#are we gonna get to meet eric or is it gonna be someone else ���� 👀 👀
egophiliac · 6 months
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roll out the red carpet guys we're going to the SHAFTLANDS
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hoodedjelly · 5 months
jimmy clones meet the nicktoon gang !! :]
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then they all first meet i think timmy and jimmy would already be together (they are high school sweet hearts). cartoon shenanigans will be happening with Pierre and timmy. jimmy has possibly thought about dropping a anvil on Pierre's head right above a red X. but we don't need to worry about thaaat.
Doug and SpongeBob would start talking imminently, they are talking about jellyfish together :3
-Typed out text below- (thank you to @chocowhomps for helping with the dialogue and designs)
Pierre: Ah, yes.. You are the fire that lights up my impassionate heart, mon chéri... Such fierceness can only be admired by the eyes of someone adequate enough to handle it's spark, no? Timmy: Dude get me outta here Arrow To timmy "Worried Jimmy thinks he wants someone else" Arrow to jimmy "Doesnt think that, just exhausted with stupid" Arrow to pierre "stupid"
Eric: Ohh what's the point.. We're all just gonna die someday anyway.. Danny: Eeyup, experienced that one already. Eric: .... Are you okay? Danny (in head): Why is the sad one weirded out by me
Meanwhile: Gator (will explain later)
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looseinthecatroom · 2 months
Eagerly waiting for the day we get to find out one of the archive staff from tma is a big 'orrible avatar in tmagp. Who's it gonna be-
Actually, you know what? Poll time;
Personally, my bet goes to Melanie or Tim. Tim for the shock/surprise value, and Melanie for the fun of seeing her as a full and proper Slaughter avatar (or just a fucked up horror being in general).
It's also a possible explanation why Celia sought out Georgie, but we haven't heard hide nor hair of Melanie yet. >.>
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bronx-bomber87 · 1 year
Happy Saturday everyone. I always forget Eric’s wife had a spot on the show. Every time I get to this episode its a reminder. Also fair warning he’s gonna make me extra feral in this one. He is in a suit and yummy street clothes in this episode. Gimme gimme all day. I blame Eric for all my reactions in this ep for how he looks haha This is also a shorter review like last time but good stuff in it none the less. Off we go.
2x16 The Overnight
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We start off with our lovely ship at American Idol auditions. A guy is getting arrested giving out meth smoothies. Lucy has to go back for his backpack. As she does she gets roped into an audition because it has his audition sticker. I’m surprised there wasn’t a gif set of her singing. It's such a good scene. I did my quick made one above with my phone. But a really good set should be produced. We get to hear Melissa’s wonderful voice again. It's in a much better context this time. Not a soul crushing and depressing way. She chooses a song from Aretha Franklin. 'I never loved a man'. She CRUSHES it.
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I hope she gets another opportunity to showcase her voice in the future. The ending of this cold open cracks me up so much. The judges are impressed by her audition. Ready to give her that coveted golden ticket. Lucy hears Tim’s voice and bolts LOL Him bringing her back to reality. Their 'No no no' is so damn funny as she runs towards Tim. I love it so much. Tim having no idea what just happened. Thinking she's just running behind for no reason. Such a great cold open.
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I love this scene for quite a few reasons. First and most importantly we get Tim Bradford in a suit. Sweet baby James. What a visual to start off the episode with. I need more this is my life. He should go to court more often. Honestly should be illegal to be that damn fine. *fans self* Second I find it very sexy he donates blood so often. I mean of course he does. To quote Lucy. Most Tim Bradford thing I've ever heard heh Tim as a person is just so friggin attractive.
Lastly I adore Nyla giving him a hard time. Doesn't waste a second before calling him a machine LOL Tim's face in that third gif is too cute. He's commending her shot and only shakes his head. How far Tim and Nyla have come. Reached a playful joking stage I love it. You know Lucy is enjoying someone else giving Tim crap. The proud wifey smirk of hers when he gets tossed his ball. I love them.
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Lucy is running the front desk since Tim is off at court. She meets a reporter Valerie Castillo from the Herald asking for public arrest reports. She is looking for a scoop on recent robberies at 5 star hotels. Asking if Lucy has heard about them? Lucy says no. Valerie goes on to say she is trying to get away from Hollywood stories. Do something more impactful. So she can be taken seriously as a journalist. Lucy being her empathetic self wants to help her out. Lets her know the reports she’s looking at don’t have enough info. Tells her she wants CAD reports instead. Valerie asks what those are?
Tim comes striding in with the answer. Looking like sex on a stick in that suit. Good lord he can wear the hell out of that thing. Look at that fit on him. Thank you to his tailor. *chef's kiss* But I digress…Tim is clearly not a fan of this woman and what she is asking of Lucy. His cop gut going off and not liking this interaction at all. Tim instantly distrusts her and doesn't hide it.
Does crack me up they wrote Ros in as a character he can’t stand LOL I’m sure they had fun with this. Tim clearly doesn’t like the media especially her paper. Says her paper has a bias against cops. She bites back ‘Like the bias you have against me?’ She’s not wrong ha Tim says that's cute but isn't buying what she's selling.
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Tim tells Lucy to get those reports back from her ASAP. That they’re gonna hit the streets as soon as he’s changed. Ooh lord the way he unbuttons his jacket and barks out his instructions on the move. Mercy. It shouldn't be that hot and yet here I am always a puddle. Ever the model just as much walking away as he came in. My god he's attractive haha It's truly not fair. Valerie says Tim shouldn't talk to her like that. Lucy is bemused by this statement.
Says he's her T.O. and its just his style with a smile on her face. (We all know she loves his style heh) I do love how this scene finishes out. Valerie saying ‘If ass is a style...but he sure can wear a suit’. Indeed madam indeed. Then proceeds to watch him leave LOL Checking out her own husband as he exits the scene haha Cracks me up. He does look damn fine in that suit. I can not blame her.
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Tim instantly tries to steer Lucy away from Valerie. Telling her she’s bad news. Saying reporters always have an agenda. Lucy tries to be snarky and replies 'To get truth? Sounds Horrible.' Tim continues on despite her snark and says they aren’t to be trusted. Lucy being her sunshine self wants to see the good in Valerie. That she’s doing this to help the victims of these robberies. Tim thinks she’s being naive with this woman. Lucy battles back he just doesn’t trust anyone. Well that’s not true. He most definitely trusts you Lucy. With his life. But she has earned it ten fold out of him which is why she has it.
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I’m with Tim on this one.(No surprise there I know ) That trust is something to be earned. I am the same way. It’s not something I just hand out like candy either. You have to prove to me you are worthy of that trust. Once you're in you're gold but you have to earn it first. He knows how trusting Lucy is and he doesn't want her to get burned by this person. This is his way of watching her back and trying to protect her from a potential disaster. Lucy doesn't heed his warning and it shows in her sassy face she gives him above. Lucy is so sure she is the right one in this situation. Like she is humoring him by listening.
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They get a report of this idiot trying to use his snake to get out of paying for his car repairs. He pulls it out as a threat and It backfires pretty badly. As he waves the snake it bites him... (Like I said an idiot) I adore Lucy taking command of this situation. Also her heart for any living creature. I’m not a snake girl myself but I do love her taking the snake's side over this guy’s haha
This is our marriage scene of the episode. Tim says EMTs won’t step foot in here till the snake is neutralized. Tim says he’ll flush it out and kill it. Lucy is against this plan and tells Tim he can’t kill it. Their banter in this scene is primo. He is sassy right back asking what are they gonna do? Snuggle it? LOL Lucy ignores his sassy jab as she hops down and decides to do something herself. Tim isn't a fan of this plan since the snake is venomous.
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Tim looks very concerned as he watches her. The way he raises his gun ready to destroy this thing if it goes after her. I love his face as she talks to the snake. Calling it by it's name, telling it she isn't going to hurt it haha He is wondering what she’s going to do with this thing. Then is impressed af when she traps the snake in a tire. What a bad ass moment for her. Snake whisperer can now go on her list of skills on the job ha Lucy proudly walks back to him with the best reply ‘Not his fault his owner is an idiot.' LOL I love this.
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Valerie catches Lucy on the way out for the night. Claims she got her story about a Murphy scam. Rich men hiring sex workers then the sex worker has a partner. They rob and steal from them. The victim can’t report the crime without copping to their own. Says she came by to thank Lucy with a drink. (Mmhmm....)
Lucy is hesitant and says she shouldn’t…. You know that cop gut of hers is telling her it's wrong. Valerie asks 'Is it cause Tim wouldn't approve?' Lucy looks behind her like she can sense Tim’s disapproval from afar. Valarie sweetens the pot telling her she can be her inside person. Lucy concedes and decides to go. This can only end badly Lucy….
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They make it to the hotel and Lucy quickly realizes they’re not there for a just a drink. Valerie has tracked one of the women who’s been scamming these men. Lucy is upset and feels betrayed. Says she can’t arrest people on her own. She’s a rookie. Valerie notices the man being scammed is a big time movie producer. Says this will get her a killer story and her a high profile arrest. You can see the regret written all over Lucy’s face.
Lucy tells Valerie she is texting Tim. I love this. She knows she’s in over her head at this point. So she is going to reach for her lifeline. Tells Valerie as such letting her know she could get fired as a rookie. That she needs a senior officer on scene. Also she really needs him to rein this in TBH. This has gotten way out of hand and needs Tim to come help her.
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Tim arrives and Lucy thanks him for coming. (Like he wasn’t going to come and bail his girl out.) Doesn’t even have to say I told you so. This entire moment is doing it for him really. Lucy doesn’t fight or deny the hot water she is in. Not even a little. Just says ‘I’m in trouble aren’t I?’ His sexy Mm-hmm will do just fine for her. You know she’s just so relieved he's there to get her out of this. To save her from herself in this moment. The way she looks at him like he is her saving grace. Makes my heart happy. Doesn't even care she is in trouble just relieved he is there. So much said in such a small scene.
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He looks sinfully handsome in that denim jacket *oh my lord.* Valerie says she’ll write a story about Tim if he punishes Lucy for this. Lucy panics and tells her not to do that. Tim isn’t phased at all by her intimidation of a story. The cocky way he walks into the room. Takes control of the situation. Says the cup against the wall trick doesn’t work. You know Lucy is rooting him on while he does this. Tim makes a joke about there being an app for that. Valerie believes him cause he walks in so confident and says that so damn smoothly. She can't help but reply 'Really?'
