#fr worldbuilding wednesday
terra-tortoise · 3 months
Below dragonhome...
the leylines shift and the dead stir.
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Purveyors Pursuit Primordial
when still known as the purveyors primordial (led by the ridgeback alecto), they were little more than graverobbers. the purveyors were born alongside the rise of archeology as a respected field of study in dragonhome--and as archeological guilds rose in notoriety, jealousy of peers grew, some turning to mercenary groups to one up competitors.
presage was a first generation obelisk discovered during the dustcarve dig, and taken under velya's wing for reasons unclear to her. through a series of chance meetings and decisions, presage abandoned the dragonhome preservation guild to join the purveyors. her broad build, sharp inexplicable instincts, and intimate knowledge of archeological dig practices gave the purveyors an incredible advantage over rival graverobbers.
when the leylines shifted and the dead began to stir, it begun as disappearances--miners, scholars, thieves alike gone without a trace. it was the purveyors who encountered the skeletal wyrm, the largest and oldest of the dead (though no dragon knows that with certainty). in a flash of strange magic and destiny, the terror within presage became a terrible blinding light--and as it faded all that remained were the petrified, crystiline bones of the wyrm, and crystals growing along her brow and cheek.
the purveyors fled, presage taking them to velya. with quick thinking, velya established the purveyors as an archological guild--making them change their name to the pursuit primordial--and employing them as guards to dig teams, the first dragons on the scene of any new cavern, to deal with whatever undead shamble in wait. with every petrification presage enacts, the crystals along her eyes grow and spread--gradually, but innevitably.
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seeliragh-fr · 3 months
it's worldbuilding wednesday so now you can read my 31-page document where i keep track of all the seeliragh-verse lore that exists so far
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figfull · 3 months
A few years ago, I went through a phase where I tried writing dragon nursery rhymes for lore, lol. They’re pretty old, but there are still a few I like.
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autumn-millifae-fr · 3 months
Welcome to the Agate Tower
A once-dilapidated tower in the Crystalspine Reaches now stands lush and whole, peacefully overgrown in the wake of its wizard's departure.
Astralla - The Wizard
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Astralla was an aether dragon, and a to-be graduate of the local magic academy... That is, until they got kicked out within their second year for eating too many books. In the wake of this expulsion, Astralla sought to strike it out on their own, and prove to their instructors just how wrong they were to do so.
Their desires to become the best wizard in the arcane realm never came to fruition, however, but they would not regret it. Astralla eventually stumbled upon the Agate Tower in its ruined state, and declared themselves the new Wizard within it.
Astralla eventually animated their beloved plush toy, Star, into a familiar with the one (1) spell they learned at magic college. Though they never truly fit in to local society, Astralla made a family of their own in this way, and was never without the company of their many, many familiars animated from the tower's relics and trinkets.
After a long life well-lived, Astralla passed on peacefully hand-in-hand with their dearest Star, and bequeathed to her the mantle of Agate Wizard.
The Seamstress (Star)
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Star is a short, stout Obelisk plush that was animated into an intelligent familiar by her owner, Astralla. For centuries, she served as their closest friend and confidant, and was gifted her own sense of will, wit, and intelligence as Astralla's knowledge of magic grew.
Upon Astralla's passing, Star was given the mantle of Agate Wizard, and as such, the tower and its inherent magic would now look to her. She took a shard of Astralla's crystal staff into herself, and sewed it within her chest, so she would never fall inanimate again.
In her grief, Star found comfort in the company of another familiar named Mosaic, and together the two devised a plan to ensure they would never be without their own friends and family. Star eventually shed her own name as her grief proved too much, stating once that she was Astralla's star. Without her wizard, she was nothing.
But it was Mosaic who suggested she take on a title instead, and gave her the moniker of 'Seamstress' once they began working on new familiars sewn together from Astralla's old wardrobe.
Just as her wizard did before her, the Seamstress worked tirelessly to ensure she and Mosaic would not be alone, eventually cobbling together the first few fellow familiars that would become the start of their toy family.
All toy dragons within the Agate Tower were crafted lovingly by the Seamstress' claws. She presides over her tower now as Matron and Wizard, and it is to her that the other familiars look to for guidance. With even more decades under her belt now of living amongst her created family, the Seamstress has found herself wondering if this peace is what Astralla felt before they passed. She has grown content with her life, and in that contentment, the quiet desire for a legacy is close at hand.
Until recently, The Seamstress had found no one worthy nor willing to take up her mantle and keep their family thriving -- that is, until she found a glimmer of her old friend within the eyes of a new apprentice.
