#aren't you tired of being jealous and angry? don't you just want to break something?
worstloki · 5 months
Listen, you need to be conquest maxxing. You need to be trying to destroy another realm. You need to end a war victorious. A regency is so temporary, you need to be killing and maiming and lying. A throne is solitude. Wipe out the frost giants. You need to use the Bifrost
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yanderes-galore · 3 months
Hi! Can you do a concept for yandere Starlight from The Boys please?
She's one of the more genuine characters... so seeing her go down this path is so strange.
Yandere! Starlight/Annie January Concept
Pairing: Romantic
Possible Trigger Warnings: Gender-Neutral Darling, Obsession, Mentions of death, Violence, Overprotective behavior, Lucid yandere, Jealousy, Dark themes, Trust issues, Delusional behavior, Stalking, Gaslighting, Blackmail, Denial, Guilt, Kidnapping, Dubious turned forced companionship/relationship.
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Out of everyone in this universe... she isn't the worst.
In fact, she'd probably be the one most aware of her behavior other than Hughie... and actively feel guilty about it.
Compared to most Supes she actually wants to help people.
Most Supes, like Homelander, usually don't mind casualties.
She actively tries to avoid the deaths of others unless it's necessary....
Annie knows the corruption of this world.
Which makes her determined to follow her own ideals.
Since she is so fixated on doing the right thing... imagine the conflict she has when she realizes she's obsessed with someone?
I imagine her feelings would have to be subtle enough to not make her realize her true nature right away.
Maybe you start as friends? It doesn't matter if you're a Supe or not....
Annie/Starlight would feel comforted by someone who listens and understands her problems in Vought.
Just being there to listen to her rant about how she feels she's being used as Starlight helps more than you know.
The point is, she just sees you as a friend at first.
Annie definitely needs friends in this world.
In the show she doesn't have many she can trust, even Hughie lies to her at times.
In fact... trust would be a big part of her obsession.
Annie can be very friendly, relaxed, fun-loving, and caring towards those she's close with.
With you, her obsession, these are all traits she commonly feels she can express towards you.
Because she trusts you as her friend, she's often very comfortable with you.
She's someone who's tired of being lied to... especially in later seasons.
She knows very well that there aren't many people she can afford to trust.
She cherishes the bond and trust she has for you, she wouldn't break it for the world.
But if you broke her trust?
The betrayal would drive her into angry denial.
Even when her behavior gets worse and worse... she still expects trust between you.
She despises the idea of being used/lied to.
Especially by you.
For the most part, Annie's obsession develops slowly.
It's just... small things.
Her obsession is subtle enough that she tries to justify it.
Girl has been through so much she's trying to rationalize her odd feelings for you.
She follows you around because she feels she has to protect you.
Yet she also excuses it as her trying to stay out of the public eye for a little while.
She hates being lied to... but in her mind, what she says isn't entirely lies.
As you can tell... her delusions also make her a hypocrite.
She excuses her lying as she's not using you like she was used...
She's just looking out for you.
Following you and being close to you all the time for your safety is something she manages to essentially gaslight herself into thinking.
If you also felt it was suspicious, she'd probably gaslight you into believing her too.
She still does it even when she realizes her feelings are wrong.
Speaking of which, Annie begins to be more aware of how wrong her feelings are once she feels... jealous.
This may also be where she learns her feelings aren't... friendly towards you.
She brushes it off at first....
Like most yanderes in denial, she just thinks her jealousy will go away.
After all... you both have your own lives to attend to... which means you have other friends...
Okay, she'll admit it, she feels upset when she sees you so close to others.
Upset probably isn't even the right word for it.
Part of it could be envy at the fact you can enjoy life without so much stress... another part of it is just yearning for your attention.
When you two are around more, she finds herself slowly coming to terms with the idea of her being in love.
Which sends her spiraling....
No, this can't be love, can it?
It feels too wrong....
Annie hates the idea of caging you to her side... yet also revels in it.
She's in denial and despises her thoughts.
Even if she did confess and you started dating, she still thinks back to those darker thoughts she keeps trying to hide.
In fact, you actually dating would be normal until she snaps.
It's all... normal.
On the surface.
Annie would be a very caring and affectionate girlfriend when you two are together.
But she can't help but feel something darker lurk deep within her.
It always bubbles up when she sees you with others, or even during little dates around people.
One reason she hates her dark feelings is because it reminds her of Homelander.
She hates him and hates the idea of being like him.
She doesn't want to hurt you... she never wants to hurt you.
While that darkness is similar to Homelander... She isn't like him.
Hopefully... in her mind....
Annie would be forced to give in to her darker feelings when she defects from Vought.
When she's with The Boys, she's moved past her denial.
She's done some pretty brutal things now... including kill people with her power.
So kidnapping you isn't something she does with much hesitation now.
When she defects she barely gets to see you.
Which leads to Annie convincing The Boys you can help them...
Making you forcefully reunite with your girlfriend.
While I imagine Annie isn't that bad compared to most... she's definitely still capable of some downright horrendous stuff.
I'm talking manipulation tactics due to her charisma...
If you were a Supe or involved in some pretty bad stuff, I can see her blackmailing her own partner to make them stay.
Same thing with gaslighting... she deludes both you and herself into believing what she does is okay.
Well... right up until the kidnapping.
In terms of murder, like in the show, she'd only do it if you were in danger.
She manages to convince herself not to kill out of jealousy, no doubt due to fearing she'll be like Homelander.
But she's certainly bitter around others who are close to you.
In terms of your time in captivity, Annie still tries to be your protective and caring girlfriend.
She no doubt convinced The Boys to take you into their newest hideout, feeling bad when you look so scared...
Yet Annie quickly enters the room to comfort you, cupping your face before telling you how much she missed you.
She never wants to hurt you, in fact she's nothing but affectionate when you're under her care.
She keeps you locked in her arms, giving you soft little kisses as she calms you down.
She tells you she had to keep you beside her.
If she didn't, Vought might've used you to track her and The Boys.
Another potential lie... but it could be true, yeah?
Annie still wants you to trust her.
She doesn't want you to try and leave her, or to purposefully lie to escape.
She wants you honest, she wants you to be transparent with her.
If you aren't, she denies the idea at first...
Then soon realizes she may need to make you reliant on her if she wants that trust back. (I'm talking burns from her power or even blinding you... that light shines BRIGHT)
Her lies are not to use you... but keep you safe.
Her whole obsession started because you two had a strong bond of trust between one another.
Ironically, her attempts to keep your trust only sours the trust you once had for her.
She hates it when you look at her with such hatred and confusion.
She wants to tell you it will all be okay...
Annie will protect you like she always has...
It's just you, her, and The Boys against the world.
She loves you, that much is genuine and true.
Yet she can't hide those dark feelings anymore.
Annie never wants to hurt you...
But she'll do anything to keep you safe, reliant, and all hers.
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bean-spring · 2 years
My take on 2x06 & jealous Brett because I just remembered I have social media and I can tell this stuff to people other than my fiance
Inside job s2 spoilers / Breagan my beloved / PLEASE DO NOT REPLY WITH HATE i can't stand negativity
- My overall take because I am a very organized person (I am not)
Whether I liked the episode or not really depends on the actual meaning behind it. The plot and structure were excellent! Ron and Brett's little rivalry was hilarious and I felt Reagan's anxiety all the damn time. I really enjoyed it and I always appreciate Andre's screentime <3 However, there is some stuff that just... Doesn't make sense? The ending is what I would call... Not rushed, per se, but forced.
I found the episode funny and cool (and stressful if you relate to Reagan or Brett in any way) and really worth it! But that's it. It's like they were trying to build a really sad and shocking climax for Reagan's relationship with Ron, but using a filler episode as the conductor. The whole episode focuses on Brett and his negative feelings towards Ron to end up with Ron and Reagan taking a break from each other. Which is not a bad way to focus on the story, but I feel like if they wanted us to focus on Reagan and Ron ONLY they would've made the episode only about them, and make the Brett/Ron argument shorter and less crucial for the plot.
I also feel like the conclusion (Ron deciding that maybe work is too dangerous for them) makes sense! But Reagan's? She says something about balancing work and their relatioship, and it makes sense too, but they don't really show how work affects their relationship in specific.
Another thing that just feels odd to me is Brett's behavior. Of course, this whole post is to defend my view as a Breagan shipper and you might think that I'm just gaslighting manipulating girlbossing you into thinking he was jealous, but I couldn't care less about people's opinions (that's a lie, I kin Brett). I genuinely think Brett was acting weird and definitely not in character if it's meant to be seen as only platonic. I didn't even ship Breagan this much until I finished the season and without having them in mind I still thought he was acting a bit too strange.
Aside from the ending and Brett's behavior (which I will address now), the episode is really good! One of my favorites for sure, and it's not even because Andre has more than three lines (It really makes a difference, though).
- The ending and how it made my girl Reags dirty
Let's start off with the ending, just like when you find an interesting movie on TV but you're too tired to watch it from the beginning so you just enjoy what's left without context!
Ron's conclusion makes sense, but Reagan's "We will find a way to balance our lives and jobs" just... Doesn't. You may not agree with me about Brett being jealous, but this is something that's been bothering me for a while and I know I'm right.
Ron decides, after being chased by his girlfriend's coworkers, realizing that her BFF doesn't like him and that Cognito is darker than he thought, that it's not a good idea to mix work and love. Which is fair, to be honest. He literally saw clones of Hitler and organs of babies, like, I wouldn't feel safe there either.
But it's not what Ron thinks about Cognito and work that bothers me, because nobody would want their girlfriend working there. What he thinks is completely valid and although I didn't like the fact that he ghosted Reags (dude just text her my girl was literally begging you for a proper answer), he has the right to want to step out from that world. What truly makes me angry is Reagan's search for the perfect reality in the last episode.
I know what's the point they were trying to make: Reagan is a workaholic and wouldn't be able to keep a stable relationship with Ron.
Which makes a lot of sense and it's not out of character at all! God knows Reags has been obsessed with Cognito and being the boss and changing the world for forever. But the show doesn't give us an explicit example of that.
I know. We aren't dumb. We read between the lines. We get Reagan. It's inside the subtext and her entire persona. Easy to see, easy to understand, doesn't need to be explicit.
This argument would work if it wasn't because there's no subtext! We don't see (not even ONCE) how work is more important for Reagan than Ron. In fact, it's the opposite. Every time she has to choose between work and love, she chooses love:
Date with Ron >> Their mission in Rome -> Rome on fire
Desperately trying to convince Ron to work for Cognito and forgetting about actual work to a point where you would think she wouldn't get anything done if Ron was there with her -> Zombie apocalyspe (that was on Brett but she was the one forcing him to get along with Ron so-)
Being scared to lose Ron in one of the timlines >> Actually saving the timeline (by this I don't mean she didn't care about the timline and the others, but she was pretty much focused on not losing Ron. Which is valid and pretty damn romantic so go girl!!!)
(This is not Reagan slander, by the way! She's been through A LOT and deserves to be selfish. I support women's rights but most importantly I support women's wrongs!)
So how the hell my girl (at the end of ep 6) gets to the conclusion that they couldn't balance both things? She was doing pretty well until the Halloween party, and it didn't even get in between their relationship, it just proved Ron's point about the work not being safe. Which, again, makes sense, but doesn't really get in between their lives in the same way the last episode says.
Episode 6: Work is dangerous and it gets in between our relationship. We have proof. Here's a whole episode putting Ron in danger to prove it.
Episode 8: Work gets in between our relationship because Reagan would put work first. Which makes sense due to her personality, but we've been proving otherwise the whole damn season!
Just stick with one reason or develop both of them but don't change them!!!!
We suppose Reagan would be a workaholic girlfriend if Ron worked there due to her personality and ambition, but we don't actually see it? And it's not really that important and y'all must be thinking I'm reading too much into it, but I just think an explicit confirmation of Reags caring more about work than for Ron would've been great. The different realities in which she treats him like shit aren't out of character but feel odd, considering that she's been choosing him over work multiple times this season. Man, just a little tiny example I'm not asking for much.
Maybe it would've been different if she hadn't gotten that promotion. Maybe she would've been happy with Ron. I know those realities are focused on the possibility of changing the world she didn't have before Ron asked her to move in together, but... I don't know. As if she didn't care for her job before the promotion, y'know?
Basically, for me the whole workaholic thing appears out of nowhere and doesn't make sense with the Ron/Reags dyamic we've seen.
And this whole thing is connected to episode 6 because I think that episode would've been a great moment to introduce both points of view: Reagan prioritizing work and Ron not finding their jobs safe enough.
- The writers' decision and how I would've written the episode because I apparently have too much free time in class to think about this
The episode is great, but I don't understand why Brett is the protagonist here. If the conclusion is meant to be about Reagan and Ron taking a break from each other and asking THE question ("Is work getting in between our relationship?"), why is Brett the one we focus on through the episode?
If it's meant to be just a slight dislike and just not getting along with Ron, why is it so damn crucial to the plot? It's not just Brett wanting to be friends with Ron in a silly, little, sitcomy way. It's Brett wondering WHY he feels like that towards Ron. It's Brett wanting to support his BFF's boyfriend but not being able to do it for no reason whatsoever. It's literally Brett provoking the reason why Ron decides to take a break from Reagan.
Whether it is meant to be romantic or platonic, Brett is technically the reason why Ron acts like that in the end. He even makes a whole zombie apocalypse happen! Just because he didn't like Ron! C'mon it's absurd to think that's strictly platonic. This plot has been going on for years in thousand of different sitcoms: F/M best friends! One starts dating someone! The other doesn't like them! They don't know why! Wow, turns out they were in love the whole time and didn't realize they were jealous.
Classic trope for best friends to lovers.
But yeah, let's say it's platonic. Let's say Brett's reaction to Ron is just a silly plot device to make the guy realize Cognito is dangerous and even the simplest guy with the most innocent intentions could cause an apocalypse.
Why make the episode focus on Brett, then? If his feelings for Ron aren't that related to his relationship with Reags, why are those the ones to make them question their rellationship?
If it's just platonic then I find the episode a bit unnecessary.
If they wanted to show us how work affects them, and not only Brett, why wouldn't they make an episode about that in specific? It isn't that hard.
