vinodkumars-stuff · 4 months
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v7blue · 2 years
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This bridge turned 300 years old in 2017. Village of Carrbridge, Scotland / Este puente cumplió 300 años en 2017. Pueblo de Carrbridge, Escocia
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pendragon1400 · 11 months
I honestly love this concept that Aragorn, Legolas and Gimli would have a podcast in modern day. Like Aragorn would write the script, and start the conversation and Gimli would go off script dragging Legolas down with him. So a carefully constructed podcast about like politics or how to support yourself and others, often develops into rambles about archology, gems, stars or general chaos.
Gimli: But, if you go deep enough you find stars! Gems glinting with a light no one can touch!
Legolas: Surely that can not be a match for the legends that stars tell.
Aragorn throws his script on political relevancy on the floor with a sigh.
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bigkickguy · 1 year
I was thinking up some daarcoh au to draw but I just keep putting them back into fucked up or apocalyptic settings again 😭
they are happy and snuggly in my mind but not before they have to struggle to survive against da world jfjfnxjxjdjd
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thvndersnow · 1 year
;; thinks about theo w misraaks and nods 2 myself
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granonine · 30 days
The Walls fell Down Flat
Joshua 6:20-21. So the people shouted when the priests blew with the trumpets: and it came to pass, when the people heard the sound of the trumpet, and the people shouted with a great shout, that the wall fell down flat, so that the people went up into the city, every man straight before him, and they took the city. And they utterly destroyed all that was in the city, both man and…
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spacemoth-moth · 3 months
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stlispenard · 1 year
when your institution claims to be modern and progressive and yet uploads texts in foreign languages and makes them inaccessible to the entirety of the class (since not one person is fluent enough to translate german academic writing and are not required to be able to).
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hmshermitcraft · 5 months
The hermits are usually experts in certain fields, like redstone, certain types of magic, or specific mobs. So it's not too rare that they're invited on an archological dig on some long forgotten world. Although the most recent world they've been asked to investigate seems to be the result of quite the apocalyptic scenario. Although strangely enough, Grian seems to know far too much of this worlds history and culture. It takes doc an embarrassingly long time to realise that Grian must have been the only survivor of this worlds apocalypse. He does his best to comfort him about all those bad memories, but doesn't want to mention it- especially since the other Hermits are oblivious.
If Grian doesn't want to reveal his history with this place, then Doc isn't going to expose it. After all, they still need to evidence their findings. Without proof, Grian's anecdotes are hearsay.
But Doc will listen. Anything Grian wants to say, he'll listen. He isn't alone anymore, and Doc will make sure he knows it.
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So you've talked a few times about how Plagg and Tikki failed on a fundamental level as mentors, and how Fu wasn't even really a mentor at all, but I don't think I've seen you bring up Su-Han as of yet, and I'm curious to know where you fall on that particular character.
I personally feel he could've been useful for expository purposes, and/or served as a catalyst for Marinette's growth into the role of guardian/team leader (you know, if the show were interested in character growth, or suggesting it's protagonist isn't omni-capable), but instead he showed up in four episodes, caused several problems, raised more questions than he ultimately answered, and honestly makes me question why he was included in the first place.
The order of the guardians is back after 170+ years and the most lasting impact this has on the story is... they teach Jagged Stone Kung Fu? Were you on the writing team, how would you make effective use of this plot point (Or was it a bad idea to begin with?)
Su-Han is an incredibly weird character. I'm honestly not totally sure why he exists, but I'll give you my best guess and then we'll talk about how he could have been used because I do think that he had potential.
It feels like they only introduced the guardian temple back in season three because they wanted to explain how the peacock and butterfly got lost - even though their explanation just raises even more questions if you know anything about archology - then they realized, "Oh shit, we probably need to address the guardian's return somehow, don't we?"
But if they let a whole mystic order descend on Paris, then we don't really need our two heroes, so instead we get one rando who walked (or I guess jumped?) from Tibet to Paris in order to be the writer's whipping boy because that's really how Su-Han is used. He's not here to help or to be a mentor. He's here to voice audience complaints so that the writers can shut those complaints down with nonsense logic.
