#apprentice Evelyn
gavfleetout · 3 months
Anyone else really want Duncan to die in trr? (Note I haven’t read 7 yet idk if that happens) but if he did it’d be really interesting. Cassandra would be queen, we’d have the Queen’s Rangers, which would be cool. Also Maddie would be the Crown Princess and it’d be interesting to see her have to balance being a ranger with that new role and responsibility.
Also I really think Gilan needs an apprentice to go with Maddie on adventures I just think it’d be awesome. Bonus points if it’s a girl cause these corps need more woman.
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mrs-stans · 4 months
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@rubykaye1: A Megalopolis Cannes 💫
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the-0ther-mother · 2 months
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♡ Mid-year Book Freakout Tag ♡
No-one listens to my rants about the books i read in real life so I'll gladly subject to all of you on here to it >:)
i. the best book you've read so far: Assassin's Apprentice by Robin Hobb. (Read it once and re-read it again)
ii. the best sequel you've read so far: Act your age, Eve Brown by Talia Hibbert
iii. book that made you cry: The Seven Husbands Of Evelyn Hugo by Taylor Jenkins Reid. (But I'm an easy crier so there were many more)
iv. book that made you happy: Good Omens by Terry Pratchett and Neil Gaiman (re-read cuz i found the full cast audiobook)
v. biggest disappointment: BI: The Hidden Culture, History, and Science of Bisexuality by Julia Shaw. (It wasn't bad, i just expected it to be much more insightful and informative)
vi. biggest surprise: The Route Of Ice And Salt by José Luis Zárate. (Everyone should get their hands on this queer retelling of dracula from a mexican author)
vii. newest fictional crush: Jacob Wayne from Act Your Age, Eve Brown by Talia Hibbert. (Would burn down cities for him)
viii. favourite new author: Robin Hobb
ix. most anticipated new release of the second half of the year: Compound Fracture by Andrew Joseph White. (Already read an ARC and can't wait to re-read it the second it comes out)
x. books you need to read before the end of the year: The Body Keeps The Score by Bessel van der Kolk. Royal Assassin and Assassin's Quest by Robin Hobb. Titus Groan by Mervyn Peake. The Count of Monte Cristo by Alexandre Dumas.
Literally anyone who wants to join in can go ahead <3
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potatoesandsunshine · 2 months
maxwell trevelyan all you do is suffer...
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Fuckin uhhh
Demon twins au but make it Evelyn Evelyn flavoured
Danny and Damian are conjoined twins but instead of sharing a third leg and a torso they're just attached by the spine, I know it's possible, I just don't know the exact medical terminology at the moment.
They grow up literally watching each other's backs and taking care of themselves because Ra's demanded they prove they deserve to live.
Talia barely managed to make sure no one tries to assassinate them "as a test."
Eventually, something happens to kill Danny and though Damian would rather die with his twin than live without Danny, Talia makes the executive decision to have them separated because she can't bear to lose both when there's a chance she can keep one.
After the surgery, the only keepsake she has of Danny that she later gives to Damian is a chunk of fused vertebrae.
So Damian has to learn how to live without his other half, meanwhile Danny was put in the Pit to see if he'll come back.
Unfortunately, Clockwork decided to nab himself an apprentice that day and kept him in his Tower.
Fast forward in time and Damian is Robin and Danny is the new ghost king, both of them missing their other halves.
They have matching scars on their lower backs.
These identical scars are only discovered after summoning the ghost king for help keeping a big threat out of the planet results in many battle torn clothes.
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farming-for-affection · 5 months
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It's a page from someone's diary...
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an1d10t · 4 months
Currently at the part where will and Evelyn try to escape with the fishing boat and the boat starts to sink. And could’ve drowned
Like father mentor like son apprentice
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drunken-ender-art · 4 months
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The Clawthornes' Nightmare
"I see that my daughter took in an apprentice, and you accepted my eye. Well... make yourself comfortable... this is the Titan's Nightmare, where each and every Clawthorne is fated to end and rot to..."
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"I'm the last one... well, at least the last one not to succumb to the thirst of blood completely yet..."
Lastborn of seven, Dell Clawthorne watched all of his brothers, sisters and parents die during the Hunt or succumb to madness before he reached his twenties, becoming the last heir of the Family and Head of the Workshop.
When he got married with an Huntress, and was blessed with two beautifull daughters, he saw a ray of hope for his family; he would spend hours training and teaching the two girls on the ways of the Hunt and weapon crafting... but his dream suddently was fated to be snuffed one tragic night, when his mind ultimately collapsed and he was put down by his own blood... when he woke up in the Titan's Nightmare, he was faced with the horrifying truth: his family was cursed. An ancient and powerfull curse originated by sins now forgotten, and so he sought to uncover the truths of the Nightmare and free his family by the eternal agony they were trapped in.
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"...there they are... our family, drunk in blood..."
The Nightmare is home of the Hunters and Huntresses of the Clawthorne Workshop throught out the ages.
Generations of Clawthornes locked in an eternal Night of Hunt, in a state of perpetual feral drunkness, slaughtering the tormented souls of either innocent associates of the Workshop or, even worse, other members of the family that were unfortunate enough to become Beasts... sons, parents and relatives destined to be hunted by their own kin.
