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seph-ic · 22 days ago
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stonefruit studies completely unrelated to any hyperfixation i might have
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gingergari · 5 months ago
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i’ve been thinking about her for a while so this is the kid mario and peach would have IF peach ruled openly as a toad đŸ™đŸœ
her name is apricot! when she gets older she also goes by the nickname albie :]
due to the circumstances regarding her existence she has quite the magical reserves and has the potential to eclipse her mom as a mage
but for now, she’s just a kid
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seastaronthesseahores · 22 days ago
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maeinschein · 2 years ago
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30m warmup
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abba-enthusiast · 2 years ago
I always say I’m not a superstitious person but then exam seasons comes around and suddenly i will Die if I don’t abide by my Rituals
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silenzahra · 10 hours ago
My beloved bestie... this was TOO GOOD not to do something about it đŸ€­ I hope I did justice to your funny idea as you really made me laugh with it 😂
Hopefully this'll make you laugh too, my dear @bberetd đŸ„°đŸ’–
One more time
Mario can't remember feeling so ashamed in his life.
He can jump very high. He can drive his go-kart with his eyes closed. He knows he’d never fall off his motorbike, because he can do all kinds of stunts on it and he’s never once feared for his physical integrity.
Who would have thought that a bicycle would be his Achilles heel?
“Are you okay, Dad?”
His seven-year-old daughter's voice brings him back to the present. Apricot looks at him with bright blue eyes, like her mother's, full of concern, framed by her brown curls which, just like when she was little, she still ties back into two buns on either side of her head. Now they stick out from under the blue helmet she’s wearing, matching her wristbands and knee pads. Since his child began to show her own tastes, Mario has never ceased to be surprised by the fact that Apricot almost always wears blue and pink. Her protective gear? Blue. Her bicycle, a gift made entirely by her uncle Luigi? Pink. Her hooded T-shirt? Pink. The overalls she’s insisted on wearing since she was little to imitate him and Luigi? Blue.
In the midst of the pain caused by the umpteenth fall, Mario smiles. Luckily his mother is good with a needle and Luigi has learned from her. The two of them have always made sure that Apricot has her precious overalls as she has grown. And in her favorite, signature colors. Just like Mario has red and Luigi has green.
But now his daughter is uneasy and Mario cannot allow it.
Immediately, he broadens his smile and jumps to his feet, ignoring the pull he feels in his calf. He wouldn't want to worry his daughter for the world.
He wouldn't want to disappoint his daughter for the world.
“Of course!” he exclaims, exaggerating his joy, and puts his fists on his hips. “Ready to try again!”
“Are you sure?” Apricot doesn't seem very convinced. “You don't have to...”
Daisy's singing voice, passing by at full speed behind him, distracts him. As he turns, Mario watches her ride her bike with total skill and ease, waving cheerfully at him and winking. The plumber crosses his arms and shakes his head in resignation. His friend won't stop teasing him until he succeeds.
Competing against Daisy should be motivation enough.
But Mario's real motivation is by his side, riding her pink bike and waving back at her aunt. He really wants to triumph; he really wants to ride his bike with her so they have something more to share. He never thought it’d be so difficult... He never thought he’d fall so many times that he might end up embarrassing his daughter, and that's not even taking into account the fact that he already feels quite ashamed of himself having had to reluctantly accept that his younger brother, an expert in mechanics, would install a couple of training wheels on his red bicycle.
Not even his seven-year-old daughter has training wheels anymore.
How embarrassing.
Just then, a pair of hands grab his bike and lift it. A moment later, Mario meets the gaze of his twin, also concerned.
Although he can't help but detect the small flash of amusement that shines in his blue eyes.
“Everything all right, Mario?” Luigi asks, looking him up and down.
“All good, little bro,” he nods, giving a thumbs up and trying to appear as confident as possible.
“Are you sure...?” Luigi seems as unconvinced as Apricot. “Sure you don't want me to add another pair of training wheels to your bike?”
Apricot lets out a snort that causes Luigi to bite his lower lip so as not to burst out laughing. Mario glares at him, frowning, lips tight, and realizes too late that he’s pouting. Luigi and Apricot, now unable to contain themselves, roar with laughter.
Daisy distracts him again, but this time Mario is left open-mouthed when he turns to her, because his friend is riding her bike... backwards. Literally. She’s sitting on the seat with her elbows and back resting on the handlebars, and she’s waving her legs over the rear wheel while her bicycle moves forward at full speed.
Mario is unable to wipe the astonishment from his face.
“She can do that?” he asks, amazed, pointing at her.
“She's had a lot of practice,” replies Luigi, rubbing his stomach.
“Aunt Daisy is great!” Apricot exclaims enthusiastically. “I want to learn to ride like her!”
“I'm sure she'll teach you, Albicocca,” Luigi says, patting her back affectionately.
Mario has had enough. He understands his daughter's admiration for Daisy, as he himself is fascinated by her skills, but he wants to be the one to go out cycling with Apricot. He knows he's too late to teach her, as he himself is not capable of doing so, but it's only a matter of time.
If Bowser couldn't make him give up when he kept kidnapping his beloved princess, how is he going to let something as simple as riding a bicycle get in his way?
“All right.”
Clenching his fists and more determined than ever, Mario turns back to his bike. His helmet is half off his head, but he doesn't care. He grabs the handlebars of his bike and gets back on. He has a scratch on his calf, another on his forearm, and his back and shoulder ache from his many previous falls.
But he's going to try again. One more time.
A hand on his shoulder stops him just before he starts to move. Looking up, he comes face to face with the warm smile of his younger sibling, who looks at him fondly and gives him a supportive squeeze, before carefully readjusting the helmet on his head.
“You can do it, Mario,” he assures him. “I believe in you.”
Something suddenly wells up inside Mario. A bit of warmth rises in his heart and slowly envelops him as Luigi's words sink in. His little brother, always so loyal, always full of unshakeable faith in him, always ready to encourage him and make him believe in himself despite his many teases and jokes.
After all, he’s his little brother. It’s his job to make fun of him.
But Luigi adores him as much as Mario adores him back, and he knows that he can always count on him. Always.
“Thanks, Lu,” he nods, returning a smile full of affection.
“You got this, Dad!”
Mario laughs at his daughter's enthusiasm as she applauds him, and his heart warms even more. His precious little girl, with her mother's eyes and her gap-toothed smile, as she recently lost her first tooth, also encourages him and believes in him. And, through her, Mario can feel the support of Peach, his beloved princess, who would also applaud him if she could be there with him. Mario knows it.
“Mario! Mario! Mario!” Daisy's singing rings out as she circles around them on her bike. “You're so amaziiiiiing!”
The three of them laugh at Daisy's encouragement. Mario is extremely grateful for his friend's support and feels more ready than ever to try again.
“One more time,” he tells himself.
And, with that, he sets off on his bike.
something I’d find funny is Mario being able to do all these cool maneuvers and trick shots with his go-karts and electric motorcycles but cannot FOR THE LIFE OF HIM ride a bicycle.
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paperholm · 2 months ago
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Kimono 076.
Cobalt Green ~ Apricot Orange ~ Red ~ Black ~ Olympic Blue
Colour study using Sanzo Wada’s Dictionary of Colour combinations. (Vol. 2)
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coquettefrancaise · 23 days ago
the other woman
by Lana Del Rey
pair: Azriel x Reader ~ 1.9k
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warnings: fluff, a few sexual references, one enormous cat lol
summary: after being mated for nearly a decade, Azriel has kept a huge secret of special females in his life from you
 and they're not a part of the inner circle
author's note: this is an ode to my own fat cat <3 Jajeet... this one is for you!
I've admired this fandom for as long as I've had Tumblr, so over two years, and I've thought about writing for it and building a camaraderie with the talented artists I've read from so here I am, with my meager offering :) this is also my first fic; unsolicited hate is an absolute no-go
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Normally you didn’t like to poke fun at outward appearances but you just had to make an exception for the figure standing in front of you. You could come up with a few apt descriptions for it: fat, chunky, sturdy, well-fed
 enormous. The latter seemed to fit perfectly. 
You’d been tending to your garden when you heard a soft meow. Sitting just outside the picket fence of your property was an enormous siamese cat. Incandescent blue eyes watched your every move with an intense, albeit bored, gaze. 
Standing and brushing off your outdoor trousers, you approached the cat with careful steps. It simply watched, unamused with your caution. “Why hello there kitty,” you cooed, hand outreached. 
Azriel had taught you long ago that you should wait for animals to approach you to avoid having their claws sunken in your skin. The same also went for strange males. 
So you waited. And waited. 
Apparently this cat, who appeared to have eaten multiple other cats, wished to test your patience as its eyes flickered from your hand to your face. Almost mockingly. 
You rolled your eyes and searched for something within reach that might lure it closer when you remembered something. Reaching into your pocket, you pulled out a wrinkled bag of dried apricot, forgotten in the back of your mind as you pulled weeds and prepared the soil for planting. 
The cat’s ears perked up at the crinkling of the bag and you smirked.
You tore a smaller piece of apricot off and got into position once more. To your unsurprise, the cat prowled, or rather sashayed, to your offering, nipping it from your fingers before nosing your palm for more. 
“Greedy little shit,” you huffed under your breath before giving it another and another until it was practically purring on your lap. Your hand petted over its soft fur, warmed from being under the springtime sun as you clicked your tongue affectionately. “Would you like to meet my husband? He might be a little intimidating at first but I assure you he’s a sweetheart under all his gruff.”
The cat continued purring in response so you scooped her into your arms, along with the half-eaten bag of dried apricots to satiate her if needs be, and headed inside. “Who needs Valkyrie training when I could carry you all day?”
Once inside, you took off the gardening hat Elain had given you for a Solstice gift one year. She’d been the one to teach you how to maintain soil best and which season was best to grow what. Before her help, you had never managed to keep a succulent alive, despite it being the ‘easiest plant to take care of’. You called bullshit. But now you were a proud owner of not one but two! garden boxes.
On slow days like this where you and Azriel had no social or work obligations, you enjoyed either having your hand buried in soil or your nose buried in a book. Azriel would keep to his study, unable to disregard centuries of overworking, or he’d annoy you. Which would end with either his hand or head up your skirts. Who were you to complain? 
You forewent washing your hands, not wanting to let go of the behemoth of a cat in your arms, and you strode directly for the study, pushing it open to reveal your mate in all his glory. 
Even though you’d been mated for nearly a decade, every time you saw him your heart sped and your tummy fluttered with butterflies. He was signing reports, raven hair falling over his furrowed tan brow. “Brought a visitor, my love?” His midnight voice caressed your ears despite not looking up. 
You caught sight of a dark wisp racing from your shoe to his shoulder. Sometimes you forgot he kept tabs on you ‘for safety and protection’ he once told you. To some it may seem a violation of privacy but if it eased Azriel’s worries over you then you were fine with it. Besides, you’ve come to adore the tendrils of darkness. 
You hauled the cat further up in your arms, grunting with the effort. “This enormous creature was prowling about my gardens, in search of something to eat, no doubt.”
Azriel finally straightened and blinked. “Shadow is always hungry, as you can tell.” He motioned to her excessive pouch. 
You gaped. “Shadow?”
He got to his feet and crossed to where you stood, the scent of night-chilled mist and cedar clouded your senses. One of his large scarred hands stroked the cat, Shadow, with a confusing familiarity. 
“I forget that I don’t need to keep secrets from you after spending my entire life doing so with everyone else around me.” He confessed sheepishly, hazel eyes connecting with yours. 
“First question: if this cat is named Shadow, then what are the names of your actual shadows?”
He shrugged, the shadows in question wreathing his broad shoulders and the tips of his wings which protruded from his back. One strayed, curling around the nape of your neck. “They became angry with me the first time I referred to them as one entity so I’ve thrown out dozens of names with no direct association to one exact wisp.” He explained coolly. 
You giggled at that. “Your enemies would quake in their boots if they heard how sympathetic and fair you are with your shadows which have been known to choke men out from the inside, you know?”
A corner of his lip turned up. “They wouldn’t be quite so scared if they saw the way my shadows cuddle up next to my wife in the early hours of the day.”
“I suppose not.” Pink dusted your cheeks and you cleared your throat. “Back to the matter at hand. The cat.” I lifted my arms for emphasis. “How long have you been seeing her behind my back?”
Azriel plucked her from your arms, cradling her to his chest as if he’d done so a hundred times. “Oh, this old lady? She’s been in my life longer than you have, my love. I believe she might be older than me as well.”
“She’s probably as old as she weighs.”
He snorts at that amusedly. “Where’d you find her?”
“I told you, she was scouring my garden for food. I gave her some dried apricot and lured her into my arms. She is quite a stink, you know?”
“It’s the breed.” He informed you, petting his knuckle under her chin to which she melted further into him. Growing strangely jealous, you glared at her. Azriel noticed this with a chuckle and sent a fresh wave of love and amusement down the bond. “Jealous over a cat, my love?”
Insufferable male. 
“I heard that.” He laughed and you rolled your eyes. Insufferable mating bond. “Why don’t you just tell me how you know this cat. And why the hell is it so fat?” you snarked. 
A rare smile tugged at his lips. He leaned in close to brush them against the shell of your ear, sending shockwaves of pleasure down your spine. “No other creature could compare to you, darling mate. The way you squeeze my co-”
You silenced him with a hand clamped over his mouth, to which his eyes crinkled at. He pulled back before reaching a hand for yours. “I’m going to take you someplace only I know of.”
You press into his side and hesitantly. “I swear if it’s our room
” you warned. Soon the room around you disappears into darkness and then you’re in the backyard of Rosehall, Azriel’s mother’s cottage. You glance around, confused as to what he has to show you here. 
He tugs you towards the small shed in the corner of the yard, ivy growing along the stone walls and wooden door chipped from years of use. When you’d asked about this structure his mother had referred to it as her storage. You’d never been inside until now. 
Inside the surprisingly spacious shed were over a dozen cats. 
“Oh my gods,” you breathed, 
Azriel set down the enormous cat in his arms and she immediately strode to a tall scratching post, growling at any cat in her way. You couldn’t help but snicker at her asserted dominance. 
You looked to your husband, who you thought you knew everything about, and raised your brows for an explanation. 
He raked a hand through his hair and leaned his back against the doorframe. “About two centuries ago I was here, visiting my mother, when I had a little visitor come to my windowsill. I convinced mother to allow her to stay and so she fed her cream and treats everyday, spoiling the creature. That was Shadow. As you can see, she’s been used to the princess treatment and hugely fond of the food. Since then, I’d been on and off missions at the time and it seemed that every time I was away a new one would follow me. I couldn’t just leave them in those horrible places, so I brought them each here. It appears that I’m some sort of
“Pussy magnet.” You supplied before you burst into laughter. 
