#are yo calling me a sinner was written for me
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hells-greatestdad · 10 months ago
Okay. Lilith seems to be a hot topic right now.
Considering the muse I have, she's quite a relevant topic for me. And I'm open to other people's interpretations of her when writing with them, whether I personally agree or not. (I've written and still write with people who think she's going to be a villain.) There's still a shit-ton we don't yet know about her, and RP doesn't have to reflect the canon by any means.
That said, here are my thoughts:
Lucifer was also introduced in such a manner (in the pilot) that it seemed like he was going to be evil or something. Look how that turned out - now everyone loves him to death. So don't go jumping the gun on Lilith. At least wait until we know more - geez.
Charlie speaks highly of her mother, and seems to have been closer to her than she was to her father during her formative years.
Lilith is said to have a heart for the Sinner population, which does not sound evil to me by any stretch. I tend to think her absence is probably tied to that.
Even just going on in-series stuff (there have been comments by the creators and writers as well), it's implicit that Lucifer still has feelings for Lilith. The ring he still wears, the portraits, the way he looks at the portraits with some emotion, etc. I do think he and Lilith are at a minimum romantically separated (divorced? maybe, but debatable imo), but I think the reasons for this are less "Lilith is terrible" and more how different both of them became in the centuries after Eden (Lucifer falling into hopelessness at Heaven's might and Lilith doing the opposite, which means he wouldn't have been terribly supportive of her efforts).
Charlie is over 200 years old, and Lilith has only been gone for 7 years. Charlie has long been an adult by that point, Lilith did not just leave Lucifer with a kid to raise on his own or anything like that.
As for not answering calls, Lilith is in Heaven, she's probably not getting reception up there.
Basically.... that's what I've gathered off the information we have been given so far. Which is not much.
Put away yo pitchforks.
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dfroza · 1 year ago
“love makes up for many faults”
Today’s reading of the Scriptures from the New Testament is the 4th chapter of the letter of 1st Peter:
Since the Anointed suffered in the flesh, prepare yourselves to do the same—anyone who has suffered in the flesh for the Lord is no longer in the grip of sin— so that you may live the rest of your life on earth controlled not by earthly desires but by the will of God.
You have already wasted enough time living like those outsiders in the society around you: losing yourselves in sex, in addictions and desires, in drinking and lawless idolatry, in giving your time and allegiance to things that are not godly. When you don’t play the same games they do, they notice that you are living by different rules. That’s why they say such terrible things about you. Someday they, too, will have to give an account of themselves to the One who judges the living and the dead. (This is why the good news had to be brought to those who are dead so that although they are judged in the flesh, they might live in the spirit in the way that pleases God.)
We are coming to the end of all things, so be serious and keep your wits about you in order to pray more forcefully. Most of all, love each other steadily and unselfishly, because love makes up for many faults. Show hospitality to each other without complaint. Use whatever gift you’ve received for the good of one another so that you can show yourselves to be good stewards of God’s grace in all its varieties. If you’re called upon to talk, speak as though God put the words in your mouth; if you’re called upon to serve others, serve as though you had the strength of God behind you. In these ways, God may be glorified in all you do through Jesus the Anointed, to whom belongs glory and power, now and forever. Amen.
Dear ones, don’t be surprised when you experience your trial by fire. It is not something strange and unusual, but it is something you should rejoice in. In it you share the Anointed’s sufferings, and you will be that much more joyful when His glory is revealed. If anyone condemns you for following Jesus as the Anointed One, consider yourself blessed. The glorious Spirit of God rests on you. But none of you should ever merit suffering like those who have murdered or stolen, meddled in the affairs of others or done evil things. But if you should suffer for being a Christian, don’t think of it as a disgrace, as it would be if you had done wrong. Praise God that you’re permitted to carry this name.
For the time for judgment has come, and it is beginning with the household of God. If it is starting with us, what will happen to those who have rejected God’s good news? It is written in Proverbs,
If it is hard for the righteous ones to be saved,
what will happen to the ungodly and the sinners?
So even if you should suffer now for doing God’s will, continue doing good and trust your futures to the judgment and mercy of a faithful Creator.
The Letter of 1st Peter, Chapter 4 (The Voice)
A note from The Voice translation:
The reality of suffering in the world causes many to question the existence of an all-powerful and all-loving God. A God of power and love is expected to be both able and willing to remove suffering from our lives. Ultimately, God will make all things new and end suffering, but for now God allows it and calls us to rejoice in the midst of it. Though we may not understand it, pain and suffering have a purpose in God’s plan, and our Creator is not immune to it. Through Jesus God enters into our suffering; now we are called to enter into His.
Today’s paired chapter of the Testaments is the 37th chapter of the book of Ezekiel:
The Eternal had a hold on me, and I couldn’t escape it. The divine wind of the Eternal One picked me up and set me down in the middle of the valley, but this time it was full of bones. God led me through the bones. There were piles of bones everywhere in the valley—dry bones left unburied.
Eternal One (to Ezekiel): Son of man, do you think these bones can live?
Ezekiel: Eternal Lord, certainly You know the answer better than I do.
Eternal One: Actually, I do. Prophesy to these bones. Tell them to listen to what the Eternal Lord says to them: “Dry bones, I will breathe breath into you, and you will come alive. I will attach muscles and tendons to you, cause flesh to grow over them, and cover you with skin. I will breathe breath into you, and you will come alive. After this happens, you will know that I am the Eternal.”
So I did what God told me to do: I prophesied to the bones. As I was speaking, I heard a loud noise—a rattling sound—and all the bones began to come together and form complete skeletons. I watched and saw muscles and tendons attach to the bones, flesh grow over them, and skin wrap itself around the reforming bodies. But there was still no breath in them.
Eternal One: Prophesy to the breath. Speak, son of man, and tell them what the Eternal Lord has to say: “O sweet breath, come from the four winds and breathe into these who have been killed. Make these corpses come alive.”
So I did what God told me to do: I prophesied to the breath. As I was speaking, breath invaded the lifeless. The bodies came alive and stood on their feet. I realized then I was looking at a great army.
Eternal One: Son of man, these bones are the entire community of Israel. They keep saying, “Our bones are dry now, picked clean by scavengers. All hope is gone. Our nation is lost.”
He told me to prophesy and tell them what He said.
Eternal One: Pay attention, My people! I am going to open your graves and bring you back to life! I will carry you straight back to the land of Israel. Then you will know that I am the Eternal One. I will breathe My Spirit into you, and you will be alive once again. I will place you back in your own land. After that you will know I, the Eternal, have done what I said I would do.
So said the Eternal One.
Again the word of the Eternal came to me.
Eternal One: Son of man, find a stick and write these words on it: “For Judah and the people of Israel associated with him.” Then go find another stick, and write these words on it: “For Joseph—the stick of Ephraim—and the entire community of Israel associated with him.” Now take both sticks and join them together in your hand as if they are one. When your compatriots question you about what you are doing, asking, “Will you not tell us plainly what these actions mean?” tell them I say, “Watch as I take Joseph’s stick (the one held by Ephraim) and the ten Israelite tribes of the North, your compatriots, and put it end to end with Judah’s stick. The two sticks will become one in My hand.” Make sure the people are able to see what you have written on each stick. Then tell them what I say: “Look! I’m gathering the Israelites up from the countries where they’ve been scattered and putting them back in their own land.” I will form them into one nation upon Israel’s mountains, and they will live under the reign of one king. They will no longer live as two separate peoples, split into two different kingdoms. From then on, they will not defile themselves with idols and abhorrent images and strange perversions. I will rescue them from all the places where they’ve lived and sinned. I will make them pure and clean again! They will be My people, and I will be their God.
My beloved servant, David, will be their king. They will all live peaceably under one shepherd. They will live according to My laws and obey My statutes and do them. My people will dwell in the same land I gave to Jacob, My servant.
Eternal One: It will be the same land where your ancestors dwelled, but their past wickedness will be forgotten there. They, their children, and their children’s children will live there forever; and My servant David will be their prince forever. I will establish a covenant of peace—an everlasting promise—with them. I will make them strong and numerous in the land I gave them. My sanctuary will be at the heart of their community forever. I will make My home with them. I will be their God, and they will be My people. After all these things come to pass and My sanctuary is at the heart of their community forever, all the nations will know that I, the Eternal, am the One who makes Israel holy.
The Book of Ezekiel, Chapter 37 (The Voice)
A note from The Voice translation:
How could David be the king of Israel’s new nation? He died 500 years earlier! Certainly God does not mean that David comes back from the dead to reign; He means that David is the archetype for the eternal king. This new king will carry David’s name because He will be a descendant of David. He will rule a united kingdom just as David ruled a united Israel in his day. He, too, will be a shepherd of God’s people.
These hopes and aspirations will remain in the psyche of God’s people for hundreds of years. When Jesus begins His ministry, His followers will be certain they have found the good shepherd.
A link to my personal reading of the Scriptures for Sunday, december 3 of 2023 with a paired chapter from each Testament of the Bible along with Today’s Proverbs and Psalms
A post by John Parsons about the need of inner healing:
"Those who are well have no need of a physician, but those who are sick. I have not come to call the righteous but sinners to repentance" (Luke 5:31-32). Every one of us has a "dark side" or a "shadow self" that has destructive and selfish urges. We try to conceal this truth from others (and even ourselves) but such denial doesn't change the reality within our hearts (Matt. 5:19; Jer. 17:9; Eccl. 9:3). Indeed, when we pretend to be something we are not we are more likely to be overwhelmed by dark forces hidden within us. Paradoxically we most vulnerable when we think we are well, that is, when we deny our sickness of heart and minimize our need for deliverance.
The way of healing is to "own" or confess the truth of our inner condition and to acknowledge the dark passions that sometimes overmaster our best intentions. We must give ourselves permission to allow the hurt, angry, and fearful voices to be heard and sanctioned within us - and then to bring these dark and hidden aspects of our selves before God for healing. The failure to do so will split the soul and cause the hidden aspects of the self to seek “revenge” upon the “parent self” that censors their message. The struggle within our hearts is real and we should attend to it seriously. Denying evil by pretending that we are okay, or by blaming others, blinds us to the truth of our ongoing need for deliverance. May God help each of us to be honest with ourselves and to confess our great need before our Heavenly Father.
Why do we have such difficulty being genuinely honest with ourselves? Despite the fact that we may profess that we are “sinners saved by grace,” we often make excuses for our failures, rationalizing that we are not “that bad,” and therefore we postpone genuine teshuvah (repentance) and trifle with our spiritual lives. We do this because we feel an almost irresistible desire or “need” to justify ourselves, to “save face” by pretending that we are not “incurably sick,” or by attempting to find something about us that makes feel valuable and worthy. As H.L. Mencken once wittingly noted, "the 'truth' that survives is simply the lie that is pleasantest to believe."
The LORD wants us to be truthful in the "inward being" (Psalm 51:6), though that truth will cost us something, namely whatever worldly gains we might find through self-deception... Opening our hearts to divine examination eventually means colliding with the world of men and their conspiracies, since the godly man no longer abides their presence (Psalm 1:1-2). The Apostle Paul said there was an exclusive disjunction between seeking the approval of men and of the approval of God: “Do I seek to please men? for if I yet pleased men, I should not be the servant of the Messiah (Gal. 1:10). Likewise we are told not to deceive ourselves (lit., "reason around" the truth, from παραλογίζομαι, from παρά, "around, beside" and λογίζομαι, "to reason") by merely hearing the truth of Scripture and not living it (James 1:22). God is not interested in “lip service” any more than he desires heartless sacrifice (Isa. 29:13; Hos. 6:6; Matt. 15:9). "Let your love be genuine (ἀνυπόκριτος, without a "mask" put on), abhor what is evil; cling to what is good (Rom. 12:9). God abhors those who pretend to know Him but who are really spiritual impostors (Matt. 7:21-23; 25:11-12; Luke 6:46).
Tragically (and paradoxically) many people can talk themselves into believing something without really believing it, and that is perhaps the most dangerous thing of all (Matt. 7:22-23). On the other hand, some people can talk themselves into believing (or accepting) something that they know is untrue (or morally wrong), and that self-deception leads to inner fragmentation, chaos, and dissolution of character. A "double-minded man is unstable in all his ways" (James 1:8). As I have said before, the word translated "double-minded" is dipsuchos (δίψυχος), a word formed from δίς, "twice" and ψυχή, "soul." The word describes the spiritual condition of having "two souls" that both want different things at once -- a state of inner contradiction and ambivalence.
Thank the LORD our God that there is real healing for our inner dividedness, ambivalence, and double-mindedness, but that healing demands rigorous honesty. As Kierkegaard rightly observed: "No person is saved except by grace; but there is one sin that makes grace impossible, and that is dishonesty; and there is one thing God must forever and unconditionally require, and that is honesty.” Therefore we are instructed to confess our faults one to another, and pray for one another, that we may be healed (James 5:16). May the LORD our God help each of us to be wholehearted in our devotion to Him.
Finally, friend, a closing thought. Do not despair by thinking that you will never change. Simply enter into the presence of God in Yeshua. That is what "self-denial" means. Turn to God and know his heart. When you do, you receive a heart to know him in return... Believe to see the goodness of the LORD in your midst. Amen.
[ Hebrew for Christians ]
Psalm 51:6 reading:
Hebrew page:
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12.1.23 • Facebook
from yesterday’s email by Israel 365:
Today’s message (Days of Praise) from the Institute for Creation Research
December 3, 2023
His Amazing Grace
“Paul, and Silvanus, and Timotheus, unto the church of the Thessalonians which is in God the Father and in the Lord Jesus Christ: Grace be unto you, and peace, from God our Father, and the Lord Jesus Christ.” (1 Thessalonians 1:1)
These are the very first of Paul’s divinely inspired words, and in this first of his inspired greetings, he set a pattern that he would later follow in all his other epistles. He would always begin with an implicit prayer that both grace and peace, sent from God the Father and His Son, the Lord Jesus Christ, would be received and experienced by the ones to whom he was writing. Furthermore, “grace” always precedes “peace” in these salutations, because one must receive the grace of God before he can experience the peace of God.
By this strong emphasis on grace—preceding anything else he might write to the church or its pastor—he confirmed the great importance of God’s loving grace. Grace is the first essential in salvation and is the continuing vital essential in Christian living. The Thessalonians had already been saved by grace through faith, but now the grace of God their Father and Jesus Christ their Lord must also be lived out in their personal behavior, especially in their dealings with others, to whom God would also manifest His grace through them.
Paul also closed every epistle with a prayer that the grace of the Lord Jesus would continue to be with all who read them. Finally, the last of his inspired words (written while he was in prison) to his young disciple Timothy were: “The Lord Jesus Christ be with thy spirit. Grace be with you. Amen” (2 Timothy 4:22).
Each true Christian life must begin, continue, and end in the sustaining grace of the Savior. Indeed, the very last revealed words of God Himself in the Holy Scriptures are “the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you all. Amen” (Revelation 22:21). Thank God for His amazing grace. HMM
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rkivepacks · 5 years ago
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TITLE: red nails Inspired by:  let’s dress up and go for a ride (taekook) Pairing: Jeon Jungkook x Reader Rating: R18+ Genre: fluff, smut Word Count: 4,249 Trigger Warning/s & Additional tags: Soft Dom Jungkook, Dom Reader, Jungkook has a thing for nail polish, Cockwarming,  Cross-posted on: AO3/dtgloss
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NOTES: ∟ banner by @rkivepacks​ ∟ request banner here ∟ request prompt/send commission here
∟ unbeta-ed ∟ inspired by my previous work let’s dress up and go for a ride (taekook). this is a mxr version + revamped with additional smut scenes ∟  first jungkook x reader fic pls be nice
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Two weeks before halloween found you and Jungkook arguing over lunch in your shared apartment that fits just right for the two of you. you both loved parties, especially themed ones. Jeongguk loves dressing up for them, and you love taking the costumes off of him.
Currently, however, ten minutes before you are almost tempted to pull up a whole powerpoint presentation of how the two of you can synchronize your halloween costumes, you go into a full debate about it.
“I can be Ariana Grande from the God is a Woman music video.” you attempt to propose, setting down your milk on the table, gesturing with your hands in the air, animatedly outlining the costume you had in mind
“And what would I be?” Jeongguk replies, almost exasperated. So far you have made failed attempts for your costumes because ‘we need to be a pairing’. “I’m not fucking dressing up as his boyfriend.” Jungkook adds, almost fearful and disgusted at your proposition.
“Even better. you can be the earth. I can ride you and finger you.” you beam as if what you just said was appropriate costumes for a halloween party.
Granted, no one judges costumes at halloween parties, free reign, and freedom and all, but Jeongguk knows Namjoon would mind if the two of you entered his party with you in his Ariana Grande-glory on top of Jeongguk, ‘fingering’ him. Jeongguk also could not quite picture it in his head how they are going to pull the stunt up.
“Hoseok would close the door in our face when he sees us with that absurd costume and after seeing us doing that.” Jeongguk deadpans. He is almost sure Hoseok would not even dare open the door in the first place.
“Ah I know!” Jeongguk lights up, catching your attention. Interest piqued, you give attention to the suggestion that is about to come. “How about we come as Hyuna and E Dawn?” He grins.
“Cute. But I think Yoongi, Jimin and Hoseok will already go as Triple H. Nice try honey bun sugar plum pumpy yumpy yumpkin.” you shot the idea down. Truthfully, in you’s defense, their other friends already made dibs on the group as their pegs for the halloween party.
“Damn.” Jeongguk pouts.
you two finished lunch with a failed attempt at finalizing their halloween costumes. you have already left for his late afternoon classes and Jeongguk is left at home, being blessed with a free cut from his only class for the day. you grumble how some (read: Jeongguk) does not deserve free classes and halloween costumes.
While you endured your classes, Jeongguk did not fail to entertain you with silly and some serious suggestions for your halloween costumes, often paired with photos (for emphasis, he said). You shoot them down saying ‘Namjoon would hate you’ or a blatant ‘boring’.
The messages slowed down but you have been receiving glimpses from Jeongguk’s uneventful afternoon. The only time Jeongguk has ever stood up from his area on the sofa was to pee (and that was almost forced and done as a moral obligation because he is a human being with responsibilities that include taking care of his health) and fetch food from the cupboard.
Jeongguk has been sending you messages throughout the movie he’s watching such as:
Wanna go as Iron Man and Jarvis? Wanna go as Wanda so you can use your mind power and make me do things? Oooh baby we can go as Trump and America so you can fuck me up.
The next day, with your halloween plans still undecided, passed by and it’s almost night and you have yet to come back from your shift at the music store inside the campus.Jungkook knows for sure that cursed shift ended almost two hours ago and you missing from their little apartment only means that you are currently in the middle of doing something that requires NOT having Jeongguk’s input and must be done WITHOUT Jeongguk’s knowledge. Jeongguk has been typing his rapid text messages to you when you keyed in and let yourself in through your apartment, bag and a paper bag on your right hand. You had this sheepish smile and glint in your eyes plastered that tells Jeongguk something is definitely up. He just contemplates if it has something to do with their ongoing halloween costumes agenda. He also hopes it does not affect his costume.
“Neulbin asked me to do an extra hour because he had an emergency and then I dropped by the pharmacy.” you share, putting away your bag and set the paper bag under their coffee table.
“I did not say anything.” Jeongguk snorted.
“you were going to.” you chide.
“What’s that?” Jeongguk asks, pointing at the paper bag.
“Something I need.”
Jeongguk drops the topic as you obviously will not let him see a glimpse of the item and proceeds to bring two bowls of katsudon to the living room for your dinner.
A week before the halloween party, the two of you are still undecided and uncoordinated in your halloween costumes. Even your friends had to butt in and contribute to the discussion, and Seokjin even said something about reusing old costumes and, forbid him for even spewing it out, just come as you are.
Jeongguk comes home three days before the party to a different scenario. The apartment was eerily quiet, save for the air conditioning and low humming from somewhere in the room. He knew you were supposed to be home from morning classes earlier than him. True to his suspicion, you have been abnormally quiet and focused on the task at hand, literally and figuratively.
you were sat on the sofa, one leg propped on the coffee table which supports your hand, as you focus on painting your left hand a deep red. Jeongguk watches as you move to be more careful as your right hand has already been painted the same red color and the air condition and atmosphere of the apartment has already been laced with the strong scent of the nail lacquer.
Jeongguk sets his stuff on the side quietly as not to disturb the trance which you have been put into. your eyelashes flutter when you blinks away the tiredness and the stiffness from when you have been sitting on that damn sofa for two hours now to paint your nails.
“Busy?” Jeongguk mumbles as he leaned towards you from his position on the arm of the sofa.
“Mhm.” you mumble. Jeongguk figures he won’t be given much attention from his lover so he proceeds to the kitchen. He also failed to get a proper response from you when asked what you wants for dinner, only getting faint responses.
Jungkook was sitting beside him on the sofa with his laptop resting on the coffee table when you finally gave him his undivided attention. “Are you done now?” Jeongguk asks.
“Yes. But it’s still wet so I can’t touch anything or it will mess up.” you pout, your hands splayed on your lap, the red paint obviously wet with how it glimmers under the light. Jeongguk notices how your dewy skin contrasts with the red nail polish, the color pleasing for the eyes. For him. you notice the way Jungkook stares at your hand, or your thighs bare with the shorts you always wear at home. Jeongguk has always had the habit of zoning off, staring at something as his mind reels with thoughts.
you start scooting closer to Jeongguk, watching how the younger is still zoned off but now has his eyes planted on his laptop screen, at the photos he’s currently editing. You carefully plant his hand on Jeongguk’s arms, careful of your clothes or movements to not to mess up your newly painted nails. You knew Jeongguk is off his daze and is now just blatantly /trying/ to ignore your teasing hand and gaze from his peripheral view.
you drop your hand that was on Jeongguk’s arm on his thighs instead, running it up and down slowly, still careful, to gently and expose a bit of the younger’s skin from the shorts he’s wearing.
“Baby, entertain me. I’m bored and I can’t do anything.” you pout, rubbing your cheeks on Jeongguk’s shoulders as if to resemble a cat.
“What do you want to watch?” Jeongguk asks, his voice sounding restrained and still taking glances at your hand on his thighs, dangerously close to his inner thighs and his crotch.
“I don’t want to watch anything.” you reply. Jeongguk risks a glance at you, knowing what you’re is implying. He leans back on the sofa, stretching his back and neck to stop it from being stiff. He stares at you before kissing you on your cheek, then your lips before staring at the hand on his thighs. The two of you do not mention the slight bulge in Jungkook’s shorts and probably of the fact that you’re not doing any better.
After a few seconds Jungkook stands up, pulling you with him. The younger leads the way to the bedroom and you had this glint in your eyes. The younger was cautious with your still wet painted nails when he carried you once you reached the bed, wrapping your thighs around his waist before he kneels on the bed, inching towards the headboard. He gently lays you down and you almost forgot to stop your hand from touching your comfy duvet and pillows and ended up messing up your painted nails.
Jeongguk’s eyes and lips were gentle as he looked at you and kissed your lips a few times and your neck but his hands were quite rough when he starts inching up your shirt, exposing your stomach, to where he travels down to plant more kisses, catching your skin there in between his teeth. He starts moving south and eventually pulls the band of your shorts to expose more skin and your prominent hip bones that have always been at the receiving end of bruises from Jeongguk’s lips.
Jeongguk keeps his eyes on you, seeing you still trying not to mess up your painted nails and be pliant for Jungkook. When you sneak your hands to your stomach which is dangerously close to clutching Jungkook’s hair, he warns you, “you don’t get to touch me.” He warns before completely pulling off you shorts and boxers off of you.
You struggle to keep your hands on his side, planted outwards to keep it untouched. Jungkook flutters kisses across your hips, down to your thighs and inside each of them. He guides your thighs to open for him and position himself in the middle, granting better access for him.
“Shirt off please, baby.” you whisper. Jungkook plants a kiss on your skin near your core before kneeling up to take his shirt off. you catch a whip of the faint perfume too soft mixed with Jungkook’s natural scent. He leans back down, this time getting nearer to your crotch before kissing down your core. you curse as your fingers twitch and almost mess up the duvet.
Jungkook continues to mouth at your core, from where you are ticklish on your hip bones down to your hole and uses his hand to smother your thighs and grip it when you start twitching and moving. He takes you little by little, hearing you release gasps and whimpers above him, hands struggle to stay still. you already look spent as your hand almost has a mind of its own, slightly raised in the air but trying and almost failing to keep it away from Jungkook. In the end you end up touching the back of Jungkook’s shoulders almost too softly that Jungkook almost missed noticing it being there.
“Please, just here.” You whispers, running your hand that was almost painted dry on the younger’s shoulder blades.
Too soon you reached your climax, coming down Jungkook’s mouth, and the younger was quick to lap up what you give him. You struggle with your whole body not to grip Jungkook’s hair and push him down, and your feet stretch on Jungkook’s bare lower back, resulting on your toes tucking in inside the waistband of the younger’s shorts, your feet touching the soft skin on Jungkook’s ass.
Jungkook starts moving up, leaving a trail of kisses up your body in his wake and you keep your foot on the waistband of the younger’s shorts and hold it there. Jungkook grasps your plan and lets you take his shorts for him as he makes his way up your body, tucking his head on your neck.
You faintly push at the younger’s shoulders, shifting and pushing him back down on the mattress, switching positions. You start going down on Jungkook, kissing the younger earnestly, who has now been undressed completely, his shorts and boxers kicked off minutes ago.
“I’ll take care of you.” You whispers to the younger before taking his length in your hand.
you knew the younger had this picture in his mind ever since you painted your nails red and had Jungkook’s hands on your thighs a while ago. “Look baby.” You call the younger’s attention when Jungkook closed his eyes and sighed at the feeling and having your attention on his aching crotch. Jungkook flutters his eyes open and looks down on your hand tight on his length, moving up and down.
He watches your red painted nails glisten under the light wrapped around him, mixed with the feeling of being touched. you move in between his thighs and starts leaning down, supporting your body with his elbows.
“Watch baby.” You hum to Jungkook before collecting the precome on the tip of his length with a finger that’s newly painted and catching it on his tongue as you lap on the precome. Jungkook curses and he hears a faint chuckle from you that he’s sure he made up if he did not feel your chest shake a bit before you take him back in your mouth completely.
you made sure that the younger has a sight of your hand wrapped around him still and your mouth working the head. Jungkook comes deep in your throat, as you keep on taking everything he gives.
It’s only when Jungkook woke up again at eleven in the evening that he realized he fell asleep naked, courtesy of the duvet covering your naked bodies. He also realized you did not have your daily discussion of your halloween costumes.
“Alas! The two have decided!” Seokjin screams when he caught sight of Jungkook and you nearing the area where your group of friends is situated.
The two of you ended up wearing a Harley Quinn and Poison Ivy costume that Jeongguk had to restrain himself when he saw you wearing fishnet stockings and short shorts. The night went by with the rest of your friends in your half messed up costumes including the two of you, and occasional gropings from each other, with you whispering promises to him for when you get home later in the ass crack of dawn.
As promised, Jungkook ended up undressing you in the living room of your apartment but leaving on the fishnet stockings and platform boots for when he fucked you four rounds into the next Saturday, with a special request to see his red painted nails. Jungkook pulls away from you, panting from your heavy make out session. You notice him contemplating as he shifts on his position in front of you. “Are you too tired?” You asked him, your hands caressing the length of his hair. “Was just thinking babe.” He whispers in your ear. “Wanna make you paint your nails again, maybe black? Turns me on that you can’t use your hands or else you’ll mess up your pretty nails. But I don’t think I can wait while you paint them so pretty.” He mumbles into the skin of your neck, his breath tickling you. Your hands continue to roam down to his neck, then his piercings that he didn’t take off. “Wait here.” You move to sit up to the side of the bed, having to straddle one of his thighs as you stand up, foregoing a top and decidedly, you walk out of the room with your arms covering your bare chest. Jungkook thinks his cock twitched at the thought of you walking around the apartment naked. You come back to Jungkook with a clear nail polish on your hand, smirking at him. Before settling back down to the bed, you quickly grab the red stilettos you threw on the far corner of the room, and you quickly stumble out of your boots and fitting the heels on you. “You spoil me.” He tells you. He stayed seated on where you left him, outstretched arms behind him to support his upper half as he leaned back. You eye his toned body on your bed and can’t resist to pad closer to him, making sure the heels don’t ruin the sheets on your way. Once you reach him, you absentmindedly drop the nail polish beside you and gently pushes him down till he’s completely laid back down on the bed. He was sat closer to the headboard, so he adjusts his position, his bulge touching your core when his hips raise from the bed from the movement. He blindly grabs the pack of condoms he probably prepared while you were preoccupied with the nail polish and handed them to you. You take it from his hand and he makes a sound as you throw it behind you, forgotten and soon to be untouched. “I love your sexy brain so much.” He gently grabs your hair, pulling you down to him and slots our lips together. From his action, your hips raises from where you’re straddling him, and your back is arched, showing off your wide hips and thick thighs better. You’re strung out from all the foreplay and dragging out. You support yourself on one hand and the other roams down to Jungkook’s body, palming his member that lays completely hard and curled up on his stomach, down to your own crotch and you wince at your own sensitivity. “I like it when you take charge.” He grins at you, groping your ass. “I am always in charge.” You huff, sitting up and you rub the head of his cock on your entrance, before sinking down to it. “I missed this.” He sighs as you settle with your hips on his. “We fucked yesterday.” You inwardly curses, almost forgetting your plan with all the comments Jungkook has been dropping. “Now stay pretty for them baby, I’ll just do something real quick.” You find a comfortable position and reach for the nail polish you dropped a while ago. “Oh fuck.” Jungkook groans upon realizing what your plan is. His hand stays on your hips, then down to your thighs, rubbing them. “This won’t take long compared to colored nail polish, don’t worry.” You hush him. He remains in his position, and he didn’t think far on what he could do while you’re busy with your preparations. Without much thinking, his hand absent mindedly roams up your stomach and gropes your chest, startling you and you jerk around him. He hisses at the sensation as you slightly tighten around his length. “Good?” You ask him but your focus is still on your nails. You’re almost done but you act as if it would take longer. “Fucking good baby.” He groans. “Faster.” You ignore him. “Please.” “Just a little bit more, babe.” You mumble. You cap the nail polish, reaching over to the bedside drawer to get it out of the way before examining your own nails. Jungkook huffs, completely aware you’re purposely prolonging it. “Wanna see?” You ask him, smirking, gesturing to your hand. He rolls his eyes but he takes them, gently examining your hand although he only needs to see your nails. “Pretty.” He mumbles on your hand, softly massaging them but avoiding the drying polish. He kisses your palm then your fingers. You let your free hand move from his face, your finger trailing down his nose and his lips. “Does the smell of nail polish turn you on or…” You chuckle at him. “No, babe. I love seeing your pretty fingers all colored nicely.” You stretch on your position, slightly moving Jungkook’s length inside you. “Can we take a picture?” You ask, eyes wide. Jungkook can never say no to you, so he moves to grab your polaroid from one of the drawers. You used to take photos and even videos of your intimate moments with your phones, but Jungkook fears someone going through them and seeing you in those photos. You’re surprised when he goes home one day with the polaroid and even more at the reason why he made the purchase. Since then you’ve had quite the collection of mature photos. Jungkook takes two photos of you. In one of them; you were looking behind the camera— you look at Jungkook as your hands covered your chest. The photo is modest and it keeps your chest from being seen. The other, however, is daring. He snaps the photo as you remove your arms from your chest, supporting yourself on his stomach which makes you push your breasts together.
Jungkook sets the polaroid down, clearing his throat. “I’m about to fall asleep.” He pouts. “That’s too bad, I’m about to fuck you.” You grin down at him, proving your words to be true as you give him pleasure when you move your hips.
Jungkook moans deeply that it resonates around the room. He takes control of your hips, not letting you rest back down as he moves you to his own accord, your knees planted on each side of his hips. He penetrates deeper as he pairs your movement with his own, pushing him deeper into you.
You cup his head and kisses him softly, going from soft pecks to gentle bites on his lips as he takes charge of fucking you.
Jungkook goes slow, dragging the pace and alternates them with fast paced movements before slowing down, making sure to plunge deeper into you.
“I-i’m close.” You whisper.
“Fuck me. You fuck me so good.” He tells you.
You gasp, moving instead to mouth on his right cheek, keening as he drives you up until you’re almost sure you’d snap, but he drags slow, calming his pace just before you hit your climax. You decided to take charge, fixing yourself on your knees before riding him properly, your bottom lip drags across his cheek as you forego kissing. He lets you move on your own until you finally drive the both of you over your climax. You continue dragging your pace, until you drive yourself to oversensitivity.
“Fuck, baby.” He groans as you tighten around him.
You pull him out, hissing at the way your sensitive thighs become in touch with his half hard cock. You stay on your knees, crawling backwards until your head is keening at his stomach, closer to his hips. You kiss the area where you know he’d be ticklish, then you press light kisses to the head of his dick, twitching at your ministrations— doing so with Jungkook piercing his eyes at you while you focus at the task at hand.
You slowly position yourself beside him, your front to the bed and letting the cold air touch your bare back.
You reach the bedside lamp to turn it off, and right as you clicked the little button, Jungkook moves to his side to face you, hand on your hips.
“Baby, are we done?” He whispers to you. He caresses your ass, occasionally squeezing them and pulling your cheeks apart.
“I don’t know, are you?” You ask as you felt his hand slowly creep its way into your core, his finger gliding easily through your folds, combined with the wetness pooling down there from your previous activity.
“I still have to clean you, my princess.” He chuckles. Perhaps his way of cleaning only includes his hand that is currently collecting the wetness on your folds. However, instead of ‘cleaning’ them, you feel him use the pads of his fingers to spread the wetness more, before using two fingers to spread your folds and repeating his actions.
“I love you so much. My feisty, little angel.” He whispers to you.
You think you’re on the brink of sleep that you won’t even come for the second time. His touch turns you on but you have been exhausted that you could fall asleep.
“I think I’m asleep.” You tell him.
“You’re still talking to me so you’re not asleep. But come here.” He turns you around so you’re facing him, putting your leg to wrap around his waist and your arm around him. His hands act like they’re connected to your ass, and you tell him as such.
“They’re like my babies. My stress balls. Can’t sleep without them.”
“You’re lucky I love you.” You kiss him but you had your eyes closed so whatever you aimed at you probably will miss his lips. Luckily he was aware of your action and took it upon himself to slot your lips together.
“Want to sleep like this?” He asks you.
“Hm. Keep on touching me.” You hum against him and he nods slightly, keeping his fingers down your core, softly massaging your folds, lulling the both of you to sleep.
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devinescribe · 2 years ago
How They View You Through Poetry
Also for some it is poetry they'd say to you/about you, makes them think about you. Some of it is wrtten by others, some of it is written by me
Someone else's:
If I were to build a house
I'd have your arms as the walls
Your eyes as the windows
Your smile as the front door
Your heart as the fireplace
And your soul as my light
And in this house
I'd place my faith
Knowing I'd finally
Found a home
- From the book: Pillow Thoughts
I sound your name out
It sounds foreign on my toungue
And it tastes like the most delicious fruit
I feel like a sinner
When you say my name.
You make it sound almost holy
Someone Else's:
I seek nothing but 
Some solace 
From this world that runs so damn fast
A smile stuck on your face
The smiles goes into my eyes 
And the fast world
Slows down.
-Seek Solace [the website did not say who it was by]
Your arms feel like velvet wrapped around me
But better
The finest silk
Could not compare to the softness your
Someone else's:
you were my reminder.
my reminder that
i deserve
good things
and good love
my reminder that
there will always
be people who are
willing to give those
to me
- I dont know who it is by, I found it on tik tok
I am unclean
I am not worthy of you
Not worthy of this attention
Your love
Is a church where I feel
Not to the lord
But in your arms
I am in heaven
Someone Else's:
wrap me up in arms that keep me warm
you smell like home
you feel like someone who was made for me.
you sound like a calling that has been silenced.
you sound like surrender.
- From the Book "Words You Never Thought You'd Hear" by Rhiannon Janae
No more emotions
That drag me down like
And I love hate that
I love you
Because you're now in my head
I can't think about anything but you
Are my one
My dearest
My love
My only reason for
No more apathy
Someone else's:
Art has always found a way in
to speak to my heart
And you've been my favorite piece
- A Way In from the book Daydream by Ariel West.
You are the muse to
My everything
Art can not be compared to you
For you,
My inspiration,
my moon, my stars, my sun...
I'd write hundreds of songs
All about your beauty
If it meant seeing you
- My Muse by ME! that's right me the author lol
This was a test to see how it does! If people like it, ill add a part two!
Also, please please please dont judge my poetry or will cry /j
Also im not joking if my works arent like a thousand words it never lets me post them😭😭😭😭😭😭
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namemeagainivebeenlost · 4 years ago
An atheists live reaction on Easter service, which my family thankfully streamed, because god knows the irl crowd wasn’t wearing masks.
School apparently equals ceaser and turns children into heathen romans. ThInK oF tHe ChILdReN
“Can’t call it 666, bc that’s not Christian LOL”
“Cars just don’t have CD players anymore” *upset sad sigh*
“ReAd My FrEe ChRiStIaN book”
“Society sees this day as foolish” (boy didn’t we all get off work for Good Friday? And today?? We didn’t get off for Passover tho?)
