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nicolearchery · 7 years ago
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The club is hosting the State Field in a couple weeks. I think we may have enough targets. ____________________ #archery #bow #arrows #fieldarchery #statefield #FieldNationals #archery #bowandarrow #health #fitness #sports #athletics #studentlife #bowlife #getmoving #getactive #archerylife #archery360 #hoytcompoundbow #hoyt #compoundbow #recurve #olympicrecurve #compound #traditionalarchery #howardhill #
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grad602-nancy · 2 years ago
String Types and Material - with references
String Diagram 
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- https://typesanddifferences.com/different-types-of-strings/ - types of string
- https://www.webstaurantstore.com/guide/880/types-of-twine.html -Twine materials 
- chrome-extension://efaidnbmnnnibpcajpcglclefindmkaj/https://recyclemontana.org/wp-content/uploads/2017/12/MATE-Poster-1-Twine-Dangers-Final-2-10-16.pdf
Not biodegradable twine and it’s danger to the environment. 
-https://cfda.com/resources/materials/detail/polyester - Polyester not biodegradable. 
- https://www.contrado.co.uk/blog/what-is-yarn/ - Materials Yarn made out of similar to Twine
- http://www.madehow.com/Volume-3/Yarn.html - Materials Yarn made out of including animal fibres as well
- https://archery360.com/2017/07/18/archery-101-all-about-bowstrings/ - Bow string material 
- http://www.bcyfibers.com/FAQs.php - Bow string material 
- https://www.ballyribbon.com/fibers/spectra-dyneema/ - Synthetic bow string difference to natural bow string
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transhumanitynet · 3 years ago
Keeping up with the Jet Blacks's
  What do you see in the future of cybernetics technology?
There are certain individuals who have suffered the complete loss of a limb, such as a traumatic amputation or a congenital disorder. In these cases, a functional prosthesis can be a life-changing boon, but the technology is still very much a work in progress.
Right now we have a long way to go with artificial limbs, although we have made great progress even in the last couple of years. Angel Giuffria has a bionic arm that she uses to even be able to do archery. https://archery360.com/2017/04/11/can-bionic-arm-shoot-bow-yes-beyond-awesome/
In an ideal world, a prosthetic arm would be as flexible and responsive to the user’s intentions as a natural arm—and as appealing as a natural arm, too. In some cases, a prosthetic arm may be as simple as a hook or a pair of tongs, but for those who can afford it, a high-tech prosthetic arm in the future could be a luxury upgrade to a normal human arm. Upgrading parts of your body would become a new form of status symbol that people would pay premium prices for. People might even finance out the procedure like one can now do with the latest models of various cell phones.
For an example upgrade, imagine if you were to upgrade to an extra thumb on your left hand. This would “unlock” many new types of legerdemain and maneuvers previously impossible. London designer Dani Clode created just such a prosthesis, which you can watch here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i1TkiN309_4
“Somehow we’ve turned it into this idea of fixing or replacing the human body, and that’s not what a prosthetic does, it extends the wearer’s ability, it extends the wearer’s self. It is an addition to the body.“
    This beautiful view of human enhancement is intrinsically Transhumanist, and a big part of the “ethos” of transhumanism, which has to do with transcending the limitations imposed upon one by Nature. Technology broadly has served this function throughout human history, with smartphones today significantly enhancing the abilities of humans who use them.
With additional work on prostheses, you could even perhaps add a third arm on your right side! The arm could be made of bionic flesh with articulated joints, but it would be controlled by your own nerve impulses, thus leaving the rest of your arm to function normally. You could then control the extra arm with your brain, but also with your existing arms. You could move the extra arm like any other limb. Imagine for a moment if you could allow the arm to move on its own. You could let it move in much the same way that a natural arm moves, but even more efficiently. Imagine reaching for the knife in the kitchen and your other hand immediately grabbing an onion to place in front of you. Imagine adding in spices with one arm and vinegar or soy sauce with the other while your third-hand tosses the wok efficiently, rotating everything inside for an even cooking surface area. If enough extra motor power were added to the arm, additional modular components could be added on the end, like say a drill or another very small set of fingers to pick up small screws.
This may sound like comical science fiction today, but much of what people do with their smartphones today might have sounded the same to people 30 years ago. People often follow utility, and if someone made a cybernetic arm that was amazingly good at something they wanted many would buy it.
  These and many other useful enhancements to the human body are not far off in the future. It is critical that we as Transhumanists not only promote, but celebrate such achievements, and do so very vocally!