Azriel chucked a finger under your chin. “So it’s alright if you make jokes about that but not me? Besides, you fell victim as well, might I remind you.”
Heat flamed your cheeks and you snapped your teeth at his fingers. Damn him. 
He only smiled before continuing his story, “Anyway,” he gave you a pointed look to which you raised your hands in defence, “I built this shed for them and Shadow is basically their superior, as she’d prefer it to be put.”
"Big Sister, huh?" you nodded as you took in all the cats lounging about, a couple brushing their bodies against your legs. Although they were quite plump, none even came close to the enormity of Shadow.
How endearing, you thought as you practically melted on the spot. Surely no one would take a look at this six-foot something Illyrian male, with literal weaponized shadows at his beck and call, and peg him for someone who would adopt stray cats.
“You surprise me every single day, shadowsinger.” You looped your arms around his neck, pulling him down so your nose could rest against his. 
“In a good way I hope.” He whispered, fingers digging into your hips as he tugged you impossibly closer. 
You pressed a gentle kiss to his lips. “Only ever in a good way.”
Before he could respond, a loud meow broke your moment. Glancing down, Shadow was at your feet, watching you both expectantly. You looked at Azriel once more, meeting his eyes, and you both giggled. 
“Hungry?” you inquired as you fished out the apricots once again, giving her a full one. One by one, the other cats sidled up to you, sniffing at your treat. “I’m not entirely sure I’ve enough to go around.”
Azriel walked over to a carpet covered armoire, probably used as a scratching post, and opened it to reveal that it was stocked with cat food. “That’s where that portion of money disappears to.” You click your tongue. 
He rubbed the back of his neck. “I’m still getting used to sharing all my truths with someone. I swear that after this I’ll do better.”
You pull his face down to pepper kisses on it. “I completely understand. You have so many enemies and so much to protect. If I were in your shoes I’d be just as guarded. And, if anything, it can’t be as bad as Cassian hiding his submissive kink from Nesta until he called her ‘mommy’ at that one family dinner.”
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credit to saradika-graphics for the beautiful dividers ♄
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latenightdaydreams · 9 months ago
Oh my goodness!! I absolutely loved your doll-sized! reader x König so so much. Could you perhaps make a part 2 where she tries to escape, but König puts her in the jar đŸ˜”â€đŸ’« or maybe he punishes her by overstimulating her with his tongue

König x Doll Sized!Reader PT2(fem)
Part 1
Master List
>cw: fem/afab, masturbation, oral, cum play, captive, non-con
2.6k word count
That night, you didn't sleep. You spend all night trying to escape from this closet. Breaking off the small plastic bar in your closet to see if you can break a small part of the door, looking for holes in the wall, nothing. You find yourself completely trapped within. With a feeling of defeat, you drop to the floor and curl into a ball. Tears fall from your eyes until you slowly fall asleep.
König wakes up early the next morning with a new found pep in his step. The fact he has you here, so close, gives him a rush he hasn’t felt in a long time. He enters his kitchen, going into the refrigerator and grabbing eggs to prepare for the both of you. On one plate, he loads it up with scrambled eggs, toast with jam, and sausage for you both to share.
He climbs back upstairs, opening his bedroom door, and locking it behind him. Sitting the plate of food down on his nightstand, he opens the closet door. There you are, in your purple dress, asleep on the floor. It’s obvious that you were trying to escape; he knew you would, but had hoped you would have come to terms with things overnight. Your closet is a mess and pieces of wood chippings are on the floor from the door.
König’s eyes trail over your body as he kneels down. Your eyes flutter open as you feel yourself being picked up. Panic sets in as you realize König has grabbed you in your sleep. He watches as you wake up in his hands. A look of dread crosses your face, upsetting König. He’s so used to you being happy to see him, now you’re acting as if you don’t even like him.
“I made breakfast for both the of us.” He says, sitting on the bed and placing you next to him.
The large plate of food is placed in front of you, the bread and sausage cut smaller for you to take bites. König’s eyes study your expression as you look at everything before you. He reaches out with the backs of his middle and pointer fingers, caressing the side of your face. You flinch slightly, but don’t make any sudden movements.
“Eat, kleine Maus.” König’s eyes follow the outline of your body in that dress. “It’s good, I promise. Those are chicken eggs with beef and pork sausage.”
You lean forward and grab a piece of the bread, taking a bite and smiling when you taste the sweet apricot jam. König lets out a breath he had been holding in, wondering if you’d eat. He loves to watch your mouth wrap around the pieces of bread. The way a bit of jam sticks to your upper lip.
Despite everything, you seem to have been able to maintain your cheery disposition. Not making any attempts to flee and actually eating peacefully with him. Of course, König is going to maintain a close eye on you, but he’s happy to see that you’re not freaking out.
Once you’re done eating you sit back with your arms behind you to prop you up. “Thank you for the food, König.”
“Of course. I’m happy you enjoyed it all.” His eyes study your face before speaking again. “You’re so beautiful. I’m so happy that you’re mine.”
You notice his other arm moving, your eyes falling on it and notice that he is rubbing his boner as he looks at you. An uncomfortable look crosses your face, remembering how he acted with you yesterday. König watches you as you fidget, he’s aware of your feelings but he doesn’t care. He’s horny and he wants to know what he can do with you.
“Undress, Maus.” He more so demands of you as he moves the plate of food.
“König, please don’t make me.”
“I don’t want to hear any back-talk. Take. It. Off.” His voice is almost a low growl.
You stand to your feet and begin to undo your dress, letting it drop onto the bed sheets. Avoiding his gaze, you look down at the blue comforter. The bed moves as König stands and fully undresses before you. Your eyes scan over every inch of his body, landing on his erection.
König reaches forward and grasps you in his fist, holding you as he lets himself get comfortable on the bed. As he settles down on his abdomen, he uses his hands to gently open your legs. He slowly rubs up and down your small thighs, enjoying how delicate your flesh feels. One of his fingers runs down your thigh lower and lower
until he’s slowly moving his finger up and down your tiny cunt. Your legs jerk in reaction to his massive finger rubbing your clit. An arrogant smirk crosses his lips as he watches you struggle to control yourself.
He adjusts his body to rest on his side so his free hand can reach down and stroke his cock. The finger that is slowly rubbing your clit moves to the side to hold your leg open for him. At first, he takes a deep breath, smelling what your natural musk smells like. With one deep inhale, he’s hooked. You smell better than any human he’s ever smelt before.
“Mein Gott, you smell wie eine Blume.” His German and English get mixed as his excitement grows.
You try to close your other leg to take away access to yourself. His hand moves from his cock to your other leg and holds it down. “Don’t be a nuisance.”
König lowers his head and swipes the very tip of his tongue over your sweet cunt, his eyes closing instantly. It was as if he had just eaten the sweetest cake he’s ever tasted in his entire life. The tip of his tongue is big enough to cover every inch of your pussy. He simply wiggles his tongue back and forth pulling precious whimpers from your lips.
“König, too much!” You moan loudly as your back arches.
“Mhm.” He grunts back to you.
The way your body moves as you become overwhelmed with pleasure is spectacular. His lips wrap around you and sucks lightly. In response, the muscles in your abdomen tense up and you lean forward. Your small hands press against his face trying to push him away from overstimulating you. He’s simply too big to move. With all of your might you try to close your legs, causing König to chuckle.
“I want you to cum in my mouth.” He says, pulling back slightly before diving back in.
Your breathing is heavy as you pant from his mouth consuming you. As you writhe beneath him, his cock twitches with excitement. All his mind can think of is slipping his cock into you, but logically he knows that he can’t. You’re so small he would rip you apart if he tried.
Electric waves of euphoria pleasure pulse throughout your whole body. Every little suck or swirl of his tongue pushes you to the point the pleasure is almost painful. There is no break, just constant ecstasy. You begin to shake your head side to side as primal moans escape you.
As you orgasm, König loosens his grip on your legs. He moves one arm back down to jerk himself off. His eyes watch you as your eyes flutter and roll back in your head. What a beautiful sight you are.
“Gott, you taste so good.”
While you pant, trying to recover, he grabs your body and moves how he’s positioned in the bed. He leans back against his pillows and holds you, bringing you to his cock. It’s almost the full length of your body and wider than you are. Seeing the comparison of you in one hand next to his cock in the other makes his mind run wild.
“I wish I could fuck you.” His voice drips with hunger.
König jerks himself off as he holds you close to him. The musk coming off of him consuming your nostrils. He brings you closer to him, his hand moving off of himself as he presses you against him.
“Lick it.”
With hesitation, you slowly stick your tongue out and swipe a quick lick over his foreskin. König pulls it back to expose his pink tip.
You close your eyes so you don’t have to see as you lick your flat tongue along the head of his cock. It tastes salty from all of the precum that has leaked down it. König lets out a moan as he feels you. It’s small, but the visual of you doing it is stimulating enough for him to cum.
“Use that fucking tongue.” He groans.
As disgusted as you are, you don’t want the giant to be upset with you so you rest one hand on his cock as you slick with passion, sucking lightly. König watches down at you with half lidded eyes, enjoying the way you’re eagerly trying to please him.
Right when he feels as if he is ready to cum, his doorbell rings. König lets out an annoyed sigh as he puts you down on the bed. He quickly stands, grabbing his pants before peaking out the window to see who it is. Once he notices the mail truck, he puts his pants on.
“I’ll be right back. I just have to sign for a package.” He leaves, closing the bedroom door behind him.
For a moment you freeze, your heart beating quickly in your chest. Now is the time. You walk to the edge of the bed, looking down at the distance to the floor. It’s at least a two-foot drop that could hurt you. In a rush your eyes scan the bed, noticing how the night stand has a safe next to it, causing a small stair effect.
Without giving it a second thought you rush to jump the small gap between the bed and the night stand. You steady yourself on the cold wood, walking over the remote and ash tray that rest on it. Getting closer to the edge, you look down at the black metal safe. The drop is big, but you know you can do it without getting hurt.
With a deep breath, you turn and drop yourself down slowly. Once your feet touch the metal a wave of relief comes over you. Not even looking this time, you turn and lower yourself down to the floor the same way. Now with feet on the floor, you run to the door, trying to fit underneath the gap in between the door and the floor. As much as you try, it’s not use, you don’t fit.
Letting out a frustrated sigh, you rub your face with your hands. König closes the front door with the package in his hand and begins to walk up the stairs. He goes to his office and places the package on his desk in the office to work on later tonight. You can hear his footsteps approaching so you decide to hide up against the wall and just make a run for it once he opens the door.
Your heart thumps in your chest as you wait. It’s as if things move in slow motion when you see the door opening. Once one of his feet is past the threshold, you run. König isn’t stupid, he quickly sees that you’re missing from the bed. His eyes dart everywhere around the room when he hears you behind him.
“Stop!” he shouts at you as you turn into one of the open doors, hoping to use your size to be able to hide from him.
The room you ran into is his office, where he spends his time making things for you. König is hot on your trail. He isn’t going to let you go this easily. As he enters the room, he closes the door behind him.
“Kleine Maus, you’ve only made this worse for yourself.” He taunts as he slowly steps forward. “Now you get to sit in a jar instead of your comfortable bed.”
The way he speaks sends a chill down your spine; you know he means it. The jar isn’t something you plan on experiencing. You look around for a place to conceal yourself until he moves on, looking at a stack of files. You slowly try to get behind the stack, but one accidental slip of your hand sends them all crashing down.
König turns in that direction and rushes to you quickly. “You’re not getting away.” He growls as he pulls the files over more to see you.
You run but before you can make any distance, König’s massive hand squeezes around you. This time his grip hurts. With all of your might you kick and hit him with your hands but nothing works. He doesn’t even look at you as he stalks over to his desk with urgent speed. You see a large mason jar and panic sets in.
“Please don’t put me in there König, I’ll suffocate.” You plead desperately.
“I drilled holes in the lid, I’m not a fucking idiot.” He says with irritation in his voice.
König lifts the lid up and drops you into the jar, your body hitting the glass with a ding. You look up as he closes you inside. He picks up the jar and holds you face level with himself, his gaze holding a lot of anger.
“Why did you try to run?!” He yells at you.
“I just want to go home.” You cry out and hit the side of the jar.
“No! You are home!” His shouts vibrate the glass jar.
He slams you down on the desk, once again rattling you. Your body falls hard against the glass as you look up. The rage you’ve feared is showing its ugly head. As you stand up and steady yourself, you watch König pull his pants back down, whipping his cock back out.
König stands and unleashes his anger out on his cock. His eyes travel all over your body, still tasting your sweet pussy on his tongue. You’re such a naughty fucking woman, a sweet little whore
his whore.
“Say you want my cum.”
“I want your cum.” You say quickly, this isn’t a time to try and anger him. Instead, you fawn instantly.
“Ja, du kleine Hure.” König moans out as he steps closer to the jar.
He stops to open the lid, bringing himself closer to the desk. His fist moving quickly up and down his cock as he aims it into the jar. Pathetic moans leave König as thick globs of his cum fall down into the jar, some falling on to you and covering your hair and face. You gag from the smell and sticky feeling as it covers you. His jizz fills the jar up to your ankles.
König looks down and sees you covered, disgusted with what he just did. A chuckle leaves his lips as he watches your reaction. “What? You don’t like my cum?”
You don’t respond, trying to remain calm so he will let you out. He isn’t going to though. You’re staying in that cum filled jar for the whole day, maybe even days. Maybe he will just keep filling the jar up, covering you until you’re consumed by his seed.
The warm cum sticks to your hair, slowly falling down your naked body. There is nowhere for you to sit or relax without having to sit in his cum. The small space traps the smell inside with you. It is absolutely disgusting.
König closes the lid again, tightly, trapping you within. He sits down in his desk chair and looks at you for a moment. Wondering how he can fuck you. What can he shove inside of you without hurting you? His eyes drift from you to the desk full of craft supplies. He notices a dried drop from his hot glue gun, picking it up and bending it. Just then an idea enters his mind, his gaze meeting yours with a mischievous smirk on his face.
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the-mortuary-witch · 5 months ago
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ACACIA: exorcism, banishing, money, love, to be burned for alter offering, aiding in psychic powers, meditation, and protection.
ACORN: strength, money and wealth, and protection.
ADAM’S AND EVES ROOTS: (TOXIC) attract love and happiness.
ADDERS TONGUE: healing and divination.