“The CulTuRe sees us as rubbish”
“The CuLtUrE hates this day bc it proves our religion”. (BOY? I got off 2 days from school. Also where’s the proof? Where is the undeniable proof? There’s not even proof Jesus was ever born. Try again.)
No masks, not anywhere. Lots of cozying up too
*baptist hand shaking commences*
*amazed gasps as pastor explains how the grave was broken open*
*more singing, now ft. Off key voice which was apparently wrecked due to covid*
*white people raising their hands*
*voice cracks, note is flat*
Pastor is wearing a blue suit coat, blue vest, and matching blue tie which all match his jeans a little too well
*white women in the background trying to sing like gospel choirs. Off key and tune*
Seriously, a packed house and not a single damn mask, tf, y’all all old as hell too. Y’all got a death wish?
Everyone is standing and flailing their arms around
Oop, one woman has a mask, she’s using it as a chin strap
“ThAnK yOu, you may be seated”
Singing preacher left, time for the old talky talky one
*bad joke abt east Texas being full of sinners*
*monotone scripture reading*
“OuR nAtUrE sHoUlD be like JESUS” practice what you preach pal
“Every knee shall bow” I could hear this line a thousand times, it never gets less kinky
“I still believe in miracles-“ * 🎶I do believe in miracles, you sexy thang🎶*
I miss children’s Bible study
“Idc what’s going on in the world, our biggest problem is NO JeSuS!!”
“Physical healing is temporary, we’re all gonna die” fuckin mood pal
“Praise him! Not just this day but FOREVER!!!! 😤😤”
I fell asleep
Hand holding and piano jamming
Piano session is still going.
I fell asleep
They’re doing the blood n body thing
Yum, Eucharist grape juice, kind of jealous
More piano
Some old man is singing “Jesus loves me”
I fell asleep
Oh yay! It’s over!
Aw fuck, we’re watching a different service now.
No masks and an even bigger crowd in this one
“EvEn NoN-bEliVeRs KnOw JeSuS eXiStEd” (bitch where. The census that should have documented his birth never happened, and the gospel was written in GREEK about 60yrs after he “died”)
I fell asleep again.
No one is wearing a mask
Some white girl is jumping around in stage trying to sing
Still no masks
I fell asleep.
“*something vague about how our country is headed for chaos and destruction, with the implication that it’s Biden’s fault instead of, ya know, A GLOBAL PANDEMIC THAT DECIMATED OUR ECONOMY AND SLAUGHTERED HALF A MILLION PEOPLE*”
More vague bitching about Biden
Shoe horning in some reference to those who “blatantly sin so near the holiday” so nice of Lil Nas X to make an appearance
I fell asleep
My mom said “wow! I can’t believe how packed it is!” Really? Really mom?
Pastor didn’t even talk about the crucifix or sacrifice. WHERE IS MY BLOOD AND GORE? I DEMAND BLOOD AND GORE ON EASTER
Apparently the microwave of life isn’t childbirth, it’s forgiveness. We need to forgive people “because they know not what they do”
Pastor sir, your 17 yo son knew that girl was 13 and hit her up for nudes anyway, we all remember. Gross.
Ya know what, at least he looks dope today, that suit is fly Pastor sir.
More singing, more Baptist physical affection. A pandemic? In the house of the LoRd?! Never
Fin. I’m going back to bed.
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helluvascribe · 4 years ago
Helluva Boss Episode Remakes!
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 Not too far away from Pentagram City lay a shady place in the bowels of Hell. “Welcome to Imp City: est. 1981” was posted on a worn wooden sign with a white painted eye toward the top. Under a crimson sky, a wide array of buildings made up the city, some with spikes on the roofs. Downtrodden imps of various colors and sizes mulled around the streets and ghettos. Mugging, sex, drugs, poverty, and murder were common aspects of their everyday afterlives. Indeed, being considered “lesser demons” and the “lowest of the low,” not very many had opportunities granted to them.
 Well, save for a unique family of imps, trying to get their business running.
 Just who were these imps?
 A nearby screen showed old fashioned numbers ticking down, 3, 2, and 1. Blitzo, a red and white faced imp, appeared on stage in front of purple open curtains. “Hi there! I’m Blitzo! The “O” is silent, and I’m the founder of I.M.P.!” He put out his hand and the logo appeared above it. The “M” in I.M.P. looked like imp horns, black and white in color. Down below were the words “Immediate Murder Professionals.”
 Blitzo spoke again. “Are you a piece of shit who got yourself sent to Hell?”
 A picture of Blitzo with a mustache and two black top hats over his horns was grinning evilly as a building burned in the background. The sign nearby read “Orphanage for elderly, blind, and newborn dogs.”
 “Or are you an innocent soul who just happened to get fucked over by someone else?”
 The next image showed Blitzo in a white angel costume, happily throwing away a Styrofoam coffee cup in a wastepaper basket instead of a recycling bin in an office.
 In the next shot, Blitzo held up a sign which read “Some guy who hired us!” A buff horned red demon wearing a white Ohio shirt stood not too far from the camera, a 666 News billboard in the background. He punched one fist into his hand.
 “After lovingly killing my wife for fucking a delivery man, you can imagine my surprise when I wound down here, after the state of Ohio killed me. I really wish I could stick it to that yappy jogger who saw me hiding the body.”
 Blitzo appeared again, this time with his fellow imps Millie and Moxxie in the background. A white-clothed altar with a mirror and skulls on it was in the very back. White candles were spread around the room. The two imps were sitting at a pentagram drawn on the floor. Blitzo held a blue Satanic ritual book in his hand.
 “Well, luckily for you, thanks to our company’s special access to the living world…”
 He waved his hand and a flaming portal appeared in the center of the room, causing Moxxie and Millie to scatter.
 “…we can help you take care of your unfinished business by taking out anyone who screwed you over when you were alive!” He happily fell through the portal on his back like it was a mosh pit.
 Then the musical jingle started:
 “When you want somebody gone
And you don’t wanna wait too long
Call the Immediate Murder Professionals”
  “Hand grenade or cyanide
We’ll make it look like suicide
The Immediate Murder Professionals”
 “We do our job so well
‘Cause we come straight up from Hell…”
 “We’ll kill your husband or you wife
We’ll even let you keep the knife,
 The Immediate…Murder…Professionals.
 Kids die for freeee!”
  A white person appeared with a thought bubble of his enemy with a red x. A demon fell to the floor and the person looked up. The I.M.P. logo appeared, silhouettes of Millie with a spear, Moxxie with a gun and Blitzo in the middle, spreading out his arms to make an “M.”
 Fast paced shots flashed through the ad.
 Moxxie throwing a grenade out a window as his companions grinned.
 Blitzo hanging a person in an office building while Moxxie watched. Millie held a suicide note in her hand.
 Then more killing scenes flashed: Blitzo electrocuting a person, Millie using a mace, Moxxie choking his victim.
 Blitzo led the way through a portal to Earth, Millie and Moxxie following. Moxxie tripped on a book and landed on his face while the others posed. They then stood up shocked…at the people in a church staring at them in confusion.
 Millie killed a naked couple with a chainsaw while Blitzo looked greedily at a woman’s underwear.
 Blitzo repeatedly stabbed someone else tied up near a “Blitzo show” sign at a circus.
 The three imps used more methods to kill Earthlings: Medieval torture racks, shark attacks, fire and gasoline on someone, pillow suffocation, crushing someone to death with a grand piano, the electric chair for a prisoner…
 “Kids die for freeeee!” ended the ad.
 Moxxie and Millie sang a murder love song in their living room before the meeting. Moxxie played on his purple demon-face guitar as Millie watched him with love in her eyes. It reminded them of the good times when they would shot at demons together in the streets, drag a bloody sack behind them and when Millie got a grenade as a present and used it to blow up a building.
  “Oh what a thrill when the crimson starts to spill
And my Millie goes in for the kill
She takes away my breath
She’s the angel of death for me
Oh Millie
She a queen, it’s like a dream
When I hear her victims start to scream
Get him out of the sack
She’s a maniac for me
Oh Millie
When the blood starts dripping down the sides
And the bodies start to fall from the skies
My heart skips a beat
When my Millie’s guns a blazing in the night
That’s in love
She makes the murdering fun for me”
 Both of them hummed before Moxxie finished,
  “Of all the imps in Hell…
Millie joined in, “It’s for him that I fell…
“Oh Millie.” They leaned in for a kiss.
  They paused. Moxxie yelled, while looking out the window. His boss, Blitzo was pressed against the window with a video camera. “Are you fucking filming us right now?!”
 Moxxie sighed, as a smiling Blitzo held up a sign which read “Meeting in 20 min: nice job banging yo’ wife!”
 ��Just before the meeting, the head imp, Blitzo walked into the receptionist room.
 “Blitz!” called Loona, the hellhound, holding a bone shaped phone in her hand. “That clingy rich asshole’s on the phone! Says it’s urgent and wants to talk to you!” Then she added in a lower voice, “Sounds a little DTFy.” (Down to Fuck)
 Blitzo spilled water on himself as he talked with Moxxie by the water cooler. “Oh god that was one time! We wouldn’t have access to the living world…if I hadn’t slept with that privileged asshole!”
 “You what?” Moxxie asked in disbelief.
 “Blitz!” Loona barked in outrage.
 “I heard you already!” Blitzo yelled. He stomped into his office and picked up his red cell phone. He played with little bobble heads of his imp coworkers, Moxxie and Millie. Signs were tacked to the wall, reading: “The Incredible Blitzo! One night only! Tickets now at the Big Top!”
 “So…” Blitzo beamed nervously, “What can I do you for this time, Stolas?”
 The owl overlord replied, lounging on his couch in a royal red robe and a crown.
 “Remember that time when I told you that a political candidate was causing problems up on Earth for a few of my associates? That he tried to convince people that global warming existed?”
 “Yes?” Blitzo answered.
 “And that it does, but more people die when nothing’s done about it? Oh, how lonely I felt.”
 “Okay well, yeah that makes sense,” Blitzo said.
 “But now…” he hooted in laughter. “There are tons of new sinners coming down here every day! I just had a feast and a murder party several nights ago. I wondered why a horde of people arrived and it’s because of a disease called the coronavirus! My, it’s the best thing to ever happen since my wedding with my queen Melody and my darling daughter Octavia’s graduation from flight school. Oh, how marvelous!”
 “Well…I’m very happy for you, sir,” Blitzo said. “I hope that…corn-ah virus does its thing.”
 Stolas sighed. “My wife wasn’t happy with me, though. She said you fell onto a cake in the middle of a lunch with her and the royal officials. What did you say to her?”
 “I said…’sorry I fucked your husband.’” He gulped.
 A tense silence.
 Blitzo examined his chest and arms. “I still have the talon scars and peck marks to prove it.”
 “And she also said that you stole one of my books, is that true?”
 “No! No way!” Blitzo lied, with a nervous laugh. “That was another imp long ago. Can I tell you how great it felt…sleeping with you?”
 “Indeed,” Stolas agreed with a contented sigh. “Your sharp horns and claws ruffling through my feathers, and my talons and beak exploring your multicolored flesh. You know what happens when I’m lonely, Blitzy?”
 “Oh, god fucking dammit…” Blitzo muttered to himself.
 Stolas’ eyes grew red. “When I’m lonely, I become hungry. And when I’m become hungry…I want to choke on that red dick of yours!  **** your ***** then lick all of your *****, before taking out your **** and **** with more teeth until you’re screaming ******** like a fucking baby!”
 Blitzo hung up the phone, the words on Stolas’ picture reading “creepy mouth: aka one night stand bird dick.” and smashed it with a rotary phone. He threw the pieces into a blender and mixed it up.
 “Eat this!” he told Loona who walked in and drank the red liquid.
 “And then you know that bridge over the freeway?” he asked.
 “Shit off it! It’s time for the meeting, let’s go.”
  The imps currently resided in a tall office building that seemed to stand out among the other structures. Along with spikes jutting from the roof and sides, there were a pair of giant black and white imp horns attached to the sides of the building for decoration. The lights inside near the top floor were on.
 Posted on a door were the words “I.M.P. Headquarters” with “IMP Meeting in Progress” written on a piece of paper taped to the door, a smiley face off to the side.
 On a white board was a bar graph and a line graph, the line graph pointing lower at a drawing of a raging horned demon. “Fix this shit!” was written in big bold letters that took up much of the board. “Blitzo is the best, by Blitzo” was scribbled off to the side. Several tall chairs with spikes jutting from the top boarders were set near a brown table in the center of the room. A white pentagram was drawn in the center of the table.
 Up front, a black, white, and red colored imp paced back and forth, sprouting long curved striped horns: Blitzo. He wore black fingerless gloves with what looked like a yellow eye design on each glove. He was dressed in a slender navy blue business suit with light red buttons. A small round pink pin with black eyes and a stitched mouth was attached onto a red undershirt below his slender chin. What looked like a black two-clawed print mark lay over his red forehead. Along with sharp teeth, the imp has red iris eyes with yellow sclera. Like a typical devil, he also had a red pointed tail. He had four red finger-shaped claws on each hand.
 Blitzo began to speak, pacing back and forth. He looked toward his audience of two imps and a hellhound sitting on chairs around a table.
 “Alright, now I know business has been…a bit slow, lately, yes.”
 He mentioned to the board at the downward sloping line. “In fact, there seems to be less people seeking out our services; 1,056 in comparison to the 1,066 from last month. We’ve basically spiraled from the True Blue Market to that of the Raging Bull.” He pointed at the roaring demon head drawing on the board.
 “Shouldn’t it be the Bull Market is good and the Bear Market is bad?” said a voice.
 “Loona, nobody cares,” Blitzo said. He continued.
 “Any decrease could spell disaster for us, not to mention how lots of people use our services and yet look down on us.”
  Blitzo cleared his throat and spread out his hands. “It’s no one’s fault, okay? I’m not naming any names here…Moxxie.”
 Moxxie raised his eyebrows in a “what the hell?” gesture as Blitzo looked at him. The serious imp had a red face, yellow eyes, white hair framing his face and stripped horns jutting off to the sides in slight curves. He wore a large red bow-tie and a navy blue suit. White freckles were present under his eyes.
 Blitzo continued, “Now does anyone have any bright ideas on how we can get business drumming up again?”
 Millie, the bubbly imp raised her hand. She had a red face, messy black hair with a white flower patch near the top, and short black horns with faint white stripes. Her eyes were also yellow and she wore a black top, black torn pants, high heeled shoes and a little black choker around her neck. Her eyelashes extended past her face.
 Millie waved her hand and beamed, eyes shining. “What…about…a car wash?!”
 “This is Hell, Millie. No one cares about cars being clean here, okay?”
 Just then, there came a coughing from the other room. A small cyclops demon with hot pink hair with a patch of yellow opened the door and walked in. She brushed off soot from her hot pink skirt and waved at the group, who stared in surprise.
 “Hi, I’m Niffty! It’s nice to meet you. Are you part of I.M.P.?”
 “Uh yes?” Blitzo replied, unsure of what to make of this random maid.
 “Oh great, because one of my friends sent me here to investigate, he’s a busy chap, you know, and oh so dreamy!”
 She darted around the room and began removing cobwebs from the windows. “It looks like there are two men, a woman and a dog here, a nice balance.”
 Loona, the grey hellhound glared at Niffty, narrowing her red eyes. “What was that, you little shit?”
 Loona had a red cell phone in her clawed paws, the back of the phone displaying a black upside down cross. She wore a grey top with black strings in the shape of an inverted pentagram. A spiked collar was around her neck. Her pants were dark and torn, with a white crescent moon on them. Her feet were bare and her hair and tail were thick with white and dark fur.
 Niffty stopped in her tracks. “Now, did you guys need any cars to be washed?”
 Blitzo shook his head. “We don’t have any cars here, we’re broke as fuck.”
 Millie stared at Niffty and cupped her own cheeks with her hands. “Oh my Satan! She’s so adorable! Can we keep her?!”
 “No!” Moxxie and Loona said at the same time. The two workers then glared at each other.
 Moxxie crossed his arms. “We’re in the middle of a meeting right now. Do you mind?!” He pointed to the door.
 Niffty laughed nervously, “Oh okay, sorry about that, hehhehheh. I’ll be outside if you need me!”
 She scurried out of the room.
 Blitzo paused for a moment, then said, “Oh right! Ideas for our company!” He waved his hands, his eyes shining. “Ooh, what about a billboard?”
 Moxxie crossed his arms. “We can’t afford a billboard, sir.”
 Blitzo rushed over and held Moxxie in a headlock. His voice was rushed and sarcastic, “Helpful, Moxxie. Really glad you’re in the room right now.” He shoved Moxxie away.
 Blitzo stared in frustration. “Have you guys forgotten what service we provide?”
 He picked up a remote and turned on an old fashioned TV.
 After static appeared on screen, the footage showed the group killing off individuals.
 Blitzo bashing a red demon’s head with a mullet.
Moxxie shooting a blue person tied up to a chair.
Loona grabbing a red person in her mouth and shaking the person side to side like a wolf.
Millie beheading a blue person with a spear and laughing.
 Blitzo watched with a relaxed smile on his face, holding up a blue bowl of popcorn. Loona sat on the table, popping popcorn pieces into her mouth. Millie was perched on the table, enjoying the show, but Moxxie stood off to the side with a grumpy face.
 Posters hung from the walls, one showing Blitzo and his two sisters, Tilla (an imp with long black hair) and Barbie Wire (a smiling imp with ram-like horns.) It was a picture of them at a circus, the banner reading “The Amazing Imp Siblings!” Blitzo remembered the good times he had with them when they performed on stage. Barbie Wire would balance on a tightrope, holding a pole with flames on either end. Tilla tamed and evaded manticores, dragons and other beasts that were released into the arena. Blitzo would sing songs about murdering people and they would all pose and bow at the end as the crowd cheered.
 That was before Blitzo moved on to form I.M.P. recruited Moxxie and Millie, and adopted Loona.
 Blitzo moved his hand toward his chest and sighed with content. “Ahh, those were the good times.”
 Moxxie spoke up as Millie ate a piece of popcorn. “I don’t need any reminding, sir, considering you blew most of our salaries on an obnoxious TV ad last week. One that you then additionally paid to have run for a full three hours on a channel, nobody watches.”
 Blitzo turned his head, insulted. “Uh, hey, excuse me.” He stood up. “What’s “obnoxious” about a super-fun jingle, all right? It’s a fun distraction when an advertisement’s spittin’ bullshit!”
 He walked across the room.
 “People love musicals, sir,” Millie added.
 Blitzo smiled. “Exactly, Millie, and we’re basically doin’ a musical.” Blitzo did jazz hands before pointing rapidly at Moxxie with a scowl.
 “Are you gonna crush my musical theatre dreams like my dad did?” He lowered his head.
 “Sir…” Moxxie began, but his boss cut him off.
 “Because right now, all I see is just my dad’s asshole talking to me! Crushing my dreams of being who I truly am inside.” He turned his head away.
 Millie leaned in toward her husband and spoke with a teasing tone. “Are you trying to crush his dreams, Moxxie?”
 “I…what?” he asked, looking at her. Millie leaned in close and stuck out her tongue, tail curling. “I thought I knew you.” Moxxie rolled his eyes; his wife loved to annoy him.
 Blitzo turned back to Moxxie, tears in his eyes. “I can’t believe you, Moxxie. After I made you employee of the month!” He held a picture of Moxxie with his mouth open in a roar, snake tongue showing.
 Moxxie threw up his hands, “Okay, sir! I’m sorry, a commercial jingle is not comparable to musical theatre. Nobody actually likes the jingles.”
 “I liked it!” Millie pipped up.
 Moxxie turned to her, finger shaking, “Do not…do not agree with him in front of me.”
 Loona sat, bored, playing on her phone. Moxxie’s head appeared on the screen but was crushed by a weight and then blown up by a bomb. At one point his face was sliced in half as “boom!” flashed across the screen.
 “Remember when we shot that kid on Earth?” Blitzo asked.
 Moxxie got a flashback. “Oh, right. I shot that boy who was walking around licking strawberry ice cream. It was an accident. He was taken on a stretcher to the hospital.”
 The pink haired nurse had said, “Doctor, he’s not responding!”
 “Cool water, stat!” The blue-haired man had said next. He slammed water down on the boy and said, “It didn’t do anything!”
 The doctor had said, “Damn it! I’m not losing another one! “Clear!” Then they had shocked him and the boy somehow woke up with a gasp. The doctor said “Holy shit, it actually worked.”
 Millie then explained that the three of them sat in the waiting room. Blitzo read a magazine while Millie comforted Moxxie. The doctor had said to the imps, “He appears to be in stable condition, but he’ll need surgery. Now what insurance provider do you freaks have?”
 Then Blitzo asked, “The fuck is insurance?”
 Moxxie sighed, “…and then they kicked us and the boy out and we fell back into Hell.”
  A moment later, Moxxie spoke, hands forward in front of him. “I’d like to go on record and say that incident was Loona’s fault. Dispatch is supposed to give us the right info on the target. It’s very simple.”
 “Oh, sit on a dick, Moxxie,” Loona replied without looking up.
 Moxxie stuttered angrily, looking for a comeback. “You sit! Sit on…a… and the d...do your job!” He slammed his palm on the table.
 Blitzo scolded him. “Hey, now we don’t blame our screw-ups on Loona, okay? She didn’t do anything wrong!” He hugged her and nuzzled his head against her cheek, the hellhound growling at him to get off.
 Moxxie stared in disbelief. “Are you kidding me, sir? She’s awful.”
 Lonna looked at her phone. “The other day, right? I answered the puppy barking phone and said ‘Hello, I.M.P.’ Millie was yelling, ‘Loona, I got stabbed! Call Mox…’ and then I hung up. Wasn’t my problem. My Hellhound Monthly magazine was much more interesting.”
 “Don’t forget about my adoption anniversary gift I gave you,” Blitzo said, scratching his neck.
 Lonna seethed. “Don’t remind me. It wasn’t a cure for syphilis, I didn’t want it, and it so happened to be black spiders, crawling all over me!”
 “Again, I’m sorry it was spiders,” Blitzo said.
 “God damn it, apology not accepted.”
 “You should be thankful that I rescued you after your hellhound family kicked you out,” Blitzo remarked.
 Loona’s ears twitched. Millie stared nervously. “I was perfectly capable of fending for myself,” barked Loona, looking up from her phone for the first time. “There was nothing special about them, other than all the alcohol, meth and drugs they took. My parents never cared about us. I mean, they sent off my other siblings to work for other overlords and were never seen again. Perhaps I was fortunate enough to not have to deal with them.”
 Blitzo had tears in his eyes. He hugged her again. “Well, at least you’ve got me, Moxxie, and Millie as your new family!”
 Loona hid a smile and just bared her fangs. “Get off of me before I bite your face off!”
 Blitzo stepped back.
 Loona then smiled and looked at Moxxie, a look of mischief in her red eyes.
 Moxxie scowled. “Excuse me, did you just fax me an ad for weight loss the other day?”
 “No,” Loona answered. “I was busy watching the princess sing.”
 “Wha-Why…Why would anyone send me that?!” Moxxie argued.
 “Come on, you know why.” She smirked.
 “I’m not chubby, thank you very much! Not to mention, you were the one who ate my avocado salad lunch! How rude.”
 “I took it because I had the worst hangover.”
 “But why would you drink on a work night?” Millie asked.
 “I was hungover from that morning, dumbasses!” Loona said to Moxxie and Millie. “I couldn’t take your assaults. So I decided to blow some fucking steam! I kicked a baby in a carriage and caused some destruction. Felt good afterwards.”
 Blitzo mentioned to Loona. “Look, the point is, Loona is a valued member of our family and you don’t get rid of family.”
 “We aren’t a family, sir!” Moxxie pointed out. “You are the boss! We are the employees! You treat her like she’s some troubled teenager! She’s more like a meth-addicted homeless woman you let man the phone!”
 Loona flipped him the bird.
 “That is offensive!” said Blitzo, walking to the window, pulling open the blinds. “Without homeless people, I wouldn’t have half the joy and laughter I do in this life!”
  Outside, a homeless imp with a broken horn and ragged grey clothing held up a sign that read “Monee helps. Satan Bless.” An imp woman with black clothing and little bat wings blushed at Blitzo who waved and did a playful raise of eyebrows before closing the blinds.
 Moxxie crossed his arms. “While we’re on the subject of “family,” can you stop finding me and Millie outside of work?”
 “Come on, sweetie, it’s not that big a deal!” Millie said.
 Moxxie’s eyes grew wide. “Excuse me, what?! I asked you, ‘Honey, can you get the butter?’ You said, ‘sure sweetie’.”
 “Spoiler alert, the butter’s spoiled!” Blitzo added. Millie giggled.
  “He was in our fucking fridge! He was spying on me while I was asleep. And worse, he fucking filmed me and you while we were singing and about to kiss!”
 Blitzo giggled. “I still have it on camera.”
 “It’s fine, honey,” Millie replied to Moxxie, patting his shoulder. “The “spoiler alert, butter’s spoiled!” was a funny use of wordplay Blitzo used.”
 “Why was he in our fridge anyway?” Moxxie countered. “And then I was dreaming that my parents were being murdered and Blitzo interrupted it. I wanted to get back to that.”
 “I was just curious,” Blitzo responded.
 “Just. Stop. Doing. That,” Moxxie growled.
 “I don’t see what the issue is!” said Blitzo. “Is there something you don’t want me seeing?” A mischievous silly look crossed his face.
 “No!” Moxxie spat, eye twitching.
 “You a baby weiner havor?” Blitzo asked, another term for a small dick.
 Loona giggled under her breath.
Moxxie was fed up. “Sir, what you say and how you act is totally inappropriate!”
 Millie pulled him down gently. “Calm down, Mox, you’re gonna have another panic attack!”
 “I am calm!” he yelled.
 Millie rubbed his head and soothed him. “Shh, there, there.” Moxxie whimpered.
 Blitzo spoke again with a childish grin, making a hole with two fingers and tapping the opening with one finger. “Look, I don’t judge the boring couple stuff you do outside of work hours, so don’t judge me.”
 Veins popped out of Moxxie’s yellow eyes. “Oh I do judge you, sir. Quite a lot, actually.” He crossed his arms as Millie gasped in horror.
 “Mox, he’s our boss!”
 “No, no, no, it’s fine, Mills,” said Blitzo with a wave of his hand. “Your husband is just…how do I say this without being offensive…retarded.”
 “Does immaturingly insulting me make you feel better about your sad, single, life?”
 Blitzo leaned in toward Moxxie. “It actually does.”
 Loona appeared to agree, because she added to Moxxie, “The only reason you have a wife is because you’re easy to manage!”
 Moxxie gasped. She had called Moxxie submissive.
 “No he’s not, you bitch!” Millie yelled, holding up two middle fingers.
 “Do not talk to my assistant that way!” Blitzo demanded. “She’s sensitive!”
 “Yes I am!” Loona barked.
 Then a squeaky voice sounded from nearby: “You guys are all fucking assholes.”
 Everyone turned and stared at a boy wearing an orange shirt with a planet on it. He had brown hair, a blue baseball cap on and was connected to a monitor.
 Blitzo pointed at him. “Oh shut up, kid, you’re lucky to witness this.”
 Moxxie pinched his nose and sighed in frustration. “Ugh, this company is such a mess!”
 “Did someone call me?” Niffty’s voice rang from the hallway. She opened the door a crack. “I can clean up any messes you may have!”
 “No!” Moxxie called. “Go away!”
 Niffty slowly closed the door.
 An awkward silence…
 “Alright, let’s get back to talking about my outfit!” Blitzo said out of nowhere.
 “Nobody was talking about that,” Loona mentioned.
 “Which is why I’m trying to get that ball rolling. So how does it look? It’s good, right?”
 The kid pointed his finger at Blitzo. He ripped off the wires from his stomach.
 “It’s been a literal hell pretending to be paralyzed so you fuckshits wouldn’t kill me, but now? I want that. I want death. You!” he pointed to Blitzo. “You are a selfish, greedy clown. And I’m a kid! We’re supposed to like clowns…even the creepy ones!”
 Moxxie scoffed. “Hey now, that’s not very…”
 The kid cut him off. “If I wanted to hear from a spineless jackass, I’d rip out your spine and ask you some shit.”
 Moxxie shivered in fear.
 “That’s my husband you’re talking to!” Millie yelled.
 The kid snickered. “That’s your husband?! I figured you for a slut, but I didn’t know you needed dick that bad!”  
 Millie fumed at her husband being called ugly and weak. To think that she would have sex with anyone else at random…
 “And you!” The kid pointed at Loona.
 “What? What about me?” Loona asked.
 The kid crossed his arms. “Nothing. I don’t talk to dogs. I’m a cat person.”
 Loona whined.
 “Wow,” said Blitzo. “You know, kid, you kind of are a piece of shit.”
 “Yeah, after all, he’s kind of a piece of shit,” Moxxie muttered.
 A ding came from Loona’s phone. She smiled. “Oh fuck! Guys, I just got a text from our client. Guess he was the right target after all.”
 “Who?” Blitzo asked.
 “Me?” asked the kid.
 “Yep,” she confirmed.
 “They wanted us to kill an actual child?” Blitzo asked.
 “That’s what they’re sayin’,” Loona said.
 Blitzo grinned and twirled a gun in his hand. His job just got more fun and easier. “Well Christ on a stick, I guess there is a god!” He fired and shot the boy in the chest. He flopped down dead in a pool of blood, smoke and sparks lingering in the air.
 Blitzo spoke about I.M.P.: “You know folks, with this company, I really wanted to prove that we’re capable of doing the same things anyone else can! Like killing people! So, from us here at the Immediate Murder Professionals group, we promise to settle your unfinished business or your money… is gone and you’re never getting it back and you can write us a bad review, but we’ll play dumb to it because it’s Hell and no one fucking cares.”
 Blitzo, Moxxie and Millie kicked the dead kid on the floor, enjoying themselves. Loona snapped a picture with her phone and recorded the scene. After the imps left with the body, Niffty came in and gasped.
 “Well, time to clean this up. What a mess!” She hummed a happy tune as she mopped up the blood at rapid speed.
 Blitzo and Moxxie wore gas masks and green suits as Blitzo sawed off the boy’s arm and Moxxie sawed his chest, organs spilling out into a sack below. Millie tossed an arm into the sack and Loona helped hold open the sack. Moxxie dropped the boy’s severed head inside and shared a loving smile with his wife.
 Etched in red graffiti on a dumpster behind them were the words “Devil,” “Hell,” “Happy Hotel,” and “I’m always chasing rainbows.” A pentagram, and wide smiles were also doodled on the surface.
 Blitzo embraced the entire group in a forceful hug, knocking the phone from Loona’s hands.
 “You know, even though this kid was a target, he’s still a child. It’s important that we’ve handled this going forward, respectfully.” He wrapped his long tail around the group, all of them smiling genuinely. For despite all their problems, they were still a company family.
 Back in the human world, a crying blonde mother wearing a pink shirt and a necklace held up a paper saying “missing boy.” Below in large letters read on the news: “Mom sucks at drawing own kid!” Words say “There is a missing boy!’ and “Yet another missing kid!”
 The mother spoke into the microphone, “Please! If anyone has seen my little Eddie, please contact us at…”
 She gasped as a sack dropped into her hands. She and the news reporter looked up to see a smiling Blitzo, Millie, and Moxxie through a portal up above.
 “You’re welcome!” Blitzo called with a wave before the portal closed.
 The mother looked inside the bag and screamed. “My son! He’s dead! Noooo!”
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Part One: Mrs. Mayberry
Once upon a time, there was an innocent lovely blonde teacher named Mrs. Mayberry who taught at a typical schoolhouse. She was born many years ago on July 24th.
 She taught at a red schoolhouse with a little golden bell at the top of it. “Learning is fun,” was written in bright yellow letters on the side of the building with art of colorful kites and a rainbow on it. A sign at the front read “Puppies Junior School” in sunlight. There were tall green trees and a playground off to the side. The golden bell rang for the start of the day. A blue jay and a cardinal sang from a tree branch as the teacher opened the white curtains.
 The Vivziepop lookalike woman wrote “Good morning!” in white chalk on the green blackboard.
  “Good morning!” She twirled in a dance, catching her piece of chalk. She wore a white shirt with colorful red cherries and a long blue-gray skirt. A green pendant rested on her shirt. She wore cherry earrings and round yellow glasses. Her blonde hair was tied back in a flower-like shape behind her. “Have a bright and sunny day” was written on a poster with a large smiling sun with big eyes on it. Nearby was a calendar and an old boxy computer on a desk. A white daisy was in a flower pot. “The word of the day is harmony,” was written on a schedule posted on a board behind the children sitting at desks. The orange curtains by the windows had white math symbols on it. The schedule read “math, history, reading, grammar, science, art and music” as the many school subjects for the days of the week.
 “I hope you all did your homework!” she trilled.
  The children nodded with a dance to their bodies. One boy wearing an orange shirt spun around in a stool wearing a dunce cap and he faced the wall. The class broke out randomly into song.
 “We love to do our homework and we love our teacher too!”
 The teacher sang, “And when I throw out these fun questions, you should know just what to do.”
 “Okay!” they cheered, arms in the air.
 She wrote on the board 2 + 6 = 8 and added,
“Two plus six is…”
 “Eight!” the class answered.
 “And good behavior’s…”
 “Great!” they chimed in.
 “And now it’s that part of the class when we say the time of day and date.”
 “It’s nine in the morning,” sang a blonde boy…
 “On January 8th…” added a black girl.
 “The sun is out smiling,” said a brown haired girl with a bow.
 “And it’s your husband’s birthday!” reminded the dunce boy with his tongue out.
 As the class sang “la la la,” the teacher found herself scrapping her chalk down in a line on the board. Sweat coated her forehead as the chalk was almost completely broken down. The singing was a constant drone in her head. Her right eye twitched and she turned around.
 “Oh my stars, stop singing children! Hush up now!”
 The class fell silent.
 She put a hand to her forehead. “I forgot it’s my husband’s birthday! I didn’t get him anything special.”
 The brown haired girl stood up and said, “Maybe if we call him, we could do a happy birthday surprise!”
 The teacher and kids gathered around the boxy computer. At the husband’s house, a lone sock fell on the call screen that read “wifey” on it.
 The screen turned on, and everyone gasped in disbelief.
 The teacher’s husband was in the process of having sex with another lady!
 A tie, a bra and a condom flew against the screen as they straddled naked in their bed.
 “We won’t be needing this,” a voice said as the condom hit the screen with Mrs. Mayberry’s face on the other side.
The teacher sat at her desk, looking stunned, her face turning red. The other woman was so young and beautiful. There was her husband, clad naked and showing off his muscles and parts to her.
 “Oh yeah,” the husband giggled, “Not there, not there.” They seemed to be also playing with sex toys.
 With a blank shadowed look on her face, the teacher suddenly stood up and walked away. If she wasn’t going to be able to divorce that cheating bastard…
 “Wait! Mrs. Mayberry!” called the brown haired girl. She took hold of the teacher’s hand. “Remember what you taught us…think before you act.”
 Dark thoughts suddenly festered within the woman and she gripped the girl’s neck before tossing her up in the air through the roof. She stomped out of the room and shut the door. The children ran to the window to watch as she got in her old green car and plowed through a white picket fence. “I love school” was on her license plate. The children rushed to the computer.
 The door to the bedroom was quickly pulled open.
 “Oh shit, sweetie!” said her husband, caught in the act of fucking the young lady on their master bed. “What are you doing here?”
 “Shut up, Jarold!” A newfound rage flared in her eyes. A deadly looking riffle was in her hands. She fired several shots.
 The blonde lady shrieked as Mrs. Mayberry moved closer.
 “You scream like a fish!” the teacher mentioned to the blonde haired lady.
 With a demonic yell, she brutally shot the younger woman across multiple areas of her body. Thick blood splattered everywhere.
 Her husband gasped. “Oh god, what have you done?! She had a family!”
 “We could’ve had a family!” the teacher sobbed, in a flood of despair and rage. She picked up a bullet and shot her husband square in the head. He collapsed to the floor, dead.
 “Oh god, what have I done?” she asked, frazzled, whipping away the blood from the screen. She saw her children stare in horror and disgust. “In front you all.” She broke down into tears, seeing her dead husband in a pool of blood.  She spoke her last words through sobs. “I’m so sorry my children. Don’t forget to work on your timestamps.”
 Mrs. Mayberry knew there was nothing left for her but jail time and grief. There was only one other option. With shaking hands, she shot herself in the chest with a yelp. The children fainted on the floor one by one at the traumatizing sight. The policeman took the wailing blonde lady to the hospital…and found Mrs. Mayberry’s body lying next to her husband’s on the blood-stained floor.
 The blonde lady Martha stared lovingly with a brown uncovered eye at her new muscular husband Ralphie wearing an orange plaid shirt. He had brown hair and an athlete/superhero build. Their two children stood by her bedside as she recovered. The room had bouquets of colorful flowers in every corner. Camera flashed as news reporters talked to her.
 “How does it feel to have survived such a crazy bitch?” a newswoman asked.
 “I just hope that sick woman finally found peace,” Martha drawled in her hospital bed.
 Her husband comforted her, head lowered.
 “You are so brave,” the reporter commended to Martha. “Here’s $2 million dollars!”
