#apparently I never reblogged this
gregorovitch-adler · 4 months
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Translation: Junior, I have told you several times that Lily prefers to be single, remember?
Lily is the new aroace icon. That's all.
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*Meaning: When did you stop wearing a mask to a majority of your public activities? Wearing a mask when you feel sick or very rarely for specific events/reasons counts as “stopping”
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nintendont2502 · 1 month
btw i will forever recommend just. refusing to engage in discourse. its free its easy and you literally arent missing anything LMAO - 99% of discourse on here is just on the most pointless petty shit that literally doesnt mean a single thing to anyone in real life (i am looking directly at you "pRo/AnTi" shippers), and the other 1% is genuinely important shit... that isnt going to be solved in any productive way by insulting '''the other side''' online. arguing with strangers online never changes anyones mind all youre doing is making yourself *and* your cause look annoying as hell :thumbsup: maybe chill out. find a hobby.
#dont even get me started on how apparently this entire fucking site has never heard of nuance in its life#im ngl dude i think if youre boiling down a complicated topic to 'well this is the good side (my side) and then the BAD EVIL SIDE'#and putting anyone who even slightly falls out of line with your beliefs on the evil side#like. thats not gonna be productive in the slightest right. you understand that right#if you wanna have meaningful nuanced discussions with people you actually know about serious topics then go for it!#just dont drag random strangers into it#if i have to see one more post with dumb bullshit acronyms that everyones expected to know that insults anyone who doesnt blindly agree wit#them i stg#'if you dont agree with this then clearly youre a [evil side] who hates [group] and does [bad thing]. theres no other logical explanation#for you possibly not agreeing with me'#and theyre talking about the most obscure insane discourse youve literally never heard of before thatll be flooding your dash for the next#month#had to unfollow a really good artist because they just kep reblogging the most aggressive 'every [evil side] sucks and hates [good side] an#doesnt care about them and wants to oppress them'#(said '[evil side]' wasnt even a moral stance it was literally just something you were born as. like. you get how thats fucked up right)#which uh. sucked! especially since i was part of that [evil side]#anyway midnight rant over tldr uhhh discourse stupid go get hobbies#and if i ever mention what discourse topic inspired this post ill probably get torn apart LMAOO#(hint: its one of the stupid pointless ones)#me.txt
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binnieceo · 13 days
Hello, kind strangers on the internet!
Oh, wow! Discord drama, huh? I never thought I'd be in the center of it all. Well, since she has shared her side of the story, it's only fair that I share mine.
So, if you aren't chronically online, allow me to explain: A teenager by the name of Tori (or Six) is accusing me of grooming her which is SO far from the truth that it is not even in the same plane of existence as the truth to begin with.
Some screenshots have been lost to time and I only have word of mouth to back me up, so you guys will have to just believe my (and others') words.
I don't screenshot every person and conversation I have. Tori keeps changing her profile, aliases, etc, so the things she's said and done a year ago have been lost.
Certain servers were deleted. Most of the bad stuff Tori said was on a server I made (which I will get into later) that was also later deleted. I only have a few screenshots from the server and most of them are EXTREMELY pixelated and low quality, so I'm sorry about that.
Most of our interactions pre-discord were on Twitter. And not only was Twitter banned in my country, but both me and Tori deleted our accounts.
"Why did you delete your twitter??? Are you sus??"
No actually. I was just getting bombarded with negativity from Twitter so I deleted my acc for the sake of my mental health. Tori wiped her Twitter (idk how? maybe she used bots) because she said she wanted to repurpose her account into a study account, which is fine.
Okay, so, starting:
First things first, I was 17 when I first met Tori back in April 2023. But I think I was 16 when we first interacted, because I have memory of interacting with her in the HJ server before I had my birthday.
She proceeded to DM me on Discord and I scrolled through all our convos and there really isn't anything worth noting there. We didn't talk much in DMs at all. There is just friendly talks about how our day went and how much we appreciated each other, so I'm not gonna put any of those here, because they are irrelevant.
Tori, at the time, asked me to DM a friend of hers (who was in the HJ server) and tell her that she wanted to end the friendship. I was confused but also didn't know how to say "no" at the time, so I just did what she asked and she seemed happy.
At some point, we started talking about fanfiction. We didn't talk about anything bad, just how much Tori liked my work and enjoyed being my friend. Later, she gave me her Twitter @ and that was the first time I saw her posting about NSFW.
