#ardyn is having a hard time believing what just happened
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itsgeecheebitch · 2 years ago
TITLE: Until Darkness Descends
SERIES: The Fall Part 1 of 4
FANDOM: Final Fantasy XV
PAIRING: Ardyn x reader, Ardyn x Aera (you are Aera)
RATING: Mature(for language)
         “I can’t fucking believe you.” Your mother snarled while she scrubbed furiously at her soiled heels. After your accident, the priestess escorted you and your parents to a sitting room upstairs. Your mother wore a smile the entire time, one meant to charm and bewitch those who did not know her very well. But you could see it, the fissures in her friendly facade, the anger she tried to hide behind a facsimile of warmth. You wondered if the priestess could see it too, how frozen and fake your mother's all too friendly smile was, the way it twitched at the corners and didn't meet her too frigid eyes. 
       The elderly woman only gave your mother a smile of her own. Not a moment of pause,  not a wary look, just a smile too warm and unguarded to be given to a woman as undeserving as your mother. You sat on a couch that was the closest to the window and begged the priestess  with your eyes to stay. Either she didn't notice your silent plea or she simply did not care because she left moments after. The unnerving click of the door closing into place sealed your fate. 
         Immediately, your mother's smile was gone and she shedded the genial veneer like old skin. She reminded you a lot of a serpent, cruel and cunning, willing to squeeze the life out of you and swallow you whole. A sudden loud thud jolted you back into the moment. The shoe she hurled at the wall dropped onto the empty space beside you.
           “I asked you to do just one simple thing and you blew it!” She shouted, on the verge of hysteria. Her voice was shrill and hard and made you wince. During times like this, when her face was dark with unbridled anger, it was best to keep your gaze low lest you stoked her ire further. You learned from experience what would happen if you met her eyes while she was angry. Even now your cheek still throbbed with the phantom pain of the slap you received the last time you broke the unspoken rule.
           Your shoulders curled in on their own volition, and you shrunk in on yourself with your head bowed. Maybe if you made yourself as small as possible, she would forget you were there and yell at someone else, but you were never so fortunate. Her angry words continued to drone on and on in the background like nails on a chalkboard. You said the one thing you hoped would bring an end to her incandescent screaming. 
"I'm sorry."
        “It’s not your fault,” Your father said from his side of the room. His toned arms were folded in front of his chest and his lips were pressed into a hard line that only made the lines on his face that much more pronounced. “It's obvious I’ve been too lenient on your training. Starting tomorrow it’ll be a nonstop test of your endurance. And don’t try to get out of it either. I don’t care if you vomit or turn blue in the face, we’re going to keep going until your physical limitations are non-existent. Hopefully after that we won't have a repeat of today.” 
        Dread carved a sharp burning path down your chest and into the pit of your stomach. Your trembling fingers seemed to vibrate with that fear. Your training regimen was already unforgiving and would leave you gagging and retching by the end of it. Would your father really make it that much more intense? Would he force you to keep healing and keep reviving  small dead creatures even after your eyes lose focus and vomit festers on your tongue? The very thought of it forced a violent shiver to rattle your bones. 
       You heard your mother scoff. “Maybe if you stop coddling her she would be able to do more than just revive one person before puking her guts out.” 
      “Coddling? I’m the only one who actually keeps up with her training. What do you do besides sit on your ass all day and spend all our money?”
      “I market our business operation, asshole.” She hissed in response, jumping out of her chair to glare daggers at your father. The rickety old thing teetered as a result, clattering onto the floor behind her. “I find the people. The venues. I maintain her social media following and her website. I do the real fucking work. All you gotta do is make sure she doesn't puke herself.” 
     You slid down the couch, wishing the wooden floors would open up and swallow you whole. Anything was better than this. You knew any second now their angry words could explode into violence and you would be trapped in the crossfire. The last time your parents fought, your entire body was covered in bruises from all the objects they threw at each other and missed.
      Sometimes you wondered if they were truly aiming at you. One time  your parents fought in an elevator. Your father shoved your mother into you so hard your head slammed against the metal wall and you saw stars. Other times your parents fights would start with violence before devolving into debauchery. You would always flee the room at the first sign of a kiss. In every violent occurrence you seemed to always be the catalyst behind their collision. 
       They never fought this much back at the circus, at least not while you were around. Your mother would always be on her phone whenever you saw her. She rarely spoke to you but at least she never looked angry, unlike now where her brows were forever pinched and her lips were always pulled into a scowl. Your father was the same way. Back at the circus he was always busy but happy. A smile would light up his face and he rarely had a mean word to say, even to you, a person he hardly engaged with outside of making sure you were provided for. You looked down at your hands that were painted gold with the sun's evening light. 
       These two hands were to blame for everything. They were cursed. If you never resurrected the butterfly that night, if your parents never spotted you reviving a dead mouse, you wouldn't be here. They wouldn't be here. You would all be with the circus, happy and content. You would still be with auntie Maggie baking cookies in her tiny trailer. Uncle Renji would still beguile you with his coin magic trick, and you would still rouse to the dulcet tone of grandpa Louis' banjo in the early morning. But, it was all gone now. All you had to look forward to these days were your mother's spitfire words and the silent brewing storm that was your father's rage. 
     “Without me, Aera would still be a nameless nobody living in the Oracle’s shadow. I put her name on the fucking map. I put money in our fucking pockets. But what would you know? You’re just a half-ass circus freak who knows next to nothing about running a business.” Your mother finished.
     The room was plunged into an uneasy silence after that. Not even the creaking of the temple, nor the chatter of your followers a floor below, could fill the void that devoured everything but the tension in the air. It was as though the entire world held its breath, waiting with uneasy anticipation for the next shoe to drop. 
      You swallowed. "P-please don't fight," left your mouth in a whisper, but your plea fell on deaf ears. Your father took a step toward your mother. She visibly flinched but schooled her features soon after.
      “You watch your fucking whore mouth. If it weren’t for this ‘circus freak’ you would still be on the street selling your flat ass for change.” Your father seethed.“‘Knowing how to run a business’? Don’t make me laugh. You’re nothing but a cheap whore who’s only merit is knowing how to take a fat cock down her throat.”
      There was a loud smack, like the crack of a whip splitting the air in two. You watched in wide eyed horror as your father’s head whipped to the side from your mother's assault. You didn't even think before you acted, wedging yourself in between them and pushing your parents apart. 
“No! Stop fighting!” You cried. 
       Your mother clenched her jaw. “Just shut up and go outside.”
        “Just GO OUTSIDE!” She screamed. You whimpered and ran towards the door, slamming it shut. The moment you did a loud bang tore through the silence and you heard your mother scream. You stood there with tears in your eyes, hand reaching for the door in silent contemplation. Other people entered the hallway one by one. At the sudden loud thud against the door you ran into the hallway bathroom and locked the door.
         Someone was knocking on the door but you couldn't hear them past the yelling and screaming in the air. You backed away and jolted when your back hit the cool tile walls. The knocking never stopped, neither did the yelling and banging, and the whispered voices of your followers grew and grew until they exploded into a fiery pitch. Clamping your hands over your ears didn't drown them out. Huddling in the corner and thinking of a happy place did you no good either. You couldn't stay here. You didn't want to be here. There was a window over the toilet. You rose to your feet and wrestled it open. Despite being on the second floor the climb down wasn't long at all.
         Once your feet touched the ground, you took off, not caring where you went so long as it wasn't here. You ran in the direction of the sun, where its dying light bled over the horizon and painted the aging sky red. Was it possible to jump into the horizon? To allow it to swallow you whole as it did to the sun? Being in the belly of the earth didn't sound too bad. It almost sounded peaceful. Quiet. Safe.
       You walked by a family of three just then. There was a little girl who looked to be a few years younger than you, flanked by both parents on either side. They held her hand and their smiles didn't look forced. Their eyes were filled with light and their faces weren't marred by hard angry lines. As for the little girl, she was quite jubilant. Laughing and talking circles around her parents.
        You were like that at one point. Stars filled your eyes, tiny bells were in your giggles, and there was never a frown on your face. You had all you needed and all you could ever want. Auntie Maggie would braid your hair and buy you dolls, uncle Renji would teach you magic tricks and read you bedtime stories. How could you not smile and laugh when they gave you a reason to everyday? So why, why did they let you go? Why didn't auntie Maggie and uncle Renji fight to keep you? Did they get tired of you? Is that why they didn't put up a fight when your parents stole you away from the circus? Something warm and wet trickled down your cheek. It took you a moment to realize they were tears and you use the back of your sleeve to wipe them away. 
     By the time you stopped walking a park came into view. It was mostly empty save for a few families still meandering about. Nobody bothered you as you took a seat on the park bench, which was good since you couldn't stop the tears from falling down your face. It would be a bad public relations move for the people  to witness the infamous child of light shed tears at a park. So you wore the approaching evening like a cloak and buried your wet face in your knees. Here you could be Aera. Not the child of light. Not the healer of the sick. Or the reviver of the dead. You were just you, a blissfully insignificant you. 
           There was movement coming from behind you. A muffled crunch of grass and the soft rustling of clothes in the breeze, whoever it was sat next to you on the bench but you didn't lift your head up to see who. You just wanted to be left alone in peace until you were inevitably found and dragged back to the temple. However, reality wasn't in the business of giving you what you wanted, but in this situation you weren't sure if you minded at all the moment you heard a warm honeyed voice say, "why the long face, my dear?"
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ertrunkenerwassergeist · 5 years ago
Dreams of Our Past - Chapter 27
*flails around* The chapter is done! It’s the second longest so far and the second half was fighting me until the end. But I prevailed! Here’s the Link to AO3.
In which Gladio invites Ignis to dinner and he finds a dearly missed person because of Iris.
Featuring: Ignis' brand of awkwardness, the starscourge, the tempers of Gladio and Hiemi, Noctis being so very close to a mental breakdown and Somnus and Bahamut being dicks through history
Warning: vomiting, mentioned child murder
Gladio IV
8.5.755 ME
Insomnia, Ghetto
Kingdom of Lucis
The days since their meeting at the Black Saffron had been nerve wrecking and uneventful. It grated on him like nothing else. He had thought, after they had all finally decided – more or less, he was aware enough to admit – on a course of action, things would start to move again. They hadn't. And Gladio didn't like it. At all.
He stood near the door to the pitiful office of Camp No. 5 and watched the people mingling about. More specifically was he watching Prompto, who sat grinning like a loon on a camping bed, a laptop in his lap and... did something while a group of people watched over his shoulder. Gladio really hoped the blond didn't play some kind of game. He was supposed to search through the pictures he had taken over the last few days and upload them on a dummy account by the end of the day.
Here was to hoping the whole crazy plan was going to work. It was a shame Pelna wasn't here right now, but he had finally found the time to talk to his contacts, and had gone to get the ball rolling on that whole facial recognition thing.
It wasn't that things weren't being done, really, it was just that they were moving along so slowly.
Gladio felt like he was treading on the spot, not moving forward no matter how much he wished to. It was frustrating beyond belief.
Before he realized what he was doing, he had fished his phone out of he pocket and weighted it in his hand. It couldn't hurt to call Ignis, making sure the man didn't overwork himself like he was prone to do. Maybe he had managed to find something that would help Gladio figure out what he could be doing in this stinking mess. Not that is was very likely, but a man could hope.
The phone rang once, twice, then a click sounded and a cultured voice drifted through the speaker: “Good morning Gladio. Was there something you needed?”
“Barely morning anymore, Ignis”, the older snorted.
A non-committal hum could be heard. The former advisor could be very peculiar about his greetings. A voice sounded in the background on Ignis' side. It was decidedly feminine, even if Gladio couldn't make out any words.
“Oh no, it's perfectly alright, Miss Aster. I am talking to a friend. Thank you for your wonderful help”, Ignis said.
Gladio couldn't help the grin blooming on his face. “Should I call you later, lover boy?”
Ignis gave an undignified snort. “I am at work, Gladio”, he said, stressing the word work like that was the important part. “Miss Aster is a secretary within the Ministry for Civic Affairs and Immigration. I met her yesterday, when I was looking into how far along they are with evaluating the houses in the Immigration District for damages. Apparently there seems to be a filing issue of some sort. Miss Aster has been looking into it since it came to her attention. She says it goes against her pride to have messy paperwork.”
“Tampering?” Gladio couldn't help but ask.
“Very likely.”
“Whoever did it was very careful. The papers are listed as filed, they obviously went over all the right desks, but they aren't where they should be. I have never seen this amount of misfiling in my entire life.” Ignis' obvious indignation would be funny, if the situation wasn't so serious. “Mrs. Custodela cannot help us with this. She has her hands already full trying to keep abreast with the camps she is looking over. After this, would you please call Camp 7 for me? Mrs. Custodela has found a plumber who is free and can take a look at their showers.”
Something in the pipes in the showers of Camp 7 had broken and now the water there had turned a muddy brown. It couldn't be very healthy.
“That's good. I'll do that. Anything else?”
“Make sure to note down who is using the vehicles you got provided with, and where they drove and how long it took to get there. Certain people have been making noise about rationing petrol. Records of the use of the vans you have at your disposal would go a long way to work against this”, said Ignis after a few moments of consideration.
Gladio jerked in disbelief. “Rationing petrol? That's bullshit! The oil production in Leide is still under Insomnian control.”
“I know, Gladio. Believe me, I know.”
“Fuck, this whole situation is a stinking mess”, he complained and carded a hand through his hair.
I need a shower, he thought with a grimace. Ignis didn't answer. He didn't need to. Somewhere in the hall a baby started to cry, followed shortly by a second. Gladio sighed and massaged the bridge of his nose. He needed to get out of here. At least for an evening. Breath some air that didn't smell of exhaust fumes or like too many sweaty people cramped into a place too small.
“How... how is Iris doing?” Ignis sounded like he wasn't sure at all, if he should even ask.
“She's not doing worse for now”, he choked out, his stomach plummeting like it was suddenly filled with lead.
“Gladio. I am- I'm so sorry.”
That sentence sounded heavy. Full of hidden meanings and implications and Gladio didn't want to hear any of it.
“Don't you dare talk like she's dead already! Because she's still very much alive”, he snapped.
A tightly controlled intake of breath sounded over the speaker. Gladio couldn't muster the will to feel bad about it. Iris wasn't dead and she wouldn't die. He was her older brother and he would protect her, damn it!She was barely fourteen, for Bahamut's sake.
“You are right, Gladio. I apologize”, Ignis said after a maybe too long pause.
“It's alright”, he sighed and deflated.
No, it wasn't alright, not at all. But Ignis was a friend – or had been a friend once – and he didn't deserve this. Pitioss, Iris didn't deserve this most of all. Why ever were the Gods punishing her like that? It had to stop.
He cleared his throat and asked awkwardly: “I'm going back home for the night to spend some time with her. Do you want to come over for dinner? Iris would love to see you again.”
“If you are sure.”
Ignis sounded so high-strung that Gladio just knew he was feeling as awkward as he himself was.
“Don't worry. I wouldn't ask, if I wasn't.”
“Then I will gladly come. Which time would be most convenient?”
“We normally eat around six since Iris gets tired early”, Gladio shrugged.
Ignis hummed in thought. “Five thirty then.”
“Fine by me”, he answered after mentally running through his to-do list again. “Just... be gentle with her, alright?”
“Of course, Gladio”, agreed Ignis. “I need to go back to work.”
“Ah, yes. Yes, of course. I'll see you later.”
“Until later.”
The call disconnected. Gladio listened to the silence of his phone for a few seconds before he sighed and lowered it from his ear to stare at it. Social graces and impulse control. He needed to work on his temper more. But for now he had a few calls to make. First Camp 7 about that plumber and then Jared to tell him that he and Ignis would be there for dinner. He had been trying to come every evening since the earthquake happened, but he hadn't always managed it.
On his first call he managed to reach Libertus who sounded just as grouchy as he had expected the man to be. Gladio had to bite the inside of his cheek as to not snap back. Instead he managed to make his way through the conversation with all the grace of a garula in a china store. Luckily Libertus didn't seem to notice. Something about two feuding Clans in one room, he had heard Crowe and Pelna say.
His second call went a bit better. He could practically hear the retainer smile as he announced his and Ignis' presence for dinner.
Now he could go outside and see how far along Tredd and Crowe were with checking over the newest delivery. Then there would be another round of phone calls between Centres 4 through 8 to see who was lacking what and to pool their resources. After lunch he would write out new timetables for those who had volunteered for various duties around here. And he would need to find someone who had experience with the whole giving birth thing, since one of the women here looked just about ready to pop.
Dinner could have been definitely worse. It had been decidedly awkward, but between Ignis practically doting on Iris within the first few minutes of his arrival and Jared's efforts to keep the conversation flowing, it had been a very pleasant meal. Everything had been fine, Iris had been laughing and moving around more than she had in weeks and Ignis had been sharing recipes with Jared.
He should have known that this wasn't going to last. Nothing good had for a long time now.
The screaming woke Gladio in the middle of the night. It took his sleep addled brain long precious seconds to realize that they were coming from his sister's room. He practically leapt out of bed and ran into her room that thankfully was right next to his. Light spilled into the dark room and for a moment his sister's shadow seemed to froth and seethe, but Gladio ignored it in search of any attackers that he could painfully eviscerate.
No one was there. No one but Iris and him.
Her screaming stopped once she saw him.
“Gladdy”, she whimpered and reached out towards him.
The sleeves of her pyjama slid back and exposed dark splotched on her skin that hadn't been there during dinner. A thin line of blood trickled down from the corner of her mouth. It was black.
“Iris!” he cried and lunged towards her, cradling her small form carefully against his muscled chest.
“Gladdy, it hurts. It hurts so much.”
She grasped weakly at his arms, sobbing. Then she went limp, her breath coming in nothing but weak bursts that ghosted over the naked skin above his collar bone.
“No”, he breathed. Desperation roared in his chest like a wild beast and stole his breath. “No, no, no, no, no.”
What should he do? No doctor or hospital they had visited since she had first gotten sick, had been able to help. There was no one here that could help her.
Oh, by the Gods, she was going to die.
The realization hit him like a slap in the face. His little sister would die before morning came, because there was no one in this damned city that...
Gladio's breath stuttered in his chest when he remembered what the innkeeper of the Black Saffron had said about his son and the woman that had come by during the meeting, when he remembered what that prostitute had told him last week.
Without stopping to consider what a colossally stupid idea this was – he could not afford to think about it, not now when his little sister was dying – he wrapped her blanket tightly around her frail body and lifted her up in his arms. She was so light he barely noticed her weight.
Why was it getting so much worse? Why now, of all times? She had been fine! Or at last not worse than the last time he had taken her to a doctor.
He didn't even stop to get dressed in something other than his sleeping trousers or to put on some shoes, and instead ran right out of the door, into the dark streets of Insomnia. In the privacy of her bed, the prostitute had described to him how he could get to this Healer, if he ever needed to.
Sweat ran down his face and back the further he ran, his breath burned in his lungs, but he didn't dare to stop. He didn't dare to do so as he ran past buildings the earthquake had destroyed, deeper and deeper into the city, through neighbourhoods that were getting more and more run down.
Iris began to shiver, despite the warm summer night. Gladio only tightened his grip and hastened his steps.
Despite the growing lack of functioning street lamps, he could see the great, broken pillar. It rose out of the shadows like a great, stony needle as he hurried past it and then turned left into a narrow alleyway. It didn't take long to reach the other side. It was nearly pitch black now. Only a few weakly glowing lanterns showed him the way, forcing him to slow down, lest he stumble and fall. He found the staircase Viti had talked about through sheer luck. There weren't any handrails, so he had to be extra careful. He did not dare hurry since some of the metal stairs creaked ominously.
Follow the lights, Viti had said, and so he started to run again towards the nearest light he could see. It was a single lantern glowing like a lonely star at the first house on the right. It hung from the ceiling in a room that was entirely open on one side and illuminated a group of chairs, metal drawers and a long table. In a corner there was a part of the wall that looked like it could possibly be a door. He just about kicked it in.
“Hello! I need help!” he bellowed into the darkness of the house, honestly not caring who he might wake.
Not a second later hasty footsteps sounded to his left. It was a teenager, his skin paler than he had ever seen a human being be, with big blue eyes so light they looked white near the pupil. In his hand he carried a lantern, its light cast a cheerful glow on everything it touched.
The teenagers eyes grew even larger when he saw the bundle in Gladio's arms, then his eyes dropped to his feet and back up again.
“My sister needs help”, Gladio repeated, pleading.
That seemed to do the trick, as the teenager gestured towards a staircase with a hasty “Follow me!” and practically leapt up the stairs.
“Healer! Healer wake up! There's an emergency. Quick!”
Gladio followed the teen down the hallway to his right until they came to the last door. Behind it was a small room with a rickety bed, a bedside table, a stool and a chest of drawers. Another lantern, it had been hanging from a hook next to the door, was lit and the teenager motioned for Gladio to lay his sister on the bed before he vanished down the hallway again, calling for Healer.
Now here, where he could finally focus on something other than running, running, running, he noticed he was trembling like a leaf in the wind. His heart beat like a fast paced drum and his breath shuddered with each intake of air.
His gaze settled on Iris. Her skin was a pasty, unhealthy white and the dark splotches had spread up her neck and onto her cheeks. Each laboured breath sounded wet and rattled within her chest. Carefully, as to not hurt her any further, he settled her down on the lumpy mattress of the bed. The frame gave a high pitched sound as her weight was added.
From outside the room he could hear doors opening and closing, sleepy voices were asking questions and hasty steps were making their way towards them. A young man appeared in the doorway. He had clearly just woken up, his startling violet eyes squinting against the light of the lantern and his long black hair a mess that hung in his face.
When the man – he couldn't be older than 20 – saw him he froze. His eyes grew large in surprise and fear, his mouth opened and closed like he was a fish on land. Gladio glowered. If he had only come to stare, he was going to beat him within an inch of his life.
“Help her!” he bellowed.
The man jerked. His gaze fell on Iris and all expression vanished from his face. One moment he stood by the door and the next he was next to the bed, leaning over his sister and looking intently at her gaunt face.
“Casto, get me a bucket and take the bedsheets for winter out of the closet. Go to Hiemi and tell her I need some of her purging tea, and bring me a bowl of hot water and a washrag”, he said with an air that made it clear he was used to be listened to and obeyed.
Not bothering to turn around and see if the teenager was listening – which he did; he ran out of the room like the Infernian himself was after him – the young man started to gently unwrap the blanket. She had grown even paler and the black splotches covered large parts of her visible skin.
Gladio would love to ask who this guy even was and what he was doing as he released a hissing breath and started cussing quite creatively, but his voice refused to work. Each new gulp of air took more effort than the last and slowly he began to realize that everything hurt. From his muscles to his feet. Especially his feet. They felt like two big, raw lumps of meat that did nothing but hurt. He ignored it as best as he could for now.
A thin hand with long, elegant fingers was lain on Iris' forehead, golden-violet sparks danced across the digits and over her skin.