 The woman’s face lit up as she was handed a large golden check. “Oh thank you!” She smiled at the cameras with her husband like she was a movie star.
 The stereotypical America family lived in a house near the woods and by a lake. Martha dressed like a housewife with a long polka dot skirt. Her daughter had brown pigtails, a lavender shirt with a tie, and a red skirt, with boots. The younger boy had a beaver-skin cap, a white shirt, brown pants and camouflage boots. On the outside, they were the perfect typical family.
 “You’re a hero,” said more news people as she stood elegantly at a VNN (Vivienne News Network) podium.
 “You’re a hero, girl,” admired a brown skinned jogger with short blonde passing Martha by. Martha basked in the attention and wealth. Who knew that getting shot at would change her life for the better.
 “My mama’s a hero!” declared the son.
 “She is a hero!” The brown haired casher agreed down to him as the family went grocery shopping.
 “Ooooh…You’re a hero!” moaned her husband as he thrust his penis wildly in and out of her as they made love in their bedroom. Their walls were covered with pelvises and newspaper clippings of Martha under “local hero” headings.
 “You’re a hero,” smiled an old praying priest who stood by her at one church meeting.
 Even worse for Mayberry, a new class of children cheered, “You’re a hero!” to Martha when she taught a “How to deal with trauma 101 class.”
 “Oh you’re a hero!” another man groaned as he wildly gave her anal.
  Mrs. Mayberry woke up staring at a crimson red sky. Her form had completely changed… Mrs. Mayberry was now a purple demon with stripped curved horns on her head, wearing rectangular glasses. She wore a pale red shirt with x stitches on it, along with an eye where her pendant was. Her hair was long and white and pulled back with a black bandana. She wore a dark skirt with an upside down cross on it and heels. She also had sharp yellow teeth.
 After finding a place to live and shying out of sight from shady strangers, Mrs. Mayberry had the chance to continue her career where she left off. So she did. It took some learning and adaptation to Hell’s culture but fortunately...it was pretty simple.
 Mrs. Mayberry was soon hired at “Pentagram Penitentiary Place,” one of the top public schools in the district. It was a large school for grades K-12. The name of the school was in black letters surrounded by a red downward facing pentagram over the black front doors. “All grades in one place!” read the slogan. The building was of red-orange brick with three rows of low cracked windows facing the front. The outdoor playground consisted of rusted basketball hoops, a jungle gym, dark asphalt and a swing set that made squeaky sounds every time it was used. The slide was high up and made of metal, so that it was always painfully hot for the young demon children to slide down. A barbed wire fence with swirls of wire at the top surrounded the prison-like school.
 A bunch of middle schoolers were bouncing a demon skull around and tossing it into the basketball hoops. Little preschooler demons rough-housed on the grass-less ground, laughing. One small green dragon kept making burping sounds, emitting orange sparks much to the delight of his peers.  A dinosaur used his tail for a black eyed doll girl to use as a jump rope. There was even a little scary-go round that furry bird-like kids went on to test their flying and spin out of control in the air. One white bird crashed against the fence and slid down with a flop.
 “Loser!” taunted a bulky blue cyclops kid wearing a baseball cap. He spat on the bird’s upside-down head and laughed with his goons. An older demon with a rhino’s horn was spray-painting teal blue penises on the walls.
 “Watch your back!” he called out to a centaur who fired an arrow from a bow, startled. The green lizard demon tied to the target glanced down at the arrow that had almost gotten him in the crotch. He sighed with relief, only to have an ax lodged into his head, thrown by an orange goat teenager.
 Nearby were two purple demons with silvery snake hair sitting on a concrete window ledge, wearing blouses, sequined navy skirts and shoes. They were listening to music from their Eye-Pods. One of them was painting her nails and the other took a drag from an e-cigarette. Every kid had a multiple digit number temporarily tattooed on their necks. An E, an M and an H were before the numbers, for elementary, middle and high school. The following number indicated their grade and the last two numbers were their position in alphabetical order. K or a P next to the E stood for kindergarten and preschool.
 A loud buzzer rang at the top of the roof, signaling class starting. The children were lined up in front of their respective teachers. Mrs. Mayberry stood in front of her line of preschool demons.
 After singing a song about a demonic turtle drowning in a bathtub with the class, she counted each child as they made their way to homeroom. They all filled in and sat at their wooden desks. The demonic alphabet was listed on a nearby poster with translations into English and other languages.
 “Good morning!” Mrs. Mayberry trilled in the windowless classroom, scrapping her chalk against the blackboard before catching it with a twirl. “I hope you all did your homework.”
 The kids fearfully nodded.
 “Hmm, I don’t think you did, EP-04,” she scolded a demon boy wearing an orange shirt with no paper in front of him. “Go sit in time-out.”
 The boy groaned and sat on a stool facing the wall. The white dunce cap burned on his head.
 “The pledge of allegiance,” Mrs. Mayberry led. The class stood up with their hands on their hearts.
 “I pledge allegiance and my soul to the banner
Of His Majesty Lucifer and Her Majesty Lilith
And to the unholy Inferno
For Pentagram City
One nation under Satan
With liberty and chaos for all!”
 They sat back down.
 “Now let’s sing,” Mrs. Mayberry ordered.
 The demonic class broke out into song:
 “We love to do our homework and learn stuff every day.”
 “And when I throw in these hard questions, you should know just what to say,” Mrs. Mayberry sang.
 “Okay!” they cheered.
 She wrote an equation on the board. “Divide this number by…”
 “Our favorite paint is…”
 “Bloody red!”
 “And when there’s a stranger danger…”
 “You stab them in the head!” they answered, making stabbing motions with their arms.
 “A poison for a deep sleep?” she asked
 “Wormwood! Does no good!”
 “The geological components of Hell?”
 “Fire and brimstone!” added a girl.
 “If you can’t use love…”
 “Use hate!”
 “Now it’s time for us to say the day and date.”
 “Your death day was on January 8th, right?” piped up a boy in the back.
 Mrs. Mayberry stopped short. “Hush up! We don’t mention that date.” She turned to the class. “Go on.”
 “It’s 3 in the afternoon…” said a boy.
 “On October 31st,” said a green girl.
 “Hell’s heat is still hot,” said another girl, sweating.
 “Let’s watch the episode first!” reminded the dunce boy.
 The demons went “la la la” as Mrs. Mayberry stared at the board, red eyes wide.
 “Oh my suns! Stop singing children. Shut up!”
 The demons fell silent.
 “I forgot it’s the new episode! I’m supposed to be off to pursue my revenge!”
 “Maybe you could scare your enemies at a death-day party!” a girl suggested with her hands up in the air.
 Mrs. Mayberry looked at her hell-phone and saw the last seconds of an I.M.P. commercial. She stood up to walk away.
 “Wait! Mrs. Mayberry,” said a girl, taking hold of her hand. “Remember what you taught us. Act before you think.”
 Mrs. Mayberry pat her head. “I think not. Work on your timestamps and assignments, children. I’m off to pursue a little education of my own.”
 A horn-covered sub man walked in and bellowed, “200 pushups on the double! Or it’s back to your cells!”
 The demons got up from their seats and bent down to do the pushups.
 Mrs. Mayberry called a taxi outside and it drove her off.
 Up on a screen outside her window, Mrs. Mayberry saw a full commercial where she learned of an assassination company called I.M.P.
 “Hi there, I’m Blitzo, the “o” is silent and I’m the funder of I.M.P.! Are you a piece of shit that got sent to Hell? Or are you an innocent soul who just so happened to get fucked over by someone else?”
 The next shot showed a bulky red demon with horns, wearing a white Ohio shirt/jersey. A sign read, “Some guy who hired us!” The demon spoke:
 “After lovingly killing my wife for fucking a delivery man, you could imagine my surprise when I wound down here, after the State of Ohio killed me.” He rammed his meaty fists. “I really wish I could stick it to that yappy jogger who saw me hiding the body!”
 “Guess I’m not the only one who murdered my spouse,” she thought. “I’ve also never seen a guy with…such muscles before…”
 Blitzo appeared again. “Well luckily for you, thanks to our company’s special access to the living world…we promise to take care of your unfinished business by taking out anyone who may have screwed you over when you were alive!”
 The sounds of the imp jingle motivated Mrs. Mayberry as the taxi pulled to a stop in front of the I.M.P. building. She got out, climbed up the stairs and knocked on the office door. It opened and out popped Blitzo.
 “Is this I.M.P.?” she asked.
 “Yes,” Blitzo said.
 “I figured, since I saw the commercial. I have one bad bitch that needs to be killed. And I’ve got a lot to say.”
 “Well, come on in then,” he said.
 Mrs. Mayberry paced Blitzo’s office at I.M.P. headquarters as she told her story.
  “I was a good person before it all went down,” she narrated, pacing to and fro. “I was good my entire life.”
 She continued on, adding details about her personal life. She held a cigarette in her hand. Apparently, it was easy to get into unhealthy habits in Hell.
 “You do everything right in life, play by the rules, and still get sent down here with all the Hitlers and Epsteins of the world. After one measly massacre propelled by blind rage. So that’s why I’m here. To get my revenge.”
 “I mean was she hotter?” Blitzo remarked with a smirk.
 The demon’s eyes flared red in anger, her face partially in shadow by the drawn blinds. A lemon tree was in the background with a sign that read “no whores” beside it. Blitzo casually lounged in his office chair.
 “I’m just saying I had a hard time understanding the unprompted melodrama you just spat at me, tits,” Blitzo chuckled.
 Mayberry growled and her body briefly glowed red. Her cigarette bent in her hand.
 Blitzo rolled his eyes. “Anyway I don’t think you quite understand how we’re operating down here.” He stood up and Mrs. Mayberry glared at him. “You see we take revenge on the living and it sounds like the core cast of your sitcom of a death frankly are all probably down here in Hell with you. Boop.”
 He bonked her on the nose.
 Mayberry’s pointed tail twitched, her purple claws clenched. Her skirt was torn with holes and her feet were cloven hooves. This imp guy was worse than the demonic children she taught.
 Mayberry extended her left claws. “Not all of them. That whore survived. Now they all call her a hero.”
 She continued. “Between the talk shows and bullshit donations she made so much goddamn cash. Getting shot was the best thing to happen to her.”
 Mayberry bashed her fists into the ground, creating cracks. “She’s not a hero!” Mayberry yelled, getting in close to Blitzo’s face.
 “Yeah, okay, yeah, my thoughts exactly,” Blitzo stuttered in a rapid nervous voice. He frantically pressed a red button under the desk multiple times. The red light flashed under the “Deranged Client” label on a dashboard. The other labels read, “More Coffee,” “Soiled My Pants,” “Horny Client,” “Client Giving Birth,” “Ghost,” and “Stolas.”
 Blitzo later burst through the door, followed by Mrs. Mayberry. “Guys, I’d like you to meet, our newest client!”
 The room suddenly burst into flames…Blitzo was furious. He quickly led Mrs. Mayberry outside where she hopped into a taxi to wait back home.
 “Bye and don’t worry,” called Blitzo to her, “We’ll get that skank in less than 24 hours or your first kill is free!”
 She could only hope that crazy imp and his team could do their job.
 As it turned out, Mrs. Mayberry later found out that not only had I.M.P. killed Martha, they also killed her crazy Satanic family. Mrs. Mayberry was very impressed. She held a piece of cake and laughed with the I.M.P. members for a special celebration. Millie talked about how it was okay to kill someone if they tried to kill you back.
 “That’s messed up,” mentioned Mrs. Mayberry. Then she smiled. “But I paid for it!”
 Everyone laughed again. Mrs. Mayberry felt good among her new allies. She had embraced her past at last.
 After the celebration, she got back into the taxi but instead of heading home, she headed further into town.
 There was a red Ohio demon for her to thank.
 Part Two: The Imps’ Adventure
In another room, Moxxie was holding a black and red crossbow in his hands. In front of him was a picture of a smiling family: a father, a mother, a baby and two children. His arms were shaking as the reflector hovered around the man’s crotch area.
 “Moxxie, stop shaking!” Millie chided. “You’re gonna shoot our only hellhound!”
 Loona lay on her back on a gray couch. The family picture was in one hand and her phone was in the other. On the wall were drawings of Blitzo as a horse and a drawing of Robo Fizz with an arrow sticking out from it.
 Loona spoke in a sarcastic tone, “Wow. I feel so loved here.”
 “Just take a deep breath,” Millie told Moxxie, inhaling, “and let it out.”
 “But, it’s a family,” Moxxie argued. “Under what circumstances would we ever need to kill a human family?”
 “I mean if that’s what the client wants,” Millie began.
 “Maybe like a shitty dad,” Moxxie suggested. “Or a mob family.” He spoke through his teeth, “That’s understandable.” He then spoke normally. “But to eradicate an entire innocent, seemingly innocent, upper middle class family bloodline?”
 Loona stared at the picture for a moment before pointing to Moxxie.
 “Hey! You don’t know their innocent.”
 She pointed to the boy. “This kid probably sets dogs on fire.”
 She pointed to the girl. “Maybe this girl gets off to bullying Australian kids online.”
 She pointed to the father. “And this guy…” She narrowed her eyes and spoke lower. “This guy definitely watches.”
 “Exactly!” Millie agreed. “Humans are full of secret nasties. It’s why so many of them end up here. But guilty and innocent aren’t our business, Mox.” She cupped his cheeks. “Killing who we’re paid to is our business. Choose a target.”
 She kissed him before stepping aside. Moxxie positioned his crossbow again.
 “I just think it’s a bit excessive and we could be a bit more selective, is all.”
 Just then, Blitzo barged into the room, followed by Mrs. Mayberry.
 “Guys! I want you to meet…”
 Startled, Moxxie fired the arrow and it ricocheted around the room. Millie jumped into Moxxie’s arms as the arrow hit a computer. It then flew and poked a hole in the family picture that a startled Loona held. The arrow made impact with the bottom of an eel tank, causing it to wobble dangerously. The arrow speed toward Mrs. Mayberry but Blitzo calmly caught it in one hand.
 “…our newest client!”
 The eel tank suddenly fell down, glass and water pouring onto the floor. The eels burst with electricity, casing the room to erupt in flames. Loona, Moxxie and Millie cowered in fear.
 “Dammit, Moxxie! I just bought those eels!” Blitzo yelled in anger.
 Soon, imp firefighters rushed to the scene to put out the flames as the group waited outside. The firefighters also carried the eels away to their red fire truck. Although imps were immune to fire, the buildings were not.
 Mrs. Mayberry climbed into a taxi cab.
 “Bye,” Blitzo waved, “and don’t worry, we’ll get that skank in less than twenty four hours or your first kill is free!” He waved as the taxi drove away.
 “When did we start implementing that deal?” Moxxie asked.
 Blitzo turned to glare at him. He pulled him close, holding his face.
 “When you set fire to my office in front of a…” Blitzo screamed, “client, you fucking dipshit!" He shoved Moxxie out of the way in anger. “Now someone please tell me that fancy book is still intact!”
 Loona stood against the wall, typing on her phone. “You mean our only ticket to the other side?” She pulled out a blue book from behind her. “Yeah, got it.”
 Blitzo came over to her and started to baby talk to her. “And that’s why you’re my favorite, Loony. You get a treat now.”
 He held up a dog treat in his hands, tossed it in the air and caught it with his long tongue.
 “Ew, stop it,” Loona said with disgust. Blitzo pulled the biscuit into his mouth and chewed.
 “You’re so gross!” she remarked.
  A nearby billboard with Blitzo’s face on it read with misspellings: “Goat an asshole in the living worlds!? Come to I Am Pee!!??! Make sure you put this sign up on the rite side. Don’t fuck this up. Also payment may take a couple of weeks because it cums in the mail. –Speech to text- -Blitzo”
 Millie drew a pentagram with chalk onto the wall. The pentagram glowed red and a portal to the human world appeared.
 “Aw stop it, I get enough of that from my therapist,” Blitzo told Loona before she left. He mentioned to the other imps, and moved his fist in front of him. Now let’s go lick some ass!” He pressed his hand into Moxxie’s face.
 “The expression is “kick some ass.” Blitzo,” Millie mentioned before she stepped through the portal. Blitzo let go of Moxxie’ face.
 “Mine’s better,” Blitzo said before following her.
 “Aw, fuck,” Moxxie sighed as he followed them through the portal.
 All three imps stood in front of a small red house by the lake as the sun set. Blitzo and Moxxie leaned against the side of the house, rising from the bushes. Blitzo stood up and peered into a window. A row of white flowers were on a planter on the ledge.
 “That’s gotta be her,” Blitzo whispered. He then chuckled darkly. “This is too easy.” He looked over at Moxxie. “Moxxie, do you want this one?”
 Moxxie looked stunned and smiled nervously. “Me?”
 “Yeah, this one’s simple enough for you to handle. It’s just a happy mother who just got out of the hospital.”
 Moxxie stood up and looked through the window. His face fell as he looked at the happy family enjoying dinner. A pig’s head was at the center of the table. The house was decorated with axes and guns on the walls. A lamp stand seemed to be made out of a spinal column. Ralphie and Martha affectionately rubbed each other’s noses, Martha holding a dinner platter in her hand. Moxxie hesitated; there was no way he could kill any one of them.
 “You snooze you lose, Mox!” Blitzo called out.
 He got out his gun, which was black with flames painted on it. The reflector was an upside down cross and it hovered over Martha’s face. She smiled with large doe eyes and blinked innocently.
 “And I’ve got you, bitch,” Blitzo murmured.
 “Wait, are we actually killing a family?!” Moxxie asked in disbelief.
 “No, don’t be a puss, we’re just killing a mother,” Blitzo remarked. “We’re running a family.” He grinned and clicked his rifle, positioning it.
 “But…” Moxxie began. “Hold on, hold on, let’s just think about it…”
 Moxxie lifted up the rifle just before Blitzo fired. The bullet hit a glass mirror in the house, causing the family members to gasp in fear.
 “What was that, Ralphie?” Martha asked her husband, who sat at the table.
 Ralphie shook his head. “I don’t know Martha, but whatever it is…”
 He stood up with a sharp-toothed grin, holding a rifle in his hands.
 “They’re gonna be tomorrow night’s dinner!”
 Martha set the platter down on the table, downed a glass of wine and smashed the glass on the floor.
 “Alright, kids! Gun’s out!” She called with an evil grin. The kids, too, grinned evilly as they pulled out smaller guns. The boy pulled out his from his brown beaver-skin hat.
 “Looks like we’ve got some rabbits to catch, youngins!” Ralphie said with an evil chuckle.
 Back outside, Blitzo was fuming. “What the fuck was that, Moxxie?”
 Moxxie breathed anxiously before letting out a croak, his snake-like tongue flickering. He fell to his knees, hands over his face.
 “I’m sorry. They just seemed so wholesome and happy.” Tears fell from his eyes. “I panicked.”
 Blitzo face-palmed. “Oh who the fuck is innocent, Moxxie? From the moment of birth, you’re already a parasite leeching off your momma’s tits.”
 He grabbed his chest in an imitation of holding breasts. He leaned in and poked Moxxie painfully on the head. “Now get the fuck over yourself you baby dick prick!”
 A bullet fired through the wall and shot Blitzo in the arm. He cried out as black blood splattered.
 “A new hole!” Blitzo cried in terror. “Scatter!”
 Blitzo and Millie leapt into the air just as another gunshot created a larger hole in the wall. A grinning Martha and Ralphie leapt through the hole and chased after them, guns drawn. Moxxie peered out from behind the bush, rapidly looking around. A child’s hand grabbed Moxxie’s pointed tail and he yelped. He only saw a barrage of fists from the children before passing out.
 Millie flipped backwards along a cobblestone trail before diving into the lake.
 “There you go, little critter!” Ralphie called, firing another bullet. He stepped onto the wooden dock. “Y’all can’t hide long from me!”
 Millie had her head above the water under the dock, a knife in her mouth. She broke through the dock with a crash before landing with a grin, knife at the ready. Ralphie swing a beer bottle at her, but she moved behind him out of the way. Millie jumped up in the air, knife in both hands. Ralphie swung the bottle upwards, hitting her in the head. The glass shattered and she fell to the ground with a loud yelp. Millie struggled weakly to stand, but collapsed onto the dock, eye twitching. Ralphie grinned down at her as the sky spiraled red. He picked her up and headed deep into the woods.
 Moxxie opened his eyes and gasped with a squeak to find his hands and body tied with rope. He appeared to be tied to a stitched up headless dead body sitting on a chair. Moxxie’s face fell in fear as he stared at the boy and girl in front of him. Both their eyes were red and devious grins formed on their faces.
 Moxxie tried to defuse the fear. “Oh. Hello there little ones. Aren’t you cute?”
 The children spoke in low distorted voices, the boy finishing shortly after the girl.
 “It’s nice to have a new critter to play with.”
 Moxxie glanced up in terror at a red spotlight above him. The light revealed a human head high up and several limbs on plaques. The wooden walls were stained with red blood. Tow plaques held stitched up faces of skin. A larger plaque displayed a dead man with long white hair, arms crossed, eyes and teeth bulging out. His upper chest was connected to the plaque. A picture frame made of bones displayed another face made of skin inside it. Human skin was tacked to the wall with “bless this mess” stitched onto it. Moxxie looked and saw a dead human body on a platter, an apple in its mouth. Organs were displayed in a nearby bowl.
 Moxxie took one look at the dead body and whimpered. “Aw. Crumbs.”
 Meanwhile, Blitzo was running for his life in the woods. Four gunshots rang out as Blitzo darted through a bush, leaves falling to the ground. Martha’s evil echoing laughter quickened his pace. The imp slide down a grass hill, landing on his feet. He crouched under the bushes, looking around. He panted, catching his breath.
 “I know you’re hurtin’, little devil,” drawled Martha in a sing-song voice.
 Blitzo darted behind a tree, taking in deep silent breaths. His back was pressed against the bark. He covered his mouth, not daring to move.
 “I promise that I can make that pain go real quick.”
 Martha walked through the woods, not too far away, in shadow. “Just come let Mama Martha put a bullet in that pretty little skull!”
 Blitzo sighed in relief after hearing the footsteps fade.
 Ring! Ring! Ahh!
 A startled Blitzo scrambled to retrieve his yellow cell-phone, which was ringing a yelling ringtone. He eventually caught the phone before pressing it to his ear. The phone had a GFY (Go Fuck Yourself) on it and a laughing devil emoji with imp horns.
 “This is a really bad time,” Blitzo whispered.
 At Stolas’ palace, the owl prince was currently lounging in an ornate bathtub, several lit candles with blue flames positioned around the edges. Astrological symbols glowed white in a circle on the floor. The midnight blue curtains looked like the night sky, with starry designs on them. Floating constellations hovered around the room. He was the prince of astronomy as well as being horny.
 “When isn’t it a bad time, Blitzy?” he mused, stretching his long slender arm. He held a rotary phone to his ear, the speakers shaped like sunflowers.
 Blitzo sighed in frustration. “What is it?”
 Stolas’ four red eyes blinked. “I’ve been meaning to follow up on our last conversation regarding my grimoire?”
 Blitzo’s angry face appeared in a bubble.
 “What did you just call me?” Blitzo asked. Stolas popped the bubble with a finger. “My book, Blitzy. The book I was given to do my job that I have allowed you to use to do yours?”
 Blitzo ducked as a bullet flew through the tree he was behind. Martha’s shadowy figure appeared in the hole, her eyes and mouth glowing red.
 “I can hear ya, darling!” she called out.
 “Shit,” Blitzo muttered, scurrying off.
 “Anywho,” Stolas continued. “I have been thinking. You know, I have been permitting you to access the mortal realm less than legally for quite some time now, but I do need it back to fulfil my duties. I was thinking, what if we worked out some sort of exchange?”
 He ran a finger along the edge of the tub. He then did a walking motion with his fingers as they glowed red.
 “Favors for favors? Doesn’t that sound…” He spoke seductively, “…enticing?”
 Blitzo skidded to a stop as another bullet hit a tree. He ducked behind another one and frantically whispered, “You gotta stop using your fancy-ass rich people talk, okay? I’m trying to concentrate on not getting fucked in my hay!”
 Another bullet hit a spot on the tree.
 “Then let me keep it simple,” Stolas explained. “Once a month, on the full moon, you return the book to me, followed by a night of…”
 His eyes glowed red, his beak open in lust…
 “…passionate fornication.” He briefly slid lower in the tub with a blush before rising up to lean against the tub.
 “And…you get to keep it the rest of the time. Sound fair my little imp?”
 “Fine, whatever!” Blitzo replied.
 Blitzo let out a happy sigh. “Oh Blitzy! I’m so excited! I cannot wait to fill your slimy **** inside of my *****…”
 Blitzo cringed as Blitzo went on about the sexual things he planned to do to him.
 Out of nowhere, Blitzo found himself being pinned against the tree by the bottom handle of Martha’s gun.
 “Got ya!” she grinned. Bltzo’s phone was on the ground, Stolas still talking.
 “So, you’re a little devil, huh?” she asked, a wide grin. “Come to drag me and my kin to Hell? Well not today, Satan!”
 She pressed the gun further into Blitzo. “Gonna send y’all back where ya came from!”
 She hit Blitzo hard and he slumped to the ground. She took him and headed off into the woods.
 Back at the house, Moxxie struggled to free his tied up hands and body. In the reflection of the window, he could see the orange yellow lights of fires. He gasped.
 The two kids stared deviously at him. He froze when the girl revealed a long sharp knife in her hands. Moxxie glared, determined. As the girl raised the knife, Moxxie shoved her backwards with the chair. There was a thud as the chair toppled over onto the floor. Moxxie grabbed the knife and cut the rope loose, freeing himself. A “Live, Laugh, Love” sign and a hangman’s noose hung from the wall. Moxxie burst through the round window, a shadow silhouette with glowing yellow eyes. Wasting no time, he raced into the woods and toward rows of torches. Hanging from the trees were red Satanic symbols. There were also tents around the area.
 A full moon appeared in the sky from behind thin clouds. Down below, Blitzo and Millie were tied to a stake decorated with black spikes at the top. Ralphie laughed as he poured gasoline onto the ground by their feet. Martha stood nearby, holding a torch in her left hand. Her blouse was torn and low cut, with polka dots on them. Her eyes were red and she wore skull earrings.
 Blitzo groaned in frustration. “I had that fucking shot. God dammit, Moxxie.”
 “Satan!” Martha declared. “We return your filthy creatures back to the pits of Hell!” She raised her torch. “May the root of evil remain honored as we continue thy work!”
 Martha tossed the torch underneath Blitzo and Moxxie, who still struggled to free themselves. Ralphie laughed again. The stake soon lit up in flames…
 …leaving the imps unscathed.
 “Yeah, that’s not exactly how it works, lady,” Blitzo explained. “Sorry, your fire doesn’t really hurt us, but I mean I could fake it if that’ll get your dick hard.” He smirked and Millie giggled.
 “Oh. Shit.” Martha stared confused and rolled her eyes. “I don’t have one.”
 Then she got a better idea and grinned. “Well, I’ll just shoot you in your smart-ass mouth!” She held her rifle in her hands.
 “That would be more effective,” Blitzo mentioned.
 “Blitzo!” Millie spat.
 Martha laughed again as she raised the rifle, two barrels pointing at the imps. The imps closed their eyes and flinched.
 A loud bang and a yelp was heard. Martha’s eyeball flew from her socket and she collapsed to the ground.
 “Moxxie!” Millie cried, seeing Moxxie hold a gun in his hands. Moxxie raced over and untied Millie and Blitzo.
 “You’re not getting your goddam paycheck for this one, Mox!” Blitzo mentioned before he fell down. Moxxie and Millie embraced each other with small smiles. They slowly moved their heads against each other in affection. Ralphie tripped over Martha’s body before fleeing the scene.
 “Oh yeah, thanks! I’m fine!” Blitzo spoke out in sarcasm.
 Moxxie helped Blitzo up, supporting him.
 “I’m sorry, sir. I compromised our objective and put us in harm’s way. It won’t happen again. I promise.”
 Blitzo pulled Moxxie into a hug. “Apology accepted.” Then he spoke to Moxxie in a low threatening voice. “But if you ever pull off a stunt like this again, I’ll fuck you and your wife.”
 Just as fast, Blitzo separated from Moxxie and announced, “Alrighty! Job well done! Now let’s get off.” Millie lifted her arms in a cheer. From his chest, Blitzo pulled out a gray horse figure with a back mane like a My Little Pony toy. He put it back and retrieved his cell phone.
 “Eh. Yeah give me a moment. I need to get something I left at the house,” Moxxie said.
 “Okay, fine but hurry up,” Blitzo said. He put his cell phone to his ear and spoke loudly, “Loona! We’re ready to come home, dear!”
 Moxxie raced through the woods, determined to set things right. In the background, Stolas was talking to Blitzo, mentioning, “You and I on…peanut butter and jelly sandwiches all night.”
 Back inside the house, the boy and girl were in their father’s arms in a corner.
 “Don’t move!” Moxxie demanded, pointing his rifle at them. The boy and girl looked scared and innocent. The girl even had a dark gray stitched up teddy bear with her.
 Ralphie chucked. “What are you gonna do, little guy? Kill us?”
 “I should!” Moxxie replied, stepping back. “You people are monsters!” Then he lowered the rifle. “But… you should have a chance at a life and a purpose. Look at your children. They have their whole future ahead of them! You are going to face your crimes, justly.”
 He picked up a remote from a stand. “I am calling your earthly authorities and they will make sure you are dealt with, fairly. I am handing this, my way.”
 He pressed a button and a television turned on in the adjacent room. A black and white program played. Moxxie gasped in surprise, then looked down at it.
 “Oh shit,” he muttered. The black remote had pink and white buttons reminiscent of a smiling goofy face.
 “Uh do you…do you have a phone to summon 911?”
 “Yeah, it’s in the kitchen,” Ralphie mentioned behind him.
 Moxxie held the remote. “Then what’s this for?”
 “It’s a universal remote,” Ralphie replied. “Got it for the kids.” The kids smiled and he pulled them in a hug.
 “Aww,” Moxxie smiled, eyes shining.
 He called the police and hurried back to the portal in the dark woods.
 “There he is,” Blitzo said. “Have a good wank-off session, Moxxie?”
 “Excuse me?”
 Blitzo walked over to him. “Well I don’t care where you cum in the living world, just come to your job on time, alright?” He poked Moxxie several times for emphasis. “See you at the office!” He ran through the portal.
 Millie placed a hand on Moxxie’s cheek. “You doing okay, sweetie?”
 “Better now, honey,” Moxxie replied with a smile. “I think I just needed a minute to process.”
 Millie tenderly touched Moxxie’s chest. “You have a good heart, honey.” She playfully pinched Moxxie’s nose. “Just a fuzzy head.” She kissed him and Moxxie’s heart fluttered. He smiled happily as Millie walked through the portal.
 Moxxie heard the whirl of blades and flashes of light. He turned around. There were police cars and a helicopter in front of the house.
 A voice over a loudspeaker said, “We got em’ boys!”
 A missile fired at the roof and the entire house exploded in a fiery inferno. Something hit Moxxie in the face. He stared at the ground and found the head of the teddy bear that had flown off. He stared with a shocked look of disbelief on his face. The family that had a chance to be better was now dead.
 Blitzo grabbed Moxxie hard by the neck and pulled him through the portal.
 Later on, everyone was laughing and celebrating back at I.M.P. headquarters. They were all wearing birthday party hats. Loona and Mrs. Mayberry held slices of cake on plates. A white banner read “Killed the bitch,” in red letters. A white and blue cake sat in front of Moxxie, the blue icing read “We did it! :)” Everyone seemed joyful except for Moxxie. He still felt awful that they had killed an entire family. An evil family, but still…They had come close to being killed or caught. Now here they were celebrating human death.
 Moxxie wasn’t sure if he agreed to the “senseless killing” morals of I.M.P. anymore.
 Millie squealed for joy and hugged Moxxie tight around the neck. “Did you see my little Mox, Mox? We did it! Oh Moxxie!”
 “Well here’s to another mission accomplished,” Blitzo announced, “…and Moxxie finally learned not to fuck up.”
 Moxxie just stared wordlessly at his plate, dark circles under his eyes.
 “And killing people isn’t that big of a deal if they try to kill you back,” Millie added, rubbing Moxxie’s white head of hair.
 “That’s messed up,” said Mrs. Mayberry, “But I paid for it!”
 Everyone except Moxxie chuckled at that.
 “Yeah, fuck that family!” Blitzo declared, raising a fist.
Helluva Boss Episode Two: Loo-Loo Land
Part One: Octavia
 Hundreds of years ago in Hell…Stolas’ Palace
  Before Octavia Goetia was a 117 year old owl princess (Mentally turned seventeen supposedly August 15 2003), she was a cute little child owl living with her mother and father.
 At night, faint blue constellations illuminated against the exterior of the estate. On the lower jutting wall structure supporting a balcony, Stolas’ sigil symbol also glowed blue in the dark. The balcony itself was spacious and decorated with hanging see-through drapes along the pillars. Spirals and a few eyes were also part of the design above the pillars. Bushes were lined up in rows on an upper row above the balcony, with little rows of coffin-shaped windows behind them in another wall. The borders of the building were decorated with difference phases of the moon in gold. Finally, the double doors on the balcony were stained glass in yellow and orange, with a sun on the left and a crescent moon on the right.
 Inside the estate, three candles cast a dim teal light in the darkened master bedroom. The spacious room had a white tall couch off to the side and a rotary phone on a nearby dresser. Hanging on the wall was a mirror and several large portraits of Stolas dressed in red robes and a crown. Rows of small red banners hung around the top of the bed and four red curtains with gold royal symbols were draped tight around the bed. The bedspread matched the curtains.
 “Mommy! Daddy!”
 A child’s cry from another room roused the owl prince from his slumber. One of his red eyes opened halfway, another one a slit near the top of his dark feathery head. His face was white and heart-shaped. He turned his head to where his wife was sleeping. She was a white owl with long eyebrows that extended past her face. She was curled up in most of the blankets.
 “Via’s calling us, Stella,” Stolas groaned sleepily.
 Stella let out a sigh. “You get up,” she replied tiredly.
 Stolas sighed and rose out of bed, briefly putting his fingers to his head. He opened the door to Octavia’s bedroom. The wallpaper consisted of several columns of moons and stars. Astronomy books lined a shelf while tapped drawings on the wall showed stick figures of Stolas and Octavia, labeled “Daddy,” and “Me.” A nearby portrait showed a smiling Stolas giving an overjoyed Octavia a piggy back ride against a blue background.
 Stolas opened the white door, wearing his red housecoat and a pair of demon face slippers.
 “Dear? What troubles you, my owlet?”
 Octavia’s room was small, with a bookcase and strings of lights hanging around. A white and pink chest and telescope were decorated with stray feathers. Her bed was decorated with small stars and a pink crown on the white headboard, sparkling curtains on either side. A stuffed cat lay on the floor. A lavender blanket with yellow stars on it was currently quivering on the bed. A small frightened face popped out from under the covers: little Octavia. She wore pink jammies with white stars on them. Her face was white and her eyes were large and pink with white pupils. Three gray feathers stuck out from her feathery head and she also had a little tail.
 The little girl sobbed and climbed out of bed.
 “Daddy! Daddy!”
 She ran into her father’s arms.
 “I had a dream! A really bad dream!” Her mouth quivered in a whimper.
 Stolas scooped her up into his arms and yawned.
 “A nightmare.”
 He wiped a tear away from her face.
 Octavia spread out her arms. “I was looking all over the palace and…I couldn’t find you anywhere! You weren’t there!”
 Tears appeared from her eyes and she hugged her father around the neck.
 “There, there, Via. It’s okay; you’re okay.”
 He pat her several times on the back and carried her into the room. A blue grimoire with a golden crescent moon on the cover floated into the room in a purple cloud of magic.
 Stolas sat down on the bed, Octavia in his lap. The book hovered next to him and he waved his hand to turn the pages. Stolas looked at Octavia.
 “When you’re sacred and you don’t know where I am, you must remember: I will never be far away from my special little Starfire.”
 He playfully poked her on the nose and she giggled.
 Stolas waved his hand and magic surrounded it. He moved his hand to the ceiling and created a starry portal above their heads. Octavia looked up with wonder in her eyes. It was then that Stolas started singing his lullaby: “You Will Be Okay.”
 “It always seems more quiet in the dark”
“It always feels so stark”
 Both of them floated upward through the hole. A brilliant indigo night sky filled with stars was revealed. A small bright sun and a distant ringed planet hovered in the distance. Stolas stood on the surface of a large white moon dotted with craters of various sizes.
 “How silence grows under the moon
Constellations gone so soon”
 Stolas’ feet made talon bird tracks on the surface as he carried his daughter.
 “I used to think that I was bold
I used to think love would be fun
Now all my stories have been told
Except for one”
 Stolas looked down at Octavia’s innocent eyes as their faces shone from the pinkish light of the nearby star. Octavia was the ongoing part of his life that Stolas continued to live for, day by day. In all the centuries of his long life, no sexual conquests, no battles nor royal duties could compare with the unique experience of raising a child. In a sea of constellations, Octavia was a guiding light to a greater purpose.
 The ringed planet hovered beside another planet bathed in purple-pink light. A rocky meteor caught on fire and soared toward a molten planet.
