#arm lipo
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diamondintherioux Ā· 7 months ago
6 months post op
Well ladies and gentlemen, we made it. Six. Months. Post. Op. Wow. What a journey it has been. I feel like Iā€™ve lived 3 different lives.
This new body has given me what I always knew I had, shape. Real feminine shape that makes clothes actually fit my body. Itā€™s crazy to think how diet and exercise truly couldnā€™t give me this body. I feel like Iā€™m a butterfly floating through life. My jean size is smaller than what I wore in high school (granted I do think sizes are ā€œbiggerā€ nowadays.)
Itā€™s peak* week for me because next week Iā€™m leaving for vacation but Iā€™m already thinking about what Iā€™m going to do when I come home. For the past decade, every winter no matter how hard I try I always gain 10 lbs lol then I spend the spring and summer trying to lose it. Rinse and repeat. This year will obviously be different. I have a plan. When I come back Iā€™ll be wearing my faja 12 hrs a day (basically to curb my appetite from the compression.) I will up my personal training 2x a week. I want to do private Pilates classes 2x a week. I bought a walking pad so no excuses to not get 10k steps but in the winter I want to aim for 20k steps a day. Half inside half outside. After that is my meal plan. Prioritizing protein and water intake. Iā€™ve been slacking as per usual lol my lack of protein amps up my sugar addiction to supplement for my hunger lol I know itā€™s not funny and actually fucked up. I blame my mother for not cooking when I was younger and subsequently not teaching me.
In addition to fitness and nutrition I need to unclutter my mind. I have wayyyy too much stuff. Clothes, shoes, bags. Iā€™m going to do a fall cleaning and donate everything. Even the designer stuff. I have to make a promise to myself; no more secondhand shopping. I get it, trust me, more than anyone how ā€œgoodā€ it is for the environment. But I do believe there is a spiritual aspect to it that is negative. Bringing someoneā€™s thrown away trash (essentially) into your scared space, onto your body. Itā€™s bad. Iā€™ve been thrifting / vintage shopping since 2011 and let me tell you Iā€™ve accumulated so much shit lol itā€™s just not fun. Yeah youļæ½ļæ½ļæ½re saving a buck but who gives a fuck? lol in the grand scheme of things when you get older you wonā€™t want another personā€™s trash. Trust me. Thereā€™s a reason why rich people always remodel the homes they buy.
Beauty maintenance also starts in the winter. Stringent morning and nighttime routines. Red light therapy. Facials. Chemical peels. Micro-needling. Lasers. Lymphatic massages. I really want an eyebrow lift. I was thinking about getting an eyebrow transplant but I think an eyebrow lift is the way to go. Investing in your body > clothes/bags. Trust me
To circle back, this new body has changed my life. My job is to now maintain it and make sure it only gets better. You work out in the winter to show off in the summer. Next summer I want to be on a super yacht off the coast of Italy in the tiniest Brazilian bikini known to man. I want to take a photo 1 year post op and see how much Iā€™ve changed. I want to lose 10lbs and then I truly think Iā€™ll be happy (I swear Iā€™m not crazy)
Itā€™s so wild going from a size 6/8 to a 2/4 lol plastic surgery is so worth it if you do it slow, go to the best, and make tweaks
*peak week entails
Mani + pedi
Hair Botox
Brazilian wax (will get laser when I get back)
Eyelash extensions
Due to the location I going to Iā€™m not getting a spray tan but that would usually be on the list.
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boycannibal Ā· 1 year ago
they need to invent tank tops for people who are insecure abt their arms
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hotgirlmeg Ā· 7 months ago
sometimes I find out a new plastic surgery procedure and I'm like oh. Maybe I'm not doing so bad.
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feridaahferida Ā· 2 years ago
Arm liposuctionĀ is an effective procedure for removing slender and thin parts of the body. Removing unwanted fat deposits is a preferred option for many people who want more elegant and attractive arms. In this article you will learn more about arm liposuction, how it is used and what results can be achieved.
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seat-safety-switch Ā· 1 year ago
Remote controlled cars are a lot of fun, even if you're also into regular cars. Unlike their larger brethren, you don't need complicated legal entanglements like "insurance" or "roadworthiness inspections" to drive them. A vibrant community full of other weirdos who are also constantly breaking little plastic control arms is on offer. You'll make life-long friends and lure each other into spending thousands of dollars on toys.
It's that cost which bothers me. You see, I already spend enough money on cars. And I'm not especially easy on the equipment. When it comes down to having a functioning car that can get me to work, or a tiny plastic car that's fun, unfortunately the big metal thing is going to win every single time. How else will I make money with which to spend on the tiny plastic car? It was a real dilemma. Bowing out of the third shrunken-shitbox race event in a row because of cashflow problems had been weighing on my conscience. What would the other money-wasting folks think about my reticence to enter into insane amounts of debt?
I decided that I would try to cobble together something, anything, out of my pile of scraps. The same three things always break on RC cars, though, so I was not able to produce a complete car. By then, as if through a miracle, the multiple coffees and semi-legal convenience-store trucker stimulants had kicked in, and I was able to open my third eye to allow the solution to my problem to manifest. Or so my lawyer will tell you. He's big on exploring the limits of religious freedoms lately. I had lots of broken metal cars lying around the property, and there was no explicit rule in the local RC car club that all cars needed to be the same scale in order to compete.
