#arc trooper fives x boyfriend reader
clone-anon · 9 months
Since you're offering 🤣
Could you do a Fives x Male reader bf where Fives teaches him how to shoot a blaster cause Fives wants him to be able to protect himself when he's deployed? (Sorry if it's a weird ask😅)
This isn't weird at all! I love it. I made it just a bit angsty at the start, but only as a way to get to the blaster training. Now just let me figure out how a blaster works...
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Fives woke up from a nightmare slightly sticky with sweat. He reached for you in bed and pulled you closer to him, making sure not to wake you as he tried to focus on steadying his heartbeat and grounding himself in here and now. He felt you breathing and heard you hum in contentment as you slept. He couldn't help but smile at that. He closed his eyes again and tried sleeping.
"Wuhzzit," you asked, barely awake.
"Nothing," he replied. "Just needed you close."
"I know better, Fives." You were more awake now and sensed his unease. You rolled over a bit and started rubbing his back the way he liked.
"Just a nightmare," he answered quietly. "I thought I lost you."
"You're not gonna lose me."
"I'll make sure of it." He kissed you and snuggled close. You both fell asleep holding each other.
The next day he dragged you to a shooting range after breakfast.
"What are we doing here, Fives?"
"You're going to learn how to shoot," he replied.
"Why? I've never needed this. I live in a very safe place, and I-"
He put his hand up. "I know this, but I would feel better if you knew how to protect yourself. Even if you never need it. I just can't stand the idea of my boyfriend going unprotected while I'm deployed."
You knew this had something to do with the nightmare, so you weren't about to ask. You knew he'd tell you more about it when he was ready. Learning this skill wasn't going to hurt anything and if it made him feel better, then you'd do it.
You broke the silence after a few moments of contemplation. "Alright. Show me what to do."
"What do you already know," he asked.
"Umm, point and click?"
He chuckled, "There's more to it than that. We'll start at the very beginning."
Fives helped you pick out a blaster. If you were going to learn to shoot for protection, you needed to have one at home or knowing how to shoot wasn't going to do you any good. He showed you each part of a blaster, how to clean it, how to fix it if it was jammed, and basic safety measures. Once you seemed to have that down, he helped you find the right stance in front of the targets. He stood behind you and helped guide your movements. You fired shot after shot, taking in all his advice along the way. Even after you had your stance down, he continued to stand behind you, but you felt him relax into his usual self. You tried to focus on the exercise and not the feeling of his body against yours, but when you looked back over your shoulder after a particularly accurate shot, he grinned at you and kissed your neck.
"I think that's enough for today," he said. "But promise me you'll practice your aim while I'm gone."
"I promise." You put your new weapon in your holster. Fives wrapped his arms around you and he pulled you in for a kiss. He seemed to linger, wanting to take in the experience as much as he could. You were here. He was here. All he wanted was you in his life. He didn't know what he would do if he lost you.
On the way out, Fives checked with the manager of the range to see what else they offered. There were several different areas where you could practice and they had a set up for practicing with moving targets. You signed yourself up for several time slots.
You went home and spent the rest of the day together. He had to leave the next morning and you wanted to enjoy every moment you had. As you got into bed that night, he held you to him and kissed you firmly. It was always hard the night before he left. You wanted it to last forever, but knew it couldn't. Still, he knew how to make the evening memorable and once you finally fell asleep, only pleasant dreams played on your minds.
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vodika-vibes · 6 months
If you’re still taking asks for the 500 followers event, could I suggest topaz with Fives in autumn? Maybe something to do with playing around in fallen leaves, but I leave the rest to your imagination!! Go as wild as you’d like :)
Colors of Fall
Summary: When the leaves start to fall from the trees, you know that it’s going to fall on you to clean them up. A chore you’ve hated since childhood. Luckily, Fives is more than happy to keep you company.
Pairing: ARC Trooper Fives x GN!Reader
Prompt: Topaz - Affectionate Love
Word Count: 579
Warnings: None
Tagging: @trixie2023 @n0vqni @imabeautifulbutterfly
A/N: I'm not so sure about this one, but I hope you like it anyway! I, personally, always hated having to deal with the leaves in the fall, but that's because I have a thing about my hands getting dirty.
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“You have no idea how much I appreciate this,” You say with a small smile as you lean a pair of rakes against the siding of your house, “I hate having to do this.”
Fives grins at you as he kicks some leaves around, sending them flying. “It’s not a problem, beautiful. I’m happy to help. I’m a helper.”
“So I see,” You joke as the leaves settle around him, and on him, “I’m guessing you’ve never done this before?”
“You guessed right.”
“So, basically, we’re going to rake the leaves into a pile, and then put them into bags to be sent to a compost heap.” You explain as you hand him a rake.
“Alright…why? What’s wrong with just leaving them?”
You open your mouth to reply, and then hesitate, “I don’t know. But if I don’t do it then my dad will find out and I’ll get yelled at, so-”
“You do realize that you’re an adult, right? If he yells at you, you can just hang up.” He glances at you, and then laughs at the look on your face, “Let me guess, your dad still sees you as a ten year old?”
You fling a handful of leaves at him, “Maybe.”
He flings a handful of leaves right back at you, “So that’s a yes then. Man must hate that you have a boyfriend.”
Your face heats and you avert your eyes.
“Cyare,” Fives drags the nickname out, “Your family does know that you have a boyfriend, right?”
Your face heats even more, “They don’t not know.”
He looks, ridiculously, thrilled by that fact as he drops the rake and sweeps you into a tight hug, spinning you around. “Cyare, am I your dirty little secret?”
“You’re hardly little,” You scoff, “And I’m not keeping you a secret, I just…don’t want to deal with all of the questions.” You yelp when Fives falls backwards into the massive pile of leaves from the front yard, sending leaves sending orange and red and yellow flying around your.
“What kinda questions?” Fives asks as he gets comfortable in the pile of leaves, his arms snug around your waist.
You huff out a breath, though there’s a grin on your lips, “You know. How did you meet him? How long have you been dating? Are you planning on marrying him?”
He sits up, with you settled on his lap, “Ah, those questions.”
“Easy answers, really.” He grabs a massive handful of leaves and pours them over your head, causing you to sputter and laugh.
“W-what are you doing?”
“Hold on, I gotta get you covered in leaves.”
“Why?” You ask with a laugh as you push a leaf out of your face.
“So we can take a picture, obviously. What better way to announce that you have a boyfriend than with a picture of us covered in leaves and you breathless with laughter.”
You grin at him and press your hands against his cheeks, “I love you, you ridiculous man.”
“I know,” He looks smug about it, so you drop some leaves on his head, pulling laughter from him. “I love you too.” He finally says.
He pulls you in and presses his lips against yours, and you sigh into the kiss as you lean into him. “We really do need to clean all this up.” You murmur against his lips.
“In a minute.” He replies as he tightly squeezes your hips, “We can enjoy this for now.”
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goosewriting · 8 months
“Have we met?”
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summary: what if Fives had been stopped before removing his inhibitor chip on Kamino and was instead sent back after reconditioning, thereby forgetting you? 
relationship: Fives x gn!reader
warnings: hmmm angst :^), mentions of characters’ deaths, implied brainwashing?, dw there’ll be comfort at the end
word count: 2.2k 
A/N: in my book Fives is alive, no matter what. here’s one take lol mainly because i found some prompts and this idea refused to leave my brain
prompt used (source): we have just met and yet it feels like i have known you for a lifetime
Navigation: Part 1 (you're here!) | Part 2
(english is not my first language. constructive criticism and grammar corrections are very appreciated!)
— — —
→ PART 1: When he came back to you
When you heard the news about what Tup had done on Ringo Vinda, you couldn’t believe it. You were told that Fives went with him to Kamino to get checked. Something about a parasite or a virus; that was all the explanation you were given. But if you were being honest with yourself, no one seemed entirely convinced, including some of the Generals, and Rex. 
Fives was currently being held on Kamino for a couple more rotations to keep an eye on him, but was meant to come back to the Resolute soon enough. 
You sit in your room, thinking about how the whole deal smells a little fishy to you. You’d just have to ask Fives in person once he comes back. The fact that he isn’t responding to any of your messages isn’t helping, however. 
A long time ago, you had joined the GAR as a mechanic and worked (and studied) yourself up to mechanical engineer. Since with your new position came your own little workshop to tinker in, you had modified your and Fives’ comm devices to send encrypted messages to each other. They were coupled to the long range transmissions of the ship itself, so your messages didn’t get delivered immediately, so as to not raise any suspicion if someone were to check the log. But that’s how you would communicate with him when he was away. 
Usually it didn't take more than a few rotations for Fives to answer. Even when he was on the most secretive of missions as an ARC trooper, he’d still send you one of your code words to let you know he was okay. Now it’s been longer than ever before since you sent him your last message that went unanswered. 
You can’t help but stand up and start pacing back and forth in your room, trying to push back the feelings of worry. Rex told you Fives is supposed to come back today, but you still haven’t heard anything fromeither. The one thing the captain did tell you, though, was about Tup sadly passing away on Kamino. Those news really didn’t do much to help you feel reassured about Fives’ state.
You’re so engrossed in your thoughts and gradually worsening “what if” scenarios going through your head, that you almost jump out of your skin when your comm beeps on your desk. You hurry to pick it up and see there's a new message, but it’s from Rex. He says Fives’ ship has just landed.
At that, you all but sprint out of your quarters and run all the way to the hangar. It takes you a couple of minutes to get there, holding onto the edges of the wall to cut your curves. In one hall, you almost trip and fall, but catch yourself just in time to keep going. When you reach the hangar doors, out of breath and panting heavily, you press the button for them to open. You quickly make your way to one of the landing platforms, where you can already see Rex and Jesse talking to Fives.
You can't help the tears running down your cheeks, tears of happiness and relief, seeing that your boyfriend made it back in one piece. Feeling like a huge weight just got lifted off your heart, you take a deep breath and make your way to the group. 
As you’re approaching Fives from behind, you can only see Rex and Jesse's faces, and they’re looking… distressed? incredulous? confused? Rex spots you first, and calls out to you to wait, but you’re already hugging Fives from behind.
“Fives!” you greet him, squeezing the living lights out of him. Then again, with all that armour, you wonder if he can feel it at all. “I was so worried! Are you okay? You never answered my messages–”
You circle around Fives to face him, and you notice several things: first, he’s not hugging you back. Second, he looks bewildered at your presence. And third…
“Oh, uhm, hi there,” he says with a polite smile, his arms slightly raised so he doesn’t touch you. “I’m sorry, I don’t know who… Have we met?”
You let go of the clone, taking a step back. Squinting at him, you search his face for any sign of mischief or that he’s teasing you; it really isn’t a tasteful joke, but you’d forgive him. You tremble slightly when you realise that he’s 100% serious. 
You feel Rex’s hand on your shoulder, and you turn to him with a questioning look.
“It seems that Fives has, uhm…” he starts, unable to look you in the eyes. You quickly glance over to Jesse, who looks just as shocked as you. 
“He doesn’t remember you,” Jesse finishes Rex’ sentence.
You can’t help but let out an unamused chuckle at that.
“That’s insane,” you retort, turning back around to Fives. “You’re joking, right? Please tell me you’re not serious.”
“I’m really sorry, uhm…” he scratches his neck sheepishly. “I never got your name…?”
You search his eyes again, but there’s nothing there that you recognise. With a shaky breath, your heart now pounding against your ribcage for all the wrong reasons, you turn back to the captain.
“What did they do to him, Rex?” you ask, your voice cracking. 
“Let’s just go inside first and catch up, okay?” Rex places an arm around your trembling shoulders and leads you towards the exit of the hangar. Jesse stays with Fives and brings him to the barracks.
Rex takes you to his captain’s office, where he sits you down on the small couch and prepares some tea. Once he’s done, he places a cup in front of you on the table, and takes a seat across from you in his office chair.
You thank him and reach out to the cup, but as you lift it, you realise how your hands are shaking, causing it to clatter against the saucer, so you set the tea back down, bringing your hands to your lap and interlacing your fingers instead in an attempt to calm them down. 
“Do you know… what happened?” you ask carefully. Rex heaves a sigh.
“Not really. It’s like Fives’ memory has been… wiped,” he explains, scratching his chin deep in thought. 
“That’s…” you start, but can’t find the words. “You’re saying it like it was deliberate. You don’t think it was a parasite?”
He doesn’t answer.
“...Do you think it was the Kaminoans?” you ask, your voice low, as if there was someone eavesdropping. “Why would they do such a thing?”
“I’m not sure,” he answers. “As a cadet back on Kamino I saw it maybe once or twice that a clone would be taken away, and then they reappeared with no memory of something small that had happened recently. They would do it because the clone in question showed an ‘inappropriate emotional response’, so they had to ‘fix it’.” He gestures the quotation marks in the air with his hands. “After all, to many we’re just a product or a tool, and as such we’re expected to function in a certain manner.”
“You know that a lot of people don’t think that, right?” you interject, and he smiles.
“I know. But that’s how we came to be.” His smile fades, his brow furrowing. “But Kaminoans are good at what they do, and all in all always treated us well. I’ve never seen or heard of a clone forgetting entirely about someone else because of a treatment.”
You both sit in silence for a moment. 
“Do you think it can be recovered somehow?” you ask, your chest tightening at the thought of Fives losing all the memories he had with you. What if he never felt the same again? What if… he was incapable of loving you again? What if he didn’t want to love you again?
Rex can see where your mind is going, so he stands up and makes his way to you, sitting on the couch as well, placing a reassuring hand on your knee. He knows that recovering memories after a thorough wipe is nearly impossible, but he can’t tell you that.
“I’ll see what I can find out,” he settles on. With a small smile, he adds, “For now, why don’t you go introduce yourself to him? I’m sure he’ll be thrilled to make your acquaintance.”
“Right,” you reply and sigh. Let’s treat this like… like he hit his head and has amnesia, you tell yourself. After I spend time with him and show him all our holopics and videos together, surely he’ll remember me. Deep in your heart, you know that’s just a lie you’re telling yourself to feel better, but you’d rather lie to yourself than face the truth right now. A truth that wasn’t limited to Fives’ sudden state, but gave place to so many more questions about clones, Kaminoans and what they did out there; questions you had no energy in pursuing any time soon. 
