#arabella crow
old-diabetictrait · 1 year
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The Triple A's of the marketing department in @kashisun's Simblr Office❣️
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Akari Hoshino, Apple Juice, and Arabella Crow are known as the Triple A's of the management department, basically working and moving as an unit within the company. Akari makes sure they always meet their deadlines and brings snacks from the Asian supermarket, Apple creates a good mood at work no matter what and brings Surinamese dishes for lunch on the day she works, and Arabella makes sure to remind everyone that there's more to life than work and provides the morning Starbucks order. Outside of work the three are also good friends, Akari gets help with raising her brothers, Apple always has free tutors at speed dial, and Arabella has already found her two biggest fans for her books.
inspired by @nepotisim for the profiles akari hoshino was based on this female sim by @sims4thehoes apple juice is based on myself poses: 1 2 3+4
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ehlnofay · 1 month
Summerfest Day 2 - SECRET
All the air in the room shivers and gusts like an expulsion of breath; the sluggish, oil-slick water below resumes its flowing; Arabella, liquid metal curled lacelike over her skin, starts laughing.
It’s dark, in this dank cavern. Karliah left the lamp she carried outside and did not suggest lighting another. Perhaps it would be sacrilege. For several minutes, all had been shadow; but now if Arabella squints, she can vaguely make out the motion of the water, the distant shine of filigreed armour, the bird-mark on the floor. She can make out Karliah on the middle plinth and Brynjolf on the distant one; she can make out the cracked stone below her; she sinks down, low, into a crouch, hood pulled down over her forehead, and cackles. It echoes in her mouth, against the fabric-smoothness of her mask.
“Well,” says Brynjolf’s voice, blankly, from across the room, and again, “well.”
“The first meeting can be… overwhelming,” Karliah says, tactful. Like Arabella’s cracked under the pressure of watching someone talk to a big not-light in a hole so soggy-stale it feels as familiar as the cistern. She is still laughing – she can’t help it (it’s either funny or it’s very serious, and she’d rather not take it seriously) – as she rolls her shoulders back the way she practiced in the armoury, lets the metallic carapace unravel itself, shrinking and sinking again into her skin, to the cold metal mark she pressed like tattoo ink into the back of her neck. (She’s been branded – she’s been gulled – perhaps she should be taking it seriously, but it’s so ridiculous that she doesn’t want to.) The armour goes away. She can, just about, see her skin again.
She is still laughing, birdlike high and delighted.
Brynjolf shakes his head – she catches it only because of the way his eyes glint in the mask – and says, “Didn’t wake up this morning thinking I’d be meeting a Daedric Prince.” He sounds very deliberately careless; taking everything, very intentionally, in stride. “Suppose I’m honoured.”
“Oh, yes,” Arabella crows, “most honoured bargaining chip –” and she goes off in peals of laughter again. Her language is bleeding into Bos, a little – she’s getting her grammar mixed up in her head, blending her words in ways that should give them layers but instead just turns them to gibberish. Most-honoured, ill-weighted, played like lamb-tendon lute-strings, all an unintelligible mess of sounds. It’s all so patently ridiculous.
Brynjolf pauses, asks, “Does this happen, often?” with a nigh-audible furrow of the brow.
“Arabella,” Karliah says. “Arabella. What, the hysterics? No, or, I’ve never – Arabella, pull it together.”
“Lest your Lady think –” and the rest of it is lost to scrambled syntax, but then Arabella wipes her mouth – probably smudging her paint, she realises after the fact, damn it – and stands up straight and says, gleeful, “You liar. Well done.”
“Are you listening, now?” Karliah asks; when she moves, she gleams, ever-faint.
Arabella echoes, “Will you tell us, now? You’ve been so dreadfully surreptitious.”
Karliah gleams again. “I’ve been sworn to secrecy. I’m sorry I’ve had to mete out information so slowly. But now that you’ve transacted the oath –”
“Such a vague oath,” Arabella remarks, shark-toothed.
“I would like to hear more about the oath,” Brynjolf puts in, “and whatever else, but do we have to have this out in the dark?”
“I would like to hear about how it’s supposed to make us more powerful,” Arabella says, “and why I can’t feel any bloody difference.”
Karliah moves – coils her fingers, maybe, so her armour can slink off to puddle in her hand, pulled night-dark in toward the mark at her wrists – and Arabella can see her a little better, then, a ghostlike shape standing ill-defined on the platform. “That,” she says, soft-voiced, “relates to what I was going to say; Mercer’s –”
“Do you feel a difference, Brynjolf?” Arabella calls.
Sharply, Karliah says, “Stop interrupting.”
The water burbles quiet below them. Arabella’s smile is pinned so broadly to her face that her cheeks sting.
“We’re going back into the hall,” Brynjolf decides. His armour sloughs off as he starts picking his way back down the shadow-cracked stone. Halfway down, he looks over, his face a smudge in the dark. “No. But it’s new.”
“New indeed,” Arabella agrees, the soles of her shoes ringing against the marks in the stone; she holds her arms steady for balance as she steps onto the spit of rock. “Whatever power we expect, Karliah – it won’t come up until we’ve made amends with your goddess, will it?”
She is so very spectral, in the dark. Blue-grey, distant-pale. “Nocturnal’s favour alone is a powerful thing,” she says, clipped. “It will give us an edge.”
“Will it,” Arabella says. It is not a question. She is putting considerable effort into not giggling again.
Even in the dark, even without the masks, she can just about catch the shine of Karliah’s eyes as she looks at her. There is a lengthy pause. “It might.”
Brynjolf, a shadow almost at the end of his stone-spit tightrope, pauses. “Ah,” he says, and then, faintly disgruntled, “Really?”