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The weapons of Hunters found in the Nightmare.
The Bonescutter is an heavy machete with a serrated blade, when turned into its tricked form, by a simple turn of the handle, it becomes a double handed heavy saw, cutting deep and causing the victim's blood to flow like a river.
Raptor Chains is a short ranged hook weapon with a mechanism which, when activated, release a long spiked chain that allow the blade to gain enormous range and to be thrown, so that it can hooks its victim. With a second activation the chain is retracted, pulling anything caught in its claw toward the Hunter.
Crushclaw, a claw-like blade mounted on an arm mechanism. Its tricked form is nothing short of an heavy brass knuckle, with the claw retracted and ready to spring back into his static form. The energy released by the blade is enough to breake the bones of the biggest of beasts. Many of the Old Hunters' weapons had claws/scythe like shape, in the image of a very old and important Hunter's weapon.
Boom-stick. A one handed mace that unleash all of its power in its transformed state: a long dual blade axe with a fire glyph contained in the central lantern, infusing the weapon with fire, a central element of the hunts of yore...
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"My daughter!!... pride and joy of House Clawthorne, now twisted into that... that thing!! Oh Gwendolyn... what have they done to our sweet flea..."
The perpetual hunt is only a part of the Titan's Curse to the Family. Hunters of the Nightmare are forced to face other members of their own family... those so wretched, despised or broken beyond salvation that took a bestial form even after their death in the Waking World... all that is left of them is scared, confused and mindless flesh to be slayed time and time again.
Death doesn't hold salvation for them, unless someone will put an end to the Nightmare.
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"The source of the Nightmare is shielded by the great Cathedral Castle, a bastion full of secrets and death, there the Host of the Nightmare resides... they protect the Nightmare's secrets... but the doors are guarded... a lonely Huntress tiredlessly stand guard on top of a red cardinal Palisman"
The witch Evelyn Clawthorne was the first person to come into contact with the two brothers from the Human World.
A free spirit, curious and determined to expand her knowledge of magic in hope to help others, she found immediate kinship with the two human scholars, and in time, kinship bloomed into love with the older of the two: Caleb. She was there when the Titan Blood was first administered and its effects discovered, there when they found the island beyond the fog, the child killed and the skull took back to the Boiling Isles, marking the birth of the Blood Coven... until the end of her days she would tell herself that all they did was for the greater good of both witches and humans; even when she stood next to Vicar Belos in the square as the beast's corpse was burned... her uniform still warm with her lover's blood.
In times now passed, she would use her sickle and dagger of siderite to gather plants and materials for rituals and potions, later on she refashioned the two tools into weapons of mercy: the template from which her descendants would forge their own instruments of death.
She was one of the last witches to use a Palisman, now a disused practice, and that loyal little palisman would later follow her into the Nightmare when her time finally came... together they still stand guard to protect the doors of the Cathedral Castle, and Host of the Nightmare inside...
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Scholar of the Byrgenwerth College of Salem, from the Human World, dreamer and passionate soul, Caleb Wittebane and his younger brother shared the dream that one day they would bring knowledge to humanity and shed the light of reason over the darkness of ignorance... a worldview developed from their upbringing in a society plagued by the Witch Trials... innocent people would be put at the stake out of fear and stupidity.
Their lives forever changed when they met the witch Evelyn and followed her into the Demons' Realm, a world of magic and wonder, that fueled their dream of discovery. So they began to work and study together: witch and humans side by side, with the common goal of pushing the boundaries of magic and knowledge for the betterness of both worlds.
The threes' goals degenerated into ambition of ascension and trascendental knowledge when they discovered the Titan's Blood and its powers: it didn't just boost the witches' natural powers, but granted the powerless humans with magic too, on top of miraculous healing effects and phisical strenghtening for both species.
But such power came at a dreadfull price. A curse. Both on the blood they so carelessly administered and consumed but also on the souls of those responsible for the great sin committed against the natural order... the Titan's unfathomable roars conjured into eternal torment for the guilty.
He was the first to fall at the hands of the Titan's Curse, becoming what he desperatly sought to avoid: a mindless, rabid beast to be killed and burned at the stake, like one of the innocent witches he longed to save in his home, a place his gaze would never again grace...
When he died, his twisted mindscape became the Clawthornes' Nightmare, and he was bound to the astral plane as its Host... his bestial body forever stripped of flesh and of the precious blood with which he indulged in so much. His bones scorched and ablaze forever in an eternal flame of suffering... guarding the secrets of his past and the true source of the Nightmare.
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"Woah there, girl... you don't smell the same as those blood drunked lunatics out there... no, no, you're sane... for now... a word of advice then, go back the way you came. Leave this nightmare and return home... secrets are secrets for a reason, and it would be a shame to cut off that pretty head of yours... so go back... return to your home and pretend it was all a bad dream... it's for your own good..."
When the Vicar first learned of the Curse, he hurried to prolong his mortal life through blasphemous and horrid methods... one such way was the creations of dolls-like grimwalkers made in the image of his dead brother... as they were born from Caleb's blood, those pitifull creations too are destined to end up in the Nightmare, so Belos equipped the first one with a silent bell, a cursed dagger and set him on a mission: to snuff every intruder and protect the secrets of the Nightmare... least the world knew of their unforgivable sin...
