#argenti x robin x boothill
beeissimping · 2 months
but it's Argenti x Robin x Boothill
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I dont wanna talk about how long it took me
never drawing them again
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n4tsum1-san · 4 months
argenthill nation and robinhill nation i have . an Offering
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i present to you: Guns n' Roses n' Robin
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pregnantpony000 · 4 months
Pls vote🙏
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This is for a research🙏🙏🙏
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kandavers · 3 months
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Based on that one twitter thing
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rielsartz · 5 months
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Sandwich (of pretty people)
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callmecrazy4u2 · 4 months
The Best of Smerrey #36 HSR Memes & comments
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This feels like how the whole new area dream reef was a trash zone that was made for trash raccon trailblazer lol complete with a guy sleeping in a trashcan
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this comic strip omgawd ratio x aventurine + poor topaz
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Original Video Here for more lawls
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honkai-fanart · 3 months
robin: what’s up with boothill? he has been laying on the floor for like.. an hour now?
dr. ratio: he's a bit… overheated
robin: and why is that?
dr. ratio: argenti smiled at him
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semuji · 1 month
₩arning: Yan? HSR x Kaslana! self-insert?, grammar mistakes, out of character, doomed yuri(?), kind of a harem...
Part 1: here
Expanding on the previous one...lore and shit 'cause I wanted to giggled.
Anyway, a little reminder, as a Kaslana, you are deemed to be gay or bisexual, so be prepared.
In the past, you had your own kingdom. Your father was the previous king, your mother had died giving birth to you not long after. And so your father raised you on his own, teaching you about the goods and bads of the world, teaching you how to fight for your loved one and protect them at all cost in the name of the Kaslanas, The Knights and Shield of Humanity.
However, in a war with some Honkai Beasts, he died bravely, entrusting the kingdom and the life-long weapon of your family, which was a weapon of the Goddess your kingdom had been worshipping, "Atajina", had once held, to you. With that, you began leading the kingdom at the ripe age of 19.
You were a great leader, you had led your people to the war against the Swarms Disaster, later on leading the injured and the citizens to safety through the mountains. However, on the way, a woman accidentally dropped her baby down the hills below because of an argument between your mentally unstable comrades that was scared of the Swarms. The mother who was too surprised to even comprehend the situation, followed her son down the hills to protect him on instinct.
Being the only one who noticed that makes you rushed over to catch them, but instead got dragged down by gravity. Upon falling down, you could heard the screams of your comrades and the people who were worried for you behind, but you hugged the body of the woman closer to you, wanted to protect them with your own body no matter the cost.
When you woke up, you were still hugging their body. Despite a few scratches here and there, you saw that they were fine. But you were not, you felt a burning, painful feeling in the back and back of the head, which makes your head felt lighter. Seeing the passed out woman and her son in your hands, you could feel your heart beating calmly, relieving that they are safe.
Because you got up earlier, you instead went to investigate around with your broken back and bleeding head. When you got back, you saw the woman had woken up and she's calming her son down. After she noticed you and realized the situation that happened, she immediately apologized and said that her name was Yaerosa. Later she helped you tending your wounds with things you found useful while sobbing, saying sorry over and over again for causing it but being the person you are, you brushed it off.
When she asked about the people up the tall hills, you got silent. You haven't think that through 'cause of the rushed situation, now you do. But you believe in your comrades, they will understand and led the people back to safety first and then find you later.
Yaerosa was a sweet young woman, you thought, she was a single mother, the son's father had abandoned them upon hearing that she was pregnant, which makes her miserable. However, she got back on her feet by her family's support and the son who was born, whom she loved dearly.
You admired Yaerosa and her bravery personality. She also said that she had a great impression of you, who had started an event of helping those in needs by funding them with money and food and a place of living by building houses with helping them earn a job. She was one of those in needs, and she was grateful for you to be the one who proposed that idea and got accepted.
You and Yaerosa warmed up to each other, spending your time healing and investigating the surroundings to find the way back. She was the perfect woman in your eyes, and when you realized you liked her, you started to try and court her by making her flowers ring, subtly hinting your feelings. And in turns, she also subtly accepted it.
However, the good time never last long.
When you were out hunting for food, Yaerosa got attacked by the remains of the Swarms, eventhough they are much more weaker than all the other one you had encountered, they can still be harmful to those who don't know a single thing about fighting like her. And so, she died with her son in hands.