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The way he says ‘No’ to her LMAO I'm dying. He is having a little fun in this moment messing with her. I love this man so much. Why is he so damn attractive in this moment? I actually know why ha. He's protecting Lucy and trying to do damage control at the same time. Also by taking control back from Valerie, by putting this situation back in his court. Tim calls in backup to help them if the accomplice even shows up. Tells Valerie she’ll be far away from the action if it comes to that. Not gonna let her get her story after potentially endangering Lucy for it.
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The accomplice ends up arriving and Valerie has a ‘See’ look on her face. Thinking she is validated in all she's done to this point. Getting to watch Tim in action and in street clothes? Don’t mind if I do. They’re about to go after the guy when they notice Valerie is missing. She’s gone out on the balcony to get a photo. Clearly back tracking on her 'Killer Story' that'll get her taken seriously for a paparazzi shot instead.
She ends up getting her shot on the balcony but slips and Tim has to rescue her. She is refusing to let go of her phone as she hangs on to the railing. Lucy tells her to let the damn thing go. The guy sees them rescue her and takes off. Tim gets her up and takes off after the guy. Leaving Lucy with Valerie while he does so. This is the last we see of our handsome hero him in this ep sadly. The accomplice ends up getting arrested by a grumpy and tired Lopez in the lobby of the hotel LOL
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Lucy’s SL wraps up with Valerie signing her statement. I love Lucy telling her like it is. Letting her know how wrong it was to take advantage like she did. Lucy is inclined to trust people and it bit her in the ass this time. (What he was trying to protect her from.) Unfortunately for her Tim was right on this one. She did have an agenda. Tim didn’t rub it in her face but also didn’t say she wasn’t in trouble for it haha Lucy has a mic drop moment with her. Telling her instead of going for the serious story she sold her on she went for the cheap shot. Gets up and walks away from her. Boom. Once again not a ton to content but still enough goodies ❤️
That wraps up 2x16 for our ship. Thanks as always to you all for your likes/comments and reblogs. Forever appreciate them. Can't believe we're almost done with S2. 6 left to review in this one.
Side notes- Non Chenford
Always enjoy Nyla’s SL’s. When I first watched this ep wanted her to her back with Donovan. But glad she didn't much better fit with James but we’ll meet him later down the road.
Wopez engagement ❤️ They so cute. I love them. Happy for Angela and Wes.
See you all in 2x17 :)
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bloogers-boogers · 1 year
I truly believe Kyle is a chubby chaser, the episode were he supposedly started ‘realizing’ (i still don’t believe he actually liked her like that) his feelings for Heidi she was already gaining weight, a chubby girl.
He’s into smart girls (rebecca) thats for a fact, cute (nichole; she’s smart but she was a new girl when Kyle asked her out so he didn’t know her like that), someone he can protect/help (Leslie) and lastly he’s shown to not care about a girl’s weight unlike *cough cough* Butters im still not over what he said to lisa boi got no filter (atleast he was honest ig)💀
Heidi had all those qualities! (Smart, cute, need protection/help and~ chubby)
You know who’s also smart? Cartman (he can be stupid and very ignorant in many things, but boi got brains when he sets a goal in mind)
Cute? Cartman (As much as we hate to admit it, the boy got that charming look, he literally manipulated chutulu with his ‘cuteness’)
Need of protection/help? Cartman (boy is messed up as it is, It’s obvious he needs help but he also needs someone to guide him in the right path/ be the one to give him that push for change (I’d say a ‘light push', but it’s gonna be a rough ride being fr here), but most importantly also someone he’ll actually listen; Kyle. Believe it or not Cartman does listen to Kyle and he also is the first Cartman looks firstly for reassurance (like in gluten free and in jewpacabra). Cartman never takes Kyle's word for granted.
We’ve seen Kyle protect him from snooki, save his ass by being frozen and drowned. (Kyle has a weak spot every time he sees a vulnerable Eric Cartman).
Chubby? Cartman (we all know he’s from a heavier scale than the rest of the boys but we’re shown Kyle doesn’t seem to care about that superficial stuff)
You cannot tell me most of the kids in that school aren’t shallow they literally have a table that separates the ugly kids from them. But Kyle has been shown to look into more in the depths of a person (getting to know them) things like that than superficial. Like the times the boys were complimenting the girls photoshop pictures and Kyle mentions about Annies eyes being beautiful while the others were talking about their physics.
These are all things Kyle is seen interested in a girl for what I gathered watching the show.
And we return to what i mean when I say Kyle is/possibly could be a chubby chaser. Theirs a trait about kids resembling their parents in some ways
Stan got addiction problems like his dad, he got them image/ego issues too, he actually kinda resembles Randy alot in the deep learning/ post covid episode/specials when it comes to his relationship with Wendy or his pessimistic attitude. I only conclude from this is that Wendy is Stan's 'Sharon' an Stan is Wendy's 'Randy'.
And it confirms for me with the last episode of season 26 when Randy calls Sharon cause he's just a wreck with out her, just like in the post covid special good ending Stan and Wendy meet up and seem to have a sorta thing still going on (she isn't even with that Darwin guy either, atleast he wasn't shown).
He’s very emotional and cares deeply for things that matter to him, he definitely got that from his mother (the school shooting ep we’re shown how emotionally wrecked sharon was bc of it but no one else seemed to care not even Stan himself, and just like with the whales no one else seem to care BUT Stan and that pissed him off)
Also, let's not shrug off the fact that Randy and Sharon marital problems have been a thing since the early seasons. There was points when they divorced/seperated two times (three house, assburgers episode), points were their marriage was on breaking points like with the shakeweight episode or times when we taught it'll be finally over between the two (when Randy was sent to jail) and in post covid good ending he's shown to still be apart of Stan's life and I wouldn't be surprised if both actually kept it together for this exact consistency.
Matt and Trey have a thing to keep adult parings with an interesting dynamics, it isn't all sweet and sugar coated, they tend to show these issues in many other marriages of sp aswell.
Like Kenny's parents (abusive alcoholics/ argue all the time), Butters (closeted man/ sad pyscho wife/ strict parents), Cartman's (single crack whore mom/ deadbeat absent dad (decease now)/ lonely and financially struggling while raising a psycho kid) and even Kyle's (asshole dad/ overbearing mother/ have intimacy issues).
Kenny, he resembles his parents, yes he does. The fact that he likes to get high (frustrated and gets angry/doesn't care, once his already influenced deep in it; cat piss, sexual healing ep) We've seen he's willing to push his friends aside when his already lost into that type of crap or cares little of what his family would go through once he technically kills himself for some 'great' orgasm or being giving a blow job (these are reasons for his curse ofcourse cause he knows he'll come back, but still, his addiction and attitude are still the same throughout the show) and is a porn addict (the magazines, and sexual knowledge he knows for his age).
We've seen these qualities in both his parents.
They don't care being seen drinking or taking crack, like Kenny who doesn't care to be seen by his friends getting high with cat piss. They're very oblivious/don't care about the worries their children go through when they get into it, Kenny doesn't care. I mean c'mon, once he was done with the cat piss he didn't learn his lesson there he straight up went to get high with some flowers infront of his already relieved friends back to square one getting them concerned again.
I suppose we could say he got addiction problems just like Stan, but in a different way. Stan's more of a genetic thing because of his family history/ depression. Kenny on the other side is more of the shitty household he lives in, a copping mechanism.
And Cartman resembles his mom in the artistic side. We're shown that both Liane and Cartman love to sing, Liane also likes to paint. Cartman is more of a photography lover, drawing, singing, song writer, instruments (violin, harmonica) these are all artistic qualities.
Liane is manipulative with the magic of pampering and food. Cartman is manipulative with a sugarcoating voice and has skill on knowing what would get somebody convinced.
And I have a suspicion that Jack Tenorman was some narcissistic lying bastard okay? If he cheated on his wife and was willing to lie about his true identity to his sad desperate son who just wanted to know who his dad was just for a broncos game, then he ain't good.
I'm gonna mention these, just cause these are the few couples I recall being shown in the show.
Tweeks; they're coffee addicts/ seem to be caring and understanding (sorta). (He's very emotional/caring, and a very stressful/nervous kid because of his anxiety/coffee addiction)
Tuckers; they got that same 'I don't give a fuck' attitude literally flipping themselves off at the table. (Craig definitely resembles his dad the most, and in post covid his appearance aswell)
Blacks; they're chill people don't seem to want to get into much trouble. (Tolkien doesn't like to get into conflicts he'd rather chill on the sidelines)
Donovans; dad is passive, while his mother was a little overbearing. (Clyde can be passive/emotional on times but they're times he goes overboard like in the stick of truth game)
Now, with that said, it's Kyle's turn. We've been countless times reminded how Kyle resembles his mother the most. But when it comes to Gerald were only told that he looks like him. Atleast I don't recall anything else.
Kyle's parents are very opened when it comes to talking, experimenting. Have you seen how Sheila always ready to talk to Kyle about things he doesn't know? Or how comfortable she is talking to Gerald freely, that even Gerald had admitted to her that he likes to watch porn on his computer? How Gerald let Sheila have her way with chef (chef aid ep.)
It's shown their relationship is the strongest/ got their shit together among the four main parents. But ofcourse it's not perfect.
Gerald has this fear of pissing off Sheila, and Sheila well, as much as she's a good mother. She's overbearing and can go all crazy.
Qualities Kyle has. He fears his mom's wrath but also is the most similar to her.
He isn't like his dad who's some manipulative asshole behind his wife's back. Kyle's caring and wants what's right but has a temper so he kinda goes overboard and messes up sometimes.
This is were I come to the conclusion, that he may resemble Gerald in the fact that his in love with someone many wouldn't choose.
Like in the ups episode there was a ongoing joke that 'damn someone was willing to do it with Kyle's mom' type of joke.
Kyle's mom is overweight so the joke could be mostly aim from there, but if you think of it clearly. Many are afraid of pissing her off because of her 'bitchy' attitude. And she also has a past of being well, from Jersey.
Now. She's overweight in both that time and now, and I wouldn't be surprised that in the times we're she lived in jersey she was a complete bitch by the picture were shown in a jersey thing episode. She seem disastrous back then.
