#arden atkins
chwrpg · 5 years
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ARDEN ATKINS. college sophomore; nineteen. sydney sweeney. TAKEN.
and, as amber atkins once said:
“Oh my God! Jesus Christ on a cross! Look, number one rule in a funeral home: never sneak up on the living. You never know who might have an enbalming needle or a skull saw in their hand. Mr. Larson’s son learned the hard way. He’s buried next to my grandpa.”
At the age of nineteen, Arden has already achieved more than what most would have throughout their entire academic career. She’s always been a go-getter, possessing a dire need to propel herself forward in life in spite of the circumstances she’s been stuck with. Growing up on the wrong side of the tracks meant things never came easy, and the instability of her home life only ever seemed to add fuel to the fire. But rather than let it get her down, Arden continued to prosper, her home life and upbringing only making her work that much harder towards a better and brighter future. Even something as crushing as her parents split wouldn’t define how she felt towards life, and she refused to let a relationship filled with so much toxicity get the better of her, especially now that it was over.
Luckily, she’d had more of a say in the matter than most children did at her age. Once her father left, she was given a choice – stay in contact with him, or ditch him entirely along with the rest of her family. Arden chose the latter, feeling as though he didn’t deserve to have her in his life after the way he’d gone out. Her dad been a heavy drinker and gambler, blowing their money on odds that were never in his favor and coming home night after night smelling like cheap vodka and gin. It was only a matter of time before her mother followed suit, and more often than not she was following him around like a lost puppy, encouraging his conquests and going along for the ride as if she actually wanted to. If it hadn’t been for her grandmother stepping in when she had, the family would have lost more than just their house to his gambling. They would have lost Arden too.
Consequently, Arden’s father moved across country, leaving behind all of his bad habits for her mother to eventually outgrow with the help of Arden and her grandmother. Slowly but surely, they picked up the pieces, each getting jobs to compensate for everything they’d lost in his drunken endeavors and moving into a trailer big enough to hold the three of them. It didn’t seem like a lot, and it certainly wasn’t as much as they’d had before, but Arden could be happy so long as they were all together. In fact, she made sure she was.
Whether she cared to admit it or not, a lot of her determination stemmed from her father’s absence. Coming from nothing meant she wanted to be everything, and that was exactly why she picked up as many extracurricular activities as she did. Her GPA stayed at an impressive 4.0, and her list of accolades grew with each school year that passed. It was only a matter of time before she added beauty pageants into the mix as well, her curiosity getting the best of her when she just so happened to be handed a flyer for a local competition while she was at school.
Had the idea not fallen into her lap, Arden would have never given pageantry a chance. The idea of standing in front of a crowd wearing a dress that cost more than she earned at Mallrats and reciting answers like she was reading from a book all seemed nauseating to the girl. But when the opportunity presented itself, she couldn’t quite help but take it, no matter how out of character it was for her.
Surprisingly, the pageant world wasn’t nearly as daunting as she’d thought it would be. If anything, it was a land of opportunity for someone who wanted to take steps forward in their professional life, and not just some superficial show put on for the sake of exploiting women. Networking and meeting people all seemed to be a part of the job, and Arden didn’t mind using that to her advantage if it meant getting her name out there. People like Diane Sawyer and Oprah Winfrey had done exactly that, and those were exactly the kind of women she aspired to be. Journalism had always been her career of choice, and if she wanted to carry on to writing professionally one day, she needed to make an active effort to do so.
But it just so happened that she excelled at it, too. Where she lacked in expensive gowns and jewels, she made up for in the talent portions and the Q and A’s. Her reputation in the pageant community quickly became sterling, and it only took her a couple of pageants in practice before she was winning every title she went for. Most girls spent their entire lives preparing for the stage, but the star quality that came with being a beauty queen just happened to come naturally to Arden, as if she had been put on earth to do exactly that. It was thrilling to say the least, and despite her lack of effort, Arden enjoyed every second of it.
But with all success comes a certain degree of jealousy, and it was only natural for Arden to turn a couple of heads with each title she earned. How did the poor, dorky girl manage to steal every one of their crowns anyways? Saying it was unfair to her competitors would have been the understatement of the century, and it wasn’t until she beat out Beverly in a Miss Rosewood pageant that her greatness was truly realized.
From that moment on, she made herself a powerful enemy. One that would ensure that she never won again. Arden might not have seen the cutthroat, gory parts of the pageant world yet, but Beverly and her friends were more than willing to show her.
May the best beauty queen win.
Arden had initially planned on staying in on the night of the party. With the Miss Chicago pageant looming, it only seemed right that she dedicate her spare time to working on her finale gown, ensuring that every little detail of it was preened to perfection. But after receiving a text from Luna, Arden felt compelled to make an appearance, if just to give the girl a quick hello and acknowledge the fact that she’d invited her at all. Arden had always gotten the distinct impression that she and the rest of her friends didn’t like her, so the fact that they’d extended the hand to her was as amazing as it was astonishing.
She hadn’t been at the party for five minutes before Rosie was shoving a red cup in her face and pulling her towards the bar, the other girls waiting there for her with shots in hand and smiles reaching up to their ears. Arden typically didn’t drink, but they were insistent that she break out of her shell for the night and have a good time with them now that she was finally a part of their group. So despite her morals, she went along with it, taking any and all drinks they threw at her and not stopping until she the three of them disappeared into the crowd, leaving Arden all by her lonesome. She wasn’t sure where they’d gone, but by that point she was too far gone to care, so she made a mental note to text Luna about it in the morning and headed home.  
The rest of the night seemed to happen in a flash. The home she came back to wasn’t at all like the one she had left. Fireman, police officers, and onlooking neighbors flooded the surrounding area, each one of them in a state of panic as a result of the scene before them. It was her trailer up in flames, smoke radiating off of its surfaces as the firefighters worked helplessly to try and extinguish it. Then, out of the corner of her eye, was her mom being carried out on a stretcher, her body laced with equal amounts of burn marks and ash.
Amongst the chaos, Arden could only wonder: How on earth did this happen?
alternate faceclaims and prompts.
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d-key1609 · 7 years
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Infinite List of Favourite Characters → Jeff Atkins (13 Reasons Why)
“ two beers two hours ago — but I'm good. ”
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ardenatkins · 2 years
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mysticalhearth · 4 years
Baby - Broadway - December, 1983 FORMAT:  VOB (with smalls) (SD) CAST: Todd Graff (Danny), Liz Callaway (Lizzie), Beth Fowler (Arlene), James Congdon (Alan), Martin Vidnovic (Nick), Catherine Cox (Pam), Barbara Gilbert, Dennis Warning, John Jellison, Judith Thiergaard, Kim Criswell, Kristi Carnahan, Lisa Robinson, Lon Hoyt, Philip Hoffman
Back to the Future: The Musical - Manchester Opera House - February 25, 2020 (Highlights) (Marty_doc87's master) FORMAT:  MP4 (SD) CAST: Olly Dobson (Marty McFly), Roger Bart (Dr. Emmett Brown), Hugh Coles (George McFly), Rosanna Hyland (Lorraine Baines-McFly), Cedric Neal (Goldie Wilson / Marvin Berry), Aidan Cutler (Biff Tannen), Courtney-Mae Briggs (Jennifer Parker), Mark Oxtoby (Gerald Strickland)
NOTES: Full act 1 and act 2 highlights, filmed vertically.
Back to the Future: The Musical - Manchester Opera House - February 27, 2020 (Highlights) (Marty_doc87's master) FORMAT:  MP4 (HD) CAST: Olly Dobson (Marty McFly), Roger Bart (Dr. Emmett Brown), Hugh Coles (George McFly), Rosanna Hyland (Lorraine Baines-McFly), Cedric Neal (Goldie Wilson / Marvin Berry), Aidan Cutler (Biff Tannen), Courtney-Mae Briggs (Jennifer Parker), Mark Oxtoby (Gerald Strickland)
NOTES: Act 2 filmed vertically
Back to the Future: The Musical - Manchester Opera House - February, 2020 (Preview) (queenofthedead's master) FORMAT:  MP4 (HD) CAST: Olly Dobson (Marty McFly), Roger Bart (Dr. Emmett Brown), Hugh Coles (George McFly), Rosanna Hyland (Lorraine Baines-McFly), Cedric Neal (Goldie Wilson / Marvin Berry), Aidan Cutler (Biff Tannen), Courtney-Mae Briggs (Jennifer Parker), Mark Oxtoby (Gerald Strickland), Will Haswell (Dave McFly), Emma Lloyd (Linda McFly)
NOTES: Preview performance of BTTF's pre-West End run. Obstructed by one head. Obstructed by a few heads. Missing the last 15 minutes.
Bad Girls: The Musical - West End - November 17, 2007 (Pro-Shot's master) FORMAT:  MP4 (HD) CAST: David Burt (Jim Fenner), Sally Dexter (Yvonne Atkins), Caroline Head (Nikki Wade), Nicole Faraday (Shell Dockley), Laura Rogers (Helen Stewart), Helen Fraser (Sylvia "Bodybag" Hollamby), Maria Charles (Noreen Biggs)
The Baker's Wife - London Rehearsal Reading - 1989 (Pro-Shot's master) FORMAT:  VOB (with smalls) (SD) CAST: Alun Armstrong, Siobhan McCarthy
NOTES: Original London cast in a workshop/performance of the complete show. Absolutely beautifully pro-shot with multiple cameras in a dance studio. A+
The Baker's Wife - Music Theatre Wichita - 2005 (Pro-Shot's master) FORMAT:  VOB (with smalls) (SD) CAST: Mari Swan (Geneviève), Steve Frazier (Aimable), Greg Spencer (Claude), Brian Miller (Jean-Paul)
The Band Wagon - Encores! - November 13, 2014 FORMAT:  VOB (with smalls) (SD) CAST: Brian Stokes Mitchell (Tony Hunter), Tracey Ullman (Lily Martin), Michael McKean (Lester Martin), Tony Sheldon (Jeffrey Cordoba), Laura Osnes (Gabrielle Gerard), Michael Berresse (Paul Byrd), Don Stephenson (Hal Meadows)
NOTES: Very good video with clear sound and some spotlight washout but excellent close-ups and well filmed full stage shots for the dancing scenes.
The Band's Visit - Broadway - October 16, 2017 (Preview) (NYCG8R's master) FORMAT:  VOB (with smalls) (SD) CAST: Katrina Lenk (Dina), Tony Shalhoub (Tewfiq), John Cariani (Itzik), Ari’el Stachel (Haled), Etai Benson (Papi), Adam Kantor (Telephone Guy), George Abud (Camal), Andrew Polk (Avrum), Bill Army (Zelger), Rachel Prather (Julia), Jonathan Raviv (Sammy), Sharone Sayegh (Anna), Kristen Sieh (Iris), Alok Tewari (Simon)
NOTES: There is a 4-minute blackout during a song, due to a disturbance in the theater. Still images are placed over the audio instead of having a black screen.
The Band's Visit - Broadway - June, 2018 (NYCG8R's master) FORMAT:  VOB (with smalls) (SD) CAST: Katrina Lenk (Dina), Sasson Gabai (Tewfiq), John Cariani (Itzik), Ari’el Stachel (Haled), Etai Benson (Papi), Adam Kantor (Telephone Guy), Ahmad Maksoud (u/s Camal), Andrew Polk (Avrum), Bill Army (Zelger), Rachel Prather (Julia), Jonathan Raviv (Sammy), Sharone Sayegh (Anna), Kristen Sieh (Iris), Alok Tewari (Simon)
NOTES: Very nice video of the show with Sasson Gabai, who starred as Tewfiq in the film version. Great clear picture and sound throughout
The Band's Visit - First National Tour - January, 2020 (StarCuffedJeans's master) FORMAT:  MP4 (HD) CAST: Hannah Shankman (s/b Dina), James Rana (u/s Tewfiq), Pomme Koch (Itzik), Joe Joseph (Haled), Adam Gabay (Papi), Mike Cefalo (Telephone Guy), Ronnie Malley (Camal), David Studwell (Avrum), Or Schraiber (Zelger), Sara Kapner (Julia), Marc Ginsburg (Sammy), Jennifer Apple (Anna), Bligh Voth (s/b Iris), Loren Lester (s/b Simon)
The Band's Visit - First National Tour - January, 2020 (2) (StarCuffedJeans's master) FORMAT:  MP4 (HD) CAST: Bligh Voth (s/b Dina), Loren Lester (s/b Tewfiq), Pomme Koch (Itzik), Joe Joseph (Haled), Adam Gabay (Papi), Mike Cefalo (Telephone Guy), Ronnie Malley (Camal), David Studwell (Avrum), Or Schraiber (Zelger), Sara Kapner (Julia), Marc Ginsburg (Sammy), Jennifer Apple (Anna), Hannah Shankman (s/b Iris), James Rana (Simon)
NOTES: Starts 17 minutes in after the scenes in the cafe
The Band's Visit - First National Tour - January, 2020 (3) (StarCuffedJeans's master) FORMAT:  MP4 (HD) CAST: Janet Dacal (Dina), Sasson Gabai (Tewfiq), Pomme Koch (Itzik), Joe Joseph (Haled), Adam Gabay (Papi), Mike Cefalo (Telephone Guy), Ronnie Malley (Camal), David Studwell (Avrum), Or Schraiber (Zelger), Sara Kapner (Julia), Marc Ginsburg (Sammy), Jennifer Apple (Anna), Hannah Shankman (s/b Iris), James Rana (Simon)
The Band's Visit - First National Tour - January, 2020 (3) (StarCuffedJeans's master) FORMAT:  MP4 (HD) CAST: Janet Dacal (Dina), Sasson Gabai (Tewfiq), Pomme Koch (Itzik), Joe Joseph (Haled), Adam Gabay (Papi), Mike Cefalo (Telephone Guy), Ronnie Malley (Camal), David Studwell (Avrum), Or Schraiber (Zelger), Sara Kapner (Julia), Marc Ginsburg (Sammy), Jennifer Apple (Anna), Hannah Shankman (s/b Iris), James Rana (Simon)
Bandstand - Broadway - March 31, 2017 (Preview) (SunsetBlvd79's master) FORMAT:  mpg CAST: Corey Cott (Donny Novitski), Laura Osnes (Julia Trojan), James Nathan Hopkins (Jimmy Campbell), Joe Carroll (Johnny Simpson), Geoff Packard (Wayne Wright), Brandon J Ellis (Davy Zlatic), Joey Pero (Nick Radel), Beth Leavel (Mrs. June Adams), Mary Callanan (Jean Ann Ryan/Production Assistant), Kevyn Morrow (Al/James Haupt), Carleigh Bettiol (Jo), Drew McVety (Oliver), Ryan Kasprzak (Mr. Jackson), Jonathan Shew (Andre Bauch), Ryan VanDenBoom (Roger Cohen), Morgan Marcell (Entertainment Director), Max Clayton (Tom), Andrea Dotto (Betsy)
NOTES: Excellent HD capture of the Broadway transfer. Solid performances from Laura and Corey in this Swing musical. Two of the powerful musical numbers make you want to stand up and cheer, some did! A
Bandstand - Broadway - September, 2017 (Pro-Shot's master) FORMAT:  MP4 (HD) CAST: Corey Cott (Donny Novitski), Laura Osnes (Julia Trojan), James Nathan Hopkins (Jimmy Campbell), Joe Carroll (Johnny Simpson), Geoff Packard (Wayne Wright), Brandon J Ellis (Davy Zlatic), Joey Pero (Nick Radel), Beth Leavel (Mrs. June Adams), Mary Callanan (Jean Ann Ryan/Production Assistant), Kevyn Morrow (Al/James Haupt), Carleigh Bettiol (Jo), Drew McVety (Oliver), Ryan Kasprzak (Mr. Jackson), Jonathan Shew (Andre Bauch), Ryan VanDenBoom (Roger Cohen), Morgan Marcell (Entertainment Director), Max Clayton (Tom), Andrea Dotto (Betsy)
NOTES: Recorded stage performance. May be of varying quality depending on where it was captured from.
Bandstand - Broadway - September, 2017 FORMAT:  MP4 (HD) CAST: Corey Cott (Donny Novitski), Laura Osnes (Julia Trojan), James Nathan Hopkins (Jimmy Campbell), Joe Carroll (Johnny Simpson), Geoff Packard (Wayne Wright), Brandon J Ellis (Davy Zlatic), Joey Pero (Nick Radel), Beth Leavel (Mrs. June Adams), Mary Callanan (Jean Ann Ryan/Production Assistant), Kevyn Morrow (Al/James Haupt), Carleigh Bettiol (Jo), Drew McVety (Oliver), Ryan Kasprzak (Mr. Jackson), Jonathan Shew (Andre Bauch), Ryan VanDenBoom (Roger Cohen), Morgan Marcell (Entertainment Director), Max Clayton (Tom), Andrea Dotto (Betsy)
NOTES: The same proshot, but recorded from a theater using a PSP (lol). Kinda shaky at the beggining, but stabilizes later.
Bare: A Pop Opera - 15th Anniversary Reunion Concert - October 12, 2015 (ren598's master) FORMAT:  MP4 (HD) CAST: Ariana Groover, Charity Hill, Dale Evans, Elizabeth Judd, Isaac Calpito, Jenna Leigh Green, Jennie Kwan, Jim Price, John Griffin, John Hill, John Torres, Jonah Platt, Joseph Pinzon, Justin Gregory Lopez, Kaitlin Hopkins, Kearran Giovanni, Keili Lefkovitz, Maura Knowles, Michael Arden, Michael Tacconi, Mike Cannon, Natalie Avital, Natalie Joy Johnson, Payson Lewis, Phillip Dean Lightstone, Reed Prescott, Richard Hellstern, Romelda Benjamin, Sara Kapner, Sierra Rein, Stephanie Andersen, Taylor Trensch
NOTES: Reunion concert of member of the cast from the 2000 Los Angeles, 2004 New York, 2012 New York, 2013 Los Angeles and 2013 London productions. Performance cut into 24 clips of the featured songs
Bare: A Pop Opera - Argentina Workshop - December 3, 2017 (Closing Night) (Pro-Shot's master) FORMAT:  MP4 (HD) CAST: Eric Sacc (Peter Simmonds), Maxi Castro (Jason McConnell), Toia Schumacher (Ivy Robinson), Aldi Eve (Nadia McConnell), Bárbara Jalife (Sister Chantelle), Bruno Amigo (Matt Lloyd), Julián Giorello Constantini (Priest), Maxi Girado (Lucas Carter), Lucrecia Zunino (Tanya Garrett), Eugenia Britos (Claire Simmonds), Valentina López (Diane Lee), Manuela Crimerman (Kyra), Ignacio Coria (Zack/Jake), Martina Urquiola (Rory), Lucas Lacentra (Alan)
NOTES: Multi-cam pro-shot including speeches and behind-the-scenes. Youtube 1080p rip
Bare: A Pop Opera - Argentina Workshop - December 3, 2017 (Closing Night) (Pro-Shot's master) FORMAT:  MP4 (SD) CAST: Eric Sacc (Peter Simmonds), Maxi Castro (Jason McConnell), Toia Schumacher (Ivy Robinson), Aldi Eve (Nadia McConnell), Bárbara Jalife (Sister Chantelle), Bruno Amigo (Matt Lloyd), Julián Giorello Constantini (Priest), Maxi Girado (Lucas Carter), Lucrecia Zunino (Tanya Garrett), Eugenia Britos (Claire Simmonds), Valentina López (Diane Lee), Manuela Crimerman (Kyra), Ignacio Coria (Zack/Jake), Martina Urquiola (Rory), Lucas Lacentra (Alan)
NOTES: Multi-cam pro-shot including speeches and behind-the-scenes. Youtube 1080p rip
Bare: A Pop Opera - Austin, Texas - June, 2017 (Pro-Shot's master) FORMAT:  MP4 (HD) CAST: Rodrigo M Zaragoza (Peter Simmonds), Andrew Brett (Jason McConnell), Alicia Cornwell (Ivy Robinson), Cat Phillips (Nadia McConnell), Allegra Fox (Sister Chantelle), Jacob Barber (Matt Lloyd), Darren Scharf (Priest), Dylan Tacker (Lucas Carter), Susannah Crowell (Tanya Garrett), Emily Christine Smith (Claire Simmonds), Susan Johnston Taylor (Diane Lee), Nina Amara (Kyra), Isaac Arrieta (Zack/Jake), Rebecca Adelson (Rory), Samuel Todd (Alan)
Bare: A Pop Opera - Barcelona - 2014 (Pro-Shot's master) FORMAT:  MP4 (HD) CAST: Marc Flynn (Peter Simmonds), Jan Forrellat (Jason McConnell), Anna Herebia (Ivy Robinson), Iskra Bocanegra (Nadia McConnell), Lucy Lummis (Sister Chantelle), Marc Gómez (Matt Lloyd), Eduard Doncos (Priest), Miguel Ángel Sánchez (Lucas Carter), Anna Lagares (Tanya Garrett), Ester Bartomeu (Claire Simmonds), Laura Morales (Diane Lee), Clara Gispert (Kyra), Joan Mas (Zack/Jake), Gerard Mínguez (Rory), Marc Andurell (Alan), Desirée Moreno, Eduard Lacueva, Gara Roda, Helena Jara, Joan L Santos
NOTES: Multicam Proshot, performed in Catalan
Bare: A Pop Opera - Buenos Aires - May, 2016 (Pro-Shot's master) FORMAT:  MP4 (HD) CAST: Mariano Magnífico (Peter Simmonds), Ezequiel Rojo (Jason McConnell), Sol Giménez (Ivy Robinson), Mica Romano (Nadia McConnell), Patrissia Lorca (Sister Chantelle), Facundo Magrané (Matt Lloyd), Martín Repetto (Priest), Hernán Cáceres (Lucas Carter), Eugenia Gil Rodriguez (Tanya Garrett), Andrea Lovera (Claire Simmonds), Pilar Muerza (Diane Lee), Tali Lubi (Kyra), Juan Fonsalido (Zack/Jake), Fede Fedele (Alan)
Bare: A Pop Opera - Korea - December 14, 2017 (Highlights) (Pro-Shot's master) FORMAT:  FLV (SD) CAST: unknown
NOTES: Press footage, includes Epiphany, You & I, Role Of A Lifetime, Portrait Of A `Girl, Are You There, 911 Emergency, See Me, Warning, Once Upon A Time, Cross, Bare and a 30 minute interview with the cast (unsubtitled)
Bare: A Pop Opera - LA Revival - September 14, 2013 (Matinee) FORMAT:  VOB (with smalls) (SD) CAST: Payson Lewis (Peter Simmonds), Jonah Platt (Jason McConnell), Lindsay Pearce (Ivy Robinson), Katie Stevens (Nadia McConnell), Stephanie Andersen (Sister Chantelle), Nathan Parrett (Matt Lloyd), Alissa-Nicole Koblentz (Claire Simmonds)
Bare: A Pop Opera - LA Revival - September, 2013 (Pro-Shot's master) FORMAT:  MP4 (HD) CAST: Payson Lewis (Peter Simmonds), Jonah Platt (Jason McConnell), Lindsay Pearce (Ivy Robinson), Katie Stevens (Nadia McConnell), Stephanie Andersen (Sister Chantelle), Nathan Parrett (Matt Lloyd), John Griffin (Priest), Alisa-Nicole Koblentz (Claire Simmonds)
Bare: A Pop Opera - Los Angeles - 2000 (Highlights) (Press Reel's master) FORMAT:  MP4 (SD) CAST: John Torres (Peter Simmonds), John Griffin (Jason McConnell), Jenna Leigh Green (Ivy Robinson), Keili Lefkovitz (Nadia McConnell), Stephanie Andersen (Sister Chantelle), Wallace Smith (Matt Lloyd), Mark Edgar Stevens (Priest), Charity Hill (Tanya Garrett), Jennie Kwan (Diane Lee), Reed Prescott (Zack/Jake)
NOTES: Press reels from the original 2000 production, along with "Navigate the Maze - Bare Documentary"
Bare: A Pop Opera - Minneapolis - July, 2017 FORMAT:  MP4 (HD) CAST: Elliot Hicks (Peter Simmonds), Noah Ratgen (Jason McConnell), Grace Reese (Ivy Robinson), Bella West (Nadia McConnell), Aliya Mukamuri (Sister Chantelle), Brigham Williams (Matt Lloyd), Ben Siglin (Priest), Carl Hallberg (Lucas Carter), Lydia Stannard (Tanya Garrett), Piper Bruce (Claire Simmonds), Kia Brown (Kyra)
NOTES: A regional production presented by the Broken Ivy Theatre Company. It involved a student creative team and cast.
Bare: A Pop Opera - Off-Broadway - April 17, 2004 (Preview) (Pro-Shot's master) FORMAT:  VOB (with smalls) (SD) CAST: Michael Arden (Peter Simmonds), John Hill (Jason McConnell), Jenna Leigh Green (Ivy Robinson), Natalie Joy Johnson (Nadia McConnell), Romelda Benjamin (Sister Chantelle), Aaron Lohr (Matt Lloyd), Jim Price (Priest), Adam Fleming (Lucas Carter), Sasha Allen (Tanya Garrett)
NOTES: One cam pro shot. A bit of generation loss.
Bare: A Pop Opera - Off-Broadway - May 27, 2004 (Closing Night) FORMAT:  MP4 (HD) CAST: Michael Arden (Peter Simmonds), John Hill (Jason McConnell), Jenna Leigh Green (Ivy Robinson), Natalie Joy Johnson (Nadia McConnell), Romelda Benjamin (Sister Chantelle), Aaron Lohr (Matt Lloyd), Jim Price (Priest), Adam Fleming (Lucas Carter), Sasha Allen (Tanya Garrett), Kaitlin Hopkins (Claire Simmonds), Kay Trinidad (Diane Lee), Kearran Giovanni (Kyra), Mike Cannon (Zack/Jake), Lindsay Scott (Rory), Isaac Calpito (Alan)
NOTES: Closing performance! There are 2 versions of this video. LQ and HQ. The LQ is very common.
Bare: A Pop Opera - São Paulo, Brazil - November 7, 2018 (Pro-Shot's master) FORMAT:  MP4 (HD) CAST: Mateus Ribeiro (Peter Simmonds), Diego Montez (Jason McConnell), Thuany Parente (Ivy Robinson), Vânia Canto (Nadia McConnell), Júlia Sanches (u/s Sister Chantelle), Vitor Moresco (Matt Lloyd), Eduardo Leão (Priest), Marya Bravo (Claire Simmonds)
NOTES: House-cam pro-shot video. Performed in Portuguese. Microphone problem during Confessions and later in Reputation Stain’d.
Bare: A Pop Opera - St. Louis, Missouri - June, 2011 FORMAT:  VOB (with smalls) (SD) CAST: Mike Dowdy (Peter Simmonds), Jacob Golliher (Jason McConnell), Terrie Carolan (Ivy Robinson), Charlotte Byrd (Nadia McConnell), Nikki Glenn (Sister Chantelle), Jonathan Foster (Matt Lloyd), Zachary Allen Farmer (Priest), Rahamses Galvan (Lucas Carter), Michelle Sauer (Tanya Garrett), Alison Helmer (Claire Simmonds), Nyssa Duchow (Diane Lee), Andréa Kimberling (Kyra), Chance Kilgour (Zack/Jake), Sarah Porter (Rory), John Michael Rotello (Alan)
Bare: A Pop Opera - Wheeler Art's Center - Indianapolis - July 28, 2008 (Pro-Shot's master) FORMAT:  MP4 (HD) CAST: Brian Benson (Peter Simmonds), Justin Ivan Brown (Jason McConnell), Kagiso Alicia Paynter (Ivy Robinson), April Armstrong (Nadia McConnell), Jorie Johnson (Sister Chantelle), David Ross (Matt Lloyd), John Phillips (Priest), JT Whitmer (Lucas Carter), Christina Humphery (Tanya Garrett), Juli Inskeep (Claire Simmonds), Susie Mohr (Diane Lee), Briana Walker (Kyra), Brion Monroe (Zack/Jake), Linda Heiden (Rory), Andrew Elliot (Alan)
Bare: The Musical - Off-Broadway - December 2, 2012 (Preview) (SunsetBlvd79's master) FORMAT:  VOB (with smalls) (SD) CAST: Jason Hite (Jason McConnell), Taylor Trensch (Peter Simonds), Elizabeth Judd (Ivy Robinson), Barrett Wilbert Weed (Nadia McConnell), Gerard Canonico (Matt Lloyd), Missi Pyle (Sister Joan), Jerold E Solomon (Father Mike), Alice Lee (Diane Lee), Alex Wyse (Alan), Justin Gregory Lopez (Beto)
NOTES: A great revisal of this coming of age story set in a co-ed Catholic boarding school. Great HD capture from the front row and a very moving story and cast! A- Not the Pop Opera version. Commonly mislabeled as Dec 20, 2012.
