#aqua konosuba x reader
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genshingorlsrevengeance · 1 year ago
Can I please request Aqua(Konosuba), Kokomi, and Sara(both genshin) reacting to their s/o being attacked by giant fish monsters whenever they get close to so much as a pond, whether it makes sense for the monsters to be there or not, and only acting mildly inconvenienced by this?
I think it'd be funny
(Konosuba/Genshin Impact) Aqua, Kokomi, and Sara's S/O being attacked by giant fish
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Aqua has no idea where these damn fish keep coming from!
She has the ability to bring fish to her, but not S/O!...At least, none that she's aware of.
Even when they were at a fountain, a giant creature tried to take a bite out of S/O.
Which it did out of Darkness, but it had no effect on her, much to Darkness's dismay.
S/O's mundane reactions was similar to her own.
(S/O) "Damn it, not again...!"
(Aqua) "Seriously, again? Ugh, hang on I think I can use my powers to make these pests go away..."
(Kazuma) "The hell are you two so casual about, THIS IS A BATHTUB! WHO'S THE JACKASS PUTTING A SHARK IN HERE?!"
Aqua doesn't seem to think much on it.
Because she doesn't think much at all.
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Kokomi's startled by the giant sea creatures that leap out after S/O, quickly repelling them with her own vision.
Everytime S/O is near a body of water, her stress levels spike up.
Which was unfortunate since Inazuma was entirely surrounded by a body of water, and her stress was already near peak.
She doesn't understand how S/O is so casual about it, as if they were dealing with this their entire life.
Archons, have they?!
(Kokomi) "Dear, please stay near me whenever we travel. It would bring me at least some modicum of peace of mind..."
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As weird as it was, Sara kind of liked S/O getting attacked by these fish.
It was a form of training in her eyes, always ready to test her mettle whenever they travelled near water.
No doubt someone would get creative and possibly employ the same tactics on herself or the Raiden Shogun.
Every single aquatic creature that dared attack S/O was quick to meet with a thunderous demise.
Though this was her attitude near the oceans. As for ponds and small feet deep water-
(Sara) "Have you angered the gods in some way? It is physically impossible to be attacked by a fish every single day."
(S/O) "You get used to it."
(Sara) "...I do not know if you should."
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kool-aid-girl · 3 years ago
So i FINALLY managed to catch up with sagau (self aware genshin au, man the whole thing was huge) and I also ended up deleting Konosuba: Fantastic days due to storage issues 👌
I saw other people use the same concept with other games like Cookie run kingdom so I was like sure why not?
So in the loving memory of all my lost progress in KFD....ladies, gentle men and non-binery folks I present to you....
Konosuba: Fantastic days self aware au (may or may not be a big fat joke)
✨Feel free to send requests✨
Main four (coming soon)
Wiz head canons (coming soon)
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eyebeastposts · 5 years ago
Fan Fiction Road: Altar of EyeBeast Results
The votes have been cast and the winners have been decided. Let’s go over how things panned out and answer some of the questions given to me through the survey. To start, I’ll go over each scenario, the character picks for each, and some general thoughts about each one. I’ll be covering each scenario in the order of popularity.
Scenario C) Royal Reversal-49 votes
1.      Midna (Zelda)-17
2.      Wonder Woman (DC)-14
3.      Lucina (Fire Emblem)-11
4.      Jasmine (Disney)-10
5.      Satsuki (Kill La Kill) and Risky Boots (Shantae)-9
6.      Sonia (Danganronpa)-8
7.      Karin (Street Fighter) and Catarina (My Life as a Villainess)-6
8.      Emelia (Re:Zero)-3
-I’m honestly surprised this one got the top spot considering the subject matter. If I were to return to this scenario, I’d probably reverse the genders and ask for only male subjects to go through the transformation. As for the winner, Midna, you’ll find the results to which version was picked down below.
Scenario A) Couple’s Feast-48 votes
1.      Link + Zelda (Breath of the Wild)-28
2.      Male Reader + Doki Doki Literature Club Girl-13
3.      Joker + Persona 5 Girl-11
4.      Chris + Jill (Resident Evil) and Male Reader + Huniepop Girl-10
5.      Shuichi + Kaede (Danganronpa)-6
6.      Kimihito + Monster Musume Girl-5
7.      Inuyasha + Kagome (Inuyahsa)-4
8.      Ryu + Chun-li (Street Fighter) and Joey + Mai (Yu-Gi-Oh)-3
-Coming up close for second is the mutual weight gain couples. The winning pair is Link and Zelda, coincidentally the one couple I’ve seen the most fat art of together. I’m already considering doing this scenario again, this time focusing on Reader + Popular Vote Girl selections.
