everyone laughed.
"it's always my titan" zeke said, getting the motion stickers on him instead of the costume just so that d/n doesn't get freaked out again.
"sorry, uncle zeke!"
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paracosm-writing · 3 years
"𝕞𝕒𝕜𝕖 𝕚𝕥 𝕤𝕥𝕠𝕡"| Reiner Braun
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Next chapter
Pairing: Reiner Braun x f!reader
Word Count: -3k words
Summary: It's hard to hate a devil when he's the only one that can stop your pain. In which Reiner finally comes home, and you're resigned to hate him until you realize he's all you have.
TW: NSFW, kidnapping, hostage situation, angst, unhealthy power dynamics, toxic relationship, Stockholm syndrome, slight yandere! Reiner (?), canon divergent, soft smut loool, a little worship/praise kink
A/N: This fic lives in an AU in which:
The Armored Titan can see their own future memories
The Reader was taken to Marley after the reveal in season 2.
This is a multi-fic of just random moments in this scenario cause I can't commit to an actual story since I've got a wrist injury!
You weren't moved into the house until the warriors came back from their last stand in Shigashina, haggard and defeated. Only two men - no, two monsters - Zeke Jeager and Reiner Braun, your husband.
It was still unsettling to call him that. You didn't even get to have a marriage ceremony. Papers were drawn and documents were forged to ensure you had a place in Marley, but it didn't feel right. The one thing you had dreamed about and longed for for so long, ever since you met him in Paradis.
And before you could digest it, the weight of it, he was gone again.
Now the idea of it was brought to life as Reiner guided you around your new home. A small but quaint one on the outskirts of Liberio, so close to Marleyan districts you could almost pretend you weren't considered a devil. A false sense of security for Honorary Marleyans.
Despite its small foundation, the house was wide with two full baths, large bedrooms, and a family room. There was even a third bedroom, only a bit smaller than the rest, and you couldn't help but furrow your brows as you peeked into the room.
Reiner coughed, cleared his throat, and quickly closed the door. "All they had left were starter rooms," he explained sheepishly. "For...families."
Neither of you said anything else about that room. You both knew you wouldn't be needing it.
You followed him down to the hall then, noticing Reiner's shoulders were tense. If this were after training, you'd probably offer to give him a massage, laughed when he tried to hide his moans of relief, and melted into his kiss when he turned around afterward to thank you.
But that was when you were just two kids facing the world together.
"I specifically asked for two rooms," he said, turning to eye you wearily. As if you might attack him or run away. "So you don't have to worry about me."
You opened your mouth to speak but your voice was raw from sobbing the night before when you found out he was coming back. Having destroyed your home, you assumed. But the last stand had been a failure, and that gave you hope.
You wanted to scream, 'How dare you try to be a good guy? Of course I wouldn't want to share a room with you.'
But you were all screamed out, and a part of you still yearned for the idea. For him to wrap his arms around you as you rested on his chest.
If you did, would you wake up back in Paradis? Would this all turn out to be a dream?
He lead you to your room and like all the others, it was bare of warmth. Stripped of life. The twin bed against the wall was plain, with white comforters and pillowcases, a simple wooden desk and a chair against the window. The grey curtains flowed from the wind wisping into the room, the moon's light washing over you both.
If you didn't know any better, you would think this room belonged to one of the warriors. A room built for a blank canvas, a weapon, not a human being.
Wordlessly, you entered the room and dropped the one bag made for you full of armbands and clothes made of strange textures and fabrics on the bed.
You could feel Reiner's eyes boring into your back as you moved to the window. Outside, buildings lazed over the small houses and over those buildings were more of the mainland, more of the outside world...
Armin's books...
"Can you close the curtains?" You asked softly, voice sore. “I don’t want to see anything.”
"Of course," Reiner murmured, already behind you in a flash. He leaned over and closed the curtains.
"We can go shopping tomorrow," he said. “Buy you new furniture and anything else you want in your room."
Your mind drifted to the one decoration you'd managed to have in every bedroom that ever belonged to you. From your childhood home, to the orphanage, to the barracks.
The only decor you needed that was now gone forever.
A sketch of your mother.
This monster took you away and he didn't even let you bring a picture of your mother.
Rage brewed within you, so powerful you could go blind, and yet nothing came out.