Bare: The Musical - Off-Broadway - December 19, 2012 (Matinee) FORMAT:  VOB (with smalls) (SD) CAST: Jason Hite (Jason McConnell), Taylor Trensch (Peter Simonds), Elizabeth Judd (Ivy Robinson), Barrett Wilbert Weed (Nadia McConnell), Gerard Canonico (Matt Lloyd), Missi Pyle (Sister Joan), Jerold E Solomon (Father Mike), Alice Lee (Diane Lee), Alex Wyse (Alan), Justin Gregory Lopez (Beto), Ariana Groover (Vanessa)
NOTES: Well filmed with few obsructions with clear picture and sound throughout. A-
Bare: The Musical - Off-Broadway - 2013 (Pro-Shot's master) FORMAT:  MP4 (HD) CAST: Matthew Corr (Peter Simmonds), Dalles Wilie (Jason McConnell), Madeleine Lodge (Ivy Robinson), Virginia Marcs (Nadia McConnell), Anita Purcell (Sister Chantelle), Brad Widener (Matt Lloyd), Gary Lizardo (Priest), Danny Beason (Lucas Carter), Christina Carlucci (Tanya Garrett), Kimberly Larkin (Claire Simmonds), Britain Gebhardt (Diane Lee), Brittane Rowe (Kyra), Joey Lozada (Zack/Jake), Tiffany Springle (Rory), Kevin Necciai (Alan)
NOTES: This is actually Bare: A Pop Opera performed at The York Theater. NOT Bare the Musical
Barefoot in the Park - Broadway Revival - March 26, 2006 FORMAT:  VOB (with smalls) (SD) CAST: Patrick Wilson (Paul Bratter), Amanda Peet (Corie Bratter), Jill Clayburgh (Mrs. Ethel Banks), Tony Roberts (Victor Velasco)
Bat Boy: The Musical - Off-Broadway - November 30, 2001 FORMAT:  VOB (with smalls) (SD) CAST: Deven May (Bat Boy), Kaitlin Hopkins (Meredith Parker), Sean McCourt (Dr Parker), Kerry Butler (Shelley), Richard Pruitt (Sheriff), Jim Price (Bud), Trent Armand Kendall (Reverend Hightower), Doug Storm (Rick), Daria Hardeman (Ruthie), Kathy Brier (Maggie)
NOTES: *Audio is slightly out of sync
Bat Boy: The Musical - Old Bethpage, New York - May, 2003 (Pro-Shot's master) FORMAT:  VOB (with smalls) (SD) CAST: Doug Storm (Bat Boy), Ashia DeLaBastide (Meredith Parker), JR Lotito (Dr Parker), Amanda Taraska (Shelley), Tony Frangipane (Sheriff), Mike Kaczurak (Bud), Mark Weekes (Reverend Hightower), Ron Menin (Rick), Susannah Hoffman (Ruthie)
Bat Out of Hell - Oberhausen, Germany - November 10, 2018 (Matinee) FORMAT:  VOB (no smalls) (SD) CAST: Antonio Calanna (u/s Strat), Maureen Mac Gillavry (u/s Raven), Alex Melcher (Falco), Willemijn Verkaik (Sloane), Aisata Blackman (Zahara), Benet Monteiro (Jagwire), Michael Moore (Ledoux), Lorenzi Di Girolamo (Blake), Tom van der Ven (Tink), Jessica Lapp (Valkyrie), Sander van Wissen (Sports announcer)
Bat Out of Hell - West End (Dominion Theatre) - May, 2018 FORMAT:  MKV (HD) CAST: Simon Gordon (alt Strat), Georgia Carling (u/s Raven), Rob Fowler (Falco), Sharon Sexton (Sloane), Danielle Steers (Zahara), Wayne Robinson (Jagwire), Giovanni Spano (Ledoux), Patrick Sullivan (Blake), Alex Thomas-Smith (Tink), Emily Benjamin (Mordema), Julie Stark (Crysteva), Natalie Chua (Spinotti), Eve Norris (Scherzzo), Hannah Ducharme (Vilmos), Collette Guitart (Lunarrow)
NOTES: Limited trade 2:1
Bat Out of Hell - West End (London Coliseum) - August 12, 2017 FORMAT:  VOB (no smalls) (SD) CAST: Andrew Polec (Strat), Christina Bennington (Raven), Rob Fowler (Falco), Sharon Sexton (Sloane), Danielle Steers (Zahara), Dom Hartley-Harris (Jagwire), Giovanni Spano (Ledoux), Patrick Sullivan (Blake), Aran MacRae (Tink), Georgia Carling (Valkyrie), Jemma Alexander (Crysteva), Eve Norris (Scherzzo), Hannah Ducharme (Vilmos)
Be More Chill - Broadway - March 5, 2019 (Preview) (Highlights) (Press Reel's master) FORMAT:  MOV (HD) CAST: Will Roland (Jeremy Heere), George Salazar (Michael Mell), Stephanie Hsu (Christine Canigula), Jason Tam (The SQUIP), Lauren Marcus (Brooke Lohst), Katlyn Carlson (Chloe Valentine), Tiffany Mann (Jenna Rolan), Britton Smith (Jake Dillinger), Gerard Canonico (Rich Goranski), Jason SweetTooth Williams (Mr. Heere/Mr. Reyes/Scary Stockboy)
NOTES: Press footage including Michael In The Bathroom, More Than Survive, The Smartphone Hour, Two Player Game, a montage and Be More Chill
Be More Chill - Broadway - May 18, 2019 FORMAT:  MP4 (HD) CAST: Will Roland (Jeremy Heere), Troy Iwata (u/s Michael Mell), Stephanie Hsu (Christine Canigula), Jason Tam (The SQUIP), Lauren Marcus (Brooke Lohst), Katlyn Carlson (Chloe Valentine), Tiffany Mann (Jenna Rolan), Cameron Bond (u/s Jake Dillinger), Gerard Canonico (Rich Goranski), Jason SweetTooth Williams (Mr. Heere/Mr. Reyes/Scary Stockboy)
NOTES: Nice HD stage shot from the center mezzanine, with a mostly unblocked view of the stage except for the top of a head at the bottom of the screen. Only known video of Troy as Michael and Cameron as Jake! Act One is full, but Act Two starts missing scenes after the Smartphone Hour and the master filled those in with audio from Cameron's debut as the SQUIP, with George Salazar as Michael, Joel as Heere, and Britton as Jake.
Be More Chill - Broadway - June 23, 2019 (Matinee) (Highlights) FORMAT:  MOV (SD) CAST: Gerard Canonico (u/s Jeremy Heere), George Salazar (Michael Mell), Stephanie Hsu (Christine Canigula), Jason Tam (The SQUIP), Lauren Marcus (Brooke Lohst), Katlyn Carlson (Chloe Valentine), Tiffany Mann (Jenna Rolan), Britton Smith (Jake Dillinger), Troy Iwata (u/s Rich Goranski), Joel Waggoner (t/r Mr. Heere/Mr. Reyes/Scary Stockboy)
NOTES: Gerard's debut as Jeremy, and Troy's first performance as Rich on Broadway! Act One Only, ends after Two Player Game. Includes audios of the show—Act One starts at Do You Wanna ride, and Act Two is full. Filmed between two heads, but they don't interrupt the action for the most part. Only known footage of Gerard as Jeremy and Troy's only performance as Rich on Broadway.
Be More Chill - Broadway - August 11, 2019 (Closing Night) (notjustthespongenextdoor's master) FORMAT:  MP4 (HD) CAST: Will Roland (Jeremy Heere), George Salazar (Michael Mell), Stephanie Hsu (Christine Canigula), Jason Tam (The SQUIP), Lauren Marcus (Brooke Lohst), Katlyn Carlson (Chloe Valentine), Tiffany Mann (Jenna Rolan), Britton Smith (Jake Dillinger), Gerard Canonico (Rich Goranski), Jason SweetTooth Williams (Mr. Heere/Mr. Reyes/Scary Stockboy)
NOTES: Closing Night on Broadway! Fantastic HD stageshot from the rear right balcony without zooms. The action is caught really well and there is no washout. The cast were on top of their game for the final performance and includes the speeches after the show.
Be More Chill - Exit 82 - November, 2017 FORMAT:  MP4 (HD) CAST: Matt Dalton (Jeremy Heere), Ryan Everett Wood (Michael Mell), Elizabeth Ritacco (Christine Canigula), Sal Pavia (The SQUIP), Katie McGrath (Brooke Lohst), Lisa Adams (Chloe Valentine), Emily Nielsen (Jenna Rolan), Billy Cardone (Jake Dillinger), Jason Arellano (Rich Goranski)
NOTES: Full show but very few visuals, mostly audio
Be More Chill - Off-Broadway - August 15, 2018 FORMAT:  MP4 (HD) CAST: Will Roland (Jeremy Heere), George Salazar (Michael Mell), Stephanie Hsu (Christine Canigula), Jason Tam (The SQUIP), Lauren Marcus (Brooke Lohst), Katlyn Carlson (Chloe Valentine), Tiffany Mann (Jenna Rolan), Gerard Canonico (Rich Goranski), Jason SweetTooth Williams (Mr. Heere/Mr. Reyes/Scary Stockboy)
NOTES: Your typical phone recording; filmed vertically with no zooms, severe washout, obstructions on both sides, and heads are always visible at the bottom. No drops at all though, and captures the show in its entirety.
Be More Chill - Off-West End - February, 2020 (queenofthedead's master) FORMAT:  MP4 (4K) CAST: Scott Folan (Jeremy Heere), Blake Patrick Anderson (Michael Mell), Miracle Chance (Christine Canigula), Stewart Clarke (The SQUIP), Eloise Davies (Brooke Lohst), Millie O’Connell (Chloe Valentine), Renée Lamb (Jenna Rolan), Miles Paloma (Jake Dillinger), James Hameed (Rich Goranski), Christopher Fry (Mr. Heere/Mr. Reyes/Scary Stockboy)
NOTES:​Notes: Act 1 was filmed completely blind so some heads get cut off at times. 19.46GB uncompressed or 6.82GB compressed, in 2 mp4 files/2:04:27
Be More Chill - Workshop - Unknown (Highlights) FORMAT:  MP4 (HD) CAST: Adrien Thornburg, Drew Norris, Claudia H. Stein, Harley Winzenried, Will Stapleton, Christina Duchesne, Riley Hough
NOTES: Workshop, only Upgrade to Michael In The Bathroom
Beaches - Chicago - June 25, 2015 (SunsetBlvd79's master) FORMAT:  VOB (with smalls) (SD) CAST: Andrew Varela (Arthur), Brooklyn Shuck (Little Bertie/Nina), Holly Stauder (Janice), Jim DeSelm (Michael Barron), Kelly Anne Clark (Rose White), Michael Accardo (Nathan), Nancy Voights (Leona Bloom), Olivia Renteria (Teen Bertie), Presley Ryan (Little Cee Cee), Samantha Pauly (Teen Cee Cee), Shoshana Bean (Cee Cee Bloom), Travis Taylor (John Perry), Whitney Bashor (Bertie White)
NOTES: Beautiful HD capture of a PreBroadway premier. This was the second preview and the show ran long. The following week a lot of cuts were made. Shoshana did an amazing job, she is such a musical theatre gem and has unparalleled talent! A+
Beardo - Berkeley - April, 2011 (Pro-Shot's master) FORMAT:  MP4 (HD) CAST: Alex Highsmith (Tsarista), Ashkon Davaran (Beardo), Ben Langhorst (Person of the Court), Brian Bock (Yusapoof), Liz Leimkuhler (Shack Sister), Rolls Andre (Shack Man/Murderer), Shaye Troha (Shack Woman/Lady), Willy Appleman (Tsar)
NOTES: Proshot from Shotgun Players.
Beautiful: The Carole King Musical - Broadway - April 9, 2014 (SunsetBlvd79's master) FORMAT:  VOB (no smalls) (SD) CAST: Jessie Mueller (Carole King), Jake Epstein (Gerry Goffin), Anika Larsen (Cynthia Weil), Jarrod Spector (Barry Mann), Jeb Brown (Don Kirshner), Liz Larsen (Genie Klein)
NOTES: Beautiful HD capture with no obstructions. Wonderful and stunning production with a cast that is perfection! Jessie gives a performance that is incredible, as does the rest of the cast! Can't say enough wonderful things about this production as a whole! A+
Beautiful: The Carole King Musical - Broadway - June 24, 2018 (NYCG8R's master) FORMAT:  MKV (HD) CAST: Melissa Benoist (Carole King), Evan Todd (Gerry Goffin), Jessica Keenan Wynn (Cynthia Weil), Ben Jacoby (Barry Mann), Paul Anthony Stewart (Don Kirshner), Nancy Opel (Genie Klein), Kevin Duda (Neil Sedaka/Righteous Brother/Lou Adler)
NOTES: A beautiful HD capture of Melissa Benoist's run in the show. She develiers a wonderful and beautiful performance as Carole and also has great vocals! The whole cast is spectacular and the show is still running strong for being on broadway for five years! Nice capture with filmed with a mix of wides, mediums and close-ups! Includes curtain call and encore. File quality/format varies across traders.
Beautiful: The Carole King Musical - Broadway - October, 2019 (StarCuffedJeans's master) FORMAT:  MP4 (HD) CAST: Sarah Bockel (Carole King), Cory Jeacoma (Gerry Goffin), Jessica Keenan Wynn (Cynthia Weil), Ben Jacoby (Barry Mann), Paul Anthony Stewart (Don Kirshner), Liz Larsen (Genie Klein), Ashley De La Rosa (Janelle Woods/Shirelle), Elena Ricardo (Betty)
NOTES: Beautiful HD capture of the show, filmed from the orchestra before closing. The video starts when Carole mentions being from Brooklyn. Act Two starts part of the way through “Chains.” Please do not post screenshots of this video on Twitter ever. Gifs on Tumblr are okay after the NFT date, but don't go linking things to actors and shows.
Beautiful: The Carole King Musical - Broadway - October, 2019 (StarCuffedJeans's master) FORMAT:  MP4 (HD) CAST: Sarah Bockel (Carole King), Cory Jeacoma (Gerry Goffin), Jessica Keenan Wynn (Cynthia Weil), Ben Jacoby (Barry Mann), Paul Anthony Stewart (Don Kirshner), Liz Larsen (Genie Klein), Ashley De La Rosa (Janelle Woods/Shirelle), Elena Ricardo (Betty)
NOTES: Beautiful HD capture of the show, filmed from the orchestra before closing. The video starts when Carole mentions being from Brooklyn. Act Two starts part of the way through “Chains.” Please do not post screenshots of this video on Twitter ever. Gifs on Tumblr are okay after the NFT date, but don't go linking things to actors and shows.
Beautiful: The Carole King Musical - First National Tour - December 15, 2015 (SunsetBlvd79's master) FORMAT:  MP4 (HD) CAST: Abby Mueller (Carole King), Liam Tobin (Gerry Goffin), Becky Gulsvig (Cynthia Weil), Ben Fankhauser (Barry Mann)
NOTES: Beautiful HD capture with no obstructions. Wonderful and stunning production with a cast that is perfection! Jessie gives a performance that is incredible, as does the rest of the cast! Can't say enough wonderful things about this production as a whole! A+ Sometimes inaccurately circulated as October 15, 2015.
Beautiful: The Carole King Musical - Second UK Tour - February, 2020 (hitmewithyourbethshot's master) FORMAT:  MTS CAST: Vicki Manser (alt Carole King), Adam Gillian (Gerry Goffin), Laura Baldwin (Cynthia Weil), Cameron Sharp (Barry Mann), Oliver Boot (Don Kirshner), Susie Fenwick (Genie Klein), Carly Cook (Marilyn Wald), Katrina May (Janelle Woods/Shirelle), Mica Townsend (Little Eva/Shirelle), Julia Dray (s/w Betty), Grant McConey (Nick/Righteous Brother), Jordan Fox (Neil Sedaka/Righteous Brother/Lou Adler), Louise Francis (Lucille/Shirelle)
NOTES: This video is never to be publicly shared on YouTube, Tumblr, Facebook, Stage Dork, etc.
Beauty and the Beast (Anna Ledwich/Richard Taylor) - Chichester Festival Youth Theatre - 2017 (Pro-Shot's master) FORMAT:  MP4 (SD) CAST: Evie Carter (Rose), Noah Peirson (Dennis), Albie Stisted (James), Georgina Liley (Perkins), Alfie Scott (Peter), Ella O'Keeffe (Violet), Ellie Dickens (Edith), Rudi Millard (Roger), Oluwafunmilayo Ajayi (Poppy)
NOTES: An adaptation of the original fairytale, by Anna Ledwich and music and lyrics by Richard Taylor. An overall wonderful new take on the classic story.
Beauty and the Beast (Disney) - Broadway - April 25, 1995 FORMAT:  MKV (SD) CAST: Susan Egan (Belle), Terrence Mann (Beast/Prince), Gary Beach (Lumière)
NOTES: Missing the first 3 minutes and last 3 minutes
Beauty and the Beast (Disney) - Broadway - September 7, 1997 (Highlights) FORMAT:  VOB (with smalls) (SD) CAST: Kerry Butler (Belle), Chuck Wagner (Beast/Prince)
Beauty and the Beast (Disney) - Broadway - March 11, 1999 FORMAT:  VOB (with smalls) (SD) CAST: Andrea McArdle (Belle), William Michals (Beast/Prince), Steve Blanchard (Gaston), Beth Fowler (Mrs. Potts)
Beauty and the Beast (Disney) - Broadway - April 28, 2002 FORMAT:  VOB (with smalls) (SD) CAST: Sarah Litzsinger (Belle), Steve Blanchard (Beast/Prince), JB Adams (Maurice), Chris Hoch (Gaston), Bryan Batt (Lumière), Beth Fowler (Mrs. Potts), Jeff Brooks (Cogsworth), Mary Stout (Madame de la Grande Bouche), Pam Klinger (Babette), Steve Lavner (Le Fou)
Beauty and the Beast (Disney) - Broadway - July 27, 2007 FORMAT:  VOB (with smalls) (SD) CAST: Anneliese van der Pol (Belle), Steve Blanchard (Beast/Prince), Jamie Ross (Maurice), Chris Hoch (Gaston), David DeVries (Lumière), Jeanne Lehman (Mrs. Potts), Glenn Rainey (Cogsworth), Ann Mandrella (Babette), Trevor Braun (Chip), Aldrin Gonzalez (Le Fou)
NOTES: Two days before the show closed on Broadway. Good amount of closeups and good quality filmed from the mid-mezzanine; there is a railing issue for a while in Act 1 but the taper improves. 'Me', 'Gaston' and 'Be Our Guest' are all predominantly missing and recording stopped for some time after 'Gaston', which created a little jump in the timeline to where Maurice gets thrown out of the tavern. Still a nice video with great closeups of the last Broadway cast.
Beauty and the Beast (Disney) - Dutch Tour - October 4, 2005 (House-Cam's master) FORMAT:  VOB (with smalls) (SD) CAST: Chantal Janzen (Belle), Stanley Burleson (Beast/Prince), Dick Rienstra (Maurice), René van Kooten (Gaston), Carlo Bozschard (Lumière), Mariska von Holck (Mrs. Potts), Ger Otte (Cogsworth), Caroline Mout (Madame de la Grande Bouche), Nicole Berendsen (Babette), Jorge Verkoost (Le Fou)
Beauty and the Beast (Disney) - Dutch Tour - 2006 FORMAT:  VOB (with smalls) (SD) CAST: Chantal Janzen (Belle), Stanley Burleson (Beast/Prince), Dick Rienstra (Maurice), René van Kooten (Gaston), Carlo Bozschard (Lumière), Casey Fransisco (Mrs. Potts), Ger Otte (Cogsworth), Caroline Mout (Madame de la Grande Bouche), Nicole Berendsen (Babette), Jorge Verkoost (Le Fou)
NOTES: Rare video with Casey Fransisco, who temporarily replaced Mariska van Kolck, as Mrs Potts.
Beauty and the Beast (Disney) - First National Tour - 1998 FORMAT:  MP4 (HD) CAST: Erin Dilly (Belle), James Barbour (Beast/Prince), Tom Bosley (Maurice), Michele Lee (Mrs. Potts)
NOTES: Often labelled as the Los Angeles tour, however LA closed in 1996, and Erin Dilly was a replacement in the 1NT company.
Beauty and the Beast (Disney) - Fourth National Tour - January 19, 2014 (Matinee) FORMAT:  VOB (with smalls) (SD) CAST: Hilary Maiberger (Belle), Darick Pead (Beast/Prince), Paul Krane (Maurice), Tim Rogan (Gaston), Hassan Nazari-Robati (Lumière), Kristin Stewart (Mrs. Potts), James May (Cogsworth), Roxy York (Madame de la Grande Bouche), Stephanie Moskal (Babette), Jack Mullen (Chip), Jardan Aragon (Le Fou), Kieron Cindric (Monsieur D'Arque)
Beauty and the Beast (Disney) - Los Angeles - April 12, 1995 (Opening Night) FORMAT:  MP4 (SD) CAST: Susan Egan (Belle), James Barbour (Beast/Prince), Tom Bosley (Maurice), Burke Moses (Gaston), Gary Beach (Lumière), Beth Fowler (Mrs. Potts)
NOTES: For the time period that it was filmed, It's great. Sound and picture synch up and Gary Beach kills it as Lumiere. Susan Egan is wonderful.
Beauty and the Beast (Disney) - Madrid, Spain - 2007 (Matinee) FORMAT:  VOB (with smalls) (SD) CAST: Julia Möller (Belle), David Ordinas (Beast/Prince), Lorenzo Valverde (Maurice), Pablo Puyol (Gaston), Armando Pita (Lumière), Angels Jiménez (Mrs. Potts), Esteban Oliver (Cogsworth), María José Oquendo (Madame de la Grande Bouche), Silvia Luchetti (Babette), Raúl Peña (Le Fou)
NOTES: Performed in Spanish
Beauty and the Beast (Disney) - Madrid, Spain - June 5, 2008 (Pro-Shot's master) FORMAT:  VOB (with smalls) (SD) CAST: Julia Möller (Belle), David Ordinas (Beast/Prince), Lorenzo Valverde (Maurice), Pablo Puyol (Gaston), Armando Pita (Lumière), Patricia Paisal (u/s Mrs. Potts), Esteban Oliver (Cogsworth), María José Oquendo (Madame de la Grande Bouche), Silvia Luchetti (Babette), Raúl Peña (Le Fou)
NOTES: An Official Video of this wonderful production.
Beauty and the Beast (Disney) - New Zealand Tour - April, 2006 (Pro-Shot's master) FORMAT:  VOB (with smalls) (SD) CAST: Jade Steele (Belle), Glen Drake (Beast/Prince), Lloyd Scott (Maurice), Russell Leighton-Dixon (Gaston), Roy Ormsby (Lumière), Gladys Hope (Mrs. Potts), Stephen Gledhill (Cogsworth)
Beauty and the Beast (Disney) - Toronto - August 8, 1995 (Opening Night) (Highlights) (Press Reel's master) FORMAT:  DVD ISO (SD) CAST: Kerry Butler (Belle), Chuck Wagner (Beast/Prince), Terry Doyle (Maurice), Dan Chameroy (Gaston), Andre Therien (Lumière), Judy Marshak (Mrs. Potts), Paul Brown (Cogsworth), Jo-Anne Kirwan Clark (Madame de la Grande Bouche), Elizabeth Beeler (Babette), Cliff Saunders (Le Fou)
NOTES: Press reels with footage from the show and interviews
Beauty and the Beast (Disney) - UK Tour - 2003 (House-Cam's master) FORMAT:  VOB (no smalls) (SD) CAST: Dianne Pilkington (Belle), Alex Bourne (Beast/Prince), Richard Tate (Maurice), Earl Carpenter (Gaston), Stephen Matthews (Lumière), Marilyn Cutts (Mrs. Potts), Barry James (Cogsworth), Drew Varley (Le Fou)
NOTES: One camera housecam pro-shot, full stage, no zooms
Beauty and the Beast (Disney) - Vienna - May 16, 1996 (Pro-Shot's master) FORMAT:  AVI (HD) CAST: Caroline Vasicek (Belle), Ethan Freeman (Beast/Prince)
NOTES: It's an old house cam video.
Beauty and the Beast (Disney) - West End - April 29, 1997 FORMAT:  VOB (with smalls) (SD) CAST: Michelle Gayle (Belle), John Barrowman (Beast/Prince), Billy Boyle (Maurice), Alex Bourne (Gaston), Mark Caven (Lumière), Gemma Craven (Mrs. Potts), Barry James (Cogsworth)
NOTES: Good video, camcorder. Includes LA Cast Press Reels. VOBs+smalls
Beauty and the Beast (Disney) - West End - November 24, 1999 (House-Cam's master) FORMAT:  VOB (with smalls) (SD) CAST: Annalene Beechey (Belle), Earl Carpenter (Beast/Prince), Billy Boyle (Maurice), Alex Bourne (Gaston), Mark Caven (Lumière), Gemma Craven (Mrs. Potts), Barry James (Cogsworth), Shezwae Powell (Madame de la Grande Bouche), Kate Graham (Babette), Richard Gauntlet (Le Fou)
NOTES: House Cam recording of the final West End Cast.
Beauty and the Beast (Disney) - Wichita, KS - 2016 (Pro-Shot's master) FORMAT:  VOB (with smalls) (SD) CAST: Catherine Charlebois (Belle), Thaddeus Pearson (Beast/Prince), Timothy W Robu (Maurice), Johnny Stellard (Gaston), Steve Hitchcock (Lumière), Katie Banks-Todd (Mrs. Potts), James Beaman (Cogsworth), Karen L Robu (Madame de la Grande Bouche), Lexis Danca (Babette), James Heinrichs (Chip), Tanner Pflueger (Le Fou)
NOTES: Pro-Shot. Filmed using one camera on a tripod with excellent clear picture and sound.
   A Bed and a Chair: A New York Love Affair - Encores! Special Event - November 13, 2013 FORMAT:  MP4 (HD) CAST: Bernadette Peters (Female 1), Cyrille Aimee (Female 2), Elizabeth Parkinson (Female Dancer 1), Grasan Kingsberry (Male Dancer 1), Jeremy Jordan (Male 2), Meg Gillentine (Female Dancer 2), Norm Lewis (Male 1), Tyler Hanes (Male Dancer 2)
Beetlejuice - Broadway - July 27, 2019 (Matinee) (Medium Observation's master) FORMAT:  MP4 (HD) CAST: Alex Brightman (Beetlejuice), Sophia Anne Caruso (Lydia Deetz), Kerry Butler (Barbara Maitland), Rob McClure (Adam Maitland), Adam Dannheisser (Charles Deetz), Leslie Kritzer (Delia Deetz/Miss Argentina), Kelvin Moon Loh (Otho), Danny Rutigliano (Maxie Dean), Jill Abramovitz (Maxie Dean/Juno), Dana Steingold (Girl Scout)
NOTES: Full HD stageshot filmed from the front orchestra! This is fairly better than the other stageshot, including less heads, more facial features, but one major head that's sometimes filmed around whenever the master isn't wandering downward. Great video quality overall and it includes full Act One and Act Two starting at Beetlejuice's entrance after Girl Scout through Curtain Call!
Beetlejuice - Broadway - October 10, 2019 (Highlights) FORMAT:  MP4 (HD)|Gifted: Upon Request CAST: Alex Brightman (Beetlejuice), Sophia Anne Caruso (Lydia Deetz), Kerry Butler (Barbara Maitland), David Josefsberg (Adam Maitland), Adam Dannheisser (Charles Deetz), Leslie Kritzer (Delia Deetz/Miss Argentina), Kelvin Moon Loh (Otho), Danny Rutigliano (Maxie Dean), Jill Abramovitz (Maxie Dean/Juno), Dana Steingold (Girl Scout)
NOTES: Highlights video (approx. 10 minutes) with 'Creepy Old Guy'. Poorly filmed and you cannot really see anything. Decent audio. This is a YouTube rip and is to be gifted only.
Beetlejuice - Broadway - October 30, 2019 (Highlights) FORMAT:  MP4 (HD) CAST: Alex Brightman (Beetlejuice), Dana Steingold (u/s Lydia Deetz), Kerry Butler (Barbara Maitland), David Josefsberg (Adam Maitland), Adam Dannheisser (Charles Deetz), Leslie Kritzer (Delia Deetz/Miss Argentina), Kelvin Moon Loh (Otho), Danny Rutigliano (Maxie Dean), Jill Abramovitz (Maxie Dean/Juno), Brooke Leigh Engen (u/s Girl Scout)
NOTES: A few short clips filmed poorly from a phone
Beetlejuice - Broadway - November 30, 2019 (Matinee) (theatrecouple14's master) FORMAT:  MP4 (HD) CAST: Alex Brightman (Beetlejuice), Sophia Anne Caruso (Lydia Deetz), Kerry Butler (Barbara Maitland), David Josefsberg (Adam Maitland), Adam Dannheisser (Charles Deetz), Leslie Kritzer (Delia Deetz/Miss Argentina), Kelvin Moon Loh (Otho), Danny Rutigliano (Maxie Dean), Jill Abramovitz (Maxie Dean/Juno), Dana Steingold (Girl Scout)
NOTES: Phone boot filmed wide from the right orchestra. Some obstruction throughout and the 2nd act points up a lot, some action lost.
