#apparently same with belle & beast
y2ashlee · 4 months
Leona Kingscholar x Female! Reader SMUT
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WARNINGS: Sex, bad writing, of character Leona but what fan written Leona isn’t.
That weird hormone perfume I saw advertised on TikTok.
Author notes:
As we know from the manga, Leona sleeps without a shirt on.
Are they dating? Yes. Is this the couples first time having sex with each other. Also yes.
I looked up mating rituals of lions so that was interesting. Like I knew the female lion was the boss in that case but it’s still pretty interesting. Anyway male lions with stroke or lick the female on their necks, shoulders or backs to initiate the males also bite the female to basically remain in control and it helps with ovulation apparently which sounds bullshit but I guess it works?. Anyway I’ll probs look up stuff for the other non human members of the cast. Though with the fae ones I’ll probably only use part of the animal that they’re associated with since dragons aren’t real and pretty sure Azul’s dick isn’t removable nor is it one of his tentacles.
Anyway also use protection.
The Prefect of ramshackle dorm had recently gotten herself a bottle of perfume from the school store that smelt lovely, and was on sale. But what she didn’t know was that it was enchanted to make whomever harvest strong romantic feelings towards the Wearer to act upon those feelings in someway Handholding, kisses, hugs etc whenever they smelled it. And unfortunately for a certain lion beast man, these feelings were tripled as his sense of smell was so much better than any humans. She had been wearing the perfume for about a month, still unknowing about the enchantment, but every time the two would cross paths he would get a huge whiff of her intoxicating scent, and when she was in the same room as him for a long period of time, or standing close to him, every time, it got stronger, this particular time she was taking a joint class with his class and surprisingly he showed up to class, but as soon as the bell rang, he quickly got up to leave to get away from her scent. He was stopped by deuce as he wanted to ask him something and she was standing next to him he sighed. “..what..” he said, gritting his teeth. “Sorry I just wanted to ask-..” Deuce said. “Ask, Ruggie.” Is all he said before moving past them to leave. “Are you alright? You look flushed and you’re sweating.” The Prefect asked reaching towards him pressing the back of her hand to his forehead. “My god. You feel hot!” She said surprised. “Do you need to go to the nu-“ He ducked away from her hand a sneer on his face. “I’m fine.” He said turning and walking out of the classroom. “A-alright then..” she said watching him walk away. He practically speed walked to the bathroom walking over to the sink and turning the water on splashing water on his face to calm himself as he let out a loud exaggerated sigh.
Leona retreating or running away continued for the next few days as the Prefect would try to talk to him and ask to hang out with him and whatnot yet he’d avoid any form of physical contact even after she had stopped wearing the perfume. But it was too late the enchantment was already in effect. While she was contemplating and over thinking that he didn’t want to be with her anymore he was trying to overcome all the sexual thoughts and not wanting to hurt her in his aroused and angered state. The smallest whiff of her scent put him in a foul mood because he couldn’t be near her until the enchantment wore off as he didn’t trust himself. But as he watched her from afar all those days he could see how much him avoiding her physically was weighing on her. He let out a yawn as he laid in bed staring at the ceiling trying to sleep fall asleep but finding it hard to do so he sighed grabbed his phone from the desk next to his bed and quickly send her a message.
Leona: Hey, Sorry I’ve been avoiding you.
He sent the first message unsure what to write next. He sighed a growl flowing from his lips as he rolled over onto his side burying his face into his pillow before feeling his phone vibrate before it rang. He looked at the screen seeing that it was her who was calling. He took a deep breath before answering. “..yeah.” He said already filled with guilt. “So, why have you been avoiding me?” She asked her voice soft and low like she was about to cry. He gulped before replying. “You know that perfume you’ve been wearing?” He stated. “Oh, was it too overpowering?” She asked. “Not exactly, it was enchanted..” Is all he said unsure how to phrase what he needed to say. “Basically, it makes me want to…” his voice drifted off. Thoughts of her roaming his mind. “…do stuff….to you..” he said softly his tail swishing slightly. His face flushed. “O-oh, OH!” She said her face also flushing. “Do you not want to do stuff with me..” she said biting her lip. He let out a groan like sigh. “Of course I do, I just-ugggh, I don’t wanna..hurt you..” he said biting his lip burying his face in his pillow once more. “..ok I see..” she said her face more flushed then before. “..are you in your room right now..” she asked. “Yeah..” he replied. “Stay where you are.” She said hanging up and putting her phone in her pocket. His eyes widened realising what she was intending to do. He sighed and put his phone on the desk before pulling the blankets over his head hiding from the cool moonlit night breeze.
The door opened with a small thud. “Sorry.” She winched at the sound before shutting the door slowly. She took a deep breath trying to compose herself before walking over to the bed. “Are you gonna hide from me now.” She said to the lump under the blanket. His tail flicked and swayed as it was free from the blanket which told her that he was happy she was there or annoyed she was unsure. She sighed and sat down on the bed. “It’s okay if you want to do stuff with me especially that kind of stuff but..at least tell me and..let me set the pace..” she said her face flushed as one hand gripped the blanket the other covering her mouth her eyes downcast as she bit her lip. He rolled over and sat up the blanket falling from his face showing his flushed face. “..are you sure?..” his voice low as his piercing green eyes stared at her. Her scent filling his nostrils engulfing him. “Y-yes.” She said removing her hand from her mouth and turning to look up at him with a nod. His eyes widened slightly his thoughts shattering as he lent forward his lips crashing against hers in a sloppy but passionate kiss his tongue pressing into her mouth roaming around like it hasn’t been there in years. He wrapped his arm around her gently pushing her to the bed his other hand caressing her head. He pulls away from her pressing his forehead to her’s as they both pant for breath he sighs breathing in her scent. “Sorry..” he mumbled in his gruff voice as he rubbed his cheek against hers before leaning down and rubbing his head against her neck and collarbone trying to get his scent on her and hers on him. His teeth grazed against her neck before licking it gently.
She let out a gasp at the roughness of his tongue on her neck. He sighed sniffing her once more. “Leona?” She said softly. His eyes widened his face flushing once more in embarrassment as he buried his face in the crook of her neck. “You smell good..” he said trying to shove his embarrassment away. “Is this a beastman thing? To sniff, lick and rub against each other?” She asked. “We also bite.” He said his mood turning sour his teeth grazing her collarbone as his piercing gaze stared at her neck. She smiled softly a small chuckle leaving her throat before she placed her hands on his head her thumbs gently rubbing his ears while her fingers massaged his head. He closed his eyes loving the feeling of her touch he’ll never admit it though. “So what kind of things did you think about doing.” She asked continuing her movements. “As long as I’m comfortable doing it then it’s ok.” She said. He stared at her for a moment before exhaling and sitting up pulling away from her. He stared down at her hands rested on her chest as she looked up at him her face flushed. His thoughts were scattered as he looked down at her pinned beneath him.
She placed her hands on he’s cheeks. “Leona?” She said softly. He blinked slowly bringing his face down to her neck giving it a long lick before biting down on it. Not hard enough to break skin but still leaving a mark. She let out a moan like gasp. “Ah! Leona, that hurt!!” She said pushing him away quickly before covering the bite mark with her hand. He scoffed with a chuckle as he rubbed the mark with his thumb. “..I wanted to pin you down mark you as mine and fill you with me..” he said his voice low as his hands gripped the bed beneath them. “O-oh my…” she said her face so flushed that it reached her ears as she covered her face with her hands taking a few deep breaths before replying. “T-then fill me with you. J-just slowly please.” She said her gaze meeting his as she placed her hands on his cheeks. He smirked before leaning down and capturing her lips once more biting her lip before slipping his tongue in his hands moving to her hips lifting her shirt his ruff palms moving against her skin as they traveled upward his thumbs slipping under her bra before pushing it up before cupping her breasts his thumbs flicking her nipples slightly earning a muffled gasp from her as she pulls away from him as they both breathe heavily. “Leona..” she says softly kicking off her shoes before pulling him into an embrace her arms wrapping around him as she kissed him. He smirked against her lips and pulled away from her as he slides his hands down to her leggings slipping them off along with her underwear. She presses her thighs together feeling the coolness of the night hit her exposed parts. He kneels on the floor and parts her legs kissing her thighs gently his canines grazing her skin slightly until he reached her slit leaving a long slow lick up to her exposed bud. She gasped and sat up at the unexpected feeling. All he did was smirk and pushed her down bring her exposed slit closer and licking it once more his fingers gently rubbing her opening before prodding it his finger sliding inside while his tongue licks her exposed bud. She quivers slightly squeezing her thighs together as they rest against his head. He continues to lick while he caresses her insides his motions becoming fast. She covered her mouth with a hand letting out a moan. He pulled away with a smirk as he slid in another finger thrusting them faster as he kissed her thigh before leaving another bite. His tongue licking it as she let out a moan her walls clenching around his fingers. He pulls out his fingers purposely dragging his fingers slowly as he wipes them on his pants before putting her thighs down on the bed. She
With her breathing slightly ragged she watches as he moves away from her and leaning over the bed and rummaged through one of the draws before coming back to her and leaning down and whispering in her ear. “Roll over.” He said in a gruff voice just above a whisper before he kissed her once more. She blinked a few times before nodding and rolling over onto her stomach moving so she was on her knees. Let leant down and spoke softly into her ear. “This is your last chance to back out.” He said a hand resting on her hip. She looked back at him with a soft smile. “Just…be gentle..” she says softly her hands gripping the bed covers. He lets out a scoff as he pulls back ripping a condom packet with his teeth mumbling a reply. “I’ll try.” He said letting out a groan as slid the cool condom over his length shuddering slightly at the feeling. He let out a shakily breath as he pressed his length against her wet outer walls. She looked away from him as she felt his tip prod her entrance obviously a lot more girth then his to fingers. He slid inside her wet walls letting out a grunt at the feeling of her heat around him. She bit her lip her walls clenching around him as she let out a sound she was unsure she could make. He grunted as he started to move keeping his pace slow his hands resting on her hips. She gripped the covers more every time he moved letting out soft almost unheard sounds. His ears twitched at those soft sounds as he continued his movements his tail swishing slightly as he leant over her his chest pressed against her back his thrusts speeding up as he wrapped his arms around her one hand groping one of her breasts the other caressing her stomach. She lets out a louder moan his ears twitching at her muffled moans as she hides her face in the bed covers her eyes clenching shut. He scoffs once more as he rubs his cheek against her head and leaving a lick on her neck before biting it once more. Her back arched as she let out a strangled sound before burying her face in the covers again. His thrusts only became more aggressive after that. Her walls clenching around his as he hit all different parts of her insides. His teeth stayed against her skin as his hips slapped into hers his movements rough as his breathing was rugged. She let out a loud low muffled moan her walls clenching around him as she shivered hitting her climax her eyes watering at the feeling of him inside of her. He continued his thrusts his movements staggering slightly as he shuddered as muffled growl like moan reverberating against her skin as he came. His movements stopped as leant against her his body weight enveloping her slightly his ragged breathing against her neck his teeth still pressed into her skin his length still inside of her warm wet walls his tail flicking.
“L-Leona?” She asked trying to turn to look at him the best she could but she could only see his hair. His piercing green gaze unmoving as he stared at nothing in particular. She reached up to try to shake his shoulder but all she could reach was his ear as her fingertips brushing against. “Leona!” She said slightly louder once more trying to get his attention. His eyes shifted around before he realised what he was doing and pulled away from her his eyes landing on the bite mark noticing that it wasn’t bleeding. He gave it a lick before pulling away removing himself from her completely. “Sorry.” He said in his gruff voice as he fixed himself discarding the used condom in the bin. “Get up.” He said she nodded and slowly got up staggering slightly. He pulled her to him before pulling the bed covers down and helping her into the bed before following her pulling them over the two of them. He lets out a huff and wrapped his arms around her and sniffing her content that she smells like him. He relaxes before falling asleep. She sighs but cuddles up next to him knowing that there’s not way she would be able to leave.
Jesus Christ what the hell did I just write… anyway hope you enjoyed this garbage and requests are always open. Next up is Ruggie hopefully it won’t take me as long to write it but who knows.
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utilitycaster · 1 year
In honor of that poll, which has apparently been answered by a bunch of loser rogue-fuckers, and was also written by someone who doesn't even have the update that gives you twelve poll options, please have a good ranking of sexiest D&D 5e classes, from me.
This only has the 13 officially published 5e classes so do not ask me about classes that are not that. Also, the existence of a handful of sexy or unsexy characters of that class does not a sexy or unsexy class overall make. I'm sure these two statements will not shut down all annoying people but by god I hope they shut down some.
Paladin. Self-explanatory: if you don't agree, you better explain yourself, unless you think they are outranked by...
Wizard. As Liam O'Brien said, what's sexier than wizards? And I said "paladins, but no one else." I'm also going to fuck up an Octavia Butler quote and say that her journal did not explicitly state that single-minded devotion is sexy but it is, and that's why wizards and paladins are, undisputably, the top two.
Warlock. Would be higher than wizards on the basis of sheer raw charisma but some warlock classes (archfey, hexblade) are extremely sexy and some are...pots in need of very unique lids, shall we say.
Bard. This is for competency and knowledge of mythology and musical instruments. If you're into some kind of memeriffic 20 CHA 7 INT Roll To Seduce bro shit, get the fuck out of here.
Ranger. Their combat abilities are not as great as they could be but this is also without a doubt the class that will invite you over and make a delicious foraged mushroom risotto and have lit candles they made themself. They are good with animals and can identify constellations. Entire package.