Instead you stood there, eyes on the floor because you couldn't look at him.
Or you might not survive.
You needed to survive.
Help was coming.
You just needed to stay put, find a way out when the opportunity presented itself, wait for your friends to come for you.
"Y/N, I-" Reiner started again but sighed instead. “If you need anything, I'm here. Goodnight, Y/N.”
He started to retreat, turning on his heel, and oddly enough, your heart started to pound.
"Rei-erm, wait," you called hoarsely and he seemed to turn around in a heartbeat.
Strangely, you wanted to say, ‘I’m scared’. What you would do once you were alone in this strange room, you didn’t trust yourself enough to find out, and yet you couldn’t go to Reiner like you used to. Not anymore.
So instead you composed yourself.“There isn’t a lock on the door.”
Reiner, so firm up until now, regarded you with pity.“Y/N,” he said softly. “You know why there can’t be.”
 It dawned on you then, as you took in Reiner’s firm stance. It dawned on you that there was a possibility you could be trapped here for the rest of your life. The thought sent your head spinning.
You grasped the wooden bed frame to keep from swaying as your vision started to blur with tears. Pathetically, your anger melted into fear, that familiar panic that tormented you since the walls fell, now following you across the sea.
And even worse, there was only one person who could manage to make it stop.
“So you’re telling me I’m trapped here,” you said shakily.
“You don’t have to be… you could make… a life here,” He left off the implication you were both thinking of; ‘with me.’
For a moment, you almost considered it, you almost allowed yourself to envision it. A life with Reiner, the third room that you would never speak of belonging to a child, A real wedding to make up for the horrors Reiner had inflicted on your comrades to bring you here-
No, you wouldn’t go there. You couldn’t.
“Life? What kind of life, Reiner?” You exclaimed, mustering up the strength to spin around and face him. “One where I’m treated like a devil for just walking down the street? Where I have to pretend my entire home isn’t being slaughtered by people like you? You might be able to take that, but I can’t.”
He was stoic, an apologetic gleam behind his eyes, hurt etched on his face.
You resisted the urge to hold him, even as you sensed his pain in the very depths of your core. Once upon a time, you were so in love that one just knew when the other was hurt.
Reiner had held your face in his hands before the survey corps expedition as if you were a precious treasure he'd been searching centuries for as he reassured you, 'If you need me, I'll know.'
Such a thought had comforted you then. When you'd been slammed into a tree by the Female Titan, the rest of your comrades killed. You thought you would die in the clearing but Reiner had showed up just like he'd promised.
And now he needed you, you could feel it, and you resisted every part of you that wanted to run to him.
“Do you think I want this for you?” He said darkly, voice strained. “I hate it too, Y/N, but dammit the right things don’t always feel good,”
He closed the gap between you before you could react, cradling your face in his large hands, hazel eyes teary. ” you don’t know how many ways this could’ve turned out for you, how many ways I’ve had to save you.”
You froze, you were so close that your breaths mangled together. And you longed for him, you longed to bury your face in his chest and sob, but how could you find comfort in the person who’d hurt you in the first place?
“Reiner,” you breathed, tears welling in your eyes, tears you loathed because they weren’t entirely forged from anger. “I will never make a life here,”
You took a step back then, imagining the faces of all the ones you’d lost so you could keep your composure as you looked him in the eye. “And I will hate you until the day I die.”
“Hate me, I deserve it, and I’ll make sure you have a lifetime to do so.”
He started out of the room, leaving your heart and mind in pieces around you. There he was, talking to you about things that you didn’t understand, talking in codes and secret languages. It used to drive you mad on the island and it drove you mad now.
Save you? How was destroying your home and kidnapping you saving you?
You ran to the doorway. “Just drop the act, Reiner! You didn’t save me, you’re not a soldier for humanity, you’re a devil!” You cried. “So stay away from me!”
And then, worn out from trying to be strong, “I-I can’t believe I ever loved a monster like you.”
Reiner paused in the hallway, his back to you. And you saw the way he crumbled even as he seemingly tried to hide it.
“Neither can I,” he said. “I really am nothing but a filthy devil.”
You were supposed to feel satisfied, you were supposed to feel in control, but instead you were left with an ache in your chest. 
Slowly, you closed the door.
Your heart- what was left of it - shattered as it shut and you sank down to your knees in sobs.