Wait, this was the famous Healer?
“For how long has she been sick?”
Gladio's tired mind barely registered the question. “What?” he managed to utter after his second attempt at articulating.
“How long, Gladio”, Healer barked.
How...? That wasn't important right now.
“Nearly two months”, he managed to say around the lump in his throat.
“Shit. Shit, shit, shit. By all the sulphurous fires of Ifrit's den. By all rights, she should be dead by now.”
That made Gladio's tired brain pay attention again. “Excuse me?”
Healer shook his head and reached for the bucket a huffing and puffing Casto held out towards him, bedsheets under his other arm.
“No time for that.”
He gently sat her upright, her weight lying awkwardly in his arms, and sent a wave of softly glowing magic through her. The golden and violet light washed over her like water. Without warning her upper body jerked forward and she vomited her dinner mixed with black blood into the bucket. It stank sickeningly.
Iris took big, heaving breaths, occasionally dispelling mouthfuls of junky black sludge. After nothing new came up, Healer set the bucket down beside the bed. He didn't seem to care for the splatters that had hit the naked skin of his arms and torso. They slowly turned into wispy smoke and then vanished entirely. Her eyes fluttered feverishly without seeming to notice her surroundings.
“Yeah, that's it. Everything's alright now. In and out, in and out. Yah're doing great, Iris. Everything's gonna be alright.”
While Healer was gently coaxing his barely lucid sister into regaining her breath and Casto put a garish monstrosity of a pillow beneath her head, Gladio leaned against the wall to ease the pain in his feet and to regain some kind of equilibrium. Because this Healer knew his sister's name. Gladio knew he hadn't told him and he had known his name, too, without needing an introduction. Just who was he?
All eyes turned towards the door. There stood a girl. She looked to be around seven with wild, sleep mussed red hair and honey coloured eyes that gleamed golden. She looked drowsily at them and yawned.
“Solaris? What're yah doing out of bed?” asked Healer without taking his glowing hand from Iris' forehead even once.
“It's loud”, the girl complained.
Gladio's gaze wandered from one to the other and he wondered.
Healer nodded. “Ah know, little sun, but Iris needs mah help for now. If yah can't sleep anymore, could yah go down and ask yahr mati for a big glass of water? Casto, could yah look after Astra, please? Ah don't wanna've him running 'round alone and in the dark.”
Both nodded and left the room, the girl taking the teenager's hand. Gladio stared after them. He had heard this accent before, he knew he had. If he could just place where. He felt like he was missing some very crucial things right about now. Sleep. What he needed now was sleep and for Iris to not die.
His gaze settled back on her. A flittering net of golden-violet magic covered her from head to toe. It looked more like mist than a tangible thread. How was such a thing possible? Only the royal family should be the one harbouring powerful magic in this city, even the whole continent. And now here was this Healer, whose magic prickled against his skin like a Lucis Caelum's did. It would probably be more upsetting, if he was fully awake.
“What does she have?” he asked instead of all the other questions burning on his tongue.
Healer blinked at him, as if he had forgotten that Gladio was also in the room. He made a passable impression of a bowstring drawn tight. In an obvious nervous tick, Healer tugged at his hair and wet his lips.
“She's scourge sick”, he said at last, his voice barely more than a quiet whisper.
“Scourge sick”, Gladio repeated tonelessly. “You mean the black plague, curse of the Gods, the starscourge? That kind of scourge sick?”
“Yes”, came the careful confirmation.
Gladio felt his fingers flex like they wanted to hit something, if he had just a bit more energy left. “That's a load of chocobo shit”, he rasped. “The starscourge does not reach within the Wall. Everybody knows that.”
Near glowing, violet eyes shot him a deadpan stare that felt achingly familiar. He suppressed a shudder creeping up his spine. Damn, those eyes were eerie.
“Two months ago yah said? Has she been anywhere near the old crypts at tha' time?”
The broken shield opened his mouth to instinctively deny the question, but he hesitated. “I... I don't know”, he admitted at last. He tried to remember, but his head started to feel like it was packed in wool.
“Doesn't matter anymore. It's good that yah came now, but yah were cuttin' it very close. She wouldn't 'a' made it through the night. Ah can barely believe tha' she made it this long.”
With a shuddering breath Gladio leaned more of his weight against the wall. The rough plaster dug uncomfortably into his shoulders.
Steps sounded from the hallway and shortly thereafter the girl was back, two cups in her hands. One was steaming and emanated a strong smell that made him wrinkle his nose. She gave the one with the foul smelling liquid Healer, the other one she cradled between her hands.
“Thank yah, little sun”, the young man smiled. “Now, yah remember what ah taught yah? Reach for the power resting in yahr bones. No more than a spark. Take it and guide it, it knows what it's got tah do.”
The girl's face scrunched up in concentration, in a way Gladio had seen a hundred times before, in the way Noctis had looked when he had wanted something to go exactly right. What Gladio hadn't seen before was the reddish glow of her hands.
“Not so much, little sun”, corrected Healer gently.
Solaris' brow furrowed even more and after a few seconds the glow dimmed until there was only the barest sheen of it left. It seeped into the cup and the liquid it contained, until it glowed, too.
“Very good”, praised the young man and Solaris beamed. “Would yah be a dear and give it tah Gladio over there?”
“Yes, tata”s she said dutifully and held the cup out to him, standing as far away as she could manage while doing so. She was clearly skittish around strangers.
“No, thank you”, he said while looking at the glowing cup in healthy scepticism. As long as he had no idea what it was he wouldn't drink it. He swallowed, and that made his parched throat just more noticeable.
Healer clucked his tongue in disapproval. “It's jus' water with a bit of healin' magic. Sit down and drink tha'. Yah look like yahr abou' tah keel over. 'Specially with yahr feet.”
Gladio made a face, but in the end he took the cup from the girl. The liquid in it looked like plain water hit by sunlight during noon. It was kind of fascinating, he had to admit. The little girl scampered off towards the bucket and glanced into it, curiosity clear on her face. She clamped her hands over her nose and mouth with a disgusted sound. Gladio frowned. A child as young as her shouldn't see these kind of things. Healer seemed to be of a similar mindset.
“Solaris, would yah please go and get Ardyn? And after tha' ah need yah tah do somethin' very important. Can yah do tha' for me?” Healer looked at her with serious eyes. The girl nodded, face solemn. “Yah need tah go tah the other patients and tell them tha' everything's alrigh'. They don't need tah worry.”
“Ah will, tata”, she said and carefully stepped closer to give Healer a kiss on the cheek before she left the room.
“What happens now?” asked Gladio and took a tiny sip of the mystery water, as he had dubbed it in his mind.
At once he could feel some of his exhaustion leave and the soreness of his muscles easing off just a bit. He blinked in surprise. This was a bit like the potions he knew, just far more gentle in the way the soothed things. Potions and ethers made by Lucis Caelum magic were always accompanied by an unpleasant burn.
Healer answered while he carefully, drop by drop, made Iris drink that foul smelling tea. “Now ah'll start tah heal her. The scourge has been burrowed in her body for too long for me tah heal it all at once, but ah can do it. Yah needn't worry.”
“You can really heal her? How long will it take? There is supposed to be only one person who is able to heal the starscourge, and I kind of doubt that you are the Oracle in disguise.”
The deeply buried seeds of hope started to grow into a warm feeling pooling in his stomach. Or maybe that was just the mystery water.
“Yeah, but like ah said, it'll take me some time. A week at least. Ah don't just need tah rid her of the scourge, but also repair the damage it caused and tha's the truly tricky part.”
Gladio became light headed in relief. If he hadn't been sitting on the floor already, he would certainly do so now. But he couldn't help but wonder how it was even possible. The Fleurets had been blessed by the Astrals with the power to cleanse the scourge from its victims. There were no others.
“My, my, nephew. You have all of the clinic in a right tizzy.”
A man stood in the doorway with wild reddish hair that had an odd violet sheen and golden eyes. He leaned on a cane the same way King Regis did, and Gladio didn't know why, but he found that quite disturbing. Despite the stuffy and hot air he wore a long pair of trousers and a high collared tunic with sleeves that fell down over his wrists.
“She is scourge sick”, the man stated. His eyes bore a strange glint that Gladio didn't like.
Healer nodded. “Yes”, he affirmed and motioned towards the bucket sitting at the end of the bed. “Could yah get rid of tha'? Ah made her drink some of Hiemi's purging tea, so she'll need tha' bucket 'gain soon.”
“Of course, dear nephew. But if you don't mind, I would like to see how you handle this one. It's the first time I see you treat someone afflicted with starscourge, after all. Not to worry, I'll keep myself well out of the way.”
Healer's answering shrug clearly said suit yourself.
Gladio watched as the man – who was most likely this Ardyn the little girl had gone to fetch – gathered the bucket, keeping a straight face at the sickening smell, and retreated back towards the door.
“I'm ready”, the man announced with a grin.
Healer huffed, but he turned his full attention back to Iris who now looked like she had gone back to sleep. He gently rested his free hand on her stomach, right over her navel, the other still being on her forehead, and closed his eyes, his brows furrowed in obvious concentration. For a moment there was absolute silence. Then the glittering net over his sister's body retreated, leaving the room strangely dim. Not a moment later however, Healer's whole body started to glow in a golden light. It looked like a sun was trapped under his skin.
The black lines on his skin, that Gladio had thought were tattoos, started to crack open and released a burning violet light. It looked utterly otherworldly. Suddenly Gladio could believe every story Viti had told him about Healer. That he was a fallen star or an Astral, forgotten by humanity and time. There was so much power. It made his skin prickle and the fine hairs on his arms stand on end. And it seemed like Healer himself could barely contain it, he looked like his human shell was going to shatter at any moment.
Magic pulsed in time of an invisible heart, lapping over Iris and through the air like it was water breaking on a shore. The light seeped into Iris' skin, concentrating where the black splotches marred her, and with each new wave that washed over her they grew a tiny bit smaller. A fine black mist rose and dissipated within seconds.
Gladio couldn't do anything other than stare at the spectacle in front of him, even as it made his eyes burn to look directly into the pulsing light. He didn't even look away when he heard a violent hiss from where the red haired man was watching.
An especially large wave made the air shudder, caressed his skin like the softest silk and eased the pain in his bloody feet. There were quite a few cuts and a broken toe nail. He hadn't even felt it as he had been running to get his sister the help she needed. He couldn't help the sigh of relief that escaped him. The magic teased over him like a long lost friend. It made something in him that had been sleeping for a long time, suddenly sit up and pay attention. He knew the feeling of this magic, had felt it quite often when Noctis had been made to practice his elemancy, even if he had never been connected to it like a proper Shield should be...
He jerked upwards. By now the magic had turned into a bright supernova with the young man and his sister at its centre. It couldn't be.
“Noctis”, he breathed, stunned.
He stood there, frozen and having no idea what he should do. This couldn't be possible. He had searched for his prince high and low and the Crownsguard and the Kingsglaive both had searched outside of Insomnia. If Noctis was still in the city and not dead they should have heard something by now. Shouldn't they?
On the other hand there clearly were people down here. Gladio hadn't even known that this place existed, and it was part of his job to know about the city's layout. It would also explain how Healer had magic. But why hadn't he recognized him then? He knew what the prince looked like! Then again, Healer had long hair and what he had thought were tattoos covering a large part of his body, including his face. And even if it turned out that Healer wasn't Noctis – which became more and more likely the longer he thought about it – this was a place he could potentially be, because no one had ever thought to look.
Had Noctis hidden here this whole time?
As if he had been heard, Healer opened his eyes. Even in the bright light of the magic they glowed like a pair of newborn stars. Gladio had to look away. White spots danced in front of his eyes. A high pitched whine sounded from where the door was located.
Slowly, oh so slowly, the pulsing light became weaker, the pressure of powerful magic in the air grew lighter. With each new wave it retreated further and further, like the changing of the tides until it was mostly gone.
The black splotches on Iris' skin had turned into mere shadows beneath skin still pale from sickness. There was a bit of colour in her cheeks now.
Healer's hands retreated and the last of the glow died, leaving the room in a strange half light until Gladio's eyes had adjusted again. Only the black lines on Healer's skin still gave off a dim iridescence, and Gladio swore there was a new one slashing across his cheek close to the nose. It made the impression that the man's humanity was nothing but a thin veil that could be ripped away to show what really lay beneath at any time. And wasn't that disconcerting?
Reluctantly, like he needed to remind himself how to move his limbs, he stood up and carelessly let the blanket Gladio had carried Iris in, fall to the floor, before taking up the one the teenager had brought in and spread it over Iris' still sleeping form. His breath came in quick bursts and he was covered in sweat like he had just completed a taxing workout. With a quiet groan he stood up straight. Finally the shimmer beneath his skin was completely gone.
“Fuck. Ah think ah overdid it”, he mumbled barely loud enough for Gladio to hear.
“You can say that again, my dear nephew. Please warn an old man the next time you want to set off the magical equivalent to a Nifasi firebomb. It would be much appreciated. You can never be sure of the consequences otherwise”, stated the red haired man before Gladio could even think to open his mouth.
There was a caution in Healer's gaze as he nodded, that set Gladio's teeth on edge and made him want to punch something. Or someone. Preferably the guy who used a cane exactly the same way his King did but moved like a was an actor playing out a drama.
“Now, go downstairs to your wife, eat something and drink some of her truly amazing tea. You look like someone who dearly needs a break and some extra energy. I dare say, it's too early already to go back to sleep again. I will look after the girl for the time being. Do not worry, I have some experience in looking after the scourge sick and know what I'm doing”, he continued as if he hadn't seen Gladio's glower.
Which he clearly had.
Healer – who was quite possibly Noctis and Gladio wasn't really sure if he wanted him to be or not – just rolled his eyes, but he took a step towards the door before he stopped and turned towards him, a guarded look on his face.
“Come”, he mumbled. “We need tah talk, and best do it now.”
Gladio didn't say anything as he followed Healer through the still mostly dark house. To be honest, he had no idea what to say. For all the questions tumbling through his mind in a never ending whirlwind since he had first seen the young man.
He wanted to scream.
He wanted to rage.
He wanted to shake the answers out of the man leading him down dark stairs.
But he didn't. If this whole mess had taught him one thing, it was that raging at it all didn't help a thing. So he swallowed the anger hissing in his mind down and sat in the chair in the warmly lit kitchen he had been indicated to.
The kitchen was a large room that was clearly well lived in and cared for with a loving hand, if cluttered to a point where there was nearly no free space left. Despite the warm summer night there was a new fire burning in the hearth that was old enough to belong in a museum. It made the air near uncomfortable hot.
Most of the kitchen appliances looked like they belonged into the 5th century ME at least. Well, there was an electric tea kettle and a few other bibs and bobs that clearly belonged into the modern age of electricity. How could anybody live like that?
As he examined the kitchen he noticed the woman standing at the counter. She wasn't very tall with a thin face and very pale skin that contrasted heavily with her long black hair. Her big eyes were of a green that reminded him of shadowy forests outside Insomnia. The long and thin tunic she wore was of a russet colour and looked more like a nightgown to his eyes.
He knew her. It was the woman that he had met at the Black Saffron the day before yesterday. Well, three days ago by now, he supposed. What was her name again? Hiemi? Wait, so the little girl had been...
She came over towards the table with a tray in her hands upon which were three cups and a large pot that wouldn't be out of place in one of the historical romances he liked to read sometimes. Now that she stood next to Healer, who had been awkwardly hovering next to an empty chair, Gladio could see that she was a few centimetres taller than him. The woman gave Healer a chiding glance that lost its bite with the fondly exasperated tilt of her smile.
“Yah overdid it”, she stated.
“Ah know”, he murmured and gave her a chaste kiss on the mouth. “Ah'm sorry.”
“No, yah're not. Now sit down and introduce me so tha' we can have this talk b'fore we've gotta go t' work.”
And Healer did just that.
He gave her hip a gentle squeeze and sat down on the chair across from Gladio while the woman served the tea and then sat down herself. There were a few beats of awkward silence before Healer cleared his throat and introduced the woman next to him.
“Gladio, may ah introduce to yah Hiemi, Dame of this household and mah wife. Hiemi, this's Gladio.” He hesitated, as if he wasn't quite sure how to continue.
Before he could make up his mind about it, Gladio interrupted him: “What in the name of Pitioss' cursed depths were you thinking, Noctis?!”
The young man flinched, his fingers dug into the wooed tabletop until his knuckles turned white and his mouth fell open with no sound escaping him.
In the warm light of the kitchen it had become very clear to Gladio that this Healer was in fact Noctis, despite all the changes. The facial structure practically screamed Lucis Caelum. There was also the magic – magic he had never seen or heard of before – and the fact that he knew his and Iris' name.
“Where the fuck have you been? Do you know how worried your father was? Still is, to this day? Do you know how the nobles are hounding him to produce another heir? He keeps refusing out of love for you and the late Queen and you sit here, healthy and alive, and play house! The King still hopes that you're alive and well, that you're coming home one day. Do you know what your actions did to Ignis? To Iris? To me? Do you-”
By the end he had been nearly screaming, ready to lunge across the table and beat some sense into his prince. If he even deserved that title anymore. But suddenly he was frozen in place. The words tumbling out of his mouth, halted on his tongue and his muscles refused to move. It was like time around him had been halted but everywhere else it moved forward like it always did. He couldn't even blink as he looked at the two people across from him.
Noctis had grown even paler than he already was, hunching his shoulders and shrinking into himself. Hiemi, the woman he had introduced as his wife – and wasn't that a whole other can of worms – was another story. Her eyes were blazing in fury as she rose from her chair, one arm held out in his direction. Around her wrist and along her forearm danced smoky grey chains. Sparks of green and yellow jumped between the individual links.
“Don't yah dare.” She hissed, her face contorted into a sneer. “Don't yah think he knows tha'? Mah husband knows the consequences of his actions quite well, knave Gladiolus. Yah bet there's a damn good reason for it, do yah understand me?”
“Hiemi”, Noctis said in a tone that was barely more than a whisper. At once her attention was on him. “Let him go, please. It's fine.”
“It damn well isn't, and yah know it! Shield or not, friend or not, he can't jus' walk in here and treat yah like this. Healer. Noctis. It's not yahr fault. Yah couldn't 've done anything different. Not with Him watching.”
Gladio listened with growing concern. What was she talking about? Who was this Him? The way he said it he couldn't be a nice guy. Noctis made a keening noise so full of old hurt and fear and guilt that Galdio would have recoiled, if he were able. The prince pressed his face into her abdomen, his hands grasped at the cloth of her tunic and his shoulders shook as if he was crying. She didn't say anything but carded her hands through his long, tangled hair with a tender expression on her face. Gladio dearly wanted to look away, shaken to his core at the scene before him.
“Ssshhhh”, made Hiemi and continued to pet Noctis' hair until he pulled away.
The prince's eyes were thankfully dry and he didn't look quite as much as an anak caught in the headlights anymore. His wife pressed his cup of tea into his hands and he took a sip. And then another, the action calming him down further.
“Now”, she said, her tone brooking no argument, “we're all going tah sit down and talk like the adults we all are. Am ah clear?”
Here she looked sternly at Gladio who still couldn't move. He wished he could point that out to her.
“Mah life, yah need tah take off the spell first”, Noctis reminded her with an amused twitch at the corner of his mouth.
Due to her pale skin, the redness in her cheeks was very noticeable as she cancelled whatever she had done with one last warning look towards him. The chains around her forearm vanished. He carefully flexed his fingers and shifted his weight, to see if everything was back in working order, but he wisely kept his mouth shut and waited for either of the two to speak first. Their short exchange had made it clear that there was more going on than he had thought – than anyone had thought – and he wanted to know what it was.
It was Noctis who started the conversation again.
“Tha' night in tha' alleyway ah was scared shitless, Gladio, and it wasn't because of tha' old drunk with the broken bottle.”
“What in the name of Bahamut's blades happened to you?” asked Gladio and watched uncomprehending, as both of them flinched slightly.
“Please, don't say His name. Down here, He can't see me”, Noctis pleaded.
“What do you mean, down here He can't see you? Wait, the He you were referring to is-?”
Gladio swallowed down the name Bahamut, but the other two knew exactly who he meant. They nodded in unison.
“But why?”
He didn't understand this at all.
“The Bladed One's still one of the Six, one of the Astrals, but His standing, from what ah understand of what Healer told me, is more tha' of the Infernian up there”, answered Hiemi and motioned towards the ceiling.
Ignis would love this.
The sudden thought made Gladio realize that he needed to get the advisor in on this. Gladio himself was in over his head. But that was for later. Now...
“So Ba- the Bladed One is some kind of traitor, a malevolent deity? What does that have to do with why you're hiding in this dump?”
Both of them bristled at his words and Hiemi opened her mouth, clearly prepared to argue, but Noctis' hand on her shoulder held her back. She leaned backwards, still glaring at Gladio like he had insulted her personally.
“It's got everything tah do with it”, said Noctis. “Do yah know the stories of the Lucis Caelums tha' had a magic different from wha' was expected of them?”
Gladio hesitated. He tried to think of the old stories Noctis had liked to read in the archives, when he had been allowed down there, but none came to mind. It was strange, since this was the main reason he had started to like reading historical romance. Try as he might, he couldn't remember a single of those stories the young prince had liked to ramble about on occasion.
“I... cannot say I do, no”, he admitted, feeling strangely ashamed of it.
Noctis just sighed. “Tha's alrigh'. They've always ended violently, with the death of the Lucis Caelum in question, and more often than not with innocent bystanders dead. There're records of Kings killing their own children tah minimize the inevitable damage they'd cause if left tah live. Dad told me the last one left to live died when he collapsed a house on top of him, also killing the people within the building and most of the bystanders. Ah managed tah find records from the Founder's time, where King Somnus decreed in the Bladed One's name tha' every child not of black magic was Bad Faith.”
Gladio gave a quiet curse. He remembered now, the sordid stories Noctis had told and had given him a sour taste in his mouth every single time. The prince seemed to have noticed his discomfort at his retellings and had stopped them after some time. It hadn't stopped him from going into the archives, however.
All of a sudden he had a very bad feeling about this.
“Please tell me you aren't one of those cases, Noctis”, he all but begged, already knowing the answer to this.
Ruefully, the prince in hiding shook his head. “If he finds me it's only a question of time before something happens. Do yah understand? Ah can't go Up because for some reason we can't figure out, He can't find me here. As long as ah'm here nothing'll happen.”
“And what of the rest of Lucis? Should it fall into chaos, conquered by Nifelheim, because you were too much of a coward?”
Noctis pressed his lips into a thin line in displeasure. “And what would you have me do, Gladio? Wait for the dragon to kill me? I've wanted to just march up to the Citadel so many times, I've lost count. You have no idea how much it hurt to stay away from all of you.”
In his ire he was starting to lose that damn accent that had been starting to grate on Gladio.
