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eternal-trip · 2 years ago
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ruscatontheroof · 1 year ago
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Russia.Archangelsk region.
Россия.Архангельская область
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soviet-amateurs · 3 months ago
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Archangelsk, North Russia, 1910
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anmazend · 1 year ago
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Damit mein Kanal nicht leer ist, habe ich beschlossen, meine Arbeit von ВК hierher zu legen.
Jahrhunderts, und an einigen Orten bis heute, nannten die Kinder ihren Vater Tata, Schwiegervater, Vater und schon gar nicht Papa, da das letzte Wort aus dem Französischen zu uns kam und aus «Papa» gebildet wurde, das Wort Tata, das expressiver gefärbte «Schwiegervater», das respektvolle «Schwiegervater» und das «Vater» («Vater») waren im Südwesten Russlands, in Pskow und in den Provinzen Archangelsk weit verbreitet. (der Artikel stammt aus weekend.rambler.ru ).
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orthodoxydaily · 8 months ago
Icon, Saints&Reading: Wednesday, May 1, 2024
april 18_may 1
Holy and Great Wednesday_ Great Lent
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The holy martyr John Kulikos was born in the Greek district of Epirus, in the city of Ioannina. His parents were pious, but he was orphaned at an early age, and he went to Constantinople. With the means left him by his parents, he built a small stall in the city bazaar and was occupied with trade.
He loved to work, he honorably filled all his orders, and his business was successful. However, his soul did not yearn for earthly blessings, but for the Kingdom of Heaven.
Saint John lived during difficult times. Constantinople was under the dominion of the Turks, and Christians were subjected to oppressions. Many Christian tradesmen and merchants went over to the Moslem religion. Saint John reproached them for their betrayal of Christ, and he also sustained the unwavering in their faith. The apostates were filled with hatred for Saint John, and they desired his ruin. The saint knew this, but was not afraid. He was willing to suffer for Christ.
On Great and Holy Friday he went to his spiritual Father and asked his blessing to seek martyrdom. The priest counselled the youth to examine himself and to prepare himself by fasting and prayer, so that at the time of torture he would not deny Christ. Saint John prayed ardently to the Lord to strengthen him. At night on Great and Holy Saturday he saw himself in a dream, standing in a fiery furnace and singing praises to the Lord. Interpreting this vision as an indication to go to martyrdom, Saint John received the Holy Mysteries and asked the priest’s blessing.
When Saint John arrived at the market, the vexed tradesmen began to reproach him that he had promised to renounce Christ, but that he was not fulfilling his word. In reply, the martyr declared that he was a Christian and had never renounced, nor would he ever renounce Christ.
Then the envious merchants had him arrested. The judge tried to persuade Saint John to accept Islam, for he respected him as a skilled master craftsman. But the martyr steadfastly confessed himself a Christian. For several days, they wearied him with hunger and thirst, and beat him without mercy. They sentenced the martyr to be burned alive.
Saint John met his sentence with joy. When they led him to the blazing fire, he went boldly into the midst of the flames. The torturers, seeing that Saint John was prepared to die in the fire, pulled him out and beheaded him with the sword (+ 1526). They then threw the martyr’s head and body into the fire.
Christians gathered up the bones of the martyr which remained from the fire and reverently brought them to the cathedral church.
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According to an ancient manuscript Hemerologion (Ημερολογιον), Saint Euthymios was born in the second half of the XIV century. From his youth, he felt drawn to the monastic life, so when he reached adulthood, he traveled north around the year 1400 in order to live as an Anchorite. Later, about 1410, several disciples came to him, begging him to guide them in the monastic life. On the shores of the White Sea in Karelia, 34 versts from Archangelsk, they built a monastery dedicated to the Holy Wonderworker Saint Nicholas of Myra in Lycia (December 6), with cells for the monks.
At first, nothing seemed to go well for the monks, who had settled in an area inhabited by pagans. Saint Euthymius knew, however, that in the place where they labored, one day the monastic life would be firmly established, and the Faith would flourish.
