#are there individuals who don’t like sam for deancas reasons? i’m sure there are. is that the norm? not in my experience
oh here’s my thought that cracked the code for me but idk why i didn’t post it earlier: the you know whos think we hate sam because he “““gets in the way of our ship””” (utter garbage, but ok.) because they hate cas for that very reason
#LIKE?? are they basing that we hate sam solely on like? the joke posts abt sam cockblocking them?#are there individuals who don’t like sam for deancas reasons? i’m sure there are. is that the norm? not in my experience#also i do think we need to have a conversation about twitter vs tumblr as distinct fandom spaces#i’m seeing a LOT of antiheller posts that specifically reference twitter and i think the explanatio here is just: twitter people are crazy#that’s reductive but it’s more that twit FEELS like yelling into the void but isn’t and tumblr actually is yelling into the void#you can just... @ people involved in the show (or whatever fandom space you’re talking about) on twitter#(MORTIFYING idk why you would ever do that. i can count on one hand the number of times i have EVER done that and they all happened when i#was prob too young to be on twitter anyway AND they were all weird joke tweets anyway so it was different)#like will the person you @ ed see it? probably not but they COULD#people more wise and eloquent than me have talked abt this before of course but it’s just so......strange to me#like i feel like most of the complaints i’ve seen on that side of tumblr are abt twitter fans and/or tagging on tumblr#which?? boggles the mind tbh. oerhaps i’m StupidTM but i don’t understand why it’s such a problem to tag destiel posts also with spn#bc it’s...part.....of the show.....? just blacklist it idgi#also like. this might be bad and untrue but. if you HAVE to look in the general tags for more content perhaps you.....#aren’t as popular as you think you are#oh boy scared to post this one am i going to get cancelled#ah well
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orionsangel86 · 5 years
what are your thoughts on the deancas endgame.. how will they resolve the Empty.. any thoughts?
Ah that old question! How it pains us all! :P
What are my thoughts on DeanCas endgame now? Honestly it changes everyday!
When Cas first made his deal with the Empty, it seemed so damn obvious to me that it would be a lead up to overt canon Destiel. At the time I was pretty sure that there was nothing else that could bring Cas that level of happiness. Now I’m not so sure. Cas’s devotion to Jack has only grown, and the fracturing of the Winchester family at the end of Season 14 was a huge hit to him. I can now easily envisage something as simple as Cas being invited to carve his name on the bunker table being the trigger point, so long as Jack is alive and well. Being part of the Winchester family has definitely been the principle factor the writers have built on for Cas over the past season. I therefore think that if the Empty does come for Cas, it will be from something familial, something like Jack and the Winchesters all sitting around and them paying specific attention to Cas for doing something great, like actually stopping a monster, saving a ton of people, and doing it all the human way, leading to a very impressed Sam and a loved up Dean beaming at him and telling him to carve his initials, and making sure he adds the W.
As much as I would love it and ascend to fandom heaven if it happened, I don’t think the empty deal is gonna be triggered by Dean grabbing and kissing Cas up against his bedroom door, or even actually saying a very clearly romantic “I love you”. Not that I don’t think that will happen at all, but I feel the Empty deal will need to be addressed very soon, and I just can’t see any overt confirmation of Destiel in text before the very end (if at all) at this point.
Please let me explain my thought process on this before anyone get’s upset or jumps on me.
Season 15, imo, has done a lot for Destiel. Since the very first episode we have had a clear emotional storyline specific to Dean and Cas. Their relationship drama has basically fuelled the emotional heart of the season so far. It has lead to journalists, interviewers, and plenty of check marks on Twitter agreeing that whatever Dean and Cas have, it’s something very special, and important to Supernaturals beating core.
The fact is, Dean and Cas are already being written as a romantic couple. They are being written as two people who deeply love each other, to the point that they get ridiculously overly emotional around each other and when the other hurts them. Their relationship is constantly called out by other characters (Belphegor, Rowena) and mirrored to the more overt (however unfair that is) heterosexual relationship in the show (Sam and Eileen).