Keeping up with the Jet Blacks’s was originally published on transhumanity.net
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archerysuppliesindia-blog · 7 years ago
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archerysuppliesindia  @archer, @archer communications, @archery , @archery king , @archerylife, @archerybow, @archeryseason , @archery360
Accessories : From Target faces to Scopes, Laser tools for distance measurement, fletching jigs, Bow press, Measuring equipment any thing you need on field. Other services like bow tuning, custom grips, custom strings.
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honeymoonid · 8 years ago
VALENTINE’S Day Wedding sangat tepat untuk para pasangan yang berniat meresmikan hubungan kalian berdua tepat pada momen Hari Kasih Sayang ini. Hari pernikahan yang bertepatan dengan momen perayaan kasih sayang ini, akan memudahkan kamu dan pasangan untuk mengingat tanggal pernikahan saat merayakan anniversarry.
Tidak hanya itu, ada sederet keuntungan lain yang kamu peroleh bila menggelar Valentine’s Day Wedding. Apa saja? Mari kita cek bersama!
Dress Bridesmaid Tema Abu-abu dan blush pink – via ecinvites.com
Pink dan merah merupakan warna yang identik dengan Hari Valentine. Beruntungnya, kedua warna ini sangat mudah diaplikasikan dengan berbagai warna lainnya. Kamu bisa mengaplikasikan kedua warna itu atau mengkombinasikan dengan warna lain sesuai selera dan gaya yang diinginkan. Misalnya memberi nuansa klasik dari warna hitam dan putih yang digabungkan dengan pink sebagai warna bunga. Bisa juga dengan mengaplikasikan warna pink dengan gold atau silver untuk kesan glamour.
2. GAUN WARNA PINK Bosan dengan gaun pernikahan berwarna putih? Kamu bisa mengganti dengan pilihan gaun pengantin berwarna pink atau baby pink. Selain unik, warna ini memberi kesan girly sekaligus fresh pada pengantin wanita yang memakainya.
(Kiri) Pinterest | infinityphotohawaii (Kanan) Pinterest | archery360.com
Kehadiran “Cupid” berwujud pembawa cincin atau bunga di hari pernikahan kelak, akan membuat para tamu gemas dengan tingkah lucunya. Konon dewa cinta yang digambarkan sebagai anak kecil nakal yang membawa busur dan panah ini, mampu membuat manusia maupun dewa jatuh cinta.
4. ORNAMEN BENTUK HATI Love, love, love. Tanda berbentuk hati ialah ornamen yang identik untuk merayakan hari kasih sayang juga hari pernikahan.  Terapkan tanda berbentuk hati ini pada berbagai elemen dekorasi untuk Valentine’s Day Wedding-mu!
Red Velvet Cake – Pinterest | Deer Pearl Flowers
Red Velvet ialah wedding cake yang tepat untuk menyempurnakan Valentine’s Day Wedding. Selain memiliki rasa yang lezat, warna merah yang memikat pada kue juga sangat selaras dengan palet warna Valentine’s Day Wedding. Belum lagi dengan rasa manis bercampur keju yang khas dan tekstur kue yang lembut. Dijamin, menyajikan kue pernikahan red velvet di Valentine’s Day Wedding menjadi sajian favorit para tamu undangan.
6. UNFORGETABLE DAY Jangan khawatir sang mempelai pria akan melupakan tanggal anniversary kalian kelak. Karena jika kamu dan pasangan menikah tepat pada Hari Valentine, maka akan akan lebih mudah untuk mengingatnya bukan?
Ilustrasi Suvenir Pernikahan – pixabay
Pembuktian hari kasih sayang tidak mesti diwujudkan kepada pasangan. Kamu juga dapat berbagi kasih sayang dan kebahagian kepada para tamu undangan dengan memberikan suvenir pernikahan. Sekotak coklat, sekuntum mawar, atau teddy bear, merupakan beberapa contoh benda yang cocok untuk dijadikan suvenir Valentine’s Day Wedding.