Crying without any tears.
Crying for your friends so distant from you now.
Crying for the silly cause you had once believed in. For humanity.
Crying for the devil you once loved.
It wasn't until you went to unzip your bag for the odd, yet soft clothes Marleyans used as pajamas that you found the sketch.
The sketch of your mother.
A treasure that only a devil would've remembered to grab for you that day Wall Rose was breached.
Reiner was contemplating over the rifle in his closet, how it would be so easy to shut down the guilt roaring within him, when he heard the knock.
Loud, forceful, again and again and again. In a frenzy.
He knew that knock.
He sensed what it meant.
Reiner opened the door to you, eyes red, sobbing, gasping for breath. "Reiner," you managed. "Help me, make it stop, please, you're the only one that can make it stop."
Without hesitation, he gathered you in his arms, let you cry into his shirt. And he marveled for a moment at how familiar you felt even now. How your body melted into his in that perfect way as if you were made for him
It was cruel. The one person he’d hurt so badly he couldn’t stand it was also one of the people that still gave him a reason to stay. You needed him, even if you didn’t welcome the idea, even if you loathed it.
Because you had been in his memories, happy and free, dying and tormented. If he left this earth, who would protect you from the doom he foresaw waiting for you?
"Shhh, shhh," he whispered, stroking your hair as you sobbed. Just as he'd done so many times before when you would grow anxious before a mission. "I've got you, sunshine. You're safe here, I'm not gonna let anything hurt you."
His heart pained at the irony of it all. From the very beginning, he'd been uttering soothing lies. Yet he continued because lies were the only way he knew to make it better.
"Just take deep breaths for me okay, baby? I promise you're okay. I'm here. I'm right here."
He felt your body relax, your heart hammering in your throat galloping down to a slow pace.
Your cries turned to sniffles, but you still trembled in his arms, clinging to the collar of his thin, long-sleeved t-shirt. And all was still, and for a moment, you both could pretend that nothing had changed.
“Please, Reiner,” you said shakily then. “Please let me go home.”
He stiffened.
“Please,” you pleaded, voice raw from crying. “I’m begging you. If you love me, you’ll let me go home.”
His arms tightened around you and he grimaced into your shoulder.
“Don’t speak,” he said firmly, swallowing hard. “You know I can’t. This is your new life now, and the sooner you accept it, the better you’ll be.”
Your heart sank, but all you knew to do was to cry into his shirt again, nuzzling your head in his chest as if you could bleed through each other. You never felt so trapped.
“It’s for your own good,” he added, only causing you to sob.
“Please,” was all you could manage, over and over again, hoping he might hear you. See you.
Instead Reiner's hands moved from your back, trailing down to the hem of your shirt as he murmured into the night, "I'll make it stop.”
You didn’t know why you let him undress you, crying into his kiss, gentle and soft, wet with your tears.
Maybe it was because you needed him to fill the hole in your heart. To empty you of the pain and confusion coursing through you. To replace the foreignness of this house with something you knew.
The familiar sensation of his touch.
Reiner might’ve broken you, but he was the only one who could make it stop.
He trailed kisses down your body, from your neck, to your shoulders, your breasts. Then he coaxed you to the bed, whispered, “Let me take care of you.”
For a moment you felt numb, drained from all the turmoil, and then Reiner was between your thighs. You laid there limply at first and yet somehow you started to respond, your hips bucking up to meet him, hearing your moans as if they weren’t yours.
And you welcomed the pleasure, got lost in the ecstasy, because if Reiner had to break your heart then let it be sweet. Because it reminded you of the days of hiding in closets and stealing time near the lake during Cadet training.
“You are, so beautiful,” he mumbled, staring down at you as you writhed beneath him. You couldn’t help but weep again. He’d told you that the first time too, before you knew.
The pang in your heart started to grow more insistent, louder than the fading high. You didn’t want to feel it.
“Reiner,” you gasped.
“I know, baby, I know,” he murmured into your neck, peppering kisses along the hollow all the way to your collarbone. “I’m gonna make it stop, I’m gonna make you feel so good.”
He guided his need to yours until you blended into one. The fullness of him seemed to fill the emptiness of your home. You wrapped your legs around him, pulling him deeper, grasping at the familiarity of being connected.