In 1418, the Venerable Anthony and Felix, the two devout sons of Martha Boretska, the wife of a government official (посадница) from Novgorod, were drowned at the mouth of the North Dvina River while exploring the land. These young brothers were buried at Saint Nicholas monastery. In life, they were distinguished for their works of charity, and their grief-stricken mother asked Saint Euthymius to pray for the sons who had been taken from her. Subsequently, their names were included in the manuscript Lives of the Saints of Saint Nicholas Monastery.
In 1419, the monastery was destroyed by Norwegian invaders, who descended upon the monastery, burned the church, and killed several of the monks. Saint Euthymius decided that he would rebuild the monastery, and Martha Boretska gave a large sum of money for the monastery to be rebuilt over the graves of her sons.
Saint Euthymius reposed peacefully in 1435, and was buried at the monastery in Karelia, as were his disciples Stephen the Ascetic, Isaiah, and Nikanor.
In 1641, Saint Euthymios of Karelia was glorified for his apostolic labors in Karelia, and his holy relics were uncovered in 1647. Now they rest in a hidden place within the monastery.
A Church Service has been composed for Saints Euthymius, Anthony, and Felix. They are commemorated on April 18, and again on May 21, the Synaxis of All Saints of Karelia.
Source: Orthodox Church in America_OCA
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JOHN 12:17-50
17 Therefore the people, who were with Him when He called Lazarus out of his tomb and raised him from the dead, bore witness. 18 For this reason, the people also met Him because they heard that He had done this sign.
19 The Pharisees therefore said among themselves, "You see that you are accomplishing nothing. Look, the world has gone after Him!" 20 Now there were certain Greeks among those who came up to worship at the feast.
21 Then they came to Philip, who was from Bethsaida of Galilee, and asked him, saying, "Sir, we wish to see Jesus." 22 Philip came and told Andrew, and in turn Andrew and Philip told Jesus.
23 But Jesus answered them, saying, "The hour has come that the Son of Man should be glorified. 24 Most assuredly, I say to you, unless a grain of wheat falls into the ground and dies, it remains alone; but if it dies, it produces much grain.
25 He who loves his life will lose it, and he who hates his life in this world will keep it for eternal life. 26 If anyone serves Me, let him follow Me; and where I am, there My servant will be also. If anyone serves Me, him My Father will honor.
27 Now My soul is troubled, and what shall I say? 'Father, save Me from this hour'? But for this purpose I came to this hour. 28 Father, glorify Your name. Then a voice came from heaven, saying, "I have both glorified it and will glorify it again."
29 Therefore the people who stood by and heard it said that it had thundered. Others said, "An angel has spoken to Him." 30 Jesus answered and said, "This voice did not come because of Me, but for your sake.
31 Now is the judgment of this world; now the ruler of this world will be cast out. 32 And I, if I am lifted up from the earth, will draw all peoples to Myself.
33 This He said, signifying by what death He would die. 34 The people answered Him, "We have heard from the law that the Christ remains forever; and how can You say, 'The Son of Man must be lifted up'? Who is this Son of Man?"
35 Then Jesus said to them, "A little while longer the light is with you. Walk while you have the light, lest darkness overtake you; he who walks in darkness does not know where he is going. 36 While you have the light, believe in the light, that you may become sons of light. These things Jesus spoke, and departed, and was hidden from them.
37 But although He had done so many signs before them, they did not believe in Him, 38 that the word of Isaiah the prophet might be fulfilled, which he spoke: Lord, who has believed our report? And to whom has the arm of the LORD been revealed?"
39 Therefore they could not believe, because Isaiah said again: 40 He has blinded their eyes and hardened their hearts, Lest they should see with their eyes, Lest they should understand with their hearts and turn, So that I should heal them."