Changing the subject, you make some small talk with Rex while you drink your tea. Once the cup is empty, you leave the captain’s office and shoot Jesse a quick message asking if he knows where Fives is. The reply comes almost instantaneously, telling you the whole squad is in the mess hall. You take a quick look at the time, and sure enough, it’s time for dinner. Only then do you feel the grumbling of your stomach, reminding you that in all your worry about your favourite clone, you haven’t eaten anything since breakfast. 
You quickly make your way to the hall. The smell of today’s menu fills your nose and the clattering of plates and cutlery, as well as indistinct chatting of clones and staff alike, reaches your ears. After getting your food, you make your way to the 501st’s usual table. You notice that Fives is sitting at the edge of the group, so that a sitting space is free between him and Kix. That’s where you usually sit. Your heart can’t help but skip a beat; maybe he does remember? Or is it just muscle memory that can’t be erased away that easily? 
Taking in a deep breath, you approach the group and clear your throat. It catches Fives’ attention, who turns around to you.
“Hey handsome,” you smile at him. “Is that seat taken?” You nod towards the empty space. 
“Oh, it’s you,” he says, clearly surprised by your presence. Again. “Yeah, I mean–” He clears his throat. “It isn’t taken. Feel free to join us.”
You thank him and take a seat, greeting the others, who say their ‘hello’s back to you. Fives eyes them curiously, then looks back to you.
“Say, I never caught your name,” he remarks for the second time today, taking a bite of his food. 
You can’t help a sad smile as you look up at Jesse, who’s sitting in front of you. It occurs to you that that’s where Echo used to sit, and for a second you wonder if Fives has forgotten about him too. 
Jesse mirrors your smile with a slight shrug of his shoulders, and you turn to Fives, telling him your name.
“Oh, so that’s you!” he mentions, and you tilt your head at him in confusion. “The guys have been asking me about you ever since I arrived. I don’t know how I could have forgotten about someone I apparently hang out with so much?” 
“Right?” you retort under your breath, taking a mouthful of the rather bland food.
The conversation they were having earlier restarts, and Kix tells them about some patients he had today, Jesse talks about some improvements to their weapon system they could do, and so on. You’re not really paying much attention anymore, fidgeting with your fork once you finish eating. 
One by one, the clones excuse themselves to retire for the night or go back to their shift. In the end, it’s just you and Fives left at the table. You have one elbow propped up on the table, your head in your hand, looking at him.
“Doesn’t it bother you?” you ask suddenly. 
“What does?” he retorts, studying your face. You don’t answer immediately, weighing the words in your head. 
“Not remembering someone who clearly knows who you are,” you finally say, tears starting to gather in the corner of your eyes. 
That’s when you see his façade drop. He curls his hand on the table into a fist and bites the inside of his cheeks, trying to play it off with an awkward chuckle. 
He doesn’t reply at first, just looking at you like he’s trying to draw the answers from your eyes, an answer that is there, but he can’t read for some reason. 
“I don’t understand,” he finally replies, and it’s barely more than a whisper. “We have just met and yet it feels like I’ve known you for a lifetime.”
You can feel your heart shattering into a thousand pieces.
“Oh Fives, what have they done to you…” Your hand reaches up to cup his cheek, but his own shoots up first to press against his temple, just behind his tattoo, and he winces in pain, backing away from your touch. 
“I– I have to go,” he utters and stands up, quickly making his way out of the mess hall.
You’re left there, alone. Hurt. Hopeless.
🐥 taglist: [link to join in my pinned post!] @dybynyght, @galaxtic-writings, @kalea-bane, @soka-writes-things, @padawancat97
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knightprincess · 2 years
I Want To Remember (Captain Rex x Fem Reader)
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Words: Just over a thousand
Warning: None just a little fluff Synopsis: Rex returns to Coruscant with the hope of seeing a certain medic again
Returning to Coruscant was always one of Rex's favorite things. Not only for the down time, and seeing his brothers getting the much needed time to rest and relax. But because it also gave him the chance to rendezvous with a certain medic. The one Kix and Fives often teased him about. It had been a coincidence when the Captain of the 501st met her, or so he thought. Fives and Echo had insisted he join them for a trip to 79's, both Arc Troopers refusing to take no for an answer, even when Rex had tried. When they got there, the club was bursting with life, music loud and the lights blinding. The dance floor packed as normal. Jesse was at the bar with Kix and Tup. 
*~* Flashback *~*
Kix was talking to a woman, seemingly entranced by her, although that quickly changed the moment Fives waved to him. Kix's expression had instantly turned to one resembling mischief, where as Jesse and Tup seemed to be making a wager between them, no doubt more plans to cause havoc, as was normal when alcohol was involved. 
"That's Rex, the one I was telling you about" whispered Kix to (Y/N), a wicked grin appearing on his lips, as he went through with trying to set Rex up with someone special. With the help of Fives, Echo, Jesse and Tup, he'd settled on (Y/N) being that person. Finding her kind nature and sense of humor somewhat perfect for the great Captain. 
"Remind me again why you're setting me up with your captain?" asked (Y/N), finding herself lacking confidence. It had been years since she'd been on a date. Even before the war, she'd never considered herself good at the dating game, if anything she was terrible at it. Her last serious relationship had ended after her partner had cheated on her. He had the nerve to blame her for it, saying she was too boring, saying her stubbornness was the problem. 
"You deserve better than your last boyfriend and our captain needs to find a life away from the battlefield" responded Jesse, putting himself on guard duty. It was no secret her ex was still sniffing around, hoping for another chance now his toy had wizened up and left him. He'd tried several times over the last few weeks, although she'd made it clear it was over and she have no intention of putting herself through it all again. 
"Boys, Ma'am" voiced Rex upon joining the group at the bar, Fives winking as he always did and Echo offering his normal friendly hug. Rex of course noticing, silently questioning whom (Y/N) was and how long she'd been on friendly terms with several of his brothers. Despite his best efforts, he couldn't recall seeing her at 79's before. 
"Rex this is (Y/N), medic for the 212th Legion" spoke Kix, introducing the beautiful medic to his friend and Captain. Rex couldn't help the surprise to flash across his features. Cody had spoken of her and her talents as a medic, but never said she was so beautiful, or a conscripted medic. He'd never mentioned her name either. 
"Nice to finally have a face to go with the name" voiced (Y/N), her voice slightly raised, so she could be heard of the booming music. Cody had spoken of his legendary friend, like with the others, the Commander had spoken highly of Rex, Wolffe had too when he was around to add his opinion. 
"You've heard of me?" asked Rex, feeling proud, such a beautiful woman knew whom he was. "You just got to look around to my fellow brothers, to know my face" commented the Captain, receiving a chuckle from (Y/N) in response. Rex offered a smile, as pride bubbled up. Jesse close by rolling his eyes at the same old comment. A pick up line he'd practically begged Rex to never use again. 
Minutes later, Rex had lead (Y/N) over to a booth to the side of the dance floor. The others losing sight of the pair, although each of them had a cheeky grin placed firmly on their lips. Soon enough their other mischievous plans of helmet switch-a-roo would be in motion. 
"Another drink?" asked (Y/N), upon noticing Rex's empty glass. She'd found herself with nerves, although it was settling slowly. Rex on the other hand shook his head, leaning back with his brown eyes locked on the beautiful woman before him. "What?" nervously asked (Y/N), beginning to feel self conscious, wrapping her arms around herself in an attempt to cover herself up. 
"Nothing. Just trying to take a picture of you in my mind" whispered Rex, determined to memorize every little detail about the medic in his company. Her beauty was something equal to a rare jewel to him. "I want to remember" added Rex leaning forward to rest his elbows on the table. Asking her questions in an attempt to get to know her better. All while being oblivious to Fives, Echo and Jesse, keeping (Y/N)'s ex away from the pair. 
"You want to remember me?" questioned (Y/N), a cheeky grin appearing on her lips, as she unwrapped her arms from around herself, moving to rest against the table, ignoring her ex, attempting to get her attention. 
"I'd be a fool not to" replied Rex, pressing a gentle kiss to her cheek, hearing a sweet giggle in response. Happy to continue the night, and making a metal note to thank the boys later. 
*~* End of Flashback *~*
Ever since that night, Rex looked forward to returning to Coruscant, even more so when the 212th were back at the same time. He knew he'd be gifted with more moments with (Y/N), his not so secret love. 
He wanted to thank her, as he did every time he was granted the chance to see her beautiful face again. She'd become the reason he'd continue to fight during the war, she'd become the person his thoughts drifted to during the quiet moments. Whenever he seen something in a market, he'd always think of (Y/N) and if she'd like it.
As of recent though, something else had entered his mind. Despite the war seemingly never ending, the captain had found himself thinking about the future. His future and what it could possibly look like. He hoped to retire in peace, farm somewhere like Cut had. He dared hope (Y/N) would be at his side, offering him the same love she often dotted him with. Just as he dared hope his brothers would also find peace and happiness in their own way, whatever that would look like. 
"Meeting up with a certain medic?" Jesse's voice broke the train of thought, the laughter of the others shattering it further. Rex shook his head, shaking away the cobwebs and the image of (Y/N) the night they met. Hoping to burn a new image into his mind that night. 
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wizardofrozz · 2 years
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ARC Trooper Fives x fem!reader, Commander Thorn, OCs
Word Count: ~2.1k
Warnings: swearing
A/N: Well look at that, Thorn makes another appearance 😂 
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You glanced up from the blaster rifle you were cleaning, the time on the chrono seeming to crawl slower every time you checked. The GAR shooting range was only filled to about half capacity, troopers from a few battalions blowing off steam. It was a little surprising to see so many battalions home the day before Life Day but the only color you longed to see was missing. Brown, green, orange, and of course, red littered your domain but no blue. Having your boyfriend home in time was a pipe dream but you had still held onto a sliver of hope. 
You jumped when a familiar red helmet dropped onto the counter; with a huff and an eye roll, you looked up at your most frequent guest. 
         “Come on, you’re too pretty to frown,” Thorn chuckled, leaning on the counter with a smile. You scoffed at his sweet talk and set down your rag.
         “Aren’t you supposed to be making Commander Fox want to pull his hair out?” you teased, crossing your arms.
         “Met my quota for the day,” he shot back, looking far too pleased with the idea. “Now, come on, what’s got you lookin’ so sour?”
         “Tomorrow’s Life Day,” you sighed, setting your crossed arms on the surface beside Thorn. 
         “Do you hate the holiday or something?” he wondered, resting his chin against his red shoulder bell. 
         “No,” you snorted, dropping your cheek onto your arms to see him better, “but I was hoping a certain someone would be home to celebrate.” Thorn hummed, tilting his head back in understanding and you hated the pity shining in his eyes. 
         “Well, what are you going to do instead?” 
         “What I usually do,” you mumbled, silently laughing at Thorn’s curious expression. “When I was a kid my parents took me to volunteer at the soup kitchen in our town the day before Life Day. A few other families did the same thing but I think I’m the only one that enjoyed it so it’s my yearly tradition now.” Thorn’s smile lost its usual mischief, shifting his face into a softer expression.
         “You know, for a while, I had lost hope in nat borns,” Thorn stated, unfolding his arms to rest a gloved hand on your arm, “then I met you. You’re one of the few that remind many of us clones that good people exist.”
         “She’s the best of the best.” You jolted, lifting your head at the sound of another familiar voice, and nearly tripped over your own feet. Twinkling honey eyes were the first thing you noticed, his thousand-watt smile being a close second. 
         “Lucky man,” Thorn laughed, bumping hips with Fives. 
         “You’re home,” you breathed, blinking rapidly just to make sure he wasn’t an illusion. Fives laughed when you lunged over the counter, pulling him into an awkward hug but you didn’t care how ridiculous it looked. Fives ran a soothing hand across your shoulders, turning his head to hide the kiss he pressed to the side of your head. The need to feel him, to know he was really there was almost overwhelming but you held off. Relationships were no secret amongst the clones, hells, even you had met a few of the 501st and the Guard’s partners, but outside of the GAR, most people weren’t that accepting. The senate included. 
         “I guess you missed me,” Fives teased, reluctantly pulling away. You shot him an unimpressed look that only seemed to make his smile grow wider as he held his hands up.
         “Yes, I did, smartass,” you huffed, chewing on the inside of your cheek. The last thing you wanted to do was give him the satisfaction of getting a smile out of you, although based on Thorn’s fond eye roll, you were failing miserably at hiding it. 
         “Be good you two,” Thorn ordered playfully. Fives shot the commander a two-finger salute that Thorn just waved off before he disappeared through the front doors. The chrono showed you had less than an hour left of your shift and your stomach fluttered. 
         “So, princess,” Fives started, leaning against the counter, “where’s the soup kitchen you usually go to?” You nearly dropped the rifle you had picked up again, staring at Fives with wide eyes.
         “Your tradition. Where do you usually go?” 
         “We - no, this is your first Life Day on Coruscant,” you argued, carefully setting the weapon aside. “We’ll do something fun.” The infuriating little smirk that you secretly loved lifted the corner of Fives’ mouth and he glanced around before reaching for your hand.
         “That’s fine but I want to experience your tradition too,” Fives insisted, squeezing your fingers. “I missed out last year because I was stuck on the Resolute in the middle of a campaign so let me tag along this year.” You just gaped at your boyfriend for a moment. In all honesty, you didn’t think Fives would have any interest in volunteering after facing death for nat borns almost daily. 
         “Are - are you sure?” you sputtered. Fives shook his head with a faint smile and squeezed your hand again, waiting for you to meet his eyes. 
         “I’ll meet you at your apartment in two hours,” Fives stated, leaving no room for argument. He quickly pulled your hand closer so he could press a light kiss to your knuckles before letting go. You could only watch him grab his helmet and stroll out of the shooting range, still stunned into silence. 
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         “I’ll ask you one more time,” you started, dodging a preoccupied Ithorian.
         “I wish you wouldn’t,” Fives mumbled, directing you with a light nudge to your back. You shot him a dirty look over your shoulder that was met with a cheeky grin from under the hood of his poncho. “You’re worrying too much.”
         “No, I’m being realistic,” you huffed, lightly elbowing him in the ribs. It was still a little odd to feel soft flesh instead of hard plastoid. 
         “Is that what that’s called?”
         “Blow me, asshole,” you grumbled, stifling the urge to cross your arms. 
         “If you had a dick, I would, dear,” Fives snickered, pinching your side and forcing a startled yelp out of you. You almost wheeled around with a retort when you realized the Level 2685 soup kitchen was within view. 
