reduviidaegirl · 2 months
“Ages ago the divine touched the real and your living form is the real reaching back, hand in hand, two dancers twirling in the stars forever.”
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greatfairymagic · 2 months
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I don't think an immortal, especially a god, can ever truly ask something reasonable of a mortal. I truly don't mind if Bell's Hells end up letting everything burn.
I love the lore of the gods but I for one feel like we as players and fans have gotten so deep into Exandrian lore that it's hard to parse what characters know and what we know. In the next campaign I'd love to see an unrecognizable Exandria or a different world all together. A full largely insular campaign on the moon could be fun, I'm honestly a bit tired of saving the world. Or if we do stay in Exandria I'd love to start with high ranking characters who do know a lot of what we know. They'd have to level up pretty slow or commit to a more medium length campaign.
I wonder if they switch to dagger heart if they'd ever stay in Exandria.
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oddthesungod · 2 months
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beauty, divine. ✨
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rann-poisoncage · 2 months
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2 of 3
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mayapapaya33 · 5 days
I feel like all of the "Ludinus is Right the Gods are bad" brigade are conveniently forgetting the dude who released Asmodeus and started off the Calamity was a mortal who fucked up big time trying to ascend like the Matron. Vespin Chloras is to blame for the Calamity kicking off. Not the Prime Deities. The Betrayers were sealed away, and he staged a prison break. That's a mortal failing. Not the God's fault.
Sure, their slug fest destroyed giant swathes of the world, but they wouldn't BE fighting if he hadn't done that. The fight was done, they were sealed. The Primes are fighting with the Betrayers over their desire to kill all the mortals. That's their disagreement. "Us" being alive. Everyone saying "oh clearly the Gods just don't care because of X, Y, and Z" are just flat out not paying attention. If they didn't care, everyone would already be dead, and the family would be back together. Why would they be fighting each other if they didn't care?
(Also, Luda is a big hypocrite, when the Gods destroy a city, one that threatened their very existence, they're monsters, but when he does it for much less good reasons imho it's totally fine/ a necessary evil... ok, sure dude).
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pawthorn · 1 month
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Fire rains down.
The Wildmother and the Archheart dance through its hungry, destructive brilliance, unscathed.
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ittybittyremy · 3 days
With all the talk about the Archheart's plan, here are 2 reminders:
1. Disagreeing with a character's points doesn't automatically make their points stupid.
Ask yourself this: Do you think their points are stupid or do you just disagree with them? (yes, there is a difference)
You can't just say "oh x is being stupid" and leave it at that. At least put the effort into explaining why you think that.
And take a second to consider why that character is thinking/acting like that. It can be due to their experiences, their identity, character alignment (i.e. Dorian being chaotic neutral & Orym being neutral good), or character stats (i.e. Ashton's 6 charisma).
Think about what they know and don't know (i.e. Dorian has only been back for ~5 days, he doesn't have all the information that BH has).
Calling someone's points stupid implies that there was no thought put into them. And I think all of BH put thought into their points
2. Just because a character is biased, doesn't mean their views are any less valid.
Newsflash, there is no such thing as an unbiased perspective. Who you are and what you experience impacts how you perceive things. You can either be directly biased or indirectly biased
A perfect example of being directly biased would be Orym towards the Ruby Vanguard. He is biased because their attack caused the death of his father and husband. Another example would be Dorian towards the gods. He is biased because the Spider Queen killed his brother while the Wildmother and Matron refused to help.
Indirectly biased would be more identity-based. Laudna has not had any direct communication with the Matron (until now) BUT her opinions on the RQ may have ties to her identity and experiences as a hollow one. Another example would be how Ashton's views on Liliana has ties to their experiences with cults
My biggest pet peeve is when they use the fact that the character is biased as a gotcha. When Orym verbally acknowledged that he's biased (c3e92), I saw an uproar of people saying that Orym is "too biased" to have the conversation or that he is not in his right mind. Or worse, that he "shouldn't be in this conversation." I heavily disagree with all of that. If anything, acknowledging that you are biased will make me listen to your points more.
You can't be unbiased. The closest thing you can be is less biased than others. An example of this would be Dorian during swordgate. He was not there to see Orym, Fearne, Laudna, or Chetney die to Ishta. Also, he had only been back for two days and didn't know everything as deeply as the rest of BH did. He was less biased (and more detached from the situation) than the others. However, as I said in this post, there was some bias there. The main ones being (a) him being closer to Orym than Laudna and most importantly (b) his experiences with cursed/evil items.