41 These things Isaiah said when he saw His glory and spoke of Him. 42 Nevertheless even among the rulers many believed in Him, but because of the Pharisees they did not confess Him, lest they should be put out of the synagogue;
43for they loved the praise of men more than the praise of God. 44 Then Jesus cried out and said, "He who believes in Me, believes not in Me but in Him who sent Me.
45 And he who sees Me sees Him who sent Me. 46 I have come as a light into the world, that whoever believes in Me should not abide in darkness.
47 And if anyone hears My words and does not believe, I do not judge him; for I did not come to judge the world but to save the world. 48 He who rejects Me, and does not receive My words, has that which judges him-the word that I have spoken will judge him in the last day.
49 For I have not spoken on My own authority; but the Father who sent Me gave Me a command, what I should say and what I should speak. 50 And I know that His command is everlasting life. Therefore, whatever I speak, just as the Father has told Me, so I speak.
MATTHEW 26:6-16
6 And when Jesus was in Bethany at the house of Simon the leper, 7 a woman came to Him having an alabaster flask of very costly fragrant oil, and she poured it on His head as He sat at the table. 8 But when His disciples saw it, they were indignant, saying, "Why this waste? 9 For this fragrant oil might have been sold for much and given to the poor. 10 But when Jesus was aware of it, He said to them, "Why do you trouble the woman? For she has done a good work for Me. 11 For you have the poor with you always, but Me you do not have always. 12 For in pouring this fragrant oil on My body, she did it for My burial. 13 Assuredly, I say to you, wherever this gospel is preached in the whole world, what this woman has done will also be told as a memorial to her. 14 Then one of the twelve, called Judas Iscariot, went to the chief priests 15 and said, "What are you willing to give me if I deliver Him to you?" And they counted out to him thirty pieces of silver. 16 So from that time he sought opportunity to betray Him.
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azhdakha · 2 years ago
I don't know why, buy I felt like sharing this small piece of history. My friend's great grandfather worked as a military criminal investigator in Archangelsk during USSR. But he was send to prison camps in 1952 simply for beings Jewish despite he worked there for decades. There were purges on Jewish people in several spheres during 50s in USSR, especially after the state of Israel was created.
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"That's actually a lesson for all of us.
A man is working in the prosecutor's office of People's Comissariat of Defense of USSR since 1936. And then in 1952 he is suddenly of not the right ethnicity [Jewish].
When his wife, great grandma was crying, asking for help and mercy in MGB and MVD, she was told to forget about it.
My great grandfather's friend, who was Ukrainian, was seeking justice for his friend and colleague.
There was three of them: a Jew, a Ukrainian and Estonian. Alexander Vasilyevich Smolensky, Nikolai Vasilyevich Yarovoi and Eduard Karlovich Yarvepper".
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lichtschimmer · 2 years ago
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Russland, Oblast Archangelsk, Sewerodwinsk - webcam
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wilfofficial · 2 years ago
[ ⚰️ ] what are your muse’s greatest regrets? what would flash before their eyes when they’re on their deathbed?
OC Ask Meme
Audrey no longer blames herself for Hans' death but it's hard not to regret losing someone you've been with for nearly a century. She still regrets suggesting they tour Europe ahead of the Nazi invasion, and regrets not returning to the hotel in Paris sooner. She knows if she'd been there when he was taken she wouldn't have been able to make a difference, the Special Collections Division was already prepared for both of them.
But it's hard not to regret a point in your life that changes you fundamentally, and Audrey was never the same after her ordeal at the Archangelsk experimental gulag.
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fragmcntdstars · 2 years ago
@soviet-ghost-story cont'd from here
The simple fact that it was an inside job made something inside Bond twist uncomfortably. Was it something that shocked him? No, no it wasn't. It may make their work a little harder, but it isn't as shocking as he would want at first. Its something he notes, one piece of the report that he knows he needs to send M sometime shortly. Bond isn't sure how he'll communicate the report, but he's going to try to not have to use something like a fax machine. He's not sure if they need to go that far, to go any further than the facility, but he's almost ready if that becomes a reality.