 “As the stars start to align
I hope you take it as a sign
That you’ll be okay”
 Stolas sat down on a small rock and held his daughter close.
 “Everything will be okay.”
 The meteor slowly dipped into the molten planet, turning a fiery orange. The meteor broke through the planet, causing it to break into rocky pieces. Stolas and Octavia sat on a floating chunk of rock as light burst upward from between the gaps of the planet debris.
 “And if the Seven rings collapse
Although the day could be my last
You will be okay. When I’m gone you’ll be okay…”
 Octavia yawned and nestled into her father’s feathery chest with a small smile on her sleepy face. Stolas knew that even a powerful demon like himself could not live forever. Angelic weapons could kill both Hell-born and Sinners in Hell. The higher class Hell-born could respawn like the Sinners but unlike the dead previous humans, the Hell-born aged slowly and could die of natural causes like mortals.
 Stolas was a part of a powerful ancient clan of demons, one of the first in Hell. The Ars Goetia brothers in arms were very numerous and powerful…desirable targets for enemies like Valentino and the lot. The family living for so many years didn’t lessen the potential sadness that permanent death would bring.
 Like any good parent, Stolas wanted what was best for his child; to pass down some existential knowledge for her to remember later on.
 “And when creation goes to die
You can find me in the sky”
 Seven planets flew toward the sun, creating powerful impacts. The planets turned ashen black before everything burst into an explosion of light. Stolas’ vocalizing face was illuminated by the large pink smoke from the galactic explosion.
 Tears pooled in Stolas’ eyes as the portal closed behind him, now back in the bedroom. A red and gold metallic model of a solar system hung from the back wall. Stolas lifted the starry blanket and draped it over a sleeping Octavia.
 “Upon the last day
And you will be okay…”
 Stolas walked toward the door, looking at her lovingly again before closing it. Octavia slept peacefully in her bed like a happy chick in a nest.
��  Stolas’ palace, Dec 9 2020, present day
 Octavia jolted awake suddenly, her pink eyes angular with constricted white pupils. Her hand rested by her face. Her eyes narrowed in anger, her fist clenched as piercing yelling from another room echoed off the walls.
 Her parents were having yet another fight.
 She got out her phone and texted Loona: “Parents fighting again. Fuck my life.”
 Loona replied: “Srry 2 hear that. Currently dealing with asshole boss and Moxxie the dick. Hang out at concert Friday?”
 Octavia: “Hope so. Mom has grudge against imps and hellhounds, what a royal bitch.”
 Loona: “Smh. Hang in there, my friend.”
 Octavia knew that her regal mother, Stella was pissed that Stolas had fucked the imp Blitzo behind her back. Octavia often worried that Stolas would go on some honeymoon with that creature and leave her behind with Stella. Stella wasn’t cruel but she was sterner than Stolas was. Octavia didn’t know which was worse, her father’s childish attitude laced with a perverted nature…or her mother’s cold critiques of Octavia’s behavior. Stella loved her but expected her to mold into the royal role she was given from birth. Stella was more concerned with tea parties, fashionable attire and her appearance than Octavia’s many thoughts.
 Currently, Octavia was just a typical emo/goth teenager who had to deal with a lot of stuff going on.  
 Octavia’s room was different as well. More spacious, it had a couple of slanted windows between purple drawn curtains that let in some light. A solar system mobile hung from the ceiling in the center of the room. A mirror hung on the wall along with several banners with suns and moons on them. A long couch in the style of white feathers sat off to the side, complete with comfy cushions and pillows. There was a smaller purple telescope as well. Her bed still had the sparkling starry drapes and above that, were hanging purple drapes with a small moon on it and a large pink eye at the very top. Her bedspread was midnight blue with crescent moons on them and the chest by her bed was plainer than before.
 Octavia sat up in bed, with her feathers ruffled, quite literally as well as figuratively. With a grumpy look on her face, Octavia inserted earphones into her ears and held a blue phone in her hand, decorated with a yellow crescent moon. Octavia got dressed in her usual pink shirt with stars on it, black pants, shoes and a crown on her head.
 A playlist of songs appeared, the majority of them were by My Chemical Romance and some were by Lilith. An icon with flames and a sad face appeared on the screen and she pressed the play icon. Pop music played in her ears as a person sang: “My world is burning down around me.”
 The screams grew with intensity as she got out of bed and walked down a hall lined with Venus Fly Trap plants of different colors. They were arranged in a pattern of brown, magenta and purple. One poor potted planet crashed to the floor in front of Octavia. She stepped over the mess as she continued listening.
 She could hear the vehement arguments form her parents as she walked into the spacious kitchen.
 There was her mother, Queen Stella in a white dress with the top part of her outfit a light pink. A crown was on her head and light gray feathers fanned from her head like long hair.
 “I can’t believe you slept with an imp, in our fucking bed!”
 “It was unexpected!” Stolas replied. “I didn’t have time to go to a motel!”
 Stella seethed in disgust. “A motel?! Like a fucking plebian?!” (Roman word for commoner)
 “You want to fuck this one too?!”
 In a fury, she grabbed a small white dressed imp butler and tossed him at her husband.
 Stolas flinched, holding up his hands. “No! Of course not!”
 Stella pointed a finger at him. “You are a god damn embarrassment! I’m not spending another moment looking at your pathetic, imp-sucking face!”
 Stella stormed out of the room, tossing and breaking more of Stolas’ beloved plants as she yelled.
 Stolas sighed in exasperation before turning to look at his sulking daughter who was sitting at a table with a box of cereal.
 “Good morning, Octavia!” he greeted. “Did you sleep well, my owlet?”
 “Was that a serious question?” she deadpanned as she drank coffee from a mug.
 “Mm-hmm…” Stolas began as he walked to an old fashioned white refrigerator with the royal crest on it. He opened the door and took out a slab of zebra meat on a plate. In a corner shelf was a can of soda and a cartoon of chocolate milk. In a zip-lock bag were three white dead mice for a later snack. (They are owls after all!)
 “What’s that you’re listening to?” he asked, with a snap of his fingers.
 “This song is called “My World Is Burning Down Around Me.” It’s by Fuck You Dad. It’s a band.”
 “Oh…how charming…” Stolas chuckled bemusedly. He shut the door and fed the meat to a large white potted plant in a small alcove off the kitchen as he pet it. The satisfied plant closed its three eyes. A starry calendar hung on a nearby wall.
 “So…you two done screaming for the day?” Octavia asked.
 “Um…” Stolas began as Stella let out another scream of anger along with a crash.
 Stolas walked over to Octavia, who had a box of Robo Fizz’s Greed Seed cereal next to her. He placed a hand on her shoulder. “You know what I haven’t done in a long, long time? I haven’t taken you to your favorite place in all of Hell! Why don’t we go to Loo-Loo Land?” He mentioned to a portrait of Stolas, Stella and a happy child Octavia in a dress at an apple theme park.
 “I’m not five anymore.”
 “You always were so happy when I took you to Loo-Loo Land! What do you say we go there again, have a day, just the two of us!”
 “I’d rather kill myself,” she deadpanned.
 “There we go!” Stolas beamed, bypassing her comment. “Anything but staying in this house.” He lifted a finger. “Now, I’ll arrange our security.”
 He picked up a white rotary phone carried on a platter by the battered imp servant.
 “Security for a theme park?”
 “We are rich, and we’re hot. People want our money and our bodies!”
 “Our money, maybe,” Octavia said under her breath. Stolas rotated the dial a few times.
 “Speak for yourself, Princess. Now, I’m calling the only man who can fuck me!”
 Octavia looked with disgust, cereal falling from her hand. “What?”
 “Who can protect me! Us. Being part of the Goetia family is rather valuable, you know.” The imp collapsed.
 Octavia groaned and pulled her hat down over her eyes.
 At the I.M.P. office, there was a picture of Blitzo wrapped in a towel with the words “#1 bitch” on it, with the word “boss” in red over the letters. A paper crown rested on one corner of the picture frame.
 Blitzo played with crude representations of Moxxie and Millie made of office supplies. “Millie” was made from a stick and clips while “Moxxie” was made from an eraser.
 “Oh, Blitzo, you’re such a good boss!” Blitzo impersonated Millie. “Yeah, I really want you sir,” he impersonated Moxxie. “Me too!” he said as Millie. “Let’s three-way!” he said as himself before lowering the office puppets to his crotch. The screaming ringtone of his cell-phone interrupted his pansexual fantasy.
 “What?!” he yelled into it. He lounged in his chair, legs propped up as he drank iced coffee from a bloodstained mug. A poster with SpindleHorse on hind legs with “Wild and Free,” hung from the wall.
 “Why hello, my big-dicked Blitzy!” Stolas spoke lustfully.
 Both Blitzo and Octavia forcefully spit out their coffee.
 Blitzo spoke angrily, “What…”
 Octavia said, “The…
 Blitzo: “Fuck…”
 Octavia: “Dad?!
 “Language! Everyone!” Stolas shouted out loud before speaking into the phone. “I have a special request.”
 “Aw look,” Blitzo mentioned, “I just had a chemical peel, so you’ll have to find someone else’s face to plant that feathered ass!” He was in no mood for another intimate session.
 “It’s for my daughter.”
 A session with Stolas’ daughter? “Ah, well make sure she washes it.”
 “Oh! No! No, no, no!” Stolas cried taken aback. “I’m taking my daughter to Loo-Loo Land and I was hoping you brave little imps would accompany us.”
 “We’re assassins, not bodyguards, okay? Don’t invite us to shit unless someone’s gonna die.”
 “I’ll pay you.”
 “With what?”
 “Done!” Blitzo yelled in confirmation, accidentally smashing his phone against the desk. He glanced in annoyance at the shattered pieces before producing a white megaphone with a painted monster mouth on it. He put the crown on his head.
 “M and M, get in here! We’re goin’ to Loo-Loo Land!”
 Moxxie opened the door to respond. “Loo-Loo Land?” he asked in concern. An excited Millie smashed her head through the glass window of the office door. “Loo-Loo Land!” Her eyes were shining.
 “Loo-Loo Land!” Blitzo yelled excitedly through the megaphone, his long snake-like tongue flickering.
 “Shut the fuck up!” Loona yelled from another room.
      Part Two: Loo-Loo Land
Loo-Loo Land was a knockoff apple themed park located in Mammon’s Ring of Greed. The sky was blue instead of red like it was in the Ring of Pride. Indeed, there were Seven Rings in this Hell ruled by Archdemons and named after the Seven Deadly Sins: Pride, Envy, Lust, Sloth, Greed, Gluttony, and Wrath. Only sinners could dwell in the Ring of Pride; it was Lucifer’s punishment since he hated mortals. Lucifer, Satan, Leviathan, Mammon, Asmodeus, Belphegor and Beezelbub were the Archdemons…but Lucifer was the Ringmaster of all of them!
 A wide array of attractions spun, lit up, whirled and roared to life, some of them reaching toward the sky. There was a large Ferris wheel with a large blue star structure in the center. A star flyer swing ride spun people on swings, while a towering red roller coaster contrasted against the blue sky. A brick tower displayed an eye with pointed ears on the top of it. A white and red stripped circus tent stood between two tall pillars with red painted caramel apples on top as part of the design. Two smiling red apples wearing straw hats were the pillars that flanked the entrance. A teal sign with blinking lights around the border read “Mammon’s Loo-Loo Land” in white, the last “o” hanging lopsidedly. A cardboard cutout of Robo Fizz had an extended hand in an arch holding a welcome sign. A sign read, “Legally he have to say this,” and another sign said “Not affiliated with Lu Lu World.” Another sign read “Money please!” by a ticket booth.
 A dark gray van pulled into a parking spot and Moxxie got out. He walked with a blank expression on his face, wearing a black suit and dark sunglasses like his imp colleagues. A bold red I.M.P. decal was spray painted onto the van door. Moxxie slid open the door.
 There was the hunched black silhouette of Stolas, his four red eyes glowing menacingly in the dark. He got out of the van, a happy tall owl wearing red shorts and a white Loo-Loo Land shirt. There was a brief silhouette of Octavia, her two eyes glowing violet. Octavia seethed in annoyance as she peered out through the door. Blitzo and Millie came along as well, getting up from the red seats. Stolas put on an apple hat with big eyes and excitedly mentioned for his daughter to come along. Octavia covered her face with her black hat before following.
 In a black suit and sunglasses, Blitzo strolled by Stolas with a serious expression as they walked by a booth that sold apple Loo-Loo hats. By a clock with a black crown on it that read 7:30 AM, was another booth with “Balloons Attack” on it.
 “Now remember, this is work and work only,” Blitzo reminded Stolas. “Me and my crew are not here to satisfy your perverted bird needs, alright?”
 “Hey, dad, do we have to…” Octavia complained before Blitzo cut her off.
 “Okay, yeah, hold on right there, sweetie.” He turned to Stolas, holding an accusing finger at him. “If you try fuckin’ my little ass in that park, I swear to…”
 Stolas leaned down and playfully tapped and booped Blitzo on the nose. “You are so cute when you are serious!”
 “I am literally going to be sick,” Octavia deadpanned.
 “Oh crumbs!” exclaimed Moxxie, rummaging through his small gray bag. “I knew today would be a lot! What do you need?”
 Moxxie fished around in the bag, retrieving pill bottles. “Antacids? Ibuprofen? Morphine?”
With a sharp toothed grin, Moxxie showed Octavia eight hypodermic needles with a glowing green substance in them.
 “That was figurative, old man,” Octavia replied, arms crossed before walking away.
 “Oh, right,” Moxxie chuckled sheepishly as he casually tossed the needles into a baby stroller by the cotton candy booth. A red baby imp wearing a bib with a pentagram on it stuck out his tongue and cooed as he reached playfully toward the deadly looking needles.
 “But she said it was ‘literally,’” Moxxie muttered under his breath.
 On a wall of a Plush booth were Robo Fizz posters and several taped signs that read: “Not Lu Lu World! Stop showing complaints,” “Does Lu Lu World have a sex robot? No! Stop asking!” “I would never do that to my BFF Lucifer.” “Everyone is so mean to me.”
 Millie took off her sunglasses and beamed. “Wooow! I haven’t been to this place since I was a tot!”
 An R on an “Apple Core Roll” sign fell off and squashed a poor teen imp below it. Moxxie flinched.
 “It hasn’t changed a bit! Oh! Look! It’s Big Lovely!”
 Near a gray Extermination booth with exterminator plush heads stood a blue animatronic T-Rex dinosaur wearing a shirt with a planet on it. It had yellow lopsided eyes. Three imps stood to watch it. It suddenly opened its mouth and let out a fierce roaring shriek.
 “That is…deeply upsetting,” Moxxie mentioned. Millie pulled him toward her. “Oh come on! It’s fun! You’ve never been here?”
 “No,” said Moxxie. “Theme parks always disturbed me. Especially the mascots,” he shivered.
 The park’s apple mascot suddenly appeared behind Moxxie. It was a large red apple with a big row of teeth with several holes in them. The top of the apple was green and a black top hat rested on top of the costume. The eyes were big, the black pupils shaped like Pacman symbols. The mascot also wore gloves.
 “Well hey there!” the mascot called in a goofy southern accent.
 Moxxie screamed in fright as the imps both turned around.
 “I’m Loo-Loo! Welcome to Loo-Loo Land!” said the mascot, spreading out his arms. “If y’all get hurt here, just try and sue us!” The mascot stood on an apple design on the ground as the animatronic head fell onto another imp. Stolas and Octavia stood near a carousel with monstrous looking horses and a small triceratops dinosaur. Some of the horses had bat wings, painted eyes all over and fiery shaped manes.
 Stolas’s eyes glowed with childish excitement, while Octavia stood embarrassed. “Look! Via! It’s Loo-Loo!”
 “I have a question,” Octavia stated, holding up a finger.
 The mascot leaned in close to her. “Well ask away, little girlie!” The mascot bounced around, an eyeball hanging out as he made “a-hyuk, a-hyuk a-hyuk” sounds.
 “Is it true this park is just a really shameless spin-off of Lucifer’s far more popular Lu Lu World?” Octavia smirked as Stolas looked at her with a pleading frown.
 The mascot paused. “No?”
 Octavia narrowed her eyes and scoffed. “This place reeks of insecure corporate shame.”
 Stolas chuckled in embarrassment before leading Octavia away. “Why don’t we go check out the rides?”
 “That chick’s creepy, huh?” the mascot asked.
 “Ah, wait till her dad tries to diddle your holes,” Blitzo deadpanned.
 “What’s that mean?”
 “Don’t talk to me!” Moxxie called in suspicion, poking a finger at him. “I know you’re a pervert under there!”
 Moxxie and Millie left. The mascot hung his body in dejection as he sighed “Yeah.”
 Moxxie and Millie headed down a pathway while a sweating Moxxie stopped to catch his breath. “You really like this place, huh?”
 “I love this place!” Millie exclaimed. “My parents would bring me and my siblings here, when they could swing it, Money-wise.” Willie and Lillie were Millie’s brother and sister and sometimes they were just as excited as she was. Unlike Blitzo’s mean father Donner and Moxxie’s parents, Millie’s parents tried to do what was best for their children while also attempting to survive.
  An imp wearing loose clothing and a baseball cap pushed a wheelbarrow full of money into a nearby toy shop. A nearby sign on a brick wall showed a Robo Fizz doll and the words, “New! Fizzy Buddy! He laughs, he sings, he swears! Tell your parents to buy me! Over 100 lovable phrases! Posable! Only 48% asbestos.”
 The two imps approach a window where apple plushies and apple shaped novelty cups with Ls on them were sold for $29.
 Moxxie mentioned, “Yeah, the prices do seem rather criminal. I mean, that much for a novelty cup you use one time?”
 “’Cause it’s Loo-loo Land!” Millie said excitedly. Blitzo walked over, slurping from a straw in a novelty cup. He wore a hat with an apple on it and two can holders and straws attached to it. Loo-Loo Land brought back memories of him and his sisters doing jokes and performing at the circus.
 “Listen to your ho’ Mox,” Blitzo said, mentioning behind him. “How ‘bout I take the first watch while you two…” he winked, “have a little fun.” Stolas held up a white shirt with an apple on it to Octavia who frowned.
 “Oh!” Millie cried. “We gotta do my favorite ride!” She picked Moxxie up and carried him as she ran.
 “Oh yeah? Whi-Which one?”
 Millie and Moxxie raced over to The Lawsuit roller coaster, the carts were red with the front displaying a green grin. The ride plunged at a sheer 90 degree drop while on fire. A lone rider hung on for dear life and screamed as the ride plunged into a tunnel in the ground. The mascot posed by a height rules sign. Later on, Moxxie threw up in a trash can as an angry vomit covered imp family glared at them. Even the red three eyed dragon from the petting zoo glared at Moxxie.
 Stolas happily carried a balloon in his hand while Octavia slouched on. They walked by a stand that read “Funnel Cakes: Eternal Suffering” with popcorn and a sausage on a fork. Blitzo snuck around like a secret agent with his sniper rifle. He appeared on a teal-green tent roof of an “Ice Cream Bugs” stand. Blitzo slid with his rifle and knocked over cups at a “Hot and Cold Drunks” stand. The imps glared at him as he toppled backwards onto the ground. A nearby blaster game was titled “Stop that Soul” and showed a frowning sun and cardboard angels in clouds with xs over their eyes. Another sign read “Hax Away.”
 Five grinning imps with knives and weapons peered out from an alleyway at Stolas, itching to kill him and steal the prince’s money. Blitzo slid along the floor, then glared at the imps, causing them to scatter away. Blitzo aimed his sniper again, near a game where imps could knock out mechanical clown’s teeth at “Teeth Off!” Stolas tilted his head upside down and stroked Blitzo’s horns from above. There was a game where one could toss balls into skulls and a ring toss with real spikes to toss them onto.
 “You know, it’s quite thrilling to see you on the job, Blitzy.”
 “Save it, bitch. I’m working.”
 Octavia rolled her eyes. “You both need to get a room.”
 “Hey!” Blitzo called. “I am not a day-hooker!”
 A nearby imp mother and her baby glared at Blitzo.
 “What? I just said I’m not one, prude!” He flipped her the bird. A nearby film sign read “Pirana.”
 Meanwhile, Moxxie and Millie walked along a line of booths, one read “Muppet” and one read “Knock a Bottle.” Millie suddenly beamed and pulled Moxxie toward another vendor. A smug imp wearing a yellow hat and a red shirt spotted them.
 “Hello, hello!” he called. “Step right up and win a thing!”
 Millie’s eyes shone as she gasped and pointed upwards. “Oh, look Moxxie! A thing!”
 The “thing” was a purple stuffed animal wearing pink overalls with stripped imp horns. It had a yellow beak, an upside down cross on it and a tag with “Thing?” on it.
 Moxxie looked at her with a grin. “Oh, you like that thing?”
 “Yessss!” Millie exclaimed, drawing out the word. “I don’t know what that thing is, but I want that thing!”
 Moxxie straightened his bow tie with a smug look. “Finally something I can handle.”
 He walked up to the vendor, took out some money and handed it to the carnie. “Okay! One game, please!”
 The carnie rolled his eyes and handed Moxxie a clown-like blaster with his tail. Moxxie pulled the trigger with one eye shut and the cork projectile hit the bullseye on the cardboard smiling apple’s behind. Millie clapped in the background. Moxxie made a “ricochet” noise and blew the black powder smoke clear of the gun.
 The carnie just grinned. “Strike one, little man!”
 Moxxie stared in disbelief. “But I hit it!”
 “Hmm, I don’t know what to tell you, buddy. The target, see? It didn’t go down. So yeah, no go, bro.”
 Moxxie slammed another dollar bill onto the counter, picked up the gun and fired again. He hit the bullseye but the cardboard apple stayed in place. He slapped the pistol in annoyance. “The Heaven’s wrong with this thing?!”
 The carnie smirked. “Oh man, a real shame I tell ya. Whaa, whaa!” He pretended to cry and rub his eyes.
 Moxxie hissed in anger and slapped another bill on the counter. “Another!”
 Again and again Moxxie tried to hit it, but the carnie rigged the game, not making the apples go down. Soon, the carnie was holding 600 souls of Moxxie’s money, the dollar bills had Robo Fizz on them. He rolled one bill up into a cigar and put it in his mouth.
 “Wow! Man, you’re really starting to make this sad. You know, if you suck, you suck! Guess you won’t win your honey here a prize.”
  Moxxie seethed in anger.
 “Let me try!” Millie said, taking the blaster from Moxxie. She fired it and the cork flew far off between the apples. The carnie grinned mischievously, and pressed a foot pedal, making an apple target go down.
 “Oh, look at that! Lucky shot, baby,” the carnie said. He wiggled the rolled up bill against Moxxie and dropped it. Millie laughed and clapped.
 Moxxie yelled, “Are you kidding me?! You…you…charlatan!”
 The carnie pressed his hand into Moxxie’s face. “Hey, uh get lost pipsqueak, I’m talkin’ to the lady.”
 He leaned toward her and made a purring sound, causing her to flinch back in disgust.
   Meanwhile, Stolas pulled Octavia close with a gasp, letting go of his balloon.
“Look, Via! You used to cry such tears of joy at this show!”
 Stolas mentioned to a large circus tent with promotional signs of Robo Fizz on either side. A mother imp tried to drag her crying child toward the tent.
 “Oh no…” Octavia breathed, her white pupils constricting. A flashback of when she was a young girl came back to her. She was pushed against the stage by other cheering imp children. Robo Fizz was a robotic imp jester who posed on the stage with his arms spread out. An animatronic band was behind him. A neon sign above read “Fizzarolli and Friends,” with the “R” burnt out which made it look like “Fiends.” Robo Fizz sparked and cackled, wiggling his fingers and leering over a crying Octavia. Off to the side, a scowling Blitzo was dressed in clown makeup and attending a food cart.
 Back in the present, Octavia and Blitzo muttered at the same time: “I hate that fucking clown!”
 Meanwhile, Stolas happily waved as he was being held captive in the air by the gang of imps pointing weapons at him.
 “Oh Blitzy! I need my bodyguard, please!” Stolas smiled unconcerned before another imp jumped up and put a purple cloth sack over the owl’s head. Another imp grinned and held Stolas’ wallet. One imp jumped, trying to skewer him with a pitchfork. Blitzo turned around and fired his rifle, shooting the imp in the torso. Black blood splattered against the cloth sack over Stolas’ head. The imps dropped him and quickly scattered away. Blitzo carried Stolas into the tent and set him down on a wooden bench before leaving. Octavia sat next to him, rolled her eyes and removed the blood-soaked cloth form Stolas’ head. The owl blinked, wondering where he was.
 Two spotlights merged into one on the stage and Robo Fizz flapped open the curtains. He wore a jester outfit and his horns were covered with stripped cloth and little bells hung from the ends. A happy face and sad face pin were by his shoulders along with a string of lights as a necklace. His pants were stripped and he wore gloves. His shirt had small white hearts near the bottom and his eyes glowed an eerie green.
 Six lit up arrow signs pointed to him and read: “Fizzarolli,” “Robot property of Mammon,” “Look at him go!” “Yes! Love 2 c it!” “Wow!” “He.”
 Robo Fizz held up a sign with “Lu Lu” crossed out in red with “Loo-Loo, the better one,” on it. He also briefly held out a red and gold contract signed by Mammon: “This is a statement regarding the unfair accusations that my theme park “Loo-Loo Land” is trying to profit off my friend and ruler Lucifer’s park Lu Lu World. This is false. These allegations are baseless and untrue. You are all just dicks. Fuck right off and stop saying that, alright? They are legally distinct. I checked. Signed Mammon.”
  “Hey, hey, hey, hey, hey implings!” he said in his showman voice. “It’s me, the Robotic Fizzarolli! Shipped from Mammon’s factory to bring you a wonderful show celebrating Loo-Loo Land (spelled with O’s to avoid lawsuits!) Hit it!”
 Rows of spotlights lit up and he began to sing. The curtains opened and Robo Fizz’s Five Nights at Freddy’s band played. An open clown mouth served as the stage backdrop. Robo Fizz rapidly pointed at a boy imp and a girl imp and made his rounds toward Stolas and Octavia. He moved back to the stage just as Blitzo aimed his sniper at him in warning. The band played on a rising structure shaped like a cake, decorated with eyes and sharp spikes.
  “Loo-Loo Land, Loo-Loo Land!
Everybody sing along with the Loo-Loo band!
Every girl, every boy, every woman, every man
Loves Loo-Loo Land!”
 An animatronic bear and a smaller rabbit meshed together played a red banjo with a pentagram on it. A lopsided dinosaur played a guitar decorated with flames. A green frog with large human teeth played the Robo Fizz head drums and a brown dog played the triangle. The two speakers on either side were shaped like weapons and had skulls on them. “Fizzarolli and Friends” sign glowed at the top.
 “Loo-Loo Land! Loo-Loo Land!
Everything is beautiful in Loo-Loo Land!
Ugly children holdin’ hands
In Loo-Loo Land!”
 Robo Fizz briefly pulled a crowd of imps into a hug before spinning around and tossing them aside. They crashed back into the stands. He hugged the animatronic dinosaur which fizzled and slapped the bear and rabbit, which squirted black ink at a nearby imp.
 He poured gasoline onto a pile of “cease and desist” papers, causing them to go up in flames.
 “Everybody’s friendly, and nobody is mean
No copyright infringement’s ever seen!”
 In an imitation of Princess Charlie, Robo Fizz then posed on top of a piano. He stood on top, hand over his heart in the spotlight.
 “I have a dream (he has a dream)
I’m here to tell (he has to tell)
About a magical fantastic place called Loo-Loo Land!”
 He spun his body around and landed in a pose with arms and legs spread out. Octavia watched with disgust and boredom.
  “Loo-Loo Land, Loo-Loo Land!
Everybody sing along with the Loo-Loo band!
Every girl, every boy, every woman, every man
Loves Loo-Loo Land!”
 The show ended with a pyrotechnic display. Green flames ate up one of the curtains and Robo Fizz laughed as he did a final pose up front. Octavia leaned her head back and pounded her fist on the bench in annoyance. Stolas cheered and rapidly clapped.
 “Ohhohohoho! How delightful! Haven’t had this much fun since the last Harvest Moon Festival…” Octavia hid her face in her hat again.
 Behind Stolas, an imp armed with a wave-shaped keris sword rose from beneath the seats, ready to stab him. The imp’s head was quickly blown apart by Blitzo at the back seats.
 “Oh! My, what aim you have, Blitzy!” Stolas praised.
 “Ugh! I can’t do this anymore!” Octavia shouted in frustration.
 “Octavia!” Stolas reached out in concern as the owl teen stormed off. Stolas chased after her as Blitzo followed suit. Robo Fizz cackled as he spotted the imp dashing along.
 “Ha ha ha hoho-oh! Is that Blitzo my sensors spot up there?” He emphasized the silent “O” in his name. “I bet the kiddies are still running away from you, huh?”
He spun his head around in loops and cackled.
 “The “O” is silent now!” Blitzo stopped and yelled.
 Robo Fizz mocked him some more and did wild dance-like poses. “Uh huh! Just like your audience always was when you to-told your lazy jokes here!”
 Blitzo tossed his sunglasses aside. “I make more money killing people than you do being a cheap-ass ripoff of an overrated sell-out jester!”
 “Oh ho ho! Someone’s salty! Real or not though, people love me! Does anybody love you…”
 His face turned dark and his eyes glowed menacingly, grin stretched wide, “Blitzo?!”
 “No. But I’m really good with guns now!” Blitzo took out his sniper. “Dance, bitch!”
 Blitzo slammed a new magazine into his rifle, switched it to full-auto and opened up on Robo Fizz, who cartwheeled out of the way of the rounds. He rapidly spun like a wheel up the stairs to where Blitzo was. He coiled himself around Blitzo like a snake, before using his momentum to launch the imp out of the tent.
 “Fuck meeeee!” Blitzo yelled.
 Outside, Wally Wayford, an imp with a southern accent was selling lit torches. There were two posters of Robo Fizz, the first was “Fizzarolli and the Handy Dandies.”
The other showed Robo Fizz with handcuffs:  “Robo Fizz Personal Companion. Gives and receives. Ribbed for your pleasure. Real tentacle action. Ten speed vibration. BDSM feature. Machine Washable.”
 “Torches, I say, I say!” Wally said in a southern accent. “Get your inconvenient torches here!”
 Blitzo landed on the cart with a yell, which scattered the green torches everywhere.
 “Ow…I say ow!” Wally yelled.
 The flames lit the big top of fire. The flames rapidly spread to all corners of the park. Burning animatronics fled the tent as Robo Fizz cackled with demonic glee at the chaos.
 Back at the blaster game, Blitzo had crash landed through the roof and into the pervert carnie just in time, saving Millie.
 “Sir?” asked Moxxie, surprised.
 “Oh hey guys!” a dazed Blitzo replied. “You should probably go and uh…make sure Stolas is okay! I got some…unfinished business to take care of.”
 Blitzo stood up and drew a brown flintlock pistol and fired. Robo Fizz swayed creepily toward Blitzo, a red eye showing on his burning grinning face, green flames behind him. The impact spun Robo Fizz’s head around…but the jester was unharmed by the shot.
 “Oh what a mouth!” Blitzo exclaimed as Robo Fizz caught the bullet in his mouth and spat it out. Blitzo grimaced as Robo Fizz rolled at him again. Moxxie, Millie and Blitzo jumped out of the way as the jester hit the booth, destroying it in a large explosion. Shrapnel and several white imp head prizes flew through the air on fire. The piece of a stuffed animal hit a young imp boy on the head, leaving him unconscious. The photographer then snapped the picture of the imp family.
 “Goddammit Nathan!” the fat father yelled. “You ruined another bloody photo! Why were you even born?!”
 Stolas wandered around other booths: Aim and Fire Shoot Apple, Happy Ducking, and a bomb themed Knok Knok game. One was called Eggs in the Basket, Poison Apples sold caramel apples decorated like slimy skulls and a dunking game was called Drown the Sinner.  
 Stolas then gasped. “Octavia!”
 Octavia ran into a fun house shapes like an elongated head of Lucifer. The face was white with the blushes on the cheeks and the eyes were green and snake-like. The steps were positioned onto a long tongue and the fun house entrance was shaped like Lucifer’s fanged mouth. A top hat and an apple reading “Fun House” was at the top. Stolas followed her inside as two grinning imps held rope and weapons close behind.
 The neon interior was filled with eyes, tubes, swinging pendulums, mirrors and disembodied hands. Stolas went further into the room and looked around. A sign reading “Smile” had an arrow pointed down at a tunnel. A shadow appeared behind Stolas as a random imp jumped onto his shoulders.
 “Um, I think I’m supposed to be body-guarded right now!” Stolas said, annoyed.
The imp covered Stolas’ mouth with his shirt sleeve, but was shot in the head, falling to the ground. Moxxie and Millie appeared in the entryway, Millie had just shot the imp.
 “Ugh. That’s better,” Stolas said, brushing his sleeve. “Where is Blitzy? He’s my knight in shining armor, not you littler ones.” Even his apple hat got an annoyed expression on it.
 The imps came over to him, Millie hugging the thing stuffed animal. “He’s…uh busy.”
 “Being a fool,” said Moxxie.
 “What kind of fool?” asked Stolas.
 “The “everything is now on fire,” kind,” Moxxie replied.
 Stolas left the imps, dodging two swinging pendulums, and headed down a tunnel into an adjoining room filled with eyes on the wall. He then spotted Octavia sitting in one of four apple-themed rail cars, crying.
“Octavia…” Stolas breathed. He took off his apple hat and it fell to the floor, the goofy face now a sad face, reflecting Stolas’ emotional state.
 Stolas scooted next to Octavia, leaving a bit of space between them. “I take it you are…not having fun.”
 “I didn’t even want to come here!” Octavia protested.
 “I’m sorry, sweetie. I thought you loved it here.”
 Octavia glared at her father. “When I was a kid and my parents didn’t hate each other, and my dad didn’t flirt with some weird red dickhead the entire time.”
 Both owls looked downcast.
 “I’m sorry, Via,” Stolas said. “I’m sorry for everything happening right now. I know it’s a lot but I…uh…I should have listened.”
 “I just want to go home, but home doesn’t even feel like home anymore. You ruined it.” More tears fell from Octavia’s eyes as she shook her head and wiped more away with her arm.
 “You need to understand, you mother and I…” He stroked the back of his head, nervously. “I just…I felt…she’s always been…I haven’t been” He stuttered, “…we weren’t in…” He buried his head in his hands, “I’m sorry, I-I-I don’t have the words.”
 “Are you going to run off with him? And leave me behind? Go away where I can’t find you?”
 “What? No!” He pulled her close. “No, no, never. I’d never do that. Never.” Both of them embraced in a tight hug. “I think it’s time to leave this place,” Stolas said. Octavia smiled a bit through her tears. Despite his mistakes, her father loved her dearly. It wasn’t too hard to forgive him. Stolas lifted her up into his arms and continued, “You were right. You are too old for it, anyway.” He walked through an apple shaped opening.
 Stolas carried Octavia out of the Fun House as an imp grinned manically in the space above the drop-ceiling. The imp dropped down and flicked open a switchblade behind him. Stolas immediately turned around, his red eyes glowing brightly. The frightened imp was turned to stone on the spot, then was knocked over by a pendulum.
 As dusk feel outside, the park was reduced to pandemonium. Millie tried to shoot Robo Fizz who wildly rolled around. The red dragon picked up Robo Fizz, tossed him into the air before catching him and swallowing him whole. On the dragon’s back, Moxxie gaped in terror.
 Stolas and Octavia left the park gates.
 “So, what would you like to do now?” Stolas asked.
 Octavia smiled. “Oh, can we go to Stylish Occult? They sell weird taxidermy there.”
 “Hmm,” Stolas said reluctantly, but then said “Okay.”
 Octavia let out a small laugh. “Thanks, dad. You’re okay sometimes.”
 Stolas smiled down at her, his face bright against the starry sky above. It was nice to get a compliment from her. “Thank you Via. Thank you…”
 A massive explosion rocked the park, sending green flames shooting up into the air. The I.M.P. imps hurtled through the air, screaming before all three landed in front of the owls. All three were covered with smoke.
 “Way to ruin another good thing, sir!” Moxxie strained at Blitzo.
 “Worth it!” Blitzo replied, holding up a shaking finger. “That slutty toy clown had. It. Coming!”
 Moxxie and Blitzo then fell unconscious.
  In the darkness, Valentino’s hairless black dog Queef sniffed the unconscious Millie, grabbed her by the hair and dragged her still form away…
 Helluva Boss Episode Three: Spring Broken
Part One: Verosika
 The ground-shaking rock music blared as a gray van rolled along the street at high speed. The front hood of the van was loose and rattled up and down, showing a dark opening. The front headlights looked like a dark grate with a few yellow lights at the very ends. The small license plate at the front read “IMP-666” in black letters. Two red stripes streaked across the side of the van while the bold red and white I.M.P. decal was proudly displayed on the side door.
