#arise solar
praizeice · 5 months
THEN WHEN IGRIS "ARISE" I WAS SO FUCKIN 🥶🥶🥶🥶🥶🥶🥶🥶🥶🥶🥶💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥
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esoteric-goblin · 9 months
on worldbuilding, and what people think is going on
there is one facet of fantasy worldbuilding that is, to me, the most interesting and essential but i don't see it come up in worldbuilding guides or writing prompts or anything, and that is the question of:
what do the inhabitants of your world believe about how the world works, and how are they wrong? a lot of fantasy media will set up their cosmology, gods, magic systems, planar systems, concepts of the afterlife, &c., and proceed as though the inhabitants of the world know and understand them.
from someone whose entire academic career is focused on studying human culture in various regions and time periods, with a focus on belief systems (religion, occultism, mythology, folklore): that sort of worldbuilding is unrealistic and missing out on so much fun.
people are always seeking new understanding about how the world works, and they are mostly wrong. how many models of the solar system were proposed before we reached our current one? look at the long, turbulent history of medicine and our various bizarre models for understanding the human body and how to fix it. so many religions and occult/magical traditions arise from people disagreeing with or adapting various models of the world based on new ideas, methods, technologies. many of them are wrong, but all of them are interesting and reflect a lot about the culture, beliefs, values, and fears of the people creating/practising them.
there is so much more to the story of what people believe about the world than just what is true.
to be clear: i think it's fine and important for the author to have a coherent explanation for where magic comes from or who the gods are, so they can maintain consistency in their story. but they should also be asking what people in the world (especially different people, in different regions/nations and different times) think is happening when they do magic, or say a prayer, or practise medicine, or grieve their dead. it is a rich vein for conflict between individuals and nations alike when two models of the world disagree. it is fascinating how different magic systems might develop according to different underlying beliefs.
personally, i think it is the most fun to spawn many diverse models of the world, but give none of them the 'right' answer.
(bonus points if you also have a thriving academic system in the world with its own theory, research, and discourse between factions! as an academic, it is very fun to imagine fictional academic debate over the topics i'm worldbuilding. sometimes i will be working out details for some underlying mechanic of the world and start imagining the papers being written by scholars researching it)
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reasonsforhope · 9 months
"Cody Two Bears, a member of the Sioux tribe in North Dakota, founded Indigenized Energy, a native-led energy company with a unique mission — installing solar farms for tribal nations in the United States.
This initiative arises from the historical reliance of Native Americans on the U.S. government for power, a paradigm that is gradually shifting.
The spark for Two Bears' vision ignited during the Standing Rock protests in 2016, where he witnessed the arrest of a fellow protester during efforts to prevent the construction of the Dakota Access Pipeline on sacred tribal land.
Disturbed by the status quo, Two Bears decided to channel his activism into action and create tangible change.
His company, Indigenized Energy, addresses a critical issue faced by many reservations: poverty and lack of access to basic power.
Reservations are among the poorest communities in the country, and in some, like the Navajo Nation, many homes lack electricity.
Even in regions where the land has been exploited for coal and uranium, residents face obstacles to accessing power.
Renewable energy, specifically solar power, is a beacon of hope for tribes seeking to overcome these challenges.
Not only does it present an environmentally sustainable option, but it has become the most cost-effective form of energy globally, thanks in part to incentives like the Inflation Reduction Act of 2022.
Tribal nations can receive tax subsidies of up to 30% for solar and wind farms, along with grants for electrification, climate resiliency, and energy generation.
And Indigenized Energy is not focused solely on installing solar farms — it also emphasizes community empowerment through education and skill development.
In collaboration with organizations like Red Cloud Renewable, efforts are underway to train Indigenous tribal members for jobs in the renewable energy sector.
The program provides free training to individuals, with a focus on solar installation skills.
Graduates, ranging from late teens to late 50s, receive pre-apprenticeship certification, and the organization is planning to launch additional programs to support graduates with career services such as resume building and interview coaching...
The adoption of solar power by Native communities signifies progress toward sustainable development, cultural preservation, and economic self-determination, contributing to a more equitable and environmentally conscious future.
These initiatives are part of a broader movement toward "energy sovereignty," wherein tribes strive to have control over their own power sources.
This movement represents not only an economic opportunity and a source of jobs for these communities but also a means of reclaiming control over their land and resources, signifying a departure from historical exploitation and an embrace of sustainable practices deeply rooted in Indigenous cultures."
-via Good Good Good, December 10, 2023
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certifiedsolar · 2 years
Buying a Solar Panel System in Brisbane Can Cut Your Electricity Bills by Over $1400 a Year
The Sunshine State of Queensland leads the way in solar energy generation. With over half a million roof top systems installed, Brisbane is a popular choice for households who want to reduce their environmental footprint and save money on electricity costs.
Buying a solar energy Brisbane can be a big financial decision. However, it’s a wise one that will pay for itself in the long run. The best solar panels are designed to last for 25 years or more, while the installation is low-maintenance and can be done at a relatively affordable price.
A Solar Panel System in Brisbane Can Cut Your Electricity Bills by Over $1400 a Year
The price of electricity is rising faster than the cost of gas, causing businesses and homeowners to search for ways to control their energy expenses. The average Australian household spends around $1400 per year on their power bills, and in Queensland, this figure can be more than twice that amount.
When you switch to solar power, your energy bills are reduced – and you can even get credits for the excess power you produce in the form of feed-in tariffs. In addition, you can help reduce your carbon emissions by switching to solar.
If you’re considering purchasing a solar panel system in Brisbane, you may be wondering which provider is best for you. We’ve put together a list of some of the most well-known and reliable solar companies in Australia to help you find the perfect fit.
Bradford Energy
This Brisbane-based retailer has been in business for more than 80 years, and offers a range of solar products for both residential and commercial properties. Its products include solar panels, storage units and inverters, as well as monitoring systems.
Its 'Solar Pack' is an ideal option for first-time solar installers, as it includes everything you need to get started with your system. It also has a range of off-grid options for those who need to be completely independent from the power grid.
REA Solar
This Queensland-based provider is a great option for people looking for a new roof top solar system, and is accredited with the Clean Energy Council. Its products include LG and Tesla solar systems, as well as microinverters.
They offer a free quote to customers in Australia, and the prices they show on their site can be quite competitive. Their prices are based on the number of panels and their capacity.
You can calculate the cost of a solar power system in Brisbane by visiting their website and entering some details about your home. This information will be used to generate a quote for the size of system you need.
The Solar Panel Installer in Brisbane You Need to Choose
It’s important to choose a solar company that has been around for a while and takes pride in their work. This will ensure you receive the best value for your money.
There are many national solar companies that advertise on television, the internet and in newspapers. These companies often sell their solar systems at the lowest possible prices, but they’re not designed to last as long as a quality solar panel system.
Certified Solar specializes in providing solar energy and energy storage system installations for commercial and residential projects. We transform our clients’ energy needs by helping them drastically reduce and eliminate their electricity bills, aiming for the maximum return on each investment.
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astrosamara · 3 months
Solar Return Observations #1
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🔆Sun in 1st house: You might feel a strong urge to express yourself more than usual this year. There's a desire for you to be seen by others. You could also just generally find yourself feeling more optimistic about life than usual. When I look back on photos I've taken of myself during these years, I feel like I notice a glow in my appearance.
🔆Chart ruler conjunct AC: Can be a year filled with a lot of personal change and the rising sign/planet can provide more insight into what that change is. For example, a year when I had Capricorn ascendant with Saturn on my ascendant, I was dealing with so many obstacles and put into situations where I was forced to mature and grow constantly and I now consider it one of the hardest years of my life. Another year when I had Libra ascendant with Venus on my ascendant, I found myself feeling really confident and attractive and embracing my style and creativity, and this was one of the happiest years of my life.
🔆Uranus conjunct IC: Can be a year where your living situation could be changing suddenly and frequently. I lived in multiple new places during a year when I had this aspect. All of these moves happened within a couple of days to a month. There's a strong emphasis on the sudden changing nature of these living situations.
🔆Neptune in 5th house: You might be really romanticizing and enjoying your hobbies this year as well as discovering new hobbies. You can really lose yourself in your creative endeavors and your imagination is vibrant.
🔆North Node conjunct AC: Can indicate a year where you really focus on self-growth. You're not as interested in comparing yourself to other people because it's really important for you to focus on building your own life and unique identity.
🔆Saturn in 6th house: Is a year when unexpected health issues can arise. Your day to day life might feel restrictive in some way as well. You can be in a job that is demanding on you mentally and physically. You may struggle keeping a consistent and pleasant daily routine.
🔆Sun in 12th house: You might feel lonelier than usual. Your energy levels can also be lower than usual. This can be a very reflective and inward time. You could also experience frequent illness.
🔆Uranus in 12th house: You can experience profound spiritual experiences during this year. You can have very vivid dreams that feel like divine messages. You might be drawn deeply to spirituality.
🔆Squares and Oppositions: If your SR chart is filled with squares and oppositions with very little or no harmonious aspects, this can be a year faced with many obstacles, but it can also be a year where you're more determined to make changes. These years tend to be very memorable in terms of a year where you really worked hard despite any obstacles or setbacks.
🔆Moon in Capricorn: I've seen so many SR charts with this placement and it's always during years that people describe as being the hardest and most emotionally challenging years of their lives. This energy is emphasized even greater if the moon falls into one of the angular houses (1st, 4th, 7th, or 10th).
🔆Sun trine Saturn: You might make very practical and achievable goals this year. You feel content with taking baby steps and you don't feel like you're in a rush to make big life changes. You see more results by slow and determined consistency.