When you came back, you saw her cold body and felt chills run down your spine. You couldn't believe your eyes, and you were devastated, got crazy and started to hunted down the Swarms. When you calmed down, you instead went back and properly buried Yaerosa and her son, wished for them to rest in peace.
Later on, you found your way back to your kingdom after months of finding, but instead of your comrades and people greeting you, there were only desolation and death surrounded. Red dripping down the walls and mottled under your feet, making you feel more lightheaded than ever. Is this why they take months to find you? That they were all dead? You asked yourself in the reflection of the broken glass underneath you.
Upon seeing the culprit, the Swarms Leader in the middle of the city with it's children around, you could feel blood running straight to your head, and you took it upon yourself to revenge your comrades and kingdom. You wielded your weapon, flying toward the Leader with all your might and started a no-ending fight.
It eventually ended with you winning, but your blood keep flowing non-stop, the big hole on your waist cannot be tend, and your missing right hand cannot be cured. You were on your dying breath, which was your goal at last. You fell down to the ground, your eyes felt heavier than ever and you could slightly see your father, the previous king, and the love of your life, Yaerosa, standing in front of you, with your comrades and people behind them, waving to you.
You thought they were greeting you, welcomed you to their embraces and you were about to ran to them, but instead, you got pushed back, the last thing you saw was them turning around and leaving you in the dark.
When the light hits you, you saw that you are no longer on the battlefield. Your head was hurting, and your memory was not right. You were in a new body now, as you inspect your own body, you were met with a warming person, who later introduced to you as Akivili. They said that they had founded you dying on their way to travel around the galaxy, then they helped you transfer your life and soul into this doll that they got from a friend, giving you a second chance at life.
However, they didn't expect you to forget everything before that, so they didn't know your name. Instead, they gave you a new name, Filtatos, which later you founded out that it means "dearest".
You began your journey with Akivili, traveled around the galaxy and learned new things everytime. But when the times come, you asked them to leave, wanting to travel alone, eventhough you saw that Akivili was hesitant about it, they eventually accepted, and you took on the journey alone.
That's when you found out that without something, your body will always got shrink into a palm size.
Maybe because a certain Aeon keeps hiding the fact that kissing someone on the lips is not something that friends would do, which in turn causing you a lot of troubles because you didn't know how to fix the shrinking, instead you just waited till it gone (that can last at least 12 hours).
Until you met the infamous Dr. Ratio and followed him around that you found out about the method.
But we've discussed it before, so let's keep it aside.
After the Incident of Penacony, in which you cannot dreams so you successfully escape the illusion, you were greeted with the familiar Knight of Beauty, whom you met on your alone journey one time and ended up saved him from the poisonous experiment of some researchers from the Herta's Space Station in a random planet. He was so grateful for that that he always offered to help or even take you with him, eventhough you refused many times before.
Later on with the Galaxy Ranger, Boothill, who immediately recognized you as the loner he met in a bar on another random planet, which you were just following a friend to protect them on a per request. He was mesmerized by your beauty and strength that he wanted to travel with you on the journey for a while longer but never got the chance to since you left the planet as soon as you were done with the request.
A certain Emenator of Nihility is familiar with you, a sense of homesick came to her when meeting you, but she can't quite put on a word to it. So she let it through, bringing her to you even more than a normal person would. Because you brought to her a feeling of protection, wanting to shield you from any harms but didn't dare to stop you when the times come.
That Memo-Keeper sure is a headache. When you first met her, she was trying to sneak into your memories and find out what's behind those doll-like bones of yours, only to be horribly pushed back by the invisible forces. It didn't hurt her, of course, just a little uncomfortable of the suddenness but she could handle it, unlike when she is with that Emenator. But that only makes her longing for it more, wanting to find out what's behind those forces, and so, she continued to invaded your spaces, nothing too much, just close enough to let her through. But everytime she got pushed, she go further as she could, and everytime it happened, her obsession with you grew. So you learned to stay away from her, perhaps someday you will have to make her learn her lessons of not invading others memories.
Next is with the infamous singer, Robin, who was so excited to see you, the person who she once had a chance of meeting in one of her concerts in another planet. You were one of her bodyguards that she hired temporary, and she was delighted by the way you acted around her that she even invited you to sing with her in one of her released albums, which her fans did question who is the deep voices singing in the background of her songs.