I personally would've kept the same plot: Reagan trying to convince Ron to work for Cognito using the team's opinions and views on their work!
They go to Brett and everything's the same. They don't get along. It's uncomfortable. But it stays there. Brett makes some comments about how fun it is to work for Cognito but accidentally reveals how dangerous it is, and Ron starts getting a bit worried and confused because... Where the hell has been his girlfriend working?
Then they go to Andre, Gigi, Glenn, Myc... Basically, individual meetings with each. Funny sketches. All of them fuck everything up by talking about work and how it actually is and Ron gets scared with every experience he hears.
And meanwhile, Reagan gets caught up with work! There's drama everywhere! Something something someone died. Something something the Hitler clones scaped. Something something Kanye West is a nazi now and we need to end him. Something somehing zombie apocalypse.
That way we see Reagan sort of neglecting her relationship with Ron because of work, and Ron realizing how dangerous it is.
It doesn't need to be all about Brett. At all. The ending is still the same.
So why would they make Brett the main plot point, wondering why he acts the way he does, if not to be important later? Not to mention that his character is reduced to this from this episode to the end.
- Reasons why Brett could dislike Ron and why I think they don't make sense bc this dude would get along with fucking Mussolini
"Ron made fun of Brett's interests and was lowkey mean to him!"
Brett is a pathological people pleaser, and as the pathological people pleaser I am I can confirm that that wasn't the reason why he disliked Ron. Brett likes everyone. Everyone. No matter what they do. It's not even... Like, like. It's just having to see the best in everyone because he wants to be able to get along with them so they don't hate him.
Making fun of his favorite music? Drinks? Comedian? That's soft compared to what half of the people he knows say to him. Literally you could meet him for the first time, tell him that Friends is a shitty sitcom and he would literally tell you that you're right and then cry while watching the finale.
He's constantly putting other people first and swallowing his opinions and pride, so why not sharing the same opinions as Ron would make him dislike him? It doesn't make any sense.
Besides, Ron wasn't even mean or intentionally hurting Brett. And even if he had been, Brett would've probably been the one apologizing, too. He has encountered horrible people through his life and you're telling me that Ron, his best friend's boyfriend, is the one that makes him dislike someone for once? Not buying it. Doesn't make sense.
"Brett is just worried about Reagan."
Literally doesn't make any sense because Ron hasn't shown any signs of being a bad boyfriend. And if that was the case and Brett was just being an overprotevtive best friend, it would've been explicit. There's no need to hide it in the subtext. And it wouldn't even make sense for the last episodes.
"Brett has abandonment issues."
Yeah, this one's true I can't fight against this one. However, it doesn't prove anything. He can have abandonment issues and still be in jealous. It can be both!
"He's just scared of losing his best friend."
Once again, yeah, true. But it doesn't make sense to me! The reason why Brett is so obsessed with Ron is because he can't figure out why he doesn't like him. If it was meant to be platonic they would've just said so explicitly and it wouldn't have been the main plot.
"They just don't have chemistry."
Ron is like a sad boy version of Reagan with religious trauma, there's no reason why Brett wouldn't like him. They do have chemistry! Brett is the sun, Reagan is the moon, and Ron is an eclipse! (not in a bad way like- I hope y'all have seen that friendship dynamics pic because otherwise this doesn't make sense but I swear it's really cute).
They end up having chemistry and getting along! But only because Ron gave Brett a reason to like him, which Brett has never ever needed before.
"It's just a plot device lmfao stop looking this much into it."
Maybe???? But idk I would like to be a screenwriter someday so looking into things a lot is my thing.
- Brett and his people pleaser soul slowly breaking through the episode
Canonically, Ron is the first person Brett has ever disliked. Which might be an exageration because this boy tends to say stuff like this a lot, but as far as we know it's canon. So, having that in mind, we know that Ron is actually the first person to make Brett panic over not liking someone.
It's completely normal, he just wants to make Reagan happy. Everything he does is for Reagan. Can we PLEASE remember that he's doing this for Reagan? Because I think we don't talk about it enough.
The thing about Brett not liking Ron is that Brett doesn't know why he dislikes him...
Despite being a horrible father and boss, Brett likes Rand! We've seen them interacting or, well, at least we haven't seen Brett hating him. Brett likes Myc despite being a total asshole to him and the others, and he probably is the only one (except Andre) that considers Myc to be a real friend. For literal no reason. Brett still likes his bullies. He likes his shitty family. He liked Reagan although she treated him like shit in the first episode.
And maybe it's not like, like. But it's enough to make him have a normal life with them and be able to to be of service for their approval (istg this guy's just like me fr).
So why's this any different with Ron? Maybe the writers were just trying to make this a plot device and forgot about Brett's inability to hate people. But is that really what happened? Why make it the main plot of the episode, then?
And why make Brett ask himself why he didn't like Ron?
If it was because of not sharing interests or being mean or whatever (something tangible) it would've been obvious. But he spends the episode asking himself that. It's not just a silly little dynamic, it's Brett actively wondering why he doesn't like his best friend's boyfriend.
In fact, the first time he finds out about Reagan being with someone else he's excited for her! He's happy! And I don't want to project my neurodivergency on him, but maybe the fact that Ron was just an idea and not someone tangible for him yet made him unable to picture him as a threat. And when he truly is there, he finally has someone to be jealous of.
He ends up having a soft spot for Ron, but it's only because he explicitly gave him a reason to like him. And then the last two episodes his whole character is reduced to missing Reagan, projecting on a golden retriever they have to kill, and sacrificing his happiness for Reagan's.
Yeah, totally platonic! As if this clearly wasn't the same exact plot of every romantic comedy to ever exist.
-B plot and parallelisms through the season because I've rewatched this like three times already since it came out. I need therapy. Please help me get out of here.
You thought I had forgotten about Rand's plot??? Well, jokes on you, I was waiting for the parallelisms!
I couldn't care less about the B plot in this episode. If I'm being honest I found it funny but didn't really understand the reason behind it until the last episode and after rewatching it a couple of times.
B plots are often meant to be the juxtaposition between character arcs, parallelisms or just funny little stories to make the main one softer. This time it's the three of them.
Basically, two boys fighting for a girl. That's it. That's like the whole plot. Tamiko comes to the conclusion that work is what made Rand such a shitty and crazy person. Do I really need to say more? Like I'm genuinely tired of writing and the parallelisms with this subplot are pretty much obvious.
Then we have more parallelisms in the finale!
"I had everything. I had my job, I had power. I know it's a fucking cliché, but it's true. You don't know what matters most until you lose it." - Rand about Tamiko and Reagan, 2x07
Brett is well aware of how much he loves Reagan, but maybe not in what way exactly. Her dating someone else might just be that thing that tells him: "Yes. This is it. You're losing her forever. She's gonna move out and be with another man and you're going to be abandoned again. She doesn't love you as much." And I don't know if they're going to keep up with this thing next season, but it wouldn't be weird to follow this statement.
Although I know this quote is meant to be about Reagan and Ron and probably about her regretting not moving with him next season, so the Brett thing is just a theory.
"You can't just hit a button over and over and expect a relationship to go back to the way it was. And I know it's scary to give up control." - Reagan about her parents and her and Ron, 2x07
Once again, obviously about Reagan and Ron. But would it be crazy to think this could be about Brett too? Like wanting constantly to go back (after finding out about Appletone) to when it was just Reagan and him. Talking to the dog as if he was Reagan. Missing her. Wanting her back. The thing about Brett is that he doesn't hit any buttons to go back because he cares more about Reagan's happiness than for his own. But yeah, I think it makes sense.
"And I got this. All I care about is that you're happy." - Brett to Reagan, 2x08
"And as long as the person you love is happy, maybe you can be happy later." - Reagan about Ron, 2x08
"Thanks for sticking by when no one else did. A good leader wouldn't drag their best friend into their dad's bullshit. I don't know if we'll ever get back to our realities, but I've seen yours and it looks good. If I succeed I'll see you again. But if not... Good luck, Brett." - Reagan to Brett, 2x07
"I searched a thousand lifetimes for the one that would make you happiest. And you'll find it one day. Just... Without me. [...] I'll miss you, Ron, and I know it were possible, you'd miss me too." - Reagan to Ron, 2x08
Do I need to say more or....?
They both parallel each other so damn much- And to be honest, maybe it is unrequited. It probably is unrequited. But it could go both ways someday! Let's be optimistic.
-"I listen to Accidentally in love from the Shrek 2 soundtrack every day!!!!" Brett. Love of my life. Is it the vibes or the lyrics?? IS IT BECAUSE THE VIBES OR THE LYRICS????? ANSWER ME BRETT HAND-
"So, she said, "What's the problem, baby?" What's the problem? I don't know. Well, maybe I'm in love. Think about it. Every time I think about it."
"How much longer will it take to cure this? Just to cure it, 'cause I can't ignore it if it's love. Makes me wanna turn around and face me but I don't know nothing bout love."
The writing team choosing the song Brett could mention while starting an uncomfortable dynamic with his best friend's boyfriend: What about a song about falling in love accidentally and not being able to stop it?
Okay so maybe it's not THAT specific. Maybe they just wanted a silly little song from a silly little movie so people would look at Brett, smirk and say "haha he's just like me fr". But?? Is it really?? As I said I want to be a writer and I wouldn't choose something as important and cool as a character's favorite song (okay maybe not FAVORITE CANON but he loves it so) just for the memes. It has to mean something, c'mon.
-Why I think Breagan wouldn't destroy the show (as some of you say) and actually would make them one of the most powerful couples ever (this has absolutely nothing to do with my love for coworkers to BFFs to lovers)
I do agree with a lot of you: We need more M/F platonic relationships. However... Have you ever considered that Brett and Reagan are just... Not really that platonic anymore? It's not the first time we've seen this. Mostly in sitcoms! Jim and Pam from The Office, Jake and Amy from Brooklyn 99, Nick and Jess from New Girl, I can keep going... And going... I kin Brett I know about sitcoms!
Reagan loved Ron. She truly did. But it's true that he needed a normal life and she was... Midnight rain. Sorry, Taylor Swift reference. But!! Reagan would end up choosing work and it doesn't mean she doesn't love Ron, it's just that work is equally important to her and knew he wouldn't be happy if they stayed together.
But it could work with Brett. it works with Brett. Because if they dated he would understand Reagan's priorities. He would be always there for her. And he wouldn't try to keep her away from danger (he would be worried sick, ofc, and always would be there to help) because he knows Reagan wants that.
They work well together and their dynamic is sweet, a bit cliché and easy to build. Maybe it's the easy path but that doesn't mean it's necessarily bad.
As an aroace person I love platonic dynamics, but maybe this is not the one we need!! Or maybe it is, tbh I couldn't care less because either way I trust the writers to give us a great relationship development, whether it is romantic or platonic. But idk I would like to see more of Reagan with the other guys and Brett with Gigi! Maybe Andre and Gigi? It would be great not to rely on just one platonic friendship.
And by the way, there's also this possibility of them being completely platonic and Brett not being jealous. Maybe he's just a good best friend that feels a bit worried about his friendship and that's all! If you don't agree with my opinion, that's great too! Just respect everyone's points of view on this because I've seen a lot of hate towards breagan shippers and it's a completely harmless ship!! <3
If there's any mistakes just know that english isn't my first language and it's like 3 am here right now-- Thanks for reading!!!! <3
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kasdeyalilith · 2 years
Be My Solace, My Love
Warnings: Angst with Comfort
Synopsis: Reader is tired of everything but Genshin Char is there to help.
Characters: Albedo; Scaramouche; Xiao; Ayato; Diluc (x GN Reader)
Since the day began, it feels as though it has been out to get you by throwing problem after problem at you. To awaken to a sleepy lover who is angry with you over something insignificant. Having a foul mood before leaving for work, only to be met by a mountain of paperwork that must be completed by the end of the day. Your coworkers aren't exactly Mr. Sunshine either; some are jealous of your new position, while others are unhappy that you were promoted so quickly after just a few years on the job. Skipping lunch to get more work done just made things worse, and then a female employee who has made it clear she has a thing for your boyfriend trips you up, spilling the box you were carefully holding. Furious, you seized her by the hair and struck her in the face, letting out all of your pent-up rage in one swift motion.
It didn't take long for your boss to yell at you both and haul you into his office for punishment. Because you could no longer tolerate your toxic work environment and excessive workload, you submitted your resignation and walked out.
Of course, it started to rain and you forgot to pack an umbrella, just like some cliché play scenario. You didn't care anymore, so you strolled through it and arrived at your shared home drenched in rain like a dog. Because of the boots your partner left by the door, you assumed he had already arrived home from work. Since you didn't want to face him right now, you turned around and went into the kitchen. When he saw you walk past him, he followed you to the kitchen so he could confront you about how you behaved at work, punching someone and resigning after.
"Care to tell me how you behaved like a deranged hilichurl and punch someone? Also resigning from work? You're not usually like this (Y/N). I expected better from you"
Your lover crosses his arm, reprimanding you with a frown on his face.
"You're not gonna explain? Fine, two can play th-"
"Shut up, you don't even know what shit happened to me today"
"How can you? You're always gone or you're too tired to talk or you're just so cold that I can't even tell you things that's happening to me. My problems are too small compared to yours right? I'm just some insignificant mortal to you, why even bother to talk now. I'm so tired, everyday feels worse, maybe this too won't work anymore I-"
"Don't say that (Y/N)"
He doesn't know what to do after hearing about you fighting with someone; fear grips him as he imagines you being wounded. He doesn't know how to approach you about it, so he confronts you instead, guilt gnawing at him as you turn to face him, on the edge of sobbing.
He wraps his arms around you and kisses your head. Fear and regret were already washing over him as you sobbed on his chest. He lets you cry it all out, never breaking his embrace with you, only tightening it further while you sob in front of him. He's not used to expressing his feelings and affection. He has no idea how much it hurts you, and to scold you after what happened? He curses himself, because he is the one who does not deserve you right now. He  takes your kindness and love for granted. Apologizing isn't enough, so he swore to be a better lover now that you need him more.
"I'm sorry (Y/N), promising right now won't make things better and I'm not a good lover to you either but one thing I'm sure of is that I love you so much. I'll be better for you..... and if you want I can purge that workplace of yours includi-"
He stops when he heard you laugh, weakly punching his chest as you look up to him. He smiles subconsciously at the sight, and he forces his brain to remember every feature of your beautiful face.