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In all her years of crafting familiars, the Seamstress tried to avoid creating those with small pink bodies and blue moth's wings, lest they remind her too deeply of Astralla. It's no surprise, then, that as the fabric within the Agate Tower ran out, these colors were all that she was left with. It was not another dragon that requested Stuffing's creation, but a sense of quiet acceptance from the Seamstress herself-- and a bit of encouragement from Mosaic. Together, the two fashioned what remained of their fabric supplies into the only shape they could manage with so little: the form of a tiny aether, bright-eyed and fat-tailed, ready to take on the world.
Perhaps it was fate that this little dragon, made in the image of a grand-creator they would never know, would be the one to take a keen interest in the Seamstress' sewing. They would bring her whatever scraps they could find, badger her with questions about magic, and look on with eyes rounder than the moon at even the shortest story she could tell them about magic.
Stuffing was welcomed wholeheartedly by the Seamstress as her apprentice... And though they do not know it yet: she hopes, eventually, her successor as well.
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Mosaic is one of the very few familiars Astralla created with a higher intelligence and a semi-free will of her own. She stands taller than most other familiars in the tower, with massive wings made of stretched canvas, and a body made of intricately folded paper. Unique to her magic, Mosaic can also choose to abandon her paper body in favor of becoming a drawing incarnate, and stride freely across canvases and finished paintings as a two-dimensional figure. To aid this, most of the tower's upper observatory has been draped with canvas sheets and filled with paintings from elsewhere in the tower, allowing Mosaic free roam on the higher levels.
Mosaic is the closest of the familiars to the Seamstress, and the two share a unique bond in their mutual grief over Astralla.
Cottonfluff Desire
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One of the first toy familiars crafted by the Seamstress, Cottonfluff (or 'Desire' as he will claim to any who will listen), considers himself to be the darling younger brother of Star. She made him for this purpose, after all, and to this purpose he shall serve-- even if he is a bit over-the-top at times.
Desire gets his self-proclaimed nickname from spending far too many hours reading Astralla's old (half-eaten) romance novels, and pouring over the bits and pieces of chivalry sprinkled between the gnawed pages. He thinks of himself as quite the gentleman, and embodies these lofty ideals to a fault.
Early into his knightly escapades within the tower, Desire begged his elder sister for dashing apparel to match the persona he wanted to build. As a bit of a friendly prank, the Seamstress did indeed provide -- provide a familiar, that is, with a mischievous mind of its own (Rogue Apparel).
(Desire is also loosely inspired by the Winged Lion from Dungeon Meshi :) )
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Scraps is one of the youngest familiars in the Agate Tower, sewn together from dishcloths found left under the sink. Their 'duty' to the tower is to wriggle their way into nooks and crannies in order to clean them, then wash all that dirt off in a teacup bathtub. Scraps is one of the few familiars sewn by the Seamstress that can safely get wet, on account of their stuffing being made from shredded towel.
Scraps lives in the cupboards, where they've befriended the spice shaker, Nutmeg. They love being wrung out after a long day of cleaning, and especially enjoy hanging in their swing to dry (It feels like flying!)
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
The Tower Gardens
Before Astralla took up residence in the Agate Tower, its creator had commissioned a massive, sprawling set of gardens that have since overgrown their boundaries...
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Lychen is by far the largest familiar Astralla ever animated, formerly a marble statue covered in moss. Because of his size and the amount of magic it takes for him to operate, Lychen typically rests atop his plinth to conserve his energy. He is a kind, slow-to-speak and kind soul, readily offering his masttive figure as shelter for the creatures of the garden.
Queen Myre and King Thicket
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A pair of witty Veilspun who may be older than the Agate Tower itself. This mysterious pair claim to rule the overgrown gardens, and are rarely seen by any of Astralla's animated familiars. They are the caretakers of the gardens, and their brood is plentiful- occupying every hollow and clump of weed as tiny, shadowy pixies.
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transtundras-fr · 3 months
To Know, Water…
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Centuries had passed since King Njord and Seer Dynamene returned to their coastal kingdom. Once, they reigned as the first fathoms to be blessed personally by the Tidelord. Appointed as secular rulers to the Eastern Shore of the Thousand Current Sea, they guided their kingdom through the death of the second age and the birth of the third. After stability settled, Njord and Dynamene followed their Fathom instincts. They left in charge King Sefter and Seer Keema, with an oath that held the expectation that Sefter and Keema's descendants would abdicate their throne upon the fathoms' return.
