astaldis · 1 year
A most unusual plant
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(Picture from The Official Witcher Wiki)
“Geralt, do you hear this?”
“A cow. You have heard cows moo before, haven’t you, Jaskier?” Geralt asks.
“I know it’s a cow. But it sounds scared. It might need help!”
“And how is that our problem? Since when do I look like a farmer to you?”
“Geralt, the poor animal might be in mortal danger! We cannot just ride past it and leave it to a most horrible fate. All kinds of monsters are lurking in the nearby swamps, you said so yourself just yesterday!”
“Hm. I might have exaggerated a bit,” Geralt admits. “Just to make sure you stay on the track and don’t run off flower picking or looking for berries. Remember the hirikka you thought was so cute? During the dragon hunt?”
“Before you left me alone on top of that mountain, you mean?” Jaskier asks, although he, of course, knows exactly what Geralt is talking about. “And the hirikka was cute - until Sir Eyck cut its head off, poor thing. Now, what about the cow? Are you going to rescue it, Witcher, or do I have to do it all by myself?”
Summary: Jaskier saves a cow! With a little help from Geralt 😉 (Set during the events of Baptism of Fire, more exactly after the Fish Soup and before the Battle on the Bridge. You don't need to have read the books though to enjoy the story.)
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences, No Archive Warnings Apply
Category: Gen
Relationship: Geralt z Rivii | Geralt of Rivia & The Hansa | Geralt's Company Members
Characters: Geralt of Rivia, Emiel Regis Rohellec Terzieff-Godefroy, Maria Barring | Milva, Cahir Mawr Dyffryn aep Ceallach, Jaskier | Dandelion
Words: 1759
Read on Ao3: https://archiveofourown.org/works/46668610
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pickleforstony · 9 months
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In my defense, this is totally lore-accurate. Your honor.
caution nudity below
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Everyone needs a hobby. Don't judge me.
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secretprincesskitty · 2 months
post game Ciri passing a field with archespores, the locals say they can't pay her and the land's lord had refused to call a witcher
she goes to the lord to negotiate, of course he truly is one of those assholes who refuse to pay, the peasants will have to deal (they can't, some already died)
so she kills the archespores for free, gathers the seeds, breaks into the lord's garden at night and plants the next gen archespores
months later, the approximate time it takes for the spores to grow, she comes back, agrees to kill the monster for three times the price
that's how she gets rich by fucking with the dickheads 👍
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foggypeacestrawberry · 5 months
Dragonfish Reloaded
I continue the story of the WaterFireGod, for part 1 click here
(1) Remember the gate, where the humanoid aliens came through?:
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(2) It changed a lot after them humanoids arived -
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(3) The second invasion started at dawn. It all happened very fast:
Some very mighty guards came through the gate...
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(4) ...and them tiny fragile blossoms, that arrived earlier with the humanoids, grew within seconds into all kinds of - plants?! :
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(5) At the same time, a second gate opened…
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(6) … spitting out some more "visitors"…
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(7) … all kinds of pretty agressive fellas!
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(8) The whole garden of our little unnamed sim changed into a nightmare.
Well, he called them, and they came, right?
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(9) They forced him to sit down and stay put on an alienesh-crystal-stone-stool-thingy…
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(10) …and startet talking…
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(11) … to their GOD! The WaterFireGod. Our well known dragonfish.
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(12) Then they told our little unnamed sim, that they will return to their home planet through that portal, together with their god...
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(13) … right after they solved this kind-a-tricky problem, that they just learned about from the little fish - sry, your highness, of course -
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(14) Turns out, unfortunatly they can not just kill the sim, and leave with their god, as they intended…
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(15) … because their god can not survive without our little unnamed sim, due to the bond that exists between them. This bond must be broken of course. Or else!
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(16) (Moment of akward silence)
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(17) They startet negotiating. Meanwhile it was bright daylight.
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(18) They discussed during the whole day…
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(19) …and also the whole next night.
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(20) It turned out, there is more to the good old dragonfish than we ever imagined:
When he spits fire unterwater, while living with a sim that he has a very special bond with, the fire sinks down on the ground, and turnes into gold.
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And you know what they say about dragons… they protect treasure.
Next time I will tell you:
What kind of bond the sim + the dragonfish do have,
what the sim is doing with all this gold?!,
and what the "Fisch des Grauens*" has to do with all that
I want you to have the option to influence the story. You can choose 1 of these 3 options, what you want me to put into the story next:
No 1 - Someone will die
No 2 - No one will die
No 3 - Something will happen that has to do with owls.