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quinn-of-aebradore · 7 days
So here’s my thought, because I don’t think the Archheart is wholly wrong about the gods needing to leave, but I think, as in all things, there’s nuance to that solution. Specifically, I don’t think all of them leaving at once is the best option.
I think the Archheart and whoever the second god is that wants to leave need to take the plunge and go off on their own. Because their argument hinges on this notion that mortaldom cannot grow with them still there, but by refusing to leave without the whole of their family beside them, they too are refusing to grow. To go off on their own and explore the cosmos for themselves. They are waffling on the choice of sticking with their family as they always have or leaving the home they found and made together, just as many of their siblings have waffled on their children VS their siblings. But the thing is, they (the Archheart plus one) know they want the latter choice—leaving—more than they want to stay (and as such stick w the family), so they want to force their family’s hand so they come with and they (Archheart plus one) can get their cake and eat it too.
Which is understandable! With all they’ve been through, all the family they’ve already lost, it makes sense that they don’t want to leave anyone else behind! But in order for them to grow, they need to. And I think, with time, if the Archheart and their fellow did leave, others would follow. Would see that the choice wasn’t as calamitous (heh) as they once feared it might be. Some would stay, because the world needs its constants—the sun, death, hope, nature—and because they care for their children too deeply to stray too far and that would be okay.
Staying close may well be as suffocating as the Archheart believes it to be, but then surely the inverse—severing that tie completely by all abandoning Exandria at once—must be just as harmful. There has to be balance; some stay, some go. Perhaps one day some even come back to visit. But the gods—the Archheart, their fellow, the rest—need to realize they can survive without each other too, just as they want to show mortals they can survive without them. They’re the same, after all.
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shellem15 · 6 days
This episode has made it very clear to me that the Archheart has NO idea what they're doing. Indecisive queen. They're gonna change their mind about the releasing predathos and running away plan, I'm calling it now. This entire plan is based on vibes and hubris it's not gonna last under pressure. Like, even if theyre right and none of them die, their siblings are gonna be SO mad at them it'll probably cause another schism. 10/10 foresight truly a god of wizards.
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vvitchllng · 7 days
If I found out my sibling planned to sell out our whole family to our eternal enemy because they were a little bit suicidal and bored with eternity, I’d tear them to pieces. Like find a new hobby don’t hit the fucking nuclear meltdown button jfc
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Wild theory time
A celestial being of the Prime Deities has supposedly 'betrayed' the pantheon (we don't know the full story and I don't trust a single word out of Asmodeus' mouth) and is leaking info to Aeor
Perhaps, MAYBE, it's Xalicas? She was once the right-hand of Corellon and sometime in the Calamity was injured so badly that not even the gods could (or perhaps would) help her
Her wiki entry states that she blames herself for events that occured during the Calamity and has spent her existence since then trying to fix the damages that were caused
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soath · 7 days
hey is ira here, is ira just in the background, 8 feet tall, hoping the archheart doesn't notice him? i know he dimension doored out but i think ira should be here invisible and the archheart is just pretending he's not (fey to fey mutual deception)
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space-qu33n · 7 days
"....I just start turning gold."
-The Archheart upon everyone complimenting them
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i-is-v-tired · 2 months
Just finished cr Downfall. I enjoyed in and have my own opinions on it, obviously. But I do have a question-
How much of Downfall is BH going to see?
Clearly they are going to see the otherworldly being they are and all of the damage they have and could cause if they wanted to
battle and how they city fall because of them- This by itself probably would make people turn their backs on the gods
But are they going to see what else the human parts of the gods too?
-Like the gods acting like siblings
-or trying to find another way to save the city
-or them doing small acts that shows their love-
like the Everlight destroying a sickness to save a child
the Dawnfather healing the sick and giving aid to people in need
the Wildmother caring for the small forgotten creatures
the Arch Heart’s love for the city, the magic, and the people even though the city was all working to destroy them and their family
Are they going to see the Primes working so hard to protect their family (both divine and mortal) only to have both try and kill them. And the primes still loving them?
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vexing-imogen · 7 days
you know, i've had this lingering thought over the past few weeks, and it's coming back to me now after this request from the Archheart, of Liliana and Imogen both becoming vessels for Predathos. would it diminish his power? would it be easier to control? would it somehow not warp and eat away at them if split between enough vessels? would Liliana and Imogen never be able to exist in the same space again for fear of Predathos becoming whole again?
Imogen asked how many vessels would it take [to control him, to be safe]? and the Archheart replied I don't know
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