transphilza · 2 years
This is gonna sound like a weird question but if you assigned cwilbur a cat/dog toy, what would it be? I think he’d be those cat toys that crinkle on the inside when you squish them.
YES he would ABSOLUTELY crinkle. i think hed be those animal toys that are mostly limp and flat with the crinkly stuff inside
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like the one on the right is literally him
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elbowreveal · 2 years
Is the bullying Philza hours related to the whole “I’m asking Tumblr to give me the philza url” thing? Because if so, I agree everyone point and laugh at him L
YEP precisely
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cat-26 · 2 years
How have you been? Have you flown yet? Any vods or streams you’ve been listening to? It’s been quite a day I gotta say lol. It’s been very entertaining though.
I’ve been doing good! Currently listening to Phil’s stream and lurking on Tumblr. I’ve also been chatting with friends here whenever I can.
Always good to see you! :)
I passed my written test, so now I need to get a few more volunteer hours (aka wash planes) to get put on top of the waitlist to start flying. So hopefully I'll be learning to fly by January!
I have not watched a VOD in WEEKS (like, not even the ones I asked you about last time), except for the hermitcraft charity stream (and I haven't finished that one). I've been pretty busy, so I've only seen videos lately (from mcyt it's mostly been hermits).
I hope you're doing well!! How's life? Classes? How's Blossom?
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risingsunresistance · 2 years
Goat doing god’s work for us Techno fans by providing the most important content: crunchy scuffed screenshots of our boy
if god's not gonna do it then SOMEONE has to 😌
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unicornhazel · 2 years
Hey Hazel do you forget that they way we talk on Tumblr won’t make sense to other people because I do lol
Like when Jimmy read someone calling him a pathetic wet paper bag, I was like “oh hell yeah they get the appeal,” and then Jimmy was like, “that’s the funniest insult I’ve ever received,” and I was like, “JIMMY NO ITS A COMPLIMENT.”
Like I forgot that that sounds insulting KEKW
I absolutely agree it's not going to make sense HOWEVER, when in Rome, respect the laws of Rome! We love pathetic wet rags of men here! It's the highest degree of compliment.
If they're going to seek us out they're going to have to learn our language I'm afraid 😔
(and that's what makes it so funny I'm never getting that clip of Jimmy reading tumblr tags out of mg head)
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greaterspawnislands · 2 years
Favorite stream vod?
ohhh that's a hard one...but I think it's gotta be Phil's March 8, 2021, because that hardcore s4 vod was one where charlie, tommy, and wilbur invaded phil's stream for a while and talked about a bunch of random stuff which was funny, of course.
And then the video they were gonna go record got moved bc i think wilbur was tired or something, so they left but then phil showed charlie around his whole hardcore world and gave a huge in depth tour. i really love how invested charlie got and he asked phil such good questions and it was so nice to hear phil's lore get appreciated by another storyteller :D the bit where phil shows the art of he and she on the bench and charlie makes angst jokes always makes me laugh a lot. it's such a fun vod
it's definitely a biased pick bc that's also the vod i rewatch most often to brush up on hardcore knowledge but i just really really like it. also it's the vod i showed my friend when i got high with her so it has a funny memory there too lmaoo
"what's your favorite..."
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smallishbabes · 2 years
Ayo I’m Arah o/
- My main is @arah-fren
- she/her, 22 years old, asexual
- Technoblade and Smallishbeans main.
- I don’t do discourse, NSFW, and shipping (EDIT: only if the shipping is funny)
- Feel free to spam like/reblog, send me asks, and tag me.
Alright now go nuts fam \o/
Tags I use listed below:
#arah post: my posts and comment reblogs
#non mcyt: posts that aren’t mcyt related
#liveblogging & #vodblogging: reactions to moments while watching livestreams and videos
#arah’s clip: clips and compilations from videos and streams
#arah’s clipping adventures: me talking about making clips and compilations
Discontinued tags:
#arah art
#arah’s wordles
#my cat blossom, #my sister’s cat mia, & #my sister’s cat lexie
Disclaimer: I don’t tag reblogs but I do tag my own posts, so if you need me to add any trigger tags or appropriate fandom tags, let me know and I’ll add it (through anon or dm, whichever is easier).