Scenario D) Pig Deity-43 votes
1.      Rosalina IMario)-23
2.      Palutena (Kid Icarus)-16
3.      Aqua (Konosuba)-15
4.      Venus (Huniepop)-11
5.      Sophitia (Soulcalibur)-9
6.      Panty (Panty and Stocking) and Holo (Spice and Wolf)-6
7.      Tiki (Fire Emblem)-4
8.      Hestia (Is it Wrong to Pick Up Girls in a Dungeon?)-3
9.      Crim (Interspecies Reviewers)-0
-In third place, we have the scenario that’s admittedly the safest of the 5. Rosalina came out on top, strange considering the various choices we had. To be honest, it will probably be a one and done with this scenario. I’ve done plenty of pig stories before and this scenario was the one with the least suggestions. Still, I’ll do my beset to turn the goddess of the cosmos into the goddess of the pig pen.
Scenario B) Princess Makeover-41 votes
1.      Ryuko (Kill La Kill)-20
2.      Korra (Avatar)-18
3.      Lara Croft (Tomb Raider)-15
4.      Chie (Persona 4)-11
5.      Ganondorf (Zelda)-8
6.      Asuka (Evangelion)-7
7.      Kazuma (Konosuba)-6
8.      R. Mika (Street Fighter)-4
9.      Sakura (Street Fighter) and Lady (DMC)-2
-For fourth place, we have the first scenario that doesn’t have any form of weight gain included. I’m kind of glad Ryuko won over Korra, considering Korra already had her time to shine in a previous Fan Fiction Road. I’m also surprised at how high the male options got in comparison, making me consider an all male selection if I do this scenario again.
Scenario E) Pokemon Fusion-29 votes
1.      Whitney/Miltank-29
2.      Roxie/Koffing-15
3.      Sabrina/Slowpoke and Lusamine/Buzzwole-12
4.      May/Slaking and Bea/Hariyama-8
5.      Hilda/Scolipede-4
6.      Cynthia/Garchomp-3
7.      Serena/Mega Charizard X-2
8.      Kiawe/Salazzle-0
-Finally we have Pokemon Fusion, with the somewhat predictable winner of Whitney and her Miltank. Considering how vague this one was in terms of what the final story would contain, I can see why so few people voted for it. That being said, I would consider doing a Fan Fiction Road just with this scenario alone since there are so many combinations to choose from.
Character Popularity Polls:
Persona 5 Girls
1.      Makoto-24
2.      Futaba-13
3.      Ann, Haru, and Kawakami-11
4.      Takemi-8
Monster Musume Girls
1.      Centorea-26
2.      Miia-19
3.      Suu-9
4.      Papi and Rachnera-8
5.      Mero-6
Doki Doki Literature Club Girls
1.      Yuri-31
2.      Monika-23
3.      Natsuki-20
4.      Sayori-8
Huniepop Girls
1.      Nikki-11
2.      Beli-9
3.      Lola-8
4.      Venus-7
5.      Tiffany, Aiko, and Momo-6
6.      Jessie-5
7.      Celeste and Audrey-3
8.      Kyu-2
9.      Kyanna-1
Character Version Polls:
Lara Croft
1. Classic-55
2. Reboot-31
1. True Form-59
2. Imp Form-31
-I see that shortstacks are a bit more niche for my audience than I thought.
Miscellaneous Polls:
Fan Fiction Road Version Select
1. New-66
2. Old-16
-While I wont’ say that I’ll never go back to the old method, I can promise that I will go back to these varied scenarios again. Perhaps I’ll do smaller selections occasionally to replace a prompt request session or two.
B-Movie Selection:
1. Tremors-41
2. Deep Blue Sea-20
3. Dollman vs Demonic Toys-12
4. From Hell it Came-6
Franchise Select:
1. Mass Effect-36
2. Final Fantasy 7 (Classic)-22
3. Nier Automata-18
4. Xenoblade Chronicles-13
-As much as I despise EA, I have been meaning to give the Mass Effect games a try. I’ll snatch up the first game when it goes on sale and see how it goes. Don’t worry about the other options, I’m going to try to get to each of them eventually.