 “I love this song!” exclaimed the leader imp, Blitzo. He was wearing his usual work outfit; a navy blue coat with red buttons and a red pin at the front. Above Blitzo hung small red and white flags. In the center was a white toy horse with a blonde mane and tail. With his hands on the wheel, Blitzo belted out the lyrics:
 “You were the little spicy…uh… demon with the bleach blonde hair Fiendin' for some semen when I caught your stare Thought it might be love but you went too far Fucked all of my friends and blew up my car
 Lit me on fire made me watch rom-coms Made a secret sex tape and showed it to my mom You were a bitch kinda generally Now I'm a wet wild stallion and I'm running free
 You stepped on my nuts and you tore me apart Slapped up my booty and tangled my farts Cut off my dick when you shattered my heart But it grew back twice as long
 Memories of him and a former lover were already rushing back to him. The song perfectly described his previous love life and though not very pleasant, was still fun to sing to. There were many times in his life where he considered horses to be better companions than his peers. An array of endless horse names and adventures he could conjure up in his head…
 Blitzo made “horn” rocker symbols with his hands as he nodded his head to the beat. In shotgun, Loona made a face of annoyance as she glanced at her black and white cell phone in her hands. She wore her usual shorts, torn gray tank top and black strings in the shape of a downward facing pentagram below her neck. In the back of the van, Moxxie covered both ears as he sat in the long red seat. He wore his usual dark coat and red bow tie. Millie rolled down her window and smiled as the breeze blew through her wild black hair. She had on her black tank top and torn pants as well.
 Blitzo drove the van into a reserved parking lot, surrounded by graffiti-sprayed buildings. A worn white banner on one building read “Buck you Flitzo” in bold capital letters. One of the buildings was decorated with a large red eye made of glass. Bizarrely enough, there was a billboard that advertised holy water. Blitzo haphazardly drove through the lot opening. He was just about to pull into the remaining empty space to the right when a pink convertible car beat him to it.
 “Holy shit! F…” Blitzo yelled, he and Loona both fearful. Blitzo rapidly turned the wheel and the horn sounded. He slammed on the brakes and the van skidded to a stop. The pink car had a red heart with gold trim on the back and a golden border. The license plate read “SUCK-4-LIFE.” The wheels had small white hearts on the dark inside, white rims surrounding them.
 An angry Blitzo rolled his head and turned off the radio.
 Oh, you “suck for life,” do ya?!” he asked as he glared at the car. He pulled out his white megaphone and leaned out the window.
 “Listen up, you unoriginal pink cum dump!” he yelled through the megaphone. “You have three goddamn seconds to get your dick out of my parking spot…”
 A pair of tall high heels lowered to the ground. The shoes were black with pink hearts on them. The figure wore black tight pants with three pink xs on the side. She wore a black and white dress, a black star on the lower half and a large X and O over her breasts. A sparkly light pink fluffy coat covered her shoulders. Her face was dark pink and a black choker was around her neck. She had a pointed tail, little bat wings and curved pink horns with a few black stars on them. Her hair was long and pinkish white, and sunglasses with pink hearts on them obscured her eyes.
 Blitzo lowered his megaphone in shock at the sight of the familiar succubus.
 “Oh shit! Verosika?!”
 The succubus blew a bubble of pink gum before it popped.
 “Blitzo,” she greeted, arms folded. She had pronounced the “o” on purpose to annoy Blitzo.
 Blitzo glared. “I should have known you’d be here. I could smell fish for miles. Which is odd because I believe the nearest ocean is…”
 Blitzo fell out through the window, face-planting onto the ground. He quickly stood up, pointing at the ground, “…three rings down!” He was referring to the Ring of Envy where the oceanic ruler Leviathan resided.
 “And I should have known you’d be here when I heard the Amber Alerts,” Verosika retorted. She held a white and brown flask bottle in her left hand. It was decorated with a small red and white heart near the top. “I.M.P. is a scam!” and “Swear word” were painted on a nearby brick wall.
 “Oh yeah?” he asked. “I’m surprised they let your fat ass out of rehab. I can see you’re still a drunken whore, clutching onto that beelzejuice juice bottle like it’s the last cock in Hell.”
 “They let me out because I’m still famous,” Verosika bragged, flipping back her long hair dramatically, “and rehab is for sad, loser wash-ups.”
 She took a drink from her bottle and wiped her black lipstick mouth with a gloved white thumb.
 “So your sister says hi,” she smirked, implying a temporary sexual relation with Tilla or Barbie Wire.
 Blitzo stomped over toward Verosika. “Why are you parking here?” he growled. “This is the only parking spot my company has. So take your tampon race car somewhere else.”
 Verosika leaned slightly toward him. “Actually prick, it has my name on it.”
 She pointed down at their feet, where “Verosika” and a heart was spray painted in purple over the previous black “I.M.P.”
 Verosika stood up. “I’m doing a bit of freelance for one of the infinitely more successful companies in the building…”
 “No way,” Loona breathed as she peered from the van.
 “…and they wanted to have me come in this week to lead their team during spring break.”
 “A week?!” Blitzo exclaimed. “No, no, you are not parking here for a fucking week!”
 Verosika removed her sunglasses, revealing pink irises with yellow sclera.
 “Aw, you mad, Blitzo?” she cooed in a mocking tone. “You gonna run off, leaving someone else to pay for the hotel room, steal their car…”
 Verosika and Blitzo talked over each other, “…and run three Rings to Wrath and back and max my credit cards on shitty horse riding lessons?!”
 Blitzo stomped his foot. “God dammit whore, you will not let that go!”
 Verosika walked past him, showing a middle finger. “Choke on a sandpaper cock.”
 Loona lowered her head as she walked by. Blitzo angrily followed Verosika.
 “Hold on, you better move that pussy wagon right now or I’m gonna…”
 Blitzo froze as he heard a low growling sound behind him. Towering over him was a beefy dark gray Hellhound man. He wore a torn black jacket decorated with red spikes along the shoulders. A black tattoo of a wolf with sharp teeth and a tongue out was on his left shoulder. He had thick eyebrows, torn pointed ears, a black nose and a scar over his milky left eye. His right eye was red.
 “You’ll what?” he grunted, showing his sharp white teeth.
 Blitzo stuttered and looked around, fearfully. “Or I’ll…um…I’ll…I’ll call HR.”
 Blitzo, Verosika and the Hellhound burst into sudden laughter before they calmed down.
 “Anyway,” said Verosika, “Meet my new Hellhound, Vortex. Unlike you, he actually does his job well.”
 Vortex walked by Verosika’s side as she left. She flipped off Blitzo again before saying, “Ta ta, fuck stain.”
 “Ugh, I wasted so much time with a bag of holes like that,” Blitzo muttered in annoyance.
 Just then, Loona stepped out of the van. “You know Verosika Mayday?!”
 “Huh?” Blitzo asked. Then he casually answered, “Oh yeah, her, yeah, we dated.”
 “Was it before or after she became a pop star?” Millie asked in curiosity.
 Blitzo crossed his arms and narrowed his eyes.
 “You dated a popstar?!” Moxxie added as he stepped out of the van.
 “Okay, why are you all acting like that’s such a shock?” Blitzo asked.
 “Hello. It’s Verosika Mayday?” Loona replied.
 “It’s you?” Millie said. Moxxie and Millie were surprised that a famous person like Verosika would consider dating someone who was perceived to be far below her league.
 Moxxie scratched his head. “I just…Is she blind? Suffering some form of brain damage?”
 “Okay look, you are all making this into a way bigger deal than it needs to be,” Blitzo said. “I don’t pry into your stupid personal lives.”
 Loona, Moxxie, and Millie did overlapping yells:
  “You do that all the time, sir!” yelled Moxxie.
 “Come on, you do that,” added Millie.
 “You totally do that,” Loona agreed.
 Millie grinned mischievously, her eyelids lowering. “What was sex with her like?”
 “Millie!” Moxxie yelled, taken aback.
 “What?!” Millie shrugged. “It’s a pop star! You’d wanna know what sex with Michael Crawford was like.”
 Moxxie paused in mid argument. “Touché.”
 “Okay look, let’s just drop it!” Blitzo demanded. “Millie, find a temporary spot for that truck.”
 He tossed a pair of keys to a gleeful Millie, who caught them and scampered off.
 “Okay, Loonie, Moxxie, let’s go handle this shit.”
 In the building, Loona led the way between the imps as the three stepped out of an elevator. The dark brown walls were decorated with yellow webbed cracks. I.M.P. was painted in red on an office door window. The Hellhound nervously stepped forward, hands together.
 “Did they see me? Fuck! I did my makeup shitty today!” she muttered. Blitzo stared at her with shining eyes.
 “Oh you look perfect, Loonie. Like always.”
  She flinched away from him, arms crossed as she passed by a water cooler. A look of annoyance crossed Loona’s face at Blitzo baby-talking her.
 “Oh shut up da…” Loona began before seeing a look of adoration and wide eyes on Blitzo’s face. She had almost said, “dad.”
 “Urgh!” she caught herself and shoved him aside. “…Blitzo!” She checked her face in a small hand mirror, a wolf design on it. She then bumped into a long furry arm.
 “Oh. Whoa,” she breathed. Glancing down at her was none other than Vortex. Redness crept up to her cheeks and she wagged her tail. Blitzo briefly smiled at Loona before gasping in shock. He dashed between Loona and Vortex, arms out.
 “Hi big man,” he said. “Where’s your bitch bag of an employer?”
 “She’s in her office,” said Vortex in a low voice. “There wasn’t room on the second floor so they rented one here on this one. It’s way cheaper.”
 Vortex mentioned toward a room down the hall, across from the I.M.P. office. Three neon hearts stood right above two blue double doors. A large pink “V” and a pink “M” were painted on the door windows, standing for Verosika Mayday (and Vivienne Medrando, creator of Hazbin Hotel and Helluva Boss!)
 “Oh come on!” Blitzo yelled.
 Vortex chuckled with a shrug of his shoulders. “Sorry man,” he said before walking away.
 “Oh no you don’t, bitch,” Blitzo muttered.
 “Sir,” Moxxie began. “How about you let me go in and try to reason with her. I don’t really listen to what’s classified as “pop genre” music, so her status to me is…”
 Blitzo tuned out Moxxie’s rambling.
 “Moxxie,” he said, “Shut the fuck up.”
 “All righty then,” Moxxie replied, pushing open one of the blue doors and going inside. Electronic music briefly sounded from inside the room. The room had been converted into a dimly lit recording studio, with mixing consoles, effects units, microphones and separate booths. The neon pink border just under the ceiling gave it a club-like atmosphere, as did the rows of beer bottles on the counters. The silhouettes of Moxxie, Verosika and her gang of demons were visible from a large glass window.
 “Hello Miss Verosika was it?” Moxxie asked, his eyes golden and glowing. “I work for Imp and it is actually rather important for us to retain the singular parking space we were assigned because…”
 A woman succubus with a bob of hair pointed at Moxxie. “Aw, look at the little one. He’s got a wittle bow tie!” The gang snickered.
 “Please don’t condescend me, ma’am,” Moxxie replied. “I…”
 A male incubi leaned close to Moxxie. “Wanna kiss, you little guy?”
 Moxxie stepped back. “A…A kind offer, but…I’m married.”
 Verosika stepped forward as her gang surrounded Moxxie. “Hey, why don’t you send a little message from me back to your limp-dick boss?”
 Verosika and her gang hissed with sharp shadowy mouths over Moxxie. The imp screamed “Don’t touch that!” Blitzo raced over and pressed both hands on the window pane.
 “Moxxie, do not let her access any of your holes!” he cried.
 Moxxie raced back into the hall, his back against the closed doors. He was shaken and battered, with red lipstick kisses all over his face.
 “I…I gotta go lie down…now,” he stuttered as he walked away.
 Blitzo fumed, veins popping in his yellow eyes. “Oh this won’t stand!”
 He boot-kicked both doors open, gaining the attention of his ex and her crew. There were other succubi and incubi with reddish pink skin, horns, pointed tails and small bat wings. A white-haired man wore a black collar with a black upside down cross around his neck. He wore a black short sleeved shirt with a red logo that read “burn forest burn” on it. His taller male partner wore a ripped black tank top with a circled X on it. His hair was black and he had a black goatee. Two demon women partners sat together as well. The first had long dark hair and wore a fishnet top and leggings. The white-haired succubi next to her wore short revealing overalls. Verosika stood poised in the middle.
 “Alright, (censored)! That’s it!” Blitzo yelled, marching over toward Verosika. “If you’re gonna be shitty to my employees…” he pointed a finger at her, “…then I challenge you to a fucking…challenge!” He leaned his head back in frustration. “Fuck, I said that twice.”
 The woman with long dark hair chuckled. “Is this imp boy starting a demon duel?”
 “I think he is,” Verosika replied with a snicker. She bent over toward the imp. “What’s the game then, Blitzo?”
 “Every year, you STD spreaders go topside for easy pickings while spring break is a prime time for crime of all kinds!” Blitzo responded. He grinned, “So I bet…you succu-bitches can’t fuck as many people as we can off by the end of the day.” He briefly made a hand gesture of a gun.
 Verosika and her gang burst into laughter. Blitzo glared in determination. Verosika and the others stopped laughing. “Oh, you’re serious?” Verosika asked. She leaned in and spoke to Blitzo in a low whisper, “Game on, bitch.”
 Later at I.M.P. headquarters, Blitzo stood in front of an easel full of paper and a large whiteboard flanked by bat wings near the top. There was a large bar graph drawn on the board along with horse drawings. On the left hand corner, Blitzo had written, “Potential Horse Names: ‘Grape Fiesta’, ‘Paperclip’, and ‘Soap’, -32.”  Moxxie, Millie and Loona sat in their usual spiked chairs around a long table to listen.
 “Alright, shut your assholes, here’s how were gonna do this shit,” Blitzo announced.
 “First, we find a fuck ton of clients…”
 The animated childish drawings on the paper showed Blitzo, Moxxie, Millie and Loona standing together. A crowd of imps and clients surrounded them and gave them hugs and piles of money.
 “We portal up…”
 The Blitzo drawing snapped his fingers and the I.M.P. figures fell down to earth.
 “We have our fun murder time as per usual…”
 The I.M.P. figures used guns to kill the human figures around them.
 “We pile all the bodies into a big fucking canoe…”
 Drawing Blitzo tossed the dead humans into a canoe that read “S.S. Cum Gutter.”
 “We push said canoe into some water. We light it on fire to attract the sharks and eagles and maybe a goose, too. Fuck it…”
 Animated drawings of sharks, snakes, eagles and a goose ate at the bodies on fire. A large octopus sea monster snapped the boat and everything up in its mouth.
 “They come and eat the bodies, we win the bet…”
 The I.M.P. figures cheered, while the Loona one wore a party hat and blew a noisemaker.
 “We rub it in that sloppy bitch’s drunken whore ass face.”
 The Verosika drawing burst into tears on her knees as the I.M.P. figures flipped her off several times.
 “Do you have any questions?” Blitzo asked as the real meeting continued.
 “Uh yeah, why was that nonsense?” Moxxie deadpanned.
 Blitzo walked over to him. “That wasn’t a question.”
 “That wasn’t a plan,” Moxxie retorted.
 Blitzo put a hand around Moxxie. “I’m sorry, but that was a flawless presentation of what we should do, Mox. It’s not my fault you’ve got a smooth little brain upstairs.”
 “A what now?” Moxxie asked, eyebrows raised.
 “I’m calling you slow, Moxxie. God, why don’t you learn to take criticism, you talentless baby dick troll?” He pointed his finger into Moxxie’s chest several times as he spoke.
 An angry Moxxie stood up on the table. “Well why don’t you take an art class?”
 Blitzo grabbed Moxxie by the collar and threw him back onto the chair. “Why don’t you see how expensive they are?!”
 Loona interrupted the argument, still holding her cell phone. “Hey, is there a way I can come with you guys this time?”
 Blitzo crossed his arms in disapproval. “Absolutely not. I forbid it. Not gonna happen. Sorry, sweetie. Spring break is no place for young vulnerable goth girls. You know the kind of freaks up there who drool all over you.”
 All four characters glared into the camera, breaking the fourth wall.
 “Well, I can blend in with humans easy enough,” Loona explained. “Just let me tag along.”
 “Wait, say that again,” said Blitzo.
 “I can blend in?” Loona reiterated.
 “You have a human disguise?” Millie asked.
 “Yeah. Don’t you?”
 The three guilty imps nervously looked at each other, eyes darting from side to side.
 “You three have been screwing around on Earth this whole fucking time, without human disguises?!” Loona asked in disbelief.
 “Okay, new plan!” Blitzo called, rapidly scribbling on a piece of paper. He placed the paper on the easel, showing Loona surrounded by human figures with tiny hearts around them.
 “Loonie can help lure the humans to us and we’ll take care of the rest. Okay how about that?”
 “Flawless logic,” Millie smiled in agreement.
 Moxxie held up a clawed finger. “I think you’re missing the biggest issue, sir. Isn’t it crucial to have a client who demands enough kills to win this bet? We aren’t just going up to massacre.”
 Blitzo smirked in response. “I got that covered, Mox.”
 Not long after, Blitzo stuck a flyer onto a pole. It read “Spring Break Victim 50% Off!” It had a drawing of Blitzo, a dead victim and little cartoon horses.
 Blitzo strode to Moxxie. “Now, we wait.”
 Moxxie shook his head. “Sir, there is no way we are going to get enough clients by the end of the day with one poorly spelled bad grammar flyer!”
 Both Moxxie and Blitzo paused and looked over to see a line of a dozen creatures looking in curiosity at the flyer under the Pride Ring’s blood red sky. They arrived in a variety of shapes and sizes. Some of them were imps and others were sinners. There was a pink fluffy monster with black eyes, an orange fly trap plant wearing librarian glasses, a fox with thick white hair, a humanoid dog with pointed ears and a hook for a hand. Next to a teal lizard lady with dyed hair stood a tall man wearing a blue suit with a deer skull for a head. Even Travis, a gray owl demon, was there.
 Blitzo elbowed Moxxie with a smug grin before strolling over to the other demons. “Now, who’s first?”
  Part Two: At the Beach
 The beach in the human world was alive with humans from everywhere. Men, women and children happily walked around, relaxed under umbrellas, or had snacks. Several surf boards stood up in the sand by a decorated teal wall with a wavy orange design taking up the center. The crowd was positioned between a wooden dock and a makeshift stage. Two women wearing sunglasses got comfortably close and kissed each other in the shade. A muscular dark skinned man talked with a red haired woman while a blonde guy wearing sunglasses and a baseball cap shook a bottle of pills into his mouth. Above the beach lay a small row of shops. One sign read “Pawn Paradise.” One sign read “hotel” in red letters while another sign read “Sea cream” with a teal ice cream cone structure next to it. Another sign read “Pico Puncho Pizza” and another read “Dagon Juice” and had a green fish with a sailor’s cap on it.
 In the shadows under the dock, the I.M.P. crew emerged from algae covered rocks.
 “Now remember, we can’t be seen, alright?” Blitzo reminded them. “And loose shots will likely cause a panic, so Loona can help with leading targets to a better spot to off them. You got the list, Loonie?”
 Loona skimmed the list in her hands and gave it a sniff. “Got it.”
 She dropped the paper, stood up and walked into the light. A rush of swirling blue magic enveloped her before it vanished.
 Loona was now in human form. She opened her red eyes and brushed her thick light gray hair with her hands. She wore her same dark crop top and high black shorts but she now had white skin, two bars in her right ear and a partially shaved head. She had gray eye makeup on and a black choker around her neck. Her pale midriff, arms and legs were visible.
 All three imps stared in amazement.
 “Oh Loonie, look at you!” Blitzo breathed. “You look downright awful!”
 Loona glared at him.
 Blitzo wiped a tear from his eye. “I’m so proud.” He pointed ahead. “Now go fetch!”
 Loona peered in front of her with a hand over her eyebrows to help block out the light. Her target humans were outlined in red in her vision. Loona smirked and strolled over to a tall dark haired muscular man wearing sunglasses. She moved a finger toward his chest and gave him a flirtatious grin. She mentioned behind her to a private alleyway. Loona led him into the alleyway and leaned casually against the wall. The man reached out to grab her in lust but was immediately shot in the head by Blitzo spying on the roof. He gave Loona a thumbs up.
 Later on, a blonde man ran to Loona in an alleyway with a hungry lustful look on his face. He was caught in a noose by Blitzo. A random “music band” poster hung on the wall. On a rooftop, a brown haired man leaned in to kiss Loona, but Millie knocked him off the roof with a kick. The man fell into a green dumpster that Moxxie slammed shut. Loona walked with a fat man down the sidewalk and a flower pot crashed fatally into his head. Blitzo killed a woman with a knife, Millie killed a white haired woman with a spiked baseball bat, and another woman got shot in the head.
 Blitzo and the gang put the bodies in bloodstained dark trash bags, closing them. In the background, Millie happily jumped on another body.
 “That’s nine kills in the bag!” called Blitzo. “I’d like to see that waily snatch orgasm that many…”
 The imps froze when they heard a voice through a microphone. It was Verosika Mayday on stage, in her human form. Her shadowy silhouette in the clearing smoke resembled her demon form. She had blonde hair, tan skin and wore black leggings and high heels. She wore a pink skirt and a matching frilly top that revealed her right shoulder. She had a small black heart on her right cheek. The background lights were pink, giving the appearance of moving hearts. “Verosika Mayday” was on a pink banner overhead. Verosika appeared on two screens on either side of the stage, showing moving hearts of red, pink and white for the background. Six pink spotlights shone on her.
  “All right spring breakers! Are y’all ready get fucked up and make some bitching bad choices?!”
 The crowd cheered in affirmation. A white teen boy with short blonde hair tore off his shirt and yelled “Verosika!” He had her name written in pink on his bare chest.
 Verosika sang her song:
 “All aboard
 Pack your bags
Sun’s out
Take a vacay babe
Take it straight to Bonetown
 V-time, free time, baby relax
Self-care, no hair, Brazilian wax
Hardtop succu-bus to the beach
Catch some rays while catching some D
 Pack your bags
Sun’s out
Take a vacay babe
Take it straight to Bonetown
 Hot dog, hot bod, sausage and buns
Threesome, fivesome, having some fun
Back to my place, welcome to Hell
Sun’s out, hormones out, how does it smell?
 Pack your bags
Sun’s out
Take a vacay babe
Take it straight to Bonetown”
  Verosika performed her song on stage and took a drink from her bottle. “Fuck you Blitzo” appeared on the screens as Blitzo seethed. The humans made out with others around them. The humans kissed, hugged, and gave each other anal. One dark woman succubus showed a love-struck man a popsicle with semen-like saliva on it. She grinned and threw herself onto the human male. An incubi with dark hair in human form smiled and snapped his fingers at a blonde man…his sunglasses fell off his surprised sunburned face. Several more succubi and incubi grinned and snuck up on the humans.
 Blitzo was furious. “God dammit, that bitch started her godish mating call! Now she’s gonna win all those sex maniacs. We gotta pick things up, guys! He on the list, Loonie?”
 Blitzo mentioned to a vomiting long haired blonde man in boxer shorts.
 Loona appeared distracted, not even looking at him. “Huh? Yeah I think so.” Loona was staring at a tall muscular black skinned bouncer by the stage: a human Vortex.
 “Good!” Blitzo called.
 The blonde man looked up at Blitzo in a stupor.
 “Whoa, what are you? A leprechaun? Hahaha!”
 Blitzo raised a sharp black and red ax. “Oh yeah, pretty cool, huh?”
 Blitzo smashed the man’s head open with the ax, causing blood and brains to splatter.
 “But you sure as shit ain’t gonna tell nobody.” He looked over. “All right, next one, Loonie, come on.”
 Blitzo rapidly glanced around, but Loona wasn’t where she was a moment before.
 “Where’s my baby?!” he cried in a panic. Millie pointed toward the stage. “Look!”
 Loona nervously made her way through the crowd, avoiding a French-kissing couple and tossing aside a bra that landed on her head. A squealing fanboy ran toward Verosika but Vortex punched him into the ground, head first. He dragged the teen away in the distance as Loona watched. A male incubus appeared as a white skinned human with short white hair. Putting both hands on her shoulders, he smirked and wiggled his eyebrows at her. With a roll of her eyes, Loona landed an uppercut on his chin, causing him to fall.  
 “Now, who wants a piece of this?” Verosika called as she took one last gulp.
 She tossed her flask into the ocean, creating a small golden portal. A fish appeared, which rapidly grew in size.
 Loona walked sideways over toward Vortex.
  “Hey, you,” she tried.
 “Hey,” Vortex replied. “You’re the hound working for my boss’s freaky ex.”
 “Yeah. Sorry if that’s weird.”
 “It’s cool,” he shrugged. “Her beef ain’t mine. I’m not paid enough to care.”
 Loona laughed nervously. “Yeah. Yeah.” She pushed her hair behind her ear. “I’m Loona!”
 “Okay.” In her giddy tone he repeated, “I’m Vortex!” Both chuckled.
 “That’s hot,” Loona said with a grin. Then her face turned red and flustered. “I mean like literally you know because vortexes, you know, they give off heat. Probably.” She pointed both fingers in a snap, trying to act cool.
 Vortex chuckled lightly. “Uh, yeah. I guess. But my friends call me Tex.”
 “Oh yeah. I wish I had friends. I mean no, I mean, I don’t. I…I don’t have friends.”
 Just then, Blitzo arrived, moving himself between them.
 “Am I interrupting something?”
  “Nah man. Just having a conversation,” Vortex replied.
 Blitzo narrowed his eyes and wagged a finger at him. “’Conversation’ leads to HPV!” Loona clenched her fists in frustration.
  Meanwhile, Moxxie and Millie hid behind several metal beer barrels.
 “And… we lost him,” Moxxie declared. “Huh, it’s looking like it’s up to us handle this list.”
 Millie’s face shone in excitement. “Hell yeah! Team M and M, getting shit down, making the money!”
 Moxxie and Millie ran off holding hands in the sunset and killed more people. A sign read “Senpai, notice me.”
  Loona pinched her nose. “Let’s get the fuck out of here,” Loona said to Blitzo in concern. “You’re gonna get us all into shit.”
 “I just wanted to see what was so important that you’d be distracted from your job.”
 Loona angrily pulled Blitzo away from Vortex.
 “What, I can’t have a break?”
 Blitzo yelled at the top of his lungs. “We have a parking spot on the line!”
 “Hey dude,” Vortex mentioned as he walked over. “Why don’t you chill out?”
 Blitzo wagged a finger. “Why don’t you stay out of it?”
 He turned back to Loona.
 “Okay, this is our business.” He pointed to the ground and in his tail was a drawing of Blitzo killing a person, a horse followed by an equal sign and dollar signs. “Literally.”
 Loona clenched her fists and briefly leaned forward in anger. “Oh fuck Blitzo! Why can’t you stay out of my face for like five minutes?!”
  “Because I adopted you! And that should mean something.”
  “Oh what does it matter? You’re not my real dad! I was almost eighteen.”
 “It still counts.”
 “Well it shouldn’t. I didn’t need you then, asshole! I don’t need you now.”
 A tense silence followed. Both of them crossed their arms, their backs to each other. Both faces showed hurt expressions.
 As a young pup, Loona had been left to fend for herself by her real neglectful parents. She had lived a life of meth addiction, sex, fighting and insecurity with no real friends. Blitzo was perhaps the first person to truly care about her. He took her in as a teen and adopted her…and she had worked at I.M.P. ever since. Loona already felt bad at what she had just said. But there was no taking it back.
 She stuttered, trying to say something.
 “Uh, Blitzo…I…”
 “Enjoy your break, Loonie,” he replied. “I’m gonna go kill something.”
 Loona sighed sadly as he left.
 “Damn, girl. That was savage,” Vortex remarked sympathetically. He placed a large comforting hand on her shoulder. “You okay?”
 Loona blushed heavily, forcing a smile.
 “Yeah, I’m fine. He’ll get over it. He usually does.”
 “I’m glad you could stick up for yourself, at least,” Vortex mentioned. “Hmm. Takes guts.”
 “Thanks,” Loona smiled.
  Meanwhile, Moxxie looked to the left and right from behind the beer cans on a table. Beer can and bottles were everywhere. Moxxie ducked back behind them, watching as Millie loaded her crossbow. The two imps smiled and kissed.
 A man with a baseball cap, sunglasses and a tie-dye shirt that read “Kool” threw down a beer can. “Yeah! Party!” he yelled. The man pointed both fingers in the air and then promptly flipped the table, sending the imps flying. Moxxie landed on the ground as the beachgoers stepped back.
 “Eww!” exclaimed a red haired woman in disgust, pointing down at him. “Oh my god! It’s a fucking possum!”
 Moxxie tried to scurry off, but a man picked him up. “Oh crumbs!”
 “I got it!” called the guy with “Kool” on his shirt, holding up Moxxie in the air. A muscular blonde man held a large beer barrel. The first guy tossed Moxxie inside while the second one closed the lid. “We put him in the keg,” one of them said. The other people cheered as Moxxie was carried away. “Beer is awesome!” they cheered. While he was inside, he gulped down the beer around him. The people tossed the barrel and played catch with it before leaving it behind.
 Millie dashed from behind the beer cans, arriving at the barrel Moxxie was in. The barrel wobbled, surprising Millie. She placed her ear to it before tipping it over. Moxxie spilled out on his back with the remaining beer.
 “Moxxie!” Millie cried.
 “Millie! Hi! Hey!” Moxxie slurred, rolling onto his back and looking at her upside down. “Hey, when did you get four heads? I wanna kiss ‘em!”
 He made smooching noises before Millie picked him up.
   Suddenly, a large gush of water rose up from behind them. A dark shadow passed over their faces, darkening the sky. The humans glanced up in shock. Even the demon gang and Verosika looked on in fear and surprise. A woman pointed upwards and several people ran off. A giant foot crushed a man lying on a turtle towel. Blood splattered everywhere and onto the crowd of humans. Another woman screamed and the humans ran for their lives. Blitzo was in the process of chocking a drinking man from behind, when he, too, stopped to look.
 It was a giant black Leviathan fish monster!
 The fish had large teal eyes, fins, white whiskers and dozens of blue sharp teeth. The beast let out a fierce, ear-shattering roar.
 “Oooh, fish,” Moxxie grinned stupidly in his drunken haze.
 Like a deadly vine, a long spiked tongue wrapped around Moxxie and pulled him toward the fish. Millie watched in horror as Moxxie was wrapped up above the large maw before the fish snapped its jaws shut.
 Millie got into a fighting stance. She glanced to her left and spotted a fat man drinking and wearing sunglasses. She stabbed him with a knife and tore off a piece of his towel. With her knife in her mouth, she lit the cloth on fire over a vodka bottle, creating a Molotov cocktail. Millie tossed it toward the monster, sending the fish stumbling and crashing down into the sea.
 Wasting no time, Millie swam toward the monster and cut upwards along its scaly body with her knife. Using all her strength, she pried open the monster’s mouth. Moxxie was punching the monster’s uvula, still wrapped up in the tongue.
 Millie reached for him with her hand. Moxxie reached too, then gave her a high five. Millie grabbed hold of his wrist and pulled him up. She used her other hand and foot to support herself on the monster’s teeth. She pulled as hard as he could, but Moxxie wouldn’t budge.
 Just when she lost her grip, she slashed her knife across the tongue, slicing a piece off. In a roar of pain, the monster spat Moxxie out. Moxxie spread out his arms, enjoying the feeling of flying. Back on the beach, a man flinched as the tongue piece landed on the ground. Moxxie landed in Blitzo’s arms. The man cheered before Blitzo shot him with a gun. Moxxie cheered drunkenly.
  Back inside the monster’s mouth, Millie rapidly punched at the tongue, trying to get out. The monster roared in pain and anger, slashing around as Millie wrestled with it.
 “I love that woman!” Moxxie declared.
 Blitzo smirked. “Oh she totally pegs you, doesn’t she?” Indeed, Millie was dominant in the bedroom and Moxxie loved it.
 Millie leapt into the air, knife aimed downward. She fell back inside the mouth…then sliced off the fish’s head from the inside. A gush of blood flowed out from the monster before it landed with a final thud into the water. Millie walked back to shore and dropped her knife, exhausted.
 Blitzo and Moxxie cheered. “Oh yeah, way to show off, Mils!” Blitzo called.
 “Is Mox okay?” Millie panted.
 Blitzo glanced at the drunken Moxxie. “Oh yeah, he’s fine,” he casually said before dropping him onto the sand.
 Millie raced over and held Moxxie in her arms.
 Moxxie grinned at Millie with a doped expression. “This is funny. I’m soooo… drinky.”
 Millie just smiled and hugged him.
 Blitzo scowled and crossed his arms. “Okay, this is too wholesome for my liking.”
 “Blitzo!” Verosika called.
 “Oh perfect,” he said sarcastically. He turned around to the human-disguised gang of seducer demons. “That must be the whores!”
 Verosika was flanked by four succubi and an incubi disguised as humans. “That was handled rather…obvious, don’t you think?” She grinned a smug grin.
 Millie held up Verosika’s flask. “I don’t think this belonged to any of us.”
 Millie tossed the flask to Verosika who caught it with one hand. She dropped it into one of the succubus’ hands.
 “Would be a shame if anyone found out you guys were behind a giant monster fish in the human world,” Millie added with a grin.
 Even Moxxie laughed out loud, pointing at them. “Oh Satan! You all be so fucked!”
 Verosika briefly looked concerned, then sneered. “Yeah, well you three nasty ass gremlins will be in shit for not being in disguises.”
 Moxxie fell to his knees and face-planted into the sand. He lifted his head up. “A human called me a possum. I am not a possum.” He face-planted again.
 Blitzo stepped forward and moved Moxxie out of the way with a foot. “You know, we could keep this little B movie scene on the down low if you agree to let us use that parking space.”
 Verosika, not wanting to get in trouble, relented with a sigh. “Fine.”
 Blitzo raised both arms in the air. “We fucking won!”
 “Fuck yeah!” Millie cheered.
 “In your face, bitch!” Blitzo taunted Verosika, who scowled.
 She glared at Blitzo one last time. “Come on, let’s get out of here. Tex!”
 Vortex stood with Loona not too far from the empty stage. “Well, guess it’s time to bounce, but hey, if you’re ever down to party, I’ll give you a ring sometime.”
 Loona smiled in excitement. “Really? I mean, Yeah. Yeah.”
 “Yeah. My girlfriend throws a ton of crazy hound parties.”
 “Nice. Can’t wait for my first one.”
 “Let’s get you some friends, girl.”
 Vortex gave her a playful punch before following Veroskia. Loona looked downcast at seeing Vortex leave and being reminded of her confrontation with Blitzo. Vortex already had a girlfriend and he wasn’t coming with her. Now she would go back to doing her usual secretary work. With Hell being “every demon for themselves,” it was hard to make true friends, especially if one was of lower class and lost in dark thoughts all the time. Loona could not deny to herself that she often felt like a lone wolf.
 Millie carried Moxxie and jumped into the portal.
 “Come on, Loonie tooney!” Blitzo called to her. “Let’s go back and park our fat fucking car in our fat fucking space!” He ran off into the portal.
 Loona followed Blitzo and fell through the portal on her back.
 Blitzo mockingly gave Verosika double middle fingers through the portal from behind her. Verosika growled in anger after noticing. She and her gang made their way up the stairs and onto the street.
 A policeman yelled, “Put your hands up, you sick deviants!”
 The gang huddled in fear as guns were trained on them. They were surrounded by police cars, a SWAT team, men on horses and a helicopter. A clown and a mime robot were also with the police.
 Verosika sighed in defeat. “Alright, sluts, get ready to suck a lot of pig dick.”
Her gang members groaned in disgust as they raised their hands in surrender.
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creativinn · 2 years ago
A Comic Book in a Flemish Art Exhibition? | Denver Art Museum
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That's in Matthew 2:1-12. But if you read it, it probably won't be what you expect. The book of Matthew never actually says how many wise men visited Jesus. It doesn't even give their names.
Really, most of the details that we know about the wise men were added well after the Bible was written. For example, the Bible says nothing about them being kings. (And as I mentioned, it doesn't specify that there were three of them. This idea probably came from them giving Jesus three gifts.)
But, over time, Christian legend added specifics to the story, making it into the whole We Three Kings story that most of us are familiar with. At some point, the wise men were even given names: Gaspar (or Caspar), Melchior, and Balthazar.
So, when the DAM’s Senior Interpretive Specialist Lauren Thompson invited me to write and draw a short graphic novel story about Balthazar, my mind started racing, imagining what I could do with his tale!
Balthazar is often described as being from Africa (or being Arabian, depending on what you're reading). The fascinating thing is that, for centuries, in Christian art, Balthazar was painted as a Caucasian man with an African servant! Crazy, right?
So, it occurred to me that it'd be dope to explore two themes:
1. What would it be like to tell the story of meeting an infant Jesus, from Balthazar's point of view? Like, what kinds of feelings might he have had in that situation?
2. What would it be like for Balthazar to observe how he's been depicted throughout centuries of art, and what would his reactions to that be?
The result of this line of thinking is The Return of Balthazar, a short, kinda science-fiction graphic novel story that I wrote and illustrated, to be part of the Saints, Sinners, Lovers, and Fools exhibit.
So, I wrote the script, and then I illustrated it in a free art program called GIMP. I began with rough sketches, then moved onto more detailed drawings, and finally, I digitally painted it to get the colors and textures that I wanted.