Just write it into the comments until the End of April, then we will wrap it up and count the voices for 1/2/3!
* Please someone tell me how this fish is called in English, I couldn´t figure that out! (the dark-greenish fella living in the ponds of graveyards, killing all other fishes, and that can be used for prolonging live) - Or maybe I´ll just make up a new name for it :-D , you can recognize it anyway by the pictures I will take then.
The mods I used here for the first time:
Asparagus densiflorus, from alex_stanton1983
Lotus Lamp, from 4Sims
Floor-Lamp Skoll, from sim_man123
From @murfeelee :
TW3 Archespore Miniset
Skyrim Blackreach Giant Mushrooms as Outdoor Lights Miniset
AMR Small Plants Group
Junk Pile as Coin Pile
Deniisu_TS4 to TS3 RoM Rug Medallion as Floor Light
Thank you, @murfeelee! Love your stuff since I played the first time with the telvanni-village, and that was on my old computer (meanwhile, this computer I´m using now is pretty old).
I will also continue the 10-things-challange, weeks ago I already picked the items for the next round - but at the moment, I want to finish that alien-story first!
And yes, I still have to finish the sorting of my mod-collection. That has highest priority, not just because I want to continue playing, but also because of this 10-things-challange I started. For both I need a well-sorted, richly filled mod-folder (lol).
Well. The last weekend I spend downloading nearly everything that Murfeelee ever published :-D ! Just the sorting of this murfeelee-collection alone will take a week, or two, or whatever it takes :-D.
I started yesterday evening with the Letter A. Today I will do the B… like in "babysteps". Like in "Baby Yoda as Teddybear", that is the first mod beginning with a "B" in my murfeel-folder.
Just imagine, this green little fella, how well he would have fit in my alien-story, if I would have known this mod a week before.
You all have a good time :-)
Oh NO now I need to do the tagging. I still have NO clue how that really works here on tumblr, although I always watch you other simmers out there, and try to get it.
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wvrlock · 1 year
Autumn Equinox: Subquest prompts
This a list of prompts inspired by the subquests in the Autumn Equinox dash event! (Starts on the 9th!) Feel free to add context as wanted or needed. Muse A refers to the sender's muse, Muse B refers to the receiver's muse.
The SUCCESS and FAILURE prompts assume a roll from Muse A, while the ROLL prompts ask Muse B to make one! You can find the skill checks in the lovely doc for the event.
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[PLANTS (SUCCESS)] Muse A attempts to persuade the flowers to behave
[PLANTS (FAILURE)] Muse A attempts to persuade the plants to behave
[PLANTS (ROLL)] Muse B attempts to persuade the plants to behave
[ARGUMENT] Our muses have an argument in Bloomridge Park
[ROMANCE] Our muses have a romantic, intimate moment in Bloomridge Park
[CHOMP] Muse A is bitten / attacked by a plant
[MUNCH] Muse B is bitten / attacked by a plant
[BLOOM] Flowers start to bloom around our muses
[ARCHESPORE] Our muses fight the Archespore
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[DANCE (SUCCESS)] Muse A dances with Muse B
[DANCE (FAILURE)] Muse A dances with Muse B
[DANCE (ROLL)] Muse B is asked for a dance by Muse A
[DREAM] Muse B spots someone they love, who is alive
[CHIMERA] Muse B spots someone they love, who is dead
[NIGHTMARE] Muse B spots someone they hate, who is alive
[GHOST] Muse B spots someone they hate, who is dead
[ILLUSION] Muse B realizes the person they saw was an illusion
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[UNICORN (SUCCESS)] Muse A attempts to approach the Black Unicorn
[UNICORN (FAILURE)] Muse A attempts to approach the Black Unicorn
[UNICORN (ROLL)] Muse B attempts to approach the Black Unicorn
[HUNTERS (SUCCESS)] Muse A attempts to persuade or deceive the Hunters
[HUNTERS (FAILURE)] Muse B attempts to persuade or deceive the Hunters
[HUNTERS (ROLL)] Our muses attempt to persuade or deceive the Hunters
[POINTY] Our muses fight the Black Unicorn
[HUNT] Our muses capture the Unicorn, or lead the Hunters to it.