“She played us well,” Arabella tells him with airy unconcern; her teeth scratch against the meat of her lip. “Very cleverly. I bought it just about enough.”
“It might help,” Karliah insists, dogged; “I – I hope it will. And I couldn’t tell you the whole truth if you remained outsiders – we would have been ineffective, barely a chance –”
Arabella slides the last half-metre of damp stone on the flat soles of her shoes, skirt flaring, hair in her mouth. She says into the dank cavern, “You sold us to curry favour.”
“Yes,” Karliah snaps; she strides down back to the ground, quick and practiced, a blur against the stone. “Yes, all right – we need her favour if we’re going to be able to return what Mercer stole, which you still won’t let me tell you about, we need – it’s been a decade.” (Arabella remembers the thick patterns of dust in these strange halls.) “It’s been a decade, Arabella, this is my life, and if bringing it back isn’t – maybe it won’t help! But I told you, it’s business.” She tosses her head; she’s still hooded, and it’s still dark, so this conveys very little. “Yes. I negotiated acquittal. And if you want to be angry about it, that’s fine, but do it less obtrusively so we can actually start –”
“I’m not angry,” Arabella says, and she licks her teeth. Karliah looks at her; in the dark, her eyes don’t flash. Her face is an ink-smudge. Arabella grins. “I just wanted you to admit it. That’s truly astoundingly selfish.”
“In fairness,” Brynjolf says, before Karliah has a chance to rail at that, and he gestures, quick and loose and just fast enough for her eyes to register it, to the lax little circle they stand in, like the points of a lopsided triangle. “Would you expect anything less?”
It’s still so dark – so little light comes in even through the entryway – but the water sounds cold and quick as it runs, and Arabella is good at taking up all manner of sensory space. “Touché,” she says through beaming teeth; shrugs, exaggerated, the motion rippling the metalline mark pressed into the back of her neck. “Really, Karliah, I don’t mind. Nocturnal can have my soul. What worth is it to me?”
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haunted-headset · 10 months
CHRISTMAS DATE OF YOUR CHOICE WITH WILBUR!! ice skating? decorating the christmas tree? festive movie night? going to christmas markets together? LITERALLY ANYTHING i just need some festivity and wilburness in my mind
🎄Rockin' Around the Christmas Tree
a/n: YESSSSSSSS!!! idk why but I imagined this with Dadbur & idk why, but I feel like he would name his child Arabella because of that one Arctic Monkeys song
word count: 638
tags: @zuuriell @somebody-v @vibestillaxxx @ax-y10 @joviepog@themonsterunderurmom @ogelizasoot @wilburstan@smolsleepykitten@funnyreally2009@crows-death@dykepunz@aresriiots@0miamor0@defonotval@chipch0p@mazzistar16@unmellowyellowfellow@justalittlebitofchaos@thosecolorfulsheets@vopix@taylors-version-from-the-vault@aine-lasagna@merianakross@veeislost@urfav-sapphic-siren@shazbaz58-blog @wifiatthetrainstation@mcr-pr-fob@shd454@universe-friday@rqvii@idioticion@m0thza@artistphantom @ace-call-me-what-youd-like @lexx-the-gay-rubber-ducky @finleyforevermore @poraphia @radio-to-trenchcoat-demons @mysticalsoot(let me know if u don't or do wanna be tagged!!)
contains: Dadbur, fluff, a crazy child, Y/N is referred to as Mommy/Mama, mention of a pet dying, & a functional family (omg imagine)
You were woken up by the sound of tiny feet running into your room & the feeling of a small child lying on top of you.
"Mommy! It's Decembew 1st!" Arabella said with her five-year-old lisp. "We's gotta decowate da Cwimas twee!" A soft yawn was heard from Wilbur.
"What time is it, lovely?" Wilbur said, turning over to face you two.
"Uh..." Arabella looked at the clock on your nightstand & pointed. "Dat time!"
Wilbur laughed & lifted her off of you. "Somebody's excited for Christmas."
"Santa's gonna come to ouw house, Daddy!" Arabella exclaimed with a wide smile, her tangled brunette curls swaying slightly when she spoke. "& we gotta make suwe ouw house wooks da best for Santa or else he won't give me presents!"
"That's not true, princess," Wilbur said. "Santa's still going to give you presents because you're the best kiddo in the world. He's also going to give you presents because you're the most...ticklish kiddo in the world!" He started to tickle Arabella & the room was filled with her screams & giggles.
You chuckled & began to get up. "C'mon, precious. We'll go decorate the tree & then go out for breakfast. How does that sound?" Arabella squealed & jumped into your arms, which nearly caused you to topple over. You adjusted her a bit in your arms & began to walk with Wilbur into the living room where the bare Christmas tree stands. Wilbur grabbed the ornament box next to the tree & opened it.
Arabella gasped. "Mama, we has such pwetty ornaments!"
"You say that every year, lovely," you smiled, kissing her forehead. "Do you wanna help Mama put the tinsel & the lights on the tree!" She nodded fervently at this.
For the rest of the morning, you three put the ornaments, tinsel, & lights on the tree, having to pause when Arabella or Wilbur got tangled up in the lights & tinsel, or whenever Arabella snuck away to Wilbur's office to try & play his guitar, or whenever Wilbur would get distracted with telling Arabella the story of some of the ornaments; one of the larger ornaments was something Wilbur had given you when you two were still friends in high school when your first boyfriend dumped you. Another one of the ornaments was something you had bought for Wilbur when his dog died in middle school & he wouldn't stop crying for a week. Another one Wilbur got for you a week after you had given birth to Arabella. Another one you & Wilbur made for Arabella on her first birthday. The only way you could get Wilbur to stop rambling & help with the tree was by kissing his hairline, & only then would he say, "& the next one is about...youknowwhatnevermindletshelpmamawiththetreeinstead." It made you laugh every time. & when it was time to put the angel on the tree, Wilbur put Arabella on his shoulder so she could place the angel on top.
