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ai-arts-gallery · 2 months ago
Space travel - Aqaris I
All space travel (Click!)
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All space travel (Click!)
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baebeylik · 2 months ago
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Reclining Prince by Aqa Mirak. Safavid Iran. 1530 CE.
The Smithsonian National Museum of Asian Art.
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imaginingmoonlight · 10 months ago
AQA GCSE students
How we feeling about the lit paper today
The Jekyll and Hyde question was a bit ehh for me but I think I did okay?
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chacharcherry · 1 year ago
🕯 🕯
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Eric or Shelia
🕯 Question for 2024 🕯
English lit GCSE
🕯 🕯
🕯 🕯
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theallegedbird · 2 years ago
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can i offer a martin in this trying time
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origami-butterfly · 9 months ago
Y'know, I don't think AQA examiners would be on tumblr, so this might never reach its target audience, but I really hope the language examiners are looking forward to reading a lot of thinly veiled penis jokes, after yesterday's exam.
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novuit · 9 months ago
I'm cooked tomorrow. There's no way I can complete two whole history papers from completely different time periods in an hours time limit. I'm so cooked.
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ladymacbethisagirlboss · 9 months ago
The one thing aqa has taught me is i should never leave a snall working class boy unattended near an 1800s doctor
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amourane · 10 months ago
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manhatingmeanlesbianv2 · 10 months ago
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exam season started well
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deviltownresident · 10 months ago
how are all my gcse buddies feeling after biology??
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baebeylik · 5 days ago
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Faridun Tests his Sons, Front. Folio from the Shahnameh(Book of Kings). Iran. Aqa Mirak, 1535 CE.
The Aga Khan Museum.
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soxendanso · 3 months ago
A-Level Art Tips!
I took AQA A-Level Fine Art and got an A*, so now I hope to be able to help those struggling with it at the moment by giving tips, showcasing my work and talking about what I did wrong!
Each college/school asks you to work differently, but I was in one where they taught us to use sketchbooks. However, every applicant has to follow two briefs: The Personal Investigation and the External Set Assignment.
My school divided the PERSONAL INVESTIGATION into two projects, in which we had to research at least 4 artists, make responses to their work and create a final piece. The first project was called Identity and the second project was up to us, it could be about anything as long as it somewhat related to what we looked at in the first project.
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This project was to lead you into your personal investigation, try new ways of working and a more clear idea for when you start the proper thing. Some people did not present this for examination.
What I did wrong here was overestimate how much time I had. Deadlines creep up and many people make the mistake of leaving things to the last minute. To make sure that you get things done to a good standard, you need to work constantly, since it's all coursework. This will also give you time to make extra work, the more explorations and pieces you create, the better.
Per project, make sure you look at at least 4 artists, and by that I mean make a study of 1-2 of their works, write information about them, what you like about them and how they link to your project as well as an original piece that is based on their work.
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Make sure you use a variety of styles and mediums. And lay out your sketchbook in interesting, unique ways.
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For example, I made booklets in some pages which open up to reveal information and art
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Once you've looked at your artists, it's time to prepare your final response to the project. Make sure you do as many experiments as possible, explain EVERY SINGLE thing you do, like you're leading the examiner through your thought process, and make sure your project STANDS OUT! Don't limit yourself to making a painting, think about how you present your work and do something different and unique. For this project, for example, I wrote and illustrated a book. This was because I looked at how fantasy books had impacted me and shaped my identity.
I annotated the whole process, everything in the book was symbolic for something (examiners love metaphors!) If you are interested in reading my book, it is available in my Ko-Fi shop.
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^^ Process!
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This project was my favourite and what carried my grade up. You can make this project about ANYTHING. Mine was about how detailed universes develop inside of imaginations, therefore having a direct link to my other project. Here I was much more thoughtful of what to include and how to lay things out. I would look at two artists with something in common and then create a piece or two (mini-projects) that represented them.
