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rausule · 1 year ago
Inter primos oratores Romanos Ap. Claudius Caecus nominandus est. Praeter oratorem, vir politicus, aliquoties consul, dux victor Etruscorum et Samnitium, auctor tractationum et proverbiorum versibus. Haec personalitas multifaceta magna etiam munus egit in orthographia et in munere colligendi normas iuridicas quae tunc vigent in corpore. Primus casus est in quo testimonium habemus auctoris et operis ei attributi in cursu Latinarum litterarum.
Inter primas expressiones artis litterariae Romanae theatrum erat. Priusquam auctoritas dramatis Graecae sentiretur, variae theatrales formae Romae excultae sunt. Inter antiquissimas commemorandum est fescenninis expressiones scenicae rudimentares ponendae occasione festivitatum religiosarum cum opere agriculturae coniunctae, cuius origo probabiliter coniungenda est cum ritibus pro fertilitatis gratia.
Alia forma pervetustis theatralis satur erat, in qua risores ludicra et obscena Fescennini iocos cum choro concinebant.
Exodium denique Atellanum memorandum est, quod nomen habet a civitate Campaniae Atellae. Repraesentatio scaenica inter populos Oscanos diffusa est, cuius insidiae in vitae cotidianae scaenae fundatae sunt et in quibus quattuor species certae ludebant: Maccus, Bucco, Pappus et Dossennus.
Duplex tibicen, 6 aCn Saeculum Tarquinia, Sepulcrum Triclinii, Archaeological Superintendence.
Editiones textus
GB PIGHI, Poemata religiosa Romana, Bononiae, Zanichelli, 1958.
A. DEGRASSI, Inscriptiones Latinae liberae rei publicae, Fi-Patron, 1973. A.G. DUMEZH, Archaica religio romana, trans. illud. by F. JESI, Mediolani, Rizzoli, 1977 .
renze, Nova Italia, 1963-1965. B.F. FR., Libri annales pontificum maximorum. Origines Annalisticae Traditionis, Roma, American Aca- AA.V., Lapis Satricanus, Romae, 1980.
demy, Romae, 1979. W. MOREL, Fragmenta Poetarum Latinorum epicorum et ly recurum praeter Ennium et Lucilium, Leipzig, Teubner, editio tertia edita a J. Blansdorf, 1995.
P. FRASSINETTI, Atellaneae fabulae, Roma, Editions
University, 1967. E. PERUZZI, Origines Romae, voll. 1-11, Bononiae, Patron, 1970-1973.
G. PASQUALI, Historia traditionis et criticae textualis, Firenze, Le Monnier, 1971 .
P. MAAS, Critica textus, transl. by N. Martinelli, Firenze, Le Monnier, 1972a.
C. QUESTA, Metrica latina arcaica, in Introductio ad studium culturae classicae, vol. II, Milano, Marzorati, 1973. A. TRAINA, De alphabeto et pronuntiatione latinae, Bononiae,
G. PASQUALI, Praehistoria poeseos Romanae, Firenze, Le .
Monnier, MCMLXXXI.
AA.V., Historiae Romanae, edited by A. MOMIGLIANO - A. SCHIAVONE, vol. 1, Turin, Einaudi, 1988. M. SORDI, Historia Troiana et Etruscae urbis Romae, Mi.
lano, Jaca Book, 1989. G. DEVOTO, Historia linguae Romae, Bologna, Cappelli, 1991.
A. CARANDINI, Romae, Turin, Einaudi, 2002 F. CUPAIOLO, Bibliographia linguae latinae (1949-1991). Neapoli, 1993, suppletus ab ipso Cupaiolo, Biblio- theca studiorum linguae latinae (1992-2003), in - Bulletin de studiis latinis » 2003, pp. 620-23.
Tabella concessa ab Publisher ad personalem usum Prof.ssa Orrú Maria Rosa - cod.fisc. RROMRS55L62E464F
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kristeladegay · 2 years ago
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❤️‍🔥Comunidad ICÓNICA💎 Te comparto la alegría💫 que siento de hacer parte como coautora del libro *Summarium Vol. 6: Marca Personal y Diseño de Imagen, un proyecto social y académico, que reúne en un mismo lugar 10 propuestas de intervención con base en modelos propios desarrollados por los expertos, todas las ventas de este libro❤️‍🔥 las recibe la Fundación *Fundación MEBYF* ubicada en Holanda - Ecuador, Organización que trabaja en mejorar la calidad de la mujeres migrantes. Te invito la entrevista donde hablaré sobre el capítulo que escribí para este libro Junto a mis colegas💎 @nallelypimenteltv y @paolavivastv 📆 Fecha: Jueves 16 de Febrero ⏰ Hora: 6:00 pm México, 7:00 pm Colombia - Miami y 9:00 pm Argentina 📱 Link por donde se transmitirá https://bit.ly/SummariumYT (Canal de YouTube Summariumorg) Te espero❤️‍🔥 #KristelaDegay #tuimagenestrategica #imagenpersonal #imagendediosa #MarcaPersonal #estrategadeimagen #asesoradeimagen #asesoriadeimagen #coachdeimagen #coachdecoaches #mentoradementoras #coaches #mentoras #summarium #diseñodeimagen (en Miami, Florida) https://www.instagram.com/p/CouVeARAZ4P/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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couleursdunevie · 4 years ago
Liebervoller Gedanke. Zu Beginn des Tages fallen zitternd tausende Sterne aus seinen Erinnerungen  und tausende Sonnen gehen auf ...  Eine Möwe schreit an seinen Schläfen und aus seinen Augen fließen große Meere und Ozeane ...  an seiner Schultern kräuseln sich schäumende Wellen zu Flügel  und im Flug folgt er seinen Gedanken von gestern ...