         “No turning back now,” you noted, jerking your head toward the crowded building. You led Fives through the mob of people waiting their turn, smiling or waving when someone looked in your direction. Fives stiffened slightly, shuffling a little closer to your back; you crossed your fingers that his DC-17 was hidden well enough. The doors were already open and your eyes immediately landed on the red, female Devaronian running the show, a smile lighting up your face.
         “I thought you ditched us!” Veme shouted with a smile full of sharp teeth. Veme weaved through the other volunteers and enveloped you in a tight hug, a few strands of her silver hair that fell from her bun tickling your nose.
         “I’d never leave you hanging,” you giggled, pulling back to smile at your friend. Perceptive brown eyes darted over your shoulder, immediately noting the figure lingering close by. 
         “And you brought a friend,” Veme purred, nudging your arm. Fives forced his attention to the conversation and pushed off his hood, smiling at the Devaronian. You choked on a laugh when Veme blanched, her mouth falling open. You’d seen her personally escort a drunk Weequay out, temporarily take in a young homeless Twi’lek, and defend herself against a handsy Rodian. Yet you’d never have guessed that the most well-known face in the galaxy would be what threw her for a loop. 
         “Hello, ma’am,” Fives greeted, putting on his most charming smile. If you hadn’t been volunteering with Veme for so many years, maybe you would’ve been concerned by her silence but you knew how much she appreciated the clones. 
         “H-hi, sweetheart,” Veme stammered, blinking a few times and managing a smile. “Aren’t you a surprise?”
         “Vee, this is Fives,” you stated, stepping aside enough that Fives could offer a handshake. Veme seemed to finally get her brain back online and grabbed his hand, cradling it between both of hers. 
         “It’s a pleasure to meet you,” Veme beamed, squeezing his hand. “I’m Veme, I run this place.”
         “It’s very admirable, what you do here,” Fives said sincerely, glancing around with a smile. Veme laughed, shaking her head and you already knew where the conversation was heading.
         “Let’s shelf this conversation,” you laughed, standing on your toes to scan the line of volunteers. “Where do you need us?” Veme released Fives’ hand, ‘accidentally’ elbowing you with a smothered grin, and rested her hands on her hips. 
         “Jasi could use your help with the bread,” Veme mused, her eyes bouncing around the room. Her attention lingered on an unfamiliar human halfway down the line before she looked over at Fives. “Think you can handle ladling soup?” 
         “If I can’t do that, maybe I should leave the army,” Fives joked, crossing his arms. 
You sighed, although it sounded far too fond. “Be good, please.” 
         “I’m an angel,” Fives gasped, resting a hand over his heart. Veme giggled behind you and you wished he didn’t look so fucking cute. 
         “Rex would beg to differ,” you snickered, arching a brow. Fives took a step closer, one of his large hands cupping your elbow as he leaned in with a more sober expression. 
         “Don’t worry, princess, I’m looking forward to doing this.”
         “Find me if you need me,” you whispered, reaching up to squeeze his bicep. 
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Everything was a bit of a jumble as you moved back and forth from the kitchen to the dining hall. Jasi, the older Kel Dor baker entertained you with sweet stories about his children and grandchildren as you worked but that didn’t stop your mind from wandering to the clone stuck in the thick of the action. Finally, after about two hours you managed to slip into the dining hall for a bit of a break, moving to Veme’s side out of habit. 
         “Now, tell me, where’d you found him?” Veme asked. You followed her line of sight, finding Fives with almost no effort. He was smiling at an old Twi’lek woman, nodding along to whatever she was saying with rapt attention. You watched his lips move as he replied and almost scoffed when the yellow Twi’lek blushed. Fives, always the charmer. 
         “Fives and his brothers always stop by the range when they’re on-world,” you replied, trying to not sound as lovesick as you felt. 
         “Everyone I’ve talked to adores him,” Veme noted with a smile. The Twi’lek gently tapped Fives’ cheek, and to your surprise, his ears started to turn pink at what she was saying. He gently squeezed her hand before she walked off and he was forced to acknowledge the next person in line. 
         “He’s a good man,” you whispered, suddenly overwhelmed with love for your ARC trooper. 
         “So back to my original question,” Veme snickered, nudging your shoulder, “where’d you find him?” Your laughter was louder than you meant, accidentally drawing Fives’ eyes and you waved, swooning a little when his smile brightened. 
         “Sorry, he’s one of a kind and he’s mine,” you said, holding back a dreamy sigh. You stood at Veme’s side for a little longer, watching Fives interact with the lower levels of Coruscant like he was born to do it. You eventually had to go back into the kitchen to give Jasi a break, letting out a slightly disappointed sigh as you turned away.
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A few hours and hundreds of bowls of soup later Veme was chasing you and Fives out with the threat of bodily harm. The trip upward to your apartment was quiet, Fives gladly letting you use his shoulder as a pillow. Finally, after your door slid shut he was sweeping you up into a bone-crushing hug and burying his face against your neck. 
         “Thank you,” Fives mumbled against your skin. You leaned back, trusting Fives to keep you upright, and raised a brow.
         “For what?” 
         “For sharing that with me,” he whispered, lacing his hands behind your back. “I really liked doing it. Talking to all those people.” After fighting the urge for so long, you almost hesitated before catching his lips in a tender kiss, cradling his scruffy face. 
         “Tell me about it,” you urged, resting your forehead against his. His answering smile sent your heart rate jumping and you kissed him again just because you could. “Okay, now you can tell me.”
         “Okay, so…” Fives started, mindlessly steering you toward the nearby couch. You curled up in the corner opposite Fives and listened with a loving smile as he animatedly recounted all the beings he came in contact with in grueling detail but you didn’t mind. There were very few times you got to experience this kind of pure, innocent joy with Fives. 
You weren’t going to waste a second of it. 
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25 days of Life Day Masterlist
Taglist: @sleepingsun501​ 
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Grief Stricken
Pairing: Fives x Fem!Reader
Square: Fox
Summary: Your perfect life is shattered into a million pieces after your beloved Fives is murdered. Overcome with grief, you decide to take out your revenge on the man responsible for his death.
Please Hold My Hand
Pairing: Clone [insert] x Fem!Reader
Square: Relax
Summary: Today is your yearly gynecological exam and you’re less than excited about it, but your boyfriend is there to make it better.
Locks of Love
Pairing: Tup x Fem!Reader
Square: Tup
Summary: After a long deployment, Tup returns home and joins you for a picnic in the field where you two first met. While enjoying the spring weather, and each other’s company, you ask him to braid your hair.
Pairing: Fives x Fem!Reader
Square: Fives
Summary: A horrible smell leads to a precious discovery. You and Fives have been enjoying your life together, but everything is about to change now that you’re pregnant. While your hormonal imbalance rages, Fives must hang on for dear life as he’s dragged through the stages of fatherhood. Luckily, the 501st has his back and comes to the rescue more than once.
Dancing Your Way Through The 501st
Pairing: 501st x Jedi!Fem!Reader
Square: "What are you doing here?"
Summary: You’re not sure who you want to go home with tonight, so you challenge your favorite 501st boys to woo you on the dancefloor.
Lean On Me
Pairing: Kix x Fem!Reader
Square: Kix
Summary: You're out dancing with your friends when you sustain a knee injury, and Kix comes to your rescue.
A Man's Worth
Pairing: Tup x Fem!Reader
Square: Obsession
Summary: Your date-night with Tup is interrupted when your stalker finds you and won't leave without you. Tup heroically comes to your defense, but it is overpowered by the assailant, and you are taken away. After your rescue, Tup struggles with his insecurities and self-worth as he tries to heal physically, mentally, and emotionally.
Pairing: Kix x Fem!Reader
Square: "Leave me alone."
Summary: Kix comes home to find you hiding in a pillow fort.
Queen of Hearts
Pairing: Vampire!Fox x Fem!Reader
Square: "Your eyes sparkle."
Summary: On your way home from work one early morning, you catch Fox drinking a man's blood in a back alley, and it changes your life forever.
Fortunately Unfortunate
Pairing: Jesse x GN!Reader
Square: Tradition
Summary: Jesse’s number is drawn in a lottery, forcing him to participate in a cross-training event with the 212th, and he’s not happy about it. However, his view of the training mission changes when he crashes into your life, literally.
Of Frogs and Clones
Pairing: Hardcase x Fem!Reader
Square: Mystery
Summary: It's the clone's last night in the barracks together as soldiers and Hardcase drinks a mysterious liquid from Jesse's duffle that turns him into a frog. With the help of his brothers and the Right To Love Matchmaking service, they work against the clock to find him "true love's kiss" and turn him back into a human.
Dancing Lights
Pairing: Wolf!Wolffe x Fem!Reader
Square: Smile
Summary: During a mission on a frigid planet, you get lost in a blizzard and Wolffe becomes desperate to find you before you freeze to death. Once he does, he’s forced to reveal a secret part of himself in order to protect you from a territorial pack of wolves.
Puddles and Paddles
Pairing: Brett (OC) x Fem!Reader
Square: Party
Summary: On your way to a party for Tungst's promotion to ARC trooper you take some time to play in a puddle, but when Brett gets wet, he decides to teach you a lesson when you get to your destination.
Combat Cold Cuts
Pairing: Tech x Fem!Reader
Square: Tech
Summary: Your favorite team of Navy SEALs just docked and are looking for some good food.
Caution to the Wind
Pairing: Wrecker x Fem!Reader
Square: Wrecker
Summary: For her birthday, Omega asks you and Wrecker to ride the roller coaster with her at the fair.
The Last Notch
Pairing: Fives x Fem!Reader
Square: Regret
Summary: In a dystopian Star Wars universe where clones aren't just soldiers, but also pleasurable objects used to help finance the war, Fives starts to question his role in the Erotic Bingo lottery system when he meets you and discovers something more fulfilling than sex.
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bananami · 3 years
flirting with the clone troopers
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I got bored and wrote a thing. Please enjoy my short little drabble on what flirting with the clone troopers would be like. It’s trash but it’s my trash <3
tagged: @morganas-pendragons​​, @daylightanakin​
Obi-Wan had playfully labeled you a menace to the GAR. You didn’t blame him, but you wanted to throw it back in his face that he was just as bad as you were. The only difference was that you seemed unable to differentiate when it was entirely appropriate to be the outright flirt that you were.
In front of the other Generals in the middle of a briefing? Perfect time to tell Commander Neyo how great his thighs looked in that kama.
On the field in the heat of battle watching troopers toss spears literally through people? “Well now Captain Rex, what mighty strong arms you have.” *wink wink nudge nudge*
One time you and Commander Fox had been force thrown across a room only for you to land on top of him and it just slipped out naturally: “you know, all the times I’ve thought about being in this exact position with you, I never imagined it starting out like this.” He plays off the choking sound he makes as being injured from the hit you two just took.
Domino Squad are by far the most fun to flirt with because they don’t hesitate in the slightest to flirt right back.
Fives has got to be the worst of them all.
Seriously he has zero game but all the confidence of a man who does.
You absolutely love it.
Even when you’re injured and Kix is trying to stitch you up you can’t seem to hold yourself back.
“Alright General, lay down and let me work my magic-” “Kix, how unprofessional of you! And right here, in front of the others?” Anakin has never facepalmed so hard in his life. Kix’s face has never looked so red. You’ve never laughed so hard. It gets worse.
“I- ugh- you’re gonna need to- I need-” “Use your words Kix, c’mon man I’m bleeding out here.” That was a lie, but the gash on the inside of your thigh was pretty gross looking. “I need to be in between your legs.” You comply with ease and put on a shit-eating grin. “I hope you know I’ve dreamt about you saying those exact words- OW, Kix be gentle!”
The responses you get from the clones vary. Some of them openly flirt back, others get extremely flustered which is sweet to watch.
One time you were at 79’s hanging out with the 212th when some of the newer troopers walked in with the 501st and you couldn’t restrain yourself from sauntering on over. “How’s your night going boys, why don’t you introduce me to the shinies?”
Fives smirks and throws Tup into the deep end on this one. You reach up and tug at the troopers long hair just slightly, which makes him blush hardcore. “Go easy on him, love, you’re gonna give the poor guy a heart attack.” “I promise I’ll be gentle. Unless of course you ask me not to be.” Fives rolls his eyes and tells Tup not to take you too seriously and that you’re like this with all the troopers.
He was right, of course.
Some of them genuinely make your heart melt though.
For instance, Echo is a sweetheart. It doesn’t matter what you throw at him.
“Well now, don’t you look handsome in your new arc trooper armor.” “Nothing compared to how gorgeous you look every day, darling.”
“Keep saying things like that and you’re gonna make me fall in love, Echo.” “I could never be worthy of you, beautiful.”
And some, like Jesse, are just too smooth. It's genuinely impressive.
“What’s cooking good looking?” “Me for you tonight, what do you say doll?” “Please, you couldn’t handle me.” “Babe, I don’t think anyone could, doesn’t mean I wouldn’t want to try.” You nearly blushed at that one.
One time you fell over and he caught you before you could hit the ground and both you minds went to the same place. “Falling for me, cyare?” “What can I say, you’ve got me all tripped up.”
Some of them even surprised you.
Like Crosshair, from the self proclaimed bad batch. Who during a mission actually gave you a run for your credits.
“How am I looking from up there, Cross?” “Oh, just stunning, love.” “Even all sweaty and gross from fighting all these clankers?” “You kidding? I think you look better than ever like this.” “Well aren’t you just such a flirt.” A shot rings next to your ear, the droid behind you falling to the ground before it could get to you. “Pot. Kettle.”
Master Windu never failed to remind you of how inappropriate it was for you to say such things in public. Master Yoda and Plo just laughed.
Secretly Master Plo was hoping one day Wolffe would work up the nerve to do anything but stutter an incomprehensible response but the clone commander was a wreck the second you open your mouth.
Seriously Wolffe cannot flirt, he has no idea what to do or say back.  It’s adorable.
Like the time you asked him “is this seat taken?” and pointed at his lap with a sly smirk on your face. He wanted to make a witty comment back but all that came out was “wha-huh-uhm-” and you just chuckled, telling him you were just joking before sitting down next to him.
Master Plo had to step out of the room to laugh for a minute.
Sometimes you were stationed to protect the Chancellor which meant spending a lot of time with the Coruscant Guard. They were relentless in their flirtations, by far the most charming clones you’d ever met. Even Commander Fox had his moments, when he wasn’t being so serious.
Hound was probably the worst of the worst. He had you laughing so hard you at times that it physically hurt.