🔆Pluto conjunct DC: You can experience powerful transformation through relationships this year. You can meet someone who becomes an important and meaningful influence on your life. Pluto in your SR chart can really highlight the area of your life that will experience a death and rebirth during that year.
🔆Sun in angular houses: These years might stand out more than other years. My past 7 solar return years have all had sun in angular houses and they've all been significant years.
🔆Sagittarius or Pisces MC or Jupiter in 10th house: You can experience a lot of financial gains and recognition in your career during these years.
🔆Saturn conjunct Venus: If you're in a relationship, this can be a year you really value commitment and might consider marriage or some other significant milestone happens. If you're single, you might be more serious about finding love and getting into a relationship.
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trapastrology · 3 months
Astro Observations W/ Aris
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7H Uranus in a solar return chart doesn't always mean that a romantic relationship will end. It can be a close friendship/best friend, business partner,etc.
1H Venus in solar return-putting more effort into your looks. This is considered to be a "glow up" year. This is the year where you find your signature style, makeup, scent, etc. I'd consider this to be the best dressed year. Could also change hair color or style. Cosmetic procedures happen here as well.
North Node in Pisces tend to benefit more from having an assistant or help in general. Pisces South Nodes tend to want/get too much help when they need to be more self-sufficient.
11H Liliths are HEAVLY prone to having ppl around them who hate them (esp friends) and don't realize. These are the ppl we see who usually get set up by their "friends" or someone close to them. Look to your lilith sign as well. If your Lilith is in an air sign, watch out for envy in air signs.
For my ppl with majority of their placements in the 2H & 3H tend to be "blind" to themselves. Whether it's their faults or great things about themselves, they can't seem to see it until someone else points it out and then they finally realize it.
2H Pluto/Scorpio 2H- shouldn't verbalize to anyone who much they make. Don't say whether you're doing bad or good financially either. A lot of jealousy and envy will arise from telling the wrong person which will affect your money and stability terribly.
3H Nessus- Usually experience intense trauma or bullying in elementary, with siblings and thru words. They usually write or speak about their pain that usually ends up helping other ppl tremendously. These are the type of ppl who make music or write poetry that helps other ppl get thru hard times. However, due to a lot of bullying and being spoken down to, communication ends up being one of their biggest issues and this can manifest in many different ways
When you get criticism or pushback from doing North Node things, that's how you know you're going into the right direction sometimes. For instance, a 4H NN may get told that they need to focus on their career path instead of creating a family. (Full post on this coming very soon!)
Use your moon on a bad day to help regulate your emotions. Look towards positive aspects
5H Aries Moon- make a creative art project alone.
Sextile 3H Chiron-write about what's bothering me.
Make a playlist with artists who have your NN sign as their dom personal placements & those whose plmts fall into the same house as ur NN. This will evoke that North Node energy out of you. (Something I've been doing for me and my clients for years)
The end! Look at my pinned post for info on my upcoming Patreon. Message me to book a reading! Most readings are only $25 until July 31st.
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venusgroove · 1 year
chiron in the solar return houses
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when reading a solar return chart, i always look at chiron’s placement. chiron can tell you where you’ll be struggling the most that year.
chiron never fails to give you a hard lesson, you cannot go against the lessons chiron has prepared for you. although this seems tough, once the pain and grief is experienced, you’ll be gifted with strength.
chiron in the first house
issues with self-identity. chiron in the first house can experience negative comments towards appearance and/or personality leading low self esteem. there can be an overall negative approach to life, a lack of optimism.
chiron in the second house
issues with material possessions. chiron in the second house can lead to tricky financial situations or just possessions stolen, this can cause a lot of physical and mental stress. there can also be issues in the work environment, things may be stressful.
chiron in the third house
issues with communication. chiron in the third house can cause miscommunication in both parties, the person with the placement and with other people. things said may be taken the wrong way. there can also be conflicts with siblings.
chiron in the fourth house
issues with family. chiron in the fourth house can cause conflicts in the family. family members can be fighting often or the person with the placement is fighting with family members. either way, instability will be found in relationships at home. this can also cause direct issues with the mother.
chiron in the fifth house
issues with finding happiness. chiron in the fifth house can cause a depressing year. it can be hard to enjoy things that are deemed as fun. there can also be a lack of creativity, this can cause a burnout, especially to someone with water placements.
chiron in the sixth house
issues in routine. chiron in the sixth house can cause life to feel somewhat dull. things can feel boring, there may be the feeling that the days are just repeating themselves. this can lead to a negative mindset, a decline in mental health. there can also be issues with physical or mental health.
chiron in the seventh house
issues in relationships. chiron in the seventh house can lead to romantic rejection. asking people out will often lead to getting declined. if one is already in a relationship, this can mean toxicity may arise in the relationship.
chiron in the eighth house
issues with maintaining positive energies. chiron in the eighth house creates a negative energy, not only can this harm the person with the placement, but also those surrounding them. this is happens due to the fact that energy is so contagious. there can also be issues with letting go, holding onto old experiences can contribute to the negative energy that was previously discussed.
chiron in the ninth house
issues in finding meaning/purpose in life. chiron in the ninth house can cause turbulence to philosophic beliefs. there may be many stressful thoughts relating to experiences of death and what happens after death. there can also be issues with higher education, such as college.
chiron in the tenth house
issues with reputation. chiron in the tenth house makes others jealous of ones status, therefore they try to sabotage. friends will often be hidden enemies. there can also be issues with a father figure.
chiron in the eleventh house
issues with friends. chiron in the eleventh house can bring negativity to friendships. either friends backstabbing or struggling to create friendships. this can also cause a negative experience with technology, something such as cyberbullying.
chiron in the twelfth house
issues in spiritually healing. chiron in the twelfth house drains spiritual energy, leading to a blockage in healing. this could lead to a negative mental space. there can also be issues with sleeping, a possibility of getting insomnia or having nightmares and experiencing sleep paralysis.
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liliomme · 1 year
Love Encounters in Your Solar Return: Exploring the 7th House 🫧
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In astrology, the 7th house is one of the essential houses in a natal chart, representing partnerships, marriage, and significant relationships. It governs the way we approach and interact with others on a one-to-one basis, be it in romantic relationships, business partnerships, or even open enemies. The sign on the cusp of the 7th house, as well as any planets residing in this house, can provide insights into the qualities we seek in a partner and the dynamics we may encounter in relationships. This house also highlights our ability to compromise, cooperate, and negotiate with others, playing a crucial role in shaping our social connections and deep emotional bonds throughout life.
The 7th house in a solar return chart holds significance in providing insights into the realm of partnerships and relationships during the specific year of the solar return. It offers valuable information about the type of individuals one may attract or form connections with during that period, as well as the potential challenges or harmonious experiences that may arise in these relationships. Understanding the dynamics of the 7th house in the solar return can offer valuable guidance on how to navigate and make the most of the various interactions and partnerships that come into play during the year.
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Take this with a grain of salt. ^^
🫧 Aries 7th House/Descendant
So, with Aries descendant in your solar return chart, you might just experience some truly dynamic and passionate partners during the year. You know, Aries energy tends to attract people who are confident, assertive, and independent, and boy, they're full of zest for life! It's like they radiate enthusiasm, and they're the ones who'll take the lead in relationships. How exciting is that, right? 🐚
But hey, let's keep it real, because with all that fiery energy, there might be some challenges too. You might encounter partners who are adventurous and love trying new things, which sounds like a blast, but sometimes their strong desire for independence could lead to occasional conflicts or power struggles. Not to worry though, communication and finding a good balance will be the keys to making things work and having a harmonious connection. All in all, get ready for a thrilling year with love encounters that are full of energy, excitement, and some memorable adventures together! 🌊
🫧 Taurus 7th House/Descendant
So, with Taurus descendant in your solar return chart, get ready for love encounters that are all about stability, sensuality, and grounded connections during the year ahead. 🎐 You might attract partners who exude a calm and patient demeanor, and GURL are they reliable and loyal! Taurus energy tends to seek enduring relationships, and they'll value the stability and security that you can offer in return. You'll find yourself drawn to individuals who appreciate the simple pleasures in life, and together, you'll build a strong foundation of trust and mutual respect. 💭
In these love encounters, expect to encounter people who are sensual and in tune with their senses. They'll appreciate the finer things in life, like good food, beautiful surroundings, and meaningful experiences. Oh, and their touch will be just magical😍 as they'll have a knack for creating a comfortable and cozy atmosphere wherever they go. You might find yourself slowing down a bit in their presence, savoring the present moment and finding joy in the little things that life has to offer.
One thing to keep in mind is that with Taurus' fixed nature, they may take their time when it comes to making decisions, especially in relationships. They won't rush into things, but once they're committed, you can count on their unwavering dedication. 🍾 While Taurus energy is steady and reliable, there could be some stubbornness at times, so learning to compromise and understanding each other's needs will be vital for a successful and lasting connection. Overall, these love encounters will bring a sense of comfort, stability, and sensuality into your life, creating a beautiful and lasting bond with partners who share your desire for a fulfilling and steadfast relationship. 👒
🫧 Gemini 7th House/Descendant
With Gemini descendant in your solar return chart, you're in for a year of love encounters that are intellectually stimulating, communicative, and ever-changing. You'll attract partners who are witty, curious, and versatile, they will keep you on your toes !! Gemini energy seeks mental connection and enjoys engaging conversations that span a wide range of topics. 🥂 You'll find yourself drawn to individuals who are great communicators, and together, you'll share a love for exchanging ideas and exploring the world through lively discussions. ✨ Gemini's dual nature brings a variety of experiences, so you may encounter partners who are open to trying new things and are not afraid of change. They'll bring a sense of fun and lightness to your relationships, and you'll have no shortage of exciting experiences together. However, it's essential to be aware of Gemini's restlessness and tendency to become easily bored. To keep the spark alive, finding ways to keep things fresh and interesting will be crucial in maintaining the connection. 🎰
You might find yourself in a year of multiple romantic interests or encounters, as Gemini is known for their ability to explore different options. Enjoy the diversity of experiences, but remember that open communication and honesty will be essential in navigating any complexities that arise. Overall, these love encounters will bring intellectual stimulation, adaptability, and a sense of exploration into your life, offering you a taste of the exciting and ever-changing world of Gemini energy. ૮₍ ´ ꒳ `₎ა
🫧 Cancer 7th House/Descendant
With Cancer descendant in your solar return chart, get ready for love encounters that are deeply emotional, nurturing, and focused on building a strong sense of home and family during the year ahead. You'll attract partners who are caring, empathetic, and highly sensitive to your needs. Cancer energy seeks emotional connection and craves a sense of security and comfort in relationships. 🫧 You'll find yourself drawn to individuals who are nurturing and have a strong desire to create a loving and supportive environment for you.