Beetlejuice - Broadway - July, 2019 (StarCuffedJeans's master) FORMAT:  MP4 (HD) CAST: Alex Brightman (Beetlejuice), Sophia Anne Caruso (Lydia Deetz), Kerry Butler (Barbara Maitland), Rob McClure (Adam Maitland), Adam Dannheisser (Charles Deetz), Leslie Kritzer (Delia Deetz/Miss Argentina), Kelvin Moon Loh (Otho), Danny Rutigliano (Maxie Dean), Jill Abramovitz (Maxie Dean/Juno), Dana Steingold (Girl Scout)
NOTES: Good HD capture from the right orchestra with beautiful zooms and way less obstructions than the March video. Please do not post screenshots of this video on Twitter ever. Gifs on Tumblr are okay after the NFT date, but don't go linking things to actors and shows.
Beetlejuice - Broadway - July, 2019 (StarCuffedJeans's master) FORMAT:  MP4 (HD) CAST: Alex Brightman (Beetlejuice), Sophia Anne Caruso (Lydia Deetz), Kerry Butler (Barbara Maitland), Rob McClure (Adam Maitland), Adam Dannheisser (Charles Deetz), Leslie Kritzer (Delia Deetz/Miss Argentina), Kelvin Moon Loh (Otho), Danny Rutigliano (Maxie Dean), Jill Abramovitz (Maxie Dean/Juno), Dana Steingold (Girl Scout)
NOTES: Good HD capture from the right orchestra with beautiful zooms and way less obstructions than the March video. Please do not post screenshots of this video on Twitter ever. Gifs on Tumblr are okay after the NFT date, but don't go linking things to actors and shows.
Beetlejuice - Broadway - March, 2019 (Preview) (StarCuffedJeans's master) FORMAT:  MP4 (HD) CAST: Alex Brightman (Beetlejuice), Sophia Anne Caruso (Lydia Deetz), Kerry Butler (Barbara Maitland), Rob McClure (Adam Maitland), Adam Dannheisser (Charles Deetz), Leslie Kritzer (Delia Deetz/Miss Argentina), Kelvin Moon Loh (Otho), Danny Rutigliano (Maxie Dean), Jill Abramovitz (Maxie Dean/Juno)
NOTES: Previews! This is probably my most obstructed bootleg ever. When I could get zooms they’re pretty (and I’m really trying my hardest for both Sophia and Kerry - “Dead Mom” looks GREAT and is really consistent), but I would probably consider this more like highlights with how many heads keep popping up. I don’t love it, but you can keep up with what is happening and see the WILD effects they have going on here...which is good enough for now. Video starts at “Ready, Set, Not Yet” and is complete from there. And honestly this video (and this show) is worth it just for “Dead Mom.”
Beetlejuice - Broadway - November, 2019 (StarCuffedJeans's master) FORMAT:  MP4 (HD) CAST: Will Blum (u/s Beetlejuice), Sophia Anne Caruso (Lydia Deetz), Kerry Butler (Barbara Maitland), David Josefsberg (Adam Maitland), Adam Dannheisser (Charles Deetz), Kim Sava (u/s Delia Deetz/Miss Argentina), Sean Montgomery (u/s Otho), Danny Rutigliano (Maxie Dean), Jill Abramovitz (Maxie Dean/Juno)
NOTES: A few heads show up briefly and a quick video drop after the first two songs. Covers from opening song to final applause, great shot.
Beetlejuice - Broadway - September 24–26, 2019 (Highlights) FORMAT:  MP4 (SD) CAST: Alex Brightman (Beetlejuice), Dana Steingold (u/s Lydia Deetz), Kerry Butler (Barbara Maitland), David Josefsberg (Adam Maitland), Adam Dannheisser (Charles Deetz), Leslie Kritzer (Delia Deetz/Miss Argentina), Kelvin Moon Loh (Otho), Danny Rutigliano (Maxie Dean), Jill Abramovitz (Maxie Dean/Juno), Presley Ryan (u/s Girl Scout)
NOTES: YouTube rip of various clips of Dana Steingold in the role of Lydia. Highlights include Invisible, Dead Mom, Home, and curtain call.
Beetlejuice - Broadway - September, 2019 FORMAT:  VOB (with smalls) (SD) CAST: Alex Brightman (Beetlejuice), Sophia Anne Caruso (Lydia Deetz), Kerry Butler (Barbara Maitland), Rob McClure (Adam Maitland), Adam Dannheisser (Charles Deetz), Leslie Kritzer (Delia Deetz/Miss Argentina), Kelvin Moon Loh (Otho), Danny Rutigliano (Maxie Dean), Jill Abramovitz (Maxie Dean/Juno), Dana Steingold (Girl Scout)
NOTES: Full HD stageshot of this incredible show! Filmed from the rear orchestra without zooms, with a lot of head obstructions.
Beetlejuice - Broadway - September, 2019 (2) (StarCuffedJeans's master) FORMAT:  MP4 (HD) CAST: Alex Brightman (Beetlejuice), Presley Ryan (u/s Lydia Deetz), Kerry Butler (Barbara Maitland), David Josefsberg (Adam Maitland), Adam Dannheisser (Charles Deetz), Leslie Kritzer (Delia Deetz/Miss Argentina), Danny Rutigliano (Maxie Dean), Jill Abramovitz (Maxie Dean/Juno), Dana Steingold (Girl Scout)
NOTES: Beautiful HD capture of the incredible Presley Ryan as Lydia and David’s first week as Adam! Filmed from the left orchestra without obstructions with a mix of wides, mediums, and closeups. This is hands down the best video of the show to date. Starts about 3 minutes into performance (mid whole being dead thing).
Beetlejuice - Pre-Broadway / Washington D.C. - October-November, 2018 (Preview) (Highlights) FORMAT:  MP4 (HD) CAST: Alex Brightman (Beetlejuice), Sophia Anne Caruso (Lydia Deetz), Kerry Butler (Barbara Maitland), Rob McClure (Adam Maitland), Adam Dannheisser (Charles Deetz), Leslie Kritzer (Delia Deetz/Miss Argentina), Kelvin Moon Loh (Otho), Danny Rutigliano (Maxie Dean), Jill Abramovitz (Maxie Dean/Juno), Dana Steingold (Girl Scout)
NOTES: Highlights include clips from some different scenes. (each clip is around 30 seconds) Includes quite a bit of short curtain calls. Also includes a full curtain call **NOT TO BE POSTED ONLINE ANYWHERE**
 Bells Are Ringing - Broadway Revival - May 23, 2001 FORMAT:  VOB (with smalls) (SD) CAST: Faith Prince (Ella Peterson), Marc Kudisch (Jeffrey Moss), David Garrison (Sandor), Beth Fowler (Sue)
  Bent - Los Angeles, Center Theatre Group - August 8, 2015 FORMAT:  VOB (with smalls) (SD) CAST: Andy Mientus (Rudy), Brian Slaten (Lieutenant), Brionne Davis (SS Officer), Charlie Hofheimer (Horst), Jake Shears (Greta), Jonathan B Wright (Guard), Matthew Carlson (Prisoner), Patrick Heusinger (Max), Ray Baker (Uncle Freddie), Tom Berklund (Wolf), Wyatt Fenner (Prisoner)
Beowulf - A Thousand Years of Baggage - Berkeley Rep - May, 2008 (Pro-Shot's master) FORMAT:  MP4 (SD) CAST: Jason Craig (Beowulf), Dave Malloy (King Hrothgar), Jessica Jelliffe (Academic 1/Grendel's Mother), Chris Kuckenbaker (Academic 2/Grendel), Cameron Galloway (Academic 3/Dragon), Anna Ishida (Warrior 1), Shaye Troha (Warrior 2)
NOTES: The camera work, contrasting, resolution and aspect ratio (23:20) are pretty poor by today's standard, but this is the exact quality that has been provided for streaming
The Best Little Whorehouse in Texas - Actors Fund Benefit Concert - October 16, 2006 (Matinee) (Pro-Shot's master) FORMAT:  VOB (with smalls) (SD) CAST: Emily Skinner, Terrence Mann, Jennifer Hudson, Bob Martin, Mary Faber, Felicia Finley, Andrea McArdle, Richard Kind, Constantine Maroulis.
NOTES: Rehearsal for the Actor's Fund Concert.
The Best Little Whorehouse in Texas - Broadway - 1978 FORMAT:  VOB (with smalls) (SD) CAST: Carlin Glynn (Miss Mona Stangley), Henderson Forsythe (Sheriff Ed Earl Dodd), Delores Hall (Jewel), Clinton Allmon (Melvin P. Thorpe), Susan Mansur (Doatsy Mae), Jay Garner (Governor of Texas), J. Frank Lucas (Senator J.T Wingwoah), Don Crabtree (Edsel Mackey), Jay Garner (C.J Scruggs), J. Frank Lucas (Mayor Rufus Poindexter), Pamela Blair (Amber), Joan Ellis (Shy), Donna King (Linda Lou), *Becky Gelke (Ruby Rae), Jan Merchant (Beatrice), Marta Sanders (Eloise), Lisa Brown (Dawn), Carol Chambers (Taddy Jo), Debra Zalkind (Durla), Louise Quick-Brown (Ginger), Edna Milton (Miss Wulla Jean), Clinton Allmon (Farmer), Jay Garner (Traveling Salesman), K.C Kelly (Slick Dude), Gerry Burkhardt (Shy Kid), Bradley Clayton King (Leroy Slinley), K.C Kelly (Ukranian Aggie), James Rich (Aggie Soloist), Jay Burksy (Governor's Aide), Susan Mansur (Reporter 1), Paul Ukena, Jnr (Reporter 2), Michael Scott (Reporter 3), K.C Kelly (Soundman), Tom Cashin (Stage Manager), Edwina Lewis (Ensemble), Gena Ramsel
NOTES: New copy of the show, that is low generation. Actually surprisingly very good and much better than many that are out there. Lots of mid stage shots with a few zooms. B+
The Best Little Whorehouse in Texas - US National Tour - 2001 FORMAT:  VOB (with smalls) (SD) CAST: Ann-Margret (Miss Mona Stangley), Avery Sommers (Jewel), Rob Donohoe (Melvin P. Thorpe), Gary Sandy (Sheriff Ed Earl Dodd), Matt Landers (C. J. Scruggs), Terri Dixon (Angel), Roxie Lucas (Doatsy Mae), Jen Celene Little (Shy), Larry L King (TV Announcer)
The Best Man - Broadway - June 20, 2012 FORMAT:  VOB (no smalls) (SD) CAST: Candice Bergen, Mark Blum, Kerry Butler, James Earl Jones, Angela Lansbury, John Larroquette, Jefferson Mays, Eric McCormack, Curtis Billings, Coreey Brill, Tony Carlin, Donna Hanover, Sherman Howard, Olja Hrustic, Bill Kux, James Lecesne, Dakin Matthews, Angelica Page, Fred Parker, Amy Tribbey
Big Fish - Broadway - November 23, 2013 (Lanelle's master) FORMAT:  VOB (with smalls) (SD) CAST: Norbert Leo Butz (Edward Bloom), Bobby Steggert (Will Bloom), Zachary Unger (Young Will), Kate Baldwin (Sandra Bloom), Ryan Andes (Karl), Brad Oscar (Amos Calloway), Ciara Renée (The Witch), Kirsten Scott (Jenny Hill)
Big Fish - Musical Theatre West - November 1, 2014 (SJ Bernly's master) FORMAT:  VOB (with smalls) (SD) CAST: Jeff Skowron (Edward Bloom), Andrew Huber (Will Bloom), Jude Mason (Young Will), Rebecca Johnson (Sandra Bloom), Kristina Miller (Josephine Bloom), Timothy Hughes (Karl), Gabriel Kalomas (Amos Calloway), Zachary Ford (Don Price), Molly Garner (The Witch), Michelle Loucadoux (Jenny Hill), Richard Bulda (u/s Dr. Bennett), Jake Saenz (Zacky Price), Marisa Field (Girl in the Water)
NOTES: Impeccably shot, 10/10.
Big Fish - Pre-Broadway/Chicago - May 4, 2013 (SunsetBlvd79's master) FORMAT:  VOB (no smalls) (SD) CAST: Norbert Leo Butz (Edward Bloom), Bobby Steggert (Will Bloom), Zachary Unger (Young Will), Kate Baldwin (Sandra Bloom), Krystal Joy Brown (Josephine Bloom), Ryan Andes (Karl), Brad Oscar (Amos Calloway), Ben Crawford (Don Price), Katie Thompson (The Witch)
NOTES: Beautiful HD capture of this PreBroadway tryout. This was done the final week of shows and has many changes to earlier versions, stunning capture! A+
Big River - Broadway - September 23, 2003 FORMAT:  VOB (with smalls) (SD) CAST: Michael McElroy (Jim), Tyrone Giordano (Huckleberry Finn), Lyle Kanouse (Duke), Troy Kotsur (The King), Troy Kotsur (Pap Finn), Melissa van der Schyff (Mary Jane Wilkes), Michael Arden (Tom Sawyer), Gina Ferrall (Widow Douglas), Phyllis Frelich (Miss Watson), Alexandria Wailes (Johanna), Ryan Schlecht (Young Fool), Drew McVety (Dick Simon), Iosif Schneiderman (Judge Thatcher), Daniel Jenkins (Mark Twain), Scott Barnhardt (Ben Rogers), Walter Charles (Preacher), Gwen Stewart (Alice), Christina Ellison Dunhams (Alice's Daughter)
NOTES: Most the first hour Act 1 is covered up or shot blind. When there’s something to see, it’s nice. The fidelity is cleaned up from the unfortunate dark ages of when it was shot, but the audio is a touch harsh.
Big River - Encores! - February 8, 2017 (Opening Night) (NYCG8R's master) FORMAT:  VOB (with smalls) (SD) CAST: Kyle Scatliffe (Jim), Nicholas Barasch (Huckleberry Finn), Christopher Sieber (Duke), David Pittu (The King), Wayne Duvall (Pap Finn), Lauren Worsham (Mary Jane Wilkes), Charlie Franklin (Tom Sawyer), Cass Morgan (Widow Douglas), Annie Golden (Miss Watson), Adrianna Hicks, Andrew Cristi, Andrew Kruep, Gizel Jimenez, Horace V Rogers, John-Michael Lyles, Katherine A Guy, Megan Masako Haley, Mike Evariste, Patrice Covington, Stephen Lee Anderson, Tom Nelis, Zachary Infante
Big: The Musical - Broadway - April, 1996 (Highlights) (Press Reel's master) FORMAT:  VOB (with smalls) (SD) CAST: Daniel Jenkins (Big Josh Baskin), Barbara Walsh (Mrs Baskin), Crista Moore (Susan Lawrence), Jon Cypher (George McMillan), Gene Weygandt (Paul Seymour), Patrick Levis (Young Josh), Brett Tebisel (Billy)
NOTES: The original press reels. This video contains 90 minutes of footage from the show, so very extensive highlights. Contains interviews and behind the scenes footage that go for about 30 minutes. Contains timecode running on bottom and has clearly been transferred from videotape to DVD.
Billy Elliot: The Musical - Australian Tour - January 23, 2008 (House-Cam's master) FORMAT:  VOB (with smalls) (SD) CAST: Corey John Snide (Billy Elliot), Genevieve Lemon (Mrs. Wilkinson), Richard Piper (Dad), Lola Nixon (Grandma), Justin Smith (Tony), Linal Haft (George), Samantha Morley (Mum), John Xintavelonis (Mr. Braithwaite), Fiona Booker (Debbie)
Billy Elliot: The Musical - Australian Tour - January 23, 2008 (House-Cam's master) FORMAT:  VOB (with smalls) (SD) CAST: Corey John Snide (Billy Elliot), Genevieve Lemon (Mrs. Wilkinson), Richard Piper (Dad), Lola Nixon (Grandma), Justin Smith (Tony), Linal Haft (George), Samantha Morley (Mum), John Xintavelonis (Mr. Braithwaite), Fiona Booker (Debbie)
Billy Elliot: The Musical - Broadway - November 15, 2008 (SunsetBlvd79's master) FORMAT:  MP4 (HD) CAST: Trent Kowalick (Billy Elliot), Stephen Hanna (Older Billy), Haydn Gwynne (Mrs. Wilkinson), Gregory Jbara (Dad), Santino Fontana (Tony), Frank Dolce (Michael), Thommie Retter (Mr. Braithwaite), Erin Whyland (Debbie)
NOTES: Amazing performance and a beautiful capture. Trent was beyond amazing and this performance was ELECTRIC and beyond words. This performance is in my top three theatrical moments ever, it was that amazing. This also includes the curtain call finale. A
Billy Elliot: The Musical - Broadway - November 21, 2008 FORMAT:  VOB (with smalls) (SD) CAST: David Alvarez (Billy Elliot), Haydn Gwynne (Mrs. Wilkinson), Gregory Jbara (Dad), Carole Shelley (Grandma), David Bologna (Michael)
NOTES: Worked around a lot heads! Still a good capture with some nice close ups. B
Billy Elliot: The Musical - Broadway - February 14, 2009 FORMAT:  VOB (with smalls) (SD) CAST: Kiril Kulish (Billy), David Bologna (Michael), Haydn Gwynne (Mrs. Wilkinson), Gregory Jbara (Dad), Leah Hocking (Dead Mum), Santino Fontana (Tony)
NOTES: Nicely filmed from the balcony with a good balance of close-ups and full stage shots, although a little shaky at times. This is the first (and so far, only) video with Kiril Kulish in the role of Billy. Unfortunately about 15 minutes of the show is missing due to battery issues. What's missing is: Grandma's song "We Go Dancing", the scene between Dad and Tony, the beginning of "Deep Into The Ground", and the scene between Mrs. Wilkinson and Dad discussing Billy's ballet. It appears the filmer was trying to conserve battery power and was trying to focus on Billy's scenes. DVD has been enhanced with main menu and thumbnail images for access to the various songs. A-
Billy Elliot: The Musical - Netherlands - January, 2015 FORMAT:  MP4 (HD) CAST: Svenno van Kleij (Billy Elliot), Pia Douwes (Mrs. Wilkinson), Bas Heerkes (Dad), Carry Tefsen (Grandma), Reinier Demeijer (Tony), Michiel Deddens (Michael), Bas Grevelink (George), Loes Worm (Mum), Dennis Willekens (Mr. Braithwaite), Fleur Hogenboom (Debbie), Bo Burger (Small Boy)
NOTES: Great recording of the Dutch production of Billy Elliot. Similar staging as on Broadway and the UK Tour.
Billy Elliot: The Musical - West End - 2005 FORMAT:  MP4 (SD) CAST: Liam Mower (Billy Elliot), Haydn Gwynne (Mrs. Wilkinson), Philip Whitchurch (Dad), Ann Emery (Grandma), Chris Lennon (Tony), Brad Kavanagh (Michael), Paul Broughton (George), Alex Delamere (Mr. Braithwaite), Brooke Havana Bailey (Debbie)
Billy Elliot: The Musical - West End - April 28, 2006 FORMAT:  VOB (with smalls) (SD) CAST: Leon Cooke (Billy Elliot), Haydn Gwynne (Mrs. Wilkinson), Philip Whitchurch (Dad), Ann Emery (Grandma), Brad Kavanagh (Michael)
NOTES: View often blocked by heads but good zooms.
Billy Elliot: The Musical - West End - November 2, 2006 (SunsetBlvd79's master) FORMAT:  VOB (with smalls) (SD) CAST: Matthew Koon (Billy Elliot), Sally Dexter (Mrs. Wilkinson), Philip Whitchurch (Dad), Ann Emery (Grandma), Ryan Longbottom (Michael), Leigh Laurie (Debbie)
NOTES: Excellent show and amazing capture here, crystal clear picture and sound. This features the Asian Billy, and he was an amazing dancer, and gave an amazing performance. A+
Billy Elliot: The Musical - West End - March 31, 2010 (Highlights) FORMAT:  MP4 (HD) CAST: Tom Holland (Billy Elliot), Barnaby Meredith (Older Billy), Joanna Riding (Mrs. Wilkinson), Joe Caffrey (Dad), Ann Emery (Grandma), Craig Gallivan (Tony), Connor Kelly (Michael), David Nellist (George), Samantha Seager (Mum), Sean Kingsley (Mr. Braithwaite), Francesca Mango (Debbie)
NOTES: 5th Anniversary, 10 minutes of highlights including parts of Angry Dance, Electricity, special Finale, and press clips
Billy Elliot: The Musical - West End - September 28, 2014 (Pro-Shot's master) FORMAT:  VOB (with smalls) (SD) CAST: Elliot Hanna (Billy Elliot), Liam Mower (Older Billy), Ruthie Henshall (Mrs. Wilkinson), Deka Walmsley (Dad), Ann Emery (Grandma), Chris Grahamson (Tony), Zach Atkinson (Michael), Howard Crossley (George), Claudia Bradley (Mum), David Muscat (Mr. Braithwaite), Demi Lee (Debbie), Caspar Meurisse (Tall Boy), Liam Sargeant (Small Boy), David Stoller (Posh Dad), Alan Mehdizadeh (Big Davey)
NOTES: Multi-cam pro-shot broadcast live to cinemas. Filmed on 28 September 2014 at the Victoria Palace Theatre in London's West End.
Black Friday - LA Premiere - October 31, 2019 (Opening Night) (Pro-Shot's master) FORMAT:  MOV (HD) CAST: Dylan Saunders (Tom Houston), Angela Giarratana (Lex Foster), Lauren Lopez (Linda Monroe), Kim Whalen (Becky Barnes), Corey Dorris (Frank Pricely), Jon Matteson (Wiggly), Robert Manion (Ethan Green), Jaime Lyn Beatty (Sherman Young), Joey Richter (Uncle Wiley), Curt Mega (President Howard Goodman), Kendall Nicole Yakshe (Hannah Foster), James Tolbert (Xander Lee), Jeff Blim (A Man In A Hurry)
NOTES: Opening night digital ticket
Black Friday - LA Premiere - December, 2019 (Pro-Shot's master) FORMAT:  MP4 (SD) CAST: Dylan Saunders (Tom Houston), Angela Giarratana (Lex Foster), Lauren Lopez (Linda Monroe), Kim Whalen (Becky Barnes), Corey Dorris (Frank Pricely), Jon Matteson (Wiggly), Robert Manion (Ethan Green), Jaime Lyn Beatty (Sherman Young), Joey Richter (Uncle Wiley), Curt Mega (President Howard Goodman), Kendall Nicole Yakshe (Hannah Foster), James Tolbert (Xander Lee), Jeff Blim (A Man In A Hurry)
NOTES: Excellent HD proshot. Almost 13Gb.
Black Friday - LA Premiere - November, 2019 (Pro-Shot's master) FORMAT:  MOV (HD) CAST: Dylan Saunders (Tom Houston), Angela Giarratana (Lex Foster), Lauren Lopez (Linda Monroe), Kim Whalen (Becky Barnes), Corey Dorris (Frank Pricely), Jon Matteson (Wiggly), Robert Manion (Ethan Green), Jaime Lyn Beatty (Sherman Young), Joey Richter (Uncle Wiley), Curt Mega (President Howard Goodman), Kendall Nicole Yakshe (Hannah Foster), James Tolbert (Xander Lee), Jeff Blim (A Man In A Hurry)
NOTES: Second digital ticket for the show filmed later in the run
Blithe Spirit - Broadway - May 16, 2009 FORMAT:  VOB (with smalls) (SD) CAST: Christine Ebersole (Elvira), Angela Lansbury (Madame Arcati), Rupert Everett (Charles), Jayne Atkinson (Ruth), Simon Jones (Dr. Bradman), Susan Louise O'Connor (Edith)
Blood Brothers - Dutch Revival - 2015 FORMAT:  MP4 (HD) CAST: Vera Mann (Mrs Johnstone), Guido Spek (Mickey), Jim Bakkum (Eddie), Maike Boerdam (Mrs Lyons), Jonathan Demoor (Sammy)
NOTES: Also known in dutch as Hartsvrienden
Blood Brothers - New Zealand - January 1, 1994 (Closing Night) FORMAT:  VOB (with smalls) (SD) CAST: Delia Hannah (Mrs Johnstone), Warwick Evans (Narrator), Stefan Dennis (Mickey)
NOTES: Exact date unknown - 75% of the show filmed from the audience with I believe Warwick evans as Narrator(it is 100% not David Soul) Disc also includes parts of the show filmed from backstage with again Warwick Evans as Narrator t.v interview with Warwick Evans and more backstage talk in dressing rooms and the wings and a performance in a church. on the whole dvd David Soul is on probably less than 5 minutes during his final performance
Blood Brothers - UK Tour - November, 2018 (hitmewithyourbethshot's master) FORMAT:  MP4 (HD) CAST: Linzi Hateley (Mrs Johnstone), Robbie Scotcher (Narrator), Sean Jones (Mickey), Mark Hutchison (Eddie), Sarah Jane Buckley (Mrs Lyons), Danny Taylor (Sammy), Danielle Corlass (Linda), Tim Churchill (Mr Lyons), Graham Martin (Policeman/Teacher), Alison Crawford (Brenda), Amy Jane Ollies (Donna Marie), Graeme Kinniburgh (Bus Conductor), Andy Owens (Perkins), Josh Capper (Neighbor)
Blood Brothers - West End - April 29, 1989 (Pro-Shot's master) FORMAT:  MP4 (SD) CAST: Kiki Dee (Mrs Johnstone), Warwick Evans (Narrator), Con O’Neil (Mickey), Robert Locke (Eddie), Joanne Zorian (Mrs Lyons), Terry Melia (Sammy), Annette Ekblom (Linda), John Conroy (Mr Lyons), Michael Atkinson (Policeman/Teacher), Dee Robillard (Donna Marie), Fenton Gray (Perkins)
NOTES: Pro-Shot for BBC. A little gen loss.
Blood Brothers - West End - March, 2010 FORMAT:  VOB (with smalls) (SD) CAST: Melanie C (Mrs Johnstone), Philip Stewart (Narrator), Stephen Palfreman (Mickey), Richard Reynard (Eddie), Vivienne Carlyle (Mrs Lyons), Michael Southern (Sammy), Louise Clayton (Linda), Owen Oldroyd (Mr Lyons)
NOTES: Some heads in the bottom of the screen but they are shot around very well and completely avoided whenever possible. Overall, a good video of an amazing cast. A-
Blood Brothers - West End - October, 2012 FORMAT:  VOB (with smalls) (SD) CAST: Vivienne Carlyle (Mrs Johnstone), Philip Stewart (Narrator), Mark Rice Oxley (Mickey), Paul Christopher (Eddie), Abigail Jaye (Mrs Lyons), Michael Southern (Sammy), Louise Clayton (Linda), Kevin Palister (Mr Lyons)
The Bodyguard - Cologne, Germany - August, 2017 (Rumpel's master) FORMAT:  MP4 (SD) CAST: Christian Peter Hauser (Tony), Dennis Kozeluh (Bill), Jadran Malkovich (Sy), Jürgen Fischer (Frank Farmer), Patricia Meeden (Rachel), Tiago C Pinade (Fletcher)
The Bodyguard - First National Tour - February 5, 2017 (SunsetBlvd79's master) FORMAT:  VOB (with smalls) (SD) CAST: Alex Carrado (Tony), Charles Gray (Bill), Deborah Cox (Rachel), Jarid Faubel (Ray), Jasmin Richardson (Nicki), Jonathan Hadley (Sy), Jorge Paniagua (Stalker), Judson Mills (Frank Farmer), Kevelin B Jones III (Fletcher)
NOTES: Excellent HD capture of the new musical based on the movie. Contains Whitney Houston's cataloge of music from the movie and her career. A very enjoyable musical with terrific songs and performances. Deborah does a terrific job taking on the music of Whitney! A
 The Bodyguard - Second UK Tour - January, 2019 (hitmewithyourbethshot's master) FORMAT:  MP4 (HD) CAST: Alexandra Burke (Rachel), Benoit Marechal (Frank Farmer), Craig Berry (Tony), David Turner (Sy), Micha Richardson (Nicki), Peter Landi (Bill), Phil Atkinson (Stalker), Simon Cotton (Ray)
NOTES: Not the best capture, a lot of wandering and a few heads in the way. Does not include curtain call or encore.
Boeing Boeing - Broadway - April 19, 2008 (Preview) FORMAT:  MP4 (HD) CAST: Christine Baranski (Berthe), Mark Rylance (Robert), Bradley Whitford (Bernard), Gina Gershon (Gabriella), Kathryn Hahn (Gloria), Mary McCormack (Gretchen)
NOTES: Filmed on the first night of previews.
Bombshell - Actors' Fund Benefit Concert - June 8, 2015 FORMAT:  MP4 (HD) CAST: Brian d'Arcy James, Christian Borle, Debra Messing, Donna McKechnie, Jeremy Jordan, Katharine McPhee, Leslie Odom Jr, Megan Hilty, Ripley Sobo, Will Chase
NOTES: The Actors Fund's one-night-only Broadway concert of Bombshell, the fictional musical about Marilyn Monroe that was central to the NBC series "Smash" **Audience shot, not professionally shot release.