"You looks so handsome when you smile"
"What? What are you talking about? The disrespect-"
He continues to mumble incoherently as he tries to conceal the redness of his face, but you can't help but notice that his ears, in particular, are glowing a bright crimson.
"I love you"
"I love you too (Y/N) and I'm sorry again"
"It's all good, I'm sorry too but thank you for having you by my side. It means a lot"
"I should be the one saying that, Archons you'll be my fall (Y/N) but I'll gladly have it than you without my side"
He's a simp your honor,
anyways thanks for reading as always, you guys are the best. Since everything seems stressful lately, I want to make this as some of comfort. Enjoy reading.
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aliasimagines · 4 years
It Was You All Along // Dave Lizewski
requested by a lovely anon 💕
Can u write dave x fem!reader where reader Always had a crush on him but he kinda ignored reader bc of Katie but then someone popular asks reader out and he gets jealous and y/n dresses up super hot and he realizes he fucked up
word count: 1809
a/n: i hope this is close enough! ❤️ (i couldn't think of a different title but this one reminds me of Agatha All Along xd)
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"Hey, Dave! My folks are gone for the weekend and I thought we could have an X-men watch party. Wanna come?" 
"Sorry I can't, I'm hanging out with Katie." 
"Again?" you ask a bit louder than intended,causing a few people to look at you in the hallway. You continue with a lower voice "Aren't you like, tired of all the lying? Like, what if she finds out that you're not actually gay, hm? Cause you know she will, eventually." 
"Why do you care so much?!" Dave says, clearly frustrated. 
You raise an eyebrow. 
"Oh why would I? Maybe because we have been best friends since diapers, you stupid asshole!" you say not caring if some students hear you or not, anymore. "But you know what, you are right. I shouldn't care. Go play pretend with Katie but don't come to me, crying when you end up getting your heart broken." 
"Don't worry, I won't." he snaps back. And you turn around and leave but not before flipping him off. You felt the angry tears rolling down your cheeks as you zigzagged between the chattering teenagers. 
You couldn’t  believe how Dave could be so blind! He only had eyes for Miss Perfect. Whom by the way, is a real bitch and would go back to ignoring Dave or calling him a freak if it wasn’t for his little gay act. 
Somehow you made your way over to the restroom and locked yourself into one of the booths.
Dave couldn’t even see you as a potential “love-interest”. Eventhough you were the one who always were there for him, you were always there when he called, running to him like a lost puppy. And he couldn’t even care less. And you hate him for it. But you hate yourself more for still liking him. 
It’s not like you can do something about it, if you could, you would have. But that’s not how it works, so you are just crying your guts out on the toilet trying not to think about Dave.
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In all honesty, you have no idea how you made it through the day. You almost cried during biology but you caught yourself after a few lonely tears. You could feel Dave’s gaze on you but there was no way you would look at him. As soon as the last bell rang you were out of school, hurring past Tod and Marty, not being in the mood for them either.
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The next day wasn’t any different, you didn’t hang with Dave, Tod and Marty like you normally do. You didn’t sit with them at lunch, instead walked over to the only empty table you saw and placed your tray there. You mounched on your food, completely unaware of your surroundings until you hear the chair next to you being pulled out. You look up to see Matthew Greendale, resident hottie of the school sit next to you. 
"Hey, sorry, it's not a problem if I sit here, right?" he asks. You eyed him suspiciously. 
"No, it's fine." 
It's fine?! You mentally scold yourself. You never even spoke to this guy, outside of literature in first year. Why would he sit next to you? 
"I didn't want to sit with all the other "popular jocks" he answered you unspoken question while taking a bite of his canteen-hamburger. “They’re fun and everything but it’s nice to get away from them sometimes.”
You think of your friends who are sitting a few tables away and you can’t help but agree with Matthew.
“Yeah, I feel you.” you say without thinking.
“Hey..We used to sit next to each other in freshman year, didn’t we? It’s y/n ,right?” 
You nod with a smile, honestly being surprised that he remembers you.
“I haven’t really seen you around a lot. But when I do you are always hanging with those comic book nerds.”
“Hey! Comics are great.”
He puts his hands up in a defense.
“Oh no! I didn’t mean it as an insult. Some comics are good, my little brother made read one last month. It was actually great.”
“What comic was it?”
“Oh, uhm..It was about some kind of blind dude in a devil costume.”
“Daredevil?” you ask with a giggle.
“Yes, that one!” he laughs too.
The two of you continue talking until the end of lunch break. He is surprisingly fun to talk to and he even offers to walk you to your next class after lunch. You had such a good time you didn’t even think about Dave, heck, you didn’t even notice him literally glaring daggers into Matthew.
“What’s up with you, dude?” Tod asks snapping Dave out of it. 
“Yeah, Dave. What the shit is going on with you and Y/N?” Marty asks too.
Dave forrows is eyebrows. Yes, what the shit is going on with the two of you? Every since yesterday's 'fight' with you he can't stop thinking. About how he spends most, if not all of his time either with being Kick-Ass or, rather with Katie. It used to be different. He spent every second with you and he just threw you away so he could maybe get laid. And sure, Katie may be hot as fuck but she is.. Well, she is not you. 
"We had a fight, yesterday. I.. And she was right." he explains with a grimace. "But why the fuck is that Greendale asshole is with her?" 
"You jealous or something, dude?" 
"Wha- Of course I am not jealous! Why would I be? You guys are nuts." 
Jealous… The word rolled around in his mouth like a new flavored milkshake he never tasted before. 
Could he be… Jealous? He never thought of you that way, you were always his best friend. Just that. But.. The more he thinks about it the more he can't stop that twist like feeling in his stomach. 
That night he can't focus on crime fighting. All his thoughts are tied to you. Whether he likes it or not, memories of you keep popping up in his mind. How didn't he notice your beautiful smile before? And your laugh? It's like a beautiful melody. And… Gosh! When did he become such a sappy teenager? Oh and another thing.. He kept trying to think of something else, anything else like Katie for example but he doesn't care anymore! 
Dave goes home early with a frustrated growl. The remaining hours of the night he spends with tossing and turning and daydreaming instead of sleeping. 
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(the next afternoon, Atomic Comics) 
Dave bangs his head against the wood table once again. A tired groan leaves his lips when he hears Tod almost choking on his iced coffee. 
"What the tunk, Tod?" Marty and Dave ask almost at the same time. The dirty blonde haired boy keeps pointing outside the huge window that they are sitting next to at Atomic Comics. 
"Is that fucking y/n?!" 
Now all three of them look outside the shop and see you, all dressed up nad seemingly waiting for someone. 
"Holy fuck!" Dave whispers. He stares at you, with his mouth a gap before jumping up from the booth they were sitting at and rushing outside the store. 
"Y/n! Y/-" he yells almost tripping on thin air. 
"Dave?" you question, quickly turning towards him. Damn, you missed him. No! Yeah, you did… "What do you want?" 
"What do I- What, can't I talk to you?" 
"If you wanted to talk you would have in these past days!" you say. Yes, you might have missed him, but it's not like you're gonna show it. "Now, if you'll excuse me, I am waiting for my date to show up." 
"Your.. Your what, now?!" 
"My date" 
"You can't go on a date!" 
"And why is that, Lizewski?" 
"Lizewski? Really, you're calling me by my surname? Are we in such a bad place right now?" 
"I don't know, you tell me. Are you going to tell me what i can and can't do, hm?" 
"I didn't mean it like that. I just…" 
"What, it's fine when you say it but when I do it with you about Katie I'm the bad friend?" 
"No,it's just-" 
"Sorry. Matt's here." you point to the street across the road where you saw the boy walk towards you. "I gotta go." 
You start walking away but Dave grabs your wrist. 
"Please, don't." he mumbles. 
"Why not?" you snap at him but your expressions soften upon your eyes land on his saddened face. 
"I- because I don't want you with him. O-or anyone." 
You raise an eyebrow. 
He took a deep breath before looking around. Matt was waiting patiently by the traffic light so he could cross the road. Dave quickly began explaining. 
"You were right. About Katie. I was such a dickhead, I am so sorry, y/n. I am sorry for ignoring you over her and and.." from the corner of his eye he sees the traffic light turn green. "Shit! I don't want you to go out with Greendale cause I.. Because I like you. Like really fucking like you. And oh my god you look so fucking hot in this outfit, not that you're not always hot but holy shit. I know we are just friends and you don't think of me that way but I ju-"
"Oh my god! Do you ever shut up?" you yell before pressing your lips to his. Dave stumbled back a little, but quickly recovered and kissed back. Your hands cupped his face and his hands grabbed your waist in response. You both tilled your heads, deepening the kiss earning loud knocking from Marty and Tod as they watched the whole scene through the window. Not that you noticed any of it. You didn't hear the passing by car honk at you nor the yells or whistles. You also did not notice Matthew walking away with a sad smile after seeing the two of you. Your touches intertwine and you're pretty sure you heard Dave moan slightly which causes you to giggle into the kiss. You both pull away gasping for air. You look down at your shoes, hoping to hide your flushed cheeks. Dave scratches his back and looks around nervously only to see his two idiotic friends making kissy faces. He lifts his middle finger for them before clearing his throat. 
"So.. Khm.. I guess you like me too?" 
You let out a soft chuckle.
"Yeah, I do." you say looking at him with a smile.
"That's.. Fuck. That's great." he replied genuinely happy. "Wanna get out of here?" 
You nod and you take off. You take Dave's hand and he intertwines your fingers with a smile. Maybe he is truly a superhero. He helps people and he gets the girl of his dreams. The happy ending. 
Dave Lizewski taglist : @sethcohenluvr @your-hispanichufflepuff
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gyll-yee-haw · 4 years
The Assistant
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Quentin Beck smut
Prompt (requested): Quentin finds out that his cute new assistant (the one who loves to tease and be a little brat to him) is a virgin... and he's got plans for her.
Warnings: lots of teasing and dirty talk, idk if it has more degradation or praising, I like to mix it lol.... mentions of losing your virginity, unprotected sex and a surprisingly soft daddy Quentin
Like 3k words
From the minute you stepped into that lab, you had Quentin's attention.
He thought you were the prettiest little thing he had ever seen, but he couldn't allow distractions, so he never really gave you too much attention, just left you there doing your job.
The thing is that you were brilliant at it. There was no way he could ignore your presence.
As time passed, you kept impressing him… And he became kinda obsessed with you.
He thought about you more than he should.
He got jealous whenever he saw another employee talking to you (maybe they mysteriously got fired after).
So he asked one of your coworkers to get really close to you., and find out as many information as possible from you. Like what you liked to do on your free time, what were your ambitions… or if you were single. If he found out you weren't, there's nothing he wouldn't do for you to be.
But he didn't have to waste any time on planning something against your partner's life cause you didn't have one, and he was relieved to hear that.
But those aren't even the best news he got that day
He also heard from your coworker after a small party you attended to that weekend (with a little drinking and a few games) that you were still a virgin. He lost his mind at the thought of you being his and ONLY his. No other man had ever had the privilege to touch you.
Now he had to make you his.
So you were promoted to his personal assistant.
You were thrilled. Not only because you got a better job, but you had this HUGE admiration for Quentin, and being able to get closer to him was amazing.
On the first days, he just showered you in questions. And the better he knew you, the more fascinated he grew.
But you were a little confused. Didn't seem right for your boss to be asking so many personal questions. Sometimes, his questions seemed to have a double meaning. And you knew Quentin was way too smart to not notice that. So the only way you had to find out what he really wanted was playing his game.
One day, you were at his office, and both of you were minding your own business, but you decided that the teasing would start that day.
So your eyes focused on him until he noticed it, and when he looked back at you, they would quickly go back to your computer.
One time was enough to make him suspicious, but after the third one, he couldn't stand it anymore.
"Do you need anything?" He asked, making your heart race.
Pissing him off was exciting, but you knew it was also very dangerous.
"No, sir, I'm sorry." You lied, without taking your eyes off your computer screen.
You started slowly. That was only the first day. On the next ones, you started going a little further. Like smiling at him when he caught you staring. Or asking your own suggestive questions.
Like this one time, when you walked into his office and walked towards his desk, standing beside it until he finally acknowledged your presence.
"Can I help you?" He sighed, looking at you. He was getting tired of your games. He was so confused. You looked pretty innocent by the way you answered to his questions, but there was something in your eyes that made him doubt that.
"Yes, Mr. Beck." You bit your lip, trying to control your smirk as you carefully planned your next words. "I was wondering if I look okay to you."
He raised his eyebrows and waited for you to explain yourself, so you continued:
"I mean… now that I'm your assistant, people will see me next to you all the time. I know you never mentioned anything, sir, but do you think the way I dress is okay?"
That was the first time in a while someone left him speechless like that.
"I appreciate how much you care about your job, Y/N." He finally replied. "If you're worried about that, I could get you some money to buy new clothes."
You didn't expect that at all, you were just teasing him.
"Thank you, sir… but does that mean you don't think I'm pretty now?" You used a sweet, sad tone.
"No, I think you're so fucking pretty." He looked at your body in a way that made you a little shy. "And I don't really care what you're wearing. If you want my sincere opinion, honey, you should wear a lot less than that."
You pressed your thighs together at those words. This was all about driving HIM crazy, but he always found a way to be on control. And he noticed how he made you feel, of course he did.
"You look so eager to be a great assistant." He chuckled darkly. "You would do anything I asked you to, wouldn't you?"
You nodded with no hesitation.
"Good girl." He smiled and caressed you cheek with his finger. "Go back to work, then."
You were in shock. You were frozen beside him trying to process everything. You wanted him so bad, you wouldn't be able to focus on work now. But you walked back to your desk, cause what other choice did you have?
Well, you weren't giving up now.
On the very next day, every single pair of eyes landed on you when you walked into that building.
You were wearing the shortest skirt you could find. And one of those shirts that were a little transparent, with a cute little lace bra under it. Red lipstick. It was impossible not to look.
Quentin was furious. He was possessive, and now everyone was talking about "his girl".
5 minutes after you arrived you were already yelled at. He wanted you in his office. Immediately.
