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pitchblackespresso · 1 year ago
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Some Pokemon Legends Arceus art from 2022!
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KOBUG (Kobold/Bug) (fairy/bug)
Though early Pokémon professors thought all Pokémon possessed the ability to shrink, early pokéballs actually worked with the help of the diminutive kobug! These tiny bug types prey on apricorns, converting the inside of the berries into data over and over again a as it regrows.
By carefully carving the apricorn, Kobugs can be convinced to store a trainer’s pokemon inside as data so they can eat any scraps stuck to the pokemon. Though modern pokeballs no longer contain Kobugs, the technology is based on their unique ability.
Kobugs naturally camouflage to match the apricorns they feed on, but trainer interventions can cause them to even further adapt.
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Some reports even say that shiny Kobugs resemble rare or mysterious pokeballs of unknown origin.
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apricorns-n-ribbons · 5 months ago
Oh, Guardians. Climate change is really something, alright.
With these changing temperatures apricorn production has been out of whack recently. The growing seasons are all off, there are now more hungry bug types active during their growing season and their range has shifted due to changes in temperature. Some of my closest providers have decided to just not bother with apricorns anymore and even prestigious apricorn farms up in the dry and cold Sinnoh have had a lot of duds in their latest harvests.
This is absolutely awful. If the climate itself doesn’t end with apriball making, the rising prices sure will.
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grape-soda-dreams · 1 year ago
Tera type change for Apriballs
Hello! I am looking for apriballs. I am willing to change tera types in exchange for them! The rate is 2 apriballs of your choice per type change. I also accept ability patches at a 1;1 rate. I don't have an unlimited amount of shards, so let me know ASAP if you're interested! My direct messages should be open!
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I will sound crazier, but the GS Ball, is actually Two! Apricorn's Or its one!
the Gold and Silver Apricorn! (Perhaps one as the GoldSilver Apricorn) but they were imbued with the energy of both the Silver Wing and Rainbow Wing, or by Lugia and Ho-Oh.
The reason why Celebi is summoned to the Shrine in Ilex forest while we placed the GS ball in said shrine. The GS Ball "acts" as a summoning item without the need of a traditional dance for Celebi.
I'm connecting a lot of dots for a stretched theory/idea
but remember Ho-Oh is the Guardian of the Skies, Lugia is the Guardian of the Seas, and Celebi is the Guardian of the Forest.
I'M connecting them together as Celebi is not fully a mediator to the two Legendaries, but how they're titled, I assume that they do not conflict with Celebi.
I know this is anime canon and anime to games don't mix.
The Legendary Beasts seem to interact with a Celebi in the Movies canons. ( I don't know if this is the same case in the Pokemon Specials Pokemon Adventures manga's as I have yet to read up on where this info might be half viable.)
So what I'm theorizing is, the Legendary beasts do seem to check on major area's. the Burned Tower (their home Lugia's partial returning home should it need to return.), the Bell Tower, and rarely visits the Ilex Forest. They're overseeing the guardian's homes should they appear.
Then in this theory, the ancient people who made the GS Ball made it in service of Celebi with the wings and Celebi present to make it as an offer to the Mythical Pokemon's status. the GS ball wasn't meant to capture Celebi, it was to Honor Celebi.
The reason Kurt was interested in its existence is, he's pretty old, he must've heard stories about this particular Apricorn Ball, and never actually seen it until the protagonist shows it to him.
It is because, the ancient people of Hiwada Town or Azalea Town, is next to the Ilex forest, the past people couldn't just walk from Ecruteak City to visit Celebi's shrine if someone told them word of mouth from wandering down to the forest if it was larger.
So they made a town with a most "recent" time hence why one city is older. Goldenrod City was partially the forest. And they don't have rumors around there saying " Hey a long time ago, if you heard a sound or a flash of light in the theory, there's a rumored Pokemon there." No one says anything of the like of Ilex Forest's history. As no one else but the few people spoke word of mouth about Celebi or the GS Ball, it is to make Celebi a mythical pokemon only glimpsed or not enough records about it other than a few witnesses.
And to keep its status, was the people didn't want to introduce it too much, if the Kimono Girls knew about Celebi, they'd also keep it a hush hush secret, no one else but the protagonists and those who are worthy enough are allowed to know about the Johto Mythical Pokemon.
Reminder this is all a theory.
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projectdreamball · 1 year ago
I have built up a collection of apriball, safari ball, dream ball, beast ball and sport ball Pokemon over the last several months.
If anyone has been lucky enough to obtain safari balls or sport balls from the cram-o-matic in Sword/Shield, I'd be willing to trade some shiny Pokemon for the balls on their own.
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mypokedextcg · 1 year ago
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#101 - Electrode Ball Pokemon Electric
"It stores electric energy under very high pressure. It often explodes with little or no provocation."
#101 - Electrode (Hisuian Regional Form) Sphere Pokemon Electric/Grass
"The tissue on the surface of its body is curiously similar in composition to an Apricorn. When irritated, this Pokémon lets loose an electric current equal to 20 lightning bolts."
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icys-junkyard · 4 months ago
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when one of ur wardens show up at the settlement at dusk to beg for sweets for his cats without knowing why
also at some point while i was sketching this, i hit some kind of key combo and it became this-
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pokemon-cards-hourly · 2 months ago
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macaroonkitti · 3 months ago
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Champion Lyra 🌸🌸🌸
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ginger-berrie · 17 days ago
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COLLAB TIME !!!!!!! My darling boyfriend @namelessheartz and I did a wedding collab of some of our faves for valentines day !!!!! I drew the lines for this one (Penny stardew valley w my farmer OC April!!!!) and he colored it!!! and vice versa for the other one (Makoharu!) !!!! Go to his profile to see the other side NEOWWW
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apricorns-n-ribbons · 5 months ago
Pumpkaboo - Have you ever carved a pumpkin? Do you plan on doing so this year?
As a woodworker I have carved many things, including pumpkins.
Not sure if I’ll carve any this year tho.
Might carve some of the shitty apricorns I can’t turn into safe balls, tho!
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hero-dualies-pog · 21 days ago
my sibling in homestuck what do you mean you never finished pokemon heartgold
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demonprinceryan · 25 days ago
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Yamper with a friend ball
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trainerjoshie · 2 years ago
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(2003) Pokémon E-series Aquapolis & Promo illustrations by Midori Harada 🤩🤩
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pokemon-cards-hourly · 6 months ago
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