Zu Beginn des Abends fällt aus der Stille ein Lächeln,  schmerzende Sehnsucht legt sich in sein Herz.  Doch die Erinnerung küsst hauchzärtlich sanft seine Schläfen,  und in seinem Augenmeer badet ein lächelnder Engel ...  Auf seinen Schultern ist wieder Frühling,  und am anderen Ende des Wunders findet er seinen Traum von gestern ...
Und zu Beginn der Nacht, aus Gebeten,  wird Gott erschüttert und tausende Welten werden geräuschvoll geboren ...  seltsame Geschichten verlieren sich an seinen Schläfen,  ein Wunder legt sich auf seine Augenlider ...  er schneit wieder auf seinen Schultern mit Engelsfedern  und - im Traumflug findet er endlich wieder seine Liebe ... nur für einen Traum.
Zu Beginn des nächsten Tages  lösen tausende Morgenröte den Traum auf und tausende Sonnen wie tausende Lächeln wärmen ihn. Die Engelsfedern schmelzen auf den Schultern Sein Augenmeer ist still und ruhig und der Himmel spiegelt sich darin. Die Sehnsucht küsst sanft und hauchzärtlich seine Schläfen Dann fällt ein Lächeln auf die Erde. Noch eines und weitere Lächeln fallen. Wie viel Leben .....im Heute.
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the-astralalchemist · 2 years ago
Oh, we’re talking about Servant Guda again? Berserker/Avenger Guda would just be Guda that beat the shit out of Goetia with their bare hands after Mash sacrificed herself.
we're talking about servant guda again! :D  thank you for this ask, it made me reexamine my gdocs and i found a lot more similarities between my avenger & berserker than what i had stored in my head - this includes me finding their FGO builds & some dialogue that made me go *eye emojis*
i gave berserker madness enhancement EX & avenger innocent monster A (re: prev ask) their origins are completely different; berserker is grand order guda & avenger is lostbelt guda
berserker can get their head “stuck” in the later stages of the first grand order, like camelot/babylonia era; otherside blessing does come from the connections they formed with grandpa hassan and ereshkigal at this time.
in this form, guda doesn’t accept roman/solomon’s death and speaks as if he’s still with them (this is why they sometimes refer to their master as “doctor”)
being reminded of the temple of time is the only time they’re sober and in the moment, it’s downright scary.
(if galahad is summoned, they will snap as the sight of him forces them out of their madness - their blissful ignorance - and into reality)
“you bastard! how could you leave mash when she needed you?!”
but they fight like they’re back in the temple - its ingrained in their muscle memory.
with a burst of monstrous strength fueling their bare hands or any makeshift weapon they can get their hands on in the moment, it reminds you exactly why they are a berserker.
berserker doesn’t know why fighting blinds them so, or when they wipe the blood from their face and their hand finds tears instead.
avenger on the other hand, has death ingrained in their spirit origin, and they don’t can't exist without death.
the pruner of humanity, the grim reaper, vengeful spirit, it doesn't matter what you call them.
because of the nature of their existence as an innocent monster, avenger doesn't have that personal memory of the temple of time that other gudafaces would have. 
they know the facts of what happened. 
avenger considers themself an executioner and they will act in a stoic and unemotional straightforward manner
it's when their core is on the brink of destruction that the human side comes out.
"where are you, mash? i—i can't see anything …"
"forgive me for what i've become, doctor."
because at their very foundation they were a child who walked through chaldea's doors, forced to shoulder the entirety of humanity's future.
in summarium: 
berserker is a human with an internal monster; avenger is a monster with an internal humanity
avenger remembers the temple of time in broad events. berserker doesn’t accept what happened in the temple of time.
but i think caster remembers goetia more… :)
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ask-the-crimson-king · 3 years ago
[Ok so Spotify Wrapped came out and I'm gonna be a basic bitch over my stats cause I find them to be interesting and I'm curious what others are looking like.