For example, this exchange from Ephemeral is what kicks off Marinette's awkward and concerning plan to lie to her partner about an identity reveal:
Su-Han: This really takes the cake! Ladybug: Grand Master Su-Han? Su-Han: Nine! You used nine Miraculous to defeat a single villain, when Cat Noir could have just used his Cataclysm! Ladybug: I had to. Cat Noir was missing! Su-Han: What do you mean "missing"? You can't just let the holder of the one of the most powerful Miraculous go about as he pleases! What if he started making his own decisions, or act it out? Like Shadow Moth?! Ladybug: Cat Noir? Act like Shadow Moth? Wow. Are you blowing this out of proportion just a little? Su-Han: Not at all. In fact, you should find out who Cat Noir really is, so you can have better control over him. Ladybug: What?? No way! We can't know our true identities! It would be too dangerous if Shadow Moth got a hold of one of us! Su-Han: I. Don't. Care!! Deal with this problem quickly, otherwise I will take back his Miraculous as soon as he shows a whisker! And I'll choose the new Cat Noir myself! Ladybug: Okay, okay, alright. What if you knew who he was, would that work? Su-Han: I... I suppose so. But I'm warning you, if you don't succeed— Ladybug: I get it. Cat Noir will be replaced.
Does Su-Han read like an Adrien salter to you? Because he does to me! He's presenting a valid argument in the most obnoxious and inflammatory way possible by making it about controlling Chat Noir instead of having the argument focus on the issue of, "Hey, maybe more than one person should know who has this extremely powerful miraculous just in case something bad happens to that one person?" An argument that holds more weight than he could possibly know because of the whole senti issue making Chat Noir a potential perfect sleeper agent.
And at the end of the episode, we get this exchange even though none of Su-Han's concerns have actually been addressed:
Su-Han: So, do you know who Cat Noir is yet? Ladybug: No. Su-Han: What? I thought I had warned you— Ladybug: I don't want to know. I've proven to you a hundred times that I'm a good guardian, and Cat Noir and I have proven to you a hundred times that we were exceptional superheroes, and you! How many times have you told us that we were messing up, when that was totally untrue? You're judging us based on your own fears, and not on our actions! Su-Han: (groans) You're right, little Ladybug. Perhaps I'm worrying over nothing. What's for sure is that one doesn't come across a guardian like you every century. (reaches out his fist) How do you say again? Ladybug and Su-Han: Pound it.
You can tell that the writers wanted Su-Han to be the bad guy here. That his pushing for an identity reveal was at fault and you - the audience - should feel bad if you ever agreed with him, but his base argument is never actually addressed. Marinette just says he needs to trust her and so he does for some reason? Remind me, which of these two is supposed to have years of experience and which of them has been a hero for less than a year and in that time has totally failed to even try to retrieve the miraculous that she's supposed to be recovering? Writers, please stop saying that Marinette is the best guardian ever when you don't let her do anything that feels all that special. I'm not saying that she's terrible, she's doing what was asked if her, I'm just concerned that this is considered way above average quality.
On top of that nonsense, there's also the problem that Marinette's counter argument would have worked right from the start, so her rushed deception plan doesn't feel like a true act of desperation like it was clearly supposed to be. Instead, it just makes her look like a horrible person even though that obviously wasn't the writer's intent. This is what always happens when they speed run these complex what-if or backstory episodes. It never works out like they clearly want it to.
Chat Blanc did it by making Adrien look bad for hiding his identity so that he could date Ladybug. Derision did it by making multiple characters look unhinged and/or evil. Ephemeral does it with the frankly baffling lie plan which is only there so we can have a proper identity reveal moment between the leads. That's literally why the episode is written like that, btw. They wanted to let Adrien confess his identity in a big romantic moment, so they forced a scenario where that would happen even though it makes Ladybug look terrible.
Anyway, back to Su-Han.
If Miraculous was allowed to have serious plot lines that spanned multiple episodes, then Su-Han could have been a great edition to the cast. Season four is a pretty big tonal shift for the show. Things start to feel a lot more serious in this season with the Ladynoir conflict and Marinette struggling to be the guardian. It also comes right after the season where we learned that Master Fu wasn't a true guardian. All of this is the perfect setup for a true mentor character who shows up to fix things and maybe even give out some new powers!