AFRICAN VIOLET: protection and promote spirituality.
AGARIC: (TOXIC) encourage fertility.
AGRIMONY: protection, banish negative energy-entities, reverse spells, break hexes, promotes sleep, psychic protection, and returns spells to their senders.
AGUE ROOT: protection and break hexes.
ALDER: whistles entice the elemental earth, water magic, and strength.
ALFALFA: abundance, prosperity, money, anti-hunger, frugality, and providence. Place in the kitchen.
ALKANET: repel negativity, attract prosperity, and purification all heal-mental powers.
ALLSPICE: money, luck, healing, prosperity when burned, courage, magickal power, love, and lust.
ALMOND: prosperity, success in business ventures, money, wisdom, love, and anger management.
ALOE: protection, luck, money, repel evil, healing, beauty, success, and peace.                           
ALOESWOOD: love, spirituality, money, protection.
ALTHEA: protection, psychic power, and attract good spirits.
ALYSSUM: protection and to calm anger.
AMARANTH: healing, protection, healing heartbreak, and invisibility.
AMBER: healing.                                       
AMBERGRIS: lust and sex.
ANEMONE: health, protection, and healing. 
ANGELICA: protection, exorcism, remove curses and hexes, healing, visions, wards off negativity when sprinkled around the house, increases life energy bringing warmth of Fire element, and wards off negativity when sprinkled around the house.                          
ANISE: divination, psychic awareness, joy, dreams, luck, love, enthusiasm, Winter Solstice, and entices the spirits to aid in spells.
APPLE: love, healing, garden blessing, buried in the garden on Samhain as food for the departing spirits, to be shared with one you love,  immortality, happiness, luck, broken heart, spirit food, and the goddess.
APRICOT: love. 
ARABIC GUM: purification, spirituality, and protection. 
ARBUTUS: exorcism and protection. 
ARROWROOT: protection. 
ASAFETIDA: purification, protection, and exorcism. 
ASH: Prosperity, protection, healing, love, wands, leaves for prophetic dreams, sea rituals, longevity, peace, luck, purification, study, enhances magic, and besom.
ASPEN: protection, eloquence, and anti-theft. 
ASTER: love.                     
ASTRAGALUS: fortification, and strength. 
AVENS: exorcism, love, and purification. 
AVOCADO: beauty, love, and lust. 
BALM OF GILEAD: (TOXIC) love, manifestations, ease a broken heart, protection, and healing.
BAMBOO: protection, luck, break hexes, and wishes.
BANANA: prosperity, fertility, and potency.
BANYAN: luck and happiness.
BARLEY: healing, protection, and love.
BASIL: exorcism, love, protection, prosperity, wealth, repels negative energy, sympathy, wealth, flying, courage, business, fertility, healing relationships, and ensure faithfulness on masses.
BAY: psychic powers, protection, healing, purification, strength, wish magick, wisdom, good luck, fertility, banish negativity, energy, insight, divination, victory, prosperity, employment, mental power, and burn for psychic powers.
BAYBERRY: employment.
BEAN: love, protection, exorcism, wart charming, reconciliation, and potency.
BEECH: creativity, wishes, fertility, and balance mental health.
BEET: love.
BELLADONNA: (TOXIC) visions, astral protection, and divination.
BENZOIN: purification, prosperity, astral projection, confidence, and protection. 
BERGAMOT: success, money, confidence, protection, prosperity, employment, and unwanted advances.
BETONY: love, healing, burn at Litha for purification, protection; place under pillow to be rid of nightmares; sprinkle around doors to ward off despair, and psychic awareness.
BIRCH: purification, protection, exorcism, cleansing, beauty, catalyst, blessing, health, besom, and beginnings.
BISTORT: fertility and psychic powers.
BITTERSWEET: (TOXIC) protection, healing, and broken heart.
BLACK COHOSH: courage, love, protection, and potency.
BLACK HELLEBORE: (TOXIC) invisibility, exorcism, and astral projection.
BLACK PEPPER: courage and protection.
BLACK SNAKEROOT: love, lust, and money.
BLACKBERRY: healing, protection, prosperity, money, and pies for Lughnassadh.
BLACKTHORN: returns evil to its sender.
BLADDERWRACK: psychic powers, protection, money, water or sea spells, wind spells, travel, and psychic clarity.
BLESSED THISTLE: protection, animal healing, and abundance.
BLOODROOT: (TOXIC) love, purification, and protection.
BLUEBELL: luck and truth.
BLUEBERRY: protection.
BLUE COHOSH ROOT: courage, balance, and protection.
BLUE FLAG: (TOXIC) money, wealth, and success in business.
BODHI: wisdom, fertility, protection, and meditation.
BONESET: protection and exorcism.
BORAGE: courage, psychic powers, and carry leaves for protection.
BRACKEN: protection, healing, fertility, prophetic dreams, and rune magick.
BRIAR: add to tea for clairvoyant dreams and protection.
BRIONY: (TOXIC) mage magick, protection, and money.
BROMELIAD: protection and money.
BROOM: (TOXIC) divination, wind spells, purification of the circle, and hung indoors for protection.
BRYONY: (TOXIC) pleasure and reveal secrets.
BUCHU: prophetic dreams and psychic powers.
BUCKEYE: luck, divination, money, wealth, prosperity, and gambling.
BUCKTHORN: protection, exorcism, wishes, and legal matters.
BUCKWHEAT: protection and money.
BURDOCK: protection, healing, wards off negativity, purifies, protects (washing floors or dried root on red string around the neck), happy home, clears space & holds the space safe, and spirit of north.
CABBAGE: luck.
CACTUS: protection and chastity.
CALAMUS: (TOXIC) luck, protection, healing, money, and purification.
CALENDULA: stress management , opening to the 3rd Chakra, and helps energy move outward from centre of body extending in all directions.
CAMELLIA: prosperity, wealth, and luxury.
CAMPHOR: (TOXIC) healing, divination, chastity, past lives, prophetic dreams, purification, psychic awareness, and unwanted advances.
CAPER: lust, love, and potency.
CARAWAY: protection, lust, healing, mental powers, repel negativity, psychic healing, vitality, energy, magickal power, and anti-theft.
CARDAMON: lust, love, and burned in love spells and in love sachets.
CARNATION: protection, strength, healing, altar offering to the goddess, strength.
CAROB: protection and health.
CARROT: fertility, lust, vision, and the God aspect.
CASCARA SAGRADA: protection, money, and legal matters.
CASHEW: prosperity, money, and communication.
CASSIA: psychic awareness, and spirituality.
CASTOR: (TOXIC) protection and repel negativity.
CATNIP: love, beauty, happiness, power, courage, positive cat magick, friendship, joy, anger management, depression management, and familiars.
CAT TAIL: lust.
CAYENNE: exorcism and healing.
CEDAR: healing, purification, money, protection, cleansing, courage, stopping sexual harassment, prosperity, aura field, and space.
CELANDINE: joy, protection, happiness, escape, legal matters, and depression management.
CELERY: lust, psychic powers, mental clarity, concentration, and peace.
CENTAURY: snake removing.
CHAMOMILE: purification, tranquility, money, sleep-rest (tea), love, luck, meditation, prosperity, incense for the God, gambling, hex breaking, legal matters, peace, dreams, dexterity, and protection.
CHAPPARAL: Fire element rituals, protection, and Spirit of South.
CHERRY: love, divination, burn chips at sabbats, creativity, and victory.
CHICKWEED: love and fidelity.
CHICORY: favours, frugality, remove obstacles, invisibility, frigidity, and liberation.
CHILI PEPPER: fidelity, love, and break hexes.
CHINA BERRY: (TOXIC) luck and change.
CILANTRO: health.
CINCHONA: protection and luck.
CINNAMON: prosperity, success, spirituality, healing, lust, protection, love, psychic powers, passion, power, dreams, strength, astral projection, courage, money, purification, and personal empowerment.
CINQUEFOIL: money, protection, sleep, prophetic dreams, purification, lust, prosperity, and divination dreams.
CITRON: healing and eaten to increase psychic powers.
CIVET: love, lust, and sex.
CLOTH-OF-GOLD: animal communication.
CLOVE: protection, exorcism, purification, love, money, mental clarity, burn for wealth, wards off negativity, counter spells, cleansing, divination, luck, depression management, psychic awareness, prophetic dreams, happiness, and gossip.
CLOVER: success, protection, money, exorcism, love, fidelity, consecration, beauty, luck, youth, healing, faeries, and prosperity.
CLUB MOSS: protection and power.
COCONUT: purification, protection, chastity, and water.
COHOSH (BLACK): courage, protection, potency, and menopause.
COLTSFOOT: love, psychic visions, healing, wealth, and prosperity.
COLUMBINE: courage and love.
COMFREY: (TOXIC) money, root or leaves for healing, carry for safe travel, protection, stress management, safe journeys (Worldly or through Meditation), and Winter Solstice.
COPAL: love, purification, exorcism, protection, spirituality, earth element, sets sacred space, and allows guides and guidance to come.
CORIANDER: love, health, healing, protection, and longevity.
CORN: divination, protection, luck, and money.
CORNFLOWER: psychism.
CORNSILK: Water element and stimulates flow.
COTTON: luck, healing, and protection.
COWSLIP: youth, healing, treasure finding, luck, love, and psychic dreams.
CRANBERRY: healing, energy, and abundance.
CROCUS: love, visions, and wisdom.
CUBEB: love.
CUCKOO-FLOWER: love and fertility.
CUCUMBER: healing, fertility, and chastity.
CUMIN: exorcism, protection, prevents theft, fidelity, and love.
CURRY: protection and exorcism.
CYCLAMEN: fertility, protection, happiness, lust, and broken heart.
CYPRESS: healing, protection, comfort, longevity, peace, sleep, and liberation.
DAFFODIL: love, luck, and fertility.
DAISY: love, lust, luck, depression management, faeries and elves, and happiness.
DAMIANA: divination, love, lust, sex magick, dreams, visions, psychic powers, and opens door between worlds.
DANDELION LEAF AND ROOT: purification, divination, wishes, and calling spirits.
DATE PALM: potency and fertility.
DATURA: (TOXIC) protection, sleep, and break hexes.
DEERS TONGUE: (TOXIC) lust, psychic powers, and gossip management.
DEVIL’S BIT: love, protection, luck, and exorcism.
DEVIL’S SHOESTRING: protection, luck, gambling, power, and employment.
DILL:  love, lust, seeds draw money, leaves for protection, and flowers for love.
DITTANY OF CRETE: manifestations and astral projection.
DOCK: money, healing, and fertility.
DODDER: love divination and knot magick.
DOGBANE: love.
DOGWOOD: protection and wishes.
DONG QUAI: health, vitality, and fire element rituals.
DRAGONS BLOOD: power, protection, exorcism, potency, love, courage, fortune, catalyst, magick power, strength, purification, stimulates action of other herbs in incense blend, and stimulates movement of energy.
DULSE: harmony and lust.
EBONY: protection and power.
ECHINACEA: strengthening spells, health, strength, and wards off negativity or undesirable energies.
EDELWEISS: invisibility and bullet-proofing.
ELDER: (CAUTION: SEEDS ARE TOXIC)  money, wishes, theft protection, exorcism, healing, prosperity, sleep, wards negative thoughts when used as wind chimes, blessings, do not burn the wood of elder for it is sacred to Hecate, see fairies in the trees at Litha, flowers used as an alter offering, berries for esbat wine, flowers added to candle spells directed at Hecate during the new moon, cleansing, and offering.
ELDERBERRIES: prosperity, protection, sleep, joy, visions, banishing, energy, ancient wisdom, contact with elementals, and invoke magic.
ELDERFLOWER: purifying and healing.
ELECAMPANE: love, protection, psychic powers, and anger management.
ELM: protection, love, and attracts elves.
ENDIVE: love and lust.
ERYNGO: peace, love, lust, and traveler's luck.
EUCALYPTUS: (TOXIC) healing, protection, joy, purification, and air element rituals.
EUPHORBIA: (TOXIC) protection and purification.
EYEBRIGHT: joy, psychic powers, mental clarity, mental ability and clarity, and visions.
FALSE UNICORN ROOT: connection to magical realm, and contains energy and intention.
FENNEL: protection, exorcism, healing, purification, virility, sacred to the God, hung over doors at Litha, strength, courage, and money.
FENNEL SEED: stimulates movement.
FENUGREEK: prosperity, wealth, money, mental powers, and clearing.
FERN: (TOXIC) money, wealth, eternal youth, protection, outside for rain, luck, riches, health, and exorcism.
FEVERFEW: protection, wards sickness, and wards accidents in traffic.
FIG: divination, fertility, and love.
FIGWORT: protection and health.
FIR: health, prosperity, and birth and rebirth.
FLAX: luck, money, protection, purification, beauty, psychic powers, healing, health, and initiates flow.
FLEABANE: exorcism, protection, and chastity.
FORGET-ME-NOT: mental powers.
FOXGLOVE: (TOXIC) faeries and elves, lust, and grow in garden for protection of the house and yard.
FRANKINCENSE: exorcism, purification, protection, spirituality, power, meditation, blessing, concentration, banishing, courage, divination, healing, love, purification, consecration, sets sacred space, sets safe space for guides to come in, and spirit of East or North.
FUMITORY: money and exorcism.
FURZ/EGORSE: burn at Ostara for protection and as a preparation for any conflict.
FUZZY WEED: love and hunting.
GALANGAL: protection, legal matters, lust, health, money, psychic powers, break hexes, energy, strength, and courage.
GARDENIA: love, peace, healing, spirituality, and psychic awareness.
GARLIC: protection, healing, health, exorcism, lust sacred to Hecate, flowers for altar offerings, cloves for protection, anti-theft, wishes, and relief from nightmares.
GENTIAN: power, love, break hexes, wishes, and theft.
GERANIUM: (TOXIC) courage, abundance, health, love, protection, and fertility.
GIANT VETCH: fidelity.
GINGER love, money, success, power, aphrodisiac, psychic ability, apathy, lust, good health, magickal power, fire element rituals, brings into existence, bringer of the manifestation, 3rd chakra vitality, inner strength, stimulates flow of energy, and spirit of south.
GINSENG: longevity, sexual potency, protection, healing, love, lust, wishes, beauty, vitality, fertility, desire, encourages a long lasting affect, and strength.
GOAT’S RUE: healing and health.
GOLDENROD: prosperity, money, divination, and luck.
GOLDENSEAL: money and healing.
GORSE: protection and money.
GOTU KOLA: meditation.
GOURD: protection.
GRAIN: protection.