Barbarian and Fighter are tied. Do you prefer a flow state and passion or do you prefer dedication and persistence? Axe or sword? Raw power or precision? Equally valid; it's a matter of personal taste.
Cleric. One of the gods thinks they're special; it's hard not to be drawn in by that. Also, healing is the sexiest magical ability. Points off for the possibility of sanctimonious behavior.
Druid. This is just personal taste but I would find it weird if my partner was sometimes a giant scorpion, and I feel rangers are just the far sexier nature-loving option. People for whom druids are #1, I see you, I respect you, I disagree with you, but I do think you're valid.
Monk. Here's the problem. Yes flexible; everything else is kind of a solid "eh" for me. Honestly I think it's because D&D separates out dexterity and strength even though monks technically need both, and so the low-strength monk archetype really doesn't do it for me. It's not unsexy but it never wows me, and honestly in real life martial arts is usually more an aesthetic joy than a sexy one for me.
Sorcerer. Often physically attractive but I do not love a nepo baby, and absolutely the class least able to make you breakfast. Class most likely to attempt to make you breakfast and manage to fuck up scrambled eggs.
Artificer. Love the class but unfortunately I can only think of Belle's father in Beauty and the Beast (1991) when I think of what an artificer looks like. Wizards claimed the hot nerd spot; artificers never had a chance.
Rogue. Anyone can wear black leather. Anyone can twirl a butterfly knife and the ranger is going to be better at using it. You know what rogues are best at? Leaving through the window without waking you up. That's it. Bards have the same skills and then some and they're hotter by design. There are other classes with superior physical skills. Burst damage is already not actually that useful in 5e combat and even less so in the bedroom.
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cherrybloosomgirl29 · 12 days
Wade and Logan Full House AU
Summary: Jubilee’s new family calms her nerves before her first day at the Xavier Institute
A/N: Sorry if this is short I want the first part to introduce the characters and their dynamic.
Here is the AO3 Link
Jubilee stares at herself in the mirror. She carefully arranges her pixie cut so all the pieces lay down perfectly.
She was nervous. She knew how prestigious the Xavier Institute was. She knew she would be surrounded by classmates with awesome powers and much more training and experience than her.
She had only been living with her new foster fathers, Wade and Logan, for a month. The first couple weeks were meant for her to adjust to things after being attacked by sentinels. She was saved by Logan and the rest of the team and brought quickly to the med center where she was helped by Jean Grey and Beast.
Jubilee heads downstairs sliding down the banister to get down fast. In the living room Rogue and Kitty are packing their lunches, Jubilee looks at the other girls slightly nervous. Rogue, is a cool girl with the power to steal others’ powers, energy, and even life with the slightest touch made; and she still manages to carry herself with a southern charm.
“Good Mornin’ Sugah,” Rogue says as Jubilee steps into the room still trying to shake off her nerves. “Look, my first day at the institute was nerve wrackin.’ It’ll be alright you have us hun.”
Jubilee smiles at Rogue, even though she was intimidating Jubilee knew Rogue was looking out for her always.
Suddenly, Wade and Logan come inside from their morning workouts, Laura with them. Because she has the similar powers and abilities to her father, Laura always trained with him during his workout sessions. Although she was the youngest of the four girls, she was the one who intimidated Jubilee the most. With her quick temper, razor sharp adamantium claws, and withering scowl, she was like a smaller scarier Logan in many ways.
Logan approaches Jubilee with the closest he can get to a smile and says “you got everythin’ you need?”
“yea I think so…” she says a bit nervously, what do you bring to mutant school anyway? Would there even be normal classes there? She hopes not, she’d rather be playing video games.
“Hey kid, It’s gonna be alright. It may seem a bit scary but the institute was made to help people like us okay?” Like us. For the first time Jubilee truly realizes she is around people that understand her. She takes a deep breath, Logan’s words reassure her and she knows that at least she won’t be casted out because of her mutant powers.
Wade hands Jubilee her lunch; he picked out a unicorn themed lunch bag for her. “Don’t tell Logan but I put mostly sweats in there,” Wade said.
“Thanks,” Jubilee lets a small smile slide past her nervous demeanor as she takes the bag. Jubilee finishes packing her school bag then lets out a small sigh as she waits at the door for her three foster sisters to finish getting ready for the day. Kitty, Rogue, and Laura walk to the front door at the same time, their differences apparent immediately.
Kitty is wearing jeans, a slightly cropped teal shirt, a high ponytail, and a pendant necklace, she exuded casual coolness.
Rogue, wearing a black crop top, black doc martins, and a black miniskirt looking all the southern goth she is.
Finally Laura walks over wearing her pink sunglasses, sweatpants, and her unicorn shirt (Wade is rubbing off on her).
Jubilee looks at the three girls shocked they were able to get along.
Jubilee is about to head out the door when she feels Logan’s rough hand softly grab her hand. “I’m walkin’ you girls to school, okay? Just for a little while you lot are still young and you're still healin’ from your attack.”
Jubilee nods; her former foster parents never gave her this much care in her entire life. “We are fine Logan, they got me protectin’ them,” Rogue says in her southern belle accent.
“Yeah if your worried about Jubilee she’s got us, plus nobody's ever gonna get past Laura,” Kitty chimes in. Jubilee smiles, she’s never had people she just met be this nice to her before.
Logan smiles “It seems like you girls are already ready to protect your new sister; but I’m gonna walk you lot to school anyway.”
Wade hands Logan his morning coffee, “I’m coming too,” he says smiling at his husband and the girls.
“Just maybe I’ll have a real family this time,” Jubilee thinks before taking Logan’s hand and waking to her first day at the Xavier Institute. Her new family by her side
tags: @logictoinsanity @mxtokko @it-s-tickety-booh @bondilluns @rheedeservedbetter @badassturtle13 @king-kage124 @chika-the-terrible @star-lights-up @leezeokami @roryshitposts @lurplemelon @jp6963 @mavratt @brainrotonpoint @random-fandom-stuff @jen-with-a-pen @amym30 @iamonlypartlymajestic @lendario01 @california-boys-and-sun @lammergier13 @colorfulroadzipperturkey @swaggingblones @ashthebonehead @ghosts-can-draw @incorrectateezforatiny @nanosorcerer
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12pt-times-new-roman · 6 months
Rashina gives the Bells Hells a task so they can prove themselves valuable to the Volition. They are in the midst of plotting to topple the Weave-mind and free the people of Ruidus from the Emperium; they are willing to give anything and everything for the future of Ruidus.
Rashina is slow to trust -- her father was a very trusting man, "and all it took was to trust the wrong person once." But the Volition is running out of time. She brings them to a war room-like area with a central table, and one of the people in here -- Gaztomo -- has some small, fungus-like creatures (mycits) as pets.
There are hundreds of thousands of mycits that work throughout the city -- they have no political leanings, but they're useful, like giant fungal isopods.
The reiloran variants were once a singular people, but over time, the Weave-mind genetically engineered or selectively bred the telepathic abilities out of many reilorans -- they have fundamentally altered the evolution of the entire species to their ends. Their forms are withered, taxed beyond even their stretched lifespans, and the same five have been in power for over five centuries. They can psychically project their minds all over the moon, and can inhabit the minds of reilorans who have been marked with a device at the back of their necks. Every civilian of Kreviris is marked, and a potential extension of the Weave-mind. They have extremely powerful wills, but although they can look at anyone and everyone, there are still only five of them -- and the Volition, which was apparently established by Rashina's father, ensures that their members have their marks carved out.
Reiloran children are brought to the Arks Crionum (the citadel) shortly after birth to be marked. The marks are biologically-engineered, organic implants.
Ruidian society has been "reset" by the Weave-mind at least four times, Kreviris has been rebuilt at least twice and the central pillar has been the only constant thing.
Exandrian gods have no reach on Ruidus. There are no miracles here. All that they have is each other, the promises of the Weave-mind, and the occasional whisper, the promise of belonging, from below. The Weave-mind is the interpreter of Predathos' whisperings; but Predathos does not speak directly to Ruidians because Exandrians are ultimately more useful to its plan of escape.
Before the Weave-mind, there was a collective of societies across Ruidus; the Emperium rose among them, and there was an event called the Crush nearly three centuries ago that destroyed them and allowed the Emperium to rise to ultimate power. This corresponds directly to the fall of Molaesmyr.
Within the citadel, the Weave-mind has a massive collection of bio-engineered tools and weapons, and those are what allowed them to come to power.
In addition to the flares, Ruidus also experiences quakes; they're rare, happening once every few years, but like the flares they have also been increasing in frequency. The Crush was a series of quakes so strong that it destroyed the majority of Ruidian society, reducing nearly everything to ruins.
The Dominion of Kruth -- Kreviris' military branch -- is headed by Oko Kruth, whose bloodline has a particular psychic connection to the beasts of the land. "If you see them, run -- or end things real quick."
The Tectis are Kreviris' upper echelons, politicians, police chiefs, enforcers. nobles -- they're an eclectic bunch, paranoid, and while most are in the pocket of the Weave-mind, some of them are aligned with the Volition. (I'm really trying to ignore Matt's Bioshock reference with the "ace in the hole" thing here.)
Ludinus has been running a deep excavation underneath the "prime pillar" of Kreviris, and shuttling strange artifacts there from the bridge. (I'm also trying very hard to ignore the way that Rashina's inflections mirror Essek's.)
To many Ruidians, Predathos is the closest thing they have to religious faith. What Rashina knows is that since the Vanguard has arrived, the Emperium has been ushering in an air of excitement among the populace with the promise of relocation to Exandria. There have been celebrations across the city, demonstrations in the streets. She doesn't know what it means for Ruidus; but she believes the intent is for those who are loyal to the Weave-mind to go to Exandria. "The only reason we know our life is so hard here is because we compare it to what we see in your dreams... we see feasts, holidays, miracles and... here, there is dust and survival. There is joy to be found here; but it's one thing to not know otherwise, but most nights, the basis of comparison is put in our faces." The Weave-mind is responsible for those dreams.
The Weave-mind also, when they came to power, destroyed every historical text and record they could get their hands on, and the Volition has nothing left of it.
They begin talking about their plans for the morning.
First, a detonation at Ludinus' excavation beneath the pillar that would let the Volition recover some prisoners. Sorrowlord Zathuda is overseeing the excavation at the moment. One among their number is already helming this move: as she gestures to him, Ira Wendigoth emerges from the shadows.
Secondly, an infiltration mission: one of their spies, Everoa -- a bormodo scientist tangential to Ludinus' experiments with Aeorian technology -- has gone missing, and needs to be recovered. She was working in the Coloquium of Candescence at the base of the citadel. Last the Volition heard, she was working on a device or weapon for Ludinus.
Thirdly, there is a rescue option: numerous Volition members and Exandrians who opposed the Emperium were taken hostage about a week ago. Rashina gestures to a green dragonborn in the shadows, who's leading the expedition: Bizoden Amari, who is a champion of Bane, the Strife Emperor (another one of the lawful-evil Betrayer Gods) and came here on behalf of him. She looks at FCG: "you smell of a broken road... Freedom brings all to ruin in time."
And lastly, the secret fourth option, led by Gaz himself: a mission to assassinate Liliana Temult.
They are given the night to sleep on the decision.
Imogen expresses similar feelings toward the prospect of killing her mother as before: it would take a lot to redeem her, with nearly 30 years of working for the Emperium under her belt. She's worried that she'll try to stop it. At the same time, she recognizes that she never really knew her mother, and her situation is very similar to Fearne's, whose estranged father is running the excavation.
Laudna also points out that they're going on one of these missions to gain the trust of the Volition, so to go on one of them for their own personal gain instead could jeopardize that if it fails; while Orym points out that if they succeed in killing Liliana, this mission is her last chance to talk to her.
I'm already partial to going to find the scientist because they might encounter more Aeorian technology, but it's also interesting that no one has mentioned that doing that one could also yield more info about FCG.
FCG uses the coin to ask the Changebringer whether or not Imogen's mother is redeemable. When the coin flips, it usually has this ring to it, but here it's silent, and it lands squarely on its side -- "unsure."
Gaz comes back, and Imogen convinces him to tell them about the assassination. They recently discovered that she's been held up in the Woven Music Grand Hall, gathering a lot of Exandrian ruidusborn there. Imogen learns that there are certain devices that can interrupt thought-eaters and some psychic abilities. I need someone to insight check her, please
"You're working on a lot of assumptions that your mother is redeemable... an estranged parent is just a stranger who can make you believe any bullshit." Ashton is completely right -- every time they've encountered Liliana it's been "this one last chance," over and over again. If Imogen tries to reach out to her, there is the incredible risk that she will expose them and the Volition -- and on only Imogen's word, they sacrifice the trust the Volition has given them, they take the risk that Imogen will be pulled in to Predathos, they take the risk that Liliana will pinpoint her location, and they ensure that Ashton has disadvantage on basically everything during whatever excursion they go on. (Imogen constantly gets her way with this party, and someone really needs to call her on the bullshit she's pulling before it gets them all killed.)
Imogen decides to reach out to Liliana. In the dream, it's just color and warmth; then, a light, and Liliana appears curled up in a ball, hovering in the air.
Liliana explains that she thinks she's opposing Ludinus, she's pulled him back from the edge -- and she is saving people, there are Ruidisborn children here who she's protecting. But she's still convinced in his mission, that setting Predathos free will free them all, that killing the gods is an overall good thing. She wants Imogen to believe that she loves her, but she's never shown it; doesn't deny that she would kill Imogen if she had to. She thinks that she can guide Ludinus' plan down the right path, but still believes in the end goal -- she thinks she can do it safely.