So first of all, in summarium:
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Ta da! that is fucking almost 65 days worth of music. Just straight music. Neat.
And OF that 93k minutes, 19,815 was LOTL.
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TOP 0.01% of listeners. THE FUCK.
Also also forgot to mention but see #5 there? It isn't an original Heimdall, its the fuckin Schaundmaul cover. BUT the original by Saltatio Mortis did make it to #38 on my top 100.
And finally, just because I think this is fucking hilarious;
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"what song for tearjerker" "oh i know, how about some fucking deathcore."
Also consider this a music shill for Lord of the Lost, fucking Judas is a wonderful piece of art and should still be listened to by everyone.]
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las-microfisuras · 6 years ago
Puella Parvula 
Every thread of summer is at last unwoven.
By one caterpillar is great Africa devoured,
And Gibraltar is dissolved like spit in the wind.
But over the wind, over the legends of its roaring,
The elephant on the roof and its elephantine blaring,
The bloody lion in the yard at night or ready to spring
From the clouds in the midst of trembling trees
Making a great gnashing, over the water wallows
Of a vacant sea declaiming with wide throat,
Over all these the mighty imagination triumphs
Like a trumpet, and says in this season of memory,
When the leaves fall like things mournful of the past,
Keep quiet in the heart, O wild bitch. O mind
Gone wild, be what he tells you to be: Puella. 
Write pax across the window pane. And then
Be still. The summarium in excelsis begins . . .
Flame, sound, fury composed . . . Hear what he says,
The dauntless master, as he starts the human tale.
• Wallace Stevens (1879-1955), 1949
from The Auroras of Autumn, 1950
"Sobre todo esto triunfa la poderosa imaginación / como una trompeta, y dice: [...] / mantente tranquila en el corazón, oh, perra salvaje, oh, mente / enloquecida, y sé lo que él te pide que seas: Puella. / Escribe pax en el cristal de la ventana. Y luego / quédate quieta».
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martendoc · 3 years ago
Pflege mit Profit statt Würde: Private Altenheime - nur eine Geldmaschine? - n-tv.de
Gut recherchiert - gut zusammengefasst - leider nur ein Summarium eigentlich altbekannter Tatsachen, die Insider seit Jahren als Speckrolle vor sich her schieben: Speckgürtel bei unmobilisierte Pflegepflichtige, Kummerspeck beim Pflegepersonal und fetter Speck im Stock bei Institutionelle Pflegeanbieter, die immer auf ihre Kosten kommen, koste, was es wolle, weil am Ende garantiert immer wer die Zeche zählt.
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robokatra · 4 years ago
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Summarium des Neuesten aus der gesammten Medicin
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alyrarkhon · 3 years ago
Elvileg csak félelf (legalábbis a “hivatalos”, Ynev hőseit bemutató szabálykönyv-fejezetben), de lehet, hogy van amelyik korai regényben elf. Ez-az kicsit változott az évek alatt az írók fejében (az egyik legelső regényben* a toroni Boszorkányerőd urai egy csapat morcos boszorkánymester akik kevés sikerrel tűzlabdákat lövöldöznek hajókra, a legutolsó időkben pedig már félisteni szintű kyr Halhatatlanok, akiknek játszmái és céljai túlnőnek az egyszer halandók felfogásán, és maximum Tharr lehet velük egy szinten Toronban, de ő is csak jobb napjain)
Am a MAGUSban elvileg nincsenek sötétbőrű elfek (az obszidiánelfeket kivéve, akik igazából aquirok és ékes példái annak, hogy még a Summarium idején is lazán öhm, kölcsönöztek a szerzők innen-onnan.) de ugyanakkor nem zárom ki, hogy Alyr egy hm, sötétebb korszakában sötétre festette a bőrét, mert az cool.
*asszem a Korona és kehelyben vagy a Kard és oroszlánban (remélem jól emlékszem a címekre), vagy talán a híresneves Észak Lángjaiban? Sajnos nagyon régen olvastam már őket, és az ÉL-en kívül nincsenek is meg már.
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Michael Whelan
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tipaxojugi · 6 years ago
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Last day of Cusco. We did not feel like taking a day trip as all of the best sites would’ve required a 2-3-hour drive one way. Instead, we decided to use our ’boleto turistico’ as much as we could around the city which meant visiting museums. Summa summarium: museos in Cusco are not that great (Historico Regional ended up being our favorite), english versions (if any) are by Google translate and the installations are quite oddly put together. Luckily again, food choices for the day were amazing and we found the best dessert place in Cusco!
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pamphletstoinspire · 8 years ago
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Saint Veronica Giuliani Feast Day - July 9th - Latin Calendar
Last Words of St. Veronica:
" I have found Love, Love has allowed Himself to be seen! This is the cause of my suffering. Tell it to everyone, tell it to everyone!"