Expect a profound emotional bond with your partners. Cancer's nurturing nature brings a sense of warmth and tenderness to your relationships, and you'll feel cherished and protected in their presence. 🧸 They value the importance of home and family, and you may find yourself building a strong foundation with them to create a loving and stable household. However, be prepared for the intensity of their emotions, as Cancer energy can be highly empathetic and sometimes moody. Providing them with a safe space to express their feelings and being understanding of their sensitivity will be essential in maintaining a harmonious connection.
💭 You might experience a year of emotional growth and deep soul connections with your partners, as Cancer energy craves meaningful and intimate relationships. These love encounters will bring a sense of comfort, emotional security, and a feeling of being truly understood and cherished. 🫶🏻 Together, you'll explore the depths of your feelings and create lasting memories in the loving embrace of Cancer's nurturing energy. (´。• ◡ •。`) ♡
🫧 Leo 7th House/Descendant
OMG??! ૮꒰⸝⸝> ̫ <⸝⸝꒱ა let's talk about Leo descendant in your solar return chart 😍 Get ready for some seriously sizzling and passionate love encounters during this year! You'll attract partners who are confident, charming, and full of charisma. These individuals exude a magnetic presence, and you won't be able to resist being drawn into their vibrant world. ✨ Leo energy seeks attention and adoration, and boy, will they make you feel like you're the center of their universe! Their expressive and enthusiastic nature will sweep you off your feet and leave you feeling truly special and loved.
Expect to be romanced like never before. 💌 Leo's flair for drama and grand gestures means you'll be in for some epic declarations of love and attention. These partners will go above and beyond to show you how much they care, showering you with compliments, gifts, and lavish displays of affection. You'll find yourself in the spotlight, and they'll be more than happy to bask in your glow too. 🫶🏻 Their playful and joyful nature will bring a sense of fun and excitement into your relationships, creating memories that you'll cherish forever.
However, it's essential to be mindful of their need for recognition and sometimes, a bit of ego. Leo energy craves admiration, and occasional clashes of will might happen if they feel overshadowed or not appreciated enough. But don't worry, as long as you show them love and admiration, they'll be the most devoted and loyal partners you could ever wish for.🐚 These love encounters will be like a grand romance straight out of a movie, full of passion, excitement, and a love that shines as bright as the sun! Embrace the magic of Leo energy, and get ready for a year of unforgettable love !!! 🧸
🫧 Virgo 7th House/Descendant
Get ready for love encounters that are grounded, practical, and deeply caring during the year ahead. You'll attract partners who are intelligent, detail-oriented, and highly attentive to your needs. 👒 Virgo energy seeks to create a sense of order and efficiency in relationships, and they'll be the ones who remember the little things that matter to you the most. You'll find yourself drawn to individuals who are reliable and dependable, and they'll go out of their way to make sure you feel supported and loved. ( ˊᵕˋ )
Virgo's analytical nature means they'll want to understand your thoughts and feelings on a deep level, fostering open and honest dialogues. 💭They may offer practical solutions to problems and provide a sense of stability and security in your relationships. You'll be amazed by their thoughtfulness and acts of service, as they'll always strive to make your life better in every way they can. expect a strong emphasis on communication and meaningful connections. ⏳ However, be prepared for their tendency to be critical, as Virgo energy can be perfectionistic at times. They may have high standards for themselves and others, which could lead to occasional moments of self-doubt or nitpicking. Nonetheless, their intentions are always rooted in caring and wanting the best for you. These love encounters will be like finding a true partner-in-crime, someone who has your back and loves you unconditionally. ✨ Embrace the warmth and practicality of Virgo energy, and get ready for a year of love that's attentive, thoughtful, and deeply meaningful !!
🫧 Libra 7th House/Descendant
With Libra descendant in your solar return chart, get ready for love encounters that are all about balance, harmony, and finding a true sense of partnership during the year ahead. 🎆 You'll attract partners who are charming, diplomatic, and focused on creating a harmonious relationship. Libra energy seeks equality and fairness, and they'll be the ones who truly value your opinions and treat you as an equal in all aspects of life. 💗 You'll find yourself drawn to individuals who are social and enjoy the finer things in life, and together, you'll create a beautiful and aesthetically pleasing connection. (ㅅ´ ˘ `)
Expect a strong emphasis on communication and compromise. Libra's desire for harmony means they'll prioritize maintaining a peaceful and loving atmosphere in your relationships. They'll be the mediators, always seeking to understand your perspective and find common ground. 💍 Their romantic nature will lead to thoughtful gestures and a focus on creating memorable experiences together. However, be prepared for their indecisiveness at times, as Libra energy can struggle with making choices. Patience and open communication will be key in navigating any decision-making processes. 🌊 These love encounters will be like a dance of love, where you'll find joy in the beauty of partnership and the magic of two hearts coming together in perfect harmony !! 🎰
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🫧 Scorpio 7th House/Descendant
You'll attract partners who are mysterious, magnetic, and deeply emotional. 🧸 Scorpio energy seeks profound connections, and they'll be the ones who truly understand the depths of your soul and share your desire for an authentic and meaningful relationship. You'll find yourself drawn to individuals who have an air of intrigue around them, and together, you'll embark on a journey of self-discovery and growth. 🥂 Get ready for love encounters that are intense, passionate, and transformative during the year ahead !!
In these love encounters, expect a rollercoaster of emotions and a profound level of intimacy. Scorpio's passionate nature means they'll bring a whole new level of intensity to your relationships. They'll crave a deep emotional bond and won't shy away from exploring the darker aspects of life together. 🫶🏻 Their loyalty and dedication will be unmatched, and they'll be your biggest supporter and confidante. However, be prepared for their desire for control, as Scorpio energy can be possessive at times. Trust and open communication will be essential in building a relationship based on mutual respect and understanding. 🐚Embrace the intensity of Scorpio energy, and get ready for a year of love that will leave you forever changed and deeply connected to your partner on a soul level. Rooting for you to experience the magic of Scorpio love! 🌊 These love encounters will be like a journey into the depths of your heart and soul, where you'll experience love in its most transformative and powerful form.🎐
🫧 Sagittarius 7th House/Descendant
Get ready for love encounters that are adventurous, free-spirited, and filled with boundless enthusiasm during the year ahead! You'll attract partners who are optimistic, open-minded, and love exploring new horizons. 🏖️ Sagittarius energy seeks adventure and expansion, and they'll be the ones who encourage you to step outside your comfort zone and embrace the thrill of life. You'll find yourself drawn to individuals with a sense of wanderlust, and together, you'll embark on exciting journeys both physically and emotionally. 🤩
Expect a sense of joy and spontaneity. Sagittarius' free-spirited nature means they'll bring a breath of fresh air into your relationships. 🫶🏻 They'll cherish your independence and will support your personal growth and aspirations. Their sense of humor will keep you laughing, and their positivity will be contagious. ✨ However, be prepared for their love of freedom and sometimes lack of commitment, as Sagittarius energy can be hesitant to settle down. Embracing open communication and giving each other the space to explore your individual paths will be key to maintaining a harmonious connection. 🍯
🍾 Embrace the wanderlust of Sagittarius energy, and get ready for a year of love that's filled with excitement, laughter, and the joy of exploring life's many wonders together! 🎧 These love encounters will be like an exhilarating adventure, where you'll explore the world together and create memories that will last a lifetime. Let the adventure begin! 🥂
🫧 Capricorn 7th House/Descendant
I am absolutely head over heels for this Capricorn descendant in solar return chart !! 🍾 Get ready for love encounters that are grounded, reliable, and committed during the year ahead! You'll attract partners who are responsible, ambitious, and deeply devoted. 🌱 Capricorn energy seeks to build a strong and stable foundation in relationships, and they'll be the ones who will support you in achieving your goals and dreams. You'll find yourself drawn to individuals who have a mature and practical approach to life, and together, you'll create a love that withstands the test of time. They'll be the ones you can count on, no matter the circumstances. 🍻 Capricorn's steadfast nature means they'll bring a sense of dependability and dedication to your relationships. Their focus on long-term commitments will create a sense of comfort and stability in your partnership. However, be prepared for their occasional reserve and seriousness, as Capricorn energy can be cautious in showing their emotions. Trust and patience will be essential in building a strong emotional connection and allowing them to open up in their own time. In these love encounters, expect a sense of security and loyalty.