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[CHILDREN (SUCCESS)] Muse A attempts to locate the missing children
[CHILDREN (FAILURE)] Muse A attempts to locate the missing children
[CHILDREN (ROLL)] Muse B attempts to locate the missing children
[CHANGELINGS] Our muses fight the changelings
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[OUT] Our muses are kicked out of somewhere, or get into a fight, while looking for the gems
[STEALTH] Our muses successfully sneak somewhere while looking for the gems
[RED] Our muses find the red gem (Are they taking anything else?)
[ORANGE] Our muses find the orange gem
[YELLOW] Our muses find the yellow gem
[GREEN] Our muses find the green gem (Robbing graves? Really? Again?)
[BLUE] Our muses find the blue gem
[INDIGO] Our muses find the indigo gem
[VIOLET] Our muses find the violet gem (Not the sewers…)
[PROFIT] Muse A suggests selling the completed crown
[WHY] Muse A tries on the completed crown (roll damage, probably)
[DARE] Muse B dares/encourages Muse B to try on the completed crown
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Witcher Monster MAYhem 2023 approaches!
Anyone can participate.
Any media form is allowed (art, fic, gifs, music, whatever).
You can participate however much or as little as you want, no pressure to complete all the prompts.
You can post your work anywhere on the internet, Tumblr, Ao3, etc.
Tag potential triggers and NSFW accordingly.
If you want to be counted as an official participant and have the chance to be featured on the blog, post your content on tumblr during the month of May. You can still use the prompt list after May ends.
Don't worry if you cannot post your creation on the day of the prompt, as long as it's during May, it counts.
To make it easier for you to fill all 31 prompts, here are some special rules:
You can use just one prompt of the day or combine prompts of the same day (but this counts just as one fill) or you can combine prompts of different days. (If you combine, for example, 2. vampire, 4. cruel claws, 8. full moon, this counts as 3 prompt fills.)
For every new work that you have created for the event, you can post one old work of yours that fits a prompt. They count like new works! (Please tag old works with #old)
You may combine a prompt with a fill for another event!
I can’t guarantee that every single work will be featured but I’ll try to reblog as many as I can.
To increase your chances of being featured here, tag your post with the event name and the prompt of the day that you used.
example 1: #witchermonstermayhem2023, #witchermonstermayhemday1, #too many toes
example 2: #witchermonstermayhem2023, #alt. breathing fire #old
You can also @ the blog, @witchermonstermayhem
If you have any questions, please feel free to ask!
Please reblog and tag your friends who might be interested in the event. Thank you!
Have fun with the prompts! (see below)
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And here the prompts as text:
WitcherMonsterMAYhem 2023 Prompts:
1. Too many toes | myriapod | centipede
2. Fearsome fangs | striga | vampire
3. Wicked wings | dragon | wyvern
4. Cruel claws |  gruesome gashes | scar
5. Nefarious necrophages | ghoul | cemetaur
6. Terrifying tentacles | zeugl | kraken
7. Vicious venom | basilisk | paralysed
8. Haunting howls | werewolf | full moon
9. Something wicked in the water | bubbles | drowner
10. Eery eyes | bloodshot | glowing in the dark
11. Hairy horror | yeti | berserker
12. Searing stings | sharp spikes | puncture wound
13. Shimmering scales | mermaid | mesmerised
14. Scary scratching | nasty noises | reverberating roar
15. Clever camouflage | ambush predator | eyehead
16. Creepy chittering | insectoid | metamorphosis
17. Terrible talons | griffin | chernabog
18. Horrible horns | unicorn | impaled
19. Acid attack | archespore | ants
20. Ghastly ghost | hell hound | nightwraith
21. Ancient abomination | leshen | crones
22. Sexy sirens | succubus | seduction
23. Smelly swamps | kikimore | will-o'-the-wisp
24. Treacherous trap | sand monster | grabbed
25. Menacing maw | swallowed | selkiemore
26. Towering trolls | nasty nekkers | grim giants
27. Duplicitous doppler | despicable doppelgänger | shapeshifting 
28. Rare reptiloid | ferocious fish | absurd amphibian
29. Deadly demon | possessed | diabolic djinn
30. Beautiful bruxa | bloodsucking | black bat
31. Cave creature | barbegazi | knocker
Alternative Prompts (alt.)
If there’s a prompt above you don’t feel inspired or comfortable doing, you can switch it out with any one of these alternatives!
Breathing fire
Scent of sulfur
Blood-curdling cry
Forked tongue
Turned to stone
Silver sword
Don't kill it!
