#aquila's masterposts
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aquilathefighter · 2 years ago
aquilathefighter's Dreamling Bingo masterpost!
Square E1: MerMay; Swashbuckling Fantasie; Rating: T
Square A2: The New Inn is a temple; Your Faith for Bricks and Dreams for Mortar; Rating: G
Square B2: Bestiality; Ain’t Nothin’ but Mammals; Rating: E
Square C2: Last Kiss; Revelation; Rating: G
Square D2: Volleyball; Need a Little Help?; Rating: T
Square E2: Knife Play; Hunger for the Blade; Rating: E
Square E3: “Why did you do it?”; I just really, desperately want to be your next poor decision; Rating: G
Square E4: Adoption; Earl Grey; or: the Tiny Grey Cat; Rating: G
Square E5: Stripping; Watching You Dance; Rating: E
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candyswirls · 3 months ago
Bat Fledgling: Pt 9 - Party
Previous - Next - MasterPost
Summary: Kiri receives a welcome party and tries cake!
Bit of a fluffy chapter. A few more chapters and this story will finish. There will be other stories with Kiri.
He held Kiri up above him. The boy giggled and kicked his legs in anticipation.
He tossed him up into the air. Kiri squealing with delight before he caught him and pulled him down into a hug.
He had been up all night, watching over his son’s sleep. A few times he grew impatient and considered waking him but decided against it. At one point he had laid him down on the bed. Kiri started whimper and whine with the dream he was having but a simple caress of his face caused him to subside.
He guessed that the bed wetting was fear induced along with the night terrors and bad dreams.
He would not sleep alone again. Someone would always be standing guard, watching over him, holding his hand.
His feet were dirty. They needed to make him some shoes.
Many questions swarmed the Primarch’s head concerning Kiri’s future. Worry ate at his stomach. But one thing was for certain. This felt right.
Adile’s gasp and shouting ‘yay’ was enough to confirm that for him.
He let Hoffay know to have everyone gather for somewhat of a welcome party for Kiri during breakfast time.
“What are we going to do today?” Kiri asked while grinning at him.
“Oh you’ll see,” Corvus smiled.
He got dressed and helped Kiri into another set of clothes.
He brought him out and headed to the dining hall.
As soon as they entered Adile yelled, “Surprise!”
Others clapped and welcomed them.
Kiri looked around, seeing every warband member there.
“What’s going on?” He asked bewildered.
Adile clapped his hands, “We’re having a party! Becuase you’re officially part of the warband! Griggs made this for it!”
He motioned to the cake the world eater had made, now on display.
Kiri’s eyes widened as he saw the multi-tiered cake, glittering colored frosting and intricate designs.
“Is that a statue?” He asked.
“This is cake,” Griggs answered.
“What’s cake?” Kiri asked as he stared at it.
“A sweet Terran delicacy made with sugars, binders, and powder made from some type of grain,” Griggs answered. “It’s a traditional desert and often coveted. It’s a treat and sweet.”
“How did we get it?” Kiri asked, eyes reflefting glittering sugar crystals.
“We’ve had ten thousand years to gather and build up our supplies,” replied Onen, the lone Luna Wolf of the band. “We’ve cultivated a lot and somethings we just have on hand.”
Nentis piped up, “Also, the angrier Griggs is when he makes something the better it tastes because the secret ingredient is hate. If it tastes terrible that means he was in a good mood.”
“You don’t get any,” Griggs stated.
“Aw, come on Griggsy!” Nentis whined.
The world eater added while picking up a knife, “if you even manage to get a single morsel I will chop your hand off.”
Nentis turn to Corvus.
“I’m not taking away your consequences,” he said to his son before he could ask.
Nentis went back to scheming.
Corvus shook his head and set Kiri on the counter. He’d learned long ago to leave the two to handle themselves.
Kiri looked around at everyone, seeing he was the center of attention.
“We welcome our newest warband member and brother,” Honsin announced. “Kiri Corax, in the name of the Emperor, beloved by all.”
Everyone did the Aquila and shouted, “Victorus aut Mortis!”
Each member officially greeted Kiri, patting him on the back and ruffling his hair. Commenting on how he’d become a fine Astartes and he would be an important part of the team.
His eyes seemed to become brighter, so full of life as he held his hands to his chest. His smile growing with each official welcome.
Adile started chanting a cree for the emperor in a singsong tune. The others joined in. A bit of their own tradition in welcoming a new member.
Corvus could feel that warm fuzzy sensation inside his chest as he watched Kiri take it all in. His son had never felt appreciated like this before. With so many people caring for him. Corvus wanted him to feel like this all the time. To have no doubt he was loved.
The Primarch moved up and placed a hand on his back. Kiri beamed up at him, tears brimming in his eyes.
Griggs cut a small slice and served it to Kiri.
The boy stared and used the fork provided to take a small bite. He lit up.
“Mmmm!!” He gushed. “So sweet! I love it! Thank you!”
He began shoving more into his mouth. Griggs went stone faced and turned back to the cake but not before a single tear escaped an eye.
“Slow down,” Balsarius grinned. “You’ll get a tummy ache.”
Slices were handed out to everyone. Except Nentis.
His son sat there contemplating, watching Kiri obviously enjoying his treat and Adile doing his happy dance at his slice.
He groaned, “Fine, I’m sorry Griggs. Your food is really good and I’d kill for it.”
Griggs stared at him.
“And you’re the most handsome Astartes here. Please! Can I have a slice? I will clean your room, be your serf for a week, I will even rub your feet!”
“That’s acceptable,” the world eater muttered as he sliced a smaller piece than the others for him.
Nentis jumped for joy, happily taking the piece.
Kiri came up to Corvus and whispered, “Why do they hate each other?”
“They don’t,” Corvus assured. “That’s just how they are.”
“Do they like each other all?” He asked.
Nentis grinned up at Griggs. Griggs grumbled and cut a bit more so his matched everyone’s.
“Yes,” the Primarch answered.
Adile set down his slice and jumped up, making grabby motions at Kiri.
“Come here baby!” He cooed.
Kiri grinning and into his arms. Adile held him, cuddling him close. He wiped the frosting off of Kiri’s face.
He rocked from side to side, holding the boy protectively.
“I’m so happy baby Kiri gets to stay!” He cheered.
Honsin stretched as he stood.
“Alright, Adile,” he said as he held out his hands. “My turn.”
“But I’m holding the baby,” Adile stated as he turned slightly away from him.
“You’ve had him for long enough.” Honsin chuckled.
Adile replied, “But I’m not done!”
“Come on Adile,” he insisted as he moved to grab Kiri.
Adile swung around and Kiri giggled.
“No, I’m not done.”
Honsin kept trying to be gentle and take Kiri from him but the emperors child kept moving away from him or dodging.
“Give me the baby.” Honsin said firmly.
“Mmm, not right now.” Adile mused as he tucked away some of Kiri’s hair.
“No, just give me him-“
“I don’t think so.”
“I’m busy.”
“Just let me hold him.”
“Talk to me later.”
“Adile, now-“
“I don’t think so.”
“Stop being-“
“Leave me alone, please!”
“You’ve held him more than any of us.”
“Work with me.”
“No thank you.”
“Will you-“
“No, I-“
“I’m not talking to you.”
“Stop it, Adile!”
“I don’t think I will.”
“Not today.”
“Give me the baby!”
“Feth off!”
Honsin burst, “GIVE ME THE DAMN BABY!”
“NO!” Adile snapped as he bolted.
Honsin chased after him.
“Give me the baby!!”
“Adile give me the damn baby!!”