Baca Juga : Lima Suvenir Pernikahan Bertema Valentine
  Source: Tujuh Keuntungan Menggelar Valentine’s Day Wedding
#Honeymoon #Pernikahan #TheWedding
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nicolearchery · 7 years ago
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Any guesses how far?! 101 yards!! * * * #archery #bow #arrows #hoyt #doinker #shootlikeagirl #shootingsports #dowhatyoulove #lovewhatyoudo #getoutdoors #spring #summer #sports #athletics #athletelife #bowlife #collegelife #finalsweek #done #easton #legendarchery #archery360 #arcHER #wildcatarchery
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nicolearchery · 7 years ago
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Success begins with a firm foundation. * * * #archery #bow #arrows #shootlikeagirl #shootingsports #hoyt #compoundarchery #compoundbow #trainhard #workhard #getmoving #getactive #archerylife #bowlife #bowandarrow #doinker #archery360 #fieldarchery #photography #quotes
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nicolearchery · 7 years ago
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"Home on the range." * * * * * * #archery #bow #arrows #fieldarchery #nfaa #fieldnationals #dowhatyoulove #lovewhatyoudo #getmoving #getactive #health #fitness #sports #athletics #athlete #bowlife #arcHER #hoyt #doinker #easton #archery360 #archerysquad
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nicolearchery · 7 years ago
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But what do dreams know of boundaries? * * * #archery #bow #arrow #compoundbow #targetarchery #hoyt #easton #doinker #truball #axcel #wildcatarchery #dowhatyoulove #lovewhatyoudo #getactive #health #fitness #fieldarchery #collegelife #collegearchery #archerytournament #arcHER #archerysquad #archery360
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nicolearchery · 7 years ago
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Outdoor League Night! 🏹🎯#archery #bow #arrows #shootlikeagirl #hoyt #compoundarchery #easton #doinker #hoyt #hoytcompoundbow #targetarchery #targetbow #fieldarchery #fieldnationals #targetcompound #targetarchery #health #fitness #sports #athletics #sports #athletelife #bowlife #archery360 #archerysquad
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nicolearchery · 7 years ago
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FINALLY. Hello, Gorgeous, welcome to the club. Best. Bow. Ever. 😁🎯🏹😁😁😍 #archery #bow #arrows #arrow #iwillprevail #welcometotheclub #hoyttargetarchery #tatgetcompound #health #fitness #sports #athletics #athletelife #grtmoving #doinkerarchery #archerysquad #archery360 #prevail #fieldarchery #indoorarchery #targetarchery #targetbow
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nicolearchery · 7 years ago
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So long, 2017, it's been real. 🏹🎯🎆 #2017bestnine #2017 #2018 #newyear #archeryphotography #archerylife #bowlife #shootlikeagirl #shootingsports #goodbye #hello #targetarchery #targetbow #compoundarchery #compoundbow #doinkerarchery #archery360 #archerysquad #sports #sportlife #athletics #athletelife
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nicolearchery · 7 years ago
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When you're waiting for a new bow to be delivered... Patience is not my strong suit. 🤷🏹🎯😁 #archery #bow #arrow #haveyoutrainedtoday #hoyttargetarchery #compoundarchery #compoundbow #newbow #dowhatyoulove #lovetheoutdoors #getmoving #getactive #patienceisnotmystrongsuit #archerylife #targetarchery #targetbow #hoyttargetarchery #doinkerarchery #doinker #archery360 #archerysquad
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nicolearchery · 7 years ago
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For analysis today: all in all pretty happy with everything. #archery #bow #arrow #hoyt #hoyttargetarchery #hoytcompoundbow #doinkerarchery #doinker #haveyoutrainedtoday #dowhatyoulove #lovetheoutdoors #lovewhatyoudo #eastonarchery #easton #health #fitness #sports #athletics #athletelife #archery360 #archerysquad #getmoving #getactive
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nicolearchery · 7 years ago
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A little field practice. 🏹🎯😁 #archery #bow #arrow #fieldarchery #fieldnationals #hoyttargetarchery #hoyt #shootlikeagirl #shootingsports #haveyoutrainedtoday #dowhatyoulove #lovewhatyoudo #arcHER #archery360 #bowlife #targetbow #targetarchery #haveyoutrainedtoday #getmoving #getactive #archerylife #bowlife #ifaa #nfaa #fieldnationals #northamericanfieldchampionships #getactive #athletelife
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nicolearchery · 7 years ago
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Oh hello, gorgeous! 😍❤️🏹🎯💘 I've started looking at colors for the 2018 bow. Let's be honest though, this is going to be a very hard act to follow. Have any ideas for a color combo?! I would love to hear from you! #archery #bow #arrows #iwantapinkone #shootlikeagirl #hoyttargetarchery #tagetarchery #archerylife #archery360 #archerylife #bowlife #studentlife #athletelife #health #fitness #sports #athletics #targetarchery #fieldarchery #doinkerarchery #dowhatyoulove #lovewhatyoudo
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