Well, I'd like to tell you that I won first with my 1:1-scale remote-controlled Ford Econoline, but I didn't. Some of those little lipo buggies are fast as all hell, and avoided getting crushed beneath my wheels. Plus, it's hard to gauge how close you are to rolling the van when you're not driving it yourself. By the time we had gotten a bumper jack under it to move the wreckage back off of the vendor stand, it was too late for any more heats of the race. I'll be back next year, though. My neighbour left out a Fisher-Price Cozy Coupe in his alley. Bet that thing weighs way less.
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exeggcute Ā· 1 year ago
Dude I never thought about lipo for body dysmorphia stuff but your before and after pictures are amazing!!! Like I'm getting euphoria just looking at it lol if you don't mind me asking how much did it cost? Also how did the blood thinner injecting thing go? I'm so happy for you omg
not cheap lol. although tbf the surgeon I went with was on the more expensive side because he's in high demand, has his own in-house surgery center, does extensive follow-ups, etc. the other guy quoted me a price that was literally half as expensive, but that was the same guy who said he hated doing lipo and said it wouldn't work (in part I assume because he doesn't do the ultrasound skin-shrinky thing, which I assume costs extra). so if you go to someone who's good at lipo but isn't as ~boutique~ or whatever it'd probably be somewhere between the two. also worth noting that I have heard of people getting this stuff covered by insurance but I knew my chances were slim and my surgeon was cash-only regardless
the blood thinners were a bit of an ordeal tbh but only because I was actually pretty ambulatory (all things considered) and don't have high blood pressure to begin with so they made me sooooo woozy and gross-feeling lol. plus I had bronchitis from being intubated which didn't help. thankfully they let me stop taking them earlier than expected which was also a relief because my blood was so thin that the shots kept leaving huge hard bruises on my arms and noelle was running out of spots to inject... but she was a trooper about it!
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diamondintherioux Ā· 9 months ago
Iā€™ve been slacking ~shocker~ I know. Itā€™s hard I canā€™t lie. The summer is all about iced coffee and ice cream, sweet little treats, patio season. Itā€™s hard to resist. Iā€™m trying not to break my own balls and remind myself that life is about ā€œbalanceā€ but fuck itā€™s hard. I remind myself that I didnā€™t spend thousands of dollars to fuck up my progress by stuffing my face. The problem is where I live has been a catastrophic heat wave. Itā€™s so hot that just by being outside for 5 minutes will leave you drenched. I have to think about a lot. Not just my body but my skin. Itā€™s easier to just be a fat couch potato than go outside.
But that all changes this new week.
Itā€™s a big week for me. On Tuesday I get IPR done to my teeth. Iā€™ve been waiting 16 years for this. IPR is where they shave your teeth on the sides. Canā€™t wait to actually have straight teeth. My teeth are the one feature that I constantly get complimented on. Invisalign is taking it to another level. I also want to start a meal plan that I used back in 2019. I used to go to the gym 6x a week and eat 100% clean with this meal plan. I was absolutely tiny. Itā€™s wild for me because I remember at the time I still thought I was fat lol my problem is having sweets in the house. If itā€™s outside the house Iā€™m good. But once I have cookies or ice cream in the house I will devour it. The reason Iā€™m restarting this meal plan is because portion sizing is killing me. Iā€™m going to have to start measuring my meals again. Iā€™m doing this because Iā€™m going on vacation in September and I want to not only be in the best shape of life but I want to eat everythingggggg. This is a country where culinary arts are top tier.
I wear the faja overnight. I took a two week break from wearing it about 2.5 months post op. I know I should wear it more just for the curbing of the appetite aspect but with this heat it just makes it hard to breath. Pro tip: donā€™t get your surgery in the summer lol
This is my last week of ā€œclub Pilatesā€ and my personal trainer on vacation. Iā€™m ready to join a real Pilates studio or better yet start doing privates. I still get lymphatic drainage massages once I week. I really like the girl who does them so Iā€™ll just continue for her.
As you get older life and experience start weighing on you. Thatā€™s why you gain weight, develop wrinkles, etc. the youth really is wasted on the young. I was at the mall and all the girl are wearing tiny white crop tops with either denim shorts or tennis skirts. They are tiny. Size zero, perfect ratios with no surgery. All because they are young. Then you see their moms and foresee what they will look like in the future. Not good. While genetics plays a huge role, taking care of yourself if a lifelong endeavor.
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rainhalydia Ā· 8 months ago
Murder, tax fraud - take 2
I've posted a bit of this before, but I've retouched the part posted a bit since, so I'm posting what will amount to a first chapter at once here. Just finished writing this silliness literally this minute after MONTHS of nothing, so I'm very happy. Will probably post on Ao3 once I've edited it a bit.
