#araki hirofumi
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taran-chan · 11 months ago
i think about how pretty he is at least twice a day
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myfirstisthefourth · 2 years ago
The Way this man Always captures my attention when I see him. I don't even Know all of these roles, let alone have seen them, but I've seen enough to appreciate him. ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
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kazcat · 9 months ago
update i finally watched the first yu yu hakusho stage play...
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i think i may know who i liked the most..!
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t-u-i-t-c · 1 year ago
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HIROFUMI ARAKI as Rio Juken Sentai Gekiranger: Nei-Nei! Hou-Hou! Hong Kong Decisive Battle (2007)
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aoyama-division · 2 years ago
Hypnosis Mic -D.R.B.- Rule the Stage (Jet Set Trio vs. Matenro)
After progressing through the qualifying rounds and being accepted as the ones who will represent Aoyama Division in the D.R.B., the Jet Set Trio practices day in and out as they eagerly, yet patiently wait to find out who their opponents will be in the first round.
On one of the days when the group takes a break from practice, Tomi Chōten, leader of Jet Set Trio, receives word from his mother about trouble brewing in Aoyama. Apparently, someone is buying up all of the major businesses in the city. Normally, that would be no cause for alarm, but all of them are businesses that the Chōtens have either purchased stocks in or are partners with. As a result, the family's finances have dwindled. Tomi is put in charge of finding out who is behind this, and getting them to stop it, which he accepts. He tells his teammates, Karada Kessaku and Luis Kōkyū to keep their ears to the ground and report back if they hear anything.
Meanwhile, Luis, who is taking a smoke break from work in his restaurant, comes into contact with Hifumi Izanami, a member of the Shinjuku Division rap team, Matenro. The two speak for a while until Luis asks Hifumi if he knows anything about the individual who is buying up parts of Aoyama. Hifumi states he doesn't know anything and almost seems afraid to speak about it. When Luis asks again, the host's response is the same and he quickly bids farewell, leaving the chef puzzled and suspicious.
Later on in the day, Luis contacts his friend, Rashaad Young of the Okinawa Division, and asks if he could find out information on who it is that's buying up parts of Aoyama. Rashaad states that he can ask around, though it'll take some time. A few days pass before Rashaad informs Luis that the only thing he was able to find out was that the person was affiliated with Chuohku. Luis relays the information to Tomi; both he and his mother are incensed by this news, not surprisingly. While his mother tries to gain more information from inside the government, Tomi and the JST head to Shinjuku to get Hifumi, who they suspect may know something about this individual, to talk.
Arriving in Shinjuku, the three men make their way to Hifumi's place of work, the "Fragrance" Host Club. Upon arriving, Luis, once more, tries to get the host to tell him and his friends about this individual from Chuohku. Luis tells him that there is no use lying, as Hifumi obviously knows something about this person just from his behavior, which says that he must fear them for some reason. Before Hifumi can spill the beans, he is saved by his teammates, Jakurai Jinguji and Doppo Kannonzaka.
Although Luis tries to keep the situation from escalating, Tomi, who is at his wit's end, is done relying on diplomacy and decides to force Hifumi and the rest of Matenro to talk. A rap battle between the two teams ensues, leaving them both exhausted and the host club in need of repairs. The JST decide to retreat for today. As they do, Hifumi feels a familiar chill in the air that frightens him.
News of the conflict makes its way to Chuohku, and as a result, it is now announced that Matenro will face the Jet Set Trio in the next battle of the D.R.B. As both teams prepare, they are unaware of a sly and manipulative woman who is gleefully enjoying the spectacle from the shadows. Will the Aoyama team be able to defeat the Shinjuku team and get the answers they seek? Or will Matenro show the JST just why they were the former champions?
Salu as Tomi Chōten
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Hidetada Yamagishi as Karada Kessaku
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Harry Shum Jr. as Luis Kōkyū
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Taiyou Ayukawa as Jakurai Jinguji
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‎Hirofumi Araki as Hifumi Izanami
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Takuya Ide as Doppo Kannonzaka
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Original Work: @aoyama-division
Director: Yami Long @kunnaki
Screenplay: Yami Long @kunnaki
Music Director: Yami Long @kunnaki
Theme Song: Aoyama Division, Jet Set Trio @aoyama-division, Shinjuku Division, Matenro
Organized By: @aoyama-division
Bonus! "In Character" Photos:
Jet Set Trio
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Hypnosis Mic - Division Rap Battle - Rule the Stage belongs to EVIL LINE RECORDS and all the photos are not mine
The mentioned actresses and actors belong to themselves
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nugulover69 · 2 years ago
The entire snowy forest confrontation scene is incredible. Love how much these two pop against the background and also how they filmed this in a shoot snowy forest. Hirofumi Araki must've been freezing his slutty exposed pits off
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gonagaiworld · 1 year ago
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L'anime originale Kabukichō Sherlock sarà trasposto in una rappresentazione teatrale Hirofumi Araki e Hiroki Suzuki protagonisti di uno spettacolo teatrale in scena a Tokyo a maggio. Info:--> https://www.gonagaiworld.com/lanime-originale-kabukicho-sherlock-sara-trasposto-in-una-rappresentazione-teatrale/?feed_id=424357&_unique_id=65abfc38e43b7 #CaseFilenº221Kabukicho #KabukichōSherlock #Teatro
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anm-blog · 1 year ago
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sushishouta · 4 years ago
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stray dogs
Or i guess in this case, foxes? 🦊
Its cool how Dazai and Ango have the white masks covering the eyes and they gave Oda the dark one that covers the mouth though. Wonder of it has any meaning in the mythology or its simply aesthetics. 🤔
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taran-chan · 1 year ago
the thing is, i make fan edits when i'm sick
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karasunocurry · 10 months ago
Ochanomizu Rock The Live Stage (sub)
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Here's another project I started very long ago and finally finished up. I do suggest watching the drama series, which has been subbed before (not by me) so I'm sure you can find it somewhere. I love Ocharock so much QAQ Ocharock (hardsub) Feel free to buy me a coffee if you like my work!