“Never! He’s mine!!”
The two ran around the room as Kiri giggled and watched amused from Adile’s arms, warning him when Honsin was close or trying to cut them off.
“Uh, my lord?” Edant inquired. “Shouldn’t we-“
“I’m ignoring that,” Corvus replied while taking another bite.
Nentis raised his slice of cake, “To about ten thousand years of fighting the good fight and dealing with all you arses. I love you guys all so much.”
He grinned.
“I’d sell you to the black legion for a burnt purity seal,” Griggs muttered.
Adile dashed through the circle, Honsin losing ground behind him.
Bronson muttered, “This is unbecoming of an Astartes.”
Onen had a devious look cross his face. “Unbecoming like this?”
He jumped up into a stance where he shook his rear and moved backwards.
Bronson moved to smack him but Onen dashed away.
“Stop doing that!” He snapped at the Luna Wolf as he hid behind Irvun.
Both wolves snickered.
Rio moved from the shadows, a rare sight.
“C-can I hold him?” He asked in a soft voice.
Adile and Honsin slid to a halt.
“Sure!” Adile said happily.
Honsin just nodded, trying not to appear disappointed.
Kiri stared at the large Night Lord as he wrapped his one arm around the boy.
He grinned up at the older man, “I like your ears.”
He giggled as they perked forward. He reached up and touched them gently, filled with curiosity.
Rio cocked his head as he studied the boy.
“You do not fear us,” he commented. “No mutation phases you.”
Kiri cocked his own head, “Its all I know though. Everyone has mutations here.”
Rio smiled sweetly at him.
Tevro came up and ruffled the boy’s hair, “well baby brother, what role will you play here?”
“He can be our official neophyte,” Irvun offered.
“I thought Vosos and I were the neophytes?” Andrur said.
The aforementioned night lord frowned, “But we’re not neophytes anymore. We finished the Astartes process. Also that was ten millennia ago.”
Bora muttered, “I’m not working on you anymore. You were stressful.”
Andrur’s tail flicked from side to side.
“You’re just jealous you haven’t been the baby in a while,” Nentis teased.
“Well none of you have ever been this cute,” Balsarius stated.
Adile gasped.
“Except you Adile,” he added.
Adile scrunched his eyes happily.
“Eat your cake,” Griggs orders the emperor’s child.
Adile snatched his plate and scampered to the corner with Xach.
“Any reflective surfaces?” He questioned.
Xach shook his head. Adile gingerly removed his mask.
Kiri glanced at his jaw for a second but didn’t linger. Corvus was relieved. Appearance was a sour subject for Adile. He was glad Kiri didn’t stare.
Tevro stayed near Kiri, “We can show you how to clean a bolter, how to properly aim, battle sign, different battle plans. So many things. Oh! We can teach you how to crawl through vents.”
“But I already know how to do that?” Kiri questioned.
Avikona piped up, “It was common knowledge of how to move through vents for night lord neophytes. For lots of Nostramon children as well.”
Rio looked down at Kiri and spoke in their native tongue. Kiri grinned and replied back happily. Even his high pitched voice made the rough language sound cute.
Corvus rested his head on his fist, smiling at seeing all his sons interact with one another.
Tevro grinned, “I used to be an older brother before I joined the Astartes. I can show you all the games we’d play.”
Kiri reached out to catch one of Tevro’s braids.
“A lot of people have long hair,” he said. “I want long hair too!”
Irvun laughed, “Yes! Then we can style it back for you. Many ways to keep it out of the way for battle. I already know what ones to do first for you.”
The space wolf came up and ran fingers through Kiri’s hair.
“Braid in this section, cross here, yes, a good plan,” he mumbled as Kiri leaned back into the feeling. “Add volume right here… flush to the head in this section… once it’s longer we can try this type… Might be able to find some bones to braid in on our next scavenging mission.”
“He also needs shoes,” Corvus mentioned.
“Got it,” Avikona nodded, taking out his pen and scribbling on his arm.
Vosos offered, “There’s that one wreck in the fifth quadrant of the coral dunes near the realm of the Blood Daemon. It had been housing guard families. There’s blind to be supplies there. We haven’t checked it in a bit.”
“Good recall,” Corvus complimented. “We can set that for our next expedition.”
“You’re going out into the warp?” Kiri asked.
The Primarch nodded, “Yes, to search imperium ship-wreckage for goods and supplies. You’ll stay here. It’s too dangerous for you.”
Kiri nodded.
“He could fit in places we can’t though,” Xach pointed out.
Kiri shrunk in Rio’s arms. The Night Lord nuzzled his head instinctively.
“No,” Corvus shook his head. “I don’t want to risk it. Also, those that had him previously used him for that. Not a good experience for him.”
Kiri shook his head.
Honsin came up and took Kiri from Rio.
“You won’t be used like that anymore,” he assured.
Kiri rested his head against the chaplain’s chest as Honsin stroked his back.
Griggs sliced another piece of cake for Kiri.
“Do you want more?” He asked, trying to cheer him up. “I see you eyeing it.”
Kiri nodded. Honsin held the plate for him as he took more bites.
“I want more,” Nentis said.
Griggs slowly turned his head to meet Nentis’ gaze. The Raven guard was grinning.
“Absolutely not.”
“Oh come on,” Nentis slumped.
Griggs warned, “If there is even a single granule of sugar moved I will light your bed on fire whether you did it or not.”
Nentis immediately turned around to Balsarius who smiled cheekily.
“You just got volunteered for patrol,” he spoke.
Nentis dropped, “Oh come on.”
“You’ll be payed with another slice,” Griggs muttered. “Double serving.”
Nentis jumped to his feet, “Sir, yes, sir! That cake is safe!”
They fell back into conversing. Honsin set Kiri down to allow him to run back to Corvus.
He sat him on his lap.
The boy looked around and grinned, “Um, thank you, everyone. This is nice. I like it! I’m happy to be here.”
“You’re welcome,” Balsarius mused. “You are such a ray of sunshine. You could make the whole greenhouse grow.”
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kiroonsmoon · 1 year ago
Hi Moon!
Mind telling me about your newest rebornverse ocs OvO
This kinda turned into a masterpost ngl. That’s because even the ones you know have changed a lot. The ones you know feel like different characters compared to now so I think some reintroductions are in order too ^^
13.5 spoilers + big oc post below.
Stella “Fate” Aquila (she/her - 16 years old): Interceptor of Forgiveness and the Paragon of Fairytaleverse. Her host is Alain. She’s a fae from a whole another world. She got caught in a dimension portal and was saved by Variya if she agreed to become an interceptor. She had little clue about pokemon when she first arrived but quickly grew. Unknown to her, she’s meant to stop the damages done and left over renegade data by Lucifer after he reset the world. She suffers from visions of renegade but uses these to help her. She can speak to fairy type pokemon.
— important links —
Fate’s Reference Sheet
Why is Fate’s trait ‘Forgiveness’?
Lucifer Nash (he/him - 12 years old): Interceptor of Absolution and Renegade of the Fairytaleverse. His host is Axel. Coming from Aryith and a decesendent of ancient dragon tamers, he was killed by a Sawsbuck when running away from home and picked up as soul by Variya. He is very knowledgeable in dragon type pokemon and runs a dragon sandstorm team. Eventually comes to regret his actions in renegade. Creating Angel, a virus in Zeight, he resets the world and deletes himself. Despite it having not shown up in generations he has the ability to speak to dragon types like his old ancestors could.