Behold, Minshan and Wangji's modern AU sexcapade:
The Jianghu is located on a three-store building, the front a refined affair of muted colors and understated refinement. The reception area is more four generation law firm than gym. There is not a whiff of sweat in the air or grease stains anywhere. Even with coming here for a year already, Su Minshan is still shocked atā€¦ well, everything about it. These days, he makes an effort to hide his awe. He knows better than to show any appreciation for what others take for granted.
Old money does things differently. He has his own gym equipment at home ā€“ weights, mats, treadmill, an ergonomic bike when he feels like taking in some fresh air ā€“ but as with everything else, coming here is not about exercising. Itā€™s about seeing and being seen. Networking. Casual conversation in the hallways. Someone vaguely remembering your face when you cross paths on an actual business setting, and that faint recognition landing you an advantage, however small. Things that donā€™t come naturally to Su Minshan, which makes every small step forwards all that more crucial.
A part of him still scoffs at such a thing as an exclusive gym. He would have thought the price would be the only real barrier, an invisible but almost insurmountable deterrent, but the elite canā€™t have any contact with the riff-raff, not for anything as mundane as cardio or weight training. It took bribing and favors to get an invite here. When it finally arrived, it came in a golden-trimmed scroll, a password written in perfect calligraphy. So expensive Su Minshan almost felt unworthy of touching it.
He knows he is worthy of it all. He has actually worked for all he has, earned his good fortune and success. He deserves it much more than the plethora of heirs and trophy wives here, itā€™s an objective fact. And yet, he always feels out of place among these people who should be his peers, their silence judgment or indifference weighting on him more than the barbell heā€™s lifting dutifully.
The feeling increases tenfold the day Lan Wangji walks through the door.
He turns heads as he passes, as itā€™s to be expected. His face is perfect, even more so than in his teen years, for not even that peerless beauty had escaped a few pimples. Heā€™s filled out too, adolescent lankness replaced by bulging muscle. If the world was fair, Minshan would say Lan Wangji had been through at least a few lipo to attain such a completely sculpted shape. As it is, he can believe he is all natural.
Of course he doesnā€™t notice Su Minshan. Unlike the nightmare hall monitor, virtuoso musician, star athlete that helped parents shatter the confidence of all Chinese-American kids in school, Su Minshan had been a nobody. He studied hard, got good grades, and tried his best at extracurriculars, but nothing that could grab the attention of Lan Wangki, much less amount to something like a proper rival for him.
Still, something in him burns seeing his old one-sided nemesis walk by, long shiny hair flowing behind him like he carries his own portable, invisible wind-machine for a shampoo ad effect everywhere. It would be less humiliating if he had an actual wind-machine on him. Then Minshanā€™s own hair, plastered to his nape, wouldnā€™t be so offensive.
Before he can talk himself out of it, he positions himself next to Lan Wangji and watches, arms crossed, as he goes through a series on the bench press. Three repetitions of forty, three plates each side. No spotter.
He doesnā€™t wait for Lan Wangji to wipe away the sweat or put away the weights. He barely waits for Lan Wangji to vacate the bench. As soon as the man is up, Su Minshan takes his place.
He can bench six plates just fine, though usually with less repetitions. It doesnā€™t matter now. He copies Lan Wangjiā€™s series, arms straining under the unfamiliar push on top of having done his own training already, and only stops when he has finished the whole thing.
Thereā€™s no helping the self-satisfied smirk on his face when heā€™s done. Take that, Lan Wangji! Youā€™re not the only strong guy here!
The smirk grows when he sees that Lan Wangji has been watching him, as openly as Su Minshan had done.
With a nod, Lan Wangji goes to the next exercise ā€“ the abductor. Of course perfect Lan Wangji doesnā€™t skip leg day. Then, he looks at Su Minshan, making sure heā€™s watching, and starts his series.
Itā€™s uncomfortable, this time, to watch Lan Wangji open and close his legs. Itā€™s impossible to not notice the bulge in his groin, perfectly tucked in and yet so big that it cannot be hidden; the movements just draw the eye there! And of course Lan Wangji is not only bigger than Su Minshan, but bigger than most porn stars. That tracks with his life.
Still, Su Minshan watches, flustered and angry about it, until Lan Wangji is done. Then he does the same thing as before: jumps on the machine as soon as itā€™s vacated, repeats the exercise precisely like Lan Wangji did.
They go on like this through what must be Lan Wangjiā€™s full routine, and then some.
At the final exercise, Su Minshanā€™s leg betrays him. His calf cramps, contracting painfully, and he falls on his ass instead of completing his squat.
He mutters a curse under his breath as he massages the traitorous muscle. Lan Wangji looms over him, undefeated. Nothing new about that, except for the conceited smirk on his lips. Su Minshan sees it as he looks up and almost forgets to be annoyed: barely there, itā€™s the most expression heā€™s ever seen on Lan Wangjiā€™s face.
ā€œShower,ā€ Lan Wangji commands, looking down on him, and turns around, effectively ending their impromptu competition.
Su Minshan splutters a protest, red-faced on all the wall-length mirrors in the room. He watches as Lan Wangji once again commanders all the attention from every eye as he exits, thankfully leaving Minshan to get up and drag himself around, leg still spasming, with some privacy.