So meeting Gerald changed her. Gerald fell in love even when she was like that; a 'jersey monster'. They moved to South park and got away from that place, and Sheila has mellowed down from those jersey genes. I have no doubt he probably found that personality hot and thrilling at the time, he probably likes that sorta thing tbh. I feel like Gerald was a dweeb back in those college years, focusing on his carrier and stuff, taking things serious, being very uptight in a sense. Something I feel Sheila would be interested in, someone different, opposite of her. Cause we know she didn’t like that jersey in her but she couldn’t help it and being around other jersey folks just worsen her so it was inevitable for Gerald to stand out from the crowd. He was different. And for Gerald she was different; probably not the type of girl he’d pictured himself being with, yet still did.
(I also hc Sheila not being Jewish she was Christian until she met Gerald and got a wider view/ got closer to the religion falling in love with it.)
Being drawn to each other like opposite magnets.
And well, that redhead with brunette theory going on if u know you know;)
I feel I can resemble this with Kyle and Cartman. Cartman is disastrous, he’s a mess. And somehow Kyle's drawn to it, Cartman is a person not many would choose but I feel Kyle would. He’ll fall in love with both crazy Cartman and redeemed Cartman, cause i genuinely cant see anyone else help Cartman actually change for the better that isn’t Kyle (atleast to get a good ending for all main 4).
Cartman has also been shown to be in a mixture of being confused/ conflicted on what to believe when it comes to religion; switching between Chatolic, Christianity and Judaism it's been like that through the course of the show. Out of the four it's him and Kyle who are only shown to question their religion/ beliefs. It kinda feels like the show is trying to imply something?
And i also don’t picture their relationship to be all cute, it’s a well balanced relationship between healthy and toxic. If that makes sense?
Kinda like Gerald and Sheila’s, they’re not perfect but they balance each other out and yet even with those imperfections they’re still so in love with each other.
They also make a good dynamic.
Qualities i see a kyman relationship being.
Its funny to see Sheila being a bitch just like it’s funny to see Kyle be all pissy. Gerald is an manipulative ass? Guess who’s also a way worse manipulative asshole, yet still funny af and brings humor to the show? Cartman
It's funny to see Gerald be scared shitless of his wife just as funny when we see how scared Cartman is to actually piss Kyle off.
Kyle and Cartman are the perfect mixture of both.
But in personalities; Kyle his mother and Cartman Kyle's dad. Atleast relationship wise and how I feel the pairing dynamics work.
Cartman being Kyle's "Gerald" and Kyle being Cartman's "Sheila".
Technically the main dads (main fours) are the boys insight of what could be of their future partners, atleast that's how I view both Randy and Gerald's similarity on to Stan and Kyle (who are the main boys): both best friends, have a respective partner (Sharon, Sheila) along their side and fathers (Stan and Shelley, Kyle and Ike).
Post covid good ending gave me some more fuel to this about how Kyle only had TWO children; one boy being the eldest and a little sibling while Cartman had three instead of going full on stealing Cartman's past family. Gerald also had two children Kyle was the eldest son a boy and had a little sibling and I have no doubt if Stan were to get with Wendy they'll have two children aswell; their first born being a girl too like Shelley and a little brother like Stan.
Anyways my mind is kinda on a brainrot rn I need help, this ship is gonna end me
I just don’t see a good all flowers and rainbows actual healthy relationship in south park universe. Not only isn’t it realistic but it isn’t the type of dynamic i believe matt and trey would aim for.
If it isn’t either good/ but kinda chaotic sometimes or it’s nothing but down bad toxic/ bland/ has no real attachment to the characters.
Even creek has had their fair share of course they’re not toxic but like in the buda box theres some small ups and downs yk. I feel like some personal space would be the issue here cause Craig seems to not always want to deal with tweek's shit. But yk that’s just Craig not knowing how to establish it. (Yet their relationship has no affect in the course of the show/ main four dynamic)
Stendy relationship has communication issues. (Has no affect in the sidelines)
Clybe relationship has more of a complicated label. Bebe using Clyde for shoes or Clyde being an uncaring asshole using ai for convos. (Has no effect in the show/ main four)
Kennys relationships are only seem to last little but kinda okay until Kenny wants to escalate things further while the girl’s completely oblivious about it. (Has no effect in the sidelines/ use as a joke)
I think butters relationship with Charlotte is fine until Butters misogynistic side comes out. (No affect in the sidelines)
Heiman relationship was a toxic relationship. (Did have an affect on the show/ main four dynamic; Kyle) there was a lot of shifts in Cartman's personality that it was just painful to keep watching for both Heidi and Cartman.
Kyman relationship wouldn’t be just a neat-o relationship, i see it being very flexible in that aspect and I don’t see it changing their dynamic between the two or the main four. Cartman also wouldn’t change for the sake of keeping a relationship he’d actually change for good reasons. Having someone who already knows him wont make him feel like he’s cornered or forced to change/lie about being a good person, but being around a good influence (kinda) in his life could shape him in different ways. Healthy in a sense.
Their relationship could be use in a humorous way and a serious one!
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inkandarsenic · 4 months
My thoughts on the new episodes:
- love the info dumping right off the bat therapy really did wonders for 15
- “Most of the universe is knackered, babes” ok 1) 15, i love you so much, and 2) why do I get the feeling that the reason most of it is knackered is because of you, bestie?
- “Why did I run?” That’s what you do babe. It’s like your whole thing. please don’t ask dumb questions
- ruby reminds me so much of rose and it is 1000% because of the way that Space Babies parallels End of the World so hard
- Ok so getting the feeling that it’s less “the therapy worked wonders” and more “we’re pretending that it worked wonders” because a lot of this conversation is feeling like 15 is masking his true feelings
- space babies crack me up, the cgi to move their mouths was weird and the babies themselves looked so confused to be there at all times it was great
- Ngl him scaring them more than once and then laughing a little feels very on brand for the doctor
- Ruby continues to confuse me, who are you Ruby Sunday, I want answers. very excited to see where this story arc is going
- societal parallels punching me in the face I love it this show is so back
- Ok saying you’re an ugly bug is a lot less effective when you’re Ncuti Gatwa and your past incarnations have always been attractive
- Eric the perpetually confused looking baby I love you
- this monster is very much reminding me of the sleep-sand monsters from that one twelveclara episode, sleep no more
- 15 babes I swear to god throwing yourself into open airlocks because you’re relating too hard to the monster of the week better not become your thing
- love him telling ruby “no going to meet your mom” immediately like babes does not want a repeat of the Father’s Day disaster with rose
- THE SCAN OF RUBY??? some things truly never fucking change
- ngl i feel like playing the banned chord that invites the devil in is a Bad Idea
- the maestro is terrifying. why are they making eye contact with me I don’t like that
- oh wow the first time the theme song has ever made me uncomfortable
- I love that 15 looks physically pained by the music that’s being played
- the notes that Paul says and the theme that plays? Reminds me of the piano notes at the end of the Doctor’s theme from way back in series 1 with Nine, sounds very similar
- oh Ruby you sweet summer child you haven’t been traveling long enough to recognize that tone
- here’s a thought: do you think maybe the Doctor is one of these celestial pantheon beings? That they would have been like the Toymaker and the Maestro if they hadn’t been abandoned in this universe?
- I’m really starting to hate 14 for inviting the Toymaker into the universe again. He just had to invoke superstition at the edge of the universe.
- ah yes the age old tradition of breaking the TARDIS
- the doctor hearing non-diegetic music has many implications I refuse to think about right now
- RTD never fails to have unsettling villains
- so Ruby seems to be the new impossible girl, which is appropriate because she looks so much like Clara
- “the one who waits is almost here” what does that mean. we’ve met the embodiment of play and now music, who else are we going to meet?
- musical number at the end feels so Disney
- also did anyone else notice that the Harbinger kid was back at the end? Does anyone else think that’s going to come up again?
I love that we’re diving into and learning more about the Toymaker and his whole pantheon of celestial beings but do you know what this would be an absolutely perfect point to reintroduce?
I’m gonna link the post where I rant about it here but please someone say they agree with me
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foolishwriting · 2 months
A/n: the perspectives for the first few chapter will likely change, im not quite sure the best perspective to write this in yet so
Chapter 1
“The world has been simplified and dumbed down to keep us pliable and stupid” dad had explained to me. “It isn't as simple as a letter to explain the threat level a single person is. Its like we’re cattle to them, you’re not a cow for sale you understand Sage? Never let the government break you down into something easy to understand, or to boost the egos of the heroes undeserving of their titles. You are a human, a beautiful and complex human.” 
Its a strange lesson to tell your nine year old daughter during a jail call. I love my dad, wouldn't trade him for the world. He’s a petty thief, petty enough to have broken into a heroes headquarters and steal sensitive information about a government project and leak it to the public. Papa has nothing to do with hero business in the slightest, hes a great model and he and dad have never once told me i was wrong for my career path. 
I considered going into hero work in middle school but so did everyone else. I know some of the new heroes, they're the kids who won the popularity contests in middle school and throughout highschool. Half of them never realized their lives would lay in my hands. I'm no hero but i'm certainly your favorite hero's healer they've begged for a quick recovery from after being a prick. I don't take it lightly when a hero, no matter how grand they are, plop themselves down in front of me and are rude and demanding. It might be my job but they can easily go find someone else if they are gonna speak ill of me or any one else. 
My dad’s lesson rings clear in my head now as I watch a vicious battle between a band of four D level heroes against one E level. It’s strange how it's a big deal. They’ll likely get bumped up if they get in a couple more fights with higher level villains like this. The group is the Senses Five, notably they’re fifth and arguably most valuable member, is missing. Theyre what they sound like, a group of teeagers fresh form highschool with powers that fuck up your senses. They work as a great team, managing to disorient and batter in the most unexpected ways. 
Me and a couple of coworkers sit around in the Hero’s Commission HQ’s kitchen in the Healers Wing. its pretty much our normal, lounge around for most of the day until theres a sudden strike of injured heroes then we all shoot into action. Its a pretty solid job, get paid a shit ton to heal the morons who nearly get themselves killed trying to get promoted through a system that's not designed to promote them. Im one of the few who do, i cant anymore, im an S ranked healer, i deal with shit from heroes on their deathbeds to literally dead ones. 
I lucked out in the power department, necromancy, healing, some light manipulation and some minor shit that's not really important to mention. Theres a reason i have the luxury of letting heroes fucking die because their egos have no room to be polite. Not all of them of course, don't get it twisted, I just have a bit of a chip on my shoulder. It's a mixed bag, I happen to work with both the pleasant and the egotistical. 