Oh boy, another big one! The first part of the Titan's Nightmare, another piece of the puzzle of the story of the Owlborne!
Still, this one was a very funny one, I had a blast designing the Old Hunters and their weapons, especially Evelyn and Caleb!!
At this point I can guess what will be the result, but why the heck, let's make a poll anyway!
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sepublic · 2 years
Dana Terrace officially released this!!!
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I guess this confirms we’ll get a new poster for each special... Can’t wait to do the “Finally I have them all” meme for the S3 posters!
This confirms basically what we thought, such as Hexside being a hideaway (room of hidden shortcuts returns perhaps?) and so forth... Will the ground come alive or is that just general Demon Realm appearance? Will King’s dad come alive, since the limbed aesthetic was confirmed to have come from an early idea of the Titan trying to regenerate?
The Collector dressed up King like himself shdjjsdkl it’s wrong but it’s also kinda hilarious and cute. Reminds me of what Tibbles did to King... Poor guy can’t escape being treated as someone’s doll. If you look closely, there’s a bandaid on King’s skull! Could the Collector not heal it, or did they not? Maybe King saw Luz’s scar and insisted he keep his to be Boo-Boo Buddies, wonder how King feels about that...
Is there any significance to just one half of the Collector’s face seen, or is it just for the blue poster? Will we explore another side to them, literally and figuratively, another personality? Are they the moon to Luz and/or King’s sun? King doesn’t have his collar...
I wonder if adolescence will play a theme in this episode, given these little kids and Hexside the school! And STILL NO ADULTS!!!! Did something happen unrelated to the Collector? The Titan Trappers? Covenscouts and/or Coven Heads who are in denial and blame the rebels for the draining spell? Will Luz have to handle the Collector first before she sees Eda again?!
If so, then these specials really are divided amongst the main trio as I suspected, with the first about Luz, the second King, and then finally Eda; Belos’ descendant, for whom it all started with in some ways, the oldest of the group. The parent Luz and King share, one of the central motifs of the show... The final confrontation with Belos involves Evelyn’s descendants! Go figure. Eda is a foundational concept behind TOH, not just for her house but the entire premise of an old witch mentor and her apprentice was what started it all! Back to the most foundational, conceptual roots...
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winnyswings · 8 months
Stardew Valley x Warriors Crossover AU [part 1]
Yeah. Because, why not? Let's dive into it!
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ᅠCinderclan (after Cindersap Forest) is an ancient cats' settlement in a rich forest, bordering the Rumbleclan (after Thunderpaths in Zuzu City) near the rock town of the twolegs, and several other clans. It is also surrounded by neutral territories of loners and vagabonds. ᅠUnfortunately, Cinderclan has been in decline for the last many moons. The camp is long overgrown, there are hardly any cats left, and no one is particularly interested in keeping the place alive. Cats come and go, leaving no legacy behind. ᅠThe last clan leader, Pelicanstar (Lewis), seems to have even begun to forget about praying to the Starclan. It seems to the cats that even the ancestors are no longer interested in watching the decline of the ancient place of many moons history. ᅠSometimes desperate loners come to the clan, and other days even the cats of the Rumbleclan, tired of twolegs' presence, escape into the wilderness to start life anew. Yes, it's harsh and cold here, but it's better than living in constant fear of being killed on the Thunderpath. Pelicanstar welcomes everyone, hoping that one day the clan will return to normal. ᅠBut hope comes out of nowhere. Young medicine cat apprentice, Skyeye (Maru), runs into her mentor, Herbwing (Harvey), one night with real terror in her eyes.
When they (farmers) come, the whole world will come after them. They will shatter the shadow with the light, shatter the light with the shadow, shatter all our lives and fates, and leave behind them a great legacy of an abyss of sorrow and joy. ᅠᅠᅠᅠᅠᅠᅠᅠ — «Big scary white cat ᅠᅠᅠᅠᅠᅠᅠᅠ with stars in his eyes»
ᅠThe prophecy terrified the little apprentice, and even the adult cats were unable to interpret it. The only thing left to do was to keep silent in front of the rest of the clan and hope that the huge furry ancestor had come to them with good intentions.
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part 1. made on closed line by СОМЗА (VK)
ᅠAt the moment, Cindeclan consists mostly of outsiders and their families, but there are still some natives left. Let's look at some of them!
Today we talk about bachelors!!!