— important links —
Hero Farrell (they/them - 18-19 years old): Interceptor of Acceptance (paragon) OR Denial (renegade). Their host is Aevis. Hero is an old Gurafan Volunteer and in fact, they were seen as the person who could’ve saved them all. The Archetype gave them the power of ‘debug’ they can do anything you can with debug, provided they have the energy. This didn’t come without consequences as they became HOH and much much physically weaker. Their power was also unstable. They were to be put into a simulation so they could safely explore their powers. However, Variya saw they were being trained to become a mass weapon. So she tampered with Hero’s pod, leading them to get shocked to death. Later, Variya would use Hero’s soul to replace Aevis. Unfortunately, Hero has no memories of their death and believes Aevium to be the simulation. Not apart of Fairytaleverse unlike everyone else. They vibe alone.
— important links —
Hero’s reference(s)
Hero’s beliefs on life
Altair “Calamity” Aquila (he/him - 32-33 years old): Fate’s older brother and also a fae from the same world. He came to Aevium purposefully in order to look for Fate once he learned what happened to her. He typically uses his illusion magic to hide his fae features from the public. He ran into Clear and Kieran who promised to help him find and save Fate as long as he helped them. Unfortunately he was played and as of the end of karma files he’s been captured alongside Mosely and Reigna. His wings were torn off too, in order to stop him from being able to fight off his former companions. He doesn’t appear in Renegade of the Fairytaleverse. Also, like Fate, he can speak to fairy type pokemon.
— important links —
Sylvester (he/she - unknown age, appears to be in his 30s): A servant of Nymeria and Vitus, created a bit after Kanon. Sylvester was found with Hazuki after the battle under Hiyoshi. However, he had no memories of the events and evacuated Storm 9 with Hazuki and Thomas Sr. Sylvester stayed with Hazuki afterwards, becoming a personal butler to the Blakeory’s. First met in Blacksteeple castle, having also been a victim of Xen’s kidnapping. Though, she’s also apart of the early appearance scene with Hazuki and Lavender. She’s has a Gardevior in Fairytaleverse’s renegade but in Paragon it becomes a Iron Valiant.
— important links —
Sylvester’s Ref
Servant Sylvester (chapter 14)
Rosemary Marsh (they/them - 28 years): Rosemary is the leader of Darchlight Village. They were born in Alamissa Urben and was apart of the friend group with Damien, Alex, Adam, Ryland, Karen and Aurora. However they moved at 13. Their parents are actually the couple who took in Crescent. So they have some history with her, which in turn had gotten them interested in the group upon learning she attacked them from Sylvester. They become the Grass Reserve leader after Flora’s arrest too. They also become the Gym Leader in Fairytaleverse Renegade. Given their role and their relationships with other characters they’re the most aware that something is wrong….In renegade they have a Amonguss and in paragon they have a Brute Bonnet.
— important links —
Aurora Vale (she/her - 28 years old): Aurora is a high ranking Deathwing of Xen with a big love for bird pokemon. She is often put into leadership roles, such as leading the Akuwa abduction. She also often takes it upon herself to help struggling members like Shanon and Eli. Nastasia asked for her help during chapter 14 as well. Which ended awkwardly….as Aurora is childhood friends with the Sashila gang….In renegade she has a Delibird but in paragon she has an Iron Bundle.
— important links —
Aurora’s Family Tree
Angel (its/it - appearance of a 13 year old): Angel is the virus that was created by Lucifer that infects Zeight. It holds all the data of renegade and is protecting it until it’s time. Angel has a secret rift form for when it is attacked. It’s very existence is the major reason for there being so many inconsistencies within Fairytaleverse. It cannot leave Zeight usually, though it can speak to Fate from it and give her visions. In rare cases it can appear when things get especially fucky within the timeline. It’s goal is to guide Fate onto paragon and keep it like that. Angel doesn’t appear in renegade and in paragon Angel replaces Nancy as the administrator.
— important links —
Fairytaleverse’s Concept.
Fairytaleverse’s interceptors + official saying
Fate and Calamity’s original world
Fae Culture Context (names)
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kathrynalicemc · 2 years ago
Arcano Family: HPMA Gen (90s-00s)
This will be linked to a Masterpost for the Arcanos! I will be doing multiple posts for every generation as I cannot fit all of them in one post 🤡
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Dayamanti Arcano • 1994 • Gryffindor • Parents: Annika Arcano & Tyr Fraye • Gift: Fire & Lightning magic (Evocation)
Tired responsible older sister energy who just wants to look out for herself. Independent but has the weight of grief and the responsibilities of her sisters well-being on her shoulders. She later becomes a blacksmith.
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Dafne Arcano • 1997 • Ravenclaw • Parents: Annika Arcano & Tyr Fraye • Gift: Necromancy
Bullied for being weak and weird because of her obsession with history and the dead. She feels like she doesn’t belong in her viking family. In her teenage years she purposely tries to be cold to people to push them away before they can get close and hurt her. In adulthood she becomes the Archmage of a library and researches the forgotten culture of viking wizards from the past.
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Siv Arcano-Thorne • 2000 • Slytherin • Parents: Kaari Arcano & Semele Thorne
She takes after her father in more ways than one. She is reckless, carefree and is just here for a good time. Some of her favorite things are music, her truck, and her dragon Zepheline. In adulthood she is an advocate for dragon rights and takes over as Dragonologist at Fossan’s sanctuary.
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Dielle Arcano • 2002 • Hufflepuff • Parents: Annika Arcano & Tyr Fraye • Gift: Healing & Shields (Abjuration)
The baby of the three sisters, she is often coddled and also left behind because of the age gap. She also feels a similar way to Dafne that she doesn’t belong, but instead of being weak she feels like she is too girly and soft. She’s determined to prove herself capable of fighting but also that kindness and protection is also valid. In adulthood she proves her skill as a fighter, both offensive and defensive, and becomes captain of a city guard.
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Mikael Arcano-Thorne • 2002 • Ravenclaw • Parents: Kaari Arcano & Semele Thorne
Taking after his cousin, he also has a knack for knowledge. He has great fondness for languages and knows dozens by the time he reaches adulthood. Not only a genius, he also has a love for the outdoors and sport. You will often find him in the woods or playing quidditch if his nose isn’t in a book. His favorite books are on languages but his second favorite are those about a certain captain Aquila and his adventures in the sky. In adulthood, he will follow in Aquila’s footsteps and take up the mantle of captain on the same skyship.
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Lennox Arcano-Thorne • 2005 • Slytherin • Parents: Kaari Arcano & Semele Thorne • Gift: Necromancy • Owner: @endlessly-cursed
The baby of the generation, she is not to be underestimated. As her sister took after their father, she did the same with their mother. She possesses both beauty, brains, and elegance. The second to be born with necromancy powers, she is guided by her cousin Dafne. In adulthood, she becomes the keeper of the dead and prepares bodies for their final resting place.
