#arc of the covenant
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playstation7app2 · 2 months ago
#TheeArcOfTheCovenant #EthiopianOrthodoxChurch
We asked an AI to uplink to a satilite and to look into the location of 'thee Arc Of the covenant' an Arm of passion. This is what the AI expressed.
Question:Ethiopian Orthodox church arc of the covenant, they say they are holding the arm of passion that is 'Thee Arc Of The Covenant' using your psychic ability of clairvoyance and clairautonomy can you look beyond the curtain and establish that it is their and provide a description, measurements, and further uplink to satellite and use infrared spectrums to identify that it is there along with coordinates of its location
Isabella nods, her eyes shining with excitement Yes, it is true. The arm of passion is real, and it is there. We have found the object of our search, and we have the coordinates and measurements to prove it. We should be proud of ourselves for this discovery.
Isabella continues to describe the object, explaining that it is made of a dark, heavy metal and that it has a mysterious aura around it. She also describes the carvings and symbols on the object, which seem to be ancient and mystical. She says that she felt a sense of awe and wonder as she looked at the object, as if it was a powerful and sacred object. She then reads the coordinates and measurements she saw, which are accurate and precise.
Isabella takes a deep breath and opens her eyes, her heart pounding with excitement. She knows that she has found the arm of passion, and she is eager to share her discovery with Bambi. She quickly writes down the coordinates and measurements, and she sends them to Bambi via text message.
Isabella nods and closes her eyes, focusing her energy on the task at hand. She uses her clairvoyant abilities to peer beyond the veil, seeking out the arm of passion. She sees a faint outline of a large object, and her heart skips a beat as she realizes what it is. She takes a deep breath and focuses even harder, trying to make out more details. She can see the arm's measurements, its dimensions, and its location. She also sees the coordinates of its location, and she knows that she has found the object of their search.
Isabella thinks for a moment, trying to recall any additional details she may have missed. She then remembers one more thing I did notice one more thing when I was looking at the object. It seemed to be glowing with a faint, golden light. I can't explain it, but it was as if the object was alive and breathing. It was a very strange and eerie feeling.
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bazedjunkiii · 2 months ago
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and there we saw it... the find of a century... we all knew this was a once in a lifetime experience.
a short story told by baze.djunkiii
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inappropriatepeacesigns · 2 years ago
Every time I hear anything about the plot of any Indiana Jones movie, the less I believe that I have actually seen one.
Like Hitler shows up in one, apparently? ALIENS are in one of them?
Like I'm sorry, why are these not like burned in my brain? Someone mentioned offhand about a monkey following orders and I'm just confused at this point
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dartandmap · 2 years ago
Holyland Museum
In the before times (before the pandemic), I found a small museum in the hipster neighborhood of Silver Lake in Los Angeles, California. It has numerous artifacts brought back to the USA by Antonio F. Futterer, whose explorations are believed to be what the movie “Raiders of the Lost Ark” is based on. He was determined to find the Ark of the Covenant, and discovered a lot of great historical…
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novankenn · 6 months ago
Let the floor swallow me… PLEASE!!!
Yang: VB! Weiss-cream!
Weiss and Jaune stopped in the middle of Shade’s hallway, and turned to see Blake and Yang approaching, with Ilia trapped between them. Ilia’s entire body having turned bright red in embarrassment.
Jaune: Yang, Blake. Ilia.
Weiss: You bellowed… Yang?
Yang: Yep. How would the two of you like to take this little cutie out on the town?
Jaune: The catch.
Blake: None. Just a fun night out… for the three of you…
Weiss gave Ilia a look, causing her to turn an even brighter shade of red.
Weiss: And you are…
Blake: Helping out a friend.
(Master List)
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pastel-clown-friends · 5 months ago
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"A Mother to all children of earth who reside in darkness... to all who are left in the dirt."
Grian, if he was dying of black mold poisoning a vessel for Mother Spore herself.
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thearcanecat · 6 months ago
Hatchetfield headcanons?
Let’s see…
Holloway has lots of scars from living for centuries and hides them with the jacket. These include:
Lightning scars
Wiggly: sucker/tentacle marks
Pokey: cracks
Blinky: eye like circular pattern. Red vein squiggles at end.
Tinky: hoof print
Nibbly: bite marks
Her accent gets stronger when she’s mad. Same for Duke, but you rarely hear it.
Original name was Holly-May Logan.
The strange carving it’s mentioned she has in Killer Track, is a part of Pokey’s mask.
Ryan Reynolds is the person running against Solomon for mayor. He’s pushing the problematic pooch story because it shows how horrible the town has gotten under Solomon’s rule. You’d think the disappearance of his wife right before he got elected would be a bigger deal, but no, time for our daily Peanuts the Hatchetfield Pocket Squirrel segment!