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ᅠStrongpaw (Alex) — really strong, as named, young warrior, ready to defend his clan single-handedly. Fascinating both in appearance and in his skills, he trains day and night, inventing new techniques and methods. He had to come to Cinderclan after his parents' death abroad, and now he is even glad to have found his family again. ᅠᅠ— Strong: after Alex's strength and persistence; ᅠᅠ— Paw: his arms are kinda... You know. ᅠParents: unknown ᅠGrandmother: Primrose (Evelyn) ᅠGrandfather: Grumpy (George)
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ᅠRaincry (Sebastian) — shy young warrior, son of fire and shadow, afraid of his own origins. He was just a kitten when his loner mother came with him to the clan to seek refuge. His father, an unknown vagabond, left Frogkit with only a name….. And as much as he loved frogs, he decided to give it up, to give up the past completely. ᅠᅠ— Frog: he was given this name by his father, as Frogkit was born in a swamp; ᅠᅠ— Rain: the mysterious sadness, the moisture of night and the merciless cold; ᅠᅠ— Cry: he surely loves Frozen tears. And after the pattern under his eyes. ᅠMother: Mapleheart (Robin) ᅠFather: unknown ᅠStep-father: Shroombloom (Demetrius) ᅠHalf-sister: Skyeye (Maru) ᅠMentor (as apprentice): Stoneheart (Clint)
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ᅠSunstorm (Sam) — young mischievous warrior who really knows how to have fun. He is altruistic, willing to help, but also willing to destroy everything around him, rattle and seek risks in his life. More often than anyone else, he gets punished, and there was even talk of cancelling his initiation as a warrior… ᅠᅠ— Sun: for his bright golden fur and sunny personality; ᅠᅠ— Storm: RUSH AND BREAK AND ROCK AND SING. ᅠMother: Softpaw (Jodi) ᅠFather: Hawkeye (Kent) ᅠBrother: Lightkit (Vincent) ᅠᅠ— Later as Lightstorm after brother.
ᅠMentor (as apprentice): Hopberry (Shane)
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ᅠHerbwing (Harvey) — the beloved medicine cat of Cinderclan, who once dreamed of becoming a warrior, but realised that Starclan had prepared a different fate for him. He is assertive, determined, and incredibly kind to the other clan cats. ᅠᅠ— Herb: medicine... and fresh green eyes; ᅠᅠ— Wing: he dreamed of planes but was afraid of heights.
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ᅠHopberry (Shane) — skilled warrior that the clan doesn't even seem to know about. He doesn't show up at meetings, he's always missing, and he doesn't take part in the clan's life. Although someone spread rumors about his unique fighting skills… ᅠᅠ— Hop: i couldn't name a cat as beerkit or smth; ᅠᅠ— Berry: soft side. ᅠParents: unknown ᅠAunt: Wheatmuzzle (Marnie) ᅠGoddaugther: Rosekit (Jas)
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ᅠWavemane(Elliott) — elegant warrior who likes to spend time away from camp. He is poetic and beautiful in his statements, sometimes even helping to interpret omens. He remembers the history of the clan and preserves it. ᅠᅠ— Wave: the beauty of the ocean; ᅠᅠ— Mane: the beauty of his hair.
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That's all for Part 1! Comment who I should draw next and what to tell about! ^^
(12 years in warriors fandom into what)
also sorry for mistakes
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localebra · 4 months
Hench Women of Riddler
Echo & Query
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Technically fist appearing in Secret Origins Special Vol 2 #1 1989, but under the names Query and Probe. We will have to discuss all the different names before going into them as individuals.
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Detective Comics Annual #8 1995 is the first time they are who we truely know today as Query (Diedre Vance) and Echo (Nina Damfino). At the time working at a sex club called Pandora, they were petty crooks who decided to rob the Riddler after a heist. He was not only able to convince him to not Rob him, but to become his hired help.
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Quiz and Query help him with his game show host astetic in Batman: Riddler 1995.
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Along with dark skined twin version of Quiz and Query in The Batman and Robin Adventures #3 1996.
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Not a woman, but I must mention Kwiz Kid from Teen Titans Go! #15 2003. The Rival to the Robin and boyfriend to Kitten. He is rather a fan, apprentice or spn of the Riddler.
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Enigma the Riddler's daughter (Allegedly) first apeared in Teen Titans #38 2006 Joining the heroic team before shortly making an appearance in Gotham alongside her father to carry out his crimes. Eventually betraying the Titans along with Joker's daughter to Teen Titans East. Until being doubled crossed by Joker's daughter and losing to the Titans. Shortly afterwards while working with her father she was killed by him. Dark Crisi she was named Quinn Nash appearing in the Arkham Academy program inside Batman urban Legends 21 2023. Were it is stated father would go on to be mentally abusive. Pushing her to be just as smart as him, when she failed to show this, Riddler tried to kill her for not being as smart as him. Next appearing in DC's 'Twas the 'Mite Before Christmas (2023) #1 where she goes on a date with Batwoman and helps her unravel her father's plans.
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Quiz real name Miyu Tangram from Legends of the Dark Knight #2 2021. Marketed as Riddler's Punchline she sent him a riddle which led to an easy bank robbery. He had the wrong code for the safe and she revealed her self from the hostages in told him the code and to take her with him. A massive fan of his work and later on his lover.
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Miss Tuesday the Riddlers short lived sidekick in Batman: The Audio Adventures (Podcast) 2021.
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Enigma real name Evelyn Rhyme and actual daughter of the Riddler in Batwoman season 2 2021. In which she is a master hypnotist who worked for Black Mask and made Kate Kane think she was Circe Sionis. She effected many other but was killed by Ocean to prevent her from reversing her work on Alice.