"It wooks so pwetty, Daddy!" Arabella clapped. "Santa's gonna wove it!"
"He sure will, honey," Wilbur replied, wrapping an arm around your waist & kissing your hairline, which got an "ewww" from Arabella & a laugh from the two of you. Wilbur let Arabella get down so she could go wait in her room for you to help her get dressed.
"Tired?" he chuckled when you yawn & leans into him.
"Extremely," you replied. He kissed your hairline & you felt a tingly, warm feeling inside.
"We'll sleep in tomorrow," he said, looking at the tree with pride. "Our princess is a weirdly good decorator."
You laughed. "Maybe she'll get one of those reality shows where she renovates people's houses when she's older." You two laughed again & he leaned down to kiss the tip of your nose.
"Merry Christmas, love."
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Publishing now my Jonathan Strange and Mr Norrell daemon opinions:
Mr Norrell: might take a little research to narrow down for sure which exact species but. neurotic prey animal, I'm leaning towards rabbit. If you ask Norrell, he'll say that he's happy she settled as something so English and sensible, but in his secret heart of hearts he wishes she settled as something wild and romantic like a hare, but that's all very tied up with his (perceived(?)) abandonment by the Raven King and the whole "burying your heart in the winter woods" thing. When they were younger, she probably spent a lot of time as a crow. I think he also resents how weak and vulnerable a rabbit-daemon makes him look, so he pushes her away as much as possible, whereas she (being of a very anxious disposition, and also representing the part of him that still hopes for the King's return) does her level best to cling as close as possible. Thus Norrell is at eternal war with himself.
Strange: a small english hawk, suitably magician-y (I'm a Norrell fan at heart, I don't have any massive insight into Strange). They get on well, Strange isn't well adjusted but he likes who he is.
Childermass: weasel. Incredibly close, almost of one mind despite quite a long range. Childermass strikes me as someone who doesn't lie to himself and is more self-aware than most, thus there's very little emotional distance between him and his daemon and she can stray quite far from him without getting lost. The weasel is only borderline-appropriate for a servant's daemon, being small, brown, and unnoticeable but also being a predator known for ferocity, cunning, and resourcefulness. He's very pleased with her shape and she's very pleased with him, if a little critical at times.
Segundus: a jay – a member of the corvid family so magician associated, but a small and secretive forest bird. Also quite a pretty bird, not somber like a crow or a rook. Honeyfoot is a pheasant. I'm influence here by the lovely fic from dust we came (which I also must credit for getting me thinking about the topic) which I entirely agree with on the topic of Honeyfoot = brown game bird.
Drawlight: a rat, but a small enough rat that he can say his daemon's a mouse. Obviously, Drawlight hates him and dearly wishes he'd settled as something pretty and rare but nope. Rat. An intelligent and social animal, which is also a synonym for a turncoat.
Lascelles: a really smug cat. Like a Persian or something. Highly bred, snooty, nice contrast with Drawlight.
Emma Pole: a fox, perhaps. Something that handles captivity very badly. I don't think Emma actively likes herself, and she certainly doesn't like her life, but she very much believes that she deserves better, so her daemon likes her. A classic inner "don't give up!! Tear them to pieces!!" voice I think.
Arabella Strange: dog daemon. A terrier. Considered approachable and friendly, an inquisitive mind that will ferret out secrets.
Stephen Black: a difficult one, but I think his daemon is quite normal, fitting in with how much he conforms to english society. Best if there's some noble/regal flipside. A badger? Sensible and dutiful associations, very English, but also. A badger has teeth and is very much a predator, high up in current English food chains. Also in the Wind in the Willows the Badger was like the wise powerful guy living in the dangerous woods and that fits with who Stephen becomes.
Vinculus: a drab parrot, rare and exotic and special but doesn't look like it. Annoying and loud.
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studywgabi · 7 months
A (Cliched) List of Songs That Capture the Loneliness, the Self-Loathing, and the Desperate Desire to be Loved (In No Particular Order):
Blood and Fire - The Indigo Girls
My Skin - Natalie Merchant
Nobody - Mitski (obviously)
Crack Baby - Mitski
Alone Forever - Leanna Firestone (criminally underrated)
Je Sais Pas Danser - Pomme (Could I be more pretentious?)