I hate monsters
Toss a coin
Monster friend
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polliur · 2 years
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Archespore 🌻
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title; this isn't homosexuality pairing; fleeced wolf (lambert/anthelme) word count; 1047 content warnings; drinking, drunk characters, implied fistfight
summary; it's a russian taunt
Tonight was a night to drink. Anthelme had even decided to actively get drunk, rather than sit around buzzed while the other wolves were piss drunk, bringing down one of his own bottles. Geralt was very happy to have a glass, while the others stuck purely to their homebrew. The conversation shifted topics like ripples in water. At first, Eskel was talking about a fascinating hunt he’d had (and the autopsy he’d done on it), then the topic went to the worst monster to fight (Eskel was being boringly indecisive, while Lambert and Geralt argued about archespores and wraiths), then which women were the best (which was mostly taking the piss out of Geralt for his thing for elves).
“Might as well just, just plough a block of marble! It’d be as warm!” Lambert snickered. “Fuck off. You’re just…jealous.” “Jealous? As fucking if!”
Anthelme tuned out of the conversation, let the words wash over him as he focused on his wine glass, swirling the contents around a bit. He glanced up, blinked when he saw Lambert staring at him.
“What?” He then noticed everyone staring at him. “C’mon, what’s your type?” Eskel goaded. He raised a brow, then his glass, taking a sip. “I thought I made it obvious enough with my personal aesthetic and mannerisms.” “Huh?” “I’m not into women. Rather proudly so, matter of fact.” “...Okay, then what’s your type of man?” Geralt shrugged.
Anthelme chokes a bit on his next sip of wine, not anticipating the question. What was his type? He made a bit of a face and shrugged, prompting a chorus of annoyed groans. “You’re dodging the damn question!” Lambert bitched. “I don’t know! Ugh, let me think…” He stares into his glass. “I like men with dark hair.” “Really? That’s it? Dark hair? That’s the bar?” “Shut the fuck up. I don’t go whorehunting like you do.” “I’ll show you whorehunting-”
With that declaration of war, Lambert clambered over the table, and Anthelme tried to abscond before he could pin him down. Geralt got up and swapped table sides, while Eskel just sat back, genuinely curious as to where this was going.
“Should…we stop them?” Geralt haltingly asked, trying not to throw up after moving so much. “Not like they’ll kill each other…” Eskel stared into his mug, just now realising he’d been taking sips of air for the past minute.
Geralt went to grab Anthelme’s bottle, then realised it wasn’t there. Lambert must have knocked it down in his attack. He made a shockingly soft sound of dismay. “The wine…”
Geralt and Eskel both paused in what they were doing as they realised the sounds of combat had…changed. They looked at each other, then leaned over the table to look at the other side at the same time.
Lambert was on top of Anthelme still, having kept him pinned with his weight the whole fight. Anthelme had his hand buried in Lambert’s hair, clenched but not tugging him off. There was a spattering of blood on Lambert’s knuckles, but not enough to indicate anything serious had happened. Lambert was still shifting to keep Anthelme under him, rather roughly, but Anthelme’s legs were wrapped around his middle. It finally dawned on them what was going on as Lambert’s attentions moved from Anthelme’s mouth to his neck.
“...They’re making out,” Geralt managed to spit out first. “Holy shit,” Eskel concurred.
They both sat back down, in varying states of clouded surprise. Eskel’s brow furrowed as he considered it more. He’d said he liked dark haired men. But, he thought…
“...Not that…surprising, actually,” Eskel concluded. Geralt looked over at him, an unspoken question in his brow. “It’s been weeks since Lambert got any. Anthelme’s kinda…” He gestures vaguely with his hands, in a way that is decisively unhelpful or indicative of what he means. Geralt scoffs quietly in disbelief, and Eskel groans softly, tossing up the unhelpful hand in a ‘whatever’ gesture. “You know what I mean.” “Waifish?” “Yeah.” “...I guess. The facial hair kinda…kinda detracts, though.” “Ignoring the face. Long hair, tends to pad out his hips…” “Wait, what?” “He asked me to help him with his armour a while ago, when he was hung over. Wears extra leathers on his hips. Asked me not to tell.” “So you told me.” “...Not like he’s gonna know.”
Geralt leaned over the table again, furrowed his brow.
“If you two are gonna undress, take it…somewhere else.” They finally seemed to come back to reality, with Lambert struggling off and attempting to get to his feet first. Anthelme sat up, moustache thoroughly mussed, still a bit dazed. “Ah…quoi?” “Fucking hell.” Geralt sat back again. “Get a room.”