Reiner thrust into you, deep yet still somehow gentle as if he knew how delicate you were. How fragile. “You’re doing so good,” he whispered in your ear. “You’re taking it all so good, I’m so proud of you baby.”
The rush of pleasure and sorrow was too much for you to think clearly. Tears continued to stream down your cheeks and you dug your nails into Reiner’s back as he quickened his pace, your need more desperate as you both tried to outrun the pain.
He sat you up on his lap, hoisted you up as if you were a god to worship, kissing down your neck to your breasts. And again he wiped away your tears, whispering to you that somehow he could make it okay.
And for one sweet moment, it was okay. It stopped, and nothing else mattered. Nothing but you, and him, and the sweet pleasure rushing through you as he buried his head in the crook of your neck.
You nearly believed you were two cadets fumbling around in the moonlight, nervous and eager and in love. You nearly believed nothing had ever changed.
Then pleasure seeped from your body, ebbing away until you were left with the pain that remained.
You were both panting, mangled in one another, and it was so comforting and yet frightening all at the same time.
Reality was back in the form of Reiner’s eyes of gold staring back at you, gleaming with the tears of a sinner.
“I’ll do anything,” he whispered. “Whatever-whatever you need, tell me what I can do to make it right.”
Reiner knew he was selfish. He needed to believe he was doing the right thing. That he was saving you. That with every bit of pleasure he brought to you, he could make you better, and through saving you he would save himself.
But it was a lie. He couldn’t fix what he had ruined in the first place.
In your silent tears, he heard those same three words, the ones that haunted him, “Let me go,” you managed shakily. “R-Reiner, please.”
He regarded you, the girl who’d he’d watched grow strong through his memories of the island be reduced to a frightened, unsure mess again, just as he’d first left you when he broke down the walls of Shigashina.
The simplicity of being with you was gone, and now he too was reminded again of what he wanted to stop. His reason for wanting to die.
And yet, you were alive. You were alive, and that was all that mattered. That he’d stopped the worst of his memories from ever happening.
So those three words were like hot iron searing his chest each time you said them, but resolution still saturated his own, “I’m sorry, princess, I can’t.”
He saw the desperation in your eyes, frozen there, since the day he’d taken you. “Then you can’t,” you whimpered. “You can’t make it stop.”
You started to cry, squeezing your eyes shut.
So Reiner did the only thing he knew to do, he took you up in his arms and turned you to the side so that you were crying into his chest. His arms wrapped around you as you trembled with sorrowful fatigue.
In the morning you’d get up and go back to your room, ashamed, thinking he was asleep. Neither of you would talk about what happened. Even when you’d come to him the next night, broken, and begging him to make it stop.
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diam-etrical · 2 years
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Aruani x Chilling Adventures of Sabrina
AU where Annie is a half-witch, forced to hide her occultist ways from her mortal sweetheart, Armin Arlert
Annie lives a double life: goes to Paradis High during the day and attends the Liberio Academy of Unseen Arts at night. Reiner and Bertolt are her close warlock friends (the latter one Armin occasionally gets jealous of). She was adopted by a human Mr Leonhart who embraced her nature so she can become the most powerful witch of her generation. But things are getting complicated as Annie becomes more attached to the human world and can't find herself abandoning her friends -- Armin most of all.
(EMA is included here: Eren is a descendant of witch hunters (hence, jaeger!), Mikasa lives with a pagan cult, and Armin is simply a curious human deadset on proving witches exist -- clueless his girlfriend is the proof.)