At one point you’d been reamed out by the Chancellor and retreated into your head. Hound noticed, and with the most serious expression, took your face in between his hands and in the most serious voice he could muster said: “I will kill him for you my sweet angel, just give me the word.”
Fox’s eyes widen and he’s got a playful glare on his face, not as upset at that statement as you thought he’d be, “Hound, you can’t -”
Hound’s eyes don’t leave yours, “I’ll kill him too.”
And lets not get started on when you and Obi-Wan were sent on missions together.
“Cody, darling, you wouldn’t happen to have the time would you?”
“Cody, sweetheart, you’re doing such a wonderful job at killing those clankers!”
“Cody, love, your butt looks fantastic in that armor-”
“You can’t just say that over public comms!”
“You were thinking it, I was just saying it out loud, Obi-Wan!”
And you’re all time favorite: “Cody, that armor looks great on you, you know where it would look better? On the floor of Obi-Wan’s room.” “Are you hitting on Cody for me?”
Some of the clones had even placed bets and wagers on who could get you to slip up and become flustered.
You definitely appreciated the attempts.
Some of them had definitely come close though.
Like Commander Doom, who you danced with at 79s one night and had to run into the bathroom to splash some water on your face because holy kriff where did that man learn that kind of language. It was actually kind of impressive. And no you would absolutely not be repeating it to anyone except maybe to Obi-Wan over tea the next day in the confines of his room where no one else could hear either of you gossiping.
Or Sergeant Hunter of the 99th, who met your quips line for line. You didn’t know how but you were pretty sure he knew exactly what to say to make you almost blush.
“You can’t just take out an entire battalion of clankers on your own and not expect me to fall in love with you.” “That’s the goal, Sarge. How’d you know I was just trying to impress you?” “Call it a sixth sense.” “You think the force is trying to tell us something?” “I don’t need to force to tell me how irresistible you are.” “Be still my beating heart.”
And as much as it irritated the other General’s of the GAR, the clones genuinely appreciated the sense of normalcy it gave them. Sure it was all jokes but most spent so much time fighting that the brief moments of flirtation were a distraction from the shit show going on around them.
And besides, it wasn’t your fault they were so damn good looking.
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kaminocasey · 2 years
My Trigger Part 2
Summary: You and Fives finally have a heart to heart.
Pairing: Fives x Reader
Warnings: 18+ MINORS DNI; Slight Angst, Smut.
WC: 2.6K
A/N: Y'all... this Fives fic... I just really love him.
Part One
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The base is quiet this time of night. Everyone is either in bed or out at 79s. You follow Fives to the mess hall, where he quietly leads you around the counter, back to the kitchen.
“Um, Fives… I don’t think we’re supposed to be back here.” You chuckle, quietly.
“Then, we better not get caught, right?” He looks down at you and winks, making your stomach flutter.
Does he have any idea what he does to you? 
He leads you to the fridges where he grabs a couple of sandwiches and drinks and then leads you out the back door, motioning for you to follow him. You’re afraid of getting caught and thrown on janitorial duty so you look around you, making sure no one is around. Fives heads behind the barracks and motions for you to go up the fire escape to the top of the building. 
“I’m in a dress. You go first.” You laugh. 
You notice the way he subtly eyes your legs. “Alright.” 
When he gets up to the first platform of the fire escape with the sandwiches and drinks safely tucked under his chin, you follow behind him. He heads up the next steps where he reaches the top of the building. When you reach the top, he takes your hand and helps you up the last step.
The view is instantly breathtaking. You look out at the Coruscant skyline, seeing the Senate Dome and the Jedi Temple against all the skyscrapers. 
“Wow.” You whisper.
“Right?” Fives smiles at you and sits on the other ledge, patting the spot next to him. 
You join him and he hands you a sandwich and drink. 
“You come up here often?” You ask him as you take a bite.
He nods. “When I start to feel overwhelmed, I come up here to think. I actually came up here right after meeting you.” 
“You did?” You can feel the surprise and confusion on your face.
He rubs the back of his neck. “I was an asshole when we met. I didn’t mean to be, I promise.” 
“So, why did you act like that?” You ask him. 
“You smiled so warmly at me and I felt my heart clench. I had just become an arc trooper, you know. We’re pretty much coworkers.” He chuckles. “If I got caught romancing the new pretty medic, I’d imagine people probably wouldn’t take me seriously.”
“You really think you’re that irresistible, huh?” You tease him, earning a genuine laugh from him.
“I’m still sorry.” He smiles and then he looks down at the ground below you. “And I’m sorry about earlier.”
“It’s okay, Fives. No need to be sorry. It’s your life.” You shrug, trying to hide the hurt that you felt finding Fives with that woman.
He shakes his head. “It’s not okay… I started to… you know… but you popped into my head and then you came into the fresher and I just want you to know I was never upset with you… I was upset with myself.” 
You nod, understanding, and place a hand on his arm. He puts his hand over yours, smiling softly at you. 
“Maybe we can… start over?” You suggest. 
“Nothing would make me happier.” The tension in his shoulders visibly dissipates. 
So you sit there, eating your sandwiches while looking out at the Coruscant skyline, finally finding a friendship within each other that neither of you knew you were lacking.
A few weeks go by and you and Fives are practically inseparable now. You don’t feel the need to walk on eggshells when he’s around. He always grins immediately when he sees you. It’s nice. 
When you’re taking inventory of medical supplies, chatting with Kix, Fives strolls in, waiting for you by the door.
“Your boyfriend is here.” Kix smirks quietly. 
“Not my boyfriend.” You roll your eyes then turn to Fives. “I’m almost done.”
“No rush.” Fives smiles, sitting by the door to wait patiently. 
Kix gives you a look and you shake your head at him, continuing to take inventory. You and Fives are just friends now and that’s fine by you. You’ve put your romantic feelings for Fives on hold so that you can just enjoy being friends with him. Mostly. 
Sometimes, he’ll be sitting so close to you and bump his knee against yours and you feel that fluttery feeling in your stomach. You do your best to shove it down and ignore it. 
“Alright. Done. I’ll see you tomorrow.” You tell Kix.
“Have fun.” Kix winks and you ignore him and head out with Fives.
“So, what’s the plan for tonight?” You ask Fives. “79s with the guys?” 
“Not tonight.” He smiles. 
“Oh?” You raise your eyebrows.
“Go get dressed. Wear something nice but warm.” He smiles, pushing you toward the hall that your barracks are in. 
You look back at him as you near your barracks and he’s already turned away from you, pacing while flexing his hands, looking almost nervous. Something you’ve never seen Fives be, so you can’t be sure.
You quickly get dressed, throwing on a long sleeved dress that you’ve only worn a couple of times. You grab your jacket and head back down toward Fives, who’s still pacing.
“What’s up with you tonight?” You ask him.
He stops to look at you and clearly whatever was on his mind is pushed away because he’s grinning at you now. 
“How do you always manage to look so good?” He asks you.
You roll your eyes, bashfully. “Stop it.”
He offers his arm and you take it, pleasantly surprised. He leads you both outside to the road so that you can catch a cab. 
“So, are you going to tell me where we’re going now?” You ask him.
“Nope.” He smirks as he hands the cabbie a piece of paper. 
You look at him suspiciously and all he can do is smile at you as he puts his arm around you. 
“Would you just trust me? Where’s your sense of adventure?” He teases you, lightly shaking your shoulder.
“Famous last words.” You laugh.
You watch the Coruscant skyline go by as you head to a part of the city you’ve never been to. After fifteen minutes, the cabbie finally stops, pulling up to an amphitheater. You look at Fives and he’s grinning at you, clearly excited. He hands the cabbie a few credits and ushers you out of the cab. 
He rests his hand on the lower part of your back, leading you to an entrance that leads to the stairs of the outdoor theater. It’s not very full, maybe about 100 or so people scattered throughout the stands. Fives leads you down to a middle section where no one is sitting and then you sit. 
The lights hit the stage and a woman walks out on stage introducing the show. It’s an Opera of your favorite book. You look at Fives, shocked. He’s not been able to stop smiling the entire time.
“How did you-” You struggle for words.
He shrugs. “I remember the things you tell me. I heard people talking about it at 79s last week and I knew I had to take you.” 
If you weren’t trying to keep your friendship intact, you’d throw your arms around him and kiss him. Instead, you squeeze his hand and thank him. He looks down at your hands and you follow his gaze. You start to pull away but he just squeezes your hand again and keeps them there between the two of you. 
Throughout the show, you find yourself leaning against Fives. You can’t help it, he’s just warm. When you cry, he can’t help but smile at how into it you are. 
When the show ends, you look at him, wiping your eyes. “Sorry.”
“Don’t be.” He pulls your hands up to his lips, kissing your hand. 
You let out a soft breath, watching his lips. He cups your cheek and you close your eyes at the warm feeling against your face. 
“You are so beautiful.” He murmurs.
“You are.” You open your eyes to find him looking at you so softly.
Please kiss me, you think to yourself. 
He doesn’t though. He pulls his hand away and you miss the feeling immediately. Maybe he just did this all to be a really good friend and to try to make up for being a jerk. 
“You ready?” He stands up.
“Yeah.” You nod. 
You catch another cab back to base, neither one saying anything the whole ride. When you get back to base, he walks back with you to your barracks. 
“Thank you for tonight.” You smile up at him, leaning against your door. 
Fives smiles softly at you. “I’m glad you had a good time.”
Neither of you say anything else so you open the door to your barracks. 
“Goodnight.” He squeezes your arm.
“Goodnight, Fives.” You try to hide your disappointment that he didn’t kiss you.
He starts to walk away so you close your door. 
Ugh. How could you think that he still thinks of you that way, you chide yourself for getting attached like that all over again. You should know better than that. You’ve been through this before. Are you really any better at staying friends? Not telling him is making you miserable. Maybe you can just tell him and if he doesn’t want to be friends with you, then fine. You can get past it, eventually.
Before you can change your mind, you open your door to go run after him. As soon as the door slides open, you’re face to face with Fives who looks like he was about to knock.
“Fives.” You murmur at the same time that he says your name and you both laugh. 
“I’m crazy about you.” He tells you. “And I think you’re crazy about me too.”
You nod, grinning. 
“Good.” He says before crushing his lips to yours and pushing you into your room, letting the door slide closed behind you. 
He pushes you up against the wall, pushing his hardened length against your thigh. You moan into the kiss and he slides his hands up into your hair. 
“Want you so bad.” He pants against your lips. “Not a day has gone by where I haven’t thought about kissing these perfect lips.”
“Wait.” You push him away only slightly. “What is this? What do you want?” 
“I only want you.” He rests his forehead against yours.
“You’re sure?” You ask him.
“I swear. You’re the only person I’ve ever thought about waking up next to. Whatever you want, I’ll give it to you.” He tells you, his voice deep. 
“I don’t want to end up heartbroken over you, Fives.” You pull away so you can look him in the eyes. 
“I won’t break your heart.” He promises you. 
“How can you know that?” You ask him.
“Because I’m in love with you.” He tells you like it’s the most simple thing in the world.
Maybe it is.
“You are?” You ask, softly, barely above a whisper.
He nods. “Since the moment you straddled my thighs and fixed up my chest, I was gone. There’s only ever been you.”
Your heart clenches and you lean into him, brushing your lips against his again. He gently wraps you in his arms and you feel truly safe for the first time ever.
The next morning, you wake up in Fives’ arms, your back against his chest as he softly snores. You can’t help but smile to yourself. You kiss his arm and he barely stirs. You chuckle softly, kissing along his arm some more. 
“Mm.” He barely hums, pulling you against his chest. 
You feel his length poking against your butt. You can’t help but smirk. You hadn’t even done anything the night before but cuddle and talk before both of you could no longer stay awake. 
You gently grind your ass against his length and his arms tighten around you as he groans, pushing against your ass some more. Your dress had ridden up at some point so it’s just your underwear and his pants between you.
You push back against him, grinding a little harder against his throbbing length. His hand travels up to your breast, groping you tightly. 
“Fuck, mesh’la. Warn a guy before you wake him up like that.” He laughs breathlessly.
You laugh softly. “You’re the one poking me.” 
“Oh… sorry.” He starts to shy away but you reach your arm back to keep his length against your ass. “You… sure?”
“Please.” You whisper.
“Don’t have to tell me twice.” He reaches down to release his length from its confinements as you shimmy your panties down, kicking them to the end of your bed. 
He reaches his hand down in front of you, starting to tease your clit. You gasp against your pillow and he kisses your neck. You whimper as he rubs perfect circles over your clit. 
“That feel good, baby?” He whispers deeply against your ear.
“Fuck, yes.” You moan, rutting against his hardened length.
He moans with satisfaction. “Tell me.”
“Your fingers… feel so good.” You whine. “Want your cock.”
“Ask nicely.” He teases you.
“Fuck, Fives… Please.” You groan.
He starts to slip the tip of his cock down a little further where he’s met with your soaked warmth. He groans into your neck, biting down with lust. You push back against him, trying to get him to slide further into you.
Fives slips completely inside and both of you let out loud moans. His fingers continue rubbing your clit and you completely fall apart on his cock, moaning and whimpering for him as he thrusts deeply into you, hitting against the spot inside of you that no one’s ever reached before.
“Your pussy feels so fucking good.” He thrusts harder into you.
You feel your orgasm approaching and you want to convey that to him but you can barely get words out. You feel yourself clenching tighter around him and it’s as if he suddenly gets it.
“Ooh, you’re about to cum on my cock, aren’t you mesh’la? Is that what you want?” He asks you, his voice still a little sleepy and raspy, and all you can do is nod. 
He flips you over on your stomach and pounds into you, slamming his hips against your ass as he pulls his fingers away from your clit to stick them in your mouth, getting them nice and wet. You can’t help the sinful moan that escapes your mouth around his fingers and he grins as returns the soaked fingers to your clit and applying more pressure, which makes you cum almost instantly, making your eyes practically roll back in your head as your body goes white hot and you scream against your pillow for Fives. Making you cum so hard is what sends him over the edge, groaning loudly as he fills your cunt so full that it starts spilling out of your tight hole all over him and your sheets. 
It takes you both a while to come down from that, panting against each other. He pulls out of you and his cum slides out of you with him. You turn over to face him, feeling your soaked sheets against your bare legs that are absolutely going to need changed. You really can’t bring yourself to care as you look at the man you love, watching you with a grin.
“I’ve never cum so hard in my life.” He laughs.