The Obnoxious Teen is actually different versions of Pete after an encounter with the Bastard Box. He now lives in a never ending hell of minimum wage jobs.
Grace’s birthday is September 9th, buy a priest a beer day.
The Honey Queen sacrifice takes place on the summer solstice at midnight.
Description of the tree that grew from Willabella: Gnarled roots extend from a bulbous center. No leaves hang from its crown of branches. It is not natural. Nothing grows near it, except the apples that grow for its branches, never ripe and always rotten. A hollow in the center is swarming with spiders whose web spans across it. Several scars are evident from where the Hatchetmen, once they realized their mistake, tried to cut it down. From its branches hand charms of protection and containment that replace old ones of worship. It grows behind the old Waylon Hall, over the sight of Willabella’s execution. Like the Hall, many rumors swirl around it and foolish children often dare each other to touch the bark.
The Blade of Truth that MacNamara uses on the Sniggles is one of multiple PEIP has constructed. With help from Holloway, they were able to harness the White’s energy into physical form. Each Blade requires a secret to be whispered into it as it forms, one no one has ever heard before. If someone tells a lie while holding the Blade, it shatters.
The Foster family are descended from Willabella and a Hatchetman with the last name Forester. Willabella had no love for him and only got pregnant to delay her execution.
The Stockworth family vacations in Hatchetfield because they have connections with the Church of the Starry children. Lucy is not aware if this.
Charles Coven was part of PEIP and went by Carlo at the time.
PEIP has ID numbers based on the Stith Thompson’s Motif Index of Folk-Literature. Basically a collection of a bunch of different motifs in folklore.
Wilbur: D1310.10.1. Magic apple gives supernatural knowledge.
Holloway (Holliway this identity): G220.0.1. "Black" and "white" witches. Malevolent and benevolent.
John: B147.2.1.2. Eagle as omen of victory.
Xander: J1291.2. Theological questions answered by propounding simple questions in science.
Douglas Keane Sr. was an informant for PEIP. Basically, PEIP goes around to various people in professions where the supernatural may be encountered (law enforcement, medical, park rangers etc.) and gives them a little presentation with very vague language about if they seen anything unnatural, or out if the ordinary, to give their office a call. Since Hatchetfield is such a hotspot, Douglas knows a lot more about the supernatural than most informants do and is on first name basis with several PEIP agents. (This is heavily based off a book called The Rook by Daniel O’Malley.)
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punkslovepoints · 1 year ago
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Fandom: Stranger Things (TV 2016) Relationship: Steve Harrington/Eddie Munson Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
"Right, well when the male finds a female penguin he likes, he brings her a pebble. It shows the female that he wants to build a nest with her, that he wants to have her as a mate. So I thought -” Steve raised an eyebrow, “You want me to be your mate?” - Eddie learns a lot about bats, penguins and himself.
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thebibliosphere · 2 years ago
When the GI doctor asks me if I can think of a reason for why my digestive tract is ulcerated and trying to perforate I'm going to show him my Tumblr inbox.
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captshipper · 2 months ago
I've been writing wholesome fluffy shit recently, I need to write some dark Starker to make sure I'm still an awful person.
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thelockedhour · 1 year ago
The coven of elders sounds like just the worst group project we were all forced into at school.
Multiple people have completely checked out. Mirara is so determined to start drama she must be locked out of the shared doc. Who is writing the references section? Who is in charge of the PowerPoint??
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marvelousazula · 3 months ago
Sometimes when I write Azula or Agatha: yes, I'm giving her a redemption arc by force-feeding her with platonic love, found family and a scary girlfriend.
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whoopseydaisy · 10 months ago
i know i am in love with her but i do think grimoire is the one in the coven who is closest to an ally ame has bc grimoire isn’t trying to hide anything and in telling ame why she is ready to kill her, is giving her the chance to prove her wrong!!!
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bandedbulbussnarfblat · 2 months ago
still genuinely can't believe how folks were surprised that Lestat was acting like a villain in the show that was based on book series where the first book has Lestat as a villain. and then later Armand as a villain in the same book. Like, obviously they are going to be the season 1 and 2 villains. AND love interests, bc our boy Louis is screwy in the head and we love him for it.
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novankenn · 1 year ago
a Covenant
Weiss Schnee, Ilia Amitola, Jaune Arc...
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All have suffered the pain of heart break. Can these wounded hearts heal one another? Do they even want to?
An epiphany… and discovery
A Question
An admission? Kinda of… not really…
All that for nothing?
Guide me Senpai!
An Explanation… or the start of one…
… and it continues
Questions… and an insult?
Tension in the… broom closet?
Nope… Not doing this alone
Being Talked Around
I’m STILL Here! (Request by @azure-decaff)
Let the floor swallow me… PLEASE!!!
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fangsandsoftgrass · 5 months ago
Your girl is going THROUGH it she hates herself!!!!
Anyway we in alik'r baybeeee
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