“Stop!” thundered Hiemi before the argument could escalate any further, her presence backed up by the feeling of powerful magic. “We've been talking abou' contacting His Royal Majesty for some time now. 'Specially in the last few days. The children've been excited ever since they heard we've been considering it. Healer, ah think it's abou' time we finally did it.”
“I... yes”, he relented after a few moments of silence. “It's abou' time.”
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jeannewitch · 3 years ago
All Bayonetta 3 trailers so far. That guy with the long hair and hat called Luka does look like Ardyn from FF15 a bit.😂 I am so hyped for this game! It looks so amazing! Will come out on the 28th of October! All characters look so amazing, I love their design!
All characters we know so far:
Bayonetta (aka Cereza) is the main character. She is a powerful witch who possesses the powers to turn herself into different demon transformations and she can control demons even if she is not in their form. She even rips out her own heart to increase her powers in the trailer. She loves to dance and dances the whole time during she fights. Viola is also seen to be playable. I think Jeanne will also be playable.
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Three new characters were spotted on the leaked artwork by fans, I marked them red.
It is unknown who they are because they weren’t shown in the trailers so far but it seems like they are women and could be the villains.
A woman with a dress and something around head, a woman wearing a bra, jacket and shorts and a woman with a hat and a suit. All of them seem to wear a kind of mask around their eyes like the unknown woman with the eyepatch does. I really wonder who they are. Do you think those women could be the villains? Would be really cool because in almost every game these days men are the villains. Would be cool to see a group of evil women this time. There are some leaked information that Jubileus and Sheba are coming back (Jubileus is a villain from the first game, Jubileus was the Queen of Paradiso and Sheba the Queen of Inferno). Both women died. But after looking closely two of those "unknown" characters look a little bit like them. So it could be. I just wonder why they are back. We saw how Jubileus got burned and died in the first game... But that woman on the right looks like her. If those leaks are true and those two women are coming back it doesn't look good for Bayonetta...
Some people think that this woman with one eye is the one from the Bayonetta 3 teaser trailer 2017 (the last trailer on my list above) because there we see a woman who looks like her bleeding in the face and over her eye while fighting against a purple ghost. The scratches are on the same place where she has the blood in that trailer. I think it is her. She is just wearing another outfit now. That must have been a hard fight if she lost an eye... I hope we will see in the game why that happened. That woman with one eye also wears the same accessiores as Bayonetta on her chest. She seems to rescue Bayonetta by reaching her hand out and pulling Bayonetta on the train. Then she says "I believe you two have alreay met." I don't know who she means by that I think we will have to wait till the game comes out to know that. She could have been talking about Jeanne, Viola or Luka. Then she says to Bayonetta "Let's go! This world is under my protection!" And they seem to work together in that scene.
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Fans have a theory that Viola is Luka's daughter because they have the same pattern on their jacket (I marked it red) and they seem to know each other. Maybe Viola is wearing a jacket of her father. They both also use the same grapling guns when they fight. When Viola looks him into the eyes it looks like she is going to cry. She wears a lot of make up and has colorful hair. Maybe she changed her appearance to hide who she is for some reason. Her hair is clearly dyed because her eye brows are brown like Luka's hair color. But Luka seems to recognize her. Which would make sense if she is really his daughter. Maybe she doesn't want anyone to know that she is Luka's daughter.
In one scene Bayonetta says to Viola "Someone seems very interested in our arrival." Then Viola asks "Is it... him?" I think they were talking about Luka here which would make sense if he really is Viola's father.
What we know for sure which was confirmed by the developers is that Viola is a trainee who is learning how to fight. We also know that Jeanne is a teacher. So it would make sense if Jeanne is Viola's teacher because she says to her while they are fighting "Lesson one: Carelessness will get your tail snipped, kitty!" and then Viola answers "My name is VIOLA!" I think they were training here and Jeanne was teaching here.
Jeanne asks Viola in one scene "And what do you expect us to do?" Viola responds "I want you to find a scientist named Sigurd. He is somewhere in this world and he can help us." It seems like Viola and Jeanne are working together.
In one short scene (only for 2 seconds) we can see Viola sitting next to Enzo in his car. We can only see her purple finger nails and her trousers while Luka runs past them.
To those who don't know the Bayonetta franchise so far: Those games are amazing, crazy, funny, sad and badass. You should watch or play Bayonetta 1 and 2 before playing 3 because otherwise you wouldn't understand the story. Almost all characters you see above are also in Bayonetta 1 and 2 except Viola, Sigurd and that one eyed woman, they are new in Bayonetta 3. I can only recommend you to watch the game cutscenes for both games on Youtube. I love the story and characters so much. Can't wait to see how the story continues in Bayonetta 3.
Jeanne is my favorite character in all games. I am so happy she is back for the third game! Love her new design! Some fans thought she might not come back for Bayonetta 3 because her story is over but it seems the developers found a role for her.
Every character has another design in every game which is really cool.
The first game is rated 18+ because there are some scenes who aren't for kids.😂 The second game is rated 16+. The third game will also be 16+ as far as we know.
The guy called Luka who looks a little bit like Ardyn is also in both games and luckily we saw him in the trailer for the third game. So he will be back in October!
Bayonetta lost her memories in Bayonetta 1 and is trying to get them back by travelling through the world. She meets a few people and remembers them somehow but she doesn't know from where or who they are but she feels that she saw them before. She gets more and more of her memories back during the game. In Bayonetta 2 she has them all back.
Here are all cutscenes from Bayonetta 1 and 2:
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adagaium · 2 years ago
ok haha wow im ready to cry im going to talk about the crucifixion (with like 2 references)
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hey let’s start off with just uh how did this happen. from what we get in game, ardyn was once a healer meant to be the founder king. his method of healing is basically the oracle method. he takes the scourge into his body and saves countless people. when he goes to the crystal, he’s rejected because his soul is tainted. somnus becomes the founder king and it is said that ardyn survives being killed. 
there is also canon artwork that has an eerie resemblance to uh paintings of the crucifixion of jesus christ [1], so that’s how i came to the conclusion that his death was by crucifixion. 
crucifixion is REALLY FUCKING AWFUL and here’s why:
how does a person die? here’s a thing from the guardian.
“’[s]uffocation, loss of body fluids and multiple organ failure. [...] [t]he weight of the body pulling down on the arms makes breathing extremely difficult,' says Jeremy Ward, a physiologist at King's College London. [i]n addition, the heart and lungs would stop working as blood drained through wounds”. 
“[s]omeone nailed to a crucifix with their arms stretched out on either side could expect to live for no more than 24 hours. [s]even-inch nails would be driven through the wrists so that the bones there could support the body's weight. [t]he nail would sever the median nerve, which not only caused immense pain but would have paralysed the victim's hands” [2].
so of course, ardyn is immortal due to the scourge, but he probably died for at least a short period of time, enough for his body to be dumped in angelgard. as cruel as it is, the whole issue of 2000 years could’ve been avoided if his body was left there. while there would be the eerie fact that the body never seemed to change or rot, he would’ve been in a position where the lack of oxygen would basically act as a sedative, keeping him in some sort of stasis.
of course, this would’ve been very hard to maintain, especially since no one knew at the time that he was immortal. the weight of his body would inevitably cause his body to fall, that’s 174 lbs up on a cross, gravity kicks in, that’s part of how people died. 
ok you probably think this is bad, well uh it gets worse. while the usual procedure is driving seven inch nails through the wrists or palms according to paintings, this is final fantasy and the astrals just made ardyn suffer. his body was pinned there by swords from guess what jazzhands the armiger, possibly his own turned against him or somnus’, either way it was a huge betrayal and he never forgot the agony of the betrayal. 
once the people believed him to be dead, his body was taken down and brought to angelgard where his body was laid to rest in a mausoleum. the healing process of his body took a good century, leaving the scars on his hands that he keeps covered with the gloves. on that note, while his body is capable of survival and healing, that means the injuries become scars, not that they disappear, so his whole body is just a traumatizing map of everything he’s suffered and he hates literally everything and wants vengeance on all of existence. 
thanks for coming to my tedtalk
Jha, A. (2004, April 08). How did crucifixion kill? Retrieved May 4, 2018, from https://www.theguardian.com/science/2004/apr/08/thisweekssciencequestions
Langetti, G. B. (1670). Mary Magdalene at the Foot of the Cross[Painting]. Santa Teresa, Venice, Italy.
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berrydoodleoo · 4 years ago
spring is in the world
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Title from ‘since feeling is first’. Chosen with Luna in mind, who in this AU has defied her fate and is no longer confined to parentheses. Read more about the art here, or have a short fic instead:
In hindsight, she shouldn’t have assumed things were going as well as they seemed. She had no great experience in taking lovers, after all, having devoted most of her thirty-odd years to fighting the Scourge in one form or another. She had lost so much time, first to her injuries after Altissa and the coma that had swallowed her for years, and then to the terrible fear and lethargy that gripped her once Ardyn was dead and her purpose in life (seemingly) fulfilled.
Not to mention that Noctis and Prompto were Lucian, whose upper-classes still ascribed to all sorts of prescriptive rules about romance and marriage. She should have been more vigilant -- Prompto in particular still regarded Noct and the sunlit world with nervousness bordering on dread, as if they might be ripped away from him at any moment. So what if she had danced with Noctis and Prompto at the ball held for the New Dawn’s first anniversary last week? So what if she had kissed Noctis outside her room, when he very courteously escorted her to her quarters? So what if Prompto had given her a gift of watercolor paints and cold-pressed paper at breakfast, asking with a flirty smirk if she had a model for her newest painting?
And most of all -- so what if they had made plans to celebrate Noctis’ birthday with a trip outside the city, where they would sleep (hopefully together) beneath the stars (her first test of her new resolve to walk in the dark without fear). So what? They hadn’t said anything out loud, hadn’t made any promises. She shouldn’t have assumed. She should never assume. It was such a terrible risk, forgetting to be afraid. She should have known….
It’s when she lays her hand over his, resting on Noctis’ chest, that she realizes they’ve been having two separate conversations. “He’s here to stay, Prompto,” she says, pressing gently. “I promise.”
“I know, I know.” Prompto clears his throat, forces a rough little laugh. “It’s not that.” He sniffs.
It gives her an ugly jolt to see him so distressed. They’d only been watching Noct sleep, praising his handsome features and planning how best to tease him when he awoke. Umbra is snoring cutely at Noctis’ side and Pryna is probably still in the field, chasing butterflies. Everything had seemed perfect.
Prompto glances skittishly at her frown and then begins to babble. “I just, uh -- got used to checking, you know? Making sure he hadn’t stopped breathing or started bleeding inside or something. It’ll, uh.” He shakes his head, tries to pull his hand away. “It’ll be weird not being able to check, you know, but I won’t -- I mean, I know you two -- I won’t get in the way, I won’t make things difficult, I promise--”
“Prompto,” Luna interrupts gently, struggling to follow. “I don’t understand what you’re--”
Prompto rakes his free hand over his eyes, smearing the hint of tears around. “You guys are gonna be great, you know?” He smiles bravely, props his head on his fist like they’re still chatting idly and he isn’t weeping openly. “You’ve waited for each other for so long. I guess destiny can be kind after all.” He tries to smile.
But he can’t keep the bleakness out of his eyes, and it’s clear that Prompto doesn’t believe any of this kindness has been reserved for him. “Prompto,” Luna bursts out, fumbling, confused, “are you -- breaking up with Noctis? Through me?”
Prompto recoils, or tries to; she still won’t let him get away. “O-of course not,” he stammers, “we weren’t -- I mean -- not really, we haven’t, not since -- he wouldn’t lie to you like that--”
Luna untangles this with some effort. “Do you mean you two aren’t together?” Confused, she reviews their interactions from the past few days, and then from the last time she saw them, after the final battle. “You haven’t been -- Prompto Argentum, you two haven’t been refraining because of me, have you?”
Prompto gapes at her. She gapes back.
“You have!” Astonished, Luna leans back to peer at the sky. “Why in the -- Prompto. Dear, dearest Prompto.” She checks on Noctis, in case their spirited conversation has woken him, but he sleeps on obliviously. She’ll have words with him later.
Prompto tries to sit up, retreat again, and this time Luna tugs him quite firmly back into place. “Don’t you dare,” she orders, and he freezes. “Prompto, you and Noctis love each other. You’ve been part of each other’s lives for so long, have supported and believed in one another through the worst of--” She finds she can’t find the words to continue, and tries again. “I would never, will never, seek to separate the two of you.”
Prompto’s lower lip is trembling. Luna starts to shift forward, cup his cheek, and then realizes such a gesture might be unwelcome. Dear gods, she has misread this. Such a fool she is. She’d thought--
“Quite the opposite,” she finally continues, quietly, despite the cold terror creeping through her veins. “So long as the two of you have one another, I may have peace in my heart, for I know that one good, true thing prevails.”
She blinks back a sudden flood of tears. Perhaps they don’t want her. Perhaps she doesn’t have a place with them after all. She wants her room, suddenly, her safe, prison-like room, where nothing joyful grows but nothing can hurt her, either.
“But you guys have been -- oh.” Prompto blinks rapidly, and then starts to redden. “Oh. Is this a, uh, Tenebrean thing? Like the triad thing? Oh man, is this what Iggy was trying to -- oh, man.”
Luna can’t help it; she bursts into damp, semi-hysterical giggles, despite the icy shake in her guts. Prompto smiles up at her blurrily, and then starts to laugh as well.
“Man,” he says again, suddenly beaming, eyes still tear-reddened. “He is gonna give me so much crap about this. I am literally never gonna live it down. Wow.” He takes a deep breath and squeezes her hand tenderly, overwhelmed. “Is this really -- you might have to -- I am really oblivious sometimes, but uh, I guess you know that now.” He laughs again, edged, at himself.
Luna starts to nod, changes to shaking her head, and then feels hot, wet tears dripping down her face. She’ll feel foolish later. Prompto sits up, and this time she lets him, because he’s moving to lean closer, cup her face and wipe her tears away.
“Luna,” he murmurs. “I’m sorry, I’m so sorry. I misunderstood.” She presses his rough, large hands to her cheeks and feels herself crumple a little more. “No,” he continues. “No, please don’t cry. I can’t -- I’m so sorry. I didn’t mean to hurt you.”
Luna takes a deep breath. She isn’t been rejected. You aren’t being rejected, she reminds herself. “No, no,” she says wetly, “I shouldn’t have assumed--”
She stops herself. She’s making an effort to reprimand herself less these days. She is trying so hard to be better. And in a fight for blame, she suspects she and Prompto could go round and round until the sun went down and never came up again, but that isn’t what she wants. For either of them.
Luna takes a deep breath. She refuses to start their relationship in a spiral of apologies and self-blame. She doesn’t want that anymore. She wants to open the door to a rolling world of yellow suns and indigo skies and, eventually, gentle nights that fill her with wonder and comfort instead of fear. She wants to let go of the fear and her desperate need for control -- she wants to be free, a part of the world for the first time in her life.
So instead of berating herself, she grips his hands in hers and lets their combined grip rest against their (still sleeping, seriously, Noct?) king’s chest. Umbra is watching them with interest, she notes. And then she takes another breath.
“Prompto,” she says, falling back on an old, formal proposal from a romantic show she used to watch, as a teenager confined within Fenestala Manor. “Will you grant me the honor of your affection and presence, and keep a place for me in your heart?”
Prompto’s lovely eyes widen, full of hope and delight. Pure sunlight. He’s grinning and she’s breathless. All further words fly from her mind.
His fingers squeeze hers as he leans forward for a kiss, and then another, tentative turning into playful, his smile slotting sweetly against hers again and again. Blindly, her hands work themselves free to touch his cheeks, his throat, the rasp of his short beard. He retreats for a quick breath, tracing her lips with hot, hooded eyes, and then devours her mouth in a kiss that raises her onto her knees, toes curled and body tingling. Oh, oh, oh--
“Hey,” Noctis grumbles, exactly like a grumpy cat awoken from a nap. “Uh, did I miss something? I thought we were waiting till my birthday.”
Prompto gasps, wrenching away. “That’s what that’s all about?” he demands shrilly, and Luna bursts into giggles. “The camping trip? Oh my gods, Gladio’s gonna kill me--”
Noctis pushes himself up his elbows, squinting and scowling with the sun in his eyes. “What? You seriously didn’t know?” He sits up, absently guiding Luna to sit at his side in a way that makes her heart warm. “Thought you were kidding about that.”
“--never gonna hear the end of this, crap--”
Noctis looks to Luna, about to ask something -- probably ‘what on Eos is happening right now, I was only asleep for thirty minutes’ -- but then his expression changes and he makes a wise choice of priorities. “Uh, Luna? Pryna’s after the cheese again.”
Luna yelps and Pryna yips, betrayed, and the dog knocks the picnic basket over in her haste to escape her mistress, wedge of cheese clamped firmly in her jaws. Prompto dives to catch her -- “I’ve got her!” -- but he doesn’t. Noct fails to catch him and he lands on their legs, trapping them. Umbra runs in circles and barks for the sheer, chaotic joy of it. Pryna devours her stolen prize. And in the sunlit field, with her loves bickering and playing at her side, Lunafreya laughs until she cries for the first time in her life.
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ooc-but-stylish · 4 years ago
I think I said it in one of your other beautiful posts, but I thought I’d mention it again. All of the ridiculous cutscenes did give us a golden nugget of information on Luna that most of us who are brutally critical of her (like you and me), suspected all along: Luna openly admits to Gentiana that she doesn’t think she has anything to offer Noctis outside of being an oracle. And Gentiana makes it worse by speaking in fancy words by saying some bullshit about her being the oracle is her being human or something and that she is fulfilling her true calling and that is what Noctis needs? Idk but it reeked of emotional manipulation. 
I hold little to no regard for Ravus because there’s evidence Luna was being brutally beaten right under his own nose while he was busy being the Emperor’s lapdog thinking it could maybe give him the power to save his sister? The man should have opened his eyes and defended her against the men that kept them jailed
I happened on this reply to roxainn’s post while trying to recapitulate all my other FFXV critical posts and reblogs on the way to making new ones. 
Crawling back to find anything about this point, I find that it was posted 3 years ago. But at least I reblogged the reply to it.... and missed that it was literally @ ME. Goddamn did I slack.
But here’s my reply, 3 years late, which should elaborate on where I stand on this.
Yes, the flashback that gets triggered by a random creepy little girl in Tenebrae is about Luna and Gentiana. Somehow the little girl knew about that conversation even though she wasn’t there to witness it first-hand? Or maybe Noctis was imagining what the conversation would be like between Gentiana and Luna off of the vague suggestion from the girl, and it’s just him telling on himself that his imagination of Luna says all that? Otherwise the not-altogether-tinfoil-hat theory says it’s Gentiana in the form of a little girl, telling Noctis something that IMO should piss him off but just makes him sad and guilty because Luna loved him so much, don’t you see. She loved him so much that after wrapping her entire life around him, she’d just want to keep that going for the rest of their lives!
Gentiana opens the conversation with, “At first, the father had mourned the fate of his chosen son. Yet in Tenebrae, the two found solace. It was not the Oracle who assuaged their fears. But the girl…she holds…the true power.”
Then Luna replies, “I have little to offer a king, other than the voice afforded the Oracle. Nevertheless…” She turns to look at the wedding dress. “And—I’m afraid he might find this foolish… But…to be together with Noctis again, even if only for a short while… It…would mean the world to me. I do not seek to guide him, merely to stand beside him.”
The exchange is all types of fucky.
First off, she was twelve. What comfort could she have offered Regis and Noctis? What comfort was she capable of when Sylva was right there, an adult with experience of an Oracle and a personality thanks to a presumable full life not hampered by grooming of the gods? 
Second, every other scene of Luna as a child is of her telling Noctis his duty, and that it was her duty to see it through. Did that assuage his fears-- the fears he didn’t have at the time since he never knew the entire meaning of his fate and was being told a saccharine, embellished version of it by Luna right there? Did that comfort Regis, knowing a little girl would also die to protect his son if the gods wanted it, but that she wouldn’t have the will to avert their fates whatsoever? 
Third, even she thinks Noctis would think her desire to be with him is foolish. So... was she expecting that Noctis himself didn’t have feelings for her or want to spend time with her of his own volition for reasons outside of her job? She was looking forward to a marriage with no emotional security, where her desires are one-sided and unreciprocated, and the man she cares for think she’s worthless outside of her powers? She would’ve been willing to put herself through that, given a choice?
We know what we know and think what we think, but the fact that this was placed right in the vanilla game and no one thought that was wrong, and instead they doubled down on it in patches, is pathetic on their part.
Moreover, what does The Girl have, that was separate from The Princess and The Oracle? Every facet of her being wrapped around Noctis since age 4. She was nothing but her duty by the time Noctis met her; they had no scenes where they acted as children would. Even supplemental/promotional art for other XV media and related locales cement that. Little Luna serves Little Noctis pastries, she’s not seen eating with him. Luna teaches Noctis how to play piano, she’s not playing with him. Dawn of the Future came out with its own art, and Noctis is afforded the liberty to sit in a chair, and his son(?) sits on his lap, while Luna and her spitting image child(?) are both on their knees, looking up at the dudes. 
In most of their art together, Luna and Noctis are either not meeting each other's gazes, she's bending or kneeling to him, or he's supposed to be holding her close but he hover-hands her, or there’s that one time where they took a selfie and the picture was of their Pocket Edition versions. They’re still not looking at each other in that one. And it’s not canon.
Anyway yeah, any conversation Gentiana has with Luna about Noctis is emotional manipulation on Gentiana’s part, but the writers manage just enough to make everyone involved seem creepy and reprehensible in their own way. 
In DOTF, Luna has a death soliloquy that confirms she sunk into the water at the end of the game’s Chapter 9, but the soliloquy is about how she was prepared to die even at the age of 12, and she put on a smile and resolved to be strong for Noctis’s sake, so that he wouldn’t remember her having a look of despair. There’s a line there about how she would cry herself to sleep but Gentiana would wipe her tears. Gentiana does nothing else except allow her to cry and wipe her tears afterward, and makes no effort to save her from her fate or at least take her out of terrible situations so that she would cry fewer tears. But there is cut dialogue from the game, and used in the novel, where Gentiana revealed herself as Shiva when Luna was <16 (probably still 12 at the time), when she thought she was being held back from forming the covenants, so there’s that. And Luna still somehow ignored that this meant Shiva allowed Sylva to die, and thanked this useless goddess for her nonexistent generosity. 
For whatever reason they had to add a passage where Luna superimposes the image of an eight-year-old Noctis onto the adult version-- quote, "the image of him as a child, burned into my eyelids, overlaps with his now-grown face"-- even though Noctis has canonically sent her photos of him as a teenager (15-16, around the time he met Prompto in high school, see: Brotherhood). Granted, that's a translation from Luna's voice actress reading an excerpt as if it were first person POV. The English version says she sees the child image first, then the adult version is superimposed. Then not much after that there's a passage where Noctis smiles as his child self and it was "that smile she loved that had been in her heart all these years, giving her strength, always and forever".