We all sorta watch the news a little bit dumb founded by the fight being broadcasted. We were about to be seeing all of them soon. The calamity is minimal, buildings damaged that can be easily fixed by any builder, the roads are shattered and cars shredded but there seems to be no civilians in danger. Thank god man. Its awful, a group of us would get sent out with the builders and repair and heal and resurrect if necessary. Its terrible some of the stuff ive seen man, kids, teens, heroes younger than my sister destroyed by a fight they were mislead about, entire city blocks flattened. It isn't pretty. 
“Miss Cyris” Eric said getting everybody's attention “you have a meeting with Mr. Peters” 
“Now?” i ask, i don't remember this being in my schedule for the day let alone the week. 
“In five minutes yes” 
“Why did I not know about this?” i ask
Eric shrugs glancing at his tablet “you should have been aware of this a month in advance” 
Obviously I wasn’t. I sigh and get up taking my lunch with me. The organization and communication around here needs work. Why didn’t anyone tell me when the meeting was booked? I would have put it in my calendar or made a reminder instead of jogging through the halls to Mr . Peters’ office. 
Mr. Peters’ is an ex sidekick to one of the greatest super heroes in history. The Eldritch was, from what i hear, as nice outside the mask as he was in the mask. We never found out his civilian identity but if i had to guess it’s Mr. Peters’ husband and i'm usually right about these things. I've met him, he made me homemade muffins for my birthday last year and made a delicious curry for the office two months ago. The Eldritch was powerful as hell, he could use and pull any power from myth or folklore or fairytale. So you can imagine why he stands as the world’s greatest hero. 
Mr. Peters’ office has trophies,  framed newspaper headlines, photos of himself with the eldritch in their prime and awards hard won. He sits at his desk when he calls me in. hes a furry creature, broad shouldered and sewn into the suit he wears. He looks better in his costume than in a suit sitting in an office job managing healers. He’s a hard worker, that's for sure. He checks his watch.
“Right on time,” he smiles at me softly, “as usual”
I sit down and return the gentle gesture with a smile of my own, “im sorry, i wasn't aware of this meeting”
“I know, i asked Eric not to tell you about it”
“What?” i can’t stop it from slipping out. Mr. Peters has my respect and he’s been nothing but kind to me but what the hell? Why would he want me to not know about this meeting? 
“While we are waiting, how are you?” he asks
“Im ok sir” i say not having much of an answer still trying to figure out what this is about. Waiting for what? Better yet, for who?
“How’s your sister?”
“Oh she’s…” robbed a bank, stole a famous painting, vandalized quite a few monuments, blew up a police station and sprained her wrist. “...doing well” 
“That’s good to hear, I heard rumors of your father getting released?” 
“Yes, he is” i say. Finally after nineteen years in jail for honestly a crime that's greatly exaggerated, he’s coming home. “Two weeks from now dad will be home again.”
I have to keep the childish giddy feeling that flutters in my chest, the nervous wreck of my teenage self and my overjoyed now reigned in. If I don't just talking about it puts me on the verge of tears. He's my dad, he's my dad who I've been seeing through a piece of glass and talking to over hour long calls at a time with men itching to find a reason to cut it short since i was seven. He missed the end of middle school, my high school graduation, the end of my official medical education and he wasn't even allowed out for his mom’s funeral. I'm elated to say the least. 
“I remember your dad in highschool” he says thoughtfully. “We all knew he’d do something stupid one day, but all of us knew he was also harmless” 
I would not describe my dad as harmless per say, he can cause some real damage if he tried, there's a reason he’s in jail. The only crime he committed was i guess treason and like breaking and entering but otherwise the crimes he was nailed with are fabricated. I’m not gonna tell him that though, he is an ex sidekick and a government worker who can easily have any of us investigated.
“I’m glad things are working out for you Sage, you're a good kid” he says, glancing at his watch.
He frowned. Whatever we were waiting for was late. I want to know if i'm right, who it is that’s late and why they're late. Better yet actually, why i wasn't told about this meeting in advance but i have doubts on that being answered. He sighs and looks at me apologetically.
“Im so sorry for the wait” he says
“It’s ok, what is this about?” i ask
“Well as you know there have been some reorganization-”
The door opens and a tall black haired woman stands in the doorway, her chest heaving as she tries to catch her breath. She’s really quite pretty. Shoulder length black hair, pale skin, tattoos up her right arm and on both legs. She seems familiar. No one i've worked with but I'm pretty sure she’s Chameleon. The Chameleon is an S level Sidekick who could easily get through the ranks of Heroism but chooses not to.
“I'm so sorry, got caught up in… traffic” she says, clearing her throat and glancing my way.
“Thank you for finally joining us Kassidy” he says. “Have you two met yet?”
“No sir”
“Not formally no” Kassidy says
We haven’t met at all. Have we? I think we’ve passed each other and just nodded in acknowledgement and that's not even meeting. Otherwise not in the slightest. 
“Sage, this is Kassidy McGarthy, Kassidy this is our best healer Sage Cyris” 
I nod with an awkward smile stuck to my face. She holds her hand out and I take it. I don't know who she last fought but holy shit. Her side is mostly just on big bruise and the opposite shoulder has certainly seen better days, not to mention a nasty scar from her younger years of fighting and a weird ankle that was reinjured recently, maybe a month or two ago? I can’t help myself, I send a warmth through her to speed up the healing process. She hardly notices.
“Nice to meet you”
“Pleasure” i say shortly
“Joined at the right moment, i was just about to explain to Miss Cyris here what’s going on” Mr. Peters explains. He adjusts slightly before continuing, “as you are both aware, the Hero’s Commission has been making adjustments throughout the all of the sections, one of those changes includes pairing up healers and Sidekicks, we have done so based on skills, ranking and threats” 
I look at Kassidy. She looks unimpressed with the arrangement, her face fixed into a tight frown. The way Sidekicks and Healers are set up is different from each other. Sidekicks are commissioned to work with heroes for a time, like rent a sidekick. Healers are normally in one place, here, and heroes and sidekicks are brought to us or us to them depending on the situation. On a few occasions heroes will hire us as a permanent member of their support team. I tend to be nitpicky about salaries and benefits and all that shit, hence why i'm still with the commission.
“We are doing and official announcement to the entire commission next week, when everyone is no longer set up with a hero” 
“So why are you telling us this then?” Kassidy asks
“Wouldn't it be easier to have us know at the same time as everyone else?” i ask
Mr Peters nods, “you see you two are in a special situation” his hands close together and i notice the stack of files on his desk. There’s four of them. Hes looking at me over the frames of his glasses, i've gotten to it too soon. “There's a contract in the works between us and the some of the great new heroes, in order to give out best healers and sidekicks our best available opportunities, you two have already been assigned, you have the rest of this week to become familiar with each other and” he hands two folder to each of us. The official Hero’s Commission Headquarters stamp sits across the folder with Mr Peters signature on the corner of the stamp. “You will also become familiar with those files, one is the other’s file, the other is the file with all the pertinent information about the hero you are assigned to. Next monday you will be making yourselves at home with their headquarters and familiarize yourselves with the hero in and out of costume in person” 
“I have a question,” i say , skimming over the information in the folder about Kassidy.
“So instead of having a conversation about things, we just have everything about each other right here?” i ask
He smiles kindly, “private history is not included. i ensured anything you wouldn't want them to know wasn't in there, with that said, there are criminal records, family records, schooling and so on”
I glance at Kassidy who’s looking over the first page about me. I look at Mr Peters, sure my hesitance is clearly written on my face. I can only see this going wrong. My family is reason enough—a villian, a vandal, my own records even—to not want to be associated with me beyond the bare minimum. 
“Any other questions?”
“Yeah, we’re not like, moving into the HQ right? I know sometimes that's a thing” Kassidy asks
“Not unless you and the hero arrange that”
“We’ll be working exclusively with them?”
“Are they paying or is the commission?”
“How long?” i ask
“You two will be working together permanently, with the hero, it will be a year.”
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strideofpride · 1 year
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i swam for a while, til i drowned: a rufus/lily pre-series playlist
the beginning: 1. get it right the first time - billy joel "got to meet that girl somehow" 2. brass in pocket - the pretenders "cause i gonna make you see, there's nobody else here, no one like me" 3. good old fashioned lover boy - queen "i can serenade and gently play on your heart strings” 4. dance with me - orleans "night is calling, and i am falling” 5. moondance - van morrison "and i know how much you want me, that you can't hide" 6. feel like making love - roberta flack "that's the time i feel like making dreams come true” 7. wonderful tonight - eric clapton "i feel wonderful because i see the love light in your eyes” falling hard: 8. northern sky - nick drake "i never felt magic crazy as this" 9. baby i love your way - peter frampton "i wanna be with you night and day” 10. more today than yesterday - spiral staircase "every day's a new day in love with you" 11. peg - steely dan "and when you smile for the camera i know i'll love you better” 12. can’t take my eyes off of you - frankie valli "but if you feel like i feel, please let me know that it's real" 13. your song - elton john "my gift is my song and this one's for you” desperation: 14. here, there, and everywhere - the beatles "watching her eyes, and hoping i’m always there" 15. diamond girl - seals & croft "how could i shine without you, when it's about you that i am?" 16. i'd have you anytime - george harrison "let me into your heart” 17. make it with you - bread “i really think that we could make it, girl" disappearing act: 18. sweet talkin woman - elo "it's so sad if that's the way it's over" 19. and she was - talking heads "no time to think about what she's done and she was” 20. she’s not there - the zombies "please don't bother tryin' to find her" 21. if you leave me now - chicago "how could we end it all this way?” the end: 22. fast car - tracy chapman "i had a feeling i could be someone" 23. rosanna - toto "i didn't know you were looking for more than i could ever be" 24. until you come back to me - aretha franklin "why did you have to decide you had to set me free?" 25. silver springs - fleetwood mac “i know i could have loved you but you would not let me”
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ketho484 · 1 year
Chapter six, let's GOOOOOOO!!!
