worldofkuro · 3 months
Aravae Vs Alastor
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Aravae... hates Mimzy and Alastor love forcing her to hang out with the lady. It's his funny time of the day... But he always holds his laughter. He would rather die than let Aravae know he finds her funny.
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awritingcaitlin · 2 months
🔥Character Voice Tag Game
@sentfromwolves tagged me for the line: "I missed you too."
I'll be doing cast from TBW! (Many of these are adjusted actual lines they say in CTQ 👀
"You can go ahead and get the bone-crushing hug out of the way."
"Rumors of my death were greatly exaggerated."
"Yeah, I'm home."
"I'm here, for a while at least."
"Holy ships, I'm not dreaming this time."
"It's good to be back around."
"I can't believe you didn't write! Or call!"
"You're here now, it's time to eat and rest up."
I'll tag: @kaylinalexanderbooks, @rarmaster, @sithbelle, @flowerprose, and @kashacreates for the phrase:
"Stand back, I'll handle this."
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simlit · 7 months
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Chosen of the Sun | | dawn // twenty-six
| @maladi777 | @izayoichan
next / previous / beginning
ELION: You know, Moon Pet, I didn’t mention it before, but Lord Hayashi seemed oddly surprised to hear of those books he supposedly asked to borrow. Almost as if, he hadn’t. KYRIE: Oh? How peculiar. ELION: laughs If I didn’t know any better, I’d say you were up to something. KYRIE: Up to something? Don’t be silly. Though, now that you mention it, it’s just not proper for someone like you to be dining openly with the Duke and His Highness. I’m afraid you’ll have to wait outside. ELION: You can keep crafting plans to get rid of me, but you realize it only hurts you in the end. After all, no one’s trying to kill me. KYRIE: I’m aware. But if surviving means having no privacy, then I’m not sure it’s a life I want to live. MAID: Your Grace, Your Highness, do come in. The other guests are already waiting in the parlor. LUCIEN: Hello! INDRYR: …Good evening? ASTER: My, my, I didn’t know there would be minors here tonight! I hope this doesn’t mean the booze is off the menu. KYRIE: laughs MAID: My lords, the Duke should be down momentarily. Please make yourselves comfortable. KYRIE: Thank you. And could you see to it that the frightening looking elf outside is given his supper, too? MAID: Of course, Your Grace. ASTER: Well, aren’t you sparkly. LUCIEN: Thank you! KYRIE: Indryr, Aster, this is Prince Lucien. He’s visiting from the kingdom of Kera. LUCIEN: That’s right! Just for the festival! I can’t believe I’m already meeting so many of the Ten! You’re the Bard, aren’t you? ASTER: How’d you guess? Ha! Suppose I have that look about me, don’t I? What about my floral friend here? LUCIEN: Indryr, right? Of Irauygate? They say you’re a talented alchemist! INDRYR: Correct on all accounts. ASTER: Modest too, eh? ELDEWYN: Ah, good evening, everyone! Please excuse my lateness. I hope you’re all most comfortable. I must say, I am absolutely thrilled to host you all tonight. When His Grace offered, I was beside myself with excitement. It’s not every day someone gets a private meeting with the Chosen. I expect I’ll be the talk of the town! KYRIE: Thank you, my lord, for your hospitality. ELDEWYN: Of course, of course! Allow me to introduce myself. Duke Phineos Eldewyn, magistrate, and longtime supporter of the trials. I welcome you all to my most humble abode. KYRIE: Most gracious of you. This is Indryr and Aster, I’m sure you’ve heard much about them, already. ELDEWYN: Yes, yes! And so excited to learn more! Why don’t we all make our way to the dining room? Dinner will be served shortly! KYRIE: whispering Do you have it? INDRYR: Of course, Your Grace. Always. KYRIE: I appreciate you offering. Let’s hope we needn’t have use for it tonight. INDRYR: I couldn’t agree more. But if Plan A fails, then… ASTER: Plan A for Aster, boys! It’s all under control.
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orangesideirrational · 3 months
A/A/D brainrotting/analysis
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(^ this was /lh)
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this was all written before the beginning of ras foundation episode
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Hello, fgo player here and I have a question to you, a veteran.
Is it normal to feel like you're doing everything wrong while progging the story? I enjoy the story and the characters, but the gameplay itself feels like i can't catch up at all ever.
Currently in seventh singularity at the level 72 bit and I legitimately keep losing heart, because it's becoming so difficult.
And I do level my characters and their skills as I can. I do try my best, but it never feels enough.