If we were still living within the era of the Hays Code, if this was The Celluloid Closet, then we would already be championing Destiel as an epic example of queer romance. It IS a queer romance after all. Destiel is real, it exists within the Supernatural story, and the SPN writing team including actual queer writers are 100% on our side and writing Destiel as best they can. This I am 100% certain of at this stage. As a meta writer, I am already validated that my reading of the show and of Destiel as a queer romance in the show is correct. Destiel isn’t something anyone can justifiably call us delusional for seeing anymore. We have come way far beyond that point here. If you see Destiel as a romantic love story, your reading is a correct reading because that IS the story the writers are writing. Season 15 has confirmed that with the Destiel break up story arc and Dean’s prayer. This I say with absolute certainty. Your reading of Destiel as valid and an actual queer love story is correct. It is the story they are telling. People can’t deny Destiel anymore because it is those deniers who at this stage look pretty damn delusional ya know?
I have bolded several lines above because they are important and I really want to stress that this is my stance on the matter. Do not let anyone try to convince you that I feel differently here. If you are a young queer person who sees yourself and your relationship in the DeanCas love story you are valid in seeing that. Exactly as it is, right now, without any need for further confirmation within the story. I am in no way trying to invalidate you by what I am about to say next.
I mentioned the Hays Code and the Celluloid Closet. If you haven’t seen the Celluloid Closet I urge you to watch it as it is a fascinating look into queer coding within the Hays code era. Also, quickly, if you aren’t aware of what I mean by the Hays Code it’s basically the code that Hollywood had to adhere to, setting out rules of what could and couldn’t be portrayed in cinema at the time. Here’s a link to the Wiki article on the history of queer cinema. The introduction of the Hay’s code also meant the introduction of queer coding and subtext rather than explicit dipictions of queer romance in cinema. When I refer to this in relation to Dean and Cas, basically what Supernatural is doing with Dean and Cas is exactly what was done to dipict queer romance in order to get around the Hays code during the era when it was enforced.
So when I say that Destiel is real and valid and being written as a love story, I mean that the writers are basically doing with Destiel what savvy filmmakers had to do to circumvent the Hay’s code during Hollywoods golden age.
Do you see the issue yet?
It is 2020. The Hay’s Code has been abolished for around 50 years.
I fully respect the SPN writing team for trying to tell the Destiel love story as best they can, but at this point in time, even with everything they have already given us, it is still subtext.
Subtext IS a part of the text. What is Canon? What isn’t Canon? Honestly? I’m done with the arguments about it. Believe what each of you want to believe. What I will say is that I don’t think we are going to get anything more overt from the show at this point. The reason I say this is because the writers have now had plenty of ideal opportunities to actually bring the Destiel love story into text. They could have had a single line in 15x07 that confirmed Dean and Lee had a romantic relationship when they were younger. It would have been so easy to do. But they didn’t. Dean’s prayer to Cas, in all it’s glory, could have given us one line more as well. We could have had a love confession. They could have taken it there. Again, it would have been so easy, and it was the ideal opportune moment for Dean to confess. But they didn’t.
I have gone back and forth on this particular question over and over again. The question being will Destiel be brought into explicit undeniable text by series end?
Again, I stress, this question is completely separate to the question of the validity of Destiel already within the text and I swear to God if I get a single argumentative person in my mentions coming at me because they’ve been brainwashed by *people* trying to twist and blur these lines I am going on an even bigger blocking spree to the one I’ve already been on.
In my opinion, the answer to this question resides not with the decisions of the writers (who I fully believe would make it overtly canon in a heartbeat if they could) but with the CW execs. I have my own theories about what goes on behind the scenes, and what I think Dabb has been fighting with since he first took over as showrunner in season 11, and I just really hope that at some point once this is all over we will get a big expose on the truth about Destiel which confirms my speculation and slams the CW execs for not wanting to go there with Supernatural in particular (something I have previously talked about here). I would love for the execs to have given the green light on Destiel being overt by season end, and I am still hoping they have been more lenient this season even if the okay is only for one small moment. Whatever we get or do not get, it will be at the hands of the CW execs and not the writers. That’s the one thing I ask everyone to please keep in mind whatever happens in the end.
As far as what I think may or may not happen...