Warning: The next few chapters are gonna get dark, including descriptions of death, crazy angst, mentions of harming, and more. Discretion is advised
Au belongs to @frillsand
Chapter 6: Revelations
Summer came and went too quickly for everyone’s liking. The Welcome Home cast liked having days off when the air conditioning broke, Willow liked doing fun things with everyone. It was nice while it lasted. Autumn soon came, the air as crisp and cool as a refrigerated apple. Willow was still smiling as much as possible, though she took her new rabbit plush everywhere with her. Knowing Wally could watch her and help her feel safe was a feeling she didn’t want to go without. Speaking of Wally, he was getting worried. Every night after taking Willow home, Wally had to watch and listen to what happened to her. He heard shouting, smashing glass, crying, hitting. He never saw it with Willow, but there were some nights she had to leave the rabbit in her room. Sometimes she came back with bruises, which she chalked up to being clumsy. Other times, she didn’t come back until morning. It scared Wally to see her like that. Eventually, he just couldn’t take it. He’d vowed the first day she showed him her home life that he would rescue her, but he needed help…He needed his friends.
Jessica had texted that Willow wouldn’t make it to the studio for a little while as she was sick, so she said, so Wally took the tablet with him to work. Barnaby greeted him at the door, as per usual, but noticed the dark look in his eyes. Wally gathered his friends and had them meet in the conference room before shooting for a quick cast meeting.
“Wally, is something wrong?” Poppy asked timidly “You seem a bit…tense”
“That’s one way to put it” Wally said as he hooked up the tablet to the room’s projector, letting them see what was on camera
The bunny was seeing Willow working in the sewing room again, which already had poor conditions. It made the others sick to their stomachs to see Willow sewing the costumes for the upcoming halloween special. She looked a bit sickly, tired and weak. They could hear her mother and father screaming at each other in the background, Eric saying that the cast were putting ideas into Willow’s head and that they think she’s a good way to improve their skills and Jessica saying they were giving her some much needed freedom, something Eric wasn’t letting her have. It sounded like glass was being broken, like the parents were stomping around, and every time it got Louder, Willow would flinch. The worst of it was that Willow was wearing a thin white dress with no sleeves, which exposed her arms. They were covered in bruises, her wrists wrapped in bandages along with some spots on her arms. It was a horrifying scene, to say the least.
“…This cannot be Willow’s home, can it?” Frank asked, a slight hint of trembling in his voice
“I’m afraid it is” Wally said as he turned around “This is what Willow has to go through every waking moment when she’s not here”
“W-We should do something!” Barnaby spoke up, anger radiating off him “Pup doesn’t deserve this!”
“Bad idea, Barnaby” Poppy said anxiously “She lives in the suburbs. Not only is abuse not taken as seriously there, but Eric could probably pay his way out of jail”
“Poppy’s got a point” Howdy joined in “While I do think something should be done, we’ll need to wait for the moment to strike. We can’t risk Willow getting hurt”
“We have video evidence!” Eddie shouted, clearly distressed as Frank ran to help him calm down “We can just turn that in to the cops and they’ll take him away!”
While everyone started arguing back and forth about what to do, Wally groaned and left the room to get some quiet. It hurt to see his friends fight, and while he did agree that something needed to be done, he was scared something would happen to Willow. He couldn’t risk her getting hurt, or worse…He couldn’t lose someone else, not someone who felt close enough to be family to him. Sure, he loved his friends, but…Willow was practically his baby sister. He can’t let her suffer anymore.
Before Wally could go back inside, he got a text, so he opened his phone. It was from Jessica. She wanted to meet him in the park, and she told him to find her on a bench wearing a black coat and a fedora. He was confused, but it seemed important. Wally sighed and went back in, breaking up the commotion. They’d all figure out a plan, but the director was waiting for them .To say that shooting that day was a bit rough would be an enormous understatement. Nobody could concentrate on their lines or their roles now that the cast knew Willow was being abused. When shooting was over, the cast all agreed to start formulating ideas tonight. They’d regroup tomorrow before shooting, just like today.
Wally looked at the tablet while in the PlayFellow Studio parking lot. Willow was getting yelled at for falling asleep at her sewing desk. She was clearly getting sick! She needed to rest! Wally was going to scream at him through the microphone, but then he remembered Jessica wanting to meet with him. He drove to the park, making sure to turn the tablet off, and started looking around. Jessica was sitting on a bench near the playground, fingers drumming a brief case she had on her lap as she looked around for the puppet. She was clearly nervous.
“Jessica” Wally called quietly as he approached the woman
“You’re here!” She said, sounding relieved as she got up and pulled him to the bench, sitting him down “I…I’m sure you’re wondering why I called you here”
Wally gave her a nod
“…Listen, Your mother, Linda, and I were really good friends when you were little” She explained “She was an amazing person and I don’t want her family getting hurt”
“I know you knew my mom, but I don’t know where this is going” Wally said calmly before the briefcase was placed into his lap
“You want to save Willow, right?” Jessica spoke. Wally was going to speak, but she cut him off “I’ve been aware of the nanny cams in the bunny for some time now”
Wally sighed and just answered her question with a nod
“Inside this case is the evidence you’ll need to get her away from Eric for good” She said before a look of fear came to her face “However, for your safety as well as her’s, take it home before you open it, okay?”
“Eric is crafty. If he finds us, he’ll know what’s in that case. That’s why you need to take it home” She explained before getting up and running to her car
Wally was confused, but per Jessica’s wish, he took the briefcase home. He drove back to the manor and turned the tablet on. Willow was trying to fall asleep, so Wally sang to her to help comfort her until she did fall asleep. He muted the mics on both sides before opening the briefcase, his hands shaking a bit as he did.
The first thing he saw in the case was a letter in his mother’s handwriting. It was a letter to Jessica. It outlined how she was, that this baby would be a big surprise for Wally when she got home. Baby? What baby? There was more in there, all eluding to a baby. Doctor’s reports, ultrasounds, dietary plans, a hospital bill that Jessica must’ve paid off, and even DNA tests from two weeks before Willow met Wally and the cast. The item at the bottom was what broke him, though. It was a birth certificate…for Willow.
Willow Darling
d/o/b: 05/01
Mother: Linda Darling
Father: Peter Darling
Brother: Wallace Darling
This thing was dated on the same day his parents died. According to the police report, someone crashed into their car, killing them both. The nut job responsible then stole something from the back of the car and booked it. Was…Was that something a baby and all the things that went with it? Did someone steal his baby sister? If so, how did Eric get a hold of her!? All of these questions made Wally’s head hurt as he collapsed, burying his head into his bed as he broke down into tears. He was terrified. If Willow really was his little sister, why didn’t his mom say anything when he visited? Why was she taken from him!? WHY!!?
An hour passed before Wally calmed down. He grabbed the tablet and saw Willow was awake and looking into the eyes of the bunny, tears in her own. Wally wiped his face and turned on both the microphones.
“Is something wrong, Willow?” Wally asked calmly
“D-Daddy’s yelling really loud” Willow said quietly “He said all the stuff he had for me is gone”
“…Your mom gave it to me” Wally said “…Can I ask something serious?”
Willow nodded
“This may be a long shot, but…so you know what your birth parents looked like?”
“Yeah” Willow nodded “Mommy took me to the doctor about a month before she convinced daddy to let me meet you. The doctor says I don’t have childhood amnesia”
“So that’s what that report was” Wally said, remembering one of the doctor’s reports that was dated closely to the DNA test “Can you describe your real parents?”
“Well…My real mommy and daddy were both puppets with yellow felt skin. Mommy had pretty blue eyes and dark blue hair. The day I saw her, she wore it in a low ponytail that hung over her right shoulder. Daddy’s hair was light pink and he had black eyes. His smile was really really warm…” Willow described them in amazing detail…She described Wally’s parents perfectly. It explained a lot. Wally had his father’s looks and eyes, but his mother’s hair. Willow had his father’s eyes too along with his mother’s hair
“Do you know where they are?” Wally asked as calmly as he could
Willow looked scared as she heard a click on the door. Eric must have locked her in, something she explained was normal for her.
“…Dead” She finally said, looking down at her lap
“…Do you remember how they…?” Wally didn’t need to finish as Willow started to explain
“They were taking me home from the hospital on my birthday” She said “About halfway there, I think, someone crashed into us. I saw from the back seat in my baby carrier. The entire front of the car was crushed…Mommy’s head was nearly c-cut off and was dangling from the side…D-D-Daddy’s head was twisted by the wall of the car hitting him…His eyes were looking at me. When the motion stopped, I started crying out for help. E-Eric broke into the car and stole me away…I’ve been here ever since…”
Willow was in tears when she finished. Wally was seething with rage, his eyes shaking as he tried not to crush the tablet. He took a deep breath and spoke calmly to Willow so as not to scare her.
“Shhhhh, shhhhh, Willow. It’s gonna be okay” He said as she laid down and held the rabbit “I’ll make sure Eric never hurts you again, okay? I promise. I just need a bit more time. What I have is helpful, but I need more evidence in order to take him away. When that happens, I’m taking you home with me”
“R…Really?” She asked as she started wiping her face off screen
“Really. I promise you’ll be safe. I just need a little more time, okay?”
Wally smiled and sang his mother’s lullaby to her so she could sleep peacefully. Once he knew she was asleep, he shut off the tablet and gathered everything up, angry beyond belief. Eric Mathews had killed his parents…
…and had stolen his baby sister from him
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greybackpack · 1 year
So, I was pondering about scars. Thinking? I don’t know. Anyways, scars in relation to the trio.
For Elisabet, right? She lived on a ranch, and if there’s anything I know about living with farm animals, it’s that there’s gonna be some bloodshed. Both yours and theirs. What kind of scars did she get in her lifetime? What lessons did she learn from them? I have a faint scar from one of my mothers chickens, and like, I know now not to bother a hen when she’s stressed unless I can help. (Also my mom has a penchant for picking asshole roosters, but that’s irrelevant.) does she have a burn scar from that pine tree she set on fire? What marks are on her hands from working with robotics? Did Elisabet learn how to weld? What scars did she get during the apocalypse? Did she come face to face with the Plague? What scrapes and bumps and bruises does she have and what did she learn? I know damn well there’s calluses on her feet, because you can’t operate a ranch without breaking in some solid footwear. Did she listen to the lessons about breaking in hiking boots or did she hike in them and bleed? Does she have calluses on her hand, even though I’m sure the digitalization of everything must have made that less pronounced?