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strifescloud · 3 years ago
Hypnosis Mic: Rule the Stage Track 2 English Subtitles
Really excited to say that Linktieria and I have now finished subtitles for Hypnosis Mic: Rule the Stage Track 2! We’re super excited to finally be able to share these with you <3 
I’d also like to thank my team @/Sicarius130 and @/Kari_D_0130 for their contributions and assistance during this process. 
I do not permit screenshots, gifs, recordings, videos or reproduction on social media that includes my subtitles in whole or in part.
Additional info under the cut
The subtitles were timed to the dvd, which you can find here:
DVD: https://www.cdjapan.co.jp/product/KIBM-858
Bluray: https://www.cdjapan.co.jp/product/KIXM-441
You can also purchase Track 2 from the following streaming services, accessible via VPN
DMM: https://www.dmm.com/digital/cinema/-/detail/=/cid=5479nelkep00097/?i3_ref=search&i3_ord=3 (requires VPN, takes Paypal)
Theatre Complex: https://theater-complex.jp/movie/detail/1569 (does not require VPN, takes credit card)
If using a streaming service, you can overlay the subtitles using a standalone subtitle player. Some options can be found here:
Please support the production and the actors during this difficult time for the industry! You can browse their official store here:
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leenaevilin · 3 years ago
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[Update] ミュージカル『刀剣乱舞』 にっかり青江 単騎出陣 (musical touken ranbu nikkari aoe tanki shutsujin)
the schedule for the 3rd show was announced:
February 25th, 2022 (Okinawa) @ 沖縄市民会館 (Okinawa Shiminkaikan) March 1st, 2022 (Nagasaki) @ 諫早文化会館 (Isahaya Bunka Kaikan) Mach 3rd, 2022 (Saga) @ 鳥栖市民文化会館 (Tosu Shimin Bunka Kaikan) March 5th, 2022 (Yamaguchi) @ 下関市生涯学習プラザ 海のホール (Shimonoseki-shi Shougaigakushuu Plaza Umi no Hall) March 8th, 2022 (Kyoto) @ 宇治市文化センター 大ホール (Uji-shi Bunka Center Main Hall) March 9th, 2022 (Hyogo) @ 神戸国際会館 こくさいホール (Kobe Kokusai Kaikan Kokusai Hall) March 11th, 2022 (Gifu) @ 長良川国際会議場 (Nagaragawa Kokusai Kaigishou) March 13th, 2022 (Shizuoka) @ 浜松市浜北文化センター 大ホール (Hamamatsu-shi Hamakita Bunka Center Main Hall) March 16th, 2022 & March 17th, 2022 (Kanagawa) @ 相模女子大学グリーンホール (Sagami Joshidaigaku Geen Hall) March 19th, 2021 (Gunma) @ 渋川市民会館 大ホール (Shibukawa Shiminkaikan Main Hall) March 21st, 2021 (Tochigi) @ 佐野市文化会館 大ホール (Sano-shi Bunka Kaikan Main Hall) March 24th, 2021 (Aomori) @ リンクモア平安閣市民ホール (Link More Heiankaku Shimin Hall) March 26th, 2022 & March 27th, 2022 (Miyagi) @ 名取市文化会館 大ホール (Natori-shi Bunka Kaikan Main Hall)
homepage twitter natalie
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ganekuro · 3 years ago
Sekoryo showed up in Arayan's birthday insta live!
(Arayan (Araki Hirofumi) is Rio from Gekiranger btw, and they both acted in Hypmic stage)
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reikaidetective · 4 years ago
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This gets funnier every time I see it. Their faces are priceless. Source: ✩
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xxnothingbutstrangerxx · 4 years ago
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Yu Yu Hakusho Stage Play Part 2 Visuals Unveiled
Sakiyama Tsubasa as Urameshi Yuusuke Goumoto Naoya as Kuwabara Kazuma Suzuki Hiroki as Kurama Hashimoto Shouhei as Hiei Araki Hirofumi as Koenma Hirata Yuka as Botan Elizabeth Marry as Genkai Mirai as Yukimura Keiko Kizu Tsubasa as Suzaku Enoki Tomokazu as Seiryuu Tanoue Marina as Yukina Araki Kentarou as Sakyo  Nakagauchi Masataka as Older Toguro Brother Katayama Hironori as Younger Toguro Brother
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