ultravioletqueen · 3 months
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Thanks to @theloremaniac I discovered Anaq, the first daughter of Adam and Eve in Islam and the first witch in this religion, she caught my attention because of the description of her appearance: born with two heads and claws instead of normal nails, she was also the first person to die in Islam, being killed by a lion sent by God after having sex before marriage.
I imagined what it would be like to adapt it to a possible rewrite of Hazbin Hotel (since I plan to do redesigns very soon) and my original Instagram story (bloody reverie/eden) and I thought about making her the outcast daughter of the Eden family, she was horribly affected for the apple (eve ate it while she was pregnant without knowing it) causing her this strange appearance and a great affinity with dark magic.
In this version, Anaq had a romantic relationship with Arham, a young traveler who became very interested in magic and went to Anaq so she could teach him. However, they soon saw each other as more than friends. Arham had a great thirst for adventure and He wanted to explore the world with her, they both had different ideas about religion and God, neither of them believed much in the existence of God and that's why they didn't bother to follow the commandments.
This did not go unnoticed by God and, feeling extremely offended by Anaq's lack of faith, he decided to punish her by sending a giant lion that ended up eating her alive.
Arham, with a broken heart, decides to take his son Uj/og to his birthplace in Bashun, where he would be crowned king by its inhabitants, but his throne felt empty because he did not have Anaq by his side. However, he decided to raise his son in the best possible way until the day Arham died of cardiac attack when uj/og was 12 years old and he was left in the care of his maternal family who helped him in his royal duties when he was crowned king at the age of 15.
uj/og grew up as a hyperactive child who is usually very emotional and impulsive, but who has a great sense of justice and really wanted to be as good a king as his father and greatly admires his mother's figure even though he couldn't really know her.
uj/og dies being murdered by Moses when he is 19 years old and reaches heaven with his father.
I have two possible scenarios for anaq:
1) CANON:Anaq is in heaven since God recognizes that he was too hard on her and gives her the opportunity to reunite with her lover and son, with whom she is happily reunited. She keeps in touch with her entire family (yep, even Cain) and visits them regularly.
2) NO CANON/SWAP AU:Anaq is sentenced to hell not only for her beliefs but also for her practices of dark magic, she ends up fusing with Roo over time (before she was part of her in her second head as a Siamese twin), she could not reunite with her family and is very bitter about it, she is a very sad and lonely person who does not usually leave her domain.
Anaq in general has a rather discouraged personality, she is introverted and does not usually like the idea of ​​socializing with others unless it is strictly necessary, otherwise she prefers to stay in the shadows and not attract attention (which makes her hate her appearance, since it makes her a target for the gazes and prejudices of others).
Anaq was a figure of protection and understanding for her sibilings, since she did not want her sibilings to grow up being victims of the same prejudices that she had to endure, she took on the role of second mother in general and for this reason her brothers and sisters have her in high esteem and do not let anyone speak ill of her even though she is in hell in some lines.
In more general things, Anaq really likes to study about medicinal practices and would definitely be fascinated with modern medicine.
She also likes to sew a lot, she probably invented the first needle and thread and used to be the one who made clothes for the family. She also loves embroidery and has made beautiful embroideries that have taken her forever to finish but she is extremely satisfied with them (she probably has an tapestry of her lover and son).
gracias a @theloremaniac descubri a anaq, la primera hija de adam y eva en el islam y la primera bruja en esta religion, ella llamo mi atencion por la descripción de su apariencia: nacida con dos cabezas y garras en vez de uñas normales, ella tambien fue la primera persona en morir en el islam siendo asesinada por un leon enviado por dios depsues de haber tenido sexo antes del matrimonio.
me imagine como seria adaptarla a un posible rewrite de hazbin hotel(ya que planeo hacer rediseños muy pronto)y mi historia original de instagram(bloody reverie/eden) y pense en hacerla la hija marginada de la familia del eden, ella fue afectada horriblemente por la manzana(eva la comio estando embarazada sin saberlo) causandole esta apariencia extraña y una gran afinidad con la magia oscura.
en esta versión anaq tuvo una relación sentimental con un arham, un joven viajero que se interesó mucho en la magia y fue con anaq para que ella le enseñase, sin embargo pronto se vieron como mas que amigos, arham tenia gran sed por la aventura y queria explorar el mundo junto a ella, ambos tenian ideas diferentes sobre la religion y dios, ninguno de los dos creia mucho en la existencia del mismo y por eso no se molestaban en seguir los mandamientos.