Aloy, for sure, has tough feet. The shoes she didn’t wear as a kid is like the practice of acclimatizing children to be able to walk bare feet in order to get thicker soles and stronger skin. (Speaking of which, how in the hell did she not get tetanus or something?) She’s got scars from machines, for sure, like most everyone else does. Which ones taught her to dodge better, to balance quicker, to parry a strike at the right moment? She’s got calluses on her fingertips from bows. Little slices on her hands that indicate blade work? Do her shoulders have scars on them from those slamming attacks watchers do? Torn up skin fro where scrappers caught her with their serrated blades? Broken and healed bones from stampeding striders?Pockmarks and holes from where bullets and lasers hit her? Her palms are rough, because she climbs rocks and trees and probably buildings. Has she ever twisted her ankles? That scar from Helis, on her neck, that taught her the reality of death and loss. What other scars would Aloy carry? What lessons did they teach her?
And Beta, who was forced to live both socially and physically isolated from people. We know she didn’t meet the Zeniths until Earth, basically. Did Eric torment her when they did (this is based on the whole psycho “watch the fear in other people’s eyes as he killed them” thing the dude’s got going on). She who also ripped out that focus/tracker out of the side of her head unhesitatingly the moment she could after realizing what the Zeniths were there to do. There’s a giant scar left on her skull now Did that teach her a little bit about how brave she could be? Did that show her that the spark of bravery and defiance and good that lives in Aloy also lives in her? Is it a reminder that she no longer lives under anyone’s will? That shes brave and lovely and even if there’s a hundred zeniths, Beta’s worth as much if not more than all of them combined? Does it remind her that she’s got people who cherish her for who she is and that she doesn’t have to beg for a scrap of attention and love? Did she get splinters after setting foot on a world not made out of metal and lights and water?
I just think scars are incredibly profound to who someone is as a person and the experiences they’ve gone through. Physically, anyways. Emotional scars can be linked to them, but they’re usually harder to spot right away.
They’re so brave?? They survived so much and yeah they’re not talking about it but they’re learning to live with it and learning to both grieve the experience and then learning the lesson and moving on instead of just avoiding it like Aloy did for the year and a half ish from Rost’s death? That’s incredibly inspiring.
I think that’s why I love this game so much, despite the questionable usage of tribes and savages and a bunch of other things (don’t even get me started on that). The story and narrative is so rich and compelling in how they show Aloy’s physical and emotional journey and the differences in how people process their trauma and experiences and how that’s all okay, because that’s just how things are. It’s just. I love it. I love them.
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lusthurts · 9 months
WIP Wednesday
I was tagged by @daisyishedwig, and I know it's not Wednesday anymore but I totally spaced and got busy on Wednesday and missed this so here you go now! thank you for the tag :)
I have a few things I'm working on right now - the first is the How Bright We Burn sequel. Before the sequel, there is going to be a little summer fic that's probably something like 20k and covers the months between junior and senior year. Here is a bit of that:
It’s easy to fall into a routine. They start each morning at a little French café Sebastian found in Columbus, Mon Petit Chéri. Their pastries are to die for, and their coffee is even better. All the walls are a mix of exposed brick and dark red paint that makes Blaine feel like he’s living in Gilmore Girls, and the two of them can easily get lost in each other’s words or books for hours before it even occurs to them that they could do anything else. There’s a cart of old French books at the front of the café, meant to read while you’re inside, but Sebastian’s on a first name basis with all the baristas now, so they let him take them home as long as he promises to return them. By the end of the second week, he’s made it through half the books already, and every time he finds a good one, he passes it off to Blaine.  “I can’t read this,” Blaine says, passing each book back.  “Try,” Sebastian insists. “It’s incredible. I’ll help you out if you miss any of the words.” 
The second is this college AU where Sebastian is a TA and Blaine is in undergrad - it is very much a work in progress, and I'm not sure when I'll post it, but here's a little bit of that.
“We have to stop meeting like this,” Sebastian says, gesturing toward his soaked sweater.  Blaine distantly wonders why Sebastian isn't following after Eric, but he doesn't have the guts to ask. “Please, this is way more embarrassing for me.”  “Everyone in college has been walked in on mid blow job. But I’m at a party full of mostly undergrads covered in some disgusting concoction only seen before at frat parties. Trust me, I win,” Sebastian points out, lifting the bottom of his sweater in an attempt to dry the top half. Blaine can't help but look down as a small sliver of Sebastian’s abs is revealed. God, why does he have to be so perfect? “Assuming the twink is done sucking you off?”  Blaine can't figure out how the hell Sebastian is so confident and comfortable asking about this when he's just had a drink tossed in his face. “Sorry you had to see that,” Blaine says, looking down at his feet hoping he has a chance of concealing the blush on his cheeks.  “No worries. Happens all the time. But a word of advice?” Sebastian asks, finally putting his sweater back into place and giving up hope that he can dry himself off. Blaine nods, grateful for anything that might make this less embarrassing. “If you’re gonna hook up with someone at a party, at least lock the door.” 
I'll tag @calsvoid and also anyone else who wants to share! feel free to wait until it's actually wednesday again haha I was just excited !
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jennajaeger · 1 year
My general feelings on my F/Os' canon love interests and how I picture my dynamic with each of them:
Prince Eric (The Little Mermaid):
Eric is MY GUY. BESTIE. HIMBO EXTRAORDINAIRE. We high five each other as we pass each other in the hallway because we both have the best wife in the world. Literally the epitome of this meme:
Me: "The stars are so beautiful tonight."
Eric: "You know who else is beautiful?"
Both of us in unison: *sighing dreamily* "Ariel~"
Keyleth (Critical Role: The Legend of Vox Machina):
So admittedly I have not finished the series yet but as far as I can tell, Vax and Keyleth have a very "right person, wrong time" type of relationship? Like, I get it, they're always gonna love each other, they're just never going to be in a place where they can BE together? And I mean......that works for me :P I feel marginally bad about stealing her man because she's so sweet and deserves a break, precious bean, but if it works it works <3
Meryl Stryfe & Milly Thompson (Trigun Stampede):
I felt so bad the moment I started watching the show because I was like "oh god another female character I'm gonna have to throw under the bus in the name of self shipping" but honestly so far in the 23 version I read their dynamic as platonic?? And just in general, I love her <3 She's a tough little cookie; and I haven't properly met Milly yet but I just know I'm gonna love her :P girl frankly you deserve to have Nick maybe you'll mellow him out a little good heavens XD
Helen Wick (John Wick franchise):
I will always have a moment to pay homage to our lord and savior Helen Wick who died to give us the best action franchise of the modern age, girl you were a real one and rest easy knowing I am going to RIDE THE TRAUMA OUT OF YOUR HUSBAND
Tess Marshall (Barbarian):
SHE DESERVES S O MUCH BETTER OH MY GOD I mean they both do, they're stuck in this terrible movie :P In a better world I would love to be friends with Tess, and act as Keith's filter because good lord boy you're cute but you're dumb as fuck sometimes XD Also if I ever see Keith's ex-gf I'm throwing hands
Alt Cunningham & Rogue (Cyberpunk 2077):
god I'm glad these two are Johnny's exes XD I'm sure I would have liked Alt a lot more had I known her when she was, y'know, alive, but as a......tech ghost or whatever, she's not a lot of fun :P As for Rogue, she's a bitch, I KNOW she's a bitch, and I respect her for it. She DID stab Johnny in the back though and I'm not about to let her forget it.
Alys Rivers & Helaena Targaryen (House of the Dragon):
I haven't properly met Alys yet but I'm looking forward to it, I feel like I'm gonna like her :P And Helaena is A SWEETHEART, an absolute darling, I would love to sit with her and have tea while she does her embroidery and listen to her talk about anything that comes into her pretty little head because THE GODS KNOW SOMEONE HAS TO. I will also be her "dump your shitty husband" friend so fast XD Like, LOOK AT AEMOND. LOOK AT HIM. HE'S RIGHT THERE GIRL I WILL SHARE.
Anyone Dream has ever been romantically involved with and yes I'm including Hob Gadling (The Sandman):
I have nothing but love and respect for Dream's past partners (Calliope babe I'd die for you) and I just love the idea that we have like, dinner together and they all just spill the tea about the shit Dream got up to in past decades :P
Vision (Marvel Cinematic Universe):
I have no problems with Viz, he was a good man. Wanda really could have done BETTER in my opinion, but y'know, she could have done a lot worse too, so :P And thanks to Viz we have the boys, Billy and Tommy <3
Martin Blackwood (The Magnus Archives):
I don't hate Martin. He's a sweetheart. But I need him to not even BREATHE in Jon's direction, because that is MY MAN. Nothing personal :P
Mikasa Akerman (Attack On Titan):
I will meet that bitch in the FUCKING PIT IT IS ON S I G H T LEAVE HIM ALONE!!!!!!!!
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bloodonhissocks · 2 years
TSLOCG: Eric Miller
This is going to be a long post following my feelings toward Eric Miller throughout season 1:
1x1: When Bela first ran up to Eric, I got a sense of her character as a super eager freshman trying extra hard to make a drastic first impression so that she would be remembered. As a college senior who's been in a position of leadership, I sort of sympathized with his reaction at first, especially since there were hundreds of people at the Catullan meeting. If some random freshman came up to me wanting to read me their submission or something, I'd be happy to see their enthusiasm but god damn I got shit to do lmao.
Then Eric said that shit about "female spots" and I was like goodbye. And he followed it up with "I would give anything for Elizabeth Warren to be president" which made it all sound even worse. AND he ended it by mentioning the Pot Stickers, the all-Asian improv troupe. Like noooo, way to make it about race too.
1x2: The next time we see him he's saying stuff like "If I want Bark Thins and a mocha, you will get me Bark Thins and a mocha. And don't be cute and try to write a funny name on my cup. You will be cut." So now he's sexist, racist, AND on a power trip.
1x4: When Bela stands up for herself after being uncomfortably stereotyped as part of a joke (and I was really proud of her!!!), Eric is more concerned about Danny rescinding his donation check instead of addressing her experience. I was really sad because I thought her act of standing up for herself was going to be associated with the destruction of the Catullan, therefore implying that she should've just stayed quiet, but half the funds were recovered by someone else, so there was that at least. But it really says a lot about institutions...
In the same episode, Eric tells Bela, "I think you overreacted. Danny can't be sexist. He only hires female assistants." Honey, no, that's...just not true. Props to Evangeline for continuing to be fucking awesome by rolling her eyes and also speaking up for Bela.
1x7: After final submissions, Eric says, "If we choose any new members, tonight is gonna be tap night. We'll come find you in your rooms and whisk you away for hours of traditions that you cannot share with anyone, ever. Including future spouses." At this point, I got really scared that Eric might be like Ryan because the specific word choices and phrasing were really sus, like tap being slang for fuck, hours of tradition, can't share with anyone including future spouses...??? But there was no way because Evangeline was also a part of it.