At Seventeen - Janis Ian
Long, Long Time - Linda Ronstadt
Tous Les Garcons et Les Filles - Francoise Hardy (Apparently so)
Please Send Me Someone to Love - Sade
Come On, Aphrodite - Natalie Merchant
Nicest Thing - Kate Nash
Love Will Come to You - Indigo Girls
Chasing Pavements - Adele
All I Need - Radiohead
Creep - Radiohead (Couldn't resist)
If No One Ever Marries Me - Natalie Merchant
I Will - The Beatles
Another Day - Paul McCartney
Liability - Lorde
People Watching - Conan Gray
Body - Mother Mother
Fat Funny Friend - Maddie Zahm
I'm Your Man - Leonard Cohen
IDK You Yet - Alexander 23
Waiting Room - Phoebe Bridgers
Goodbye to Love - Phoebe Bridgers
How Soon is Now? - The Smiths
Please, Please, Please Let Me Get What I Want - The Smiths
Asleep - The Smiths
Unloveable - The Smiths
Your Best American Girl - Mitski
Valentine - Fiona Apple (My favorite)
Winter - Tori Amos
As I Am - Joan Jett
A (Much Shorter) List of Songs that Describe How I Wished I Felt Instead- Strong Enough on My Own and Accepting of the Fact That I'm Alone:
Aphrodite - Honey Gentry
No Man's Woman - Sinead O'Connor
You're On Your Own, Kid - Taylor Swift
Beautiful - Christina Aguilera
Perhaps Even More Embarrassing (if Possible), A List of Songs that Describe How I Would Love Someone and How I Want to be Loved. I Love these Songs, and I want to Relate to them Someday:
Je Suis D'Accord - Francoise Hardy
We'll Never Have Sex - Leith Ross
The First Taste - Fiona Apple
Your Body is a Wonderland - John Mayer
Thirteen - Big Star
Limon Y Sal - Julieta Venegas
Jupiter - Flower Face
Head Over Feet - Alanis Morrisette
Arabella - Arctic Monkeys
Strong Enough - Sheryl Crow
Oh My Love - John Lennon
Eres - Cafe Tacvba
(You Make Me Feel Like) A Natural Woman - Aretha Franklin
Safe and Sound - Taylor Swift
I'll Get the Coffee - Kathryn Gallagher
Still Into You - Paramore
John, I Love You - Sinead O'Connor
Heal the Pain - George Michael
And I Love You So - Don McLean
Brown Eyed Girl - Van Morrison
Samba Pa Ti - Santana
An "Our Song"
Feel free to add your own songs and what they mean to you. I hope you're being kind to yourself today, darlings.
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blackjackkent · 3 months
"Foolish," Rakha mutters. "I remember nothing before the nautiloid's darkness. And I have known many dark things since. This horror is no different."
"Yes," Lae'zel agrees, low and curt, her voice resonant in the swirling shadows. "Fear serves us no purpose, and we shall cut it down along with our enemies."
"The curse of this place is built on the fear that consumes those who face it," Minthara says gravely. "We shall not give it the satisfaction."
"Well. All right," Wyll says dryly. "If no one else will say it, I will - that house is terrifying."
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It's one of the more complete structures they've found in this corner of the shadowlands, which appears to have long since been ransacked by some terrible battle. It's also utterly saturated by the shadow curse; it seems to have soaked through the wood, drifting like smoke through the windows, bleeding along the ground.
In spite of her assertions to the contrary, it makes Rakha shudder to look at it. The magic here hurts, and drawing closer to this building, it hurts even more than usual, like hailstones rather than pinpricks along her skin and behind her eyes.
"It's not a mausoleum," she says curtly. "It is not what we are looking for."
"Chk," Lae'zel mutters. "We will not turn in fear from an empty building. There may be supplies of use inside."
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Rakha hisses out a heavy breath between her teeth and shifts uneasily. "Let us search it quickly, then, and be gone from here."
She takes three steps forward, just inside the building's rotten doorframe--
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The child surges out of the darkness and Rakha lets out a startled screech. A burst of fire, quickly clipped off, erupts around her in all directions, narrowly missing the boy. He seem at all bothered by the reaction he's engendered at all; he just laughs.
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"I scared you!" he crows. "I saw it! Nobody beats me at hide and seek." He bounces on the balls of his feet eagerly, looking at the trio of furious women (and one deeply concerned man) staring down at him. "Will you play with me?"
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Rakha stares blankly at the boy. Her heart is thumping, blood pulsing behind her eyes so fiercely that she can barely see. KILL, says the beast. KILL BEFORE IT KILLS YOU.
She remembers Arabella with the snake's fangs inches from her throat. She remembers Mirkon running from the harpies. She remembers Mol, confident and calm in the Last Light courtyard - "I'd pretty much trust her with my life." This is a child. This is not an enemy.
Is it?
"Who are you?" she rasps out unsteadily, her fists clenched with the effort not to lash out.
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"I'm Oliver!" the boy says brightly. "I'm seven. Will you play with me?'
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Rakha's pulse settles into something a little more manageable, though her eyes are still dilated with barely restrained violence. Is it one of the tiefling children, somehow still alive? It would explain his presence here, but not the gleeful smile on his face. None of the surviving tieflings have smiled.
And the curse swirls around him as it does around the house, seeping through the crevices in his clothing and the pores of his skin, and she can see a subtle wince of pain under the smile.
"I don't have time for this..." she mutters.
Because she has work to do; she must find Balthazar. But also because she does not know how to play. No one has ever asked her before. What would he do if she said yes?
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His eyes narrow, now, at her words. "Make time," he says sulkily. "I want to play. Or else."
A threat. She squints at him warily. No, this is no tiefling child, in spite of his appearance. That threat has weight behind it. Something clicks in the back of her mind - what Halsin said about the curse. The spirit of the land - he described it as a boy.
"In a moment," she says slowly. "Maybe. Have you seen another little boy? His name is Thaniel."
Something dark and angry flashes into the boy's face and he takes a step back. "I don't know anyone called that," he snaps. "Don't ask me again."
Then his gaze clears again and he grins. "Now play with me!"
Rakha hesitates. Her eyes flick to Wyll uncertainly. Before she can say anything, he steps forward past her and crouches down to the boy's height. "You want to play?" he says gently. "Fine."(*)
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The boy's whole attitude brightens excitedly. "All right!" he says eagerly. "I'll hide, and you seek!"
Rakha tilts her head slowly to one side, parsing this. Perhaps he recognizes her confusion, because his grin widens. "Find me, and you win!" he explains.