So she was groomed and turned into a shell since age 4, believes she has no value outside of her job and turned her grooming on a similarly vulnerable child, and her strongest image of him, the one she fell in love with and kept in her heart, is of the helpless boy that promised her the world without knowing the cost. The smile of the carefree boy that didn't know his journey would end with his soul annihilated. It couldn’t have been that hard to have her see an image of him as the 30 year old True King of Light that he would become. At least she'd sound a little less like a weirdo who continually places herself (and is placed by the narrative) as below him, unworthy of him, etc. but also has strong feelings and memories toward a goddamn child.
Re: Ravus: you already got a reply to that, but for real? Ravus was also shafted by the plot and beaten down by terrible, amateur writing. The narrative shits on him as if it’s written by a high schooler or otherwise emotionally arrested adult trying to push a Mary Sue Protagonist. The modus operandi for those stories is that everyone who disagrees with the protagonist in any way has to suffer tremendous humiliation including but not limited to death, because the Protagonist Is Just So Good And Perfect And Always Right. 
Nothing Ravus does justifies his treatment in-game or in-fandom like he’s a one-note out-and-out villain who wanted nothing but to kill Noctis and disrespect his sister, to the point where his corpse is defiled multiple times in Chapter 13 and he’s twisted into a perversion of himself that begs to die.
Chapter 13 has Noctis land next to Ravus’s corpse and all his letters to Luna, and Noctis has piss all to say about it, either out loud or to anyone. He looks at the Sword of the Father, glances at Ravus, and without a word takes the Royal Arm and lets the Magitek arm-- still dripping, still gross-- fall onto Ravus’s body and doesn’t even move it.  
He had no way of knowing beforehand that Ignis and Gladio knew of Ravus being killed. WE didn't even know they saw security footage until Ch13V2 was added in. Noctis happening on his late fiancée's dead bro sounds, I don’t fucking know, like something you’d want to tell everyone else about later. Along with the letters he wrote evidencing that he intended to return the Sword of the Father to Noctis!
An aside: The Letters from Ravus are just weird to behold; it isn't 100% clear whether Luna ever received all of those letters. She had to have received the first one, at least. But the idea that Ardyn intercepted even one other letter so that Luna never heard from her brother between Tenebrae and Altissia is farfetched. He shouldn’t be able to intercept those messages as if they were delivered conventionally. Luna has a pair of magic space-bending Shiba Inu that send letters instantly across continents. If she’s sparing their use to send Noctis one-liners and stickers but can’t afford that for Ravus to send her discrete updates on Noctis’s status, she’s a piece of shit. 
They do meet in Tenebrae as Ravus wanted her to, and they have the conversation where he gets on her case about her “throwing [her] life away” for Noctis. So chances are higher that Ardyn only got a hold of all three letters after Luna received them and no sooner, but then he shouldn’t be tossing letters from Ravus at the dude’s body when it makes more sense for him to toss down letters to Ravus, since the writers wanted to make a point of Ardyn having a vicious streak. It makes way more sense for Ardyn to deprive Ravus of Luna’s writing, then insult him with them post-mortem, unless Ravus’s notes were really all he could acquire, meaning Luna never once wrote back to her brother. 
The Doylist explanation is that the writing team sucks and couldn't be assed to think of anything for Luna to say because they didn't think of her at all. The Watsonian explanation is that Luna’s a piece of shit and that tracks with her in Kingsglaive watching her brother burn alive in response to the Ring, but ignoring him and running to Regis’s aid instead, but then the rest of the plot presents her as morally pure through her white clothing and “unconditional, self-abnegating love” for Noctis.
Back to the topic: I don’t know, maybe I’m being old fashioned, but Noctis should’ve given more of a shit that his dropping the Magitek Arm on Ravus’s body was probably what turned him into a mutated abomination begging to die, and he thought so little of Ravus that the dude isn’t even in the glimpse of "people who helped me get this far" in the Beyond. Ravus doesn’t even get a spot to wish Noctis and Luna well on their afterlife wedding, not that it makes any sense for any of them to have words to say since Noctis is already dead, no one was there with them, and none of the bros expressed any sign that they knew that Noctis was bound to get married after his sacrifice (he sure doesn’t mention it in the final campfire scene and that’d be a better place than any). But anyway, Regis is in the Beyond at Noctis’s side even though he never told Noctis a damn thing and still never spoke to him from within the Ring, but Ravus? Nah, he’s the real asshole somehow and doesn’t deserve any recognition whatsoever.
The only other characters I know of that have a remotely similar dynamic to Noctis, Luna, and Ravus (lovers, but the girl has a straight-edge protective brother working for the bad guys) is Nero, Kyrie, and Credo (see: Devil May Cry), but as much as I think the writing in that series is hokey as fuck, at least the writer(s) for DMCs 4 and 5 had enough sense to make the love story simple and based it from a line from Amagasaki City-- “I love you, so I love the city that you love.”-- and opted against portraying Credo as an outright villain because if Nero killed him, Kyrie would resent him for it even though she knew Credo was working for the same Order that threatened her life. 
Shouldn’t Noctis care about the shit Luna cares about even if he has no personal investment in it or it’s inconvenient to him? Shouldn’t he care about Tenebrae and its prosperity? or about Ravus? Nah, it’s okay, Noctis doesn’t have to respect Luna’s love for her brother or her kingdom because for all intents and purposes, she doesn’t care for Ravus or for Tenebrae as much as she loves Noctis. Her love for Noctis and her looking forward to the wedding is what matters here.
The yaaaas queen vicious clapback from Kingsglaive!Luna about how Ravus is the Empire’s dog is especially rich coming from her when she’s fellating the gods all through the game even though Eos’s equivalent of The Holy Bible says the Hexatheon’s Revelations destroy cities and that undoubtedly means people are killed by the gods, and their summoner is complicit, because there’s no such thing as a perfect evacuation. See: "Revelations left great devastation in their wake, with entire cities being laid to ruin," noted in the Cosmogony long before the True King even exists. 
Luna herself didn’t see a problem with this and helped in the effort, with no regard to the collateral damage she would cause with the summoning: bonus points for the part where Leviathan is hostile to humanity and threatens to eat every living being if Noctis fails! She had even less regard to the damage Niflheim would cause in their attempt to kill the gods even though she was first-hand witness to them sacking Insomnia. Waking and defeating Titan deprived Lestallum of the meteor they derived power from. Waking Leviathan destroyed Altissia. Luna’s refusal to leave Insomnia when told to by Regis led to her being used as bait and taking the whole of the Kingsglaive out of Insomnia in time for their Face Heel Turn and Insomnia being destroyed. Everything else leads to the eventual World of Ruin where people also die. 
All because she killed herself prematurely from the covenants and didn’t hold back the longer nights as she promised to the public’s face and on her honor as Oracle she would do. Her dying words in Chapter 9 were her being completely satisfied with her fate because “[her] prayers were answered, [her] calling fulfilled”, even though the calling requires that she dies and she should’ve known better than anyone that her death, even if it was for Noctis’s ascension, would endanger the rest of the world for 10 years and helped the Starscourge spread. But instead of fighting for her own life to stem the plague for as long as possible, she let herself die under the belief that "Noct can handle this" to give him the chance to be the revered King of Light. She also didn’t make a single appearance on the world of the living in her spirit form during those ten years until Noctis needed help with a piddly imitation of the Magic Wall, only then does she come down in her ghost form with seemingly all of her power intact, and summons five of The Six as if Noctis can’t easily do it himself.
But Ravus is the lapdog? Luna’s the one with her “ends justify the means” behavior and what looks like general neglect for actual human beings.
Anyway, Ravus stabs Caligo in the back and kills him, and that move only makes sense in light of the idea that Caligo was manhandling Luna as seen in the Dawn trailer. Ravus was 16 when Tenebrae was overrun, and there’s no reason to believe he was magically immune to institutional abuse, so there’s a high chance that he was abused by the Empire too, held resentment of that, and waited for the time he’d be able to retaliate with no repercussions. Gentiana as a goddess is 1000000% more on the hook about letting Luna be beaten than Ravus is, since he saw his mother die in front of him while Regis ran away. Regis had the power of the Ring and could have used elemancy to put out that fire, or void magic to banish Glauca and his MT army, didn’t do that, but he totally spares enough magic during the treaty signing to toss around Thunder spells straight from his hand, cast barriers, and summon some Royal Arms straight at Iedolas, and that’s bad enough. Gentiana who’s been the Fleuret family attendant since Luna was born and also is Shiva who can freeze people with her fingertip had even less excuse to let that fire rage, to let Sylva die protecting her son, and to stand by and allow her ward(s) to get thrown around by some random Imperial soldier.
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ladykf-writes · 3 years ago
A Second Chance at Family, CH1
SO! I’m dropping a whole chapter of a one-day-fic that I have zero timetable on but a lot of feels about. I don’t want to post CH1 and never come back to it, or come back in a few years -looks guiltily at INAG- but this will be a thing at some point probably and I need to hear you all scream with me.
NOTE: Verstael is ableist and there’s passing mention of that in a brief but beyond merely ugly way. It’s not dwelled on but if that’s triggering please give it a pass.
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The road to hell, they said, was paved with good intentions. “He meant well” could be put on Ardyn’s gravestone, assuming he ever died and anyone cared to put up a marker. After hanging around for thousands of years, he was very seriously doubting it, but strange things had happened to him time and again defying what he thought was the truth.
As with so many things since he had emerged into the ‘modern’ era, this was to Verstael’s credit and blame.
A scant two years after Verstael had rescued him, his ‘studies’ - studies of Ardyn, insult to injury - had led to what would become magitek trooper program. The cloning program, which was apparently ‘okay’ because it used Verstael’s own genetic material.
That was the first jarring clue that, no matter how kind his rescuer had seemed, there was a gulf in their morals. The second, arguably worse clue, was that he happened to be there in time to find out that the ‘defective’ MTs - anyone in anything less than what Verstael considered perfect condition (something that made the healer in him that Ardyn had thought long dead rise up and howl in fury) - were to be disposed of.
Disposed of.
He’d gone home with a wide-eyed child who, as it turned out, had ‘subpar’ hearing. Of a sort that frankly a good set of hearing aids would take care of, but even if he’d had to learn sign it wasn’t… he shouldn’t…
It had taken a very, very long time to calm down. Blessedly for once, he’d learned to scream inside his head a long time ago.
MT-1C4214N was given the name Cassian and as far as Ardyn was concerned, that was his boy. But that didn’t stop him from doing everything in his power to talk Verstael into finding homes for the rest of the ‘imperfect’ clones. (Six help him, his boy would not grow up believing that there was something lacking just because he had a medical problem.)
Verstael seemed bemused and had an air of definite indulgence, but he didn’t care what his motive was behind his cooperation. The important thing was that no more little ones were done away with, because they deserved better. Realistically, Ardyn knew he couldn’t take them all in, but he still fostered a few that needed a little extra help before finding homes. Right up until he had to actually take on duties as the chancellor, and then it was hard to find time just for Cassian.
At least no one in Niflheim was going to take the little one away, but he ached for the moments he was missing even if the boy miraculously never seemed to hold it against him. It helped when he had an office to bring him to, letting him play in a pen where he couldn’t get into trouble. And if that encouraged some of the nobles to want ‘one for themselves’ well… he didn’t like them acting like people were pets but it was safer than the alternative. They’d be alive and cared for. They’d have a chance.
For a while, that was the status quo. He was kept busy keeping an eye on the war with Lucis, and he and Verstael grew further apart by nothing more nefarious than neglect. That didn’t mean he stopped checking on the MT’s however, not at all. And he should have realized that his ‘interference’ would eventually have consequences.
Even then, he never could have imagined the consequences that actually did occur.                                                                                    
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Over a decade down the road, and he still stopped by to check on the MT production lines now and again. Checking up on Verstael, making sure there was nothing more unsavory than usual going on, not that he suspected the scientist realized that was his motive. In fact, months ago he’d commented offhand that he must be ‘missing a little one around’ - Cassian was twelve, now, and by no means an adult but definitely not ‘little’ either. Ardyn had just smiled and said all ages had their charms. And that was that. He’d thought nothing of it.
He should have.
“Ardyn!” Verstael still brightened when he saw him, oblivious of the gulf that had grown between them where a warm friendship had once been kindled. “I was hoping you’d drop by. In fact, I was considering contacting you myself.”
The first twinge of apprehension made itself known, and he told himself to relax; there was no reason for alarm yet. “Oh? Do tell, whatever’s on your mind?”
“I was thinking about… well, about your situation, and I realize I was unthinkingly cruel,” Verstael said, and sounded genuinely apologetic.
“…my situation?” Ardyn said carefully.
“Snatched away from your beloved, from any chance of family - of an heir to your legacy,” Verstael said softly. “And then I go making the MTs. Of course you looked and saw children. I was a blind fool, and I’m sorry.”
Ardyn smiled tensely and tried to silence the increasingly louder alarm bells in his head, instinct insisting Verstael had gone and done something far more foolish. “You meant no harm.”
Verstael seemed relieved at that, perhaps mistaking it for forgiveness. “Of course not. But I hoped… well. I hoped to make amends. If you’ll follow me?”
Ardyn followed - what else could he do? - every step increasing his trepidation. There was a door at the end of the hall, to the rooms Verstael claimed for his own workspace, and they were almost there when Ardyn felt it.
Powerful, familiar magic, almost a living breathing echo of his own.
A cold chill washed through him as he followed Verstael in, catching sight of a bassinet built for two.
“I know how important familial bonds are to you, Ardyn. I never meant to make light of that,” Verstael said gently, leading him forward when he stopped cold. “You deserve this.”
In the bassinet was one of Verstael’s clones, curled on his side sucking his thumb. Beside it, however, was another little one. Not a newborn… maybe a month old? Old enough, his mind supplied, that Verstael would be sure the baby would survive. Because this was no clone of Verstael, not with the wisps of red hair and armiger-blue eyes, a shade he knew intimately well. This was the source of the magic he’d felt.
“We’re quite lucky I even had enough blood and tissue samples left for the one, really… if he’s to have a sibling you’ll need to help out there,” Verstael said, oblivious to Ardyn’s wildly turbulent emotions. “It was quite the effort, but he was perfect on the first try. A marvel in any incarnation, hm? …Ardyn?”
“I… you… you made…” Ardyn couldn’t even say it, resting a hand on the bassinet. The boys both looked at him, blinking placidly.
“A clone, Ardyn. A little Izunia for you to dote on,” Verstael said, beaming. “And of course, he can have a companion his age to keep him company. Unless you think this will be too much for you and Cassian?”
“No! No of course not,” Ardyn said quickly, mind whirring. “You said you can’t make another?”
“No, not without more materials, I’m afraid,” he admitted. “But should you ever desire, I’m quite certain it can be arranged.”
Ardyn laughed, a touch hysterically. “That’s quite alright, two infants is enough even for me. But I should get them home. I don’t suppose you have something more suitable? I can’t take them out in the cold air like this.”
“Oh! No, no of course not, one moment.” Verstael bustled off, leaving Ardyn to stare at the babies.
He reached out, brushing one fair cheek of the child that was both him and would blessedly never be him with his fingertip, swallowing hard. He was given a toothless smile and felt his eyes sting. Three children he had now. Three vulnerable sons in this frigid, godless daemon’s den. Forget how he was supposed to raise them, how was he ever supposed to protect them? It was entirely different when it had just been him. What could they do to him that was any worse than what he’d suffered already?
But children… Cassian was barely learning to handle a blade. These two couldn’t even sit up on their own. He had no one he trusted here, not since Verstael had proven himself to be ruled by his ambitions. To be fair, he didn’t really have anyone he trusted anywhere, and yet he knew then and there: he couldn’t stay here.
Verstael came back to help him swaddle up the boys and then he saw him off to the little apartment he stayed at when he came to visit. Cassian was waiting, but his usual shyness around Verstael vanished when he saw what Ardyn had.
Ardyn gave his head a tiny shake, bidding him to please be quiet, and smiled at Verstael. “I’m sure you’re quite busy. We’ll take it from here.”
“With your trusty assistant, of course.” Verstael smiled that same smile he always did - had it always been indulgently condescending? - and waved to Cassian before seeing himself out.
Cassian was still silent, waiting, wide blue eyes fixed on the babies.
Ardyn swallowed hard. “I need you to pack your things.”
His eyes snapped up at that, going wider still. “Pack?”
“We can’t stay here anymore,” Ardyn said softly. “It’s not safe.”
“…where is safe?” Cassian asked softly.
Ardyn considered that a long moment. Considered the fact that wherever he fled in the Empire, he would be found. That left one very unfavorable, risky option: throwing himself at Lucis’ mercy.
No, not at Lucis’ mercy - Lucis would have no mercy. He had to strike at its soft core.
Time to see if Regis truly deserved the title of The Father.
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secret-engima · 4 years ago
Me: XDD well since you asked so nicely.
-Okay so soulmarks in this AU are these marks that grow or shrink in color and size depending on how far away the soulmates are until they meet, at which point it freezes at their largest possible size. Also they glow when soulmates get close enough for the first time. They usually start on the wrist, then grow up the arm and shoulders before dropping across the ribs and chest, colors vary but are generally considered to be the colors “associated” with their soulmate. If a soulmark turns grey then the soulmate it represents is injured or sick and if it turns into a scar it means the soulmate is dead.
-Considering Ardyn lives in a totally different dimension from her soulmate and all the Timeline Shenanigans that happen in her life, her soulmark has been it’s tiniest possible size since it formed and it was ... Very Very Late in forming too. (Like- super Late. Astronomically Late. Imprisoned In Angelgard Late). >:D
-Ardyn doesn’t believe she is worthy of having a soulmate. She’s didn’t have her soulmark until sometime during Angelgard, so it’s tiny size (because Soulmate is in ANOTHER WORLD), and the poor lighting coupled with her later spiraling increase in infection (tHANKS A LOT BESITHIA AND IFRIT) means she actually couldn’t actually SEE the mark on her skin until after she was purified and booted out of the Void. Even after coming to Magi world and realizing OH HEY I HAVE A SOULMARK WHEN DID THAT GET THERE, Ardyn still doesn’t believe she’s Deserving of a Soulmate so she tries like crazy to avoid meeting said mystery soulmate.
-This doesn’t work.
-But it takes a few years to stop working.
-Her soulmate has ... a lot of work ahead of him to convince her to even be civil to him and not keep running off for the hills, let alone doing any Romance Things.
-In the meantime Noctis is like- 3 when they first arrive and he’s 5 when Ardyn meets her soulmate and honestly Noctis is having the time of his life in this weird new world when he isn’t having a Sick Day. Also he has a new brother! Yay!
-Smol 8-10 year old Hakuryu who is by now presumed dead by the Imperial Court would like to know exactly when his life got so weird. Amazing and happy and freeing but ... weird.
-He thinks it might have been back when he got kidnapped from the palace, then had his kidnappers ended up dead at the hand of a very strange woman toting around a three year old who didn’t know a single word of the local language. It’s a little hard to ask someone to return you to the palace when that someone doesn’t even know how to say hello. Also considering what awaits him at the palace... Hakuryu honestly couldn’t find it in himself to protest that much when the woman just picked him up and took him along on her wanderings.
-He likes being Aeolus, nephew of one Ardyn Izunia and big brother of Noctis Izunia, better than being Hakuryu anyway, all things considered.
-Noctis is 4 when he accidentally summons a Dungeon, because Magi Bby Lucis Caelum. He was trying to use up some of his excess magic to avoid a Sick Day and the magic needed a purpose for being thrown around in such quantities and a dungeon just kinda- Happened™.
-The Djinn of the dungeon was more than a little surprised and bemused when the treasure room got opened by a 4 year old, a 9 year old, and one vaguely manic Aunt in a ratty hat wielding a bunch of glowing red swords against anything that so much as looked wrong at said children.
-The Djinn asked which one of them was going to be the king. Ardyn blanched five shades of white and refused and Noctis had no interest since he’s got the Astrals still dropping in to fuss over him at any given opportunity or provocation.
-The Djinn accepts being at the beck and call of one shy and confused 9 year old with a surprising amount of grace.
-This is not the last time Noctis accidentally summons a Dungeon and Hakuyru gains a Djinn-Friend all before he hits his teenage years. >:D
-Noctis is gonna be roughly Aladdin’s age, maybe a bit younger, when Magi: Labyrinth of Magic starts timeline wise btw.
-The Main Cast are in for a Trip.
-So is most of the Magi World tbh.
-Meanwhile the Ardyn Soulmate is having ... not a good time. First his soulmark is tiny and unmoving and GREY (remember that means soulmate is injured or unhealthy) no matter where he travels, then his soulmark actually scars over like his soulmate is dead (read: Noctis vs Ardyn final battle happens), then a few weeks later (time passes differently in the Void compared to the Magi or FFXV dimensions) the soulmark unscars meaning his soulmate is alive out there somewhere still??????
-What is happening to his soulmate????
-Then finally, FINALLY, for the first time in probably literally ever, his soulmark starts growing and getting more color, spiraling up his arm and chest and ribs like sprawling vines of wine red and blooming flowers of gold he doesn’t recognize they’re sylleblossoms.
-Then he manages to MEET his soulmate through a mix of happenstance and luck and Noctis being adorably oblivious to why leading his aunt’s soulmate to her might cause her Distress™. Ardyn takes one good hard look at her soulmate and their jointly glowing soulmarks-
-Grabs her nephews and runs away at top speed.
-Yeah not the best first meeting. >:D
There I think I’ve rambled enough on this baby AU and thrown out enough spoilers on a thing I haven’t even WRITTEN YET. hgfhgfdhgf
Also again pls no SPOILERS. I’m on like- ep 3 of season 2 of this show I KNOW BASICALLY NOTHING HAVE MERCY ON MY NAIVE SOUL.
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echoes-of-the-clockwork · 4 years ago
Book One: Gold (Prompto x Reader) Chapter XVI
Back at the entrance of Steyliff Grove, Aranea stood beside Biggs and Wedge. "Congrats. That concludes your "training." You've still got a hard path ahead, but don't let anyone tell you how to walk it."
"You may have been hired under false pretenses, but your assistance was invaluable all the same," Ignis said.
She smirked slightly. "Hmph. Tell me something I don't know. You can spare the pleasantries."
"Take care walking your path, Aranea."
"Oh, right. Thanks—I will. And I'll "train" you some more if our paths cross again. Oh, and before I forget—His Excellency instructed me to give you boys and firefly a ride back. If you need a lift, feel free to hop on." Aranea walks off with her acquaintances.
Ignis pulls out his phone and checks it just as Prompto sighed in relief. "Well, glad that's over with!"
The strategist lowered his phone after reading the information Cindy sent him. "Noct, I have just received word from Cindy."
"And?" Noctis asked.
"We're to return to Lestallum. Her friend works as an engineer at the power plant. She'll take care of the mythril."
"Uh-huh. And that'll take care of our boat problem!" The sharpshooter cheered.