Unfortunately, upon their return, Queen Oystella and Seer Flux made no effort to uphold their promise.
The kingdom is divided. Many argue that since Njord and Dynamene are the founders, they deserve to take charge again. Others remain loyal to Oystella and Flux, believing the elder monarchs too out of touch to successfully lead the kingdom.
Njord was once a levelheaded and patient king, able to talk his way out of most fights. Years sailing distant shores have caused him to grow aloof and unattached, affecting the eons-long marriage between him and Dynamene.
Dynamene never wanted to leave Vaden. She wanted to stay close to the Tidelord and work with him to discern the future. She loved Njord more than her desire to stay, so agreed to leave, expecting only to be gone for a few years at most. The distance from The Tidelord made her lose that prophesying connection, so she devised a new way. By harnessing the power of the moons control of the tide's, she gained her own prophesying powers.
My offering for world building Wednesday, my current lore project War of the Waves!
The title of king/queen and seer do not necessarily signify dominance over the other, more so what their job position entails. The King/Queen is often seen as the physical protector, whereas Seers are seen as spiritual protectors. The firstborn of a royal couple will be assigned a role based on where their skills lie.
Njord and Dynamene, having been blessed by Tidelord, are essentially immortal but can physically be killed.
Feel free to send asks abt them :3
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rara-avis-fr · 2 months
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HO THERE, FRIEND! Are you a swashbuckling young dragon looking for adventure? Or a would-be explorer tired of visiting the same old tourist traps day in and day out? Want to see the sights in places no tour guide will ever point out? Well, why not hitch a ride with CAPTAIN AMELIA AND THE CREW OF THE AIRSHIP HUMMINGBIRD! With years of travelling experience, the captain and her crew will take you on a journey of your wildest dreams, to exotic locales never marked on any map! See the hidden relics of the Southern Icefield, or trek deep into the Tangled Wood! Tour the sunny beaches of the Sea of a Thousand Currents, or brave the fetid pits of the Scarred Wasteland! On the Hummingbird, the world is yours to explore! 150g per dragon per night. Provisions not included.
Flyer seen pinned up across multiple Lanternlea Port taverns, bulletin boards, lampposts, and front doors
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kokuwamon · 3 months
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for worldbuilding wednesday, if it's not too late... my lair is going through a whole retheme/rewrite at the moment, starting with this guy here, who is so far the only one with a finished profile! this is Denisil, a former miner/laborer in the ashfall waste. he made an enemy of the forgemasters, but didn't have the plan or the community support to back him up. after fleeing to earth, he now leverages his digging expertise in service to an archaeology guild, instead. he's strong and careful, but pays little attention to what he digs up. he definitely won't dig too deep and unearth something that should've never seen the surface. :) https://www1.flightrising.com/dragon/3066548
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xaz-fr · 3 months
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WBW and I bring you a collection of stars from the Deeprealm.
In the Deeprealm dreams are real and time doesn't make sense. It is every hour of every day at the same time, forever, the stars and the sun and the moons occupy the sky all at once. It is both dusk and dawn at the same time. Time and space are the same thing and to move forward in space you do so in time and to see the future or the past all you have to do is get there.
But it can be a dangerous place. Especially for baby stars that are the favorite easy meal of Deeprealm Hunters.
Which is where Altair (Imperial) and Malik (WC) come in. They're both adult stars. They run a nebula nursery of sorts. When a star is born they pluck it out of the sky and raise them into proper adult stars. While in the nursery they get to play with other baby stars and stretch their powers without fear of a Hunter coming to gobble them up!
While stars wear the guise of dragons, especially around visitors, they are not dragons. They're stars. They're made of gas and light and stardust. But when dragons of Sorienth visit it's polite to wear the guise of a dragon and not a towering being of light and fire and smoke.
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whichoneofyourdragons · 3 months
Hello all! Ahead of this first Worldbuilding Wednesday of The Great Lore Revival, I wanted to remind you that this blog exists! I'm not sure if I'll be posting new questions, but there are quite a few old questions you can go back through and answer.
Happy world building!