I don't think I'm the fastest illustrator, so I probably spent 20 hours on the art for each page of the story. Then I added the lettering to the pages, which was a little more challenging in the Spanish version, because comic book fonts don't always come with Spanish punctuation—so I ended up adding that manually.
Anyway, I've always loved the ability of fiction (and particularly graphic novels) to explore different possibilities and perspectives in the world, and I'm honored that the Denver Art Museum asked me to collaborate with them again. In the exhibit, you'll see the English version of the story, followed by the Spanish version.
If you want to buy your own copy of the story, there will be books in the Denver Art Museum gift shop, and if you can't find it there, it'll be available on my website.
And yo, I understand that religion can be a very touchy subject. With this story, I wanted to honor the Christian tradition that I was raised in, while exploring aspects of this very familiar story from a new angle.
Hey, if you make it to the exhibit, or buy the book, then thanks for taking the time to read it!
This content was originally published here.
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piouscatholic · 2 years ago
Sunday 2 October 2022
27th Sunday in Ordinary Time
[Compline] (Night Prayer)
O God, come to our aid.
O Lord, make haste to help us.
Glory be to the Father and to the Son
and to the Holy Spirit,
as it was in the beginning,
is now, and ever shall be,
world without end.
Amen. Alleluia.
[Examination of Conscience ]
This is an excellent moment for an examination of conscience.
In a communal celebration of Compline, one of the penitential acts given in the Missal may be recited.
I confess to almighty God
and to you, my brothers and sisters,
that I have greatly sinned,
in my thoughts and in my words,
in what I have done and in what I have failed to do,
through my fault,
through my fault,
through my most grievous fault;
therefore I ask blessed Mary ever-Virgin,
all the Angels and Saints,
and you, my brothers and sisters,
to pray for me to the Lord our God.
May almighty God have mercy on us,
forgive us our sins,
and bring us to everlasting life.
[Hymn ]
Now that the daylight dies away,
By all thy grace and love,
Thee, Maker of the world, we pray
To watch our bed above.
Let dreams depart and phantoms fly,
The offspring of the night,
Keep us, like shrines, beneath thine eye,
Pure in our foe’s despite.
This grace on thy redeemed confer,
Father, co-equal Son,
And Holy Ghost, the Comforter,
Eternal Three in One.
[Psalm 90 (91)]
The protection of the Most High
He will conceal you with his wings; you will not fear the terror of the night.
He who lives under the protection of the Most High
dwells under the shade of the Almighty.
He will say to the Lord:
“You are my shelter and my strength,
my God, in whom I trust.”
For he will free you from the hunter’s snare,
from the voice of the slanderer.
He will shade you with his wings,
you will hide underneath his wings.
His faithfulness will be your armour and your shield.
You will not fear the terror of the night,
nor the arrow that flies by day;
nor the plague that walks in the shadows,
nor the death that lays waste at noon.
A thousand will fall at your side,
at your right hand ten thousand will fall,
but you it will never come near.
You will look with your eyes
and see the reward of sinners.
For the Lord is your shelter and refuge;
you have made the Most High your dwelling-place.
Evil will not reach you,
harm cannot approach your tent;
for he has set his angels to guard you
and keep you safe in all your ways.
They will carry you in their arms
in case you hurt your foot on a stone.
You walk on the viper and cobra,
you will tread on the lion and the serpent.
Because he clung to me, I shall free him:
I shall lift him up because he knows my name.
He will call upon me and for my part, I will hear him:
I am with him in his time of trouble.
I shall rescue him and lead him to glory.
I shall fill him with length of days
and show him my salvation.
Glory be to the Father and to the Son
and to the Holy Spirit,
as it was in the beginning,
is now, and ever shall be,
world without end.
He will conceal you with his wings; you will not fear the terror of the night.
[Scripture Reading]
Apocalypse 22:4-5 ©
They will see the Lord face to face, and his name will be written on their foreheads.
It will never be night again and they will not need lamplight or sunlight, because the Lord God will be shining on them.
They will reign for ever and ever.
[Short Responsory]
Into your hands, Lord, I commend my spirit.
– Into your hands, Lord, I commend my spirit.
You have redeemed us, Lord God of truth.
– Into your hands, Lord, I commend my spirit.
Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit.
– Into your hands, Lord, I commend my spirit.
Nunc Dimittis
Save us, Lord, while we are awake; protect us while we sleep;
that we may keep watch with Christ and rest with him in peace.
Now, Master, you let your servant go in peace.
You have fulfilled your promise.
My own eyes have seen your salvation,
which you have prepared in the sight of all peoples.
A light to bring the Gentiles from darkness;
the glory of your people Israel.
Glory be to the Father and to the Son
and to the Holy Spirit,
as it was in the beginning,
is now, and ever shall be,
world without end.
Save us, Lord, while we are awake; protect us while we sleep;
that we may keep watch with Christ and rest with him in peace.
[Let us pray.]
God our Father,
as we have celebrated today the mystery of the Lord’s resurrection,
grant our humble prayer:
free us from all harm
that we may sleep in peace
and rise in joy to sing your praise.
Through Christ our Lord,
The Lord grant us a quiet night and a perfect end.
[Marian Anthem]
Salve Regina
Hail to you, O Queen, mother of loving kindness,
our life, our happiness, our hope.
Hear us cry out to you,
children of Eve in our exile.
Hear as we sigh, with groaning and weeping
in this life, in this valley of tears.
Come then, our Advocate, turn towards us
the gaze of your kind and loving eyes.
And show us Jesus, the blessed fruit of your womb,
when at last our exile here is ended.
O gentle, O loving, O sweet virgin Mary.
Salve, Regína, mater misericórdiæ;
vita, dulcédo et spes nostra, salve.
Ad te clamámus, éxsules, filii Evæ.
Ad te suspirámus, geméntes et flentes
in hac lacrimárum valle.
Eia ergo, advocáta nostra,
illos tuos misericórdes óculos
ad nos convérte.
Et Iesum, benedíctum fructum ventris tui,
nobis post hoc exsílium osténde.
O clemens, o pia, o dulcis Virgo María.
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introspectiveandroid · 3 years ago
Honey, when I'm above the trees I see this for what it is But now I'm right down in it, all the years I've given Is just shit we're dividin' up Showed you all of my hiding spots I was dancing when the music stopped And in the disbelief, I can't face reinvention I haven't met the new me yet
When I get perspective I can be rational. But right now I cynically view the value of the relationship as drilling down to arguments about material things. You knew the hidden (real/raw) me and the end was unexpected (I was still into you). I’m stunned and can’t move on. I’m stuck.
There'll be happiness after you But there was happiness because of you Both of these things can be true There is happiness
Chorus just has a literal meaning as written.
Past the blood and bruise 
bad blood style- ie. fights
Past the curses and cries 
afterglow type- ie. arguments
Beyond the terror in the nightfall 
out of the woods type anxiety about closeting
Haunted by the look in my eyes That would've loved you for a lifetime 
The delicate music video/best friends staring contest look - Tay’s ‘loving look’
Leave it all behind  And there is happiness
I must stop clinging to the memory of us
Tell me, when did your winning smile Begin to look like a smirk? When did all our lessons start to look like weapons 
lessons meaning everything we learned about each other; our vulnerabilities and secrets, which we turned to hurt each other
Pointed at my deepest hurt? 
Her hurt is often referred to ‘scars’ in other songs. A past trauma?
I hope she'll be your beautiful fool Who takes my spot next to you. 
Allusion to Daisy in Gatsby - this makes me think of ‘an ever lovely never needy jewel whose shine reflects on you’ - like maybe get an undemanding pretty trophy gf next. 
No, I didn't mean that Sorry, I can't see facts through all of my fury 
she tries to suppress her bitterness
You haven't met the new me yet There'll be happiness after me But there was happiness because of me Both of these things, I believe 
she’s flipped you to me now: so saying we both made each other unhappy but we did once make each other happy and we will both be happy again
There is happiness In our history, across our great divide There is a glorious sunrise 
I think of the FaceTime birthday with KK- dunno why but it could be evoking a happy shared memory. 
Dappled with the flickers of light. From the dress I wore at midnight 
the infamous dress of the song? - I wonder if it could be a dress worn on NYE and something significant happened at midnight on NYE in their past~ ‘I want your midnights’. She’s evoking a happy memory anyway here.
Also, those line probably have a double meaning implying the sun will rise on the darkness that is this end - they will get through the bitter part of break up.
leave it all behind 
stop pinning for those happy times
And there is happiness 
let your self move on
I can't make it go away by making you a villain I guess it's the price I paid for seven years in Heaven
I wonder if it’s a religious/biblical reference. She made religious references to love before in holy ground/false god.
The rapture is the second coming of Christ. Story is He will sweep the righteous into heaven for 7 years of protection to avoid the great tribulation, which is God’s wrath, reigning down shit on sinners -as prophesied in revelations.
Her false god protected her from snakegate. Is this the lover that didn’t have to save her but said yes to running away with her in ‘call it what you want’? The saviour who protected her during her personal apocalypse.
More simple. Some people think the seven years in heaven is a reference to a party game where you kiss in a closet.
Simplest. They were together for 7 years and it was awesome.
And I pulled your body into mine every goddamn night 
it was a long term relationship
Now I get fake niceties
relations are now strained and estranged
No one teaches you what to do When a good man hurts you And you know you hurt him, too 
Realises both are hurt and hurt each other
Honey, when I'm above the trees I see it for what it is 
I can be objective
But now my eyes leak acid rain on the pillow where you used to lay your head
A hyperbolic version of a term like ‘bitter tears’ (like bitter acidic eg. lemon juice). They are so copious they are like rain i.e. I am currently bitter and cynical and emotional - not objective.
Also acid rain is very destructive and toxic so also a metaphor
 After giving you the best I had Tell me what to give after that
and I’m gutted: I gave it my all. I think of the ‘I tried badge’
All you want from me now is the green light of forgiveness 
think of the story ‘closure’ tells, plus it’s another allusion to Gatsby
You haven't met the new me yet And I think she'll give you that 
she wants to move past this bitter stage and thinks she can
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maceingeweihter · 4 years ago
The greater lie in Buddhism is that we are more powerful than we are. In modern sight of it is Theosophy. God hates this belief, belief that we are all consciousness of God. Small pieces of God spread about in men. And the gnostic Catholic take it this way, when they greet a homeless man they say that they have greeted Christ. Is Christ divided among unbelievers? His Holy Spirits dwell within the Christian. This is why they look different. But not even we, whi have God's Holy Spirit within, are to be called God. We are the 4th man (men). Almost like a 4th official. And... I like it this way.
It's not common place (historically) for religions to hold this view "we are Gods." Think of Alexander the Great, who almost was killed by his troops near Samarkand. He attempted to say "I am a God!" Egypt however held to men as Gods.
But we know minor Gods (sons of God / angels) belong above as servants of the Most High, Christ Jesus. This is why Egyptian religion (Sun worship) is hopeless. Their man gods all died. . . (Insert Peabody and Sherman mem) In times they (Gods) visit men and in times they left their places in heaven to sleep with women. (Insert Nephilim game advertisement)
They are like fire and can shapeshift to appear human. They are not yo be worshipped. They can not even look on God without hiding their faces. But who are we?
I have been marvelling at marriage. Sex and the idea of marriage in heaven. God said in the future the Christian's will br raised up to inherit a body like a angel. And to those he called he gave rights to "become like angels" (Son's of God.) Now to those who are not bastards (fake Christian's) we already call ourselves "children" of God. But at the 2nd resurrection we will be given a metaphysical body that can shapeshift. We shall be like angels. Super, heroic, extra human.
Don't like your body here? That's OK to be honest. These bodies rot and decay. They are the focus more often than not. And if you love your body but dislike attention, perhaps you can put on a different image. The sons of God (angels) can do so and Jesus promissed this to those who are worthy (of being found in his book of life) will have eternal bodies like Angels.
What would you shapeshift into? Do you think we can fly if we want to in heaven? Would your try to prank anyone if you can shapeshift in heaven? All kinds of questions!
Interestingly enough, the angel (God) of this world, the serpent SATAN lost his ability to shapeshift. He got stuck inside of a body he haunted. A dragon. And God removed his hind legs. He naturally crawls around like Ivar the Boneless. "Devouring" men who make pacts for power. That is when he's not flying Air SATAN. He must have more private jets than AL GORE.
The devil is a God who still does count as a God (angel) messenger. For a bit longer. After the great earthquake(s) several things will happen, but one of them is that the Devil will be kicked out of Heaven as the lawyer (executor) againsts the saints. Essentially he gets fired and becomes angry. His sentence (1000 years of bottomless pit) is coming sooner, but surely not until the majority (95%+?) of the saints (salt and light) are killed by the sea Beast's government (supported by the men who follow MYSTERY). It is suitable we should be brought to perfect unity by dying together. Hold eachothers hands. We shall go together.
Perhaps this is all the dream of the train is. A giant train where we all must lay down and be killed. So, it's borrowed time on earth, but the man who obeys the Father (and serves Christ only) shall live forever. Today is another slowed down moment and the future has already occured (written before time.)
While it is a struggle to not "worry" this ignorant condition of the sinful world hurts me. Not just that people get hurt, starve, face slavery; but that humans after must be sentenced based on their deeds (and whether their name is found before the LAMB)
Can you write forged notes to BILLY GRAHAM cracker people into heaven? It's better to obey... I lose nothing for meeting people in this world halfway. But to not warn them (dilligently through study) of the severity of their sin is like giving half a haircut. The sinner should not be saved like some WILLY WONKA give away.
Have you ever turned from all your sin? Forsake your ways and follow the leader. Or follow the leader. Mostly men need other men to teach their women (pastors, life coaches, positive messages) but some men are lead wholly by other guides, their (pastors, life coaches, positive messages).
Well, onto the SF FUTURISTIC? It's all "sealed" from angels. we have a cheat code to see already. Forsight is always 20/20 when God promises to complete something it only will occur that way... Next POST SF IDEATION
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semi-imaginary-place · 6 years ago
fe3h blogging 3 because i have no self control
wah. I don’t want to start BL because that would mean leaving Edelgard and Claude. I don’t care about dimirti as much. part 1 dimitri is so earnest though
i think blue lions was written first. 1 the two monthly missions that have to do with students’ families are both in BL (Ashe and Sylvain). I didn’t notice this at first because for some reason I got it into my head that one of them was in the black eagles and so i thought every house would have a “welp and now we kill  your [insert family member]”. 2 two fairly important side characters at the monastery are related to BL students (Annette and Mercedes). Chapter 3 actually provides a intro for all the lords in their respective routes. Edelgard’s scene is serious but not especially sad, instead you can feel te fire burning within Edlegard and the scene shows how she’s willing to sacrifice the lives of those under her if she believes she is doing the right thing. Claude’s is actually quite light hearted in tone after the first few lines and it highlights the mystery surrounding him and makes him seem very sketchy. Chapter 3 in Blue Lions though is really sad. Ashe my baby boy. Here there is a sense of tragedy in the post battle scene.
My opinion of Gillbert slowly plummets as my opinion of Annette continues to rise. I mean absentee emotionally distant father? He doesn’t deserve Annette and her mom. Ok during Dimitri and Annettes C support about how being siblings would be nice, I’m like ummmmm you two are less than half a year apart. Annette is just small not young. its actually off putting to see Sylvain act like a decent person in Dedue’s supports. Underneath all that philandering and shitting on women, he’s actually a good dude and pretty smart, but wow I want to hit him sometimes. wow Felix is actually nice* to Annette. *well nicer anyways. He’s not mean to her. the “fight” Annette and Mercedes have in their B support is so stupid and now I need to get to the timeskip for it to resolve? wow.
I think Dedue like trauma latched (is that a thing???? I should go look up ptsd sometime) on to Dimitri. Like found the first person that showed a bit of kindness for him and clamped down. He sees himself as a tool of Dimitri, his entire existence is for the sake of another person. He hates Faergus for what it has done to Duscur but instead of helping to enact meaningful resistance against Faergus, he latched on to the first person that didn’t treat Duscur like scum. That’s not rational. Come to think of it everyone in blue lions need therapy like more so than the other houses (who could also use some)
And here I thought Sylvain was the one with self-worth problems, turns out Dimitri’s a part of the gang too. Its like he can’t see any good parts of himself. He is very earnest and straightforward. Also “you didn’t appear to be suppressing you emotions” huh really. not a topic you’re familiar with yourself Dimitri? Can’t remember if I’ve said this or not but why is Dimitri the only one to have a modified armored uniform.
Edelgard: tower, fortune, emperor. Linhardt: hermit. Mercedes: high priestess, strength. Ashe: star. Dimitri: moon, justice, devil?. Claude: sun, hermit?. Seteth: hierophant. Felix: chariot, emperor. Lysithea: magician. Flayn: lovers, priestess. Manuela: empress. Marianne: fortune, priestess, sun? death?. Ingrid: Emperor?. Bernadetta: hermit, moon. Dorothea: lovers, empress. Ignatz: hanged man. Caspar: justice, chariot
Ashe is such a good boy TT^TT
I always thought it hilarious that Lonato got Catherine’s name wrong, but no there was more to it than that.
Also I don’t get why Annette or her mom couldn’t just go to Garreg Mach. She didn’t need an excuse to visit a place, its not like you need a visa to enter. The school of sorcery and then officers academy sounds like such a roundabout way of doing things
I wonder what name Claude ascends the throne under. He likely only took up the name von Riegan upon entering Fodlan and probably used his father's family name before that. I wonder if Claude has an Almyran given name. If he tried to claim the throne under the name Claude von Riegan it’d kinda be an insult like spitting in the face of his people and that wouldn't gain him any favor in Almyra. But would he go under a fully Almyran name? He would be a more popular king showing himself as one of the people. However, I imagine that he'd keep the name Claude. Maybe he grew up with his parents calling him that maybe its important to him now that he's lived under it for ~7 formative years of his life. Coming to fodlan marked the beginning of claude carrying out his plan's to achieve his dream. Its also a period where he is devoid of his parent's guidance and presence. I'd also just say 16-23 is a pretty important period of identity building in a person's life. Its under the name claude that he finds people he wants to walk down this path with. Its an acknowledgement of both sides of his heritage. I wonder if his choice would be different in a non Verdant Wind route.
What if timelines get mixed up and 23 year old felix gets sent to right before glenn dies.  23 yo felix get teleported to an alternate universe or something and meets 13 yo felix. Felix angsts that glenn seems so young and how he's now older than him, maybe yells at his dad a bit and has a chat with 13yo felix.And then idk gets teleported back? Or worse gets trapped so now there 2 felixes running around and i dont know how thats going to affect the time line
Ashe would make the perfect court asassin. He has enough rank/political clout to get access to targets and its not suspicious if he is in proximity to them.But he's not important enough that anyone would pay attention to him. He's a knight and the lord of castle gaspard at most. He's like a minor lord not a duke or anything. Ashe has enough social and emotional intelligence to navigate social situations. He's easy to get along with and has that harmless sweet boy demeanor to him. He already is good at lock picking, sneaking around, and bows. All he need is some training from Shamir and Claude and Ashe would be unstoppable. The only thing stopping this is that Ashe is a genuine good sweet boy and hates deception. My boy is going to be a knight! 
You know what Dimitri needs? A Raphael. Put the one who cant deal with his own emotions next to the emotionally mature on and maybe Dimitri will finally get the help he needs. They can train together too
Dimitri: Kill them all. Don’t let a single one of them escape. Sever their limbs and crush their wicked skulls.
Me: how about no. Kids, don’t do that.
(later) Dimitri: I will search for survivors
Me: Yeah the ones you didn’t kill
The more I learn about Dimitri’s childhood the more I’m like what the hell is wrong with Faergus??? The lifting rocks makes sense because Dimitri is ridiculous strong, but having a kid run all night in heavy armor, or waking an 11 year old up in the middle of the night and having them catch deer. ????? Also Flayn’s cooking and Dimitri’s taste buds are a good match.  “Look at that young maiden wielding a giant lance. How adorable!” I mean that does sound pretty adorable actually.
Sometimes I think about how the officer’s academy is run as an institution and then I get a headache. The player character students we have number around 25 but you see npcs everywhere around garreg mach and there’s enough of them to fill a ball room. In talking to the students, a lot of them imply this is their first year at garreg mach which would imply that the officer’s academy’s course is 1 year long. This is also supported by the age range of the cast from 15 to 22 with most at 16-17 at the beginning of the year instead of having the younger and less experienced students at a different grade level. With a multigrade system unlikely though, how can we explain the number of students? There are 3 possibilities. First is that the class sizes are huge (conservative estimate is like 60/class, probably more based on cut scene estimates) with full day lecture classes. second is that there are only half day classes with half the students in morning class and the other half in afternoon class. Third is that there are actually more professors than shown.
The Central and Western Churches use the exact same rhetoric as shown in the Ashe-Catherine and Flayn-Seteth paralogues. We are divine and just and you are all heathens and sinners. Goddess this Goddess that. And both of them claim justifications for invasions under this rhetoric. Oh its not that you are politically inconvenient to me its that the Goddess says you are evil and I can’t argue with the Goddess so I have a moral obligation to strike you down. I wonder how many of them are actually delusional religious and how many are just using it as an excuse/cover.
I was thinking star or sun for claude because despite/because of everything he's an idealist. Like the sun guy in p3 akainori??? He take all that pain and tries to make the world a better placeInstead of a picture book though claude tries to revolutionize the worldAhhhhh I love this. theres so many narrative you can pull from these types of thingsDevil is like struggling with vice. Hubert's character arc deals withhis trouble connecting with people, his loyalty to edelgard, and what he has to do. Maybe justice? Rationality, jusgement, and themes of what is justice. Especially his convo with Hanneman that calls into question the execution of his fatherSeteth is probably hierophant as he's that one strict follow the rule book teacher we'vr all had. He also repeRepresents the chuch, authority, and the establishment (initially)Mercedes is a nurturing motherly type person with fits empress well. I take back the priestess statement from earlier. I think mercedes struggles are more external than internal (priestess is like more personal relationshio to spirituality and intuition). Wheel of fortune is an option? ?? Mercedes was born with a crest the her house fell and her step dad only wanted her mom for thr lamine crest. Then the church. then her adoptive dad wanting her for political gain theb the academy. A lot has been outside her control. Byleth is another good option for obvious reasons Edelgard is another good one given what happened in her childhood. If thing had been different she would be living a different life. Emperor could be another good one fore her since its about imposing your will on your surroundings
Dimitri’s stupid. I mean he’s using reasoning, but he’s jumping to conclusions when equally or more probable options are still there. I wouldn’t exactly believe Edelgard’s words either, but its clear Flame Emperor and TWSITD have their own separate agendas. Dimitrii’s  “edelgard is the root of all my sufferings” is like the same reasoning as edelgards “the church and its systems are the root of all suffering in Fodlan” but worse, at least Edelgard is half right.
Its honestly disturbing how willing Dedue is to erasing his autonomy and personhood.
timeskip time~ JP dimitri speech tone is much more calm it makes the dissonance with what he is saying all the weirder. He just making up excuses for his bloodlust now. “they” are “evil” so its ok to slaughter them. also yay monarchists, is gilbert actually relevant in this route???. Fleche and Randolf are actually relevant in this route???? I really hate Faergus. why are all of you following dimitri on his suicide run. why would you let the man clearly not in a good mental place decide the course of the army????
ch14: I mean getting ready to torture someone is one thing. but actually threatening me? You’re on my shitlist dimitri. Boy. You dare threaten me.
Woooowww its like watching a bunch of lemming run off a cliff
Rodrigue gets a bad rap in fandom because its true he’s not a great dad, but I don’t think he’s rock bottom either. He and Felix have different world views and he just has no idea how to deal with Felix. I’d be quite funny if it wasn’t so sad.
Dimitri doesn't have a rational bone in his body
In other news I'm getting kind of annoyed at everyone in azure moon.  Like heyyy maybe monarchy is a bad idea???
I read an interesting thought on why the prologue happened the way it did.  tldr: smear tactic against the church. It'd look bad if bandits even got close to the nation's heirs. And even worse if they got injured or killed. If one of them died, edelgard could get an advantage
hot take: Claude is naive in the same way Griffith is naive
another hot take: Claude is Buddha. or maybe Claude AS Buddha. Specifically the birth prophecy thing of kingdom vs all of time space
oh to clarify its about how Claude wants to change not only Fodlan and Almyra but the whole world. The Buddha thing is that there was a prophecy that he would either be an excellent king or like a spiritual leader whose teachings would echo through time around the world. so I want an AU
me finding out about dorothea's and mercedes backstories: who do I have to kill
Its implied in the hanneman supports that hubert’s dad might have been a part of the insurrection to protect hubert
I was imagining Ferdinand and Sylvain interacting and Sylvain probably hates Ferdie's guts and then in got dark first Ferdinand dislikes nobles that aren't noble so he'd probably disapprove. sylvain would see sheltered ferdinand and want to make him suffer as he has. not to mention Ferdinand ... always looks forward, he's always trying to improve himself and I can see sylvain resenting that and himself. on the flip side both hold the chavalier position in their house, and they both appreciate the fine arts. like ferdinand is out here being an obnoxious good boy championing everything sylvain hates
me looking at all the dudes Mercedes can A support: none of you deserve her. what are you bringing HER in this relationship
the only thing i likea about faerhgus is their flag. which is just so aesthetically pleasing
petra and edelgard are foils for each other.  they are princesses from opposite sides of a past war.  both are dedicated to their nations and seek to become the person their country deserves.  both are very driven.  each was for a period of their life removed from their home country.  but their positions are very different from one another.  edelgard and petra also have a low key friendly rivalry where they motivate each other to strive for more. they should have had an A support
I've been avoiding jeritza because his character concept seems like an edgier dimitri. So I'm just here to say i like his deaign. Partly covered face + long hair? Its like the devs are out for me by pairing that with a personality I don't get along with
Unpopular opinion but ignatz's part 2 haircut is super cute
i know someone here was plotting out a persona 5 cross over, but the more I think of it, dimitri belongs in persona 4.  that game's all about facing the parts of your personality that you don't want anyone else to see.  I mean feral dimitri is basically his shadow, that part of him that he rejects
A supports/total supports Claude: 10/13 Sylvain 4/16 So here's a comparison of how their trust issues affect their relationships. Claude might be incredible closed off and even in his A supports, still be with holding important information, but given enough time he can still potentially bond with a great number of people. While on the other hand Sylvain has destroyed his ability to form meaningful connections with people, so half of his A supports are people he already has a bond with. Sylvain is a bitter resentful boy and its getting in the way of his life. oh those supports are excluding byleths
Sylvain is deliberately stupid which makes him the true idiot here
i've been wondering, does dimitri's super strength randomly activate or is he like that all the time
Dimitri and sylvain. When 1+1=0
Chess club edelgard, hubert, sylvain, claude
Edelgard assumes there will be costs and doesn't try to find a way around it. That sort of glory in being killed is faerghus' thing
I really wish I could expierence the game in its full state. What we have in yhis reality is like a shadow of what it could have been.  I just want cf and vw to be their complete, best selves. Of all the routes, AM was written first and the only one that was completed and reached its full potential. VW and SS feel like half a route with of the other routes patched in to fill the gaps.  all of byleths lines in VW are suspiciously about rhea.  In some of the cutscenes theres graphical errors where the soldiers are wearing chuch colors instead of alliance.  Some parts of VW were clearing written fot SS and shoved in last minute.  Like the Edelgard scene. That scene makes mire sense in SS where byleth was her house leader, but not as much is VW where you barely talk to her. which is a shame because that’s one of my favorites.  Byleth's lines make sense in SS which is about rhea and saving the churcv but not in VW which is about whats really happening and Claude.  The same of course applies to SS, where seteth just says Claude's lines, and its so weird. And yet VW and CF are the strongest conceptually for me (or at least tickle my personal preferences). I also don't think any route should be seen in the absence of the others. Its is all 4 route together that show what the game is about. Focusing in on any one route is an incomplete picture.  Verdant Wind was so good and yet it could have been so much better.  That gap between the potential and the actual both angers and saddens me.  Also VW is the most big picture of all the routes. Instead of diving in, it takes a step back for perspective. You can see the war as a whole instead of just what's happenibg with faergus or adrestia. You see what's actually happening. That its not adrestria vs faregus but  the remnants of an ancient war still affecting modern politics from the dominance of the churcv to the agarthans who gave been stirring up shit for centuries.  Despite all its flaws Verdant Wind is also my favorite. Its not better than the other routes... but its spirit managed to reach my crusty old heart. Its like an ugly puppy. I just see all the places it could be better... (gronder field, and that ending??)
Hanneman legit reminds me of some of my professors. Well intentioned very nice people who are just incredible nerdy. A cute old man.
for all that many of Petra's ending end up in Nuvelle, its not actually all that close to Brigid. Seems like a mistake to me
claude badgering seteth to help him with his translations of old books
also its nice that 3h does not have the male as default thing and there are female background characters. Watching the starwars movies its weird that like every mook is male
dorothea and leonie co-chair the  let's-eat-the-nobles club.  claude and petra are both like fodlan nobles are weird and helpless with goofy dances
Ingrid and raphael competing at an eating competition.  Lysithea joins in because she wants cake
I have been overcome with the sudden urge to bully sylvain.  I want to see him make the sad pouty face
ferdinand is a good boy
I like to think that Agartha while progressing in some aspects, has also lost a lot of their technology in that they can still use it but no longer understand how it works
I want  more ignatz supports. I can see him bonding with ferdinand and dimitri strangely enough
Also claude and linhardt and claude competing for who can turn their room into a library first is so great
Again... still wondering what the climate and biogeography look like. Tall trees tend to be in wet temperate with good soil.  We knoe faerhgus is cold but not how cold.  All we know is that duscur ans sreng are cold and arid/semi arid.  We'd need some interesting wind patterns for fodlan to be temperate. If the northern coast is arid. The only way the interior is temperate is if wind is goinf north to south and gwtring trapped by tje central mountain range.  I dont think garreg mach is up in the himalayas
Sothis poorly grandmafriending byleth. Excellent
Playing AM and wow I forgot how much I want to punch dimitri I just want to off gilbert
I watched one of gilbert and annetes supports and wow I want to beat him into the ground all over again. Gilbert doesnt deserve a family
Ahhhh why did I play azure moon again. I'm stuck with gilbert the rest of the route!
i got a birthday letter from gilbert... i dun wan it
Linhardt really just does not care. Not about your "traditions"  or "laws". He only sort starts caring about "morals" after remire
Count Dominic: i have made the perfect crest bearing knight's daughter Me: you fucked up a perfectly good person is what you did. look at her. she's got anxiety. Me: prepare for pain.
Time to go beat up annettes uncle for giving her anxiety.  now I know where annettes fear of failure comes from... Annette deserves so much better
Sothis really is that gremlin living in the attic
I cant believe the reason dimitri made it past gronder was that his actions were so insane that so one could plan for them
I didn't expect ashe to be my mvp this time round... but he is.  Byleth and dimitri both have good strength but are squishy. Ashe's range is insane. He gets that skill that expands range + longbow + deadeye + horse + ring. And if thats not enough canto gets him back out of range. He crits on every other hit and has like a 60% crit rate with a killer bow. He kills everything in one turn. Armor units? Magic bow. Anything else he doubles and crits.
Alao update on the cornelia conspirqcy theory: busted
She just built firdiad a functioning sewer system
Back onto the debunking of the cornelia conspiracy theory  yeah she totally got replaced
Why am I playing azure moon.... I miss Claude
So the derdriu chapter in AM.... claude isnt as heartbroken aa in CF but he's not in a good place. I think he's mourning/coping with loss (the loss of possibilites, future, what could have been etc.) just like he was in CF. It also makea me think he's planning on invading fodlan in the future. I will need to think over this.
Gautier territory is a cold steppe and known for their horse breeding. Those hairy horses have to come from somewhere
Interestingly dimitri is 3/10 strongest in the army despite being a couple levels higher than everyone. So much for that Blaiddyd strength
Flayn is scared of being forgotten isn't she
Sylvain really takes care of dimitri huh
ahhh yeess claude in a poofy sleeved white shirt
Literally dimitri: no i dont "need rest". I have a headache but thats just from lack of sleep
Rodrigue and lambert ditching class getting high on the monastary roof
Faerhgus really is one giant death cult huh
Oh wow ingrid is like unhitable. High speed + evasion ring + avo+10 +alert stance+ + defiant avo
A-after many years I have finally finished azure moon... I think part of why I don't like azure moon is that it wasn't able to sell me on the rightful king narrative. And I CAN be sold on that as both Tolkien and Claude prove. That and the continued existence of gilbert. My loathing for that man is beyond expression
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helluvascribe · 5 years ago
Helluva Boss (Remix)
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Not too far away from Pentagram City lay a shady place in the bowels of Hell. “Welcome to Imp City: est. 1981” was posted on a worn wooden sign with a white painted eye toward the top. Under a crimson sky, a wide array of buildings made up the city, some with spikes on the roofs. Downtrodden imps of various colors and sizes mulled around the streets and ghettos. Mugging, sex, drugs, poverty, and murder were common aspects of their everyday afterlives. Indeed, being considered “lesser demons” and the “lowest of the low,” not very many had opportunities granted to them.
Well, save for a unique family of imps, trying to get their business running.
 Just who were these imps?
   A nearby screen showed old fashioned numbers ticking down, 3, 2, and 1. Blitzo, a red and white faced imp, appeared on stage in front of purple open curtains. “Hi there, I’m Blitzo, the “o” is silent, and I’m the founder of I.M.P.” He put out his hand and the logo appeared above it. The “M” in I.M.P. looked like imp horns, black and white in color. Down below were the words “Immediate Murder Professionals.”
Blitzo spoke again. “Are you a piece of shit who got yourself sent to Hell?” A picture of Blitzo with a mustache and two black top hats over his horns was grinning evilly as a building burned in the background. The sign nearby read “Orphanage for elderly, blind, and newborn dogs.”
“Or are you an innocent soul who just happened to get fucked over by someone else?” The next image showed Blitzo in a white angel costume, throwing away a Styrofoam coffee cup in the garbage in an office.
In the next shot, Blitzo held up a sign which read “Some guy who hired us!” A buff horned red demon wearing a white Ohio shirt stood not too far from the camera, a 666 News billboard in the background. He punched one fist into his hand.
“After lovingly killing my wife for fucking a delivery man, you can imagine my surprise when I wound up here, after the state of Ohio killed me. I really wish I could stick it to that yapping charter who saw me hiding the body!”
Blitzo appeared again, this time with his fellow imps Millie and Moxxie in the background. A white-clothed altar with a mirror and skulls on it was in the very back. White candles were spread around the room. The two imps were sitting at a pentagram drawn on the floor. Blitzo held a blue Satanic ritual book in his hand.
“Well, luckily for you, thanks to our company’s special access to the living world…”
He waved his hand and a flaming portal appeared in the center of the room, causing Moxxie and Millie to scatter.
“…we can help you take care of your unfinished business by taking out anyone who may have screwed you over when you were alive!” He happily fell through the portal on his back.
 Then the musical jingle started:
 “When you want somebody gone
And you don’t wanna wait too long
Call the Immediate Murder Professionals”
  “Whether grenade or cyanide
We’ll make it look like suicide
The Immediate Murder Professionals”
 “We do our job so well
‘Cause we come straight up from Hell…”
 “We’ll kill your husband or you wife
We’ll even let you keep the knife,
 The Immediate…Murder…Professionals.
 Kids die for freeee!”
  A white person appeared with a thought bubble of his enemy with a red x. A demon fell to the floor and the person looked up. The I.M.P. logo appeared, Millie with a spear, Moxxie with a gun and Blitzo in the middle, spreading out his arms to make an “M.”
Fast paced shots flashed through the ad.
 Moxxie throwing a grenade out a window as his companions grinned.
Blitzo hanging a person in an office building while Moxxie watched. Millie held a piece of paper in her hand.
 Then more killing scenes flashed: Blitzo electrocuting a person, Millie using a mace, Moxxie choking his victim.
 Blitzo led the way through a portal to Earth, Millie and Moxxie following. Moxxie tripped on a book and landed on his face while the others posed. They then stood shocked…at the people in a church staring at them.
Millie killed a naked couple with a chainsaw while Blitzo looked greedily at a woman’s underwear.
Blitzo repeatedly stabbed someone else tied up.
The three imps used more methods to kill Earthlings: Medieval torture racks, shark attacks, fire and gasoline, pillow suffocation, crushing someone to death with a grand piano, electrocution in a lab…
 “Kids die for freeeee!” ended the ad.
 Moxxie and Millie sang a murder love song in their living room before the meeting. Moxxie played on his purple guitar as Millie watched him with love in her eyes. It reminded them of the good times when they would shot at demons together in the streets, drag a bloody sack behind them and when Millie got a grenade as a present and used it to blow up a building.
  “Oh what a thrill when the crimson starts to spill
And my Millie goes in for the kill
She takes away my breath
She’s the angel of death for me
Oh Millie
Queen, it’s like a dream
When I hear her victim start to scream
Get him out of the sack
She’s a maniac for me
Oh Millie
When the blood starts dripping down the sides
And the bodies start to fall from the skies
My heart skips a beat
When my Millie’s guns a blazing in the night
That’s in love
She makes the murdering fun for me
A lottery for all the wins of Hell
It’s for her that I fell…”
 Both of them hummed before Moxxie finished,
  “Of all the imps in Hell…
Millie joined in, “It’s for him that I fell…
“Oh Millie.” They leaned in for a kiss.