"Once you're rested and ready, I suggest we hasten back to Lestallum. Make sure you're prepared," Ignis stated.
"Shame to say goodbye to such a nice fishing spot. Wanna see what's biting before we bail?"
Noctis' eyes gleamed at the thought of fishing at the Vesperpool. "Hell yeah I wanna fish."
Before the prince could take another step, Callyx came stomping over with a sharp glare directed towards (Y/n). He walked straight towards her, but was stopped when Prompto built up the courage to place himself between the two guardians. The man was unamused and growled at the boy, "Step aside, human. I won't hesitate to kill you. Either way, I get what I want."
"What's your deal?" Prompto asked, glaring back at him.
"That damned bitch standing behind you," Callyx spat.
The marksman was about to summon his pistol, but stopped when Ardyn sauntered over with an eerie smile plastered to his face. "Now, now. This squabble should be solved righteously."
The emerald-eyed spirit looked towards the chancellor. "The hell're you proposing?"
"A duel, to put it in simple terms."
Callyx scoffed. "You just want some entertainment."
"Do you not desire to settle this dispute, Callyx?" Ardyn questioned his guardian.
"Of course I do."
The chancellor casted his somewhat odd smile in (Y/n)'s direction. "Do you accept?"
Prompto turned around to face his girlfriend. "Why don't we just leave, (Y/n)? Let's forget about these guys."
"Couldn't agree more," Noctis spoke up.
(Y/n) thought for a few seconds before meeting Ardyn's gaze. "If I go through with this, what happens if I win?"
"You and your companions can be on your merry way without the fear of a target on your back. Of course, only for a short while. If you were to lose, I believe Callyx will deal with you personally," the auburn-haired man answered.
She scowled at him. "You're threatening me?"
"Of course not, my dear. I only believe it to be fair if my dearest friend were to win, he'd get to do what he pleases with you. If he so desires to see your demise, he may dispose of you."
"What?" Prompto gasped. "No way! We're leaving."
Ignis saw (Y/n) bite her bottom lip. He could tell she was tempted to accept the duel to get the empire off their back for the time being. "(Y/n), you need not entertain these men."
The (h/c)-haired spirit glanced over at the advisor. After a few seconds, she hung her head. "But if I can get the empire off our backs even just for a little bit..."
Ardyn stepped around Prompto, earning a glare from him, and held out his hand towards the girl. "Do you consent to the terms, my dear?"
(Y/n) glances at Callyx for a split second before placing her hand in the chancellor's. She saw the look of concern on Prompto's face, quickly averting her eyes. "I accept the duel."
"Then it's settled." Ardyn glances at his guardian. "Let us venture out, Callyx."
The three boys, (Y/n), and even Aranea follow Ardyn and Callyx. They trek a little ways away from the ruins and to a vast, open area. It was the perfect place for a fight. The two spirits faced each other while the others stood on the sideline. From her peripheral, (Y/n) could see Prompto nervously fidgeting where he stood.
Ardyn took his hat off and explained the one rule of the duel—no transforming. The two guardians were shocked at the rule, but they didn't argue.
(Y/n) and Callyx put some distance between them, summoning their weapons. Ardyn placed his hat back on his head as he signaled the start of the duel.
Callyx was the first to attack, blinded by his anger from their previous battle at Fort Vaullery. His sword was easily deflected by the Creator's Blade wielded by (Y/n). She easily shoves him back, eyes narrowing when she saw black horns protruding from his forehead. Because the man was unable to keep his emotions in check, his spiritual and human forms were clashing. It was also possible for both forms to collide if a spirit desired to enhance their human body without turning into a complete beast. She was positive his horns had sprouted due to both possibilities. Since he was not in his tiger form, it wasn't breaking the rule. "You're not good at controlling your emotions, are you? Or do you really think the only way you can beat me is by enhancing  your body?"
"Shut the hell up," Callyx barked. "This time, I will be the victor no matter the cost."
(Y/n) rolled her eyes, deciding not to entertain him with words. Instead, she continued to block his attacks. She watched his every move closely, noticing a pattern as the fight dragged on. His movements were becoming more sloppy because of his out-of-control emotions. Although she was exhausted from their journey through Steyliff Grove, she had no issues blocking and sidestepping.
At one point, she sidestepped and kneed Callyx in the gut. He fell to his knees with the wind knocked out of him, but she wasn't finished just yet. With a roundhouse kick, she kicked him in the face and sent him crumbling to the ground. As he fell, his blade slipped out of his hand. He gritted his teeth in pain, eyes beginning to glow. She took a few steps back and saw not only his eyes were glowing but jade stripes had appeared on his cheeks. "You really are desperate..."
Callyx got back to his feet, grabbing his sword with a click of his tongue. "Damn you...!" He held up his hand and sent a powerful bolt of lightning directly towards her. It hit her directly in the abdomen, sending her flying backwards. She groaned painfully as she was still feeling the small effects from the quetzalcoatl's spell.
Even with the potion Prompto gave her, she was still slightly frazzled from the beast's lightning spell. "I hate lightning spells," she huffed, pushing herself off the ground. Eyes returning to her opponent, she saw Callyx was readying another lightning spell. Having no other choice, she enhanced her body the moment he sent another powerful bolt of lightning towards her. Her many tails sprouted from her lower back and wrapped around her protectively, deflecting the spell. Unwinding her tails from around her, she glowered at the spiky-haired man as she created a large fire vortex around him.
(Y/n) was taken aback when Callyx leapt through the flames, unfazed by the fire or the heat. He patted out a few flames on his clothes before charging at her with his blade now infused with a lightning spell. The girl quickly raised the Creator's Blade and blocked the sword before it could be plunged into her chest. She struggled against him, his strength becoming overwhelming because of his enhancements. Without hesitating, she used her tails to swat him away like a fly.
The golden-eyed spirit, with her free hand, conjured a series of throwing knives made of pure flames. She tossed them, each one impaling Callyx's body. He screamed at the top of his lungs as the small knives pierced his body and burnt him. Some even pinned him to the ground.
With an exhausted huff, (Y/n) strolled over to the male guardian. She jammed the Creator's Blade into his left shoulder, eliciting another howl of pain from him. His horns and stripes vanished while his eyes ceased glowing. She squatted down beside him with an unamused expression. "I really should kill you, but I refuse to stoop to your level. You may be the enemy, but I won't kill my own people."
Callyx managed to grin through the immense pain he was suffering from. "You might want to change that philosophy of yours. This won't be over until either one or both of us are dead."
Refusing to entertain him any longer, (Y/n) withdrew the Creator's Blade from Callyx's shoulder. She turned to the others and saw their expressions. Aranea was amused, Noctis and Ignis were impressed, and Ardyn was still smiling even with Callyx heavily wounded. When she saw Prompto's expression, she knew he was going to be mad at her for accepting the duel. He was most likely going to give her the silent treatment for some time since he wasn't fond of losing his temper with others.
"I believe I'm the victor," (Y/n) said, locking eyes with Ardyn. Her tails vanished as she walked over to the others.
"Indeed, you are," the chancellor cackled. He took off his hat and bowed. "I am quite impressed by your strength. A well-earned victory."
"This means you're gonna leave us alone, right?" Noctis asked.
"For the time being, yes. Once we meet across the sea, however, those terms become annulled," he explained. The prince was about to retort, but Ardyn continued. "Commodore Highwind, please see these gentlemen and lady safely from here while I tend to my dear Callyx." The chancellor walked away after helping the male guardian.
Aranea watched the two vanish before smirking at (Y/n). "Damn, firefly. You're just full of surprises. If you weren't with these guys, I'd ask you to join me. We could kick some serious ass together." She placed a hand on her hip. "Now then, you're headed to Lestallum, right? I'll take you there, but no further."
"Got it," Noctis replied.
"So, ready to ship out?"
"You bet. Let's fly."
The group returns to the ruins where Aranea left her drop ship. Everyone was safely aboard and they departed from the Vesperpool. (Y/n) was talking to Noctis and Ignis about her recent duel with Callyx, complimenting her on her skills. During the conversation, her eyes drifted over to Prompto. He was sitting on the floor of the drop ship away from everyone else, scrolling through the pictures on his camera.
Excusing herself, she walked over to him even though she knew he was giving her the silent treatment. She sat beside him with a sigh and glanced down at the camera, seeing he was examining the pictures he took inside Steyliff Grove. "Wow, those are all amazing shots, Prom," she said even though she was aware of the lack of response she'd receive in return.
She leaned back against the wall of the drop ship and stared up at the ceiling. "You're angry and I understand completely. I know you're gonna give me the silent treatment for a while and I don't blame you. Even though I made you mad, I don't regret trying to protect you and the others. But..." A sorrowful frown blossomed on her face. "Please trust in me more, Prom. Trust that I can handle myself in battle, even against someone like Callyx. I know you want to protect me, but you can't protect me from everything." She got to her feet and walked away.
Prompto gripped his camera tighter. He lifted his head to say something, but stopped himself when his eyes landed on her retreating form. There was truth in her words, but he wanted to believe he could protect her from everything. He also wanted to deny her accusation of not trusting her enough, but his urge to protect her stopped him from trusting in her capabilities wholeheartedly.
He mentally cursed himself and her for their current emotional turmoil. Looking back down at his camera, he tried to think of something else while scrolling through pictures. Unfortunately, the pictures he's taken of (Y/n) were appearing more frequently and caused his emotions to become even more entangled. In the end, he turned off the camera and took a short nap.
A few hours later, they arrived in Lestallum with the Regalia. Aranea told them of the trouble at the power plant and how she would be unable to help. The group took it upon themselves to help with the issue and thanked the ex-mercenary as they parted ways with her.
At the power plant, they meet with Holly. She gives Noctis a safety suit and he puts it on before walking through the gate. Prompto chuckled at the raven-haired boy. "Lovin' that outfit, Noct!"
"Why don't you wear one?" He retorted.
"Well, that's the only one. And if anyone stands a fighting chance in there, it's you. Forget about fashion and go," Ignis stated.
"(Y/n) could help."
"I think I'll leave this in your capable hands," the spirit snickered.
"Ugh..." Noctis headed into the power plant to meet up with the hunter that went ahead of him.
While waiting for him to return, (Y/n) pinched the bridge of her nose with an exhausted sigh. She leaned against a large wooden crate when she felt a small dizzy spell wash over her. Prompto and Ignis noticed her state, but the strategist was the one to address her. "(Y/n), would you procure rooms for us at the Leville?"
She lifted her head. "Are you sure?"
"Yes. You are clearly exhausted." Ignis handed her enough gil for two rooms.
"I could use a nap..." She took the money, thanking him. She glanced at Prompto and saw he was going to say something, but he closed his mouth and looked away. With a sorrowful sigh, she spun on her heels and headed to the hotel. She forked over the gil for two rooms and wandered upstairs to the single bed room. She thought about jumping into the soft mattress, but instead went to take a shower in the small bathroom attached to the room.
An hour passed while (Y/n) bathed. Most of the time while she was in the shower, she stood underneath the shower head and fell into deep thought. Her mind was filled with many thoughts, some good and some bad. An entire hour had passed before she knew it.
With a towel wrapped around her body, the spirit wandered out of the bathroom. She sat on the edge of the double bed, sighing heavily. Her (h/c) locks dripped as she hung her head. It wasn't long before the thoughts from the shower came back. She replayed what she said to Prompto inside Aranea's drop ship. A groan fell from her lips. "Why did I say that...?" She combed her hands through her damp tresses. "I could've just said nothing. He deserves to be angry," she mumbled to herself. Now thinking clearly, she came up with the decision to apologize to Prompto once he and the others returned from the power plant.
Standing up, (Y/n) walked over to the chair where she left her clothes. The moment she unwound the towel from around her body, the door to the room opened. Her eyes widened in horror, body petrified as Prompto walked into the room. She couldn't move an inch when the boy's eyes landed on her naked form. His cheeks turned a bright red and he swallowed hard, eyes raking over her exposed body. Realizing he was staring, he quickly turned around. "O-Oh, six...! I-I should've knocked! I-I didn't mean to, I swear!"
The girl, once being able to move again, quickly snatched up her towel and wrapped it back around her. "I-It's not your fault. I completely forgot to lock the door," she stated in a shaky voice. She hugged the towel against her body, her own cheeks turning red. "Gods, I should've taken my clothes to the bathroom with me..."
Prompto fidgeted with his fingers, cheeks set ablaze. He had no idea what to do with himself. He fidgeted nervously and stared down at the floor. His mind kept mentally showing him an image of his naked girlfriend. He scolded himself for thinking of dirty thoughts. To prevent an awkward silence from settling over them, he cleared his throat and changed the subject for both their sakes. "I-I came by to apologize. You were right..."
(Y/n) kept her back turned to him. "No, I was in the wrong. It was stupid of me to take on that ridiculous duel. I know I said it was to protect you and the others, but that just felt like an excuse. There was really no point, but I was blinded by my emotions. I wanted to give Callyx a piece of my mind and thought having the empire off our backs for a while would've been nice. I should've just ignored those bastards. I'm sorry, Prom." Her hands bunched up the hem of the towel just above her cleavage.
The moment (Y/n) built up enough courage to turn around, two arms wrapped around her from behind. She gasped in shock as her back came in contact with a warm chest. Her muscles tensed slightly before relaxing. Prompto's blonde hair tickled her cheek when he nuzzled his head against the side of hers. His nose brushed against her ear, causing her to shudder. She didn't move her hands away from her towel because it would fall again if she let go. She enjoyed his warmth even though she was embarrassed to be held in his arms with only a towel around her.
"What you said on the drop ship... You're right. I can't protect you from everything, but I'm gonna try my damndest to," Prompto whispered. "I know you can handle yourself in battle. It's just... I hate seeing you get hurt. I'm sorry for ignoring you, (Y/n)."
Her heart was a racing a mile a minute inside her chest. "It's okay, Prom." She lifted a hand and placed it on one of his arms that was wound around her shoulders. "With all that off our chests, c-can I please change?"
Prompto's eyes widen and he immediately backs away from her. "Y-Yeah, of course! I'll, um...I-I'll wait in the bathroom until you're done."
"You don't have to wait in the bathroom. Just turn around."
"I-I think the bathroom would be better..."
She turned around to face him with a puzzled expression. "What's the issue with just turning around?"
Prompto rubbed the back of his neck, looking away from her. "I d-don't trust myself to not take another peek..."
The girl giggled at his honesty. "Then you best head to the bathroom."
He nodded and dashed into the bathroom, closing the door behind him.
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shadowlink06 · 4 years ago
Prompto Meta/Thoughts:
Some thoughts about Prompto. This is just meta/drabble/headcanon material that I wanted to write down concerning him since I’ll be participating in a Big Bang and would like to use him as the protagonist to the story. He does have some inconsistency to his “origins” and I’d like to put my thoughts in order to make writing him more believable. Some of the HC/ideas I’m using is based on the “Scientific Discoveries'' fic I did for Verstael and inspiration from the “Parting Ways” novella. 
The basis for Prompto’s existence was to be used as an energy source to power MTs. It is not clear that if infecting a baby with the starscourge would have a better result when they are harvested in a core, or if Prompto was given an injection to make the miasma either stronger prior to the extraction process or easier to manage. In any case, he was created to be destroyed in masse. 
Verstael seems to have made several batches of clones in his first/early MT labs and Prompto was likely one of the first generations. Since it was still an unrefined practice, this may explain why Prompto is not viewed as a “perfect” clone to Verstael and why they have different attributes. 
As MTs were being replaced/add to the Niflheim army during war campaigns, the Lucian government recognized that Verstael was the main player responsible and sought to kill him to turn the tide of battle in their favor. 
A Lucian Kingsglaive unit tracked down Verstael’s lab and managed to find the nursery the babies were kept in. Although they realized that the babies were very clearly children, it was not obvious that they were clones. Confused by the sheer amount of children, one of the Kingsglaive decided to take one of the children (Prompto) back to headquarters for examination. 
When they realized that Prompto was just an ordinary child, there was concern as to what to do with him. As he had no ties to anyone of importance and he was in the nursery that had many other babies, they spared him although there was insistence on covering up his origins. Prompto was given to a prominent Lucian family that had just lost a child due to birthing complications. When he was adopted, the military commander (maybe Titus/Cor) mentioned to always have him cover up the barcode saying that it was not a detail that was worth sharing. 
While Prompto’s parents did love Prompto as their own, business within Insomnia’s court kept both of them busy and away from home. As a result, Prompto turned to food as a coping mechanism to offset the loneliness of his parents not being around and he felt isolated not understanding why he had a barcode brand by the other children around him didn’t. He couldn’t speak to his peers since he was always warned that it would cause him further issues if that topic got brought up so he could not speak to anyone about it. This is the beginnings of his self doubt and fear that he had about himself and the need to want friends but being afraid to open up to them.   
One issue that gets overlooked with Prompto’s relationship with Noctis is that it wouldn’t have really happened if Prompto hadn’t saved Pryna. Had he not done this, it is doubtful that Prompto would have mustered up enough nerve to not only speak to someone else but the Prince of Lucis. In essence, Luna led Prompto to Noctis. 
In his quest to be Nocts friend, it led him into getting into shape and taking on a more light hearted personality towards others. This change had Noctis notice Prompto as they continued to see each other in school and strike up an eventual friendship. 
When Prompto inquired about seeking an officer position within the Crownsguard, there is little doubt that someone recognized his name and knew who he was. No doubt he would have been survaled from time to time just to make sure that he wasn’t behaving suspiciously. When it was clear that Prompto wasn’t a threat, he was allowed within the Crownsguard ranks. 
Ardyn would have recognized Prompto as a clone to Verstael. Since he has a vastly different personality than his father Ardyn would have been amused if not intrigued by seeing a functioning clone next to the Prince. Further proof would have been him seeing the barcode - a feature that Verstael used on all of his clones for experimental data. 
Verstael would have been resentful to see what became of Prompto as he thought all of his clones only had one purpose and the Lucians had “corrupted” Prompto into being something that he wasn’t supposed to. That alone would make Verstael want to kill him. 
If Ardyn was saddened at Verstael’s passing, a part of him would have blamed Prompto for his death and taken it out on him during his imprisonment in Zegnautus Keep. 
Some Unknowns:
What traits define a Lucian, Tenebraen, Niflheimian, or Altissian resident? Are there specific traits that are associated with the regions or is it a cultural identity? Is it a physical appearance? Or perhaps way of speaking? How would anyone have known if Prompto was an outsider? 
The question as to when Prompto realized he was a Niflheim resident rather than a Lucian is hard to say. The timing of this event is critical in understanding why Prompto behaves the way he does around Noct and the others. His Brotherhood episode seems to imply he realized it when he was younger - well before he thought about entering the Crownsguard or even met Noct. Who told him? How did he feel being in Lucis knowing this truth? How did he feel about Nilfheim? Did he wonder about his real parents? Did he ever try to look for them to know the truth? 
If Prompto was examined and was deemed to not to be a threat, why was he so insistent with covering up his barcode? The game seemed to hint that he had always known he had been from Niflheim (or suspected it) even before he saw Verstael. 
The tattoo/barcode that he had from a child should have been warped/altered as he grew older. The skin that he had as a baby would have been stretched as he grew so the computer at the old lab being able to ‘recognize’ him after all of those years is suspect. 
Prompto could have some interesting side effects if Verstael made it so he was able to take the starscourge within his body. This can leave a lot to play around with with a Divergence piece especially if Ardyn is added into the mix.  
I don’t think it was ever implied that Aranea had completely destroyed the lab that housed all of the remaining Verstael clones. If that was the case, what would have happened to them given that they were harmless and a fully functioning human being? If Aranea did destroy the lab, what would have been Prompto’s response to seeing innocent beings killed given how sensitive he is? 
A small detail, but Prompto wore glasses when he was young but doesn’t now. Does that mean that he had corrective surgery or wears contacts?
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zestria13 · 4 years ago
Final Fantasy 15 Thoughts (Spoilers!)
So, I just finished playing Final Fantasy 15 Royal Edition and I have many feelings about it. As I understand it, I have avoided many of the basic gameplay and story problems by buying the Royal Edition, which has all of the patches, dlc's, and fixes many of the bugs encountered when FFXV first came out. Oh, and I have watched the brotherhood anime and the Kingsglaive movie. Overall, my first experience with FFXV is much more complete than it was when the game was initially released (that is my understanding anyways). To be clear, I enjoyed playing FFXV (at least a good portion of it), but I have many issues with it too. One of my main issues with FFXV is the plot, especially the plot following the rite in Altissia. I have read many complaints about how dark FFXV gets after this point and how it becomes a very narrow, plot driven narrative as opposed to its earlier more easygoing and open world setting. To some extent, I agree with these complaints. This change in the game feels very sudden and forced to some degree. However, I personally tend to play heavily narrative games because I like deep, complex plotlines. This turn into a plot driven narrative is not my main issue, though it was, in my opinion, too abrupt a change in the game. My main issue following the events in Altissia, simply, is that the game wasn't as much fun to play after that point. For a game promoting the concept of brotherhood and comradery, that pretty much disappeared after the events in Altissia. Don't get me wrong, I understand the events in Altissia were traumatic for all of the characters and that caused most of the tension, but it was like we were playing with a different group of characters than we started with. All of the comradery seen previously in the game, from the pep talks, to characters interactions, to the short quips in battle (My fav was between Noctis and Ignis, the "You got my back" and "Always" in reply) had created this atmosphere of a team, of a brotherhood that was connected not just by duty, but by genuine friendship. 
But then Altissia happens, and the group just...completely falls apart. There is such an emotional whiplash between the first part of the game and the second part of the game, and its jarring. I honestly felt uncomfortable playing the game after the events in Altissia because the atmosphere was tense and strained, and the comradery present in the first half of the game became nearly nonexistent. Frankly, the game never recovers from this mood shift, and the rest of the game has a sort of sullen, discomforting feel to it. And I know people would argue that the brotherhood comes back together at the end of the game, but I would argue that true reconciliation never happens between the characters, instead making their comradery at the end a byproduct of their circumstances. They never truly deal with the problems created by the events in Altissia and afterwards. They just push them aside because they need to do so in order to work as a team and save the world. Now, is it possible that the remaining trio living in darkness may have dealt with their issues and figured things out, but we wouldn't actually know because we aren't privy to anything that happens during those 10 years. Maybe the game wanted you to understand Noctis's perspective in this way (though they don't really touch on how incredibly disorienting that time skip must have been for Noctis). However, the point stands that there was never really time at any point in the rest of the game following Altissia for the group to reconcile and come back together as a cohesive unit.