When you walked in, you shivered at his state. He was so angry, and he always looked so hot like that. Sitting on his chair, a hand closed on a fist on his table, his eyes looking at a distant spot… you could almost see that inside his head there was nothing but madness.
"What do you think you're doing?" He sighed, trying to control his anger. "Why are you dressed like that?"
"Well, sir… yesterday you said that you wanted me to wear less clothes. I just wanted to please you."
"Please me?" He thought for a second. "Come closer."
Seemed like a pretty dangerous thing to do, but there was no turning back now.
When you got close enough, he pulled you by the arm, forcing you to sit on his lap, which made you gasp.
"I know you're not stupid, Y/N. I wouldn't be interested in you if you were." He said, running his hand through your thigh. "So why are you doing this? Do you want attention?"
"Yes, sir." You bit your lip as his hand travelled now between your thighs.
"You wanted my attention?" He chuckled. "Well, but I don't want other people looking at my things. Wanting my things…"
He was treating you like just another prize he won and you couldn't understand why you were okay with that. Or why you would be anything he wanted you to be.
"Maybe I should fire you." He said, placing a kiss on the back of your neck.
"No, sir, please… I can be useful to you." You begged.
"I know you can. And you will." He said as his hand got closer and closer to where you needed it, but never actually there.
You were on fire, you just wanted to rub yourself on his thigh, but you were afraid to move unless he asked you to.
"Now come on." He said, forcing you to stand up. "Let's go to your place. We'll get you changed."
"I don't want to go." You muttered.
"Excuse me?" He raised his eyebrows.
"We have work to do." You explained. "And there is nothing wrong with the way I am dressed."
He immediately grabbed you by the neck and said: "We are going to your place right now."
You were thrilled. One more time. Life beside Quentin was never boring.
The drive back to your place was silent. Your eyes were glued to the way he was holding the wheel a lot tighter than he had to. His forearms were so tense. Absolutely beautiful.
The moment you walked into your place, you went directly to your bedroom and he followed you.
"Do I have to change in front of you?" You asked sarcastically. "To make sure you'll approve it?"
"Enough." He sighed. "Why are you acting like a fucking brat? You used to be such a good girl for me…"
You didn't have an answer to give him. Cause you wanted attention? Not really, you had that already. You were doing that simply because it was fun.
"You know what? You don't have to go back with me. You're fired."
"No, sir, don't do that, please!" Your eyes widened. "I'm so sorry, just give me a chance, I will be good again, I promise…"
"I don't usually give people a second chance, you know that." He shrugged. "But it would be a shame to lose you, I have to admit that."
His eyes traveled your body as he walked in circles, trying to make up his mind. You were paralyzed. Not that you were obsessed with your job, but you kinda were with your boss. You knew he wouldn't want to see you ever again.
"I will give you one last chance…" He decided. "If you prove that you're loyal to me. Not to the company, to me. You know you're over qualified to be only an assistant… and I have bigger plans for you."
"I would do anything for you, sir." You nodded eagerly.
"Now that's my good girl." He chuckled and stood in front of you. He leaned closer and placed his hand on your cheek, gently stroking it with his thumb. "My pretty girl."
That man had some kind of power over you that didn't allow you to think straight. Even when you thought you could play him, he found a way to be on control. All you knew was that you wanted him as bad as he wanted you. And before you could think twice, you enjoyed the proximity to kiss him.
You thought he would push you away and leave you there alone and needy, but the fact was that he was holding himself back since the minute you walked into his office that day. So he kissed you back. It was a hungry, messy kiss. His hands quickly went to your waist and pulled you against his body.
He guided you towards your bed without breaking the kiss.
"Not exactly what I had in mind." He chuckled. "But you never fooled me. I always knew you weren't innocent."
You lay on your bed and he climbed on top of you.
"Mr. Beck…" You got a little nervous when you realized how far things had gone. "I have never done this before."
"I know, baby." He said on his sweetest tone. "But I'm gonna take care of you, okay? I'll be good for you. There's no need to be scared. Also, there's no need to call me Mr. Beck here. Call me whatever you want, okay?"
You hesitated for a second, then you whispered the most innocent "daddy" he had ever heard in his entire life.
"Fuck, what did you just say?" He grabbed your chin and forced you to repeat it right to his face, to make sure it was real.
"Can I call you daddy?" You asked nervously.
"God fucking damnit, Y/N." He visibly lost his mind. "Now you can't call me anything else ever again."
"Daddy." You smiled at the effect that little word had on him.
"Yes, babygirl." He slid his hand under your skirt, but this time he didn't tease as much as before, stroking you over your underwear. "Now daddy's gonna make you feel so good."
You bit your lip and nodded. That could be considered a permission for him to do whatever he wanted to you.
So he helped you remove all of your clothes. He removed his shirt too, but he had to stop and take a moment to admire you. No man in the world had ever looked at you like that. With that much lust. That look on his eyes alone would be enough to make you want him, but the sigh of his shirtless chest was something else too.
His hands travelled your body and ended up on your chest, and he decided to dedicate a few minutes to your boobs.
You were starting to think that he planned on fucking you back in his office, but he changed his mind cause he wanted to take his time with you. So ending up in your bedroom had absolutely nothing to do with the clothes you were wearing. Actually, Quentin would love to show you off. He was only mad cause you turned him on that much at the wrong place and time.
But part of you wished he would have finished this at his office, because you couldn't stand this anymore. He played with your nipples until you were desperate for him to fuck you.
"Daddy, please." You begged, pressing your thighs together.
"Please, what?" He smirked at your state.
"Need you inside me so bad." You admitted.
"Do you, honey?" His hands left your boobs and went to your thighs, forcing them open. His fingers started to stroke your folds and you gasped. "Fuck, babygirl. You really do. Look at how fucking wet you are. All for me."
He shoved two fingers inside you at once, making you moan loudly.
"So thigh, princess. Can't wait to stretch you open with my cock. Is that what you want?" He asked, and you nodded eagerly. "Beg for it just a little more. You wouldn't have to if you weren't such a little brat earlier... now you have to earn it."
"I'm sorry, daddy." Your hips bucked as he rubbed your clit so hard. "I won't be a brat anymore, I will be good now."
"Hm." He muttered uninterested and kept rubbing you.
"Daddy… I'm gonna-" You started to feel your orgasm building in your belly because of how good he was touching you and the things he was saying.
"No, you're not." He stopped everything. The look of betrayal on your face was hilarious to him. "Not until you beg."
"Please, daddy, please." You obeyed. "I need your cock, I promise I'll be loyal to you forever, but please…"
He didn't want to give up so soon. Maybe it was because of the tears in your eyes, or that fact that he was painfully hard that made him break.
But you were relieved when you saw him taking off the rest of his clothes. And you couldn't even describe how you felt when you saw his cock.
He placed it on your entrance and started to kiss you again, before he finally entered you. You cried out from pain and pleasure. He started to move slowly.
"Daddy is always gonna give you what you need, as long as you deserve it, honey." He told you as he kissed your neck. "Tell me how you're feeling."
"So big, daddy, so good." You smiled at him. "So good."
"You sound so dumb right now, you little slut." He chuckled.
That was definitely the last thing you expected sex with Quentin to be like. So smiley. Sweet on it's own way. Maybe because it was your first time. Maybe he had a heart after all.
After he was sure you were ready, he started going faster and harder. It was heaven. Didn't take too long for your to feel your orgasm building from where it was brutally interrupted before.
"Daddy, please… can I cum now?" You begged, which pleased him very much. He didn't even have to ask this time.
"Yes, babygirl, cum on daddy's cock before I fill you up, come on." He told you.
The thought of him coming inside you was enough to bring you to the edge. You came so hard, because you needed that for so long. Quentin couldn't decide what was hotter: your face, your moans or the way you held him tightly while your walls clenched around him.
And he kept his promise, spilling himself inside of you a few seconds later.
He kept his cock inside you and brought his hand to your face, caressing it slowly.
"I'm your first and the only man you'll ever have." He whispered. "You're mine now. You were mine since the day you walked into that office for the first time."
"I'm yours." You agreed. "And you're my daddy."
"Right, I'm your daddy." He chuckled. "I have huge plans for you, babygirl…"
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love-hatred-stuff · 3 years
No More } Choi San [ateez]
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genre: angst
warning(s): slight obsession, mention of a break up, a bit suggestive
word count: 1.7k
notes: I don't have much time to write nowadays but I will upload a part 2 soon, I promise!!!^^
He had tried everything. He tried confessing his feelings to you, he tried confessing his love. He tried being more masculine and demanding, he even tried submitting completely to you. But still, you were a desired girl here in this city, of course it wasn't that easy. Maybe it all had gone wrong because he mainly just imagined making a move on you.
The biggest step he had ever took in real life was when he found the courage to speak to you and became friends with you finally. But that was almost a year ago and he still couldn't figure out how to get you to like him too.
San would do absolutely any and everything to be your boyfriend. He wants you since he first saw your enlightening smile. It was a smile he would never get tired of admiring.
San wants to be yours, no matter how long it would take for him to confess. He would get you to love him back, wouldn't he?
And at the same time he was scared to death to scare you away. He was someone special and different from everyone around you. San was light-hearted, handsome, competitive and one day he would be shy, and the other day he would be confident. Just sad, that whenever he was with you he became really insecure sometimes.
He was in love with you and didn't know how to show you properly. It was like a curse for him, he just wanted you to use him to your happiness! Was that too much to ask?
However, he still had hope, it wouldn't die until you would break things off with him. But you weren't planning to. You found him cute and pretty. You maybe even had a little crush on him. Through all the time you two spend together you learnt what kind of a person he is, and you figured he was one of the kindest, smartest and loveliest people you ever met in your live.
So why would you not like him?
The thing was, you just weren't as obsessed with him as he was with you. Although he tried to be not clingy, he loved your affection and touch, so he always hugged you longer than needed or stood closer to you than everyone else.
Until one day, you got closer than you would have thought. Out of sharing sweet kisses got a close relationship and the dream of San was fulfilled. The other boys always were jealous how he was able to kiss you on the campus or hold your waist and hand whenever he desired. But he was smart and strong, able to fight them if he needed to.
Of course he knew how lucky he was to date someone as special as you and his obsession only grew. You weren't aware of what scenarios played in his mind all the time, what he wanted you to do to him.
He would like to be used.. by you. But he kept it to himself for a long time. But even if he had this strong feelings, he still was a little, delicate boy to you. Caused by his overprotectiveness and love to have you as close as possible, he got very clingy.
You almost always understood and accepted his affection but sometimes you needed space because you had other obligations than to cuddle your boyfriend and it got too much. It didn't scare you away, it just made you aware of the fact that he may feels more for you than you for him. Of course you loved him with you whole heart, though it just been about six months in this relationship and you wouldn't say that he was your reason to live yet. You would hate to live without him but you could do it anyways.
You always asked yourself if maybe you just had problems catching feelings. Because for a long time you just couldn't handle any boy near you. You weren't exactly cold-hearted but it felt like your heart had been frozen until you met San, it needed time to warm up now. You just couldn't give him all of you only in a few months.
When he was too much to handle and you got angry at him or began being the dominant one, he easily started sobbing. All he wanted was you, not anyone else could still his needs like you did, he never wanted to leave you or the other way around. So he was emotional when he was scared of you letting him alone.
Gladly you never did, you always where there to comfort him, even if you where the reason for him being so upset.
▪︎▪︎▪︎▪︎▪︎▪︎ present ▪︎▪︎▪︎▪︎▪︎▪︎
It bothered him how you stopped replying to his texts and answering his calls. It bothered him so much, it needed everything of him to not break down right then and there. It's been a day without getting any sign of you and he started to think you forgot about him or just simply didn't want him anymore. He knew you were fine -or at least alive- because he could see that you had read his messages and experienced how you declined his calls.
(10 new massages)
|San|: [why aren't you answering?] >09:23pm< seen
|San|: [please, just tell me you’re fine and not mad at me] >09:24pm< seen
He sighed, laying his face inside his hands, acting out the desperation he felt, trying to be strong.
|you|: [no, I'm fine. I just don't have time for you right now San, sorry] >09:26<
You weren't in the mood to reply more right now. You needed time for yourself. And you weren't mad at him, you only needed a break of him at this moment. The both of you saw each other every single day, even if you were busy, he insisted on visiting you. Not that you didn't enjoy his company, the thing was, that you came to the conclusion that he may was a bit obsessed with you.
When you were busy, you were busy, and he has to accept that at one point but he didn't. So you chose to ignore him for awhile to get your stuff done without any intervention.
When he saw your text, he felt relieved but something was bothering him again. You had no time for him? It's either supposed mean what it says, or it means that you were mad and would hate to see his face right now.
|San|: [okay, just please call me when you are ready, alright?] >09:26< seen
|San|: [I miss u :(] >09:27< seen
|you|: [I will. Sleep well] >09:28<
The coldness that came with your words made his heart scrunch in pain. He knew that you didn't miss him right now, you were tired of seeing him every day. And he tried to understand but still felt the need to visit you and make whatever he did wrong up to you. But he resisted this urge and stayed where he was, thinking it would be the best to leave you alone for a bit.
A bit. Yeah, a bit was good. He'd thought "a bit" would have lasted shorter. Though it expanded to two whole days. And you barely had ever answered his texts.
The more time flew by, the more he got desperate. He cried himself to sleep the last two nights. It was affecting him so much, more than he would have thought. He knew you were his everything, but that he wouldn't be able to stand three days without your presence surprised him.
And at this point he would give everything to get you back in his arms. So he thought how he could make you feel better about him again. San had thought about many ways to do that but almost all his plans seemed to not be pretty thought through. Not matter how many times he tried getting new ideas, -he even googled how to get his girlfriend back-, his mind always came back to one solution. Although he had a bad feeling about it. He had no other choice. What else could give him back his joy of life? He had to seduce you.
Wasn't good sex what all girls wanted at this age? He asked himself first, but he shook his head in disgust. You weren't a girl like every other. And especially not about the sexual act. You were humble and patient, he knew that. That's why you both never spoke up this topic. Of course you turned him on and stuff but as long as you were in his arms, open to have any other physical contact, he didn't need to sleep with you yet.
It wasn't exactly why you were bored, but maybe you thought it could be fun to try something new. It didn't had to be sex, but what else was left to try? Exactly. Not too much.