esto no paso desapercibido por dios y al sentirse extremadamente ofendido por la falta de fe de anaq decidio castigarla mandando un leon gigante que la termino comiendo viva.
arham con el corazon roto decide llevarse a su hijo uj/og a su lugar de nacimiento en bashun, donde seria coronaso rey por sus habitantes, pero su trono se sentia vacio al no tener a anaq a su lado, sin embargo decidió criar a su hijo de la mejor forma posible hasta el dia que arham fallecio por un paro cardiaco cuando uj/og tiene 12 años y este queda al cuidado de su familia materna que le ayudan en sus labores reales cuando es coronado rey a los 15 años.
uj/og crecio como un niño hiperactivo que suele ser muy emocional e impulsivo, pero que tiene un gran sentido de la justicia y realmente quiere ser tan buen rey como su padre y admira muchísimo a la figura de su madre pese a que no la pudo conocer de verdad.
uj/og muere siendo asesinado por moses cuando tiene 19 años y llega al cielo junto a su padre.
tengo dos posibles escenarios para anaq:
1)CANON:anaq esta en el cielo ya que dios reconoce que fue demasiado duro con ella y le da la oportunidad de reunirse con su amado e hijo, con quien se reune felizmente. ella mantiene contacto con toda su familia(sip, incluso cain) y los visita regularmente.
2) NO CANON/SWAP AU:anaq es sentenciada al infierno no solo por sus creencias sino tambien por sus practicas de magia oscura, ella se termina fusionando con roo con el tiempo(antes formaba parte de ella en su segunda cabeza como un gemelo siames), ella no pudo reunirse con su familia y es muy amargada al respecto, es una persona muy triste y solitaria que no suele salir de su dominio.
anaq en general tiene una personalidad bastante desanimada, ella es introvertida y no suele gustarle la idea de socializar con otros a no ser que sea estrictamente necesario, de lo contrario ella prefiere quedarse en las sombras y no llamar la atencion(lo cual hace que odie su apariencia, ya que la hace blanco de las miradas y prejuicios de otros).
anaq fue para sus hermanos una figura de protección y comprensión, ya que ella no queria que sus hermanos crecieran siendo victimas de los mismos prejuicios que ella tuvo que soportar, ella tomo un rol de segunda madre en general y por esto sus hermanos y hermanas la tienen en alta estima y no dejan que nadie hable mal de ella aun estando en el infierno en algunas lineas.
en cosas mas generales anaq le gusta mucho estudiar sobre practicas medicinales y definitivamente estaria fascinada con la medicina moderna.
a ella tambien le gusta mucho coser, probablemente ella invento la primera aguja e hilo y solia ser quien hacia la ropa para la familia. tambien ama el bordado y a hecho bordados hermosos que le han costado una eternidad en terminar pero que esta sumamente satisfecha con ellos(probablemente tenga un bordado de su amado e hijo).
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sheena1234 · 1 year
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restlesssinner · 2 months
Me playing Batman in Arkham Origins
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arhamoilofficial · 5 days
Efficient and Safe Tank Maintenance with Arham Oil’s Robotic Cleaning Solutions in India
In today’s fast-paced industrial world, maintaining clean storage tanks is vital for smooth operations. However, traditional cleaning methods often involve risks, high costs, and long downtimes. Arham Oil is transforming tank cleaning with its innovative Robotic Tank Cleaning Service in India, offering a safer, faster, and more efficient solution for industries looking to minimize disruptions while ensuring optimal cleanliness.
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Why Robotic Tank Cleaning Is the Future
Robotic tank cleaning is an advanced approach that uses automation to clean storage tanks without human entry. This method eliminates the dangers associated with manual cleaning, reduces operational downtime, and delivers more precise results. Arham Oil’s robotic cleaning technology can clean tanks of any size and configuration, all while ensuring that the tank remains operational.
Key advantages of robotic cleaning include:
No Human Exposure: Workers no longer need to enter confined spaces or come into contact with hazardous materials.
Continuous Operation: Tanks can remain in use during the cleaning process, avoiding costly shutdowns.
Thorough Cleaning: Robots access hard-to-reach areas, ensuring every part of the tank is cleaned thoroughly.
The Arham Oil Difference: Advanced Technology and Expertise
Arham Oil is a leader in robotic tank cleaning services, leveraging cutting-edge technology and experienced professionals to provide unmatched cleaning solutions. Our process ensures that storage tanks are cleaned efficiently and safely, without compromising on quality.