Address of Pope Benedict XVI during the general audience Dec. 15, 2010 in Pope Paul VI Hall
Veronica was born on December 27, 1660, in Mercatello, in the valley of Metauro, to Francesco Giuliani and Benedetta Mancini. She was the last of seven sisters, an additional three of whom embraced the monastic life. She was given the name Ursula. She lost her mother at 7, and her father moved to Piacenza as superintendent of customs of the duchy of Parma. In this city, Ursula felt a growing desire to dedicate her life to Christ. The call was ever more pressing, so much so that at 17 she entered the strict cloister of the monastery of the Capuchin Poor Clares of Citta di Castello, where she would remain the whole of her life.
There she received the name Veronica, which means "true image," and, in fact, she would become a true image of Christ Crucified. A year later she made her solemn religious profession. The journey began for her configuration to Christ through much penance, great suffering and certain mystical experiences linked with the Passion of Jesus: the crowning of thorns, the mystical espousal, the wound in her heart and the stigmata. In 1716, at 56, she became abbess of the monastery and was confirmed in this role until her death, which occurred in 1727, after a most painful agony of 33 days that culminated in a profound joy, so much so that her last words were: "I have found Love, Love has allowed Himself to be seen! This is the cause of my suffering. Tell it to everyone, tell it to everyone!" (Summarium Beatificationis, 115-120).
She left her earthly dwelling on July 9 for her encounter with God. She was 67 years old; 50 of those years she spent in the monastery of Citta di Castello. She was proclaimed a saint on May 26, 1893, by Pope Gregory XVI.
Veronica Giuliani wrote much: letters, autobiographical reports, poems. However, the main source to reconstruct her thought is her "Diary," begun in 1693: a good 22,000 handwritten pages, which cover an expanse of 34 years of cloistered life. The writing flows spontaneously and continuously. There are no cancellations or corrections, punctuation marks or distribution of material in chapters or parts according to a pre-established plan. Veronica did not wish to compose a literary work; instead, she was obliged to put her experiences into writing by Father Girolamo Bastianelli, a religious of the Filippini, in agreement with the diocesan bishop Antonio Euctachi.
St. Veronica has a markedly Christ-centered and spousal spirituality: Hers is the experience of being loved by Christ, the faithful and sincere Spouse, and of wanting to correspond with an ever more involved and impassioned love. She interpreted everything in a key of love, and this infuses in her a profound serenity. Everything is lived in union with Christ, for love of Him, and with the joy of being able to demonstrate to Him all the love of which a creature is capable.
The Christ to whom Veronica is profoundly united is the suffering Christ of the passion, death and resurrection; it is Jesus in the act of offering himself to the Father to save us. From this experience derives also the intense and suffering love for the Church, and the twofold way of prayer and offering. The saint lived from this point of view: She prays, suffers, seeks "holy poverty," as "dispossessed," loss of self (cf. ibid., III, 523). Precisely to be like Christ, who gave his whole self.
In every page of her writings Veronica entrusts someone to the Lord, strengthening her prayers of intercession with the offering of herself in every suffering. Her heart dilated to all "the needs of the Holy Church," living with longing the desire of the salvation of "the whole world" (ibid., III-IV, passim). Veronica cried out: "O sinners...come to Jesus' heart; come to the cleansing of his most precious blood...he awaits you with open arms to embrace you" (Ibid., II, 16-17). Animated by an ardent charity, she gave care, understanding and forgiveness to the sisters of the monastery. She offered her prayers and sacrifices for the Pope, her bishop, priests and for all needy persons, including the souls in Purgatory. She summarized her contemplative mission in these words: "We cannot go preaching around the world to convert souls, but we are obliged to pray continually for all those souls who are offending God...particularly with our sufferings, that is with a principle of crucified life" (Ibid., IV, 877). Our saint conceived this mission as a "being in the middle" between men and God, between sinners and Christ Crucified.
Veronica profoundly lived participation in the suffering love of Jesus, certain that "to suffer with joy " is the "key of love" (cf. ibid., I, 299.417; III, 330.303.871;IV, 192). She evidences that Jesus suffers for men’s sins, but also for the sufferings that His faithful servants had to endure in the course of the centuries, in the time of the Church, precisely because of their solid and coherent faith. She wrote: "The Eternal Father made Him see and feel at that point all the sufferings that His elect would have to endure, His dearest souls, that is, those who would know how to benefit from His Blood and from all His sufferings" (ibid., II, 170). As the Apostle Paul says of himself: "Now I rejoice in my sufferings for your sake, and in my flesh I complete what is lacking in Christ’s afflictions for the sake of His Body, that is, the Church" (Colossians 1:24).