And then...Ryan sexually assaults Bela after sexually harassing her and she finally speaks up about it to Evangeline and Eric. God bless Evangeline for being perfect, but Eric immediately says, "Can we make this quick" and lowers Bela's confidence and self-esteem even more. Eric starts to freak out visibly and verbally, saying things like "going to Title IX already?" and "I don't want to get involved in this and quite frankly I'm not sure there's a this to be involved in," literally dismissing Bela's feelings and the importance of the situation. His defensiveness made me so uncomfortable to hear as a viewer, like holy crap, he shut her down in such a horrible way.
Later, he asks Bela to talk alone. Before starting, he asks for a glass of water or something to which Bela says no and good because earlier he was such an ass. Then, he says, "I wrote this down so I wouldn't get it wrong...My initial reaction earlier today sucked. As an editor and a sometimes very awkward and thoughtless person, I'm sorry. I handled myself poorly. I believe you, and I will do something about it."
This scene is where things changed for me. At first, I thought that Eric was taking the easy way out by using a script, but in the season finale, he actively takes part in removing Ryan from the Catullan. When Ryan tries to make Bela less believable with ''a girl who gave eight handjobs," Eric counters,
"And who cares how many fucking hand jobs she gave? It doesn't make her any less credible, you shit."
This line is so so so important because yes, it doesn't matter what Bela did in the past. It doesn't erase her experience of sexual harassment and assault. For Eric to say this so outright and to the point means so much for Bela and for people who have had the same/similar experiences. It also really shows that he's capable of change and growth as a person. He went from completely denying Bela's experiences to directly addressing them to taking action. And the words that he wrote down when apologizing acknowledged Bela's experiences and the inappropriateness of his reaction. There were no excuses like "I've known Ryan for years" or "this is a sensitive situation and there's a lot of room for screwing a lot of things up." No, Eric's apology was about him as a person and owning up to his behavior.
And that is why Eric easily got bumped up on my favorite characters list. He started off really terribly but had very meaningful development and that's the kind of shit I love.
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multiversxwhore · 2 years
☾☾☾Hello! Hope you enjoy what you’re about to read, I would appreciate it if you like, and reblog my work here on tumblr. Please do not share my work anywhere else, and if you see it has been, or someone is claiming the work as their own please tell me. My master list is pinned to my page if you wish to see more! ☽☽☽
Pairings: Blade x Black!oc
Word count: 4k
Warnings: Dark, and disturbing themes, violence, strong language
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Chapter 5: The truth behind the curtain.
“Aww look at him sleeping like a baby…poor guy has no idea Reese is gonna beat the shit out of him.” Hannible shook his head as he tightened the restraints on Felix, he looked back at the backdoor that led you back into the kitchen of the cafe. He could just make out Blade, and Reese’s heads as they stood facing each other.
“What do you think they’re talking about?” Hannibal asked Abigail, she wasn’t really paying attention to him though, instead she was trying to focus on how to unlock the keypad on a giant guarded door without tripping the alarm.
“Don’t know, dont care, m’busy.” She mumbled, her eyes concentrated on the red, blue, and yellow wires behind the security mechanism.
“I’m not doing that.” Blade stepped back from Reese, his arms folded, and lips fixed into a straight line. He hasn’t drank blood in years, he wasn’t going to start now, and he didn’t trust himself to be able to stop. The restraint he's had to have ever since meeting Reese has been increasingly difficult, and her stubbornness doesn't help. But when that vampire bit into her a while ago, and the blood started to spill from her neck, Blade felt himself get weak.
“Eric, we both know that serum isn't working for you anymore. Let me help you, please.” Reese stepped forward, he took a step back trying to keep the space between them. She caught the way he flinched when she called him by his legal name, Reese wasn’t sure if he truly did not like her calling him by his first name, but she figured it was the only way to get him to react.
“How do you know if you’re helping? It could just make things worse.” Blade asked, the scent of Reese blood making his gums sting, her voice fading behind the thudding of her heart beat.
“Not taking my help could also result in you attacking the first person you see because you can't control the blood lust. Is that what you want?” He hates to admit Reese makes a valid point, if he takes care of the problem now, then maybe he’ll be fine.
“You can trust me, have I not proven myself enough to you? I want to do this, I mean, maybe it can help us with whatever this is between us. We won't know unless we try, that’s all I ask of you is that you try.” Reese stepped forward again, her boots making a hollow thudding noise against the concrete as she slowly approached him. Blade watched Reese’s movements closely, her hands gently reaching out to his folded arms, and at first he didn't budge.
“Eric, please.” She begged, it felt foriegn to her to beg a man to do anything she wanted them too, but then again, Blade is not the type of man Resse is used to dealing with.
Blade knew if he decided to fight her on this matter, Reese would just continue to push back, so he unfolded his arms giving her access to his hands. She closed the space between them, and pulled Blade’s arms around her waist. Neither Blade, nor Reese broke eye contact; every inhale Reese took, her breast would brush against Blade's large chest. His large hands move upwards, one supports her middle back, while the other supports the back of the neck. Reese tilted her head back giving Blade full access to her already bloody neck, the wounds from early have since healed, but he decided to bite into the clean side of her skin.
Blade’s fangs grew from his gums, and his lips pulled back. As he rips into Reese’s soft flesh her hot blood comes flowing out of her, and into his mouth. He felt disgusted with himself for a moment, but it soon passed.
“Eric…” Reese moaned, the sensation, a surprisingly pleasant one, and a feeling she never knew she had became aroused. Her core between her thighs prickles with excitement, and at this moment she realized this had become a dangerous game to play. Blade groaned in response, he was taking in a lot at once, her natural fragrance overall is overwhelming. But neither of them could deny this dark desire: Reese wanting to be devoured, and Blade wanting to be the one to do so.
Blade pulled back, his vision, and mind focusing back to normal. A drop of Reesé’s blood slid down his bottom lip, and onto his chin. She reached out, and swiped it away with her index finger. To his surprise she put her finger in her mouth, and sucked the remaining blood off. Blades hands rested on Reese’s hips, her heartbeat now stead, and no longer did the sound of her blood flowing drive him crazy.
“See, I told you, you could control yourself.” Reesé whispered, her arms hanging from Blade’s neck, she brought his face closer to hers. His body relaxed under her touch, they met each other half way, and kissed softly. Almost as if testing the waters, but Reesé knew what she wanted, she didn’t feel the need to waste time to think about it. Pressing against him further he let out a low growl, Reesé moans in reply opening her mouth, and he took that oprotunity to push his tounge past her lips.
“Guys you might wanna check this out, the dumb ass is speaking!” Hannibal’s loud mouth broke Reesé, and Blade from their heated moment. She pushed back from him first, turning, and snatching the door open without a word.
Blade stood there for a moment somewhat speechless, but soon followed after her.
“You really don’t want to know what’s going on behind the curtain Reesé.” Felix said softly, but his eyes shined with mischief.
“Oh but I really do. Tell me what you’ve been hiding you little shit.” She grabbed him up by his shirt collar, their faces inches apart. Looking at him now, it made her skin crawl.
“Hmm the last time we were this close was when I was between your–"
Felix’s scentence is cut off by Reesé fist making harsh contact with his eye.
“Jesus Christ… so mean” Hannibal mumbled.
“Play games with you me if you want to bitch, I’m in a violent mood tonight. Now I’ll ask you again, what have you been hiding? How are these Vampires getting their supply? Is it you?” Reesé gripped Felix by his throat slowly squeezing his windpipe.
“Seriously, I don’t know shit okay. I just supply the bosses with their storage, and make the weapons for hunters, they don’t tell me jack shit.” He rushed out in a panic, then Abigail spoke up from beside Blade.
“But what you just said…implies that you know what’s behind the curtain.” She pointed out.
“Oh! So you’re a liar! That’s fantastic.” Blade clapped his hands togther, and Reesé winded back her fist again, this time punching Felix in his other eye.
“Get it the fuck together Felix, or I’m gonna have to move on to other body parts.” Reesé pulled out a dagger from her thigh holster, to which Hannibal stepped back.
“Suck my–"
The squelching noise of flesh taring can be heard in the silent wearhouse, followed by Felix’s screams of pain.
“Wrong answer.” Reese mumbled, a sickening grin spreading onto her lips.
“Agh! You bitch!”
“I don’t have time for this…maybe I should just kill you, and get it over with.” Blade pulls out his gun from the holster, and points it at Felix’s head.
“Florida! Th-there’s a guy- a familiar! He runs pretty close with a lot of the bosses, I swear that’s all I know! That’s all I know!” Felix shouts in desperation, Blade looks down at Reesé, and she shrugs her shoulders.
“I guess you live to see another day, but trust me, there ain’t a corner on this earth that you can hide in from me. I’m an excellent tracker my friend.” She looked up to see Abigail fidgeting with Felix’s phone, most likely attaching a bug to it.
“I was trying to save you Reesé, by not telling you anything, but you’re going to find out just how ugly things are.” Felix breathed heavily, a sharp pain shooting up his thigh, he guessed that Reesé missed the main artery on purpose. She swiftly turned back to him, a twisted look of hatred, and disgusting settled deep into her features.
Stabbing him in the arm roughly with a needle, Reesé injected him with a healing serum she developed a while ago. Felix hissed in pain, “You haven’t done a goddamn thing for me, you don’t even fuck good.” Felix froze up at the last part feeling utterly embarrassed.
“That’s okay kid some of us are growers not showers…except for me, I’m a shower.” Hannibal patted the younger man on the shoulder with sympathy.
“Reese, I hacked that keypad, I haven’t looked in there yet. I figured you want to do it yourself, I have a bad feeling though.” Abigail informed Reesé, the group fell silent, she stepped forward in the direction of the mysterious door. Blade put out a hand to stop her, his eyes staring straight ahead.
“Are you sure you want to see what’s in there?” His voice deep, and filled with worry. She grabbed his hand in hers, and squeezed it. The action is a small one, but everyone caught it. Seeing Reese look at another man like that stung Felix deeply. He did love her, more than she understood, but Reese’s flame is way too bright to be contained.
“Come with me?” Though she wasn’t asking, Reese needed Blade’s support.