Especially last singularity, where I was carried by the leystones that were given out for free.
Please give me advice. I want to enjoy the game.
The 6th singularity is notorious because it's generally seen as the first time where the game actively challenges you and the 7th singularity kinda follows suit.
I'm not good at giving advice for these kinda things but if you have servants you like or have units that you think are really strong. Look into support units from your friends list that buff your units (these servants usually take the form of casters but not always). Pay attention to what classes the enemies are using and always bring servants that are at advantage.
If you're still really struggling with lb7, do note that Merlin was a servant that was released when that part came out and he famously trivialized the challenge of the game at the time as he could be tossed into most team comps and successfully help you through most encounters.
Fgo can be incredibly unfair. It's okay to read up on the story and events outside of playing the game if you're losing heart. You're a safe ways away from them, but there are some fights in the lostbelt arc that are straight up designed to make you use your three command spells.
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startheoverseer · 3 months
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Have I posted this yet?? idk take it anyway, I put it up on pixilart a few months ago I think
Modern AU where Dressy is a traumatized scientist and Arava is a child who will not leave him tf alone
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12-cluh · 7 months
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hellionsheart · 8 months
I've got 20ish hours in dao here are the updates
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this is my girl Aravae! she's an dailish elf, becaue I'm predictable
I wish I picked a hairstyle where you can see her ears but what can you do
she gets along with Alistair and Leliana but keeps pissing off Morrigan. they're the only companions she's met so far (other than best boy the mabari war hound)
Alistair and Morrigan's constant bickering is stressing her out are all humans like this
idk who she's gonna romance yet, I'm going with the same strategy I did with my first bg3 playthrough and that's to let the game decide, unless someone ends up standing out to me
who do you romance? give me the propaganda
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taffetastrology · 1 year
The signs as Arava Polak wedding dresses
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worldofkuro · 3 months
Hey, I was wondering, Alastor and Aravae would change if they meet as a child in hell? Like, would they end up...Liking each other~? Or moooore???
Hello dear,
I always love it when you are asking about Aravae and Alastor relationship. Please, don't stop.
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Yes, their relationship would change drastically.
Aravae can't feel emotions, at least, not like normal people do. But she longs for connections. She doesn't see the difference between friendship and romance. She wished to feel like other people do.
Alastor doesn't feel emotions like others, but he enjoyed it. It makes him feel like he is superior to the common mortals. He doesn't understand that Aravae wishes to find a relationship.
As a child, Aravae would try to create something with Alastor while he would think she was stupid. She looks like a snake, a preadator, and yet, he , a deer, a prey, could easily eat her up. That is what would pick his curiosity. She might be useful, who knows?
But then, when he discovered Aravae couldn't feel emotions, he would feel a sense of kinship and would argue with her when she would say she wanted to feel like others.
" We are better than them Aravae, can't you see?"
" Actually.. I can't, Alastor."
Their conversation in the beginning would be... interesting. Aravae would try so hard while Alastor would just stare at her, thinking she might be up to something. After all, she looked like a predator even with her soft eyes.
" Are you... a deer..?"
" Yes. Can't you see?"
" Actually, I can't. My snakes are my eyes."
" ... What a useless predator."
" Isn't it?'
" ... Tell you snake to stop petting me."
" I can't control them."
* Bite the snake, and hell break loose.*
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awritingcaitlin · 3 months
🧪Find the Word
Thank you @kaylinalexanderbooks for the tag!
My words are: ground, copy, thought, bottom
Tagging: @isabellebissonrouthier, @juls-writes, @turnips-creates, @kae-luna, and @sam-glade
For the words: opportunity, switch, matter, slimy, shield
Snippets from CTQ under the cut!
Rin took her opportunity to heat up the remaining pirate’s guns. With yelps, the guns clattered to the floor as well. Adler and Lubbock joint-attacked the larger of the two pirates. Kanjo grabbed the half elf and with a small jolt of electricity across his fingers, paralyzed the man long enough to pin him to the ground.
“What happened?” Rin asked.
“No time,” Killian said. “Rin, I need you to go put a shield over the breach in our hull.”
“Copy one-five-six point-four,” Harrison replied, messing with the radio yet again. “Switching.”
He repeated the spiel with the new approach controller and received approach vectors. Killian adjusted the course accordingly.
“I need all mages on their engines,” Killian called on the intercom.
“So if someone found sitah bones older than the Age of Intervention,” Riela said, the thoughts taking forever to form coherent words in her mouth. “And only sitah bones…”
Nathaniel nodded. “But no one wants to talk about it.” He chuckled. “Honestly, humans, elves, and dwarves all want to believe they were the first, or at the very least were put here at the same time.”
