rausule · 1 year
Inter primos oratores Romanos Ap. Claudius Caecus nominandus est. Praeter oratorem, vir politicus, aliquoties consul, dux victor Etruscorum et Samnitium, auctor tractationum et proverbiorum versibus. Haec personalitas multifaceta magna etiam munus egit in orthographia et in munere colligendi normas iuridicas quae tunc vigent in corpore. Primus casus est in quo testimonium habemus auctoris et operis ei attributi in cursu Latinarum litterarum.
Inter primas expressiones artis litterariae Romanae theatrum erat. Priusquam auctoritas dramatis Graecae sentiretur, variae theatrales formae Romae excultae sunt. Inter antiquissimas commemorandum est fescenninis expressiones scenicae rudimentares ponendae occasione festivitatum religiosarum cum opere agriculturae coniunctae, cuius origo probabiliter coniungenda est cum ritibus pro fertilitatis gratia.
Alia forma pervetustis theatralis satur erat, in qua risores ludicra et obscena Fescennini iocos cum choro concinebant.
Exodium denique Atellanum memorandum est, quod nomen habet a civitate Campaniae Atellae. Repraesentatio scaenica inter populos Oscanos diffusa est, cuius insidiae in vitae cotidianae scaenae fundatae sunt et in quibus quattuor species certae ludebant: Maccus, Bucco, Pappus et Dossennus.
Duplex tibicen, 6 aCn Saeculum Tarquinia, Sepulcrum Triclinii, Archaeological Superintendence.
Editiones textus
GB PIGHI, Poemata religiosa Romana, Bononiae, Zanichelli, 1958.
A. DEGRASSI, Inscriptiones Latinae liberae rei publicae, Fi-Patron, 1973. A.G. DUMEZH, Archaica religio romana, trans. illud. by F. JESI, Mediolani, Rizzoli, 1977 .
renze, Nova Italia, 1963-1965. B.F. FR., Libri annales pontificum maximorum. Origines Annalisticae Traditionis, Roma, American Aca- AA.V., Lapis Satricanus, Romae, 1980.
demy, Romae, 1979. W. MOREL, Fragmenta Poetarum Latinorum epicorum et ly recurum praeter Ennium et Lucilium, Leipzig, Teubner, editio tertia edita a J. Blansdorf, 1995.
P. FRASSINETTI, Atellaneae fabulae, Roma, Editions
University, 1967. E. PERUZZI, Origines Romae, voll. 1-11, Bononiae, Patron, 1970-1973.
G. PASQUALI, Historia traditionis et criticae textualis, Firenze, Le Monnier, 1971 .
P. MAAS, Critica textus, transl. by N. Martinelli, Firenze, Le Monnier, 1972a.
C. QUESTA, Metrica latina arcaica, in Introductio ad studium culturae classicae, vol. II, Milano, Marzorati, 1973. A. TRAINA, De alphabeto et pronuntiatione latinae, Bononiae,
G. PASQUALI, Praehistoria poeseos Romanae, Firenze, Le .
Monnier, MCMLXXXI.
AA.V., Historiae Romanae, edited by A. MOMIGLIANO - A. SCHIAVONE, vol. 1, Turin, Einaudi, 1988. M. SORDI, Historia Troiana et Etruscae urbis Romae, Mi.
lano, Jaca Book, 1989. G. DEVOTO, Historia linguae Romae, Bologna, Cappelli, 1991.
A. CARANDINI, Romae, Turin, Einaudi, 2002 F. CUPAIOLO, Bibliographia linguae latinae (1949-1991). Neapoli, 1993, suppletus ab ipso Cupaiolo, Biblio- theca studiorum linguae latinae (1992-2003), in - Bulletin de studiis latinis » 2003, pp. 620-23.