Questions and Answers:
Q: “ I don’t know if this is required to be filled out, but I’ll fill it out anyway. I like reading your stories when you do release new ones. I thought I’d ask why you don’t put the full content warning at the start of the story, and instead in the description, never understood that. “
A: It’s mostly an aesthetic thing for me. I just think it looks a little gaudy to shove so much information at the start of the story. That being said, this is a Deviantart only issue and who knows how things might change if Eclipse keeps screwing things up.
Q: “Here’s a question, will you try using Mulan based stories or Inuyasha based ones in the future? Just curious. “
A: For Mulan, probably not, really not my style. Inuyasha on the other hand depends on how much people want to see stories based on the characters.
Q: “ 2020 may be a huge bitch but that ain't nothing masturbation and weed can't solve! “
A: True, just make sure to do it in moderation before you’re found stoned out of your mind in the middle of the street with no pants on.
As for the various people that gave me words of encouragement to get through the rest of the year, I can’t express how thankful I am for your support. Now if you’ll excuse me, I have some writing to do.
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recentanimenews · 8 years ago
Konosuba: God’s Blessing on This Wonderful World!: Oh My Useless Goddess!
By Natsume Akatsuki and Kurone Mishima. Released in Japan as “Kono Subarashii Sekai ni Shukufuku o!: Aa, Damegami-sama” by Kadokawa Sneaker Bunko. Released in North America by Yen On. Translated by Kevin Steinbach.
In the current light novel boom that North America has been experiencing, there have been many novels that fall under the broad category of ‘funny’. They either take a relatively serious plot and give it a funny touch (The Devil Is a Part-timer!), expand on a completely ludicrous situation (Psycome), or are an outright parody (I Saved Too Many Girls And Caused the Apocalypse). KonoSuba’s first volume is most like the latter of these options, but I have to say as I was reading it that I can’t think of a single series, even Little Apocalypse, that was as dedicated to wringing as many laughs out of everything as KonoSuba is. Never mind plot complications or depth of characterization. This series is damned funny, and that’s why you should read it.
The archetype being parodied will be most familiar to readers of the manga Mushoku Tensei. A young man who is something of a loser dies performing one noble act, and is given an option to reincarnate in a fantasy world so he can be a hero. Except here, Kazuma’s death turns out to be so pathetic that even the doctors who tried to save him and his own parents laughed when they heard about it, and the young goddess who wants to send him to a fantasy world seems to be doing it so that she can fill her quota more than anything else. She’s so annoying, in fact, that Kazuma, rather than wishing for a fantastic sword or unbeatable magic powers to go along with him into this world, wishes for… the goddess herself. Fans of Oh My Goddess will be especially amused, showing that the subtitle of the first volume isn’t just for show. Kazuma and Aqua could not be more different than Keiichi and Belldandy, though, and when they both arrive in Generic Fantasy world X, he finds this goddess to be a lot less help than he’d hoped.
Everything that follows amps up the comedy, as it should be. Kazuma, because he didn’t pick an insane superweapon but a useless goddess, as average stats and minimal weapons to defeat a giant demon king. He has luck… but that merely seems to allow him to use thief abilities to steal girl’s panties. (Yeah, sorry about that, it’s still written for guys.) We meet Megumin, a teenage overdramatic girl who likes explosions and not much else. We meet Darkness, a knight with elite defensive powers who can’t hit the side of a barn door with her sword, and who seems to get off on just about anything. Together, these four take on giant frogs (which I won’t spoil), supposedly evil lichs (another great scene), and in the end a demon general who is a dullahan (were these always in anime even before Celty, or is their resurgence all Ryohgo Narita’s fault?). And what’s more, they win!
It’s tricky to review this, because I don’t want to give away the best gags. I will note that, while I’m sure this will change, I was pleasantly surprised at the utter lack of romance in this first book. Kazuma and Aqua act like bratty siblings, Megumin is too young for him, and while Darkness is basically what he finds attractive, her masochism creeps him out. That plus his tendency to yell at everyone and everything makes this party dynamic more family than harem, and I appreciated that. But when all is said and done, you read this book because it will make you laugh. Even if you aren’t familiar with the tropes of isekai and reincarnation novels, you’ll still like this.