That leads me to another huge issue I take with the plot of this game. The ending. I know, already, there are people who will comment and say that "Not everything has a happy ending" and "The sacrifice was necessary to save the world", and so on and so forth. My issue with the ending comes back to the question of why. Especially after having watched Episode Ardyn, I just don't feel that the game gives us a clear cut reason as to why any of the ending needs to happen the way it does. Ok, so the sun goes down and doesn't come up after Noctis is pulled into the Crystal, which means demons have pretty much free reign and everything is much more dangerous. Got it. But why did the sun disappear? I know the game explains that there are organisms infected with the Starscourge that release a light-absorbing miasma, which are the cause of the lengthening nights (though you need to be fairly thorough in your examination of items to learn this). It also mentions the idea that the Oracle dying is related to the longer nights and the disappearing sun, though it never really explains why besides the fact that the Oracle can heal the Starscourge. While I understand that her healing those with Starscourge helps to limit the amount of miasma being put into the world, it seems rather unlikely that one person can ever hope to keep up with that demand. Also, we only ever saw Luna heal people who had not fully turned into demons yet, and I would assume that those people aren't giving off the same level of miasma as fully turned demons. And, we know those fully turned demons exist, in the form of demons the party runs into and the MT's that the empire uses. I'm just not sure it is believable that the Oracle, by themselves, is actually healing enough people to actually prevent the endless night in the first place. As for the other part of the explanation, how did those organisms proliferate to the point where it caused an endless night? Based on what we hear from characters in FFXV and read in the research notes, the appearance of the longer nights was incredibly rapid, which begs the question of why those organisms suddenly started infecting creatures and producing this miasma so quickly in comparison to any other time in the history of this world (as far as we know). All in all, I can't think of a solid reason given in the game as to why the endless night even happens, or perhaps, why it hasn't happened already. 
Moving on, after Noctis is absorbed into the Crystal, we do a ten year time skip. Back to my question of why, why did Noctis have to be in the Crystal for 10 years? I know he went in to gain the power of providence, but 10 years seems a bit excessive. Maybe that’s just me. Ignoring the fact that almost all of the living things in the world would have died without 10 years of sunlight, the fact remains that, in all likelihood, most of the creatures living in that world would have perished, either by being killed by demons or due to a lack of resources. In all honesty, there probably aren't many people alive by the time Noctis returns, and it’s hard to say if a civilization would actually be able to recover from that kind of devastation. Anyways, let's move on to what is my biggest contention with the plot. The prophecy. I have to say, I really, really dislike this plot point in the game. For one, it makes no sense. The true king, in this story, exists to purge their star of the darkness. Ok, cool, love the vague terms. But again, why? The darkness, which basically refers to the Starscourge, has existed for at least 2000 years at this point in the world. If the gods were so invested in this issue, why didn't they address it earlier? Why wait for a so called chosen king after at least 2000 years of this darkness ravaging their world? And what makes Noctis the chosen king? Simply because the gods said so? If that is the case, why didn't they choose a chosen king earlier? I know, after watching Episode Ardyn, that Ardyn was also a chosen king with the ability to absorb Starscourge from other people into himself. An ability, I might add, granted to him by the gods. But when Ardyn tries to ascend to become a king, the Crystal, where Bahamut resides, suddenly rejects him because of his ability (which, again, was given to him by the gods), and so he is rejected basically by the gods via the gift they gave him. Which makes no sense. As we know, this action leads to the circumstances we see in the game. 
To me, at this point, it seems that the gods on Eos are incompetent and create this prophecy in order to fix the problem they created. This seems to become more glaringly obvious when Bahamut tells Ardyn (in Episode Ardyn) that he literally is a pawn in their game to fix the problem they created. At its core, that is what makes me so very frustrated with this prophecy plot line. It seems that the characters in this game are no more than pawns being made to do what the gods tell them to do, and that everything in this world is preordained. Not only does that rake against my own beliefs as an individual, but it ruins the purpose of the game for me. If everything is preordained, then what is the point? It also hurts my perception of the characters as well because the characters, except for Ardyn maybe, never think to go against the determinations made by the gods, they just go along with it. They never stop to consider trying to find another way and instead simply accept their fates as is. I understand there is something inherently powerful and moving in sacrificing yourself to save others, but making it fate instead of an active choice lessens the impact. Noctis doesn't choose to sacrifice himself to save Eos, it is forced upon him. There is no sense of choice here, merely one of acceptance. The cruelty of Noctis' preordained fate disturbs me. Not only is Noctis just randomly chosen to die to save the world, but the gods see fit to inform his father of that when Noctis is 5. I cannot truly imagine the depth of sorrow and helplessness probably felt by Regis in being told that his son is basically a sacrifice. Undoubtedly, knowing that weighed heavily on Regis and I'm sure at times that knowledge put a dour edge on his time with Noctis. One of the saddest things about Noctis' fate is how little time he actually gets to live. I know he is technically 30 at the time of his death, but he really only lived 20 years. Not only is his life cut short, but he actually loses a third of it in the process of becoming the ideal sacrifice for the gods. To me, Noctis' fate is just unbearably cruel. And don't misunderstand, I actually like games that have darker themes and angst in them, but I think there is a balance in crafting stories and this story didn't quite find a balance. And the thing is, I think the creators of the game have acknowledged that too, as they have now created 2 alternative storylines where Noctis doesn't die and his fate is subverted in some way. Personally, I prefer the message given in the Final Fantasy 7 remake where the characters actively fight against a pre-determined destiny, instead of simply accepting their destiny as is. I have more thoughts on the subject of Final Fantasy 15, but for the moment I will end my writing here.
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ragewerthers · 4 years ago
Curiosity And The Cat
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Summary: Curiosity killed the cat, but satisfaction brought him back.
Apparently Ardyn though he understood this proverb perfectly.
He didn't.
And now his long suffering husband has to deal with the consequences of his actions.
A/n: Hello!  This is another fun prompt from my friend @bgn846​ for our F3S!
Her prompt was:
' "I don't think that's your size…" with either Cor or Noct’ and this was what popped into my head XD  It was ridiculous and fun to write all in one and I hope it reads as lightheartedly!
You can also read on AO3 at: https://archiveofourown.org/works/27902737
Enjoy! :)
Word Count: 1900 ---------------------------------- “You… are a ridiculous, infuriating man and you absolutely deserve this,” Cor said, taking a sip of his coffee as he leaned against the doorframe leading into their bedroom.
“Would you believe me... if... I said... that this was.... absolutely unintentional?” Ardyn wheezed, looking up at the steel blue eyes of his husband from his collapsed position on their bed.
Now Ardyn had been through many things in his life.  He’d been used as a scourge sponge, a sacrificial lamb to the astrals and as a pin cushion for his little brother… but by far the scathing look his darling Marshal was leveling him with now was probably what had hurt his pride the deepest.
“Did no one ever teach you that curiosity killed the cat?” Cor asked with a deep sigh, stepping into the room and setting his mug on one of the nightstands as he folded his arms over his chest.
Ardyn offered up a weak smile, his legs and arms numb enough at this point that he couldn’t even bother to reach out to his darling husband.
“Did no one bother to... to teach you the rest of the verse?  Curiosity killed the cat… but satisfaction... brought him back,” he panted with a smug little smile.
Cor ran a hand over his face as he listened to this, shaking his head.  “So… what?  This is a result that you’re happy enough with to repeat it?” he asked, quirking an eyebrow.
Clearing his throat a little, Ardyn looked away from the expression Cor was now giving him to stare at the rather interesting patterns of their ceiling.  “Perhaps… not the best outcome I’ll admit.  Should’ve… thought my words out more… carefully.  Bit hard when you… can’t breath..”
“And whose fault is that, hmm?” Cor asked as he finally stepped closer and truly got a good look at the idiot.
For as brilliant as Ardyn was, the man could also be amazingly inept.
Like the time he thought adding regular dish soap to the dishwasher would work just as well.  “Well we didn’t have dishwashers when I was growing up centuries ago!”
Or the time he decided to wash his red scarf with Cor’s white shirts.  “What?  If we didn’t have dishwashers do you honestly think we had washing machines?”
But this… this had to take the cake for the most idiotic thing he’d ever bore witness to.
Ardyn had taken it upon himself to try and fit into Cor’s old Crownsguard fatigues.  Whether it was because he thought it would be funny, sexy or simply because he thought he’d look good in them, Cor couldn’t even pretend to hazard a guess.  Now the man lay on their bed all but busting at the seams.  The trousers kept his legs sticking almost straight out and the jacket was hugging his chest so tightly a button was more than likely going to bust and put someone's eye out if he took a deep breath. Luckily his chest was so constricted that it didn’t seem to be a problem at the moment.
“Ya know… I really don’t think that’s your size, love,” Cor said, trying hard to fight back the amused smile attempting to take over his features.
Ardyn glared up at him and Cor’s smile finally won out.
“Such wit… such banter… remind me to seek your… your sharp tongue during the… next council meeting,” Ardyn gasped out, making an abortive attempt at moving his hands while he spoke.  The fact that he couldn’t making him scowl much to Cors amusement as he knew how expressive Ardyn liked to be.
Cor snorted at the ridiculous display and shook his head.  “Really?  You’re still gonna attempt to act all high brow when you’re like… this?” he asked, moving closer and sending a little poke to Ardyn's stomach, listening to the man grumble.
“Ooooh... just you wait until I’m... free of these earthly bonds,” Ardyn growled in his sonorous voice, eyes narrowed up at his smirking darling. “You will be... in so much trouble.”
“I think I can handle a man who got stuck in a pair of trousers three times too small for him,” Cor chuckled, walking around the bed and surveying the situation to try and figure out the best way to extricate his darling.
Ardyn huffed at the comment, his glare morphing into a look of resignation.  “Fair enough,” he acquiesced, watching the way Cor circled him like a bird of prey. “You know… you always look handsome with… your thinking face on,” Ardyn said with a charming smile quirking up the corners of his lips.
Cor rolled his eyes at that and moved to kneel on the bed, shuffling closer as he began to try and undo the buttons of his former Crownsguard jacket.  “This isn’t my thinking face.  This is my ‘my husband makes me question my sanity’ face,” he said as he began the careful process of trying to undo the tightly fastened buttons so that nothing would spring free and bean him in the forehead.  “How did you manage this?!  You can’t even move your arms!”  Cor growled in frustration after a few minutes, managing to undo at least one button before moving on to fumble with the next.
Ardyn’s smile grew and he wiggled his fingers.  “A miracle, my dear,” he said, looking so pleased with himself.
Cor paused, looking up at the man with the most bored expression he could muster..  “... a miracle?”
Ardyn nodded, puffing his chest out proudly… or rather trying to, though the stretch of fabric had Cor wincing in sympathy for his poor uniform. “Yes.  A miracle... that my arms didn’t lose feeling in them... until... I was able to do up the last button,” he said with a cheeky smile.
Cor hung his head, heaving a deep sigh.  “Ridiculous.”
“Resilient,” Ardyn shot back, the smirk on his lips looking far too good there.
Cor looked up, narrowing his eyes.  “Impossible.”
“Fetching,” Ardyn offered in reply, giving the saddest little shimmy of his hips and that’s when it happened.
The sound of ripping fabric… the pop of a thread breaking away from its mortal coil… and finally the resounding plink of a vengeful trouser button making contact with the forehead of the Immortal.
“SHIVA’S TITS!” Cor shouted, his hands flying up to cover his poor stinging head and blocking out the room as it fell into absolute silence following the mini chaos.
Everything seemed to come to a halt, like time itself was afraid to move forward for fear of Cor’s wrath.
And then, just as quickly, the silence was broken by a snort and quickly followed by deep, unrestrained laughter. Ardyn tried desperately to keep himself in check, but it was no use.
“Ahahastral’s above!” he laughed whole-heartedly, tears of mirth in his eyes as Cor peeked out from his hands, wishing he was more upset with the laughter then he was.
“Stop it!  You’re going to pop another button!” Cor growled as he watched the remaining buttons all but crying out for help. His hands lowered, hovering over his husband’s chest in the hopes his reflexes could save him from another battle scar. The comment mixed with the look of horror on Cor’s face only seemed to egg on his poor sweetheart.  Ardyn’s laughter had reached the wheezing stage and  was going into a higher pitch that always surprised Cor considering how deep his husband’s voice normally was.
“Ihihihit s-sounded so stuhuhuhpihihihid!” Ardyn tried to say, giggling ridiculously and making Cor smile despite the stinging on his forehead and in his pride.  “Plink!” Ardyn squeaked before laughing so hard he went silent, shoulders and chest still shaking with the force of it.  Sadly Cor couldn’t help finding himself joining in.
“Y-you are such a prihihick,” Cor chuckled, getting a whine from his husband who was trying and failing to get himself under control.
“Stahahap… my… my sihihides,” Ardyn wheezed before another fit of giggles escaped him.
Cor rolled his eyes fondly, shaking his head as his poor husband continued to try and fail to calm from the ridiculous accident.  “I hope this will teach you a lesson then.  Your actions have consequences,” Cor said with mock sternness, pointing to his forehead.
Ardyn’s bright gold eyes turned to his husband then, gaze flicking up to the small welt with four perfect little button holes now starting to rise on the man's forehead.
And any ground he’d gained in trying to calm himself was tossed out the window as his laughter picked up again.
Cor sighed at the reaction though a smile remained on his face.
Eventually, Ardyn was able to calm himself, though a few bubbling giggles would manage to work their way free as Cor once again began to try and free him.
“I… promise to think my actions through next time,” Ardyn said, finally taking in a proper lungful of breath as Cor managed to get the last button of his old coat undone on his husband's chest.
“Next time?” Cor asked, helping to maneuver Ardyn’s arms out of the sleeves.  “If you think I’m not putting this outfit under lock and key so you can’t get to it again, you’re wrong.”
Ardyn chuckled, giving a happy little sigh as his arms were finally free and wiggling his fingers to get some blood flowing back in them.  “I meant in general, Lion Heart.  Lest I manage to hurt you again,” Ardyn said, and though mirth remained in his eyes, Cor could hear the underlying regret.  Regret that something he had done had hurt someone he loved.
“Don’t even think about it,” Cor said, smiling a bit more at the slightly surprised expression he got from his husband.  He let his eyes move to meet Arydn’s ducking down to press a chaste kiss to his brow.  “You’re ridiculous, curious and absolutely perfect the way you are.  If you weren’t getting into trouble one way or another I’d think something was wrong,” he teased gently.
Arydn’s ears flushed slightly at the comments, the only tell he really had that the words had found their mark perfectly.  “Does… this mean that I’m not in trouble for the button to the forehead incident?” he asked, giving a little yelp as Cor flicked the center of his own forehead before sitting up.
“I think we’re even now.  And I think losing feeling to your limbs is punishment enough.  Now… lift your hips while I try to shuck these pants off you,” Cor said simply, getting up to stand at the end of the bed.
Ardyn threw an arm over his forehead dramatically, the other clutched over his chest. “You really know how to speak to a man, don’t you?  Who says romance is dead?  My heart beats madly!  My insides all a quiver!” he said, pretending to swoon.
“And you love it.”
Cor couldn’t stop from smiling at that, reaching down to grab the bottoms of his former trousers.  “I do… now… hang on tight.”
“Oooh~ I haven’t heard you talk like this since our honeymo-AH!!”
Sadly the yank may have had a bit too much force behind it... and Ardyn may or may not have completely disregarded the warning as he was all but pulled from the bed and the pair ended up in a pile on the floor.  
Laughter soon echoed around their bedroom once more.
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tsukuna · 5 years ago
Assistance to the Chancellor
Summary: “An outsider with no reason to be given the hefty task of dealing with the Gralean Empire’s flamboyant chancellor has ended up with just that. She’s willing to put up with all the antics, but is there ulterior motives for her obedience that none are privy to? And can they compete with the grim secrets of Chancellor Izunia himself?”
No True Rating Yet • Female Reader • Before the Events of XV • Under the Cut
By this point, you had spent a couple months working for the Niflheim Empire; however, there were plenty of customs you were ignorant to. One of those being an annual Chancellor’s Ball, currently honoring Chancellor Izunia. You groaned, seeing as you were his personal assistant, you were obligated to attend. Large gatherings were out of your comfort zone to put it lightly. After all, most of your life was spent inconspicuously slinking around in the background--hiding in the shadows. You anxiously awaited Ardyn’s inevitable invitation to attend.
By this point, you had spent a couple months working for the Niflheim Empire; however, there were plenty of customs you were ignorant to. One of those being an annual Chancellor’s Ball, currently honoring Chancellor Izunia. You groaned, seeing as you were his personal assistant, you were obligated to attend. Large gatherings were out of your comfort zone to put it lightly. After all, most of your life was spent inconspicuously slinking around in the background--hiding in the shadows. You anxiously awaited Ardyn’s inevitable invitation to attend.
The worked day ticked by, feeling slower than ever. You stretched in your chair and nearly jumped out as you felt two hands clamps on your shoulders. “Fuck,” you swore out of shock, much to the mysterious Chancellor Izunia’s amusement. “How did you get behind me so silently?”
“Tut-tut-tut,” he put a finger over his lips, “I would never reveal my methods.” You rolled your eyes, it was the response you had expected. “Now,” Ardyn paused, “Let’s get to real business. My ball.”
“And what is it we must discuss about it?”
“You plan to attend, yes?” A question to which you hummed in affirmation. “Excellent,” he smiled. “What a delight to have you there. Ah, as my partner of course.”
Your jaw dropped comically and you vehemently shook your head. “I... sir, I am sure there are far more suitable ladies to accompany you to such a special event.” Simply going to the event was out of your comfort zone, but to stand next to Ardyn as his date of sorts was going to throw you under a spotlight of curiosity and judgement.
“Nonsense, it has been quite some time since I’ve found a human so interesting,” his wording left you feeling odd. “There is no one I would rather choose. I humbly ask you to be my accompaniment for my special night,” Ardyn bowed deeply and held out his hand for you to take.
‘There is no way out of this,’ you mentally accepted as you nervously placed your hand into his own. Ardyn gave it a brief kiss before standing back to smile at you. Your body warmed a little at the sight, his smile felt more genuine than his usual ones. “If you are truly okay with someone like me,” an outsider, an omitter, a woman who conceals herself, “Then I would be honored to stand beside you.”
“Music to the ears, my dear. I must ask though, how competent are you at dancing? Am I to expect injured feet by the end of the night?”
“I believe your feet shall be safe, Ardyn. While I don’t have much experience with ballroom dancing itself, I am very capable of controlling myself and finding a rhythm,” you nodded. “Though I could step on you once in a while for fun.”
“Making innuendos are we?”
“Ah,”  your cheeks pinkened, “I didn’t mean it in that way!”
“No, no, it’s very okay. There is much to be enjoyed in a woman who isn’t afraid to take charge,” Ardyn laughed at you as you huffed and pouted.
“Then think what you will,” you sighed in defeat before feeling him lean in closer to your ear.
“I am simply buzzing though at your acceptance of my invitation,” Ardyn backed away into his standing position. “Let us meet here again, yes? It would only be right for us to enter the event together.”
“Of course. I will try not to leave you waiting this time,” you offered him a small smile.
“There is nothing I look forward to more,” he hummed and ruffled your hair.
‘Such a strange man, truly.’
You warily eyed the dress that Ardyn had sent to you--a maroon, strapless dress with a deep cut up the leg. It was far sexier and form fitting than anything you would ever dress yourself in, something that Ardyn was surely aware of. The man found enjoyment in making you squirm. All you could do was get over it and adapt for now. There was hair and makeup to be done first anyways.
Art was something you adored, so you would try your damned best to fix yourself up into something decent. Yes, thinking of it as art made it far less daunting than thinking of it as getting ready for a large event. There was a question of what would now compliment your looks most. Shades, angles, highlights, what best framed your face. You were determined to get these things spot-on.
Originally, your makeup and beauty collection had been dismal outside of essentials, but you made it a point to spend some of your earnings on decent products for this event. And as you were hard at work on your appearance, it seemed to be paying off. With each stroke and minute that ticked by, you were really coming together.
After getting ready was all said and done, you had to be honest with yourself in the mirror. You were looking pretty hot. A pleased smile graced your face, and frankly, you didn’t even care what the Chancellor would think (shockingly). You knew it was on point. You even found a pair of shoes that were flatter for comfort, but still had a strappy-ness to them that made them elegant.
As a topping on the extravagant cake that would be the ball, you also wouldn’t be late to meet your “date” this time. Humming delightfully, you made your way to your shared office where you and Ardyn were to meet. You raised an eyebrow at his absence but shrugged it off, it didn’t particularly matter to you if he was a little late. Though you couldn’t imagine it was ideal for the event itself.
You closed your eyes and retreated to your idle thoughts, nothing of consequence. “My, my, my, it appears a goddess stands before me,” an oh-so familiar voice said with a joking whistle. Turning, you saw that Chancellor Izunia wore an actual suit as opposed to his usual layered, dare you say, sloppy attire.
“I must say you’re looking quite handsome yourself,” you offered the genuine compliment in return.
“Truly? I would say this is quite outside my comfort zone,” Ardyn looked to his suit. It was a statement that made you give a little snort.
Eyes rolling, “Oh yes, I believe I can relate to that.” He gave a short chuckle and shrug.
“I am glad you accepted my humble gift anyways. It certainly paid off.” You hummed and nodded.
With a sigh, you admitted, “My anxieties lie now with being at the center of many people’s attention since I am to be your accompaniment.” Ardyn gave your shoulder a gentle squeeze.
“Worry not, dear, I will keep close to you,” he assured you and you gave him a soft grin. “Now, shall we be off?” The Chancellor offered you his arm. You nodded as you looped your own arm with his.
No scenario imagined by you matched the lavish scene before you. Ice sculptures, the largest spread of food you’d ever seen in your life, workers constantly offering glasses of alcohol, and a mass of important, fancily dressed people spread throughout the banquet.
“Fuck dude,” you whispered to Ardyn, “This is all for you.” A laugh of disbelief passed out of you; however, before you could even realize it, all eyes were on you and the man of the evening who you happened to be connected at the arm with.
This night would be one of the longest you have experienced you realized, mentally trying to buff yourself for anything that may come your way.
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ff15trashgoldenslumbers · 5 years ago
So because this was just rotting in my drafts and I figured I’d do nothing with it...Here you go...
So five-ever ago, I was to write a story about Noctis’s elder sister, and how she would mess with the story line, but with more fun prompts appearing in my inbox and not really wanting to do a whole story that was basically a 15 chapter monster, and the fact I hardly got beyond the plot line and this ultra dramatic scene. I stopped thinking about. 
Plus when DLC came out and more info was being prepared I just kinda forgot about it, so it’s been rotting in my drafts untouched as it was originally created before I even touched the game myself.
But! Because I’m a lover of the drama,I decided to post it as the rough draft!
So set up to the story:
At age 15 the elder Princess of the Lucian family, had gone to visit Tarabene when Noctis had become injured as a kid. The young Princess grew close to Ravus over the visit, but witness the death of Queen Sylva, before she could rush to tell her Father the truth, a man with red hair stopped her and erased part of her memory.