Imagine how much better this season would have been if it was about Su-Han helping Ladynoir! If he saw the conflict and stepped in to guide them through it. You could even have him be closer to Adrien than Marinette to balance Marinette and Fu's relationship.
For example, what if the guardians didn't have the wacky staff that tracks down miracle boxes but not miraculous because then Gabriel would be defeated too easily? What if Su-Han just shows up and Marinette doesn't trust him, but Adrien does? And so Su-Han helps Adrien the most while Marinette keeps Su-Han at arms length just like she does Adrien because that's what Fu taught her to do and Fu was wrong about everything! This could still lead to the season four ending, but instead of it being a nothing burger where season five continues all of the same problems, instead season five is where Marinette embraces Su-Han and really starts to understand what it means to be a guardian and a partner? Things Fu never taught her because he kind of sucked at his job.
That's just one way to make Su-Han work. A way that keeps canon intact up to the start of season five because, while I hate season four's writing and "conflict" resolution, I can admit that there was potential in the base idea. You could also scrap all of season four and rewrite everything to keep things more light hearted while still letting Su-Han be a total upgrade.
You could even go the exact opposite direction and set Su-Han up to be the next big bad! Why have sentimonster freedom be a conflict (even though it really wasn't) when you could make everything about Kwami freedom? It's a really natural progression to go from defeating Gabriel to fighting for... institutional changes(?) in how the miraculous work. Let Kwamis pick their holders and remove their bonds so that Gabriel never happen again!
I really do mean it when I say that this show is bursting with potential. I wouldn't be so enthralled by how bad it is if it didn't have potential to be amazing.
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UPG vs SPG vs VG
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Transcription for my friends using a screen reader:
Page 1: UPG vs SPG vs VG , Tumblr: Ladyiristheenchantress
Page 2: UPG, UPG - Unverified personal genosis. personal beliefs that have little to no historical basis about an entity. UPG is valid, however it doesn't mean its not subject to scrutiny. If your UPG directly contradicts historical fact, then you might want to consider re-evaluating your spiritual experiences.
Page 3: SPG, SPG - Shared personal gnosis. Several unrelated people have the same experience or revelation about an entity. Social media, some historical contexts, and ancient grimoires or texts can play a role in the creation of SPG
Page 4: VG, VG - Verified Gnosis, also called CG or Confirmed gnosis. VG means UPG or SPG is confirmed with historical sources. once it becomes VG it is no longer UPG or SPG but rather part of the lore. CG means it is confirmed mythology or backed up by something like archological records
Page 5: Examples,
UPG -'Aphrodite likes this candle' 'Freja loves this song' 'this ghost loves coffee'
SPG -'people who work with loki sometimes leave energy drinks on his altar'
VG - 'apollo is the god of music so he would like music as an offering'
Feel free to share these as you please!
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terra-tortoise · 3 months
Below dragonhome...
the leylines shift and the dead stir.
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Purveyors Pursuit Primordial
when still known as the purveyors primordial (led by the ridgeback alecto), they were little more than graverobbers. the purveyors were born alongside the rise of archeology as a respected field of study in dragonhome--and as archeological guilds rose in notoriety, jealousy of peers grew, some turning to mercenary groups to one up competitors.
presage was a first generation obelisk discovered during the dustcarve dig, and taken under velya's wing for reasons unclear to her. through a series of chance meetings and decisions, presage abandoned the dragonhome preservation guild to join the purveyors. her broad build, sharp inexplicable instincts, and intimate knowledge of archeological dig practices gave the purveyors an incredible advantage over rival graverobbers.
when the leylines shifted and the dead began to stir, it begun as disappearances--miners, scholars, thieves alike gone without a trace. it was the purveyors who encountered the skeletal wyrm, the largest and oldest of the dead (though no dragon knows that with certainty). in a flash of strange magic and destiny, the terror within presage became a terrible blinding light--and as it faded all that remained were the petrified, crystiline bones of the wyrm, and crystals growing along her brow and cheek.
the purveyors fled, presage taking them to velya. with quick thinking, velya established the purveyors as an archological guild--making them change their name to the pursuit primordial--and employing them as guards to dig teams, the first dragons on the scene of any new cavern, to deal with whatever undead shamble in wait. with every petrification presage enacts, the crystals along her eyes grow and spread--gradually, but innevitably.