  They paused. Moxxie yelled, while looking out the window. His boss, Blitzo was pressed against the window with a video camera. “Are you fucking filming us right now?!”
Moxxie sighed, as a smiling Blitzo held up a sign which read “Meeting in 20 min: nice job banging yo’ wife!”
     Just before the meeting, the head imp, Blitzo walked into the receptionist room.
“Blitz!” called Loona, the hellhound, holding a bone shaped phone in her hand. “That clingy rich asshole’s on the phone! Says it’s urgent and wants to talk to you!” Then she added in a lower voice, “Sounds a little DTFy.” (Down to Fuck)
Blitzo spilled water on himself as he talked with Moxxie by the water cooler. “Oh god that was one time! We wouldn’t have access to the living world…if I hadn’t slept with that privileged asshole!”
“You what?” Moxxie asked in disbelief.
“Blitz!” Loona barked in outrage.
“I heard you already!” Blitzo yelled. He stomped into his office and picked up his red cell phone. He played with little bobble heads of his imp coworkers, Moxxie and Millie. Signs were tacked to the wall, reading: “The Incredible Blitzo! One night only! Tickets now at the Big Top!”
 “So…” Blitzo beamed nervously, “What can I do for you, Stolas?”
The owl overlord replied, lounging on his couch in a royal red robe and a crown.
“Remember that time when I told you that a political candidate was causing problems on Earth? That he tried to convince the world that global warming existed?”
“Yes?” Blitzo answered.
“And that it does, but more people die when nothing’s done about it? Oh, how lonely I felt.”
“That make sense,” Blitzo said.
“But now…” he hooted in laughter. “There are tons of new sinners coming down here every day! I just had a feast and a murder party several nights ago. I wondered why a horde of people arrived and it’s because of a disease called the coronavirus! My, it’s the best thing to ever happen since my wedding with my queen Melody and my darling daughter Octavia’s graduation from flight school. Oh, how marvelous!”
“Well…I’m very happy for you, sir,” Blitzo said. “I hope that…corn-ah virus does its thing.”
Stolas sighed. “My wife wasn’t happy with me, though. She said you fell onto a cake in the middle of a lunch with the queen and the royal officials. What did you say to her?”
“I said…sorry I fucked your husband.” He gulped.
A tense silence.
Blitzo examined his chest and arms. “I still have the talon scars and peck marks to prove it.”
“And she also said that you stole one of my books, is that true?”
“No! No way!” Blitzo lied, with a nervous laugh. “That was another imp long ago. Can I tell you how great it felt…sleeping with you?”
“Indeed,” Stolas agreed with a contented sigh. “Your sharp horns and claws ruffling through my feathers, and my talons and beak exploring your multicolored flesh…”
“Oh fuck a dick…” Blitzo muttered.
Stolas’ eyes grew red. “Don’t get into trouble, Blitzy. When I’m angry…or excited…which I am…I become hungry. Want to know what happens? I want to choke on your ****lick your *****, tear through your **** leave you screaming as I ***** as you scream like a fucking baby!”
Blitzo hung up the phone, the words reading “creepy mouth: aka one night stand bird dick.” and smashed it with another old phone. He threw the pieces into a blender and mixed it up.
“Here, eat this,” he told Loona who walked in and drank the red liquid.
“And you know that bridge over the freeway?” he asked.
“Shit off it. It’s time for the meeting, let’s go.”
   The imps currently resided in a tall office building that seemed to stand out among the other structures. Along with spikes jutting from the roof and sides, there were a pair of giant black and white imp horns attached to the sides of the building for decoration. The lights inside near the top floor were on.
Posted on a door were the words “IMP Headquarters” with “IMP Meeting in Progress” written on a piece of paper taped to the door, a smiley face off to the side.
On a white board was a bar graph and a line graph, the line graph pointing lower at a drawing of a raging horned demon. “Fix this shit!” was written in big bold letters that took up much of the board. “Blitzo is the best, by Blitzo” was scribbled off to the side. Several tall chairs with spikes jutting from the top boarders were set near a brown table in the center of the room. A white pentagram was drawn in the center of the table.
 Up front, a black, white, and red colored imp paced back and forth, sprouting long curved striped horns: Blitzo. He wore black fingerless gloves with what looked like a yellow eye design on each glove. He was dressed in a slender navy blue business suit with light red buttons. A small round pink pin with black eyes and a stitched mouth was attached onto a red undershirt below his slender chin. What looked like a black two-clawed print mark lay over his red forehead. Along with sharp teeth, the imp has red iris eyes with yellow sclera. Like a typical devil, he also had a red pointed tail. He had four red finger-shaped claws on each hand.
Blitzo began to speak, pacing back and forth. He looked toward his audience of two imps and a hellhound sitting on chairs around a table.
“All right, now I know business has been…a bit slow, lately.”
He mentioned to the board at the downward sloping line. “In fact, there seems to be less people seeking out our services; 1,056 in comparison to the 1,066 from last month. We’ve basically spiraled from the True Blue Market to that of the Raging Bull.” He pointed at the roaring demon head drawing on the board.
“Shouldn’t it be the Bull Market is good and the Bear Market is bad?” said a voice.
“Loona, nobody cares,” Blitzo said. He continued.
 “Any decrease could spell disaster for us, not to mention how lots of people use our services and yet look down on us.” Blitzo cleared his throat and spread out his hands. “Now, I’m not saying it’s, *cough* Moxxie’s or anyone’s fault…”
Moxxie raised his eyebrows. The serious imp had a red face, yellow eyes, white hair framing his face and stripped horns jutting off to the sides in slight curves. He wore a large red bow-tie and a navy blue suit. White freckles were present under his eyes.
Blitzo continued, “…but let’s discuss how we can improve. Now does anyone have any ideas on how to get business drumming up again?”
Millie, the bubbly demon raised her hand. She had a red face, messy black hair with a white flower patch near the top, and short black horns with faint white stripes. Her eyes were also yellow and she wore a black top, black torn pants, high heeled shoes and a little black choker around her neck. Her eyelashes extended past her face.
Millie waved her hand and beamed, eyes shining. “What…about…a car wash?!”
“This is Hell, Millie, no one cares about cars being clean here, okay?!”
 Just then, there came a coughing from the other room. A small cyclops demon with hot pink hair with a patch of yellow opened the door and walked in. She brushed off soot from her hot pink skirt and waved at the group, who stared in surprise.
“Hi, I’m Niffty! It’s nice to meet you. Are you part of I.M.P.?”
“Uh yes?” Blitzo replied, unsure of what to make of this random maid.
“Oh great, because one of my friends sent me here to investigate, he’s a busy chap, you know, and oh so dreamy!”
She darted around the room and began removing cobwebs from the windows. “It looks like there are two men, a woman and a dog here, a nice balance.”
Loona, the grey hellhound glared at Niffty, narrowing her red eyes. “What was that, you little shit?”
Loona had a red cell phone in her clawed paws, the back of the phone displaying a black upside down cross. She wore a grey top with black strings in the shape of an inverted pentagram. A spiked collar was around her neck. Her pants were dark and torn, with a white crescent moon on them. Her feet were bare and her hair and tail were thick with white and dark fur.
 Niffty stopped in her tracks. “Now, did you guys need any cars to be washed?”
 Blitzo shook his head. “We don’t have any cars here, we’re broke as fuck.”
Millie stared at Niffty and cupped her own cheeks with her hands. “Oh my Satan! She’s so adorable! Can we keep her?!”
“No!” Moxxie and Loona said at the same time. The two workers then glared at each other.
Moxxie crossed his arms. “We’re in the middle of a meeting right now. Do you mind?!” He pointed to the door.
Niffty laughed nervously, “Oh okay, sorry about that, hehhehheh. I’ll be outside if you need me!”
She scurried out of the room.
 Blitzo paused for a moment, then said, “Oh right! Ideas for our company!” He waved his hands, his eyes shining. “How about a billboard?!”
Moxxie crossed his arms. “We can’t afford a billboard, sir.”
Blitzo rushed over and held Moxxie in a headlock. His voice was rushed and sarcastic, “So helpful, Moxxie, I’m really glad you’re in the room right now.” He shoved Moxxie away.
Blitzo stared in frustration. “Have you guys forgotten what service we provide?!”
He picked up a remote and turned on an old fashioned TV.
After static appeared on screen, the footage showed the group killing off individuals.
Blitzo bashing a red demon’s head with a mullet.
Moxxie shooting a blue person tied up to a chair.
Loona grabbing a red person in her mouth and shaking the person side to side like a wolf.
Millie beheading a blue person with a spear and laughing.
  Blitzo watched with a relaxed smile on his face, holding up a blue bowl of popcorn. Loona sat on the table, popping popcorn pieces into her mouth. Millie perched on the table, enjoying the show, but Moxxie stood off to the side with a grumpy face.
Posters hung from the walls, one showing Blitzo and his two sisters, Tilla (an imp with long black hair) and Barbie Wire (a smiling imp with ram-like horns.) It was a picture of them at a circus, the banner reading “The Amazing Imp Siblings!” Blitzo remembered the good times he had with them when they performed on stage. Barbie Wire would balance on a tightrope, holding a pole with flames on either end. Tilla tamed and evaded manticores, dragons and other beasts that were released into the arena. Blitzo would sing songs about murdering people and they would all pose and bow at the end as the crowd cheered.
That was before Blitzo moved on to form I.M.P. recruited Moxxie and Millie, and adopted Loona.
 Blitzo moved his hand toward his chest and sighed with content. “Ah, those were good times.”
Moxxie spoke up as Millie ate a piece of popcorn. “We don’t need any reminding, sir, considering you blew most of our salaries on an obnoxious TV ad last week, one that you then additionally paid to have run for a full three hours on a channel, nobody watches!”
Blitzo turned his head, insulted. “Hey, uh, excuse me?” He stood up. “What’s “obnoxious” about a super fun jingle, all right? It’s a fun distraction when an advertisement’s spitting bullshit.” He walked across the room.
“People love musicals, sir,” Millie added.
Blitzo smiled. “Exactly, Millie, and we’re basically doing a musical.” Blitzo did jazz hands before pointing rapidly at Moxxie with a scowl.
“Are you gonna crush my musical theater dreams like my dad did?” He lowered his head.
“Sir…” Moxxie began, but his boss cut him off.
“Because right now, all I see is just my dad’s asshole talking to me, crushing my dreams of being, who I truly am inside.” He turned his head away.
Millie leaned in toward her husband and spoke with a teasing tone. “Are you trying to crush his dreams, Moxxie?”
“I…what?” he asked, looking at her. Millie leaned in close and stuck out her tongue, tail curling. “I thought I knew you.” Moxxie rolled his eyes; his wife loved to annoy him.
Blitzo turned back to Moxxie, tears in his eyes. “I can’t believe you, Moxxie. And after I made you Employee of the Month.” He held a picture of Moxxie with his mouth open in a roar, snake tongue showing.
 Moxxie threw up his hands, “Okay, sir, I’m sorry, but a commercial jingle is not comparable to musical theater. Nobody actually likes the jingles.”
“I liked it!” Millie pipped up.
Moxxie turned to her, finger shaking, “Do not…do not agree with him in front of me.”
 Loona sat, bored, playing on her phone. Moxxie’s head appeared on the screen but was crushed by a weight and then blown up by a bomb. At one point his face was sliced in half as “boom!” flashed across the screen.
 “Remember that actual scene we shot for our commercial on Earth?” Blitzo asked.
 Moxxie got a flashback. “Oh, right. I shot that boy who was walking around licking strawberry ice cream. It was an accident.”
 “And did you know those human nurses and the doctor who beat up the kid on a stretcher and shocked him?”
 “Yes,” Millie said rolling her eyes. “I still remember my line as that pink haired nurse. “Doctor, he’s not responding.”
“Who ordered a stat?” Moxxie repeated, dressed up as a blue-haired man.
Millie laughed, “Then I beat him up and Moxxie said, “It didn’t do anything.”
Blitzo added, “Then I walked in and said “Damn it! We’re not losing another one! “Clear!” Then I shocked him and he somehow survived. I was like “Wow that actually worked.”
 Millie then explained that the three of them sat in the waiting room, with their costumes off. In a separate shot, Blitzo had imitated the human doctor by saying, “He appears to be in stable condition, but he’ll need surgery. Now what kind of insurance do you freaks have?” Then Blitzo said, “The fuck is insurance?”
 Moxxie sighed, “…and then the real doctors came in and kicked us out and we fell back into Hell. Personally, I felt like those scenes were confusing and very risky!”
 “It was brilliant!” said Blitzo. “We all did a great job, and it was in the human world. Why not cover up Moxxie’s mistake with a theater scene?”
 “You’re so dead!” Moxxie seethed, clenching his fist.
 “I know. We’re in Hell. No big deal,” Blitzo replied.
 “But are you sure the doctors were us or where they actually dumbass humans who didn’t know what they were doing?”
 “How the fuck am I supposed to know?” Blitzo replied. “How did that kid manage to survive being shocked so much? Why is it that music logic works on some and not on others? Why even have a Hell that’s a modern paradise and a shabby shithole at the same time? We might as well be in a large cartoon circus being mocked at by other beings.”
 Millie gasped. “Did you just break the 4th wall?”
 Blitzo winked. “Gotta practice my theater skills at some point.”
   Moxxie spoke, hands forward in front of him. “I’d like to go on record and say that incident with shooting the kid was Loona’s fault. Dispatch is supposed to give us the right info on the target. It’s very simple.”
 “Oh sit on a dick, Moxxie,” Loona replied without looking up.
 Moxxie stuttered angrily, looking for a comeback. “You sit…sit on a…a…do your job!” He slammed his palm on the table.
 Blitzo scolded him. “Hey, now we don’t blame our screw-ups on Loona, okay? She didn’t do anything wrong.” He hugged her and nuzzled his head against her cheek, the hellhound growling at him to get off.
 Moxxie stared in disbelief. “Are you kidding me, sir? She’s awful!”
 Lonna looked at her phone. “The other day, right? I answered the phone and said “Hello, I.M.P.” Millie was yelling, “My husband got stabbed!” and then I hung up. Wasn’t my problem. My Hellhound Monthly magazine was much more interesting.”
 “Don’t forget about my adoption anniversary gift I gave you,” Blitzo said, scratching his neck.
 Lonna seethed. “Don’t remind me. It wasn’t a cure for syphilis, I didn’t want it, and it so happened to be black spiders, crawling all over me!”
 “Again, I’m sorry about that,” Blitzo said.
 “God damn it, apology not accepted.”
 “You should be thankful that I rescued you after your hellhound family kicked you out,” Blitzo remarked.
 Loona’s ears twitched. Millie stared nervously. “I was perfectly capable of fending for myself,” barked Loona, looking up from her phone for the first time. “There was nothing special about them, other than all the alcohol, meth and drugs they took. My parents never cared about us. I mean, they sent off my other siblings to work for other overlords and were never seen again. Perhaps I was fortunate enough to not have to deal with them.”
 Blitzo had tears in his eyes. He hugged her again. “Well, at least you’ve got me, Moxxie, and Millie as your new family!”
 Loona hid a smile and just bared her fangs. “Get off of me before I bite your face off!”
Blitzo stepped back.
 Loona then smiled and looked at Moxxie, a look of mischief in her red eyes. “At least it was funny when Moxxie got that weight loss ad.”
 “Why would anyone send me that?!” Moxxie argued.
 “Come on, you know why.”
 “I’m not chubby, thank you very much! Not to mention, you were the one who ate my avocado salad lunch! How rude.”
 “But why would you drink on a workday?” Millie asked.
 “I was hungover from that morning, dumbasses!” Loona said to Moxxie and Millie. “I already told you that. I was getting tired of your petty talks and assaults. I kicked a baby in a carriage and caused some destruction to let out some steam. Felt good afterwards.”
 Blitzo mentioned to Loona. “Look, back to the topic. The point is, Loona is a valued member of our family and we don’t get rid of families.”
 “We aren’t a family, sir,” Moxxie pointed out. “You are the boss. We are the employees. You treat her like she’s some troubled teenager. She’s more like a meth-addicted homeless woman you let man the phones.”
Loona flipped him the bird.
 “That is offensive,” said Blitzo, walking to the window, pulling open the blinds. “Without homeless people, I wouldn’t have half the joy and laughter I do in this life.”
  Outside, a homeless imp with a broken horn and ragged grey clothing held up a sign that read “Monee helps. Satan Bless.” An imp woman with black clothing and little bat wings blushed at Blitzo who waved and did a playful raise of eyebrows before closing the blinds.
 Moxxie crossed his arms. “While we’re on the subject of “family,” can you stop finding me and Millie outside of work?”
“Come on, it’s not that big a deal,” Millie said.
 Moxxie’s eyes grew wide. “Excuse me…what?! He was in our fucking fridge! He was spying on me while I was asleep. And worse, he fucking filmed me and you while we were singing and about to kiss!”
 Blitzo giggled. “I still have it on camera.”
 “It’s fine, honey,” Millie replied to Moxxie, patting his shoulder. “The “spoiler alert, butter’s spoiled!” was a funny use of wordplay Blitzo used.
 “No way,” Moxxie countered. “I had a great dream about my parents being murdered and Blitzo interrupted it.”
 “I was just curious,” Blitzo responded.
 “Just…stop…doing that,” Moxxie growled.
 “I don’t see what the issue is,” said Blitzo. “Something you don’t want me seeing?” A mischievous silly look crossed his face.
 “No!” Moxxie spat.
 “Your baby weiner havor?” Blitzo asked, another term for a small dick.
 Loona giggled under her breath.
Moxxie was fed up. “Sir, what you say and how you act is totally INAPPROPRIATE!”
 Millie pulled him down gently. “Calm down, Mox, you’re gonna have another panic attack!”
 “I AM CALM!” he yelled.
Millie rubbed his head and soothed him. “Shh, there, there.” Moxxie whimpered.
 Blitzo spoke again with a childish grin, making a hole with two fingers and tapping the opening with one finger. “Look, I don’t judge the boring couple stuff you do outside of work hours, so don’t judge me.”
 Veins popped out of Moxxie’s yellow eyes. “Oh I do judge you, sir. Quite a lot, actually.” He crossed his arms as Millie gasped in horror.
“Mox, he’s our boss!”
 “No, it’s fine, Millie,” said Blitzo with a wave of his hand. “Your husband is just…how do I say this without being offensive…retarded.”
 “Does immaturingly insulting me make you feel better about your sad, single, life?”
Blitzo leaned in toward Moxxie. “Yes it does, actually.”
 Loona appeared to agree, because she added to Moxxie, “The only reason you have a wife is because you’re easy to manage.”
Moxxie gasped. She had called Moxxie submissive.
“No he’s not, you turd!” Millie yelled, holding up two middle fingers.
 “Do not talk to my assistant that way!” Blitzo demanded. “She’s sensitive!”
“Yes I am!” Loona barked.
 Then a squeaky voice sounded from nearby: “You guys are fucking assholes.”
Everyone turned and stared at a boy wearing an orange shirt with a planet on it. He had brown hair, a blue baseball cap on and was connected to a monitor.
 Blitzo pointed at him. “Oh shut up, kid, you’re lucky to witness this.”
 Moxxie pinched his nose and sighed in frustration. “Ugh, this company’s such a mess!”
 “Did someone call me?” Niffty’s voice rang from the hallway. She opened the door a crack. “I can clean up any messes you may have!”
 “No!” Moxxie called. “Go away!”
 Niffty slowly closed the door.
 An awkward silence…
 “Alright, let’s get back to talking about my outfit!” Blitzo said out of nowhere.
“Nobody was talking about that,” Loona mentioned.
“Which is why I’m trying to get that ball rolling, so how does it look? It’s good, right?”
 The kid pointed his finger at Blitzo. He ripped off the wires from his stomach.
“It was hell pretending to be paralyzed so you fuckshits wouldn’t kill me, but now? I want that. I want death. You!” he pointed to Blitzo. “You’re a selfish, greedy clown. And I’m a kid! We’re supposed to like clowns…even the creepy ones!”
 Moxxie scoffed. “Hey now, that’s not very…”
 The kid cut him off. “If I wanted to talk to a spineless jackass, I’d rip out your spine and ask you some shit.”
 Moxxie shivered in fear.
 “That’s my husband you’re talking to!” Millie yelled.
 The kid snickered. “That’s your husband?! I figured you for a slut, but I didn’t know you needed it that bad!”  
 Millie fumed at her husband being called ugly and weak. To think that she would have sex with anyone else at random…
 “And you!” The kid pointed at Loona.
 “Yeah? What about me?” Loona asked.
 The kid crossed his arms. “Nothing. I don’t talk to dogs. I’m a cat person.”
 Loona whined.
 “Wow,” said Blitzo. “You know, kid, you kind of are a piece of shit.”
 “Oh you gotta admit, he’s good,” Moxxie muttered.
 A ding came from Loona’s phone. She smiled. “Oh fuck guys, I just got a text from our client. Guess he was the right target after all.”
 “Who?” Blitzo asked.
 “Me?” asked the kid.
 “Yep,” she confirmed.
 “They wanted us to kill an actual child?” Blitzo asked.
 “That’s what they’re saying,” Loona said.
 Blitzo grinned and twirled a gun in his hand. His job just got more fun and easier. “Well Christ on a stick, I guess there is a god!” He fired and shot the boy in the chest. He flopped down dead in a pool of blood, smoke and sparks lingering in the air.
 Blitzo spoke about I.M.P.: “You know folks, with this company, I really wanted to prove that we’re capable of doing the same things anyone else can, like killing people. So from us here at the Immediate Murder Professionals group, we promise to settle your unfinished business or your money is gone and you’re never getting it back and you can write us a bad review but we’ll play dumb to it because it’s Hell and no one fucking cares.”
 Blitzo, Moxxie and Millie kicked the dead kid on the floor, enjoying themselves. Loona snapped a picture with her phone. After the imps left with the body, Niffty came in and gasped.
“Well, time to clean this up. What a mess!” She hummed a happy tune as she mopped up the blood at rapid speed.
 Blitzo and Moxxie wore gas masks and green suits as Blitzo sawed off the boy’s arm and Moxxie sawed his chest, organs spilling out into a sack below. Millie tossed an arm into the sack and Loona helped hold open the sack. Moxxie dropped the boy’s severed head inside and shared a loving smile with his wife.
 Etched in red graffiti on a dumpster behind them were the words “Devil,” “Hell,” “Happy Hotel,” and “I’m always chasing rainbows.” A pentagram, and wide smiles were also doodled on the surface.
 Blitzo embraced the entire group in a forceful hug, knocking the phone from Loona’s hands.
“You know, even though this kid was a target, he’s still a child. It’s important that we’ve handled this going forward, respectfully.” He wrapped his long tail around the group, all of them smiling genuinely. For despite all their problems, they were still a company family.
   Back in the human world, a crying blonde mother wearing a pink shirt and a necklace held up a paper saying “missing boy.” Below in large letters read on the news: “Mom sucks at drawing own kid!”
 The mother spoke into the microphone, “Please, if anyone has seen my little Eddie…”
She gasped as a sack dropped into her hands. She and the news reporter looked up to see a smiling Blitzo, Millie, and Moxxie through a portal up above.
 “You’re welcome!” Blitzo called with a wave before the portal closed.
The mother looked inside the bag and screamed. “My son! He’s dead! NOOOO!”
   Back in Hell, the three imps laughed out loud.
 “We did the right thing,” said Millie.
 “Yep, at least now she knows what happened to her kid,” said Blitzo.
 They turned around and spotted Niffty finishing up mopping the floor and walls. The water in the bucket was crimson red.
 “What the…?” Moxxie asked in disbelief. “Why is she still here?!”
 “Oh, hi, your back!” Niffty said. “Just in time too! I’ve talked with my friend and he’s coming over to chat with you.”
 “We don’t have time for any more chit-chat,” Moxxie spat. Loona sat in a chair, staring at her phone. “Whatever.”
 There was a knock on the door.
 “Oh here he is!” Niffty squealed and opened the door.
 Blitzo and the others saw a black and white scowling cat demon with red wings. He wore a small top hat and a large red bow tie. His wings had card symbols on it: diamonds, hearts, spades, and clubs.
 “Oh hello, Husk!” Niffty greeted as Husk slouched in.
 Husk narrowed his eyes at Niffty. “Alright, you said that these imps had an underground stash of cash and booze. Where is it?”
 Blitzo shrugged. “I don’t know what you’re talking about. We’re broke.”
 “Husk,” said Niffty. “Don’t let this shabby town fool you. There’s loads of treasures hidden in plain sight.”
 Husk looked around as the imps shook their heads in confusion.
“You’re a fucking liar! You thought it would be a big ho-ra to trick me into following you? To meet these clown imps and to find there’s no booze at all? You think I’m some kind of fucking joke?!”
 Niffty just shrugged. “Well, it got you here and that’s the important thing.”
She darted around and shook the imp’s hands. “It’s so nice to meet more friends. It gets a bit boring at the hotel.”
 “What hotel?” Moxxie asked.
 “The Haz…Happy Hotel, of course! The one that princess Charlie runs to help redeem sinners.”
 Blitzo and the others looked at each other, then burst into laughter, while Husk scowled.
 “What? That’s the craziest shit I’ve ever heard!” Blitzo giggled, pounding on the desk. Even Loona howled in laughter.
 Blitzo wiped tears from his eyes. “You’re telling me that Hell’s princess decides to turn sinners into do-gooders? Next thing you know, she’ll make the homeless rich. And I like homeless people too much to let that happen.”
 Moxxie face-palmed. “Why would royalty do something so pointless? If the princess wants to help out, then she should help us imps and hellhounds. We may be hellborn and above sinners, but we’re still treated like scum based on where we live and how easy it is for others to get us into service!”
 Loona nodded. “For once, I agree with him. And I could care less about what she does.”
 “Well, if you ever want to visit…”
 Moxxie glared at Niffty. “No. Thanks.”
 Millie sighed in defeat. “Aw, Blitzo, are you sure we can’t have her around? Or at least visit the hotel?”
 Blitzo stared into her wide pleading eyes and shook his head with a sigh. “I’m afraid Moxxie is right. As fun as it sounds, it’s too risky for us to go there by ourselves. At least not without weapons. Besides, we have work to do here.”
 Niffty mentioned to Husk. “This is my friend, Husk. Though he wasn’t the one who wanted us to come here.”
 Husk scoffed. “I’m no one’s friend. It was annoying enough to get dragged out of the bar and into this shady shithole of a city. I wouldn’t be here if it wasn’t for Niffty and that crazy…”
 Husk paused and stared at the hellhound, with wide eyes.
 Loona took out a dark brown bottle marked with three xs on it and took a drink.
 “Is that hard booze?” Husk asked.
 “Yep,” said Loona.
 “Can I have it?”
 “Hand it over, bitch!”
 Loona growled, “Shut it, pussy!”
 Husk hissed. “Fuck you!”
 Loona held up two fingers.
 “Oh you did not just go double on me!”
 “Sure did.”
 “Okay then,” Husk said, swiping the phone from Loona’s hand.  
 “HEY!” Loona barked, spitting out her drink. She got up from her chair and chased Husk around the room. The sounds of cat screeches and dog barks filled the room.
  Hey, Husk!” Blitzo yelled. “Do not insult my assistant!”
  “What ya gonna do, boss man?” Husk called, leaping onto the table, Millie jumping out of the way. Loona threw a book at Husk, who ducked. The book instead hit Niffty in the face, sending her flying across the room and against the stripped wall. “I’m okay!”
  Moxxie face-palmed as he watched the chaos. “I might as well quit, but I don’t have any other means to support myself.” Millie embraced Moxxie who whimpered again.  
 Everyone yelled, adding to the chaos.
 “ORDER IN THE OFFICE!” Blitzo yelled, pounding his hand on the table.
 “MY PHONE BACK, JACKASS!” Loona snarled loudly.
 “GET ME RICH OR I’M LEAVING!” Husk added.
 Niffty cleaned up the room, muttering to herself.
 Millie practiced singing out loud, trying to drown out the noise. “INSIDE OF EVERY DEMON IS A RAINBOW…”
 Moxxie covered his ears. “WOULD EVERYBODY JUST SHUT UP FOR ONE…”
 A sudden screeching sound brought the yelling and erratic activities to an abrupt halt.  Everyone winced at the sound, which vanished as quickly as it came.
 “What was…that?” Blitzo asked, shaking his head.
 “Dunno,” Loona said. “Sounded like somebody testing a microphone.”
  A very slow “Shave and a Haircut” knock filled up the silence. It came from behind the door that led to the hallway.
 Loona and Husk froze, maws open in mid-brawl. Moxxie raised his eyebrows and suddenly started to shiver. Millie and Blitzo suddenly felt an oncoming sense of dread. Husk crossed his arms and rolled his eyes. Niffty, however, clapped her hands in excitement. She took some steps forward, but froze at Moxxie’s glare.
 “Do not answer the door,” Moxxie whispered in a harsh tone.
 Niffty stared in confusion. “Why not? He’s my friend.”
 Moxxie narrowed his eyes.
 “From the other side!” Niffty emphasized.
 “Just don’t go any further.”
 Niffty grinned and tiptoed closer to the door.
 “No, no, no,” Moxxie breathed, moving his hands across in a signal. “Stop right there.”
 Niffty stopped and slowly reached her thin black hand toward the round handle.
 “Oh for Lucifer’s sake!” Blitzo announced, walking toward the door. “It’s Niffty’s coworker. How bad can he be?”
 He opened the door and grinned. “Hi I’m Blitz…”
 His eyes widened and his face fell.
 Blitzo stared at a towering tall demon wearing a tattered red dress coat with vertical thin stripes. Burgundy colored pants covered his legs and ended in red patches along the ends. He wore black dress shoes with red deer print marks on the soles. His undershirt was red and had an upside down black cross as part of the design. A black bow tie was displayed below his slender neck. One of his four clawed hands held a red vintage microphone staff.
 Blitzo stuttered, at a loss for words. Fear was constricting his throat. He stuttered as he looked up at the man’s face, “Welcome…”
 Blitzo stared at the man’s red and black hair, with large deer ears and antlers. His large red eyes blinked to life from a pale face. A monocle gleamed under his right eye.
 The man displayed a grin of sharp yellow teeth, his smile too wide to be considered natural.
 The demon opened his mouth, “Hell…”
 Blitzo slammed the door, catching his breath. He opened it a crack…
 Closed it again. “Guys…” he began.
 “What?” Moxxie asked in frustration.
 “I think we need to move away. Niffty, could you please send your friend away? He’s giving me the creeps.”
 Niffty shook her head.
 “Don’t let him in, sir!” Moxxie said. Husk nodded in agreement.
 Millie gasped, “That’s a rude way to treat a guest!”
 “Okay then, do you want to open the door?”
 Millie gulped.
 Blitzo sighed and opened it again.
 “May I speak now?” the man asked.
 “Sure, whatever,” Blitzo muttered.
 The overlord swooped into the room. “Greetings fellow sinners! I’m Alastor but people call me the Radio Demon. I heard from my little darling Niffty that you imps are part of an assassination organization, yes?”
 Blitzo took a deep breath and cleared his throat. A smile appeared on his face, now that he was feeling confident. “That’s correct, good sir! I’m Blitzo and I’m the founder of the Immediate Murder Professionals, I.M.P. for short.”
 Alastor laughed. “What a clever name! I.M.P. run by imps! And who are your associates?”
 Blitzo mentioned to the other imps, “This is Moxxie and Millie.” Millie waved and blushed while Moxxie glowered.
 Loona looked up from her phone.
 “…and this is my sweet daughter, Loona,” Blitzo finished.
 Loona growled and snapped her teeth at Alastor, causing him to take a step back. Retaining his composure, he continued. “That little maid is Niffty, and that cat over there is Husk. I saw your commercial on the picture show and was intrigued. Murdering people in gruesome ways…a classic form of entertainment! It even makes my methods look standard. All thanks to Niffty for finding your location.”
 Niffty smiled and waved.
 “Next time, don’t mention Imp City in the ad,” Moxxie spat at Blitzo in a low voice.
 Alastor walked slightly closer to Blitzo, leaning in. “Is it true that you have access to the living world?”
 “Uh…yes?” Blitzo answered. He felt Alastor’s fingers make their way along his curved horns. Despite himself denying it, Blitzo felt his cheeks go pink.
 “And you can create portals? Splendid, indeed. There’s no other being in Hell who can do that.”
 “Smooth liar,” Husk muttered from a distance.
 “That’s right!” Blitzo replied. “Our company has special access to the living world due to our abilities. I may have also stolen a Satanic ritual book from a bird dick overlord several days ago. Top secret.”
 Moxxie’s face turned purple, he made the hand signal for “zip it!” to Blitzo, but of course, he wasn’t paying attention.
 Alastor smiled and put a finger to his lips. “Rest assured, whatever happens here, stays here.”
 He waved his hand and two bottles of booze appeared in front of Husk.  
 “You might think you can keep getting away with bribing me like that…” Husk said, narrowing his eyes, “…but we both know you can!” He picked up a bottle and started drinking. Loona snatched the other one.
  “What exactly are you doing here, anyway?” Moxxie demanded to Alastor.
 “Why I’m here to help out your company, of course! I’m already involved in helping Charlie with her hotel, so I figured I could expand my horizons.”
 The Radio Demon walked over to Millie. “Hello, dear, it’s a pleasure to meet you.”
 He gently kissed her red hand, making her giggle.
 Moxxie slapped his hand away. “No one touches my wife, you got that?”
 Alastor just shrugged and walked toward the table.
  “Don’t you walk away from me, Mister!” Mooxie stood from his chair and walked over to him. He pointed at his chest, making the demon’s smile more strained. “You look like a shady showman to me, so listen here. You have no business whatsoever in interfering with our company. Or messing around with my coworkers and my boss. So, don’t go around harming anyone here, or we’ll kick you out of our office…or just slice you to bits, Dapper Deer!”
 Alastor just laughed softly. Millie and Blitzo walked over to calm Moxxie down.
 “If I wanted to hurt anyone here…” Alastor said…
 He then spoke in a creepy tone: “I would’ve done so already.”
His eyes turned into red moving radio dials and the air filled with radio static and floating red voodoo symbols.
 He shook his head and the sensations ceased. His eyes returned to normal. “So, now let’s talk about how I can help you out.”
 “What?” Millie asked.
 “How can I be of assistance? You want donations? Promotion? An upgraded outfit?”
 Blitzo scoffed, “My outfit is great enough as it is. But… you said something about promotions?”
  Alastor nodded. “You ever feel like your work goes unrecognized?”
 “Yeah,” Blitzo replied. “People do come to us a lot to murder people, but…”
 Alastor tilted his head…
 Blitzo continued, “…but the imps and residents here look down on us. Not to mention even the sinners brush us aside like we’re trash. That’s why we’ve kept to ourselves a lot. We imps have to stick together…and hellhounds, too.”
 Loona rolled her eyes.
 “But your company is so unique, and with such special access, I don’t know why others would look down on you,” Alastor mentioned. “Whoever those horrible people are…who are they?”
 “My asshole father,” Blitzo said. “He’s kept me from achieving my musical theater dreams.”
 Alastor placed a hand on Blitzo’s shoulder. He spoke in his sympathetic tone, reserved for making others feel at ease.
 “Oh, believe me, I’ve been there. I’ve loved singing and music ever since I can remember. And my dad…well it’s a long story, too tragic to go into. Have you ever thought of…killing the person in your way? It’s surprisingly simple, and you of all people should know.”
 Moxxie nodded. “I had a dream that my parents were being murdered, and I wanted to get back to that.”
 “What if I told you…there was a way for your dreams to come true?”
 “That’s impossible,” Moxxie scoffed.
 Alastor appeared behind him, from his shadow form, making him jump. “I don’t think so! I can do so many things for your cause.” He stood in front of the three imps. A flaming bag of money appeared in Alastor’s outstretched hand, in front of Blitzo’s eyes. It changed to fiery silhouettes of Blitzo, Moxxie, and Millie dancing to the clapping of a crowd coming through his microphone. “This may seem like a bit much, but so far, you’re a well-established company.” The I.M.P. logo appeared in his hand before he closed it. “I could improve you ads, extend your business to Pentagram City, all under my protection. Imps won’t have to be the lowest of the low ever again.”
 Blitzo and his associates looked at each other, lost in thought. Alastor’s grin grew wider.
  “Do you really want to give up this golden opportunity?”
 Moxxie paused. Blitzo found himself shaking his head. Millie smiled at Niffty and Husk nearby.
 Alastor turned to leave. “Well, it was worth a try. I could give you some time to think about it…it was only a suggestion.”
 He slowly walked toward the door. “3…2…1…”
 Blitzo’s eyes went wide. “No, no, wait! Don’t leave.”
 Alastor turned his head, smile wide. He turned back to them and held out his right hand. “So, do we have a deal?”
 “No deals!” Moxxie yelled, pulling Blitzo away. “There’s something shifty about this guy. The stuff he says is too good to be true.”
