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mullomohiam · 2 years ago
Being a tomgreg is so funny. I ship them so hard. I also think greg should die and be killed though.
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squeeb100 · 1 year ago
The unbelievable fucking pacing of hazbin hotel
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strykingback · 9 months ago
My Reply to Stop The Hate 2.0
Okay so I know I prompted to stay quiet about this one anti/RWDER but you know what screw it. When I saw what they were posting yes it left me a bit disturbed, but also the fact that he was liking some incredibly wild shit. But one post caught my attention the most and it was and I quote: "Stop The Hate 2.0." So I took a read at it and little to know surprise in the words of Genji from Overwatch.... I'm not impressed. and surprisingly this person needs no introduction I'll just get right into the nitty gritty of this poor individual who has entered the Thunderdome. papitimefire177.
Before I continue with this, I just want to immediately say this: Please for the love of god and all things holy. DO NOT WITCHHUNT Do not send any anon hate just do what I did. Block and Move On. Anywho lets get into it.
This individual here first off says things such as calling people who criticize Jaune (ala Jaune Haters) as fucking stupid and categorizes them all as he quotes: Fucking Morons and how we bitch about "made up stuff that is not true."
Okay, first things first is Jaune has basically stolen a lot of screentime from RWBY. How much? Over around 5,489 Hours of Screentime. Which is one hour thirty-one minutes and twenty-nine seconds (Counting from Volumes 1-6) And oh do please use this chart here. Special thank you to Emotional-Feed 5489 on the r/RWBYCritics subreddit for going through hell and back to get these results.
Further note- This is only going from Volumes 1-6, Seven is not included since he did not get any screentime until Volume's Eight and Nine.
Secondly, Jaune really began to grind my gears when Volume six had to reinforce the fact that Pyrhha is gone. Okay. We get it already Pyrrha is dead and Jaune is literally mourning her still. At this point lets just get it over and done with and move on. Yes, I am fully aware that Pyrrha's death has lingered heavily for him but at the same time it does not take you three entire volumes to take a deep breath in and a deep breath out to carry on.
What really set me off was in Volume nine after, Ruby who had one of if not the MOST SATISFYING mental breakdown scenes and calling out her teammates (Especially Yang) for being horrendous teammates when throughout that whole volume Ruby was going through the shitter, only for Jaune to steal it all the way cause "I suffered more than you have."
Yes Jaune as if you have the whole world on your shoulders? Like dude grow the fuck up. Because you are also talking to someone who is fifteen years old (once again this could be the case of time goes forward but the characters don't age trope.)
Then right after Ruby literally "Ascends" by drinking the tea. It's time for more Jaune angst cause he's going through it more than Ruby did?! It took Weiss, Yang, and Blake almost the entire volume to care about Ruby but it took them just a few minutes in an episode to hug Jaune for his "angst" fuck that.
Now moving on. Of course lots of people do write him out of their stories but some people do keep him only for him to have atleast one or two arcs depending on the writer of course and have him die or keep him around to develop him better than what RT's writers could do. Once more his historical allusion is to the legendary female knight Joan of Arc and I have spoken with a few friends of mine who did have plans for their RWBY Re:Write to have him transition into a woman to better fit the allusion and have him die a hero.
Gee it's not like I have MADE A POST ABOUT THIS.
Also furthermore I did do some research trying to find that "Jaune Arcless" video paptimefire177 talked about in their Stop The Hate 2.0 message. Instead I didnt find jack diddly shit at all. So I can only assume they pulled that out of their ass to try and get their point across as they go on to say that Who wants that because Removing Jaune is fucking stupid.
Which as my counterpoint. Lots of people do want Jaune to be out of the picture whether if relegated to side-character status for him to not be so damn annoying where he wont step in whenever characters like Oscar for example who in Volume 6 got a wardrobe change and some development only for it to be stolen away for a fucking statue sequence.
Or how at the end of Volume eight he could have healed up Penny and got her across the gate to Atlas so that way she could also have the relic with her. Nope lets have him kill her so he can have angst in Volume nine!
And lastly he goes off on a rant stating how Jaune Haters are pathetic along with the hate for Jaune and stating how people who hate Jaune need to wear diapers and go back to the basement we have come from.