By: Sean Gaffney
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genshingorlsrevengeance · 2 years ago
(Konosuba/ToCS) Aqua and Duvalie's S/O bullying them
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Aqua is unused to affection directly after getting teased. Usually she's just used to getting screamed at by Kazuma with no form of recompense.
Now that she thought on it, she's just unused to affection in general.
She usually gets very pouty whenever S/O is poking fun at her, getting defensive but quickly caves in after a hug.
As long as S/O is joking, she's okay with it. Meanwhile she'll unleash her screeching and usual cries on Kazuma since she knows he's not joking.
(Kazuma) "Don't coddle her ass! She needs to be told how she is!"
(S/O) "That's a bit harsh, don't you think?"
(Aqua) "Yeah, listen to S/O! Hmph!"
(S/O) "...He is right on some level though-"
(Aqua) "YOU SHUT UP!"
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Duvalie is irritated very easily. Even if it's by accident, she is quick to be tilted.
Meaning whenever S/O lovingly teases Duvalie, she is about ready to throw hands.
(Duvalie) "S/O! Are you making fun of me?!"
(S/O) "What? Me? Never, Duvie!"
The way S/O said 'Duvie' was enough to get her eye to twitch.
(Duvalie) "ERRGH! I swear to the GODDESS, S/O!".
Depending on how angry she is, if S/O immediately kisses her, it completely short circuits her brain before making her angrier, but slightly flustered.
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genshingorlsrevengeance · 2 years ago
(Konosuba) Aqua, Darkness, and Wiz with a selectively mute S/O
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NGL, the amount of people that immediately flooded my inbox with Konosuba was unexpected. I wasn't aware that many people watched it on tumblr, but nevertheless!
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Aqua at first thinks it's a curse that her S/O doesn't speak.
With her infinite wisdom, she confidently puts her hand on S/O's chest and begins casting healing magic.
...Which did literally nothing.
(Aqua) "Eh?! What kinda mega curse is this, your voice should be working now!"
When she realizes what the cause is, using her MASSIVE BRAIN, she immediately goes to nag Kazuma to help, which he always whines about.
Which if anything, makes S/O even quieter, not due to the anxiety, but watching the two of their IQ's plummet into the negatives.
Not that it was particularly high to begin with, but still. S/O wanted no part of their mutually assured self destruction.
Aqua doesn't mind it as she rants on about whatever, but making sure they're actually listening, and somehow having the foresight to shut up if they're getting bothered.
Sometimes, it was nice to enjoy the silence. In her case, that was all too rare.
When S/O does speak, it always catches her off guard.
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Darkness, surprisingly, catches on very quickly of why S/O doesn't speak often.
She maintains a calm attitude, speaking up for them if they're not in the mood to, and respecting their silence.
Being a Noble, she helps S/O to the best of her ability with any social anxiety, after all she had a bit of it herself before she met Chris.
But...sometimes she gets a bit...weird when giving examples. It's still Darkness, after all.
One of the examples to help train Noble anxiety was to get some rope and [REMOVED TO CONFORM TO INTERNATIONAL CENSORSHIP LAWS]
The times when S/O did speak, it always made her blush.
(Darkness) "A-Ah...W-Why do you only speak my name? Hmph, you could've said anything but that!"
She pouts, yet...she doesn't hate them calling her by her real name.. At least not S/O doing it.
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Wiz doesn't mind S/O's silence one bit. If anything, it's comforting to her.
She isn't one to talk terribly much when there's no need for small talk anyway, so the both of them comfortably take care of the store.
Wiz tries to find all sorts of ways to help S/O with their anxiety by getting them to speak with various objects that could respond as practice.
She stopped when one of those items punched them in the face since it was a voice activated trap.
Instead, she asks Kazuma to help. In which he's absolutely glad to help Wiz and her boyfriend/girlfriend.
Whenever Wiz hears S/O speak, the biggest smile forms across her face and she instantly forgets what she was originally doing.
(Wiz) "Oh...! Your voice is lovely dear, have I mentioned that to you before?"
She only wishes she could hear their voice more, but maybe this is what makes it all the more special.