Bond's eyebrow raises at the request. No, it didn't sound like a request. It more resembled a statement, but he wasn't sure if he was in a position to make any offers like that. "I cannot say for certain, but I feel we'll be able to offer you something for your cooperation."
He drags a hand down his face as he looks again at the documents in front of him. It wasn't quite something that he expected, but his mind keeps going back to the situation at the Archangelsk facility. He wanders back to the moment when he lost Alec and something twists inside him again. He k n e w loss was something that came with the job, and he'd experienced loss too often for it to be something that surprised him.
Maybe he just misses the companionship. "Do you know enough to determine if this was the start of a series of attacks, or was Severnaya the only target?"
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fondsinformation · 5 days ago
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Die Idee der Städtepartnerschaft entstand ... um die durch zwei Weltkriege in Europa aufgerissenen Wunden zu heilen. Und jetzt? Städtepartnerschaft kann zusammenführen Städtepartnerschaften sind mehr als nur symbolische Freundschaften zwischen zwei Kommunen. Sie stehen für internationale Zusammenarbeit, kulturellen Austausch und wirtschaftliche Zusammenarbeit. "Die Idee der Städtepartnerschaft entstand hauptsächlich nach dem Zweiten Weltkrieg als Initiative der Basis, um die durch zwei Weltkriege in Europa aufgerissenen Wunden zu heilen. Städtepartnerschaften sind ein öffentlichkeitswirksames und langfristig effektives Instrument, um Menschen aus verschiedenen Ländern zusammenzuführen. Im Mittelpunkt steht der Austausch der Bürger über das Instrument Städtepartnerschaft, die konkrete Ausgestaltung dementsprechend vielfältig." (bpb.de, zuletzt aufgerufen am 04.01.2025) Städtepartnerschaft Emden - Archangelsk Die niedersächsischen Hafenstadt Emden schloss 1989 eine Städtepartnerschaft mit der russischen Hafenstadt Archangelsk ab. Die Emdener Ratsvertreter haben ihre Städtepartnerschaft zu Archangelsk allerdings ausgesetzt und informieren darüber: "Die Städtepartnerschaft mit der russischen Stadt Archangelsk ist in offiziellen Belangen vorübergehend ausgesetzt. Dies haben die Emder Ratsvertreter*innen im März 2022 entschieden. " Im Sinne der Aussagen der Bundeszentrale für politische Bildung war es vielleicht nicht die beste Idee, die Städtepartnerschaft auszusetzen und damit auf "ein öffentlichkeitswirksames und langfristig effektives Instrument, um Menschen aus verschiedenen Ländern zusammenzuführen" zu verzichten. Emden hat eine reiche Stadtgeschichte ... und zahlte wie viele andere deutsche Städte für den verbrecherischen Zweiten Weltkrieg. Insgesamt führten 80 Luftangriffe mit Bombenabwürfen zu 413 Opfern, darunter Emder Bürger, Zwangsarbeiter und Soldaten.  "Der schwerste Luftangriff, geflogen von der britischen RAF ereignete sich am 6. September 1944. Diesem Angriff fiel die gesamte Emder Altstadt zum Opfer." (emden.de, zuletzt aufgerufen am 04.01.2025) Die offizielle Webseite zur Emdener Stadtgeschichte schließt leider mit dem Jahr 2000. Der letzte Eintrag dazu leutet: "Im November 1995 wurde die Johannes-a-Lasco-Bibliothek feierlich eröffnet." (ebd.) Wie sich Archangelsk in den letzten 15 Jahren veränderte Zur Partnerstadt Archangelsk stieß ich von einigen Tagen auf ein aktuelles Video vom Dezember 2024. Darin wird gezeigt, wie sich Archangelsk gerade in den letzten 15 Jahren veränderte. Vielleicht auch eine Anregung für Emden, sich wieder mit der Partnerstadt auszutauschen.  ;-) Ein Russe in Amerika kommentierte dieses Video unlängst sarkastisch: "Wie Sie selbst sehen können, fährt das Regime des blutigen Tyrannen Putin fort, Russland durch den Bau moderner Städte, Autobahnen, Krankenhäuser, Schulen und Sportanlagen zu zerstören. Die Russen sterben vor Hunger in den Supermärkten, während sie versuchen zu entscheiden, welche Art von Fleisch oder Avocado sie kaufen sollen. Wie Sie also selbst sehen können, wirken die Sanktionen und Putins Regime wird jeden Moment fallen." Der Nutzen von Städtepartnerschaften heute Heutzutage sind Städtepartnerschaften ein globales Netzwerk, das vielfältige Vorteile bietet. Von kleinen Gemeinden bis hin zu Metropolen nutzen viele Kommunen diese Verbindungen um sich auf unterschiedlichen Gebieten auszutauschen und zusammenzuarbeiten. Städtepartnerschaften ermöglichen es, Traditionen, Kunst und Lebensweisen anderer Länder kennenzulernen. Veranstaltungen wie Austauschprogramme, Festivals oder Kunstausstellungen bringen Menschen zusammen und fördern das Verständnis füreinander. Viele Städtepartnerschaften fördern die lokale Wirtschaft. Durch Handelsbeziehungen, gemeinsame Projekte und Tourismus entstehen neue Möglichkeiten für Unternehmen und Kommunen. Besonders in Zeiten der Globalisierung sind solche Kontakte wertvoll. Schüler- und Studentenaustauschprogramme, Forschungskooperationen und Sprachreisen sind oft Teil von Städtepartnerschaften. Sie bieten jungen Menschen die Chance, interkulturelle Kompetenzen zu entwickeln und wertvolle Auslandserfahrungen zu sammeln. Viele Partnerschaften arbeiten an gemeinsamen Projekten im Bereich Klimaschutz und nachhaltige Stadtentwicklung. Beispielsweise können Ideen und Technologien ausgetauscht werden, um Umweltschutzmaßnahmen effektiver zu gestalten. Read the full article
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der-saisonkoch · 8 months ago
Menschewistischer Versuch, den Bolschewismus zu stürzen: Ep.1 – Archangelsk
Wie Sie hier lesen werden, haben damals schon de Kolonialfaschisten und Völkermörder versucht, Rußland in Form der Sowjetunion zu überfallen und zu plündern. Menshevik attempt to overthrow Bolshevism: Ep.1 – Arkhangelsk EINFÜHRUNG In letzter Zeit kursiert die Theorie, dass die Bolschewiki unmittelbar nach der Oktoberrevolution an Popularität verloren und die Menschewiki wieder viel…
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svetlonadyatlovpass · 1 year ago
Dubininová - časné dětství
Kvůli otcově práci se s rodinou často stěhovala (osada Kegostrov, Archangelská oblast; Archangelsk; osada Krasnogorskij, Zvenigorodský okres, Marijská ASSR).
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ruscatontheroof · 2 years ago
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I want to continue the marathon from lovely @sovietpostcards  and tell you about my grandparents. This is my mother's parents Lydia and Michael (right one). My grand-grand parents moved in Arhangelsk region from St.Petersburg in 20-s when were was a big Famine and live was crazy in this big city. She was a child when www2 started.When my grandmother was 10 years old she lost her mother and her younger brother in childbirth. Her father was the chairman of a collective farm, and when she was 16 she fled the village to her brother in the city to get a passport (people in village didn't have one) and an education. She worked almost all her life as a baker and loved to travel. My grandad was born and lived all his life in Archangelsk region. He worked at clearing forests and most of all liked to go fishing. During World War II, he was also a child.