Lambert and Anthelme split, and Eskel and Geralt only stayed for a couple more minutes before deciding to turn in themselves. The next morning was a blur of hungover fumbling, which culminated in the boys sitting at the table nursing coffees as Vesemir begrudgingly made and assembled breakfast.
“...So, about last night,” Geralt started, making Anthelme bury his nose deeper into his mug as Lambert sat up, suddenly on the defensive. “What about last night.” “The, uh…fighting.” “There was a fight?” Vesemir came around with some plates, placing them down indistinctly. Geralt nodded, dragging one over to himself before anyone else could get theirs. “Yeah, Lambert launched himself over the table,” Eskel chimed in. Anthelme grabbed his plate, declining to contribute to the conversation as Lambert scoffed. “I just climbed over it, I didn’t launch anywhere!” “What was it about?” Vesemir sat down with his own plate. “Anthelme implied we go whorehunting,” Geralt supplied through a mouthful of chicken. Vesemir raised a brow in Anthelme’s direction, and when he did nothing to defend himself, he shook his head with a sigh. “That’s not the problem, though.” Eskel leaned forward a bit. “What was with the making out?” “It wasn’t-!” “No, you guys were making out.” “Not on purpose!” Geralt snorted. “Not on purpose?” “I- I’m not, gay or anything, it just- we were both drunk, the mood struck-” “The mood struck?” “Yeah!” “You don’t have any better arguments?” “Fuck off.”
Anthelme snickered quietly into his coffee, and Lambert quickly glanced over, his pupils dilating just a bit. Everybody decided commenting would be more trouble than it was worth.
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sinfulpetgirlrd · 1 year
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Fandom: The Witcher
Rating: Explicit
Warning: Expect everything to be way out in left field, then take that expectation and throw it in a river. Remember, this is the witcher universe. It’s a cruel and violent world. Gore/sexual situations(con or not) will be described, strong/offensive language will be used. People will emotionally break and have their ability to “live on” tested (some might fail). What happens really just depends.
Chapters: 1/?
“Meeting a vampire in a cemetery. How much more cliche can one get?” The tall, white haired wolf said as he cautiously creeped forward through the rubble and gnarled roots that littered the cramped cave. As he moved, his hands, clad in earthen brown armed gloves, were slick with sweat from how tightly he gripped the wooden pommel of his trusted rune-encrusted silver sword. Every muscle in his body was tense, his stance screaming ‘dangerous’, ‘do not approach’.
Muttering under his breath, he recounted the admittedly amusing invitation he had received from his old, once dead friend. Honesty, the idea of meeting him at a cemetery, of all things, sounded like a tale spun by the overly courageous bard Dandelion— or Jaskier to his friends.
On a dark and stormy night, a lone Witcher, and a brave vampire meet in a cemetery. The rain pounded against the tombstones as he— haha, hilarious… Until it wasn’t. And it wasn’t for Geralt, not by a long shot. Oh sure, the place had been easy to find. A large, abandoned graveyard normally was; all he had to do was mention the name of the place once, to be pointed in the right direction.
The problem, however, was actually getting inside the tomb that lay in the center of the graveyard. Not only was its stone door locked tight, but the Witcher’s horse, Roach, had freaked out the moment her mutated rider was out of sight. So big was her fit that her nickers and neighs not only attracted the attention of two large and overgrown archespore, but the sound of her cries also drew in an unlucky giant centipede that just happened to be nearby… At least the fights were easy enough; a clever mixture of ingi and ard made sure of that.Read the full chapter on AO3(be sure to read the tags and chapter notes. Your only warning lol)
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astaldis · 1 year
Witcher Monster MAYhem masterpost
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New works (41.033 new words) written for the event prompts (in chronological order of events):
Shimmering Scales and Stormy Seas (Words 800): This is the story of Jaskier's first time. Decide yourself if it is true or just a tall tale. Smut! (13. shimmering scales, mermaid, mesmerised, 22. Seduction)
Of Smelly Sewers and Man-eating Monsters (Words 2,808): On the run from the Brotherhood of Sorcerers, Yennefer and Cahir travers the ancient elven aqueduct on their way from Gors Velen to Oxenfurt to find the Sandpiper. But not only the monster with the many tentacles is lurking in the sewers. (6. Terrifying tentacles, Zeugl, 21. Ancient abomination, 28. Absurd amphibian)