A contrarian part of him wants to refuse to retrace Lan Wangjiā€™s steps. Why should he obey him? Who is he to give Su Minshan orders? But heā€™s not a kid anymore. Heā€™s not about to go home sweaty, disrupting his day even more, to give a figurative middle finger to someone not even looking his direction to see it anymore.
He gives his back a literal middle finger instead.
When he enters the bathroom, Lan Wangji is sat on a bench close to the lockers, a leg crossed over the opposite knee, arms crossed, a shower kit on his lap. Waiting for something. He doesnā€™t move when Su Minshan enters, nor does he turn his eyes away as Minshan undresses, uncouth and uncaring about it as always.
Su Minshan shoves his dirty clothes in his bag with haste, slipping quickly into a shower stall, feeling inadequate and judged. Maybe heā€™s not as chiseled as fucking Lan Wangji, but itā€™s not like he has anything to be ashamed of. Fuck stupid Lan Wangji.
To add insult to injury, the shower refuses to give him any hot water. He gets a violent lukewarm blast to the face and a gush up his nostrils.
Fuck this stupid shower. Fuck this stupid rich people gym.
Heā€™s still coughing when he hears footsteps approaching. Then the stall door opening. He turns around, alarmed, and almost falls on his ass again when he slips on some leftover soap from somebodyā€™s else shower.
Lan Wangji stops his fall by grabbing his forearm.
Casually, like he hasnā€™t just invaded another guyā€™s shower, he closes the door behind him. They stand in the spacious cabin, staring at each other, Lan Wangjiā€™s freakishly long fingers around his arm the only point of contact between them. Lan Wangji makes no move to kick him out of his own shower. So, no, despite being completely naked, heā€™s not here to steal Minshanā€™s cubicle in some weird power play. Nor could he have miraculously predicted Minshan snapping his neck and decided to interfere to save the gym staff the clean-up; not even perfect Lan Wangji, the next stage of human evolution, has developed that kind of foresight.
Su Minshan is all out of ideas about what is happening.
It dawns on him all at once, though, when Lan Wangji reaches for his cock.
Su Minshan watches, fascinated, as Lan Wangji generously pumps him to half-mast with a soft palm thatā€™s nonetheless dry as fuck. Heā€™s had his own gym hook-ups, of course. Heā€™s cruised before. Never in a million years heā€™d have acted like he did if he was trying to seduce someone into his pants. But thatā€™s what passes for flirting on Lan Wangjiā€™s mind.
It soon becomes clear that as mind-blowing as that insight into Lan Wangjiā€™s thought process was, itā€™s also incomplete. Su Minshan watches with a sense of both amusement and doom as the gears clearly go on turning in Lan Wangjiā€™s brain and translate into astonishing actions. Minshanā€™s lost their competition, true, and that apparently means a two-minute handjob is all he gets before Lan Wangji clearly grows bored with it. His dick is also, absurdly, half-hard despite no touching yet, despite Minshanā€™s hands lying flat and disinterested at the side of his body. He finds something about this bizarre bathroom adventure enticing despite all odds. Or perhaps heā€™s that horny behind his mask of indifference.
The cherry on top, Minshan reflects, is that having won their little dispute, Lan Wangji thinks that has entitled him to top. He abandons the useless pursuit of trying to arouse Su Minshan further and presses on his waist to make him turn around. When he doesnā€™t turn, he slips his hands behind Minshan to knead at his ass and graze fingertips at his hole. Itā€™s a forceful touch, with much more strength than necessary, and yet Minshan hesitates. He could stop this now with a word. Heā€™s no more inclined to like Lan Wangji than he was before entering the strange parallel universe of this shower stall, but the man is objectively hot. Out of Su Minshanā€™s league entirely, some would say.
In the end he turns, more out of curiosity than anything else.
Lan Wangji, it must be said, is efficient about it. Heā€™s focused. Once heā€™s inside, he hones in on Su Minshanā€™s prostrate like a fucking precision missile. He pistons in and out like a man possessed. Like a sex machine.
Mechanical is the exact word that flows gently into Minshanā€™s mind as heā€™s plowed into.
The only hiccup is at the start, when Lan Wangji tries to enter him dry, despite the weapon of mass destruction he carries between his legs. Su Minshan has to turn back with a ā€œhey!ā€ and slather his cock with the gymā€™s expensive soap before he can damage anything. Aside from that, itā€™s perhaps the most perfectly choreographed quickie Minshan has ever lived through. Perhaps the most perfectly choreographed quickie in the story of all mankind.
Lan Wangji comes inside without asking, like the rude asshole he is. By then, Minshan has long since flagged. Heā€™s counting the drops of water running down the wall tiles for entertainment when it happens: with a stronger thrust, Lan Wangji flattens his hips against his ass checks, going as deep as humanly possible, and groans on Minshanā€™s ear.
Orgasm makes him generous again. Heā€™s barely pulled out when he reaches a hand around Minshan again to cup his flaccid cock.
ā€œNo need,ā€ Minshan says, batting his hand away as he turns around.