Tabella concessa ab Publisher ad personalem usum Prof.ssa Orrú Maria Rosa - cod.fisc. RROMRS55L62E464F
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gmlocg · 1 year
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2,537.) Archaica: The Path of Light
Release: September 8th, 2017 | GGF: Puzzle, Adventure, Atmospheric, Mystery, Hidden Object, Educational | Developer(s): Two Mammoths | Publisher(s): Two Mammoths, Drageus Games S.A. | Platform(s): Windows (2017), Nintendo Switch (2020), PlayStation 4 (2020), Xbox One (2020)
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s-gamer · 6 years
Archaica The Path of Light. part 11. Lighthouse of a thousand suns
This crystal complicates everything. I did not understand how it works.
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fledglingdoodles · 4 years
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Archaica Schola Bvtch - Old School Butch
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opinated-user · 2 years
since apparently LO doesn’t know what ethnicity means
1.property that is or may be inherited; an inheritance."they had stolen his grandfather's heritage" 2.ARCHAICa special or individual possession; an allotted portion."God's love remains your heritage"
ethnicitynoun: a large group of people with a shared culture, language, history, set of traditions, etc., or the fact of belonging to one of these groups: Ethnicity is not considered when reviewing applications. Our students have many different nationalities, religions, and ethnicities.
LO doesn’t belong on the Cherokee nation since she hasn’t been claimed, doesn’t share culture, language, history or traditions with them. she recognizes this, therefore that can’t be her ethnicity. she can’t be Cherokee right now. since i’m here, i haven’t seen anyone asking you to speak with authority on native issues. i have seen native people upset that you won’t even mention current native issues that are costing them their lives, and yet you still want to be seen as a leftist native woman who should be listened on almost every issue possible. i do remember too someone asking you what two spirit  is and despite having an aunt who’s just that, you didn’t know or bothered to google.  she’s right that her own history with her own heritage is no everyone’s business... but then why she keeps making everyone’s business when she brings it up to explain why she has detractors? why include a feather earring on her avatar or burn sage like it was a incense stick in front of a camera during a stream? why she talk about recieving native specific slurs the moment this discourse comes out? in fact, why hasn’t she directed anyone to her aunt’s way since they’re an active member of the tribe and also an educator whose job is to bring awareness to native issues? because she wants the image of a sexy native woman removed from whiteness and the privilege she has without being responsible for either.  lastly, it is insulting to suggest that is not very much the business of Cherokee citizens to know if someone’s appropiating their identity for selfish reasons or are just another sibling doing their to reconnect with their culture, something that needs more than sage and decorations of questionable origin to happen. 
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vvyrmwood · 7 years
you were in my dream last night? we were having dinner (spaghetti) in my living room and u were eating dry spaghetti sticks instead of the cooked spaghetti that was there. intriguing
this is something i do on a regular basis i’m afraid that may not have been a dream but a peak into an alternate reality
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alpha-beta-gamer · 7 years
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Archaica: The Path Of Light is an impressive new adventure in which you solve puzzles using lasers and mirrors to help unravel the mysteries of an ancient civilisation and save your world.
Read More & Sign Up For The Beta (Steam)
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crownedcroweprince · 3 years
FXXIV Write: Day 24: Illustrious
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Definition of illustrious 1 : notably or brilliantly outstanding because of dignity or achievements or actions : eminent 2 archaica : shining brightly with light b : clearly evident
Character featured: Grimm Porcelain.
When the world leaked new magic, Grimm had been in Amdapor. He had worked hard to become a White Mage, and to serve the city in it's wars against Mhach. His aptitude with white magic had always been evident, as if there was a seed in him, shining with a bright light from within him out when ever he utilized it to heal or defend himself from the voidsent in league with the Mhachi mages. That was always when he shined the brightest. At least, until the fateful last days of Amdapor.
Nym had fallen in their fight against Mhach, a blight having taken the city of Scholars. Amdapor Keep fell next. And then, Amdapor was under attack.
He was deep within the sanctums when he heard the commotion and sounds pouring in. Voidsent overrunning the city and the worst of them all, Diabolos, just outside the sanctum with some of Grimm's most talented colleagues trying to hold him off. Telling him and others to fall back deeper in.