Rakha makes a low, frustrated noise in the back of her throat. This is a waste of time; it will not help them find Balthazar. And yet... perhaps the boy is connected to the curse, to Halsin's plan for ending it. She can't just leave...
She breathes out heavily. "All right. Let's begin."
He pokes a finger towards her dramatically. "Get ready! And no cheating!"
Then he vanishes.
"You know this game?" Rakha asks slowly.
"Sure - children play it all the time. One hides, the other finds them." Wyll looks at Minthara and Lae'zel, both of whom are stone-faced. "Back me up here."
"A child hiding in a secret nook in the Underdark runs a great risk of being eaten by those things that lurk in the darkness," Minthara says gravely.
Lae'zel shrugs. "Stealth is a skill taught to all yanki in a creche," she says. "But such games are frivolous. To be caught in a trial of stealth is to be caught in failure."
Wyll sighs. "Well. We played it in the Gate, anyway," he says ruefully. "Come on. Let's find the boy. Perhaps if we win a few games, we can convince him to come talk to Halsin."
(*) Rakha's line in-game, obviously. But it makes more sense for Wyll to take the lead here. And I wanted Rakha to experience hide and seek. XD
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yarrystyleeza · 10 months
Rules: pick a song for each letter of your URL and tag that many people.
Y — You & I by One Direction
A — August by Taylor Swift
R — Roaring 20s by Panic! At The Disco
R — Real Gone by Sheryl Crow
Y — You're On Your Own Kid by Taylor Swift
S — She Had The World by Panic! At The Disco
T — The Only Difference Between Martyrdom And Suicide Is Press Coverage by Panic! At The Disco
Y — You're Losing Me by Taylor Swift
L — Lying Is The Most Fun A Girl Can Have Without Taking Her Clothes Off by Panic! At The Disco
E — Expired Lover by Emily Kinney
E — Ever Since New York by Harry Styles
Z — Zero by Imagine Dragons
A — Arabella by Arctic Monkeys
That was a lot to say the least 😂😂😂 took me eternity to actually search some of them 😂😂😂
Anyways np tagging @bellaxgiornata @saltedlays @chvoswxtch @galaxies-and-moons-and-cox @pizza-my-heart-27 @1988-fiend @courtforshort15 @mattmurdocks6thscaleapartment @bunmurdock @mattmurdockscox @sunflowersandsapphires @shouldbestudying41 @shiorimakibawrites @lazyxsquirrel @everythingtaylor13 (some of you are gonna go a wild ride 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂)
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ashhearthelpsaa · 9 months
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Below the cut will be a masterlist of song based names. Each of the names listed are in titles of songs. I will also list the artist who sang the song next to them. There are 40 feminine names, 25 masculine names, and 16 gender neutral names. These are under a read more, because this got long.
Feminine Names.
Anna - Incubus.
Arabella. - Artic Monkeys.
Betty. - Taylor Swift.
Carolina. - Harry Styles.
Cassie - Flyleaf.
Cecelia. - Simon and Garfunkle.
Chloe. - Emblem3
Cornelia. - Taylor Swift.
Delilah. - Plain White T's.
Diana. - One Direction.
Dorothea. - Taylor Swift.
Eileen. - Dexys Midnight Runners.
Emma. - Taylor Swift.
Grace. - Taylor Swift.
Ivy. - Taylor Swift.
Jane. - Breaking Benjamin.
Jennifer. - Hole.
Jolene. - Dolly Parton.
Josie. - Blink 182.
Juliet. - We the Kings.
Lacy. - Olivia Rodrigo.
Lisa. - Panic! at the Disco.
Lucy. - The Beatles.
Lyra. - Breaking Benjamin.
Madison. - Demi Lovato.
Marjorie. - Taylor Swift.
Mary. - Taylor Swift.
Matilda. - Harry Styles.
Molly. - Incubus.
Mona. - Panic! at the Disco.
Polly. - Nirvana.
Olivia. - One Direction.
Rhiannon. - Fleetwood Mac.
Roxanne. - The Police.
Sally. - Amy Lee.
Stacy. - Fountains of Wade.
Tiffany. - Deep Blue Something.
Valerie. - Amy Winehouse.
Wendy. - Maisie Williams.
Willow. - Taylor Swift.
Masculine Names.
Aaron. - Lin Manuel Miranda.
Adam. - Blink 182.
Alejandro. - Lady Gaga.
Alexander. - Lin Manuel Miranda.
Alfred. - Eminem.
August. - Taylor Swift.
Brian. - Eminem.
Bruno. - Hop Along.
Buddy. - Weezer.
Denis. - Blondie.
Floyd. - Nirvana.
Hugh. - Demi Lovato.
Jack. - System of a Down.
James. - The Who.
Jeremy. - Pearl Jam.
Jimmy. - The Who, Eminem.
John. - Taylor Swift.
Johnny. - System of a Down.
Jones. - Counting Crows.
Ken. - Ryan Gosling.
Mike. - Eminem.
Ronan. - Taylor Swift.
Stan. - Eminem.
Stephen. - Taylor Swift.
Tim. - Taylor Swift.
Gender Neutral Names.
Angel. - Harry Styles, One Direction, Breaking Benjamin, Niall Horan.
Billie. - Michael Jackson.
Bobby. - Flyleaf.
Dusk. - Zayn.
Holly. - Weezer.
Isadore. - Incubus.
Jean. - Michael Jackson.
Jude. - The Beatles.
London. - Taylor Swift.
Lucky. - Britney Spears.
Rain. - Breaking Benjamin.
River. - Charlie Puth.
Sam - Flyleaf.
Sunny. - Faith No More.
Vega. - Breaking Benjamin.
Vernie. - Blind Melon.
