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justavulcan · 1 year ago
Airmark's Guide to Planar Vegetables: Heartshare Rose
This thick, vibrant green shrub grows best in a mild climate in partial shade, making the heavily forested first layer of Arborea its ideal growing conditions.  While the stems and stalks of the plant are covered in thick, curved thorns, the plant lacks much that would draw in predators save its beautiful, deep red flowers.  These flowers, both the main attraction of the shrub and the rarest element of its biology, do not bloom under any circumstances but under the care of a gardener.  This is because, due to some unknown mechanism, the heartshare rose only blooms if it is being tended by one who is in love.  This makes the shrub’s reproduction solely dependent on acts of care by the ardent, the other reason it flourishes most successfully in Arborea.  The ambient emotional climate of unrestrained but well-intentioned feeling is necessary to the heartshare rose’s growth, and the plant rarely flourishes in large quantity elsewhere, although potted plants are often the centerpiece - and passion project - of the dedicated interplanar gardener.
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adndmonsteraday · 8 months ago
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Cyclopes (sing: cyclops; pl: cyclopes or: cyclopses) were a race of giant-kin distinguished by having a singular, central eye.
Cyclopes were one of the smallest types of giants, standing only 12 feet (3.7 meters) and weighing 1,200 pounds (540 kilograms),but they were as strong as the average stone giant. Cyclopes had earthy skin tones that blended with their surroundings. Males and females cyclopes of the Feywild were notably bald and had spiked heads instead of hair. Other cyclops had hair and more human-like appearances.
The most peculiar and distinguishing thing about cyclopes was the fact that they only had one large eye in the middle of their foreheads. It tended to be the same as the color of their skin. This eye was rumored to cause fear in any who looked at it. Their single eye gave them poor depth perception, however, and therefore they couldn't use missile weapons very well.
Source: https://forgottenrealms.fandom.com/wiki/Cyclops
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cagemasterfantasy · 3 months ago
Dnd Cosmology: Arborea
Alignment: Chaotic Good
Planar Portal Color: Sapphire Blue
Arborea is a plane of extremes stupendously craggy mountains unbelievably deep gorges forest of monstrously huge trees and vast stretches of wheat fields orchards and arbors. Wild hearted nature spirits dwell in every glade and stream brooking no infringement. Travelers must tread lightly.
The air of Arborea seems charged with excitement. Sudden squalls brew up out of nowhere beating the tree lined paths with heavy winds. The storms pass within minutes and leave behind warm arcs of sunlight filtering through the forest canopy. Music always seems to be playing in the distance sometimes it originates from groups of elf musicians but as often the faint tune is merely the wind curling through the boles of the great trees.
Layers of Arborea:
Arvandor: Towering trees colorful wildflowers abundant grain and delicious fruit create a lush environment.
Aquallor: An eternal ocean fed by the by the River Oceanus is home to teeming sea life and mighty storms.
Mithardir: A desert of white sand is abandoned by whatever powers once lived there.
Arborea Adventure Ideas: Arborea is a larger-than-life place of violent moods and deep affections of whim backed by steel and of passions that blaze brightly until they burn out. Its good-natured inhabitants are dedicated to fighting evil, but their reckless emotions sometimes break free with devastating consequences. Rage is as common and as honored as joy in Arborea.
An adventure in Arborea can be an opportunity for characters to discover who they are when masks fall away and the honesty of unfettered emotion is revealed. The inhabitants of the are accustomed to this emotional honesty. Lifelong friends might share a laugh over food and wine cross blades over a mutual lover and write songs celebrating each other's courage and integrity all in a single evening. For those who aren't accustomed to this candor though it can lead to hurt feelings and lingering resentment.
Creatures that visit Arborea and then leave sometimes experience a desperate desire to return a yearning so intense that it can interefere with day-to-day life.
What secrets lie buried in the sands of Mithardir? An expedition might involve investigating whatever gods or Celestials once inhabited the silver desert or find some knowledge they possessed.