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For thoughts I feel a story from the perspective of Query and Echo could be very interesting into aspects. Not only would it give us the inner workings of The Riddlers work, but a unique view as a henchmen. At no point of a stepped on or looked down upon unlike other henchmen. They are the lowest of below but they're on top of the Heap. In regards to the various children, partners and fans I think actively bringing them together could be something interesting. Maybe Riddler actively puts a test out there to attract people who are the same level of intelligences him. Trying to build a team to take over Gotham through brains instead of brawn. Project Daedalus it could be called and each of the characters could have a different specialization.
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Propaganda under the cut.
Betty Grof:
okay so picture this. you're a graduate student living with your fiance and he finds a magic crown that drives him crazy while he has it on. you run away frightened during this initial incident, and he never sees you again. one thousand years later he regains his self after being consumed by the crown and makes a time portal to apologise. you leave him in the past for him in the future and jump through the portal. you beatup an antimagic monster and dissapear. you become the apprentice to a powerful but mad wizard and steal his powers in a magical ritual, rendering him normal and you with the key components of magic - madness and sadness. you girlboss around for a while, you steal your boo's magic crown to try reprogram it and create an ai clone of yourself inside of it, but your plans get foiled but his vampire sort of daughter and her science nerd girlfriend. the ai of you and the him inside the crown hang out though. you try to go out on a date with him so he remembers. it doesnt work. after so many failed plans you eventually decide to try and just approach him as him. you've changed, so has he. maybe betty and simon are gone but magic woman and the ice king can have a future. his roommate freezes you and uses you as a magic battery to cast a horrible spell that transforms the world into an elemental landscape, where individuals are overwhelmed by their elements. he and some other guys save you and unfreeze you. you come up with a plan to reverse the elemental spell, and get the other guys to do your bidding. you betray them and cast a time spell to stop him from ever putting on the crown. you get foiled and sent to mars. the guy whose powers you stole is now the king. as penance you have to fill a pit with sand grain by grain. one of those guys and his brother are trying to save the other guy and you go through a freaky temple with them, where you confront how much you've given up for your lost fiance. you learn the wrong lesson. you summon the elder embodiment of chaos in an attempt to harness its power. it doesnt work. the world is going to be destroyed. you and he and one of those other guys are being digested in golb's belly, reverted to your original forms. you reunite with him - not magic woman and the ice king, betty and simon. you make out a bunch. harmony through song punches a hole in the chaos god's belly and you can escape. you stay. his crown has reverted to its base wishing state. you push him through and make your deepest wish. you wish for the power to keep him safe. you become one with the chaos god, merging with his very being. you are betty. you are golb. you have the power to keep simon safe, and you have lost yourself for it again. but it is done. the end of the world is over. he will go to the ends of the multiverse to search for you. you are gone. yeah i just think shes kind of a girlboss and definitely morally grey and itd be cool if she was here
Evelyn Wang:
Homophobic mother learns to accept her gay daughter by acquiring multiverse powers. Goes a bit over board with the nihilism at one point and ruins everyone's (everywhere all at once) lives but fixes it in the end. Makes her husband (the sweetest man in the world) sad multiple times in the movie because she feels her life would have been better without him but eventually realizes she hit the jackpot. A girlboss because of how much of a girlfailure she is ("Most people only have a few significant alternate life paths so close to them. But you, here, you're capable of anything because you're so bad at everything. You have so many goals you never finished, dreams you never followed. You're kiving your worst you.”)
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effortlessdeer · 2 years
Ahaha more proof Evelyn was a Clawthorne!
I present to you new evidence from For the Future. The portal destination as I thought turned out to spit them out in none other than Eda’s family backyard.
Here is is the gateway in Keeping up A-Fear-Ances.
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Here it is in For the Future.
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That is absolutely the same gate. This is also where Eda found the portal door buried.
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My theory here is, that the portal door always leads to the old house in the human realm. The house is Caleb’s old house(somewhat modernized sure, but still standing after all these years). While the gateway always lead to the Clawthorne’s abode. This is not only so Caleb and Evelyn(who clearly were a thing) could easily visit each other, but it’s also so neither gets stuck on one side.(It’s possible the gateway can only be opened from one side.
Anyway I really hope this is confirmed in the last episode somehow, but it feels pretty solidly cannon at this point. Lots of other things were pointing to this with the bird symbolism associated with the Clawthorne’s being seen with Flapjack, the box with the rebus, and the owl stopper on the titans blood. Also Eda’s dad Dell looks like he has a female cardinal palisman. Evelyn, Gwendolyn, Evelyn… The fact Gwendolyn knew about Philp Wittebane, and also the Clawthorne specialty of teleporting that Eda, Lilith, and Hunter were very good at. Caleb being a woodcarver and the Clawthorne’s specialty of carving palisman. Here’s hoping they find out and accept Hunter as part of their family. Maybe he can apprentice under Dell.
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irrelevant-iguanadon · 2 months
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Doing some concept doodles rn... franziska von karma you would LOVE the threaded cane
Anyways au rant under the cut
Okay so basically it's bloodborne but I'm swapping in ace attorney characters and changing a few things around so uh here are hy silly ideas/thoughts and feel free to dm me or reply with more ideas/questions if you wanna yap with me lol
Things aren't going to play out 1-1 with the game just because the ace attorney characters and their relations to eachother make that uh kind of difficult. For example, instead of the mentor & apprentice/ father & daughter relationshipof Gehrman and Maria (thats how I interpretit anyways), Pheonix is going to be Mia's apprentice, and he learned everything from her instead of the other way around. That's a relativelylight example but there will likely be more extreme examples. There will be something there that fills a similar role but not the exact.