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cfcreative · 6 months
5, 11, 16 for the ask game pretty please <3
OK, this time my excuse is that I was very, very sick for the past few days. Hopefully the next potential ask I will be faster with.
5. Describe their idle animations!
I do love this question so thanks in particular for asking it. 💕
Kory tends to/prunes the vines on her tent (see this post for the tent description). In the daytime she’ll appear to take leaves off and put them near her mortar and pestle. At night she’ll take off a flower and do the same.
Related to that, she has an animation where she is sprinkling things into the mortar and pestle, then turns around and uses it for a while, before putting it back.
She’ll sit at her table and scratch out some notes on a piece of paper-but she uses a claw instead of her quill, and then dunks it into a dish of water to clean it off.
Much like Jaheira has an animation where she talks to rats, Kory has an in-depth conversation with a crow that comes to perch on the top of her tent.
If the owlbear cub is recruited, Kory has an animation where she turns into an owlbear and does a loop around the camp with him and Scratch.
Epilogue Animations
(Thanks to @optiwashere's lovely response to my ask for the idea… this post wouldn’t have been a classic ramble without it!)
Based on the previous ask I answered if Kory winds up with her “bad ending” there will be a moment where Tav hears a rustling in the woods, and sees a green-eyed wolf. It growls at them—if Tav passes an animal handling check, the wolf looks at them with sad eyes and runs off. If they fail, the wolf snarls and snaps at them and runs off. That’s all you’ll see of her if she ends up with that bad end.
In any good ending, Kory will do the following:
Kory will have a little “druid huddle” with Jaheria and Halsin, discussing their preferred forms (Kory emphasizing Owlbear and Air Myrmidon).
Kory checks in with Halsin on how the Shadowlands is recovering.
Kory speaks to Withers about Arabella—he assures her that “the girl will be fine” and Kory is a little miffed when he won’t speak about it further.
Kory turns into a Cat to apparently discuses something eye-to-eye with Tara.
Kory turns into an owlbear and romps around the party with the no-longer-cub.
Kory gives big pets to Scratch.
Depending on what Kory winds up doing/who she might have hooked up with post-game (details in this post!) she has some additional stuff.
In any “Kory winds up in Avernus” ending:
Kory has chat with Gale about how the spell “plane shift” works, since she might need it to get them home soon.
Kory expresses delight over whomever is taking the Owlbear home, and laments that she wishes she could have been an option.
If just Kory and Karlach wind up in Avernus together their animations include:
Kory bemoaning that her outfit “looks ridiculous for this event.” Karlach: “I could always help you take it off, Soldier.” Kory: “Later! I wouldn’t mind a private swim before we have to go back.” Karlach: “Sounds like a plan.”
Karlach and Kory do a goofy little dance together.
Karlach and Kory have a little strategy session about getting those plans for her heart fix.
If Kory/Karlach/Wyll all wound up in Avernus:
Kory bemoans the outfits to Wyll. “Karlach’s looks good, ours are ridiculous!” Wyll: “I’d suggest you take something from the trunk but if we have to go back suddenly you’ll want the armor, not a dress shirt.” Kory: “Ugh, I know.”
The trio have a strategy huddle about getting the plans for Karlach’s heart and possibly getting rid of Mizora for good.
If Kory ends up on the Farm with Shadowheart:
If they adopt the Owlbear Kory is absolutly overjoyed and the two of them have an excited conversation about his dietary needs.
Kory has a conversation with Halsin and says “…she brought him home and named him Bubbles!” Halsin: “Oh ho, that’s sure to amuse the Oak Father.”
Kory has a brief conversation with Volo: Kory: “Shadowheart and I decided it would be easier to run a farm together so that’s what we did.” Volo: “And thus… they were… roommates.” Kory (tail thrashing) : “Why are you saying it that way?”
If Kory is a in charge of the garden in Baldur’s Gate:
She has a brief conversation where she slightly guilt trips Jaheira about how Kory sees Jaheira’s children more than she does.
She and Wyll have a positive conversation about the reconstruction of Baldur’s Gate.
Kory will encourage Astarion to come visit the gardens “We have night blooming flowers now; the Society of Brilliance helped me procure some from the underdark that would grow up here!”
11. What is your Tav’s go-to comfort food? Honestly, Kory spent so much time in the woods it’s a lot of basically nuts, berries, basic tree fruits, and leafy greens… and then Elminster shows up demanding cheese. Good cheese is revolutionary for Kory.
Have you ever had an apple/walnut/arugula salad without cheese? Then you add blue cheese or gouda or feta and suddenly it’s a whole different ballgame. Bam! Suddenly Kory’s got a whole new outlook on food. She tries a lot of new things on this journey, but that apple/cheese/walnut/arugula salad is her favorite.
Gale finds Kory jumping on the cheese train a little exasperating, honestly.
16. What do they do for fun, when not adventuring? What are their hobbies? Gardening! Kory adores cultivating herbs and flowers especially. Once she finds out “flower arrangement” is a thing (she’s never encountered that concept until Baldur’s Gate) she’ll try her hand at that, and eventually seasonal wreaths.
You know, once her girlfriend’s heart is fixed.
Thank you again for the asks, Bear!
If anyone else wants to ask something, the list is here!
My answers to 2, 3, 4, and 6 can be found in this post!
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iamthunderhearmehowl · 10 months
Halsin's Daughter Headcannons PT5: ✨️Names/Personality/Druid Subclass / Theme Songs ✨️
Oh wow. We're on prt 5???? Am I obsessed? Or am I basically making a new DND character to play in my next campaign 🤫🫣
Either way, I want you guys to enjoy this as much as I am.