I would love for the Empty to take Cas because Dean confesses his love and kisses him. Or even if the Empty takes Cas because of other things, having Dean then rescue Cas from the Empty in a poetic reverse of Cas rescuing Dean from Hell, with the big reunion being their overt textual getting together. I feel like the story could go in so many different directions right now as I don’t actually feel like the plot of season 15 is all that coherant so far. The main key notes were Dean and Cas’s relationship drama, Sam and Eileen’s reunion, Chuck messing with the boys and Jack’s return. I think that things will ramp up pretty quickly in this final run of episodes from mid March to the finale, and I think a lot of storylines will get addressed and resolved in a short space of time, at this point, if anything overt does happen for Dean and Cas, it will happen quickly, and the story will move on, or it will be left in the subtext until the very final episode, or it will remain in subtext completely.
Personally, I think that Dean and Cas’s love story will remain subtextual until the very end, with potentially an “I love you” from Dean that will be interpreted as platonic by all major media sources much to all of our frustrations (a repeat of the Season 12 Cas “I love you”) (As Dean needs to tell Cas he loves him as a plot point at this stage, regardless of whether it is romantic or platonic the story basically demands it be said). I am still quietly confident that Dean and Cas will end the season together in some way, either living or dead, I don’t think that their story or their individual story arcs work if they are separated, and I will be stunned and hurt the same way I was for Game Of Thrones if the show does take a different route.
Therefore, since I see the show ending with Dean and Cas together, I can potentially see them taking each others hands in one final shot that basically subtly confirms that they are an item without ever actually textually stating anything more or giving us a kiss or anything. I personally, would be very satisfied with this. If it doesn’t happen though, if I’m totally honest, I would also be satisfied so long as they are still together by the shows end, as I have continually stressed, Destiel is already a real and valid love story that totally validates me as a meta writer, even if it isn’t technically “canon” by all major definitions of the term. (Again I stg if anyone comes at me for saying this I am blocking without devoting a second of my time to arguing with you I am literally at zero tolerance on this ridiculous argument right now and refuse to be dragged back into the bullshit).
Whatever happens, I am loving what we are getting so far. I’ve really been enjoying this season especially the Dean and Cas storyline because it has been so intense and emotional and I LIVE FOR IT! :D I know I’ll be a puddle of tears whatever happens and I just hope that it keeps up this excellent trajectory because so far I’ve been really pleased with everything else we’ve got even if I was slightly disappointed by the show not pushing 15x07 and 15x09 just that tiny bit further into overt canon confirmation of Bi!Dean and Destiel. We’ll see. As I have already said several times, I am feeling pretty validated by my interpretation of Dean and Cas’s relationship over the past so many years I’ve been writing about them. I am confident that I will continue to feel validated as we reach the final run of episodes, and I will continue to be optimistic that Dean and Cas will get a satisfying ending together, whether that includes overt textual Destiel confirmation or not.
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kingdumbass · 4 years
Firstly I just wanna say I LOVE YOU AND YOUR BLOG SO MUCH✨💕🙌
Secondly I'm absolutely losing it over how you handle w*nc*est**s in your asks. They're so fucking dumb!! Why don't they realise all those "evidence" and Misha making comments about that sick pathetic ship (your last post I believe) and the cast mentioning it was them making fun of it. I don't believe Jensen has ever made any comment regarding the disgusting abhorrent ship but I've read that JDM said something about John x Sam (🤢🤮)
And the fucking assholes took that as 'validation' and proof.....????
They're making fun of you DUMBFUCKS!!
And do they really believe, MISHA COLLINS , the inventor of gay , really ships that...?? Ummmm no sweetie, cockles invented Destiel. DeanCas got married and you tried your pathetic ship to get trending but it didn't goddamn work and let's not forget the Felicia got destiel wedding gifts, Kim Rhodes made tiktoks giving Dean marriage advice.
The one time they do trend it's cause Misha fucking mentions it.....ugh...and those dipshits think it's canon??? How about you fuck off and stop trying to reach their level. Destiel will always be superior.