Last but not least, the Oak's Head Clan, Sunday, whom you met when he was being imprisoned in a dark room that you unfortunately stumbled across when you were lost. You did offered to help him escape, but he refused. So all you did was cleaning up around him and himself because in your mind, it would suit him better than being stained with dirt and mud. Which in fact, did made him widened his eyes.
Now meeting the Nameless, you were a little surprised at how much it had grown for the past hundreds of years when you had gone, but you reluctantly get used to it. You greeted Pom-pom with ease, who was so happy to see you again, and said hello to the new Nameless, who was so stunned at the fact that you are old enough to had traveled with the Aeon of Trailblaze themselves.
Welt himself, however, was stunned by your appearance and similarities between his old acquaintances. Perhaps could he get your real name perchance? That would help him rings a bell.
But in the meeting with everyone on the Radiant Feldspar, you had to choose a path in which decided where is your next journey will be to continue the recovery of your memories, because all of them had taken a liking to you.
Would it be the old Astral Express but with new passengers? Or the Intelligent Guild of the infamous strict professor? Maybe the IPC with the gambler and his work-friends, who had taken an interest in your past? Or the loner Galaxy Ranger with a gun? Remember the extended hand of a distant Emenator? How about the Knight of Beauty? Can you consider adding a relaxing tour with a certain influencer?
Or maybe should you stay alone and be on own?
Oh wait, you don't have that choice, do you?
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(Art is mine, please be mindful and don't bring it anywhere)
*Likes and reblogs appreciated*
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trialsandtribulation · 3 months
Would I be publicly executed if I mentioned I ship my main oc with argenti and boothill... I'm sorry I thought their dynamic as a poly would be awesome and I care for them all a lot (Juno the oc uses she her but goes by masc titles) my beautiful boyfriends...
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edens-sovereign · 5 months
Guys can we consider Argenti x Boothill x Robin. Two beautiful fucking human beings and that lil guy they picked up from a trashcan. The bride and the ugly ass groom vibes
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endless-nightshift · 5 months
Literally any pair that includes boothill is t4t this is a fact and you can't convince me otherwise
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beeissimping · 2 months
Hear me out on Argenti x Boothill x Robin
Because why does this work so well???
I see a lot of people torn between Robinhill and Argenthill and I say why not combine them?! Best of both worlds! And Boothill ig.
I feel like Argenti and Robin will talk about skin care and hair care and what not with each other and Boothill will just sit next to them knowing damn well he didn’t wash his hair in like 5 years or smth.
Robin would tell Sunday that she’s dating Argenti but not mention anything about Boothill because Sunday probably has some respect for the knights of beauty and is sure that he’ll treat his sister well and Boothill is… Boothill.
They’re literally gorgeous partners and their ugly groom.
They make me sick but I can’t stop thinking about them.
Argenti and Robin definitely do Boothill’s hair every now and again and make sure he’s actually taking care of himself and keeping himself clean and shit.
During the winter Argenti and Robin cuddle up to Boothill almost all the time because he’s so warm and even though he can’t really feel their bodies he sometimes wishes it was winter all the time so they would always cuddle like that.
Argenti and Boothill probably have to go away for long periods of time because of their jobs but they will always make sure to stop by a Robin concert if there happens to be one nearby.
Both Argenti and Boothill suffer from nightmares of their past, they’ve both gotten used to it but when it gets really bad Robin will sing them a lullaby to help them calm down.
That’s all for now, goodnight.
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la2yn0va · 2 months
Someone got pissy about straight hsr ships SO IMMA DO THEM AGAIN!!
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pregnantpony000 · 4 months
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Boothill baby thingy
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wyuovvia · 4 months
guys imagine gunsnroses but Boothill keeps getting kinda shipped with Robin and Argenti overheard or smth and he gets confused and jealous but he doesn’t know what he’s feeling because he usually thinks that everyone is beautiful but something about Robin being so close to Boothill makes him upset idk anyway
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chi-the-idiot · 5 months
But at the same time, man, Boothill and Robin look so cute together??
I've seen people headcanon Boothill as trans, tho, so maybe I'll do that??? Because it makes sense.
UGGGGGHHHH trouble is what im having...
Maybe I'll make them a polycule???
Fem character>Robin>Boothill(he/her)<Argenti?????
Maybe????? I dunnoooooo
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