What sets us apart?
Safety First: Our robotic technology reduces the risk of injury by eliminating the need for human entry into tanks.
Cost-Effective: With less downtime and fewer resources required, robotic cleaning saves both time and money.
Environmentally Friendly: Our cleaning process uses minimal water and produces less waste, helping to reduce your environmental footprint.
Customizable Solutions for All Storage Tanks
Whether you’re dealing with crude oil tanks, chemical storage tanks, or water tanks, Arham Oil offers a solution tailored to your specific needs. Our robotic systems can be adapted to clean tanks of various sizes and shapes, ensuring that no part of the tank is left uncleaned.
The Robotic Cleaning Process: How It Works
Our robotic tank cleaning process is simple, yet highly effective. Here’s a step-by-step look at how we do it:
Consultation and Assessment: We begin by assessing your tank cleaning needs and determining the most efficient cleaning plan.
Robotic Deployment: Our robots, equipped with high-pressure cleaning jets and vacuum systems, are deployed into the tank. These machines remove sludge, debris, and contaminants while navigating the tank's interior with precision.
Inspection and Reporting: After cleaning, we perform a thorough inspection to ensure the tank is completely cleaned. We also provide a detailed report on the condition of the tank and any recommendations for future maintenance.
This automated process allows for a much faster turnaround time compared to traditional methods, ensuring your tanks are back in service quickly.
Who Should Use Arham Oil’s Robotic Tank Cleaning Service?
Arham Oil’s robotic tank cleaning services are ideal for businesses across various sectors, including:
Large-Scale Industrial Operations: From oil and gas storage to chemical plants, robotic cleaning can handle high-capacity tanks that require regular cleaning to maintain operational efficiency.
Sensitive Environments: Industries that deal with hazardous or sensitive materials can benefit from robotic cleaning, as it reduces the risk of human exposure.
Companies Focused on Safety and Sustainability: If safety and environmental responsibility are core to your business, our robotic cleaning service offers a solution that aligns with your values.
Why Choose Arham Oil for Robotic Tank Cleaning?
Arham Oil is dedicated to providing top-tier robotic cleaning services that prioritize both efficiency and safety. Our experienced team, combined with our state-of-the-art technology, ensures that your tanks are cleaned to the highest standards without disrupting your operations.
Why clients trust us:
Expertise in handling a wide variety of storage tanks and industrial requirements.
Commitment to safety and environmental sustainability.
Cost-effective solutions that save time and resources.
Book Your Robotic Tank Cleaning Service Today!
Don't let dirty tanks slow down your operations or pose safety risks. With Arham Oil’s Robotic Tank Cleaning Service, you get a fast, reliable, and environmentally friendly solution that keeps your business running smoothly.
Get in touch with us today to learn more! Visit www.arhamoil.com or call [Insert Contact Number] to book your consultation and take the first step toward safer, cleaner, and more efficient tank management.
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shoparhamwebworks · 3 months
Top Custom Shopify Apps to Enhance Your Store
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If you're running a Shopify store, you know how important it is to offer a seamless shopping experience for your customers. Custom Shopify apps can significantly enhance your store's functionality, helping you manage everything from marketing to inventory to customer engagement.
Why Custom Shopify Apps?
Custom Shopify apps are designed to cater to the specific needs of your store. Unlike generic apps, custom apps are tailored to fit your business processes, helping you achieve your goals more efficiently. Whether you need better inventory management, enhanced marketing tools, or a more personalized customer experience, custom apps can provide the solutions you need.
Top Custom Shopify Apps for Your Store
Oberlo Oberlo is a must-have for dropshipping businesses. It allows you to easily import products from suppliers directly into your Shopify store and ship them directly to your customers. Oberlo automates many aspects of the dropshipping process, saving you time and reducing the risk of errors.
Yotpo Customer reviews and ratings are crucial for building trust and boosting sales. Yotpo is a powerful app that helps you collect and display reviews, ratings, and photos from your customers. It also includes features for customer loyalty and referrals, making it a comprehensive solution for customer engagement.
Klaviyo Klaviyo is an email marketing app that helps you create personalized email campaigns based on customer behavior. With its powerful segmentation and automation features, Klaviyo can help you send the right message to the right customer at the right time, increasing your chances of making a sale.
Bold Product Options If you sell customizable products, Bold Product Options is the app for you. It allows you to add unlimited customization options to your products, such as text fields, drop-down menus, and file uploads. This app is perfect for stores that offer personalized products like engraved jewelry or custom t-shirts.