These love encounters will be like a rock-solid bond, where you'll feel a sense of safety and support like never before. Embrace the reliability of Capricorn energy, and get ready for a year of love that's committed, enduring, and filled with a love that only grows stronger with time. 🧩 I'm absolutely smitten with the potential of Capricorn love for you! (੭˃ᴗ˂)੭
🫧 Aquarius 7th House/Descendant
ABSOLUTELY ecstatic to talk about Aquarius descendant in your solar return chart 😍 Get ready for love encounters that are unconventional, intellectually stimulating, and full of innovation during the year ahead! 🥂You'll attract partners who are unique, open-minded, and have a strong sense of individuality. Aquarius energy seeks intellectual connection and values personal freedom, and they'll be the ones who appreciate your ideas and encourage you to express your true self. You'll find yourself drawn to individuals who are forward-thinking and not afraid to be their authentic selves, and together, you'll embark on a journey of discovery and growth. 🌊 Aquarius' innovative nature means they'll bring a fresh perspective to your relationships. They'll cherish your uniqueness and will support your individuality. Their intellect and curiosity will spark lively discussions and inspire you to see the world in new ways. 💭 However, be prepared for their occasional detachment and need for space, as Aquarius energy can value their independence. Allowing them the freedom to explore their interests and respecting their need for autonomy will be key in building a strong and fulfilling connection. In these love encounters, expect a sense of excitement and originality.
These love encounters will be like a breath of fresh air, where you'll experience love in a way that's liberating and full of endless possibilities. 🧸 Embrace the uniqueness of Aquarius energy, and get ready for a year of love that's intellectually stimulating, innovative, and deeply empowering. I am absolutely enamored with the potential of Aquarius love for you !! 💫
🫧 Pisces 7th House/Descendant
My heart is overflowing with love and excitement to talk about Pisces descendant in solar return chart 😍Get ready for love encounters that are dreamy, soulful, and deeply spiritual during the year ahead! You'll attract partners who are empathetic, romantic, and in touch with their emotions. 🫧 Pisces energy seeks to create a profound emotional connection, and they'll be the ones who understand the depths of your feelings like no one else. You'll find yourself drawn to individuals who have a gentle and compassionate nature, and together, you'll explore the magic and mysteries of love. 🐚
💭 Pisces' dreamy nature means they'll bring a touch of magic to your relationships. They'll cherish your emotions and will be your rock in times of need. Their romantic gestures and intuitive understanding will leave you feeling truly cherished and understood. Their creativity and imagination will add a sense of wonder to your love story, creating beautiful moments that you'll treasure forever. 🎐 In these love encounters, expect a sense of enchantment and sensitivity.
However, be prepared for their occasional escapism and need for emotional boundaries, as Pisces energy can be highly sensitive. 💍 Showing them unwavering support and providing a safe space for them to express their emotions will be essential in building a deep and meaningful connection. These love encounters will be like a fairytale come true, where you'll experience a love that transcends the ordinary and touches your soul in the most profound way. 🫶🏻 Embrace the dreaminess of Pisces energy, and get ready for a year of love that's pure magic, enchantment, and a journey of deep spiritual connection. I'm absolutely swept away by the dreamy potential of Pisces love for you !! (∩˃o˂∩)♡
౨ৎ, liliomme.
Hey, cuties !! This reading is based on my observations and research, which involves using my amazing friends (+ other people) experiences and exploring internet sources, with that I've put together some insights about love encounters and the 7th House. However, I want to emphasize that this is just a fun and fascinating hobby of mine, and I can't guarantee it's spot-on for everyone. So, while I'm super pumped that you all enjoy reading my astro-blogs, please remember that astrology is a wonderful journey of self-discovery, and my interpretations are just a piece of the puzzle. I'm here to spark curiosity and inspire you to explore the cosmic wonders that shape your unique experiences. That’s all, thank you again. ˶ᵔ ᵕ ᵔ˶
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crystalsenergy · 4 months
& learnings of your personal year
(Solar Return chart) ☀️ Asc ✨
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The goals are to transform challenges and discover growth in your personal journey!
Based on my personal experience and that of others, I've noticed that the Ascendant in the Solar Return chart largely defines what we deal with during the year.
Indeed, the topics already known to be associated with the Ascendant for the year receive much emphasis from the sign in the Solar Return chart.
I have a post on the meanings of Ascendants in signs in the Solar Return chart.
The intention is not to foresee what will "inevitably" be touched upon, no, but rather to use the astrological moment to understand what will truly be brought to the surface within us.
Think of yourself as a vast cauldron with many colors.
Like a gradient, colorful cauldron… 🌈
And with each astrological movement, it's as if things from within us begin to bubble up from this cauldron - things we already knew about, or maybe didn't…
Being a deep cauldron full of ingredients, a mixture (just like we are!), among other reasons, perhaps you may not be fully aware or consciously remember all aspects of your personality that need healing, balancing, expanding, evolving.
Because of this, I believe in the importance of seeing astrological movements as catalysts to stir up everything that is already within us.
Nothing that astrological movements bring continuously and intensely was not with us to some extent, whether on a personal level or in the morphogenetic field*
(*= difficulties that our family members bring, which we may not necessarily have activated, but which can be brought to the surface because, to some extent, even if slight, it existed in our personality too).
Therefore, the extent to which these issues will arise and affect each person will be extremely personal.
Below are some possible challenges for each Ascendant:
In terms of TEMPERAMENT, behavioral tendencies, first IMPRESSIONS that you will convey.
Ascendant in Aries: agitation, more nervous temperament, greater impatience, difficulty asking for help, impression of being angrier, more serious, more impenetrable, tendencies towards reactivity and impulsivity, excessive focus on the physical body and appearance.
The importance of reconsidering what it means to be authentic and a person with presence. Do you worry too much about achieving a specific image? An image of being strong, of being impenetrable, for example.
Ascendant in Taurus: difficulty in leaving situations (due to attachment, lack of initiative, comfort zone), more stubborn behavior than usual. Slower to move forward, more tendency to approach the world purely materialistically.
May have a tendency to accumulate more unnecessary things. The importance of understanding the real value of the things you have in your life now and what you intend to do with what you have (possessions and values, also, value in terms of ethics, even morality).
Ascendant in Gemini: challenges with being present in the here and now. Mental inconsistency, difficulty focusing, more agitated temperament, greater possibility of being distracted, difficulty having just one goal.
A busy mind, filled with interests but lacking concentration. The importance of working on effective communication.
Ascendant in Cancer: may take everything personally, memories from the past that you are still emotionally attached to but that do not serve you well may resurface, difficulty moving towards new things, such as new relationships, new emotions.
The importance of looking at your emotions as signals of what still needs to be healed. It will be a year with many emotional things coming to the surface! Observe.
Ascendant in Leo: difficulty with stubbornness, excessive focus on appearance, on what people will see and think of you. Slightly inflated and distorted self-awareness. Pride. Defense mechanisms. Reactivity.
Issues with self-esteem needing to be looked at with more care and healthy self-awareness. Approach to the world less focused on ego.
Ascendant in Virgo: more tendency to deal with the world purely materialistically and utilitarianly. Review your concept of time, of usefulness (yours and others'). More connection with the material world, exaggeration in focusing on productivity, on completing tasks, on feeling useful. Issues with self-criticism and perfectionism.
Be mindful not to fall into jobs and tasks that do not contribute to your growth, that reinforce patterns of endless demand, without ever "really getting there". The importance of paying attention to how much time you allocate to other areas of your life, outside of tasks and work. Physical health care is also important, look into this area as well.
Ascendant in Libra: a tendency to be more predisposed to environments and people, which, in a more negative sense, may end up representing a predisposition to others' desires.
Positively, this has good meanings, but as the focus of this post is on aspects to pay more attention to, I mention: difficulty saying no; greater need for approval; whether you perceive it or not, changing a lot depending on the environment, Libran issues in imbalance that already existed in your personality coming more to the surface in terms of your relationship with yourself and your way of presenting yourself to the world.
Ascendant in Scorpio: challenges with deeper emotions, including those that have been stored away in your emotional field for some time, which will now be brought to the surface with great force, since Scorpio brings forth everything that was hidden in a very strong way, challenges with anger, hurt, fantasies of revenge, which can be quite self-destructive.
In general, challenges with emotionally deep situations. It is also important to pay attention to how much negative and self-destructive patterns are brought to the surface to be seen. Do not hold onto them. Let go, release everything that does not serve you and/or others well!
Ascendant in Sagittarius: challenges with sincerity, excessive humor in meaningless situations, approach to avoiding emotional issues or emotionally more complex issues, toxic positivity, impulsivity, impatience, invasive extroversion, setting aside planning in situations where it would be important, acting with a certain irresponsibility.
It is important to see which points of your personality will be brought to the surface and act in the most appropriate way to be more healthy!
Ascendant in Capricorn: challenges with emotional approaches and being more sensitive to yourself and to life itself. A heavier, more serious, overly responsible approach that leaves no time and space for rest, leisure, and lightness. Dealing with difficulties and problems in a more controlling manner. Competitiveness. Individualism.
Limiting beliefs coming more to the surface. Greater focus on traditional ideas, visions, and practices that no longer serve your own good. It is important to review your paradigms, limiting beliefs, including in relation to your professional life, and how your more serious approach to yourself only reflects an inner child to be rediscovered, released! The lighter we are, the happier we live. And the less serious we are.
Ascendant in Aquarius: challenges with looking at yourself and others more closely, including emotionally, focusing on rationalizing everything, avoiding understanding subtlety and nuances (moving away from your intuition and the more sensitive aspects of your personality), excessive impersonality, excessive detachment, mental inflexibility.
It is important to review how much your internal life is based on logic and how healthy this is for the feminine-masculine balance in your personality. We are one. We don't need halves to fill us, right? Your feminine side may also need to be more integrated.