Хочу продолжить марафон от замечательной @sovietpostcards ​ и рассказать о своих бабушке и дедушке. Это родители моей мамы Лидия и Михаил (справа). Родители моей мамы переехали в Архангельскую область из Санкт-Петербурга в 20-е годы, когда был большой голод и жизнь в этом большом городе была сумасшедшей. Она была ребенком, когда началась вов. Когда моей бабушке было 10 лет, она потеряла мать и младшего брата (при родах). Ее отец был председателем колхоза, и когда ей было 16 лет, она сбежала из деревни к брату в город, чтобы получить паспорт (у жителей деревень его не было) и образование. Почти всю жизнь она проработала пекарем и очень любила путешествовать. Мой дедушка родился и всю жизнь прожил в Архангельской области. Он работал на вырубке леса и больше всего любил ловить рыбу. Во время Второй мировой войны он тоже был ребенком.
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frodothefair · 1 year ago
Last night I dreamt that I was on a job training rotation in the Russian city of Archangelsk, and I was staying at somebody’s home, and desperately trying to find a place to sleep, but there was a party with local underground rock bands performing, and I had the Midnight Sun to deal with because it was summer, so……. I did get some nice folks to help me problem solve and fell asleep in the end, but there was much dejected dragging around of bedclothes and mattresses before that happened. There was also royal intrigue of some kind involving my host family (yes, in a God-forgotten part of Russia).
AND THEN I ended up at a walking tour of….. someplace in the US with my husband’s very large extended family, and we came upon what was widely rumored to be Elijah Wood’s house, and there was a pool party at the….body of water attached to the house. And I kept being paranoid about trespassing. I didn’t actually go to the pool party, and refused to take any pictures.
And there was also a bar with a bathroom on the second floor that had a door that opened to nowhere, so anyone who tried to use it ended falling to the ground floor below. You can imagine this went very well in an establishment full of drunk people.
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brasilconspiracao · 2 years ago
Vladimir Lenin era Maçom - suas ideias comunistas fecais foram impulsionadas por banqueiros, Maçonaria, Alemanha e Wall Street (Trotsky também era Maçom)
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Vladimir Lenin
MI5 British Intelligence Files
A short hand-written minute from Winston Churchill.
An intercepted letter written in 1921 from Lenin to a friend in Zurich admitting failure of his Bolshevistic theories.
A SIS report from Claude Dansey, assistant chief of the Secret Intelligence Service, purporting that Czarist military intelligence had proof that Lenin was a paid agent of the Germans.
A copy of a message from the British Russian Mission in Paris dated 27/09/1917 with a list of suspects in touch with Lenin.
A Secret Intelligence Service (SIS) memo on Lenin's strategy.
A May 1919 memo from the Political Intelligence Department of the British Foreign Office on Lenin's Internal Program.
Real propósito do comunismo
Avance para os 2:40 minutos
The 1917 Russian Revolution was a German plot
Communists will celebrate the centenary of the Russian Revolution of 1917 as a triumph of workers and peasants. In fact it owed much to a German diplomatic plot, executed through an armed coup by Lenin.
With the support of soldiers and workers in the capital’s soviet (local council), the Bolsheviks began gathering weapons to organise a coup. The Germans supported them with 50 million deutschmarks in gold.
EUA financiou a URSS
Bankers and the Bolsheviks
German Foreign Office Documents on Financial Support to the Bolsheviks in 1917
Germany's role in the Russian Revolution
The Russian Revolution has gone down in history as the victory of the workers and peasants over the czarist rulers. Few people realize the German kaiser was also involved: He gave aid to the Bolsheviks in 1917.
The German chartered train was provided by Kaiser Wilhelm II with the aim of furthering the Russian Revolution. In one of the wagons sat none other than Vladimir Ilyich Ulyanov, better known as Lenin. With German help, Lenin left his exile in Switzerland and, a week later, reached his destination: Petrograd, which would later be renamed to Leningrad then changed back to today's Saint Petersburg.
Lenin's return to his home country was followed with great attention in Berlin.
"Lenin's entry into Russia was a success. He is working according to your wishes," was the message Germany's top army command sent to its Foreign Office.
Berlin's strategy was clear: Lenin and his Bolsheviks were meant to destabilize Russia thereby — in the middle of the First World War — easing the burden of fighting on the Eastern Front.