Anyways, the major character swaps right now are:
Good Hunter (protagonist) -> Maya & Franziska (they're going through Yharnam together bc I want them to lol)
Gehrman -> Pheonix
Plain Doll -> Trucy (also fills messenger role)
Laurence -> Edgeworth
Ludwig -> Blackquil
Lady Maria -> Mia
Father Gascoigne -> Gumshoe
Iosefka & Imposter Iosefka -> Iris & Dahlia
Alfred the Executioner -> Diego
Martyr Logarius -> Manfred
Master Willem -> Misty Fey
Eileen the Crow -> Apollo
Vicar Amelia -> Ema
Simon the Harrowed -> Athena
Micolash -> Kristoph
Saint Adeline -> Lana
Djura -> Klavier
Those are the ones I have thought out but they are also subject to change. I'm undecided on what to do for the Chapel Dweller and the rest of the Oedon squad, the suspicious beggar, Rom, and Valtr for Bloodborne characters (as well as others I mightve forgotten), and I want to try and include Pearl (might swap her w/ trucy for the Doll role, still thinking on that one), Kay, and Sebastian if I can find a place they fit well, as well as some other side characters like Will Powers, Adrian Andrews, etc etc. We'll see what fits where though.
Certain human (or once human/human like) characters will likely remain the same like Queen Yharnam and Queen Annalise because it would be weird to change them, and all the great ones would stay the same as well.
As for weapons & outfits, most NPC's will keep their normal weapons and clothes (with maybe some small tweaks & color changes to match them a little better) with the exception of trucy if she stays as the doll and Maya & Fran, who each will have their own player character builds (who I might go through the game with to test out if I get bored lol).
Franziska: she's going to have the Old Hunter's outfit (with a few minor swaps & the hat switched to the Yharnam Hunter gear). Her weapons are going to be the Threaded Cane (obviously) and hunter pistol at first but she might switch to the Evelyn or another gun later (idk though I never mess with the guns much lol). She might also grab another weapon as her secondary (maybe beasthunter Saif or Rakuyo) but I'm not sure on that yet. If she uses any hunter tools it'll probably only be Old Hunter Bone & Beast Roar. Basically primary dex build with a small risk of beasthood (bc werewolf Fran.... 😳).
Maya's is going to change a little more with her having a strength/arcane build (I feel like it makes sense with the spirit channeling stuff lol). She's gonna start the classic Sawcleaver until she gets Ludwig's Holy Blade later and eventually the Holy Moonlight Sword (might completely skip the holy blade depending on how I decide they progress). She's not really going to have a left hand weapon but instead is going to have a lot of the arcane hunter tools, specifically ones like augur of ebrietas, call beyond, etc (she will get them in like their normal places though). I'm still thinking on her outfit in the beginning but I think eventually she picks up the Choir Set or Executioner Set (leaning towards Choir atm though).
I have a bunch of like other plot things I'm thinking about (why they're in yharnam, great one interference, how the doll happened w/o it being mia, you know).
Anyways this was a lot of yapping that I'm probably just gonna talk about again if I post the doodles so yeah. May the good blood guide your way squad.
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madamegemknight · 1 month
Okay I'm gonna finally. Ask about the MOTU playlist. Which is what I intended to do before all those other asks hit me like a train. Curious in particular about the inclusion of
GHOST - Honey I'm Home
sodikken - people eater
Brian David Gilbert - i wish that i could wear hats
(cracks knuckles) OH BOY HERE WE GO -
Honey I'm Home revolves heavily around two ideas - religion and parenthood - both of which tie in very heavily to Teela and her storyline in CGI. Teela has numerous parental figures; Man-E-Faces, who adopted her and who she ran away from as a young child, Evelyn/Evil-Lyn, who took her in as an apprentice, and Eldress, who was explicitly described as being like family to Teela (despite them having like two conversations at that point :P).
The "father" is Man-E - distrusting the World Above (and, as we learn in Season 3, following Eldress' orders), he tried to keep Teela in the Lower Wards, where she stayed until she "landed a gig" with Evelyn.
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The "moth" is then Evelyn, who is symbolically 'tied up' due to being just as much of a victim as Teela is, albeit from the opposite direction due to their role as Nemeses. Evelyn takes Teela in as part of a plan to use her, yes, but as the end of Season 3 and the few tie-in materials that discuss the Season 4 plans reveal, she's being used just as much when it comes to the battle between the Power of Grayskull and the Coming of Horokoth as Hordak's possible child. She's also tied up in the sense that she is irreversibly "tied" to Teela as her Nemesis.