Lan Wangjiā€™s face shifts into smugness again, an unfairly good look on him. He clearly thinks that heā€™s some sex god that made his partner come untouched. Itā€™s possible that thatā€™s even something that happens to him, Minshan thinks; some people are into being used as a sentient fleshlight, and those kind of freaks would be in heaven with Lan Wangji, human jackhammer.
Su Minshan is willing to accept his own share of guilty in this case. His satisfied smile, fixed on his face despite his best efforts since Lan Wangjiā€™s first thrust, is certainly doing nothing to disabuse the man of that impression.
He keeps smiling, somewhat more subdued, as he showers and dresses himself. He smiles as he nods goodbye to Lan Wangji, as he leaves the gym and walks to his car on the parking lot. He even smiles through a wince when he sits on the leather seat, at the reminder of the earlier act.
Lan Wangji is bad at sex. Perfect, unbeatable Lan Wangji who knows no defeat in any area of life, is terrible at sex.
Su Minshan raises a toast with the long-forgotten bottle in the cup-holder before starting his car. The room temperature tap water tastes like victory.
He glows the rest of the day.
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sithlich Ā· 1 year ago
I ALWAYS mention having DDD cups before top surgery because i think it's very formative to my personality. It felt completely surreal to go from DDD to flat. I still have a lot of fat under my arms (underarm lipo cost extra) and I'm still quite hourglass shaped. As soon as I woke up from surgery it felt like a huge literal and physical weight was lifted off me. The dysphoria was like tinnitus or water torture, constant drip feed that would sometimes escalate into a full on meltdown when I had to get dressed. I feel so unbelievably lucky when I get dressed every day now. Being able to just throw on any shirt and pants and being dressed in 5 minutes or less feels like magic, still 6 years later.
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cloudninetonine Ā· 2 years ago
An ethereal figure made of light watched as her poor hero fell to his knees sobbing. Solid white eyes filled with tears of their own as their heart ached with sorrow, why couldnā€™t fate be nice to him for once? They floated over to the weeping boy, glowing hair flowing as if underwater, and gently wrapped their arms around him, trying their best to shield him from the cruel world around them. The island around them slowly disappeared as they tried to sooth the pinkish-blondeā€™s broken heart. A soft, wavering voice, barely louder than a whisper, soon rang out. ā€œAloha Ź»oe, aloha Ź»oe~ā€ the voice quivered slightly, ā€œE ke onaona noho i ka lipo~ā€ Though this was far from the first time heā€™d heard the song, Link still couldnā€™t recognize the language nor understand it. The Triforce was seemingly unable to translate it and no matter how hard he looked, he couldnā€™t find a single place with that exact language. There were a few that were similar, but there was always some detail that was missing. He briefly wondered if maybe it was a precursor-variantā€¦ ā€œOne fond embrace, a hoŹ»i aŹ»e au~ā€ A protective squeeze pulled him out of his thoughts, and he found himself hugging back instinctively, tear-streaked face buried in the spiritā€™s chest. The song left a bittersweet taste in his mouth. Heā€™d long since learned that it marked when his guide neared the end of their stay and it felt like a shaky, desperate promise (or maybe even a disguised plea to the goddesses) that theyā€™d see each other again someday. ā€œUntil we meet againā€¦~ā€
Iā€™m sorry, this got stuck in my brain and IĀ had to share.Ā 
Well this was both beautiful and gut-wrenching KLJ.DEHKEDF
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princessbubblegumandjustice Ā· 2 years ago
In 2 weeks Iā€™m getting skin removed and lipo. After 90 pounds of weight loss Iā€™ve made the decision to remove extra skin and stubborn fat in my upper arms, armpit, and bra area.
Super excited to see the results and hopefully it helps me feel like my weight loss is more complete. In a way Iā€™ve felt punished for losing weight, paying for better health with stretched skin and areas that seem untouched.
Good things are coming ā­ļø
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plasticsurgeondelhi Ā· 10 months ago
LiposuctionĀ is one of the most popular cosmetic procedure in both men and women. It is nowadays known by many different terms like Liposculpture, Lipo or Lipoplasty. It is a surgical procedure which evacuates excess fat deposits from the body that have not been responding to diet and exercise. This procedure helps in improving body contours and proportions and can safely be performed on most of the body areas including face, neck, arms, abdomen, back, thigh, chest and thighs.
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2206354 Ā· 1 year ago
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162 ā€¦ slow goin but ok. I wasnā€™t able to do any of my HIIT workouts this week bc of some disgusting ingrown hair ā€œinjuriesā€ and I can barely move lol but I went for long walks instead ?? Doesnā€™t get my heart rate up at all but maybe itā€™s good to get outside a little lol until this ~situation~ heals I think that will be my alternative plus I need to do arms more . I wish I was a bitch who could get arm lipo bc I have so much loose skin itā€™s nasty af. Iā€™m extremely stressed at work and barely hanging on by a thread ā€¦ this is exactly the time of year where I relapse ā€¦ I want to be like 20 lbs smaller before I do .. but at this rate Iā€™ll never get there lol .