Ascendant in Pisces: more tendency to connect with energies from the external, from the collective unconscious and conscious, but especially the former. Greater tendency to get lost in the roles of this collective unconscious and have difficulties in centering on your own essence.
The importance of reviewing and reconnecting with your sensitivity, where there are things from the past and from your unconscious to be reinterpreted, transmuted, and perhaps even a moment to balance your mediumship, if you believe in that.
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kleopatra45 · 1 month
Jupiter in the Signs [Solar Return]
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This year, you’re driven by a strong desire to take action and lead. Confidence, courage, and a pioneering spirit are highlighted, making it a great time to start new projects or pursue personal goals. You’ll feel more motivated to assert yourself and take risks, which can lead to exciting opportunities for growth and success.
If Jupiter is retrograde: You may need to reassess your approach to leadership and independence. Are you charging ahead without considering the consequences? This period encourages you to reflect on your impulsiveness and whether your actions are aligned with your true purpose. Retrograde Jupiter in Aries asks you to cultivate patience and thoughtful decision-making.
This year brings a focus on stability, comfort, and material security. You’ll be drawn to experiences that enhance your sense of luxury and well-being. Financial growth is possible, and you may find yourself valuing the finer things in life. This is a time to build a solid foundation and enjoy the pleasures of the physical world.
If Jupiter is retrograde: You may need to reconsider your relationship with material possessions and comfort. Are you overly attached to stability, preventing growth? This period encourages you to reflect on whether your pursuit of security is hindering your personal development. Retrograde Jupiter in Taurus invites you to find a balance between enjoying life’s pleasures and embracing change.
Communication, learning, and adaptability are key themes this year. You’ll feel more curious and eager to explore new ideas, making this an excellent time for intellectual growth, networking, and socializing. Opportunities for travel, education, or expanding your social circle are likely to arise, broadening your horizons and stimulating your mind.
If Jupiter is retrograde: You might need to revisit old ideas, projects, or communication patterns. This period encourages you to reflect on how you share information and connect with others. Are you spreading yourself too thin or getting lost in trivial details? Retrograde Jupiter in Gemini asks you to focus on what truly matters and to communicate with clarity and purpose.
Emotional growth, family, and home life are emphasized this year. You’ll feel a stronger connection to your roots and may seek to nurture your loved ones or create a more secure and comfortable living environment. This is a time for deepening emotional bonds and finding fulfillment through caring for others and yourself.
If Jupiter is retrograde: You may need to reflect on your emotional needs and how you nurture yourself and others. Are you giving too much without receiving in return? This period encourages you to reassess your boundaries and emotional well-being. Retrograde Jupiter in Cancer invites you to heal past wounds and create a more balanced and supportive emotional environment.
Creativity, self-expression, and leadership take center stage this year. You’ll feel more confident and eager to showcase your talents, making it a great time for artistic pursuits or stepping into the spotlight. Your natural charisma is enhanced, attracting admiration and opportunities for growth in areas where you can shine.
If Jupiter is retrograde: You might need to reassess your need for attention and recognition. Are you seeking validation from others at the expense of your authenticity? This period encourages you to reflect on your creative projects and whether they truly express your inner self. Retrograde Jupiter in Leo asks you to align your self-expression with your true values and purpose.
This year emphasizes growth through organization, service, and attention to detail. You’ll be more focused on improving your daily routines, health, and work environment. Opportunities for personal development may come through helping others, refining your skills, and paying attention to the finer details of life.
If Jupiter is retrograde: You may need to revisit your approach to work and health. Are you getting bogged down by perfectionism or overworking yourself? This period encourages you to reflect on how you can create more balance and efficiency in your life. Retrograde Jupiter in Virgo invites you to let go of unnecessary stress and embrace a more holistic approach to well-being.
Relationships, harmony, and balance are highlighted this year. You’ll feel a strong desire to connect with others and create more beauty and peace in your life. This is a favorable time for forming partnerships, both personal and professional, and for seeking justice and fairness in your interactions.
If Jupiter is retrograde: You might need to reflect on your relationships and how you maintain balance in your life. Are you compromising too much or not enough? This period encourages you to reassess your approach to partnerships and to ensure that your connections are based on mutual respect and understanding. Retrograde Jupiter in Libra asks you to cultivate harmony within yourself before seeking it in the external world.
Deep transformation, intensity, and personal power are emphasized this year. You’ll be drawn to exploring the mysteries of life and diving deep into your own psyche. This is a time for profound inner growth, where you may confront fears and desires, leading to significant personal transformation and empowerment.
If Jupiter is retrograde: You may need to confront unresolved fears or power dynamics in your life. This period encourages deep introspection and healing, allowing you to release old patterns that no longer serve you. Retrograde Jupiter in Scorpio invites you to embrace your inner power and use it for personal and spiritual growth, rather than control or manipulation.
This year, your spirit of adventure, optimism, and quest for knowledge are highlighted. You’ll feel a strong desire to explore new horizons, whether through travel, education, or philosophical pursuits. This is a time for broadening your worldview and embracing new experiences that expand your understanding of life.
If Jupiter is retrograde: You might need to reassess your beliefs, goals, or long-term plans. Are you overly idealistic or avoiding practical concerns? This period encourages you to reflect on your vision for the future and to ensure that it’s grounded in reality. Retrograde Jupiter in Sagittarius asks you to align your ideals with practical action and to seek deeper meaning in your pursuits.
Ambition, discipline, and long-term goals are emphasized this year. You’ll be focused on building a solid foundation for your future, whether in your career, personal life, or other important areas. This is a time for hard work and perseverance, as your efforts are likely to lead to lasting success and recognition.
If Jupiter is retrograde: You may need to reflect on your approach to ambition and authority. Are you too focused on external success, neglecting your inner needs? This period encourages you to reassess your goals and to ensure that they align with your true values. Retrograde Jupiter in Capricorn asks you to find a balance between ambition and personal fulfillment, and to build success on a foundation of integrity.
Innovation, independence, and social change are key themes this year. You’ll feel more inclined to break free from tradition and explore new, unconventional ideas. This is a time for embracing your individuality and contributing to collective progress, whether through technology, social activism, or creative expression.
If Jupiter is retrograde: You might need to reconsider your approach to freedom and individuality. Are you rebelling for the sake of it, or are you truly aligned with your principles? This period encourages you to reflect on how you can contribute to social change in a meaningful way. Retrograde Jupiter in Aquarius asks you to balance your desire for innovation with the need for practical and responsible action.
Compassion, spirituality, and intuition are emphasized this year. You’ll feel more connected to your inner world and may seek to deepen your spiritual practice or explore creative pursuits that connect you to the divine. This is a time for embracing empathy, healing, and a more compassionate approach to life.
If Jupiter is retrograde: You may need to revisit your spiritual beliefs or creative practices. Are you escaping reality through fantasy or avoiding emotional issues? This period encourages deep reflection on how you can bring more compassion and spiritual growth into your daily life. Retrograde Jupiter in Pisces invites you to heal old wounds and to connect with your inner wisdom, using it to guide your actions in the world.
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millysastroblog · 1 year
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SR ASC in Natal Chart Houses
🌼ASC in Solar Return Chart🌼
The ASC in the Solar Return Chart is a vital point ,implementing the first energtical shifts in the SRC for the year ahead. From the start the Sun returns to the same Natal Sign and Degree ,which gets activated on your Birthday. But It is definitly possible to feel those changes prior to 1-3 months before your actual Birthday occurs.
The ASC generally is one of the most visible components in a Chart, giving the outside world a first impression of our presence but also us as individuals automatically exuding the energy of the ASC Sign and taking the world on with the ASC Signs Personality. The Asc is so important because of the how the constellations from all the 12 houses are created and constructed, shaping certain life areas differently and uniquely. So with the ASC in the SR Chart are we adapting to a new energy . Lets say we have Sagittarius as SR ASC , we probably are going to feel more alive and ready to explore the world and step out of our comfort zone. Through our more adventures and curios side we are going to consciously or unconsciously attract opportunities that could help us to really embody this energetic change for that year.
🌼The 12 Houses in a Natal Chart 🌼
As you might as well know with the Asc our 1st house we have 11th other houses that carry their own meanings. In my Solar Return Chart PT.1 you can look up the main interpretation of the 12 houses. To get a quick review and understanding if you don’t know much about houses in Astrology or are inexperienced with them! Click here!!
🌼 How do we go about it?🌼
-> First look at the SR Rising.
Example: SR Chart Capricorn Rising
-> Secondly I would recommend you guys using whole sign system for your Natal Birth Chart but if you are more on the Placidus side then you can also use that.
-> Thirdly look at the Signs of each houses in your Natal Chart, and see in which house capricorn sits in.
Natal Gemini Rising (whole sign)
Gemini = 1 st house
Cancer = 2nd house
Leo= 3rd house
Virgo= = 4th house
Libra = 5th house
Scorpio = 6th house
Sagittarius = 7th house
Capricorn = 8th house
Aquarius = 9th house
Pisces = 10th house
Aries = 11th house
Taurus = 12th House
AS SR Chart in Capricorn -> Capricorn in the 8th house in the Natal Chart
🌼!!! End result = SR ASC ruling the 8th house of Natal Chart 🌼
When we try attaching our Solar Return ASC with our Natal ruling houses, we create an ultimate strong connection with this two energy portals. The ASC in SRC has then the ability to dig and dive deeper into your life experiences for the year ahead granting you with huge lifestyle changes by expanding the Natal House Area predominantly, having opportunities arise because of how in sync and aligned these two Charts are with each other. From my experience it is the MOST important SR Chart Placement to look at, to get the bigger picture of how the Year will turn out for you.