Okay Papi. since you wanna ball. We're gonna ball. You are the pathetic one seriously do you really think people are going to follow you? You who have used ableist language against someone calling them a slur in DM's no less. Want proof?
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Or how you claim to not be a race fetishist but at the same time you liked this.
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(When I looked back in there again to find this man in the likes section of this post I could not find his name but earlier when I did my first post of Jaune Arc A Horrendous Example of A Knight. I did see his name amongst those likes)
Lets also not forget that you would happily block evade through your other accounts as well. Now then are you listening there amigo? Cause I can keep this shit up if you arent too busy. Oh wait, whats that?
You claim RWDE has made as you quoted yourself: "Sends Death Threats, Suicide Bait, False Accusations, Being general assholes, Bitches about everything"
Really then? Where is your evidence? What is your source where made those bold accusations from?
So papitimefire177 do me a favor and go outside, touch some grass, walk around take in nature itself. Instead of trying to start fights with your raceplaying ableist ass... cause guess what. Ain't nobody got time for that.
And if you do plan on replying, you aint gonna be sayin' shit so whats it gonna be!?
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ask-killer-kristophgavin · 5 years ago
Introduction Arc
Mini Arc: Bloodshed
Family Arc
Meeting Arc
Mini Arc: Deal
Apprentice Arc
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twoshipsnorowboat · 3 years ago
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some sketches for an Arcane AU for timeless…
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bewns · 6 years ago
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🔥 #VapeSetup HOT ◾ #SmokerStore #Taifun #GT4 ◾ #Mechlyfe #AmbitionZvapeR #Arcless #stackable 21700 #MechTube . #Vape#Vapers#VapePics#VapePorn#VapeOn #VapeLove#VapeLifeStyle#VapeCommunity #VapeWorld#VapeFrance #VapeNation #VapeSociety#VapeCulture#VapeAllDay #InstaVape#CloudMaker . #MechanicalMod #RebuildableTankAtomizer (à Mérignac, Aquitaine, France) https://www.instagram.com/p/BzlmOxFCk5D/?igshid=kg9ktj7vvg93
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prayersreblog · 2 months ago
Image description: Tweet from EV Arcless Arc (@/EVeracite) reading: "I like how in the context of trans affirming care, successful treatment in 99% of cases is treated as dangerous, whereas in all other areas of healthcare a 99% success rate would be treated as an absolute miracle." Quote retweet from Aster (@/aster_disaster_) reading, "Having a child has a 7% regret rate. A knee replacement has anywhere between 6-30% regret. Across all types of surgery, the regret rate is 14%. Transition and trans related surgeries have a 1% regret rate." End ID.
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sneezemonster15 · 3 years ago
Naruto is so bored with Hinata. Like this boy who traveled all over, met the most complex and interesting, most influential, magnanimous, top of their game - type people, got inspired by them, overcame obstacles in the quest of gaining better understanding so that he could understand Sasuke's heart, managed to do it and reconciled with one of the most well developed and truly complex character such as Sasuke, Naruto who now is the leader of a reformed world, who learnt so much about people in his life journey, who literally invented empathy in the lawless system he lives in, who understood what made people tick at the end of the day and used it to forge his dream, this boy who became the person he is by overcoming his disadvantages by playing on their strength.....this boy, This Boy got stuck with the most boring, sidey, bland, colourless, arcless, mentally and skillwise weak, one dimensional, certainly very privileged and painfully simple minded, at times clearly illogical and poorly disciplined, insensitive, spoilt and 'largely absent from the picture and pretty much inconsequential except in couple of bad ways' character.
If anyone ever did, Naruto understood a complex character and learnt to appreciate them, and is it any wonder we see him napping next to her watching some soap (and crying) in canon? Tired or Bored? Both probably. Like Kishi had to make sure to portray her as the painfully stereotypical wife.
Like honestly, what common interests do they have? I am sure Hinata knows next to nothing about Sasuke. Or battle strategy, or politics, or administration, or empathy (last time I checked, Neji was still dead as her slave) or high grade jutsus or being able to comfort her son when he needs it most or being able to stay by her daughter's side during an alien attack or whatever. Honestly, what do they really talk about?