ReConvert ReConvert is a post-purchase upsell app that helps you maximize the value of every sale. With ReConvert, you can create custom thank-you pages with upsell offers, surveys, and discount codes. This app is designed to boost your average order value and improve customer retention.
PageFly PageFly is a drag-and-drop page builder that lets you create custom pages for your Shopify store without any coding knowledge. Whether you need to build a landing page, product page, or blog post, PageFly makes it easy to create beautiful, responsive pages that match your brand.
ShipStation Efficient shipping is critical for a positive customer experience. ShipStation integrates with Shopify to streamline your shipping process. It allows you to import orders, print shipping labels, and track shipments from one easy-to-use dashboard. ShipStation supports multiple carriers, giving you the flexibility to choose the best shipping options for your business.
Privy Privy is a powerful app for email capture and conversion. It helps you grow your email list with customizable pop-ups, banners, and embedded forms. Privy also includes features for cart abandonment and email marketing, making it a versatile tool for driving sales and retaining customers.
Why Choose Arham Web Works for Custom Shopify Apps?
When it comes to custom Shopify apps, Arham Web Works is the best place to get exactly what you need. Here's why:
Expertise and Experience Arham Web Works has a team of experienced developers who specialize in creating custom Shopify apps. They understand the platform inside and out and can build apps that integrate seamlessly with your store.
Tailored Solutions At Arham Web Works, they know that every business is unique. They take the time to understand your specific needs and create custom solutions that address your challenges and help you achieve your goals.
High-Quality Development Quality is a top priority at Arham Web Works. They use the latest technologies and best practices to ensure that your custom app is reliable, secure, and performs well. You can trust that your app will meet the highest standards of quality.
Ongoing Support Arham Web Works doesn't just build your app and walk away. They offer ongoing support and maintenance to ensure that your app continues to perform well and meet your
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takeurpickindie · 8 months
reply for @misaligncd from here
"you understand?" arham asked and huffed, shaking his head. "if you're going through with an arranged marriage than what am i going to do around you?" he asked her, hurt lacing his words. "there is nothing here for me is there? i ain't sleeping with another man's wife. that's not who i am, nor what i want. when were you goin' to tell me? dressed in white, ready to say i do?"
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vlruso · 1 year
Latest Advancements in the Field of Multimodal AI: (ChatGPT DALLE 3) (Google BARD Extensions) and many more.
🔥 Exciting news in the world of Multimodal AI! 🚀 Check out the latest blog post discussing the groundbreaking advancements in this field. From integrating DALLE 3 into ChatGPT to Google BARD's enhanced extensions, this post covers it all. 👉 Read the full article here: [Latest Advancements in the Field of Multimodal AI](https://ift.tt/RWjzTtc) Discover how Multimodal AI combines text, images, videos, and audio to achieve remarkable performance. Unlike traditional AI models, these systems handle multiple data types simultaneously, giving you more than one output. Learn about cutting-edge models like Claude, DeepFloyd IF, ImageBind, and CM3leon, which push the boundaries of text and image generation. Don't miss out on the incredible possibilities Multimodal AI offers! Take a deep dive into the future of AI by reading the article today. 🌟 #AI #MultimodalAI #ArtificialIntelligence #ChatGPT #DALLE3 #GoogleBARD #TechAdvancements List of Useful Links: AI Scrum Bot - ask about AI scrum and agile Our Telegram @itinai Twitter -  @itinaicom
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shah-time-blog · 1 year
sidrah/sadaf, Arham and Shahrukh
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ajmeriaproperty · 1 year
WAREHOUSE SHED AVAILABLE ON RENT IN BHIWANDI OFFERED AREA IS  20000 SQ FT #logistics #transport #industrialspace #rentalproperty #bhiwandi PROPERTY Code : AJWM195AREA :   20000 sq ftFLOOR :  GROUND FLOORLOCATION: BHIWANDIPOSSESSION: 01-04-23RENT :  21 /- per SqftShutter :  SINGLE  SHUTTERDOCK :   SINGLE   DOCKPOWER :  SINGLE  PHASE POWERHEIGHT :   22  ftFlooring :  TRIMIXFIRE HYDRANT:  NOT…
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propertis · 2 years
Find Your Dream Home at Ajmera Arham Properties in Malad: Choose from 2BHK and 3BHK Flats
Ajmera Arham
Ajmera Arham, located in the bustling suburb of Malad in Mumbai, is a residential project that offers a perfect blend of luxury, comfort, and convenience. Developed by the Ajmera Group, a renowned real estate developer in India, this project offers 2 BHK and 3 BHK flats at a starting price of Rs. 1.96 crores onwards.