GRAINS OF PARADISE: love, lust, luck, money, and wishes.
GRAPE: mental clarity, money, fertility, garden magick, and happiness.
GRASS: psychic powers and protection.
GROUND IVY: divination.
GROUNDSEL: health and healing.
GUM MASTIC: magickal power.
HAWTHORN: happiness, fertility, powerful wands, protection, chastity, fishing magick, faeries and elves, purification, business, depression management, purity, and cleansing.
HAWTHORNE BERRIES: 4th chakra strength and vitality, love, and contentment.
HAZEL: luck, fertility, protection, wishes, nuts strung on cord in house or ritual room to invite the help of plant fairies, used for wands, healing, anti-lightning, love, aphrodisiac, wisdom, divination, mental powers, intelligence, and inspiration.
HEATHER: luck, protection, red to start or end an affair, white for protection, purple for spiritual development, use at Samhain to invite spirits to visit, rain making, and spirituality.
HELIOTROPE: (TOXIC) exorcism, prophetic dreams, healing, wealth, invisibility, money, spirituality, prosperity, and psychic awareness.
HELLEBORE (BLACK): (TOXIC) protection.
HEMLOCK: (TOXIC) astral projection, diminish libido, power, purification, charging, and alignment.
HEMP: healing, love, visions, and meditation.
HENBANE: (TOXIC) love, luck, divination, and invisibility.
HENNA: healing, health, love, change, and dying material.
HIBISCUS: love, lust, divination, and 5th chakra.
HICKORY: legal matters.
HIGH JOHN THE CONQUEROR: (TOXIC) strength, confidence, health, love, money, success, happiness, break hexes, increase strength, legal matters, anointing, and victory.
HOLY THISTLE: purification and break hexes.
HOLLY: protection, luck, dream magic, anti-lightning, balance, dreams, enhances magic, holiness, consecration, and beauty.
HONESTLY: money and protection.
HONEYSUCKLE: protection, money, psychic powers, confidence, broken heart, luck, happiness, healing, and depression management.
HOPS: healing, sleep, stress management, and opens the channel in and out of the body in relationship with the universe.
HOREHOUND: exorcism, healing, purification, protection, mental clarity, balance, banishing, and opens air element within body and in the world, opens channel for clear communication.
HORSE CHESTNUT: (TOXIC) healing and money.
HORSERADISH: exorcism and purification.
HORSETAIL: fertility.
HOUSELEEK: love, luck, and protection.
HUCKLEBERRY: protection, luck, dream magic, and break hexes.
HYACINTH: (TOXIC) business, court cases, sleep, depression management, love, protection, and happiness.
HYDRANGEA: break hexes.
HYSSOP: healing, protection, purification, wards negativity, prosperity, money, banishing, and dragon energy.
IRIS: purification, wisdom, courage, reincarnation, spirituality, and happiness.
IRISH MOSS: luck, money, protection, opens throat, and opens channel for clear communication.
IVY: (TOXIC) divination, protection, healing, fertility, love, and fidelity.
JASMINE: divination, love, money, prophetic dreams, sleep, prosperity, spirituality, visions, confidence, broken heart, astral projection, business, and court cases.
JIMSON WEED: protect against evil spirits.
JOB’S TEARS: luck, wishes, and healing.
JOE-PYE WEED: love and respect.
JUNIPER: protection, love, exorcism, health, anti-theft, banishing, peace, wishes, aphrodisiacs, sets sacred space, and spirit of north.
KAVA KAVA: lust, protection while traveling, astral projection, visions, luck, visions, protection, love, and opens one to receiving guidance and guides.
KELP: wind spells, psychic powers, protection, connection to divine source through the physical and spiritual, unity, life-force strengthening, and spirit of centre.
KNOTWEED: health, binding spells, and protection
LADY’S MANTLE: love and self control.
LADY’S SLIPPER: protection.
LARCH: protection and anti-theft.
LARKSPUR: protection and health.
LAVENDER: protection, call in good spirits, love, sleep, longevity, happiness, peace, healing, burn for purification, peace, use in bath for purification, burn at Litha as an offering, psychic awareness, chastity, liberation, menopause, childbirth, grief or loss, youthful vigour, stress management, travel, anger management, and attracts elves.
LEEK: exorcism, love, and protection.
LEMON: purification, love, friendship, longevity, cleansing, healing, peace, success, broken heart, anger management, and devotion.
LEMON BALM: love, success, healing, depression management, aphrodisiac, and soothes emotional pain after relationship ends.
LEMON VERBENA: protection, purification, love, power, beauty, youth, happiness, peace, mental and emotional balance, and Summer Solstice.
LEMONGRASS: psychic powers, mental clarity, lust, and repels snakes.
LETTUCE: love divination, sleep, protection, chastity, and luck.
LIQUORICE: love, lust, fidelity, aphrodisiac, meditation, and harmony.
LIFE-EVERLASTING: health, healing, and longevity.
LILAC: exorcism, protection, purification, beauty, love, peace, and psychic awareness.
LILY: protection, exorcism, repel negativity, truth, break love spells, strength, purification, and breaking hexes.
LILY OF THE VALLEY: (TOXIC) mental clarity, happiness, insight, depression management, and peace.
LIME: healing, love, protection, cleansing, happiness, and purification.
LINDEN: healing, protection, luck, love, sleep, bark for protection, leaves and flowers for immortality, good fortune, youth, attraction, and longevity.
LIQUID AMBER: protection.
LIVERWORT: love and protection.
LOBELIA: (TOXIC) healing and love.
LOOSESTRIFE: peace, protection, harmony, and purple restores harmony and brings peace.
LOTUS: protection, spirituality, love, lock opening, liberation, and mental powers.
LOVAGE: love, attraction, cleansing, and purification.
LOVE SEED: love and friendship.
LUCKY HAND: protection, luck, money, travel, and employment.
MACE: psychic powers, mental clarity, and divination. 
MAGUEY: lust. 
MAGNOLIA: fidelity, past lives, peace, sex, broken heart, beauty, and wisdom. 
MAHOGANY: anti-lightning. 
MADIENHAIR: beauty and love. 
MALE FERN: luck and love. 
MALLOW: love, protection, and exorcism. 
MANDRAKE: (TOXIC) potency, exorcism, protection, fertility, money, love, health, protection, catalyst, prosperity, divination, increase psychic powers, aphrodisiacs, cursing enemies, building, banishing, and protection in the subconscious, unconscious and underworld. 
MAPLE: money, longevity, and love. 
MARIGOLD: prophetic dreams, protection, legal matters, marriage spells, enhanced psychic powers, pick in full sun, business and legal matters, clairvoyant dreams, and mixed with water and rubbed on the eyelids to see fairies. 
MARJORAM: protection, love, happiness, health, money, depression management, and prosperity. 
MARSHMALLOW: healing, friendship, boundaries, love, protection, strength, and emotional balance. 
MASTERWORT: protection, strength, and courage.  
MASTIC: psychic powers, lust, manifestations, love, and magick power. 
MAY APPLE: (TOXIC) money and prosperity. 
MEADOW RUE: love and divination. 
MEADOWSWEET: love, divination, peace, happiness, harmony, and 3rd chakra. 
MESQUITE: healing. 
MILK THISTLE: creativity, protection, dispel, and transformation. 
MIMOSA: love, protection, prophetic dreams, purification, past lives, and visions. 
MINT: exorcism, protection, money, lust, healing, travel, alter offering for helpful spirits , love, luck, anger management, dreams, abundance, prosperity, and rejuvenation. 
MISTLETOE: (TOXIC) Healing, protection, love, fertility, health, exorcism, hunting, success, catalyst, lust, liberation, and sexual potency. 
MOLUKKA: protection. 
MOONFLOWER: liberation. 
MOONWORT: love, money, and divination. 
MORNING GLORY: (TOXIC) peace, happiness, and depression management. 
MOSS: luck and money. 
MOTHERWORT: balances within, self empowerment, and 2nd chakra. 
MUGWORT: astral projection, strength, psychic powers, protection, prophetic dreams, healing, divination, rub fresh herb on crystal balls and magick mirrors to increase their strength, pick on full moon night, clairvoyance, purification, sex, renewal, fertility, clearing, sleep, visions, opens one to the teachings of the subconscious and unconscious self, and 6th and 7th chakras. 
MULBERRY: protection and strength. 
MULLEIN: exorcism, health, protection, courage, love divination, calling spirits, dreams, and opens life energy flow through the body. 
MUSK: purification and sex. 
MUSTARD: fertility, protection, mental clarity, health, and money. 
MYRRH: spirituality, purification, protection, healing, exorcism, wards negativity, burn for purification and consecrations, banishing, sets sacred space, and ancient wisdom. 
MYRTLE: peace, money, love, youth, fertility, sleep, healing, and prosperity. 
NARCISSUS: peace. 
NASTURTIUM: healing. 
NEROLI: love. 
NETTLE: exorcism, protection, healing, lust, abundance, 3rd and 6th chakra, banishing, stress management, and gossip management. 
NIAOULI: protection. 
NORFOLK ISLAND PINE: protection and anti-hunger. 
NUTMEG: protection, money, health, luck, fidelity, break hexes, burn for prosperity, love, psychic awareness, and relief from nightmares. 
NUTS: fertility, prosperity, love, luck, use for tips on wands, gifts, and communication. 
OAK: protection, health, money, healing, potency, fertility, luck, the God, wands, burn leaves to purify the atmosphere, acorns draw money, burn wood for good health, acorns draw money, power, balance, and prosperity. 
OAK MOSS: court cases, money, and protection. 
OATS: money, offering to the god, and stress management.  
OLIVE: healing, peace, fertility, potency, protection, lust, victory, and spirituality. 
ONION: exorcism, healing, protection, purification, money, prophetic dreams, and lust. 
ORANGE: love, divination, luck, and money. 
ORANGE BERGAMOT: prosperity, success, energy, joy, friendship, success, prosperity, psychic awareness, peels for love, and incense for good fortune. 
ORCHID: love and psychic powers. 
OREGON GRAPE: money and prosperity. 
ORRIS: divination, protection, love, prosperity, money, clairvoyance, sex, and psychic awareness. 
PALMAROSA: healing and love. 
PALM DATE: fertility and potency. 
PANSY: love, divination, rain magick, mental powers, and strength. 
PAPAY: protection, love, and wishes.  
PAPYRUS: protection, wisdom, and self-insight. 
PAROSELA: hunting.  
PARSLEY: purification, protection, lust, love, fertility, and prosperity. 
PASSION FLOWER: peace, sleep, friendships prosperity, increase libido, popularity, anger management, and stress management. 
PATCHOULI: money, fertility, lust, break hexes, incense for drawing money, earth, underworld, business, confidence, court cases, love, desire, prosperity, protection, success, sex, and enemies. 
PAU D'ARCO: fertility, wards off negativity,  and clears. 
PEA: money and love. 
PEACH: exorcism, love, fertility, wishes, longevity, broken heart, and youth. 
PEAR: love and lust. 
PECAN: money, employment, prosperity, dreams, and discipline. 
PENNYROYAL: exorcism, consecration, strength, protection, peace, and healing. 
PEONY: exorcism, protection, and purification. 
PEPPER: exorcism, protection, use in amulets or grow for protection, and wards off negativity. 
PEPPERMINT: purification, sleep, love, healing, psychic powers, divination, money, apathy, exorcism, insight, lust, menopause, and clears energy and space. 
PEPPER TREE: protection, purification, and healing. 
PERIWINKLE: (TOXIC) Protection, money, love, lust, and mental clarity. 
PERSIMMON: healing, luck, changing sex, and insight into others. 
PETITGRAIN: protection. 
PILOT WEED: protection. 
PIMENTO: love. 
PIMPERNEL: protection and health. 
PINE: (TOXIC) protection, exorcism, money, healing, fertility, brush outdoor ritual area with a branch to purify and sanctify, burn for cleansing, needles in money spells, spirituality, gambling, dreams, cleansing, banishing, purification, prosperity, employment, birth, rebirth, strength, life and immortality. 
PINECONE: magic, human enlightenment, resurrection, strength, internal life, health, fertility, and regeneration.
PINEAPPLE: luck, money, chastity, hospitality, and protection. 
PIPSISSEWA: money and calling in good spirits. 
PISTACHIO: breaking love spells. 
PLANTAIN: protection, healing, strength, and snake repelling. 
PLUM: protection, love, healing, and self-confidence. 
POKE: (TOXIC) courage and breaks hexes. 
POMEGRANATE: divination, luck, wealth, wishes, and fertility. 
POPLAR: money, astral projection, and success. 
POPPY: fertility, love, sleep, money, luck, healing, and invisibility. 
POTATO: healing, image magick, astral projection, separation, foundations, and earth energy. 
PRIMROSE: protection and love. 
PURSLANE: protection, love, happiness, luck, and sleep. 
QUASSIA: love.
QUEEN OF THE MEADOW: power and protection.
QUINCE: protection, love, and happiness.
RADISH: protection and lust. 
RAGWEED: courage, faeries, and elves. 
RAGWORT: protection. 
RASPBERRY: healing, visions, protection, love, alleviates labor pains, spirit of centre, and spring equinox. 
RATTLESNAKE ROOT: protection and money. 
RED CLOVER BLOSSOMS: abundance, love, money, protection, success, and summer solstice. 
RED ROOT: clears energy and dispels. 
RHUBARB: health, protection, and fidelity. 
RICE: protection, money, fertility, rain, blessings, and weather magick. 
ROOTS: protection, divination, and power. 
ROSE: beauty, protection, purification, love, psychic powers, healing, divination, peace, luck, courage, catalyst, sex,  sleep, prophetic dreams, anger management, love divination, abundance, attraction, and prosperity. 
ROSE GERANIUM: protection. 
ROSE HIPS: healing, luck, call in good spirits, abundance, strength, and fall equinox ceremony. 
ROSEMARY: exorcism, protection, healing, love, lust, mental clarity, sleep, youth, burn for purification, wards negativity, love, blessing, consecration, cleansing, strength, wishes, dreams, beauty, theft, healing, psychic ability, spirit of south, grow to attract elves, and blessing. 
ROWAN: protection, success, psychic powers, healing, power, wands and amulets for knowledge, incense of leaves and berries for divination, fires to call upon spirits for help, grow for protection of the home, inspiration, wisdom, enhances magic, and attracts faeries. 
RUE: exorcism, protection, purification, break hexes, health, mental clarity, healing, blessing, consecration, use in altar oil, love, money and wealth, and gossip management. 
RYE: love and fidelity. 