🌼SR ASC in natal 1st house 🌼:
You will feel the need to put more focus on yourself, this is a time period that is invested in your own well being. Prioritizing the self, stepping up for yourself, going by the own beat of your drum, this is the time to develop a strong and healthy ego that sets a firm solid base . This placement can indicate you are changing, maybe your personality can shift and become more mature like growing into adulthood, becoming a mother, aging, losing or gaining something about yourself . There possible life events that could lead to your identity being transformed whether for the better or worse. Everything that you thought was you might come to an end and a new you is reborn. You can decide to make changes on your physical appearance like buying a completely new style of clothes, dying your hair in a different color than usual, doing your makeup a bit differently, speaking tone can change, attempting (cosmetic surgery, all kinds of surgery), finding small or big things about yourself that could  improve, this the time to explore what you like, don't like, core values, what you might identify as, your gender, sexuality and what place you take in society. This period is giving you the opportunity and chance to step into your true purpose, following your own voice, ideas, beliefs, feelings and intuition. You can gain an abundance of attention for just simply being you. People can effortlessly gravitate more to the new energy you carry. The relationship to the self can consume a lot of energy and time because of how deep, insightful  and significant this journey is going to be for you. 
Questions you might ask: How do i feel? Who am I ?What do I like? Do i really want to do this or am I just going by the rules that have been instructed to me since childhood ? Do I feel good about myself? Do I even like myself? What do i realy want and desire? How do i feel about this? Is this right for me? Am i really who i portray to be? Do i love my self? What can i do for myself to get to a better place? Am i happy with my life ? Am sad, angry, bitter depressed? What can i change about myself?
🌼SR ASC in natal 2nd house 🌼:
For the year our dominant life area resolved in building a set foundation. We tend to look more at what we have within us or outside of us. This is the time to reflect about  yourself and what kind of beliefs and standards you hold for yourself. This is a journey of loving your strengths and weaknesses. You are going to be able to identify what exactly you need to feel safe in life. Similarly to the 1st house we can put a lot of attention on things that matter the most to us including our core values. We tend to enjoy things more like watching Netflix, reading a book and activities that give us stableness and groundedness. Of course all of it basically depends on our the Sign and Planets in the  2nd house to see where we like to mostly like to engage in life. As an example: Riding a luxurious car while the sun goes down, cooking or baking our favorite meals, shopping for new clothes, taking a bubble bath. Here the small and easy things in life become a place where we show more gratitude. With the 2nd house ruled by Taurus we have the ability to create and build lasting things such as working towards establishing money assets and how to make them expand over time, gaining more knowledge and experiences with money. we begin to prioritize our material items and possessions and start placing more value on them, looking around at what material items carry the most meaning in our life, selling clothes even to gain money from them. Ideally you might as well start spending your money more on things that grant your life with pleasure. We might want to involve people dearest to us with the same experience and place what kind  of value they bring to us. 
Ouestions you might ask: Am i good enough? Is what i do save enough for me? What items do i want to purachse next? Maybe I can sell this? How secure do i feel right now? Do I see myself as worthy? Is my life stable? How can i gain more money? Where should i invest more of my energy and time? What kind of value does this person or relationship bring?Is it worth is????
🌼SR ASC in natal 3rd house 🌼:
With SR ASC in the natal 3rd house we encounter a very interesting and busy year ahead, expressing ourselves more openly and communicative to the public . As the 3rd is ruled by Gemini there are many experiences that will led you to explore your everyday life, being distracted with multiple tasks and chores, whether it´ll be working on group projects at school or any kind of environment where you have to express and communicate your thoughts, ideas and beliefs. You probably will feel comfortable engaging more in intellectual topics like reading, joining a book club, learning a new language being more active on social media or simply curious about anything. It's possible to create something like a podcast, music, or writing a book , where you are able to exchange Information with different kinds of people. This year includes a lot of changes in your everyday life stepping out of your own comfort zone like having to attend more job interviews if you are job hunting, being intensely involved with classmates or people in your everyday life. A huge important role that can have an impact on you is the relationship to your siblings, they could reach out to you after not being in contact for a long time or you might take that the initiative, wanting bond with them and try fixing the relationship, if you both have not been in good terms with each other in the past. Also what we can not forget here , is that you might gain a NEW baby sibling, nephew, nieces in your family. Additionally short transportation can be a focal point for this year, you might get your driver license and buy a new car. Or you'll probably use it frequently for future trips, if you don't own a car then be ready to spend a lot of your time traveling with public transportation :) 
Ouestions you might ask: How should I express myself? Did they understand me clearly? Why are there so many things that i need to do? How should i writte this?Are they listening to me? Should i do more tasks or less? Am i running late for school/ work, Did they like my presentation? How is my sister/brother? Why not talk about this? Should i create an You Tube channel? Why not learn French???
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🌼SR ASC in natal 4th house🌼:
We start the year reflecting on our home environment and how we might want  to have it in the future. Our minds are filled with imaginary pictures of beautiful and perfect homes and living spaces where we want to coconut ourselves and spend the — of our time. Nothing matters more to us than withdrawing from the day to day busy life. We want to create a peaceful and soothing living space for ourselves and family members. With these temptations we join a journey of searching for a place where we might want to settle down and call our HOME. With that being said ,we automatically attract situations and opportunities that lead us to change our living situations like , purchasing a new real estate, designing and renovating our current living space, moving out of  our parents/grandparents home, moving out of our home, moving out of our hometown, moving to a new city or even country, we can move in with our partners after dating or marriage, our families can grow bigger due to new family members like the birth of a child which results into us purchasing a bigger home for the family. As you can see there are so many different possibilities to expand your current living spaces or make a few changes. But sadly it could be possible for you to take more responsibilities for the family, like taking care of your parents or grandparents in times of sickness or urgency. Situations like these encourage you to invest more time and care into your private life with family members you haven't talked to for years. This is the time to set strong and long lasting bonds with the people closest to you.The 4th house rules  our origin, roots, ancestry and childhood so here we might be interested in discovering new things about our family history, visiting our hometown/country to explore our historical background or past childhood memories. We are asked to rest in our maternal feminine energy by taking care of domestic chores like cooking, cleaning and preparing things . In this phase you could be more in touch with your feelings and emotions having a stronger connection to your intuition and ancestors.  :) 
Ouestions you might ask: Where do i feel the most safe and nutured? Where do I want to live? How much do i know about my familys history? How is mom/dad brother? What do I need to take care of? Should i visit my home town? Do i enjoy my living space? Is it time for me to move out? Should we move in togehter? Am i able to take care of my mother? Where is my Intuition guiding me?
🌼SR ASC in natal 5th house🌼:
With SR ASC in the 5th house, we tend to experience a very exciting year ahead. Starting to engage with our personal interests and hobbies more often. This is a time for you to really explore your creative, imaginary world deeply. It's common to suddenly not take life that much seriously and adopt a more fun and lighthearted attitude. The 5th house hands us the gift to let our inner child play, wild and free with whatever hobbys or creative activities that come to our minds like, painting, digital art, fashion, if you are into singing you might have the courage to enter the music industry. People who might have an interest in writing could start sharing  their thoughts and ideas with the world. (example: this year i have this placement in my SR Chart and guess what i suddenly started my Astro Blog on tumblr because it turned out to be something that i like and find interesting ) . We place more of our focus and on things that give us pleasure,happiness and joy by following our first internal instincts and desires. But the down side of this placement if not harnessed in a healthy manner can cause us to act out impulsivly, over engaging in pleasurable and destructive behaviors like, unhealthy consumption of alcohol,drugs, sleep, food, shopping, mast**bation, SE*  etc. Big theme here for you is to " just live in the moment" , having fun, being more spontaneous, flirtatious, going to parties more frequently , playing all sorts of games with friends, simply celebrating life. An interesting path that you could also encounter for this year, are children . Whether you have children or siblings, you'll probably try connecting and bond with them. Or you could attract situations where you might have to take care of them like through babysitting roles. It's also quietly possible to get pregnant this year . With the 5th house we could enter into a romantic era with potential suitors, that we might date,  have an affair with, a short term fling, an tinder dating phase , (fwb), or getting into a relationship with, there definitely different outcomes of this situations, so you might as well can stay single and enjoy your life ;) 
Ouestions you might ask: How about trying something new? Should i go out more? Do i want to have children? Maybe i could start creating this idea, Should i join a dating website, Can´t i just relax and have fun time?
🌼SR ASC in natal 6thhouse🌼:
We are given the opportunity here to get our lifes organized and fixed. The 6th house is another house that gives us groundness and stability through utilizing routines that work for our daily living. You will probably put a  heavy focus on how you operate your routines, if it is healthy, if it fulfills your set standards and goals or if you can improve them. This is a time period where you are occupied with a lot of things at school, work or generally in life. This could also be a phase where young teens enter into their adulthood trying to cope with daily responsibilities. Your daily routine can drastically change after entering an important life stage like a new job, apprenticeship, promotion, new school. Your attention can also be directed at health matters. you will put more value on healthy diets, eating more organic and natural foods, cooking attentively to your desired health plan. You will reflect on past behavior patterns to see if they were healthy or unhealthy, if you have been only eating junk food, been on the phone daily for over 7h, not consistent with body hygiene. You could like observing your physical body more, figuring out what you like and don't like and how you can fix it. Here we are prone to attend occasionally to doctors appointments for health conditions like discovering illness,sickness, health conditions where we have to  take our medications and supplements regularly. This year is going to make you very busy, similar to the 3rd house, having to create a tight and fixed schedule because you don't have that much free time. Planning and Organising is a huge focus for the year ahead. In this time period you´ll probably be introduced to new coworkers or you will be introduced to people at work because of a job change. Encountering situations, occasions where you have to teach, assist and help people like at work, grocery shopping,  are common for this year and can also be the other way around. Fun fact: You could adopt a new pet, of course if you like pets :) 
Ouestions you might ask: Do i need to change my routine? How will go about this situation? How is my health condition doctor? Should i adopt a new pet? Sould i stop eating 3 buckers of ice cream everyday? Maybe i should get bracets (not saying that anything is wrong about having crooked theeth) How should i plan this apponintment into my scheuduel?