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witchstone · 2 years ago
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Tree Heath  Erica arborea Mount Kenya National Park, Kenya -0.167718, 37.229259 by gerald_keneth_kaniaru
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kojiarakiartworks · 2 months ago
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June 2013 KTM Kathmandu Nepal  Thamel
© KOJI ARAKI Art Works
Daily life and every small thing is the gate to the universe :)
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fungusqueen · 3 months ago
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Beautiful seaweed in the intertidal zone. Featuring Dead Man's Fingers (Codium fragile) and Southern Sea Palm (Eisenia arborea)
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curlymantis · 2 months ago
Popping this on here to show my cover up tattoo I finally got :)
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na-bird-of-the-day · 1 year ago
BOTD: American Tree Sparrow
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Photo: Aaron Maizlish
"This sparrow nests and winters farther north than any of its close relatives. Despite the name, it is not particularly associated with trees, and many of its nesting areas are on the tundra north of treeline. In winter in the northern states, flocks of Tree Sparrows are common in open country. They often come to bird feeders with Dark-eyed Juncos and other birds. Males may begin singing their musical songs in late winter, before they start their northward migration."
- Audubon Field Guide
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utilitycaster · 1 year ago
The more I think of it the more I agree with the anon from yesterday re: Arborea being a really great possibility for the portal location, so anyway here's a bunch of reasons why it is both good, and also extremely funny:
Only one deity (Arch Heart) makes this their permanent realm, but the Wildmother and Moon Weaver are frequently there, and also both the Changebringer and the Platinum Dragon wander the planes as well; you could literally have almost half the Prime Pantheon present.
I simply think FCG did so well this past episode they should get to meet their god in person behind the divine gate, and also in general I think the party meeting some gods face to face would be productive in resolving any lingering debate once and for all, in one direction or the other.
Chaotic good realm full of elves who will fight for any cause (at least in D&D 5e canon), which sounds fun
Was this portal in this structure already, or did the gods specifically put it there as a back door into Ruidus just in case? Interesting implications either way.
In general the plane Fearne is on (if it is extraplanar) is EXTREMELY funny if it is specifically a divine realm, since we know that it's not unheard of for mortals to be granted access to the divine realm of a god giving them favor.
Also in D&D lore it is home of the World Tree which feels really consistent with some of the other trees recurring in this campaign, thematically. We need more weird magic trees.
Absolute long shot but: there is genuine reason for Fjord to be there.
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podartists · 5 months ago
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Heidelerche, Lullula arborea | Die Vögel (1913) | Alfred Edmund Brehm (1829-1884) | Biodiversity Heritage Library
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sictransitgloriamvndi · 2 years ago
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justavulcan · 1 year ago
Airmark's Guide to Planar Vegetables: Whitesand Sentinel
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Roaming the white sand deserts of Mithardir in Arborea, whitesand sentinels are so named because they claim to be keeping watch for (or against) some unknown phenomenon. This conviction has bought them some measure of acclaim among the layer's inhabitants, most famously among the undead who inhabit Mithardir's tombs and abandoned cities.
Whitesand sentinels are ambulatory cacti growing usually approximately twice the height of the average humanoid; they weigh more than four men put together. Their skin is usually a dark brown or greyish tone with lighter green appearing after they have received a good soaking. They do not adhere rigidly to a humanoid body plan, and often have more than two legs or arms, although two always seem to be primary and the rest secondary.
Like much of the celestial life found in Mithardir (such as the unrelated guiding beetle), the sentinels are willing to help those who find themselves lost in the vast desert, affording them drinks from their own bodies if no other water can be found and curing sunstroke and illness with a touch of their spiny hands. In extreme cases, they have been known to petrify the dying with their breath, assured that they can return them to their previous state when circumstances are more friendly to life.
They extend this courtesy to the undead, and are most often found traveling other planes when they are seeking to conclude the business of a wayward spirit. When interviewed about the subject, they claim it is related to the eternal watch they keep over the desert, although the individual I interviewed was vague on the subject. Whether this is an attempt to protect the knowledge or out of lack thereof, I cannot say.
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crudlynaturephotos · 2 days ago
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elf-indulgent · 1 year ago
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Brugmansia arborea, the angel's trumpet.
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northerlyy · 16 days ago
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Rough Stink Bugs (Brochymena arborea), taken September 17, 2024, in Georgia, US
My favorite stink bug friends to see around!! There's honestly nothing about them that really stands out, but they have neat spiny protrusions on their shoulders that can be used to ID the species and cool camouflage for life on trees! Occasionally I'll see a fresher adult that's almost completely black and white instead of brown, which looks pretty neat!
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kojiarakiartworks · 2 months ago
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June 2013 KTM Kathmandu Nepal  Thamel
© KOJI ARAKI Art Works
Daily life and every small thing is the gate to the universe :)
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