historian-archivist, 40, m, hungarian, mostly Tolkien stuff, a little bit of everything. instagram: alyrarkhon
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Pedig ősszel egy konferencián eléggé nagyra voltak vele, hogy mennyire pro fotósaik meg mozgólaborjuk van (mondjuk technikailag ez lehet még igaz)
És ti kit gyűlöltök ennyire

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Weird and wonderful compilation of strange bird noises.
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akkor jól végződött, ez a lényeg :)
azt hiszem mi ma nem eszünk :D
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it's march 23, happy polish-hungarian friendship day!!!!! 🇭🇺❤❤❤🇵🇱
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A loon bird az mi magyarul?
Sajnos a google nem segített
A videó alapján a "félelmetes erdő hangeffekt" fontos része Hollywoodban.
Egyébként ahogy a többséget hallgatom, egyre inkább meggondolatlannak tűnik a gondolat, hogy a dinoszauruszok kihaltak
Weird and wonderful compilation of strange bird noises.
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wtf. Mi ez a nem annyira szeretné újrakészíteni? Mi volt a rendelés, cukorcsipkéből szőtt ruha?
azt hiszem mi ma nem eszünk :D
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really enjoying all the videos Muslims have been posting of their cats looking like this

when the humans are up at 4 am for suhoor
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I can't stop thinking about this medieval girl and her dog ❤️🥲
(Les Trés Riches Heures de Metz, 14th century)
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a collection of my favorite tweets regarding the Ever Given in the Suez Canal
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The Noldolantë is the Bohemian Rhapsody of Arda.
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The tapestries made by the Aubusson manufacture based on the art of JRR Tolkien are currently exhibited at the Collège des Bernardins in Paris until May. @actual-bill-potts and I went there yesterday, they're so beautiful!!

These are all handmade tapestries, each is based on a Tolkien artwork (the Rivendell one has the facsimile on the right for scale).
Under the cut: group ID and bonus details
ID: 7 photos of the tapestries, which are each about 3m high, located in a 13th century monastery. The first is the map of middle earth, the others are illustrations Tolkien made of his books. The bonus photos below are details of the tapestries.

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quick reminder that my own lesbian-nonbinary-ass genuinely supports the hell outta each and every one of you. regardless if i know you or not, im happy to be living in this shithole of a life in the same world with you.
and im proud of you, i know in my heart just how beautiful, amazing, talented, smart, and worthy you are and i hope you can see that too🏳️🌈����
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