Ah, Naruto's laundry, of course.
What a cruel joke Kishi. Well, at least you deride NH as well, but I would have preferred to see Naruto happy. Yeah yeah, it wouldn't have happened, whatever. But Boruto is still cursed.
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e-vapormo · 5 years ago
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Martedì handcheck! 🙌
#RatelPod 👉https://bit.ly/2Ug7joU #ArclessSlatra 👉 https://bit.ly/2krWrXS Coupon Code: SUMMER .
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omgeloise · 6 years ago
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madou-dilou · 5 months ago
"Viren ended his Most Confusing Bad Dad Redemption Arc Ever Written by leaving his clearly mentally unstable daughter to go start his healing journey but ended up killing himself with dark magic to protect the people of Katolis, the exact same thing he offered in episode 2 of this stupid arcless show."
wait a dragon prince season came out? since when LOL what even happened?
Yesterday! And oh man So Much Happened and all of it was so so so dumb. They made a candy decoy of Aaravos' prison to trick any bad guy trying to steal it, but the only person tricked was Callum so he took the wrong one to be safely hidden and the real one literally rolled into Claudia's path without her even trying to find it. Viren ended his Most Confusing Bad Dad Redemption Arc Ever Written by leaving his clearly mentally unstable daughter to go start his healing journey but ended up killing himself with dark magic to protect the people of Katolis, the exact same thing he offered in episode 2 of this stupid arcless show. Rayla realizes she has to choose between her 3 parents bc she can only save 2, and she chooses to let her bio parents die and save the guy I hate sosososososo much and was actually happy to see suffer, Runaan, who joins her and Callum in their adventures. Turns out Aaravos too was a dad and the Startouch elves are gods who decided to kill his little daughter for a crime we didn't even see her commit (everyone was like "just trust me bro") so he becomes evil to avenge her and somehow these gods don't feel like killing him over it. Karim makes a deal with Sol Regem to destroy Janai's army, but Sol Regem is blind so the guy riding him whose name I forgot but who is possessed by Aaravos tricks him into burning down Katolis instead, which leads me to believe Sol Regem is insanely stupid if his supreme senses can't tell the difference between Katolis, a country on the other side of the world, and his friggin desert homeland. All of this is accompanied by everyone being super bloodied up and screaming in uncomfortable ways so we can pretend like this is a mature show and not a show for babies before we slide into the next overlong pun bit. See you next year for part 7
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tabby-shieldmaiden · 3 years ago
My nice answer to fridging discourse: Let’s just make all sorts of different stories and hold hands and sing Kumbaya :)
My uncharitable answer to fridging discourse: Fine. Let’s just make more war dramas starring all-women regiments so that more women will get a chance to be expendable onscreen, and let’s have more movies where the only guy in them dies to motivate his wife/daughter/mother so that more men will get a chance to be nothing more than arcless plot devices.
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sunlightgaps · 4 years ago
i can’t believe in pitch perfect they gave beca the most boring bland arcless loaf of bread unseasoned chicken mayo packet greek yogurt string cheese ritz cracker salt shaker manic pixie dream boy love interest all because they were too cowardly to make beca and chloe girlfriends
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poemsforpersephone · 5 years ago
The third and final book rec list for fans of The Last Sun!
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The Infinite Noise by Lauren Shippen has really cool empathy powers which, although not the two way bond Brand and Rune share, does remind me of the emotion reading aspect in TLS. The m/m relationship in it is also super sweet. 
The Gentleman’s Guide to Vice and Virtue by Mackenzie Lee. This one I’m recommending because the protagonist is a snarky asshole just like Rune, and the writing style is so well done. It’s m/m and genuinely such a fun and quirky book. Also the cover art is gorgeous!
Silver in the wood by Emily Tesh. This is an LGBT novella where a wild man called Tobias lives in a place called “Greenhollow,” , where, and I quote, “Old secrets better left buried are dug up, and Tobias is forced to reckon with his troubled past—both the green magic of the woods, and the dark things that rest in its heart.” So im recommending this one simply because of the involvement of secrets and troubled pasts haha. 