Spread over a sprawling area of 1.25 acres, Ajmera Arham boasts modern architecture and world-class amenities. The project offers a total of 178 flats, with each flat designed to provide maximum space, natural light, and ventilation. The flats are available in sizes ranging from 700 sq. ft to 1,153 sq. ft, catering to the needs of families of different sizes.
The flats at Ajmera Arham Malad are designed to provide a luxurious living experience. The interiors are elegantly designed, with premium-quality fittings and fixtures. The flats feature spacious living rooms, well-planned kitchens, and comfortable bedrooms. The balconies offer stunning views of the surrounding landscape, providing a peaceful and relaxing ambiance.
Ajmera Arham offers a host of amenities that cater to the needs of the residents. The project features a swimming pool, a fully-equipped gymnasium, a clubhouse, a meditation area, and a children's play area. The project also has a landscaped garden, where residents can take a stroll or spend some quality time with their loved ones.
Apart from the amenities within the Properties In Malad, Ajmera Arham's location is another factor that makes it an attractive investment. Malad is a well-connected suburb, with easy access to the Western Express Highway and the Malad railway station. It is close to some of the best schools, hospitals, and shopping malls in Mumbai, making it an ideal place to live.
For more information visit our website: https://www.propmart.co/
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dmwealth · 2 years
Arham Technologies Limited IPO की Detail क्या हैं?
Arham Technologies Limited IPO की Detail क्या हैं?
एक और नया आईपीओ Arham Technologies Limited IPO आनें वाला हैं। “Arham Technologies Limited” की सुरुआत 2013 में हुई थी और यह company LED Smart Televisions की manufacturing करती हैं। कंपनी ‘स्टारशाइन’ ब्रांड के विभिन्न प्रकार के स्क्रीन साइज वाले LED Smart Televisions बनाती है। कंपनी third-party manufacturer से Fans, Air Coolers and Mixer Grinders की भी manufacturing करती हैं। Arham Technologies…
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charles-leclerizz · 7 months
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"You walk a fine line between beautifully macabre and uncharacteristically psychotic."
AP77 🇮🇳
Nickname : Phataka [hindi : Firework]
Born : April 13 2002
First and only child of Priya Patel & Arham Patel, both Indian born adults.
Neutral Evil
Aries Sun , Leo Moon , Gemini Rising
[NOTE!: Thank you so so much to @witchthewriter for natal chart lessons, Hogwarts house, MBTI and the Moral alignment, links and in depth explanations. Made making this character sketch, so much fun!]
Social media
VOGUE - Racing in Style: Aisha Patel's Fashion Journey
GQ - The Gentleman Racer: Aisha Patel's Grooming Tips
ESQUIRE - Beyond the Checkered Flag: Aisha Patel's Life Off the Track
HARPERS BAZAAR - Beauty Beyond Borders: Aisha Patel's Global Perspective
ELLE - Breaking Barriers: Aisha Patel's Impact on Motorsport
VANITY FAIR - Driven to Succeed: Aisha Patel's Philanthropic Vision
ROLLING STONE - The Soundtrack of Speed: Aisha Patel's Musical Influences
PEOPLE - Family First: Aisha Patel's Personal Journey
TOWN & COUNTRY - Luxury Living with Aisha Patel: Racing in
INTERVIEW MAGAZINE - Artistic Vision: Aisha Patel's Creative Perspective
ALLURE - Trackside Beauty Secrets with Aisha Patel
ARCHITECTURAL DIGEST - Home Sweet Home: Inside Aisha Patel's Racing Residence
FOOD & WINE - Fueling Victory: Aisha Patel's Race Day Recipes
ENTREPRENEUR - Driving Success: Aisha Patel's Business Ventures
TRAVEL + LEISURE - Globetrotting with Aisha Patel: Racing Around the World
HEALTH - Mindful Racing: Aisha Patel's Mental Fitness Routine
FASHIONISTA - Trackside Trends: Aisha Patel's Racing Fashion Forecast
TECH CRUNCH - Driving Innovation: Aisha Patel's Tech-Savvy Approach
TIME - Racing Against Time: Aisha Patel's Journey to Success
OPRAH MAGAZINE - The Power of Positivity: Aisha Patel's Inspirational Story
Aisha Patel, born and raised in the United Kingdom to Indian immigrants, Priya and Arham has finally made it to the big leagues! Having nurtured an intense interest in racing and motorsport, often watching Formula One races with her family, her long-time dream is finally coming true.