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mythical-fangirls · 8 months
Now, for my own safety because people don't know how to simply scroll past salt. I'm gonna say it now if you like Dragons The Nine Realms Scroll Away now. This is a rewrite of the series because of its wasted potential and god-fucking awful ending.
Now that the Nine Realms is over, I can talk about a rewrite my brain has been brewing up since the show began.
Now, there are two ways a rewrite can go after I witnessed the finale.
A series of episodes that showcase dragons being found again and again by humanity, and in the end humanity always deciding to leave the dragons alone once again. Because after that ending, my brain immediately thought of it happening before, of humans and dragons always meeting and bonding again and again and again, only for humanity as a whole to prove unkind that the humans who care for the dragons have to hide them once more
A general rewrite of the series. I'm bias to an OC I crafted when the series started, but to keep things simple I'm going to be using the same characters and just tweaking their stories to better fit the whole idea the series was trying to get to
The cast is first aged up to be around young collage age, and they're at the Icarus base as part of an internship as per their varying majors. This would explain Alex's skills with tech and hacking and shut because she's majoring in it.
Tom's studies would be more general sciences, with a focus on ecology. It's only a coincidental plus that he's working with his mom since she's a geologist. Tom's here to study how the opening of the fissure has affected the environment around it as whole
Jun's studies are history based, with a focus on archology. As the fissure is around a historic site that she was already interning at. Jun is also a bit of linguist due to needing to translate the old texts they find on digs. The fissure opened up more potential dig sites in the shockwaves after it first opened
Alex is a cyber security major currently at the site as an intern to help manage the base as she also has varying tech classes and certifications under her belt
D'Angelo is a biology major, with plans to eventually become a veterinarian. He's there to study the flora and fauna within the fissure and how the opening of the fissure has affected the plants outside of it
Eugene is currently on a gap "year" and has been simply working during it. But a company he's working for offered him position to basically be in charge of Icarus' food supplies and the like as, due to the uniquely somewhat confidential nature of the project, it would be easier to have someone who already knows the people within the project and thus someone trustworthy to the people within the project, to handle their supplies
The kids are mainly here to help the people they're interning under analyze information the proper project team acquires to do more menial tasks for them. Except Eugene who's main job is to basically ensure stock of mainly food supplies but also other things the team might need
Tom isn't related to Hiccup, he's actually related to the Twins for pure Comedy
Jun is still incredibly fond of myths and folktales, its the reason she's a history major because those tales are a window of how society was at the time (if that makes sense)
Eugene and Jun are still siblings, and their parents are still divorced, but Eugene was left in their mother's primary custody and Jun was left with their father. Eugene was coddled too much by their mother, which left him indecisive over his path in life
D'Angelo's desire to become a vet is because of a pet his dad got him before he would've had to leave for another military assignment. That animal was his best friend, and it died due to an illness that they didn't catch because his dad just got home after months of being gone. Out of grief he could never bond with an animal like that again. Out of a bit of guilt, he's aiming to become a veterinarian
Now I always had an image of the Nine Realms within my head before the show aired that I refuse to let go of
There's a biome of shadows and storms where dragons like the Skrill, Night Terrors, and Night Furys live and thrive within
(Yes, Night Furys. I always thought it would be amazing if Toothless wasn't truly the last of his kind but rather the last of his kind to join them in the Hidden World)
Animals from ages past live and thrive in the Hidden World alongside the dragons. Mammoths, Dodo Birds, Saber Tooth Tigers, Giant Sloths, Eurasian Aurochs, and so many more. The environment of the hidden world is borderline fantasy in how it operates and thrives despite the lack of sunlight
There are eight realms within the hidden world, as the nineth would be where the Icarus base is. Each realm is unfathomably vast with so much nature and creatures living within it. What makes the Fissure so special is that its basically Yggdrasil in that its the point where all of the realms connect
Dragoncite, as a rock, has no use to dragons. At least to dragons in the modern day. When dragons first went completely underground, many of them missed the feeling of the sun against their scales. One day, a Rumblehorn, after consuming a specific diet that only happens in the heart of the hidden world, produced the first Dragoncite. Dragoncite, when heated with dragon flame, radiates a heat similar to the heat of sunshine. Dragons heated it up for survival or addition, they heated it up for nostalgia. As a reminder of times long past. Dragons in the modern day do it because their ancestors and forefathers did it