Regis holding Noctis, and a grip on Lunafreya’s hand rush to get out of the way of the attack that is on them. The young Princess is found stumbling about the field, Regis stops long enough to notice that his daughter is fine, passing her Noctis and taking both her and Lunafreya’s free hand and rushes to safety. Upon hearing Ravus calls for help, Regis stops when both the hands he’s holding stop. Lunafreya rushes to her brother’s side, Regis goes to call out for her, only to find Noctis back within his arms, as his daughter races toward Ravus.
Only for the Princess to be snagged by the back of her dress and pulled into her father’s arms, as he starts moving his children to safety. 
Regis holding both his children leaves the battlefield, trying to ignore his daughter’s harsh cries for him to turn around.
At the age of 18 the Princess starts courting Ravus, and soon the two are wedded. Much Noctis horror that his sister would ever marry Ravus, until her realizes just how in love she is with him. The Princess promises to visit every Spring before she is to be returned to her husband.
Prior to the fall, the group is tasked to take the Princess home, when they leave they notice that the Princess is in tears as she says goodbye to King Regis something she had never done before when having to return home if anything she’s always smiling.
Throughout the trip, she is seen as the elder sister to everyone in the group. Often making certain that the others are fine, and having no troubles stopping arguments. When the news breaks of the Fall of Insomnia, she explained that Noctis is now King and that he will have to take up the arms. The others watch the kind sweet Princess become rather harsh to the red headed stranger they meet.
The Princess in order to help the others get away, gives herself over the Niflheim Army as they wouldn’t hurt Commander Ravus’s wife. 
While waiting in Tarabene for Lunafreya to appear, Ravus visits his wife…
“Ravus? Ravus!” She called rushing toward her husband, holding him tightly. “Ravus you’re here!”
Ravus returned her embrace just as tightly, “Are you all right?”
He pushed her away only slightly to look her over “Were you hurt? Were you in the city? Did you…”
She stepped back slightly shaking her head, “I was not there during The Fall.” She replied, turning icy blue eyes to her husband. “I was not there in person, but I’ve seen it. I saw everything that happened.”
Ravus glanced away, those of the Lucian line had strange ties to the Gods. He was aware of his wife’s dreams, as they often woke himself out of his sleep when he was able to spend nights beside her, by the woman gasping.
That harsh voice made him looked to her, but Gods how he hated that look of that beautiful face of his wife.
“Ravus, did you know that My Father was going to die?”
No, holding back. No pause! She was furious! Still she had every reason to be so.
Ravus stepped forward his arms held out to the woman, “I did not mean,”
“You did not mean what!” She cried stepping back. “My Father, my Father is dead Ravus.”
Ravus tried another step forward, but she stepped back again, “I was not.”
“Did Ardyn hide this from you? I ran into him, he’s out their chasing the boys, my brothers.” She barked, angry tears spilling from her eyes. “Ravus, I saw it, I saw Daddy get ran through, I saw him die Ravus, he was right there. I couldn’t, I couldn’t save him. Just like I couldn’t save you.” She cried, her tears falling hard, she sniffed knowing that her makeup was running and that she looked nothing like the calm collected woman that always stood by her husband side.
“Please, there was nothing I could,” This time the High Commander was stopped in his tracks, by the strong slap of his wife. The sound echoing through out the room.
“Did you want this? Did you want me to suffer?”
Ravus glanced to the floor, “I should have never let you go.”
“Let me go? Let me go! Ravus I know you hated Daddy, I know you did, and because of what?” She cried, you never brought this up, but it tugged at her for years and the words fell before she could catch them. “You hated Daddy because he left you on the battlefield! At the moment he was not thinking as a King or a Warrior he was thinking as a Father! Daddy rushed Noctis and I off that field, he went to go after Lunafreya too. At the time I was too young and stupid to know that, but seeing Noctis and the others on the field, I understood what he did so much more. That’s why I gave myself over.”
She lowered her hand still raised from her strike, “Ravus I want you to replace yourself with my Father that day, I want you to pretend that for that moment it was Lunafreya and myself what would you have done?”
Ravus’s dual eyes widen, “I would protect you.”
She raised her hand, cupping her husband’s cheek that only moment prior she had striked, “I love you more than every star in the sky Ravus, you are my husband, you are my heart. When we are seperated my body and soul ache for you.” She whispered. “I just don’t know if I am in this alone.”
Ravus quickly embraced her, “I love you so much. I do not say it much, and for that I ask your forgiveness.” 
“Ravus you are my Family, and Noctis and the boys, they are my family too. Some of what little I have left. Please help me protect them.”
Ravus pulled her closer, pressing a kiss to her forehead, “I promise.”
After the touching reuion with husband and wife, the Princess finds herself before Ardyn, demanding to know where it is that she has hidden Lunafreya. The only answer that the Princess supplies is that “A King can move only one direction, while a Queen have full rein of the board, Chancellor.”
The Princess ends up going to Alitissa to stay with Lunafreya, knowing that the others will try and make it to the Oracle and will need Noctis to form a bond with the Goddess.
Lunafreya is determined to summon Leviathan, the Princess agrees to escort her. When meeting up with the Goddess, the Princess offers herself in place of her brother and asks to have Noctis and Lunafreya spared. The Goddess explains that the Goddess demand a sacrifice of a Prince.
During the battle, Lunafreya saves Noctis, but is left weak, (unknown to everyone the Princess freezes Lunafreya prior to the battle, casting an island on herself to take the form of the Oracle) Ardyn runs the Princess through believing her to be Lunafreya. After dragging Noctis back to safety, he constantly states that Lunafreya is fine.
When alone with Ravus, who still doesn’t understand what his wife means and where his sister is, he becomes more aggravated until the Princess turns to him, tears in eyes explaining that a Prince was sacrificed to ensure that both Noctis and Luna would survive, before apologizing that she would never be able to have children with Ravus after the one they had lost when Ardyn stabbed her.
Ravus personally escorts them to the train, while his wife keeps messing with his arm. Upon boarding Ravus states he will not, “Allow another one he loves to die, and they are to protect the woman with their lives.” 
Most of the train scene is the same, Noctis and Gladiolus butt heads. Both Noctis and the Princess chase down the fake Prompto. Only for the wound Ardyn inflicted on the Princess back in Altissa to reopen, stopping the woman from warning Noctis that the Prompto he’s attacking is indeed a fake. So watches helplessly as Prompto is pushed off the train.
When Ardyn appears, and Shiva interferes freezing and shattering Ardyn. Shiva opens her arms to the Princess, apologizing fro all the hurt that she has gone through.The Princess explains that years ago, she attempted to trade her life to spare Noctis and the others, the Gods did not want that. Upon her marriage to Ravus she would have a child of both the Oracle and King’s line. 
When Ardyn killed the child in Altissa, the Princess was granted powers similar to that of the Immortal, yet by having Oracle blood run through her, due to her and Ravus child she is immune to the darkness that swallowed Ardyn. Yet with the child gone is is uncertain of Noctis’s fate.
After the Regalia breaks down, the group becomes separated. The Princess rushes to find Ravus, and manages to stop Ardyn from taking over the man. Going after Ardyn herself, she teleports Ravus away to Luna. As a last ditch effort the Princess summons a large amount of power before exploding,seeming to kill herself and Ardyn.
The Chocobros believing her to be dead are in shock, only to be confused when she pulls herself from the rubble, more worried about them than herself as she embrace them tightly quickly falling into a comatose state from the drain of power. Only to be awoken the crystal’s power, jumping from Gladiolus’s arms, she manages to grab Noctis’s arm, before being thrown back by the crystal. The woman crying and begging the crystal to take her instead.
After 10 years have pass, Noctis returns yet the Princess dawns a battle uniform, telling Ravus to remain with a frozen Lunafreya. Explaining should she pass the ice will shatter. She mets her brother fro the first time in 10 years. Protecting the others with her magic. She explains none can kill Ardyn but Noctis.
When Noctis moves to ascend the throne and bring back the sun, Princess takes his spot, calling to the gods, “I am first born of the line, the throne is mine. A prince was given up as you wish, and for I am the rightful rule of this line it is mine, Come to me!”
The gods not truly able to argue as they had taken a Prince of Lucian blood, an Oracle child, and that the Princess was first in line for the throne, she had never given up the prophecy would stand.  So they run her through, through tired eyes, she smiles to the others before falling.
The Queen falls, so that the King may live offsetting the Prophecy as a Queen was never expected.
During the epilogue, as Noctis ascends the throne to a new built Insomnia, he is shocked to see Regis and his sister standing there awaiting him. The Princess steps forward resting her forehead to his with a soft smile of, “Long live the king.”
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insomniasix · 4 years ago
Chapter IX - Callings - Part I
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The boat ride would be some hours long. Everyone had found their place. With Cid on the captain’s seat and the boys sprawled out at the back, Six had found a seat in the middle in order to be able to both listen and speak with everyone, as the excitement of the journey and the view of a new land had everyone talking, not always in turns.
“Y’know, I’ve always wanted to go sailing like this.” Prompto breathed in the sea air, letting it fill his lungs.
“Not many opportunities living in Insomnia.” Gladio nodded, the first rays of the sun warming his skin.
“Out here, it’s just us and the horizon! It’s amazing -it’s life changing!”
“We’ve quite a ways to go until we reach Altissia, so keep gushing to your heart’s content.” Ignis smiled at the blond’s enthusiasm, eyes traveling to the sound of Six’s laugh at something Cid had said.
“When we step off the boat, we’ll be in a foreign country.”
“The anticipation alone is a foreign sensation.” the Advisor agreed, back finally touching the back of his seat as he let himself get comfortable.
“And to think this is where we were headed to begin with.” Gladio made his way to sit next to Prompto, spreading his legs before him and his arms on the back of his seat.
“We’ve been through a lot.” Noctis nodded, letting his arms unlock from his chest, head turning to stare at the unlimited blue around the boat.
“And there’s still more to come.” Six joined their conversation, moving closer and leaving Cid to drive in comfortable solitude for a while after he playfully whined about her taking too much space of his periphery vision.
“So, next on the docket is Leviathan.” Prompto smiled at her, eyes slightly asking.
“What sort of deity are we dealing with?” Gladio raised his eyebrows at her as well.
“A serpent,” she explained, “said to embody the roar and rage of the sea.”
“We’ll have to ‘sea’ for ourselves.” the Prince snorted, eyes traveling back inside the boat.
“Can’t let Lady Lunafreya do all the heavy lifting.” Prompto smiled teasingly at his royal friend, “You must be so psyched to see her.”
“Well, we need to make sure she’s alright before anything else.” Noctis said, but his cheeks told another story.
“Indeed. Her well-being is top priority.” Ignis agreed, crossing his legs.
“Don’t like this going down on imperial turf.” Gladio made his way to stand next to Six, hand grabbing on the ship’s edge above her head.
“You think Lady Lunafreya’s in danger there?” Prompto’s eyes shot up, darting between the Prince’s back and the Glaive.
“The empire did invade Lucis for the ring.” she thought out loud.
“I have no faith their ruthless ambitions will stop short of harming the Oracle.” Ignis did the same.
“Without the ring, the Crystal’s no more than a rock.” Gladio noted.
“Hmm… I suppose… Does anyone know how Lady Lunafreya came to have the ring?” the blond continued after a couple of seconds of thinking about everything.
“It seems likely His Majesty entrusted it to her safekeeping back at the Crown City.” Ignis fixed the glasses on the bridge of his nose.
“So she’s held onto it this whole time, all the way to Altissia.” Gladio let his arm down to find its way to the Glaive’s lower back.
“The ring is important,” Noctis spoke again after a while, “and so is Leviathan -but Luna comes first.”
“You know, I was thinking back to our encounter with Ravus.” Ignis got up from his seat next to the Prince, hands on his waist as he stared out to the sea while speaking, “Do you recall apparatus in place of his arm?”
“Yeah, I remember.”
“Seems he lost his old one in the invasion.” Gladio and Six joined his line of thought. “But in its place, he seems to have acquired new power.”
“Power?” that got the attention of the younger members of the company, as well as the captain’s, who seemed interested enough to keep listening silently, making his own assumptions.
“That would explain how a son of Tenebrae suddenly came to command Niflheim’s army.” Gladio thought out loud.
“Now that you mention it, his strength did seem sorta… supernatural.” Prompto stretched his arms, thinking back to their meeting at the Base, “I just chalked it up to the Oracle lineage.”
“His ancestry may be part of it, but that alone wouldn’t account for his freakish strength.” the Shield answered.
“I wonder what could’ve happened to him?” Noctis’ mind traveled further back, remembering a younger, happier Ravus, back when he visited Tenebrae with his father.
“There’s a disturbing rumor about: Lord Ravus has taken to brandishing His Majesty’s sword.” Ignis sat back down, this new information making Six take a step forward at the uneasiness it created.
“My dad’s?” Noctis felt the same.
“And what’s the big idea behind that?” she asked, eyebrows frowned.
“That his power’s the same as the power of kings?” Prompto asked absentmindedly, taking pictures of his surroundings.
“I cannot say for sure, but I have my doubts.” Ignis was quick to reason, “Ravus wears the sword, yet does not wield it.”
“For all his newfound powers, he’s still the chancellor’s lapdog...” Gladio found his way to his seat once again, after Six made her way inside, standing against the wall next to Cid, listening close to the conversation the boys had but needing to hide how uneasy the Empire having Regis’ sword made her, “… holding on to the enemy king’s sword is like some badge of honor.”
“It might help if we knew what he was after.” Prompto thought out loud, drawing Noctis from his thoughts, “Who can say?”
“What are the odds the empire will crash the pool party with Leviathan?”
“Consider it a guarantee.” Ignis looked back at the blond, “They felled a god to prevent Noct from receiving his blessing, and they’ll do so again.”
“But we beat ‘em to the big guy… thanks to our friendly ‘guide’.”
“Never know which way that one’s gonna move next.” Gladio was quick to answer Prompto’s words.
“The chancellor has an agenda all his own.” Ignis agreed.
“Sometimes it helps -like when he called off his army and let us escape.”
“But he was still a creep about it.” Noctis was the one to answer his friend this time around, Ardyn’s personality making goosebumps run up and down his arms.
“Well, it feels like he’s only helping us because he wants something… I just don’t know what.”
“Reckon we’ll see him again?”
“Certainly hope not.” her voice was heard intervening from the inside.
“Not your type?” Prompto almost yelled back at her.
“No love lost for phonies.” Gladio commented, getting up and finding his previous spot, looking out onto the sea. The mountains looked closer now. They were almost there, he thought.
“As Gladio said, his actions are motivated not by altruism, but by self-interest.” Ignis agreed. And when he does come to our aid, I see only condescension in his eyes.”
“Yeah,” Noctis nodded, “can’t argue with that.”
“Ever think you think too much?” Prompto snapped a picture of the Advisor before he answered him.
“Sometimes, but it’s always preferable to the alternative.”
“So,” Cid’s voice almost made her jump, she hadn’t heard it in a long while, “soon you’ll have yer old man’s ring back.”
“Yeah, when we arrive in Altissia.” Noctis walked closer to them.
“Good thing. To him, it was his heritage.”
“Is that what my dad said?” the Prince looked straight ahead as the mountains got closer by the minute.
“Carrying a royal line ain’t a task to be taken lightly. For a small thing, that ring can sure weigh heavy. After he became king, I only ever saw his face in the paper.”
“Wait,” Gladio joined in, “weren’t you at the coronation?”
“Nah, I was long gone from the city.” Cid sighed at how things had turned out.
“Must’ve been invited at least.” Noctis crossed his arms to his chest.
“Had a fallin’-out o’ sorts with your old man. Right at the end of the trip.”
“You did?” Prompto raised his eyebrows at the information he was receiving.
“I was given to understand you stayed in touch.” Ignis joined in as well.
“They buried the hatchet years later, but never talked face to face again.” Six spoke so Cid wouldn’t have to explain himself anymore than he already had.
“Shoulda paid a visit while I had the chance.” Cid thought out loud, a dark cloud covering his features for a few seconds, “Well, no use dwellin’ on it now.”
“You reckon he actually did it?” he spoke to her again once the Prince joined his friends, voice lower than before so only the Glaive would hear his thoughts.
“What?” she moved closer.
“Ya think he used the ring’s power to drive you out here with ‘em?” he nodded to the back, turning his head to look at her staring at him, eyes wide as she tried to convince herself he wouldn’t do something as cruel as that.
“He wouldn’t just take my will away...” she breathed. She had thought of it as a possibility, but she’d always push the thought back as quickly as it had come, “He wouldn’t!”
After seeing her expression, Cid dropped and changed the subject, turning his attention back to the boys and raising his voice again so they would hear him, “Got the Regalia in the hold, but y’all gonna stay in Altissia for a good while, right?”
“Yes, we believe so.” Ignis was the one to answer.
“In that case, I’ll tune her up for y’all. Not that I’ll have much to do, though, what with Cindy lookin’ after the old girl.”
“If you say she’s good, she must be great.” Prompto perked up at the sound of the girl’s name.
“She was never afraid o’hard work.” Cid continued proudly as Six made her way to the rest of her company, dark cloud leaving her as she got closer to them, “Heaven knows she had a hard childhood.”
“A hard childhood?”
“He means her parents.” the Glaive answered, finding her way into Gladio’s arms.
“Lost ‘em both when she was little.” Cid thought back, “Was big enough to understand, though… an’ to hurt. But ya wouldn’t guess that, seein’ her now.”
“Not at all. She’s always so cheerful.” Prompto smiled at the thought of her.
“Well, that oughta tell ya how far she’s come.” Paw-paw Cid smiled proudly as well.
“Man, you must have seen your fair share of Altissia by now.” Gladio turned both of them to face Cid, making her giggle at how he just didn’t want to change the way he was holding her.
“Yeah… only done been the once. Stayed a good while, thought.”
“What’s it like?” Prompto chimed in, camera never leaving his hands as he kept snapping pictures left and right.
“Big ol’ city.”
“Big. Okay.”
“Well, it ain’t the Crown City.” Cid smirked, making Noctis huff a laugh at him.
“Different. Got it.”
“You’ll see for yourself.” Six laughed at his reaction.
“Foreign lands seldom lend themselves to trite explanations.” Ignis continued her thought as she nodded.
“Change of scenery oughta do you good.”
“Well,” Gladio stretched his arms, “I’m all talked out. Can’t be far to Altissia now, right?”
“We’ll be there in no time.” Cid reassured him, “Nice having the wind at our backs.”
“Lodgings are our first order of business.” Ignis instructed.
“All work and no play.”
“Makes Ignis a dull boy.” the younger boys laughed with each other.
“Someone has to babysit you two.” Six smirked, covering for her friend.
“And you’re welcome to sleep in the wild.” Ignis added.
“Ain’t no hotel, but I know a fella has a place.” Cid joined in.
“Wes?” She turned to walk closer to him, knowing that Altissia was close now.
“Weskham -ran with Reggie and us way back when.” Cid continued toward the boys.
“Oh,” Prompto got up from his seat, slowly making his way to them, “was he the other one in that photo at the garage?”
“Yep. Runs himself a diner or cafe or somethin’. Go and see for yourselves.”
“Sure.” Noctis agreed, seeing the smile forming on his Glaive’s lips at the idea.
“Does this place have a name?” Gladio asked, seeing the same smile.
“Magee? Or Magoo? Or-”
“It’s Maagho.” Six smiled at his failure to remember.
“That’s the one!”
“We can count on ol’ Wes.” She thought out loud, patting her old friend’s shoulder.
“He’ll chew your ears off.” he laughed back.
“The government issued a statement promising that the reasons behind awakening the Hydraean would be clarified in the ceremonial address.” the lady on Prompto’s phone’s radio said once the boat was close enough to civilization to get a signal, “Delivering the address will be Lady Lunafreya, who was previously reported dead. This will mark her first public appearance since the violence that befell the signing ceremony.”
“Lady Lunafreya’s gonna give a speech?” Prompto asked once the rest of the company made their way inside the ship as well.
“Sounds like it.”
“Lord knows -this world cold use some wisdom.” Cid commented.
“Won’t be much longer now, Noct.” Six placed her hand on his shoulder. She could tell he was nervous to see his betrothed.
“Yeah.” he breathed with a warm smile.
“We’re here.” the Glaive announced once the Guardian statues appeared in front of the boat, “Altissia. The floating city.”
Everyone gawked at the beauty of the waterfalls covering most of their vision. The city seemingly build inside them. She was right all along. This was the most beautiful place they’d ever seen.
“Does this vessel have an entry permit?” the gatekeeper asked once the boat was brought into a halt next to the entry gate.
“Uh, entry permit?” Prompto got nervous right away.
“Relax.” Cid smirked, “I got one.” showing the permit to the gatekeeper as the man laughed in surprise, “That’s as old as they get. Seems in order. You may pass.”
“Prepared in advance?” Ignis asked once the ship was on the move again.
“Could say that.” Six laughed, recognizing Cid’s permit as he continued, “Thirty-odd years old.”
“That’s what the guy meant by ‘old’.” Gladio smirked.
“Lucky us, huh?” Six shook her head at how nonchalant her old friend was about it.
“That could’ve ended badly.” Noctis commented before she tagged on his elbow, “Mouth closed, eyes open. Look around you.” she calmly instructed, her own eyes sparkling at the beauty that surrounded them.
“Phew! Finally back on land.” Prompto almost danced once his feet touched the wooden surface of the docks.
“Barely. They call it the ‘Walls of Water’, but it ain’t just the walls -it’s the whole damn city.” Gladio stretched his arms out.
“Which is why we can’t traverse the town by conventional means.” Ignis fixed his hair now that the breeze didn’t pull it back, “We’ll need to rely on gondolas instead.”
“Yayyy. More boats.” Prompto run next to him, mocking excitement clear as day behind his tone.
“Hey, Noctis -catch.” Cid threw the key right in the Prince’s hands, “Key to the boat. What -don’t you wanna go sailing again?”
“Are you sure?” everyone’s eyes fell on the King’s vessel.
“Why not?” Cid locked his arms before his chest, “Old girl oughta be sturdy enough. Not even an awful driver like Reggie could sink ‘er.”
His comment made Six laugh at the accuracy. Regis was a worse driver than his son, “Well, he’s right there.”
“A king can’t rule with wisdom alone: he needs perspective. So get out there an’ see the world, y’hear? Take that old crow with you as well.” he laughed, pointing at the Glaive’s direction.
Noctis nodded as she laughed at the playful insult she had been waiting for.
“What’s next?” Prompto asked, seeing the officers in their way to the city, “Immigration?”
“What do you mean? There’s still more?” Noctis sounded exhausted just by the thought of it.
“Sir! What is the purpose of your visit?” The gatekeeper asked once the company moved closer.
“Purpose? Uh… Six, a little help?” he raised both his eyebrows at her, using the only thing he knew she couldn’t resist. The puppy eyes.
“Utterly hopeless.” Ignis sighed at both Noctis’ need for her help and Six’s helplessness when it came down to that look.
“We are scholars of the culinary arts, and we’ve come to study the renowned cuisine of your fair nation.” Six mimicked Ignis’ voice just to spite him, remembering him saying it was unnerving when she first did it.