Veronica even asks Jesus to be crucified with him. "In an instant," she wrote, "I saw issue from his most holy wounds five shining rays; and all came to my face. And I saw these rays become as little flames. In four of them were the nails; and in one of them was the lance, as of gold, all red hot: and it pierced my heart, from one side to the other...and the nails went through the hands and feet. I felt great pain; but, in the very pain I saw myself, I felt myself all transformed in God" (Diary, I, 897)
The saint was convinced she was participating already in the Kingdom of God, but at the same time she invoked all the saints of the Blessed Homeland to come to her aid on the earthly journey of her self-giving, while awaiting eternal blessedness; this was the constant aspiration of her life (cf. ibid., II, 909; V, 246). In regard to preaching of the time, not rarely centered on "saving one’s soul" in individual terms, Veronica shows a strong "sense of solidarity," a sense of communion with all brothers and sisters on the way to heaven, and she lives, prays and suffers for all. The earthly, penultimate things, instead, although appreciated in the Franciscan sense as gifts of the Creator, were always relative, altogether subordinate to the "taste" of God and under the sign of a radical poverty. In the communion sanctorum, she clarifies her ecclesial donation, as well as the relationship between the pilgrim Church and the heavenly Church. "All the saints," she wrote, "are up there through the merits and the Passion of Jesus; but they cooperated with all that the Lord did, so that their life was all ordered...regulated by (his) very works" (ibid., III, 203)
In Veronica’s writings we find many biblical quotations, at times indirectly, but always precise: She shows familiarity with the sacred text, from which her spiritual experience is nourished. Revealed, moreover, is that the intense moments of Veronica’s mystical experience are never separated from the salvific events celebrated in the liturgy, where the proclamation and hearing of the Word of God has a particular place. Hence , sacred Scripture illumines, purifies and confirms Veronica’s experience, rendering it ecclesial. On the other hand, however, precisely her experience, anchored in sacred Scripture with an uncommon intensity, guides one to a more profound and "spiritual" reading of the text itself, to enter into the hidden profundity of the text. She not only expresses herself with the words of sacred Scripture, but she also really lives from these words, they become life in her.
For example, our saint often quotes the expression of the Apostle Paul: "If God is for us, who is against us?" (Romans 8:31; cf. diary, I, 714; II, 116.1021; III, 48). In her, the assimilation of this Pauline text, her great trust and profound joy, becomes a fait accompli in her very person: "My soul," she wrote, "was connected to the divine will and I was truly established and fixed in the will of God. It seems to me that I could never again be separated from this will of God and turn to myself with these precise words: nothing will be able to separate me from the will of God, not anxieties, or sorrows, or toil, or contempt, or temptations, or creatures, or demons, or darkness, and not even death itself, because, in life and in death, I will everything and in everything, the will of God" (Diary, IV, 272). Thus we have the certainty that death is not the last word, we are fixed in the will of God and so, really, in everlasting life.
In particular, Veronica shows herself to be a courageous witness of the beauty and the power of Divine Love, which draws, pervades and inflames her. It is crucified Love that imprinted itself on her flesh, as in that of St. Francis of Assisi, with the stigmata of Jesus. "My Bride," the crucified Christ whispers to me, "the penances you do for those who are in my disgrace are dear to me...Then, detaching an arm from the cross, he made a sign to me to draw near to his side...and I found myself in the arms of the Crucified. What I experienced at that point I cannot recount: I would have liked to remain always in his most holy side" (ibid.., I,37). This is also an image of her spiritual journey, of her interior life: to be in the embrace of the Crucified and thus to be in Christ’s love for others.
Also with the Virgin Mary, Veronica lived a relationship of profound intimacy, attested by the words she heard Our Lady say one day and which she reports in her Diary: "I will make you rest on my breast, you are united with my soul, and from it you were taken as in flight to God" (IV, 901).
St. Veronica Giuliani invites us to make our Christian life grow, our union with the Lord in being for others, abandoning ourselves to his will with complete and total trust, and to union with the Church, Bride of Christ; she invites us to participate in the suffering love of Jesus Crucified for the salvation of all sinners; she invites us to fix our gaze on Paradise, the goal of our earthly journey, where we will live together with so many brothers and sisters the joy of full communion with God; she invites us to nourish ourselves daily from the Word of God to warm our hearts and give direction to our life. The last words of the saint can be considered the synthesis of her passionate mystical experience: "I have found Love, Love has let himself be seen!"
St. Veronica was a mystic not of the Medieval Age; she was also a Capuchin Poor Clare nun. December 27, 2010 was the 350th anniversary of her birth. Citta di Castello, the place where she lived the longest and where she died, as well as Mercatello — her native country — and the Diocese of Urbino, Italy celebrate this event joyfully. 
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rausule · 1 year ago
Momentum gentis in societate Romana valde significant. temporibus praesertim originum. Quod patet in exsequiis, quando pater noviter defunctus ad praedecessores suos accedit, et gens eum cum eis celebrat, eum in processione per civitatem ad Forum cum processione trahens. Multi homines defuncti praecedunt larvam ceratam cum Patribus iam defunctis linimentis, commonentes civitatem quanti momenti illa nobilitas pro tota communitate esset. Praeter hunc modum celebrandi gens inter publica et privata fuit, alia omnino privata, festum carae cognatio, in qua propinqui gentis, artissimas, mortuorum sepulcra celebrabant. quo facto concordiam, mutuam societatem, proavos firmavit.