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This leaves Eldress as the "God", the figure who controls the entire thing from behind the scenes. At first glance, this might not seem like an appropriate role for Eldress to slot into - despite her numerous wrongdoings, she spends her time alive as a guardian serving under King Grayskull, and her time as a ghost as...well, a ghost, unable to do anything except watch from the castle. However, when looking at two of the tie-in books (specifically I, Skeletor and Into The Void), the reasoning for her being the "God" is clear: Eldress is canonically responsible for the entirety of the series happening in the first place. I, Skeletor establishes that Keldor was supposed to be the heir of Miro that took the throne (chosen to be by RANDOR, no less), only for Eldress to burst in, transfer the throne to Randor, and then refuse to explain why she chose to do so. Her line about how she "cannot see the threat" is a lie as well - Into The Void establishes that she was fully aware that Horokoth (and by extension, Hordak) were coming, and it's the reason she chose to come to Eternia in the first place. While she isn't a puppet-master by any means, her actions were carefully planned in order to make sure Adam was in a position to gain the Power of Grayskull, and in doing so caused the entire series to occur in the first place. And while I, Skeletor is told by Skeletor, who is naturally an unreliable narrator, the end of the book has Teela establish that for the most part, he was telling the truth about this specific moment.
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The "there's so many things that you'll never understand" line is referring to how Eldress never explains any of this - she leaves everyone, but ESPECIALLY Teela, in the dark about critical aspects of not only her grand plan, but of their lives in general. In every other continuity where Sorceress hides her relationship to Teela, this makes sense as Sorceress can't tell Teela about their relationship without dooming Teela to her fate far earlier than she's prepared to deal with it - but here, it's so she can make sure Teela will "never go astray," as Into The Void establishes (via Teela meeting an alternate universe Eldress that's a bit more open about her past) that if Teela did know what Eldress had done, she would hate her.
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The repetition of "Three voices" in the chorus, whether it be "from the gramophone" or "all alone" refers to how despite what the show tries to claim, the fusion of Teela and Eldress into Teela Na is incomplete and illogical - it's not Teela Na who we follow for the rest of Season 3, it's Teela (with Eldress' memories in her head) occasionally switching into Teela Na mode in extreme emergencies. Three voices, not one, despite the show's best attempts to present it as otherwise.
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The "God devoured that of Father" line is one I don't take literally, but still fits in with the idea of Eldress enacting total control over everything, especially Teela. As I mentioned prior, she is the one who instructs Man-E-Faces to not only tell Teela nothing of her past, but to call her Teela in the first place, establishing a sense of control and regulating her destiny through Man-E. Eldress symbolically "devours" Man-E's role as foster parent by ensuring her regulations are still enforced through him.
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Finally, there are the lines "A vivisection of me/Done by God, for all to see." This is representative of the moment where Eldress and Teela "merge" - despite the show's attempt to have this come across as a positive thing, playing inspiring music and ending on Teela triumphantly talking about how Eldress ~isn't really gone,~ at the end of the day Teela has still been ripped open and had an entirely new person shoved into her mind and body, said person talking the entire time about how Teela has never been any of the identities she chose for herself. Notably, vivisection refers specifically to the act of viewing the internal structures of a living being, and by fusing with Teela, Eldress becomes part of that internal structure.
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tl;dr: Teela has religious trauma AND parental trauma, and they are the same person. and also 'her'. and this is treated as a good thing.
people eater is an interesting one - there are a few songs on the Teela side of the fanmix that are from Eldress' perspective, not Teela's. The goal of them was to come across as jarring compared to the others as a reflection on how even though the show presents Teela and Eldress as one unified being now, they're incredibly fractured and are in fact two completely separate people with two completely different sets of memories and opinions. people eater, along with Louise and Eat Your Heart, are about how Eldress ultimately views Teela as a means to an end and not as the family unit Teela perceives the two of them as.
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Teela sacrifices so much for Eldress, to the point where she gets her memory wiped in Lost in The Void for figuring out too much in her attempts to save her. Despite that, Eldress never gives up anything for Teela - any moments of "reassuring" her, like encouraging her to tap into the powers of Sorceress, are ultimately just further steps on the path to making sure her perfect plan succeeds. Eldress will never take care of Teela's needs, no matter how much Teela takes care of Eldress'. Ultimately, this stems from the fact that their relationship is inherently an unequal one; Eldress can talk as much as she wants about the two of them being two halves of the same coin, or more than who they are combined, but at the end of the day Eldress needs Teela to be alive again, and Teela doesn't. It is impossible for Eldress to give up Teela, because without Teela Eldress looses her chances of living again.
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And so Eldress lies. She lies about how Teela will be able to decide her own future and won't end up like Eldress. She lies about the extent of her involvement with the events that have permanently reshaped Adam's life and resulted in him having amnesia. She 'lies' to Ork-0 about the original Orko the Great lacking true heart (arguably this is true, considering Orko the Great worked with King Grayskull and was thus involved in the colonization of Leviathae, but in-universe it's revealed to be untrue so I'm counting it here). And what's notable is how whenever she lies, she isolates whoever she's lying to from the others, keeping them alone with her.
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And ultimately, this ends with Eldress using Teela for a second chance to live, without her consent or even explaining what she plans on doing. The first time Teela is informed about this connection with Eldress is the same time that she is merged with her, seemingly permanently though given the cancellation of the show we'll never know for sure.
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i wish that i could wear hats is tied very critically to two aspects of Ork-0 that I find incredibly interesting, but that the show never addresses.