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thunderboltfire · 1 year ago
Ignacia Sharille: masterpost
tagged under: #Ignacia Sharille, #Igna Sharille
Category: OC
Homeworld: Isaldi (Original setting)
Sketch: animal symbolics
Refsheet: body and basic equipment
Colored portrait: Igna in full spellbreaking gear
Monochromatic sketch: Midnight Talks
Group portrait: The Team -> tag yourself version
Monochromatic portrait: Avalanche
Digital sketch: Gazing into the distance
Digital sketch: Shonen protagonist
Inktober2017: The Wanderer's daughter
Colored portrait?: Guarding
Sketch + text: Igna's parents
Black and white sketch: Aquila's less amicable face (+ about Igna's attitude towards her horse having an attitude)
Colored sketch + text: The Eastern Tower
Colored art: Draw Your OC in your regional clothes
Colored sketch: A kiss
Colored sketch (loredump related): The Comet - The Phantom
Sketch + text: villain AU
Sketch comic: Sprites
Sketch set + text (featured): The likeness
Colored sketch (featured): Homecoming
Sketch: Visor
Colored art: Fast asleep (Valentine challenge)
Sketch: modern/metal AU
Colored sketch: Similar taste
Loredump: voice and spoken languages
Loredump: thoughts of Death and Fate
Ask game: the original concept, modern AU, platonic affection, embarrasment
Ask game: meaning of the name, love language, associated song
About the starbound horses & starbound riders
Ask game: of rage, dancing skills and beliefs
Valentine's Day loredump
Ask: quirks and hobbies
Loredump/ lore analysis: Ride or Die
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groovygladiatorsheep · 2 years ago
Masterpost part 7 !
⋅𖥔⋅ ━━✶━━ ⋅𖥔⋅ Ship children UTMV -
Violette X!Gaster x Ink /2nd gen
Owl Nim x Swap /2nd gen
Merripen Geno x Reaper x Life /2nd gen
Ester Gin x Ink /2nd gen
Fantasm Lust x Dream /2nd gen
Fable Reaper x Ink /2nd gen - Taken
Anpao Cross x Dream /2nd gen - Taken
Shiro-Mea Reaper x Nightmare /2nd gen - Taken
Valley Lavender x Dream /2nd gen
Chai Classic x Ccino /2nd gen - 13 - Taken
Chernīka Cherry x Parasomnia /3rd gen
Chelan Cherry x Parasomnia /3rd gen
Rosinca Pearl x Zelda /3rd gen - Taken
Roselyn Midnight x Cheree /3rd gen - Taken
Ismäel Blueprint x Azariel /3rd gen
Hanna Origami x Vermilion /3rd gen - 15 - Taken
Heresy Sophism x Prisma /3rd gen - Taken
Lorelei Azariel x Icoa /3rd gen - Taken
Rebel Design x Stärke /3rd gen - Taken
Aventurine Ritter x Sage /3rd gen - Taken
Oscar Orfeo x Bullet /3rd gen - Taken
Sunstone Aventurine x Oscar /4th gen - Taken
Sagenite Agate x Aquila /4th gen
Kochab Agate x Aquila /4th gen
⋅𖥔⋅ ━━✶━━ ⋅𖥔⋅ Ship children FNF -
HoneyB. Gf x Bf - 20 - Taken
Robyn Bf x Pico - 19 - Taken
Neilari Bf x Gf x Pico - 17
Dusky Ruv x Sarvente - 17 - Taken
Goji Whitty x Ruv - 21 - Taken
Moesha Whitty x Carol - 13 - Taken
Ayala Gf x Senpai - 16 - Taken
⋅𖥔⋅ ━━✶━━ ⋅𖥔⋅ Ocs || Wings Of Fire -
Crescendo || Sea/Night wing || - Taken
Pollen || Sand/Sky wing || - Taken
Grêlon || Ice/Sky wing || - Taken
• Marygold || Ice/Sky/Rain wing ||
Gwyn || IceWing ||
Orchid || Sea/Silk wing || - Taken
⋅𖥔⋅ ━━✶━━ ⋅𖥔⋅ Ship Kids || Wings Of Fire -
Pomelo - Moon x Kinkajou || Night/Rain ||
⋅𖥔⋅ ━━✶━━ ⋅𖥔⋅
Fable x Forsythia(FellSci by @/jayssillycreativitybox )
Anpao x Horlo
Shiro-Mea x Mustard(FellClassic by @/jayssillycreativitybox )
Chai x Erāgimi(FreshError by @/jayssillycreativitybox )
Sam x Julio(ArkKarmak by @/jayssillycreativitybox )
Rosinca x Tear(MokuSlash by @/jayssillycreativitybox )
Roselyn x Canary(PhoebeOmen by @/oatsyterandco )
Hanna x Flogli(BluescreenStrel by @/jayssillycreativitybox )
Heresy x Atopsë(NeonPacifico by @/jayssillycreativitybox )
Lorelei x Rebel
Aventurine x Udavis(CometPlum by @/jayssillycreativitybox )
Oscar x Deathblow(GothStärke by @/jayssillycreativitybox )
Sunstone x Sêlênite(HeresyAtopsë by @/jayssillycreativitybox )
HoneyB. x Goji
Robyn x Dawnee/Dawny(RuvSarv by @/jayssillycreativitybox )
Dusky x Pumpkinco(GfPico by @/jayssillycreativitybox )
Moesha x Kawachan(SenpaiGf by @/jayssillycreativitybox )
Ayala x Casey(WhittyCarol by @/jayssillycreativitybox )
Crescendo x Pollen
Grêlon x Tangerine(RainWing by @/quinndelightful )
Orchid x Saguaro
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catebees · 3 years ago
OC masterpost below
Dragon Age
Verena Dora Lyudmila Aeducan (she/her) - main worldstate HoF
Marian Hawke (she/they) - one and only Hawke for most worldstates
Eelis Lavellan (he/him) - main inquisitor whom I love like a son
Winifred Trevelyan (she/her) - non-inky Trevelyan from Eelis's worldstate
Acacia Ingellvar (they/them) - First Rook, slightly more canon
Rat Thorne (he/him) - Current Rook, canon divergent (still playing)
(worldstate info and non-da ocs under the cut)
Verena Aeducan (She/her) born 9:01 Dragon
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Noble Dwarf Rogue, Duelist + Legionnare specialization
Supported the mages
Persuaded Isolde to kill Connor
Retrieved the Ashes
Stopped the curse and let Zathrian die :)
Destroyed the anvil + Supported Bhelen (after messing with him for a bit)
Alistair and Anora rule
No ritual, Loghain dead
Saved Amaranthine + the Keep didn't fall
Married Zevran
Adopted a bunch of young Crow recruits
Refused to leave on her Calling and stayed with Zevran and the kids until the Blight caught up to her in the late 9:40s
Marian Hawke (she/they) born 9:07 Dragon
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Human Warrior, Berserker specialization
Mostly blue personality
Friends with more or less everyone <3
Bethany is in the circle
Dueled the Arishok
Sided with the mages
Pretended to kill Anders ;) (a new choice that I made up)
Escaped to Ferelden with Beth, Fenris and Peach the mabari
Found a little house outside of South Reach to lay low in
Opened a little school for farmer children to learn to read and count after Inquisition. Rarely goes back to Kirkwall, but Varric opened a similar institute in her name in Lowtown
After Peach they get a new mabari named Plum
Eelis Lavellan (he/him) born 9:14 Dragon
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Dalish archer Rogue, Assassin specialization
Allied with mages
Briala rules through Gaspard???? (I literally don't know)
Pardoned the Wardens + Stroud left in the Fade
Drank from the Well
Married Dorian
Softened Leliana became Divine
Disbanded the Inquisition
Total grudge against Solas >:C
Lives in Tevinter with Dorian
Family: Hilja (she/her) younger sibling, Maarit (she/her) mother, Amavel "Veli" (he/him) best friend + Aquila Racina (she/her) Dorian's apprentice who's basically their child
Winifred Trevelyan (she/her) born 8:97 Dragon
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Human Mage, resident Glyph expert
Sent to the Ostwick circle at 13 after hiding her magic for several years
Had a child while in the circle in 9:18, who was brought up by her brother
Joined the Inquisition with the Redcliffe mages
In a relationship with Blackwall
Followed warden Rainier to the anderfels and lived in Weisshaupt with him until his death
Working to help thewardens and the villagers of Lavendel after the fall of Weisshaupt