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teenmomcentral Ā· 1 year ago
Here are some of the major (and minor but interesting) ā€˜Teen Momā€™-related things that happened over the last week or soā€¦
Kail Lowry Says Sheā€™s Getting More Plastic Surgery; Wants Her Butt Reduced
Kail said she regretsĀ lettingĀ Dr. MiamiĀ inflate her rear endĀ with a Brazilian Butt Lift (BBL) years ago, and now wants to get the procedure reversed.
On Fridayā€™s episode of herĀ Barely FamousĀ podcast, Kail talked about the plastic surgery sheā€™s gotten over the years, including a tummy tuck, Lipo 360 and the BBL sheĀ had done live on Snapchat byĀ Dr. Miami in 2016. She told her friendĀ BoneĀ that her posterior has grown too big for her liking.
ā€œIn January, I am going to start looking into surgeons for a butt reduction,ā€ Kail said. ā€œBecause it is so outrageously big. It hurts, itā€™s uncomfortable, it doesnā€™t fit into anything.ā€Ā 
Kail admitted that she was told when she had herĀ 2016 BBLĀ and other surgeries that if she gained weight post-surgery her butt would get bigger. (If youā€™ve managed to somehow block out the memories of Dr. Miami carving up Kailā€™s caboose live on Snapchat, allow The Ashley to remind you that Kail had the surgeries after her son Lincoln was born. She has gone on toĀ haveĀ fiveĀ more kids since then.)Ā 
During the podcast episode, Kail told Bone that she is afraid to try to lose weight through diet and exercise.
ā€œI donā€™t know how crazy [my butt] is gonna look if I start losing weight,ā€ she said. ā€œIs my butt going to sag? So I need it to be, like, surgically done.ā€
Back in June, Kail mentioned that her BBL results were less-than-stellar.
ā€œI love plastic surgery,ā€ Kail said on theĀ Dumb Blonde Podcast. ā€œThe only regret I have is not waiting until I was done having kids. I had the Mommy Makeover after my second son and I could definitely go for another.ā€
She said of all her cosmetic procedures, her BBL has aged the worst.Ā 
ā€œI donā€™t love [my BBL]. I want it removed immediately,ā€ she said. ā€œGravity is kind of pulling it down a little bitā€¦.Dr. Miami did mine and I asked him about it. He said when you gain weight, youā€™re going to gain wherever your fat cells are. He moved [fat cells] to my butt. My butt has grown exponentially.
ā€œWhen I did the BBL and I did the Lipo 360 I wanted everything to match because I felt like, ā€˜I canā€™t have a huge butt and then have my waist be small and my arms big.ā€™ So I had it in my arms. My butt and my arms have grown insane. But now what? I donā€™t know what I can do about it. Gravity pulls down your butt a little bit and it just looks crazy and I canā€™t find jeans that fit me.ā€
Kail said in JuneĀ that she didnā€™t want to have any more surgery until she was (finally) done having kids. (She recently stated thatĀ she wants to get her tubes tiedĀ now that sheā€™s birthed her twinsā€” aka Babies No. 6 and No. 7.)
ā€œI maintained it for a long time, but I got pregnant the same year that I got my Mommy Makeover. So that was my biggest mistake,ā€ Kail said. ā€œI should have had all the kids I wanted to have and then got it.ā€
Farrah Abraham Calls Out Jenelle Evans For Latest CPS Drama; David Eason Accuses Farrah of Letting Daughter ā€œTag Alongā€ While ā€œTrickingā€Ā 
Let the battle of bad parentingā€“- featuring fired ā€˜Teen Momā€™ starsā€“- continue!Ā 
Less than a week after fired ā€˜Teen Mom OGā€™ starĀ Farrah AbrahamĀ and fired ā€˜Teen Mom 2ā€™ starĀ Jenelle EvansĀ took swipes at each otherĀ over social media regarding theirĀ respective parenting decisions, the Backdoor Teen Mom and Lady of The Land are back at it.Ā 
Farrah toldĀ TMZĀ this week that, while sheā€™s basically nailing this whole parenting thing, sheĀ canā€™t say the same for Jenelle, given Jenelle (and husbandĀ David Easonā€™s) latest drama with Child Protective Services (CPS).Ā 
ā€œI am not shading Jenelle but I think ā€˜Teen Momā€™ fans or haters still get it confused at where I am at in my life,ā€ Farrah toldĀ TMZĀ in her signature ā€œFarrah Speakā€ style. ā€œThere is other teen moms who have CPS issues, like Jenelle presently. I think we need to leave some of that CPS messy stuff out of my family and out of my dating dynamic. That definitely upsets me.