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notworking-com · 4 months
terakhir i promise (lying)
tadi di lobby i saw him (obvi) not coincidences, fate whatever delusion my mind likes cmn kek emg gue sm temen2 gue duduknya di situ jd mau ga mau ya bisa keliatan 😭
tp kek idk ga terlalu noticeable (ga kek kmrn) but im sure he noticed because how could he not (unfortunately) dan gue ada fleeting thoughts kek hm. mungkin nanti pas istirahat malah ketemu lg ahaha
EH BENER 😭 kl ini bener bener kek kerasa…….... 😊 waw takdir ga ke mana (canda pls pls). jd kan gue awalnya makan bekel dulu sm temen gue di depan ruangan, trus dia kek pengen makanan yang manis yaudah gue bilang ke kantin aja yuu sekalin (dan idk bisa aja ga si hm hm ketemu) EH BENERAN 😭😭😭 gue sm temen gue lg arah ke kantin lurus dia dan temennya dari samping gue langsung kek 😭😅⁉️ dan gue kan awalnya liat temennya dulu ya trys cari kebelakang to see whether hes with him or not dan pas gue combing through his group of friends dianya keknya abis jatoh gt karena tali sepatu 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭 lucu
TRUS MS. kan dia dan temennya stay behind nungguin dia recover dr jatoh itu, trus gue kan keliling kantin sm temen gue, kek dia mau jajannya apa soalnya gue lagi ga mood makan. dan pikiran gue tuh lg ke thatguytm bodohnya, EH MS GUE JG TIBA2 KESANDUNG 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭 i don’t think he saw it (keknya dia baru msk ke kantin later on deh) cmn kek…… only if you saw 😭😭😭
universe this is not funny why r u giving me so many materials huh
truss pas pulang. gue tadi tuh izin duluan cepet2 ke lobby sm temen gue CMN BUKAN KARENA DIA SUER 😔😔😔 temen2 gue pas gue balik lagi ketemu mereka kek candain “din nyariin siapa sii dinn balik lagi lu” CMN SEBENANRYA. gue td tuh kabur karena mau ngehindarin tiga serangkai anker ini karena takut ketauan gue bakal naik kereta jg trus mereka kan baik ya eh ngajak 😭😭😭😭😭 ga bisa social battery gue ga bisa gue males jd gue kabur duluan. eh pas smp lobby, thought the better of it, jd gue balik eh ketemu frens frens lg. cmn ya masa gue jujur dan bilang itu karena gue ngehindarin temen2 kita jg kan ga enak 😭😭 jd gue biarin mereka jailin de 😔
trus kita kan jdnya cmn bertiga, yang lain udh pd pulang, lagi ngobrol deket tangga lobby pokoknya kek bercanda2 aja. eh ada temennya trus temennya ngobrol ke gatau siapa di sebelah gue. trus ada dia 😭😭 br keluar dr mana gatau, dia ke lobby dan pas dia lewat trus kek nyapa temennya yang di sebelah gue ini gue tuh lg kek ketawa trus jokingly kek “um sorry 🫢😂” YOUBKNOW that gimmick cmn gue jd takut dia kira itu karena dia di situ soapnya kek pas banget pas fia lewat 😭😭😭 kek dia bener di samping temen gue yang di hadapan gue, kek silang gitu (cia)
trus udh de ok bye no idc why are you saying otherwise (also dia skrg keknya lagi on ig banget????????? tp bio yang di sec nya udh dihapus 😔 odhal lucu 😔)
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theminecraftbee · 3 years
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antimony-medusa · 2 years
Medusa the last time he went on vacation he grew a beard and everyone was freaking out I don’t wanna think about what he would plan on vacation
Maybe he needs to grow a terrible beard. For his enrichment. Think of that, huh? Huh?
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transphilza · 2 years
Yeah Phil admitted he had a MySpace account. I believe Phil asked Techno once “how much money would make you do Facebook gaming?” “OH BILLIONS!! I don’t even have a Facebook account” and then Phil responded with, “Yeah I don’t have a Facebook account either but I had a MySpace account.” That was a funny moment lol
CALLED IT those pictures of him as a teenager radiate myspace energy KEKW
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lilacandladybugs · 2 years
*pats you on the back* It’s okay Lilac the computer can be stupid too :)
i think the computer is the smart one arah ,
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cat-26 · 2 years
How have you been? How’s flying? How’s grad school? Anything good happen lately? :)
hello arah!!
i'm good! i took a long thursday to monday weekend, so this week has been really nice! it was really relaxing to take off a few days and pretend i didn't have any work to do. (also my advisor was nice and didn't send any emails those days so it was full disconnecting from research)
i've been flying a lot, and i'm now learning to land. we went to an uncrontrolled airport and just did loops around the runway, landing and taking off multiple times. made me realize i could never be a flight instructor, because the self control they have to have to be like "yep, go and aim this plane you barely know how to fly to the ground and see if you can land". like. i would not trust my students to not crash.
i'm starting a new "section" of my research, which is exciting since after it's done (or as done as research can be, which is not very much done), i can add it to my thesis and call my thesis complete! (hopefully) (that's the plan)
how are you? how is life? how are classes?
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risingsunresistance · 2 years
Goat: no fear
A random person wearing merch in their university could know them
Goat: one fear
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unicornhazel · 2 years
Hazel having Techno brainrot half asleep:
Me like the butterfly meme: Is this the start of a chain?
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Arah you're so absolutely right this is exactly how it went
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greaterspawnislands · 2 years
I didn’t realize you changed your user H :O Hello! o/
yes hello! is me ^-^ i jus wanted a better url i was gettin tired of "mellohi" so now we vibe with the hardcore lore url >:D
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