W*nc*est in not a ship, it's loathsome and the shippers need therapy. Incest is no joke, will I do agree there are real life examples, it's fucked up!! People have to go through intense therapy and so much more to be able to get out of it. In most cases it's predatory and one is always a victim of manipulation and violence. The shippers are even more despicable . These assholes don't love Dean, they don't even fucking like him, they want him as an accessory for Dean. I ranted in a grp chat, idk if you're in it , but these assholes see themselves in Sam who has always been the golden boy and centre of attention and Dean was his brother only, there only for Sam, to protect him. They hate cas/Misha bcoz his entrance meant the focus shifted, not only to Cas but also to Dean. Dean started taking care of himself. Before Cas he only cared about Sam and not even for himself. We literally see so much character growth after Cas comes in both Dean and Cas through the seasons. Dean no longer wanted to live for Sam only, he didn't wanna be JUST Sam's brother, he wanted to be Dean, he wanted his own life, he wanted to be with Cas romantically. I'm not saying he stopped caring about Sam, he Always cared about him but Cas made him care about himself too. Cas made Dean realise he was more than just Sam's protector, that he deserved to be loved and cared for. He deserves to life him OWN LIFE!!!
These dipshits couldn't handle it and they liked the finale (doesn't exist cause Deancas married) bcoz once again the attention was all on Sam.
Sorry for the long rant but I needed to do this.
Oh boy you were right that is a long rant lmao I think my favorite part was “misha collins, the inventor of gay.”
I guess I should preface to say I’ve never gone out of my way to single out any w*ncest shipper and my opinions are on the ship as a whole more so than any individual person. The asks I answered were only a couple but that person sent me way more that I deleted because I didn’t feel like it was necessary to air their dirty laundry or the insults they decided to sling at me based on very little information.
But yeah. All that stuff about dean realizing his own self worth as an individual separate from Sam was what should have happened and what they were building towards this whole time. I might not be a huge fan of Dabb’s style, but I recognize where he was going before the finale.
It’s very telling that almost everyone that stans Sam also ships w*ncest. I’ve never really seen a Sam blog that didn’t which is part of the reason I don’t post about him much because I’ve blocked a lot of his content creators. I recognize that people work through trauma in different ways and one of those ways is through taking power over the situation, but idk. Every time I voice my opinion I get told I’m wrong for not thinking that writing romanticized incest smut is good therapy. It’s “purity culture,” I’m a “purist.” Which isn’t the case at all actually, I’m not even a particularly sensitive person when it comes to being offended especially when as their main defense is, “it’s fictional.” But I also find it hard to believe everyone that ships w*ncest has suffered from abuse like that to claim it’s good therapy for everyone. Idk I’m sure someone will be mad at me for this though 🤷🏼‍♂️
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flowitch · 4 years
supernatural and lgbtqia+ characters
DISCLAIMER: i love these characters, which is why i watch the show. i do also have many issues with the show and the writers. this isn’t a hate post for the story or the characters, just the way the characters have been treated. do not read this if you are not caught up and do not want spoilers. this is also kinda a mess but i got very passionate about this and wrote it during classes
Dean Winchester
i’m gonna start with my boy dean!! dean is mine along with many other people’s favorite characters because of how complex he is. and one of the things that adds depth to his character is his “journey” with his sexuality.
there are many examples of dean very clearly not being straight, and he is officially headcanoned (and i guess canon now) as bisexual. you don’t even need to include dean and cas scenes for examples of his bisexuality. here is a video showing examples without any cas scenes:
now that we’ve established he is bisexual, let’s talk about the contradiction between the writing of his sexuality and character. the one i’m itching to talk about first is the confession scene in 10x16.
in this scene, dean says, and i quote, if you don’t want to watch the video and don’t remember, “There's things, there's...people...feelings that I- I want to experience differently. Maybe even for the first time.” there honestly is no other way to interpret this. i’ve tried to put myself in the mind of the writers and the homophobes but i genuinely cannot interpret this another way. this is very clearly about his sexuality, being that there were no love interests at the time that this would apply to (not that this would even apply to a straight couple anyway). and not only does this confession scene occur, but sam even comments on how he was in there for a long time and he could always talk to him if he needs to!!!! they could have easily not had sam say anything about how long he spent in there, being that we as the viewers have no clue as to how long he was in there. they wrote that specifically to show that what he said in there had meaning and importance.