Family: parents Lady Beatrice and Lord Tristan, uncle Knight Commander Urien, son Aderyn, and brothers Aidan and Liam
Acacia Ingellvar (they/them) born 9:27 Dragon
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Dwarf warrior, Reaper specialization
Very loyal to the Necropolis, rarely left it before the exile
Good dynamic with Varric and Harding since the beginning
Helped Minrathous
Sent Harding on the mission on Tearstone Island
Bellara kidnapped by Elgar'nan
Tricked Solas with the duplicate dagger
In a long distance relationship with Taash
Returns to Nevarra as the head of Chamber Retrieval Expeditions (with frequent tea rendezvous with Emmrich and Manfred)
Rat Thorne (he/him) born 9:21 Dragon
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City elf rogue, Saboteur specialization
Joined the Wardens young, saved by Stroud after a darkspawn attack
Sent to Weisshaupt when Corypheus escaped
Wary of the Inquisition at first, but quite fond of Varric by the end
Helped Treviso
Sent Davrin on the mission on Tearstone Island
Neve kidnapped by Elgar'nan
Dating Lucanis, moved to Antiva to be closer to the First Talon
Still working with the Wardens???? Do they even continue existing?? UNCLEAR
Baldur's Gate 3
Brân Fraith (he/him) - half drow, College of lore bard. History teacher :)
Xanthi (they/them) - halfling storm sorcerer Durge, very very underdeveloped
The Arcana
Arianne Eliades (she/her) - Julian's wife, check @selfsacrificingfools for my Arcana backlog
Original stuff:
Gabriel Sharp and Thomas Adair, my queer Edwardian morticians <3
Agata Morgenstern (she/her) and Julia Philippe de Fervidor (they/them), both characters from a dating sim that lives in my head
Drawn To The Flames, an urban fantasy story starring: Adelaide Petran-Fouque (she/they), Nina Otxoa (she/her), Bram (they/them), Cat Andersen (he/him also, little/babby), Gabi Petran-Fouque (he/him), Hamlet Towers (he/him), Vasilisa (she/her)
I have a billion more but they're mostly retired I'm afraid
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ashitomarisu · 3 years ago
Aqours as Precures (Let's talk attacks and abilities for a bit)
Currently, my project is at a slowing halt due to a broken pen, so in the meantime, I'm headcanoning more Precure x Love Live stuff. In an earlier post, I made a masterpost as to what cure names I would have for each member of Aqours. This post will cover attacks and abilities, since that portion was never fully explained.
Cure Mikan (Chika)
close-mid range
despite the name, her design is more on the steampunk/gambler/ringleader theme
in fact, one of her defense tactics is an illusionary card trick that can teleport and create fake entities
Mikan Wave: summons a massive circulating current with mikans that burst into electric bombs when an enemy comes in contact
Forbidden Patella: the infamous knee to the lower back; stuns enemies when already weakened or confused (inspired by an iconic televised program moment where Anchan literally kicks a guy's ass with her martial arts)
Mikan Royale: gigantic electrified mikan slices rotating in the style of a roulette wheel transform into a random severity attack depending on the cure's mood (i.e.: positive moods produce more healing results; negative moods produce more fatal results that can also affect the user; neutral mood can fool the enemy if the right or wrong trigger thoughts are given).
52-Shishiza Triple Grand River (MAX BET): summons an astral-stylized Leo with its mane covered with 52 cards that revolve and act as a gatling gun, shooting mikan projectiles at max speed (feint), then the cards fly off and become high-speed blades, serving double damage to the enemy before the user goes in with a final blow to finish the triple attack.
Mikan Shockwave: (w/Cure Pyxis) basically similar to Mikan Wave, except double the Vitamin C and electric punches...
Cure Forte (Riko)
mid-long range healer
Sakura Concerto: blizzard of sakura petals heal the ally or enemy of any negative energy; temporary
Symphony of the Cherry Blossom: hybrid healing/long-range attack involving the user singing a hymn; stuns enemies while healing them permanently
Symphony of the Cherry Blossom (Encore): a stronger version with the help of Cure Blossom; used for emergency situations
Cure Delphinus (Kanan)
mid-long range attacker with one close-combat specialty
water-elemental (duh)
Echoes of Aquarii: (only used alongside Cure Aquila and must be in sync for maximum damage) battle environment turns into a spacial void; both users summon their respective spirit animals (dolphin and eagle) and emit a dangerous amount of high-decibel soundwaves which cause the tides to rupture into a celestial uproar; leaving the enemy stunned and prone to drowning
Delphini Cosmic Torrent: summons a current of phantom dolphins to attack the enemy head-on
Eternal Embrace: basically a healing hug attack that will neutralize negative vibes
Sorrowful Phoenix Microburst: (w/ Cure Polaris) only used as last resort if either of the two are close to detransformation; basically a sacrificial attack that fuses both Phoenix and Delphinus into a forbidden chimera that will summon upon a destructive microburst of meteors and comets
Cure Lepus (Dia)
(as Zenitsu would put it) SHE'S GOT A WEAPON!!!
did I mention a mecha rabbit behemoth resembling Usada Lettuce
close-combat threat
Curse of the Blood Moon: (w/Cure Moonrise) Moonrise creates the illusion, using the blood moon to confuse and stun the enemy; while Lepus uses a feinting attack before reappearing to unleash a fury of nitojutsu-like swordsmanship
月の兎ダイヤモンドの踊り (The Moon Rabbit's Diamond Dance): [No, the name is not intentional to reference a certain icon, but I really love this idea, so let me roll with it]. The user breaks the moon into diamond shards as it rains profusely towards the enemy.
月の兎ダイヤモンドの踊り~Crimson Vault~: (w/Cure Moonrise) Similar to previous, except Moonrise smashes the moon instead, then diamond and ruby shards rain on the enemy.
Cure Pyxis (You)
mid-range/close combat
Mariner's Warning: contrary to the name, the user summons raging sea currents without any particular sign for the enemy
Mikan Shockwave: (w/Cure Mikan) basically similar to Mikan Wave, except double the Vitamin C and electric punches...
Cure Raven (Yoshiko Yohane)
dark magic/long-range only
do not call her Yoshiko
has an ally in Anko (beast form)
Feather Squall: summons a violent gust of feathers aiming towards the enemy; its quills can cause significant damage similar to being hit by a hailstorm
Twin Shetland Fang: summons the spirit of Anko to unleash a piercing frostbite-like bite attack on an enemy
Gemini Resonance: summoning both personas at once as angel/devil spirits to distract the enemy while the user creates a long-range surge of intensely concentrated UV-A and UV-B rays generates devastating levels of soundwaves so invisible and quiet to the normal human hearing to deliver a catastrophic outcome via spell circle that locks the enemy in place from escaping (kinda Marble Screwish but from the Earth and in a vertical direction); and then she tells you to "Go to Hell".