"If we do this right, maybe we can all go home. [No, mama. You're lying to yourself. They're lying to you. Ludinus is an evil, evil man, and he's gotten into your head.] History is full of evil men. Few have the courage to stand up and try to stop them. I don't think we're on the opposing side like you think we are, we just have opposing methods, that's all. Please see it in yourself to understand why I've given up all of this. [Maybe it's your turn to run.]"
They decide that it's not a good idea for any of them to go on the assassination mission -- Imogen because she couldn't handle it (which is perfectly understandable, my god), and everyone else because she wouldn't forgive them if they had a hand in it.
There are a lot of good things coming out of this -- FCG acknowledging that the gods are gray, Imogen recognizing that her mother isn't going to flip sides, Laudna not instinctively taking Liliana's side against the gods.
Chetney gets at something they really don't have an answer to: sure, you might think the gods are tyrants, but why? What's the underlying motive there? There needs to be one. I personally think that Ludinus wants to make a massive power vacuum so he himself can fill it, but it could be something else.
"Sure, I can see the tyrant in the gods, but I can see the tyrant in the man too." "We're not all that different, gods and mortals."
Luckily, the Bells Hells do know some basics about the Divine Gate and its purpose to keep divinity separate from Exandria, and Orym knows that it wasn't that long ago that Vecna got banished behind it. They are of the general consensus that releasing Predathos would be bad if its true intent is to destroy the gods; but where they're unsure is what will happen to Predathos, and more importantly Ruidus itself, if Predathos is not released.
Also, I was wrong, Ashton only gets disadvantage on ability checks, not attacks. Which is better, sure, but that means disadvantage on stealth, and all of the available missions are at least partially stealth-based.
As they wake up, the Volition base is buzzing with energy.
Fearne goes to find Ira as he's making some bombs. His plan is to cloak his team in illusions, sneak into one of the more recently-constructed tunnels, plant the bombs on the drilling devices there, and explode them. Also, Ira did previously know that Zathuda was Fearne's father, which really complicates Ira's relationship with the Calloways -- but his ire with Zathuda is because he's had bad dealings with the Unseelie. Ludinus stole his designs and is trying to change the course of history without giving him credit.
Ira also has a theory regarding Fearne's birth: "In my mind, it seems that Ludinus and the Vanguard's interest involved creating as many Ruidisborn as possible, in the hopes that the few odd children might be born special (read: exaltant). You were halfway there."
Fearne does want to see Zathuda, but it's not the same as the situation with Liliana because Zathuda isn't very likely to actually die during that mission -- he might not even be there.
Imogen and Laudna talk about Liliana. "As someone who loves you, I can't imagine abandoning you." "But you have another power pulling at you, don't you? I thought we got rid of Delilah, we beat her, but as soon as we split up, you fanned that ember back into a flame and now it's bigger than ever... but I can hate Delilah, and love you." Imogen doesn't know if she'll ever be free of Ruidus, and Laudna doesn't know if she'll ever be free of Delilah, but "if getting rid of Delilah means getting rid of you, I don't think that's worth it... I just wish I knew why you gave her power again." "I didn't mean to -- it wasn't a choice. She never fully left." "Are you telling me the truth? You wouldn't lie to me again, right Laudna?" OUGH--
They kiss. "I will never let you go. And if you need her, then that's my answer." "But what if by holding on to you, I'm holding you down? You are destined for greatness. We can all pretend that we're special, unique maybe -- but not the kind of special that you are. Everything is being set up, is being staged, for you to be the savior of Exandria." (oh I hate this narrative but I love how illustrative it is of the dysfunction they need to address--) "Laudna, if you weren't holding me down, I wouldn't be saving anyone but Predathos. I would be gone."
It's so interesting how Laudna is interpreting the narrative surrounding Imogen as opposed to Imogen herself, and how she's superimposing that narrative over Imogen's own agency. It's an extension of her codependence, sure, but it's also a projection of the issues Laudna has with her own agency in relation to Delilah, and it's just so complicated and I want to SCREAM (/pos)
(The sasquatch-like creatures are Quinakkas.)
Ira has built a series of screech plumes, which disrupt and scramble both magic and psychic abilities. The Volition will use them in the assassination attempt. It is implied that the design of these were based on the Aeorian disruption devices the Bells Hells found earlier.
They enter the war room. Today is a day of action. They decide to split up: FCG, Ashton, and Fearne will go with Ira to the detonation site, while Chetney, Imogen, Orym, and Laudna will go to the citadel to retrieve the bormodo scientist. All told, these are pretty good group makeups -- and the addition of a reiloran caster to the infiltration group and Ira to the demolition group rounds out the party makeup. The only thing Team Infiltration is missing is a healer, but with Laudna's wither and bloom plus the fact that most of their stuff refreshes on a short rest, I think they'll be alright.
Just before they head out, FCG pops a greater restoration on Ashton to clear their last point of exhaustion. Also, the reiloran mystic casts both invisibility and see invisibility on the entire team. Meanwhile, Ira casts seeming on the demolition team, and they take on the guise of quanikkas, bormodos, and -- for FCG and Mister -- mycits. (Ira himself is a thought-eater reiloran.)
Thankfully, at the last minute, Team Infiltration -- which has no full healers -- takes a bunch of the health potions.
I'm very curious as to whether Matt is going to split the teams up and introduce guests, or if he's gonna switch off every half hour or so. I'm leaning toward splitting them up, but we'll see.
As they descend, they see a society -- children, little flying creatures, a weird faccimile of Exandrian architecture. Music -- there are musicians here. Towers that are filed-down or half-remembered elvish, nearly-dwarven buildings -- this is a society based in a mixture of disparate interpretation, and in being so, is wholly unique and uniquely beautiful. Only then do they notice the Dominion of Kruth, thick in the streets -- the sound of drills being run, the sight of war machines and armored juggernauts, training in what feels like preparation for a move to Exandria at some undesignated future time.
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cevansbrat0007 · 1 year
I love all the discussions you put into your work about body insecurities and it made me wonder: Do Ari or Andy ever have any body issues? Andy especially, I wonder if he gets a little worried as he gets older/eats more of Baby Girl’s food?
Yes, they do. Although both men tend to present themselves as being totally secure with their bodies, they do have their moments.
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Andy is roughly seven years older than Baby Girl. And he does occasionally find himself worrying about the new flecks of gray in his beard. It's also migrating to the hair on his head. And at first, he had a pretty hard time dealing with it.
He even thought about coloring it, until his wife stopped him. Knowing he was in need of reassurance, but was probably too proud to say it out loud, she took it upon herself to find small, quiet moments to softly reaffirm just how attractive she found him.
Baby Girl will be the first to tell you that she loves the salt and pepper look he's got going on these days. And she shows it by complimenting him as she runs her fingers through his hair after a long day of work. Or by dragging him into the nearest closet for a toe-curling quickie when they can sneak away from the kids.
Our girl is very, very verbal about certain things. And she knows that her man needs that from her. The same way he needs her touch.
As for his figure, Andy still makes it a point to work out every day because of his wife's cooking. But let his Baby Girl tell it, all that good food she makes goes is going straight to his ass. Which is why she tries to squeeze it every chance she gets.
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Now, onto Mr. Ari "Beast" Levinson. This man of few words was actually insecure about his scars. He's got several on his chest from his formerly reckless days of chasing down bad guys. Two are from knife wounds and one is from a stray bullet. But his most impressive scar he received came from his attempt to take down a naked man who was wielding a Katana.
He also has a six-inch scar on the right side of his torso that he earned during his time serving in Afghanistan. However, he doesn't like talking about that one too much. But maybe he will one day...
With the right woman.
In addition to the marks that adorn his body, he suddenly became concerned about the apparent roughness of his hands when he met Bird. His deliciously curvy southern belle was just so soft and sweet all over, and he honestly couldn't fathom why she would allow him to touch her.
And he didn't want to do anything that might sully that sweetness.
He worried that his coarse demeanor, his rough around the edges personality might inadvertently damage the seemingly delicate shop owner. So you can imagine his surprise one night when he awoke to Bird looming above him, lightly whispering gentle kisses over each and every mark.
Ari has never been the type of man to cry. He's not against it by any means. If anything he shed a tear the moment his feet stepped back on U.S. soil after both of his deployments. But that night...
That night he found himself overwhelmed with emotion. And then he took her into his arms and proceeded to make love to his woman so slow and sweet until he forgot where he began and she ended.
Bird positively adores him. And while she may not yet be okay with public displays of affection, she makes a point of holding his rough, battle scared hands whenever they're together. And he finds himself grinning like a fool whenever she kisses his knuckles.
Well, I hope that answers your questions. Thanks for the ask!
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taeraerizz · 1 year
live, laugh, love taerae
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「taerae x gn!reader」 genre: fluff
summary: you love taerae. he loves you. and how does he show that? through a convenience store date of course :)
warnings: snacks and a grave is mentioned? +all in lowercase
wc: 725 (not really proofread)
a/n: i've never written a fic before, i have no idea what im doing so pls give me feedback or any reccomendations. if something does not suit a gn!reader or i missed out on any warnings pls tell i would hate to be that person 😭. please interact w this fic in any way if u liked it. besides that pls be kind and enjoy taerae's love. dont forget to vote!!
the town was slowly starting to settle down as the night passed by. the only thing brightening up the street being the convenience store behind you as the dim light of the lightpost seemed as if it hadn't been replaced for the past 4 years. traffic was few, only a couple of taxis and buses carrying tired workers back home. and if it wasn't for the loud chime of the bell of the conveniece store door, you could swear that you were able to hear your mum watching her favourite tv show a few roads down.
"y/n!" you lift your gaze up from your slippers to meet the pair of eyes whose owner gifted you with them just last week. apparently he saw them in a stall on the side of the road and its cute ears reminded him of you. the pair of eyes that held so much comfort that you didn't think it was possible that an actual living human could have such mesmerising eyes. the same owner of that contagiously genuine smile that would brighten up even the gloomiest of days. oh, and the owner of that charming voice that got you hooked from the very first conversation held between the two of you. the beauty of kim taerae was limitless.
"y/n, i got you something special!" taerae announced as he started to lightly jog his way to your seats with a plastic bag in his hands. "well you took almost a century in there so i sure hope you did," you chuckled with a teasing tone. he squinted his eyes in return, slightly leaning away in his seat. "oh well, you just won't get the most special present that i've ever ever gifted in my life then," he huffed as he hugged the plastic bag that rested on his lap to hide you from its contents. you giggled at his actions.
"better than these slippers?" "definitely better than those slippers," he stated confidently, suddenly pulling a seriously face. "alright alright grand prince show me the damn thing already," you said with a cheesy smile.
"okay drum roll please…" the sound of your fingers hitting the edge of the table could slightly be heard amongst the rustling of taerae's plastic bag. "and please do close your eyes too love." a couple minutes went by and the beats of your fingers were starting to slow down, your eyes fighting the urge to unshut. "just need to fix up one more thing… and done! i present to you, the love of my life, this gift to symbolise my gratefulness towards your presence in my life these past few years." your eyes were closed but you just knew that the smile he had on his face was one that could even make the most deadliest beasts fall in love. "now, you may open your eyes!" and you weren't wrong. because the scene you saw when you opened your eyes was a scene that you would love to frame and take to your grave to hold onto forever if you could.
taerae's beautiful figure, the quiet city behind him, and the string lights hanging off the umbrella that shaded the two of you. oh what a heavenly sight it was. too mesmerised by the scene in front you, you completely forgot about the so called most special present taerae has ever gifted. "y/n? y/n! hellooo y/n?" you broke out of the trance you were in and made eye contact with taerae whose sparkling eyes kept looking back and forth between you and the table infront of you. so you followewd his gaze… and subconciously, tears clouded your sight. your favourite snacks, tulips (your favourite), along with photo strips you took earlier that day were beautifully arranged into a bouqet. each and every one of them radiating one thing, love. "how- what- when did yo-" you were choked up. your brain wasn't functioning properly and you couldn't process the fact that taerae, THE kim taerae had just gifted you with the most precious thing you could ever recieve. you looked up to see his face, it looked even more dear than it ever did before. "i love you y/n. i really do."
and though you knew it was impossible. you wanted to stay there forever. with the actual no.1 gift that could never be beaten. kim taerae.
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Apparently words can hurt me
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AN: I’m back again, filling multiple challenge squares in one fic, and indulging my love of pre-serum Stucky. This fic is for the following fills;
Into the Juniverse - Squares C1,3 and 4 - Modern, Bookstore, Medical - @buckybarnesevents 
The Slumber party, May challenge - “Who did this to you?” @the-slumberparty
BBB Y1 - Sticks and stones @buckybarnesbingo 
Beta’d by @sparkagrace 
Mood board by me, dividers by @firefly-graphics 
Master list
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Relationship: ER Doctor Steve Rogers x Bookstore Owner Bucky Barnes
Word count: 2.8k
CW: Fluff, minor angst, suggested Smut, implied bottom Bucky, pre-serum Stucky, alcohol consumption, fast burn, strangers to lovers to friends, meet cute/meet ugly, Special guest star Alpine, Nat and Sam are a good bros (even if they give their friends shit), alternating pov, Human disaster Bucky Barnes, implied age gap (Bucky late 20’s, Steve, mid 30’s)
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“So, Steve - how’s your first day going?”