Gideon the Ninth by Tamsyn Muir. The front cover of this one gives me The Hanged Man vibes like, all the way to the bone, which is initially what prompted me to rec it on this list. But also: “Gideon has a sword, some dirty magazines, and no more time for undead bullshit.” Idk about the dirty magazines but the rest of it scREAMS Rune. and the main character is a lesbian!!! yay!! 
The Black Veins by Ashia Monet. “In a world where magic thrives in secret city corners, a group of magicians embark on a road trip—and it’s the "no-love-interest", found family adventure you’ve been searching for.” It’s like someone looked into my heart and picked out my deepest desire and then wrote it and gave it life. This book is super diverse and super awesome. 
The Deathless Girls by Kiran Millwood Hargrave is a f/f take on Dracula basically. I’m recommending it because the main character and her sister go through a traumatic event similar to the loss of the sun court, when men come and burn their home to the ground along with their people and they’re captured and taken as slaves. It’s about family, friendship and survival, and it’s beautiful. 
The Never Tilting World by Rin Chupeco. An LGBT book where climate change deniers are the villains? ... you have my atttention. 
Prosper’s Demon by K.J. Parker. This is about a morally questionable exorcist!  It’s a satirical, interesting take on the topic of possession with a kick ass cover. 
The Wishing Heart by J.C Welker. An LGBT fantasy novel where our protag, Rebel, finds a jinni’s vessel and is thus thrust into a whole new world of trying to keep said jinni from everyone else and find a way to free her! The world building is awesome and so are the characters.
Tarnished are the Stars by Rosiee Thor. “A secret beats inside Anna Thatcher's chest: an illegal clockwork heart. Anna works cog by cog -- donning the moniker Technician -- to supply black market medical technology to the sick and injured, against the Commissioner's tyrannical laws.” i have the hardbook version of this and the cover??? is so?? beautiful.
The Weight of the Stars by K. Ancrum. TALKING OF PRETTY COVERS. “Ryann Bird dreams of traveling across the stars. But a career in space isn’t an option for a girl who lives in a trailer park on the wrong side of town. So Ryann becomes her circumstances and settles for acting out and skipping school to hang out with her delinquent friends.”
Predatory by Brooklyn Ray. WERELEOPARDS FRIENDS!!!! god damn wereleopards im?? so happy. m/m 
The Lost Coast by Amy Rose Capetta. FOUND FAMILY QUEER WITCHES. need i say more. 
Portraits of a Faerie Queen by Tay LaRoi. The fey run amok in this one! f/f with a gorgeous front cover.
Unbroken by Brooklyn Ray. step 1: rent haunted house. step 2: fall in love with witch-turned-demon who inhabits it. step 3: profit???
The High King’s Golden Tongue by Megan Derr. This one is lovely! Nice world building with an emphasis on languages and kingdoms, and a lovely m/m romance that builds from kind-of-enemies-but-not-really to lovers. the audiobook of this is great. 
Salt Magic, Skin Magic by Lee Welch. SORRY YOUR BOOK IS SET WHERE? MY HOMELAND? MY COUNTRY MY COUNTY MY HEART? we never get any attention imma go cry in the corner. its a historical fantasy m/m romance in YORKSHIRE gosh im here for it. And let me tell you... this is one fantastic book. I really, really enjoyed it.
Swordspoint by Ellen Kushner. fantasy, m/m, lotsa swords!
Of Fire and Stars by Audrey Coulthurst. f/f fantasy with a princess who has fire magic in a kingdom where magic is forbidden! 
Freedom’s Fate by Jennie Taylor. SPAAAAAAACE i love books in space.
Pegasi and Prefects by Eleanor Beresford. “Charley's final year at Fernleigh Manor is complicated by a runaway pegasus, unwanted Games Captainship, a dangerous new rival and, most of all, falling head over heels in love with another girl. What is a reluctant Senior Prefect to do?” catch me while i swoon.
The Necromancers Dance by SJ Himes. m/m vampire/necromancer romance, urban magic and fantasy, very fun and smooth read, a little bit insta love but not totally. 
The Star Host by F.T. Lukens. “Ren grew up listening to his mother tell stories about the Star Hosts – a mythical group of people possessed by the power of the stars.” a m/m fantasy book set to a sci fi fantasy background.