SAFFRON: love, lust, healing, strength, happiness, psychic powers, wind raising, and depression management. 
SAGE: purification, protection, wisdom, longevity, wishes, health, immortality, intuition, divination, luck, prosperity, money, spirituality, menopause, psychic ability, clears, inner guide, longevity, and vision.
SAGEBRUSH: exorcism, protection, purification, joy, and peace. 
ST. JOHN’S WORT: (TOXIC) exorcism, protection, courage, strength, happiness, health, love divination, burn at Litha to send away negativity, wear for invincibility, willpower, gathered at Litha, power, and stress management. 
SALTPETER: unwanted advances. 
SANDALWOOD: protection, exorcism, purification, wishes, healing, spirituality, full moon esbats, wards negativity, spirit offering, luck, sex, banishing, astral projection, business, success, and mental powers. 
SARSAPARILLA: love, money, inner strength, grounding, and purification. 
SASSAFRAS: money, health, and healing. 
SENNA: love. 
SERPENTARIA ROOT: love and aphrodisiacs. 
SESAME: money, success in business, lust, happiness, and gambling. 
SHALLOT: purification. 
SHAMROCKS: faeries and elves. 
SHEPHERDS PURSE: sleep, depression management, and healing. 
SKULLCAP: peace, love, fidelity, stress management, and anxiety management. 
SKUNK CABBAGE: good fortune and legal matters. 
SLIPPERY ELM: halts gossip, aids verbal communication and development, enemies, friendship, and ends disputes. 
SLOE: exorcism, protection, and banishes negative energy/entities. 
SNAKEROOT: money, luck, break hexes, love, and lust. 
SNAPDRAGON: protection, break hexes, exorcism, prophetic dreams, prosperity, gossip management, and money and wealth. 
SOLOMON’S SEAL: love, exorcism, protection, and an offering to the elementals for their aid. 
SOUTHERNWOOD: love, lust, protection, and faeries and elves. 
SPANISH MOSS: protection. 
SPEARMINT: healing, love, and mental clarity. 
SPIKENARD: health, fidelity, love, luck, strength, wisdom, and mental powers. 
SQUILL: protection, money, break hexes, and business. 
STAR ANISE: psychic powers, luck, good fortune, and spiritual powers. 
STILLENGIA: psychic powers. 
STRAW: luck, attracts fairies, do not burn magik infused straw, it will bring ill-fortune, used as an image to protect an area, image magick, and fertility. 
STRAWBERRY: love, luck, joy, and broken heart. 
SUGAR CANE: love, lust, prosperity, and sympathy. 
SUMBUL: psychic powers, love, luck, and health. 
SUMMER SAVOURY: mental clarity and strength, and mental powers. 
SUNFLOWER: wisdom, health, wishes, fertility, happiness, friendship, and prosperity. 
SWEETGRASS: calling in good spirits, bringer of positive energy, clears, seals In, burned after white sage which clears, and spirit of east. 
SWEET PEA: strength, courage, friendship, chastity, truth, and love. 
TAMARIND: love. 
TAMARISK: exorcism and protection. 
TANGERINE: magickal power. 
TANSY: healing, health, and longevity. 
TEA: strength, courage, prosperity, riches, and health. 
THISTLE HOLLY: purification and hex breaking. 
THISTLE MILK: exorcism, protection, healing, strength, break hexes, and snake enraging. 
THYME: purification, courage, psychic powers, sleep, wards negativity, burn for purification, healing spells, love, renewal, youth, divination, prophetic dreams, faery folk, and romance. 
TI: protection and healing. 
TOADFLAX: protection and break hexes. 
TOADSTOOL: (TOXIC) rain making. 
TOBACCO: (TOXIC) healing, purification, and offerings. 
TOMATO: protection, prosperity, and love. 
TONKA: (TOXIC) courage, love, money, wishes, luck, friendship, and prosperity. 
TORMENTIL: protection and love. 
TREFOIL: decorate altar, protection, luck, when taking one, and leave a bit of ginger or milk poured into the ground as payment to the fairies. 
TRILLIUM: love, luck, and money. 
TUBEROSE: love, lust, peace, and psychic awareness. 
TULIP: protection, prosperity, and love. 
TURMERIC: purification (used with sea salt), fortification, strength, and clears aggression. 
TURNIP: protection, endings, and banish negativity. 
UVA URSA: (TOXIC) psychic powers. 
VALERIAN: protection, purification, love, sleep, prophetic dreams, peace, sex, friendship, anxiety management, and self esteem. 
VANILLA: love, lust, mental clarity, money, confidence, attracting people, magickal power, prosperity, success, and wishes. 
VENUS FLYTRAP: protection and love. 
VERVAIN: sleep, protection, purification, love, money, peace, healing, gather/burn at Litha, altar offering, brings riches, creativity, wards psychic attack, youth, chastity, astral projection, unwanted advances, anger management, and prosperity. 
VETCH GIANT: fidelity. 
VETIVERT: love, luck, money, break hexes, wards negativity, anti-theft, exorcism, wishes, peace, protection, prosperity, and divination. 
VIOLET: protection, healing, love, lust, luck, wishes, peace, sleep, insight, and visions. 
WAHOO: (TOXIC) courage, success, and breaks hexes. 
WALNUT: health, mental clarity, wishes, infertility, spirituality, and travel. 
WATERCRESS: healing. 
WAX PLANT: protection and power. 
WHEAT: money, fertility, and prosperity. 
WHITE WILLOW BARK: healing, blessings, binding, sacred earth connection between human and earth and spirit, protection, and spirit of east. 
WILD LETTUCE: love divination, protection, sleep, opens to the deeper consciousness, and attunes to deeper meanings. 
WILD PLUM: healing. 
WILD YAM: fortification, grounding, release, and 1st chakra. 
WILLOW: protection, healing, love, burn bark with sandalwood for divination, vitality, energy, ending pain, moon magic, wishing, spirits, death passage, besom, inspiration, and psychic energy. 
WINTERGREEN: protection, healing, break hexes, strength, good fortune, and opens channels. 
WINTER’S BARK: success. 
WISTERIA: spirituality. 
WITCH GRASS: exorcism, happiness, love, and lust. 
WITCH HAZEL: protection, chastity, healing, beauty, and unwanted advances. 
WOLF’S BANE: (TOXIC) protection and invisibility. 
WOOD BETONY: love, purification, and protection. 
WOOD ROSE: luck. 
WOOD SORREL: healing, and health.
WOODRUFF: protection, money, victory, add to Beltane wine to clear away barriers, success, changes, psychic awareness, and prosperity. 
WORMWOOD: (TOXIC, BURN IN WELL VENTILATED AREA, PREFERABLY OUTDOORS) exorcism, protection, love, psychic powers, calling spirits, protection while traveling, evocation, divination, scrying (stronger when combined with Mugwort) at Samhain, sacred to the moon, good luck, clairvoyance, divination, and safety in cars. 
YARROW: healing, divination, exorcism, protection, courage, love, psychic powers, happy marriage (wedding bouquet), wards negativity, defense, protection, gather at Litha, happiness, fidelity, broken heart, prophetic dreams, spirit of south, clears, and stimulates movement. 
YELLOWDOCK ROOT: clears stuck energy and fortification. 
YERBA MATE: love, lust, and fidelity. 
YERBA SANTA: protection, healing, psychic powers, beauty, and clears channel to divine life force. 
YEW: (TOXIC) Yule symbol for death and rebirth, used for dagger handles, raising the dead, psychic awareness, and spirits. 
YLANG YLANG: insight, love, past lives, peace, sex, and visions. 
YOHIMBE: (TOXIC) love and lust. 
YUCCA: protection, purification, and transmutation. 
153 notes · View notes
automaticsoulharmony · 3 months ago
Tim and Damian
Leave any fics you can think of in the replies! Don’t forget to leave kudos and comments on the fics you read <33
The Wounds Begin to Bleed by audreycritter
Cradle Robber by C_R_Scott
Just a Moment in Time by justapoorboy
Damian can see it (sometimes) by Captain_Crow_007
Another Dimension by Skyggedrage
Explosions and little brothers by Lilac_hyancinth
Life Happens by Cdelphiki
The Toxin Within by thornes_of_life
apricot by violet (rebornofstars)
Satisfactory Bonding Activities by raven_of_hydecastle
Damian Drake by InkspotSprite
Cats and Communication by InkspotSprite
The Study of Birds by MaskoftheRay
A Touch of Midas by Ellegrine
Taming a Baby Assassin by nighttmr
Shake Hands With The People You Can’t Stand by Automaticsoulharmony
Exit Stragedy by smilebackwards
Guide to Tim fics
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serene-studies · 7 months ago
03/09/24 | 17:05 | the national library
Study day 🍊
Had my fav peanut butter and (apricot) jelly sandwiches for breakfast. Otherwise I’m spending the entire day in the library since there’s only seven days left until my last exam before the next semester starts.
🎧 Skorupa; Wierzynkiewicz: Flotsam At Sunrise in The Witcher 2 Assassins of Kings Soundtrack
📖 Pekaƙ, Josef: Bílá hora
đŸ©¶ Energy: rather tired but still happy because of my yesterday’s latin exam results
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sunlightmurdock · 1 year ago
The Odyssey | 1.5 | Bradley Bradshaw
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Bradley learns that maybe the two of you weren’t on the same page after all.
Warnings: enemies to lovers, power imbalance (professor / student relationship), age gap (22 / 33), swearing, infidelity, nudity, mentions of erections, making out. Semi-oral (f receiving), touching, mentions of sex. Ohhh boy you thought it was all okay. Wc: 5.8k
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It didn’t feel like seven days at the Gabris estate. It felt like so much longer. A whole summer, even. The sunny day down at the lake, and then two whole days of rainstorms, and the day that Teodora showed you how to know which apricots are the sweetest to pick, the day that Zoe twisted her ankle on the crumbling back steps. The night by the piano.
This morning. 
Luke must know where Bradley is, after he didn’t go to their room last night. Maybe he would think Bradley fell asleep in the study, but he isn’t that stupid. 
Of course, Bradley is here with you. He fell asleep here last night, shortly after you had. He’s still asleep now, breathing deeply against the crook of your neck, his thigh slotted between yours and his palm on your stomach.
You haven’t been awake long. 
It’s a warm, sunny morning and you can hear Sandro’s wife singing in the kitchen downstairs. Bradley smells like summer. You twist in his arms and turn your face toward his neck, breathing in the citrus and faint sweat and remainders of his cologne. 
Bradley wakes to the feeling of your lips soft against his neck, and your fingers stroking at the hair at his nape.
Instantly, he realises that he didn’t make it back to his own bed last night, but he can’t find it in himself to mind. His arms snake around your middle and he squeezes you closer. He’s in your room. Not only that, but he’s in your bed. You’re laying on your side, the textbook half squished under you. The two of you fell asleep studying. He’s still fully clothed, and that’s what matters. 
He lifts his arm and squints to check his watch. It’s still early. The two of you slept almost all night. Lowering his wrist, he startles once more to find that your eyes are now open. You blink tiredly at him.
“We fell asleep.” You mumble, barely awake. Your legs stretch out from under you as you push yourself onto your back and inch away from him. You’re close enough that all you can smell is his cologne. Each inhale tempts you towards letting your heavy eyelids just fall shut, letting your cheek rest against the muscle of his shoulder.
“Morning,” You murmur against his neck. 
He kisses lazily at your temple. “Good morning, honey.”
Last night, Bradley had touched you again. The two of you had been sitting on your bed, and you were teaching him the Wall Street way of playing poker — as skilfully learned from your time watching your father — and Bradley had, so crudely, wagered your underwear.
They are laying, discarded, on the floor of your room now. 
It feels good, pretending that none of this matters. That he is allowed to touch you, and lay with you, and kiss you. 
“Did you sleep okay?” One of his palms pressed firmer into the middle of your back, flattening you against his chest as he turns his face  toward your neck. 
“Like the dead.” You mumble against his warm skin, resting your cheek against his clavicle. He hums amusedly.
For a moment, you let it be quiet. He’s still on the cusp of sleep, barely awake and groggy. Your fingers skim up the swell of his bicep and across the scarred skin on his shoulder, onto the muscled plains of his back.
He hums at the feeling, letting you know that he’s enjoying the soft touch. Maybe you’re enjoying it just as much. His skin there is soft, and always warm. You reach for freckles that you can’t see, guided by the ridges of his shoulder blades. 
“I could stay like this forever.” You whisper. He makes a tired sound of agreement as he rubs the sleep from his eyes. 
Sighing as he pulls his hands from his face, he pulls back and lets himself look at you. Settled down against the pillow, just watching him. Studying him.
Eyes heavy and blinking at him. Lips parted just slightly, like you’ve got something to say. The warmth of your skin. The look in your eye. The fact that he knows your underwear are still on the floor.
Bradley moves before he really weighs up what he’s doing. Eclipsing your jaw with his palm, you hold your breath as he leans in and kisses your top lip. 
It’s slow, but the feelings it sends through you aren’t. The soft weight of his chest pressing into yours, just a taste of what the real thing could feel like. 
Another slow kiss, his fingers curling around the nape of your neck, pulling you closer. You comply eagerly, pressing into his touch. His knee slides between yours, finding leverage on the mattress between your thighs.
Your mind skips ahead of you, flooding the darkness behind your eyelids with images of him that night with Natasha. His hands inching along the backs of her bare thighs. The need coursing through them, pressing close to each other with each kiss. 
His warmth is inviting, intoxicating. His palm sits heavy on your cheek as you shuffle impossibly closer to him. He welcomes you against him, covering you with a fraction of his weight. Bradley likes strong women. Experienced women. 
You rush forwards, chasing his mouth, grabbing at his shoulder, tugging him closer. He follows your lead wordlessly, carding his open palm over your hair, teasing his tongue along your lip. 
It occurs to you that this could be the first time that you ever have sex. Everything you’ve been so afraid of. Ashamed of. Enveloped, hidden away by the strong feeling of his hands on your body.
It could happen. All that’s stopping you is his underwear, and the fact that he told you he wouldn’t. But he wants to. He told you he wants to.
A greedy hum passes your lips, caught against his. Your fingers slide from his shoulder into his hair before you can remind yourself that this isn’t right. 
At first, Bradley thinks that he’s imagining things. There’s no way. But then, it happens again just as it had the first time. Your hips shift at just the right angle — the third time is just too much for it to be a coincidence, you’re grinding against his thigh.
A low grumble fights its way from his chest and into his throat, his hands sprinting for you like the snap of a rubber band, grabbing you tightly by your hips. It crosses his mind that he’s moving too fast and considers pulling back to check. Before his mind can land on an answer, your hand tousles into his curls and grabs firmly.