Steve turned, hanging his stethoscope around his neck, and smiled up at his friend and colleague, Sam. He clasped hands with the man he’d known since medical school and allowed himself to be pulled into a hug. Not that he really could have stopped it - Sam was over half a foot taller than him, and was obviously a big fan of both arms day and legs day. The man’s muscles had muscles, and Steve, well, didn’t really. He’d tried building muscle in the past but his metabolism was so ridiculously fast that he’d almost bankrupted himself trying to up his protein intake.
“It’s going great, man. It’s good to be back on the East Coast, even if it does seem to be a lot wetter.”
“I think trading sunshine for working with a friend is still a definite upside.” Sam’s sunny mood never failed to make Steve smile. “You were wasted in L.A.”
Steve nodded, thinking back to the circumstances that had led to him packing up and moving to the other side of the country after he’d qualified, and then the circumstances that had led to him returning and taking up residence at King's County. It had been a while since he’d worked in an ER, but it was like falling off a bike. Or rather patching up someone who’d fallen off a bike.
“Well, I’d best get back to it - I’ve got a suspected fracture of the tibia in bay three.”
“Drinks - tonight - seven - Gallis. Don’t be late, Rogers.” Steve chuckled as Sam shot him finger guns, before heading back down the corridor to Obstetrics.
He’d missed Sam. He’d missed New York. Most of all, he’d missed himself - missed what he’d hidden of himself while he’d been away. He was back now, though and ready to get on with the rest of his life. He strode towards Bay Three and picked up the chart attached to the bed. He sat down next to the forlorn looking teenager who was probably the same height as him.
“Now, Mr Parker. How did you manage this?
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“Nat! Naaaaaat!” Bucky called out to his best friend-slash-co-owner, desperately trying to keep the large stack of books balanced in his arms. Something bumped his ankles and he peered down. “No. Not you, Alpine. You don’t have opposable thumbs.” The white ball of fluff just continued to purr and rub against her human’s legs. Bucky tried to nudge his baby away, but the change in balance caused the top book to slide, bumping against Bucky’s cheekbone.
“Nat! Help!”
“What’s up, Buckminsterfullerene?”
Nat appeared as if by magic, riding the roll-along ladder like Belle from Beauty and the Beast. If Bucky could have pinched the bridge of his nose he would have. Instead he just settled for a sigh.
“You know completely what’s up, and you’re just waiting for the right moment to say ‘I told you so’. I’ve overestimated how many books I can put away at once, again. Now will you please help me?”
She jumped down, her red hair swinging around her shoulders.
“What’s in it for me?”
“I’ll take you for drinks at Gallis once we’ve closed up? We can people-watch, maybe find a couple of guys to flirt with and buy us more drinks?”
Nat stepped forward and took a handful of books off the top of the stack, holding them in one arm and started to put them away. She pursed her lips as if she was trying to decide, but Bucky knew she wouldn’t be able to resist that offer - it was their favourite Friday evening activity, which said a lot about their respective love lives.
“You’re on, Barnes, but tell me you got something cute upstairs in your wardrobe that I can borrow.”
“Nat, you know full well that half your wardrobe is upstairs, pushing mine out. You’re here that often.”
“Hey! I resemble that remark. And anyway, it gives you more options.”
Bucky huffed, and blew a lock out of his brown hair out of his eyes, before realising that the stack of books left in his arms was now actually manageable and could be put away.
“I might be slim, but I’m not that slim.”
“Betcha $10 that I can make an outfit out of my stuff for you to wear this evening.”
Nat smiled at him, eyes twinkling and he grinned back.
“You’re on, Romanoff!”
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“So you’re telling me that your patient really thought he could scale down from a second storey window?” Sam’s expression was a mixture of amusement and disbelief. Steve grabbed an olive from the bowl in front of them, threw it up and caught it in his mouth.
“Yup. Kid thought that if he covered his hands and feet in some kind of sticky resin he could go up and down the wall like a spider. No lie. Not even drunk. Just a clever kid with too much time on his hands and not enough common sense.”
Sam laughed, and wiped a tear of mirth from his eye.
“God, man. I’m glad I’ve left general medicine behind.”
“Yeah, now you just have to deal with a load of…”
“Don’t say it! Don’t you dare say it. That joke gets old, real fast. So, other than an idiotic teenager, you enjoying being back? Ready to put yourself out there?”
Steve took a swig from his beer, more to give him a second’s space than the need to actually slake his thirst. Sam looked at him expectantly, and Steve knew he wasn’t going to get out of answering.
“Yes to the first and maybe to the second.”
Sam raised his eyebrow.
“Maybe? Come-on, dude. It’s been like, what, four… five months since you broke up. I’m not saying go out and propose to the first person you meet, but there’s no harm in a little flirting, a little dancing. And I can tell you, there’s a young man over there who hasn’t been able to take his eyes off you.”
Steve knew who he meant - it had been difficult not to notice the certified twink propped up against the bar drinking cocktails with his red-headed friend. The young man looked like he’d been poured into those black skin-tight jeans, and the rather feminine, purple button-up, left open over an equally feminine black crop top, accentuated his pale skin and red, pouty lips. Steve would be a liar if he said he wasn’t interested - part of him definitely was, but the more cautious part of him, the part that was still nursing his battered and bruised heart, wasn’t sure.
“Go on, Steve. Buy him a drink. Or at least offer.”
Sam was nothing if not persistent. Steve downed the rest of his bottle, trying for a bit of dutch courage. Apparently, he wasn’t getting out of this either.
“This hasn’t got anything to do with the fact that you want to speak to his friend, does it?”
Sam smiled around his bottle neck before placing it, now empty, back on the table.
“I plead the fifth on that.” Steve smiled back, but rolled his eyes dramatically.
“Come on, before I chicken out. But one drink. That’s all.”
“Uh-huh? I bet you’ll want to stay for more.”
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Steve hated it when Sam was right. He’d almost forgotten how insufferably smug his friend could get, but he had no doubt he would be reminded in the morning. Or rather later in the morning, because it was 4.30am and Steve was quietly trying to find his pants.  
He’d never been a one-night stand kinda guy before, and truly, he hadn’t intended to go home with this man - Bucky - but with each swig of beer, each whispered flirtation, each dance, it had seemed like a better and better idea. They’d gone back to Bucky’s - a small apartment above a bookstore - and, well, things had escalated quickly.
Now, Steve wasn’t going to say he regretted it, because whoo-ee, was Bucky something - very hot, very talented - but now, as the alcohol and post-orgasmic haze was wearing off, he was feeling… awkward?
Bucky was lying on his front on his bed, head turned to the side and lightly snoring. A shaft of light from the street outside shone through the somewhat ratty curtains, highlighting Bucky’s glorious cheekbones and kissable lips. Steve felt a pull inside him, a pull to just get back into the warm bed, wrap his arms around Bucky and go back to sleep but he shouldn’t. He couldn’t. It was too soon got anything like that.
Locating his slacks, he tugged them on. Groping around further he found his shirt, one sock and both shoes. Gathering them to himself, Steve crept towards the bedroom door, opened it a slither, and snuck out.
As he took a step forward something soft and warm brushed against his foot. Somehow he managed to stifle his scream.
A pair of large eyes looked up at him in the darkness. Juggling his armful of clothes, Steve pulled out his phone, and turned on the torch.
“Oh, thank fuck. You’re just a cat.”
The animal tilted its white fuzzy face.
Steve shuffled over to the sofa, resting his phone on the coffee table as he stuffed his arms into his shirt.
“Sorry, little one. I have no idea where your owner keeps your kibble. You’ll have to manage.”
He pulled on his lone sock and slipped on his shoes, making a face at how his bare foot stuck to the leather inner. Laces tightened, he picked up his phone and quietly made his way over to the front door.
“Do me a favour, kitty? Give Bucky a kiss for me, yeah?”
Carefully shutting the door behind him, and trying not to think too hard about the heaviness in his heart, Steve pulled up his ride share app, and booked himself a cab home.
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“So, he just bailed on you?”
Bucky stared down at the account book open in front of him, hoping that the numbers would just start to make sense on their own. And hoping that Nat would just drop it.
“Uh-huh. Gone when I woke up. Left a sock behind though.”
“A veritable Cinderella, then.”
“Ha-ha, Nat. Very funny. His name was Steve.”
Bucky shut the ledger with a snap, and pinched the bridge of his nose.
“I don’t even know why I’m so cross. It’s not like I haven’t done the moonlight flit before.”
Nat leant against the counter, checking her pristine make-up in her compact mirror.
“It hurts, cos you were on the receiving end this time. My advice? Let it go. You got a good lay out of it, yes?”
“Yes…” It might have been begrudgingly, but he had to agree - the sex had been spectacular. Maybe that’s why he was so sour? Upset that he didn’t get to get up close and friendly to Steve’s dick again? For a short guy, he’d definitely been packing… Oh, well.
“Well, ride the high of a good fuck and move on.”
“Okay, okay. What about you and his friend?”
Nat turned her head and gave a coy smile.
“Sam? A lady doesn’t kiss and tell.”
“Yeah, but you ain’t no lady. Ow! Don’t hit me!” 
Bucky laughed as he raised his arms to fend off Nat’s friendly blows.
“Uncle! Uncle! I give in, I’m sorry.”
“Hhmmff. I suggest you get on with some work. Maybe you should do the book sorting and I’ll do the accounts?”
“Sounds like a plan. And Nat?”
“Love you!”
“Love you, too.”
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Why had he drunk so much last night?
The lights in the ER were far too bright, and he was now 10 hours into an 8 hour shift. And why on earth did people insist on inserting things that shouldn’t be inserted into places that shouldn’t have things inserted?
“Dr Rogers? Are you able to check over the patient in Bay 5?”
“Hmmm?” Steve turned to see the face of Wanda, the triage nurse looking at him expectantly. He bit back a moan as he wiped his hand over his face. “I mean, sure. What’s the story?”
“He says he had an accident at work, but something heavy has impacted his face. His left orbit is bruised and there’s a large edema, which is interfering with his vision.”
Wanda was chewing her lip and Steve could tell she wasn’t sure if the guy’s story was true.
“Okay - I’ll take a look. You’ve got his chart?”
“Right here. And thank you, Steve.”
“No problem.”
Steve pushed up from the desk where he’d managed to find all of two minutes' peace and skimmed through the chart for his new patient as he made his way over to the bay.
“Okay… James, is it?” As he pulled open the curtain and looked up, he froze. “Bucky?”
Wanda hadn’t been kidding - Bucky was pretty banged up, but he was still as beautiful as Steve remembered.
The clipboard clattered to the floor and suddenly Steve found himself right in front of Bucky, gently cradling his bruised face in his hands.
“Who did this to you?”
For a heartbeat, Bucky just stared at him and then…
“What? What do you mean?”
“Was it a jealous boyfriend? If so, I’m so sorry. But also, give me his name. I’ll make sure he never sees the light of day again.”
Bucky’s eyes - well, one of them - went wide with understanding before he hissed and winced. Steve picked up the ice pack that had been discarded on the side table and pressed it to the purpling side of Bucky’s face.
“Steve, slow down. It wasn’t somebody else. There’s no boyfriend. No any-one. I had an accident, that’s all.”
“But what? How?”
Bucky chuckled, then winced again.
“Nat’s not going to let me live it down. I do it all the time, and finally, it backfired. I was putting the books away, you know, in my shop.” 
No, Steve didn’t know. Hadn’t realised that the shop below the apartment had been Bucky’s shop. To be fair, he was a little distracted at the time. However, he nodded anyway, aware that he was probably gaping like a fish.
“Well, I have a tendency to overestimate how many books I can carry at once, and then I overbalanced, and crrsshhh,” he gestured wildly. “A dozen hardbacks were bouncing off my face. And I thought I was safe with words. Isn’t it supposed to be sticks and stones that break my bones?”
Another heartbeat of silence and then…
“Oh my God, Bucky. You didn’t just say that?” Steve slapped a hand over his mouth to stifle the chuckle that threatened to burst out. “Come on. Let me have a look. We might have to send you to X-ray though.”
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Bucky couldn’t believe it. Steve - Sexy Steve from last night - was a doctor. He was certain it was only the pain in his face that stopped his dick from standing straight to attention when Steve had walked in, all professional in his white coat with a stethoscope around his neck.
He also couldn’t believe he’d made that cheesy joke, and that Steve had been all worried about him. 
While Steve did his thing, gently probing and taking notes, and asking him about his pain levels, Bucky ruminated on Steve’s reaction.
“Mmmhhmmm?” Steve was still looking down at the papers, pen in between his lips, and God, if he hadn’t looked sexier.
“Were you really worried that someone had assaulted me?”
“What? Umm… well…yes. I was worried it was my fault too. Look, Bucky, it was really shitty of me to leave like I did this morning. I’m not... I mean I don’t…” His cheeks turned pink with embarrassment and Bucky took pity on him, leaning over and pressing his finger to Steve’s lips.
“Hey. It’s okay. I don’t think either of us was communicating properly last night - well, communicating in a non sex-specific manner - I think we got that down, don’tcha think?”
Steve gulped.
“Umm, well…”
“Let’s start again, okay? I’m James Buchanan Barnes, Bucky to my friends. I own and run a bookstore with my best friend Natasha, and I’m rubbish at relationships.”
He stuck out his hand towards Steve, who looked at it, before reaching out with his own.
“I’m Steve Rogers, ER doctor, here at King’s County. I’ve just returned from several years in LA, and having my heart broken in the process. I’m looking to take things slow.”