San made himself ready to meet up with you before sending you a message to ask if you were home. Fortunately you were, and sighed when you saw your phone blink from the twentieth text he had send you.
God, was this childish. You groaned and rolled your eyes. And you were actually disgusted of your own behaviour after doing all this to him. He'd done nothing, so what was making you disapproving him so much?
Because you felt bad about avoiding your boyfriend, you texted him back, informing him that you were home. Sooner or later, you had to bring it behind you.
You didn't notice how wet your eyes got from thinking about having to break up. Because you really didn't want to, it was just.. getting too much and not enough at the same time. Your close connection was no more. Was it?
San was overly happy suddenly when he read your message. And so he got on his way to your apartment right away.
••• to be continued •••
>>>part 2
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atiny-exol · 4 years
Yandere Prince Ateez!
Warnings:yandere behavior, mentions abuse, violence, blood, humiliation, degradation, mature things, possessive behavior, stalking, forced marriage
Requested: oh hell yes
A/N: yandere prince ateez is suchhh a good idea😭I love it
You are a maid, a poor little maid trapped in the claws of the eight brothers and princes of Utopia.
Prince Hongjoong
The second oldest of the kingdom.
Usually mistaken as the oldest. Unlike his brothers he doesn't look like a disappointment to the king and queen.
Does his work like it is used to be, attends the important meetings and always does more than required
Ambitious, smart, charming, but for you he let his facade of the perfect prince down.
One of the reasons why you are the maid in the castle. Always watching you, pointing out your mistakes and everything you do wrong.
Doesn't care if you cry because if his scolding.
As his future wife you have to be perfect, flawless, just like himself
Even if he is mean you can't help but fall in love with him.
And he knows that too well.
Behind his facade he is very insecure and angry about the fact that he will never be the king of this kingdom.
Tries to hide the insecures from you and always offers you a smile. Unless you did something wrong.
Easily fell with you on love. One smile from you, one kind word and a your good manners.
And your eyes. He loves your eyes. Even if they hold tears.
Especially if they hold tears, but he has to cause them. If someone else makes you cry, he will kill.
Or let them kill.
Ruthless in this fact. Always has a plan to eliminate everyone who gets too close to you.
But always threats you with this too.
You are scared but also fascinated by him.
,,Y/N, Y/N, Y/N. How many times do I have to tell you that I don't tolerate inappropriative behavior. Especially from you I want perfect manners and a beautiful look. Change your clothes and then you do the chores again."
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Prince Seonghwa
The oldest and the future King.
Unlike Hongjoong, Seonghwa isn't thag interested in attending important meetings.
He is still smart, strong and powerful. Ruthless to be honest.
When he rules the kingdom, no one will ever say something against him. His death stare is making everyone shiver, including you.
And his whole aura is scary.
Loves to see fear in your eyes. The little teary eyes, filled woth tears. He loves them way to much.
Would cut them out of your face, but he loves you. Doesn't want to ruin your pretty little face.
The first time you met, he scares you and threaten you with death. Because you spilled coffee all over him.
But then he saw that his brother found you interesting. Another reason to kill you.
Your little stuttering, the red face and yes the fear and shaking. Made him change his mind.
He loves to be powerful and feared.
And you give him the feeling.
The feeling that he can rules everything, that he is more than just a prince and future king.
No he wants to be the God. And first of all your God.
,,You dare to speak against me you annoying brat! Who do you think you are talking to. I'm your future king and God. Learn your place! 2 weeks in the catacombs will change your mind. I'm sure."
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Prince Yunho
One of the oldest. Not very strong, but not weak either.
Not very smart, but not dumb either.
He was and is always just Yunho, the kindly, smiling and handsome prince.
Everyone adores him and his smile, his whole personality.
But all of this is making him sick. Sick and angry.
Why can't he be the oldest? Why can't he be as smart as Hongjoong or as strong as Seonghwa? Why? Why!
Wants to feel special. And appreciated.
And you are making him feel like that.
You give him the strength to smile more and more each day.
He follows you through the castle. Helps you and talks with you.
With you his smile is not fake, his smile is genuine and gentle.
But of course his brothers have to ruin everything.
He can't have one thing for himself.
Stalks you in the night, the times you bath and the times you aren't working.
He looks at you in every situation, because he knows that only he is doing this.
This is something his brothers won't steal from him.
They won't steal you aways from him.
He never fighted. He never talked back.
But if it is about you, he changes.
Changes into something far away from kind and sweet.
,,My poor little maid. You look so tired, but at the same time your sleeping face is the most beautiful one on this planet. Just stay like this and let me watch. So I can remember every small detail about you."
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Prince San
Handsome, charming, a flirt and arrogant.
That's how most of the people would describe this prince in their private rooms. And yes, yes he is exactly that.
He is cocky, flirty and teasing around you.
He loves to humiliate you infront of the other servants.
But why does he do this? The answer is easy.
To get your attention. Your anger. Your red and humiliated face.
Because just he and his other brother Wooyoung are supposed to see your humiliated face. And both of them love that.
They often share the fun.
One of the distracts you so you make a mistake and the other one will scold you for that infront of everyone and then pull you around with cuffed hands and a string around your pretty little neck.
He wants you for himself, but sharing you makes fun too.
Hates your tears, but if they are because he humiliated you it is beautiful.
If you try to avoid him, he will get violent and break your hands. Or pushes you down the stairs.
Then he blaims all on you. Because you are just a clumsy little kitten.
The first time he met you, he thought that you are perfect. Everything on you is perfect, but no one beside him can be perfect. And you also didn't give him enough attention.
That's why he started bullying you
And now he loves it
,,Look at this clumsy little pig, with the apple in its mouth. You look absolutely adorable like that piggy. Can't wait to let everyone see this shamefully look on your face, while I tell them what you did today."
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Prince Mingi
There are 2 things he loves.
The feeling of the arrow hitting the target and you.
Oh and both combined is tying you to a target and trying not to hurt you with the arrow.
He losts the count of how often he already did this. But it isn't his fault.
Sometimes he is just so jealous, because he can't spent so much time with you, that he has to do the things he loves at the same time.
It scares you and you are always crying when he does that.
But he loves to show you that he would never actually hurt you. If you don't piss him off of course.
Because the first time you made him jealous, he actually made you the target.
He hurted your leg painfully and his looks was so scary that you felt like dying.
After that you always tried to make him smile and it helped.
Always smiles around you and kisses your cheek. Gets red and shy with you
If someone flirts with you, they are the next target and you watch him killing them.
He is scary and brutal, but he is still a tall puppy for you.
,,Aww n.. No don't be scared love! I won't actually hurt you. I.. Said don't be scared! I won't hurt you. Goddammit why are you crying again. Tz. If you don't stop now I change my mind! "
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Prince Wooyoung
Flirty, a tease and mischievously. That's what one of the youngest prince of Utopia is.
And he doesn't even try to hide it.
Already accepted the fate. The date that he will never be as powerful as his older brothers.
But since the first time he saw you. He felt that he has power. Even if it's just power over one person.
He has the power to control you.
San and him are making sure that your life in the castle is a living hell. But unlike San he is more flirty.
And not just towards you. Tries to make you jealous and often sees thag it's working.
Then he teases you about that, and degrades you.
Tells you often that you are just his little plaything, his maid and his property.
You live to please him. If he wants you crawling on the floor you do that. He wants you to eat from the floor? You better do it or he will humiliate you just like San does it.
You are a cute little kitten till you show your claws and Wooyoung makes sure you will never show them again.
He even humiliats you infront of other princesses.
They are laughing at you, spitting at you and degrading you more and Wooyoung loves the power he has over you.
The power to control your life and how it goes.
Since he doesn't have a life where he can do what he wants too.
,,Awww are you crying now? Really? Just because they laughed at you. God pet you are so useless, can't even stand some entertaining degradation for me. If you don't stop this I will make sure that everyone sees you like this, and by everyone. I mean everyone."
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Prince Yeosang
Smart, but doesn't talk that much. He isn't that social not even with his brothers and the king and the queen doesn't seem like they are proud of him.
He craves your attention, he craves the way you beg for him and cry out his name.
Oh and he craves your blood.
But first things first.
The first time he saw you, he was there to punish you.
You angered all of his brothers and even if he doesn't talk much with them, they know that he is the most sadistic one out of them.
He has his fun with you and at first he doesn't understand why his brothers like you. Why they want to break you and have you for themself.
But the time he spent alone with you, showed him why.
You have him the feeling of being needed. The feeling of being strong and having the power of living and death. Just like a God.
You are making him a God.
Carries blood from you in a small bottle around.
Once a while he has his fun with you. Torturing you, especially when seonghwa locks you away.
He doesn't show his affection with lovely words, or hugs unlike his brothers.
No he shows you his love through brutal violence
,,Cry some more for me angel. Cry more and more and I will fill this bottle with your tears. I want to carry them around just like your blood. So I have a piece of you always by my side. Yes beg me, beg me to end your suffering. "
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Prince Jongho
The youngest and most loved prince from the family.
Everyone loves and adores him. He is friendly, sweet, but also strong and good in fighting with the sword.
He is the most dangerous in a fight out of all brothers. No one would dare to stand on the other side of his sword.
That's why you have to do it.
The first times he trains with you, he does it to make fun of you.
He isn't that sweet and kind to you, because he doesn't think you are worth it.
He doesn't see why his brothers like you, but one time he seriously injured you and his world crashed together.
Practice without you isn't fun and he slowly realizes how much you pulled him in love with you.
Gives you a ring and proposes to you after you are healed again.
You said no. Of course you said no.
And jongho made sure you regret that.
He does this over and over again, always smiling even if you give him a no as an answer.
But at some point you are sitting on your knees in front of him, his blade slowly lifting you head up and his eyes shooting a cold stare down at you.
You habe to say yes.
He will marry you.
And no one is going to stop him. Not even you
,,I give you a last chance. Will you marry me? I don't take a no as an answer and if you dare to say this again I will kill you. I will let your blood stain my sword. So what do you want to choose. Death or the chance of getting married to me."
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nic-214 · 4 years
Jimercury: Model (2)
Art Credit: Darlingfreddie (Tumblr)
Tw: Domestic Violence
Jim storms into his manger's office a scared Freddie follows after him, "What is this?!" he slams a magazine down onto the table.
In bold letters the magazine title read: "Famous Model Caught With Illegal Immigrant??!!" and a picture of Jim pressed against his car with Freddie bitting on his neck in the parking lot, Jim's head tossed back in a silent moan both seem to be enjoying themselves.
"Look," his manger says softly flipping through the magazine, "We'll talk to Paramour Weekly and have the magazine recall if you're not comfortable with this."
Jim grits his teeth, "I want to clear some shit up first. Call Steven and set me up to be interviewed by Creative Gazette, alright. I'm doing a quick photoshoot for today then the interview.''
Jim storms out and Freddie follows. Diva Taylor gives them a smile and prissy wave, " You!" Jim roars grabbing Roger by his collar, "You took those damn pictures!! You made me seem like some whore!!"
Roger laughs, "You can't touch me lard ass. I'll have you fired and get you blacklisted from ever agency in the country."
"So you did do it." Freddie says, " Why? Are you still pissed that I wouldn't let you use me like your bitch? Are you pissed that Brian finds me more attractive than you? Are you pissed that Brian tried to sleep with me?"
Roger lets out a snarl and shoves Jim away. The blond stomps over and jabs a finger into Fred's bony chest, "I'm getting you fired and making sure you'll never work again."
Brian who was standing there silently there the entire time grabs Roger by his hair hard, "I fucking hate you." Brian says anger dripping from his words, "I'm only here for our baby.''
Roger jerks around and slaps Brian hard across his face, ''You don't talk to me like that. I'll tell the police you beat me and rape me, and you'll never get to see your baby."
Brian's face pales and he lowers his hand, the handprint on his face still a angry pink.
"Should we-" Jim shushed Freddie and hurries into his private room.
The Irishman dials 999 quickly and reports Roger in to the police. He locks the door afterward and prays silently, Freddie prays as well.
"D-Do we do the photoshoot still?"
"You want a paycheck right?" Jim asks.
Freddie nods and gets things ready for Jim. After what seemed like the 80th picture a commotion was heard from outside. Jim slides a shirt back on and the two step out of the room, Freddie's camera was still in his hands out of his bag.
"You can't arrest me!! Do you know who I am?! My daddy will ruin you!!" Roger yells fighting against the officers.
Freddie started recording shakily.
"Sir we need you to calm down. We just want to talk." a younger officer says.
Roger tries to spit on him only to get kneed in the back roughly. Which made Roger cry out about the baby.
The entire hallway was crowded with people as Roger was getting arrested. Brian stood numbly watching his husband fight the officers, the thirty-two year old looks down at his hand and removes his ring.
"This is our faults isn't it?" Freddie asks softly as the crowd starts to file down the halls. Jim only nods and tries to push past the throng of people taking Fred's hand as they pushed through.
"Brian," Freddie says softly as they stop.
Brian looks up then down at them he looks to of been crying, "T-Thank you." was all he said before he starts to sob.
Jim tosses his arm over Brian's shoulder, "Lets get you some water. Maybe something to snack on."
Brian sniffles and trembles a little as they leave the building. Jim squeezes Fred's hand seeing both Creative Gazette and Paramour Weekly camera men outside the building filming and snapping pictures.
"Mr. Taylor! Mr. Taylor!" a reporter yells trying to shove a microphone into his face, "Is it true Roger was abusive?!"
Brian held his hand up and tries to cover the camera up, "N-No comment." he sounded broken the handprint was still faintly visible on his cheek.
Jim rushed him to his car and they quickly leave the scene. They got stuck in traffic on the way to a restaurant. Jim drums his fingers against the wheel, Brian hiccups and rubs his face.
"Is it bad that I forgive him?" Brian asks.
Freddie makes a small noise and looks to Jim, "His father abused him.... He couldn't break the cycle..... He took it out on me... I know I'll get to keep our baby... So I'll break the cycle for our child."
Jim grips the wheel and shifts in his seat, "Roger is quite the scandal... He's cheated on you-"
"5 times with women and 3 times with men." Brian says anger now spilling out.
"What if the baby isn't yours?" Freddie asks.