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dilsdragons · 30 days
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for worldbuidling wednesday instead of requesting general asks, i'd like to talk about my gay dirt boy ayers!
he's a scavenger who was giving the power delivery research and development team a lot of trouble but now he provides them with scrap he's scavenged to recycle, and tesla doesn't ask too many questions about where he got it from (because of the influence of early ridgeback settlements i think in the "modern" day shifting expanse there are "don't ask don't tell" laws or practices on the providence of some materials). he is a huge asshole and has been a loner for a long time. he lost his leg after trying to scavenge a huge ass spire on his own and getting trapped under it during a cold night while trying to get it to his base. when he was found, llueve had to amputate it. his scars act up when it'll rain.
he's very close with the android beta.v2, since on discovering the extremely sad living wildclaw automaton being forced to guard the source (thanks to some minor meddling from auggie), he stole him away and took him to tesla's workshop, which alerted her to the fact that her employers plagiarised her work and used it in the one circumstance she explicitly told them not to. it's an open secret where the stolen automaton is, but if they acknowledge its existence they'll admit to having kept it against its will and stolen tesla's work, so they leave it alone. anyway, beta and ayers are really really close, and ayers doesn't like to admit how close he is to beta or how much he like spending time with him, and beta has very little context for what any of this means. but ayers makes him feel like how his roses do. and beta makes ayers look back on his life of being alone and think he looked lonely.
so yeah! that's ayers :]
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spongyspingy-rising · 18 days
:thonk: i've been out of it for a bit for various reasons, but what do people feel about maybe another WBW this wednesday?
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terra-tortoise · 3 months
as an addition to the very specifc lore post i just made, my lair is here! tabs are seperated by faction, detailed much more briefly below!
pursuit primordial--graverobbers turned mercenary guards. led by alecto, her partner presage, and her second in command epithet.
dragonhome preservation guild--adapted from official site lore, with some adjustments of my own.
highland sanctum--the coalition of 22 dragons (one mage and their personal guard from each flight), charged primarily with mapping the changes in magic and leylines in the world. notably missed the change that created the restless dead. there are only 8/22 members currently represented on site.
crystal court--the elite of dragonhome, whose claims to power tend to be more strange and esoteric due to dragonhomes open borders and distinct lack of capitalism (facts many within the court disdain). while there are only two dragons currently in this tab, there is an ambiguous number of dragons in the court
the restless dead--the tab that holds my sales, fodder, and fodder breeders, representing the once-respected dead of dragonhome that have begun to wander the tunnels and caverns fsr below. if youve got questions about them it would be about the phenomenon as a whole rather than individuals (or the skeletal wyrm, who has no on site dragon as of now)
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firebirds-roost · 3 months
You know the drill! Come check out my lair and then ask me questions about it!! All of the dragons in the first two tabs have some sort of lore associated with them, but the ones higher up on the page tend to be the ones with more story relevance.
Deep in the Ashfall Waste, just a day's flight south from Cinderslag, stand the ruins of a long-abandoned factory complex. Nobody knows exactly what happened there - apparently the employees were just told to evacuate one day and never allowed back inside - and the site has become the source of many local legends. Some say it's haunted, swearing that they've seen shadows moving past the windows, while others are positive that it's all part of a government cover-up.
But the real truth may be stranger than any ghost story.
Unbeknownst to most of the flight, a small clan of dragons has recently made the ruins their home. They've been living inside for nearly three years now, building a town of scrap and salvage from the rusted machinery, and only a few unlucky outsiders know of their existence at all. Welcome, dear visitors, to Firebird's Roost!
The Roost was created as a secret safe haven for dragons who felt abused or rejected by society, a place where they could live in peace without all the pressures of the outside world weighing on them. Most of its population consists of blacksmiths and other workers who were sick of being mistreated by the forgemasters, but dragons from other flights are hardly uncommon. Anyone can join the Firebird family!
Not everything is as it seems, though. The clan's newest residents - Cheddar and Parmesan - have noticed a few things that feel strange about their new home. Why are the lower floors off-limits? Why was this factory abandoned in such a hurry? And why does the town's founder seem so determined to keep them there? As the summer solstice draws closer, so too does the dawning of a terrible truth...
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figfull · 3 months
Gene origin headcanon-Brightshine/Sparkle
The original brightshine wasn’t a heritable gene. It was a gift the Lightweaver herself, bestowed on her most favorite and loyal children. These “brightmarked” were deeply respected and often given special privileges throughout the Flight.
However, it didn’t take too long for scroll artists to make imitations, some ranging from a weak sparkle to a nearly perfect copies of the brightmark. (In fact, one scroll maker flooded the market with them at a loss, purely to spite the elite.)
There was already some debate around “scrolled” vs “true” appearances, and whether using scrolls was cheating fate or dishonest etc, but the idea that any dragon with enough treasure could masquerade as a god’s chosen really set the debate into overdrive.