“I can do slow. Say, when we both get out of here, if anywhere’s still open, would you like to go and get a coffee?”
“I think I’d like that a lot, Bucky.”
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Tag list: @jobean12-blog @yarnforbrains @sidepartskinnyjeans @flordeamatista @krissy25 @bodeckersdiamonddoll @goldylions @luxeavenger @wheezy-stucky @doasyoudesireandlive @chemtrails-club @seitmai @peaches1958 @pono-pura-vida @writing-for-marvel
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aaal-iz-well · 5 months
so there's this part of my fic that I just cannot decide on, and it would be lovely if you'd be kind enough to share your thoughts on both pieces. PLEASE!!🙏🙏
Thank you, so I'm confused about which play to play in the fic, and here are pieces from both of them.
Beauty and the Beast. (I was not planning on this, but I got a suggestion and I cant stop thinking about it!
“We’re playing Beauty and the Beast,” he continued, “and you would’ve made an excellent Belle; dead somebody, vaguely tragic past, fell in love with a prince and inherited a castle.” He ended with a finger brushing hair behind my ear.
I swatted his hand away, narrowed my eyes. “Let me guess. You're the Beast.”
“It sounds bad when you put it like that. I prefer to think of myself as a fallen misunderstood prince turned Beast by a cruel temptress to bring out his heart of gold.” His voice got dreamier by the word.
“Of course you do,” I muttered.
 “Great.” He clapped his hands. “Now that we’re on the same page on how I should be projected, we can come up with some great costume designs.”
Wait a minute. “We?”
“Yes.” He gestured between us. Duh. “You and me, we? Not as romantic as you’d like, but still.”
It took a monumental amount of will power, honed through years of ignoring insults, to focus on the problem at hand. “But I’m doing stage design, not the costumes.” I held up a finger. “Hold up a minute, there must’ve been a mistake, I’ll talk to the director.
And then there's this:
“So,” Jameson said with a grin, chin delicately poised over his knuckles, “shall we begin? I have other work to do, after all.”
“Of course, when do you not?” I sighed, like someone whose access had been revoked. There were more than a dozen people working on the stages, no one would notice if I slipped out, instead I was stuck being the personal curator of Jameson’s stupid beast costume.
“Hey, getting into character takes a lot of time.” He knocked my shoulder, and something in me snapped.
“Yes, Jameson, I got it,” I groaned. “It takes a lot of effort to huff and brood and roam around acting all stupid beasty.” My hands clenched halfway in front of me, giving up when realising there was no use of undue displays of anger. “Try getting stuck with something you don’t know the first thing about.” 
His chair, teetering at the very edge of a head smashing fall, loudly slid back into place. There was nothing different about him per se, but when he spoke, his voice was not the silky, careless, you-had-to-lean-in-to-hear thingy I was used to. “You're saying that I don’t have to work or do anything, because, what,” he chuckled humourlessly. “I’m already all that?”
“I didn’t say that,” I said weakly, reeling my shoulders in.
His lip curled, but his voice was hurt. “You know, you might as well have. It’s apparent enough without you having to work for it.”
Pride and Prejudice.
“We’re playing Pride and Prejudice this year,” he continued, “and you would have made an excellent Elizabeth; small town girl, big dreamer, madly and irrevocably in love with a charmingly tight-lipped rich man. It’s very-” he hovered an appraising hand over me “-you.”
You're not tight lipped, are you, I thought.
I swatted his hand away, narrowed my eyes. “Let me guess. You're Wickham.”
He hit a fist against his chest. “Oh, how the lady wounds me,” he moaned. Suddenly, he straightened, and I realised just how tall he was when he wasn’t leaning or slouching or whatever. He crossed his legs and curtsied, then took my hand and brought it to his lips. “Mr. Fitzwilliam Darcy of Pemberly, Derbyshire,” he pronounced, words thick with a -rather impressive- posh accent.
I blinked, hand still in his, before remembering to snatch it away.
His serious face morphed into a smirk. He nudged me. “I had you for a moment, didn’t I?”
I managed a flat look. “Not even close. It’s just a sad lonely rich man.”
“It sounds bad when you put it like that. I prefer to think of myself as a misunderstood soul, lost in the complexities of high society, bogged down by the tremendous weight of position and responsibility, freed, in a sense, by love for an intelligent young woman.”
“Of course you do,” I muttered.
He clapped his hands. “Great. Now that we’re on the same page about the light I should be portrayed in, we can come up with some great costume designs.”
And its pretty much the same, bickering and what not.
So what did you guys think? Detailed and constructive criticism is VERY VERY welcome. Thank you!
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anna-neko · 3 months
I'm terrible at reports, so here's some unorganized notes frm the NYC Dndads live show
--- while having Charleston Chews shaked into hand, "listen..if i can't take candy frm strangers on the street in the middle of the night, why even bother leaving the house"
being complimented on my cosplay, by the most perfect Trudy ~♡ ~ "I've seen you on Tumblr!" -- uhhh... then you must be sick of seeing me by now < beat > -- wait.... if you don't have shoelaces, I don't know what am supposed to say?!?!??
Mad props and shout-out to all the cosplayers and cool nerds ~♡ The jingle bells on devil horns! Ron with their actual work business card! The mofo full giant mascot head Teeny!!
Being given not just a bracelet with lil skulls, but also a hair bow and "proud of you, kiddo" magnet ....im not crying...mascara just got in my eye...shut up
Apologies for goin full autism category 7 because my brain wants to ALL THE COMPLIMENTS but we aint at emoji-keysmash IRL stage of evolution and forget how to words....
WAFFLES vs PANCAKES Absolutely Beth May's lane and why is it socially acceptable to get a stack of pancakes but only 1 waffle. According to Anthony pancakes are just failed waffles. Matt derailed the entire conversation by bringing crepes and french toast into it
--- how in the fuck can Freddie pull off rocking out on the guitar this frellin hard while wearing slides and an Animal Crossing shirt (fittingly, DJ KK)
--- Apparently everyone's first impression when meeting Anthony was "this guy hates me", while Anthony's first impression of Beth May was "she looks sad". Freddie's first impression of everyone seems to be "this person's cool!"
--- Henry dad fact, and Will spent all day working on it: Oakvale is sometimes called The Big Apple...because one time someone found (saw?) a really big apple there
--- Glenn dad fact: the best place to go in NYC is.... the times sq Disney Store. At this point Freddie pulls out a Chip (beauty and beast) bubbles blower, starts blowing bubbles everywhere while talking about how Glenn would just need to figure out how to backwards engineer this blowing action, some tools, a couple wires and it will be a great bong! come on, Mrs Pots is your mom??
--- the adventure tonight was UFC, goin to rescue Paeden's friend Celery! the theme tho, was your inner child voice. All of them. Especially about 4 levels deep as hella high Glenn realizes he soooooo complex u gaiz....
--- Darryl asking how much does it cost to buy a child (300 gold). Then asking how much selling a Honda would earn (400) ......next 10 minutes are spent sorting out exactly _why_ is Darryl not selling the Honda Odyssey .... (its on lease, not fully paid off yet... so they'd only come out w/ 25gold or somethin)
--- UFC WEIGHT OFF! Anthony mentioning how now he can't get that close to her while Beth May is on her knees or he'll be canceled forever...so he's immediately made to gets on his knees too (and they do the angry head bump stare-off)
--- THE SLAP(s) HEARD AROUND THE WORLD!!! (context: instead of rolls... the LOUDEST SLAP was gonna win. Beth May slapped Anthony twice)
--- the smug way Anthony leaned back, kicked his feet on the desk and started outlining how this will go. Oh yes, they'll be using the mechanics he came up with before. For episode 3. But they completely destroyed all his plans back then by dropping pants in front of children.... --- Darryl Wilson immediately takes off his pants and starts twirling his axe
-- Matt counting out monster cards, 29 of them O_o; Beth points out then Ron will only fight 0 monsters and proceeds to roll stealth ...with Inspiration frm an earlier joke...
--- Anthony, "and if you all die...then you'll just be replaced by identical clones and the WIKI can stay the same"
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I watched Rise of red and have some complaints/thoughts:
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Some of the songs were good, but the soundtrack wasn't as good as the others in my opinion.
LOVE the outfits, hints and the heart card skirt is fucking adorable!
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Chloe and Red and fucking enemies to friends to lover lesbians I HOPE cause I will scream if Disney doesn't do that
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I feel like the setting of the time travel is weird. Like, they go back in time when the adults are teens, but they're all in high school??? In a world I thought we at most confirmed to be mostly canon in animated movie timelines????? I mean, the villains who died in their movies are brought back to be banished with no magic on the Isle, so like...why???
Also, it adds a bit more levels of fucked up with the idea Belle and Beast are SOMEWHERE in the past and maybe grew up with everyone and then somewhere along the way when a new country/era was made with them being the rulers but basically shoved a lot of their old classmates onto a literal island with no magic cause "living with no magic is a fate worst than death".
All in all, it's a good movie. Did it have to been promoted in trailers and ads with Uma, implying she's a main focus, when they could've done either just the film as a fun in universe movie with the same plot of maybe a lil' book series that plays with the lore? I'm more upset with the fact we didn't get the original casts much and when we did it was very slim even though their faces were all over this project.
If I had to do a rating system of all the movies counting the Royal Wedding with ten being the highest and bestest film ever, I'll say:
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Descendants - 8/10. Great story idea, soundtrack always slaps even if you were like me at the time and heard it like a million times if you live/work with children, and all the characters have changed a bit throughout the movie!
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Descendants 2 - 9/10 Same for the first one, great plot. It's a good sequel. It gave me one of my favorite plot tropes of identity crisis and being comfortable in your own skin in Mal, the songs are so good to the point I still add What's My Name in my playlist, the costumes (minus Mal's wig but it gets a pass) are amazing as fuck, Uma and her crew are just *chef's kiss* Also this movie was just a lot of bi/pan energy and you can't convince me other wise! China was one of my earliest girl crushes and of course she's an amazing character, Harry Hook made me physically stop at my tracks when I first watched the movie, the kind of funny tension between any guy with Harry or any girl with Mal and of course THIS THING-
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Descendants 3 - 6/10 It's not bad but it's just not as good as the others, ya know? Some of the costumes were weird, what was Doug's hair????, Jane and Carlos are just the fucking CUTESTS ever, while I was upset the songs didn't stick as hard, I do love Queen of Mean and Do What You Had To Do, the plot was sadly not a good one to follow even though there were so many things that were a good idea. Alas, so many good ideas yet so little time. But I think it has a higher ranking in my heart simply because this one was the main one that started my Disney Villain Recruiters Descendants AU that I still love so much
Speaking of which, I think since I wrote the one with Dalmatia not that long ago I'll try and see what I can do with the AU with all the movies, not just Rise of Red. I already have an idea of Jack Heart in this world since watching it, I still have drafts of certain events such as Apple seeing Snow again, I also think I need to cause I found out Harry and Audrey, a ship I grew to love over time since first watching it (Literally I was very into Harry and Uma and was at first annoyed when they baited and switched me in the end but I LOVE these two more!!!), are apparently not together in this! Now this is rumors I think but like I think someone confirmed she's engaged or married to a prince and Harry is sailing with his own crew.
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I'll see what I'll be doing! I'm a little curious what they'll do from here is they do anything even if I personally didn't like it. Maybe we'll see the bad choices of the time traveling? I would like an idea of what if Red's mum wasn't evil then her and her dad may or not met, since in the original Disney Alice In Wonderland our lil king LOVES his wife even when she's scary! I personally think that would be a fun idea. And I seriously can't be the ONLY ONE who thought we were gonna have some big reveal that Cinderella was mean or ghosted to Bridget (love the pun name btw, good job Disney) in the past. Cause like her rage was a lot more than just they were friends when a prank happened and suddenly she's evil now. Like I was expecting a reveal like Cinderella went to the party and either knowingly knew but didn't stop the prank or unknowingly helped. Or maybe even had them be friends but she left Bridget alone/didn't stop the bullying in a kind of early Amity and Willow situation from Owl House with maybe Tremaine doing something to cause that to happen like a rumor Bridget is a bad influence, that could give her a edge as an adult of "you want mad, I'll give you mad" kind of scene.
Also the timeline of the film is a little weird minus the whole high school thing. They did a throwaway line of Chad being in collage which made me pump the breaks a bit. I assumed first Descendants they're all 14-16 years old, Descendants 2 takes place a year or so later, and Descendants 3 taking place another year or two depending on how I viewed the timeline of the Wicked World show with everyone being graduated and doing their parts in society and helping the school cause more kids from the Isle are added in, ending the series with the cast being mostly 18-19 years old at least with maybe Carlos and Jane being 17 since they may be younger in the cast. Yet with this line implies to me Mal and Ben got married right after graduating from school, and while we don't know what was happening during the moment of the wedding and the other movies, Uma being in charge would be rushed and sudden for everyone even herself since she should be the same age as the two who got married not that long ago. Also adds a interesting question of when did Carlos die within the timeline? Cause now I'm scared we got that cute moment with him and Jane having their ship name necklace and just all that sappy sappy cuteness and just afterwards Carlos died off screen before Royal Wedding which I'm guessing takes places the same year at least since everyone's designs imply so with hair and wardrobe.
I literally just wrote a fic of Dalmatia grieving Carlos on the same night of the wedding and I wasn't thinking much on timeline until NOW!