Her parents, much like most Asians, tried to push their daughter into a more stable profession but soon relented as they watched her skill grow and her flame burn like an inferno.
When it came out that Porsche would be replacing the beloved Haas F1 team on the grid, she jumped at the chance, displaying her racing skills in F3 & F2 by dominating the podiums and impressing a talent scout who hand-picked her for the spot.
Aisha is an ambitious woman, determined and headstrong as she blazes through any blockages that may present themselves whilst consistently pushing herself to the limit both on and off of the track.
Her confidence is infectious as she holds her own candle, always perfecting her skillset whilst embarking on her travels to becoming the first South Asian woman to win a World Drivers Championship. Yet, she remains humble, remembering her roots and maintains a down-to-earth persona that embraces all of those around her.
Driving style
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Aisha's driving style is ruthless and aggressive, she becomes a killer when on track as the adrenaline fills her up to her ears and all she can think of being first and staying first.
Although, the young driver has also proven herself to being one of the most calculated on the grid, maintaining her killer instincts whilst upholding an ice cold strategy, whether her race engineers like it or not. She can easily adapt to different tracks and wastes no time in becoming one with the tarmac beneath her wheels.
Yet, she still needs to mature her driving sense, sometimes some fights are not worth it and are not worth sacrificing a front wing for. Her predator like rivalries can sometimes leak over into post-race cool downs, and it has been observed, one too many times that she has been squaring up drivers who made, in her words, "A wrong fucking move, and cost [her] a podium." despite their seasoned years in the game, and her lack thereof.
Radio Snippets
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[NOTE! : Graphic created by me [@charles-leclerizz]]
📍Australia, Melbourne
⎯ AP77 : “Guys, is it just me, or did I just see a kangaroo trying to overtake me? What's the strategy for dealing with wildlife on the track?”
📍Monaco, Monte Carlo
⎯ AP77 : “Can someone remind me which one is the gas pedal and which one is the brake? I feel like I'm playing Dance Dance Revolution with these hairpins.”
📍Canada, Montreal
⎯ AP77 : “These curves are more confusing than deciphering my ex's cryptic texts. Can we dial up some clarity with the next strategy update-”
📍Austria, Spielberg:
⎯ AP77 : “Yodeled my way through the last turn like a true Alpine pro. Can we add some lederhosen decals for good luck?”
📍Italy, Monza:
⎯ AP77 : “These curbs are bumpier than a rollercoaster. Can we add some extra suspension or a chiropractor on standby?”
📍Japan, Suzuka:
⎯ AP77 : “Think I found Godzilla's cousin on Turn 3. Can we arrange a family reunion after the race?”
📍USA, Austin:
⎯ AP77 : “Can we paint the car like a cowboy hat for the next race? Yeehaw vibes for extra speed.”
📍Brazil, Interlagos:
⎯ AP77 : “I may have mistaken the Senna S for a dance floor. Can we get some rhythm in the next set of turns?”
📍Mexico, Mexico City:
⎯ AP77 : “Trying to break the lap record to earn a lifetime supply of tacos. ”
📍Belgium, Spa-Francorchamps:
⎯ AP77 : “Eau Rouge, more like Eau Confusion with all these ups and downs. Can we add a rollercoaster warning sign for the next lap? ”
📍Netherlands, Zandvoort:
⎯ AP77 : “Feeling more like I'm dodging tulips than racing on a track. Can we add some windmills for the full Dutch experience? Over.”
honourary tags [for special pookies] : @disneyprincemuke, @weekendlusting, @woozarts, @mellowarcadefun.
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docgold13 · 10 months
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Batman: The Animated Series - Paper Cut-Out Portraits and Profiles
Harleen Quinzel
Once a talented albeit unscrupulous psychiatrist, Doctor Harleen Frances Quinzel came to work at Arham Asylum for her postdoctoral internship. Therein she met The Joker and in her youthful ambition believed that she could successfully treat the so-called clown prince of crime. At first it seemed as though Dr. Quinzel was making excellent progress with The Joker.  And yet it turned out that The Joker was slowly and successfully indoctrinating the young woman into his own twisted outlook on the world.  Employing a string of lies and false accounts, The Joker was able to make Quinzel see him as the victim.  Before she knew it, Quinzel was hopelessly and nearly irrevocably entranced by the villain. 