Bombshell - Actors' Fund Benefit Concert - June 8, 2015 (Pro-Shot's master) FORMAT:  MP4 (HD) CAST: Brian d'Arcy James, Christian Borle, Debra Messing, Donna McKechnie, Jeremy Jordan, Katharine McPhee, Leslie Odom Jr, Megan Hilty, Ripley Sobo, Will Chase
NOTES: The stars of the NBC musical drama series will reunite virtually for a special one-night-only streaming event: Bombshell in Concert. The event, announced by The Actors Fund in association with PEOPLE, features the never-seen sold-out live performance of Bombshell in Concert that electrified Broadway at the Minskoff Theater in New York City in 2015. The evening will be introduced by two-time Academy Award winner Renée Zellweger and, during intermission, Julie Klausner of “Difficult People” will host a live, virtual reunion with the show’s original cast members including: Christian Borle, Jaime Cepero, Will Chase, Brian d’Arcy James, Jack Davenport, Ann Harada, Megan Hilty, Jeremy Jordan, Katharine McPhee, Andy Mientus, Debra Messing, Leslie Odom Jr., Krysta Rodriguez and Wesley Taylor.
  Bonnie and Clyde - Broadway - November 9, 2011 (Preview) (NYCG8R's master) FORMAT:  VOB (no smalls) (SD) |  TRADER'S NOTES: Act 1 only CAST: Laura Osnes (Bonnie Parker), Jeremy Jordan (Clyde Barrow), Melissa van der Schyff (Blanche Barrow), Claybourne Elder (Buck Barrow), Joe Hart (Sheriff Schmid), Louis Hobson (Ted Hinton), Michael Lanning (Preacher), Mimi Bessette (Emma Parker), Kelsey Fowler (Young Bonnie), Talon Ackerman (Young Clyde)
NOTES: A great capture of this shortly lived show. Jeremy and Laura did a great job in the roles and great voices! A+
Bonnie and Clyde - La Jolla Playhouse - November 14, 2009 (Matinee) (Preview) FORMAT:  VOB (with smalls) (SD) CAST: Laura Osnes (Bonnie Parker), Stark Sands (Clyde Barrow), Melissa van der Schyff (Blanche Barrow), Claybourne Elder (Buck Barrow), Wayne Duvall (Sheriff Schmid), Chris Peluso (Ted Hinton), Michael Lanning (Preacher), Mare Winningham (Emma Parker)
NOTES: Nice capture of this new Wildhorn show. There are only a couple very short blackouts throughout the show and hardly any washout. A
The Book of Mormon - Brazil - 2014 (Pro-Shot's master) FORMAT:  MP4 (HD) CAST: Hugo Kerth (Elder Price), Leo Bahia (Elder Cunningham), Giulianna Farias (Nabulungi), Vinicius Teixeira (Elder McKinley), Nando Brandão (Doctor)
NOTES: Unirio production.​
The Book of Mormon - Broadway - 2011 (House-Cam's master) FORMAT:  VOB (with smalls) (SD) CAST: Andrew Rannells (Elder Price), Josh Gad (Elder Cunningham), Nikki M James (Nabulungi), Rory O’Malley (Elder McKinley)
The Book of Mormon - Broadway - March 1, 2011 (Preview) (NYCG8R's master) FORMAT:  VOB (no smalls) (SD) CAST: Andrew Rannells (Elder Price), Josh Gad (Elder Cunningham), Nikki M James (Nabulungi), Rory O’Malley (Elder McKinley), Michael Potts (Mafala Hatimbi), Lewis Cleale (Mission President)
NOTES: Very nice video of the show however a bar can be visable in wide shots but it doesn't interfere with anything. Disc also includes behind the scenes footage, interviews and reviews. A
The Book of Mormon - Broadway - March 7, 2011 (Preview) (SunsetBlvd79's master) FORMAT:  MP4 (HD) CAST: Andrew Rannells (Elder Price), Josh Gad (Elder Cunningham), Nikki M James (Nabulungi), Rory O’Malley (Elder McKinley), Michael Potts (Mafala Hatimbi), Lewis Cleale (Mission President)
NOTES: Notes: Listed in various places as both 3-7-2011 and 3-11-2011... it's due to a labeling error by the master. They are the same capture it's just the DVD Menu shows the capture date as 3-11-2011 while the poster at the beginning says 3-7-2011 A nice capture of this hilarious original show. A very solid and funny cast. Nikki does a fantastic job acting and vocally. On wide shots there can be heads on the sides, but nothing that really obstructs the action. During Broadway previews, less than a month before the official premiere. So there are differences from the Cast Recording. Very nice video of the show however a bar can be visible in wide shots but it doesn't interfere with anything.
The Book of Mormon - Chicago - December 23, 2012 (SunsetBlvd79's master) FORMAT:  MP4 (SD) |  TRADER'S NOTES: PLEASE DO NOT REQUEST. Working on uploading :) CAST: Nic Rouleau (Elder Price), Ben Platt (Elder Cunningham), Syesha Mercado (Nabulungi), Pierce Cassedy (Elder McKinley), James Vincent Meredith (Mafala Hatimbi), Christopher Shyer (Mission President), David Aron Damane (General)
NOTES: Beautiful HD capture of the Chicago Cast. I can not say enough wonderful things about this company! They really are rock solid and give terrific performances! Nic and Ben are really sensational and have great chemistry. A+
The Book of Mormon - Second National Tour - May 17, 2014 (SJ Bernly's master) FORMAT:  VOB (with smalls) (SD) CAST: David Larsen (Elder Price), Cody Jamison Strand (Elder Cunningham), Tallia Brinson (u/s Nabulungi), Pierce Cassedy (Elder McKinley), James Vincent Meredith (Mafala Hatimbi), Christopher Shyer (Mission President), David Aron Damane (General), Jeff Heimbrock (u/s Cunningham’s Dad)
NOTES: A fantastic capture of the second tour cast. This is the first known dvd of the 2NT, and the cast doesn’t disappoint. David and Cody are strong leads with great voices and comedic timing. Pierce is perfect as McKinley. Tallia also does a great job; she has a strong belt and does an endearing rendition of Sal Tlay Ka Siti. This is a very nice capture with no obstruction or blackouts, and only a bit of washout in superwide shots of high-contrast scenes. The video is very steady and the sound is excellent as usual. It’s filmed in 16:9 with a mix of wides, mediums, and close-ups. Includes curtain call.
The Book of Mormon - Sweden - 2017 (Highlights) FORMAT:  MKV (HD) CAST: Linus Wahlgren (Elder Price), Per Andersson (Elder Cunningham)
NOTES: Act 1 and first few minutes of Act 2 (until Spooky Mormon Hell Dream) only. Vertical; filmed from a mobile phone. Camera wanders a lot. Lots of washouts and no zooms but audio is clear quality.
The Book of Mormon - UK & Ireland Tour - 2019 (Rumpel's master) FORMAT:  VOB (no smalls) (SD) CAST: Kevin Douglas Clay (Elder Price), Connor Peirson (Elder Cunningham), Nicole-Lily Baisden (Nabulungi), Will Hawksworth (Elder McKinley), Ewen Cummins (Mafala Hatimbi), Thomas Vernal (General), David Brewis (Cunningham’s Dad), Tre Copeland-Williams (Doctor), Johnathan Tweedie (Prices Dad/Joseph Smith/Mission President), Cleopatra Isaac (Mrs Brown), Jemal Felix (Guard), Lukin Simmonds (Guard), Alex James-Hatton, David Brewis, Evan James, Fergal McGoff, George Crawford, Isaac Hesketh, Jed Berry
NOTES: One of the best videos of this show out there. Recorded from the right wing, doesn't miss any action. High quality video and excellent sound. Kevin is a very good Elder Price.
The Book of Mormon - West End - 2013 (House-Cam's master) FORMAT:  VOB (with smalls) (SD) CAST: Ashley Day (u/s Elder Price), Jared Gertner (Elder Cunningham), Alexia Khadime (Nabulungi), Stephen Ashfield (Elder McKinley), Giles Terera (Mafala Hatimbi), Haydn Oakley (Mission President), Chris Jarman (General)
NOTES: Filmed by house camera, full stage shot with no zooms, picture quality is poor but audio is clear recorded through the soundboard.
The Book of Mormon - West End - May 29, 2013 FORMAT:  MP4 (HD) CAST: Gavin Creel (Elder Price), Daniel Buckley (s/b Elder Cunningham), Alexia Khadime (Nabulungi), Stephen Ashfield (Elder McKinley), Giles Terera (Mafala Hatimbi), Haydn Oakley (Mission President), Tosh Wanogho-Maud (u/s General), Haydn Oakley (Price's Dad), Haydn Oakley (Prices Dad/Joseph Smith/Mission President)
NOTES: Clear capture with some spotlight washout; filmed from the stalls in clear 16:9 widescreen HD
The Book of Mormon - Workshop - September 1, 2010 (Pro-Shot's master) FORMAT:  MP4 (HD) |  TRADER'S NOTES: Highlights CAST: Andrew Rannells (Elder Price), Josh Gad (Elder Cunningham), Nikki M James (Nabulungi), Rory O’Malley (Elder McKinley), Michael Potts (Mafala Hatimbi), Asmeret Ghebremichael, Clark Johnson, John Eric Parker, Justin Bohon, Kevin Duda, Lewis Cleale, Scott Barnhardt
NOTES: Workshop all staged on barebones sets. Very interesting changes from the eventual Broadway version, including a much different “All American Prophet” (a squaredaney number called “The Bible is a Trilogy, Too”) This version is far less polished and focused but incredibly interesting to see for fans of the show.
The Boy Friend - US Tour - 2005 (House-Cam's master) FORMAT:  VOB (with smalls) (SD) CAST: Rick Faugno (Bobby Van Husen), Jessica Grové (Polly), Berthe Austin (Hortense), Scott Barnhardt (Alphonse), Andrew Breidis (Pierre), Jordan Cable (Marcel), Paul Carlin (Percival Browne), Andrea Chamberlain (Maisie), Margot de La Barre (Nancy), Darcy Pulliam (Lord Brockhurst), Drew Eschelman (Lord Brockhurst), Nancy Hess (Madame Dubonnet), Pamela Otterson (Monica), Sean Palmer (Tony), Krysta Rodriguez (Fay), Eric Santagata (Phillipe), Tom Souhrada (Gendarme), Kristien Wyatt (Dulcie)
NOTES: Can't really see the faces of the actors; spotlight washout; great sound
Breakfast at Tiffany's - Broadway - March 9, 2013 (Lanelle's master) FORMAT:  VOB (with smalls) (SD) CAST: Cory Michael Smith (Fred), Emilia Clarke (Holly)
NOTES: Shot in between a great deal of heads. Be warned, this production contains nudity during a bathtub scene. The production strays away much from the film that made it so popular.
The Bridges of Madison County - Broadway - April 16, 2014 (SunsetBlvd79's master) FORMAT:  VOB (with smalls) (SD) CAST: Kelli O’Hara (Francesca), Steven Pasquale (Robert), Hunter Foster (Bud), Michael X Martin (Charlie), Cass Morgan (Marge), Caitlin Kinnunen (Carolyn), Derek Klena (Michael), Whitney Bashor (Marian/Chiara)
NOTES: Excellent HD capture of this short lived musical, gone too soon. This is the second and even better capture of the show. Kelli and Steven still creating excellent work here. Gem of a show that should have stuck around longer! A
The Bridges of Madison County - Broadway - April 16, 2014 (SunsetBlvd79's master) FORMAT:  VOB (with smalls) (SD) CAST: Kelli O’Hara (Francesca), Steven Pasquale (Robert), Hunter Foster (Bud), Michael X Martin (Charlie), Cass Morgan (Marge), Caitlin Kinnunen (Carolyn), Derek Klena (Michael), Whitney Bashor (Marian/Chiara)
NOTES: Excellent HD capture of this short lived musical, gone too soon. This is the second and even better capture of the show. Kelli and Steven still creating excellent work here. Gem of a show that should have stuck around longer! A
Brief Encounter - Broadway - September 12, 2010 FORMAT:  VOB (with smalls) (SD) CAST: Joseph Alessi (Alex/Fred), Dorothy Atkinson (Beryl), Damon Daunno (Bill/Bobbie), Gabriel Ebert (Stanley), Annette McLaughlin (Myrtle), Tristan Sturrock (Alec), Hannah Yelland (Laura), Adam Pleeth, Edward Jay
Brigadoon - New York City Opera - November 13, 1996 (Opening Night) FORMAT:  VOB (with smalls) (SD) CAST: Brent Barrett (Tommy Albright), Rebecca Luker (Fiona MacLaren), Judy Kaye (Meg Brockie)
Bright Star - Old Globe Theatre (San Diego, CA) - September 13, 2014 (SJ Bernly's master) FORMAT:  MP4 (HD) CAST: Carmen Cusack (Alice Murphy), Wayne Alan Wilcox (Jimmy Ray Dobbs), Wayne Duvall (Mayor Josiah Dobbs), AJ Shively (Billy Cane), Hannah Elless (Margo Crawford), Stephen Bogardus (Daddy Cane), Allison Briner (u/s Mama Murphy), Stephen Lee Anderson (Daddy Murphy), Kate Loprest (Lucy Grant), Jeff Hiller (Darryl Ames), Libby Winters (Dora Murphy)
Bring It On: The Musical - Broadway - October 24, 2012 (SunsetBlvd79's master) FORMAT:  VOB (with smalls) (SD) CAST: Taylor Louderman (Campbell), Adrienne Warren (Danielle), Elle McLemore (Eva), Janet Krupin (u/s Bridget), Jason Gotay (Randall), Ariana DeBose (Nautica), Michael Mindlin (u/s La Cienega), Neil Haskell (Steven), Calli Alden (u/s Kylar), Nikki Bohne (s/b Skylar), Nicolas Womack (Twig)
NOTES: Heads at the bottom of the screen during a good part of the show when action takes place at the foot of the stage but it's shot around well. A-
Bring It On: The Musical - Broadway - October 24, 2012 (SunsetBlvd79's master) FORMAT:  MP4 (HD) |  TRADER'S NOTES: Part 1 only CAST: Taylor Louderman (Campbell), Adrienne Warren (Danielle), Elle McLemore (Eva), Janet Krupin (u/s Bridget), Jason Gotay (Randall), Ariana DeBose (Nautica), Michael Mindlin (u/s La Cienega), Neil Haskell (Steven), Calli Alden (u/s Kylar), Nikki Bohne (s/b Skylar), Nicolas Womack (Twig)
NOTES: Heads at the bottom of the screen during a good part of the show when action takes place at the foot of the stage but it's shot around well. A-
Bring It On: The Musical - First National Tour - December 4, 2011 (SunsetBlvd79's master) FORMAT:  VOB (with smalls) (SD) CAST: Taylor Louderman (Campbell), Adrienne Warren (Danielle), Elle McLemore (Eva), Ryann Redmond (Bridget), Jason Gotay (Randall), Ariana DeBose (Nautica), Gregory Haney (La Cienega), Neil Haskell (Steven), Janet Krupin (Kylar), Kate Rockwell (Skylar), Nicolas Womack (Twig)
NOTES: From the National Tour that would eventually lead to a run on Broadway. An excellent capture of this new musical that was surprisingly a great time. A
Brokeback Mountain: The Opera - Teatro Real Madrid - February 7, 2014 (Pro-Shot's master) FORMAT:  MP4 (SD) CAST: Celia Acedo (Alma's Mother), Daniel Okulitch (Ennis), Ethan Hirschenfield (Aguirre/Hog Boy), Hannah Esther Minutillo (Lureen), Heather Buck (Alma), Jane Henschel (Jack's Mother), Ryan MacPherson (Jack's Father), Tom Randle (Jack)
NOTES: with english subtitles
A Bronx Tale: The Musical - Broadway - November 14, 2016 (Preview) (SunsetBlvd79's master) FORMAT:  VOB (no smalls) (SD) CAST: Bobby Conte Thornton (Calogero), Nick Cordero (Sonny), Hudson Loverro (Young Calogero), Richard H Blake (Lorenzo), Lucia Giannetta (Rosina), Ariana DeBose (Jane), Bradley Gibson (Tyrone)
NOTES: A great HD capture of the new musical which is based on the play. The ledge blocks the actors legs only when action is downstage far right, never really an issue with zooming in. A mix of Jersey Boys and West Side Story with upbeat music. A-
A Bronx Tale: The Musical - Broadway - May 31, 2018 (NYCG8R's master) FORMAT:  VOB (no smalls) (SD) CAST: Adam Kaplan (Calogero), Chazz Palminteri (Sonny), Hudson Loverro (Young Calogero), Richard H Blake (Lorenzo), Lucia Giannetta (Rosina), Christiani Pitts (Jane), Gerald Caesar (Tyrone), Gilbert L Bailey II (Jesse), Joe Barbara (Police Officer/Gang Leader/Carmine), Ted Brunetti (Frankie Coffeecake)
Buried Child - Off-Broadway - March 30, 2016 (Pro-Shot's master) FORMAT:  MP4 (HD) CAST: Ed Harris (Dodge)
But I'm a Cheerleader - London Reading - December 6, 2013 (House-Cam's master) FORMAT:  MP4 (SD) CAST: Bronté Barbé (Megan), Maria Coyne (Graham), Hannah Waddingham (Mary), Adrian Hansel (Mike), Emma Bateman (Sinead), Phillip Labey (Joel), Shaun Rennie (Rock), Nicolas Colicos (Lloyd), Ian Knauer (Larry), Andy Conaghan (Jared), Carly Mercedes Dyer (Kimberly), Belinda Wollaston, Caroline Rogers, Charlotte Harwood, Gary Wood, Helen Walsh, Jamie Muscato, Jamie Ward, Michael O'Connor, Michelle Francis, Ricky Schroeder
NOTES: Proshot of a reading. Missing the last 5 minutes.
Bye Bye Birdie - Broadway Revival - September 16, 2009 (Preview) FORMAT:  VOB (no smalls) (SD) CAST: John Stamos (Albert Peterson), Gina Gershon (Rose Alvarez), Bill Irwin (Harry MacAfee), Nolan Gerard Funk (Conrad Birdie), Jayne Houdyshell (Mae Peterson), Matt Doyle (Hugo Peabody), Allie Trimm (Kim MacAfee)
NOTES: One brief cover-up due to latecomers. Very good and clear video with great close-ups.
Bye Bye Birdie - Third National Tour - 1992 FORMAT:  VOB (with smalls) (SD) CAST: Tommy Tune (Albert Peterson), Ann Reinking (Rose Alvarez), Marc Kudisch (Conrad Birdie), Marcia Lewis (Mae Peterson), Susan Egan (Kim MacAfee)
NOTES: Full show, from the overture to the bows; supposedly shot in Los Angeles, CA; the songs "A Giant Step" and "He's Mine" were written for this production
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Charles Laughton.
- Bluebottles, The Tonic, Daydreams (1928) Dir.: Ivor Montagu
- Piccadilly (1929) Dir.: Ewald Andrea Dupont.
- Wolves (1930).
- Down River (1931) Dir. Peter Godfrey
-El caserón de las sombras (The Old Dark - House, 1932) Dir. James Whale
- Entre la espada y la pared (The Devil and the Deep, 1932) Dir. Marion Gering
- Justicia divina/El asesino de Mr. Medland (Payment Deferred, 1932) Dir. Lothar Mendes
- El signo de la cruz (The Sign of the Cross, 1932) Dir. Cecil B. De Mille
- Si yo tuviera un millón (If I Had a Million, 1932) Dirs. Ernst Lubitsch, Norman Taurog, Stephen Roberts, Norman McLeod, James Cruse, William A. - Seiter y H. Bruce Humberstone
- La isla de las almas perdidas (Island of Lost Souls, 1932) Dir. Erle C. Kenton
- La vida privada de Enrique VIII (The Private Life of Henry VIII, 1933) Dir. Alexander Korda
- White Woman (1933) Dir. Stuart Walker
- The Barretts of Wimpole Street (1934) Dir. Sidney Franklin
- Nobleza obliga (Ruggles of Red Gap, 1935) Dir. Leo McCarey
- Los miserables (Les Misérables, 1935) Dir. Richard Boleslawsky
- Rebelión a bordo (Mutiny on the Bounty, 1935) Dir. Frank Lloyd
- Rembrandt (Rembrandt, 1936) Dir. Alexander Korda
- Yo, Claudio (I, Claudius, 1937) Dir. Joseph von Sternberg.
- Bandera amarilla (Vessel of Wrath, 1938) Dir. Eric Pommer (Laughton es actor y coproductor de esta película).
- Las calles de Londres (St. Martin's Lane, 1938) Dir. Tim Whelan (Laughton es actor y coproductor de esta película).
- La posada de Jamaica (Jamaica Inn, 1939) Dir. Alfred Hitchcock (Laughton es actor y coproductor de esta película).
- Esmeralda, la zíngara (The Hunchback of Notre Dame, 1939) Dir. William Dieterle
- Laughton en la película Ellos sabían lo que querían (1940), con Carole Lombard y Frank Fay.
- They Knew What They Wanted (1940) Dir. Garson Kanin
- Casi un ángel (It Started with Eve, 1941) Dir. Henry Koster
- Se acabó la gasolina (The Tuttles of Tahiti, 1942) Dir. Charles Vidor
- Seis destinos (Tales of Manhattan, 1942) Dir. Julien Duvivier
- Stand by for Action (1943) Dir. Robert Z. Leonard
- Forever and a Day (1943) Dirs. René Clair, Edmund Goulding, Cedric Hardwicke, Frank Lloyd, Victor Saville.
-Esta tierra es mía (This Land Is Mine, 1943) Dir. Jean Renoir
- The Man from Down Under (1943) Dir. Robert Z. Leonard
- The Canterville Ghost (1944) Dir. Jules Dassin
- El sospechoso (The Suspect, 1944) Dir. Robert Siodmak
- El capitán Kidd (Captain Kidd, 1945) Dir. Rowland V. Lee
- Su primera noche (Because of Him, 1946) Dir. Richard Wallace
- Arco de triunfo (Arch of Triumph, 1947) Dir. Lewis Milestone
- El reloj asesino (The Big Clock, 1947) Dir. John Farrow
- El proceso Paradine (The Paradine Case, 1948) Dir. Alfred Hitchcock
- On our Merry way/A Miracle can Happen (1948) Dirs. King Vidor, Leslie Fenton, John Huston, George Stevens.
- The Girl from Manhattan (1948) Alfred E. Green
- Soborno (The Bribe, 1949) Dir. Robert Z. Leonard
- El hombre de la torre Eiffel (The Man on the Eiffel Tower, 1949) Dir. Burgess Meredith (codirectores no acreditados: Charles Laughton y Franchot Tone).
- No estoy sola (The Blue Veil, 1951) Dir. Curtis Bernhardt
- The Strange Door (1951) Dir. Joseph Pevney
- Cuatro páginas de la vida (O. Henry's Full House, 1952) Dir. Henry Koster
- Abbott and Costello Meet Captain Kidd (1952) Dir. Charles Lamont
- Salomé (Salome, 1953) Dir. William Dieterle
- La reina virgen (Young Bess, 1953) Dir. George Sidney
- El déspota (Hobson's Choice, 1954) Dir. David Lean
- La noche del cazador (The Night of the Hunter, 1954) Dir. Charles Laughton (no aparece como actor en la película).
T- estigo de cargo (Witness for the Prosecution, 1957) Dir. Billy Wilder
- Bajo diez banderas (Sotto dieci bandiere, 1960) Dir. Diulio Colletti
Espartaco (Spartacus, 1960) Dir, Stanley Kubrick
- Tempestad sobre Washington (Advise and Consent, 1962) Dir. Otto Preminger.
- The Epic That Never Was (1965). Dirigido por Bill Duncalf y presentado por Dirk Bogarde. Documental de la BBC sobre el rodaje de I, Claudius con diversas escenas acabadas. (VHS, DVD).
- Callow's Laughton (1987). Documental de la Yorkshire TV-ITV dirigido por Nick Gray y presentado por Simon Callow sobre Charles Laughton.
- Charles Laughton Directs The Night of the Hunter (2002). Documental dirigido por Robert Gitt a partir de tomas descartadas de la Película.
Debut teatral (1913). Stonyhurst College, Reino Unido
- The Private Secretary per Charles Hawtrey
Teatro amateur (hasta 1925). Scarborough, Reino Unido
- The Dear Departed por Stanley Houghton
- Trelawney of The Wells por Arthur Wing Pinero
- Hobson's Choice por Harold Brighouse
- The Government Inspector. por Nicolai Gogol. Dir. Theodore Komisarjevsky
- Los puntales de la sociedad por Henrik Ibsen. Dir. Sybil Arundale
- El jardín de los cerezos por Antón Chéjov. Dir. Theodore Komisarjevsky
- Las tres hermanas por Antón Chéjov. Dir. Theodore Komisarjevsky
- Liliom por Ferencz Molnar. Dir. Theodore Komisarjevsky
- The Greater Love por James B. Fagan. Dir. James B. Fagan y Lewis Casson
- Angela por Lady Bell. Dir. Lewis Casson
Vestire gli ignudi por Luigi Pirandello. Dir. Theodore Komisarjevsky
- Medea por Eurípides. Dir. Lewis Casson
- The Happy Husband por Harrison Owen. Dir. Basil Dean
- Paul Y por Dimitri Merejovski. Dir. Theodore Komisarjevsky
- Mr. Prohack por Arnold Bennet y Edward Knoblock. Dir. Theodore Komisarjevsky
- A Man with Red Hair por Benn W. Levy, a partir de la novela de Hugh Walpole. Dir. Theodore Komisarjevsky
- The Making of an Immortal por George Moore. Dir. Robert Atkins
- Riverside Nights por Nigel Playfair y A.P. Herbert. Dir. Nigel Playfair
- Alibi per Michael Morton, a partir de la novela de Agatha Christie. Dir. Gerald duMaurier
- Mr. Pickwick por Cosmo Hamilton y Frank C. Reilly, a partir de la novela de Charles Dickens. Dir. Basil Dean
- Beauty por Jacques Deval (adapt. inglesa: Michael Morton). Dir. Felix Edwardes
- The Silver Tassie por Sean O'Casey. Dir. Raymond Massey
- French Leave por Reginald Berkeley. Dir. Eille Norwood
- On the Spot por Edgar Wallace. Dir. Edgar Wallace
- Payment Deferred por Jeffrey Dell, a partir de la novela de C.S. Forrester. Dir. H.K. Ailiff
-Gira americana (Chicago y Nueva York) de Payment Deferred y Alibi (esta última retítulada The Fatal Alibi y dirigida por Jed Harris).
Old Vic: temporada 1933-34. Londres. Reino Unido. Todas las obras dirigidas por Tyrone Guthrie.
El jardín de los cerezos por Antón Chéjov. Dir. Charles Laughton
1951-52 Estados Unidos y Reino Unido (Gira).
Don Juan in Hell de Man and Superman por George Bernard Shaw. Dir. Charles Laughton.
1953 Estados Unidos (Gira).
John Brown's Body por Stephen Vincent Benet. Dir. y Adaptación: Charles Laughton (no apareció como actor).
1954 Estados Unidos (Gira).
The Caine Mutiny Court Martial por Herman Wouk, a partir de su novela. Dir. Charles Laughton (no apareció como actor).
1956 Nueva York, Estados Unidos.
Major Barbara por George Bernard Shaw. Dir. Charles Laughton
1956 Londres, Reino Unido
The Party por Jane Arden. Dir. Charles Laughton
1959 Stratford-upon-Avon, Reino Unido
El sueño de una noche de verano por William Shakespeare. Dir. Peter Hall
El rey Lear por William Shakespeare. Dir. Glen Byam Shaw.
Créditos: Tomado de Wikipedia
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rosiekang · 5 years
Rosie Kang was utterly bored. Why? Because she found herself in a dance class she didn’t entirely believe she needed. She knew how to move. Sure, it wasn’t how pageant girls moved, whatever that meant but she knew how to move. So when she was bored, Rosie Kang got antsy and in being antsy... she found herself looking for a way to entertain herself. And that meant calling out for Arden Atkins. “Hey, psst.” She called, soon turning her head as soon as Arden looked back towards her. Rosie would keep doing this until Arden finally caught her in the act. “You got me.” ( @ardenatkins​ )
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chwpromoblog · 5 years
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BEVERLY LEÓN. college sophomore; nineteen. bruna marquezine. OPEN.
and, as becky ann leeman once said:
"Life moves pretty fast. If you don't stop and look around once in a while, you could miss it..”
The only time Beverly León ever saw validation was when she was winning, but that never quite lasted very long. Her mother would follow each victory ceremony with a discussion on how she could out-do herself next time, conspiring one elaborate plan after the next to ensure that she constantly stayed on top. The push felt like a shove to Beverly, and despite how well her performances tended to be, it just never felt like it was good enough for her mom. Pageants were a race that didn’t have a finish line, a plate that wouldn’t empty, and a version of self-depreciation that she didn’t even know existed. And yet she continued, following each of her mother’s orders and praying that the judges wouldn’t see any cracks in the surface. Everything beneath it could crumble, so long as she ended up with a crown on top of her head. And if it weren’t for Arden’s appearance in pageant scene, she probably would have stayed that way. 
But not even Beverly and her mother were prepared for just how much the pageant circuit would live for the white thin blonde ingenue. 
Quite honestly, it’d felt like a slap to her face. How was it that she was truly excellent, yet she was coming second to Arden at every turn? It couldn’t have been because she’d answered questions better than her, Beverly was no bimbo. She could answer the hardest of questions, the true land mines that would turn any poised beauty into a bumbling idiot— with ease. It surely couldn’t been because she was prettier than her, because it was clear who was the more attractive one. Her, without a question. And sure, maybe she wasn’t the best at talent but was tap dancing truly that spectacular of a talent? 