With ^ in mind, this would also lead to many dragons being very eager to soar into the open sky. Finally feeling the true heat dragoncite was replicating. But the loud machines and once familiar now unfamiliar sky intimidate them, for there is no reason to trek beyond their home that has all they need
The initial earthquake that opened the fissure was a quarrel between a Fault Ripper and a teenage Screaming Death. The following earthquakes are the result of the Fault Ripper attempting to close the fissure
The Fault Ripper is a noble species in the hidden world, they are the dragon that create vast caves and paths between the varying realms. Where Whispering Deaths dig to eat, Fault Rippers dig to serve their environment
Jormungandr, as a dragon, is like the hidden world itself. Unfathomably large. One doesn't even realize it's a dragon unless you somehow find its head/tail. One can find oddly rounded formations in the Hidden World that go through mountains and caves. No one would ever suspect them to be the same nor even consider it to be a dragon because the environment and the dragon itself have melded into one. Jormungandr is in a sort of eternal hibernation, absorbing nutrients through its scales in the varying environments of its segments
Treasure Hunters/Poarchers/Hunters trying to head into the fissure to steal either information, creatures from within, or even just Plants constantly try to go in and is in fact an ongoing issue for the research team because these goons are disrupting the natural environment of the creatures and thus tampering with data!
The goons go missing a lot though, and none of their people on the surface know why because even the search parties they send in go missing
(Answer: dragons and other carnivores but mainly the dragons)
Now, I refuse to believe Hiccup would leave so much random shit in the Hidden World and seem to move his young children and wife to the Hidden World and leave Berk to what?? Snotlout??? Democracy??? Anyways
Either Hiccup himself (with Astrid obviously and maybe the other riders), when his kids are grown and managing the village in full, or (again another bias thing my little wrym brain wants) a child of his (maybe a 3th after Zephry and Nuffink? To match with Toothless also having three kids?) is the one who stays in the hidden world and records their findings. Living out the rest of their days in the Hidden World, hoping that their notes will guide the future. They pray to the Gods that whoever finds their notes is kind to dragons and will show them the kindness of the world
The notes are locked in a container made out of gronkle iron and death song amber
And that's all for now my brain is a pile of water mashed potatoes
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blueiscoool · 11 months
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Roman Grave and Coin Found in Andover, UK
Wessex Archaeology, working with Southern Water, discovered a Roman grave and coin.
Southern Water’s £900 million ‘Water for Life Hampshire’ programme will see the first reservoir built in England for 25 years at Havant Thicket.
As part of the programme, new pipelines are being planned across the county to increase connections between every corner of the region and especially between key water supply works at Testwood, Otterbourne and River Way, near Andover.
Before any pipes can be laid the company must satisfy regulators including Natural England, Environment Agency, Historic England and Local Planning Authorities that plans will not damage the environment or destroy historical remains.
Dr Nicola Meakins, who leads Southern Water’s enabling team, said: “We build big projects across the region and are spending £3bn between 2020 and 2025 on improving our assets. But before the key can be turned on a digger, my team of ecologists and surveyors have to carry out numerous assessments. Whether it’s the discovery of rare hazel dormouse habitat, badger setts or as in this case archaeological remains, a plan must be put in place to prevent or mitigate damage.
“Roman graves are not uncommon – when the Romans built roads legionnaires who died were simply buried by the side of the road. Wessex Archology learns something new every time one is found however. In this case the discovery of a 2,000-year-old coin helps us to understand what was happening in the area back then.”
By Chris Broom.
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buckybarnesss · 3 months
got a year long sub to nebula for $30 using a promo from a youtuber i watch. so far all i've done is watch videos about paleolithic humans and neanderthals.
in case you've ever wondered what i do in my free time.
did you know that they discovered that there's gene variants we've inherited from neanderthals that can make covid more severe in some people? [x]
and neanderthal genes have been linked to autoimmune diseases like graves' disease and rheumatoid arthritis? [x]
i love science. i love archology. i love history.
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We often hear that Aboriginal peoples have been in Australia for 65,000 years, “the oldest living cultures in the world”. But what does this mean, given all living peoples on Earth have an ancestry that goes back into the mists of time?
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