A Most Unusual Plant (Words 1,765): Jaskier saves a cow! With Geralt's help, of course - A little monstery adventure Geralt and his company have on their way to find the druids. (Set during the events of Baptism of Fire, more exactly after the Fish Soup and before the Battle on the Bridge. You don't need to have read the books though to enjoy the story.) (19. Acid attack, Archespore)
Of Eery Eyes and Vicious Venom (Words 500): While travelling with the Witcher and his friends in search of Princess Cirilla, Cahir faces a frightening monster. (7. Vicious venom, paralysed, 10. eery eyes, 15. eyehead)
A most interesting read (Words 2,534): While Geralt and his strange company are on their way to the druids of Caed Dhu, Milva asks Cahir to read a very special book for her. (26. Grim Giant)
How to Kill a Troll (Words 7,612): Geralt and Cahir go on a monster hunt together. Set the summer after Stygga (1268). (14. Reverberating roar, 26. Towering trolls, alt. Silver Sword, Toss a coin)
Wicked Wings and Fearsome Fangs (Words 2,548): On their way to fulfil a contract, Geralt and Cahir happen upon yet another monster. And upon you. First person POV or second person POV. (2. Fearsome Fangs, 3. Wicked wings, 4. Cruel claws, Wyvern, alt. Forked tongue)
You'd be wise to beware (Words 12,847): Geralt and Cahir go on a monster hunt together where they meet an old friend, Jaskier. Unfortunately, the hunt is not as easy as expected ... (1. Too many toes, Myriapod, Centipede, 3. Wicked wings)
The dark things that wait in that house (Words 7,714): After his almost fatal injury at Stygga Castle, Cahir has lost his memory. He lives at Kaer Morhen and has become a Witcher. On the way back to the Witcher keep after his first monster hunt alone, Cahir helps a woman in distress. But is she really who she appears to be? (16. Metamorphosis, 23. Smelly swamps,  24. Treacherous trap, 27. Duplicitous Doppler, Shapeshifting, alt. I hate Monsters)
Monster Friend 1 (Words 300): Regis is waiting in front of the Witcher Keep, but Vesemir is reluctant to let the monster inside the walls of Kaer Morhen. Can Geralt convince him? Triple-Drabble. (alt. Monster friend)
Not Yet - Monster Friend 2 (Words 1,405): Regis meets Cahir on the doorsteps to Kaer Morhen just before the rain starts pouring down. (alt. Monster friend)
Blue (Words 200): Geralt spots something in a meadow. Something that is impossible to exist. (3. Dragon, alt. Monster friend)
Dreaming of Unicorns: Fanart (18. Unicorn)
... ... ... ... ... ... ...
Older works fitting the prompts:
5. Ghoul, alt. Growl, Run, Blood-curdling cry : Of Monsters and Moonshine
9. Something wicked in the water, Bubbles, 12. Puncture wound: And quietly lay the frozen lake
14. Scary scratching, alt. Hide: That Scratching
26. Grim Giants: The White Death
31. Cave creature / Barbegazi: Of cavern conversations and mountain monsters
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1spooky-dad · 2 years
Not to be a plant nerd on main but the archespore is the best Witcher monster. Ive never played the games but I've read through the bestiary wiki and nothing else compares.
Such a large carnivorous plant wouldn't be able to grow in anything besides "cursed" soil.
Carnivorous plants need to grow in nutrient-lacking soil bc if their roots are taking in nutrients, and their mouths are also taking in nutrients from prey, their systems get overloaded and they poison themselves. If you want to grow carnivorous plants, you can't use fertilizer, you need inert soil mixes.
I love the concept of a crime so awful that it renders the ground around it inert so that nothing but something just as bad as your crime can flourish
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call-me-myszko · 4 years
Today’s Journal Entry:
Killed an Archespore near Toussaint, got covered in its fluids.
Haven’t got paid, slept in the woods (again).
Met old friends on the road, drank an ale together. Or more than one. I don’t remember, may you be cursed Lambert.
Back on the Path with Shard.
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missgracieluu · 3 years
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Here’s a messy Archespore sketch 🤡  👍🏻 
Now then, let’s give a few digital enhancements~ 
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akreon · 7 years
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"Folklore claims they sprout from soil watered with the blood of the dying. Thus they flourish in grounds consecrated by pogroms, dark rituals or brutal murders."
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astrolunos · 4 years
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i spent far too long on this joke
edit: the sequel
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quarkmaster · 7 years
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Archespore - Gwent Card
"Folklore claims they sprout from soil watered with the blood of the dying. Thus they flourish in grounds consecrated by pogroms, dark rituals or brutal murders." © 2017 CD PROJEKT S.A.
Anna Podedworna
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