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bakugohoex · 4 years
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✧・゚: *✧・゚:* 𝐀𝐑𝐌𝐈𝐍 𝐀𝐑𝐋𝐄𝐑𝐓 *:・゚✧*:・゚✧
☆ headcanons ☆
sending nudes to their s/o | (0.1k) ↠ modern au and nsfw
in which the armin send you nudes
seeing another man flirt with their s/o | (0.1k) ↠ modern au and fluff
in which the armin gets jealous after seeing another man try and flirt with you
sleeping beside his s/o | (0.1k) ↠ modern au and fluff
in which you have a sleeping position with armin
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✧・゚: *✧・゚:* 𝐄𝐑𝐄𝐍 𝐘𝐄𝐀𝐆𝐄𝐑 *:・゚✧*:・゚✧
☆ one shots ☆
“come on baby, put on a show” | (1.7k) ↠ modern au and nsfw
in which whilst you and eren are getting intimate, your roommate arrives with a couple of friends, eren aware decides to make it a show to make them know who you truly belong too
“my mics on baby, let them hear your moans” | 1k event (1.8k) ↠ modern au and nsfw
in which a night of boredom, waiting for eren to finish his game, leads you to finding yourself sitting right on his lap, letting all his friends here your moans
☆ headcanons ☆
“now whose the flustered one” | requested (1.3k) ↠ fluff
in which giving affection to eren always leaves him swooning but as soon as he does it to you, you become an entire mess in front of him
sending nudes to their s/o | (0.1k) ↠ modern au and nsfw
in which the eren send you nudes
seeing another man flirt with their s/o | (0.1k) ↠ modern au and fluff
in which eren gets jealous after seeing another man try and flirt with you
sleeping beside his s/o | (0.1k) ↠ modern au and fluff
in which you have a sleeping position with eren
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✧・゚: *✧・゚:* 𝐉𝐄𝐀𝐍 𝐊𝐈𝐑𝐒𝐂𝐇𝐓𝐄𝐈𝐍 *:・゚✧*:・゚✧
☆ one shots ☆
“make a wish” | requested (1.7k) ↠ fluff
in which jean finds out it’s your birthday and decides to make a surprise cake, with limited resources, he tries but ultimately it turns into you finding out, in your oblivious state you end up helping him make a cake for yourself
“this isn’t a date jean, we’re undercover”
part one | requested (2.6k) ↠ fluff 
in which you and jean are undercover doing reconnaissance in marley, want turns to investigating a local bar leads to feelings finally being brought out from the two of you
part two | requested (2.9k) ↠ nsfw and fluff 
in which you and jean spend the night together after confessing your feeling’s for one another, with a long night ahead and the raid on liberio beginning, is it really possible for the two of you to be together in this hell hole 
part three | requested (2.7k) ↠ angst and fluff 
in which the time for fighting has begun and with the success of eren and the capture of zeke, the long journey ahead back to paradis seems to be your only concern, until the arrival of an unexpected warrior creates turbulence with jean realising his only goal now is to protect you
“this might be the end for me, but jean, oh god jean, you mean everything to me” | requested (2.2k) ↠ angst
in which you and jean have had crushes on each other since the first day you met, instead of admitting your feelings, you both waited till you knew you’d have a secure future, and the invasion of liberio, in your final minutes you confess it all
“you could always kiss it better” | requested (1.9k) ↠ fluff
in which jean falls in love with the medical helper who is a part of the survey corps
“i told you i’d show you the sea one day” | requested (1.4k) ↠ fluff
in which after the death of marco you had become distant, now a year later still in the survey corps after the regaining of wall maria you and the rest of the squad finally get to see the sea that jean had promise long ago to you
“it was the both of us, we were happy” | requested (1.3k) ↠ fluff
in which on the ship to marley, jean has a dream about a family with you, as soon as he wakes up his need for it to occur overtakes him 
“get in the fucking back, now” | requested (2.8k) ↠ modern au and nsfw
in which you and jean meet up for a date, instead of the coffee and cakes you find yourself in an empty car pack, bound in the back of his car ready to have his way with you
“you brats ate it didn’t you” | requested (1.6k) ↠ fluff
in which you make an omelette that jean’s mother had taught you how to make for the boy to confess your love for him, but sasha and connie had other ideas in mind
“you’r...you’re alive” | requested (3.1k) ↠ fluff
in which after risking your life to fight the titans, four years later having assumed you died, jean finds you in the most unlikeliest of places
“it’s you, it’s always been you” | 1k event (1.5k) ↠ fluff