“Makes two of us.” You kiss his peck as you lift your head for him to slide his arm around you and pull you in for a deep kiss.
“I love you too, you know. And not just because that was the best sex I’ve ever had. You’re my best friend.” You tell him. “I want to wake up next to you every day, too.”
“Nothing would make me happier.” He promises you with another long kiss before you get up to start your day. “Except maybe taking a shower with you right now.”
You laugh. “Deal.”
TAGS: @livi-s @studioramekin @brynhildrmimi @madameminor @dumfanting @rain-on-kamino @wolveria @misogirl828 @rexandechosandwich @corona-one @tecker @ladykatakuri @the-sith-in-the-sky-with-diamond @twistedstitcher27 @zoeykallus @maulslittlemeowmeow @littlemousedroid
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stardustdiaries · 3 years
Clone Fic Recs
Just because the Clones deserve the world and these pieces are amazing🤚🏼🤍
(@dindja come get your men👀)
Rest by @triptuckers
Summary:  touching prompt 22: falling asleep on the other’s shoulder
Warnings: none
2. Butterfly Kisses by @damerondala
Warnings: FLUFF FLUFF FLUFF!!! there is literally nothing saucy about this at all. no y/n used and gender neutral reader! :D 
3. As long as I live by @ratwrites
Summary: Rex's Jedi General is severely injured during battle and he refuses to leave her side
Warnings: Major injury, angst, lots of fighting, lil bit of fluff
4. Clone Wars- Captain Rex x Reader: Meeting at the Gym by @rainydaydream-gal18
5. Battle Scars by @wecallhimbrowneyess
Summary: Everything has been tense after the events of Umbara. Rex does everything to return to normal, despite the weight he carries on his shoulders of his lost brothers. Not being able to sleep, Rex goes to the training room where he finds you and the new scars on your back.
6. December Prompts- Day 24: Rex x reader by @starwarschicken
Warnings: None
7. FRIENDLY FIRE ──── i. and ii. by @vizslasaber
summary: after landing on the umbaran surface, you butt heads with your fellow general—but get along swimmingly with the captain.
warnings: combat/action, mentions of injury + death, krell being a bitch, and gender neutral use of the term “sir.” 
summary: the mission continues, and with it, your growing suspicion of krell’s methods. the ever-calming presence of the captain, however, might pose as an unwelcome distraction.
warnings: combat/action, mentions of injury + death, krell being a bitch as usual, gender neutral use of the term “sir,” gratuitous use of mando’a, and one shakespeare reference because i couldn’t help myself.
8. overworked by @wxnderlustfandoms
pairing: 501st x jedi!reader (platonic), captain rex x jedi! reader (romantic)
description: After injuring yourself in battle, you’re not allowed to go back on the field until you’re completely better. However, you still have a lot of things that need done around the ship to help the clones out and fulfill your duties. The 501st are concerned that you’re pushing yourself past your limits, especially a certain clone that feels a certain way about you.
warnings: angst-ish, mention of blood
9. Untitled by @kill-the-feels
Prompts: 13. “How long ago did this happen?” 30. “No, you’re not fine. You need help.”
Warnings: mentions of injuries and blood
10. Keep Your Captains Close by @the-lady-of-stars
Prompts: “Have you ever kissed someone before?”     *Touch-starved*    “I had a nightmare about you and wanted to make sure you were okay”
11. Night Out by @clone-rambles
Warnings: Mentions of alcohol, cat calling, and a big ol punch
12. Tonight by @din-damn-djarin
Summary- At the end of a long, busy day all you want is to relax. Of course, your plans are put on hold when Echo barges in with an injured Rex in tow.
Warnings- Injuries including a blaster shot wound, hurt/comfort, Medic!reader, pining
13. The Prank by @din-damn-djarin
Summary- Rex has no idea how you manage to talk him into these things, they never end well, yet he always ends up going along with it anyway.
Warnings- None that I’m aware of, it’s fluffy and a little bit silly!
Untitled (Mechanic!Reader) by @ahsokasleftbicep
Warnings: none
2. Untitled by @starwarschicken
Prompt 53: “I have a hole…in my side.” - “I’m sorry, what?” - “I was shot.”
Warnings: Reader in so much pain that they are laughing (is that a thing? Well too bad, I just made it a thing) Angst Angst Angst Angst !!! Character Death! Injuries (not too graphic I think)
3. Injury by @minchai
Warnings - descriptions of a battle, reader is wounded but the description isn't graphic, suM ANGST
1. Reckless by @din-damn-djarin
Summary- Fives’ visits are always welcomed, you just wish he’d stop being so stubborn whenever he turns up with a new injury.
Warnings- Hurt/comfort, minor injury, Fives is a stubborn little shit.
1. Untilted by @ahsokasleftbicep
2. Untitled by @ahsokasleftbicep
Prompt: “Well? Yell, scream, say something. Anything!”
3. An Eye for an Eye by @vizslasaber
summary: you wonder, on the bad days, if the war will cause too much hurt for you to heal. commander wolffe proves you wrong.
warnings: graphic descriptions (don’t read this if you’re squeamish), fluff.
4. Fake Boyfriend by @the-and-sign-anon
Untilted by @echos-newlegs
Prompt: Kix x Reader: "you can't just bottle everything up forever, talk to me.." and "I had another nightmare... this time you were there.."
Warnings: none, it does get angst though. Kix basically 0aving a panic attack over his dream is all.
2. Stitched Together by @pro-fangirls-unsocial-life
Prompts: “Can you shut up for once in your life?” and “I think I’m in love with you.”
Warnings: Blood. Mentions of injury and the treatment of that injury. Mentions of death.
3. Kix providing medical comfort (gn!jedi!reader) by @koskareevesismyqueen
Warning: Discussion of medical based topics including needles and dislocation.
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bobafetts-princess · 3 years
Hi Karie! Oh my goodness, congratulations on your follower milestone! That's so exciting, and so well deserved. I can't wait to see your blog grow even more! May I please request #43 (soft kiss) with Echo? Thank you so much! x
Sam! Thank you so much!!! 💖💖
I had to make this one a little longer because I couldn’t end on an angst-y note so enjoy the flangst.
Echo x gn!Reader
Not many warnings, just angst that ends happy I promise!
Join the celebration!
Nights like these were the worst. Your boyfriend, Echo, was set to ship out first thing in the morning on a ‘top secret mission’ for the Republic. Nights like these were the worst because there’s always a heavy cloud hanging over your heads at the idea that Echo might not come home.
There was just something different too, about Echo this evening. While he was usually very sweet when he was making love to you, he was almost desperate, hands grabbing at every inch of skin he could reach. His lips never left your body unless it was to whisper in your ear that he loved you -that he loved you so fucking much- and it was unnerving. But you assumed that it was because he had such a high importance mission coming up and swallowed the impending feelings of dread as time came for Echo to head back to base.
“I have to go, mesh’la. Rex told me only had until 2300 to get back to base,” he says, lifting himself off your belly and putting his armor back on. You just nod, picking at your fingernails until Echo pulls you off the bed and up against him. “I’ll be back before you know it,” he said, thumbs stroking your cheeks as he cups your face.
“Don’t make promises you can’t keep, Echo,” you joke, leaning into his gentle touch. He presses his lips to yours, soft and firm against your own. The kiss conveys all the things you’re not ready to say to each other and it feels so final.
“Two weeks. I’ll be back in less than two weeks,” he promises as he leaves your place, the lights of Coruscant illuminating him. Gentle fingers brush away the tear that drops down your face as you nod, leaning against the doorway. You whisper an I love you at his back as he walks away, helmet under his arm before heading back inside.
Two weeks later a knock sounds at your door and you rush to it, itching to see Echo. Since he’s been gone you realize that not telling him that you loved him was the stupidest idea you’d ever had, so you’re determined to smother him in kisses and I love you’s.
But it’s not Echo at the door, it’s Fives and Rex, helmets under their arms and apologetic looks on their faces.
“Where’s Echo?” You ask, even though you already know. Fives hangs his head and it’s Rex that speaks.
“I’m so sorry,” he says as he hands you the medal Echo got when he was promoted to ARC Trooper, almost as a consolation prize. “He loved you,” Rex says but you’re numb. The world sounds like an ocean rushing in your ears and you shut the door in their face and clutch the medal to your chest.
It’s been ages since Rex and Fives came to your door, offering you the only piece of Echo that they still had left to give. Every day has been tough, the pain of losing him nearly too much to bear. But you make it through every day, even if it’s only barely.
You’re cooking a small dinner when a knock sounds at your door and you pause. It’s a Trooper knock, one you haven’t heard since-well you don’t really want to think about that right now. It’s been a good day, no tears and no wishes to join Echo and you don’t want to bring yourself down. But then the knock sounds against your door again and you can’t resist the pull to open the door and see who’s there. The knock sounds a third time as your reaching for the handle and you pull it open to see a ghost at your door.
“Echo?” You whisper, reaching out to touch his face. A face that you could recognize out of a crowd, even though he shares it with millions and it looks different now.
“Hey mesh’la, I told you I’d be back,” he smiles and you fucking lose it. You’re crying and you’re mad but you’re also crazy happy because what the fuck how did he get here?
“Echo. What happened?” You ask because he’s gaunt and pale and fucking thin and missing a hand and both legs but fuck he’s alive. He’s here. At your door, cracking jokes like he just left yesterday.
“We have a lifetime to talk about that, but for now I think I’d like to kiss you,” he says, stepping into the apartment and pulling your body against him. He presses his lips to yours and you fucking melt, missing the way he felt while he was gone. His kiss is so fucking soft and you reach up to cup his face, careful of the new things around his ears and you cry again.
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vodika-vibes · 1 year
Today's writing practice also got away from me, lol. But only because I had to fix angst.
Words: 1105
Pairing: Echo x Reader
Songs: None
Warnings: Angst
“I think we should break up,” You stare at Echo, his words bouncing around your head as you try to understand how and why.
“What? Why?” You ask, your eyes wide as you try and come up with a reason, any reason, why Echo, your Echo, would want to break up with you. You thought you were happy. “Is this because of my work? I know I’ve been working long hours lately, but it’s only until the season is over-” You say, frantically. Desperately almost.
“No! No. It’s not…” Echo sighs, “It’s not you. You’re perfect.” He says, sounding so painfully fond that your heart lurches. 
“Then why? Is…did you…” You pause, not sure you actually want an answer, “Is there someone else?” You ask, your voice uncharacteristically small.
“What? No!” He yelps. He takes a step towards you, his hand in front of him, as if he was going to touch you, and then he hesitates, and folds his hands behind his back, “No.” He repeats, emphatically, “It’s only you, it’s always been you.”
“Then why are you breaking up with me?” You demand.
“Because why? If it’s not my work, and you haven’t found another person and you think I’m perfect then why?”
“Don’t I at least deserve that much?” You ask, as you try to ignore the lump in your throat and the way your eyes are burning.
He averts his gaze. “You deserve better than some clone.”
“You don’t get to decide that for me!” You snap. “You…you don’t get to decide what, or who, makes me happy! Or what or who I deserve!”
“You…” Echo hesitates, and then settles himself, “Your mother offered me 10,000 credits to break up with you.” He says flatly, almost detached, sounding like the ARC Trooper he was, and not the man you fell in love with.
You reel back, as if slapped. 
“You…you’re breaking up with me. For credits?”
You bring one hand up to your chest, and your fingers curl around the thin fabric of your shirt over your heart. That…that hurt.
He’s quiet for a long time. “No. Of course not.” His voice is quiet, “There aren’t enough Credits on Coruscant that would convince me to break up with you.”
“But you still are.” You say, your voice shaking.
He sighs again, long and slow, he sounds as brokenhearted as you feel. “Yes.”
“We can try-”
“I won’t allow your mother to use me against you,” He says quietly, you feel his fingers, warm and gentle against your cheek, and then you feel his lips, so soft against your forehead, “I’m so sorry, my love. But maybe this isn’t our love story.”
You say nothing as he pulls away. And you say nothing as the front door clicks open, and then slides shut.
And only when you’re alone, do you allow your legs to give out on you. Your knees hit the floor, hard, and the first broken sob escapes your lips.
Six weeks later, you get word that Echo was killed while on a mission. And while you think that nothing can break you anymore, those words coming out of Fives’ mouth shattered you.
One year later, you’re…content. Not happy, because you’re pretty sure you’re never going to be happy again, but you’re content with how your life is going.
You, with the aid of some of your friends, completely cut your mother out of your life, and you finally earned enough money to open your own bakery, which you co-own with your best friend. 
You should be happy. You should be. But, you just aren’t.
On this particular day, you were nice and gave Ella the day off, so she can spend time with her recently returned boyfriend. She had been especially giggly that whole morning, and you either had to give her the day off, or you were going to murder her.
An action that would make Fives sad, and you couldn’t make Fives sad. He has the most pathetic Tooka eyes-
You huff out a breath, blowing a strand of hair out of your eyes. You’ve had no customers so far today, and you’re toying with the idea of just closing shop, when the chime of the door opening caught your attention.
“Hi! Welcome,” You call, straightening from your slouch. 
You hear heavy steps for a moment, and then your breath catches. He’s thinner than he should be, with obvious prosthetics on both of his legs and his arms…as well as some kind of implants on his head, but-
It’s Echo. Your Echo.
He lifts his gaze, a nervous smile on his face, “So…I owe you an apology. Or three.” He says.
You’re completely still for about five seconds, before you hop over the counter and crash into him. “Alive.” You gasp out, “You’re alive.” His heartbeat is strong beneath your cheek, and a sob rips from your lips.
His arms fold around you, tight and secure, and so very him. “I’m so sorry for scaring you.” He says, as he presses his lips to the top of your head, “For…for hurting you. For everything.” He very gently pushes you back and slowly uses his thumb to brush a tear off your cheek.
You sniffle, “Echo?”
“You owe me nothing,” He says softly, “But if you’re still interested in giving an old clone a chance, will you be my girlfriend again?” He asks.
You swallow, hard, “You said…”
“I know. I know what I said. I was an idiot. I am an idiot sometimes. And I realized recently that I really don’t give a fuck about your family.” He pauses, “Sorry.”
You let out a choked laugh, “It’s okay.” You reach up and press your hands against his cheeks, he is far too thin- “I never stopped wanting you, Echo.” 
There’s a flash of relief on his face, “Even though I’m an idiot.”
“So is Fives and we forgive him all the time.”
Echo laughs, and leans in to lightly bump his forehead against yours, “Can we go on a date?”