Even all of those too-big shirts he wears, nothing could really hide the fact that Bradley just remains to be a big guy. Tall, wide shoulders, long legs and a strong middle. He reminds you of his strength, dragging you against him by your hips. The brown hair that dusts his thigh brushes the inside of your thighs, the apex of your legs.
“How’s that?” Bradley asks as his thumb brushes a strand of hair back off of your temple. 
Heat flushes instantly across your face. Bradley sees it in the calculated way that your eyes widen just slightly. The way he feels your fingers flex at the nape of his neck.
“It’s fine.” You bite back. Bradley should have known that even in a time like this, you would still be fighting him for the upper hand. Not tonight, honey. His words cross your mind, this time tinged with the resentment and shame your mind has coated them in. 
You’re certain that he hasn’t ever told Natasha no in her entire life.
He trails his tongue along the seam of your lips, slow and soft, then brushes forwards and captures your mouth into a bruising kiss. He barely even pulls back to speak, his lips brushing yours. “Tell me what you want.” 
You whimper. His massive hands and their hold on your hips, rocking you against the denim of his jeans. It’s impossible to think straight. “I don’t know.”
“I know what I want.” Bradley tells you, tucking his thumb under your chin and angling your jaw so that he can bite at your throat. The action has you keening against him, eagerly following the direction of his thumb so that his mouth can reach more of your throat.
 It’s cruel honestly, everything he’s doing to you. He’s the first man to tell you that he wants you. Not because you’ve been together a while and it’ll happen eventually. Because he thinks you’re sexy. He’s attracted to you. He wants you. And fuck, his voice is so deep. “Tell me what you want.”
“I — Bradley, I don’t —“ You sigh, huffing a deep and frustrated noise as he sucks warmly at your skin. “I want you to touch me
 I think.”
“You think?” Bradley’s hand sits against the backside of your thigh, warm, his long fingers splayed out along your skin. His lips barely have to move before he’s sucking at your neck. His warm mouth, languid against your skin. Swiftly, he curls his fingers into the soft flesh of your hips and tugs you against him, working you against his thigh.
The friction ignites something. Something you’ve felt before. The kindling is hot but it’s all white smoke for now. Blinking, you stare up at him with a decision to make. He squeezes your hips.
“I do. I do want you to touch me.”
The expectation is that he’ll pull back and tear your nightdress up out of his way and have his way with you. Bradley nips at your throat compliantly, kissing his way down your jaw and your throat.
He tips you onto your back and follows suit, settling between your thighs. The morning sun covers him in gold, from the flecks in his irises and the strands in his curls to the tanned swell of his shoulders. He mouths at your collarbones, following the sweetheart neckline of your nightie, palming at your thighs.
A moan tangles from your lips as he flattens himself against your body, his bulge between your legs and his hot chest against your skin. 
Bradley dips his hand between your bodies and feels you finally. He sighs against your chest, smiling. “Oh, honey.” 
Your heartbeat thuds. His fingers graze your swollen clit and you jolt a bit, otherwise stuck to the spot by his weight. 
“No wonder you want me right here,” He murmurs, gathering your excitement on the tips of his fingers. “All worked up. Don’t worry, honey. I’ve got you.”
You drop your head back onto the pillows, feeling electricity rush through your middle as Bradley circles your clit with a featherlight touch. A whimper slips your mouth despite your best efforts, despite your teeth sinking into your bottom lip.
“I want to do it.” 
And then you have his attention. He looks up at you, his face stark and the smugness that had settled there all gone.
“Yeah?” He swallows, so hard already that he’s aching. Far from in the mind space to really disagree with you. His brows draw together. “It?” 
This time yesterday, you probably would have said no. Maybe even last night, you would have. 
This morning, it’s a breathless and desperate, “Yes.”
“I don’t —“ Bradley squeezes at your thigh and shakes his head. “Baby, I don’t know if that’s a good idea.”
“It’s just one step further than this,” You tell him, convincing yourself as much as you’re convincing him. “Doesn’t make it any different. It doesn’t change what we’ve already done, right?”
In these past seven days, Malcolm has never felt as far away. After what he did, what he must have done, you’ve never felt as far from him as you do now. He’s probably been looking for a phone number to contact you, and you’re glad that he hasn’t found one.
You don’t want to speak to him. In this moment, all that you want is right in front of you.
” He swallows thickly, trying not to be driven by how badly he wants this. He taps his thumb against your chin. “You’re — You’re sure, this is what you want?”
He hesitates, planting a hand into the pillow beside your head. His face is knotted up and unsure. A week ago you had been crying in his arms after the biggest betrayal of your life. This can’t be the right thing to do.
He glances down, feeling your fingers brushing along the ridges of his abdomen. 
Your lip throbs with the weight of your teeth pressing into it as your fingers dip into the waistband of his white boxer shorts. Bradley’s breath catches as your fingers wrap around his hardened length.
A deep sound passes his lips. How’s a guy supposed to say no to that? He leans in slowly, capturing your lip between his, his tense body melting against yours.
He groans as he pulls away from your mouth and moves downward. Your hand slips from his underwear and finds purchase against his shoulder.
 He kisses down your cheek and your jaw, spilling dirty kisses along the naked span of your chest as far as the nightgown will let him as his hands bunch at the bottom hem of it.
Your mouth hangs as he hunches over and pins your thighs back.
Glistening in the warm glow of the room, you writhe and wriggle beneath Bradley as his strong hands pin you down, lazily swirling his tongue along your puffy, swollen clit. 
“I said — I want—“ You stumble, your brows knitting together.
“I know what you want,” Bradley interrupts, turning his head and kissing at your thigh, silencing you all together as he looks up at you with those big brown eyes. “There’s no rush. Right?”
You guess not. You don’t have time to guess at much before his broad shoulders force apart your thighs and his hot mouth blanks your mind.
A whine spills from somewhere deeper in your throat, coming right from the pit of your stomach. Bradley’s messy with his work, lapping eagerly between your legs as his middle finger teases at your dripping pussy. He hasn’t ever done it like this.
 It’s more desperate now, but like it’s easy for him, like he knows you. His chin drips with your excitement, leaving your thighs sticky and dampened with slick and saliva.
His hand slips between his hips and the mattress, wrapping loosely around his cock over his boxers, grinding his hips into his hand.
And then, three knocks rattle the heavy, old door to your right. 
Bradley stops, and sits back on his knees at once. Your face is colorless, eyes wide and round. He runs a hand over his wet mouth, and turns his head towards the sound.
“Fuck.” He exhales, his lips hinting at a smile. As much as he should look just as scared shitless as you do, something in him finds this a little bit funny.
He’s expecting it to be your new best buddies, wanting you to come down to breakfast with them. Already deciding that he can handle hiding behind the door while you get rid of them, Bradley couldn’t be cooler.
Three more knocks rattle the old door on its hinges, and Sandro calls out from the other side. “Bradley?” 
Instantly, the smile is wiped from Bradley’s face. 
You scramble to cover yourself and close your legs and move, not quite as aware of your surroundings as you could be. As Bradley goes to move at the same time, your knee lifts and catches him squarely in the balls.
Sandro pushes his hands into the pockets of his jeans as he hears a loud, strained grunt come from inside.
“I’m sorry, I’m sorry — I didn’t—“
Bradley lifts his face out of the pillow and swallows as he adjusts himself, exhaling heavily. “It’s fine. Fuck— what the hell is the matter with him?”
Matter with him in the sense that he is impolite enough to know exactly where Bradley is, and what that must mean, and to be knocking on the door anyway.
You watch as Bradley stumbles to his feet, clearly wounded, still clutching at his manhood as he picks up his jeans. 
“You can’t — you’re going to answer the door?” You panic. 
“What else do you want me to do? Hide?” He huffs, struggling to pull his jeans up his legs and button them.
“You could go out the window.” 
He shoots you a look, entirely unimpressed. You open your mouth to protest, left with no time to do anything but squeak softly in defeat as he pulls open the door an inch, blocking it with his body.
Sandro presses his lips together. He looks Bradley up and down. Disheveled, his curls a mess and still naked from the navel upward.
“There’s someone on the phone for you.” Sandro explains quietly. Bradley’s brows knit together as he starts to wonder who could possibly be trying to reach him this early in the morning. “Her father. I believe.” 
A quiet gasp comes from behind the door. Bradley closes it a little more, slotting himself into the gap.
“Cool. I’ll be right there.”
“Sure. He sounds upset.” Sandro lifts his palms and shrugs as he takes a step back from the door, his mouth twitching. “I can’t imagine why.”
“Ha. Ha.” Bradley answers, unimpressed.
He swings the door shut, and flattens himself back against the wood as he pinches at the bridge of his nose. You remain in the middle of the bed, your knees tucked up to your chest, your hand covering your mouth.
“Fuck me.” Bradley sighs, leaning his head back against the door. He stretches his hand into the pocket of his jeans and plucks his cigarettes from the pocket, shaking his head. “Does he have a monitor on you that I don’t know about?”
He almost makes you smile, but you’re wincing as you slip out of bed and stand up. 
“Let me speak with him,” You offer, walking nervously toward him. “He’s just going to be rude if he’s asking for you. I’ll handle it.” 
“And miss out on telling him what an incredible morning we had?” Bradley jokes, unlit cigarette wobbling between his lips as he steps around you and reaches for his shirt. You stumble mid-step, practically pouncing on him as you grab at his arm.
“No! You can’t tell him anything.” You plead.
Bradley turns and looks at you over his shoulder, brows furrowed in disbelief. 
“Believe it or not, honey — I’m not itching to have that talk with your dad. I was kidding.” He scoffs, pulling his t-shirt over his head and running his fingers messily through his hair. “You should pack your stuff. I’ll
 see you later.”
“Wait!” You frown at him. “But we were
Bradley seems to remember his moment of insanity then — of how close he was to actually doing it just a moment ago, and blinks at you. He plucks the cigarette from his lips and leans forward to leave a passive kiss to your temple.
“Another time,” He sets it between his lips again and digs his left hand into his pocket for a lighter. “Gotta go.”
Another time. Gotta go. The door swings shut behind him and the smell of burning tobacco fills your nose as he light’s the cigarette out in the hallway. You hate that smell. You hate how casually he just moved on from that. And oh, you could kill Alessandro. 
“Hello?” Bradley pins the receiver between his ear and shoulder as he pulls the ashtray from the window ledge and flicks the tip of his cigarette toward it.
“That’s how you answer the phone? — You don’t introduce yourself, or ask who you’re speaking with? Mumbling over there—“
Bradley perches against the window and sets his cigarette back between his lips. “I know who I’m speaking with. Sir. How can I help you?” 
“I want to know what kind of operation you’re running over there. There’s no contact number for this place anywhere on the itinerary, and then when I do finally track down a number, I spend two days calling and get nothing but a dead line!”
“We had some bad weather, unfortunately it knocked out the power. Just got it back on last night, actually.” Bradley explains calmly. 
“And you think that’s acceptable? — What if it was an emergency?”
“Was it?” Bradley prompts. Maybe he has a little bit of an attitude, but he doesn’t like the way your father talks to people.
“You think you’re funny, son?”
No, generally Bradley doesn’t think that he’s too funny. He’s a lot of things, and he’s got a good sense of humour but he’s not funny like Robin Williams or Chevy Chase. But, Bradley’s got a special knack for always being able to get the last word.
“I think the house is five hundred years old and has some pretty questionable wiring. Was there something you needed me for?” 
“You know that I can have you fired?”
Bradley leans his head back and thunks it against the window frame. He can’t blame you for the attitude you catch when this is the guy you learned it from.
“In the interest of preserving my good friend’s phone bill, I’m just trying to be
 concise, here.” Bradley answers, flicking more ash into the tray. If this phone call keeps going the way that it is, Bradley figures he’ll be chain smoking through until the afternoon.
“My son-in-law has been trying to get through to my daughter. He’s
 worried about her. Has she said anything to you?”
Said something pretty interesting to me earlier, Bradley thinks. Right around the time she stuck her hand in my shorts.
“No, sir. Maybe her friends, but not me,” Bradley gives the answer you would want him to give. “We’re headed to Siena this afternoon and the city’s a lot more reliable for communication and stuff. I can have her call you once we’re there?”
“No. Don’t tell her that I called.” Your father decides. Bradley doesn’t mention that you already know, because he was in your room when he was informed. “What’s the number for this place?”
“I don’t have it on me. I can take down your number and I’ll call you from the hotel when we get there.”
“Not very organised for a college professor, are you, champ?”
Bradley wets his lips with his tongue and presses them together. He spends as little time on the phone as he possibly can, resenting your father’s every word. He likes the thought of Malcolm sitting at home and tearing his hair out, worrying.
He likes the thought of that little dirtbag being kept awake at night, terrified that you know what he did and that you’ll leave him. It’s what he deserves.
Bradley likes that you fell asleep in his arms last night, peacefully, and that you woke up this morning and found yourself comfortable enough to ask for what you had. Your fiancĂ© probably didn’t cross your mind.
He goes for his morning run a little later than normal, after his phone call, and thinks about what you had said.
He shouldn’t have agreed to it as quickly as he had, maybe. It should have required more thought, and discussion — better place or time, perhaps. 
He had been so adamantly against it, but this is starting to feel different. It’s more than a few kisses here and there. It’s Bradley enjoying feeling your weight in his arms when he sleeps, and looking forward to your smile when he wakes up.
It’s better, with him. Your first time would be better with him — and he doesn’t even mean that in an overconfident way. He just knows that he and Malcolm are far from the same, and that Malcolm could never treat you the way that Bradley does so naturally.
Bradley decides that he won’t initiate anything other than a discussion on the topic of sex. As much as he does want it, he could go for months without it. And this has to be your call. But, he doesn’t want to know what sparked the idea into your head this morning.
If you ask him again, he already knows that he would do it.
By the time he has finished with your father and with his run, it’s almost time to go. The group of eight of you are spread around the mini-can, bags loaded and waiting for Bradley while Pasquale sits in the front. It’s a really short drive today. Just over an hour to the other side of the city.
“Did anyone else get their assignments back late all the time?” Abigail muses as she lays across the three backseats of the van. You’re sitting a row in front of her, fiddling with your Walkman.
“Even when I was TA’ing, and I’d get my grading in on time, Bradley still gave everyone their results back like a week later.” Robin agrees.
“Yeah, ‘cause he was too busy slipping it to Miss Penny all year.” Luke scoffs without looking up from his chapter on bathhouses, his arms stretched around Robin’s middle as she sits on his lap. 