Brian sits up properly banging his head off the car roof. He rubs his head, "I'll raise the child as my own and give them a nurturing home. You can have a child but it takes something special to be a dad."
The car was filled with an awkward silence now as they cruise past traffic. The three of them got to a cheap restaurant to eat for lunch. Brian munched down on salad and a tofu burger, he looked so tired.
"I wasn't just Roger's husband..." Brian says out of the blue, "I was his modeling agent and I did camera work on the side with other models that made him jealous."
Freddie pats his hand, "I'm so sorry.''
Brian looks at Freddie then to his salad, "I want you to be my new model."
Jim and Freddie both gasp, "B-But aren't I too dark?"
Brian raises a brow, "You look perfect. Tiny too... Most agencies like that for some reason." Brian waves his fork.
"We can take some practice pictures at my studio." Jim offers wanting to support his boyfriend.
Freddie stammers and covers his mouth blushing, "I-I-I.. Im.. Oh thank you both!" he hugs them both.
They finished up lunch and head to Jim's studio. Freddie was practically bouncing now, "Do I still look pretty with my short hair?"
They were walking up the stairs now, Jim kisses him, "You're so beautiful no matter what... But short hair does look good on you."
Brian chuckles and sets up the lighting and camera, "Alright give me a ballet dancer's pose. I want to see something."
Freddie stretches and wiggles a little. He takes a deep breath and poses.
"Perfect.'' Brian says snapping pictures. He grins showing Jim his favourite.
"You're a better model than me." Jim chuckles, "Practically all natural model."
Freddie felt his blush grow darker and he covers his teeth, "Thank you, darlings."
As the two were chattering about getting Freddie a contract, Brian's phone goes off and his answers it. He sighs and talks about Roger and the baby before hanging up, "Well.. Guess who's going to court?"
It was a long lengthy trial that Roger tried to drag on but thanks to Jim's connections and wealth Brian was able to carry on the trial. Roger was found guilty of domestic assault, fraud, drug possession, and identity theft. He loses all rights to his child once it's born and it'll be placed with its father, Brian. But he'll only serve 35 years though.
Brian nearly cried his abuser was out of his life and he got to raise the baby. He thanked Jim over and over again for his help, "Don't thank me. Just make me and Fred the godfathers to Brian Jr."
Brian giggles and picks up the fat man hugging him tightly, "I owe you my life!"
Jim chuckles, "I just want to see my baby become a star. That's all I want from you besides the godfathers part."
Brian nods undoing his hair from his man-bun he lets the long licks trickle down him, "I can't wait to change diapers, squish their wittle cheeks, teach them about space!" Brian babbles as they leave the courthouse.
"Do you have a nursery ready?" Freddie asks.
Brian pales, "Fuck!" he bolts down the stairs, "I've only got the walls painted and a tiny square crib ready!" Brian panics running his hands through his curls.
"Jim?" Freddie looks over to him.
Jim was already on the phone talking to people, "I'm on it. My godchild will have the fanciest nursery."
Brian gives him a look, "Just a normal nursery, I'm already in debt to you."
Jim laughs, "Mr. May no you are not. I'm just being your friend."
Jim and Brian had the nursery all set for the baby which they found out to be a girl. They were ready to go when the caseworker called Brian to the hospital for the labor. Freddie grabbed the clothing bag for the baby and they took off. Jim and Freddie sat in the waiting room they were going to be supportive.
Brian was watching his daughter be born while three officers stood guard even though Roger was handcuffed to the bed railing. Some part of Brian wanted to comfort him, to let him know the pain was almost over. Was he being too nice? Yes, but that was in his nature. He walked over and held Roger's hand telling him words of comfort. Soon Brian heard, "Would the father like to cut the cord?''
Brian did so, he held the baby first Roger wasn't allowed and hearing his cries hurt but the bitch had it coming. After a day in hospital and much bickering on a name Brian had come up with one, "Jimena (hay-MAY-nah) Frederica May." Brian announces.
"Spell her first name please?" Jim asks.
"J-i-m-e-n-a." Brian spells.
Jim blushes and grins, "You really did it? You named her after us?"
"You two have been my truest friends. I think she needs the names of the two strongest people I know."
Jim could feel himself tear up. He and Freddie hug Brian and hold his little girl.
"You know she's a brunet right?" Jim says playing with her fuzz.
"Green eyes too." Freddie comments.
"Kinda looks grey.." Brian adds he paused, "I know she may not be mine. But I'll love her no matter what."
"She was born with addictive issues.. Roger did drugs with her in the womb." Brian tells them, "But I love her so much. I'm willing to help her."
After discussing with Brian about getting help and babysitting, Jim and Fred left. One the drive back to Jim's Freddie looks over at him, "Is it bad that I want a baby?"
Jim nearly swerves, "Really?" he grins, "Freddie-"
"But I'm scared to carry."
Jim pauses now pulling into their driveway, "I'll carry our baby then."
Freddie kisses him gingerly, "But we're waiting right? Until we're a little older and more on our feet right?"
Jim nods and nuzzles him, " When we're 29 and 27?"
Freddie nods that seemed like a long time away, "I love you."
"I love you too."
They kiss again and Freddie couldn't be more in love with his Irishman.
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jaehyunsuh · 5 years
My First and Last; Jisung // part 1
part 2
"Just because it's my first time doesn't mean I don't know
everyone will be jealous of us
I'm taking the opportunity
to make my first love last till the end"
series: songs for you🌃
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—pairing: jisung x reader
—genre: au/ fluff/ friends to lovers/ boyfriend! jisung
—words count: 878
author's note: this would actually have a sequel on march so please wait for it🤭
summary: jisung and you have been best friends since you were kids. You have always been really close, being his first best friend in the world. What Jisung doesn't know is that you have been in love with him since a long time ago. You are both not experienced in love, he has never liked someone before, and you had a "boyfriend" but it just lasted a week and he cheated on you. You aren't sure if any of you two are ready to begin a relationship but even worst, you don't even know if he likes you.
Jisung has been the best friend ever since you were young. You have always been really close and told each other everything, you will always play, hang out, eat, study and even spent holiday together and do every single thing you could together. You have always had a beautiful bond between the two of you and it's impossible to break it l, even when you were 6 years old a little girl like him and he kind of liked her back, until she told him she was the only that could play with him and that he should stop being your friend, he immediately rejected her and immediately went to play with you.
nothing really changed it when he started to be a trainee, but the only thing was that you were only able to see each other on weekends, even thought of that he will tell you every single detail about what happened in the week and you will do the same. After a few years he started training it's when the whole love thing began.
he was about to debut and you both turned 14, it was a time where all of your girl friends were getting into boys, they even had little dates and started having boyfriends. From there, you started see him into a different light, and everytime time you will get to be together you would feel more awkward and shy about him, and it's because you realize how much you liked him.
years has passed and now both of you are 18. A lot of boys has been trying to date you and you have gone on a few dates but all of them are jerks, it just makes you realize how much you like Jisung instead of anyone else. After he debuted you were able to see a different side of him, he will be more extroverted showing his dance moves, going into different concepts, getting dressed with really cool outfits and all of that will make you be even more into him.
you are even impress of the change of his voice and good he sounds when he sang. Also, you are really shocked about he looks, he looks so mature and handsome and he is even taller than you, something you never were used to. Now you are able to grab meals with him and go to his dorm to watch movies, the members are really nice so you enjoy being with them as well. 
after many years, today was finally the day you were revealing your feelings for Jisung. You agreed to met in your house (since your parents went out to have dinner) to watch movies, or that's what he tought at least... but it doesn't matter, you need somewhere were it could be just the two of you, were you could feel comfortable and also spent a nice time together.
you were anxious, happy, nauseous, excited, wanting to cry, to scream, it was a lot feelings inside you. Was this going to go well? Was Jisung going to feel the same? Or this was going to make your relationship awkward?. You hear the door bell and feel how your emotions become even more intense. You walk opening and find a smiley Jisung with a lot of bags full of food and snacks. 
"Uhm, can you help me?" He says trying to show his face between all of the bags. You laugh and carry some bags placing them on the kitchen counter.
after that you both walk to the living room sitting on the couch. Jisung was so close to you that you felt like your heart could be heard in the whole neighborhood, he had the sweet smile that he has been carrying since you know him and his cute laugh when you say anything.
"So what should we watch?" He asks while going into Netflix.
"Uhm, i don't know, maybe a romcom one?" You say doubting.
"Yes, yes, I'm not in the mood for horror movies. The members made me watch one other day i haven't stopped thinking about it." He looks quite scared and makes you laugh.
you chose the movie and watch it. The next two hours you weren't able to keep your eyes out of Jisung, he looked so adorable when he laugh, he was disappointed at characters, when he was sad, when he was angry and the way he complained about how stupid the main actor was. The movie is over and you turn the tv and proceed to clean up the dishes and order the table.
"Jisung let's go sit, we can talk until you leave." You say nervous because it's finally time to open up to him. He nods and makes his way to the couch.
you talk for a while, or more like, you enjoy listening to Jisung talk so you listen carefully to everything he says. He told you about how tired he was, about dance practice and schedule, that they were moving to a new dorm and even about Jeno's new kdrama. You laugh and stare at him with heart eyes, but finally it was time to talk to him.
"Jisung, there is something i want to tell you." You breathe and look at him serious.
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soldierallen · 6 years
Married. 10
Warnings: a mention of "ending it all", some crying, a kissing, a big Decision.
Featuring: Evangeline Lilly, Robert Downey Jr, Chris Evans, Sebastian Stan, Henry Cavill. (Also my wifi has been out and I wasn't able to post :( so you will get another chapter this week!)
Part 9:
It's been two weeks since that day at my house, time flies when your life is getting miserable.
These two men have carried me through storm after storm breakup after breakup, I owe them I have to choose between them I can't just sit here and make up in the air decisions - "ms, line 2 for you" her thoughts scattering quickly answering the phone
"Creative director's office y/n speaking who am I speaking with" she said very professionally
"Why aren't you answering my calls?"
Mom. Oh shit
"Mom I could explain, I've been in a really bad situation and I don't know what to do.." she said she wanted the pity because well she didn't want to argue with her mother so why not make her feel bad about it.
"Honey what's going on are you coming to Thanksgiving in a few days?"
"I am but, I have a problem the whole sebastian henry thing is getting out of control, I don't know who to take with me and- I can't come alone you know that" she felt her sigh at the other end of the line which made y/n roll her eyes "who do you love? That's all this comes down this sweetheart."
"It's not that simple" a women walked in putting files on the table walking out,
"Oh and you're brother is actually coming this year" .. did I ever mention I had a brother? Probably not but my brother hated all of my friends which were the four men I care about the most he told me it was "stupid" and "childish" to have a group of boys as my friends and then I proceeded to tell him to fuck himself, that became a really good argument for my dad to break up.
He was the golden son, nothing he ever did was wrong never got in trouble always did the right thing went to college got married and raised his kids and he has a goody two shoes life style unlike me, I live in New York city in an apartment complex that used to live paycheck to paycheck to get through the weeks, he never had it hard.
I drive and go to work live alone and only have men as my best friends, everyone thought I was gay for a while until I was with Tom they stopped questioning me.
"Oh great is he gonna rub in my face that hes better than me? Most likely. love you mom"
"I love you to, just remember whoever you bring better be the one." they hung up, what did she mean by that? The one?. Like.. the one I marry someday.
"Hey stop doing that" my mother yelled at my brother Steven "why does she have to bring her stupid friends over to the house?!" Her brother was angry that she was having them sleep over and he wasn't allowed to have his friends sleep over tonight
"I can't have a group of 7 boys plus my son in the mix, she has four friends that are boys you have four friends that are boys you have to live with it!" She said "shes a GIRL, girls aren't suppose to have friends that are BOYS!" he was only two years older than y/n at the time which made him 15 & her and her friends 13
"Girls could be friends with boys!" She said
"No they can't they're only friends with you because they want to get in your pants!"
"Steven Michael Y/L/N go to your room you're grounded" he stomped his feet into the ground going up the stairs saying swearing words underneath his breath
"do you think that's true.." she sat at the bar stool waiting for her friends to arrive she was kinda weirded out and never thought about it like that.
"Honey, I don't think that I think your brother is jealous that you have better brothers than he'll ever be to you" she whispered.
She sat at her desk trying to figure out who she was going to bring.
"God just give me a sign or a billboard or a brick though this glass window"
A knock on her door startled her she got up, a warm smile greeted her it was sebastian "hey, I'm having a party tomorrow and you should come.." he smiled "a party?" She left from behind her desk coming closer to him
"Yes the new house and everything so you should come" he said "did you come all the way from the other side of town to tell me you wanted me at your party?" She laughed
"Yeah kinda" he nervously laughed and she put her hand on his shoulder "I'll be there" "good I want you there and everybody else."
Was this faith trying to tell me something, when I asked for answers I got sebastian at the door was this it..
I told myself I'm tired of loving someone who doesn't even want to try and than he shows up my heart beats fast and my stomach twists
"I'll see you tomorrow at 8?" She nodded "hey where are you going?" "Back to work?" "that's a 24 minute drive from here"
"I know" he smiled sleepily and fixed his suit jacket "tomorrow" he pointed at her walking away she shook her head with a smile at his tactics, he was becoming his self again, it was enlightening.
Just then she felt the whole office tense up not really sure why she walked out into the hall watching everyone shift the once talking and joking in the office became...quiet only the noises of mouse clicks and keyboard taps in the air she was very confused at this point, she walked around the office looking for answers she saw her coworker Evangelina "hey what's going on" she whispered "something's going on in Robert's office I think you should...handle it" Evangelina was blunt & she liked that about her, y/n nodded her head and headed towards Downey's office hearing absolute ruckus she knocked on the door no answer, she knocked one more time.. nothing she knocked again and with a word "mr Downey it's me I'm coming in" when she walked in papers everywhere, a whiskey glass shattered into millions of pieces.
"Mr Downey what's going on"
"We lost the investment" he yelled, she never heard him yell like that and not at her at least, "huh?"
"You know that company stock we did last week? Mr Daddario told us to specifically not to do!" She nodded her head "well was lost it and y/n if it wasn't for you this wouldn't of happened!" He yelled "excuse me?" She was baffled, why would he blame this on her she only fixed the designs and had nothing to do with the money or any other way this place operates.