“Like, tonight?”
“Like now.”
“Yes.” You breathe out, “Yes, absolutely.”
He grins at you, and before you really realize what's happening, his lips are pressed against yours. “Great.” He murmurs, pulling away only long enough to speak, “You live upstairs, right?”
“Ella is an incessant gossip, and tells Fives everything.” Echo replies, “We need to go upstairs, love.” He murmurs. 
“I need to lock-”
“Already locked.” He interrupts, “Upstairs. Now.”
A bubbly giggle slips from your lips as he scoops you into his arms. Everything is going to be alright. You can tell.
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melissa-kenobi · 4 years
[ARC Trooper Fives x Reader]
A/N: i was missing Fives so here's some fluff with him 🥰
Summary: Fives is forced to catch up on his paperwork whether he likes it or not.
Word Count: 2.1k
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You were exhausted to say the least, your muscles screaming for a rest, for you to stop and take a break, whether it be 5 minutes or an hour, but you couldn't. Not when there was a war raging on and you need to be there. Waving to Anakin as you passed his tent, you saw your commander sat beside some of your men, he looked exhausted. Eyes filled with the same exhaustion you felt, as he spoke tirelessly with your men.
"General!" Kiri replied as he saw you approach him, immediately standing up and saluting you.
"Stand down Kiri, how many times have I told you?" You laughed as you gently pushed him down to sit once more.
"Sorry General." He smiled bashfully.
"I need to find Captain Rex? Some of his troopers haven't filed their reports and the Admiral needs them in by eight hundred hours today." You asked Kiri, who let out a small yawn before shaking himself and replying.
"I'm not too sure General. Rex did mention having to chase Fives and Echo for their paperwork in the 501st barracks." You smiled in response as you stood up, hand situated on Kiri's shoulder as you guided him up.
"Thank you Kiri. Walk with me." You asked, more like ordered politely.
"But... General!... th-" You cut Kiri off with a stern look before taking off, your commander following behind you as he picked up his helmet.
"Kiri, I'm concerned for your health." You looked at him as you approached the barracks for the 265th. "You haven't been yourself lately, I've seen your performance drop slightly."
You watched as Kiri's eyes widened in shock. That was the last thing he expected to be told by you. "General, no. I e-"
"Kiri, you're not in trouble. I'm just worried about you." Kiri nodded in agreement.
"General if I might?" You nodded for him to continue. "You haven't been yourself either, I see you looking exhausted and on the brink of death sometimes."
Your eyes downcast as you took in what Kiri said, immediately ready to deny everything, but your commander had a way of seeing past you. He smiled as he placed a soft hand on your shoulder, ready to speak but was interrupted by someone.
"Y/N! Ahh, help me General!!!"
The voice of ARC Trooper Fives ran behind you, hands on your hips, ducking down as he tried his best to hide from someone. You ultimately guessed it was Rex, most probably wanting Fives to get his paperwork done instead of heading to 79s.
"Fives!" You yelped, abruptly turning around. Your face softened as you watched him, his eyes focused on yours as he grinned cheekily, hands on your hips as he blinked innocently at you.
"Yes General?" He teased but was soon cut short by the booming tone of Captain Rex.
You raised an eyebrow at Fives who only shrugged in response before turning to Kiri who seemed amused at the situation. "Kiri, what I was saying before was that..."
Captain Rex had stormed up to you, eyes furious as you face turned from Kiri to face Rex. "Rex, what's happened?"
"What's happened General? I'll tell you what happened, your little boyfriend here hasn't done his paperwork since 7 months ago!" Your eyes widened in shock before glaring at Fives who cowered under your glare. "Cody's on my case about it because General Kenobi needs the reports from a mission Fives took and they're not there, because someone decided partying at 79s was more important!"
"FIVES!" You yelled, after hearing Rex's confession, suddenly shocked that Fives had left it for so long.
"Yes honey?" Fives tried, pulling lovey eyes on you, but it didn't work.
"Go with Rex and bring your paperwork to my tent. Be there in 5." You commanded him as he let go of you and make a sad cute face, trying his best to appeal to your softer side.
It didn't work.
"Captain, I'll make sure he gets all of it done tonight." Rex nodded as he tugged Fives along with him. Kiri on the other hand was just about to slip away before you grabbed his arm and tugged him into the 265th barracks.
"Now you!" You pointed at Kiri, whose eyes were wide with shock. "Get some rest Kiri. If I find you out there, you'll be in deep trouble." You warned as you left the tent.
"Sir yes sir." You heard Kiri whispered as you imagined he got ready to finally get some godammned rest.
Fives had dragged himself to your tent, his eyes wide with deception as you stood by your desk, the chair already pulled out, your arms crossed as you waited for him to take a seat. Fives may have gotten the wrong idea when you said you were going to make sure he got his paperwork done, it would seem that you actually meant business.
"But cyare, I can't do all of it now!" Fives protested as he took his seat, looking up at you, his eyes trying thier hardest to convince you.
"No Fives. If you don't finish every single piece of paperwork, you'll be put on leave till you finish it. No matter how long it takes." You threatened, it was an empty threat you knew, but it was what got Fives started on his reports as he racked his brains for whatever had happened in those missions.
After 3 long excruciatingly long hours, Fives was at least a third of the way through his paperwork. You looked up from your seat opposite him only to find him staring right back at you with tired eyes and a yawn before he gave you a little chuckle.
"Are you not going to help me honey?" He asked ever so sweetly that you would have caved if you didn't see the stack of paper on the left that you had to do yourself.
"Nope. Sorry Fives, no can do." You smiled as you patted his hand as he slumped to the table in exhaustion. "Got my own work to do." You yawned and rubbed your eyes causing Fives to look at you in concern.
"Hey, cyar'ika, are you alright?" Fives asked gently when he saw you yawn 4 times in the span of a minute. His eyes turning from tired to genuine concern for you.
"You're still not getting out this Fives." You tried to joke but ended up yawning as you slumped in your seat. Fives immediately concerned for your health jumped out of his seat and picked you up from yours, his hands wrapping around your waist and legs, lifting you bridal style as he walked towards the bunks in your tent.
"Fives!" You yelped after he had placed you down on the bed. Confused you rapidly got up out of bed and headed towards your desk before Fives pushed you back down and collapsed onto you.
"No. Cyar'ika, I know you're tired and you haven't been sleeping." Your mouth opened to deny what he was saying but he only gave you a look. "Kiri told me. Don't try it."
"Traitor..." You whispered under your breath, you were certainly going to have some words with Kiri about privacy. Fives pressed you into the mattress as you wiggled around trying to get out.
"Hey! You can't do that! I'm the General!" You weakly protested, trying to shove Fives off you.
"When it comes to your health, I outrank you honey." Fives smiled softly as he trailed a finger down your cheek, your eyes closing shut at the warm gesture as your leaned into his touch.
"But my paperwork... I can't, I hav-"
Fives was about to cut you off but you managed to do it yourself with a deep yawn as you blinked rapidly to keep your eyes awake. The warmth of your bed and Fives was proving to be a good combination as it was slowly lulling you to sleep. Fives gently pulled himself off you, tucking you into bed, wrapping the duvet around your body as he slid in beside you.
Still awake, you mumbled. "Don't forget your paperwork and wake me up in 30 mins." Your left hand going out to bring Fives' paperwork so he could work on them as you cuddled into his side.
"Go to sleep cyar'ika, I'll wake you." Fives smiled as he ran a hand through your hair, softly massaging your head to sleep. He leaned down to press a sweet kiss to your forehead as your arms tightened around his waist.
"Mmmhh... love you Fives."
"Love you too cyar'ika."
"Oh maker... is that the General?"
"What are they doing?"
"Is she.... sleeping?"
Whispers scurried around your ears as you blinked your eyes awake, suddenly taking in your surroundings, only to find some of your squadron peeking through.
"Oh kriff! She's awake!" You quickly got up only to be blocked by a heavy arm on your stomach, weighing you down. Kriff, you'd overslept, but maker did that feel good. As you cast your eyes down, you found Fives sleeping soundly besides you as he lightly snored. You lifted his hand gently off you as you placed a kiss on his temple where his tattoo lay. His face smushed into the pillow as slept soundly.
"Fives... honey....sweetie..." You tried, calling him pet names till he arose from his sleep. You traced a finger down the side of his face, hoping that would trigger some sort of reaction for him to wake.
"Cyar'ika... c'mon Fives..." When he didn't, you decided you would use a slight more aggressive tactic, you placed your hands on his shoulders, slowly shaking him awake.
"Fives!" You whispered harshly. Fives only snuggled into your further, small moans leaving him mouth as he continues sleeping.
You could sense General Kenobi and Commander Cody was near and you needed to get up. Kriff you thought. Did we even finish the paperwork from yesterday? Now becoming more worried you pulled the duvet off Fives before pushing him roughly off the bed, resulting in him falling to the cold ground with a heavy thump and a string of curses.
"Well that worked." You smiled as you leaned over the bed to see Fives on the floor, groaning in slight pain. "You've been through worse honey, now ge-"
All of a sudden Fives leapt up from the ground, onto the bed rolling you over onto your back, his hands holding your wrists above your head as he snuggled into your neck, leaving small kisses as you writhed under him.
"Fives!! What are you doing?"
"Getting revenge." He mumbled as he slowly traced his way down your body, kisses being left down your neckline, towards your collarbone and to your breasts, while his left hand that was free crept down to your lower regions, teasing you slowly. You let out a small moan of pleasure before your hips automatically thrusted against his hand. Fives being the cheeky shit he was, pulled away, letting go of your hands and crawling off the bed, offering a hand to you.
"C'mon, General Kenobi will be here soon. He's waiting for us." Fives winked at you as he pulled on his armour, your eyes wide as you scurried out of bed, your lust for Fives forgotten as you quickly got ready.
"Fives?" You panicked. "We didn't finish the paperwork. I'm so sorry, I'll have to come up with an excuse for Obi-Wan."
Fives didn't reply, only walked to the entrance to let Kenobi and Cody in. "Morning General, Cody."
"Good morning Fives. Where is General L/N?" Obi-Wan asked as you came out the door, greeting them.
"Brilliant, now that you're here, do you have the paperwork and reports?" Obi-Wan asked, eyes soft and gentle. You opened your mouth to explain but Fives beat you to it. Pulling out his stack of paperwork he handed it to Obi-Wan, who quickly assessed it with a critical eye before nodding.
"And here's General L/N's." Fives handed Obi-Wan your stack of paperwork, all completed as you struggle to keep your eyes and mouth void of shock.
"Well done Fives. Although I would appreciate it if you did your paperwork on time. I don't want to have Rex or Anakin bothering me about it." Obi-Wan spoke good naturedly before heading off with Cody.
Fives only smiled in response.
"You didn't have to."
"I wanted to." He took your hand in his as he pulled you closer to him. "You needed the break."
"Thank you." You smiled reaching up to kiss him. You really did have the best boyfriend ever.
"I think you deserve a reward cyare." You dragged him back inside the tent, laughing with glee as he picked you bridal style.
"I love you Fives."
"I love you too Y/N."
Taglist: @tobitofunction @pinkiemme @lysawayne @shadowfoxey
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jenstar1992-2 · 4 years
Pairing: Echo X Reader
Warnings: Some language, insinuations of sexual activities (I don’t know if that’s the right wording necessarily, but there it is), mentions of nightmares, loss, and grieving.
Word Count: 3,836
A/N: So, I'm not sure what all devices in the Star Wars universe are called, and in order to not sound completely inept, I decided to just describe the devices' functions instead of naming them and seeing as I've never come across some of these types of devices in Star Wars, I figured this was the best way to go. I hope that makes sense. Also, I have added a lyric video below for reference. I was initially going to just link an already existing lyric video for the song, but then I just decided to make one instead, using some visuals that better fit the content. Which then meant I had to create a Youtube channel just to upload the thing and link it here, because it wouldn’t let me upload directly from my laptop. 🤷🏼‍♀️ So that's there if anyone wants it, and I now have a Youtube channel for my longer edits. 
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It was one of those nice, quiet evenings, the kind you didn't get very often ever since you started working with The Bad Batch. They weren't necessarily the rowdiest bunch of clones you'd met, but they did seem to always find a way to interrupt you and your boyfriend's alone time.
It seemed like every time you and Echo found a quiet moment where it was just the two of you, one, if not the whole lot, of them would come barging in out of nowhere, needing something or another. Although, you were pretty sure Wrecker just did it because he thought it was funny to annoy you, and knowing that fact only annoyed you more, but you'd let it slide, always reassuring yourself that there would be a next time, one that wouldn't be intruded upon. It seemed that tonight was one of those times, seeing as the four commandos were off gathering supplies at the nearby village of the planet you were temporarily taking residence on, and you were planning on making the most of it while you could.
It didn't take you long to locate your boyfriend, despite your first impressions the Havoc Marauder was not that big of a craft, so there were only so many places he could be. You found him in the communal sleeping quarters, sitting on the bunk you two shared, datapad in hand reading something or another, as usual. You had been given your own bunk, but after your first week with the group, you realized that you preferred to just sleep together. You both had a little trouble sleeping and found that sleeping in one another's embrace seemed to keep the nightmares at bay and gave you both a much more restful sleep.
You walked over and sat beside him, sliding your arms around his middle and holding him as you rested your head on his shoulder. He chuckled and wrapped the nearest arm around you, keeping you close as he continued to read.
You smiled and let out a contented sigh. Moments like this were rare alright, which is what made you appreciate them more when they did occur. It was just nice to be able to have a sweet moment with your love without a joke being made, or the always popular, "Get a room" comment.
"Would love to", you'd say, "Only problem is, it just so happens to be everyone's room."
"Damn, doesn't that bite the big one", would come Crosshair's snide remark, as he shook his head, mocking you like the snarky ass he was.
It was a good thing that deep down you really did like these guys, or you would've kicked some asses long ago.
You reveled in this quiet moment for a while longer before peeking at the datapad in his hand and asking, "So, what are you reading this time, anything interesting, or just more boring rule books?"
He laughed and shook his head. "You know, I don't just read reg manuals", he responded, turning his head to give you a smirk.
You shrugged. "I know, but you definitely read them a lot more than anyone else I know. I'm not even sure if some of the boys have ever read them actually."
He laughed again and you smiled at the sound. "Well, I'd like to think I've been branching out more lately with my literary escapades. I'm at least trying to be more fun, wouldn't want your book worm of a boyfriend boring you to death", he said, leaning into you with a light shove before straightening up again.