ā€œI work very hard to be the best single parent that I can ever be,ā€ Farrah said before seemingly taking a swipe at Jenelleā€™sĀ decision to stand by DavidĀ despite him being charged with child abuse recently.Ā 
ā€œI canā€™t say the same for others and their dating lives and the men they choose to date who seem to be abusive,ā€ The Big F said. ā€œIā€™m not welcoming that into my life at all.ā€Ā 
As The Ashley previously told you, Jenelle and David areĀ currently under CPS investigation; however, just last week, it was Jenelle who took to Instagram urging for a ā€œwelfare checkā€ to be conducted at Farrahā€™s home.Ā Ā 
David was clearly not happy that Farrah spoke about the CPS situation he and Jenelle are currently dealing with. He fired off some talkinā€™ words in the comment section ofĀ TMZā€™s Facebook post, claiming (just as Jenelle recently did) that itā€™sĀ FarrahĀ who CPS needs to be keeping a watchful eye on.Ā 
ā€œI think CPS would love to know why Farrah let her child tag along while she was allegedly escorting or ā€˜trickingā€™ as some would call it,ā€ David wrote. ā€œI call it prostitution but hey, I only know what Iā€™m told by close sources.ā€Ā 
Davidā€™s comments come just a week after Farrah (sort of) debutedĀ the new man in her lifeĀ on Instagram, which resulted in haters speculating within the comment section of her post that her new boo was actually aĀ ā€œJohnā€. (Farrah recently denied the claims that she was a paid escort, stating in an interview that ā€œthere are no illegal activities going on in my life.ā€)
Still, several commenters on the post suggested that CPS be called on Farrah for allegedly leaving her teenage daughter at home alone on Thanksgiving while she was living in up in the Caribbean with her new man.Ā 
As The Ashley told you last week, the comments ultimately inspired Farrah to fire off a(nother)Ā dig at Jenelle, seemingly due to Jenelleā€™s familiarity with the agency.Ā 
Farrah has yet to respond to Davidā€™s latest accusation.Ā 
Nathan Griffithā€™s Ex Ashley LanhardtĀ Dodges the BulletĀ Ties the Knot
Ashley Lanhardt, ex-girlfriend of former ā€˜Teen Mom 2ā€™ dad (and former swolemate ofĀ Jenelle Evans)Ā Nathan Griffith, is officially married.Ā 
Ashley and her husband,Ā Richard ā€œLeeā€ Runionā€“- who announced their engagement in November 2022ā€“- were married in a ceremony last weekend held at the Powel Crosley Estate in Sarasota, Florida.Ā 
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While Ashley mostly stayed out of the spotlight during her relationship with Nathan, fans of ā€˜Teen Mom 2ā€™ may remember her appearing on a few episodes of the show. One of Ashleyā€™s most memorable ā€˜Teen Mom 2ā€™ moments happened during the Reunion taping in 2017, during which Ashley hugged Jenelleā€™s mom,Ā Barbara Evans, resulting in Jenelle becoming enraged andĀ causing a huge sceneĀ in the hallway backstage.Ā 
The Ashley revealed in March 2021 that Nate and Ashley hadĀ gone their separate waysĀ after more than three years of dating, with Ashley reportedly being the one who ended the relationship.Ā While Nate initially denied that he and Ashley split, he went on toĀ confirm the breakupĀ four months later on social media. Nathan even gave a shout-out to the new man in Ashleyā€™s life at the time.Ā 
ā€œHeā€™s a very attractive guy,ā€ Nate said. ā€œHim and Ashley are together right now.ā€Ā 
As of this week, Ashley and her man are togetherĀ forever.Ā 
Ashley spoke veryĀ HIGH! HIGH!Ā highly of Lee in October while sharing a photo on social media of the two of them obtaining their marriage license.Ā 
ā€œ ā€¦ I have never been more excited for anything in my life,ā€ she wrote. ā€œI canā€™t wait to marry this handsome man. God knew I needed him. Iā€™m so grateful for such a patient, loving, reassuring person to spend my life with.ā€Ā 
As The Ashley previously reported, Nathan has moved on from his long relationship with Ashley as well. Last year,Ā he marriedĀ May Oyola. However, it appears their on-and-off-again relationship may be ā€œoffā€ again, as May recently deleted all photos of Nathan off her Instagram account. In August, May and Nathan had celebrated their joint move to Las Vegas with a family photoshoot. (Those photos have since been deleted from Mayā€™s Instagram.)
Corey Simms Wins For ā€˜Teen Momā€™ Dad of the Year
Ali Simms isnā€™t letting her Muscular Dystrophy stop her from doing anything she wantsā€” and her dad, Corey, is right behind her to lend a helping hand, literally.
The ā€˜Teen Mom 2ā€² dad warmed fansā€™ hearts over the weekend when an Instagram video posted by his father,Ā Jeff Simms, circulated the Interwebs. In the video, Ali (whose mom isĀ Leah Messer) can be seen playing her clarinet with her schoolā€™s marching band during a holiday parade.
Ali, who usually uses an electric wheelchair to help her with mobility, was obviously unable to play the clarinet and use her hand to control the wheelchair, so her dad Corey stepped in to push her in a wheelchair during the parade.
ā€œCorey has stepped up so much since they were babies; you can tell heā€™s had a great role model in Poppa Jeff,ā€ one person wrote in the comment section of the video. ā€œIā€™m glad she got to participate and if yā€™all donā€™t notice heā€™s perfectly in step with everyone else!ā€
ā€œIā€™m so glad Corey was there, he sure is an awesome daddy,ā€ another person wrote. ā€œThe girls are blessed to have him.ā€
Ali was diagnosed with a rare form of Muscular Dystrophy in 2014. Last year, Leah posted an update to Instagram on Aliā€™s condition, following her bi-annual checkup with Aliā€™s specialist Dr. Tsao.