“Is that so?” despite everyone knowing she was lying and Ignis’ goosebumps at the imitation, the gatekeeper seemed to be entranced, blushing and smiling at her, making Gladio frown his eyebrows in anger and Cid laugh at his reaction, “I wish you an enlightening stay then, miss.”
“Thank you.” she smiled as the man ordered for their way be opened.
“Another one you owe me.” she teased Noctis before officially stepping foot inside the floating city.
“You wanna check Weskham’s place out?” Gladio made it clear she was with him when he placed his hand on her lower back, almost touching her bottom while the gatekeeper still looked at her.
“Yeah. Let’s all go to Maagho!” Prompto agreed.
“Perhaps we’ll even make it in time for tea.” Ignis did the same.
“Then we better start looking now.” Noctis placed his hands on his waist.
“We won’t have to look. I know where it is.” Six placed her own arm around her Shield, feeling his anger fade away immediately, “But… let’s go the long way around. See the sights first, whatdaya say?”
Everyone agreed with her before making their way to Cid, standing just a few feet away from them, taking in the sights, colors and flowery smells of the city he hadn’t seen in thirty years.
“You’re not staying at a hotel?” Six asked while the boys looked around.
“Ya know fancy rooms were never my style, kid.” Cid smirked at her worry.
“Need food?”
“Managed to stay fed all these years.” he laughed, “Not gonna starve to death now. An’ ol’ Wes’ll see that I don’t go thirsty either, so don’t worry your pretty little head ‘bout it.”
“Alright, alright. We’ll see you there, then.” she laughed at the unfamiliar praise.
“Taking yer boys for a little stroll around town?”
“Yeah. I think they’ll like it.”
“We sure did back then.” old Cid smiled at the memory before waving her off and starting for Maagho.
“My lady.” Six turned around at the sound of his voice, only to be greeted but the blue gladiolus flower he bought for her.
“Why, thank you kind sir.” she answered playfully as he folded the flower, placing it inside her shirt’s pocket, a couple of the lotuses lightening the darkness of her outfit before giving her a soft kiss on the lips and lacing their fingers.
“They are extending the exhibit for Lady Lunafreya’s wedding dress.” a couple of ladies caught Noctis’ ear, “The Vivienne Westwood? But wasn’t that a memorial for her passing?”
“Well, now it’s a memorial for her safe return. Let’s go see it while we still can!”
“Could that be the dress we read about in the papers?” Prompto asked, making his friend turn to face him.
“Doubtless.” Ignis joined, “The designer’s name is the same.”
“Wanna check it out?”
“That depends on the groom. Might still be a sore spot, what with his wedding getting called off.” Gladio walked closer to them.
“Who says we can’t call it back on?” Six raised her eyebrows, making the Prince blush a little, “It can still happen.”
“True enough.” Ignis agreed, turning his attention to a silenced Noctis, “Let’s keep an eye out for it.”
It didn’t talk long for them to find their way to the dress. Everyone was talking about it. Both men and women asking directions on how to find the exhibit. The company found their way around twilight.
“One helluva crowd.” Prompto commented on the people standing outside the store, gawking at the dress he had just taken a picture of. It was truly beautiful, he thought, it would look amazing on Lady Lunafreya and Noctis would’ve stood tall and handsome next to her.
“And that’s the dress. My word.” Ignis breathed, thinking the same thing.
“Everyone looks so happy. And it’s all because of this one dress.”
“Yeah.” Noctis followed in his friend’s movements and let his lips curl up into a proud smile.
“Real glad for you that Lady Lunafreya is safe and sound.” the blond hit Noctis on the back lightly.
The Prince only smiled, staring at the picture behind the dress. Luna smiling…
“That settles it.” Gladio butted in, watching him, “You gotta make it happen -become a symbol of the peace. After we tie up all the loose ends, let’s think about the ceremony.”
“A fine idea.” Six agreed.
“Yeah. I’ll think about it.”
“So… how do we get to Maagho?” Prompto asked once he heard his stomach rumbling.
“It’s right under us, actually.” Six smiled as the boy almost hung the upper half of his body to look down before catching himself, “What?!”
“Yeah, come on.” She led the way, “We’ll catch a gondola. That’s the only way you can get it.”
The boys seemed to enjoy the gondola ride, short though it may have been. Maagho looked and smelled amazing.
“Welcome to Accordo, lads. Cid mentioned you’d be dropping in.” Weskham welcomed the boys after moving outside of his bar and hugging his old friend tightly, telling her how good she still looked even after all the years that had passed by them both.
“Were is the old guy?” she asked once the boys moved closer.
“I lent him my room so he could sleep.” he reassured her she needn’t worry. Cid was taken care of. “Weskham Armaugh, as you’ve gathered. My word, you’ve grown little Prince.” he took a closer look at Noctis, smiling at the resemblance he had with his father, “Ah, but of course -you were only a babe at the time.”
Prompto’s stomach rumbling was heard louder now, Six giggled and ruffled his hair before asking Wes to make something for them as they spoke.
“Lasagna di Maagho.” Noctis read the menu after she had ordered their meal, having a small friendly argument with Wes as to who would fit the bill when they were done. Weskham, as a good friend, wouldn’t accept her money but the Glaive didn’t like it. Sure it was a little over-priced but she knew, Wes’ cooking was worth it.
“It’s veggies.” Noctis made a face of slight disgust at the idea.
“You won’t even notice it,” she laughed at him, “trust me.”
The Prince sure didn’t. He was entranced by the plate just by the smell of it.
“So, this is your maiden visit.” Weskham spoke when everyone had their own plate, “Enjoying it so far? You doubtless have many questions, so ask away.”
Noctis wanted to be polite in front of his father’s friend but he couldn’t stop eating, speaking when his bite was done but bringing the fork to his mouth every time it was Wes’ turn to speak. The man laughed, brown eyes darting between the Prince and the Glaive a couple of times when he noticed. They were the same. He remembered when Six used to do the exact same thing back when they were traveling together.
“This country is a part of the empire, isn’t it?”
“You’re wary, I understand. But there’s no need to jump at every shadow.” Wes explained as Noctis and his company continued to enjoy his food, “Just be aware that the terms of our independence grand the empire free rein to come and go as they please.”
“We’ll bear that in mind.” Ignis nodded, taste buds savoring every different sensation the new recipe inspired.
“It’s admittedly a one-sided arrangement.” Wes continued, “Most everything we do requires Niflheim’s permission, and they wouldn’t knowingly permit the Oracle to appear before the public. How our government spun that is quite a mystery.”
“You really think Luna will make an address?” Noctis asked.
“If every recent radio broadcast is to be trusted, absolutely.”
“Do you know where she is?” Six asked, being the first to finish up with her food.
“In the city somewhere, but no one has caught so much as a glimpse of her. The media has been conspicuous in its silence on the matter, which speaks volumes of government intervention. That’d certainly explain the rumors of disgruntled imperial officers leaving the city.”
“So you see lots of Niffs around here?”the Glaive asked, getting Ignis’ and Gladio’s plates and placing them above her own once they were done as well.
“We do. Sometimes even at my place.  Theirs is a familiar presence, and the citizens don’t think much of it. Though, the high commander did cause a stir when he showed up the other day.”
“Ravus...” the Prince breathed the name, the thought irritating him at the spot.
“So soon after they felled the Archaean in Lucis, his arrival fuels rumors that they will next come to Altissia. The empire’s not content ruling all the land -they want the heavens as well.”
“Is anything changed with Leviathan?” Noctis asked once him and Prompto were done as well, mirroring Six’s movements and placing their plates on the pile before Weskham took all of them, placing them in the sink behind him.
“For now it’ business as usual at port, but word is the government will soon open the Altar of the Tidemother.”
“In preparation for the rite.” Gladio thought out loud.
“Ah, but on the other hand, they’re scrambling to stockpile emergency provisions.” Wes continued, crossing his arms before his chest, “This begs the question: if they’re anticipating that the Hydraean will wreak havoc, why would they allow the right to proceed?”
“Well, if you need anything else, you know where to find me.” the man spoke again after a couple of minutes of silence. Everyone thinking on the new information and the upcoming rite with the Goddess of the Seas.
“Thanks, ‘preciate it.” Noctis nodded with a smile and everyone thanked Weskham for the meal he prepared for them.
“My dear Camelia, it’s been a while.” Six turned as her old friend’s voice changed, getting higher at the sight of the First Secretary, though seeing her she sat back down on her stool.
“I heard about your distinguished guests.”
“Ah, you’ve an ear for gossip.” Weskham teased playfully, making the woman’s lips curl up into a faint smile.
“Gentlemen, Miss Ulric, I won’t waste your time. My name is Camelia Claustra.”
“First secretary of the Accordo Protectorate.” Six explained, not sure anyone other than Ignis would know of her.
“You should know we have Lady Lunafreya in our care. And the empire demands we surrender her.” the woman cut straight to the chase with a serious tone covering her voice.
“What?” Noctis breathed, not believing his own ears.
“Yet I am loath to acquiesce unless we stand to profit.” the First Secretary continued, palms locked at her elbows as she spoke, “Hence I’ve come to discuss terms… with the King of Lucis. If you’ve a mind to talk, come to my estate.”
“She can be oblique at the best of times, but I assure you her heart is in the right place.” Weskham spoke once the First Secretary and her guards were out of Maagho.
“Oh.” Prompto let out a breath he was holding in since she appeared, “Okay.”
“At any rate, you must be weary from your journey. Might I suggest you seek your beds for now and ponder matters anew in the morning?”
“Yeah, think we’ll do just that.” Noctis agreed with a nod.
“Right.” Six got up from her seat and stretched her arms in the air, “Off to the Leville we go, then.”
“You know you’re always welcome here, right?” Wes asked while walking with them to the gondola.
“I know.” she smiled, hugging him again, “Thanks for everything.”
Once the gondola reached the Leville station, the company made a straight line for the hotel, all of them being tired and knowing there’s a lot more to do the next day.
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bgn846 · 4 years ago
The Niflheim Experiment Chapter 13
The dust settled after fifteen minutes which allowed Ignis and Aranea to explore their makeshift prison. What Gladio had initially thought of as being one explosion had actually been two, thereby sealing them inside the hallway from both sides. Sighing quietly he turned to check on the others. Ravus was awake but had his eyes closed, his only movement being the hand that was carefully petting Luna’s hair.  She was still unconscious but appeared to be comfortably resting and using her brother's stomach as a pillow.
Loqi hadn’t stirred once, since Luna had finished healing him.   Gladio hoped he would be okay, the kid seemed fine but looks can be deceiving. Unwilling to relinquish his hold Gladio simply sat cradling the former Nif in his lap.  So far Loqi was the only person who’d actually be able to relate to what he’d gone through.  Well, not all of it, but at least the nearly being consumed by the scourge.
Suddenly wondering how long he’d been out after Luna had healed him Gladio couldn’t help but ask. “Ravus, how long did it take for me to wake up after Luna healed me?” The man in question groaned softly before shifting his head slightly. Aranea had been nice enough to lend her jacket as a pillow for him. She was rough around the edges but it was clear she had a strong desire to ensure the safety of those she considered allies.
“Wasn’t quick,” Ravus offered after a beat. “M’guessing nearly twelve hours or more.”
“Probably means blondie here is gonna be out for a little while longer then, huh?”
“Maybe, but he was in good health before he was corrupted, I’m sure that will make some difference.”
“Careful Ignis!” Aranea shouted disrupting Gladio’s train of thought. Looking over he was alarmed to see Ignis crouched down with his arm in between a rather large chunk of rubble.
“Nothing has shifted, but I need to see if I can feel an obstacle on the other side. If this debris pile is only a few feet thick we may be able to breakthrough.” Ignis defended as he pushed his arm even further into the small gap.
“Iggy, please be careful, I don’t want you to lose your freaking arm.” Gladio scolded, he was terrified the pile of unstable concrete would shift and trap him.
“Fine!” he huffed, “it’s of no matter, I can’t feel anything besides more hard surfaces.”
“Good then you can stop doing that,” Aranea commented right before she roughly pulled Ignis back and sent him sprawling backward on his butt. “You may be okay with endangering yourself like that, but I’m not.” She accused after Ignis shot her a glare.
The two came back over to sit down. It was clear they couldn’t escape from this place. They had no choice but to wait for backup or see if this Ardyn character would attack them again.  The guy could easily set off another round of explosives and kill them all. That realization made Gladio’s stomach turn. It wouldn’t be his first choice of how to die but they were at the mercy of this mad man.
“So, tell me again what happened when you came in to get us?” Aranea asked once she’d checked on Luna and sat down to rest.
“We came in and then someone who looked like Luna approached us, but didn’t say anything.  They were injured and kept holding out a hand for help,” Gladio explained.
“What do you mean looked like? Were they blonde and resembled Luna or--.”
“It was the oracle,” Ignis cut in. “If Gladio hadn’t stopped me from assisting her then I’d be in the same boat as Loqi.”
“So an exact copy of Luna? How’s that even possible?”
“I dunno, but when I ran it through with my sword nothing happened.”
“Wait you stabbed Luna?!” Aranea exclaimed.
“It was Ardyn!” Ravus growled, “he’s got magic remember.”
“Still, I never saw him impersonating someone, that’s creepy as shit!”
“You think that was Ardyn I stabbed?” Gladio asked in disbelief. “I thought it was a monster or a daemon.” The idea that he’d already come nearly face to face with this guy was not sitting well.
“I’m almost certain of it, Ardyn is a tricky bastard,” Ravus breathed out harshly.
“It would explain why he was able to seemingly disappear after you attacked.”
“How did you know it wasn’t Luna?” Aranea questioned with a furrowed brow. “If it looked exactly like her how’d you know?”
“Uh, I--,” Gladio wasn’t exactly sure how to describe how he knew. The feeling he’d experienced was nothing he’d ever dealt with before. It was like a sixth sense had awoken in his body, one that specifically reacted to Ardyn. “I felt bad, honestly. I can’t explain it properly but I knew it wasn’t Luna and that’s about it.”
“Huh, I wonder if butterball over there will have the same reaction as you when he wakes up,” quipped Aranea.
“Do let us know if you feel that sensation again,” Ravus added with a wave of his hand. “I’d like some warning, small or not, of Ardyn’s return.”
Nodding Gladio stayed silent, he couldn’t think of anything else to say.  He couldn’t exactly see a way to beat someone that could survive being run through. He’d aimed for the heart, there was no mistaking it, but the fake Luna, or Ardyn, simply laughed and ran away.  
A soft moan drew Gladio from his ruminations. Glancing up he noted that Ravus seemed very alert, his focus being on his sister. They all stared intently as Luna worked to regain consciousness. After a few minutes, she blinked her eyelids open and peered back at them owlishly. “Did we crash?”  
Aranea laughed sarcastically, “no, we got blown up.”
Luna’s eyes widened at the admission, “Is everyone alright?”
“Yes, mostly, aside from some expected bumps and bruises we are all okay,” Ignis supplied calmly. “Though, I can’t say with certainty how Loqi is feeling as he hasn’t woken yet.”
“I healed him, I know he’ll be alright,” Luna affirmed with conviction.
“Until he wakes up to tell us otherwise, we’ll have to take your word for it,” Aranea sighed.
“Are we trapped?” Luna asked with worry as she looked around the dimly lit pile of rubble around them.
“I’m afraid so, I’m not sure what Ardyn wants from us but he’s clearly not done yet,” Ravus added while scowling.
“So far, our only advantage has been your ability to heal the scourge,” Gladio threw in to try and make himself feel better. Things were not looking good and he needed some form of good news to latch onto.
“I wish we could harness that power into a weapon,” Aranea huffed, “I know it’s probably impossible but I can still dream.”
Luna remained silent after the comment, it was clear she was thinking hard about something. “Wait, I might be able to bless an object, enchant it in a way. It might actually have an effect on him, it’s worth a try right?”
“When you say enchant what exactly do you mean?” Ravus asked with narrowed eyes.
“If I can heal the scourge then I must have power over him. I might be able to actually heal him!” Luna was getting excited and Gladio hoped she might be onto something. Though it was hard to see how in her current state. She still hadn’t sat up and looked exhausted to boot.  
“You’re barely awake from passing out earlier, and now you want to go around making our weapons into instruments of the gods, themselves.   Don’t you think that’s a bit much?” Ravus retorted.
“If he has the power to spread the scourge then he must be stopped, I don’t care at what cost.”
Groaning loudly Ravus threw an arm over his face. “You’re going to try no matter what I say aren’t you?”
Luna attempting to get up was her answer; she struggled at first until Ravus begrudgingly supported her back. “We don’t have much time, he’ll be back I’m sure of it,” she chided reaching out for her brother’s sword.
Watching the oracle work her magic was something to behold. Gladio wasn’t quite sure what he was seeing, but Luna appeared to be gathering her powers and somehow imbuing them into objects. Not that it was obvious except when you handled whatever she’d work on.  His own broad sword now thrummed with new energy.  Something similar to what it felt like when he used the armiger, but this feeling had more raw power behind it.
After about an hour Luna’s complexion began to pale. She was fading due to working so hard. Ravus noticed right away and ordered his sister to stop what she was doing.  Figures Luna would be trying to literally energize every single weapon they had in their arsenal.
“I must finish this last one,” she murmured.
Wincing with pain Ravus sat up fully and gently pulled the dagger she was holding away. “Rest, I believe you’ve given us a fighting chance.”
“No, I – I must continu--,” she offered weakly before fainted mid-sentence and falling straight into her brother's arms.
“It’s selfish of me to let her push herself, but this may be our only chance at making a dent when it comes to Ardyn.”
“She seemed pretty excited about the idea, I don’t think she’ll hold it against you,” Aranea supplied as she stood to stretch. “How much more time do we have to wait before the cavalry arrives? I’m getting sick of just sitting here.”
“Would you rather the alternative?” Ignis asked. “I do think this barrier of rubble is keeping our attacker at bay.”
“Then what is he waiting for? Back up is coming so we won’t be stuck in here forever.”
“Perhaps the person he wants isn’t in attendance at the moment,” Ignis lamented. “I wouldn’t be surprised if his real target was Noctis.”
Panic gripped Gladio once Ignis’ words had sunk in.  “Is there any way we can warn them? If he comes then Ardyn could attack when they arrive or go to the city to ambush him there. We’re divided and vulnerable!”
“Calm down!” Ravus growled. “We must stay focused or the fight is lost. I know you’re concerned but we can’t let our emotions rule.”
Gladio knew Ravus was right, but the idea still stung. Having to simply wait and see whether they would survive or not.
“Do you have any of those potions left?” Aranea asked suddenly. “We sorta need Luna to be awake if we actually end up catching Ardyn.”
“Damn, you’re right,” Gladio groaned. “Sure, she gave us magic weapons but without her to deal the final blow we’re kinda just left holding a ticking time bomb.”
“If we can hold him,” Ravus corrected.
“If he lets us get close enough to try,” grumbled Ignis.
“You lot are so depressing. I for one am not dying at the hands of a creepy dude. We need to help Luna right now and wait for backup.”
Healing Luna enough to wake her up ended up taking 2 elixirs and 1 potion. The oracle again regained consciousness looking exhausted and not at all rested. Gladio felt terrible for doing this to her but Aranea was right, she needed to be awake for them to even have a fighting chance.
“Wha’ppened?” she slurred.
“Waiting for Ardyn,” was the response that Aranea choose to offer as she paced the small space. “We needed you awake, sorry.”
Luna simply nodded and worked to gain her bearings. “How will we know when help has arrived?” she asked after a moment.
“I wish I knew the answer to that, but I’m afraid we will have to wait to find out,” Ignis sighed.
And wait they did, for nearly another two hours. The beam on their lone flashlight was growing dimmer by the minute. Soon it would flicker and go out leaving them trapped and in the dark. Gladio hoped it wouldn’t come to that. He was about to comment on what their backup plan might be when a distant rumble shook the floor. “What was that?!” he exclaimed hurriedly. “You all felt that too right?”
Based off the wide eyes peering back Gladio figured they’d heard and felt it as well. Wasting no time he began shouting at the top of his lungs.  It didn’t take long for the others to join in.  Ignis had to shush them a few minutes later when shouts could finally be heard through the rubble. Gladio felt like he could cry, they’d made it! Help had arrived.  The only fear left was Ardyn.
The light had officially gone out by the time the others had broken through the immense pile of debris blocking their exit.  Gladio had summoned his shield and done his best to keep the dust off of Loqi and Ignis.  The only other shield in the armiger had been given to Aranea and she was protecting Ravus and Luna.  The rush of stale, but to them, fresh air hit and they all sighed collectively in relief.   It was at this moment they could finally see their rescuers.
An entourage of glaive stood on the other side of the now penetrable barrier with Cor and Nyx in the lead. They all hobbled out of their little concrete prison quickly, the risk of getting stuck again too terrifying to consider.
“Who needs medical attention?” Cor asked once they’d cleared the small opening that’d been created with what appeared to be a lot of hard labor and sweat.  Granted the glaive had a few more tools at their disposal than they’d had.  Namely what looked like a pneumatic jackhammer.  That would explain the odd noise they’d heard early on.
We’re all mostly tended to, Marshal,” Ignis offered as he kept walking forward. “I’d like to get outside of this facility as soon as possible.”
Cor nodded and waved the remaining glaive forward. The small sliver of daylight coming out from the door was a sight for sore eyes. Unable to slow his pace Gladio practically ran the rest of the way and promptly collapsed on the grass outside.  Thank the astrals they’d made it out of there!
“Big guy? Did –did we die?” Loqi rasped a second later from where he still wrapped in Gladio’s embrace.
“Loqi! Ha you’re alright! We’re still alive but it was a close call there.”
“What happened?” he asked tried to roll his head to the side to see around Gladio’s bulk.
“We got blown up,” Ravus spit out as he approached. He looked the part considering Ignis was half dragging him along.
“Shit, no way, I didn’t wake up at all!”
“Yes way, now do you think you can walk?” Gladio checked as he went to release his hold.
“Walk? Are you fucking kidding big guy? I’m going good holding my head up.”
“Need some assistance?” Cor asked as he strode up next to them.
Gladio shook his head and peered around to see how they’d all managed to arrive. A combination of militarized vehicles was spread out around Aranea’s dropship, dusty from their rigorous journey. It was at that moment that Gladio spotted something terrible. There, in one of the trucks was a familiar silhouette. “We need to leave now! You shouldn’t have let Noct come!” he shouted in a panic.
Cor merely shrugged, “He was acting like a baby, so I let him come.”
Opening his mouth to argue, Gladio quickly thought of another problematic issue. “Is the king with him?”
“He couldn’t leave Insomnia. You know your father wouldn’t have let him anyway.”
“Still --,” Gladio didn’t have time to finish when a dark shadow passed over them, he could only look over in shock as the rays of the setting sun highlighted the figure of Ardyn standing before them once more.
“Oh joy, you’ve brought me more playmates, how exciting,” he drolled. “I was beginning to think you’d never show up.”
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