First, he never gets a costume change. When he goes from RK Unit 1983 to Ork-0, he dresses up in an outfit similar to what the actual Orko wore...and then never changes it. The kids have their Master forms, Cringer has his prosthetic claws, Adam has his formal outfit once he rejoins the royal family, Krass has her Dark Master form...and Ork-0 never changes out of the outfit mimicking Orko the Great's, even when he starts working to define himself outside of the Trollan's influence. It gets to the point where the rest of the RK Hivemind start wearing palette swapped versions of the exact same outfit - this is not Ork-0's costume, this is somebody else's costume, and it's obvious to everyone involved.
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Second, he doesn't realize he's a robot until discovering that all the Trollans have left Eternia despite knowing that he's changed. He knows he's been out for a long time, he knows his body is different, and his bodily autonomy is stripped away from him by Kronis via Maker Override, something he remembers happening after the fact because it makes him even more insistent that he's a real magician. Combine this with the fact that the RK Hivemind instinctively do things like try to eat, and it becomes clear that Ork-0 has a massive disconnect between his actual body and how he perceives himself.
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Even actually meeting Orko does nothing to help, because it just makes it clearer how the outfit Ork-0 wears is a crude imitation of Orko's. Furthermore, while Orko manages to resolve his issues in the exact same episode he debuts, disappearing from the plot forever after that, Ork-0 ends up regressing even further, going from "robot with Orko's memories who is learning to be his own person" to "robot copy of Orko who just had to learn to believe in himself 🙃"
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The real tragedy of Ork-0 is that the show refuses to have him acknowledge anything about his robotic aspects and the clear trauma and body dysmorphia they cause him to go through, while increasing his ties to a figure that on a literal design level he is only meant to be an imitation of. Despite being created as an original character, he's reduced to nothing but "orko but robot" until the creator of the show himself seems to think that's all he is. His imitation costume has become his sole sense of identity.
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Rangers Apprentice Fantasy Headcanons if John Flanagan Actually Committed to the Bit
Ranger's oakleaf pendants are enchanted by the commander to be a tiny beacon of warmth whenever an apprentice/mentor duo are nearby to each other, and this persists even after the apprenticeship ends. This makes the game of Gilan trying to sneak up on Halt way funnier because the pendant warming is a dead giveaway, and makes Halt giving up his oakleaf to go find Will a much bigger deal because now there's no way to tell if he's getting "warmer" to finding him. When Horace becomes known as the oakleaf knight, his shield is enchanted too because he's basically an honorary brother to will let's be real.
The rule of "The cloak isn't magic, training is everything, trust the cloak" still applies, because they're not perfectly illusory, but they do shift color and pattern throughout the year to match the changing seasons.
Where do the wargals go after Morgarath is killed??? Do they all just die spontaneously? Run off a cliff like lemmings?? Get mass executed by the araluens? No! They've got a tragic history of being semi-intelligent war-slaves. Let me see a few refugee ones make their way to Malcom's camp along with the rest of the "freaks" he takes in, and be given a home, and have Will reconcile his (very valid and traumatic) fears of dealing with them before with the fact that they had no control over the situation back then.
On that note just let Malcom be an honest to the gods sorcerer, he deserves it.
When they're chasing the Kalkara in book 1, they pass through this plain with singing flutes. What's the deal with that?? I think this is a religious practice for a god. We know the Skandians practice a polythestic religion but only get superficial information. I want to know more about the rest of the world and I want Details Please and Thank You. A singing shrine for local spirits is such a cool worldbuilding concept that is left totally unexplored.
The ranger horses can still be a special breed that Halt stole from the Arridi, but they're semi-intelligent mythical creatures in their own right with a history full of lore. Give them a better reason for their mannerisms beyond just "good training". Every once and a while Tug pulls out some whacky power and Will's like "HOW LONG HAVE YOU BEEN HIDING THAT ONE." This is already canon.
It's been a while since I read books 5 and 6 where Alyss got kindapped that one time, but I vaguely remember there was this one hypnotizing jewel. She takes that idea and brings it back to the diplomats to research, refine, reproduce, and use. They start wearing them as necklaces to subconsciously influence the people they're talking to to agree with them on diplomatic missions. Lady Pauline strikes me as the type of person to not shy away from a little harmless mind control. After all she married Halt "forging a king's seal is totally ok" O'Carrick so the moral compass is. A bit wobbly.
Jenny's cooking position is also a secret potioneering apprenticeship and she send Gilan off with tons of healing potions because she worries about him coming home safe. After hearing about what happens to Will in Skandia, and what happens to Halt in Halt's Peril, she makes it her life's mission to develop antidotes to warmweed and other addictive/poisonous substances so that no one has to suffer those withdrawl effects and symptoms again.
Morgarath had a fancy enchanted necromancer sword that he used in the battle, and when Horace uses the double knife defense to block and kill him, the power translates to those two daggers. He doesn't use them ever, but carries them with him in case he's ever really. REALLY. desperate and also because he doesn't trust anyone else to keep them. Eventually, he gives one to Evelyn/Cassandra so she can keep herself safe in case of emergency and then they have cute evil matching couple knives <3
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