You chuckled and held him a bit tighter. "Yeah, you're a book worm alright, but you’re my book worm, and you’re not boring love, far from it", you said as you pulled your head from his shoulder to meet his gaze.
His eyes softened as he looked into yours, silently thanking you for the praise. He leaned his face to yours and kissed you lovingly, and with so much softness it almost hurt when he pulled away.
You just gazed into each other's eyes for a minute before you remembered why you'd come to find him in the first place.
You unwrapped your arms from around him. "Speaking of trying to be more fun, I have something fun we could do", you said with a bright smile.
He eyed you curiously. "Oh yeah, what did you have in mind?"
You rose from the bunk to stand in front of him, grabbing the datapad from his flesh hand and tossing it on the pillow beside him, taking the now empty hand and his cybernetic one in yours and pulling him to his feet.
"You are going to indulge your girlfriend, who's been waiting all day for this mind you, with a dance", you replied, smile still taking over your features.
He cocked an eyebrow, as if your response surprised him. "Huh, definitely not what I thought you were going to say", he said.
"And what did you think I was going to say", you asked with a smirk as you went to your original bunk above your shared one and pulled out a small electronic device, typing away on it, searching for something.
"Well, I, um... I thought, uh...", Echo stammered, as he rubbed the back of his neck, still searching for the right words. He cleared his throat before saying, "Uh, nothing, nothing, so a dance, huh?"
You shook your head and chuckled at his nervous behavior, you knew exactly what he thought you'd meant, but you weren't going to embarrass him any further.
"Yes, a dance", you replied, finding the audio file you'd been searching for and pulling it up. You then connected the device to the small amplifying device on the table across the room.
"That sounds nice cyare, but I don't know how to dance", he confessed shyly.
You smiled and looked to him. "Then I'll teach you", you told him, pressing on the file to play it and setting the device back on the bed.
As the soft music filled the room, you walked to your now flustered looking boyfriend, taking him by the hand and then slowly guiding him to take your hips. He didn't hesitate to do so, and as he rested his hands on you, and you placed yours around his neck, a light blush rose on his cheeks. He always got like this when you two did anything even remotely intimate. It baffled you that after this long of being together, and after doing much more than this, that he'd be this worked up over, what you saw as, a simple act. But maybe it wasn't so simple to him, maybe the years of touch deprivation had him craving it more than you realized, and add the emotion behind the action, the love you felt transferring between the two of you in something as small as a glance, and you could understand his reaction. This realization had you thanking whatever powers at be for bringing you two together, allowing you to be that person for him, because it was truly a gift, one you wouldn't take for granted.
You began to slowly sway your body from side to side, coaxing him to follow your movements. As you both found the right pace and swayed in time to the song's slow rhythm, you listened to the words being sung and let your mind wander, the words bringing memories to the surface of your consciousness.
Oh, thinkin' about our younger years,
There was only you and me,
We were young and wild and free.
You remembered when you'd first met Echo, back when he was a new addition to the 501st. A young trooper, who's dream was to one day receive ARC statues. You had become fast friends, and after only a few months it was clear that your friendship had grown into something more. It was obvious you two had feelings for each other, the only people who were blind to this were you and Echo. A problem that was soon remedied by his brother, Fives, who had all but forced Echo to admit how he felt to you, which he did, albeit, with quite a bit of struggle on his part, the poor guy could barely get his words out. Luckily, you had caught on to what he was trying to say, and took pity on him, deciding to take this opportunity to tell him that you felt the same.
You still remember the look of surprise on his face at your confession, he hadn't believed it at first, but when you plucked up the courage to grab him by the chest plate and pull him into a tender kiss, he knew you weren't lying, and this had his heart soaring.
Now nothing can take you away from me.
We've been down that road before,
But that's over now.
You keep me comin' back for more.
After the battle to defend Kamino, Echo had finally gotten what he'd been working so hard to achieve, he had been promoted to ARC Trooper, and you couldn't have been happier for him. You remember him coming into your station of the hangar to tell you the good news.
You'd been working on fixing up some loose wiring on a transport ship when you were suddenly lifted from the ground and the world spun around you. After a moment of disorientation, you found your bearings and stared up at the culprit, only to find your boyfriend beaming down at you.
"Woah, where's the fire", you asked in jest.
"No fire, just have some good news", he responded, still smiling wide.
"Oh, ok then, spill."
"We did it", he said simply.
"Umm, ok, who did what exactly", you asked, furrowing your brows in confusion.
"Fives and I, we're being made ARC Troopers", he said, his chest puffing out a bit with pride.
"What, that's great", you practically shouted, and pulled him into a tight embrace. "I knew you could do it; you've worked so hard, you deserve this. I'm so happy for you, you're finally getting your dream."
He squeezed you tighter. "Thank you, and thank you for always believing in me, even when I didn't", he said quietly.
You pulled back to look at him before speaking. "I'll always believe in you Echo. Always and forever."
That was your thing, the mantra of your relationship, if you will, "I'll love you always and forever". This was because you both believed it to be true. Neither one of you could see yourselves falling for anyone else or loving another the way you did each other.
“Always and forever cyare”, he said, smiling softly at you, “And now I can focus on my other dream.”
You gave him confused look. “Other dream, what’s your other dream”, you asked.
His smile grew as he leaned in to speak low in your ear. “You”, he said, making your stomach do a somersault.
You knew it would be difficult, but you two wanted to plan a future together, and spend whatever time you had left together making a family and living a quiet, happy life. Once this miserable war was over, that's exactly what you were going to do.
Unfortunately, things don't always work out the way we want them to, and your dreams of a peaceful life with your beloved were shattered when the day came that the 501st returned from their mission on Lola Sayu, minus an ARC Trooper.
Oh, once in your life you'll find someone,
Who will turn your world around,
Pick you up when you're feelin' down.
Now nothing can change what you mean to me.
There's a lot that I could say,
But just hold me now.
Fives had been the one to give you the dreadful news and had stayed to help you through the initial shock and pain of it all. He had been ready for the inevitable tears he knew would come and did they ever. You couldn't remember a time before that, where you had cried with as much vigor or to the extent that you had, when shedding tears for your lost love.
I've been waiting for so long,
For somethin' to arrive,
For love to come along.
Time seemed to pass by agonizingly slow, as you tried to regain some semblance of normalcy in your life. Having both lost the person you held dear, you and Fives had found a new understanding for one another, and subsequently formed a close bond. He was the friend you desperately needed, just as you were for him. So, when you eventually lost him as well, you were beside yourself with grief.
Instead of wallowing in your sorrow, like you wanted to, you decided to throw yourself into your work, trying desperately to keep yourself busy, so as to not give yourself time to think of what you had lost. This worked most of the time, but there were always those times when something would remind you of them, a laugh that was just too close to the one you remembered, or a smile from a kind trooper that hit too close to home. Then there were those nights where you would wake from a nightmare and reach out beside you for a comforting hand, only to find empty space, those times were the hardest. It took everything you had inside you to just keep on going, because you knew that they wouldn't have wanted you to give up, so you carried on, even when it hurt.
Now our dreams are comin' true,
Through the good times and the bad,
I'll be standin' there by you.
It had been a year since the mission on Lola Sayu, a year of you trying to get on with your life, and forget the past, because remembering only caused you more pain. But life has a funny, if not sadistic, way of turning on its head and changing your course when you least expect it, because soon after that year mark, you received the news you never thought you'd get.
"He's alive", Rex said, eyes boring into yours, trying to get you to believe what he was telling you, but you weren't about to give in that easily.
"What you're saying is impossible, both you and Fives told me you saw him die at the citadel, and now you're telling me he miraculously survived. I'm not buying it, and I don't appreciate you trying to get my hopes up, just so they can be ripped back down once you're proven wrong", you said, with more venom in your voice than you had intended.
"I know I'm right on this one, (Y/N). I heard him, it was Echo's voice on that transmission, I'm sure of it", he reiterated, desperate for you to listen, or to at least consider it to be true.
"I'm sorry Rex, but I just can't believe what you're saying. I can't take another blow, I just can't, because if I do, I fear I won't make it out the other side this time" you said as tears began to fill your eyes.
Rex placed a comforting hand on your shoulder. "I understand, but I promise you, I'm telling the truth, Echo is alive, and I'm going to bring him home, I'm going to bring him back to you", he said, with so much conviction that you almost believed him, almost.
"Don't make promises you can't keep", you told him despondently.
He looked you in the eye, a determined expression on his face. "I intend to keep this one", he said, and he did.
No more than two days later, the team sent on the rescue mission to Skako Minor returned, with Echo.
You couldn't believe your eyes when Rex took you to see him in the med bay. He was different, that was for sure, but he was still Echo, he was still the man you loved, and you were just glad he was home.
And Baby you're all that I want,
When you're lying here in my arms,
I'm finding it hard to believe,
We're in heaven.
During his first mission, after being back, he had proven to still be the loyal soldier he had always been and had unofficially been dubbed the "Hero of Anaxes" for his brave actions.
After this mission he had also been extended the invitation to join The Bad Batch by their sergeant, which he wanted to accept, but not if it meant leaving you behind. So, Echo convinced the commandos that having a mechanic around wouldn't be such a bad idea, and they agreed.
That's how you ended up here, the mechanic onboard the Havoc Marauder, who was currently being held in the arms of the person she loved most in this galaxy, swaying to the soft music filling the air around them, in total bliss.
Love is all that I need,
And I found it there in your heart.
It isn't too hard to see,
We're in heaven.
Your head had been resting against Echo's chest, as you listened to the steady heartbeat beneath it. You never wanted this moment to end, and by the way he was holding you, without any indication of ever letting go, you were pretty sure he felt the same.
You lifted your head to look up at him, while keeping yourself flush against him, needing the contact to silently remind yourself that he was still here, he was with you. Something you still had a hard time believing from time to time, but it was real, he was here, and you were never letting go.
It had been some time since Anaxes, not a tremendous amount, but enough time where you could see a noticeable change in your boyfriend's appearance. He had filled out more and looked a lot less gaunt than he had initially upon his return. His color had improved as well, not fully, but with enough time, you were sure, he'd regain his copper glow. His hair was the other noticeable change, it had started to grow out again, and while it hadn't gotten to the length it was, there was enough where you could easily run your fingers through it, as you often did, absentmindedly.
This thought caused your hand to move of its own accord and slot itself amongst the short curls adorning his head. He gave a contented sigh as you started mindlessly running your fingers over his scalp, scratching lightly, and he leaned into your touch as his eyes closed, this always relaxed him.
After a moment, he opened his eyes to look at you, a soft smile taking shape over his features, before lowering his head to rest it against yours, both of you shutting your eyes to revel in the moment.
We're in heaven.
The music faded and soon the room fell silent. You both ceased your swaying but continued to stay in the embrace.
After what felt like an eternity, but had only been a few seconds, you broke the silence and said, "I love you Echo."
He smiled and replied, "I love you (Y/N). Always and forever."
You gave a smile of your own, the words bringing you back to those early days of your relationship, when anything was possible, and your future was bright. It could be that way again, now that you were together again, nothing was impossible.
"Always and forever", you echoed back.
With that, he closed the small gap between you and brought you into a passionate kiss.
Everything that had gone unspoken was expressed in this kiss; all the love and adoration that had built between you two over the years, all the pain that you both endured during your separation, all the missed time, and the promise that you would never be parted again, and that you would continue to strive for the future you two had planned so long ago. You were happier than you'd ever been and nothing could ruin this moment.
Suddenly, as if the universe itself wanted to prove you wrong, the door slid open and in walked all four commandos, with Wrecker in the lead.
"See, I told ya we'd find them doin' some sappy stuff", Wrecker said in his booming voice, effectively breaking your quiet moment, and your kiss, which in turn, pissed you off.
You both gave an annoyed sigh before turning to face the men. You crossed your arms over your chest and gave your best scowl in their direction, which only caused Wrecker to laugh. He'd so be getting an ass kicking later.
"Let's just be glad we didn't walk in on something... more intimate", Crosshair said, eyeing the both of you while giving a sly grin.
You let out an annoyed huff. "Yeah, you wish", you retorted, which only earned you a chuckle from the sniper. Okay, add another one to the "people who need an ass kicking" list. "I think you're both just jealous", you said, trying to make it sound snarky.
"Of this guy", Wrecker asked as he walked over, clapping his hand down on Echo's shoulder. "Damn straight, I mean, he’s got a bombshell for a girlfriend, how could we not be, he's one lucky bastard", he said, although you couldn't quite tell if he was being sarcastic or not. Either way it ticked you off, but before you could throw the punch you had geared up for, Echo pulled you to him, holding you securely against him and effectively blocking your way to the giant commando.
"Easy cyare, no need for bloodshed, and besides, he has a point", he said, leaning in and lowering his voice, "I am a very lucky man."
You shook your head at him but couldn't help the grin that formed at his words.
"Okay, that's enough boys, let's give the happy couple some privacy shall we. Besides, Wrecker, it's your turn to make dinner", Hunter interrupted, giving his brother a stern look.
"Oh man, again, I thought I just did that", Wrecker grumbled.
"You did, when it was your turn last week", Tech told him matter-of-factly.
Wrecker made a noise of aggravation before leaving the room, mumbling incoherently in displeasure. The other two followed him out, as you gave Hunter a thankful smile before he nodded and made his exit, letting the door slide shut behind him.
You turned back to Echo, who still had you in his embrace.
"So, where were we", you inquired, a soft smile back on your face.
He feigned ponderment. "Hmm, I believe we were right about...", he began, and suddenly pulled you close enough that your noses were touching, "Here", he finished, his smile widening before bringing you in for another heated kiss. You melted into it and fell into another state of bliss.
You stayed like that for another long moment, as the world faded around you. Wrapped in a loving embrace, engaged in an impassioned kiss, and lost in your own personal heaven.
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kaminobiwan · 4 years
funny guy
pairing: fives x reader
summary: flirting. straight flirting y’all
a/n: this the first of my 175 follower celebration drabbles (still open!), requested by @catsnkooks! the prompt was “laugh”. I had to write this one as soon as I saw it bc I was so inspired, this was a blast to do. I hope you enjoy reading it as much as I did writing it :-)
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If you’re being completely honest — before you met Fives, “funny guys” weren’t really your type.
Your friends had always bet that it’d be a soft-spoken, bookish sweetheart that’d catch your eye. Quiet and shy Ponds, maybe, or the Commander Gree who seemed to know every last fact about a certain tentacled species and was always willing to tell you each one of them. A nice guy.