Empty Vessels by Nicholas Williams. “Lucas Mahler babysits clones all day, but he's trapped under the legacy of his body-builder father and his genius girlfriend. When Lucas tries to rise above, he's murdered. Waking up in the body of a clone, Lucas embarks on a mystery full of blood, old friends and lost loves.” idk the whole clone thing in this just always reminds me of lord tower making all the different fake versions of people he knows lmao. 
So, the thing is. 2020 is very close friends, and some awesome books are even closer. These below are books I’ve not read yet, since they’re not out and I am a poor ARCless girl, but they’re books you definitely want to keep an eye on.
Witches of Ash and Ruin by E. Latimer. Bisexual OCD protagonist who is a witch D: its everything i could want. 
Wild Sky by Zaya Feli. LGBT fantasy with dragons! It sounds so, so fun.
Girl, Serpent, Thorn by Melissa Bashardoust. “A captivating and utterly original fairy tale about a girl cursed to be poisonous to the touch, and who discovers what power might lie in such a curse...”
The Fascinators by Andrew Eliopulos. “The Raven Boys meets Simon vs. the Homo Sapiens Agenda, about an openly gay high school senior in small-town Georgia.” m/m fantasy which looks super sweet.
Cemetery Boys by Auden Thomas. “Yadriel has summoned a ghost, and now he can’t get rid of him.” THIS SOUNDS SO COOL oh my god. Yes PLEASE. 
When We Were Magic by Sarah Gailey. “A sly, witchy dark comedy about four teens whose magic goes wildly awry.” Magic, darkness, comedy, what’s not to love for fans of the tarot sequence??
The Extraordinaries by T.J. Klune. I absolutely love T.J.  Klune’s writing so I can’t wait to get my hands on this. m/m superheros!! friends!!! get excited!! I think anyone who likes how witty K.D. is will enjoy this writing style. 
The House in the Cerulean Sea by T.J. Klune. YES ANOTHER ONE this looks so good too we are BLESSED. “A magical island. A dangerous task. A burning secret.”
Fragile Remedy by Maria Ingrande Mora. “Sixteen-year-old Nate is a GEM—Genetically Engineered Medi-tissue created by the scientists of Gathos City as a cure for the elite from the fatal lung rot ravaging the population. As a child, he was smuggled out of the laboratory where he was held captive and into the Withers—a quarantined, lawless region.” The idea of the Withers kind of reminds me of the westlands.
The Fell of Dark by Caleb Roehrig. UHM im always here for lgbt vampires in young adult fantasy fiction. The author says that “this book is gay and filled with monsters” which also fits the last sun so i figured it belongs on the list lmao. 
Ruinsong by Julia Ember. “In a world where magic is sung, a powerful mage named Cadence is forced to use her power to torture her country’s disgraced nobility at her ruthless queen’s bidding.”
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the-welkynd-jewel · 5 months ago
Wyll is my favourite character, I could talk about him for hours! As you can tell, I have no rhetorical skill, so you'd better get ready.
I see a lot of people saying Wyll has no flaws and that that either makes him the best character or the worst. The game definitely doesn't develop him or even really give him a proper arc - but I could argue the same for Karlach, who doesn't really change except to get that little bit of closure in the end. So how come one of these flawless and arcless characters is beloved while the other is treated like dog shit?
I won't default to 'racism' as the answer because, well, I'm sure some people hate him for his personality. That's reasonable, a personality can be annoying. I won't argue with that. But I think some of those things that make him annoying are part of his flaws.
He has a very black-and-white perspective on the world. I mean he's only a kid, and he's trying to cope with an extremely complex moral decision that he made when he was seventeen. His moral code seems to boil down to (with some examples off the top of my head, having recently finished Act 1 again):
Monsters = evil 'I almost feel sorry for the orphaned goblin child. Almost.' 'How's the rat diet going?' (His approval whenever you're a ruthless harbinger of doom with monsters.) (His approval when you kill reanimated Connor.) (His disapproval when you show mercy on goblins at any point, ever.)
People who harm innocents = evil (His refusal to associate with you when you kill the tieflings.) (His approval when you punch Aradin.) (His approval when you murder Kagha for Zevlor.)