“Why does it matter?” Riela asked.
Taryn laughed a little. It was a weak laugh, but she was still stiff. “I get the feeling you don’t like him,” she said.
“He strikes me as a bit more slimy than I like dealing with,” Doctor Fireswan said with a facsimile of a smile on. “Worrying about the bottom line and propriety and not about the person.”
“Accurate,” Taryn muttered.
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simlit · 7 months
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Chosen of the Sun | | dawn // thirteen
| @sani-sims | @keibea
next / previous / beginning
EVE: Oh, he’s coming over. KYRIE: He’s very excitable. EVE: Should I brace myself? LUCIEN: Your Grace! I’ve been so looking forward to seeing you! And my lady, it is an honor to meet you! This is only my second festival, well, I was too young to come before, but now mother and father have allowed me to come on my own! I hope to meet all ten of the Chosen, if I’m able! My name is Lucien! EVE: I’m Eve— LUCIEN: Yes, I’ve heard all about you! They say your magic is very strong! Congratulations on winning this past trial, how thrilling! How are you enjoying your time? Has it been very challenging? EVE: Well, I certainly would say so. Perhaps a rocky beginning, but after recent events, things do seem… a bit calmer. LUCIEN: Sometimes I think I’d like to be chosen myself. But then, I haven’t any magic, and I’m not a skilled fighter. I am exceptionally good at haikus, though, would you like to hear one— KYRIE: Maybe later, Your Highness. LUCIEN: Alright! That reminds me, I was a bit surprised to hear you were conducting the ceremony. You see, last Selenehelion Lady Alphanei conducted. She’s very lovely, have you met her? EVE: O-Oh, no, I haven’t— LUCIEN: She’s just wonderful! Exceptionally kind. I’ve just arrived and was hoping that I could see her. I don’t mean to be troublesome, but maybe you could arrange a meeting, Your Grace? KYRIE: I… Um, unfortunately that won’t be… I mean, Al is away at the moment. LUCIEN: Away? Like on a trip? KYRIE: Yes. A trip. She went to visit with the Wise Ones, so I’ve taken over in her absence. LUCIEN: What a pity! Perhaps she’ll return before I leave the city. I hope so! I mean to stay until the end of the trials! I’d love to meet with the other nine, oh… but I expect that’s too much to ask. Maybe just one or two more? KYRIE: Suppose I could introduce you to Åse. She’s just over there. LUCIEN: Ah, yes! The Valkyrie! Exciting! Excuse me, Your Grace, My Lady! EVE: You weren’t kidding. He is… KYRIE: Energetic. EVE: Yes. But he does seem kind, even if a bit innocent. Can’t really fault him for that… Suppose I’ve been very naïve myself, at times. KYRIE: I told you, you see the best in people, and that’s not a bad thing. EVE: Maybe not, but then, I certainly regret giving some people the benefit of the doubt. KYRIE: Prince Lucien is young. He has a lot of growing up to do. But at least for now, maybe it’s alright for him to enjoy a thing in innocence, even if it’s nothing of the sort. EVE: You couldn’t tell him the truth about your sister. KYRIE: Even if I wanted to, if word got out that Alphanei was missing, it would cause a great stir. She’s alive, so, I suppose that’s what really matters. EVE: Alive? How do you know? ÅSE: OF COURSE YOU COME SEE ME! I AM BEST OF CHOSEN! YES IT IS VERY EXCITING! KYRIE: Honestly, they’re a match made in heaven. EVE: You’re not wrong. Though, we shouldn’t let him inflate her ego too much more. If her head gets any bigger, she might just fly away. KYRIE: laughs You’ve changed, you know. EVE: Have I? KYRIE: It’s a good change. You seem more at ease. EVE: Comfortable, perhaps. KYRIE: I’m glad.  
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Swazi Defense Force Arava 201 on final into Tambo Airport, Johannburg, South Africa
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Happy birthday!
Thank you!
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12-cluh · 5 months
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hellionsheart · 7 months
Aravae's adventures in romance-
I seemed to at somepoint get locked out of Zev's romance so I went back to a previous save to trigger it so I'd be able to replay the game from that point onwards eventually. I also had a save from the point were I had to pick between Alistair and Leliana. I picked Alistair for this first playthrough but several quests and in game days later I somehow managed to re-trigger Leliana's romance even though I'd already turned her down? Now I have to make the decision all over again?
I said I was gonna let the game choose and it seems like the game is choosing
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