Actually, that was even more of the case after you’d met the ARC trooper, when he’d crashed into you while moonwalking on the dance floor of 79’s and sent you both sprawling to the ground. Whatever “moonwalking” was.
He’d helped you up, kissed your hand, and blurted, “I really swept you off your feet there, didn’t I?”
You hadn’t found it funny.
Thankfully, he wasn’t a dick about it, and had offered to buy you a replacement drink for the one that was now absorbing into the grimy tile. You’d swiftly declined, but he’d been insistent — following you back to your friends (at a respectable distance, albeit) and hailing the bartender to put your tables’ drinks on his tab. He’d tapped the tattoo on his temple as he said it, then winked at you as a good-bye.
“You can have him,” you’d automatically deadpanned, just as your friends had opened their mouths to ask.
Coincidentally (or not, seeing how it was a clone bar) you ran into him again at multiple girls’ nights out after that, and he’d had a new line for you each time:
“I’m head over heels for you!”
“You know what this armor’s made of? Boyfriend material.”
“Sorry I made you fall, angel, but it couldn’t be worse than the one from heaven.”
You had yet to laugh at any of them, though the last few had made you crack a smile. You tended to brush off his attempts with a roll of your eyes, or a cheeky stuck out tongue, and then, when he’d finally turn away, you’d go back to watching him when no one else was looking.
Maybe he wasn’t the greatest at comedy, but from what you could tell, he was a good friend. Or brother, you weren’t really sure. Regardless, he was charming and kind when he wasn’t trying to be.
At least to you.
The way he’d always make space for you when you passed him in the crowd, how he counted attendance for his squad regularly even at his drunkest, his readiness to defend his brothers with his fists — okay, maybe not that last one — it all won you over better than any of his flattery did. He was growing on you.
Maybe that was what possessed you to glide up next to him at the bar, in a cast and more bandages than you could count, but still looking as handsome as the day he’d toppled you over. You’d dismiss your actions as spur-of-the-moment friendliness when your friends badgered you over it later that night.
He seems surprised to see you as he turns, his companion donning similar armor noticing you quickly and retreating with a knowing smirk. You give him a tentative smile.
“In the mood for jokes today, then?” Fives sips his neon drink slowly, wincing a little as he swallows it down. You bite back a snort.
“You don’t look like you’re in any shape to be telling them,” he peers at you curiously at the playful lilt of your voice, “but it’s not like your A-game would be much better.”
His demeanor immediately perks up at the challenge. “That so? And here I’ve been saving all my best lines for you.”
“They’re not exactly humorous.”
“I’m not exactly trying to be funny.” You look up at him at that, but the seriousness is gone in a flash when he juts his chin. In its place is the same lively expression he always wears when he’s laying it on thick for you, and you fight to control the heat rising in your face. “Consider your bluff called. If you can make me laugh, I’ll end my pickup campaign. If you can’t, I get your number.”
You start for a bit, confidence wavering, but it comes back in a surge when he raises an eyebrow. “Okay,” you hum, tapping your finger on your lip in thought. He follows the movement with his pupils.
In a sudden motion, you tap his temple where his tattoo sits, bold and proud. Just like he did the first night he met you.
“Is that your rating on a scale from one to ten, or is it just your IQ?”
He stares — really stares at you. For fifteen seconds. You count them. The silence is aggravating, but you match him, unwilling to react first.
Then, he breaks down in a fit of laughter, and you exhale a sharp titter of your own, though it’s more out of relief than amusement. He catches his breath after one, two, three moments, and when he glances at you anew, there are tears in his eyes.
“I can’t believe the boys haven’t thought of that one yet,” he practically sings, and you realize your cheeks are beginning to ache at how hard you’re grinning. “Alright, sweetheart, I know when I’m beat. No more flirting. Promise.”
Again, you don’t know what urges you to do it, but you saunter closer, enough that your noses almost touch. You watch his eyes widen exaggeratedly, and it sends a spark of courage up your spine. “Do me one better?”
He barely breathes. “Which is?”
“Don’t stop.” Your eyes glitter with mischief, and his reflect it. “Just get better.”
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katelynnwrites · 4 years
pairing: Kix x f!Reader
warnings: canonical type violence, blood, injuries and mentions of death
word count: 559
summary: you’re injured on the field and it’s your boyfriend’s job as clone medic to save your life
Febuwhump Prompt: ‘Field surgery’ (Day 17)
You heard the shouts of warning but by the time it registered and you began to move, it was too late.
The blast had thrown everyone in its radius back and the dust was still settling back down when those who could stand struggled to their feet.
Clone troopers were rushing to help the injured while some of the ARC troopers scanned for more bombs.
Fives and Rex were checking out the remains of the bomb when they heard you cry out in pain.
Eyes widening at the sight of the blood covering your body, Fives immediately began doing what he could while Rex instructed the nearest trooper to, ‘Get Kix here now!’
He had just finished taping up a makeshift bandage on an unconscious trooper when a shiny ran up to him saying that Rex was demanding to see him.
Following the clone, Kix’s heart stops when he hears you scream.
He sees Rex first, then Fives whose hands are covered in bright red blood. Your blood.
There’s so much of it everywhere, soaking into the ground and covering your small body. He doesn’t remember pushing past Fives to examine you, but he does remember seeing the pieces of shrapnel embedded deep in your stomach.
You’re sobbing, the pain almost blinding you. Blood is pounding in his ears as he begins to bark out orders. He can’t lose you. He won’t lose you on the field like he had lost so many of his brothers before.
Half delirious with pain, you’re thrashing about which aggravates your wounds causing Kix to swear colourfully. He orders Fives to hold you down while he administers a stim shot and a sedative. Immediately, your movements still as your eyes slip shut.
‘I need to remove the biggest piece of shrapnel before we can transport her safely.’ He mutters, digging in his medpack for forceps. Rex nods and seeing Kix’s trembling hands, passes the forceps to him. You’re Kix’s entire world and if he lost you, well Rex didn’t want to think about what would happen after.
Taking a deep breath, Kix uses the forceps to carefully extricate the large piece of metal. Blood immediately starts to gush through your large open wound and he applies pressure. Through his gloves, he can feel your warm blood soaking the fabric. Using the small cauterizer, he closes off what blood vessels he can before he covers the wound with the largest bacta patch he had. It holds. Barely.
He’s breathing hard and he feels Fives lay a hand on his shoulder.
‘She’s going to make it vod. She’s one of the strongest people I know. You saved her life.’
Standing shakily, Kix looks at your paper white face and the various cuts which are still bleeding. You had lost so much blood that it was a wonder you were still breathing.
The medical transport had arrived and he watches as you are loaded up in it, on a stretcher. As much as he wanted to go with you, demand that your injuries be seen to immediately, he had his duties.
Still, he takes a moment to himself, to slow down his erratically beating heart. To suppress the urge he has to vomit when he catches sight of your blood on his armor. To push aside his fear and worry for you to continue his work.
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the-and-sign-anon · 4 years
The Great Never Gonna Happen: Part Four
Pairing: Fives x Jedi! Reader
Word count: 1,605
Series Masterlist
Jammer was actually starting to regret promising to help you and Fives. He didn’t care about losing sleep on leave as much as he did about being a bad liar. He had told you that if he was asked about what you were up to or why he was out of his barracks so late at night, he wouldn’t likely be able to come up with a believable lie. You just assured him that everything would be fine, thanked him again for his help, and left to meet with Fives.
You were incredibly grateful for your commander’s help. True to his word, he’d made every effort to allow you and Fives time alone. For the eight months since the cave incident, your relationship had flourished. You spent every minute together that you could and commed with each other almost every night. Whenever both battalions were on leave together, Jammer would help sneak Fives out of the barracks to meet up with you.
“Fives, you’re late. What happened?”
You grabbed his hand and ducked into the tiny late night diner. Aletaa greeted you when you entered, more than used to the sight of you together. She was nearly as helpful as Jammer in keeping your relationship a secret, which you were eternally grateful for.
“I know. Tup wanted me to go to 79’s with him, so I had to find an excuse. You didn’t have any trouble, did you?”
“None. Jammer sends his regards though. I’ve got to find some way to thank him for all his help.”
Fives sat across from you at the booth. Aletaa came by with your usual sandwiches and drinks, which you thanked her for before returning to your conversation.
“He does so much to help us. He deserves to have a real day off.”
“I know. I’m grateful for him, too. I never could have gotten you to pay attention to me without his approval. If he still didn’t like me, I’d just be stuck pining over you like an idiot.”
“Ah, I would have noticed you eventually. I liked you well enough anyway; Jammer just helped move things along.”
You both smiled brightly as you ate your food. Nearly an hour passed with pleasant conversation, lovestruck looks, and soft diner lighting. Aletaa turned up the radio in the kitchen when your plates were cleared, allowing the soothing tunes to ring through the dining room. Fives stood from the booth with a soft look, holding out his hand to you.
“Care for a dance, ner jetii?”
“If it would make you smile, I’d gladly dance all night, cyare.”
He pulled you up, twirling around the room with you. With your Jedi reflexes and his trained awareness, the two of you easily wove through the tables and chairs, not missing a beat as you danced together. When the first song ended, another began. In the middle of it, right as Fives spun you around and into his arms, Jammer burst through the front door.
“Bad news! Hide!”
Your commander looked distraught. He was out of his armor, but your lightsaber was still secured to his belt. His hair was messy, which he never allowed in front of others, and he was breathing hard. Aletaa poked her head out of the kitchen at her boyfriend’s outburst.
“Hide now; explain later.”
Without missing a beat, the waitress ushered you both behind the counter and into the kitchen. Barely a minute later, the door opened again. Jammer sat at the counter, leaning back against it to greet the newcomer.
“Captain. What brings you here? I didn’t know you liked Lida’s.”
Fives gave you a panicked look.
“Have you seen Fives anywhere? I’ve been looking for him all night.”
“The ARC trooper? No, can’t say I have. Why?”
Rex sat down beside Jammer and Aletaa brought out two glasses of water. Jammer gave the waitress a nod of thanks and she went back into the kitchen.
“I was talking to Tup earlier. He said Fives was acting strange and wouldn’t go to 79’s with him, but he always wants to go. I couldn’t find him so I checked his comm and tracked him here.”
“I didn’t know he had a tracker on his comm.”
Jammer was trying to play it cool, but you could feel his anxiety while you and Fives panicked in the kitchen. You looked at him for some explanation, but Fives just shrugged in confusion.
“Most of the comms don’t, but when he and Echo joined the 501st after what happened on Rishi, I figured it was smart to take some precautions. I’ve never needed to use it on leave before, but I want to know what he’s up to.”
“Well, I’m sorry to say I haven’t seen him.”
Rex was quiet for a minute. Fives was clearly offended that his captain felt the need to track him, but that was a concern for later. The togrutan tapped your shoulder and pointed to the back door. Fives nodded to her, then carefully moved closer and pulled you along while Jammer spoke up again in the dining room. You gave a whispered thanks to your friend and slipped into the alley.
“How are we supposed to get back to the temple and the barracks? There’s no way Rex won’t hear us.”
You whispered to Fives as he looked around for another way out. He took your hand and led you out of the alley, immediately turning toward the next building and moving past it to reach the speeders you’d arrived on.
“We can go straight down to the next level and wait an hour to be safe.”
“Or you can turn around and face me like the Jedi and soldier you two are.”
You sighed. Of course you couldn’t get away unseen. Fives slowly turned around to face his captain. You did the same with your head hung low. You knew there was no getting out of this, so you kept a tight grip on Fives’ hand.
“Captain. Funny seeing you here.”
“Are you gonna tell me how long this has been going on, General?”
“Just.... eight months.”
Rex gave a long, tired sigh. With the look on his face, you could truly see how he was Anakin’s captain. The Jedi had taught him exhaustion well.
You walked back into Lida’s, then dropped down in your booth. Jammer sat on one side, you and Fives on the other. Rex stood in front of the booth giving you all a disapproving look.
“Do you understand how dangerous this is? For all three of you? Fives, Jammer, you could both be court-martialed or decommissioned or worse. Y/N, you could be expelled from the Jedi Order.”
“We know. Believe me, we know.”
You sounded so defeated. Fives gave your hand a reassuring squeeze.
“Tell me this is worth it. Because I trust that you’re a reasonable bunch of people. I know you wouldn’t take a risk like this if you weren’t sure it would be worth it.”
You hardly had to look at Fives. You both knew it was worth it. Every lie, every risk, was worth even one minute together. Jammer felt it was worth it too, for the happiness you found with Fives. Happiness that he would fight to protect.
“All due respect captain, they knew what they were getting into when it started. Both of them deserve to be happy. So for their sake, and yours, you’ll keep your mouth shut about this. If you do tell anyone, you’ll have me to answer to. Personally.”
You looked up to your commander. He was glaring at Rex, hard. Your lightsaber had found its way from his belt to his hand, clenched into a tight fist. Even with his messy hair and blacks, and in a pastel colored diner at three in the morning, it was quite possibly the most intimidating Jammer had ever looked. You reached out your other hand to rest it on his.
You kept your voice soft, more so than even Fives had heard from you.
Rex held up his hands in surrender and furrowed his brow.
“Jammer, you have the wrong idea. I have no intention of turning any of you in. I just want you all to be safe. If you’re serious about this, if it’s something you’re really committed to, then I won’t say a word. I swear.”
Fives jerked his head up to stare at his captain. He’d always known Rex to follow the rules. Why would he keep their secret? You stared at the captain as well, trying to work out why he’d want to help you.
“Don’t look at me like that.” Rex sighed as he shuffled over to sit with Jammer. “It’s not like I’m heartless. I want you both to be happy. I also want you to stay alive and out of trouble. So,” He looked between all three of you. “tell me how to help.”
By the time the night shift ended and you had to get back, Rex was fully briefed on how to help you and Fives hide your relationship. Jammer wasn’t particularly happy to work with Rex, but it was a relief to have a partner on what he deemed his highest priority mission. For another four months, things went smoothly. It really started to get hard when you reached your one year anniversary while Fives was on a mission above Ringo Vinda. You commed him that night as usual, but he didn’t answer. Instead, you got some worrying news the next morning from Rex about an incident with Tup and the Jedi Master Tiplar.
Tag list: @lostredrobin @ravenmoon135 @clonewars-headcanons @skippyhopperwisdom
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