ā€œAll great things- [Dr. Tsao] sees more of an improvement than he ever has, mind & body,ā€ Leah wrote on Instagram. ā€œHe said what he sees is remarkable because she seems a lot strongerā€¦ He gave a lot of credit to her love, hard work and dedication to reaching horseback riding goals that she sets for herself.
ā€œReflex is still the same but strength is better- pulmonary is better- weight and growth chart is better than it has ever been,ā€ Leah wrote.
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brooklynislandgirl Ā· 2 years ago
{Legitimately a crime to cut This, and it hurts my soul to do it} @kylo-wrecked
Knit two, purl two. An ever cascading rib stitch while she balances her phone between her ear and her jaw. Elizabeth Riley is no stranger to the small hours that permeate the human experience and people it with dread. With fears that were born with the earth or perhaps even long before it. Itā€™s almost a shame that he canā€™t see the soft smile that blooms like certain varietals of pikake. A shame he isnā€™t laying across her couch with his head in her lap while she strokes his hair and occasionally forces small sips of herbal tea on him, promising to add a touch more honey next time.
ā€œHi,ā€ she murmurs in his pause.Ā ā€œYou up to sometā€™ing exciting?ā€
A fire-hazard of candles and dim lamp light bath her in flickering amber light. The colour reminds her of those moments sunlight shine directly into his eyes before he blinks himself and everything else away.
He isnā€™t really calling her so late because he wants to debate the sweeping expanse of ideals and realism.Ā ā€œItā€™s late,ā€ she says.Ā ā€œAnd arenā€™t you small kine past cramming?ā€ She hears movement, imagines the restless sprawl of uncoordinated limbs.
And maybe relief courses through her when he changes tack but doesnā€™t wholly furl his verbal sails. Good. She doesnā€™t think he wants to really know that medical humanities were more focused, or when she was in her approaching her residency she actively cared for a child with congenital heart disease as he died of multi-system organ failure and no poetry or philosophical argument could tell her how to let go, or help her soothe him. It was no mystery why she withdrew from the field much to her mentorā€™s disappointment and understanding entwined, though it isnā€™t something sheā€™s talked to Ben about. Heā€™d see her as weak. His anxiety shapes his words though and all of her rises up to try and comfort him despite being only a voice carried on the waves between cell towers. He makes her ache with that innocent honesty. And his voice, when it swells, swallows her wince. ā€œYeah, I sā€™pose so, but I like Brooklyn. Less scary tā€™ me dan da city, ya know? Buildings like mountains, blottinā€™ out da sky. Light pollution. But time..no cure for dat, I donā€™ tā€™ink.ā€ It becomes her turn to falter before a little breath somewhere between sigh and gasp telegraphs that sheā€™s stumbled something.
ā€œSo whaā€™ I wan ya do fā€™ me, okay? Unclench yaself, anā€™ cuddle up in whaā€™evah way make you mosā€™ comfortable, okay?ā€
Even when she commands, she makes it sound like a request.
ā€œNow, want ya close ya eyes, anā€™ take deep breaā€™d in, deep breaā€™d out.ā€ She imagines him on his side, arms and legs wrapped around a body pillow, the way he would sleep if he ever stayed a full night with her. She closes her eyes in solidarity. Breathes as she instructed. Then, very quietly at first, she reaches back to her childhood, her infancy. She reaches to the piece of herself sheā€™s kept so far out of Benā€™s reach, he likely doesnā€™t know it exists. At first he might hear the hesitation in her tone, she hasnā€™t chanted properly in what feels like aeons, nor is she a Mea oli, but while she never quite gains volume or speed, it would be almost impossible not to hear her bloom in her soft utterances. ā€œ...O ke au i kahuli wela ka honua ā€œO ke au i kahuli lolo ka lani ā€œO ke au i kukaā€™aika ka la ā€œE hoā€™omalamalama i ka malama ā€œO ke au o Makaliā€™i ka po ā€œO ka walewale hoā€™okumu honua ia ā€œO ke kumu o ka lipo, i lipo ai ā€œO ke kumu o ka Po, i po ai ā€œO ka lipolipo, o ka lipolipo ā€œO ka lipo o ka la, o ka lipo o ka po ā€œPo wale ho--ā€™i ā€œHanau ka po ā€œHanau Kumulipo i ka po, he kane ā€œHanau Poā€™ele i ka po, he wahine...ā€
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floraclinton1200 Ā· 1 day ago
This patientā€™s journey is nothing short of extraordinary. After years of living a sedentary lifestyle, he felt unhappy with his body and decided it was time for a major change. He transformed his lifestyleā€”consistently hitting the gym, overhauling his diet, and rebuilding his physique completely.
Despite impressive muscle gains, he struggled with stubborn fat and excess loose skin that exercise alone couldn't fix. That's when he turned to me for a full-body transformation surgery, blending artistry with surgical precision to deliver life-changing results.
Here's exactly how we achieved his dramatic results:
šŸ”¹ Gladiator Lipo & Arm Sculpting ā€“ Expertly removing stubborn fat to reveal deeply defined, ultra-masculine muscle contours.
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