 “You sure about that?” he asked. “Perhaps I need to persuade you a little more…”
 He snapped his fingers and the table and pictures vanished. The room turned a dark purple and the floor became wooden like dance floor. Deer antlers and voodoo symbols lined the walls in neon colors. The posters now showed deer with black bloody circles in place of eyes. Alastor’s outfit changed into a red suit, with a red top hat with pins sticking out. Soon, everyone was wearing attire from the early 1900s: dapper dresses and round hats of purple, green and yellow for Millie, Niffty, and Loona, and suits of light blue, white and black for Blitzo, Husk and Moxxie.
  “Take it boys!” Alastor called, snapping his fingers. Shadow spirits emerged from a newly created portal in the ground. One played a saxophone, one a trumpet, and the other played the drums.
 A jazzy remix of the I.M.P. jingle played. Moxxie and Millie danced and spun around in the spotlight as the music played. Husk and Moxxie glared at each other in a corner. Niffty smiled and danced along, while Loona stared at her phone again.
 Alastor mentioned for Blitzo to come on stage and sing with him. Blitzo blushed and slowly made his way next to him.
  Alastor sang through his vintage microphone, which lit up.
   “When you want somebody dead,
And you wanna poke fun at their head
Call the Immediate Murder Professionals
 Whether homicide or genocide
We’ll make it look like suicide
Immediate Murder Professionals
 We do our job so well
‘Cause we come straight up from Hell
We’ll kill your husband or your wife
We’ll even let you keep the knife
 The Immediate…Murder…Professionals
 The song was followed by an electro swing solo and a repeat of the verses.
Blitzo was lost in a blissful trance as he and Alastor spun around in a dance.
 They both stopped to catch their breath as the music slowed to a relaxing jazz melody.
 Alastor held out his right hand. “What’d you say? Won’t you shake a poor sinner’s hand?” The area around him glowed an eerie green and a strange wind gusted.
 Millie ran over and eagerly shook his hand. “I accept! Thank you for your help!” In the shadows, Moxxie was pulled toward Alastor by black tentacles wrapping around his waist.
 Blitzo stared at Alastor’s hand in front of him. Common sense told him to stay far away from this demon.
 But Millie had shaken his hand already…and he did offer to help them…
 Blitzo’s musical dream was just beginning, and so was his company. Why back out now?
 He slowly moved his hand closer, hovering over Alastor’s fingerless glove- covered hand.
 Loona’s eyes grew wide. Her fur stuck on end and her instincts kicked in. She could smell deceit and evil coming from the demon. She hadn’t thought it would go this far. For the first time, she placed her phone down on the ground. “Blitz!” she called.
 Blitzo briefly looked behind Alastor…and saw his adopted daughter…with fear in her eyes for the first time. He was sure he was dreaming. There was no way magic like this could exist, and surely his daughter wouldn’t show this much concern for him.
 But then again…Blitzo could create portals to Earth, so anything was possible.
 “Anything is possible,” said Alastor, as if reading his thoughts.
 “Don’t do it!” Loona barked. She raced over to Blitzo…only for Husk and Niffty to block her. Husk’s eyes and Niffty’s eye glowed red. “Ahh, the fuck?!” Loona exclaimed, in shock.
 Blitzo’s shaking hand inched closer…
 Moxxie’s hand was forcibly guided to the demon’s other hand by the tentacles…
 Loona growled and swatted Husk and Niffty aside with her paws.
  Blitzo’s hand touched Alastor’s at the same time Moxxie’s did.
  The Radio Demon cackled in triumph as Blitzo and Moxxie shook his hands. All three imps briefly opened their eyes wide, all glowing red. Small streams of evil black energy from their souls traveled from each of their mouths and into Alastor’s staff. Husk and Niffty stood up and stared at each other…for this had happened to them as well. All five of them stood still like soldiers, each with too-wide grins on their faces as static and symbols filled the air. The static was overwhelming to Loona’s ears, and she soon passed out.
   Then suddenly, the room and everyone’s outfits returned to normal. Everyone’s eyes cleared, and the portal and tentacles vanished.
Moxxie and Blitzo removed their hands.
 “What…just happened?” Blitzo asked.
 “Something amazing,” Niffty said.
 Loona sat up and rubbed her head. “I think I just had another hangover.”
 Husk had already thrown up after all the dancing and spinning.
 Niffty sighed. “Let me clean that,” and rushed off.
 “Well, I’ll say that was quite entertaining!” Alastor said. “Look.” He pointed to a radio which hadn’t been there before. Blitzo listened and he could hear the jazzy version of the I.M.P. jingle being played. A low announcer voice said, “Call the Immediate Murder Professionals! Founded by the Incredible Blitzo, and his associates Moxxie and Millie….and Loona too.”
 Loona raised her middle finger.
 “Call 1-800-666-Hell or go online to I.M.P. .com today!”
 Alastor grinned. “It’s now been broadcasted all over Hell…and it should appear on the Picture Show very soon!”
 “Wait, Picture Show?” asked Millie.
 “He means the TV,” Blitzo replied.
 Alastor grinned. “Well, I’d love to stay, but I’m a busy man. Good luck with your business. Come along, Niffty, Husk.”
 Niffty scurried over and opened the door for Alastor. Husk gave one final “fuck you,” to Loona and Moxxie before leaving.
 “By the way…” Alastor said as he reached the door. “Since I’ve helped you out, it only seems fair that you help me out as well. Don’t be alarmed if you’re suddenly summoned to help me out in my various conquests of Hell.  Loona, your services are not required.” Loona grunted in response before he finished, “Consider my deal as an inevitable new career for you…”
 His eyes turned into dials again…
 “…as my slaves.”
 His eyes turned fully red once more. “Ta-la for now!”
 He waved goodbye and the door closed behind him, everyone staring wide-eyed. No one noticed that the Satanic book had disappeared…
  The imps didn’t believe that was the case…
 …until one day, they were transported outside near the Hazbin Hotel. Their auras glowed red and their bodies became dark shadows. They surrounded Sir Pentious’ blimp, giggling as dark power flowed through their veins. The tentacles wrapped around the blimp and the shadow imps scattered before the vehicle exploded in a cloud of pink smoke. Charlie, Angel Dust, Husk, Vaggie, and Niffty watched in horror as Alastor stood with a sinister grin on his face.
 The group walked back to the hotel as Alastor talked about his mother’s jambalaya. With a snap of his fingers, the “Happy Hotel” words on the roof changed to “Hazbin Hotel.”
 “Stay tuned,” Alastor finished with low laughter.
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downtothewater · 6 years ago
Blessing of Water, Chalk, Candles, and Fire
The following are a set of rituals I use to prepare certain elements very common to me in my work: holy water, consecrated chalk, blessed candles, and exorcised fire.  These rituals are based heavily on the Solomonic magical tradition as well as Catholic and Orthodox rites for blessing or preparing certain sacramentals.  Having these elements on hand takes care of the vast majority of my day-to-day spiritual needs, with incenses, herbs, and decorations being used for other workings limited to certain circumstances.  When in doubt, keep it simple, and what could be simpler than the divinity of water and fire?
Blessing of Water
The following is the ritual I use to create holy water, which I use in all sorts of projects and rituals from a daily cleansing of the self to creating complex solutions for later work.  The water has the effect of driving off evil and suprressing pain while increasing virtue and well-being.  Besides, they say that cleanliness is next to godliness.  Water is a critical component of religion, magic, and spirituality across many cultures and time periods, and has been made or blessed in as many ways: some of the ancient Greeks dipped a torch of sacred fire into a vessel of water, while the rivers Jordan, Tigris, or Ganges have all been claimed to be holy entirely.  I compiled the ritual below from three sources: the Key of Solomon (book II, chapter 11), a Catholic ritual for using holy water, and a Greek Orthodox ritualfor creating holy water (the Mikros Agiasmos, by way of Fr. Rufus Opus’ now-discontinued Red Work series of courses).
Holy water should be made in the day and hour of Mercury (especially if the water is to be used for magical purposes) or Jupiter (for religious and blessing purposes), though either is acceptable in addition to the day and hour of the Sun for general needs, when the Moon is waxing; I prefer the day and hour of Mercury generally.  Holy water is made from fresh, clean water.  Water from a spring or stream is ideal, but water from the tap will do fine so long as it is clean, clear, and tastes good.   Salt is also needed, preferably uniodized white sea salt, one teaspoon for every cup of water.
Before making the holy water, being in a purified state is suggested.  Banish, bathe, cleanse, fast, and pray to enter into a spiritually clean state before making holy water in this manner.  Making holy water in other ways may not require this, but it may be difficult to engage in divine acts so to make something so completely clean with dirty hands.
Place the salt in a cup large enough to hold the needed amount.  Bring the water in a pot to a rolling boil, and continue boiling for at least five minutes.  Turn off the heat.  Say the following over the salt to exorcise and bless it:
Tzabaoth, Messiah, Emmanuel, Elohim Gibor, Jehovah, O God, the Truth and the Life, deign to bless + and sanctify + this creature of salt, to serve unto us for help, protection, and assistance in all places and at all times, and may it be a succor unto us.  Almighty God, we ask you to bless + this salt as once you blessed the salt scattered over the water by the prophet Elisha.
I exorcise you so that you may become a means of salvation for believers, that it may bring health of soul and body to all who make use of you, and that you may put to flight and drive away every apparition, villainy, turn of devilish deceit, and every unclean spirit from the places where you are sprinkled, adjured by him who will come to judge the living and the dead and the world by fire.
Wherever this salt and water are sprinkled, o Lord, drive away the power of evil and protect us always by the presence of your holy Spirit.
Pour the salt in a cross formation into the water.  Say the following over the mixture to bless the water with the now-cleansed salt:
Lord God Almighty, creator of all life, of body, and of soul, we ask you to bless + purify + and sanctify + this water by your heavenly blessing.  Grant it the grace and blessing of the Jordan and the power to cleanse all defilements, to heal all illnesses, and to drive out evil spirits and their deceits and snares.  By the power, action, and grace of the all-holy Spirit, let this water be for the cleansing of the soul, the calming of passions, the expulsion of all evil, the increase of virtue, the healing of illnesses, the sanctification of homes and of all places, the driving out of all destructive and evil-doing spirits, and the reception of your grace for those who drink this water in faith, receive it, or are sprinkled with it.  Lord, in your mercy give us living water, always springing up as a fountain of salvation; free us and our body, our soul, our spirit, our and mind from every danger, and admit us to your presence in purity of heart.  As we use this water blessed by your grace in faith, forgive our sins and save us from all illness and the power of evil.
Recite Psalms 102, 54, 6, and 51 over the water while stirring it with a spoon in a clockwise direction:
Hear my prayer, Lord; let my cry for help come to you. Do not hide your face from me when I am in distress. Turn your ear to me; when I call, answer me quickly. For my days vanish like smoke; my bones burn like glowing embers. My heart is blighted and withered like grass; I forget to eat my food. In my distress I groan aloud and am reduced to skin and bones. I am like a desert owl, like an owl among the ruins. I lie awake; I have become like a bird alone on a roof. All day long my enemies taunt me; those who rail against me use my name as a curse. For I eat ashes as my food and mingle my drink with tears because of your great wrath, for you have taken me up and thrown me aside. My days are like the evening shadow; I wither away like grass. But you, Lord, sit enthroned forever; your renown endures through all generations. You will arise and have compassion on Zion, for it is time to show favor to her; the appointed time has come. For her stones are dear to your servants; her very dust moves them to pity. The nations will fear the name of the Lord, all the kings of the earth will revere your glory. For the Lord will rebuild Zion and appear in his glory. He will respond to the prayer of the destitute; he will not despise their plea. Let this be written for a future generation, that a people not yet created may praise the Lord: “The Lord looked down from his sanctuary on high, from heaven he viewed the earth, to hear the groans of the prisoners and release those condemned to death.” So the name of the Lord will be declared in Zion and his praise in Jerusalem when the peoples and the kingdoms assemble to worship the Lord. In the course of my life he broke my strength; he cut short my days. So I said: “Do not take me away, my God, in the midst of my days; your years go on through all generations. In the beginning you laid the foundations of the earth, and the heavens are the work of your hands. They will perish, but you remain; they will all wear out like a garment. Like clothing you will change them and they will be discarded. But you remain the same, and your years will never end. The children of your servants will live in your presence; their descendants will be established before you.”
Save me, O God, by your name; vindicate me by your might. Hear my prayer, O God; listen to the words of my mouth. Arrogant foes are attacking me; ruthless people are trying to kill me— people without regard for God. Surely God is my help; the Lord is the one who sustains me. Let evil recoil on those who slander me; in your faithfulness destroy them. I will sacrifice a freewill offering to you; I will praise your name, Lord, for it is good. You have delivered me from all my troubles, and my eyes have looked in triumph on my foes.
Lord, do not rebuke me in your anger or discipline me in your wrath. Have mercy on me, Lord, for I am faint; heal me, Lord, for my bones are in agony. My soul is in deep anguish. How long, Lord, how long…? Turn, Lord, and deliver me; save me because of your unfailing love. Among the dead no one proclaims your name. Who praises you from the grave? I am worn out from my groaning. All night long I flood my bed with weeping and drench my couch with tears. My eyes grow weak with sorrow; they fail because of all my foes. Away from me, all you who do evil, for the Lord has heard my weeping. The Lord has heard my cry for mercy; the Lord accepts my prayer. All my enemies will be overwhelmed with shame and anguish; they will turn back and suddenly be put to shame.
Have mercy on me, O God, according to your unfailing love; according to your great compassion blot out my transgressions. Wash away all my iniquity and cleanse me from my sin. For I know my transgressions, and my sin is always before me. Against you, you only, have I sinned and done what is evil in your sight; so you are right in your verdict and justified when you judge. Surely I was sinful at birth, sinful from the time my mother conceived me. Yet you desired faithfulness even in the womb; you taught me wisdom in that secret place. Cleanse me with hyssop, and I will be clean; wash me, and I will be whiter than snow. Let me hear joy and gladness; let the bones you have crushed rejoice. Hide your face from my sins and blot out all my iniquity. Create in me a pure heart, o God, and renew a steadfast spirit within me. Do not cast me from your presence or take your Holy Spirit from me. Restore to me the joy of your salvation and grant me a willing spirit, to sustain me. Then I will teach transgressors your ways, so that sinners will turn back to you. Deliver me from the guilt of bloodshed, o God, you who are God my Savior, and my tongue will sing of your righteousness. Open my lips, Lord, and my mouth will declare your praise. You do not delight in sacrifice, or I would bring it; you do not take pleasure in burnt offerings. My sacrifice, O God, is a broken spirit; a broken and contrite heart you, God, will not despise. May it please you to prosper Zion, to build up the walls of Jerusalem. Then you will delight in the sacrifices of the righteous, in burnt offerings offered whole; then bulls will be offered on your altar.
Finally, recite the following prayer over the water, while continuing to stir the water in a clockwise direction:
Lord, holy Father, look with kindness on your children, redeemed by your Word and born to a new life by water and the holy Spirit.  Grant that those who are sprinkled with this water may be renewed in body and spirit and may make a pure offering of their service to you.  Shine on it with the light of your kindness.  Sanctify it by the dew of your love, so that, through the invocation of your holy name, wherever this water and salt is sprinkled, it may turn aside every attack of the unclean spirit, and dispel the terrors of the poisonous serpent. And wherever we may be, make the holy Spirit present to us, who now implore your mercy.  Amen.
At this point, the salt will have completely dissolved in the water.  Say a thanksgiving prayer (such as the Prayer of Thanksgiving).  Bottle or store the water as desired.  Light a candle and some incense (preferably frankincense) by the containers of water as an offering to God, and let the candle and incense burn out before using the holy water.  So long as the bottles are kept sealed and free from contaminants, it should keep for a while without bacterial or fungal growth.  If herbs such as hyssop or basil were used in the creation of the holy water, however, the mixture will eventually turn clouded on its own, at which point it should no longer be used.
As I first mentioned in this 2012 post, to use the water to cleanse myself, I will often take a small cupful of it with me to bathe with.  After having showered normally, I will lift the cup of holy water above my head and pray:
With this water consecrated, sanctified, and blessed by the grace of God do I cleanse myself and free myself from all defilement, impurity, and filth.  Grant, o Lord, with this holy living water that you have given mankind, that I may be made clean and cleansed in the eyes of God and men.
After that, I pour the holy water on my head, and wipe myself down with it in a continuous downward motion so that my entire body has been cleaned with the holy water.  This done, I then pray the Asperges Me followed by the Glory Be:
Asperges me, Domine, hyssopo et mundabor. Lavabis me, et super nivem dealbabor. Miserere me, Deus, secundum magnam misericordiam tuam. Gloria Patri et Filio et Spiritui Sancto, sicut erat in principio et nunc et semper in secula seculorum.  Amen.
Translated into English:
Sprinkle me, o Lord, with hyssop and I will be cleansed. Wash me, and I will be made whiter than snow. Pity me, o God, according to your great mercy. Glory be to the Father and the Son and the Holy Ghost, as it was in the beginning, is now, and ever shall be, world without end.  Amen.
Blessing of Chalk
With such consecrated water, I then use a blessing of chalk to consecrate and prepare the stuff for use in rituals and workings.  This consecration could also equally be used for any writing instrument, like pens, pencils, or charcoals.  Take chalk in a day and hour of Mercury, preferably when the Moon is waxing and in the sign of Virgo.  Sprinkle the chalk with holy water and say the following over it.
O God, heavenly father, eternal spirit, fountain of light, present in all places and father of all things, who fashioned the world in the seven days of creation, bless this creature of chalk that it may be used for the aid, defense, and salvation of the human race.  O Lord, through the invocation of Your holy name Elohim Tzabaoth, grant this chalk the power and blessing to preserve that which is just and true from losing its justice and truth.  Just as you provided safety for your Word eternal, so too may this chalk provide the same for us and in all purposes that it shall serve us.  Amen.
Blessing of Candles
Likewise, with the chalk, I use a the blessing ritual from the Key of Solomon (book II, chapter 12) to preprare consecrated candles, as I described in this 2014 post.  For this, in a day and hour of Mercury when the Moon is waxing and in a zodiac sign of Fire, I asperge the candle with the holy water, anoint it with holy oil, recite Psalms 150, 103, and 117 over it:
Praise the Lord. Praise God in his sanctuary; praise him in his mighty heavens. Praise him for his acts of power; praise him for his surpassing greatness. Praise him with the sounding of the trumpet, praise him with the harp and lyre, praise him with timbrel and dancing, praise him with the strings and pipe, praise him with the clash of cymbals, praise him with resounding cymbals. Let everything that has breath praise the Lord. Praise the Lord.
Praise the Lord, my soul; all my inmost being, praise his holy name. Praise the Lord, my soul, and forget not all his benefits— who forgives all your sins and heals all your diseases, who redeems your life from the pit and crowns you with love and compassion, who satisfies your desires with good things so that your youth is renewed like the eagle’s. The Lord works righteousness and justice for all the oppressed. He made known his ways to Moses, his deeds to the people of Israel: The Lord is compassionate and gracious, slow to anger, abounding in love. He will not always accuse, nor will he harbor his anger forever; he does not treat us as our sins deserve or repay us according to our iniquities. For as high as the heavens are above the earth, so great is his love for those who fear him; as far as the east is from the west, so far has he removed our transgressions from us. As a father has compassion on his children, so the Lord has compassion on those who fear him; for he knows how we are formed, he remembers that we are dust. The life of mortals is like grass, they flourish like a flower of the field; the wind blows over it and it is gone, and its place remembers it no more. But from everlasting to everlasting the Lord’s love is with those who fear him, and his righteousness with their children’s children— with those who keep his covenant and remember to obey his precepts. The Lord has established his throne in heaven, and his kingdom rules over all. Praise the Lord, you his angels, you mighty ones who do his bidding, who obey his word. Praise the Lord, all his heavenly hosts, you his servants who do his will. Praise the Lord, all his works everywhere in his dominion. Praise the Lord, my soul.
Praise the Lord, all you nations; extol him, all you peoples. For great is his love toward us, and the faithfulness of the Lord endures forever. Praise the Lord.
After the three Psalms, I suffumigate the candle with incense while and recite the following prayer over the candle:
O Lord God, who governs all things by thine almighty power, give unto me, a poor sinner, understanding and knowledge to do only that which is agreeable unto Thee; grant unto me to fear, adore, love, praise and give thanks unto Thee with true and sincere faith and perfect charity.  Grant, o Lord, before I die, and descend into the realms beneath, and before the fiery flame shall devour me, that thy grace may not leave me, o Lord of my soul. Amen. +
I exorcise thee, o creature of wax, by him who alone hath created all things by his word, and by the virtue of him who is pure truth, that thou cast out from thee every phantasm, perversion, and deceit of the enemy, and may the virtue and power of God enter into thee, so that thou may give us light, and chase far from us all fear or terror.  Amen.
Blessing of Fire
I typically reserve these consecrated candles for altar use or specific workings that call for them.  For most purposes, however, I use unconsecrated candles.  Whether I’m lighting a candle that’s previously been consecrated or not, so long as the candle is not being lit as a specific offering to a spirit, I recite the same exorcism over it:
I conjure thee, thou creature of fire, by him who created all things both in heaven and earth, and in the sea, and in every other place whatever, that thou cast away every phantasm from thee, that no hurt whatsoever shall be done in any thing.  Bless, oh Lord, this creature of fire +, and sanctify it that it may be blessed +, and that it may burn for your honor and glory +, so neither the enemy nor any false imagination may enter into it, through the Most High and Holy Creator of All.  Amen.
This exorcism of fire is based on the Trithemian ritual of conjuration, though it also has variations found in other Solomonic texts like the Heptameron.  When the Sign of the Cross is made in this exorcism, I make the Sign over the lit flame instead of on myself.
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frederickwiddowson · 6 years ago
Luke 13:1 ¶  There were present at that season some that told him of the Galilaeans, whose blood Pilate had mingled with their sacrifices. 2  And Jesus answering said unto them, Suppose ye that these Galilaeans were sinners above all the Galilaeans, because they suffered such things? 3  I tell you, Nay: but, except ye repent, ye shall all likewise perish. 4  Or those eighteen, upon whom the tower in Siloam fell, and slew them, think ye that they were sinners above all men that dwelt in Jerusalem? 5  I tell you, Nay: but, except ye repent, ye shall all likewise perish.
 Jesus continues, as someone speaks of Pontius Pilate, the Roman governor, and his atrocities against Galileans at worship. He responds with a question that points at reality. When someone suffers do you think they were being singled out as the worst of the worst? Are there not many others just as evil or sinful who go unpunished? But, if you do not repent and turn from your sins and turn towards God you will also perish.
 He brings up a point about an accident, the falling of a tower that killed eighteen persons. Again, He asks them if they think these victims were the worst people in Jerusalem. Of course not, but unless you repent you, too, shall perish.
 Repenting of your sins against God and turning to Him is a fundamental doctrine of Christ. Paul wrote;
 Hebrews 6:1 ¶  Therefore leaving the principles of the doctrine of Christ, let us go on unto perfection; not laying again the foundation of repentance from dead works, and of faith toward God,
 Dead works are defined Biblically as works of the flesh, sins. Read Hebrews, chapter 9 for the context.
 Hebrews 9:14  How much more shall the blood of Christ, who through the eternal Spirit offered himself without spot to God, purge your conscience from dead works to serve the living God?
 To repent is to turn from something, changing your mind about it and rejecting it.
 Exodus 32:12  Wherefore should the Egyptians speak, and say, For mischief did he bring them out, to slay them in the mountains, and to consume them from the face of the earth? Turn from thy fierce wrath, and repent of this evil against thy people.
 Ezekiel 18:30  Therefore I will judge you, O house of Israel, every one according to his ways, saith the Lord GOD. Repent, and turn yourselves from all your transgressions; so iniquity shall not be your ruin.
     13:6 ¶  He spake also this parable; A certain man had a fig tree planted in his vineyard; and he came and sought fruit thereon, and found none. 7  Then said he unto the dresser of his vineyard, Behold, these three years I come seeking fruit on this fig tree, and find none: cut it down; why cumbereth it the ground? 8  And he answering said unto him, Lord, let it alone this year also, till I shall dig about it, and dung it: 9  And if it bear fruit, well: and if
not, then after that thou shalt cut it down.
 Israel is likened to a fig tree in the Old Testament. Here is one example;
 Hosea 9:10  I found Israel like grapes in the wilderness; I saw your fathers as the firstripe in the fig tree at her first time: but they went to Baalpeor, and separated themselves unto that shame; and their abominations were according as they loved.
 This statement about God’s forbearance and patience as Christ asks the Father for more time with the warning that there is a specific limit to God’s patience. The time is coming when the fig tree that is not bearing fruit will have to come down.
 For the Christian, which each one is a type of the nation of Israel, God also calls for fruit to be produced through the work of the Holy Spirit in how we treat God, our brothers and sisters in Christ, and our fellow men and women in general.
 It has been mentioned previously that the fruit or proof of having the Holy Spirit indwelling is found in Galatians, chapter 5. They are sharply contrasted against the dead works, the works of the flesh. The entire passage and warning bear repeating here.
 Galatians 5:13 ¶  For, brethren, ye have been called unto liberty; only use not liberty for an occasion to the flesh, but by love serve one another. 14  For all the law is fulfilled in one word, even in this; Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself. 15  But if ye bite and devour one another, take heed that ye be not consumed one of another. 16 This I say then, Walk in the Spirit, and ye shall not fulfil the lust of the flesh. 17  For the flesh lusteth against the Spirit, and the Spirit against the flesh: and these are contrary the one to the other: so that ye cannot do the things that ye would. 18 But if ye be led of the Spirit, ye are not under the law. 19  Now the works of the flesh are manifest, which are these; Adultery, fornication, uncleanness, lasciviousness, 20 Idolatry, witchcraft, hatred, variance, emulations, wrath, strife, seditions, heresies, 21  Envyings, murders, drunkenness, revellings, and such like: of the which I tell you before, as I have also told you in time past, that they which do such things shall not inherit the kingdom of God. 22  But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, longsuffering, gentleness, goodness, faith, 23  Meekness, temperance: against such there is no law. 24  And they that are Christ’s have crucified the flesh with the affections and lusts. 25  If we live in the Spirit, let us also walk in the Spirit. 26  Let us not be desirous of vain glory, provoking one another, envying one another.
 If we do not bear fruit how long should God have patience with us before He cuts us down in this life on earth?
 We, too, should be grateful that we, when unbelievers, had one more season of restraint before judgment was to come upon us in this life. And it was God’s forbearance that gave us time to be saved for eternity as we wallowed blindly in our stubborn selfishness.
 Romans 2:4  Or despisest thou the riches of his goodness and forbearance and longsuffering; not knowing that the goodness of God leadeth thee to repentance?
     13:10 ¶  And he was teaching in one of the synagogues on the sabbath. 11  And, behold, there was a woman which had a spirit of infirmity eighteen years, and was bowed together, and could in no wise lift up herself. 12  And when Jesus saw her, he called her to him, and said unto her, Woman, thou art loosed from thine infirmity. 13  And he laid his hands on her: and immediately she was made straight, and glorified God. 14  And the ruler of the synagogue answered with indignation, because that Jesus had healed on the sabbath day, and said unto the people, There are six days in which men ought to work: in them therefore come and be healed, and not on the sabbath day. 15  The Lord then answered him, and said, Thou hypocrite, doth not each one of you on the sabbath loose his ox or his ass from the stall, and lead him away to watering? 16  And ought not this woman, being
a daughter of Abraham, whom Satan hath bound, lo, these eighteen years, be loosed from this bond on the sabbath day? 17  And when he had said these things, all his adversaries were ashamed: and all the people rejoiced for all the glorious things that were done by him.
 I have known elderly people who were bent over from various diseases. Some call this ‘old-age posture’. This does not say, though, that the woman was elderly although old-age in this culture came a lot earlier than it does now for women with primitive medical assistance and unending, back-breaking work day-in and day-out. There could have been several reasons for this woman’s trouble. But, Jesus healed her with words here that are classic, Woman, thou art loosed from thine infirmity. If we are not loosed here we will be loosed upon our physical body’s death and we will not be in the presence of the Lord in a crooked, broken body of flesh but in a glorified body, redeemed by God.
 Romans 8:23  And not only they, but ourselves also, which have the firstfruits of the Spirit, even we ourselves groan within ourselves, waiting for the adoption, to wit, the redemption of our body.
 As Jesus made His statement of why it was perfectly justified to heal this woman on the Sabbath He made a point that Satan had bound her. This gives us a clue as to the origin of certain diseases. A careful reading of the book of Job will show us that this is possible. Although it is clear that God can directly ordain someone to suffer from a disease it is also clear that He can give Satan permission to do that and we would never know the difference on this earth, while we are in this body.
 Job 2:3  And the LORD said unto Satan, Hast thou considered my servant Job, that there is none like him in the earth, a perfect and an upright man, one that feareth God, and escheweth evil? and still he holdeth fast his integrity, although thou movedst me against him, to destroy him without cause. 4  And Satan answered the LORD, and said, Skin for skin, yea, all that a man hath will he give for his life. 5  But put forth thine hand now, and touch his bone and his flesh, and he
will curse thee to thy face. 6 And the LORD said unto Satan, Behold, he is in thine hand; but
save his life.
 2Corinthians 12:7  And lest I should be exalted above measure through the abundance of the revelations, there was given to me a thorn in the flesh, the messenger of Satan to buffet me, lest I should be exalted above measure.
 And yet;
 Deuteronomy 28:58  If thou wilt not observe to do all the words of this law that are written in this book, that thou mayest fear this glorious and fearful name, THE LORD THY GOD; 59  Then the LORD will make thy plagues wonderful, and the plagues of thy seed, even great plagues, and of long continuance, and sore sicknesses, and of long continuance. 60  Moreover he will bring upon thee all the diseases of Egypt, which thou wast afraid of; and they shall cleave unto thee. 61  Also every sickness, and every plague, which is not written in the book of this law, them will the LORD bring upon thee, until thou be destroyed.
 You cannot possibly know whether God has permitted Satan to harass you or whether it is part of God’s perfect, direct will. You can treat the physical symptoms and underlying physical and emotional causes of a disease but you will not know now from where it came. But, it is clear in this passage that Satan doesn’t just afflict important people like Job. He deals his misery to common people as well. In fact, death is his bailiwick on this earth now.
 Hebrews 2:14 ¶  Forasmuch then as the children are partakers of flesh and blood, he also himself likewise took part of the same; that through death he might destroy him that had the power of death, that is, the devil; 15 And deliver them who through fear of death were all their lifetime subject to bondage.
 There is an implication in passages like this that while we seek the most advanced medical knowledge to treat the unpleasant, painful, and even deadly issues of life we must also look to the spiritual side of illness. Consider the following;
 James 5:14  Is any sick among you? let him call for the elders of the church; and let them pray over him, anointing him with oil in the name of the Lord: 15  And the prayer of faith shall save the sick, and the Lord shall raise him up; and if he have committed sins, they shall be forgiven him.
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numbersbythebook · 7 years ago
Jesus and the Least of the Commandments
written by Will Schumaker
Jesus says we are to follow the least of the commandments:
Matthew 5:19 Whosoever therefore shall break one of these least commandments, and shall teach men so, he shall be called the least in the kingdom of heaven: but whosoever shall do and teach them, the same shall be called great in the kingdom of heaven. I listen to Mark Biltz quite a bit and he repeatedly talks about what the jewish people thought was the least of the commandments-Do not kill the mother bird-taken from Deuteronomy 22:6...
Deuteronomy 22:6 If a bird's nest chance to be before thee in the way in any tree, or on the ground, whether they be young ones, or eggs, and the dam sitting upon the young, or upon the eggs, thou shalt not take the dam with the young:
By following the “least” of the commandments a disciple is promised the same blessing as following one of the greatest commandments.
Deuteronomy 22:7 But thou shalt in any wise let the dam go, and take the young to thee; that it may be well with thee, and that thou mayest prolong thy days. Exodus 20:12 Honour thy father and thy mother: that thy days may be long upon the land which the LORD thy God giveth thee.
In God’s eyes it does not matter how small we think a commandment is, what matters is obedience. When Jesus said to the Jewish people-because that was who he was sent to-to follow the least of the commandments and not kill the mother bird, He said this at the beginning of His ministry.  At the end of His ministry He referred to Himself as the mother bird, who they should not be killing if they would be willing to obey God.
Matthew 23:37 O Jerusalem, Jerusalem, thou that killest the prophets, and stonest them which are sent unto thee, how often would I have gathered thy children together, even as a hen gathereth her chickens under her wings, and ye would not! Mathew 23 is all about Jesus completely judging the religious leaders of the day for not obeying the law of Moses.
SO why is this important in a numbers blog?  Because numbers of the Bible confirm truth. Jesus called Himself the mother bird or hen who was not to be killed.  It is Strong’s G3733. The first verse with a gematria of 3733-about the Passover-Jesus was the Passover lamb who died for us:
Exodus 12:42 It is a night to be much observed unto the LORD for bringing them out from the land of Egypt: this is that night of the LORD to be observed of all the children of Israel in their generations. Notice Strong’s H3733 can mean lamb. Strong’s H3733=kar {kar} from 03769 in the sense of plumpness; TWOT - 1046a; n m AV - lamb 10, pasture 2, ram 2, furniture 1, captains 1;
Further, Deuteronomy 22:6 is verse 5477.  There is only one verse with a gematria of 5477 in the Bible:
Leviticus 14:28 And the priest shall put of the oil that is in his hand upon the tip of the right ear of him that is to be cleansed, and upon the thumb of his right hand, and upon the great toe of his right foot, upon the place of the blood of the trespass offering:
Leviticus 14 is about the cleansing of the leper.  Leprosy is a type of sin, so it is about the cleansing of the sinner which is what Jesus did on the cross as the Passover lamb. Leviticus 14:28 talks specifically about the oil put on the leper’s (sinner’s) ear, thumb, and toe. Oil is a picture of the Holy Spirit.  The ear speaks of our hearing, the thumb or hand speaks of our works, and the toe or foot speaks of our walk.   So Leviticus 14:28 is about the Holy Spirit’s work in our lives, how we are to listen, obey and follow. Leviticus 14:28 is verse 3140.
Strong’s H 3140=Yowray {yo-rah'-ee} from 03384;; n pr m AV - Jorai 1; 1 Jorai = "Jehovah has taught me"It’s root is H3384 meaning to teach.  H3384 is also the root of H8451=Torah. Torah or what the gentile church calls the law is God’s teaching or instruction. Strong’s G3140=bear witness.  This is what we do through the Holy Spirit.  It is used for the first time in Matthew 23 with Jesus scolding the religious leaders about not following the torah or God’s instruction and Jesus calling Himself the mother bird-the least commandment of the Torah.
Mathew 23:31 Wherefore ye be witnesses unto yourselves, that ye are the children of them which killed the prophets. To further tie this whole thread together, notice the first verse with a gematria of 3140. Genesis 16:15 And Hagar bare Abram a son: and Abram called his son's name, which Hagar bare, Ishmael.
Ishmael is a picture of salvation by works.  The religious leaders of Jesus’ day were trying to live and be saved by works.  They did not have a heart of faith and love to God. Therefore their works were just on the outside. Jesus confirms this:
Matthew 23:23 Woe unto you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! for ye pay tithe of mint and anise and cummin, and have omitted the weightier matters of the law, judgment, mercy, and faith: these ought ye to have done, and not to leave the other undone. Mathew 23:28 Even so ye also outwardly appear righteous unto men, but within ye are full of hypocrisy and iniquity
Christ cleansed us and gave us the Holy Spirit-the oil signified in Leviticus  14:28-to live inside of us to guide us. The new covenant was foretold in Jeremiah that God’s torah would be written on our heart.
Jeremiah 31:33 But this shall be the covenant that I will make with the house of Israel; After those days, saith the LORD, I will put my law in their inward parts, and write it in their hearts; and will be their God, and they shall be my people.
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yellodisney · 8 years ago
weagoredopdimuppetshowmibredda , …… yo itagoredowt , dread owt  wickedness a dead owt , duppy in the cupboard said “ GED OUT ” mi sing , GRIM TING  WHA ?? u frutten like u  clever ,  akkin like u all'adat well anywayz howeverrrrr , i’ll take u apart they cant put u back togetherr ,  frutten like u top-shottin ana trendset-ah , RUNWEH !….. and get ya head togevvAH  , they’ll find u in the mountains like a jigsaw made o leatherrrr  … it'ago red owt , dread owwt , wickedness a dead owt , duppy in the cupboard said “ Get OUT ” ..  mi sing  GRIM TING  WAH ??  apparition nadi mirror , drag u back to hell witta heap o dutty sinner , ima devil killa veteran not a beginner , deyfineueenamontecarlowundapolyfilla ….i’m the freakin star bro the muthafucken chiller  , the mutherfucka in da woods the muthafucken killa ,  i’m not robin hood i’m the muthafucken killer  , im up to no good , devil  dont make me kill yerr GRIM TING …….… etc ( COPYRIGHT OWNED ) ( jul sun 16 2017 ) ( uncle D said Grim Ting . ) ( i will use that insha'allah in the next few days or something … ) ( its just the hook / chorus ) ( i have no idea wt dubplate yet ) i did that without music on a time thing , a timing thing ..i think its for a fast one like the one below tho cos thats the vibe that started it ( from the time its left right here it’s copyright owned bro call me paranoid irdm x ) written by S . Bullet and Unkle D lol
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