Without another word Reesé, and Blade approached the door slowly. When she pulled it open, at first it was just darkness, but Blade found a light switch to his left. One large light turned on after the other to reveal a second wear house. The room is full of sedated Black people in medical meds, hooked up to machines, and blood draining from them.
“Uhh, god.” Reese let out, her body felt weak, and her eyes are brimmed with unshed tears. She had been alive during slavery, she’d seen those boats. She couldn’t save all of them for most of those African people were already half dead.
Blade hung his head in disappointment, he’s seen a lot of shit involving vampires, but this has to be the worst thing they’ve done. It broke his heart even more to see Reese cracking like this, he just put his arms around her waist, and pulled her out of the storage unit.
“Light it up.” Blade ordered, Hannibal, and Abigail instantly jumped to action.
“No! We have to try to help them! I can help them! I–
“Reese! No! We cannot save them, no matter how smart you are…we cannot. Even if we could, it wouldn’t be fair to put them back out on the streets, just for them to end up here again.” He was right, it’s not Reese’s position to play god, all she could do was turn into Blade’s chest and sob. When they made it outside it was pouring down hard, the sky is gray, and covered in clouds.
“Wait, you guys can’t just leave me out here, I’ll freeze!” Felix shouted, Reese didn’t bother looking at him, she just turned her head, and continued walking finding warmth under Blade’s arm.
“Take my jacket buddy, I do feel bad…hopefully you get your money from those fire damages.” Hannibal offered sheepishly, and ran off into the alley where the car is parked.
Reese stared blankly out the window, the image of all those people would haunt her forever. Mostly she was shocked Felix would aide to something like that, sure he was scum, but this was bottom tier shit.
“I guess we’re going to Florida…”
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annieintheaair · 3 months
Gonna meet up with a couple friends, somewhere the heartbreak ends, gonna get back on that barstool again.
The Julia Cole concert was everything and more. I am so glad that I was able to go.
Shinayde decided to come with us to the concert so I drove over to her house where we had some pool time and then got ready and headed out to Dallas. I don't love driving and driving in Dallas really scares me but it was worth battling my fears to have a fun night out on Thursday.
Since we got to Dallas early, we went to Punch Bowl Social for happy hour and then Matt joined us eventually. I knew that Julia wouldn't be on stage until 9pm and I wasn't thrilled about the headliners so when Matt had to run an errand for his job, Shinayde and I ventured over to the rooftop at Stir. The bartender made us some awesome espresso martinis and we talked about how we need to find more rooftop bars.
When Matt was on his way back, Shinayde and I went to RBC for the concert. We got there just before Julia came on stage. I sang my heart out and it felt kind of surreal to be at a concert of the musician that has helped me through heartbreaks.
While Matt and Shinayde were dancing, a guy, Eric, came up to me and we started talking and swapped numbers. Funny enough, he lives in the area that I previously lived in and am moving back to. We chatted for a bit before heading outside for photos with Julia.
I was so excited to meet her and told her that I'd been one of her top Spotify listeners for the past few years. I let her know how her music has helped me put myself back together after breakups and she said to me, "We're in this together!" She's right, and her songs have reminded me that it's ok to feel nostalgic and sad one minute and angry and relieved the next. I have referred to her as my "breakup hype girl" because when I can't find the words to explain how I feel after heartbreak, her songs say it all for me.
We ended up going over to Ebb and Flow for a bit and Eric joined us. Eventually, it was pretty late so we walked back to our cars and headed home. I dropped off Shinayde around 1am and then headed home and went to bed. By some miracle, I managed to get myself out of bed for yoga on Friday morning.
I worked last night to Tulsa and of course, I will be doing the same thing tonight. I only slept for an hour when I got home this morning and then went to yoga. Someone was supposed to see my house today and then never showed up, which was really annoying. It has been quite a lazy afternoon at home, watching movies and napping. ODANs have really been killing me lately since they always seem to be delayed.
Tomorrow is my last full day of being 34, which seems kind of crazy to me. When I think about the last 10 years or so, it feels like some things happened yesterday and other things happened a lifetime ago. In 35 years, I feel like I have lived many different lives in all of the various chapters. Maybe this next chapter, with all of the unknown, will be a really great one, and I just can't see it all yet.
Toss that salt on the back of your hand Raise that double to the single-life A broken heart and a cover band Go down better with a slice of lime Ain't no problem that a sip of reposado Can't fix if you give it a shot Yeah, take it from a girl who's done tried everything else Tequila helps, Tequila helps
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lunarsun12 · 9 months
Let’s Be Friends Part 2
Previous Part / Next Part
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After Jay, Heesung and Jungwon found out, how Jake got his dog back. Jay decided to ask Jake for favour to infiltrate the boyz house…well aka some way get Chanhee to tell on Sunwoo. As according to Jay they are afraid of him, which makes Chanhee the perfect person.
Let’s see Jake adventure to The Boyz house! I’m sure it will be so easy!
Back Comrade Chat
Today 19:00
Jay😎: Guys, change of plan! Jungwon won’t be doing. More like Jake will do it now?
Jungwon🐈‍⬛: It took a lot of convincing. Jake has major flashback due to certain someone
Heesung🦌: You have Jay to blame
Soobin🍞: Why is every family can’t ever keep their family drama private!!
Soobin🍞: I’m just glad, I am the only mature one who keeps it to myself
Seonghwa🌸: That not true! Your family drama become my family drama!!
Yeonjun🐯: Your lover should keep his mouth shut
Johnny🕺: I didn’t know creating this chat, I will get free tea! This is also plus side!
Johnny🕺: So Jake? Who is a dog?
Heesung🦌: HE IS MY CHILD
Johnny🕺: Aw, that so sweet! You even treat you child as dog!
Jungwon🐈‍⬛: I never seen uncle Heesung acts like Sunoo and Jay hyung
Jay😎: Hey what’s that supposed to mean! I am perfectly mature, thank you very much
Jungwon🐈‍⬛: I will not say anymore
Jungwon🐈‍⬛: So basically Heesung Son will talk to his new friend. Apparently his siblings is the big brother of Chanhee and he tell him everything. Johnny little problem will go away
The next day…
Jake was getting ready to meet Juyeon at his home. He has to make up an excuse to say, Lyla misses him plus he wants that big cat tree as he was curious.
Back at Jake and Juyeon private chat
Juyeon🐱: Jake are you there?
Jake🐶: I am nearly there, I have to buy Lyla some treats as I left mine at home
Juyeon🐱: Remember what I warned you about my family
Jake🐶: Yeah Yeah, don’t go near Changmin and don’t touch Eric action figure
Juyeon🐱: Stick with my like glue also if you see Sunwoo. Don’t say your name
Jake🐶: Why? What he will do to me 😂
Juyeon🐱: He will probably kidnapped you and try to figure out a way to blackmail your dad
Jake🐶: Another kidnapping!! I am sticking to you like glue!
A few mins later…
Jake has arrived at the The Boyz House, he was so nervous after what he heard about Sunwoo reaction. If he gets caught and was pacing outside to prepare himself for his special mission. Until he is met with a distress Kevin outside the door
Jake: Alright here goes nothing!
Before Jake has chance to knock on the door, he tripped and banged his head on the door. As he didn’t see Kevin (he was pretending to be a rock, as part of his therapy session) and was greeted with a smiling Jacob
Jake: Ouch my head!
Jacob: Who are you? Why use you head to knock on the door
Jake: Erm erm my name is Jacob
Jacob: Kevin, stop doing that pose outside of the door. Your got Jacob hurt
Jacob: Also my name is also Jacob! Nice to meet you! I’m gonna call you mr headbutt
Jake: Thanks? Can you get Juyeon please!
Jacob: Of course come on in!
After Jake entered The Boyz House, he was restless as he hates lying and Lyla was there to comfort him until he heard a booming voice.
Voice: WE HAVE GUEST!? Why wasn’t I aware of it
Another voice: Sunwoo, shut up! Don’t yell, you wake up Eric
Sunwoo: I didn’t prepare for my performance where we usually greets our guest
Another voice: Sunwoo do the cleaning in the bathroom, I know you have secretly making Eric do it
Jake: I should go and pretend to be ill
As Jake was about to leave with Lyla, he was greeted with Juyeon.
Juyeon: *whispers* Why did you bring Lyla?
Jake: Cause Lyla wanted to see you? What else
Juyeon: *whispers* what if Sunwoo saw Lyla with you. He will figure it was you!
Jake: You said he was out of the house…
Juyeon: *whispers* how am I supposed to know. He was in the house today
Before Juyeon gets to finish his sentence, he heard Sunwoo grumpily going down the stairs, to wash the kitchen counters. Saying he can’t get ready for his preformance.
Juyeon: Quick this way
Without hesitation, Juyeon grabbed Jake went to the nearest open door and closed it.
Juyeon: That was a close one….
Juyeon: This isn’t my room, then who is it?
New: *grumbles* what with all the noise? I swear if it’s Eric again…I will shave his eyebrow off
Jake: *gulps*
Juyeon: Oh we are in Chanhee room
Juyeon: We should leave before he wakes up
Jake: No way, I am leaving this room while Sunwoo is in the same floor as us!!
New: Juyeon? And? Who are you?
Juyeon: I can explain, please don’t kill us
New: Oh My GOD why there is dog in my room! GET IT O-
Before Chanhee gets to say another word, Juyeon muffled his mouth with his pillow
Juyeon: Can you not scream! My friend is not supposed to be get attention. He is shhy
New: *muffles* I don’t care, if he is shy! Get his dog out of my room
Jake: Excuse me, I actually want to talk to you about something.
Jake: JuJu stop hurting him, he is turning pink like his pink hair
Juyeon: Jacob, are you sure? It’s your loose if he starts hitting you with his clothes hanger
Jake: Yes, now stop it!
After Juyeon release his pillow, Chanhee gave him unamused look.
New: Jacob? What do you want to talk to me about? It has better be worth my time
Jake: It about your little brother Sunwoo…
Jake tells everything what has been happening and showed video clip of him framing Johnny.
Jake: So this is what happened, I have to come in with fake name. As Juju is paranoid I will get caught
New: This confirms my suspicions, from Eric phone….
New: Oh ho this is juicy tea, finally I take my revenge on that SUNWOO. He stole my designer shirt and said it was his to begin with!
New: Wait until I tell Sangyeon about this, he is gonna be dead hahahahah
New was so happy after he receive the video from Jake.
Jake: Juju can we go to the park, your family scares me….
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