#aralt the ghost
walter-sawamura · 5 years
Carter: Maybe if I fall in love with my depression it will leave me too.
Alexis: Are you okay?
Carter: Thanks for asking! Absolutely not.
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lonely-phantoms · 6 years
Why won’t they make a tv show for Bad Girls Don’t Die, it’s a book for 13 year olds but the trilogy is literally gold because it has {Spoilers are in bold so don’t read the bullets with them if you don’t wanna know}
•Our main character Alexis
•Alexis likes photography which is good
•She likes a popular guy
•But she’s antisocial so she doesn’t really have friends
•Her sister Kasey is really into creepy dolls
•And she {SPOILER} gets possessed by one of said dolls
•Sisterly bonding omg
•{SPOILER} saves Kasey
Book 2
•A group of girls which from the outside looks like they have sleepovers and sell girlscout cookies
•But in reality they’re in a cult for this demon named Aralt
•{SPOILER} Aralt wants to get to these girls and drag their souls to hell to be his servants
•Who would’ve guessed
•There’s a disgusting scene where Alexis pukes up black and has black eyes and I’d like to see it visually represented
•There’s a character death that if put on screen could chill some people to the bone
•They could also drag out Alexis getting together with {SPOILER}
•{SPOILER} the person that dies becomes a ghost and is violent as hell tbh
•With the right director and writer and a great team, the books could really make a killer show, maybe even better than stranger things
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thebookishgoddess · 6 years
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It’s been three months since Alexis helplessly witnessed Lydia Small’s violent death, and all she wants is for her life to return to normal. But normal people don’t see decaying bodies haunting photographs. Normal people don’t have to deal with regular intrusions from Lydia’s angry ghost, sometimes escalating to terrifying attacks.
At first, it seems that Lydia wants revenge on Alexis alone. But a girl from school disappears one night, and Alexis spots one of Lydia’s signature yellow roses lying on the girl’s dresser the next day. Soon, it becomes clear that several of Alexis’s friends are in danger, and that she’s the only person who can save them. But as she tries to intervene, Alexis realizes that her enemy is a much more powerful ghost than she’s ever faced before… and that its fate is tied to hers in ways she couldn’t possibly imagine.
Not even in her worst nightmares.
Review type: Quick whips
As I read this book, I have accounted to the following actions: thrashed in my resting position, screamed and went “oh my effing damn”, and nearly broken my drawer after punching it for several minutes. This was, no turn backs, the third best last book in a trilogy/series after The One and before The Last Olympian. The last book in this trilogy had me hooked. Hell, I wanted to be done with my five hour algebra work just to read this. I thought I wouldn’t be able to finish this after a wave of stressful math, but since the whole “last-book-better-get-to-it” feeling hit me – I pushed to start reading it from four in the afternoon till’ at this time 11:46PM. Did I rush reading it? Just the parts where Alexis got all lovey-dovey with Jared. I always shipped Alexis and Carter so I just skipped the Alexis-Jared parts. But damn, who knew this guy had a major arch in the story?
OH. MY. GODS. This plot was clearly twisted. Again, the author left us with not-so-much obvious states to things. Heck, I thought the paranormal activities this time was really a bad ghost – which I thought was Lydia. Double heck, I thought Agent Hansen had something to do with it after all this time. But no. Turns out Lydia was super good and she was practically my favorite character in the third book merely because I found her extremely humorous and amazing company/sidekick for Alexis here. I flipped out with all the plot twists and the new discoveries that happened in this book. And don’t even get me started on the whole Carter-Zoe thing. Good gods, this is the part where I was punching my drawer. First of all, Carter – how DAMN DARE YOU. But then when you look at it from afar, it’s so obvious he’s just trying to move on like what you’d normally do after a breakup. But seeing the crazy sunshine club member girl you’ve had from last year’s fiasco as your ex-boyfriend’s rebound? That’s hitting a whole lot more than the heart. I’m glad Carter and Alexis got back together here. But what I’m more glad about was Alexis’s full, well character development here. She went from off-the-coast-after-Aralt to thanks-so-much-Elliot. I’m so glad Elliot existed in this book. I actually loved her advises.
Overall, the characters were spectacular. The whole notion and progression of the plot was absolutely riveting. If you can tell by the span of time I read this, I absolutely couldn’t get my hands off of it. It had to be read. It had to be nourished. It had to be finished. And I’m glad I finished it. It’s an amazing close for a trilogy. After all the trials that Alexis went through, I’m so glad she finally found her happy place. Come on, every once in a while you’re going to want a good happy ending. This was, by far, the scariest book within the trilogy. This time, it really scared me – which gave it that amazing horror element to it. This is definitely not light reading since like the second book, this requires a lot of no-nonsense thinking. I would definitely recommend this to anyone who likes a little goosebumps and hairs up and for those who want to harness a little positivity in their lives (thanks Elliot and may you rest in peace). This was definitely worth the hours of reading!
“I’ve been bad. I’ve been good. Weak and strong. Brave and afraid. A hero and a killer. But the one thing I’ve never done is run from my problems. I knew it in my gut.” –Alexis Warren
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Bad Girls Don't Die characters that remind me of Buffy the Vampire Slayer characters
Carter;Riley/Owen(the guy Buffy dated that one time in season 1)
Sarah;...a couple of people,can't think of em off the top of my head rn
Aralt;Angel and another person I think
Jared;Scott,kinda.Also maybe somebody else idk
Brother Ben;Caleb
Poltergeist Laina;the Mummy Girl and the sex ghosts
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walter-sawamura · 5 years
Aralt: My two moods are glitter and death.
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walter-sawamura · 5 years
Carter: I love you exactly the way you are.
Alexis: I feel the same way about you.
Alexis: Now put your glasses back on, you look weird.
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walter-sawamura · 4 years
Alexis: Carter, can you do something for me?
Carter: I would literally cover up murder for you and plant my DNA at the crime scene and take the blame for the crime.
Alexis: Great. Can you do the dishes?
Carter: No.
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walter-sawamura · 4 years
Megan: I have the best memory! Name one time I’ve forgotten something.
Lydia: You forgot me in the parking lot last week.
Megan: That was on purpose. Try again.
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walter-sawamura · 5 years
Carter: My milkshake brings all the bees to the car.
Carter: I spilled it, all over my car.
Carter: Bees are, inside of my car.
Carter: They could kill me. I’m allergic to bees.
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walter-sawamura · 5 years
Cashier: Did you find everything you were looking for today.
Carter: No, you don’t sell my father’s approval.
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walter-sawamura · 5 years
Lydia: If anyone needs me, I’ll be dead in my grave.
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walter-sawamura · 5 years
Alexis: I bet you’re wondering why I gathered you both here today.
Alexis: It’s because we need to have a discussion about how some people in this room aren’t getting along with other people in this room.
Lydia: ...
Megan: Why did you say that so vaguely? Lydia and I are literally the only people here.
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walter-sawamura · 5 years
Teacher: Can you please tell the class why you’re so late?
Alexis: Someone told me to go to Hell.
Alexis: I couldn’t find it at first, but now I’m here.
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walter-sawamura · 5 years
Alexis: Guys, we have a problem.
Lydia: What, the fire?
Alexis: No, the—— wait, what fire?
Lydia: Never mind, this sounds interesting.
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walter-sawamura · 5 years
Lydia: There are two types of people in this world.
Lydia: Type one: those you can trust to hide a body. And type two: those who are the body.
Carter: What’s wrong with you?
Lydia: Nothing, type two.
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walter-sawamura · 5 years
Carter: My talents include avoiding difficult conversations and getting really sad over things I saw coming.
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