the writers and the crew of the show play into dean’s sexuality consistently with scenes, song of the days from the crew, etc., but then deny that destiel or dean’s bisexuality is real. i think a lot of this has to do with the fact that dean has always been considered as a “macho man” who shows very little emotion and has trouble with vulnerability. and that’s true! he absolutely is. but this show had 15 years to allow him to slowly work through his feelings and his issues with his own sexuality and self. the confession is a great example of the writers being almost there and then never speaking about it again.
even if you aren’t bisexual, you can see how much biphobia there is in the world. and as a bisexual woman i can say that bisexuality in men is so looked down upon it’s disturbing. men coming to terms with their bisexuality, especially if they are considered straight and “manly”, always makes me so happy since it’s not as accepted as female bisexuality. and this is another reason why supernatural exploring dean’s bisexuality would have been so incredible. seeing a man on television who has a lot of internal issues come to terms with something so complex and life changing would have been monumental to so many people. the writers had an infinite amount of ways to go about this because of things that THEY wrote, and instead chose to ignore his sexuality and have him not respond to castiel’s confession in 15x18. it’s very clear he was in shock in that episode so i’m not mad, but it is also clear that they wrote it that way to not fully make deancas canon.
dean winchester is bisexual, and the writers wrote him that way. nobody pulled this out of their ass, destiel didn’t become popular randomly and for no reason, they wrote him this way. this is their own writing that they have chosen to ignore and contradict for 15 seasons and it’s disappointing.
this entire post is being written on november 6, 2020. one day after 15x18 aired. castiel is now canonically queer, and was already sent to someplace worse than hell. because he was happy. which directly connected to his love for dean. i honestly don’t even have to write cas’ section because that is enough, but i’ll write about his mistreatment anyway.
we knew the only thing that would make cas truly happy would be something with dean. well we assumed the writers would make up some other bullshit, but we hoped that it had something to do with dean. and sure enough, it was his love confession. and what i loved about this was cas starts it off by saying two beautiful things. one, that he knows he can never have what he really wants (dean), but he’s just as happy telling dean he loves him. he doesn’t need to have him to be happy with where they end their story, as long as dean knows. and the other thing he starts off by saying is that he knows how dean sees himself. he lists off all of these extremely kind things about dean and how dean is what made cas care about the world. he is the reason castiel went from an emotionless soldier to a fallen angel that feels deep love for people.
this confession scene although tainted by the fact that he died right after, which we’ll talk about, and the fact that it took this damn long, really means a lot to me. it was so incredible seeing cas be unapologetically open, honest, in love, and himself. he was for the first time since we’ve known him, completely and totally content. he told the man he loves how incredible he thinks he is and how he loves him, and knew he was saving him from billie by doing it. we’ve never seen him that happy. and it’s heartbreaking. 
misha summed it up perfectly i think: “Tonight, watching Cas talk to Dean, I got lost in the story and forgot for a moment that I’m the one who plays that angel and I thought, “He’s how I want to be. He’s openhearted and he’s selfless and he’s true.”
this was the first time we saw cas living his whole truth, and he immediately died. in terms of just bad taste, sending someone who just came out to angel hell is very disturbing, but it’s just further proof of the writers not caring about their lgbtqia+ characters. it’s like they gave us what we wanted, but there just had to be a catch, right? these writers very clearly do not care about their queer characters or fans, and what they did to cas here shows that plain as day.
obviously i really do want dean to save cas from the empty to parallel cas saving him from hell, but do i think it’ll happen in these last two episodes? no. first off i just don’t think misha filmed for the last two episodes, but also, the writers have made it clear that they do not care about cas in general, nevermind their now love story. it just does not sit right with me that he got sent to the empty for eternity because he was finally his whole self and happy.