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genshingorlsrevengeance · 2 years ago
(Konosuba) Aqua, Darkness, and Wiz with a shapeshifter S/O
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Honestly I'm amazed by the amount of people wanting Konosuba content more than anything, considering how unhinged Aqua and Darkness are. Wiz is at least understandable.
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Aqua is wanting to deck S/O everytime they come out of nowhere to scare the hell out of her.
And it's always in the cruelest way possible.
(Aqua) gasp "A WINE BOTTLE! Oh, thank you gods above-"
(S/O) "BOO!"
She always makes the biggest pouting face whenever S/O pranks her.
Though the cruelest fact of all, is that due to her low intelligence Aqua never learns.
So it keeps happening again, and again.
It is a vicious endless cycle.
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Darkness's training kicks in hard.
Her first instinct when she sees something transforming is to strike it before it hits her, only to completely miss and cleave a table in half.
Which gets her more flustered than anything.
S/O thought she'd enjoy the shapeshifting pranks considering her...preferences, but evidently not.
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Wiz being a bit of an airhead always forgets that S/O can shapeshift. But she doesn't mind.
Seeing her chair suddenly turn into S/O to jump out and hug her always gives her a bit of a fright.
But she can't help but laugh.
Overtime she begins getting used to it and doesn't flinch when even a quill turns out to be S/O.
(Wiz) "Hello, dear. Doesn't it get tiring to shift into something that small? You can just hug me regularly too."
(S/O) "Well, where's the fun in that?"
(Wiz) "Hah, fair enough."
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genshingorlsrevengeance · 2 years ago
(Konosuba) Aqua and Wiz with a Death God S/O
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Aqua's will be platonic since I can't think of a way for them to hook up and feel natural, sorry about that!
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Aqua had an axe to grind with (Y/N) the first time she met them. She doesn't trust undead or monsters, not even mentioning how Eris felt about them.
And with her major intelligence came with the notion that because they're the god of the dead, that means they MUST have a bias towards undead.
Which shocked her when (Y/N) told her that they have no control of people who raise the dead.
(Aqua) "What?! How does that make any sense?!"
(Y/N) "Aqua, I only direct people to the afterlife. I have zero interest in meddling in their affairs while they are still here in the mortal world."
(Aqua) "Then why are you even down here with Eris and I? Shouldn't you be back up home?"
(Y/N) "...To be honest, I just wished to see what people did with their lives firsthand. Both in life, and in death."
Aqua was also shocked by how much (Y/N) treated everyone equally.
She still thinks they're as exciting as a stick, but overtime grew to respect them. They seem to take their job as a god seriously, but also the lives they handle.
She begins bullying Eris a bit more however when she sees firsthand how (Y/N) works with undead spirits.
Aqua also finds it hilarious how (Y/N) views Kazuma.
(Kazuma) "Oh, hey."
(Y/N) sigh "How did you die this time?"
(Kazuma) "What? I'm not allowed to come say hi?"
(Y/N) "The only time you come to my home is when you need my help getting back the stats you lost from resurrection. That, and Aqua is here."
(Aqua) "Yo."
Y/N gave Aqua a polite nod.
(Kazuma) "The useless blue thing is only here cause she just wanted to see you."
(Y/N) "At least someone here is."
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Wiz fell in love with S/O after seeing how gently S/O treats the spirits of the dead.
It was one night when she was guiding the poor souls of the graveyard to the afterlife, only to see them approach. She at first was ready to fight before realizing they naturally gravitated toward them.
(S/O) "If I may ask, what are you doing?"
(Wiz) "I am helping them move on from this world. My name is Wiz, and you are?"
S/O has told her their name, but never their true identity. They help her all the time helping spirits along, but is more than willing to help crack undead heads together as well.
Wiz has only guessed what S/O is considering she feels gravitated toward them as well, but hasn't been able to decipher why.
Their neutral attitude toward undead was something rare for Wiz to encounter, let alone their treatment toward her was always fair.
They always seemed to be reminiscing whenever they were near undead spirits, which always intrigued her.
She could tell they weren't human, but the way they spoke made it seem like they were ancient.
(S/O) "Axel wine tastes the same as I remember. But where are those who share the memory?"
(Wiz) "Dear?"
(S/O) "...Ah, please ignore me. I was just thinking alou-"
(Aqua) "Alright grandpa/grandma, can it!"
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