No, she didn’t think so. So why was she being phased out by this no one?
Clearly because Arden Atkins appeased to what America deemed as their classic beauty. Given Illinois hadn’t won a Miss America title since 2003, they were choosing to back the safe choice. Because there was nothing safe about a proud latinx woman, huh? Even when she was clearly the better and not the mention, far more experienced contender for that title than her Caucasian counterpart. 
So, naturally resentment grew in Beverly. Resentment towards Amber Atkins. Resentment towards the stunning art form she’d thrown herself wholeheartedly into since she could walk. And, she wouldn’t dare speak this aloud but resentment towards her mother. A monster created from a society that hadn’t deemed them worthy, all due to their last name... but a monster nonetheless. 
And that resentment began to rear it’s ugly head in destructive ways. Suddenly Beverly León found herself indulging in late nights partying away at Rosewood’s premiere night clubs, stumbling back home as the sun raised— something that truly pissed off her mother. She enjoyed food once more and as often as she wanted, diets were no longer nessacary if she wasn’t bound to be the next Miss Chicago. Oh, and that anger that she had to keep hidden behind bright smiles... that was finally set free into the world and god be with whoever found themselves on Beverly’s bad side. 
But not everything had been terrible. In letting go some, Beverly had found herself exploring a part of her she’d always kept secret. Because while pageantry had grown to be a bit more progressive, it wasn’t progressive enough to be fully accepting of it’s queer competitors. So, for years... Beverly had to keep a part of herself hidden to the world out of fear and ignorance. But, a certain someone’s bravery... that someone being Luna Stower’s had inspired her to not only accept that part of her but to explore it. 
To explore it with her. 
So you see, the pageant world might have thought that by choosing Arden over her, they would gotten rid of her. Sent her running with her numerous crowns tucked between her legs. But no, they’d created a monster. 
A monster that was about to become Miss Illinois. All while having a great ol’ time.
Beverly had assigned Luna with a task. That being get Arden Atkins to the big party happening in town that evening. After all, the two of them had quite the friendship brewing. Luna hadn’t been as slick a she’d thought, not that she would have ever gotten away with talking to her enemy. Beverly having found out about their friendly conversations through the pageant grapevine with little to no effort, because nothing happened in their world without her knowing about it. 
So of course, she had scolded her for it, reminding her that Arden wasn’t one to warm up to, but eventually stopped once she figured out it could work to their advantage. This was something they could use. And use they definitely did. While she assumed that Luna had a problem with the idea – it was pretty demented. Even for beauty queens. But she needed to get Arden out of their perfectly coiffed hair. 
For good.
So they played their assigned roles, making sure that nothing felt out of the ordinary. The four of them drank, laughed and sure Beverly and her arch-nemesis even shared a moment of genuine interest in one another. But this was all a part of the plan. Distract Arden long enough so that she didn’t think anything was wrong. Eventually, Beverly tapped Luna on the shoulder and told her it was time to go so they gathered Rosie, who was feigning or maybe not so much, a sudden bout with nausea so they could make an escape from the party. 
From then, it was time to get to work. Beverly, never having been the one to play games  got to business right away.  She poured the  gas around Arden’s trailer, taking just a moment to take in what she was about to do. Was this all truly worth this? Was it? Because truthfully, had it not been for these pageants... she actually might have been good friends with Arden.
But there was no time for thinking that way. She wanted to be at the top. And keeping her from that spot was Arden Atkin. 
So she struck the match. They’d run off almost immediately, getting into the car and driving off with Luna in the back and Rosie at the front. Excitement coursing through her body because come tomorrow, Arden Atkins would be out of her hair. 
And all would be right again. 
alternate faceclaims and prompts.
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americanahighways · 3 years
Video Premiere: Anya Hinkle “Eden and Her Borderlands”
Video Premiere: Anya Hinkle “Eden and Her Borderlands” @organicrecordco #anyahinkle #americanamusic
Americana Highways brings you this video premiere of Anya Hinkle’s song “Eden and Her Borderlands,” the title track from her forthcoming album.  Eden and Her Borderlands was produced by Jon Weisberger; engineered, mixed and mastered by Clay Miller and Van Atkins  at Crossroads Studios in Arden, NC. Song arrangements are courtesy of Jon Weisberger, Billy Cardine and Anya Hinkle. “Eden and Her…
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giallofever2 · 8 years
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1968 Il marchio di Kriminal Also Known As (AKA) Spain Los cuatro budas de Kriminal France Le Retour de Kriminal Greece (transliterated) O dolofonos me tin kitrini maska Germany Die Maske Kriminal Uk Usa Mark of Kriminal
Directed by Fernando Cerchio Nando Cicero … (uncredited)
Music by Manuel Parada & Piero Umiliani
Writing Credits Eduardo Manzanos Brochero … (story) (as Eduardo M. Brochero) Eduardo Manzanos Brochero … (screenplay) (as Eduardo M. Brochero) Luciano Secchi … (comics) Roberto Raviola … (comics)
Release Dates Spain 24 June 1968 (Barcelona) France 14 May 1969 Spain 26 October 1970 (Madrid) Spain 1 May 1982 (Madrid) (re-release)
Cast (in credits order) Glenn Saxson Glenn Saxson… Kriminal Helga Liné Helga Liné … Mara Gitan Andrea Bosic Andrea Bosic … Inspector Patrick Milton Armando Francioli Armando Francioli … Robson (as Frank Olivier) Tomás Picó Tomás Picó … Thomas Patterson Evi Rigano Evi Rigano … Janet Anna Zinnemann Anna Zinnemann … Gloria Franca Dominici Franca Dominici … Ethel Smith Ugo Sasso Ugo Sasso … Von Beck (as Hugo Arden) María Francés María Francés … Bertha (as Maria Francee) Gino Marturano Gino Marturano … Captain Mirella Pamphili Mirella Pamphili … Secretary of Von Beck Félix Dafauce Félix Dafauce … Mr. Brown Alberto Fernández Alberto Fernández … Funeral Director (as Alberto Fernandez) Giancarlo Prete Giancarlo Prete Saturno Cerra Saturno Cerra … Dickson’s Assistant
Rest of cast listed alphabetically: Agustín Bescos Agustín Bescos … Man at Auction (uncredited) Juan Cazalilla Juan Cazalilla … Atkins (uncredited) Franco Fantasia Franco Fantasia … (uncredited)
filming locations Beirut, Lebanon
Madrid, Spain
Rome, Lazio, Italy
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chwrpg · 2 years
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Feeding time! Come and get it, boys! – Marlo Reyes
A NOTE FROM ADMIN B: Firstable Paige, bless you for this. Not even because I've been desperate to round out the Lost Boys foreverrrrr, but because you GET what makes Marlo tick. Can't wait for even MORE nonsense from these boys on the dash!!
im a clown thats what i am 
Marlo Reyes 
Think of Marlo as the Frank Gallagher of CHW.... Kidding. He might have a propriety for the more than occasional bender, along with lying, cheating, stealing, etc., but we won’t go that far. He’s charming and equally as a dangerous, the type to riled up at the prospect of slicing someone’s ear off and then crack jokes the whole time he’s doing it. He’s more clever than people give him credit for too, though his temperament hardly ever allows anyone to see that side of him for themselves. That and he usually acts without fore thought. 
Despite being a bit goofy, Marlo’s upbringing forced him to be scrappy, with the lost boys only fine tuning his skills as a self proclaimed degenerate. Being a greaser gave him more than that though, it gave him a sense of belonging, a brotherhood. His loyalty to them pretty much outweighs anything else; if one of them says jump, he’ll ask how high. 
Waking up with little to no recollection of the night before fell into Marlo’s usual morning routine at this point, though sometimes it wasn’t just the night before that was hazy, but several nights. Squinting his eyes against the early morning sun coming through the windows, he rolled over, assessing the situation and finding another sleeping body next to him. Looking her up and down, he nodded to himself approvingly, then hopped up, careful not to wake her so he could make a quick, painless exit. 
He pulled on his jeans and immediately checked the pockets- no wallet which he could work with, the most important thing he needed in his possession being his blade, still tucked into his pocket. No sign of his shirt anywhere but that’d just have to do as he threw on his jacket bare chested, eyes scanning the room for anything of value he could take with him. After a quick rifle through a drawer or two, and the addition of several bills to his pockets, he was gone, on to the streets of whatever city he’d managed to land himself in. 
His side ached as he walked, telling him he’d ever landed himself in a fight or that girl from earlier was freakier than she’d looked. Whatever he’d gotten into, he didn’t care to know, there was never some wild Hangover style recalling of the night before. That much was between him and god- unless he did something funny of course, then he’d obviously want to hear about that. His parents claimed he didn’t take anything seriously but that wasn’t true, he had a few things he didn’t treat lightly. His loyalty to the gang for one, and to Ace specifically, who if he were a religious man he might’ve took for his guardian angel and he did, a couple times, after he’d a few too many. 
That loyalty extended to the rest of the south side too, at least to a certain extent. (Sorry Scott.) Though he’d probably never know what caused that fire at the trailer park, he still felt responsible, despite claiming zero involvement. His guilt didn’t mean he planned to change anything, at least not in his own life, but he’d wished whatever happened, however it went down, hadn’t involved the Atkins. Meeting Ace was the best thing to ever happen to him, in his opinion, so giving Arden his number felt like a no brainer, after all, what else was she to do? Plus it felt good, helping people for a change even if only in his own twisted, the bar is on the floor, kind of way. 
It took Marlo a couple blocks before he realized he wasn’t even in Illinois anymore, but a state over, in Wisconsin, and it’s not that was particularly unusual for him anything, he just wasn’t thrilled to be in Wisconsin. “Motherfucker...” He patted down each of his pockets until he found his phone, holding it to his ear as he waited for Polo to answer. “Hey- funny story...”
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angelicrome · 8 years
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ardenatkins · 3 years
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mysticalhearth · 4 years
Baby - Broadway - December, 1983 FORMAT:  VOB (with smalls) (SD) CAST: Todd Graff (Danny), Liz Callaway (Lizzie), Beth Fowler (Arlene), James Congdon (Alan), Martin Vidnovic (Nick), Catherine Cox (Pam), Barbara Gilbert, Dennis Warning, John Jellison, Judith Thiergaard, Kim Criswell, Kristi Carnahan, Lisa Robinson, Lon Hoyt, Philip Hoffman
Back to the Future: The Musical - Manchester Opera House - February 25, 2020 (Highlights) (Marty_doc87's master) FORMAT:  MP4 (SD) CAST: Olly Dobson (Marty McFly), Roger Bart (Dr. Emmett Brown), Hugh Coles (George McFly), Rosanna Hyland (Lorraine Baines-McFly), Cedric Neal (Goldie Wilson / Marvin Berry), Aidan Cutler (Biff Tannen), Courtney-Mae Briggs (Jennifer Parker), Mark Oxtoby (Gerald Strickland)
NOTES: Full act 1 and act 2 highlights, filmed vertically.
Back to the Future: The Musical - Manchester Opera House - February 27, 2020 (Highlights) (Marty_doc87's master) FORMAT:  MP4 (HD) CAST: Olly Dobson (Marty McFly), Roger Bart (Dr. Emmett Brown), Hugh Coles (George McFly), Rosanna Hyland (Lorraine Baines-McFly), Cedric Neal (Goldie Wilson / Marvin Berry), Aidan Cutler (Biff Tannen), Courtney-Mae Briggs (Jennifer Parker), Mark Oxtoby (Gerald Strickland)
NOTES: Act 2 filmed vertically
Back to the Future: The Musical - Manchester Opera House - February, 2020 (Preview) (queenofthedead's master) FORMAT:  MP4 (HD) CAST: Olly Dobson (Marty McFly), Roger Bart (Dr. Emmett Brown), Hugh Coles (George McFly), Rosanna Hyland (Lorraine Baines-McFly), Cedric Neal (Goldie Wilson / Marvin Berry), Aidan Cutler (Biff Tannen), Courtney-Mae Briggs (Jennifer Parker), Mark Oxtoby (Gerald Strickland), Will Haswell (Dave McFly), Emma Lloyd (Linda McFly)
NOTES: Preview performance of BTTF's pre-West End run. Obstructed by one head. Obstructed by a few heads. Missing the last 15 minutes.
Bad Girls: The Musical - West End - November 17, 2007 (Pro-Shot's master) FORMAT:  MP4 (HD) CAST: David Burt (Jim Fenner), Sally Dexter (Yvonne Atkins), Caroline Head (Nikki Wade), Nicole Faraday (Shell Dockley), Laura Rogers (Helen Stewart), Helen Fraser (Sylvia "Bodybag" Hollamby), Maria Charles (Noreen Biggs)
The Baker's Wife - London Rehearsal Reading - 1989 (Pro-Shot's master) FORMAT:  VOB (with smalls) (SD) CAST: Alun Armstrong, Siobhan McCarthy
NOTES: Original London cast in a workshop/performance of the complete show. Absolutely beautifully pro-shot with multiple cameras in a dance studio. A+
The Baker's Wife - Music Theatre Wichita - 2005 (Pro-Shot's master) FORMAT:  VOB (with smalls) (SD) CAST: Mari Swan (Geneviève), Steve Frazier (Aimable), Greg Spencer (Claude), Brian Miller (Jean-Paul)
The Band Wagon - Encores! - November 13, 2014 FORMAT:  VOB (with smalls) (SD) CAST: Brian Stokes Mitchell (Tony Hunter), Tracey Ullman (Lily Martin), Michael McKean (Lester Martin), Tony Sheldon (Jeffrey Cordoba), Laura Osnes (Gabrielle Gerard), Michael Berresse (Paul Byrd), Don Stephenson (Hal Meadows)
NOTES: Very good video with clear sound and some spotlight washout but excellent close-ups and well filmed full stage shots for the dancing scenes.
The Band's Visit - Broadway - October 16, 2017 (Preview) (NYCG8R's master) FORMAT:  VOB (with smalls) (SD) CAST: Katrina Lenk (Dina), Tony Shalhoub (Tewfiq), John Cariani (Itzik), Ari’el Stachel (Haled), Etai Benson (Papi), Adam Kantor (Telephone Guy), George Abud (Camal), Andrew Polk (Avrum), Bill Army (Zelger), Rachel Prather (Julia), Jonathan Raviv (Sammy), Sharone Sayegh (Anna), Kristen Sieh (Iris), Alok Tewari (Simon)
NOTES: There is a 4-minute blackout during a song, due to a disturbance in the theater. Still images are placed over the audio instead of having a black screen.
The Band's Visit - Broadway - June, 2018 (NYCG8R's master) FORMAT:  VOB (with smalls) (SD) CAST: Katrina Lenk (Dina), Sasson Gabai (Tewfiq), John Cariani (Itzik), Ari’el Stachel (Haled), Etai Benson (Papi), Adam Kantor (Telephone Guy), Ahmad Maksoud (u/s Camal), Andrew Polk (Avrum), Bill Army (Zelger), Rachel Prather (Julia), Jonathan Raviv (Sammy), Sharone Sayegh (Anna), Kristen Sieh (Iris), Alok Tewari (Simon)
NOTES: Very nice video of the show with Sasson Gabai, who starred as Tewfiq in the film version. Great clear picture and sound throughout
The Band's Visit - First National Tour - January, 2020 (StarCuffedJeans's master) FORMAT:  MP4 (HD) CAST: Hannah Shankman (s/b Dina), James Rana (u/s Tewfiq), Pomme Koch (Itzik), Joe Joseph (Haled), Adam Gabay (Papi), Mike Cefalo (Telephone Guy), Ronnie Malley (Camal), David Studwell (Avrum), Or Schraiber (Zelger), Sara Kapner (Julia), Marc Ginsburg (Sammy), Jennifer Apple (Anna), Bligh Voth (s/b Iris), Loren Lester (s/b Simon)
The Band's Visit - First National Tour - January, 2020 (2) (StarCuffedJeans's master) FORMAT:  MP4 (HD) CAST: Bligh Voth (s/b Dina), Loren Lester (s/b Tewfiq), Pomme Koch (Itzik), Joe Joseph (Haled), Adam Gabay (Papi), Mike Cefalo (Telephone Guy), Ronnie Malley (Camal), David Studwell (Avrum), Or Schraiber (Zelger), Sara Kapner (Julia), Marc Ginsburg (Sammy), Jennifer Apple (Anna), Hannah Shankman (s/b Iris), James Rana (Simon)
NOTES: Starts 17 minutes in after the scenes in the cafe
The Band's Visit - First National Tour - January, 2020 (3) (StarCuffedJeans's master) FORMAT:  MP4 (HD) CAST: Janet Dacal (Dina), Sasson Gabai (Tewfiq), Pomme Koch (Itzik), Joe Joseph (Haled), Adam Gabay (Papi), Mike Cefalo (Telephone Guy), Ronnie Malley (Camal), David Studwell (Avrum), Or Schraiber (Zelger), Sara Kapner (Julia), Marc Ginsburg (Sammy), Jennifer Apple (Anna), Hannah Shankman (s/b Iris), James Rana (Simon)
The Band's Visit - First National Tour - January, 2020 (3) (StarCuffedJeans's master) FORMAT:  MP4 (HD) CAST: Janet Dacal (Dina), Sasson Gabai (Tewfiq), Pomme Koch (Itzik), Joe Joseph (Haled), Adam Gabay (Papi), Mike Cefalo (Telephone Guy), Ronnie Malley (Camal), David Studwell (Avrum), Or Schraiber (Zelger), Sara Kapner (Julia), Marc Ginsburg (Sammy), Jennifer Apple (Anna), Hannah Shankman (s/b Iris), James Rana (Simon)
Bandstand - Broadway - March 31, 2017 (Preview) (SunsetBlvd79's master) FORMAT:  mpg CAST: Corey Cott (Donny Novitski), Laura Osnes (Julia Trojan), James Nathan Hopkins (Jimmy Campbell), Joe Carroll (Johnny Simpson), Geoff Packard (Wayne Wright), Brandon J Ellis (Davy Zlatic), Joey Pero (Nick Radel), Beth Leavel (Mrs. June Adams), Mary Callanan (Jean Ann Ryan/Production Assistant), Kevyn Morrow (Al/James Haupt), Carleigh Bettiol (Jo), Drew McVety (Oliver), Ryan Kasprzak (Mr. Jackson), Jonathan Shew (Andre Bauch), Ryan VanDenBoom (Roger Cohen), Morgan Marcell (Entertainment Director), Max Clayton (Tom), Andrea Dotto (Betsy)
NOTES: Excellent HD capture of the Broadway transfer. Solid performances from Laura and Corey in this Swing musical. Two of the powerful musical numbers make you want to stand up and cheer, some did! A
Bandstand - Broadway - September, 2017 (Pro-Shot's master) FORMAT:  MP4 (HD) CAST: Corey Cott (Donny Novitski), Laura Osnes (Julia Trojan), James Nathan Hopkins (Jimmy Campbell), Joe Carroll (Johnny Simpson), Geoff Packard (Wayne Wright), Brandon J Ellis (Davy Zlatic), Joey Pero (Nick Radel), Beth Leavel (Mrs. June Adams), Mary Callanan (Jean Ann Ryan/Production Assistant), Kevyn Morrow (Al/James Haupt), Carleigh Bettiol (Jo), Drew McVety (Oliver), Ryan Kasprzak (Mr. Jackson), Jonathan Shew (Andre Bauch), Ryan VanDenBoom (Roger Cohen), Morgan Marcell (Entertainment Director), Max Clayton (Tom), Andrea Dotto (Betsy)
NOTES: Recorded stage performance. May be of varying quality depending on where it was captured from.
Bandstand - Broadway - September, 2017 FORMAT:  MP4 (HD) CAST: Corey Cott (Donny Novitski), Laura Osnes (Julia Trojan), James Nathan Hopkins (Jimmy Campbell), Joe Carroll (Johnny Simpson), Geoff Packard (Wayne Wright), Brandon J Ellis (Davy Zlatic), Joey Pero (Nick Radel), Beth Leavel (Mrs. June Adams), Mary Callanan (Jean Ann Ryan/Production Assistant), Kevyn Morrow (Al/James Haupt), Carleigh Bettiol (Jo), Drew McVety (Oliver), Ryan Kasprzak (Mr. Jackson), Jonathan Shew (Andre Bauch), Ryan VanDenBoom (Roger Cohen), Morgan Marcell (Entertainment Director), Max Clayton (Tom), Andrea Dotto (Betsy)
NOTES: The same proshot, but recorded from a theater using a PSP (lol). Kinda shaky at the beggining, but stabilizes later.
Bare: A Pop Opera - 15th Anniversary Reunion Concert - October 12, 2015 (ren598's master) FORMAT:  MP4 (HD) CAST: Ariana Groover, Charity Hill, Dale Evans, Elizabeth Judd, Isaac Calpito, Jenna Leigh Green, Jennie Kwan, Jim Price, John Griffin, John Hill, John Torres, Jonah Platt, Joseph Pinzon, Justin Gregory Lopez, Kaitlin Hopkins, Kearran Giovanni, Keili Lefkovitz, Maura Knowles, Michael Arden, Michael Tacconi, Mike Cannon, Natalie Avital, Natalie Joy Johnson, Payson Lewis, Phillip Dean Lightstone, Reed Prescott, Richard Hellstern, Romelda Benjamin, Sara Kapner, Sierra Rein, Stephanie Andersen, Taylor Trensch
NOTES: Reunion concert of member of the cast from the 2000 Los Angeles, 2004 New York, 2012 New York, 2013 Los Angeles and 2013 London productions. Performance cut into 24 clips of the featured songs
Bare: A Pop Opera - Argentina Workshop - December 3, 2017 (Closing Night) (Pro-Shot's master) FORMAT:  MP4 (HD) CAST: Eric Sacc (Peter Simmonds), Maxi Castro (Jason McConnell), Toia Schumacher (Ivy Robinson), Aldi Eve (Nadia McConnell), Bárbara Jalife (Sister Chantelle), Bruno Amigo (Matt Lloyd), Julián Giorello Constantini (Priest), Maxi Girado (Lucas Carter), Lucrecia Zunino (Tanya Garrett), Eugenia Britos (Claire Simmonds), Valentina López (Diane Lee), Manuela Crimerman (Kyra), Ignacio Coria (Zack/Jake), Martina Urquiola (Rory), Lucas Lacentra (Alan)
NOTES: Multi-cam pro-shot including speeches and behind-the-scenes. Youtube 1080p rip
Bare: A Pop Opera - Argentina Workshop - December 3, 2017 (Closing Night) (Pro-Shot's master) FORMAT:  MP4 (SD) CAST: Eric Sacc (Peter Simmonds), Maxi Castro (Jason McConnell), Toia Schumacher (Ivy Robinson), Aldi Eve (Nadia McConnell), Bárbara Jalife (Sister Chantelle), Bruno Amigo (Matt Lloyd), Julián Giorello Constantini (Priest), Maxi Girado (Lucas Carter), Lucrecia Zunino (Tanya Garrett), Eugenia Britos (Claire Simmonds), Valentina López (Diane Lee), Manuela Crimerman (Kyra), Ignacio Coria (Zack/Jake), Martina Urquiola (Rory), Lucas Lacentra (Alan)
NOTES: Multi-cam pro-shot including speeches and behind-the-scenes. Youtube 1080p rip
Bare: A Pop Opera - Austin, Texas - June, 2017 (Pro-Shot's master) FORMAT:  MP4 (HD) CAST: Rodrigo M Zaragoza (Peter Simmonds), Andrew Brett (Jason McConnell), Alicia Cornwell (Ivy Robinson), Cat Phillips (Nadia McConnell), Allegra Fox (Sister Chantelle), Jacob Barber (Matt Lloyd), Darren Scharf (Priest), Dylan Tacker (Lucas Carter), Susannah Crowell (Tanya Garrett), Emily Christine Smith (Claire Simmonds), Susan Johnston Taylor (Diane Lee), Nina Amara (Kyra), Isaac Arrieta (Zack/Jake), Rebecca Adelson (Rory), Samuel Todd (Alan)
Bare: A Pop Opera - Barcelona - 2014 (Pro-Shot's master) FORMAT:  MP4 (HD) CAST: Marc Flynn (Peter Simmonds), Jan Forrellat (Jason McConnell), Anna Herebia (Ivy Robinson), Iskra Bocanegra (Nadia McConnell), Lucy Lummis (Sister Chantelle), Marc Gómez (Matt Lloyd), Eduard Doncos (Priest), Miguel Ángel Sánchez (Lucas Carter), Anna Lagares (Tanya Garrett), Ester Bartomeu (Claire Simmonds), Laura Morales (Diane Lee), Clara Gispert (Kyra), Joan Mas (Zack/Jake), Gerard Mínguez (Rory), Marc Andurell (Alan), Desirée Moreno, Eduard Lacueva, Gara Roda, Helena Jara, Joan L Santos
NOTES: Multicam Proshot, performed in Catalan
Bare: A Pop Opera - Buenos Aires - May, 2016 (Pro-Shot's master) FORMAT:  MP4 (HD) CAST: Mariano Magnífico (Peter Simmonds), Ezequiel Rojo (Jason McConnell), Sol Giménez (Ivy Robinson), Mica Romano (Nadia McConnell), Patrissia Lorca (Sister Chantelle), Facundo Magrané (Matt Lloyd), Martín Repetto (Priest), Hernán Cáceres (Lucas Carter), Eugenia Gil Rodriguez (Tanya Garrett), Andrea Lovera (Claire Simmonds), Pilar Muerza (Diane Lee), Tali Lubi (Kyra), Juan Fonsalido (Zack/Jake), Fede Fedele (Alan)
Bare: A Pop Opera - Korea - December 14, 2017 (Highlights) (Pro-Shot's master) FORMAT:  FLV (SD) CAST: unknown
NOTES: Press footage, includes Epiphany, You & I, Role Of A Lifetime, Portrait Of A `Girl, Are You There, 911 Emergency, See Me, Warning, Once Upon A Time, Cross, Bare and a 30 minute interview with the cast (unsubtitled)
Bare: A Pop Opera - LA Revival - September 14, 2013 (Matinee) FORMAT:  VOB (with smalls) (SD) CAST: Payson Lewis (Peter Simmonds), Jonah Platt (Jason McConnell), Lindsay Pearce (Ivy Robinson), Katie Stevens (Nadia McConnell), Stephanie Andersen (Sister Chantelle), Nathan Parrett (Matt Lloyd), Alissa-Nicole Koblentz (Claire Simmonds)
Bare: A Pop Opera - LA Revival - September, 2013 (Pro-Shot's master) FORMAT:  MP4 (HD) CAST: Payson Lewis (Peter Simmonds), Jonah Platt (Jason McConnell), Lindsay Pearce (Ivy Robinson), Katie Stevens (Nadia McConnell), Stephanie Andersen (Sister Chantelle), Nathan Parrett (Matt Lloyd), John Griffin (Priest), Alisa-Nicole Koblentz (Claire Simmonds)
Bare: A Pop Opera - Los Angeles - 2000 (Highlights) (Press Reel's master) FORMAT:  MP4 (SD) CAST: John Torres (Peter Simmonds), John Griffin (Jason McConnell), Jenna Leigh Green (Ivy Robinson), Keili Lefkovitz (Nadia McConnell), Stephanie Andersen (Sister Chantelle), Wallace Smith (Matt Lloyd), Mark Edgar Stevens (Priest), Charity Hill (Tanya Garrett), Jennie Kwan (Diane Lee), Reed Prescott (Zack/Jake)
NOTES: Press reels from the original 2000 production, along with "Navigate the Maze - Bare Documentary"
Bare: A Pop Opera - Minneapolis - July, 2017 FORMAT:  MP4 (HD) CAST: Elliot Hicks (Peter Simmonds), Noah Ratgen (Jason McConnell), Grace Reese (Ivy Robinson), Bella West (Nadia McConnell), Aliya Mukamuri (Sister Chantelle), Brigham Williams (Matt Lloyd), Ben Siglin (Priest), Carl Hallberg (Lucas Carter), Lydia Stannard (Tanya Garrett), Piper Bruce (Claire Simmonds), Kia Brown (Kyra)
NOTES: A regional production presented by the Broken Ivy Theatre Company. It involved a student creative team and cast.
Bare: A Pop Opera - Off-Broadway - April 17, 2004 (Preview) (Pro-Shot's master) FORMAT:  VOB (with smalls) (SD) CAST: Michael Arden (Peter Simmonds), John Hill (Jason McConnell), Jenna Leigh Green (Ivy Robinson), Natalie Joy Johnson (Nadia McConnell), Romelda Benjamin (Sister Chantelle), Aaron Lohr (Matt Lloyd), Jim Price (Priest), Adam Fleming (Lucas Carter), Sasha Allen (Tanya Garrett)
NOTES: One cam pro shot. A bit of generation loss.