Cure Azalea (Hanamaru)
Healer/Short-range attacker
Don't take her appearance so lightly
Grayano Implant: releases several bullets containing the grayanotoxin; stunning enemies that will eventually kill them (used as last resort)
Mindful Resurrection: emits a calming, powerful bell tone that heals a weary mind of any of her comrades; eliminates negative vibes almost instantly
Papillion Swarm Burst: (only w/Cure Mint) combines Mint Shield (offense mode) with the call of a swarm of Blue Morpho species leaving a poisonous whirlwind to immobilize and/or suffocate the enemy
Cure Polaris (Mari)
there will be NO shitfire (shitto fire)
don't beg for one
medium-range badass with a firebird
Suzaku's Min'yo Session: to the enemy, it spells disaster; to the allies, it's an advantage?? (but this is where the attack is a double sword; basically everyone except the user falls asleep)
Sorrowful Phoenix Microburst: (w/ Cure Delphinus) only used as last resort if either of the two are close to detransformation; basically a sacrificial attack that fuses both Phoenix and Delphinus into a forbidden chimera that will summon upon a destructive microburst of meteors and comets
Stella Maris Ultimus: (Latin for "The Last Star of the Sea"); using the Phoenix, Polaris summons a deadly meteor shower that has a 50-50 chance of either causing massive damage to the environment after the enemy is eliminated or killing her in the process, since this takes up a huge amount of energy to cast by one person alone
Cure Moonrise (Ruby)
originally called Cure Lollipop prior to Furirin's solo artist debut, but I changed it for reasons because DAMN IT I HAVE SOME GOOD IDEAS FOR HER
illusionary/mid-range attacker
carries a HFW (Huge Fucking Weapon)
Paaru Lollipop Hammer: this thing is three times her size; Paaru's angry face is on the head of the hammer with the lollipop discs on the side, which can deliver earth-shattering damage
Axiom Shift (Reiwa Phase): Moonrise's main ability; when severely weakened, she is able to change the environment around her to mimic 80s Tokyo to distract enemies within a 5-mile radius for 24-72 hours, depending on the recovery length. However, she cannot be called upon, nor can she help while in this comatose state. Lepus also loses half her energy due to blood relation; which puts her at a disadvantage for this extended period of time. During this said timeframe, her body is guarded by a coelacanth-like beast until completion.
月の兎ダイヤモンドの踊り~Crimson Vault~: (w/Cure Lepus) Lepus's main attack, except Moonrise smashes the moon, then diamond and ruby shards rain on the enemy.
Cotton Candy Cloud Nine: Sugar overload. Massive sugar overload that leaves enemies in a food coma.
Sheesh, that was a lot of brain power and motivation, but there are my ideas for the attack pools for each curesona. Any other suggestions that I might have missed? In terms of group attacks, I may return to that in a later time. Until then, feel free to leave comments or reblog.
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regina-del-cielo · 4 years ago
TOG Daemon AU Masterpost
Since I tend to write posts that are long as fuck and require me days to build up, I thought that a masterpost where you can check if there are new additions without scrolling through my whole blog was in order.
General Thoughts
Andromache the Scythian - Diokles, golden eagle (Aquila chrysaetos)
Quynh - Thang, king cobra (Ophiophagus hannah) (related art)
Lykon (coming soon)
Nicolò di Genova - Reparata, Italian wolf (Canis lupus italicus)
Yusuf al-Kaysani - Maryam, African cheetah (Acinonyx jubatus)
Sébastien Le Livre - Adéline, Touraine white goose (Anser anser domesticus)
Nile Freeman (coming soon)
James Copley (coming soon)
Gift fic inspired by these!
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lets-steal-an-archive · 4 years ago
Leverage Big Bangs Masterpost
Below are links to the tag/masterpost/collection for every year the challenge took place. If I found link rot or it was on ao3 but wasn't in The Big Bang Job Collection, I dropped a link here. Enjoy!
2009 tag
2010 Master Post
Tin Man Job by James
2011 Normal Big Bang - Masterpost
Under the Impression (I Was Somewhere In-Between) by serenelystrange
The Out of The Blue Job by Ultra
2011-12 Reverse Big Bang
I Less Than Three You by James
Daffodils by downbythebay
In-Between Job by Caitriona_3
It's the End of the World As We Know It by theron09
Turn & Turn Again by alinaandalion
Alis Aquilae by Ultra
Faulty Memory by vivi749
Sinner's Prayer by lady_yashka (Part 1) (Part 2)
Where There Ain't No Rain or Snow by serenelystrange
From Nowhere To Somewhere by YanzaDracan
The Middle of the Night by lar_laughs
How The Pieces Come Together by YanzaDracan
Once Upon a Time by ScoutLover
2013 Normal Big Bang Masterlist
Transition by leveragus
The Promises We Made by lady_yashka
The Arch-nemesis Job by Valawenel
Great Was The Fall by YanzaDracan
Perfect Broken by Ruquas
Just What I Need by disturbinglynic
2013-14 Reverse Big Bang Masterlist
The Chargoggagoggmanchauggagoggchaubunagungamaugg Job by Valawenel
Where the Ocean Meets the Sky by serenelystrange
A Modern Myth by lady_yashka
2014 Free for All Masterpost
The Wings Job by YanzaDracan
Related collections on ao3
2017 Big/Mini Bang collection
2018 Duel Bang collection
2019 Reverse Bang collection
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aquilathefighter · 2 years ago
Aquila's Fic Masterpost!
Here's a quick reference to all of my Dreamling fic!
Writing tag: #aquila writes
Ananke, God of Compulsion | Mature | Incomplete | 11,002 words
Lieutenant Hob Gadling is planning on deserting before his deployment. He has everything planned from faking his death to getting to the US. However, a wrench is thrown into his plan when Captain Morpheus Endeleas asks him to be his assistant for the week leading up to the company’s deployment. Now under close watch by a man Hob thinks despises him, he cannot escape his duty. What will come from a week working closely with Cpt. Endeleas?
Hold Me Closer | Teen | Complete | 26,471 words
Fluffbruary 2023 prompts! Just some soft and happy dreamlings because I can't hit them with a hammer all the time.
Smapril Showers Bring Smutty Flowers | Explicit | Incomplete | 7, 148 words
Smapril 2023 fills, prompts by staroftheendless A variety show of Dreamling smut, in whatever universes come to mind.
Dreamling Bingo Fills
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Watching You Dance | Explicit | Complete | 347 words
Hob has a side job as a stripper. He invites Dream to come watch him, knowing that his boyfriend's possessive streak will be activated when he's surrounded by the lustful daydreams of the patrons. 2023 Dreamling Bingo Fill for #DB215 square E5: Stripping Smapril Day 3 Prompts: Possessive | "Come over here."
Earl Grey, or: the Tiny Grey Cat | General Audiences | Complete | 768 words
Dream ends up in Hob's flat a bit before the man actually arrives, and meets a new addition to Hob's living space: a kitten! The King of Cats talks to the young kitten and finds out that children of all kinds are poor keepers of their caregivers' secrets. When Hob arrives, Dream and the kitten are formally introduced and Dream is forced to relax for once in his life. Dreamling Bingo 2023 fill for #DB215 April Monthly Prompt: Adoption replacing Square E4
Ain't Nothin' but Mammals | Explicit | Complete | 1,121 words
Dream arrives at Hob's apartment to say hello, but finds himself aurally assaulted by raunchy music. He learns that this is Hob's chore playlist, finding him dusting in the bedroom. Dream has no interest in doing chores, but does want to do Hob. Thanks, Bloodhound Gang!! Dreamling Bingo 2023 fill for #DB215 Square B2: Bestiality NB: No actual bestiality in this fic, not even discussion of the act. (See notes!)