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For the final piece of this project I constructed a wooden Dungeon Master Board, I made it with a functional dice tower with a gargoyle, as well as a chalkboard and clipboard. I made it all from scratch, which is something the examiners like, especially since I annotated it all. Overall, what you need to do is write everything down and make everything look pretty. You will have to write an essay explaining this project. Just trust your yapping skills, examiners only skim-read. Also make sure that you have a good relationship with your teachers because they mark everything, the examiners are only there to make sure they agree with them, and if you are part of a large class, they likely will only look at the work of a few students.
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This was the project I did the worst in. You only have a few months to complete the external set assignment, so it tends to be rushed. Use the same formula that you used for the rest of your projects, but make it simpler and work as quickly as you can. This project is only 20% of the grade, but it includes a 15 hour exam at the end, where you will make your final piece. This project is where you do not want to take risks, stick to what you're good at and plan a piece you can definitely do in the 15 hour slot. Make sure you are sufficiently prepared for the exam so you do not stress during it. For example, I made an oil painting because it's the medium I'm best at. To make sure I finished in time, I made the sketch first, you are allowed to sketch your work on the canvas and write it down in your sketchbook as preparatory work. Then you are not fiddling with perspective or proportions and can get right into it.
Let me know if you have any questions, if you would like to see more of my work, artists I could recommend etc. Good luck with your A-Level Art course!
I have not included everything, of course, because there is A LOT. The more work you present, the better. If you have personal art you do in your own time, throw that in too. They won't take marks away for extra work.
You will also find this to be the most taxing a-level (sorry, science kids) because of the sheer volume of coursework. I would only recommend this course to people who want to go into a creative career, simply because your other a-levels may suffer due to you concentrating more on this course. For example, while I got an A* in Art, I got a C in History because I completely ignored that subject for so long.
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imaginingmoonlight · 9 months ago
I’m set to do further maths tomorrow and I just typed 4 x 2 into my calculator. I’m so cooked.
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thirteenandahalfcrows · 11 days ago
Rant about a level psychology specification
I’ve never been more tired of the s level psychology content and specification. It drives me mental, why Tf are we being taught such outdated content that has been tirelessly disproved. Why are we using outdated terminology that could be seen as offensive. Why are we sensationalising specific conditions and states of being.
We are being hammered over the head with the fact that we are in a mental health crisis yet we are teaching invalid, outdated, offensive content; then releasing young adults into roles where they need no more qualifications than the a level in psychology (councillors etc) meaning they have no opportunity to counter the knowledge.
Then in their jobs where they are dealing with vulnerable individuals, what do you think they are going to do???? They are going to revert to the incorrect info— ‘affectionless psychopathy’, ‘Sex and gender is biologically the same’, ‘men fight women fawn cuz biology’, ‘is the role of the father important?’, ‘men have an evolved need to exhibit sexual guarding behaviours’, fucking Freud, explaining the difference between sex and gender then implementing them incorrectly in mark schemes, zimbardo, ‘this intersex person is female/male’, bowlby.
Istg I have not seen a piece of research in my content booklets made after 2010
I’m so sick and tired— this is so dangerous and it’s also so disgusting having to hear bs that I know is weird or has beennnnn disproved being spoken as fact.
And everyone is 16-18 and no one knows any different bc we go to college to learn, so why would they think that’s wrong? Like these are rly decisive topics, so how are you gunna sit there and be teaching bs that could contribute to unscientific and/or bigoted beliefs
WHY AM I LEARNING THINGS THAT WERE TAUGHT OVER 30 YEARS AGO. New psychological papers and perspectives are being published all the time— revolutionary research that changed perspective of certain topics, yet we are still learning bs!!!!! And it’s not out of incompetence or inability, like the medicine course specs are updated all the timeeeeee
Anyways apparently they are changing the spec the next academic yr, dk what it’s gunna be like but praying for all of you that have to sit through it
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origami-butterfly · 10 months ago
Triple biology paper 1 memes, because that was easy
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I could make so many more about the starch thing, but I won't
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