The Russian revolution in 23 pages
The Russian communist, with his journalistic background in Germany and success in Constantinople, wrote the script of a revolution for the Foreign Office. It was a roadmap for what actually happened just a few months later. Over 23 typed pages, Gelfand detailed how a foreign-backed coup could be successful. For him, it was a question of money, sabotage, and toppling the government. One month later the German imperial treasury approved 2 million marks "to support revolutionary propaganda in Russia."
The phrase "I bring greetings from Olga" indicated that the Russian revolutionaries were getting more than just propaganda support. Weapons and dynamite also crossed the border. With the help of these "presents from Germany," ships were sunk in Archangelsk and ports were set alight. Parvus' actions were coordinated by the German ambassador in Copenhagen, Count Ulrich von Brockdorff-Rantzau, who believed supporting the communists was justified if it helped destroy the war coalition.
Parvus was directly involved as the middleman for the German kaiser. The man who helped Lenin's revolution succeed was described posthumously by the German Marxist Clara Zetkin as a "whoremonger of imperialism."
Lenin was briefly discredited among Russian communists as the recipient of capitalist support, but after the murders of the czar and his family on July 17, 1918, he went on the offensive. At a party conference, he said that he was often accused of having achieved revolution only with the help of German money. This, he countered, was something he had never denied. Instead, he insisted, "I would, however, like to add that we will stage a similar revolution in Germany with Russian money."
When Germany Funded the Russian Revolution
The Kaiser Wilhelm II gave the green light and facilitated the transit across Germany in a sealed railway carriage with Lenin and other Bolsheviks.
However, the Kaiser Wilhelm II not only provided a means of transport for the Bolshevik conspirator but also gave him tens of millions of marks. The discovery, published by the weekly news magazine “Stern” in the 90s, made use of bank account numbers, dates and amounts of payments, to demonstrate that the Russian Revolution was financed by the Germans
For instance, on June 18, 1917, a German industry magnate sent 350.000 marks to an account entitled to Lenin in Sweden.
On January 8, 1918, a payment from the Reichsbank was sent to Trotsky.
Lenin era amigo de Karl Moor, um agente que ajudou Alemanha, Áustria e Suíça
Karl Moor-German Agent and Friend of Lenin
The opening of the German and Austrian archives after 1945 has revealed him in a completely different light - as an agent playing a double role in the crucial years from 1917 to 1919. While presenting himself to the bolsheviks in Switzerland, Sweden, Germany, and Russia as a dedicated friend of their cause, Karl Moor was working as a confidential agent of the German, Austrian and Swiss governments. He Kept these activities in watertight compartments so that neither the German or the Austrian or the Austrian government realized that Moor was working for both of them simultaneously. The German authorities used him for infiltrating the bolshevik ranks to obtain the first-hand informations about their intentions.
O capitalismo ajudou a implantar o comunismo
Livro: Wall Street and The Bolshevik Revolution
Para comprar o livro:
Wall Street and the Bolshevik Revolution: The Remarkable True Story of the American Capitalists Who Financed the Russian Communists
Livro gratuito no Project Gutenberg, plataforma que disponibiliza livros gratuitamente
Comunistas receberam ajuda dos metacapitalistas Rothschild, banqueiros JP Morgan e Rockefeller.
Maçonaria e a Revolução Russa:
What Role did Freemasons and Bolsheviks play in the Russian Revolution?
There were several masonic groups in 1917 Russia. The biggest group was the Grand Orient with about 400 members. Although it was a small group, it proved to be highly influential in the coming months. After they dethroned the czar, they formed a provisional government, all members of which were freemasons.
government but also other political groups in Russia. They were present in socialist and Bolshevik groups, too. For example, most of the leaders of the Petrograd Soviet, who were Socialists, were also Freemasons. The most notable Freemasons among Bolsheviks were Vladimir Lenin and Leon Trotsky.