So I have 4 names lined up and a poll going on. The poll and all other posts related to Halsin's Daughter can be found here.
And may I just say that ya'll are going to make this hella hard for me bc everytime I look all the names are tied lmao.
The names:
Armelle - Means Bear
Faeryl - I think this one is super cute
Haelra - Similar to Halsin
Khalees - Not gonna lie, I got this one from a name randomizer
I'll make another post in 7 days letting yall know the winner. Could I have easily just flipped a coin and name her? Yeah but that's no fun!
I'm still working on this one so bear with me (hahaha i hate myself lmao)
I think she would be really quiet. Hiding in the background, she normally wouldn't speak unless she is spoken to. She tends to keep to herself
Although she is a natural flirt and naturally charming; part of her knows that it's a defense mechanism. She's like this because she HAD TO be. She had to survive her life in the underdark and that meant winning her mother political favors via seducing people. It was survival for her.
She's actually really klutzy. She always knocks something over. IDK man she's like either super unlucky or just a bull in a china shop.
Dead ass would just be walking and minding her own buisness and her shirt would get caught on a door and she would fall backwards and accidently set the place on fire
She's also kind of a day dreamer. Most people would see her and think about how elegant she looks sitting at the tavern table with her legs crossed nicely, thoughfully staring into her cup
In reality - she's thinking about eating chocolate in her wildshape as a wolf. Would she die or would she just have really bad diarrhea????
Her thoughts are literally your google search bar at 3 am.
When she finally gets comfortable around people, she is a gem to be around: She's pretty funny + a mess.
Walking chaos honestly
Favorite phrases: "Why the fuck are you the way that you are?" "For what reason???" "It was an accident I swear" "You have 2 braincells"
She's not as serious as her father; but she did spend most of her time with Mol and Arabella who are both pretty mischevious and witty
Now once she has a mission or job to do it's a whole different story: Home girl goes 0 to 100 real quick
She uses wild shape to her full advantage
If she's getting chased on rooftop she'll just jump off and change into a crow in mid air
She'll also wildshape into a wolf and run at you at full speed only to change her self back right as she stabs you
Druid Subclass:
I'm still looking into this, but I think I would make her either Circle of Dreams or Circle of Wildfire.
I can see circle of dreams because she would be good aligned. And it's easy to see her playing with Pixies in the underdark as a child.
Circle of Wildfire would make more sense because again this girl is just walking chaos. Like I said in previous posts she sees natures balance as chaos itself. What is normal to the spider is chaos to the fly. So Circle of Wildfire would make so much sense for her.
Again I am working on it but let me know what you think ❤️
Theme Songs:
This is honestly just for funsies.
HD's Theme Song: ⤵️⤵️
Dammon + HD:
lol can you tell that I'm a Sleep Token fan? Anways that's all I have for tonight! I'll be back for part 6 as soon as I can!
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bertilak-writes · 1 year
The Usurper
He hadn’t expected a response so quickly.
The spectral messenger crow cawed softly by his side, and he gave it a little pat on the head as it dispersed into the air.
The letter was heavy in his hands, he didn’t need to read it to know what it said. He knew Arabella far too well for any uncertainty.
“What does it say?” Harry asked, and the Usurper barely held back a groan.
“It’s confirmation.”
“Of?” The usurper didn’t spare Harry a glance. Instead choosing to stand and make his way to the far side of the room. Harry wasn’t stupid, far from it, but he sure did have an annoying habit of speaking without thinking.
“She doesn’t want to meet. She doesn’t want to negotiate. She doesn’t want me to exist.” The usurper sighed. “And we have it in writing.”
He unfurled the letter. The parchment was thin and smudged. The Witch Queen couldn’t even be bothered to give him her fancy embossed paper.
Her penmanship was messy, written with her own hands. Good.
He read it out load, slowly savouring the explicit threat. The Witch Queen didn’t know it yet, but this was war.
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tklpilled · 2 years
rating all the names i’ve used based on where i stole them from:
mikey: stolen from mcr, but only because i once read an mcr fic and liked the way they wrote him. 1/10
artymis: taken from my sister after she said it was a dumb name. 5/10 for spite
logan: nameberry.com. 3/10 boring
kaz: taken from six of crows. 10/10 excellent book
wilbur: taken from streamer and musician wilbur soot. 5/10 he makes good music
val: taken from val velocity from the killjoy comics. 7/10 bc he was hot
v: taken from The Alphabet. 6/10
lest: i hyperfixated on rune factory 4 for a little too long. 6/10
arabella: arctic monkeys song. 9/10
kiki: stolen from my grandparents’ old cat, specifically because i loved the way my grandpa said it. 8/10 for nostalgia
shane: stardew valley. 7/10
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julianworker · 4 months
Our Cats in Amsterdam - 4
“Well, that’s true, as usual you are right Freddie,” replies Reg, “so go ahead Arabella and Aubrey, let Freddie know what your suggestion is.” “Thank you,” said one of the crows I don’t know, “I’m Arabella and this is Aubrey, although he prefers to be called Aub, don’t you Aub?” “Either Aubrey or Aub is fine, Freddie,” says Aub, “it doesn’t matter, I know you will know me from the colour…
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jackdawandicarus · 6 months
I was tagged by @the-laws-of-physics-were-harmed ^^
Idk to tag so u tag absolutely nobody/whoever sees this and wants to do this
rules: answer as many (or as few) of the questions about your WIP as you can.
1. What was the first part of your WIP that you created?
Chapter 1 babyyyyy. Idk what else to say here I started at the start with no plan (no money, no prospects-) and winged it. All I knew was that Ophelia and Zopyrus had to be bitten by werewolves. Fun fact! Zopyrus was originally going to die in this chapter, but now he doesn’t!