in which after your own near death experience, jean realises that he needs you to know just how much he loves you
“to my love, jean” | (0.6k) ↠ angst 
in which jean reads the valentines day letter you wrote for him
“look at the camera, baby” | (2.7k) ↠ modern au and nsfw
in which its jeans birthday and he wants to bring a camera into the bedroom, throughout the night the two of find yourself taking pictures of one another orgasm after orgasm
“aren’t you my good little kitten” | hybrid collab (4.2k) ↠ modern au and nsfw
in which you’re jean’s little kitten, spending the night getting off whilst he goes through paperwork before finally he has his way with you
☆ headcanons ☆
“now whose the flustered one” | requested (1.1k) ↠ fluff
in which giving affection to jean always leaves him swooning but as soon as he does it to you, you become an entire mess in front of him
“happy birthday, baby” | requested (1.6k) ↠ modern au and fluff
in which it’s your birthday and jean spends the day celebrating with you
sending nudes to their s/o | (0.1k) ↠ modern au and nsfw
in which the jean send you nudes
seeing another man flirt with their s/o | (0.1k) ↠ modern au and fluff
in which jean gets jealous after seeing another man try and flirt with you
sleeping beside his s/o | (0.1k) ↠ modern au and fluff
in which you have a sleeping position with jean
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✧・゚: *✧・゚:* 𝐌𝐀𝐑𝐂𝐎 𝐁𝐎𝐃𝐓 *:・゚✧*:・゚✧
☆ one shots ☆
“i’m so glad you’re okay” | requested (1.0k) ↠ au and fluff
in which marco never died in trost and you reunite after the fight against the titans with jean
“i want to be like them when we’re old and grey” | 1k event (1.0k) ↠ modern au and fluff
in which you and marco find yourselves on a date in the park, just as you’re about to part ways you see an elderly couple and marco realises he sees a future with you till the end
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✧・゚: *✧・゚:* 𝐄𝐑𝐖𝐈𝐍 𝐒𝐌𝐈𝐓𝐇 *:・゚✧*:・゚✧
☆ headcanons ☆
sleeping beside his s/o | (0.1k) ↠ modern au and fluff
in which you have a sleeping position with erwin
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✧・゚: *✧・゚:* 𝐋𝐄𝐕𝐈 𝐀𝐂𝐊𝐄𝐑𝐌𝐀𝐍 *:・゚✧*:・゚✧
☆ one shots ☆
“i always notice you, y/n” | requested (2.7k) ↠ fluff
in which you and levi are undercover doing reconnaissance in marley, want turns to stalking different marleyans leads to feelings being brought out from the two of you
“look at me y/n, you’re with me, you’ll be okay” | requested (2.1k) ↠ angst and fluff
in which you have a panic attack after a long scouting mission and levi comes and comforts you
“catch me” | (1.3k) ↠ fluff
in which you and levi are fighting kenny’s team, with your odm gear destroyed you only have one option to get out of this fight
“l...levi this is some sort of joke, it has to be” | requested (2.6k) ↠ platonic relationship and angst
in which you find out your adopted older brother died in shiganshina by levi, who offers you support and comfort in your crying need   
“i’d become a traitor just to be with you” | requested (2.4k) ↠ fluff
in which you’re a marley nurse having befriended levi without knowing his identity with the raid of liberio dawning on the survey corps having been followed by you, levi’s truth is revealed and a confession of your own, maybe there is happiness for you two
“sorry, i shouldn’t have kisse...” | 1k event (2.4k) ↠ modern au and fluff
in which after having a near encounter with your ex, you find yourself kissing your long term crush levi to make him go away, just as your about to apoligise, levi does something that you had never expected
“you might even become better than me” | requested (2.0k) ↠ fluff
in which levi trains you in the scouts, with your evident talent and continuous flirtations, levi takes it upon himself to teach you a lesson, even if it is to try and hide his crush on you
“so pretty in that maid outfit, now take it off...slowly” | 1k event (2.0k) ↠ modern au and nsfw 
in which levi buys you a maid outfit as a joke, now a week later you wear it waiting for him to come home, to give him exactly what he’s wanted since he bought it
“goodbye my love” | 1k event (1.7k) ↠ angst
in which in your final moments, you relive all your memories with levi until saying your last words to your love
☆ headcanons ☆
“i’m glad you made friends y/n” | requested (2.1k) ↠ platonic relationship and fluff
in which your parent figure levi sees you finally become a part of the survey corps, he can finally see people around you who will stick by and look out for you
seeing another man flirt with their s/o | (0.2k) ↠ modern au and fluff