Ideas I have before I leave:
Instead of going back in time in the time your parent(s) are in highschool, I would've liked if it was before the Isle was locked away, like starting off. We could have an excuse to see younger casts of the Villain Kids and maybe even get more hints of who the other parents are, maybe even reveal some kids from the books even if it's a cameo in the back.
Have Red be more conflicted of how she rules. Her being scared to be like her mum is great, and her being a rebel is amazing, maybe show her be a great ruler in the rebellion and have a scene afterwards of her complaining about being a ruler. I would write her with that fear with maybe her seeing throughout the story that maybe there's a reason her mum was a little mad.
Have Chloe's struggle of what to do and break out her shell a bit more and not rushed??
Maybe do a reveal of Bridget being the Queen of Hearts later if you want to do that. Like, have a character fans assume is her and then like a saying happens and we get that plot twist.
That's all for now, I'd like to hear other's thoughts and ideas tho!
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wonder-worker · 1 year
Elizabeth Woodville and Elizabeth of York: Queenship
"As an English queen consort, Elizabeth of York, like her mother, had a web of family connections that became the focus of her major patronage activities" - Michelle L. Beer
"After the safe delivery of their eldest sons, both queens Elizabeth gave thanks by founding chapels. Elizabeth Woodville's was in fact eight years after the event and probably as much a thanksgiving to Westminster Abbey for sanctuary as to God for her son. The chapel was attached to the old Lady Chapel of the abbey and dedicated to St Erasmus, a saint invoked against birth pains as well as patron of sailors which made him an unusually apt dedicatee given the king's absence abroad at the time of Prince Edward's birth. Elizabeth of York's foundation was more immediately linked to the birth of Arthur at Winchester, a site chosen for her lying-in by Henry to associate his first-born with the legendary king after whom he was to be named. Here Elizabeth founded a chapel dedicated to Our Lady." - J.L. Laynesmith
"In 1499 Elizabeth of York wrote to the prior of Christ Church, Canterbury, asking for a literal carte blanche of presentation to the highly desirable, centrally located living of All Hallows, Gracechurch Street, London, for which Elizabeth Woodville and her husband had also wanted preferment" - Derek Neal
"Both queens were granted rights of presentation to canonries and prebends in the royal chapel of St. Stephen, Westminster." - Derek Neal.
"Most of the border patterns (of The Fifteen Os, printed by William Caxton and co-sponsored by Elizabeth of York and Margaret Beaufort) are of stylized flowers, mythical beasts, and semi human creatures, quite possibly reused from other books, but one is of a vase of gillyflowers, the emblem of Elizabeth Woodville, whose family had been such important patrons of Caxton, and just over half-way up the margin these flowers lead into a rose branch, crowned with the emblem of her daughter's marriage, the Tudor rose, as if in reference to Elizabeth of York's adoption of her mother's patronage." - J.L. Laynesmith
"In 1480 she (Elizabeth Woodville) petitioned Pope Sixtus IV to allow her subjects to enjoy the indulgences attached to the newly re-established feast of the Visitation, even if the office was recited in private. She also expressed to the Pope her desire for the 'devotion of the faithful of the realm for the [Ave Maria] to be increased more and more'. The Pope obliged by attaching indulgences to the use of the Psalter of the Blessed Virgin Mary and to the recitation of the Ave Maria at each Angelus bell. He also dictated that copies of the letter granting these indulgences be exhibited across the country, thereby ensuring that everyone knew not only of the opportunities to gain indulgences but also of the queen's intercessory role in their spiritual welfare. … Elizabeth's daughter, who of course shared her name saint, was apparently inspired by her mother to develop the devotions still further. Following her petition in 1492, the Pope granted 300 days of pardon to anyone reciting the salutation three times at each tolling of the Angelus bell.” - J.L. Laynesmith
"Elizabeth Darcy, the lady mistress of the nursery for Elizabeth Woodville's children, was appointed to the same post for Elizabeth of York's children, probably as a result of the younger queen's childhood affection for Darcy." - J.L Laynesmith
A couple of reasons why this interests me:
- Elizabeth Woodville was the first English queen since Philippa of Hainault to raise royal daughters, with almost a century and five other queens in between them. I don't think there's ever been such a huge gap in that regard before, which means that Elizabeth would not really had any direct precedent or source of inspiration to follow beyond what was ideally, conventionally expected. Clearly, judging by the fact that her daughter was widely considered a successful queen and emulated several of her mother's own activities, Elizabeth did her job well.
- There's a strange, persistently recurring trend in historical fiction and general histories that tends to make the relationship between the two Elizabeths contentious and/or distant, or tends to emphasize their polarity in whatever capacity, or tends to prioritize Elizabeth of York's relationship with her uncle Richard III and his wife Anne Neville than her own mother (and her own father, tbh). This speaks volumes of the vilification and negative depictions of Elizabeth Woodville in contemporary media, but also the tendency to use Elizabeth of York as a cipher for historians' own thoughts about historical figures rather than a historical figure in her own right. This is particularly prevalent in Ricardian and Ricardian-leaning media, the latest shining example being Alison Weir's "The Last White Rose". On the other hand, a few sympathetic Tudor analyses tend to (understandably) focus on re-evaluating Elizabeth's relationship with Margaret Beaufort and debunking the irritating misconception that they didn't get along. But in the process, Elizabeth of York's relationship and inspiration from her own mother gets lost and forgotten in the mix, when it should in fact be highlighted the most. It's frustrating, because Elizabeth Woodville was evidently her daughter's most important role model: Elizabeth of York was regularly at her mother's side during her childhood, observed her successful queenship for 17 years, and, as we can see, directly mirrored several of her mother's activities during her own tenure as queen. Interestingly, as the 5th quote shows, even when she co-sponsored a book by William Caxton with Margaret, Caxton himself clearly associated Elizabeth of York's patronage to her mother's influence. It's a shame that only a few specific historians tend to focus on the connection between mother and daughter, as I think there's a wealth of analyses to be made on it.
- While both Elizabeths were English queens, with a web of family connections that they used to their and the crown's benefit, their situations were definitely not the same and should not be treated as such. Their different status prior to their marriage meant that their respective families and actions were always going to be viewed and treated differently, for one. More importantly, though, Elizabeth Woodville was the first Englishwoman to be crowned queen. Her English family's advancement and involvement in national and local politics was to be expected, but it's important to keep in mind that it was not precedented. It simply hadn't happened before, and it wasn't expected to happen again. Elizabeth Woodville was very much a novel queen in that regard; certain aspects of her queenship were very unique and unprecedented for that time, and she was the one who established the precedent of using her homeborn family as a network of politics and patronage that all later English consorts followed. In contrast, by the time Elizabeth of York became queen, this was a comparatively more established and familiar practice, followed by two former consorts, her mother and Anne Neville. So, even apart from their differing status and the propaganda against them, it makes sense that their activities were regarded differently, both by contemporary detractors and subsequent historians. There's also the fact that Elizabeth Woodville and her relatives had far more direct power and involvement with the Crown Prince's council, household and administration than Elizabeth of York and her relatives did, which we know massively contributed to the commentary and/or criticism the former received.
Michelle L. Beer, "Queenship at the Renaissance Courts of Britain: Catherine of Aragon and Margaret Tudor, 1503-1533"
J.L. Laynesmith, "The Medieval Queens: English Queenship 1445-1503"
Derek Neal, "The Queen's Grace: English Queenship 1464-1503"
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the-plot-blog-thing · 10 months
For Fun: Here's My Favorite Disney Songs That Were Deleted/Changed In The Final Film (Part 1)
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Hi, I'm The Plot MacGuffin. If you know me, you know I'm a massive fucking Disney nerd. And because I'm never satisfied, I often go searching for Disney rarities and behind the scenes stuff whenever I can. And fortunately, since Disney never throws anything away, sometimes demos or full recordings of deleted songs from their films slip through the cracks. (occasionally with visuals to accompany them). This list will take a look at some of my personal favorite songs, or just the ones I find interesting.
Of course, probably the first and most famous deleted song is the "Soup" sequence from Snow White. It had already been mostly animated before being deleted. They apparently still tried to find places to use it, even reuse it in another movie down the line, but then never did.
The "Clair De Lune" sequence from Fantasia was fully animated and scored, but ended up being cut for time. The animation was reused for the "Blue Bayou" segment of the later film Make Mine Music. Eventually, it was restored to Fantasia in the 90s, but current versions just list it as an extra feature.
Alice in Wonderland was in and out of development a bunch of times, and songs and plot points were introduced and cut like crazy. A more dedicated Jabberwocky sequence and a song for the Cheshire Cat were cut. They explore both in this short documentary below.
The songs in The Jungle Book were originally meant to be written by Terry Gilkyson. However, he wanted it to be closer to the tone of the original novel, which Walt Disney wanted to move away from. The Sherman Brothers were then brought on to write the new songs for the movie, but the one song Gilkyson wrote that remains in the final film is funnily enough, "The Bare Necessities". Gilkyson's other songs were a bit of a slog, but that one obviously stood out. The original version below was certainly well...something. (Sung here in this demo by Thurl Ravenscroft of "Tony the Tiger" and "You're a Mean One, Mr. Grinch" fame)
"The Chimpanzoo" was meant for Mary Poppins. It tells an...interesting story, but was probably wisely cut. I think the Sherman Brothers may have tried to reuse it in Bedknobs and Broomsticks, but I could be wrong there.
Onto the Disney Renaissance, Ursula's song was originally more of a tango. Composer Alan Menken released this demo for "Silence is Golden"
Both "Fathoms Below" and "Poor Unfortunate Souls" also had whole lyrics cut from the final film that explain more of the characters and their relationships
The most famous deleted song from Beauty and the Beast is "Human Again". The song shows Belle and the Beast's relationship progressing as the objects get excited to be saved from the curse. The song is sweet, but its original version was meant to be almost 9 minutes long. It just raised too many questions over how long Belle was in the castle, and where Maurice and Gaston were as it seemed a full year passed. It was replaced by the much more compact "Something There" in the final movie.
However, the song was later reused in the Broadway version to help pad the show, and was later reanimated and voiced into the original movie (albeit abridged) for the IMAX special edition. Most current HD versions edit this out however. I like the song, but "Something There" basically covers the same info much more efficiently.
To Be Continued In Part 2!
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princesssarisa · 2 years
Autism headcanon:
The Beast/Prince Adam (Disney's "Beauty and the Beast," 1991)
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*Except when he's angry, the Beast is quiet and reserved. His words tend to be few and concise. He's also a loner until Belle arrives. Not just because he hides from the outside world, as anyone transformed into a monster would do, but because he apparently spends most of his time brooding alone in his room, not even interacting much with the servants until Belle's presence brings him out of his shell.
*Despite being a prince who would presumably have learned court etiquette, he struggles at first with the most basic social skills and manners, relying on his servants to coach him. Of course this is partly the effect of the spell (he presumably didn't lap his porridge like an animal when he was human), and partly his insecurity about his appearance. But it's still relatable from an ASD perspective.
*Some of his outbursts of rage seem less like mere temper and more like meltdowns. Especially his outburst when he catches Belle in the West Wing. The way he smashes the furniture, and the way his whole body contorts with fury as he roars "GET OUUUUT!" doesn't come across as just a tantrum. It's as if the situation – his orders disobeyed, his privacy violated, the humiliation of Belle seeing his beastly lair, and above all the horror of seeing her nearly damage the magic rose – completely overwhelms him with emotion he can't control. And this clearly isn't a one-time incident. The broken furniture and torn fabrics throughout the West Wing (and of course the torn portrait of his human self) shows that throughout his years of misery under the spell, he's been prone to overpowering meltdowns where he has to vent physically. In the Special Edition of the movie, he does it again in his anguish after he lets Belle go, trashing the room which the servants had cleaned up during "Human Again."
*Also in the Special Edition and in the stage musical, it's revealed that he can barely read. This despite the fact that he was a prince who would presumably have had the best of education. Now, one interpretation of this is that he's forgetting how to read because his mind is turning increasingly bestial under the spell. But the dialogue in the musical and the Special Edition don't really support that idea. He just says that he only learned a little and long ago. Could it be that even when he was human, he had trouble with reading comprehension, as is sometimes the case for ASD children?
*At the beginning, he's messy and disheveled, and needs to re-learn how to groom himself and dress like a gentleman. Of course some people on the autism spectrum are meticulously neat and orderly, but others are just the opposite and struggle with it.
*Also at the beginning, he doesn't seem to fully comprehend other people's emotions or the way he comes across to them. For example, when he "invites" Belle to dinner, he thinks his obviously reluctant, forced politeness counts as "asking nicely" and that Belle is being unreasonable when she still refuses. Of course this could just be because he's a spoiled prince who's never had his orders refused or needed to ask nicely for anything before. But it could also imply further social difficulty.
*In general, he seems less mature than an average 21-year-old. He always has a bit of a childlike quality, at first in a "spoiled brat" way, but later in a sweet, gentle way.
*Countless fans have noted the plot parallels between Disney's Beauty and the Beast and Jane Austen's Pride and Prejudice. The idea that Mr. Darcy is on the autism spectrum is a very popular and understandable headcanon. Isn't it natural then that the same headcanon should apply to the Beast?
Now I know this is a debatable headcanon. I know the writers didn't set out to code the Beast as autistic. All the traits I've described above can be explained either by (a) his being spoiled, (b) his depression, or (c) his mind turning animalistic because of the spell. And I'm not entirely sure I like this headcanon myself. If we do view him as autistic-coded, then about 80% of his character arc revolves around learning to "mask" to please Belle, with the undertone of "This is the only way you can ever be loved." But he's still relatable to someone on the spectrum like me. Maybe this explains why I always defend him from those critics who view him as just an abuser. If that were the truth about him, then what would that say about those of us in the real world who see ourselves in him?