Bare: A Pop Opera - Off-Broadway - May 27, 2004 (Closing Night) FORMAT:  MP4 (HD) CAST: Michael Arden (Peter Simmonds), John Hill (Jason McConnell), Jenna Leigh Green (Ivy Robinson), Natalie Joy Johnson (Nadia McConnell), Romelda Benjamin (Sister Chantelle), Aaron Lohr (Matt Lloyd), Jim Price (Priest), Adam Fleming (Lucas Carter), Sasha Allen (Tanya Garrett), Kaitlin Hopkins (Claire Simmonds), Kay Trinidad (Diane Lee), Kearran Giovanni (Kyra), Mike Cannon (Zack/Jake), Lindsay Scott (Rory), Isaac Calpito (Alan)
NOTES: Closing performance! There are 2 versions of this video. LQ and HQ. The LQ is very common.
Bare: A Pop Opera - São Paulo, Brazil - November 7, 2018 (Pro-Shot's master) FORMAT:  MP4 (HD) CAST: Mateus Ribeiro (Peter Simmonds), Diego Montez (Jason McConnell), Thuany Parente (Ivy Robinson), Vânia Canto (Nadia McConnell), Júlia Sanches (u/s Sister Chantelle), Vitor Moresco (Matt Lloyd), Eduardo Leão (Priest), Marya Bravo (Claire Simmonds)
NOTES: House-cam pro-shot video. Performed in Portuguese. Microphone problem during Confessions and later in Reputation Stain’d.
Bare: A Pop Opera - St. Louis, Missouri - June, 2011 FORMAT:  VOB (with smalls) (SD) CAST: Mike Dowdy (Peter Simmonds), Jacob Golliher (Jason McConnell), Terrie Carolan (Ivy Robinson), Charlotte Byrd (Nadia McConnell), Nikki Glenn (Sister Chantelle), Jonathan Foster (Matt Lloyd), Zachary Allen Farmer (Priest), Rahamses Galvan (Lucas Carter), Michelle Sauer (Tanya Garrett), Alison Helmer (Claire Simmonds), Nyssa Duchow (Diane Lee), Andréa Kimberling (Kyra), Chance Kilgour (Zack/Jake), Sarah Porter (Rory), John Michael Rotello (Alan)
Bare: A Pop Opera - Wheeler Art's Center - Indianapolis - July 28, 2008 (Pro-Shot's master) FORMAT:  MP4 (HD) CAST: Brian Benson (Peter Simmonds), Justin Ivan Brown (Jason McConnell), Kagiso Alicia Paynter (Ivy Robinson), April Armstrong (Nadia McConnell), Jorie Johnson (Sister Chantelle), David Ross (Matt Lloyd), John Phillips (Priest), JT Whitmer (Lucas Carter), Christina Humphery (Tanya Garrett), Juli Inskeep (Claire Simmonds), Susie Mohr (Diane Lee), Briana Walker (Kyra), Brion Monroe (Zack/Jake), Linda Heiden (Rory), Andrew Elliot (Alan)
Bare: The Musical - Off-Broadway - December 2, 2012 (Preview) (SunsetBlvd79's master) FORMAT:  VOB (with smalls) (SD) CAST: Jason Hite (Jason McConnell), Taylor Trensch (Peter Simonds), Elizabeth Judd (Ivy Robinson), Barrett Wilbert Weed (Nadia McConnell), Gerard Canonico (Matt Lloyd), Missi Pyle (Sister Joan), Jerold E Solomon (Father Mike), Alice Lee (Diane Lee), Alex Wyse (Alan), Justin Gregory Lopez (Beto)
NOTES: A great revisal of this coming of age story set in a co-ed Catholic boarding school. Great HD capture from the front row and a very moving story and cast! A- Not the Pop Opera version. Commonly mislabeled as Dec 20, 2012.
Bare: The Musical - Off-Broadway - December 19, 2012 (Matinee) FORMAT:  VOB (with smalls) (SD) CAST: Jason Hite (Jason McConnell), Taylor Trensch (Peter Simonds), Elizabeth Judd (Ivy Robinson), Barrett Wilbert Weed (Nadia McConnell), Gerard Canonico (Matt Lloyd), Missi Pyle (Sister Joan), Jerold E Solomon (Father Mike), Alice Lee (Diane Lee), Alex Wyse (Alan), Justin Gregory Lopez (Beto), Ariana Groover (Vanessa)
NOTES: Well filmed with few obsructions with clear picture and sound throughout. A-
Bare: The Musical - Off-Broadway - 2013 (Pro-Shot's master) FORMAT:  MP4 (HD) CAST: Matthew Corr (Peter Simmonds), Dalles Wilie (Jason McConnell), Madeleine Lodge (Ivy Robinson), Virginia Marcs (Nadia McConnell), Anita Purcell (Sister Chantelle), Brad Widener (Matt Lloyd), Gary Lizardo (Priest), Danny Beason (Lucas Carter), Christina Carlucci (Tanya Garrett), Kimberly Larkin (Claire Simmonds), Britain Gebhardt (Diane Lee), Brittane Rowe (Kyra), Joey Lozada (Zack/Jake), Tiffany Springle (Rory), Kevin Necciai (Alan)
NOTES: This is actually Bare: A Pop Opera performed at The York Theater. NOT Bare the Musical
Barefoot in the Park - Broadway Revival - March 26, 2006 FORMAT:  VOB (with smalls) (SD) CAST: Patrick Wilson (Paul Bratter), Amanda Peet (Corie Bratter), Jill Clayburgh (Mrs. Ethel Banks), Tony Roberts (Victor Velasco)
Bat Boy: The Musical - Off-Broadway - November 30, 2001 FORMAT:  VOB (with smalls) (SD) CAST: Deven May (Bat Boy), Kaitlin Hopkins (Meredith Parker), Sean McCourt (Dr Parker), Kerry Butler (Shelley), Richard Pruitt (Sheriff), Jim Price (Bud), Trent Armand Kendall (Reverend Hightower), Doug Storm (Rick), Daria Hardeman (Ruthie), Kathy Brier (Maggie)
NOTES: *Audio is slightly out of sync
Bat Boy: The Musical - Old Bethpage, New York - May, 2003 (Pro-Shot's master) FORMAT:  VOB (with smalls) (SD) CAST: Doug Storm (Bat Boy), Ashia DeLaBastide (Meredith Parker), JR Lotito (Dr Parker), Amanda Taraska (Shelley), Tony Frangipane (Sheriff), Mike Kaczurak (Bud), Mark Weekes (Reverend Hightower), Ron Menin (Rick), Susannah Hoffman (Ruthie)
Bat Out of Hell - Oberhausen, Germany - November 10, 2018 (Matinee) FORMAT:  VOB (no smalls) (SD) CAST: Antonio Calanna (u/s Strat), Maureen Mac Gillavry (u/s Raven), Alex Melcher (Falco), Willemijn Verkaik (Sloane), Aisata Blackman (Zahara), Benet Monteiro (Jagwire), Michael Moore (Ledoux), Lorenzi Di Girolamo (Blake), Tom van der Ven (Tink), Jessica Lapp (Valkyrie), Sander van Wissen (Sports announcer)
Bat Out of Hell - West End (Dominion Theatre) - May, 2018 FORMAT:  MKV (HD) CAST: Simon Gordon (alt Strat), Georgia Carling (u/s Raven), Rob Fowler (Falco), Sharon Sexton (Sloane), Danielle Steers (Zahara), Wayne Robinson (Jagwire), Giovanni Spano (Ledoux), Patrick Sullivan (Blake), Alex Thomas-Smith (Tink), Emily Benjamin (Mordema), Julie Stark (Crysteva), Natalie Chua (Spinotti), Eve Norris (Scherzzo), Hannah Ducharme (Vilmos), Collette Guitart (Lunarrow)
NOTES: Limited trade 2:1
Bat Out of Hell - West End (London Coliseum) - August 12, 2017 FORMAT:  VOB (no smalls) (SD) CAST: Andrew Polec (Strat), Christina Bennington (Raven), Rob Fowler (Falco), Sharon Sexton (Sloane), Danielle Steers (Zahara), Dom Hartley-Harris (Jagwire), Giovanni Spano (Ledoux), Patrick Sullivan (Blake), Aran MacRae (Tink), Georgia Carling (Valkyrie), Jemma Alexander (Crysteva), Eve Norris (Scherzzo), Hannah Ducharme (Vilmos)
Be More Chill - Broadway - March 5, 2019 (Preview) (Highlights) (Press Reel's master) FORMAT:  MOV (HD) CAST: Will Roland (Jeremy Heere), George Salazar (Michael Mell), Stephanie Hsu (Christine Canigula), Jason Tam (The SQUIP), Lauren Marcus (Brooke Lohst), Katlyn Carlson (Chloe Valentine), Tiffany Mann (Jenna Rolan), Britton Smith (Jake Dillinger), Gerard Canonico (Rich Goranski), Jason SweetTooth Williams (Mr. Heere/Mr. Reyes/Scary Stockboy)
NOTES: Press footage including Michael In The Bathroom, More Than Survive, The Smartphone Hour, Two Player Game, a montage and Be More Chill
Be More Chill - Broadway - May 18, 2019 FORMAT:  MP4 (HD) CAST: Will Roland (Jeremy Heere), Troy Iwata (u/s Michael Mell), Stephanie Hsu (Christine Canigula), Jason Tam (The SQUIP), Lauren Marcus (Brooke Lohst), Katlyn Carlson (Chloe Valentine), Tiffany Mann (Jenna Rolan), Cameron Bond (u/s Jake Dillinger), Gerard Canonico (Rich Goranski), Jason SweetTooth Williams (Mr. Heere/Mr. Reyes/Scary Stockboy)
NOTES: Nice HD stage shot from the center mezzanine, with a mostly unblocked view of the stage except for the top of a head at the bottom of the screen. Only known video of Troy as Michael and Cameron as Jake! Act One is full, but Act Two starts missing scenes after the Smartphone Hour and the master filled those in with audio from Cameron's debut as the SQUIP, with George Salazar as Michael, Joel as Heere, and Britton as Jake.
Be More Chill - Broadway - June 23, 2019 (Matinee) (Highlights) FORMAT:  MOV (SD) CAST: Gerard Canonico (u/s Jeremy Heere), George Salazar (Michael Mell), Stephanie Hsu (Christine Canigula), Jason Tam (The SQUIP), Lauren Marcus (Brooke Lohst), Katlyn Carlson (Chloe Valentine), Tiffany Mann (Jenna Rolan), Britton Smith (Jake Dillinger), Troy Iwata (u/s Rich Goranski), Joel Waggoner (t/r Mr. Heere/Mr. Reyes/Scary Stockboy)
NOTES: Gerard's debut as Jeremy, and Troy's first performance as Rich on Broadway! Act One Only, ends after Two Player Game. Includes audios of the show—Act One starts at Do You Wanna ride, and Act Two is full. Filmed between two heads, but they don't interrupt the action for the most part. Only known footage of Gerard as Jeremy and Troy's only performance as Rich on Broadway.
Be More Chill - Broadway - August 11, 2019 (Closing Night) (notjustthespongenextdoor's master) FORMAT:  MP4 (HD) CAST: Will Roland (Jeremy Heere), George Salazar (Michael Mell), Stephanie Hsu (Christine Canigula), Jason Tam (The SQUIP), Lauren Marcus (Brooke Lohst), Katlyn Carlson (Chloe Valentine), Tiffany Mann (Jenna Rolan), Britton Smith (Jake Dillinger), Gerard Canonico (Rich Goranski), Jason SweetTooth Williams (Mr. Heere/Mr. Reyes/Scary Stockboy)
NOTES: Closing Night on Broadway! Fantastic HD stageshot from the rear right balcony without zooms. The action is caught really well and there is no washout. The cast were on top of their game for the final performance and includes the speeches after the show.
Be More Chill - Exit 82 - November, 2017 FORMAT:  MP4 (HD) CAST: Matt Dalton (Jeremy Heere), Ryan Everett Wood (Michael Mell), Elizabeth Ritacco (Christine Canigula), Sal Pavia (The SQUIP), Katie McGrath (Brooke Lohst), Lisa Adams (Chloe Valentine), Emily Nielsen (Jenna Rolan), Billy Cardone (Jake Dillinger), Jason Arellano (Rich Goranski)
NOTES: Full show but very few visuals, mostly audio
Be More Chill - Off-Broadway - August 15, 2018 FORMAT:  MP4 (HD) CAST: Will Roland (Jeremy Heere), George Salazar (Michael Mell), Stephanie Hsu (Christine Canigula), Jason Tam (The SQUIP), Lauren Marcus (Brooke Lohst), Katlyn Carlson (Chloe Valentine), Tiffany Mann (Jenna Rolan), Gerard Canonico (Rich Goranski), Jason SweetTooth Williams (Mr. Heere/Mr. Reyes/Scary Stockboy)
NOTES: Your typical phone recording; filmed vertically with no zooms, severe washout, obstructions on both sides, and heads are always visible at the bottom. No drops at all though, and captures the show in its entirety.
Be More Chill - Off-West End - February, 2020 (queenofthedead's master) FORMAT:  MP4 (4K) CAST: Scott Folan (Jeremy Heere), Blake Patrick Anderson (Michael Mell), Miracle Chance (Christine Canigula), Stewart Clarke (The SQUIP), Eloise Davies (Brooke Lohst), Millie O’Connell (Chloe Valentine), Renée Lamb (Jenna Rolan), Miles Paloma (Jake Dillinger), James Hameed (Rich Goranski), Christopher Fry (Mr. Heere/Mr. Reyes/Scary Stockboy)
NOTES:​Notes: Act 1 was filmed completely blind so some heads get cut off at times. 19.46GB uncompressed or 6.82GB compressed, in 2 mp4 files/2:04:27
Be More Chill - Workshop - Unknown (Highlights) FORMAT:  MP4 (HD) CAST: Adrien Thornburg, Drew Norris, Claudia H. Stein, Harley Winzenried, Will Stapleton, Christina Duchesne, Riley Hough
NOTES: Workshop, only Upgrade to Michael In The Bathroom
Beaches - Chicago - June 25, 2015 (SunsetBlvd79's master) FORMAT:  VOB (with smalls) (SD) CAST: Andrew Varela (Arthur), Brooklyn Shuck (Little Bertie/Nina), Holly Stauder (Janice), Jim DeSelm (Michael Barron), Kelly Anne Clark (Rose White), Michael Accardo (Nathan), Nancy Voights (Leona Bloom), Olivia Renteria (Teen Bertie), Presley Ryan (Little Cee Cee), Samantha Pauly (Teen Cee Cee), Shoshana Bean (Cee Cee Bloom), Travis Taylor (John Perry), Whitney Bashor (Bertie White)
NOTES: Beautiful HD capture of a PreBroadway premier. This was the second preview and the show ran long. The following week a lot of cuts were made. Shoshana did an amazing job, she is such a musical theatre gem and has unparalleled talent! A+
Beardo - Berkeley - April, 2011 (Pro-Shot's master) FORMAT:  MP4 (HD) CAST: Alex Highsmith (Tsarista), Ashkon Davaran (Beardo), Ben Langhorst (Person of the Court), Brian Bock (Yusapoof), Liz Leimkuhler (Shack Sister), Rolls Andre (Shack Man/Murderer), Shaye Troha (Shack Woman/Lady), Willy Appleman (Tsar)
NOTES: Proshot from Shotgun Players.
Beautiful: The Carole King Musical - Broadway - April 9, 2014 (SunsetBlvd79's master) FORMAT:  VOB (no smalls) (SD) CAST: Jessie Mueller (Carole King), Jake Epstein (Gerry Goffin), Anika Larsen (Cynthia Weil), Jarrod Spector (Barry Mann), Jeb Brown (Don Kirshner), Liz Larsen (Genie Klein)
NOTES: Beautiful HD capture with no obstructions. Wonderful and stunning production with a cast that is perfection! Jessie gives a performance that is incredible, as does the rest of the cast! Can't say enough wonderful things about this production as a whole! A+
Beautiful: The Carole King Musical - Broadway - June 24, 2018 (NYCG8R's master) FORMAT:  MKV (HD) CAST: Melissa Benoist (Carole King), Evan Todd (Gerry Goffin), Jessica Keenan Wynn (Cynthia Weil), Ben Jacoby (Barry Mann), Paul Anthony Stewart (Don Kirshner), Nancy Opel (Genie Klein), Kevin Duda (Neil Sedaka/Righteous Brother/Lou Adler)
NOTES: A beautiful HD capture of Melissa Benoist's run in the show. She develiers a wonderful and beautiful performance as Carole and also has great vocals! The whole cast is spectacular and the show is still running strong for being on broadway for five years! Nice capture with filmed with a mix of wides, mediums and close-ups! Includes curtain call and encore. File quality/format varies across traders.
Beautiful: The Carole King Musical - Broadway - October, 2019 (StarCuffedJeans's master) FORMAT:  MP4 (HD) CAST: Sarah Bockel (Carole King), Cory Jeacoma (Gerry Goffin), Jessica Keenan Wynn (Cynthia Weil), Ben Jacoby (Barry Mann), Paul Anthony Stewart (Don Kirshner), Liz Larsen (Genie Klein), Ashley De La Rosa (Janelle Woods/Shirelle), Elena Ricardo (Betty)
NOTES: Beautiful HD capture of the show, filmed from the orchestra before closing. The video starts when Carole mentions being from Brooklyn. Act Two starts part of the way through “Chains.” Please do not post screenshots of this video on Twitter ever. Gifs on Tumblr are okay after the NFT date, but don't go linking things to actors and shows.
Beautiful: The Carole King Musical - Broadway - October, 2019 (StarCuffedJeans's master) FORMAT:  MP4 (HD) CAST: Sarah Bockel (Carole King), Cory Jeacoma (Gerry Goffin), Jessica Keenan Wynn (Cynthia Weil), Ben Jacoby (Barry Mann), Paul Anthony Stewart (Don Kirshner), Liz Larsen (Genie Klein), Ashley De La Rosa (Janelle Woods/Shirelle), Elena Ricardo (Betty)
NOTES: Beautiful HD capture of the show, filmed from the orchestra before closing. The video starts when Carole mentions being from Brooklyn. Act Two starts part of the way through “Chains.” Please do not post screenshots of this video on Twitter ever. Gifs on Tumblr are okay after the NFT date, but don't go linking things to actors and shows.
Beautiful: The Carole King Musical - First National Tour - December 15, 2015 (SunsetBlvd79's master) FORMAT:  MP4 (HD) CAST: Abby Mueller (Carole King), Liam Tobin (Gerry Goffin), Becky Gulsvig (Cynthia Weil), Ben Fankhauser (Barry Mann)
NOTES: Beautiful HD capture with no obstructions. Wonderful and stunning production with a cast that is perfection! Jessie gives a performance that is incredible, as does the rest of the cast! Can't say enough wonderful things about this production as a whole! A+ Sometimes inaccurately circulated as October 15, 2015.
Beautiful: The Carole King Musical - Second UK Tour - February, 2020 (hitmewithyourbethshot's master) FORMAT:  MTS CAST: Vicki Manser (alt Carole King), Adam Gillian (Gerry Goffin), Laura Baldwin (Cynthia Weil), Cameron Sharp (Barry Mann), Oliver Boot (Don Kirshner), Susie Fenwick (Genie Klein), Carly Cook (Marilyn Wald), Katrina May (Janelle Woods/Shirelle), Mica Townsend (Little Eva/Shirelle), Julia Dray (s/w Betty), Grant McConey (Nick/Righteous Brother), Jordan Fox (Neil Sedaka/Righteous Brother/Lou Adler), Louise Francis (Lucille/Shirelle)
NOTES: This video is never to be publicly shared on YouTube, Tumblr, Facebook, Stage Dork, etc.
Beauty and the Beast (Anna Ledwich/Richard Taylor) - Chichester Festival Youth Theatre - 2017 (Pro-Shot's master) FORMAT:  MP4 (SD) CAST: Evie Carter (Rose), Noah Peirson (Dennis), Albie Stisted (James), Georgina Liley (Perkins), Alfie Scott (Peter), Ella O'Keeffe (Violet), Ellie Dickens (Edith), Rudi Millard (Roger), Oluwafunmilayo Ajayi (Poppy)
NOTES: An adaptation of the original fairytale, by Anna Ledwich and music and lyrics by Richard Taylor. An overall wonderful new take on the classic story.
Beauty and the Beast (Disney) - Broadway - April 25, 1995 FORMAT:  MKV (SD) CAST: Susan Egan (Belle), Terrence Mann (Beast/Prince), Gary Beach (Lumière)
NOTES: Missing the first 3 minutes and last 3 minutes
Beauty and the Beast (Disney) - Broadway - September 7, 1997 (Highlights) FORMAT:  VOB (with smalls) (SD) CAST: Kerry Butler (Belle), Chuck Wagner (Beast/Prince)
Beauty and the Beast (Disney) - Broadway - March 11, 1999 FORMAT:  VOB (with smalls) (SD) CAST: Andrea McArdle (Belle), William Michals (Beast/Prince), Steve Blanchard (Gaston), Beth Fowler (Mrs. Potts)
Beauty and the Beast (Disney) - Broadway - April 28, 2002 FORMAT:  VOB (with smalls) (SD) CAST: Sarah Litzsinger (Belle), Steve Blanchard (Beast/Prince), JB Adams (Maurice), Chris Hoch (Gaston), Bryan Batt (Lumière), Beth Fowler (Mrs. Potts), Jeff Brooks (Cogsworth), Mary Stout (Madame de la Grande Bouche), Pam Klinger (Babette), Steve Lavner (Le Fou)
Beauty and the Beast (Disney) - Broadway - July 27, 2007 FORMAT:  VOB (with smalls) (SD) CAST: Anneliese van der Pol (Belle), Steve Blanchard (Beast/Prince), Jamie Ross (Maurice), Chris Hoch (Gaston), David DeVries (Lumière), Jeanne Lehman (Mrs. Potts), Glenn Rainey (Cogsworth), Ann Mandrella (Babette), Trevor Braun (Chip), Aldrin Gonzalez (Le Fou)
NOTES: Two days before the show closed on Broadway. Good amount of closeups and good quality filmed from the mid-mezzanine; there is a railing issue for a while in Act 1 but the taper improves. 'Me', 'Gaston' and 'Be Our Guest' are all predominantly missing and recording stopped for some time after 'Gaston', which created a little jump in the timeline to where Maurice gets thrown out of the tavern. Still a nice video with great closeups of the last Broadway cast.
Beauty and the Beast (Disney) - Dutch Tour - October 4, 2005 (House-Cam's master) FORMAT:  VOB (with smalls) (SD) CAST: Chantal Janzen (Belle), Stanley Burleson (Beast/Prince), Dick Rienstra (Maurice), René van Kooten (Gaston), Carlo Bozschard (Lumière), Mariska von Holck (Mrs. Potts), Ger Otte (Cogsworth), Caroline Mout (Madame de la Grande Bouche), Nicole Berendsen (Babette), Jorge Verkoost (Le Fou)
Beauty and the Beast (Disney) - Dutch Tour - 2006 FORMAT:  VOB (with smalls) (SD) CAST: Chantal Janzen (Belle), Stanley Burleson (Beast/Prince), Dick Rienstra (Maurice), René van Kooten (Gaston), Carlo Bozschard (Lumière), Casey Fransisco (Mrs. Potts), Ger Otte (Cogsworth), Caroline Mout (Madame de la Grande Bouche), Nicole Berendsen (Babette), Jorge Verkoost (Le Fou)
NOTES: Rare video with Casey Fransisco, who temporarily replaced Mariska van Kolck, as Mrs Potts.
Beauty and the Beast (Disney) - First National Tour - 1998 FORMAT:  MP4 (HD) CAST: Erin Dilly (Belle), James Barbour (Beast/Prince), Tom Bosley (Maurice), Michele Lee (Mrs. Potts)
NOTES: Often labelled as the Los Angeles tour, however LA closed in 1996, and Erin Dilly was a replacement in the 1NT company.
Beauty and the Beast (Disney) - Fourth National Tour - January 19, 2014 (Matinee) FORMAT:  VOB (with smalls) (SD) CAST: Hilary Maiberger (Belle), Darick Pead (Beast/Prince), Paul Krane (Maurice), Tim Rogan (Gaston), Hassan Nazari-Robati (Lumière), Kristin Stewart (Mrs. Potts), James May (Cogsworth), Roxy York (Madame de la Grande Bouche), Stephanie Moskal (Babette), Jack Mullen (Chip), Jardan Aragon (Le Fou), Kieron Cindric (Monsieur D'Arque)
Beauty and the Beast (Disney) - Los Angeles - April 12, 1995 (Opening Night) FORMAT:  MP4 (SD) CAST: Susan Egan (Belle), James Barbour (Beast/Prince), Tom Bosley (Maurice), Burke Moses (Gaston), Gary Beach (Lumière), Beth Fowler (Mrs. Potts)
NOTES: For the time period that it was filmed, It's great. Sound and picture synch up and Gary Beach kills it as Lumiere. Susan Egan is wonderful.
Beauty and the Beast (Disney) - Madrid, Spain - 2007 (Matinee) FORMAT:  VOB (with smalls) (SD) CAST: Julia Möller (Belle), David Ordinas (Beast/Prince), Lorenzo Valverde (Maurice), Pablo Puyol (Gaston), Armando Pita (Lumière), Angels Jiménez (Mrs. Potts), Esteban Oliver (Cogsworth), María José Oquendo (Madame de la Grande Bouche), Silvia Luchetti (Babette), Raúl Peña (Le Fou)
NOTES: Performed in Spanish
Beauty and the Beast (Disney) - Madrid, Spain - June 5, 2008 (Pro-Shot's master) FORMAT:  VOB (with smalls) (SD) CAST: Julia Möller (Belle), David Ordinas (Beast/Prince), Lorenzo Valverde (Maurice), Pablo Puyol (Gaston), Armando Pita (Lumière), Patricia Paisal (u/s Mrs. Potts), Esteban Oliver (Cogsworth), María José Oquendo (Madame de la Grande Bouche), Silvia Luchetti (Babette), Raúl Peña (Le Fou)
NOTES: An Official Video of this wonderful production.
Beauty and the Beast (Disney) - New Zealand Tour - April, 2006 (Pro-Shot's master) FORMAT:  VOB (with smalls) (SD) CAST: Jade Steele (Belle), Glen Drake (Beast/Prince), Lloyd Scott (Maurice), Russell Leighton-Dixon (Gaston), Roy Ormsby (Lumière), Gladys Hope (Mrs. Potts), Stephen Gledhill (Cogsworth)
Beauty and the Beast (Disney) - Toronto - August 8, 1995 (Opening Night) (Highlights) (Press Reel's master) FORMAT:  DVD ISO (SD) CAST: Kerry Butler (Belle), Chuck Wagner (Beast/Prince), Terry Doyle (Maurice), Dan Chameroy (Gaston), Andre Therien (Lumière), Judy Marshak (Mrs. Potts), Paul Brown (Cogsworth), Jo-Anne Kirwan Clark (Madame de la Grande Bouche), Elizabeth Beeler (Babette), Cliff Saunders (Le Fou)
NOTES: Press reels with footage from the show and interviews
Beauty and the Beast (Disney) - UK Tour - 2003 (House-Cam's master) FORMAT:  VOB (no smalls) (SD) CAST: Dianne Pilkington (Belle), Alex Bourne (Beast/Prince), Richard Tate (Maurice), Earl Carpenter (Gaston), Stephen Matthews (Lumière), Marilyn Cutts (Mrs. Potts), Barry James (Cogsworth), Drew Varley (Le Fou)
NOTES: One camera housecam pro-shot, full stage, no zooms
Beauty and the Beast (Disney) - Vienna - May 16, 1996 (Pro-Shot's master) FORMAT:  AVI (HD) CAST: Caroline Vasicek (Belle), Ethan Freeman (Beast/Prince)
NOTES: It's an old house cam video.
Beauty and the Beast (Disney) - West End - April 29, 1997 FORMAT:  VOB (with smalls) (SD) CAST: Michelle Gayle (Belle), John Barrowman (Beast/Prince), Billy Boyle (Maurice), Alex Bourne (Gaston), Mark Caven (Lumière), Gemma Craven (Mrs. Potts), Barry James (Cogsworth)
NOTES: Good video, camcorder. Includes LA Cast Press Reels. VOBs+smalls
Beauty and the Beast (Disney) - West End - November 24, 1999 (House-Cam's master) FORMAT:  VOB (with smalls) (SD) CAST: Annalene Beechey (Belle), Earl Carpenter (Beast/Prince), Billy Boyle (Maurice), Alex Bourne (Gaston), Mark Caven (Lumière), Gemma Craven (Mrs. Potts), Barry James (Cogsworth), Shezwae Powell (Madame de la Grande Bouche), Kate Graham (Babette), Richard Gauntlet (Le Fou)
NOTES: House Cam recording of the final West End Cast.
Beauty and the Beast (Disney) - Wichita, KS - 2016 (Pro-Shot's master) FORMAT:  VOB (with smalls) (SD) CAST: Catherine Charlebois (Belle), Thaddeus Pearson (Beast/Prince), Timothy W Robu (Maurice), Johnny Stellard (Gaston), Steve Hitchcock (Lumière), Katie Banks-Todd (Mrs. Potts), James Beaman (Cogsworth), Karen L Robu (Madame de la Grande Bouche), Lexis Danca (Babette), James Heinrichs (Chip), Tanner Pflueger (Le Fou)
NOTES: Pro-Shot. Filmed using one camera on a tripod with excellent clear picture and sound.