Portrait of Lucius Glunius Brutus, 4th century, Paris, National Library.Consanguinitas paterfamilias : sententia et scriba , opportunum momentum exempla, ex historia vel moribus sumpta, sententiam ducere possent, pater.
qui eum ad concordiae audiebant. Ciceronem cum ipsa republica eloquentiae vitaeque in republica artissima necessitudine fuisse edidisse, oratorum primorum unus fuisse existimans Brutum, qui rege expulso primum consulatum ab Roma sumpsit. . Oportet igitur ab initio usum habere oratorium, cum realibus eventibus coniungi, non semper magni momenti politici, sed ad quos necessaria est sententiarum expressio in exercitio immediato. In hac eloquentiae naturae politicae et iudicialis locus erat eloquentiae celebris naturae, qualis est laudatio funebris. Laudatoria oratio, habita funus patricii; Privatus autem, et familiaris, vel publicus, et a magistratu sustentari posset.
laudatio funebris
In aristocratico orbe, laudatio funebris occasio fuit, una cum singulis, tota nobili familia, et ad extremam pompam exsequiarum posita. Non improvisa, sicut naeniae, sed vera locutio scripta, cuius textus postea in archivo familiari servabatur. Ipsa res, in qua pronuntiatum est, demonstrare significatum est eius hominis non solum intra gentem, sed etiam intra urbem, cuius in historia singulae maiores eius generis fuissent: imagines demonstraverunt atque evocaverunt. in omnium memoria. Laudatio igitur indolem celebrem habuit, sed simul reale munus sociale habuit.
Early Latin prose had mostly official use; commentaria ad eam pertinent, i.e., recordatio rerum praecipuarum quae in magistratu gestae sunt, libros, i.e., statuta regularum, protocolla et statuta necessaria ad imperium exercendum, I. Fasti, quod significat utrumque consulum et magistratuum. qui Romae sequebantur fasti (cum annotatione dies fasti et nefasti dies) denique annales, collectio nominum magistratuum et rerum, quae quotannis a Summis Pontificibus gestae erant. Annales Maximi, a P. Mucio Scevola pontifice editis anno 123 a.C.n.
Cum lex una ex praecipuis notis mentis Romanae sit et una ex maximis legatis civilizationis Romanae ad humanitatem, magna pars prosae productionis, cum ultima aetas constet textuum iuridicis. Inter primos libros legum memorandum est leges regiae, dictae quod in monarchica aetate lucem viderunt, collectae, ut traditum est, C. Papirius.
Maximi momenti sunt leges XII tabularum, primum exemplum legum scriptarum et publicarum, ad quas edendas praecipuum corpus mandatum est, decemviri legibus scribundis. Leges lucem viderunt anno 451-450 a.C.n., tabulis aeneis insculptae et in Foro missae. Etiamnunc rigidi conservatismo notati, magni tamen momenti sunt quod arbitrium iudicum finiunt et aequam tractationem omnibus civibus praestarunt.
In societate Romana, oratorium magnum momentum sociale et politicum habuit. Primae orationes plane deperditae sunt; earum vestigia reperiri possunt in historiarum recentiorum historia. E regione oratoria politica statim evoluta est iudicialis. Celebris etiam locus celebris habetur oratorio, laudationes funebres testantur, orationes firmatae, in archivo familiari conscriptae et conservatae, solenniter in exsequiis civium familiarum patriciae celebratae. Praeter qualitates et res gestas defunctorum celebrandi occasio factae sunt totum aristocraticum ordinem extollendi.