"You told me not to fire you the day he called and I should've" his words felt like slashes to the back "I lost one of the biggest- most important people to this company on a count of you! Because you were having trouble with the bosses daugther"
"All I asked for was for you not to fire me on a count of his daugther!, mr Downey I've never asked for this and for you to hang this over my head that you did me a favor" He rubbed his face in complete anger he put back on his glasses and folded his arms over his chest leaning against his desk
"I want you gone by tomorrow"
Her heart dropped, her hands started to shake and she felt her breathing hitch
"I want you gone by tomorrow you're fired, that pretty little office of yours will go to someone who actually deserves it." She didn't even know what to say or how to resolve this.
"Well I don't work for you anymore so this was long awaited, you are a TOOL ROBERT! You do nothing for this company you sit on your ass and make everyone do the work for you, you're ungrateful and deserve nothing lets see how good you do without me." And with that she left the whole office and down stairs office heard the entire thing, "Evangelina" she said she threw her creative director badge around her neck she caught it "have fun working with that lunatic." She went inside of her office grabbing a couple things, she opened her top draw with the key and there was two letters she never wanted to open because she was too content with the life she had,
The Times, had contacted her back when she applied months ago and she was so content she didn't open the letter that came only a week ago.
People's Maginze as well, the only problem with people's was she would have to move across country for that she didn't know if she could handle that
she came home and took a bath her eyes swollen from crying she never knew what to do with her anger she just got so mad she would cry.
She heard the door being unlocked and she drank her wine in the bath "whoever it is can you get me my towel from in my room because honestly I wasn't expecting any guests!" She yelled out, she heard a small chuckle and paper bags fall onto the table "you know any other person would've been startled that someone could walk in at any moment" "well if it wasn't you or Henry or Sebastian or Anthony, I guess I would be dead" she drank her wine and Chris walked in with a blue long towel she put down her glass she motioned for him to turn around and that he did and she got out wrapping herself in a towel she drained the water
"Jenn will be here soon" he announced
"I got fired today"
He whipped around "you're kidding?" Chris said he gave her a comforting hug and let go
"Nope," she sipped her drink "Downey fired me on a count of the daddarios just like I said" she walked out the bathroom him following her right behind "that imbecil, I always hated that guy he's always been too big for his britches" Chris was never one to get mad unless he saw the people he cared about hurt, "I told you what was going to happen what am I gonna do now!" she opened her draws as
"You still have that Times Letter, open it." He said
"What if I get REJECTED I can't handle that OH AND EVEN BETTER Steven is coming to Thanksgiving!"
Chris sat on her door frame he opened his mouth to talk when she cut him off
" I have to choose between Henry and sebastian! I don't want to END IT ALL today!" She grabbed underwear and just when Chris was about to talk again she cut him off one more time
"AND TO THINK THINGS WERE JUST GETTING BETTER AND AND THIS IS WHAT HAPPENS" she used her hands to talk waving her underwear all around making Chris laugh he stopped her failing arms "stop throwing your underwear all over the place and get dressed come in the living room & let's work this out." She laughed with a smile "thank you for being here for me" "always" he booped her nose which made her laugh instantly, An hour had passed the three hung out drank and they went home.
It was the night of sebastian's party, she didn't know how to dress for it so she did what any women would do wear a dress there's no going wrong with wearing a dress...
"I'm glad you made it" sebastian smiled kissing her cheek giving her butterflies, he felt them to, but this time y/n butterflies didn't feel the same like they always have when he did small things like that it felt - wrong.
"Anything for you" he held her hand inside his house filled with a crowd of people he introduced her to some coworkers and a few of his friends, and he lead her outside she looked out into his backyard it looked almost exactly like his parents backyard the pool was shaped the same and his pool floaties were of weird things like a unicorn and a banana it was strange.
Two lawn chairs sat out by the pool it was dark, the moon was just perfectly bright the pool was warm and it just seemed... perfect
"What are we doing out here" she asked moving her hair out of her eyes "this is something you've never seen before I made this backyard look like my parents backyard, this is the place I always come to in my head when I need a moment, I know things for you aren't so great" they sat down on the grass,and she picked at the grown slightly listening to him talk
"But I want you to know this is a safe place, no arguing fighting or anything if you ever need some place to go this is the backyard you lost your virginity in" he smirked "you caught me?" She didn't even know he knew about that
"Of course I caught you, one minute your nagging me about smoking and drinking - which after that night I stopped for three years" he tipped his head to her and she smiled showing off her teeth which made him smile "to the next minute I come back in my backyard to see you having sex with some guy"
"Charlie watts" she added
"The kid who dressed up like harry potter that night?" She nodded her head drinking the sour red liquid in her cup, "I can't beileve you lost it to him" "what did you want me to lose it to you? You aren't interested and you made that very clear" she put the cup down "I would've wanted it to be one of the four" she was very confused "all of us love you, having you lose it to someone who really loves and cares about you would've made it that much better"
"So did you all think that way?" "No I was the only one who said it" Sebastian said "Well I never told anyone and he didn't either but I lost my lip virginity to Chris actually" she laughed "you're kidding" he laughed loudly, it was just the two of them in that moment nobody inside that house music was loud but it wasn't loud enough for her to notice.
"Oh I can't wait to bug him about that!"
"I promised I wouldn't tell!" "Well you told!" Sebastian saw y/n's phone on the lawn chair next to her car keys and the only thought in his mind... push her in the pool
"How much you like that dress you're wearing?" He asked, she wasn't waiting for that at all
"it's nice I guess I didn't know how to dress to this thing I mean honestly I didn't even think I would've came because of whole getting fired -" as she spoke she wasn't realizing what was happening as sebastian pushed her into the pool she fell in with a laugh "you know you were always a little bitch" she said wiping her eyes and pushing her hair out of face "yeah people have told me that" he peeled his shirt off his body and took his shoes off and jumped in to making the water splash on her "couldn't you just ASK me to get in the pool you know I would've" she swam closer to him he pushed his hair back his lips dripping with water as he spoke "y/n I want you to have fun, you never have fun anymore it's always work, it never got you anywhere I want you to feel something" he got closer to her as well "what am I suppose to feel" she asked
"happiness, love. that's what you deserve" his face got closer to hers, she was ready for this to be the first time her lips were on his, his wet face dripped onto her skin "if you don't want this stop me."
In a slow whisper "I want this"she said their lips touched together so lightly it felt like heaven to him his hands were on her hips she was leaned against the wall of pool, it felt as if their lips matched a perfect rhythm, finally
He detached his lips from hers, his lips on her neck making a small red blotch this was what she waited for, and it felt... Wrong, like she had been betraying henry. her hand on his skin felt so new to him he'd never felt like this before it was so amazing finally after months having her in his arms kissing her loving her the way she should be loved.
She didn't love him, she loved Henry. The kiss didn't really feel the way she wanted it to be.
Sebastian heard the glass door opening, she didn't, he didn't really care who it was to be completely honest he's got the girl.
"I see you two have forgiven each other, I thought it was take some time but a week?" The voice she knew all too well, a voice she heard for months on end giving her support sounded so hurt and upset, she knew she fucked up.
"Henry" she pulled away from sebastian, Henry is right here, he looked like he was getting choked up she saw it in his eyes she tried to quickly get herself out of the pool and he turned around walking back to the glass doors, "Henry wait" she yelled her soaking wet body following him
he knew she wasn't going to pick him Chris and Jenn gave him false hope again, he thought he could catch sebastian in the act kissing another women and to start something when he got a bit closer revealing it was her this whole time, he was crushed.
She kept yelling after him he wouldn't answer he wasn't mad or angry he was trying to hold back his hurt.
she followed him onto the porch "Henry" after her fourth yell of his name he turned around, the sound of party loud she closed the door behind her hearing muffled noise. "you love him, you'll never love me the way you love him and I just have to except it and all these months I finally thought shes done with him and this is my chance i got the girl" he said he stopped half way looking at her dripping everywhere she walked down the stairs
"Yeah however I needed to know what i wanted, who I wanted."
"And you've made your choice I get it." he opened the door to his car about to get in
"I did, henry it's you." He stopped his movements looking at her through the window of the door he shut the door loudly walking closer to her, as she looked at him getting closer
"Don't say things like that when am in a time of hurt, I'm losing you - you can't just say things like that I care about you and I put you before everyone else." His voice was slow and sounded so hurt
"tonight I made my decision, Henry since this whole time I thought it's always been him I never truly loved him and now I know I needed this one night of reassurance that it was over, and I love someone else it's you it's always been you" he hesitated what he was about to do watching him kiss her he didn't feel right kissing her however it was something that had to be done he pulled in her soaking wet body into his, his white t shirt making an imprint of her body, she kissed him with so much passion she thought she would explode,
Sebastian said he wants her to feel happiness, love. she didn't feel that with him, she didnt feel anything with him it was so anticlimactic she thought this will be my choice I'll be with Sebastian like I've always wanted he will be with me and we're gonna spend the rest of our lives together when in reality.. the fire was dead and the feeling was lost maybe he felt something she didn't not anymore.
"Let's get you out of these clothes" he said out of breath, "my phone and keys are at the pool" he nodded "hurry" he pulled her forearm towards himself giving her one more kiss She had a few seconds to herself and shes never been more happy.
She saw sebastian drying himself off talking to some friends of his, it didn't even faze her she didn't want him anymore "hey" he said pulling her to the side for a second, "I heard everything" she nodded her head "you guys look great together I'm really sorry that I almost ruined it for you both" she hugged him "thank you" he squeezed her body tightly "go get him" he let go of her, he didn't want to let go of her and let her end up with Henry however she was happy and it's what she wanted that's all he wanted for her. She went and got her keys her phone
she looked at Henry through the driver's seat window opening the door he was just sitting there, he gave a small smile when she appeared "hey what's wrong" she rubbed his arm with worried eyes
"Nothing, not anymore." he kissed her lips once more she felt her stomach twist "I'll follow you home" he nodded, after a while they got to her apartment and she changed and gave Henry his blue hoodie he left here a few days ago she straddled his lap her hands on his shoulders his hands on her waist studying her weight he kissed her lovingly her hands ran through his hair and he loved the feeling he let out small moan which she wasn't expecting and she let go "you have a hair thing"
"I have a y/n thing" she laughed so hard she fell over to the side, he's so cheesy she thought. making him smile holding her body in place so she doesn't fall off the couch,
he's a one of a kind.
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Tagged @hiddlestonstansworld @lovely-geek @imcalledflorence @misz-adrii @escapistdreamer-wishfulthinker @someplxce @cuddlesforlashton @coffeebooksandfandomsohmy @weasley16 @ilovethewayyourheartbeats @vogueworthy-barnes @xeniarocks @thisismysecrethappyplace @racheo91 @gravedollie666 @inlovewith3 // if anyone wants to be untagged or tagged please leave a message ty♡ also I do not own any gifs or images of any kind.
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one-vision2 · 6 years
Chapter 1 - Pilot
"Takato!" Kazu called from the street below as Takato tried to pull his shoes on. He jumped off off bed to shove them on, wobbling a little.
"Takato!" He heard again, this time as He fitted the goggles on his head and snatched his digivice.
"I'm up!" He roared out his open window, looking down to the street, where Kazu and Kenta stood waiting for me. "Stop shouting already, jeez,"
Kazu folded his arms and Kenta shot him an apologetic smile.
Takato thundered down the stairs and snatched the plastic bag from the kitchen counter. "Bye mom!" He cried quickly, barely hearing her reply before he was out the door into the early morning sunshine.
"Sorry I'm late guys," He said.
"It's okay," Kenya said, and Kazu gave me a grin.
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"Wait, I know it's non-uniform day, but are you seriously wearing those goggles?" Kazu asked as we began to walk down the street.
"Yeah," Takato muttered .
"You might get detention," Kenta said.
"Highly doubt it. Oh by the way, my Dad baked these last night," Takato said, handing over two small loaves of bread in the shape of their Digimon Partners.
  Kazu's, in the shape of Guardromon, has a chocolate filling, and Kenta's, in the shape of MarineAngemon, had a strawberry jam filling in the heart.
  The guys took the bread graciously.
"Thanks dude," Kazu said. "Didn't know your dad was still making these,"
"Well, since it's the anniversary and all that..." Takato said, trailing off to look at his feet.
  For a moment, the guys were silent. Of course they hadn't forgotten what today was, they just didn't want to think about it. Eventually, Kenta broke the silence.
"If the teachers say anything about the goggles, I'll vouch for you,"
"Yeah man, me too," Kazu said, tearing a bite out of the bread.
"Thanks," Takato said weakly, as they drew up next to the Wong house. They didn't need to open the gate, as they already spotted Henry and Suzie stepping outside their door.
"Oh hey, everyone is here already," Suzie said, waving frantically.
"Hm?" Henry hummed.
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  Suzie trotted down the steps to her gate with a grin on her face. "Hi!"
"Heya Suz," Kazu said.
"Hi Suzie," Kenta smiled.
"Morning Suzie. I got you something," Takato said, handing over a small plastic bag.
  Suzie took the bag and peeped inside curiously. She gasped. "Lopmon bread!" She squealed, taking the out chocolate-covered, bunny-shaped bread. She hummed as she sniffed the freshly baked bread.
  "It smells so good! I'm going to have this for my lunch today, everyone will be so jealous. Thanks Takato!" Suzie said, quickly stuffing the bread in her bag as she headed off towards her school. The guys waved her off as Henry closed the garden gate behind him. 
  "Don't worry Henry, I didn't leave you out," Takato chuckled, handing over another bag.
  Henry gave a weak smile, and took the bag with a barely audible 'thanks'.
  Kenta frowned. "Hey, you oka-"
"Yeah," Henry said,  little too harshly. Kenta was slightly taken aback, and Henry sighed.
"Sorry Kenta, I didn't mean to snap," Henry said. Kenta relaxed, but didn't say anything.
"Suzie keeps trying to get me to talk to Dad," Henry huffed.
  Takato grimaced. "So I take it you still haven't told her what really happened?"
"No," Henry said, shoving his hands in his jean pockets.
"Are you going to?" Kazu asked, still chewing on the bread.
  Henry hesitated. "... do I have to?"