Scrolling fell out of fashion for a while, or at least, dragons claimed not to use them, but brightshine/sparkle had already circulated far and wide.
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ringleaderising · 3 months
Worldbuilding Wednesday: High Noon
I'm gonna mention The Child too, so tw for dragon death, emperor-type stuff, etc.
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Daggerless {She/her} and Mal {He/Him}
A pair who have been in direct conflict since Mal's arrival in Earth Flight nearly 20 years ago, Nikaeli Daggerless and Mal Flintlock are two sides of the same tarnished coin. Both neglected or completely orphaned since childhood with a talent for fighting, rustling and treasure hunting, the two of them have a storied and particularly tense history with one another- Because despite their similarities that one might imagine would endear them to each other, their motives remain a sticking point that has led to The Diamond Riot and The Tarnished Dames operating against their rival crew on every dig, deal, or delve either's been hired to carry out.
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The Tarnished Dames: Automa {She/It}, Revolver {They/It}, Aetumnal {She/Her}, Peeko {He/Him}
Daggerless is a preservationist- raised by a Snapper woman who studied the local history, legends, and mapped the tombs and temples she was made privy to in her cherished home of Earth, she instilled her young charge with the same reverence for the past, an affection for those who came before her, those who built the groundwork that modern clans operate on- tradition and culture left where it belongs, let to rest safe and sound in final resting places- only moved when those places of rest might fall victim to the march of time- or those who seek to pillage them- those like Mal Flintlock.
Raised by a wildclaw with a vested love of the Plague ideals that made her, Mal was trained to take, lie, cheat, and rustle his way to survival, riches, and success- and he proved incredibly capable of all of these tasks. Smaller in stature than many of his fellows, and given his strangely feathery hide for a Pearlcatcher, it's assumed he wasn't born with the pearl he now holds tight in cybernetic claws, but whatever species he resembled previously, he's remained rather tight-lipped over. The only people Mal seems to respect are his own crew, The Diamond Riot- or people willing to pay him for his work. A charmer with a gift of gab and a vested love for adventure, he delves into depths below for renown and treasure time and again, in a constant race against Daggerless and her crew to obtain the long-abandoned prize in dusty, dimly lit tombs- the way he sees it, it's of no use, buried deep below- surely, the person making his pockets fatter with coin has a better use for the dingy artifacts he and his crew procure than the long-dead dragon who was previously its owner.
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The Diamond Riot: Tearmarsh {She/Him}, Shuck {She/Her}, Rezonant {They/She} Arizona {He/Him}
Both intelligent and capable in the face of danger, with a crew that's more like a family backing their movements, the clash of these two tomb-raiding titans leaves ripples across the towns, cities, and clans they pass through seeking rumors and leads, and it's upon their closely-timed arrival in a nondescript little ghost town in Dragonhome that their greatest adventure begins.
Some "treasures" are not to be coveted at all.
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Jersey {He/Him}, Fool/"The Child" {All Pronouns, she/her preference}, Georgia {She/Her}
Some treasures, buried so deep below, are treasured only by those too sentimental to smite them- some treasures are like The Child. A massive, sprawling emperor made only of the progeny of a lesser God and a once-cherished Queen, The Child is rotten, exposed bone and flesh still bound in golden chains and thick stone, restraints that held and were maintained by the clan of Dusthide caretakers who monitored her resting place for centuries- at least, until drills broke ground on her hidden tomb. She stirs, now, huge in her labyrinthian cradle, sobbing for her parents to embrace her, a mother long-dead and a father no longer listening. In her sorrow, in their confusion- The Child lashes out, and the underground city of The Cradle now serves as a hunting ground-
And Daggerless and Mal as the leaders of two groups of now very easy to hunt fodder.
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avalonianrising · 3 months
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It's been forever since I've done something like this, so I wanted to make it as easy as possible for anyone who might have questions.
I'm Avalon, and I joined up in June of 2013. :D
I started off with The Clan in the Mists, a little Nature Clan now nestled in the Worldedge Wetlands for lore purposes. They've always centralized along the Gladeveins in a little place based off the very real Hang Son Doong cave.
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I have tons of other factions however, all of which are available to ask about--even the Roundtable Rivals, who are chilling out in the Hibernal Den!
If you see a dragon without a profile, I am just lazy as sin. Pretty much everyone has some information rattling around in my brain and all you need to do is ask. I'll most likely have something to tell you, hehe.
You can find my lair here! I hope everyone has an awesome WBW and I'll be crawling around asking people questions as much as I can totally manage. >:]
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