   A Bed and a Chair: A New York Love Affair - Encores! Special Event - November 13, 2013 FORMAT:  MP4 (HD) CAST: Bernadette Peters (Female 1), Cyrille Aimee (Female 2), Elizabeth Parkinson (Female Dancer 1), Grasan Kingsberry (Male Dancer 1), Jeremy Jordan (Male 2), Meg Gillentine (Female Dancer 2), Norm Lewis (Male 1), Tyler Hanes (Male Dancer 2)
Beetlejuice - Broadway - July 27, 2019 (Matinee) (Medium Observation's master) FORMAT:  MP4 (HD) CAST: Alex Brightman (Beetlejuice), Sophia Anne Caruso (Lydia Deetz), Kerry Butler (Barbara Maitland), Rob McClure (Adam Maitland), Adam Dannheisser (Charles Deetz), Leslie Kritzer (Delia Deetz/Miss Argentina), Kelvin Moon Loh (Otho), Danny Rutigliano (Maxie Dean), Jill Abramovitz (Maxie Dean/Juno), Dana Steingold (Girl Scout)
NOTES: Full HD stageshot filmed from the front orchestra! This is fairly better than the other stageshot, including less heads, more facial features, but one major head that's sometimes filmed around whenever the master isn't wandering downward. Great video quality overall and it includes full Act One and Act Two starting at Beetlejuice's entrance after Girl Scout through Curtain Call!
Beetlejuice - Broadway - October 10, 2019 (Highlights) FORMAT:  MP4 (HD)Gifted: Upon Request CAST: Alex Brightman (Beetlejuice), Sophia Anne Caruso (Lydia Deetz), Kerry Butler (Barbara Maitland), David Josefsberg (Adam Maitland), Adam Dannheisser (Charles Deetz), Leslie Kritzer (Delia Deetz/Miss Argentina), Kelvin Moon Loh (Otho), Danny Rutigliano (Maxie Dean), Jill Abramovitz (Maxie Dean/Juno), Dana Steingold (Girl Scout)
NOTES: Highlights video (approx. 10 minutes) with 'Creepy Old Guy'. Poorly filmed and you cannot really see anything. Decent audio. This is a YouTube rip and is to be gifted only.
Beetlejuice - Broadway - October 30, 2019 (Highlights) FORMAT:  MP4 (HD) CAST: Alex Brightman (Beetlejuice), Dana Steingold (u/s Lydia Deetz), Kerry Butler (Barbara Maitland), David Josefsberg (Adam Maitland), Adam Dannheisser (Charles Deetz), Leslie Kritzer (Delia Deetz/Miss Argentina), Kelvin Moon Loh (Otho), Danny Rutigliano (Maxie Dean), Jill Abramovitz (Maxie Dean/Juno), Brooke Leigh Engen (u/s Girl Scout)
NOTES: A few short clips filmed poorly from a phone
Beetlejuice - Broadway - November 30, 2019 (Matinee) (theatrecouple14's master) FORMAT:  MP4 (HD) CAST: Alex Brightman (Beetlejuice), Sophia Anne Caruso (Lydia Deetz), Kerry Butler (Barbara Maitland), David Josefsberg (Adam Maitland), Adam Dannheisser (Charles Deetz), Leslie Kritzer (Delia Deetz/Miss Argentina), Kelvin Moon Loh (Otho), Danny Rutigliano (Maxie Dean), Jill Abramovitz (Maxie Dean/Juno), Dana Steingold (Girl Scout)
NOTES: Phone boot filmed wide from the right orchestra. Some obstruction throughout and the 2nd act points up a lot, some action lost.
Beetlejuice - Broadway - July, 2019 (StarCuffedJeans's master) FORMAT:  MP4 (HD) CAST: Alex Brightman (Beetlejuice), Sophia Anne Caruso (Lydia Deetz), Kerry Butler (Barbara Maitland), Rob McClure (Adam Maitland), Adam Dannheisser (Charles Deetz), Leslie Kritzer (Delia Deetz/Miss Argentina), Kelvin Moon Loh (Otho), Danny Rutigliano (Maxie Dean), Jill Abramovitz (Maxie Dean/Juno), Dana Steingold (Girl Scout)
NOTES: Good HD capture from the right orchestra with beautiful zooms and way less obstructions than the March video. Please do not post screenshots of this video on Twitter ever. Gifs on Tumblr are okay after the NFT date, but don't go linking things to actors and shows.
Beetlejuice - Broadway - July, 2019 (StarCuffedJeans's master) FORMAT:  MP4 (HD) CAST: Alex Brightman (Beetlejuice), Sophia Anne Caruso (Lydia Deetz), Kerry Butler (Barbara Maitland), Rob McClure (Adam Maitland), Adam Dannheisser (Charles Deetz), Leslie Kritzer (Delia Deetz/Miss Argentina), Kelvin Moon Loh (Otho), Danny Rutigliano (Maxie Dean), Jill Abramovitz (Maxie Dean/Juno), Dana Steingold (Girl Scout)
NOTES: Good HD capture from the right orchestra with beautiful zooms and way less obstructions than the March video. Please do not post screenshots of this video on Twitter ever. Gifs on Tumblr are okay after the NFT date, but don't go linking things to actors and shows.
Beetlejuice - Broadway - March, 2019 (Preview) (StarCuffedJeans's master) FORMAT:  MP4 (HD) CAST: Alex Brightman (Beetlejuice), Sophia Anne Caruso (Lydia Deetz), Kerry Butler (Barbara Maitland), Rob McClure (Adam Maitland), Adam Dannheisser (Charles Deetz), Leslie Kritzer (Delia Deetz/Miss Argentina), Kelvin Moon Loh (Otho), Danny Rutigliano (Maxie Dean), Jill Abramovitz (Maxie Dean/Juno)
NOTES: Previews! This is probably my most obstructed bootleg ever. When I could get zooms they’re pretty (and I’m really trying my hardest for both Sophia and Kerry - “Dead Mom” looks GREAT and is really consistent), but I would probably consider this more like highlights with how many heads keep popping up. I don’t love it, but you can keep up with what is happening and see the WILD effects they have going on here...which is good enough for now. Video starts at “Ready, Set, Not Yet” and is complete from there. And honestly this video (and this show) is worth it just for “Dead Mom.”
Beetlejuice - Broadway - November, 2019 (StarCuffedJeans's master) FORMAT:  MP4 (HD) CAST: Will Blum (u/s Beetlejuice), Sophia Anne Caruso (Lydia Deetz), Kerry Butler (Barbara Maitland), David Josefsberg (Adam Maitland), Adam Dannheisser (Charles Deetz), Kim Sava (u/s Delia Deetz/Miss Argentina), Sean Montgomery (u/s Otho), Danny Rutigliano (Maxie Dean), Jill Abramovitz (Maxie Dean/Juno)
NOTES: A few heads show up briefly and a quick video drop after the first two songs. Covers from opening song to final applause, great shot.
Beetlejuice - Broadway - September 24–26, 2019 (Highlights) FORMAT:  MP4 (SD) CAST: Alex Brightman (Beetlejuice), Dana Steingold (u/s Lydia Deetz), Kerry Butler (Barbara Maitland), David Josefsberg (Adam Maitland), Adam Dannheisser (Charles Deetz), Leslie Kritzer (Delia Deetz/Miss Argentina), Kelvin Moon Loh (Otho), Danny Rutigliano (Maxie Dean), Jill Abramovitz (Maxie Dean/Juno), Presley Ryan (u/s Girl Scout)
NOTES: YouTube rip of various clips of Dana Steingold in the role of Lydia. Highlights include Invisible, Dead Mom, Home, and curtain call.
Beetlejuice - Broadway - September, 2019 FORMAT:  VOB (with smalls) (SD) CAST: Alex Brightman (Beetlejuice), Sophia Anne Caruso (Lydia Deetz), Kerry Butler (Barbara Maitland), Rob McClure (Adam Maitland), Adam Dannheisser (Charles Deetz), Leslie Kritzer (Delia Deetz/Miss Argentina), Kelvin Moon Loh (Otho), Danny Rutigliano (Maxie Dean), Jill Abramovitz (Maxie Dean/Juno), Dana Steingold (Girl Scout)
NOTES: Full HD stageshot of this incredible show! Filmed from the rear orchestra without zooms, with a lot of head obstructions.
Beetlejuice - Broadway - September, 2019 (2) (StarCuffedJeans's master) FORMAT:  MP4 (HD) CAST: Alex Brightman (Beetlejuice), Presley Ryan (u/s Lydia Deetz), Kerry Butler (Barbara Maitland), David Josefsberg (Adam Maitland), Adam Dannheisser (Charles Deetz), Leslie Kritzer (Delia Deetz/Miss Argentina), Danny Rutigliano (Maxie Dean), Jill Abramovitz (Maxie Dean/Juno), Dana Steingold (Girl Scout)
NOTES: Beautiful HD capture of the incredible Presley Ryan as Lydia and David’s first week as Adam! Filmed from the left orchestra without obstructions with a mix of wides, mediums, and closeups. This is hands down the best video of the show to date. Starts about 3 minutes into performance (mid whole being dead thing).
Beetlejuice - Pre-Broadway / Washington D.C. - October-November, 2018 (Preview) (Highlights) FORMAT:  MP4 (HD) CAST: Alex Brightman (Beetlejuice), Sophia Anne Caruso (Lydia Deetz), Kerry Butler (Barbara Maitland), Rob McClure (Adam Maitland), Adam Dannheisser (Charles Deetz), Leslie Kritzer (Delia Deetz/Miss Argentina), Kelvin Moon Loh (Otho), Danny Rutigliano (Maxie Dean), Jill Abramovitz (Maxie Dean/Juno), Dana Steingold (Girl Scout)
NOTES: Highlights include clips from some different scenes. (each clip is around 30 seconds) Includes quite a bit of short curtain calls. Also includes a full curtain call **NOT TO BE POSTED ONLINE ANYWHERE**
 Bells Are Ringing - Broadway Revival - May 23, 2001 FORMAT:  VOB (with smalls) (SD) CAST: Faith Prince (Ella Peterson), Marc Kudisch (Jeffrey Moss), David Garrison (Sandor), Beth Fowler (Sue)
  Bent - Los Angeles, Center Theatre Group - August 8, 2015 FORMAT:  VOB (with smalls) (SD) CAST: Andy Mientus (Rudy), Brian Slaten (Lieutenant), Brionne Davis (SS Officer), Charlie Hofheimer (Horst), Jake Shears (Greta), Jonathan B Wright (Guard), Matthew Carlson (Prisoner), Patrick Heusinger (Max), Ray Baker (Uncle Freddie), Tom Berklund (Wolf), Wyatt Fenner (Prisoner)
Beowulf - A Thousand Years of Baggage - Berkeley Rep - May, 2008 (Pro-Shot's master) FORMAT:  MP4 (SD) CAST: Jason Craig (Beowulf), Dave Malloy (King Hrothgar), Jessica Jelliffe (Academic 1/Grendel's Mother), Chris Kuckenbaker (Academic 2/Grendel), Cameron Galloway (Academic 3/Dragon), Anna Ishida (Warrior 1), Shaye Troha (Warrior 2)
NOTES: The camera work, contrasting, resolution and aspect ratio (23:20) are pretty poor by today's standard, but this is the exact quality that has been provided for streaming
The Best Little Whorehouse in Texas - Actors Fund Benefit Concert - October 16, 2006 (Matinee) (Pro-Shot's master) FORMAT:  VOB (with smalls) (SD) CAST: Emily Skinner, Terrence Mann, Jennifer Hudson, Bob Martin, Mary Faber, Felicia Finley, Andrea McArdle, Richard Kind, Constantine Maroulis.
NOTES: Rehearsal for the Actor's Fund Concert.
The Best Little Whorehouse in Texas - Broadway - 1978 FORMAT:  VOB (with smalls) (SD) CAST: Carlin Glynn (Miss Mona Stangley), Henderson Forsythe (Sheriff Ed Earl Dodd), Delores Hall (Jewel), Clinton Allmon (Melvin P. Thorpe), Susan Mansur (Doatsy Mae), Jay Garner (Governor of Texas), J. Frank Lucas (Senator J.T Wingwoah), Don Crabtree (Edsel Mackey), Jay Garner (C.J Scruggs), J. Frank Lucas (Mayor Rufus Poindexter), Pamela Blair (Amber), Joan Ellis (Shy), Donna King (Linda Lou), *Becky Gelke (Ruby Rae), Jan Merchant (Beatrice), Marta Sanders (Eloise), Lisa Brown (Dawn), Carol Chambers (Taddy Jo), Debra Zalkind (Durla), Louise Quick-Brown (Ginger), Edna Milton (Miss Wulla Jean), Clinton Allmon (Farmer), Jay Garner (Traveling Salesman), K.C Kelly (Slick Dude), Gerry Burkhardt (Shy Kid), Bradley Clayton King (Leroy Slinley), K.C Kelly (Ukranian Aggie), James Rich (Aggie Soloist), Jay Burksy (Governor's Aide), Susan Mansur (Reporter 1), Paul Ukena, Jnr (Reporter 2), Michael Scott (Reporter 3), K.C Kelly (Soundman), Tom Cashin (Stage Manager), Edwina Lewis (Ensemble), Gena Ramsel
NOTES: New copy of the show, that is low generation. Actually surprisingly very good and much better than many that are out there. Lots of mid stage shots with a few zooms. B+
The Best Little Whorehouse in Texas - US National Tour - 2001 FORMAT:  VOB (with smalls) (SD) CAST: Ann-Margret (Miss Mona Stangley), Avery Sommers (Jewel), Rob Donohoe (Melvin P. Thorpe), Gary Sandy (Sheriff Ed Earl Dodd), Matt Landers (C. J. Scruggs), Terri Dixon (Angel), Roxie Lucas (Doatsy Mae), Jen Celene Little (Shy), Larry L King (TV Announcer)
The Best Man - Broadway - June 20, 2012 FORMAT:  VOB (no smalls) (SD) CAST: Candice Bergen, Mark Blum, Kerry Butler, James Earl Jones, Angela Lansbury, John Larroquette, Jefferson Mays, Eric McCormack, Curtis Billings, Coreey Brill, Tony Carlin, Donna Hanover, Sherman Howard, Olja Hrustic, Bill Kux, James Lecesne, Dakin Matthews, Angelica Page, Fred Parker, Amy Tribbey
Big Fish - Broadway - November 23, 2013 (Lanelle's master) FORMAT:  VOB (with smalls) (SD) CAST: Norbert Leo Butz (Edward Bloom), Bobby Steggert (Will Bloom), Zachary Unger (Young Will), Kate Baldwin (Sandra Bloom), Ryan Andes (Karl), Brad Oscar (Amos Calloway), Ciara Renée (The Witch), Kirsten Scott (Jenny Hill)
Big Fish - Musical Theatre West - November 1, 2014 (SJ Bernly's master) FORMAT:  VOB (with smalls) (SD) CAST: Jeff Skowron (Edward Bloom), Andrew Huber (Will Bloom), Jude Mason (Young Will), Rebecca Johnson (Sandra Bloom), Kristina Miller (Josephine Bloom), Timothy Hughes (Karl), Gabriel Kalomas (Amos Calloway), Zachary Ford (Don Price), Molly Garner (The Witch), Michelle Loucadoux (Jenny Hill), Richard Bulda (u/s Dr. Bennett), Jake Saenz (Zacky Price), Marisa Field (Girl in the Water)
NOTES: Impeccably shot, 10/10.
Big Fish - Pre-Broadway/Chicago - May 4, 2013 (SunsetBlvd79's master) FORMAT:  VOB (no smalls) (SD) CAST: Norbert Leo Butz (Edward Bloom), Bobby Steggert (Will Bloom), Zachary Unger (Young Will), Kate Baldwin (Sandra Bloom), Krystal Joy Brown (Josephine Bloom), Ryan Andes (Karl), Brad Oscar (Amos Calloway), Ben Crawford (Don Price), Katie Thompson (The Witch)
NOTES: Beautiful HD capture of this PreBroadway tryout. This was done the final week of shows and has many changes to earlier versions, stunning capture! A+
Big River - Broadway - September 23, 2003 FORMAT:  VOB (with smalls) (SD) CAST: Michael McElroy (Jim), Tyrone Giordano (Huckleberry Finn), Lyle Kanouse (Duke), Troy Kotsur (The King), Troy Kotsur (Pap Finn), Melissa van der Schyff (Mary Jane Wilkes), Michael Arden (Tom Sawyer), Gina Ferrall (Widow Douglas), Phyllis Frelich (Miss Watson), Alexandria Wailes (Johanna), Ryan Schlecht (Young Fool), Drew McVety (Dick Simon), Iosif Schneiderman (Judge Thatcher), Daniel Jenkins (Mark Twain), Scott Barnhardt (Ben Rogers), Walter Charles (Preacher), Gwen Stewart (Alice), Christina Ellison Dunhams (Alice's Daughter)
NOTES: Most the first hour Act 1 is covered up or shot blind. When there’s something to see, it’s nice. The fidelity is cleaned up from the unfortunate dark ages of when it was shot, but the audio is a touch harsh.
Big River - Encores! - February 8, 2017 (Opening Night) (NYCG8R's master) FORMAT:  VOB (with smalls) (SD) CAST: Kyle Scatliffe (Jim), Nicholas Barasch (Huckleberry Finn), Christopher Sieber (Duke), David Pittu (The King), Wayne Duvall (Pap Finn), Lauren Worsham (Mary Jane Wilkes), Charlie Franklin (Tom Sawyer), Cass Morgan (Widow Douglas), Annie Golden (Miss Watson), Adrianna Hicks, Andrew Cristi, Andrew Kruep, Gizel Jimenez, Horace V Rogers, John-Michael Lyles, Katherine A Guy, Megan Masako Haley, Mike Evariste, Patrice Covington, Stephen Lee Anderson, Tom Nelis, Zachary Infante
Big: The Musical - Broadway - April, 1996 (Highlights) (Press Reel's master) FORMAT:  VOB (with smalls) (SD) CAST: Daniel Jenkins (Big Josh Baskin), Barbara Walsh (Mrs Baskin), Crista Moore (Susan Lawrence), Jon Cypher (George McMillan), Gene Weygandt (Paul Seymour), Patrick Levis (Young Josh), Brett Tebisel (Billy)
NOTES: The original press reels. This video contains 90 minutes of footage from the show, so very extensive highlights. Contains interviews and behind the scenes footage that go for about 30 minutes. Contains timecode running on bottom and has clearly been transferred from videotape to DVD.
Billy Elliot: The Musical - Australian Tour - January 23, 2008 (House-Cam's master) FORMAT:  VOB (with smalls) (SD) CAST: Corey John Snide (Billy Elliot), Genevieve Lemon (Mrs. Wilkinson), Richard Piper (Dad), Lola Nixon (Grandma), Justin Smith (Tony), Linal Haft (George), Samantha Morley (Mum), John Xintavelonis (Mr. Braithwaite), Fiona Booker (Debbie)
Billy Elliot: The Musical - Australian Tour - January 23, 2008 (House-Cam's master) FORMAT:  VOB (with smalls) (SD) CAST: Corey John Snide (Billy Elliot), Genevieve Lemon (Mrs. Wilkinson), Richard Piper (Dad), Lola Nixon (Grandma), Justin Smith (Tony), Linal Haft (George), Samantha Morley (Mum), John Xintavelonis (Mr. Braithwaite), Fiona Booker (Debbie)
Billy Elliot: The Musical - Broadway - November 15, 2008 (SunsetBlvd79's master) FORMAT:  MP4 (HD) CAST: Trent Kowalick (Billy Elliot), Stephen Hanna (Older Billy), Haydn Gwynne (Mrs. Wilkinson), Gregory Jbara (Dad), Santino Fontana (Tony), Frank Dolce (Michael), Thommie Retter (Mr. Braithwaite), Erin Whyland (Debbie)
NOTES: Amazing performance and a beautiful capture. Trent was beyond amazing and this performance was ELECTRIC and beyond words. This performance is in my top three theatrical moments ever, it was that amazing. This also includes the curtain call finale. A
Billy Elliot: The Musical - Broadway - November 21, 2008 FORMAT:  VOB (with smalls) (SD) CAST: David Alvarez (Billy Elliot), Haydn Gwynne (Mrs. Wilkinson), Gregory Jbara (Dad), Carole Shelley (Grandma), David Bologna (Michael)
NOTES: Worked around a lot heads! Still a good capture with some nice close ups. B
Billy Elliot: The Musical - Broadway - February 14, 2009 FORMAT:  VOB (with smalls) (SD) CAST: Kiril Kulish (Billy), David Bologna (Michael), Haydn Gwynne (Mrs. Wilkinson), Gregory Jbara (Dad), Leah Hocking (Dead Mum), Santino Fontana (Tony)
NOTES: Nicely filmed from the balcony with a good balance of close-ups and full stage shots, although a little shaky at times. This is the first (and so far, only) video with Kiril Kulish in the role of Billy. Unfortunately about 15 minutes of the show is missing due to battery issues. What's missing is: Grandma's song "We Go Dancing", the scene between Dad and Tony, the beginning of "Deep Into The Ground", and the scene between Mrs. Wilkinson and Dad discussing Billy's ballet. It appears the filmer was trying to conserve battery power and was trying to focus on Billy's scenes. DVD has been enhanced with main menu and thumbnail images for access to the various songs. A-
Billy Elliot: The Musical - Netherlands - January, 2015 FORMAT:  MP4 (HD) CAST: Svenno van Kleij (Billy Elliot), Pia Douwes (Mrs. Wilkinson), Bas Heerkes (Dad), Carry Tefsen (Grandma), Reinier Demeijer (Tony), Michiel Deddens (Michael), Bas Grevelink (George), Loes Worm (Mum), Dennis Willekens (Mr. Braithwaite), Fleur Hogenboom (Debbie), Bo Burger (Small Boy)
NOTES: Great recording of the Dutch production of Billy Elliot. Similar staging as on Broadway and the UK Tour.
Billy Elliot: The Musical - West End - 2005 FORMAT:  MP4 (SD) CAST: Liam Mower (Billy Elliot), Haydn Gwynne (Mrs. Wilkinson), Philip Whitchurch (Dad), Ann Emery (Grandma), Chris Lennon (Tony), Brad Kavanagh (Michael), Paul Broughton (George), Alex Delamere (Mr. Braithwaite), Brooke Havana Bailey (Debbie)
Billy Elliot: The Musical - West End - April 28, 2006 FORMAT:  VOB (with smalls) (SD) CAST: Leon Cooke (Billy Elliot), Haydn Gwynne (Mrs. Wilkinson), Philip Whitchurch (Dad), Ann Emery (Grandma), Brad Kavanagh (Michael)
NOTES: View often blocked by heads but good zooms.
Billy Elliot: The Musical - West End - November 2, 2006 (SunsetBlvd79's master) FORMAT:  VOB (with smalls) (SD) CAST: Matthew Koon (Billy Elliot), Sally Dexter (Mrs. Wilkinson), Philip Whitchurch (Dad), Ann Emery (Grandma), Ryan Longbottom (Michael), Leigh Laurie (Debbie)
NOTES: Excellent show and amazing capture here, crystal clear picture and sound. This features the Asian Billy, and he was an amazing dancer, and gave an amazing performance. A+
Billy Elliot: The Musical - West End - March 31, 2010 (Highlights) FORMAT:  MP4 (HD) CAST: Tom Holland (Billy Elliot), Barnaby Meredith (Older Billy), Joanna Riding (Mrs. Wilkinson), Joe Caffrey (Dad), Ann Emery (Grandma), Craig Gallivan (Tony), Connor Kelly (Michael), David Nellist (George), Samantha Seager (Mum), Sean Kingsley (Mr. Braithwaite), Francesca Mango (Debbie)
NOTES: 5th Anniversary, 10 minutes of highlights including parts of Angry Dance, Electricity, special Finale, and press clips
Billy Elliot: The Musical - West End - September 28, 2014 (Pro-Shot's master) FORMAT:  VOB (with smalls) (SD) CAST: Elliot Hanna (Billy Elliot), Liam Mower (Older Billy), Ruthie Henshall (Mrs. Wilkinson), Deka Walmsley (Dad), Ann Emery (Grandma), Chris Grahamson (Tony), Zach Atkinson (Michael), Howard Crossley (George), Claudia Bradley (Mum), David Muscat (Mr. Braithwaite), Demi Lee (Debbie), Caspar Meurisse (Tall Boy), Liam Sargeant (Small Boy), David Stoller (Posh Dad), Alan Mehdizadeh (Big Davey)
NOTES: Multi-cam pro-shot broadcast live to cinemas. Filmed on 28 September 2014 at the Victoria Palace Theatre in London's West End.
Black Friday - LA Premiere - October 31, 2019 (Opening Night) (Pro-Shot's master) FORMAT:  MOV (HD) CAST: Dylan Saunders (Tom Houston), Angela Giarratana (Lex Foster), Lauren Lopez (Linda Monroe), Kim Whalen (Becky Barnes), Corey Dorris (Frank Pricely), Jon Matteson (Wiggly), Robert Manion (Ethan Green), Jaime Lyn Beatty (Sherman Young), Joey Richter (Uncle Wiley), Curt Mega (President Howard Goodman), Kendall Nicole Yakshe (Hannah Foster), James Tolbert (Xander Lee), Jeff Blim (A Man In A Hurry)
NOTES: Opening night digital ticket
Black Friday - LA Premiere - December, 2019 (Pro-Shot's master) FORMAT:  MP4 (SD) CAST: Dylan Saunders (Tom Houston), Angela Giarratana (Lex Foster), Lauren Lopez (Linda Monroe), Kim Whalen (Becky Barnes), Corey Dorris (Frank Pricely), Jon Matteson (Wiggly), Robert Manion (Ethan Green), Jaime Lyn Beatty (Sherman Young), Joey Richter (Uncle Wiley), Curt Mega (President Howard Goodman), Kendall Nicole Yakshe (Hannah Foster), James Tolbert (Xander Lee), Jeff Blim (A Man In A Hurry)
NOTES: Excellent HD proshot. Almost 13Gb.
Black Friday - LA Premiere - November, 2019 (Pro-Shot's master) FORMAT:  MOV (HD) CAST: Dylan Saunders (Tom Houston), Angela Giarratana (Lex Foster), Lauren Lopez (Linda Monroe), Kim Whalen (Becky Barnes), Corey Dorris (Frank Pricely), Jon Matteson (Wiggly), Robert Manion (Ethan Green), Jaime Lyn Beatty (Sherman Young), Joey Richter (Uncle Wiley), Curt Mega (President Howard Goodman), Kendall Nicole Yakshe (Hannah Foster), James Tolbert (Xander Lee), Jeff Blim (A Man In A Hurry)
NOTES: Second digital ticket for the show filmed later in the run
Blithe Spirit - Broadway - May 16, 2009 FORMAT:  VOB (with smalls) (SD) CAST: Christine Ebersole (Elvira), Angela Lansbury (Madame Arcati), Rupert Everett (Charles), Jayne Atkinson (Ruth), Simon Jones (Dr. Bradman), Susan Louise O'Connor (Edith)
Blood Brothers - Dutch Revival - 2015 FORMAT:  MP4 (HD) CAST: Vera Mann (Mrs Johnstone), Guido Spek (Mickey), Jim Bakkum (Eddie), Maike Boerdam (Mrs Lyons), Jonathan Demoor (Sammy)
NOTES: Also known in dutch as Hartsvrienden
Blood Brothers - New Zealand - January 1, 1994 (Closing Night) FORMAT:  VOB (with smalls) (SD) CAST: Delia Hannah (Mrs Johnstone), Warwick Evans (Narrator), Stefan Dennis (Mickey)
NOTES: Exact date unknown - 75% of the show filmed from the audience with I believe Warwick evans as Narrator(it is 100% not David Soul) Disc also includes parts of the show filmed from backstage with again Warwick Evans as Narrator t.v interview with Warwick Evans and more backstage talk in dressing rooms and the wings and a performance in a church. on the whole dvd David Soul is on probably less than 5 minutes during his final performance
Blood Brothers - UK Tour - November, 2018 (hitmewithyourbethshot's master) FORMAT:  MP4 (HD) CAST: Linzi Hateley (Mrs Johnstone), Robbie Scotcher (Narrator), Sean Jones (Mickey), Mark Hutchison (Eddie), Sarah Jane Buckley (Mrs Lyons), Danny Taylor (Sammy), Danielle Corlass (Linda), Tim Churchill (Mr Lyons), Graham Martin (Policeman/Teacher), Alison Crawford (Brenda), Amy Jane Ollies (Donna Marie), Graeme Kinniburgh (Bus Conductor), Andy Owens (Perkins), Josh Capper (Neighbor)
Blood Brothers - West End - April 29, 1989 (Pro-Shot's master) FORMAT:  MP4 (SD) CAST: Kiki Dee (Mrs Johnstone), Warwick Evans (Narrator), Con O’Neil (Mickey), Robert Locke (Eddie), Joanne Zorian (Mrs Lyons), Terry Melia (Sammy), Annette Ekblom (Linda), John Conroy (Mr Lyons), Michael Atkinson (Policeman/Teacher), Dee Robillard (Donna Marie), Fenton Gray (Perkins)
NOTES: Pro-Shot for BBC. A little gen loss.