It's funny, he knows they're calling his name but he can't hear it anymore. He can't hear anything from the memory after a certain point. Just a high pitched whine in the back of his mind, and the ringing of bells. No screams. Not even when the flood of magic builds up, and pours out from the elementals in their woods.
The flood didn't reach him in the lowest and brightest depths of the city but he could feel the rest of the city becoming twisted and poisonous. Overgrown. Diabolos still bound, but ever outside the doors to the sanctum. Some voidsent manage to survive, crawling their way in. He's cornered. And running out of the energy to keep casting.
It's as if something inside him flows over and out, seeping through the cracks of his soul and out his personage, a broken vessel. A scream gets lodged in his throat and the voidsent scurry away. There's feathers about him and he feels sleep claiming him. All is bright and white as he becomes sheltered and safe within the feathered cocoon. He thought he was outstanding before, if only the others who died could see him now. The last bits of sight of his city are blocked out and he slumbers. A very, very long slumber.
Grimm wakes on the hammock he's set up amongst the toxic ruins of his former city. It's one of the dreams he has the most. The first one he managed to have after finally escaping the city a few years prior. Some eons had passed and he was, as far as he knows, the only one to make it out somewhat alive.
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paroxsysdraw · 4 years
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meet choochoo.. an adopt made by archaicae on deviantart!! they use he/they
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eugene114 · 3 years
boon [bo͞on] NOUN boon (noun) · boons (plural noun)
a thing that is helpful or beneficial. "the navigation system will be a boon to both civilian and military users"
synonyms: blessing · godsend · bonus · good thing · benefit · help · aid · advantage · gain · asset · privilege · luxury · windfall · bonanza · stroke of luck · piece of good fortune · perquisite · benison
antonyms: curse · disadvantage
archaica  favor or request. "may I have the inestimable boon of a few minutes' conversation?"
ORIGIN Middle English (originally in the sense ‘request for a favor’): from Old Norse bón.
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supersaiyansadie · 5 years
Nano Update: Day 2
only got 1000 words on Day 1, but I got over 2,000 words today, so it all evened out.
There’s one scene where idk if the reader will be able to follow it, but whatever, that’s Editor Sadie’s problem
Also, if anyone has an idea for a title for my story, let me know:
Ariel St. James is a college student at UMass Amherst. The Friday after Thanksgiving, she babysits Alexis Vaughn, The Crane’s adopted daughter. That evening, Ariel falls asleep and Alexis accidentally starts a fire. In trying to get out, Alexis dies followed shortly by Ariel. But the weirdness begins when Ariel wakes up in Alexis’s body and escapes the inferno. Now, Ariel St. James has to continue life in the body of an eight-year-old girl and convince the Cranes that she isn’t, in fact, insane.
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pierreqies · 4 years
Archaica: The Path Of Light Is Now Available For Xbox One
Because the Mild Bearer, your quest is to stroll the legendary Path of Mild and discover an historical and delightful world. The sunshine is the important thing to open the secrets and techniques of this mysterious civilization. You need to perceive how varied units work to control the lasers and direct them into […]
The post Archaica: The Path Of Light Is Now Available For Xbox One appeared first on Hammers and Steel.
from WordPress https://hammersandsteel.com/index.php/2020/04/26/archaica-the-path-of-light-is-now-available-for-xbox-one/
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s-gamer · 6 years
Archaica The Path of Light. part 8. Island of hope
Why is it called the Land of Happiness? Happiness I never found.
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game-pro-bros · 7 years
Archaica The Path of Light - Fun Puzzle Game - Game Pro Bros
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warezator-blog · 7 years
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Archaica The Path of Light-TiNYiSO
Release Description: Archaica: The Path Of Light is a visually stunning puzzle game with lasers and mirrors, that enraptures gamers not only with finely designed levels, but also with an interesting narrative. In this game we become the Chosen One from the nation that believes walking the...
DOWNLOAD: https://warezator.net/archaica-the-path-of-light-tinyiso/
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mirektv · 7 years
View On WordPress
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