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ikeromantic · 2 years
please make more nanny belle content like maybe her taking care of them while they are all sick
Thanks for the request! This idea has been bouncing around my head for awhile. Nanny Belle is always so much fun to write ^_^ This one came out long, so fair warning! Approx 4000 words of Nanny Belle and the little princes.
Nanny Belle put the boys to bed after their bath. She tucked each one in and kissed every little forehead, even Chevalier, though he pretended not to like it. Then she descended on the kitchen for a cold sandwich and a glass of wine, the perfect way to wrap up another long day of caring for a pack of noble beasts.
Sariel joined her a few minutes later, pouring himself a mug of beer before he sat down. “How were they today?”
“Energetic, as usual. Clavis tried to turn Yves’ hair blue. And Licht tried to hit Jin but Leon talked them both down. Apparently Jin said something about Licht’s mother? I take it from his comments that she was very beautiful.”
The counselor nodded. “She was a performer.” His smile was thin and sharp but it crinkled the sides of his eyes. “So nothing out of the ordinary then?”
“No.” Belle laughed. “Just the princes being themselves.”
“Good.” Sariel sat for a moment in silence with her, drinking and relaxing. Then he spoke up again. “Tomorrow, emissaries from Benitoite will be joining the court. The King would like the princes to be present for the welcome ceremony. Will you be able to have them ready on such short notice?”
“I don’t see why not. How long is the ceremony?”
“The princes need only be present for the first few minutes. They must greet the diplomat and introduce themselves, then they can go.” 
Belle nodded agreeably. “I think they can handle that. Even baby Luke is learning to say his name. Though I can’t promise he won’t have sticky hands. That one always finds a way into messes.”
Sariel laughed. “Noted.”
Their companionable silence was broken a few moments later by a wail from the hallway. A child’s cry, full of confusion and fear. Nanny Belle was out of her seat at the first note, and through the door into the hallway before the cry came to an end. 
The counselor followed, worry showing in his tight expression. 
Nokto stood in the hallway, clutching his blanket to his chest. His eyes were wide and his cheeks were flushed. He was leaning one shoulder against the wall as if drunk. 
Belle knelt in front of him and reached out to put her hands on his arms. “Nokto, honey, what’s wrong? Why did you scream?”
“I hurt,” he cried. Then he rubbed his tummy. 
“Here?” She put a hand on top of his, or started to. For as soon as he said it, Nokto’s whole body arched and then he leaned over to vomit. The smell of sour acid and bile flooded the hall. 
“I’ll go fetch the palace doctor.” Sariel didn’t even look affected. He hurried away, beckoning to a servant as he went. 
“I’m s-sorry,” he hiccuped, wiping at his mouth.
Belle set her wrist on Nokto’s forehead. It was hot to the touch, his skin dry. “It’s ok.” She picked him up and carried him to the bathing room. “We’re going to wash you up and get you some medicine. That will make your tummy stop hurting.”
He clung to her, his thin little arms shaking as he was hit with a bout of chills. 
She ran a cool bath and stripped him out of his dirty pajamas to set him in it. By the time the doctor arrived, his chills had turned to sweating, and his eyes had a glassy sheen. 
The doctor took one look and made an unhappy sound. “This looks like the same sickness going around town. Lots of folk are down with it.”
“So something is getting spread around. That’s pretty common in the winter. How do we treat it? What should I do?” Belle tried not to sound as anxious as she felt. In the town, children sometimes died from things like this.
“Not much we can do. Try to get the fever down. Keep him hydrated.” He sighed. “I’ll put together a sweetened tincture.” The doctor moved to the kitchen to work, leaving Belle alone with Nokto.
Just as she got him dressed in clean clothes, she heard another little voice cry out. Licht. Of course. They shared a room, their toys. And apparently, sickness as well. Belle carried Nokto to his bed and set him down. “I’ll be right back,” she promised, and hurried over to his twin.
Licht was shivering already, and his jaw was tense. 
Belle grabbed a vase and pulled the flowers out. “Here, darling. Let it out.” 
He gave her a grateful look and then emptied his stomach into the vase. 
She checked his temperature and found his skin as hot to the touch as his twin. “Lay back down now and I’ll bring you some water, ok?”
The doctor hurried in with a cup in hand. His eyes went from Nokto to Licht and he sighed. “I’ll put together another batch. A larger one.” He handed Belle the cup and left again. 
Just as Belle sat down to give Nokto his medicine, another of the princes cried out. Yves, she thought. “I need you to drink this for me, all by yourself. Can you do that?” 
Nokto blinked at her, his gaze blurry and unfocused. “Oh . . . Okay.” He took the cup in both hands and held it to his lips. “It smells bad.”
“It will make you feel better.” She waited until she saw him swallow the first sip before hurrying to Yves bedside. 
Yves was holding a toy cart, head down. “I - I made a mess,” he said quietly. “Please- don’t let anybody see!” 
Belle couldn’t help but smile at the small boy who, even when he felt so bad, didn’t want anyone to see him at less than his best. “I promise.” She took the toy wooden cart from him. “I’ll get this cleaned up. Can you change into clean pajamas?”
“Y-yes but . . . I got some on the bed . . .” He began to cry. 
Belle set down the toy to lift him gently from his blankets. He was so hot to the touch that it frightened her, but she couldn’t let the little prince realize it. So she smiled. “I’m afraid I will have to change your sheets, Prince Yves. I must have spilled some of my tea right on your blankets.”
For a moment, his lips pursed in confusion and then he realized what she meant. “Yes. Thank you Nanny. You are so clumsy.”
“I am.” She tapped his nose lightly. “Now can you get changed?”
Yves nodded and then gave her a hug before toddling off to get his clothes. 
Belle left with an armful of messy sheets and a toy cart of vomit. Thankfully, she handed both off to the servants quickly, but on her way back, she ran into Clavis. 
He was sitting on the floor, resting his head on his knees. 
“Clavis,” she knelt to look at him. “Are you feeling ok?”
Clavis turned his face to look at her. His eyes had a sickly sheen and his cheeks were too red. “Ok? No . . . I don’t think so.” He took a breath. “This isn’t fun at all.” 
That was the moment Nanny Belle realized all the boys must be ill. They’d been playing together all day. Everyone but Chevalier, anyhow. There was no way she could run from room to room to see to all their needs. Even with help from the palace servants and the doctor, it was simply not possible. 
She ruffled Clavis’ hair. “Why don’t you head back to your room? You can lie down for a bit while I get some medicine for you.”
Clavis sniffled and then nodded. His usual saucy attitude was nowhere visible as he stood and trudged slowly toward his room. 
Belle found the doctor bringing tinctures to Yves and Licht, and she told him about poot Clavis. 
“I’ve already made enough of the mixture for ten doses. That’s . . . four princes, a dose every 4 hours . . .” The doctor was still calculating when another of the princes came to them. 
Jin looked haggard. His hair was a mess and his pajamas were askew. “I - I think I ate something bad, Ms. Belle.” He looked up at her with his wide, ruby eyes. “Could you kiss me better?”
The doctor could not hide a chuckle, but Belle was used to this behavior from the young Romeo. 
“I don’t think it’s a kiss you need, Prince Jin. Here, let me check your temperature.” Sure enough, he had a fever as well. 
“You know, Lady Belle, it would be a lot easier for me to dispense the medicine if the boys were all in one place.” The doctor glanced at Jin meaningfully. “He makes five, and I would bet the other four are ill as well, or soon to be.”
She nodded. “I had a similar thought, but I don’t know where we could fit all the beds. Perhaps the playroom?”
“Too drafty.” The doctor shook his head. 
“The study room? I think if we move the desks out there is space for cots.” Belle nibbled her lip in thought. “If we put them two to a bed, we could probably make it work.”
“Then see to it.” 
She watched him stomp off and wondered if he had any idea how much work it was to set something like that up in the middle of the night, with 5 sick princes on her hands. Belle sighed. Well, there was no help for it. And it would make it easier to have them in one spot. 
After relaying instructions to the servants, she went to check on the remaining princes. Rio was shivering under a pile of blankets, with all his stuffed animals pulled close. He didn’t seem to have any tummy ache, but his temperature was high. When she checked him, he clung to her with a wordless wail.  So she lifted Rio up and settled him on her hip. 
Leon wasn’t in his room when she checked, but she found him a moment later, huddled on the hall balcony. He was leaned over the edge, wiping his mouth. 
“Leon, are you ok?”
He turned, looking dazed. “I - I don’t think I am.” 
Nanny Belle tried not to panic as she noted how pale he was, with bright roses blushing high on his cheeks. His heart condition always left her a little worried, and now that small fear grew by leaps and bounds. 
Something of her thoughts must have shown because he offered her a small, sad smile. “Don’t be worried about me, Ms. Belle. I’m ok. I’m just going to - to sit here a minute.”
“That’s not a good idea, Leon. Why don’t you head back to your room for now? I’ll send the doctor over to check you.”
“Can you bring me some tea, too?”
Belle smiled. “Whatever you like. Now come inside.”
Leon did as she asked, walking as slowly as an old man on the way to his bed. 
Chevalier was already up when she got to his room. He had a small valise open on his bed. His icy blue eyes snapped up as she opened his door. “Don’t come in here.”
“Prince Chevalier . . . what are you doing?”
He snorted. “The intelligent thing, which you, as our nanny, should have thought of. I’m moving to safer accommodations until this illness passes. As a precaution.” 
As usual, he sounded nothing like a boy his age ought to. His jaw was clenched and his chin raised defiantly. 
Despite that and his flat tone, Belle could tell he was anxious and covering it as best he knew how. She’d picked up on the ways Chevalier expressed concern for his brothers. “I appreciate you taking care of that on your own. I’ll make sure to keep you updated on everyone here.”
The prince nodded, relieved that he did not need to explain further. 
Belle hurried on to check on poor little Luke. A servant was already there, with Luke clinging to him.
“He messed himself,” the servant told her. “So I had to get him cleaned up. But when I picked him up he just . . .”
“Stuck on you. Yes. Luke does that.” She picked up Luke’s favorite bear. “Come with me. We’ll take him to the twins’ room, at least until the study is ready for them.”
The servant nodded, looking relieved. Together, they hurried back to the twins. Luke and Rio got their medicine and snuggled up in bed - Rio tucked in with Licht, and Luke with Nokto. 
Belle asked the doctor to check in on Leon and sent a note to Sariel about Chev. By the time she was done with that, they were ready to move the boys to the study. Everyone but Leon had to be carried over. Even Jin, who looked terribly embarrassed by the whole thing. But the sick room set up was perfect. 
There were bowls of cool water and soft cloths for the boys’ foreheads. Some buckets were slipped under each cot for accidents too. And there was a table with ginger tea and plain crackers, doses of the doctor’s medicine, and other necessities. 
Belle sat down on a chair beside Rio’s bed and sighed. She was bone-tired now that the immediate crisis was over, but rest was nowhere in sight. 
“Can you rub my back, Ms. Belle?” Leon’s quiet whisper pulled her attention from her thoughts. 
“Of course, honey.” 
“And mine too,” Jin piped up. 
“And me.” Yves. 
“I’ll give everyone a little back rub, but only if you promise to sleep.” Belle regarded them as sternly as she could manage. 
Licht sighed. “I want to sleep but my tummy hurts.”
“Yeah,” added Nokto, “You said the medicine would help!”
She took a breath. “I know it must be very awful right now, but with a little time that medicine will make you feel better.”
Nokto made a little unhappy noise and rolled over. 
Well, there was no winning them all. Belle rubbed Leon’s back first, making little circles with the flat of her hand over the sweat-damp fabric of his pajamas. She couldn’t tell if his fever was down, but his heartbeat seemed steady and he was breathing ok. 
After a little bit, his eyes closed and she thought he’d gone to sleep. Jin was next, and by the time she finished him and Yves and Nokto and Licht, Rio had fallen asleep on his own. The poor servant still had a hold of Luke, or more accurately, Luke had a hold of him. 
She fell back into her seat and let her eyes drift closed, but only moments later, the doctor returned for second doses. Instead of resting, she spent an hour convincing the cranky princes to take their medicine.
“I don’t want it,”Yves pouted. “It’s bitter!”
“I added honey,” the doctor said from the table where he measured out the doses of his tincture. 
Yves glanced at him with a grimace. “You have to use something acidic to balance it. Honey by itself isn’t good enough!” Then he began to cry and Belle had to hug him for several minutes before he would even look at the medicine again. 
Rio wasn’t any better about it, but all she had to do to get him to drink it was tell him it would make her sad if he didn’t. Then there was Luke.
The poor servant that had picked him up finally escaped to his other duties, and now Luke was in bed with hs teddy bear. No amount of persuading would get him to take the medicine, but it turned out if you added enough honey, he would eat anything.
Dawn came before she even realized it. And then there was a day of fetching soup and tea and crackers. Changing out cool cloths and fetching new, clean pajamas. Handing off buckets of offal in exchange for emptied ones.
Belle barely noticed the time pass. She was wrapped up in making sure each prince was as comfortable and happy as he could be. And she held to her word, sending a note to Chevalier to let him know the medicine was helping. 
Sariel wrote her as well, telling her Chev would represent the princes at the day’s meeting and not to worry about the rest. Not that she was. She didn’t have time to be. 