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PT.2 coming out soon :)
Thanks for reading
❁SR Chart Interpreataion PT.1❁
❁ SR Chart Interpreataion PT.2❁
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dionysianivy · 5 days
˚𖦹🦇 𝐎𝐜𝐭𝐨𝐛𝐞𝐫 𝟐𝟎𝟐𝟒 𝐀𝐬𝐭𝐫𝐨𝐥𝐨𝐠𝐢𝐜𝐚𝐥 𝐄𝐯𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐬⋆🎃
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October 2 — New Moon Solar Eclipse in Libra
This eclipse might leave you feeling off-balance. It’s better not to push yourself to do important things if your energy feels off. Take time to connect with the energy of the Sun, honoring solar deities and cleansing yourself, while correcting past mistakes.🧙‍♀️☀️
October 4 — Venus in Scorpio Trine Saturn in Pisces
Today is a great day to connect with people who share your interests! Whether you reconnect with old friends or engage with current ones, it’s also a good time for romantic relationships and finding new connections. 🍂
October 5 — Mercury in Libra Square Mars in Cancer 
Due to the conflicting energies of Mercury and Mars in air and water signs, it’s best to slow down when making decisions. Avoid impulsiveness if you don’t want to stir up conflicts. 🌧
October 8 — Venus in Scorpio Trine Mars in Cancer
Good news!! Positive water energy flows today, making it great for deep, warm connections with loved ones.💧🌾 Spend time with those who make you feel most at home and understood.
October 8 — Mercury in Libra Trine Jupiter in Gemini 
A harmonious day, especially for communication and planning your future (in love, career, or other areas). It’s a great time to reflect on what you want from life. Also you may have a boost of social, "butterfly" energy. 🦋
October 9 — Jupiter Goes Retrograde in Gemini
A great time to go with the flow and live life to the fullest. 🍇 You may feel motivated to rebuild your life, especially through activities that involve socializing.
October 11 — Pluto Goes Direct in Capricorn
This marks Pluto’s final forward push in Capricorn in our lifetime. 🕯 Reflect on your life and the positive and negative lessons you’ve learned over the years.
October 13 — Mercury Enters Scorpio 
We will encounter deep conversations and topics that may change our perspective on life. 🌱 Prepare for emotionally intense yet open-minded discussions. 🦂
October 14 — Sun in Libra Square Mars in Cancer
Today might feel conflictual, especially at home or work. Defensiveness may arise as we try to protect our peace, so be mindful of how you respond to stress. Also, a good day for shadow work.⚡
October 14 — Venus in Scorpio Opposite Uranus in Taurus
There may be a clash between money and love, causing potential drama with loved ones. 🌾
October 15 — Venus in Scorpio Trine Neptune in Pisces
A very spiritual, dreamy, and whimsical day 🧙‍♀️🍷🕯 perfect for spells, meditation, and magic. It’s an excellent time for creativity, allowing your artistic side to shine through in activities you love.
October 17 — Venus Enters Sagittarius 
Lady Aphrodite is on our side today, as love brings us a deep, wild, and adventurous energy. Today we seek connections with people who make us feel free and deeply connected. 💓
October 17 — Venus in Scorpio Sextile Pluto in Capricorn 
Love energy is strong today. It’s the ideal time to pursue what you want in love without regrets. Also, self-love is highly recommended for mental health. ♡🌕
October 21 — Mercury in Scorpio Trine Saturn in Pisces
Doubt and insecurity might fill the day, but the most important thing is to listen to your intuition and your heart. 🔮
October 22 — Sun in Libra Square Pluto in Capricorn
Another day of insecurity, especially regarding your social image. You might compare yourself too much to others in terms of money, status, or skills. Stay grounded and focus on your unique qualities. 💧🕊
October 22 — Sun Enters Scorpio ♏
Spooky season officially begins!🧙‍♀️🎃🕸 The next few weeks will bring a mysterious, passionate energy. Use this time to fuel your witchy side, practice lots of magic, and try new spells. Let your magic flow freely.
October 24 — Mars in Cancer Sextile Uranus in Taurus
Today is all about seeking stability in different areas of your life. You’ll make future plans and adjust them to meet your needs. 🐅
October 26 — Vesta Enters Libra
Vesta/Hestia energy will bring harmony and warmth to the home, creating cozy moments. You’ll find your inner fire, keeping you warm and safe. 🏺🔥 Sweet moments in your relationships will help strengthen your bonds.
October 28 — Mars in Cancer Trine Neptune in Pisces
As Halloween and Samhain approach, today’s energy is highly spiritual, making it an ideal day for meditation, tarot readings, pendulum work, and all things magical. Your higher self will feel fulfilled. 🦂🕸🕷
October 28 — Venus in Sagittarius Square Saturn in Pisces
There may be misunderstandings in your love life, so be patient with others—and with yourself. 🐚
October 30 — Mercury in Scorpio Opposite Uranus in Taurus
Today may lack clear communication. It’s better to avoid important conversations, giving yourself and others time to express feelings without pressure. 🍷
October 31 — Mercury in Scorpio Trine Neptune in Pisces (Samhain/Halloween 🎃)
Today, the veil between worlds is thin, making it an ideal time to connect with the spiritual realm. 🕸🧙‍♀️🕯Trust your intuition and seek the answers you’ve been looking for. Offer tributes to your deities and honor loved ones who have passed on. Spend your day peacefully celebrating Samhain by eating or doing activities that bring you closer to this Sabbath. Blessed Samhain 🎃
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certifiedsolar · 2 years
Solar Repairs - How to Keep Your System Running at Peak Performance
Solar power systems are great for providing sustainable electricity. They are also a real alternative to the grid, which means they can help cut your energy bills. However, it is important to keep your system running at peak performance to ensure that you get the most bang for your buck. A solar monitoring system will let you know if and when your system is performing well.
If your solar panel isn't working as it should, you can get it repaired by a professional. Your system is composed of many moving parts, so repairing it may be more difficult than you think. It's important to work with a licensed and qualified electrician to ensure that you are not taking any unnecessary risks.
The best way to keep your solar power system functioning at its optimum level is to have it regularly serviced and maintained by a trained professional. An experienced solar repair technician will restore your system quickly and efficiently. This type of service is essential to maintain your system up to the regulatory standards set forth by the Australian government.
Some of the most common solar repairs Brisbane residents may need are the simplest. These include cleaning, troubleshooting, and replacing damaged panels. In some cases, a new inverter might be necessary.
The first thing to do is determine if your system is in good working order. If not, you could be left in the dark. There are several possible reasons for a panel to malfunction. Damaged cables and mountings can be caused by high pressure, moisture seepage, and other things that may not be obvious to the untrained eye.
Other common solar repairs that you might want to consider include replacing the inverter, repairing the wiring, and cleaning the solar panels. Depending on the size of your system, the cost of these services might be substantial. Typically, the cost of an inverter replacement will depend on the brand and model. Similarly, the cost of a full cleaning of your system will vary based on its size and the number of panels in the system.
The most basic and most effective solar panel maintenance is to periodically clean your panel. This helps prevent debris from getting in, which can cause damage over time. On top of that, it is an easy way to ensure that you are putting your best foot forward when it comes to maximizing your solar panel's performance.
Performing a thorough evaluation of your system will reveal the most common issues, and provide a clear picture of the best course of action. Fortunately, there are several companies in Brisbane that offer the services you need. To find the best, ask a few questions and get several quotes. You might even be able to score some solar rebates from your electricity retailer.
Having a properly sized solar system is a key step towards ensuring that you can generate clean and renewable electricity for your home or business. However, problems with your solar system can occur at any time.
Certified Solar specializes in providing solar energy and energy storage system installations for commercial and residential projects. We transform our clients’ energy needs by helping them drastically reduce and eliminate their electricity bills, aiming for the maximum return on each investment.
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universalitgirlsblog2 · 4 months
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Doubts don't matter. Would you doubt yourself if you already got your manifestation? Would you doubt yourself if you are already in Barbados? Dealing with doubts can be hard sometimes , I always say how self-concept work never goes in vain. If you feel you are reacting to the 3D or being doubtful, put the focus on you,change " SELF". Focus on your self- concept .
Avoid the need to seek confirmation from the 3D reality. The 3D reality does not control you, you control it. Movement is always happening, maybe you are not able to see it but it is always happening. Learn to reassure yourself , validate yourself and don't seek validation from the 3D.
Speak to yourself when you are in the moments of doubt. It is very important to realize that you are in control of your reality. Ask yourself: " What are you doubting about ? " " What or Who made you doubt yourself ? ". As Barbie said you can be anything , you can be anyone you want to be and manifest anyone and anything you want. Remind yourself ! You are in control of your reality.
Doubts often arise from Logic too. It is important to remember that logic doesn't matter. When you are manifesting , forget about logic and rely on your imagination. Please let go of the " when " or " how ".
I think these posts can help - edward art series summary by me and this one .