Charlie Bradbury (our world + au)
we have seen charlie bradbury die twice, both times for no reason at all. the first time we saw her die, it was by the hands of a NAZI, and her body was THROWN INTO A BATHTUB. like i said before with cas, that was explanation enough i mean come ON. the second time we witnessed charlie die was in 15x18, (along with the whole world i know bare with me), which we did NOT need to see. 
let’s start with the fact that for all of these characters, supernatural creates and writes them wonderfully for the most part. we fall in love with these characters because of the way they were written, acted, and the dynamic with other characters. unfortunately in supernatural, if you are queer or a woman or god forbid both, that dynamic with other characters will be the death of you. 
i’m gonna talk about each other her deaths individually. so her first death. the only reason for her death was to further sam and dean’s (mostly dean’s) man pain. although i eat up the reactions of other characters when another dies, this just felt completely unnecessary to me. the writers wrote a fan-favorite character, and decided that the best course of action was to brutally murder her to further dean’s mark of cain storyline. and i loved that storyline! i loved the scene of dean getting revenge for charlie! but it did not need to happen. the only thing the fans wanted was for her to be alive and well, get more screentime and possibly have a girlfriend. 
when directly asked why they thought killing charlie was a good idea, jeremy carver said: 
“That’s an excellent question, and it, it’s tough just because...any time you have a favorite character on a show...People die on the show. And, and, and...and, unfortunately...So...there’s so many ways to answer that. And I feel, I, I...it’s tough for me to answer. She’s an absolutely beloved character, beloved on the show...And when we’re in the writer’s room...we have to go where the story takes us. And we try and do it without, um...(insert fans booing and the cast laughing at him)...this is the world day of my life. And I’d like to thank everyone up here for the support.” (they were not helping).
not only did he not have a clue on how to answer a question that should have an understandable answer, but then the best thing that he could come up with is “we have to go where the story takes us.” but why would that possibly be where the story takes you? if supernatural had more diversity than straight white males and possibly one woman that dies or is evil, then fine kill off whoever you want even if i don’t like it. but it becomes a gender and sexuality issue when she is not only the only recurring female character at the time, but also the only recurring lgbtqia+ character at the time (minus cas). 
now the second time she’s died. mind you this isn’t our world’s charlie. they brought her back for the fans and for the cast/crew that love her and felicia. we’ve established that she’s here living her life someplace. we haven’t heard anything about her for a hot minute, and then they decide to bring her back for 15x18. i was thrilled! i could not wait to see her, and was even more excited when she showed up on my television. and then, even better, we found out she has a girlfriend who she lives with and is clearly happy/comfortable with. and then what happens, may you ask? her girlfriend, stevie, a queer woman of color, vanishes. boom another unnecessary lgbtqia+ and woman death that could have been avoided if they just wrote in sam and dean calling her for help. 
later on in the episode, everyone on earth excluding dean, sam, and jack are gone- completely vanished where they stood. charlie of course is among those people. bare with me here, i know everyone vanished and it’s not the same as the first one. but here’s my issue with it: she did not have to come back. i would have rather had donna say “jodie, the girls, charlie, they’re ready to go when you need them”, and then they all vanish off screen. but instead they went through the trouble of bringing her back, showing her happy, having her experience a painful loss, and then disappear anyway. what was the point in having her in the episode?
like i mentioned earlier with dean being representation for bisexual men, charlie was just that for lesbians!! the amount of posts i’ve seen on multiple platforms talking about how much they resonated with charlie or how heartbroken they were no longer having representation on their favorite show is awful. there was a kickass nerdy, kind, strong, loving lesbian on your show not once but twice (au charlie), and you blew it. 
Claire + Kaia (Dreamhunter)
this part isn’t going to be long because there are some exceptions: wayward sisters failed spinoff (i’m still heartbroken i want it so bad), kathryn newton’s new status and inability to be in the show, etc.. so i guess this will just be a short thing about wayward sisters and what that could mean for claire and kaia. 
they had already established in supernatural that kaia was claire’s first love. we had gotten some really cute scenes with them, and then wayward sisters was finally a possibility. if the show had gone through, which i’m not sure why it didn’t, claire and kaia’s relationship could have been a goldmine. young girls could see themselves represented by characters already adored by supernatural fans. it would’ve shown a beautiful wlw relationship between two young girls who are also kickass and can keep up with their elders/male counterparts. 
i can’t pin this on the writers sadly (lmao), but i am still upset that we didn’t get wayward sisters. it would’ve meant a lot to women and to the lgbtqia+ community. 