While the boys did seem to improve, their fevers did not break. They tossed and turned and shivered and sweated. Sometimes, all she could do was read them a story or sing them a song to ease their minds and distract them. 
Sometime around dawn of the second day, she fell asleep in the chair. Right in the middle of the cots, surrounded by dozing princes. The book of fables in her lap slid to the floor unnoticed as she rested for the first time since all this started.
Belle woke a few hours later to the sound of laughter and shouting. She opened her eyes to find herself surrounded by princes in the midst of a pillow fight. Jin and Yves were behind one cot, strategically launching pillows at the other boys. Leon was on top of his bed, whacking anyone who came close. Licht was charging Leon, and Nokto had his twin’s back covered.
Luke was toddling around the room whacking random objects with his teddy bear and then telling the bear he was sorry. Which would have made Belle laugh, only her attention was taken by Rio, who stood next to her chair brandishing a pillow like a club. When Rio saw she was awake, he smiled. “I didn’t let anyone get you,” he told her proudly. “I’ll always keep you safe, Ms. Belle.”
“Th-thank you.” She rubbed her eyes and tried to sit up, but she felt terribly dizzy. 
The doctor arrived a moment later, along with two servants. They began to administer another round of medicine, which was much harder now that the boys were feeling better. 
“I guess their fever broke,” Nanny Belle told the doctor by way of hello. 
He nodded. “Oh yes. They seem to be doing much better. Though they will still need to be dosed for another few days.” He squinted at her. “You, however, appear to be doing much worse.”
Belle pushed herself up from the chair, determined not to let being tired get in the way of her job. “I’m fine. And if the boys are feeling well enough to have a pillow fight -” she said this loud enough to get their attention - “then they are well enough to resume some of their lessons.”
There was a disappointed sigh from eight little voices. Nokto and Jin even scrambled back in bed, pretending to still be ill.
“I’m going to get cleaned up. When I get back, I expect you will all have had your medicine and your beds will be made.” Belle eyed them. “Then we will see Mister de Harcourt can come and give you painting lessons.” The princes loved painting and this promise had them scrambling to do as she asked.
Belle made her way back to her room, feeling dizzier by the step. Her skin felt hot and tight, and her stomach roiled painfully. She realized as she got to her room and shut the door, the only reason she hadn’t emptied her stomach was that it was already empty. She was most definitely sick. 
She meant to go back out to the hall and tell one of the servants, but as she turned to open her door, her vision tilted and the world shrank to one tiny pinhole of light in a field of darkness. And then it was gone all together.
Consciousness returned slowly. In the darkness behind her eyes, there was a comforting sound. A gentle voice that told her again and again, she’d better be alright. That she must wake up. When her eyes opened, Sariel was leaning over her, gently dabbing her neck and chest with a cool cloth. 
He stopped as soon as he saw her awake. “There you are.”
“Oh no! Sariel - I - why are you here?” She tried to marshal her thoughts. The king’s counselor didn’t play nursemaid to the nanny, afterall. Belle tried to sit up, but he settled her back down with a stern glance.
“I believe the appropriate response is ‘thank you’?” 
She blushed, or would have if her face wasn’t already hot. “Thank you. I am just . . . surprised.”
“Well, it is unusual for me to spend my time like this.” He chuckled. “But you had me - us- quite worried. When you didn’t come back to check on the princes, they grew alarmed. Apparently Leon and Yves came to fetch you, and found you collapsed on the floor.”
The image of those two finding her that way upset her all over again. “Oh no! They must have been so frightened!”
“Indeed. Frightened enough to demand the servants fetch me. Or their father.” He shook his head. “Needless to say, I came.” 
“I must go and tell them I’m fine.” Belle tried to sit up again and this time Sariel held a hand against her chest to keep her in bed. She frowned up at him. “I really must see to the princes. If you don’t mind?”
His eyes narrowed. “I do mind, in fact. You’ve shown a callous disregard for your well-being, one which has caused great heartache for the very children you are so concerned about.” He tapped her sternum, “Besides, you could get them sick again.”
“I’m feeling much better,” she replied. Which was mostly true. Her stomach still felt tangled and unhappy, and she was dizzy. But she was awake. 
Sariel frowned, then something put a dark glimmer in his eyes. “If I judge you are well enough, I will let you up. Agreed?”
She nodded. Then gasped as he leaned so close she could smell him. Leather and the sharp tang of beer, a slight sweetness of pipe tobacco, and some herbal mix she could not name for sure. Not that she had much time to think of it as his lips pressed lightly against her forehead. Was Sariel . . . kissing her? 
He drew back, his lips firming to a thin line. “Still feverish, I see.”
Not a kiss then. Belle swallowed her disappointment. Or whatever that feeling was. She absolutely couldn’t be disappointed because she - she hadn’t wanted a kiss. “I suppose there’s no help for it then. Who’s taking care of the boys in my absence?”
“I am.” 
Belle’s mouth opened in surprise and then closed again, unsure how to respond.
“I will be here, taking care of all of you until you can return to your duties.” Sariel gave her a small smile. 
“Thank you. I really appreciate it. I’m sure the princes do as well.”
“You will need to do more than appreciate it. I am thinking about what a proper recompense might look like. And of course, appropriate punishment for worrying us all.” He smoothed her hair back. “But right now, you must think only about getting better.”
“O-of course.” That was when Belle noticed all the pictures on the walls of her room. There was a messy blob of yellow and black on one paper. Another was a picture of a woman - her? - with much larger breasts and hips than nature ever gave her. A picture of a lion and one of a cup of weirdly colored tea. Another was just stick figures but she thought it was meant to be her and Rio, judging by the hair. “Sariel. What are all these?”
Sariel chuckled. “The boys wanted to make you pictures so that you would get well faster. Except for Prince Chevalier. He sent you a book.”
Belle noticed it on her nightstand. The Romance of the Rose. “Isn’t he a bit young for romantic fiction?”
“Chevalier was born old enough to do what he pleases.” Sariel smiled. 
“I guess I had better get well soon.” She smiled, feeling very loved in that moment.
“Precisely. I would not expect anything less of you than a full recovery.” He ruffled her hair. “Now stay still and let us take care of you, Belle.”
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meximango · 20 hours
Day 18 - Hackneyed - Vaile + Bobby - PG
Summary: Vaile has a short encounter with Cahsi’s retainer.
Part 1/???
Vaile had never been in this residential district–or any other than Ishgard’s, if he was being honest. The kind of work he had been so used to did not lead him to safe, well-lit, nice-smelling places like these. When meeting up with an acquaintance (the word ‘friend’ was still strange to him, and he avoided using it if he could), they always met up in a city or at a dungeon site or on the road if they happened to bump into each other. 
The sight of all these houses made him feel like an intruder, even though he knew it was full of adventurer’s abodes, rather than normal civilians. Nobody was going to harass him or try to send him away unless he stepped over a line. Hells, Cahsi had told him plenty of people left their homes unlocked! Only a retainer to keep watch, with a book that visitors could sign to give their opinion on the owner’s interior decorating skills. Apparently, it was a form of relaxation for many, and a way for folks to show off their conquests (‘look at this great beast I slayed and mounted its wings on my wall! Gasp in awe!’) It felt like something from a children’s storybook, and he wasn’t sure if Cahsi was just fucking with him or if that was supposed to be considered normal. No way was he about to test if it was true by going into some stranger’s home and potentially getting caught in their homemade dungeon. Which is why he had to be sure the house he was setting out to find was actually Cahsi’s. 
This place was too quaint for the likes of someone like him, but he needed something from Cahsi, and she said she’d be at her home all weekend. So he’d bear through it. He was tough. He could handle wading through a domestic setting without his skin itching for a fight. Probably. (and if he thought about it too long, it’d bring him back to that brief year of happiness with Axel. The closest he ever got to a domestic life. No thanks, brain.) 
Cahsi had sent him a letter to him via moogle mail with the most awful, nonsensical map known to man explaining how to find her home, which he’d never been to and hadn’t planned on. But she was ‘too lazy to bother traveling somewhere to meet up, even if it were at a major aetheryle. Please Vaile, I just want one lazy weekend where I don’t have to dress up and put on my weapon. You come to me, or you can wait.’ 
So here he was. Sort of. He was close? He was in the correct general area, as far as he could tell, but all these districts looked exactly the same, and ‘it’s a carbuncle themed house, you can’t miss it’, did not help when there were a surprising number of people with colorful homes themed after the same creature. Cahsi didn’t seem to be wearing her linkpearl right now, as she wasn’t picking up. He sighed. Not worth the trouble for what he needed, maybe, but he’d already traveled… After another few minutes of aimless wandering and deliberation, he finally went to the nearest retainer bell and rang it until he could get someone to fetch Cahsi’s for him. 
When the familiar, stout figure arrived at the plaza, Vaile wasted no time: “Hey, you! Retainer. Where is she?” Upon noticing who it was asking, the retainer’s face went from a neutral expression to one of slight annoyance. “Oh, I couldn’t possibly know what you mean. Some manners would go a long way to start, boy.” “Just tell me!” “....” 
The lalafell in front of him pretended to examine and remove a speck of dust from his outfit, completely ignoring the reaper that towered over him. Hard to be cowed by a punk with a short fuse when you were already dead, after all. Not much phased Bobby, though he certainly could phase through plenty. Having been around for numerous calamities and no signs of returning to the afterlife, Bobby had gotten exceedingly good at controlling his physicality. He could be solid when needed to do his job, but most of the time he was invisible or a blue-tinged, see-through mirage like right now. It was a standoff Vaile wouldn’t win if he wanted an answer. “Fine. Hello. Nice weather we’re having, aren’t we. Now tell me where Cahsi is.” “Mmm? And what do we say? A magic word, perhaps?” “Oh for the love of–you insufferable mage. Please.” Vaile’s teeth were grit together so hard, he could nearly hear them creaking. His hand itched to reach for his weapon, useless as it’d be. Still, it could be fun to see a scythe swing through the man’s apparition. Would it flicker? “There, now was that really so difficult? Was that painful for you?” His tone dripped with condescension. “You are so lucky you’ve already left this plane, or I’d be breaking my promise of no bloodshed on the premises right about now–” “Tsk tsk, the youths these days are so hotheaded. You’d best work on yourself, lad, or I won’t allow you to see miss Theia anymore. She doesn’t need to associate with ruffians.” “And she doesn’t need a stuffy retainer like you choosing who she gets to see! Let her make her own decisions. She’s the one who invited me here.” Something changed in Bobby’s expression, the tiniest hint of approval in his eyes. “Hmm. You’re right, I suppose. She’s handled far worse and prickly than you. Very well then.It’s the home right across from the pool, one block down to your left. You can’t miss it. You’ll find her in the library with some guests–friends. I believe you know them. I do hope you’ve packed a bag?” “What? Why would I need a bag to talk to her?” “Why, for the sleepover, of course!” And with that, the retainer flickered into nothing, no doubt having had his fill of tomfoolery for the day. Good riddance! A sentiment shared by both.
Vaile quickly reached his destination, the sign in front confirming it was hers. Cahsi’s door was unlocked, and there was note waiting for him, telling him she’d be downstairs. Must be where the library is. As he approached the door leading to it, he heard muffles voices and laughter. Was he really about to intrude on a ‘sleepover’, and whatever that entailed? It was barely dinnertime! Better to get this over with, Vaile. Sooner you get in there, the sooner you can leave. As he opened the door, he heard a sentence that made him regret coming here and wishing Bobby had given him the wrong directions: “This has to be the most hackneyed sex pollen plot I’ve ever read, and don’t even get me started about the characterization!” Was it too late to turn around and pretend he was never here? Unfortunately, three faces turned toward him and exclaimed in greeting. “Vaile! You’re just in time. You have to join us!” He nearly felt his adrenaline spike as though he were about to enter battle. What the hells was he getting himself into…?
- To Be Continued… ? -
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corvidous · 4 months
"Field Journal, Captain Salt SB, May 1811, King's Border Rangers, Special Division
The missions have been going about as can be expected, fighting horrors and things unseen, as well as the French. Casualties have been high and it seems that men are killed with no regard for ability, broken with no regard for fortitude. Several weeks ago during a raid on an isolated village we were hunting some sort of strange malformed creature when, apparently on the track of the same beast, we came upon a towering woman who calls herself "Sister Henrietta." She carries an ornate mace and a crossbow of outlandish design, whose mechanism she can work with unbelievable dexterity and speed. She is without doubt the greatest hunter of horrors I have ever seen. She placed a bolt through the misshapen head of our quarry at three dozen paces, a shot few of my men could've equaled. Since that day she has traveled with us. She speaks English with an accent I cannot place, and she is certainly no Spaniard, nor of any holy order I have ever encountered, though we saw many strange and forgotten shrines and monasteries in those high lonely Spanish valleys. She speaks seldom, and her aspect is very grim, and sometimes when the battle is fierce she will laugh a terrible laugh, or cry like brazen bells in a language I do not know. I have seen hardened killers, men who sneer at the noose and laugh at the lash, turn aside from her gaze. Surely as long as she is willing to hunt with us we are greatly fortunate, and with her in our band I fear the less either Frenchman, bandit, or horror out of the darkness."
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I finished painting up a Sister Novitiate Killteam and it occurred to me that I could definitely use the crossbow sister as a Veteran Hunter in Silver Bayonet. A musket can be reflavored as a "repeating crossbow" without any issues I think. I liked the idea so much I wrote up a little fiction, I hope y'all liked it.
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