Instinct almost has you whipping around to look at him. Common sense has you gripped to the spot, staring at the little plastic contraption . You blink furiously at the cassette tape in front of you.
Miss Penny. Who the hell is Miss Penny? Granted, you hadn’t spent too much time wandering the humanities building, but you’re affronted to not be able to picture this mystery woman nonetheless.
“No— Miss Penny? No. Please, like Bradley would ever tell you who he’s screwing.” August — Gus —, the only other guy in your little group of eight, scoffs towards Luke. He’s standing outside of the van, leaning up against the doorframe.
“And if he was making it with anyone, it was for sure Doctor Hayes. Have you seen the two of them talking? — Man, even I felt the tension.” Zoe decides.
Screwing. Slipping it to. Making it.
And now the introduction of Doctor Hayes. 
At least this woman you have heard of; she’s an anthropology professor, and she certainly wasn’t making it with Bradley — she’s happily involved with a woman.
 It was a big point of conversation in your household. The news came to light just before your father was going to make a donation, she visited him personally to ensure that her romantic indiscretions wouldn’t affect his generosity.
If Bradley wasn’t screwing Doctor Hayes, then he probably wasn’t—
“You’re right, they were probably just friends,” Luke shrugs, again without looking up from the book. It should soothe you, but it doesn’t. It’s an arrogant thing, the way he knows everyone’s waiting on his every word, so he doesn’t have to lift his gaze to engage. “Doesn’t change the fact I saw them going at it in his office.”
 When you look up you’re startled by Robin already looking at you, like she just stole the crayon you’ve been waiting for and she’s waiting for your tantrum to begin.
You glance across at Luke instead, who is still staring smugly at his chapter.
They already think that Bradley is screwing you, maybe they’re making it up to get a reaction. 
You muster the calmest look that you can, and flip back a page in your notes, pretending that you’re reviewing the material.
You haven’t ever been to Bradley’s office. There’s a vague understanding of approximately where it is that comes with having spent four years wandering those halls, but in a pinch you would be guessing at exactly where.
 You don’t know what his desk looks like, or if he’s got one of those frosted glass window panes in the door, or maybe it’s just a heavy wood door without a window.
 Some of the old rooms still have those. They’re heavy and creaky and your daddy’s donations are eradicating them one by one.
Those big, heavy, creaky doors would do wonders for someone in need of privacy. As your eyes fall shut to blink, you’re met with a split-second snapshot of Luke nudging it open. 
After hours, after a day of tough lessons. Bradley all stressed with that red flush across his chest that he gets when stuff is really starting to get to him. Miss Penny, in her mysterious shroud of fog
 perched against his desk— or worse— bent over it.
You swallow. 
“No you did not.” Abigail declares with a wrinkled face, not believing the dirty little story for a moment.
You would like to not believe it either. 
“Uh-huh. It was when I was TA’ing, I came by to drop off some papers. She was sat on his desk with her back to the door and he was just—“
“Gross, I don’t want to hear about Bradley getting his rocks off with the librarian.” Zoe complains.
The librarian. Miss Penny is the fucking librarian. She has permed hair and cat-eye glasses, a skirt shorter than faculty standard allows too. She made you pay eight dollars in late fees one time. She’s like a decade older than Bradley, maybe fifteen years. 
Your nose wrinkles as you turn your head to peer in the direction of the kitchen. Why her? Why—
“Alright, everybody ready to go?” Bradley has said his long goodbyes to the Gabris family, always wishing he got longer with them, even if Sandro did cockblock him this morning.
He climbs into the passenger seat as an awkward silence fills the van. Everyone takes their seats and stares ahead at him. He turns his head to peer back over his shoulder, frowning in confusion.
“Nothing, man,” Luke answers coolly as Robin slides into the seat next to him. “You’re paranoid.”
Another time. Gotta go. You bet he was that casual with Miss Penny, too. With however many other women he might have been with. You set your headphones over your ears and turn toward the window. 
It’s ridiculous, maybe, to be jealous of women that knew Bradley far before you could ever stand to be in the same room as him. But this isn’t jealousy, per se. It’s something else. You don’t doubt that Miss Penny didn’t mean much to him, you just
 were hoping that you meant more, maybe. 
The drive is short, and you’re piling into another old, crumbling hotel on the outskirts of Siena as the sun is just starting to set. You follow the crowd into the lobby and Bradley starts his normal routine of collecting the keys.
At first, you’re chatting with Zoe, and nothing feels different. Then, you catch something in your peripheral. Glancing down, your eyes widen and your train of thought ventures away.
“My ring.” You realise, setting your suitcase down on the faded carpet of the lobby. Bradley turns around, and finds you staring at your bare hand. 
“I don’t have my ring.” You haven’t worn that thing since the first day you got there. Bradley has noticed every single day that you haven’t had it. 
“What?” Pasquale frowns, looking between you and your hand.
“My engagement ring!” You snap at him. Everyone, at once, stops to look. Bradley stares at you. “I don’t— I must have left it! We have to go back.”
“Jesus Christ.” Luke scoffs, rolling his eyes as he drops down onto the couch. He figures he could be here a while, while you’re descending into hysterics.
After speaking to your father, Bradley figured he knows why you’re so upset. If you come home without that thing, he would give you the worst lecture known to man, or worse than that, even.
“I’ll call Sandro, and see—“ He takes two steps towards you, his face soft.
“No, I need to get it back. Now. We have to go back.”
“Mr. Bradshaw has a meeting here tomorrow, very early.” Pasquale chips in from beside you.
“I don’t care! I can’t believe I left it— Malcolm’s going to kill me if I tell him I don’t have it. What am I supposed to tell him? — That I took it off?”
You’re not thinking about your father, or getting into trouble with him. Bradley stops moving. You’re thinking about your fiancĂ©. 
Bradley has been comforting you, and singing to you, and kissing you for a week straight — not once thinking that you might one day want to wear that ring again. 
This morning, he had been fooling himself on his run, thinking that this was anything more than fooling around. That he meant anything to you at all. That you understood him. 
He stares at you, finding none of those feelings he had thought you felt this morning. Or last night, or this whole past week.
Nothing but blind panic, because you weren’t smart enough to double check you had everything.
“Didn’t you?” Robin asks.
“Just for a second! I— I — didn’t mean to.” You struggle, eyes wide and fleeting between Bradley and Pasquale.
That’s not true. You took it off because he hurt you. You haven’t worn it in seven days. You didn’t even think about it this morning when you had packed your things, or before that when Bradley had been in your bed.
You’re growing agitated, and so is Bradley. A muscle in his jaw ticks. You meant to take off that ring, and maybe you can’t admit to yourself that you meant to leave it behind. 
“Maybe they could mail it—“ Pasquale tries.
“Do you seriously expect me to go home without it?” You’re looking at Bradley still, like this is his fault somehow. Like he’s the one who took it off of your finger. Your expression turns cold. “That ring is worth more than you make in a year!”
Bradley’s expression flattens. No hurt, no anger. Just pure detachment. He holds his hand out towards Pasquale.
“Give me the keys.”
“But, Bradley, you have—“
“Give me the fucking keys,” Bradley snaps. Zoe flinches at your side, and you feel her looking at you. Pasquale awkwardly drops the keys into Bradley’s open palm. “I’m going to get the ring, if it’ll shut her up.”
Your mouth closes, lips pressing firmly together. 
“You stay right there.” Bradley bites. He can’t think of anything worse than being stuck in a van with you for the next two and a half hours. Without looking, he squeezes the keys into his palm and heads for the door. 
With him gone, you’re the only thing for them all to look at. 
None of them knew exactly what was going on between you and Bradley this whole time, but they’re all certain of the same thing now: whatever it was, they all just witnessed the end of it.
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tags: @thedroneranger @batdanceq @cassiemitchele @himbos-on-ice @wkndwlff @bradshawsbaby @damrlova @fudge13 @xoxabs88xox @mak-32 @sihtricswife @callsignvenus @callsign-joyride @harper1666 @krismdavis @sheisanangell @cherrycola27 @kmc1989 @sugarcoated-lame @mshistorylover
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keeksandgigz · 7 months ago
Chapter 2: Au coeur des ténÚbres
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Part 2 of Words are Futile Devices- A Steddie x Reader Call Me By Your Name AU
Summary: As some weird feelings come to light, you begin questioning your initial opinion of your two guests
cw: some suggestive content, reader's vivid smutty imagination. reader is a bit less of a cunt, brief description of insecurities (nothing too detailed), slut shaming if you squint, kissing, a lot of internal angst, overall a lot of words I'm sorry
word count: 3k
author's notes: I'm so sorry for the wait, but its here!!!
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Heart of Darkness laid in your lap as you sat in your father’s study. Eddie typed away at his desk, while Steve looked at some old archeology dissertations from past students. You were often forced to sit in and listen to the guest’s nonsensical jumble of words and phrases in an attempt to sound smart. 
You had been scolded by your father twice for trying to interact with Eddie, who seemed laser- focused on the parchment in front of him, the metallic clicking of the keys of the typewriter in the faint background of the stuffy old study. Giovanna had come by twice with a pitcher full of apricot juice from the garden, which the two had gulped down without giving much thought. You saw the way the juice dribbled down Eddie’s chin, how he lifted his thumb to clean off the mess, then wiped his finger on his black cutoff shirt and proceeded to continue typing. His fingers flexed and tensed in between typing, thick and sturdy as he stretched and massaged the palm of his hand with his ringed fingers. 
Steve sat on the dark green couch, legs spread, his shorts riding up, up, up bunching at the crease between his thighs and his groin. One of his legs bounced as he reviewed case studies, artifact pictures, lip trapped in between his pearly teeth. 
There wasn’t a whisper of a breeze, or a draft, but you shivered nonetheless. The two could’ve been patronizing and condescending, but that didn’t take away from the fact that you saw the way their skin, not yet tan from the sunlight, rippled with sweat at each whisper of a movement in the stuffy study. Steve’s leg bounced as he studied the pictures projected on the walls, his already short shorts riding up with each jump of his leg, exposing more and more of his thigh, you blushed. 
This charged silence broke once Steve opened his mouth. He held up another glass full of apricot juice. 
“What’s apricot in Italian again?” he asked, wiping remnants of juice from his chin. 
“Albicocca” your father said, smiling. He went on a rant about the etymology of the word, which you really couldn’t care about. A fun little rehearsed bit he did every year, the students’ impressed faces beamed up the stuffy study. 
“If I can beg your pardon, what you said is slightly wrong” it was Eddie. Surprise tinged your face in hearing him speak up. In the two days that you’ve known him his vocabulary was littered with grateful praises and quiet musings, here it had a slight tinge of pride. 
“It’s uh— actually the Greek etymology for apricot comes from Latin. It’s praecoquum, then praecox, then precokia and then we get the Arab al- barquq— albicocca” he mused in a butchered italian, but all you could hear in his observations is just cock, cock, cock. He sounded nervous delivering his lecture, almost as if he was scared of getting kicked out for defying an authority of mind like your father.
Instead, he looked at him with an impressed smile, and Eddie blushed a bit. Steve delivered a friendly pat on the boy’s shoulder.
Not as lucky as many. 
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Later that day, when Steve stole your friends for a volleyball game on your lawn, you watched his sweaty body, clad in a blue swimsuit, shoulders flexing and shining in the early afternoon sunlight jump up and duck down along with the worn ball that keeps jumping between both sides of the net. 
Eddie sat on the lawn, in the shade. His pearly complexion having acquired just the most undetectable sheen of red that threw the boy in a panicked frenzy earlier that morning. He was sorting through loose pages of what appears to be his manuscript. 
“Why aren’t you playing instead of staring at me?” his head perked up from the typed up pages, and you could feel yourself heat up. Not even the sun could hide the tinge of pink that colored your cheeks. 
“I could say the same thing about you” you stammered out, snippy and embarrassed. 
All he could do was chuckle as he motioned his papers towards the book you had ignored sitting in your lap. “I like that book. Heart of Darkness? One of the few books I actually liked when I was in English Lit in high school” he smiled. A smile that seemed genuine, much different than the courteous smiles he had reserved for your mom and dad. 
“And that was when the dinosaurs still roamed the Earth?” you curled your nose. 
A sardonic laugh escaped the boy. 
“Very funny. And how old are you again?” he scooted his butt closer to you, his loose papers now forgotten on the lawn. The proximity made you a bit nervous. 
“Twnety-one” you breathed out “I wouldn’t give you any less than fifty- six” you nudged his shoulder and he laughed. 
“Shouldn’t you be at some snooty college party right now? I dunno, traveling the world with some sorority sister?”
“And miss this gorgeous sight to behold?” your tone dripped of sarcasm as you pointed at Steve, mid jump into grabbing the ball.
Right as you said that Steve missed, ending up on the grass, a pained moan followed. Eddie isn’t given any time to answer you, stopping in his tracks and to run and pick up his friend to escort him where you were. You couldn’t care less about the physical ineptitude of your guest— if there wasn’t any blood or bones sticking out it wasn’t worth worrying. 
“Pass me some water, please?” asked Eddie.. You complied, rolling your eyes as he began kneading the injured boy’s shoulder. He hissed at the first swipes of the long- haired boy’s hands— big and firm. You let down a short swallow. 
“Steve you’re tight— you stressed?” Eddie asked, squeezing the juncture between the boy’s neck and shoulder. 
“I’m fine Ed” he smiled up at the boy, but instead of moving, Eddie dug his fingers deeper into the golden flesh of the honey- eyed boy. 
“Here, feel” he grabbed your hand and placed it on Steve’s warm shoulder— firm and freckled, still wet with sweat. “Isn’t he a bit tight?” Much to your shock you retreated your hand, but the feeling of the smoothness of his tan skin seemed to be encased in the fiber of the palm of your hand. 
“Yeah, I guess” you muttered, going back to Heart of Darkness. 
Dissatisfied with your curt and cold response, Eddie had your friend Chiara feel the back of the injured boy, whose fingers seemed to linger along Steve’s back for long, almost mapping every mole and mark to store in her mind for later. She was an artist, and an artist’s eye was never wrong. 
Steve smiled at the girl, and in return she giggled. Once she left you closed the book in your lap once again. 
“Careful, she’s gonna try to draw you naked” you teased Steve, whose eyes seemed to be glued on the way your friend scampered around the lawn. 
“Like I’m complaining” he retorted with a cheeky smile, and that made you feel weird. 
What did she have that you didn’t? Why didn’t he look at you like that?