Blood Brothers - West End - March, 2010 FORMAT:  VOB (with smalls) (SD) CAST: Melanie C (Mrs Johnstone), Philip Stewart (Narrator), Stephen Palfreman (Mickey), Richard Reynard (Eddie), Vivienne Carlyle (Mrs Lyons), Michael Southern (Sammy), Louise Clayton (Linda), Owen Oldroyd (Mr Lyons)
NOTES: Some heads in the bottom of the screen but they are shot around very well and completely avoided whenever possible. Overall, a good video of an amazing cast. A-
Blood Brothers - West End - October, 2012 FORMAT:  VOB (with smalls) (SD) CAST: Vivienne Carlyle (Mrs Johnstone), Philip Stewart (Narrator), Mark Rice Oxley (Mickey), Paul Christopher (Eddie), Abigail Jaye (Mrs Lyons), Michael Southern (Sammy), Louise Clayton (Linda), Kevin Palister (Mr Lyons)
The Bodyguard - Cologne, Germany - August, 2017 (Rumpel's master) FORMAT:  MP4 (SD) CAST: Christian Peter Hauser (Tony), Dennis Kozeluh (Bill), Jadran Malkovich (Sy), Jürgen Fischer (Frank Farmer), Patricia Meeden (Rachel), Tiago C Pinade (Fletcher)
The Bodyguard - First National Tour - February 5, 2017 (SunsetBlvd79's master) FORMAT:  VOB (with smalls) (SD) CAST: Alex Carrado (Tony), Charles Gray (Bill), Deborah Cox (Rachel), Jarid Faubel (Ray), Jasmin Richardson (Nicki), Jonathan Hadley (Sy), Jorge Paniagua (Stalker), Judson Mills (Frank Farmer), Kevelin B Jones III (Fletcher)
NOTES: Excellent HD capture of the new musical based on the movie. Contains Whitney Houston's cataloge of music from the movie and her career. A very enjoyable musical with terrific songs and performances. Deborah does a terrific job taking on the music of Whitney! A
The Bodyguard - Second UK Tour - January, 2019 (hitmewithyourbethshot's master) FORMAT:  MP4 (HD) CAST: Alexandra Burke (Rachel), Benoit Marechal (Frank Farmer), Craig Berry (Tony), David Turner (Sy), Micha Richardson (Nicki), Peter Landi (Bill), Phil Atkinson (Stalker), Simon Cotton (Ray)
NOTES: Not the best capture, a lot of wandering and a few heads in the way. Does not include curtain call or encore.
Boeing Boeing - Broadway - April 19, 2008 (Preview) FORMAT:  MP4 (HD) CAST: Christine Baranski (Berthe), Mark Rylance (Robert), Bradley Whitford (Bernard), Gina Gershon (Gabriella), Kathryn Hahn (Gloria), Mary McCormack (Gretchen)
NOTES: Filmed on the first night of previews.
Bombshell - Actors' Fund Benefit Concert - June 8, 2015 FORMAT:  MP4 (HD) CAST: Brian d'Arcy James, Christian Borle, Debra Messing, Donna McKechnie, Jeremy Jordan, Katharine McPhee, Leslie Odom Jr, Megan Hilty, Ripley Sobo, Will Chase
NOTES: The Actors Fund's one-night-only Broadway concert of Bombshell, the fictional musical about Marilyn Monroe that was central to the NBC series "Smash" **Audience shot, not professionally shot release.
Bombshell - Actors' Fund Benefit Concert - June 8, 2015 (Pro-Shot's master) FORMAT:  MP4 (HD) CAST: Brian d'Arcy James, Christian Borle, Debra Messing, Donna McKechnie, Jeremy Jordan, Katharine McPhee, Leslie Odom Jr, Megan Hilty, Ripley Sobo, Will Chase
NOTES: The stars of the NBC musical drama series will reunite virtually for a special one-night-only streaming event: Bombshell in Concert. The event, announced by The Actors Fund in association with PEOPLE, features the never-seen sold-out live performance of Bombshell in Concert that electrified Broadway at the Minskoff Theater in New York City in 2015. The evening will be introduced by two-time Academy Award winner Renée Zellweger and, during intermission, Julie Klausner of “Difficult People” will host a live, virtual reunion with the show’s original cast members including: Christian Borle, Jaime Cepero, Will Chase, Brian d’Arcy James, Jack Davenport, Ann Harada, Megan Hilty, Jeremy Jordan, Katharine McPhee, Andy Mientus, Debra Messing, Leslie Odom Jr., Krysta Rodriguez and Wesley Taylor.
  Bonnie and Clyde - Broadway - November 9, 2011 (Preview) (NYCG8R's master) FORMAT:  VOB (no smalls) (SD) |  TRADER'S NOTES: Act 1 only CAST: Laura Osnes (Bonnie Parker), Jeremy Jordan (Clyde Barrow), Melissa van der Schyff (Blanche Barrow), Claybourne Elder (Buck Barrow), Joe Hart (Sheriff Schmid), Louis Hobson (Ted Hinton), Michael Lanning (Preacher), Mimi Bessette (Emma Parker), Kelsey Fowler (Young Bonnie), Talon Ackerman (Young Clyde)
NOTES: A great capture of this shortly lived show. Jeremy and Laura did a great job in the roles and great voices! A+
Bonnie and Clyde - La Jolla Playhouse - November 14, 2009 (Matinee) (Preview) FORMAT:  VOB (with smalls) (SD) CAST: Laura Osnes (Bonnie Parker), Stark Sands (Clyde Barrow), Melissa van der Schyff (Blanche Barrow), Claybourne Elder (Buck Barrow), Wayne Duvall (Sheriff Schmid), Chris Peluso (Ted Hinton), Michael Lanning (Preacher), Mare Winningham (Emma Parker)
NOTES: Nice capture of this new Wildhorn show. There are only a couple very short blackouts throughout the show and hardly any washout. A
The Book of Mormon - Brazil - 2014 (Pro-Shot's master) FORMAT:  MP4 (HD) CAST: Hugo Kerth (Elder Price), Leo Bahia (Elder Cunningham), Giulianna Farias (Nabulungi), Vinicius Teixeira (Elder McKinley), Nando Brandão (Doctor)
NOTES: Unirio production.​
The Book of Mormon - Broadway - 2011 (House-Cam's master) FORMAT:  VOB (with smalls) (SD) CAST: Andrew Rannells (Elder Price), Josh Gad (Elder Cunningham), Nikki M James (Nabulungi), Rory O’Malley (Elder McKinley)
The Book of Mormon - Broadway - March 1, 2011 (Preview) (NYCG8R's master) FORMAT:  VOB (no smalls) (SD) CAST: Andrew Rannells (Elder Price), Josh Gad (Elder Cunningham), Nikki M James (Nabulungi), Rory O’Malley (Elder McKinley), Michael Potts (Mafala Hatimbi), Lewis Cleale (Mission President)
NOTES: Very nice video of the show however a bar can be visable in wide shots but it doesn't interfere with anything. Disc also includes behind the scenes footage, interviews and reviews. A
The Book of Mormon - Broadway - March 7, 2011 (Preview) (SunsetBlvd79's master) FORMAT:  MP4 (HD) CAST: Andrew Rannells (Elder Price), Josh Gad (Elder Cunningham), Nikki M James (Nabulungi), Rory O’Malley (Elder McKinley), Michael Potts (Mafala Hatimbi), Lewis Cleale (Mission President)
NOTES: Notes: Listed in various places as both 3-7-2011 and 3-11-2011... it's due to a labeling error by the master. They are the same capture it's just the DVD Menu shows the capture date as 3-11-2011 while the poster at the beginning says 3-7-2011 A nice capture of this hilarious original show. A very solid and funny cast. Nikki does a fantastic job acting and vocally. On wide shots there can be heads on the sides, but nothing that really obstructs the action. During Broadway previews, less than a month before the official premiere. So there are differences from the Cast Recording. Very nice video of the show however a bar can be visible in wide shots but it doesn't interfere with anything.
The Book of Mormon - Chicago - December 23, 2012 (SunsetBlvd79's master) FORMAT:  MP4 (SD) |  TRADER'S NOTES: PLEASE DO NOT REQUEST. Working on uploading :) CAST: Nic Rouleau (Elder Price), Ben Platt (Elder Cunningham), Syesha Mercado (Nabulungi), Pierce Cassedy (Elder McKinley), James Vincent Meredith (Mafala Hatimbi), Christopher Shyer (Mission President), David Aron Damane (General)
NOTES: Beautiful HD capture of the Chicago Cast. I can not say enough wonderful things about this company! They really are rock solid and give terrific performances! Nic and Ben are really sensational and have great chemistry. A+
The Book of Mormon - Second National Tour - May 17, 2014 (SJ Bernly's master) FORMAT:  VOB (with smalls) (SD) CAST: David Larsen (Elder Price), Cody Jamison Strand (Elder Cunningham), Tallia Brinson (u/s Nabulungi), Pierce Cassedy (Elder McKinley), James Vincent Meredith (Mafala Hatimbi), Christopher Shyer (Mission President), David Aron Damane (General), Jeff Heimbrock (u/s Cunningham’s Dad)
NOTES: A fantastic capture of the second tour cast. This is the first known dvd of the 2NT, and the cast doesn’t disappoint. David and Cody are strong leads with great voices and comedic timing. Pierce is perfect as McKinley. Tallia also does a great job; she has a strong belt and does an endearing rendition of Sal Tlay Ka Siti. This is a very nice capture with no obstruction or blackouts, and only a bit of washout in superwide shots of high-contrast scenes. The video is very steady and the sound is excellent as usual. It’s filmed in 16:9 with a mix of wides, mediums, and close-ups. Includes curtain call.
The Book of Mormon - Sweden - 2017 (Highlights) FORMAT:  MKV (HD) CAST: Linus Wahlgren (Elder Price), Per Andersson (Elder Cunningham)
NOTES: Act 1 and first few minutes of Act 2 (until Spooky Mormon Hell Dream) only. Vertical; filmed from a mobile phone. Camera wanders a lot. Lots of washouts and no zooms but audio is clear quality.
The Book of Mormon - UK & Ireland Tour - 2019 (Rumpel's master) FORMAT:  VOB (no smalls) (SD) CAST: Kevin Douglas Clay (Elder Price), Connor Peirson (Elder Cunningham), Nicole-Lily Baisden (Nabulungi), Will Hawksworth (Elder McKinley), Ewen Cummins (Mafala Hatimbi), Thomas Vernal (General), David Brewis (Cunningham’s Dad), Tre Copeland-Williams (Doctor), Johnathan Tweedie (Prices Dad/Joseph Smith/Mission President), Cleopatra Isaac (Mrs Brown), Jemal Felix (Guard), Lukin Simmonds (Guard), Alex James-Hatton, David Brewis, Evan James, Fergal McGoff, George Crawford, Isaac Hesketh, Jed Berry
NOTES: One of the best videos of this show out there. Recorded from the right wing, doesn't miss any action. High quality video and excellent sound. Kevin is a very good Elder Price.
The Book of Mormon - West End - 2013 (House-Cam's master) FORMAT:  VOB (with smalls) (SD) CAST: Ashley Day (u/s Elder Price), Jared Gertner (Elder Cunningham), Alexia Khadime (Nabulungi), Stephen Ashfield (Elder McKinley), Giles Terera (Mafala Hatimbi), Haydn Oakley (Mission President), Chris Jarman (General)
NOTES: Filmed by house camera, full stage shot with no zooms, picture quality is poor but audio is clear recorded through the soundboard.
The Book of Mormon - West End - May 29, 2013 FORMAT:  MP4 (HD) CAST: Gavin Creel (Elder Price), Daniel Buckley (s/b Elder Cunningham), Alexia Khadime (Nabulungi), Stephen Ashfield (Elder McKinley), Giles Terera (Mafala Hatimbi), Haydn Oakley (Mission President), Tosh Wanogho-Maud (u/s General), Haydn Oakley (Price's Dad), Haydn Oakley (Prices Dad/Joseph Smith/Mission President)
NOTES: Clear capture with some spotlight washout; filmed from the stalls in clear 16:9 widescreen HD
The Book of Mormon - Workshop - September 1, 2010 (Pro-Shot's master) FORMAT:  MP4 (HD) |  TRADER'S NOTES: Highlights CAST: Andrew Rannells (Elder Price), Josh Gad (Elder Cunningham), Nikki M James (Nabulungi), Rory O’Malley (Elder McKinley), Michael Potts (Mafala Hatimbi), Asmeret Ghebremichael, Clark Johnson, John Eric Parker, Justin Bohon, Kevin Duda, Lewis Cleale, Scott Barnhardt
NOTES: Workshop all staged on barebones sets. Very interesting changes from the eventual Broadway version, including a much different “All American Prophet” (a squaredaney number called “The Bible is a Trilogy, Too”) This version is far less polished and focused but incredibly interesting to see for fans of the show.
The Boy Friend - US Tour - 2005 (House-Cam's master) FORMAT:  VOB (with smalls) (SD) CAST: Rick Faugno (Bobby Van Husen), Jessica Grové (Polly), Berthe Austin (Hortense), Scott Barnhardt (Alphonse), Andrew Breidis (Pierre), Jordan Cable (Marcel), Paul Carlin (Percival Browne), Andrea Chamberlain (Maisie), Margot de La Barre (Nancy), Darcy Pulliam (Lord Brockhurst), Drew Eschelman (Lord Brockhurst), Nancy Hess (Madame Dubonnet), Pamela Otterson (Monica), Sean Palmer (Tony), Krysta Rodriguez (Fay), Eric Santagata (Phillipe), Tom Souhrada (Gendarme), Kristien Wyatt (Dulcie)
NOTES: Can't really see the faces of the actors; spotlight washout; great sound
Breakfast at Tiffany's - Broadway - March 9, 2013 (Lanelle's master) FORMAT:  VOB (with smalls) (SD) CAST: Cory Michael Smith (Fred), Emilia Clarke (Holly)
NOTES: Shot in between a great deal of heads. Be warned, this production contains nudity during a bathtub scene. The production strays away much from the film that made it so popular.
The Bridges of Madison County - Broadway - April 16, 2014 (SunsetBlvd79's master) FORMAT:  VOB (with smalls) (SD) CAST: Kelli O’Hara (Francesca), Steven Pasquale (Robert), Hunter Foster (Bud), Michael X Martin (Charlie), Cass Morgan (Marge), Caitlin Kinnunen (Carolyn), Derek Klena (Michael), Whitney Bashor (Marian/Chiara)
NOTES: Excellent HD capture of this short lived musical, gone too soon. This is the second and even better capture of the show. Kelli and Steven still creating excellent work here. Gem of a show that should have stuck around longer! A
The Bridges of Madison County - Broadway - April 16, 2014 (SunsetBlvd79's master) FORMAT:  VOB (with smalls) (SD) CAST: Kelli O’Hara (Francesca), Steven Pasquale (Robert), Hunter Foster (Bud), Michael X Martin (Charlie), Cass Morgan (Marge), Caitlin Kinnunen (Carolyn), Derek Klena (Michael), Whitney Bashor (Marian/Chiara)
NOTES: Excellent HD capture of this short lived musical, gone too soon. This is the second and even better capture of the show. Kelli and Steven still creating excellent work here. Gem of a show that should have stuck around longer! A
Brief Encounter - Broadway - September 12, 2010 FORMAT:  VOB (with smalls) (SD) CAST: Joseph Alessi (Alex/Fred), Dorothy Atkinson (Beryl), Damon Daunno (Bill/Bobbie), Gabriel Ebert (Stanley), Annette McLaughlin (Myrtle), Tristan Sturrock (Alec), Hannah Yelland (Laura), Adam Pleeth, Edward Jay
Brigadoon - New York City Opera - November 13, 1996 (Opening Night) FORMAT:  VOB (with smalls) (SD) CAST: Brent Barrett (Tommy Albright), Rebecca Luker (Fiona MacLaren), Judy Kaye (Meg Brockie)
Bright Star - Old Globe Theatre (San Diego, CA) - September 13, 2014 (SJ Bernly's master) FORMAT:  MP4 (HD) CAST: Carmen Cusack (Alice Murphy), Wayne Alan Wilcox (Jimmy Ray Dobbs), Wayne Duvall (Mayor Josiah Dobbs), AJ Shively (Billy Cane), Hannah Elless (Margo Crawford), Stephen Bogardus (Daddy Cane), Allison Briner (u/s Mama Murphy), Stephen Lee Anderson (Daddy Murphy), Kate Loprest (Lucy Grant), Jeff Hiller (Darryl Ames), Libby Winters (Dora Murphy)
Bring It On: The Musical - Broadway - October 24, 2012 (SunsetBlvd79's master) FORMAT:  VOB (with smalls) (SD) CAST: Taylor Louderman (Campbell), Adrienne Warren (Danielle), Elle McLemore (Eva), Janet Krupin (u/s Bridget), Jason Gotay (Randall), Ariana DeBose (Nautica), Michael Mindlin (u/s La Cienega), Neil Haskell (Steven), Calli Alden (u/s Kylar), Nikki Bohne (s/b Skylar), Nicolas Womack (Twig)
NOTES: Heads at the bottom of the screen during a good part of the show when action takes place at the foot of the stage but it's shot around well. A-
Bring It On: The Musical - Broadway - October 24, 2012 (SunsetBlvd79's master) FORMAT:  MP4 (HD) |  TRADER'S NOTES: Part 1 only CAST: Taylor Louderman (Campbell), Adrienne Warren (Danielle), Elle McLemore (Eva), Janet Krupin (u/s Bridget), Jason Gotay (Randall), Ariana DeBose (Nautica), Michael Mindlin (u/s La Cienega), Neil Haskell (Steven), Calli Alden (u/s Kylar), Nikki Bohne (s/b Skylar), Nicolas Womack (Twig)
NOTES: Heads at the bottom of the screen during a good part of the show when action takes place at the foot of the stage but it's shot around well. A-
Bring It On: The Musical - First National Tour - December 4, 2011 (SunsetBlvd79's master) FORMAT:  VOB (with smalls) (SD) CAST: Taylor Louderman (Campbell), Adrienne Warren (Danielle), Elle McLemore (Eva), Ryann Redmond (Bridget), Jason Gotay (Randall), Ariana DeBose (Nautica), Gregory Haney (La Cienega), Neil Haskell (Steven), Janet Krupin (Kylar), Kate Rockwell (Skylar), Nicolas Womack (Twig)
NOTES: From the National Tour that would eventually lead to a run on Broadway. An excellent capture of this new musical that was surprisingly a great time. A
Brokeback Mountain: The Opera - Teatro Real Madrid - February 7, 2014 (Pro-Shot's master) FORMAT:  MP4 (SD) CAST: Celia Acedo (Alma's Mother), Daniel Okulitch (Ennis), Ethan Hirschenfield (Aguirre/Hog Boy), Hannah Esther Minutillo (Lureen), Heather Buck (Alma), Jane Henschel (Jack's Mother), Ryan MacPherson (Jack's Father), Tom Randle (Jack)
NOTES: with english subtitles
A Bronx Tale: The Musical - Broadway - November 14, 2016 (Preview) (SunsetBlvd79's master) FORMAT:  VOB (no smalls) (SD) CAST: Bobby Conte Thornton (Calogero), Nick Cordero (Sonny), Hudson Loverro (Young Calogero), Richard H Blake (Lorenzo), Lucia Giannetta (Rosina), Ariana DeBose (Jane), Bradley Gibson (Tyrone)
NOTES: A great HD capture of the new musical which is based on the play. The ledge blocks the actors legs only when action is downstage far right, never really an issue with zooming in. A mix of Jersey Boys and West Side Story with upbeat music. A-
A Bronx Tale: The Musical - Broadway - May 31, 2018 (NYCG8R's master) FORMAT:  VOB (no smalls) (SD) CAST: Adam Kaplan (Calogero), Chazz Palminteri (Sonny), Hudson Loverro (Young Calogero), Richard H Blake (Lorenzo), Lucia Giannetta (Rosina), Christiani Pitts (Jane), Gerald Caesar (Tyrone), Gilbert L Bailey II (Jesse), Joe Barbara (Police Officer/Gang Leader/Carmine), Ted Brunetti (Frankie Coffeecake)
Buried Child - Off-Broadway - March 30, 2016 (Pro-Shot's master) FORMAT:  MP4 (HD) CAST: Ed Harris (Dodge)
But I'm a Cheerleader - London Reading - December 6, 2013 (House-Cam's master) FORMAT:  MP4 (SD) CAST: Bronté Barbé (Megan), Maria Coyne (Graham), Hannah Waddingham (Mary), Adrian Hansel (Mike), Emma Bateman (Sinead), Phillip Labey (Joel), Shaun Rennie (Rock), Nicolas Colicos (Lloyd), Ian Knauer (Larry), Andy Conaghan (Jared), Carly Mercedes Dyer (Kimberly), Belinda Wollaston, Caroline Rogers, Charlotte Harwood, Gary Wood, Helen Walsh, Jamie Muscato, Jamie Ward, Michael O'Connor, Michelle Francis, Ricky Schroeder
NOTES: Proshot of a reading. Missing the last 5 minutes.
Bye Bye Birdie - Broadway Revival - September 16, 2009 (Preview) FORMAT:  VOB (no smalls) (SD) CAST: John Stamos (Albert Peterson), Gina Gershon (Rose Alvarez), Bill Irwin (Harry MacAfee), Nolan Gerard Funk (Conrad Birdie), Jayne Houdyshell (Mae Peterson), Matt Doyle (Hugo Peabody), Allie Trimm (Kim MacAfee)
NOTES: One brief cover-up due to latecomers. Very good and clear video with great close-ups.
Bye Bye Birdie - Third National Tour - 1992 FORMAT:  VOB (with smalls) (SD) CAST: Tommy Tune (Albert Peterson), Ann Reinking (Rose Alvarez), Marc Kudisch (Conrad Birdie), Marcia Lewis (Mae Peterson), Susan Egan (Kim MacAfee)
NOTES: Full show, from the overture to the bows; supposedly shot in Los Angeles, CA; the songs "A Giant Step" and "He's Mine" were written for this production
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que-noticias · 5 years
'Susan y el diablo' se acerca a la asesina de Sharon Tate para reflexionar sobre la justicia en el Principal
‘Susan y el diablo’ se acerca a la asesina de Sharon Tate para reflexionar sobre la justicia en el Principal
Este es el punto de partida de ‘Susan y el diablo’, una obra escrita y dirigida por Chema Cardeña, protagonizada por las veteranas Maria José Goyanes (en el papel de Susan Atkins) y Marisa Lahoz (como funcionaria de prisiones), junto a Manuel Valls (periodista) y producida por Euroscena y Arden Producciones en colaboración con Inaem, Generalitat Valenciana y el IVC.El montaje, que estará en el…
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laila-art-blog · 7 years
Adaptacje książki
Dostosowania Radio John Moffatt wystąpił w roli Poirota w pięcioczęściowej adaptacji BBC Radio 4 Michaela Blakewella w reżyserii Enyda Williamsa, Andre Maranne jako M. Bouc, Jossa Acklanda jako Ratchett, Sylvia Syms jako Mrs. Hubbard, Siân Phillips jako Princess Dragomiroff, Francesca Annis jak Mary Debenham i Peter Polycarpou jako Dr Constantine. Morderstwo w Orient Express (1974) Edytuj    Główny artykuł: Morderstwo w Orient Express (film z 1974 r.) Książka została przerobiona na film z 1974 roku, który jest uważany za jedną z najbardziej udanych kinowych adaptacji dzieł Christie. W filmie wystąpili Albert Finney jako Poirot, Martin Balsam jako M. Bianchi, Richard Widmark jako Ratchett oraz gwiazdorska obsada podejrzanych, w tym Sean Connery, Lauren Bacall, Anthony Perkins, John Gielgud, Michael York, Jean-Pierre Cassel, Jacqueline Bisset , Dame Wendy Hiller, Vanessa Redgrave, Colin Blakely i Ingrid Bergman (która zdobyła Oscara w 1974 roku dla najlepszej aktorki drugoplanowej za rolę Grety Ohlsson). Dokonano jedynie niewielkich zmian w filmie: Masterman został przemianowany na Beddoes, martwa pokojówka została nazwana Paulette zamiast Susanne, Arbuthnot został Arbuthnott, a M. Bouc M. Bianchi. Morderstwo w Orient Express (2001) Edytuj    Główny artykuł: Murder on the Orient Express (2001 film) Powieść została przerobiona na film telewizyjny, który po raz pierwszy został wyemitowany w 2001 roku z Alfredem Molina jako Poirot. Ta adaptacja zmienia ustawienie na dzień dzisiejszy, a także pomija wiele postaci z powieści, co znacznie skraca liczbę podejrzanych. Zainteresowanie miłością Poirota również zostało wprowadzone. Poirot: Murder on the Orient Express (2010) Edytuj David Suchet powraca do roli Herkulesa Poirota w serialu telewizyjnym współprodukowanym przez ITV Studios i WGBH-TV. Pierwotna data emisji powietrza to 11 lipca 2010 roku w Stanach Zjednoczonych i została wyemitowana w Boże Narodzenie 2010 roku w Wielkiej Brytanii. W obsadzie znajdują się: Eileen Atkins jako Princess Dragomiroff, Barbara Hershey jako Caroline Hubbard, Toby Jones jako Samuel Ratchett, Elena Satine jako Hrabina Andrenyi, Brian J. Smith jako Hector MacQueen, David Morrissey jako Pułkownik John Arbuthnot, Jessica Chastain jako Mary Debenham i Denis Menochet jako Pierre Michel, między innymi. Częścią zdjęć była Malta, która stała w Stambule. Philip Martin kieruje tą odsłoną, a scenariusz napisany jest przez Stewarta Harcourta (który również napisał scenariusz do The Clocks). Luźno wierny oryginalnej opowieści, ma wiele poważnych różnic, takich jak charakter Cyrusa Hardmana pominiętego w opowiadaniu, z Doktorem Constantine (który zmienia się z greckiego lekarza na amerykańskiego położnika pani Armstrong), zajmując jego miejsce wśród "ława przysięgłych", a Antonio Foscarelli jest kochankiem pokojówki (której nazwisko zostało zmienione z Susanne na Françoise), a także szoferem. Przede wszystkim, zamiast każdego członka "Jury" przychodzącego w nocy do pokoju Cassettiego i dźgającego go pojedynczo, tutaj ustawiają się w szeregi i dźgają go jeden po drugim, powodując, że umiera z powodu dużej ilości ran utrzymujących się zamiast pozostawiać jakiekolwiek wątpliwości co do tego, który z ław przysięgłych zadał śmiertelny cios. Zgodnie z tendencją do elementów religijnych wprowadzonych do serii po 2003 r. Scenariusz zawiera rozbudowane dialogi religijne i moralne. Inne odstępstwa od powieści obejmują sceny ukamienowania dorosłej kobiety na ulicach Stambułu, a Mary Debenham ma niepotrzebną prawą rękę w wyniku obrażeń odniesionych podczas próby zatrzymania porwania Daisy Armstrong i bycia organizatorem planu, podczas gdy powieść była Caroline Hubbard / Linda Arden. Adaptacja jest niezwykła, ponieważ narracja zaczyna się od Poirota w trakcie rozwiązywania jego niedawnej sprawy w Palestynie (odwołując się do przypadku wspomnianego w tej książce). Helena, prawdziwe panieńskie nazwisko Hrabiny Andrenyi, wraz z imieniem matki, została zmieniona z Goldenberg na Wasserstein, po niemiecku na "kamień wodny", a następnie zwróciła się do Waterston. W filmie z 1974 roku w reżyserii Sidneya Lumeta, był to Grünwald, po niemiecku "Greenwood". Ta wersja filmu ma wolontariat księżniczki Dragomirowa, by zostać włączonym, podczas gdy w książce jest Linda Arden, która prosi Poirota, by ją wrobił, jeśli w ogóle, jako samotny zabójca. Adaptacja kończy się z naciskiem na dylemat moralny Poirota. Arbuthnot jest kuszony, by zamordować Poirota i Bouca po ujawnieniu prawdy, ale jest przekonany przez innych morderców, że czyniąc to czyni go tak złym jak Cassetti. To, stosunek Poirota do kamienowania Stambułu i rozmowa z Mary Debenham doprowadziły Poirota do przedstawiania policji fałszywego opisu samotnego zabójcy. Mordercy są wyraźnie zwolnieni z tego powodu, ale Poirot nadal zmaga się z decyzją, kiedy odchodzi od pociągu. Godny uwagi anachronizm w tej wersji jest nawiązaniem przez pana Bouca do "słynnego pancernika Bismarck", zbudowanego kilka lat po wydarzeniach w powieści. Adaptacja komputera
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americanahighways · 3 years
Song Premiere: Sideline "I'll Always Be A Gypsy"
Song Premiere: Sideline "I'll Always Be A Gypsy" @mtnhomemusic #sideline #illalwaysbeagypsy #bluegrass
Americana Highways brings you this premiere of Sideline’s song “I’ll Always Be A Gypsy” from their forthcoming album Ups, Downs, and No Name Towns, due to be released on September 17.  The album was produced by Sideline, and recorded, mixed and mastered by Van Atkins at Crossroads Studios, Arden, NC. “I’ll Always Be A Gypsy” is Steve Dilling on banjo and vocals; Jason Moore on bass; Skip…
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