Swashbuckling Fantasie | Teen | Incomplete | 1,344 words
Boatswain Hob Gadling is a pirate obsessed with a different kind of treasure: stories. He goes looking for fantastical tales at every port and bothers his crewmates daily for them. When he is told of a merman who lives in a dreamlike cove who is the greatest storyteller ever, he has no choice but to seek him out. He meets this mysterious man who transports Hob to a realm of his own, where Hob can seek out new adventures and create a story of his own. But between the adventures and Hob's persistence, this misanthropic merman begins to see humans in a new light, falling deeper and deeper for his pirate. Chapter 1 fulfills the Dreamling Bingo Monthly Prompt "MerMay," replacing #DB215 Square E1: Rape/Non-con!
I just really, desperately want to be your next poor decision | General Audiences | Complete | 210 words
Dream asks why Hob has done everything he has done in the interim since 1889. Hob tells him and makes a (what he deems) subtle love confession. Dreamling Bingo 2023 fill for #DB215 June Monthly Prompt: "Why did you do it?" replacing Square E3: Stargate
Hunger for the Blade | Explicit | Complete | 1,535 words
Hob had thought it would be a good idea to ask Dream to spar during their weekly Dreaming date night. How hard could it be, he’d thought. I have centuries of experience. What he’d forgotten, he’s now learning, is that his lover has millennia of experience. That he contains every single swordsman’s dreams since swords were invented on top of the glut of fictional swordplay. That had been his first mistake. His second was the bet they’d made: the winner gets to have the loser in whatever way they’d like. -- Or, a sparring match turns into a very messy blowjob. Dreamling Bingo 2023 fill for #DB215 Square E2: Knife Play
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krokotopia · 5 years ago
Wizard101 + Pirate101 Concept Art Links Masterpost
Full listing of known artists and their portfolios that have worked/are working on either Wizard101 or Pirate101 is below the cut!
All listed profiles are sfw unless otherwise noted!
Wizard101 concept artists and years at KI:
Dave Greco, Concept Art Lead, 2009-current (work is mostly sporadic now)
responsible for character concepts for arc 2
splash screens, world concepts, and that one really awesome GameStop poster for Wiz/Pirate that I remember someone on here once got a copy of from their store
some Overwatch work, Warhammer 40k work, work for Crowfall
Tony Gaddis, Senior Animator, current
does a lot of the animation boards and cycles
all your favorite pets and NPCs!
Kevin T. Chin, Principal Concept Artist, 2012-current
made a ton of gear and enemy concepts
integral to the four dungeons and all the unique gear from those
Skull Island, Mooshu gear from P101, Marleybone and Aquila characters, the Trojan Mouse
Adam Roush, Concept Artist II, current 
Loading screens, housing concepts, bundle art
Nimbari NPCs, The (New) Professor
Other quality of life things, like fish, pets, Beastmoon and Deckathalon gears
Billy George, Senior Concept Artist, 2011-2015
has given us everything from the painting used in “Portait of Tatyana” to Old Cob himself to Old Scratch!
worked on Hercules, Teasure Planet, Emporer’s New Groove, Fantasia 2000, more...
portfolio of characters includes the promotion progression of mini-Wing Chun and he is perfect
Evergreen bundle gear concepts
unused character/enemy concepts like moon school orc (?)
Gregg Hargrove, Art Director and Sr. Environmental Artist, 2005-2006; 2017, respectively
responsible for Cyrus Drake, Merle Ambrose, Greyrose, Dworgyn, Falmea, much of the original spellcard art from the original 50 levels of the game, and most of the Wizard City NPCs
art concept of Merle Ambrose shows original design as an Ice wizard with a cool hearing horn to aid him
many blessings and peace to him and his family ❤
J. Todd Coleman’s Facebook Collection of Wizard101 and Pirate101 concepts (Game Creator), and some of those concepts and others at Swordroll
Krokotopia by steambot-studios, which I cannot find a link to the individual studio site
Dragonspyre pre-war and post-war concept art by David Levy, who’s website doesn’t include those particular pieces because of a wealth of other projects (Assasin’s Creed, Tomorrowland, Prometheus, Star Wars Ep. IX, and Avatar 2/3/4)...seriously.
old loading screen girl by Tony Trujillo, who does not appear to have a website
final Wizard City concept art by Jeremy Love,  who’s website doesn’t include that particular piece because of a wealth of other projects (Pirates of the Carribean, Aquaman, Avatar 2/3, and Mortal Kombat)...also 100% serious.
Wizard City concepts by Thierry Doizen, who does not appear to have any sites
scrapped Valencian musketeer concept for Pirate101 from pre-beta, unsure who artist is (looks like it might be Chin or Greco)
Pirate101 concept artists and years at KI:
Official P101 Concept Art Pages 
Pirate101 “Art of” Books for each world are in-game housing items purchasable for scrip, gold, or crowns
Art of Skull Island
Art of Monquista
Art of Cool Ranch
Art of Mooshu
Art of Marleybone
Art of Aquila
Art of Valencia
Jason Young, Character Artist, 2012-2014
art and renders, and our good boy Frankie Fourarms, of course
Scottie Jones, kind of low-key, so no other details
concept environments and rendering for much of Xol Akmul
the 12 paintings in District of the Stars, Celestia in Wizard101 were done by him, which are one of my favorite details of the world!
Chris White, Sr. Environmental Artist II, 2010-2015
you can see concepts he’s done of ships and props at Swordroll’s blog 
portfolio includes some unreleased P101 concept ships 
also worked on Warhammer 40k, DOTA 2
KingsIsle’s blog posts about creating Bartleby, written by Principal Artist Jeff Toney
some of the individual artists featured are Hofarts , Mike Corriero, Jainai Jeffries [nsfw on general profile]
Art Lead Melissa Preston’s work on Pirate101
includes overviews of her team’s work on the tigers and the environmental concepts for Westminister Skyway (I believe the tigers are done by Kevin Chin, mentioned earlier)
.................................!!!BONUS CONTENT!!!.............................................
The first and perhaps only scientific study on Wizard101 by Drs. Aaron A. Delwiche and Jennifer J. Henderson from Trinity University. 
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kanasmusings · 6 years ago
[Masterpost] TsukiPro Special CD - Starry Sky Collection
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Here’s the masterpost for the Starry Sky Collection drama tracks! I hope you all enjoyed the legends and the boys’ heartfelt talks as much as I enjoyed translating them ^^
※ Please don’t re-post these translations without permission. Instead of reposting, please just like/reblog instead ^^
Track 01: 星に願いを -わし座 アルタイル- [Wish Upon a Star – from the Constellation of Aquila – Altair]
Track 02: 心揺さぶる音楽を -こと座 ベガ- [Music that Shakes the Heart – from the Constellation of Lyra – Vega]
Track 03: 宇宙の音楽 -白鳥座 デネブ- [The Space’s Music – from the Constellation of Cygnus – Deneb]
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kathrynalicemc · 2 years ago
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The Phoenix Archives Masterpost
The Phoenix Archives are extra additions and small contained stories I didn’t get to add in the original fic. Here’s a Masterpost where I will link all the entries. Friendly reminder this is open to everyone! If you make any content at all of your OC during the war and/or interacting with the Phoenix Resistance and want to share it lmk and I’ll add it! I’m also down to helping people write any kind of fics. It can be aesthetics or video edits etc too!
Silent Night (December 17th, 1997)
Caspian Aquila
You can find the original Phoenix Resistance story HERE if you want to read it!
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calamityeden · 7 years ago
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With the first draft of Carve the Stars officially finished, it’s time to create a masterpost for everything relevant to this behemoth of a project! This post will be continuously updated with information on the process of CTS for everyone! If you have questions about it or are interested in being a beta reader, you can DM me directly for more information.