in which the levi gets jealous after seeing another man try and flirt with you
sleeping beside his s/o | (0.1k) ↠ modern au and fluff
in which you have a sleeping position with levi
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✧・゚: *✧・゚:* 𝐂𝐎𝐋𝐓 𝐆𝐑𝐈𝐂𝐄 *:・゚✧*:・゚✧
➶ coming soon
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✧・゚: *✧・゚:* 𝐑𝐄𝐈𝐍𝐄𝐑 𝐁𝐑𝐀𝐔𝐍 *:・゚✧*:・゚✧
☆ one shots ☆
“hello boys and welcome to the show” | requested (4.9k) ↠ modern au and nsfw
in which reiner has an infatuation with cam girl y/n, after one of her shows he finds himself meeting her, revealing her secret, y/n finds gratitude by giving reiner exactly what he’s wanted since watching her
☆ headcanons ☆
sending nudes to their s/o | (0.1k) ↠ modern au and nsfw
in which the reiner send you nudes
seeing another man flirt with their s/o | (0.2k) ↠ modern au and fluff
in which the reiner gets jealous after seeing another man try and flirt with you
sleeping beside his s/o | (0.1k) ↠ modern au and fluff
in which you have a sleeping position with reiner
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✧・゚: *✧・゚:* 𝐏𝐎𝐑𝐂𝐎 𝐆𝐀𝐋𝐋𝐈𝐀𝐑𝐃 *:・゚✧*:・゚✧
☆ one shots ☆
“we were never just friends” | 1k event (2.7k) ↠ modern au and fluff
in which porco relives moments of his love for you until he finally gets what he had always wanted
☆ headcanons ☆
“i’ll make them listen, don’t worry baby” | requested (1.3k) ↠ modern au and fluff 
in which you the shy reader are in a relationship with porco 
“another lockdown with me, baby” | requested (1.2k) ↠ modern au, nsfw and fluff
in which you and porco spend another national lockdown together
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✧・゚: *✧・゚:* 𝐙𝐄𝐊𝐄 𝐘𝐄𝐀𝐆𝐄𝐑 *:・゚✧*:・゚✧
☆ one shots ☆
“you, you’re fucking home to me, okay?” | 1k event (1.5k) ↠ fluff
in which after an argument with zeke regarding his excessive jealousy and protectiveness over you, he finally reveals his true motives
"you’ll be mine one day”
part one | 1k event (2.5k) ↠ modern au and fluff
in which after meeting zeke multiple times throughout the month, every time saying the same thing, the only problem being that you have a drunken boyfriend in his way
part two | coming soon
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2K notes · View notes
junisfics · 4 years
series masterlist.
masterlist where all my multi part fics / longer fics come to live :)
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attack on titan.
the worthy* — eren jaeger (14/?) (95.0k) (ON HIATUS)
crossposted to: ao3
content: modern! au, unestablished relationships, cheating, friends to lovers, friends with nenefits, loss of virginity, hurt/ comfort, little bit of angst
summary: reader is reaching a point in her relationship where sex is coming up in conversation. but she's an inexperienced virgin. and who's better to show her the ropes than her best friend eren?
all this time* — armin arlert (4/4) (22k) COMPLETE
crossposted to: ao3 / wattpad
content: unestablished relationship, friends to lovers, mutual pining, eventual smut
summary: reader messages her best friend armin late one night while she's drunk and needy, but will she remember the things she said to him in the morning, and if she does... will she regret it?
we can share* — armin arlert + eren jaeger (1/2) (5k)
content: friends with benefits, smut, mutual pining, established and unestablished relationships, mentions of polyamory, cucking
summary: eren's more than willing to let his best friend fuck his girlfriend... even going as far as teaching him.
long fics.
if you give a dog a bone* — eren jaeger (19k)
cross posted to: ao3
content: college! au, mutual pining, sexual tension, eventual smut
there's been a blooming tension between reader and eren for the longest time, and when she shows up to a halloween party in a cute little puppy costume, the tension finally snaps
i know the end* — eren jaeger (18k)
cross posted to: ao3
content: canon-divergence, universe alteration, more than friends to ex-friends to lovers, angst, hurt/comfort, mutual pining, smut
alternately, eren returns from marley and back to paradis rather than going through with the raid on liberio. When he returns, his spirit is low and his health is declining, but reader helps build him back up despite it all
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my hero academia.
long fics.
single moms near me* — keigo takami (10k) COMPLETE
crossposted to: ao3 + wattpad
content: milf! reader, strangers to friends to lovers, eventual smut
after meeting a pretty mom in a coffee shop, keigo's determined to learn more about her
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405 notes · View notes