Lenin era um maçom grau 31. Após o grau 29 os maçons já sabem da doutrina Luciferiana da maçonaria, pesquisem sobre William Schnoebelen e sobre o Satanista maçom Albert Pike (criador da Ku Klux Klan) e sua conexão com o criador da máfia, Giuseppe Mazzini. Pike expôs em uma carta a Mazzini um plano para impor a doutrina Luciferiana no Mundo após uma Terceira Guerra Mundial.
Kerensky was a member of the Masonic Lodge Верховный Совет ДПШУ России [Verkhovni Soviet DPSHU Rossii] or the /Supreme Council of the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite for the Russians/. Two other masonics, Vladimir Lenin (1870-1924) and Lev Trotsky, however, found that this symbol on the banknotes was too explicit and feared that the Russian people would see the revolution as a conspiracy of Freemasons and Jews - what some indeed did and still do. So they removed the swastika and replaced it by the famous hammer and sickle.
Vladimir Ilyich Lenin (1870-1924) was a Lodge brother of the 31th degree with the title of /Grand Inspector Inquisitor Commander/. He was a member of the French lodge /Art et Travail/. In 1914, he joined /Les Neuf Sœurs/ or /The Nine Sisters/ and the /Union de Belleville/, two Lodges belonging to the /Grand Orient de France/. This information was confirmed in particular by the British author and politician Winston Churchill (1874-1965), who was a member of the British /Studholme Lodge/ since 1901.
Lev Trotsky had already thoroughly studied the Freemasonry in 1898, when he was in jail in Odessa because of his labour union activities. Like Lenin, he was a member of the French lodge /Art et Travail/. In 1916, he was educated in revolutionary techniques in the French lodge /Les droits de l'homme/. In January 1917, he also became a member of the powerful Jewish Lodge *בני ברית* [B'nai B'rith], which financed his return to Russia in the spring of that year, and the /Memphis-Mizraim/ Lodge, which was led by the Italian nationalist Giuseppe Garibaldi (1807-1882). Finally, he was also a member of the /Shriner Lodge/, an order based in Florida which only accepts members from the 32th grade. In 1919, Trotsky reached the 33th and highest level on the occasion of a reception of Lodge brothers from abroad in Moscow.
Lenin e a Maçonaria
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gravityknife · 2 years ago
U.F.S. Archangelsk sc.03
"Activity is increasing in Pakistan, India, and in regions around Kazakhstan."
"And the UN?"
"What about them?"
"I meant NATO."
"NATO is still building themselves with Norway and so on, recently Norway, and that's the most they can do, because there is no way in hell that these nations all around Putin are going to let each other down."
"What I'm needing here is more details on the nations involved in the conflict overall. You've given me the basics."
"China is making their moves in Taiwan's waters and from what I can see they are going to push down toward the Philippines for another national borders conflict. Japan is going to have its hands tied with the way China is insisting on their battlefront. Russia is sending more infantry and vehicles than we can get a count for at this point, and— this is a completely unexpected twist, but they're essentially staging a coup and advancing beyond the rules and laws of NATO, disbanding all of their allies from them."
"Where did you get this information from?"
"You wouldn't believe me if I told you."
"Your predictions again?"
"A lot of this is common knowledge at this point, however the darkest part of this war is yet to unfold, and I feel that it's in the very backyard of the US and its allies. What I'm sensing is that— since Wagner Groups infiltrations, and them being listed as a transnational criminal organization, they are going to turn the other cheek toward natural terrorist activity groups that may be used in the war effort toward the Western world."
"This doesn't sound good at all."
"It's a World War. What else would you expect?"
"They would use terrorists? That doesn't sound like something that any rational nation is even capable of."
"That didn't matter to Wagner Group, and it's not going to matter to anyone else helping Putin and Russia's leaders. They seemingly have a common goal to dominate the theathre of war, and a lot of the world has already made its judgments against the West, bringing me to the conclusion that the West is going to be invaded remarkably soon."
"How much time do you think we have?"
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