You cursed the way you seemed to act too much like a grown up, the way you took yourself too seriously to even participate in a dumb volleyball game. 
Maybe you should’ve played. 
Taking your towel and your book with you, you made your way back into the house, almost stomping in protest, at the way the honey- eyed boy didn’t seem to spare you a cheeky smile or a wandering eye. Didn’t matter that they both seemed like two idiots who only cared about getting the experience from your father’s expertise, exploiting and squeezing the knowledge out of the overripe peach of his brain, which seemed to become less and less awake with every year that passed. 
You disliked the way that Steve seemed to want to make a pass at each and every one of your friends, and them letting him. With his rude and pushy American ways of wanting to make everything his, his property, his Don John-ish manners that made him expect something from everyone he came into contact with. 
You hated Eddie’s arrogance in his surveying and picking your brain, making the six year difference between you two seem like a chasm, with his snobbish knowledge of literally every book that sat on your bookcase. Fingers rubbing his stubbly, boyish chin as he examined each and every shelf, spine, title. He always seemed to have something to say with you, wanting to prove himself to the whole world, confirm that he wasn’t just some trailer trash who had finally made it out of the few acres of overpopulated land. You could not remotely fathom how those two were so close together, coming from such different backgrounds. 
However, as you tried to silently beg for Steve and Eddie’s attention, that was seemingly anywhere else but on you, like an old, neglected dog, you seemed to realize that, in some twisted sort of way, you wanted to fall victim to their charm. 
Like many of your friends did, much bolder, some older, and more confident than you had been, in the past years, not hesitating to pounce on your guests with hunger similar to a hyena. The hunger of a repressed teenage girl who had just reached adulthood, craving everything that came with it– even risque summer romances with men who had traveled around the sun for much longer than they had. Throwing their plump, glowing bodies on the dance floor around the sturdy necks of your father’s students. With every year that passed, you could not escape the vicious circle of your giggling friends, who competed over who would get to lure your guests into their greedy grasp first, and you’d all hear about it the morning after. 
You’d heard about gorgeous but incredibly incapable men, well- endowed, but short, much older and more experienced. There was something about their stories, the lightheartedness in their laughs, as if playing with these men’s hearts and minds had become a game, that made you feel like a different person. Coming home and contemplating on leaving the communicating bathroom door open, so that your guest could catch you sleeping on your stomach without any shorts on, or adjusting your swimsuit at the pool right as they passed by to read on the lawn. You never brought yourself to act upon these contemplations, too scared of what your father might have thought of you, and rather, delighting yourself in tormenting your guests as a way to cope with a feeling of inadequacy that seemed to swell with each year that passed.
Ever since Steve and Eddie had arrived– young, attractive, and most peculiar thing of all, there were two of them– your friends could not stop arguing about which boy would have fallen in the arms of your friends. Anna had gushed about seeing Steve’s dick through his tiny, blue swimming shorts earlier that day during a game of volleyball, escalating into a conversation that hours later could not seem to leave your mind, as you sat on one of the lawn chairs of the balcony. 
You had not entered your room, afraid your restlessness might have woken the two boys. Nursing a cigarette in between the intrusive thoughts of whether Anna was right. Had she already claimed her prize? A part of you stung at the thought that not even four days into their stay, your friends had already gotten their slimy hands on your guests. A different part had wanted it to be you to have received such attention from the honey- eyed boy. Would he have been attentive and careful? Or full of passion and bravado, much like how he’d presented himself to you since he’d arrived? 
“This seat taken?” Steve had startled you. The irony. 
You heard him let out a whiff of air, like a muted laugh “Sorry, didn’t mean to scare you.” He sat down on the wicker chair next to you, without waiting for your permission. He took in the still night air that had oftentimes brought you counsel, accompanied by the melody of the night cicadas. 
“Can’t sleep?” he mused, playing with the woven wicker on the arm of the chair. 
“Didn’t wanna wake you guys up” Your dry response was accompanied by a lazy drag off the half- finished cigarette. Steve reached an arm out in your direction, you took the hint. 
“I was downstairs finishing some work for your dad, the jet lag still keeps me up” you watched his lips wrap around the cigarettes, right where your mouth had been just seconds before. Your breath hitched at the realization as he let out the smoke from his mouth, slow and deliberate. 
“So, uh, you and Anna? I heard you guys had a thing going on” you passed him the ashtray on the small table next to you as he shook the ash off the cigarette and brought it back to his mouth. 
He shook his head, “She’s your friend?” he asked, sardonically, turning away from you to look into the distant trees. 
“Not really, rumors travel fast around here” you tried to keep your mouth shut, but something inside you just pushed you to intervene, to let him know that she was certainly not good for him. “And she also has a reputation,” you added, gulping. 
He put out the cigarette in the ashtray, fixing his glasses on the bridge of his nose and sat back on the wicker seat “Is that so?” A smirk adorned his face, almost as if he didn’t believe a word you were saying. 
You nodded, heating up a bit at the way his legs spread and his shorts rode up his legs “She gets around” You avoided his gaze, looking at Giovanna downstairs in the garden, finishing up her last chores for the night. 
“Never stopped me before” he retorted, shrugging. The sour look on your face only made his sly smile slice his face further. 
“By the way your nose is curled up I’d say you’re jealous” he laughed, standing up. You heated up at the– very correct and very obvious– observation. 
“I am not” you retorted, maybe a little bit more upset than you should’ve been at his dig, standing up abruptly.
“What is it then?” he inched closer to you. You could smell the remnants of the cigarette on his breath. You felt your eyes widen and your throat close up “You’re envious of your friends getting more attention than you? Am I supposed to feel bad for you because you feel inferior to them? Maybe if you stopped being a bitch to everyone that crossed your path you’d get laid too” With each stinging sentence the boy got closer and closer to you, his chest almost touching yours, and with each dig you swelled up with anger. Why was he treating you like this all of a sudden? 
Deserved? Sure. You had been nothing but a raging cunt to him since his arrival, but his words seemed to intend to cut deeper than that. 
However, instead of hurting you, his words only revved you even further, wanting most of all, to shut up his nonsensical attack against you. 
You watched his heated expression as he stopped his ranting, leaning on the railing of your balcony. 
“Well? Nothing to say for yourself?” he muttered, his voice much lower than his previous scolding. You couldn’t say anything, inside you were fighting demons you had only heard of from your friends. You were panting as if you had run a marathon, but to him, you were just a child throwing a tantrum. 
He scoffed “Y’know what? Grow up” he laughed, before motioning to turn around. Something in your chest pulled you towards him. The need to become more like your friends, that had lied dormant as you had awaited to provocatively lure your guests into your room, had been nudged. 
As Steve walked away heatedly, closing the door to his room, you imagined grabbing his shoulder with strength you didn’t know you had and spin him around before crashing his lips onto his. 
Kissing him with a hunger that was only for you to satiate. Needing to feel yourself bloom out of a cage that you’d put yourself in because you took yourself too seriously. You imagined exploring his sturdy, tanned body. 
As you got ready for bed, peeking your face into your guests’ room, where Steve had fallen asleep without changing out of his clothes. You imagined slipping your hands under his billowy shirt, as his hands gripped your waist so tightly that his fingers could have left marks in their wake. Slipping beneath the fabric of your shirt, feel the softness of the skin underneath, scratching it with his fingernails. 
You thought about intentionally upsetting him, just to have him that close to you again. You thought about his reaction to your tongue making its way into his mouth, licking and tasting his lips, his gums, his tongue. Wanting him to have access to you, to look at you. To peek his head into your room to find you asleep on your stomach, wanting him to see your scrunched up face as you transcribed your music, leaning against a tree as you read. Swimming with your friends, but only staring at you, at the way the water would drip off your body, at the way you would look while suntanning. 
A devious thought pervaded you as you imagined both of your guests fighting to have you. Fighting to look at you. Fighting for your attention. 
You laid in bed, drunk on the vivid images of your body undulating in between the two boys, heated and needy like you’d never been before.
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Thank you for reading!! Feedback is much appreciated <3
tagging: @littlexdeaths, @strangerstilinski, @aphrogeneias, @usergeta, @rebelfell, @ali-r3n, @thornsnvultures , @jamdoughnutmagician , @take-everything-you-can, @aol19 , @eddiesghxst , @myspacebrat , @xxbimbobunnyxx , @cryingglightningg , @lavendermunson , @freak-of-hawkins , @eddiesdaydream , @sidereustales
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marigold-hills · 9 months ago
june 29: blooming and June 30: camper | @wolfstarmicrofic | word count: 1009
June, some years later.
There are lines in the stones like fingerprints, swirling into a pattern too ancient to be understood. Something carved into it, unique to it and yet connecting it with countless others just like it.
You are you, but you are of us.
Remus is cataloguing the lines, tracing them onto parchment. He stands in a bloom of flowers, careful around the blossoms not to trample them but helpless to do just that, the stone unreachable on any beaten track.
It’s the third day of their, Remus and Sirius’, stay in BrĂș na BĂłinne. The land cradled into the arm of the river had welcomed them with unusual heat, cessation of the hostile rain which has been battering it for the previous month, and an explosion of greenery. As if the land knew: a man comes and he is a part of us, and here to study us. Show him the best parts.
Sirius can understand. He’s no stranger to making himself pretty to get his Moony’s approval.
It’s been long in the making, this trip of theirs. Endless research proposals and grant applications that Remus had to submit, then even more scrutiny on account of his status. Then, oxymoronically, a back and forth on Sirius’ involvement: a highly trained curse breaker to oversee “the werewolf professor” was welcome, but another pair of hands and eyes and feet at the sacred prehistoric site was most definitely not.
Still, somehow, it worked. They had jumped in their camper van and set out for Ireland.
“Time for lunch, Moons!” Sirius calls from under the canopy they’ve set up next to the van.
Remus, loose sleeves of a linen shirt folded to show his arms, leather suspenders holding up his trousers, looks like an academic wet dream. His hair has grown out a bit recently and now the curls fall softly over his forehead.
“You’ve forgotten your hat again,” Sirius admonishes when he gets under the canopy they set up by the van, two chairs and a small table set up with bread and cheeses. “It’s too hot for you to go around without cover.”
“Stop fussing,” Remus bats his hand away, “I’m fine.”
“My one purpose here is to take care of you. I have paperwork to show for it. Want to see? No? So let me do my job,” Sirius grins as they sit to eat.
“You’re enjoying this way too much, love. And don’t pretend like you need paperwork to be a fusspot. Never stopped you before.”
“Got me there.”
Sirius pulls a bottle of white wine from the enchanted cooler by his feet, summons two glasses.
“Drinking on the job?” Remus raises an eyebrow in mock outrage, “how scandalous.”
“You know me, always ready to bend the rules.”
Remus hummus happily and plucks away at the assortment of cheeses. The wine is crisp, faintly tasting of apricot. The grass around them is blooming daisies, the scent fresh. Sirius puts his hair up with his wand.
“I’ll never forget that you came here with me,” Remus says with a far away vice. “I’m so thankful to have you by my side. This
 you know how much of a dream this has been.”
“Hold onto that thought, darling, please,” Sirius says, standing up. He was worried how to steer the conversation and here is his Moony, providing the perfect segue.
The cord is in a neat little package in his pocket, so he pulls it out and sets in front of Remus, by the plate of cheese and the bowl of olives.
“What’s this?”
“Open it.”
Remus does. It takes a moment, Sirius can see, for it to register, then he touches the cord with reverent, shaky fingers. “Really?” He asks, like it’s a surprise, like he doesn’t know the extent of Sirius’ devotion to him, to them.
“You don’t have to say yes straight away. It’s the anniversary today, of when you waited for me, and I will wait for you as long as it takes. But I’m ready. So if you’ll have me
“My love. My star,” Remus stands up, holding onto the cord so tightly his knuckles turn white. “Yes. Yes now and yes forever.”
And Sirius was pretty sure, but still
 hearing the response breaks something fragile inside of him right open. “Really?”
“Of course. Always. Mo rĂ©alta,” Remus holds his face between shaky hands, cord still in between fingers, “you are the most important part of my life.”
They have the ceremony the same evening, just the two of them. Barefoot, standing ankle-deep in the waters of the Bóinne. It’s cool, calm. Laps at their skin like an embrace or like a welcoming.
The sun has set. The crickets are singing. Sirius had enchanted lanterns to float around them, and disillusioned the area against wandering muggles.
Their left hands are clasped, fingers intertwined.
There are tears in Remus’ eyes as he speaks. His accent more pronounced with the emotion.
“Ye are Blood of my Blood, and Bone of my Bone. I give ye my Body, that we Two might be One. I give ye my Spirit, ’til our Life shall be Done.”
He wraps his end of the cord around their joint hands. Sirius can feel the bond blossoming, blooming through him like molten honey. He responds.
“You are blood of my blood, and bone of my bone.” The incantation sounds different in his southern english voice, but he can feel it working nonetheless, a link between himself and Remus, between the both of them and the Irish soil. “I give you my body, that we two might be one. I give you my spirit, till our life shall be done.”
The cord glows a soft gold when Sirius finishes wrapping up his end. They reach their right hands across, over the joining, and the cord tightens and dissolves. Sirius can feel it just the same, over his hand and over his heart.
“Mine, now,” his Moony says, closing the distance between them.
He kisses him under the waxing moon.
I cried
decided to put the last two into one epilogue because breaking them up just didn’t seem right
thank you SO MUCH to everyone that followed, and especially: @hoje--aqui @moon-girl88 @digital-kam @tealeavesandtrash and @sweetstarryskies you guys are the absolute best and properly fuelled the writing for this one with all the lovely comments. I honestly did not expect such a lovely response when I decided to start this project so it was just heart warming :):) thank you
as it turns out I’ve been doing tagging wrong (showing my age here) so if anyone has asked to be tagged and wasn’t I’m very sorry
Read on AO3 here
for the last time:
@moon-girl88 @digital-kam @tealeavesandtrash @sweetstarryskies @alltoounwellll
@hunnybeemarie @hoje--aqui @annaliza999 @hihimissamericanbi @gipitothefrog
@shamelesswolfstarshipper @a-pine-cone @cosmicweeds @cocoabutterandbooks
@bloodoffire @residentdisaster @shamelesswolfstarshipper @ravenwordss
@prancingpony42 @themoonlovesthestars @starving-marauder-lover @weirdtinkerbellversion
@deadcupcakehere @theprettieststarfr @dumbass-gryffindor1960
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paperholm · 3 months ago
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Combination 107.
Light Greyish Olive ~ Apricot Yellow
Colour study using Sanzo Wada’s Dictionary of Colour combinations.
100 notes · View notes