My thoughts
like i said in the disclaimer, i love these characters and the story of supernatural. i always will. but i can’t lie about how frustrating it is seeing women, lgbts and people of color get constantly disregarded and mistreated. the writers had 15 years to get with the times, and the growth of society. stuff that i saw in season one and wasn’t surprised by should not still be happening in season 15. having writers that are all straight white males/women is not enough anymore. it never was. there has to be something for everyone in a show as big as this. it’s not about meeting diversity requirements, it’s about actually having diversity because it’s real. there are no diversity requirements for people in society. these are just people of different races, ethnicities, sexualities, genders, etc. who want to see someone like them represented on the things that they watch. it’s a lonely feeling not being validated by a show that you love.  
i might make another post specifically for the women mistreatment and queerbaiting on this show but that’s all for my essay on why supernatural sucks at not mistreating their queer characters :)
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cockworkangels · 4 years
season 8
i do like season 8. it is definetly full of insane destiel moments and i really like the trials plot.
but there’s so many things i don’t like too. like the brothers’ main conflict is just so stupid. it grates me to no end. like. we! have! had! this! conversation! before! god why is this an issue. the part that i get is that sam would be upset about dean trusting benny above him. yes that makes sense. but him being upset that benny is a vampire and is so hell bent on killing him. makes no damn sense and you clearly do remember your friend amy from last season. ugh so stupid.
and i just don’t care about the amelia storyline. i do get why it is there. but my god it is boring. and i just can’t bring myself to like amelia no matter how hard i try and i don’t like disliking female characters on spn. why did they make her so hostile for no reason too? did she think sam was driving around looking for dogs to hit just for kicks? good for sam though or whatever.
i really do like purgatory. insane storyline to play out the way they did though. dean and cas. dean and benny. dean spends a year looking for cas when he has a way out. prays to him every night. goes around yelling shit like ’where’s the angel?’ his brain creates a fake memory of him failing to save cas to cope rather than to deal with the pain of cas choosing to stay behind? cas running away from dean a year while listening to his prayers and trying to keep the leviathan away from dean. dean and benny forming a totally platonic and to quote jackles himself here ’foxhole relationship’. insane choice. benny being the only one who has never failed dean? all the shit with they do with various parallels?
i’m not sure how i feel about the constant flashbacks though. they could have benefitted from picking up where s7 left off i think. they could have done so much more with purgatory! it was such a good concept! but the amelia story would have been too boring to not be a flashback so i guess that’s why. but they could have made it interesting! but they just didn’t. sorry sam.
trials however are such a good plotline! sam gets to be a compelling character! i love him so much and it’s such a good plot for him. and it’s a good plot for dean too! he has to allow sam to do things. and that is so hard for him. and all the stuff about sam being impure and the trials purifying him and i just i—-
and cas! oh i really like the naomi plot too. it’s insane but so are all the best things in spn. they literally break him by forcing him to kill thousands of copies of dean specifically. everything about goodbye stranger. how easily naomi controls cas even when he objects. and then ’what broke the connection?’
and dean. oh dean. he’s being pulled apart again. the betrayal of sam not looking for him. the guilt over supposedly failing cas. cas turning on him even though he is being controlled. benny. the obsessive need to close the gates of hell. the trauma of purgatory. how despite all it made him feel pure.
kevin has it rough. that poor kid never catches a break. and sam and dean are dicks to him. basically just use him to their own ends. and kevin believes that too.
crowley is absolutely amazing as always.
this is the season with insane deancas content but there is still barely any cas? and i’m upset cas is in so few episodes. i just want more of him let him do stuff! please.
it feels like the quality of individual episodes starts getting even more polarising than before. like it was polarising basically always, but it just feels it’s more? maybe that’s just the increased amount of bucklemming episodes idk. there’s some really great episodes this season. a lot of them. but there’s some really bad ones. and a couple that are downright offensive and racist and just really weird about stuff in a really uncomfortable way. and that’s not great.
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