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kristeladegay · 2 years ago
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Mi querida te quiero contar que HE ESCRITO MI PRIMER LIBRO😍❤️‍🔥 Te comparto mi alegría, junto a 9 expertos representativos de Habla Hispana presentamos los modelos actuales sobre Marca Personal y Diseño de Imagen en un libro llamado Summarium Volumen 6.  Lo más valioso de este proyecto es que todas las ventas de este libro son donadas a la Fundación MEBYF: Mujeres Emprendedoras Bellas y Fuertes (Ecuador🇪🇨), Te invito apoyarme, adquiriendo este libro a través de este link🔻 Link directo de Amazon❤‍🔥 Kindle https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0BT4DRN4K Impreso a Color🎨 https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0BT2DZGXK Hoy viernes 17 de febrero, en especial de lanzamiento desde solo $1.99 en Amazon💎 Así apoyas una maravillosa causa social. Además estás invitad@ al acto de lanzamiento: 📆 Fecha: MAÑANA sábado 18 de febrero ⏰ Hora: Hora: 10:00 am México - 11:00 am Colombia y Miami 🌐 Link de ingreso: Facebook https://bit.ly/SummariumFB - YouTube https://bit.ly/SummariumYT ¡HAGAMOS LO BUENO VIRAL! Con mucho amor, Kristela💎 #KristelaDegay #tuimagenestrategica #imagenpersonal #imagendediosa #MarcaPersonal #estrategadeimagen #asesoradeimagen #asesoriadeimagen #coachdeimagen #coachdecoaches #mentoradementoras #coaches #mentoras #autora (en Latinoamérica) https://www.instagram.com/p/CoyRHg6NwTi/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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the-astralalchemist · 4 years ago
follow up / kanji analysis
[previous post]
alright so i mentioned that bradamante’s use of the word relative in regards to guda. i dug up my dictionary and rusty knowledge from my high school japanese lessons  
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i can feel my japanese teacher scolding me about how i should have been practicing my handwriting, sorry sensei ( ; -;)
in summarium, i translated it as “You are Merlin-sama’s relative, is that right? Yes yes! That kind of person has taken care of me before!” (taken care of can also mean help in this context)
in NA, that is “So you’re a relative of Lord Merlin’s, huh? Great! You’re not the first people like that to help me out in a jam!”
answer: i think i am slightly less(...?) confused than i started. 
her use of “ 縁者 ” threw me off. while it does actually translate to relatives/kin personally i was never taught it? she used a kanji ( 縁 ) that has multiple but related meanings; it means “fate” or “destiny” but also “bond or tie (as in a connection)” and “relationship (general)”. 
i started from scratch translating some of brada and guda’s lines before this specific one, hit a bump and just gave up, started over only using this one line. if i hate myself enough, i’ll go back to it 
postscript: i’ve come to the conclusion while writing this that maybe this “relative” thing has something to do with bradamante’s mythos. she’s saying a relative of merlin helped her in the past? i cant do anymore research rn, sweet baby jesus if i have to even look at a french word i will game end myself asdfghjhgf
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ask-the-crimson-king · 5 years ago
What’s your honest opinion on Darius? What do you like about him? Dislike about him? And do you have any tips for me?
[I’m going to be honest. I am going to give the criticisms and things I personally have problems with, and you’re free to write all of them off as simply my opinion and change nothing. Darius is your OC, and you can do what you want with him. I also have nothing against you, the mun, and if any of this comes across as snappy or mean-spirited, know that is not the intent. 
Now. That being said. 
Darius is an interesting character for several reasons. I think his base concept is pretty cool. Having a character survive a virus bombing and still living among the Imperium and even founding his own Chapter in order to serve it is a neat concept.
However. I do have several qualms with him. I’ll get through those so this can end on a much more positive note.
One of them is how he feels written like a Creepypasta OC from 2014. He feels like, if he HAD been built for that fandom, he’d be the stereotypical ‘everyone bullied me and I killed all my bullies and I killed my abusive parents too’ Jeff the Killer clone who was always broody and nigh-invincible.
Don’t get me wrong, I don’t have anything against powerful characters. I’m playing one myself. But it feels less natural with Darius. If that makes any sense? I don’t know how to really describe it. It just doesn’t feel right to me. 
I think one of the reasons why it kinda rubs me the wrong way is compounded by how the Revenants feel like they were made only to hype up Darius and were given personalities as an afterthought. I think there’s a bit too much of ‘oh Darius is such a badass that he does this and this and has survived this’ and also ‘oh but he’s also so broken, so so broken, and we’ve all tried so hard to fix him but he refuses to let himself be fixed’ coming from them. I think those vibes are the biggest reasons why I equate him to the 2014-era creepypasta OCs. “I’m so broken, but I can also kill you so easily heh heh.” 
Also I have a bit of a problem with the ‘you call me lord and you get my fist in your skull’ thing he has going on. It just feels like a bit much. You can have a laid back leader without them going ‘address me casually or else I’ll maim you’. I wouldn’t mind if it was jokingly, but it just doesn’t feel that way.
With my criticisms out of the way, let’s get onto the good stuff.
Darius definitely still feels like a son of Mortarion who was still loyal to the Imperium. I don’t know too too much about the Death Guard, but they still seem like stubborn stalwart bastards (I don’t mean that insultingly mind you) and Darius would definitely fit in with them. 
He also has that Chapter Master vibe about him. He feels like a leader. Even if you never introduced the rest of the Revenants and had them as cardboard cutouts instead, I could still see him commanding and bringing together an inner circle and maintaining a chain of command. He has that sort of veteran vibe, like a ‘alright, y’all are fucking kids in comparison to me, but I’m gonna lead you and teach you the good shit anyway because we need to help protect people. You signed up for this bullshit, and now we’re gonna wade through it together’ sort of thing. 