Fashioning herself a harlequin outfit along with a variety of thematic weapons, Quinzel broke The Joker out of Arkham and thus began a colorful career as Harley Quinn, the Joker’s partner in crime.  In her delusional state, Harley never saw The Joker as actually hurting anyone; he was merely bringing mirth and mayhem into their otherwise dull lives.  Similarly, Harley was unable to appreciate the abusive nature of her relationship with The Joker, how he mistreated her and took her for granted.  It was only through her loving relationship with fellow villainess, Poison Ivy, that Harley enjoyed a respite from the toxic thrall of The Joker.  
The wonderful Arleen Sorkin provided the voice for Quinzel, with the character first appearing in the seventh episode of the first season of Batman: The Animated Series, ‘Joker’s Favor.’       
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sunnymoonny · 1 year
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demorei, eu sei, demorei mas voltei com as fics
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"Você acha que esse combina comigo?"
Era a quinta ou sexta vez que você perguntava aquilo, Chenle já havia perdido as contas.
Estavam em uma loja de roupas, escolhendo o vestido ideal para a sua formatura da faculdade. Chenle olhava com atenção cada um, te ajudando a escolher alguns para serem os candidatos finais.
"Pra ser sincero, acho que ficou muito largo na cintura. Você tem um corpão e tanto, merece ser mostrado."
"Que foi? Eu como seu amigo tenho que te dizer as realidades, amor. Agora vai, vamos para o próximo. Pega aquele vermelho que escolhemos mais cedo, vai ficar lindo, eu tenho certeza."
Escutou seu amigo e pegou o vestido, entrando na cabine e trocando de roupa. De início, ficou assustada vendo o quanto o vestido havia abraçado perfeitamente todas as suas curvas e dado o famoso "up" nos seus seios. Ele era de veludo, o tom de vermelho combinava com o tom da sua pele. Era ele, ele era o vestido ideal.
"Só é um pouquinho difícil pra andar, tirando isso, ele está perfeito, não acha, lele?"
Chenle paralisou, os dedos que estavam focados em escrever uma mensagem travaram em uma letra qualquer, a boca ficou entreaberta, tentando formular uma frase coesa para o momento.
"É...arham," fingiu tossir, saindo finalmente do transe em que você o havia colocado. "Ele ficou perfeito... só dá uma viradinha, deixa eu ver ele completo." Virou-se lentamente, possibilitando que Chenle visse o vestido inteiro. "Perfeito, é ele não é? Diz que é ele."
"É sim." Riu com a fala desesperada do menino. "Agora eu vou trocar ele e colocar as roupas normais, pagamos e vamos embora." Ia se virando, mas foi parada pela voz de Chenle.
"Você está linda, de verdade."
Com um sorriso bobo no rosto, voltou até a cabine, cobrindo o rosto fervendo com as mãos. O que Chenle estava fazendo com você e por que haviam borboletas em seu estômago? Decidiu deixar os pensamentos de lado e colocou a mão atrás de seu corpo, para retirar o zíper, encontrando uma dificuldade quando percebeu que o mesmo não queria descer.
"Merda" pregou baixinho, mas na altura suficiente para que Chenle pudesse te escutar e se aproximasse da cabine.
"Tudo bem aí?"
"Não, o zíper não quer descer, parece que ele emperrou ou algo assim, mas já já consigo resolver." Disse e poucos segundos depois viu a porta da cabine se abrir e Chenle ultrapassar ela, ficando no mesmo pequeno espaço com você.
Chenle se aproximou de você, retirando o seu cabelo da região de suas costas, algo que dificultaria a visão. Com delicadeza, encontrou o zíper e começou a abaixar, deixando suas costas nuas expostas à Chenle. O rapaz respirou fundo, e sem pensar muito, passou uma das mãos em suas costas, sentindo a pele lisinha em contato com a palma da mão, enquanto a outra se enlaçava pela sua cintura, por dentro do vestido. Os lábios de Chenle foram como imãs em direção a sua nuca, onde deixou beijos, mordidas e leves chupões na pele.
Você não entendia muito bem o porquê de tudo aquilo estar acontecendo, só sabia que não queria de forma alguma que aquilo acabasse.
"Você ficou tão gostosa nesse vestido, meu bem...me deixou doido." Virou você de frente, vendo seu rostinho pedindo por mais. "Tão lindo, meu amor." E finalmente, seus lábios se encontraram.