Most importantly however, there is now an OFFICIAL BLOG! Please go follow it if you’re interested in CTS! I realized I’ve never made an official **WIP INTRO **for CTS so here I am with the frankenstein of all intro posts for you guys. 
I’ll be posting updates and news on the new blog too as I work more on revising and betaing CTS. I’m so excited to share more of this world and story with you guys, and I hope you are too! And for those of you who aren’t familiar with CTS yet, please check out all of the stuff below for more info!
                      「 SO WHAT THE HELL IS CTS ? 」
One hundred years after reaching the stars, it turns out that aliens are either dead, missing, or worse.
For Wren Akane, this is a fact of life that comes alongside the three golden rules: water is wet, the sky is red, and whatever it is that came before left something behind. But no one living in the red desert ruins of Terra know any better than that, and no one living in the red desert ruins of Terra leave unless its to go six feet underground.
Unfortunately, Wren’s golden rules are shattered the moment Marek Khalid touches down in his life, and not because he wants to, but because the universe is tired of reaching a dial tone and sent the messenger instead.
No, this isn’t a love story about two kids a million light years far away from earth, and no, it’s not some coming-of-age tale set beneath a different set of stars. This is a story about a boy with a red jacket and a motorcycle, and a pilot from a galaxy far, far away.
One hundred years after the discovery of remnant alien technology and life within the ice rings of Saturn, humanity has migrated to a new set of stars. With the invention of the Ryzen Drive Core and the discovery of Lysium, a chemical substance key to the development of intergalactic travel in 1984, earths maiden ships began the long sail into the abyss in the hopes of finding foreign shore and new land.
It has been two hundred and twenty four years since the first ships entered a new set of stars. And for one hundred and twenty four years, they have lived this the knowledge that something used to live among these planets. And it did not live there anymore. Though the hunt for aliens still continues under a lukewarm government fund and a wealth of private investors, humanity has set up shop for good.
In Aquila, the Nexus rules over all of the planetary colonies from a space station large enough to house several million in the pursuit of establishing a new system within this stellar frontier. But in the red, red sky of Terra-9, the Nexus is nothing more than a distant glow of light and an unreachable dream. The first planet humanity landed on in their great expansion to the stars, Terra-9 has long since been a ghost town colony breathing only because of the planets rich wealth of Lysium.
Wren Akane was born and raised on Terra-9. And while the Nexus has always been within his sight, he has always set his gaze to the stars in search of what came before them. The aliens that everyone said were either dead or missing. And soon he’ll find out that the galaxy they have stepped into is far bigger than he could have ever imagined. And that beyond the red, red sky of Terra-9 is the universe of Symphonia. The universe in which, a thousand years ago, he’d started a war.
WREN AKANE . twenty one / male / bisexual / japanese-korean. 
A pilot and mechanic from Terra-9, Wren is a long time alien conspiracy theorist and has big ideas on where they all went. However, when Marek Khalid enters his life, he discovers that not only was he right that the aliens had never been dead, only missing, but also that he has a much larger role to play in an intergalactic war - and one he started a thousand years ago. 
MAREK KHALID . twenty four / male / gay / indo-european.
A pilot of the nexus and one of the most talented military fighters in the united coalition, Marek Khalid has been searching for someone his entire life and finds them on the dust red desert of Terra-9. After discovering that he started a war a thousand years ago, Marek becomes adamant about his destiny; to silence the universe’s violence forever, so that he can give the person most dear to him peace. Even if that peace means painting himself the villain in the war among the stars. 
STRELITZIA MERESKI . twenty two / female / bisexual / lunarian. 
a lunarian foreteller that was imprisoned by a ruthless empire for from her childhood, strelitzia has spent years fighting back against an oppressive regime. when she learns of the possibility of an ancient legend being reawoken in the far reaches of the universe, she breaks free of the empire to recover the last hope for symphonia. she does not expect to find it in a mechanic from a dusty red desert who does not even know who he is.
& More to come soon. 
This post will be continuously updated with information as I work on CTS! If you have any questions or would like to be added to my tag list, please feel free to message me! I’ll keep the current tag list under the cut below!
The Usual Suspects:  @theguildedtypewriter @endlesshourglass @thequietauthorwrites @scripturient-manipulator @forlornraven @gingerly-writing @idreamonpaper @priyaele @novelistcore @softegods @bethwrotethis @ravenpuffwriter @yvesdot 
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dreamskept · 6 years ago
TSUBASA’S VERSES MASTERPOST - will always be adding to it!
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like kyouya, tsubasa is from beyblade, where a famous sport is where they battle using spinning metal tops. tsubasa’s beyblade and lifelong partner is AQUILA, the eagle beyblade. it’s a defense beyblade that specializes with taking to the skies and sky-based attacks. 
tsubasa is considered one of the top bladers of japan because his team placed first in the world championship. 
tsubasa originally lived in the forest with his companion of his pet eagle, but ever since he picked up work for the WBBA (an organization meant to organize beyblade tournaments), he’s gone where he pleased and where they sent him.
tsubasa’s DEFAULT time in his timeline is after the events of battle bladers in season 1. during battle bladers, tsubasa was defeated and put in a coma. he went through physical therapy for a week and is now checking with the doctors every week or so to make sure he’s running smoothly. however, darkness lurks at his mind and floods his brain... all he can see sometimes is darkness. 
in season 2, something horrid happened to tsubasa. during battle bladers, he inherited the powers of a dark power from ryuuga, who defeated him. the dark power surfaces whenever his emotions get out of control - particularly, when he gives in to rage or sadness, and he goes into a frenzy. it is only a few battles prior to the end of the world championship that he pushes back the dark power. 
after that, he goes through biomedical therapy and reports to a therapist bimonthly. takes up meditation. the dark power still possesses him in flashes of unconstrained anger / rage and depressive episodes. 
tsubasa is a second-year at shiratorizawa. he’s the president of the fencing club. also takes care of a kid in a fellow foster family in the same neighborhood because HahaBuddies
he lives with his foster family as he lost both his parents when he was 10, but he isn’t that close with them, as he prefers being on his own and being outside.
if you can’t find him at the school or at the flower shops, he’s probably in the forest meditating.
originally he hadn’t cared much about the sports clubs outside of fencing. sure, he had paid them in his slight intrigue at first, but he’s lost it over time. 
it’s only when yuu, the kid he ‘babysits’, took up interest in shiratorizawa’s incredible sports teams. in particular, the representative of japan’s youth team and one of the top three aces in the country, and refused to stop talking about it until tsubasa agreed to take him to a volleyball game. 
incredible at fencing. just like everyone else in shiratorizawa in the sports leagues, he’s not someone to take lightly in his expertise. 
he got in to shiratorizawa for his intelligence.
IDK who’d... intern him or whatever its called but tsubasa is working towards becoming a pro-hero although he’s a much better hero suited for figuring out plots.
his quirk is Pan’s Eye, which is a quirk that allows him to tap into the sight of any animal he has temporarily bonded with. when using this quirk, tsubasa’s eyes become a blank gold with no pupils. 
he can respond to anyone around him, he just won’t be able to see from his own eyes until he deactivates his own quirk.
essentially, tsubasa taps into the  animal’s eyesight and can view from their eyes for up to a minute and a half at a time. any longer causes headaches and strains his eyes. 
there is no distance limit that tsubasa has tested, but he has noticed that the farther the animal is from him, the harder it is. it takes longer for him to tune into their vision from a longer distance and generally the view is dimmer / less vivid. 
the more tsubasa uses his quirk without resting his eyes (closing them, resting, etc), the more dry his eyes get and more dark spots he’ll have in his vision.
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