Another thing, the twink “bell”. I think that’s a nice way to bring a bit of humor to Darius’ character. Hide yer twinks, kiddos, else Darius is going to come screaming out of the Immaterium looking for them. Nice little touch. 
Also also he seems to be very loving with his boyfriends off the few things I’ve read, which is also nice. A good way to balance out the humors. 
Now, advice & improvements:
I’ve seen you use ‘Darius’ mask shows no emotion’ several times. It feels moot and pointless. I get that you’re trying to juxtapose that with what he is saying, but it feels kinda... obvious? None of the Astartes helms show much emotion past that portrayed, like Kharn’s snarling helm or the “standard” emotionless design. I would probably advise either finding a different way to provide that juxtaposition or trying to find a way to describe that exact thing differently. Maybe something more like;
“Fucking bastard,” he spat, his anger apparent despite the unmoving expression on his helm.
Another thing that feels a bit repetitive; the size of the Revenants. I think there are better ways to say ‘my fleet will fucking crush you’ than to state ‘we break the Codex Astartes by having about 2,000 marines in our Chapter’. Hell you’d think, with Darius being as old as he is, him and his Chapter would have gained a bit of renown, wouldn’t they? For an alternative, maybe try:
“Do you really want to try and make threats? I could wipe you out with only a fraction of my fleet. I’ve conquered star systems with fewer ships and companies than you can count on your fingers. So would you like to say that again?”
Do you see how that feels like it’s a bit more weighty than simply ‘my fleet is huge and we have 2,000 Astartes’? 
Basically; diversify your language. Try to show, don’t tell. People can go to your profile to learn the precise size of the Revenants, Darius doesn’t need to tout it each time he’s threatened.
Another thing that’s just something I’ve carried over from other sites and rp’s; try to avoid the one line or three word replies. I am sometimes guilty of this myself, especially when I’m burnt out and stressed and I’m like ‘oh fuck I need to get a reply out NOW this person has been waiting for a fucking WEEK, D A M N I T’, but sometimes I’ve seen people send four+ lines and get two or so words back. Try describing how the character in question is speaking, or try to describe their body language, what they’re thinking at that moment in time. Add just a bit more flavor.
IN SUMMARIUM: Darius is a character who definitely has potential, but isn’t without his major flaws. He does have some good and interesting aspects about him, but they feel weighed down by the fact that I can’t shake the vibe of a JtK clone from him. Your writing is pretty good, but a few things feel repetitive and you need a bit more work with show don’t tell. 
I hope this is helpful, and I’m sorry if any of this seemed antagonistic or ‘I am holier than thou’. I’m simply a nerdy dumbass who likes to analyze writing and try and point out the flaws while giving a few ideas on how to fix said flaws and make other writers better. I usually ask for others to provide similar feedback, and this is the type of feedback I’d get from teachers grading my papers throughout my school life.]
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jbpiggin · 8 years ago
What's the Time?
If you lived in the age of Chaucer and asked an educated person, "What's the time?" they might have looked at the shadow they were casting, called to mind the month of the year and come up with a pretty accurate answer. Timepieces of any nature were rare. Learning to reckoning time is the purpose of John Somers' Kalendarium of 1387, which tabulates the time observations for the whole year. The Vatican Library digitized this week a manuscript containing this treasure of English learning, Reg.lat.144. From eTK (search) we know which of the calendaria it is (there were many), based on the prologue incipit, Ad honorem dei et virginis gloriose necnon sanctorum confessorum.
It contains a remarkable teaching diagram to learn the zodiac:
Being an expensive book, its calendar of upcoming solar eclipses for the next few years is made with real gold foil (sorry, but the August 2017 solar eclipse is not here; the list stops at 1462):
And of course the astronomical and astrological canon is beautifully tabulated. Here is July:
This codex contains:
fol. 2r ff: John Somers' Kalendarium
fol. 19r ff: The Metrificata Bibliae Capita, incipit: "A creat et tribus ordinat ...."
fol. 29r ff: The Summarium Biblie, a 13th-century nonsense mnemonic for remembering the books of the bible:
Sex prohibet peccant abel enoch archa fit intrant egreditur dormit variantur turris it abram loth reges credit fuga circumcisio risus sulphur rex gerare parit offert sara rebecca post geminos puteos benedicit scala sorores virgas abscedit luctatur munera dina benom gens esau vendunt thamar impia tres tres preficitur veniunt redeunt post tristia norunt omne genus quintam languet benedictio ioseph
For a translation, see an article by Lucie Dolezalova which offers a key. Unfortunately the library only released three items in the past week (barring its Pal.lat. catch-ups which I always reported to you from the quicker Heidelberg web portal).
Reg.lat.155 (above)
This is Piggin's Unofficial List number 123. If you have corrections or additions, please use the comments box below. Follow me on Twitter (@JBPiggin) for news of more additions to DigiVatLib. via Blogger http://ift.tt/2v6oJKP
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