Innocents = good (His entire everything evidences that one.) (The bit of character development he does get, eventually - 'vampire spawn also good because innocent'.)
Self-sacrifice = even better than good 'I don't regret my pact at all, in fact it was my proudest deed.' 'I'm no hero, but I've dedicated my life to protecting the Sword Coast from monsters.' 'Zorru (traumatised tiefling civilian) abandoned his friends to die to these githyanki supersoldiers! What a bloody coward!' (That one's kinda wild but an interesting detail.)
And let's be real, Wyll is a bit of a showman. He loves talking about his deeds and the monsters he's killed, and he loves hyping up the Blade. He thinks highly of himself, or at least he performatively pretends to. Like a lot of people, I think 'the Blade' is a mask, in which case he's not proud of himself, but he's very proud of what he's become. My interpretation is that he has to keep telling himself he's become something perfect because he feels the alternative is that his father was right to be disappointed in him. But there are a lot of reasons he could be this way.
What's clear is that he wants the Blade to be a role model, an inspiration, a statue you'd erect in your convictions. He wants to be that person. But in doing so, he's swept his shame under the rug. It seems that nobody knows what happened to the Grand Duke's son - nobody has ever found out who the Blade of Frontiers is. (Surprising disapproval hit if you suss out that his false eye is a sending stone, too. The easiest interpretation of that is he's really hoping that 'the Blade of Frontiers is a warlock' will never be dug up. Though his powers aren't exactly... subtle? I'm assuming he usually slayed the monsters away from the eyes of his adoring fans.)
Other players who hate him think his flaws make him some sort of malevolent villain. How could he flaunt Astarion's trauma in his face with the rat comment? How could he be such a self-important peacock? How could he be such a lying hypocrite?
But Wyll's nobility is real. He is noble - he just lives in a fantasy where that's all he is. The Karlach dilemma seems to genuinely be the first time he's forced to consider the idea that maybe he's naïve, that maybe he can make the wrong choices. And I just have to assume, to throw the devs a bone, that that's why he can't make any decisions on his own in his own dang questline. He's paralysed with fear that he can suddenly do the wrong thing.
Also, yes, he's a dickhead to Astarion early on, but monsters = evil! I don't think there's more to it than that. Let's not forget this is a universe where people are prey animals. Astarion is a predator. Wyll is within his rights to think a wolf among the sheep is asking for trouble. Even though he's wary, even though he's keeping an eye on him, he doesn't try to hurt Astarion, which is more than I can say for... well, Astarion. Among other characters.
(All opinions are obviously subjective, but the hypocrisy is definitely the most 'in the eye of the beholder'. He'll approve of you letting Sazza get shot, for example, and will condemn Zorru for a coward. But he also disapproves of you handing over Redhammer to the Church of Umberlee. These situations are all very different, it's true, but where does he draw the line? Disapprove of cowardice but not kill over it? Let someone get their revenge on a monster for a murder but not on a pawn for an accident? What about the prisoners Redhammer led to their dooms? Is this character development? Who knows! The game won't tell us about Wyll Ravengard lol.
There's another issue that I think is more down to game design. He really does not approve of you trying any method to get rid of the tadpole. No devil deals. No hag haggles. I thought it was hypocritical at first - but the game doesn't actually let you express why you want to remove it so badly. It seems the assumption is that you're just desperate not to become a mindflayer. Sure, but I don't want to become a mindflayer because then I'll be a mindless brain-eating thrall, possibly in service to a Borg Queen - I mean elder brain - that wants to conquer all life on Faerûn. We can't stop the threat if we are the threat, just as Wyll couldn't stop Tiamat's followers on his own. Let me do a 'greater good' thing too kid.)
Wyll thinks he's the noblest person alive, and he loves that about himself. It's what gives his life purpose.
And he's wrong.
The straight line he drew in his binary fantasy is in three dimensions a tangled knot of hypocrisy, self-importance and security-blanket lies - in lieu of the silver spoon, a fork against his tongue. The Blade will not bend.
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cynthiaandsamus · 5 years ago
Asta says fuck your redemption arcless redemption
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