Here is a paragraph from Solar's guide , it helped me in my moments of doubts - "Your current situation does not mean you cannot manifest it to change. You can manifest a completely new reality for yourself regardless of where you are physically, as long as you mentally operate as your wanted reality. Your unwanted situation is only a circumstance, an illusion that makes manifesting seem harder. An unwanted situation will only continue to be that way if you dwell upon it, keep giving it hate and attention" I have made notes of almost all Solar's guide - click me !! Solar's guides are really helpful and they will dissolve all your doubts !! Click me if you want to read solar's creator code guide 💗🌸
Resistance is when you get opposing thoughts. When our subconscious mind is familiar with one thing and you tell it something which is different from what you have always told your mind.Let's say you always told your mind how you were dumb , since subconscious mind materialize your assumptions into reality , it gave you proof how you were dumb and you continued to persist in this assumption.Now , if you tell your mind that you are smart , you will get opposing thoughts because your mind is not familiar with this thought.
To get rid of resistance , REPETITION IS THE KEY AS ALWAYS !! The more you repeat the assumption , the more dominant it will become.
Remind yourself that you are worthy of your manifestation. I used to say that self- concept wasn't necessary to manifest in my previous posts but self-concept work never goes in vain and if you work on self-concept, you will feel better about yourself , you won't doubt your power and know that you are in control !
If you get the mindset that you are going to get what you want and you will focus on what you want , you can get rid of resistance.
Read this post by @awhkacey!
You are not a victim of your reality. You create your reality. You have full control over your reality.
If you feel that you don't have your desires because you didn't see it in the 3D reality, it means you are giving all your control and power to the 3D reality. The 3D reality has no control over you because you control it. Stop giving the 3D too much power over you when you are the creator !
" When you play the victim , you stay the victim " Most people don't apply anything and then they complain how the law doesn't work 🤔. It's obvious the law won't work since you applied nothing but kept complaining and feeding the old story.
Also thank you for 2.1K followers , it means alot . Thank you for your love and support, I am glad that my posts helped you 😊 💗🌸
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Lord Husband (Chapter 2)
AN: Thank you to everyone for all the love for chapter 1. I really wasn't expecting everyone to like it so much!
word count: 1,334 words
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You break your fast with the Queen every morning, but today, you are hesitant to go. For the past few days she has been trying to convince you to set up another meeting with Lord Stark. You show no interest in such an arrangement but you know it is no use avoiding your mother.
You have your handmaiden help you dress for the day in an eye-catching, sapphire gown. It’s low-cut but not in a way that wouldn’t be considered respectable. You may set many trends in fashion with being the only daughter of the Queen but you are still a princess after all. You have your hair done up elaborately and forgo donning your neck with jewels because you enjoy making the courtiers stare. You like tempting the men who will never be your suitors the most. Making your way to your mother’s solar, your gaze falls on a serving boy for perhaps a moment too long. He blushes. You think that you may call on him specially to serve your tea tonight; just because you won’t marry him, doesn’t mean you cannot enjoy him. Ser Erryk holds the door open for you when you get to the Queen’s chambers but an issue arises when you notice her guest.
“Lord Stark.” You attempt to put a smile on your face when you notice your betrothed dining with your mother. It comes out more like a grimace.
“Oh darling, I thought you would much rather break your fast with your betrothed today.” Rhaenyra smiles sweetly but you can see the pointed look in her gaze. She knows how desperately you’ve been trying to avoid Cregan Stark. “I’ll have my meal with the Dowager Queen.”
“Of course, mother. Thank you for the kind gesture.” You say through gritted teeth.
She exits the room, leaving you with only Cregan and a cupbearer. You stand, unmoving, near the door. He stands where he had risen from his chair in light of your presence. He awkwardly waits for you to take your seat so he may also be seated again. You make no signs of moving.
“Perhaps you would like to grant your feet a moment's rest, princess?” He gestures to the chair next to him.
You glare at him. “I do not need to be prompted by you in order to seat myself.” You decide to settle down in the chair across from him instead of the one he invited you to.
“Of course.” Lord Stark tries his best to not roll his eyes at you. “I was pleased when her Grace requested another meeting be set up between the two of us.”
“Were you?” You look at him, amused. You can’t imagine that the man still wishes to court you after your first encounter.
“I am pleased to have any chance to spend more time with my betrothed. Especially when she is as fair as you are, princess.” He says, turning up the charm all the way. “Might I also say that your dress looks absolutely ravishing on you.”
“I know it does. That’s why I selected it.” You say with a roll of your pretty doe eyes.
“A wise selection it was.” Cregan comments, somehow managing to stay courteous.
You fill your plate, taking your pick from the vast variety of fruits and you grab a single lemon tart at the end.
“Do you enjoy lemon tarts?” He says, attempting to keep the conversation flowing.
“No.” You say sarcastically before taking a bite.
“I take it that you still don’t care for conversation?” He speaks, his tone betraying him by revealing a hint of his annoyance.
“Not with any of the men that vied for my hand.” You answer shortly.
“I did not vie for your hand. The Queen gave it to me.” He seems almost offended by your words. You’re sure that a man like him has never had to compete for a woman before.
“Oh good. I’m glad to know that I am not a prize to be won but a gift to be given. What relief that brings me.” He cringes at your words.
“I did not say that and you know it isn’t what I meant.” He says firmly, his patience starting to grow thin.
“I’m sure it isn’t.” You say passively. As if the conversation isn’t worth your time.
“Princess, please help me understand why you seem to despise me so.” Your betrothed is clearly spiteful from the fact that he has been saddled with a woman that has next to no interest in him.
“I don’t despise you, Lord Stark.”
“Then tell me why you act as if marrying me is the worst fate the gods could have bestowed upon you.”
“I value my freedom, my lord.” You say simply.
“I do not intend to keep you prisoner.” He says, like it is the most obvious thing in the world.
He doesn’t understand. They never understand that being kept prisoner doesn’t always mean being held in a cell. Being free isn’t defined by your arms lacking physical shackles.
“I can see that this betrothal is not what you want but unity between the Starks and the Targaryens is what the realm needs.” He adds.
“I know what is good for the realm. My mother is Queen.” You say defensively.
He pauses for a moment and takes a bite of the pastry on his plate, washing it down with a sip of Arbour Red wine. He is clearly thinking about his words, wondering what to say that would upset you the least. “Of course, princess. So you evidently agree that your mother’s wishes, as Queen, must be followed?” You’re not really sure where he is going with this, if he has a point or is just trying to figure something out for his own benefit.
“Do you think I would be sitting here if that wasn’t the case?” you say condescendingly. 
Another pause from your betrothed. It seems that Lord Stark is considering his options. He then gives you a tight smile. “My house is very honour bound. You will have your freedom through Winterfell and I will never hurt a hair on your head, nor let anyone else bring harm to you. You may bring as many of your ladies in waiting as you would like and I will not bother you often if you don’t wish for it.” He lays it out straight for you, the benefits of having him as a husband. At this point, all he wants is for you to not be so bitter towards him.
You stare at him for a moment. You do seem to be a little enticed by the amount of control he is inclined to grant you. You consider being agreeable by simply giving him a nod of your head but that anger still tugs at the back of your mind. The fact that you will be wed to this man with or without your approval makes you sick. “I don’t require your protection. I have a dragon.” He sighs and looks almost disappointed.
“I offer you more than protection.” He says, firm in his beliefs that he would make a fine husband to you.
“Clearly because I get to bring my Ladies in waiting with me to the North. Hurrah.” You say with a straight face. “What shall you offer for me and me alone? Something that isn’t just for the progression of the realm?” You ask inquisitively.
“Well… I would like to make you happy.” He says carefully and you hope he doesn’t catch how you let your face soften for just a moment.
You have no idea how to respond to that. The sentiment seems so intrinsic and shallow and yet… you don’t believe that you’ve heard the words fall from a single suitor's mouth until him. 
“Oh.” The filler word falls stupidly from your mouth. The conversation does not continue on from there. You just pick up your lemon tart and eat with him in silence
taglist (comment to be added): General: @valeskafics @urmomsgirlfriend1 @girlwith-thepearlearring @darylandbethfanforever9 @lovellies @juhdoche @papichulo120627 @watercolorskyy
Lord husband: @feyres-fireheart @possiblyafangirl @hb8301 @marihoneywk @youn-jo @velvet-spider @janelongxox @ninastyless @nyctophilic0vitnir @m-a-s-h-k-a @delicious-xx @weepingfashionwritingplaid @happinessinthebeing @betelrus
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draakart · 1 year
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A Better World is Possible.
Solarpunk City for Andrewism's Solarpunk Collaboration. This is my dream for South Africa. A post-capitalist society that exists at peace with the natural world.
This is a city based in Namaqualand, a region in South Africa renowned for the stunning fields of wildflowers that rise after the first spring rains, transforming the landscape.
The houses are based on the Ndebele houses, which are constructed of clay, wood and thatch, with the walls sealed by animal fats to keep the buildings watertight. These buildings are excellent for the South African climate (go-figure), trapping heat in the walls during the day and releasing it during the very cold nights.
Most of the city's energy comes from wind turbines and solar-panels. The main transport system in the city is the web-like overlay of trams, each interconnected by wide footpaths. These footpaths are also used by emergency vehicles, should the need arise.
Some seasonal crops grown include pearl millet and cassava. The year-round food sources are cattle, poultry, sour fig and groundnut. During dry spells, where other crops fail, there are ample fruits from marula, sourplum and monkey orange.
The large dogs in the painting are Boerbols, which were traditionally used for lion hunting, but now act as guardians, especially to the children. The smell of livestock is bound to attract predators to the settlement, especially during lean times.
The guinea fowl are companion animals to the chooks, acting as sentries.
It may be a bit utopian, but we need utopias to spark our imaginations and to imagine what could be so that we can inform our decisions here and now. We have everything to lose. But we also have everything to gain. It's worth fighting for an egalitarian and just future.
For inspiration, see notes. I will attach some YT videos that helped keep me optimistic.
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