  Takato shared a glance with Kazu and Kenta. "I mean... kinda, yeah,"
  Henry groaned, and Takato gave him a pat on the shoulder. "You'll be fine,"
"I just think she's too young," Henry said.
"She's the same age we were when it happened," Takato pointed out.
"I know but... still. It'll crush her,"
  Kazu and Kenta grimaced at the statement, but Takato gave his friend a sad look.
"Let's not think about that," Kenta said, trying to lighten the mood. "Let's focus on class, and then we can all go to the hideout,"
  "Yeah, like we do every year!" Kazu cheered.
  Takato hummed in approval, and Henry looked slightly happier, even if it was something he put on. He knew he wasn't fooling anyone, but it helped lighten the mood.
  Kazu and Kenta started to chat about one of the latest games, so Takato slowed down a little alongside Henry.
"You don't have to tell her now you know," He said. Henry looked at him.
"She has her right to her own opinions, but she's your sister. If you think she's too young, or not ready, then it's your decision,"
"Thanks, Takato," Henry said.
"But don't leave it too late either. The longer you leave it, the more angry at you she'll be,"
"I know," Henry nodded. "I just... know how much she cares about Dad. I don't want to ruin that for her yet,"
  Takato nodded. He didn't have any siblings, so looking out for someone definitely went over his head sometimes. It was best left for Henry to decide.
  Takato's face lit up at the sound of his girlfriend calling him. They were nearing the school gates, and Jeri was there waiting for them.
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She rushed over, embracing Takato in a tight hug. Takato chuckled, and squeezed her back. "Good morning Jeri. How are you?"
"I'm good," Jeri said, pulling back to look him in the face. "And you?"
Takato nodded. "Yeah, I'm fine, don't worry about me,"
Jeri smiled, then turned to the other guys. "Good morning everyone,"
"Morning Jeri," The guys said, a mixture of happy and tired voices.
"You're coming to the hideout later, aren't you?" Asked Kazu.
Takato rolled his eyes. The anniversary is technically just about him, and the day he met Guilmon. Met? Drew? Created? Accidentally invented? Whatever, it was all the same day. Yet Kazu was always more excited about it.
Jeri gave a nod. "Of course,"
Kazu fist pumped. "Alright, we just need confirmation from Rika and we are good to go!"
Jeri cocked her head. "Rika's not coming in today,"
"What? No way!" Kazu complained.
"How come?" Takato asked.
"Her Mom has a home shoot for a magazine, and Rika said she'd help move equipment," Jeri replied.
"She missed a day of goofing off to move stuff?" Henry said with a curled lip.
"Well she does want to go into photography, so being around the equipment would be good experience," Takato said.
"She's also getting paid,"
"Ooh," The guys said.
"Do they need any other helpers?" Kenta asked. Everyone laughed at him, but Takato was able to detect the slight voice break. Because if Rika wasn't here then-
The bell rang, signalling for the students to get to class. Henry and Kazu ran inside to avoid being late, and Jeri tugged at Takato's arm.
"We'll meet up at lunch, okay?" He called to Kenta, who was shuffling along. Kenta smiled at him, and that was the last Takato seen before he rounded the school gates.
Takato and Jeri made it to their class just before the teacher, and sat down next to Henry. "Gee, thanks for waiting," Takato said with over dramatic sarcasm, and Henry simply shrugged with a cheeky smile. Well, he seems to be a lot cheerier since this morning. That's a good sign.
Class started, and Takato started drumming his fingers on the table. The teacher didn't mention anything about the goggles on his head, so Takato decided to let the fact it was a sunny day, slide. It was about ten minutes before the first class ended when his phone buzzed in his pocket.
Takato straightened up, and glanced around to see if anyone was looking. He noticed Henry reach into his pocket, and Jeri place a hand over hers.
Takato frowned. Was it the group chat?
Slowly, Takato took his phone out of his pocket, and glanced down. He gasped at the message from Rika.
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Rika: Everyone to the hideout NOW
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soldierallen · 6 years
Married 9
Summary: you're in love with Sebastian and you're one of his three best friends however he finds a women he loves and marries her.
Disclaimer: I have a Thanksgiving chapter that will be out a week after Thanksgiving YIKES I didn't time this right am sorry! Anyways heres the next chapter.
Warnings: none, probably some cursing, and arguing but that's usually what happens in this story, mentions of sex.
Part 8:
Three days, no phone call or text since the wedding from him Henry's been very supportive of the whole thing he said I look better and to be honest I feel better.. I wonder how sebastian's doing I think I should give him a call
"Stop I know what your thinking about" Henry said looking out the window eating food at my office this time, "what am I thinking about" she stabbed her food with a fork not really interested in eating lately, she did that often nothing filled the void nor food or sex nothing.
"You want to call him" he looked at his food and back at her and she stared at him from across the table "Henry" "no y/n! It's not your job!" He explained
"But if I want to pursue a relationship it should be-"
"Two sided?, well explain to me since the past three days has he called?" He threw a napkin onto the table waiting for her answer "no.."
"Texted?, a dm on Instagram? Maybe even a Facebook message?" She stayed silent "he never calls" he got up putting his hand on her shoulder "give up" he finally let the words out of his mouth, wanting to stay them for so long.
Give Up, give up the fight for a love that doesn't exist for a love that can't truly be fixed because it's one sided. She stood up "I know.." she had to stop feeling sorry for herself it's been years I think it's time to really give up for real this time, Henry was right and she knew he was it was just hard to actually stop everything and end it, a 14 year relationship down the drain..all because of a stupid wedding!
"I have to go, please don't call him"
She nodded her head knowing it was wrong knowing it needed to end once and for all.. he kissed her forehead "I'll see you tomorrow okay?" "Okay, uh text me when you get home so I know you're okay" he smiled with a small nod and went on his way, she saw Robert her boss about to knock on her door when she went to it opening it "Mr Downey how are you" she smiled, he gave her a nice smile back "hey were having a going away party for Martin, do you want to come? It's gonna be at my place" "I don't know I'm not feeling to well-" "y/n, please come" she felt bad to say no she just didn't feel like going she never felt like doing anything anymore.
She made an excuse, not really interested in going to a party she wasn't in the mood taking a nice wall home when she stumbled upon a bar... going in for a few drinks and a date possibly
She unlocked her door with the spare key that everybody used checking her mail taking the few pieces that she had in there, carrying them up the stairs she opened, reading some and finally getting to her door someone was laying by her apartment door she looked carefully
"sebastian?" He was asleep? Was he here all night?.. he slightly opened his eyes she unlocked her door "unfuckingbeilevable" she twisted the door knob letting herself in, he always has to fuck it up? I had one good night with some guy and he had to be at my house that morning?
"Y/n what time is it?" He said with a yawn stretching his body coming into her house "it's 6am on a Wednesday, what the hell are you doing here?" she slammed her door shut she had nothing to say to him, she started stripping off her clothes "I know your mad-"
"Mad? Oh mad is an understatement!, I'm fucking furious" her blouse on the floor, her heels off she was left in a bra and a skirt she went into her bedroom sebastian watched from her door
"I know I'm sorry for everything for messing up your life for everything it's my fault and I know I didn't know you wanted me" he lied, he tried so hard to not lie to her but it just slipped out
"Just because you had a bad childhood doesn't mean you could act like a prick whenever you want, you hurt people seb and for some odd reason you always choose me" She took off her skirt changing into sweatpants and a t shirt, she wasn't done with the argument that she felt erupting in her stomach
"I spent my whole life waiting for you, maybe one day he'll break up with Maggie and see I'm the one who truly cares for him, maybe one day he'll break up Ally and want me maybe one day he'll leave his cheating fiancé for me, Robbie amell had to stop the wedding and not the man who claimed he wanted me"
she left her bedroom facing him for the first time in a few minutes he was in her living room sitting on the couch his hands folded together his head down, once she walked into the room his head shot up
"If he didn't make his big fucking entrance I was doing it, I was going go take you by the hand and fucking leave y/n do you know how much it killed me?" He said pointing to himself "to see you leave with Henry that night when I knew I was suppose to leave with you that night I've never been so jealous of Henry in my whole life that he got to take you home"
"You should be jealous of Henry he's been there for me, and you aren't you never are and you know what -" he cut me off
"I love you I love you so fucking much that i spent years watching shit boyfriends break your heart and the next day I wanted to beat the shit out of them for breaking your heart, making you feel unimportant you've always meant the most to me don't you even think for a minute I stopped caring I never did and I never will you're a part of me y/n." His voice was loud at first and than became so soft, she loved him, however she couldn't take hurting anymore and take Henry's words 'Give up'
She folded her arms over each other on her chest looking across at him he was farther away he kept walking one step closer trying to reach her
"I love you, how many times am I going to say it I've never loved any other women the way I love you the connection is so core deep I feel it I feel the electricity running through my veins just hearing you speak, give me one more shot we need this one time" he grabbed her hand putting it on his heart "I want you"
"i think i should let us go for real this time, take these pictures down throw away the vase give you back your shit and take you out of my life, all you've ever done to me was make me feel I was never good enough like I never had a place in your life, yeah I never felt left out of your life but there was never a place for me in the beginning"
"I'm not leaving until we fix this I don't want to fight with you I want to resolve this" he said he was calmer than before, she let out a shaky breath not even knowing what to say what's gonna fix this? Absolutely nothing.
There was a knock on the door, she looked at sebastian and he nodded at her to open the door
"You never called me last night when I texted you I got worried" Henry said, his deamour turned as soon as he saw sebastian, he got a protective look on his face and a stare that meant what is he doing here, kinda like a "did you call?" And she nodded no
"I'll tell you everything later." She tried to calm down however she was getting more nervous having both men in the same room with each other when Henry was angry at sebastian for ghosting her
"No he needs to go" Henry walked Into the house "I came to apolgize what are you two fucking behind my back" sebastian said it startled the both of them
"guys please don't do this" she tried to be calm and then that's when the two started bickering she tried to make them both stop and they wouldn't what would throw them off?
"IM PREGNANT" both men stopped and looked at her with wide eyes "I'm not pregnant but you both need to fucking stop arguing I'm tired of arguing" she said
"We're gonna act like adults and settle this" she went into her kitchen and pulled out a quarter in her cookie jar, she never put cookies in it only change and buttons? Why did she have so many buttons.
"Alright heads or tails" she said
"Tails" sebastian said
"Yeah because you're a rat" Henry said
"Henry" she said in a voice that only a mother would use
"Okay" he backed off, she flipped the coin and it landed on heads
"Henry make your argument no interruptions." She sat down on her couch right next to sebastian ready to listen to Henry's argument.
"You've used us, played us, and haven't supported any of us in the things were doing." Henry said, he nodded
"You know y/n's getting really close to being chief executive?, you know Anthony's daugther is the best player on her team? did you know that Chris and jennie are planning to have kids soon? Not after the wedding but right now as we speak" Henry was trying to calm his self to actually say everything he's wanted to say since months
"You're not in our lives anymore and you expect everyone to forgive you because we "know" you? I can't do it anymore, sebastian I'm a 25 year old man that can't handle bullshit excuses anymore" he air quoted "know" because well we don't know him anymore, the person we knew left? He isn't himself he knows and hes trying to fix it sebastian let a breath to say something when Henry stopped him with a hand "I waited for months, for an apology from you for the shit you put me through the invitations and the writing speeches and and just everything.. I got a phone call that night from you asking if you should apologize to y/n" she knew, she knew everything Henry was going to say he was right.
"Didn't you know in your right God damn mind that she was the FIRST person you should've called to apolgize to, and you didn't you asked ME didn't apolgize to me but asked me if you should apologize?" Henry was getting angry "Henry" she put a warm comforting hand on his bicep
"I have so much to say and I'm just so in my head" he sat down on the couch opposite of them and y/n went over to him she put her head on his shoulder "it's okay" she rubbed his arm "say it with love in your voice and not anger, you love him I do to" she said in a low voice
"I know what I did I don't expect anyone to forgive me I'm trying" Sebastian tried to sympathize looking at the both of them "make your argument" y/n said, Henry was getting super stressed out laying back and looking towards sebastian "don't lie or make any shit excuses I'll know" Henry said he took his hand and rubbed his forehead ready to hear sebastian.
"You're an asshole did I lie there?" Sebastian said Henry threw a pillow at him forcefully "start talking dickhead" sebastian's reflexes moving fast enough for him not to get hit and he smiled, he sild the silver ring off his right hand holding it in their eye view "if you never gave me this ring I don't think I would of ever realized how much you all mean to me, Henry specifically without you I wouldn't of gotten through this year without all of you including Chris and Anthony who aren't here on a Wednesday at 7am in y/n's apartment" he shallowed thickly watching the two people he cared about stare at him in depth having all ears & eyes on him.
"Henry I'm sorry I am, i promise to be in everyone's lives again and fix all of our relationships it may take months maybe even years but I'll try my best, i'll really try for all four of you" he sild the ring back on his finger "I want you both to forgive it will take time I know I just need reassurance that you both will forgive me one day" here it was sebastian. Finally got to core of all of our problems
I don't think anyone ever understands what it takes to apolgize to someone you love, time out of your day to apolgize to the people who love you & support you all the time it takes courage because you know you were the wrong one the one who started it the one who made these situations he knows and hes genuinely sorry I don't think the two could ask for more from him
"We'll think about it" Henry said as a joke still holding onto y/n's thigh, sebastian wasn't too fond of that he shallowed thickly joining in conversation with the two but he just couldn't keep his eyes off Henry's movements with her she was this person Henry had to touch and protect it felt so different for him because Henry was never this close with y/n before, it was a lot of flirting & playing around Henry always had girlfriends and this is the longest Henry's been single for a while....is he falling for her two? His brain starting a wildfire in his mind.
An hour passed of talking together, sebastian went home leaving Henry and y/n alone, sebastian didn't even know how to feel hes trying to mend his relationships with everyone but he thinks he's now losing his chance with y/n because of Henry he asked once and he didn't get an answer, he wasn't going to ask a second time, life was weighing on him once again maybe it's over for real this time he felt it he kind of knew it to.
"What am I gonna do" she looked at the television from across her home, Henry laid his head in her lap her hands mindlessly touching his hair, he loved the feeling "Thanksgiving is coming, is he the person you want to take?"
Her mind leaving her no choice but to not answer.
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