O beijo se iniciou calmo, apenas para que conhecessem um ao outro. Chenle acariciava com vontade sua cintura, apertando a carne do local. Não deixaria você escapar por nada nesse mundo agora que estava nas mãos dele.
"Vamo pagar o vestido e ir lá pra casa." Chenle disse, se separando de você, olhando para seus lábios inchados no beijo recente. "Eu preciso tanto de você."
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teyn-exe · 3 months
Batman hyperfixation is coming back STRONG guys. not too sure if I’ll survive it.
(I started playing the Arham games again)
(OH ALSO I finished reading Riddler and Penguin’s One Bad Day graphic novels)
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deva-arts · 3 months
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FINE! FINE!!! So everyone had some name tryouts at first, and everyone has different themes behind their name! I think about this an embarrassing amount.
Sera is pretty on the nose with hers. Vincent had a lot of ancient Roman name themes. Nathaniel? tons of Latin. Sonia has a more American name, and Amon has both ancient and modern Egyptian names to his- er... name.
The name 'Seraphina' was my first choice. You can give her several nicknames! But I felt like it was super cringy- I still cringe here and there when I say that my MC has such a mouthful of a name! However, she quickly grew into it; it was the only name that fit her.
Other runners up were: Daya, Jena, Lark, Pheobe, Raven, Tori, Diane, Robyn, Vanessa, Karla, and Corrine. You can tell I wanted a specific vibe here. Her last name used to be Guerrero!
Herrera is a Hispanic surname. It literally means iron forge, but sounds so cute. And her middle name, Nephele, means cloud in Greek. You can tell she is my oldest oc goddamn four years now
Vincent has always been Vincent AFAIK, but his lab name had changed quite a bit, to the point that I decided to leave him nameless in the lab. A name implies an identity after all. I still sometimes wonder if I'll stick to the name, since the way he canonically gets it is kind of weak narrative-wise.
His beta lab names included: Livius, Lucius, Odysseus, Aetius, Nero, and Dante. Kind of teetering on cringe, even though I liked Dante... Oh well. It's for the best. My subconscious would've played the nastiest trick had I not found out:
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Now, Vincentius remains with his first and only name, its latin root, Vincere, means to conquer and prevail. He's the winner! He won! why is no one clapping...?
We move on! Nathaniel!! Ahaha I liked brainstorming Nate a lot...But his name was pretty straightforward. I just picked something off the top of my head and it stuck! kind of how it happens in Canon, lol. As Nathaniel grew his personality and character profile past "Hi! I exist to be your boyfriend!" Things quickly took form for our dear Wilson. I chose Wilson as a surname because of our og here:
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...I just think he's neat. The tattoo on his shoulder was going to be Inter Umbra, but I soon found that Noctis Umbra fit far better. Darkness in a night filled world. Toxie Noxie. Plus these names make a poem!
Nathaniel Wilson: God has given a son of will,
Noctis Umbra: A shadow in the night.
Sonia’s names were pretty straightforward. I wanted something playful and energetic! but also quite American. She's a carefree ginger with her heart on her shoulder... Even though it's doubtful this is her real name past just being a stage name. It might be something stupid. Like Marjorie.
Oof. Let's stick with Sonia. I wasn't thinking about any name meanings here, but it is kind of funnily ironic that her name means wisdom! ahah!
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Amon wasn't going to be Arab at first; I was leaning more towards Egyptian mythology rather than modern, Islamic Egypt. I found it a lot funner to meld Momo more in that direction. even though he is raised a lot more multiculturally and areligious past his teen years in canon. (He was working in the mafia since he was fourteen. He has become the definition of Haram.)
So, instead of making a character based off of Amon Ra, or Ammit, the crocodilian deity in ancient Egyptian mythology, Momo kind of evolved past just his character abilities! In canon, Amon uses this name as a nickname/street alias. Adra finds it cool! so she call him that too.. His real, birth name is Arham Hassan Ahmed. Not that he will use it much in the story.
Some literal Google search translations to his name- Arham, coming from the arabic word "rahma", which means merciful or compassionate. Hassan, meaning handsome. And Ahmed, from "al-hamd" meaning praiseworthy. Or so I have read!
Lastly, Eric. My mom came up with it, and my brother immediately went "gasp- RICKY." and it stuck. My brother also came up with Schraf as a surname. It doesn't mean anything, but it's cool innit? (This is also how he named Karl Strohl.)
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