2. If your story was a TV show, what would the intro song be?
Uhhhhhh, lemme pull out my playlist real quick… Okay, sooooo, I think either Lights Go Down by I DON’T KNOW HOW BUT THEY FOUND ME or Eat Your Young by Hozier could work. ^^
3. Who are your favourite character(s) and why?
Kit because, um, idk I like putting him in situations (mental torture) the most. He’s probably followed by Arabella, because she is mentally unstable and very relatable and incredibly fun to write and- Raymond (formerly “Stevie”) is third because she is just my main chaotic character and has some nice character dynamics going on with the other characters. She is also a mess. All these guys are. I think that says something about myself. Oh, Ophelia is sneaking up on me again because I’m working on planning out her character arc right now.
4. What other pieces of media could share a fan base with your WIP?
The problem with this question is that I know next to nothing about any fandom I’m not part of so all of my possible answers sound self-indulgent as *fuck* to me. Like, I’m going to answer Six of Crows but tell me if that’s stupid (/gen) I honestly can’t tell. 😭✋
5. What has been your biggest struggle while writing your WIP?
🤓🔫 Writing it.
6. Are there any animals in your story?
The first book’s plot is smuggling a dragon across international waters so yeah. Also one of the protagonists (as well as multiple other characters) are werewolves if that counts. There’s also going to be some wolves I think? And some sort of bird motif I haven’t decided on yet. WAIT THERE’S DINOSAURS IN BOOK TWO OH MY GOD I JUST REMEMBERED!!!
7. How do your characters get around?
A variety of ways? On foot, by carriage, Icarus and Daedalus style (wings may or may not actually be real, depending on the character), on horseback, in a boat, on the back of ginormous hulking winged beast, or in a motorcar. The usual ways your average people of varying levels of humanity get around.
8. What part of your WIP are you working on right now?
Chapter 2! ^^ I am completely stuck. I hate writing character introductions because I am shit at writing character descriptions, I always write *way* too little or wayyyy too much. I also never know which aspects of a character’s appearance to describe.
9. What aspects of your WIP do you think will draw people in?
The ✨gay✨. The ✨werewolves✨. The ✨sheer genius of my inherently superior storytelling✨ /s. The ✨dragon✨. I really need to ✨stop putting sparkles around things✨ in this section. On a more serious note, I don’t know. Tell me what intrigues you most about my WIP, friend and fellow carbon-based lifeform, for I have no motherfucking clue in motherfucking hell.
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homebrekker · 8 months
hey soc fans!
my name is arabella and this is my side blog that will be decided to six of crows content! i might write some fics or prefs on here about the crows, but i’m not entirely sure yet. we’ll see what happens! anyways, see y’all around! no mourners, no funerals :)
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ceruleanmusings · 5 years
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               Underneath it All - Chapter 28 - Sneak Peek
“Oh, this is cute. A family affair. What’s the saying? Live together…die together?” Kate asked, an eyebrow arching.
Arabella let out a humorless laugh. “Rich of you to talk about family unity, huh Katie?”
Kate’s eyebrows lowered and her eyes squinted a moment before a wide smile stretched across her face. “Bells! Aren’t you a sight for sore eyes?”
Melanie’s eyes bounced back and forth between the two women who were stuck in a stare down. “Wait a second, do you two…know each other?”
“Oh, Bells and me? We go way back. Your mom never told you?” Kate shook her head, making a tsk sound with her tongue. The tip of her gun wagged like the finger of a scolding parent. “We’ve run into each other now and then. We’ve had some good times, haven’t we?”
“Mom?” Melanie turned to her mother, searching the side of Arabella’s face since she refused to look at her daughter. “Mom. How do you know her?”
“Oh, come on. I know teenagers can be a bit slow but I’m sure even you can put two and two together,” Kate taunted.
“You leave my daughter out of this!” Laurence hissed. Melanie jumped at his change in tone. At the harsh words wrapped around an odd rumble sort of croak.
“She can make her own decisions and she came here all on her own,” Kate said. “Not that I blame her. Seems I can teach her more than you ever did.”
“Teach her to shoot first and ask questions later?” Arabella asked. She re-positioned her grip on her gun; her finger still lay curled against the handle. “Last I checked, the hunter code had restrictions on that.”
“You’re forgetting one important part, Bells,” Kate said. “There’s an alpha out there killing innocent people. Even I know you couldn’t have just let this go on. We’re doing Beacon Hills a favor, eliminating the vermin. We’d move on faster with your daughter’s help.” Her eyes shifted over to Laurence and she added with a flirty smirk, “And with his help too. You always knew how to pick them.”
“How much help can you get when you pointed a gun at her?” Arabella growled.
“Plenty when she brings the alpha to me,” Kate replied.
“Yeah? And how would that make you feel? Having a shapeshifter do all the work for you,” Arabella taunted, “a hunter. Who couldn’t bring down their own catch on their own? Having to rely on all that they despise? All that they’re trying to rid of?” Any trace of warmth in Kate’s face faded. She re-positioned her finger by the trigger. The gun began to shake in her white-knuckled grasp. “No. Because she’s not who you want. Right? Otherwise, she would’ve never been able to leave your house.”
Kate’s smile stretched in the corners of her mouth as a low laugh slipped through her teeth. “You always were the one that go at away, Bells. We actually missed you when you left, you know. I should’ve known when you slipped from between my fingers at the hospital that you’re still on your toes. Which was why this was too easy. But we have a deal. Still...” Kate shifted the tip of the gun past Arabella’s head, pointing it straight at Melanie. “You could have at least made this part fun.”
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