She re-tweeted and followed NUMEROUS NSFW artists/fanfic writers (mostly Tower of God and Kimetsu no Yaiba) and made her own posts talking about it, mostly about just how much she wanted to rape Gyuu (a KNY character). Again, I literally don't have access to Twitter anymore + Tori WIPED her account, so even if you follow her, you won't be able to find anything like this there.
I didn't think too much of this at the time. It was just fanfiction, nothing more, nothing less. And yeah did she tell me she was 17 and not 18? Yeah but like. Teenagers are going to teenage and interact with porn anyway so I was like "this is fine" (it wasn't)
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Then, at some point, someone in the HJ server brought up that they were 13 and I promptly banned them (the rules state that those below 16 cannot join). Which prompted Tori to send me the above message.
And this is where I made a grave mistake: I kept talking to her despite it all.
To be completely honest, I was feeling extremely awkward and confused when she first sent me that message, and just wanted to calm her down because I had the impression she was really shaken up by what happened.
"But why did you keep talking to her??"
I kept talking to her out of pity. She often vented to me and the others about how bad her life IRL was, how her friends irl treated her badly and how much she hated it all. I felt like I owed her my friendship because I was the one who messaged her ex-friend some time earlier, making her feel alone. So, I kept talking to her.
I'd also like to note that those were some of the last few messages we exchanged in DMs (the last were something abt Evangelion? I don't know what Evangelion is but she seemed obsessed with it at the time.)
Some time after this, me and Tori met my two best friends (whose names I edited out of the screenshots) and interacted on Twitter before moving to Discord (because Twitter DMs suck and Elon is a bitch)
And that Group Chat on Discord is where all of her screenshots come from. However, differently from what she made others believe, me and Tori didn't actually interact too much in that GC at all, and when we did, it was to talk about our lives/funny memes/Hand Jumper.
This is mostly due to time zone restraints. Tori studied in the morning/afternoon while I was at work, and when night fell (when she was active) I was in school and only came back home during midnight.
Did I talk about NSFW in the GC? Yeah, but Tori wasn't present when me and the others were talking about it, and she never replied or interacted with those messages so I never thought she even saw them. I was even surprised she took screenshots of our convos at all jhds
And also despite what she makes it look like, we didn't talk JUST about NSFW in the group chat, and I also never instigated them to talk about it. I actually had to scroll a LOT to find the conversations Tori mentioned. There are actually very few and far between who are buried below normal conversations and vents about our lives and interests.
The ones who usually started the NSFW convos were my two besties and Tori (when I was offline). Tori actually liked to send NSFW Tower of God (webtoon) fanfictions in the middle of normal conversations just to make the others acknowledge and talk about it.
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She also makes fun of me for asking for help with my smut fanfics, but Tori also asked US for help with her own TOG rapefic (I think it involved a blue haired boy and his uncle?) because she also wrote NSFW (and especially fic-threads on Twitter). I remember she sent me the google docs she wrote the rapefic on but I don't have access to it anymore because I don't save other people's google docs.
And now you might say:
"Wait! You are a proshipper?! You just lost all of your credibility!"
And to that I say: Yeah, I am a proshipper. Proshipper just means I don't tell people to kill themselves or harass them if they like a ship I don't. That's literally it.
And even if you still hate me for using that word and decides to side with Tori because of it, just know that she also calls herself a proshipper (she used to have this on her discord bio as well, but deleted it. This only exists in her tiktok now.) and STILL talks about/interacts with rapefics/incest fics. I'm inclined to believe that she also writes Dead Dove fics but publishes them under a different alias, but that's just speculation.
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So like, yeah. If you hate me for being a proshipper just know she is one too so like we're on equal ground here lmao.
Well, continuing.
At some point, Tori sent a long message in our group chat (screenshot below) saying she didn't feel comfortable talking about NSFW with us.
And you know what I did?
I... respected her boundaries.
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(I edited the pictures together because of Tumblr's image limit. I hope you can read them. If it is too pixelated I'll just reblog the post with the standalone pictures)
She didn't want to talk about NSFW/Dead Doves with us? That's okay. I understood that. It was also around that time I finally started coming to my senses and realized that it didn't matter if I had any good or bad intentions towards Tori, me talking about those things with her in the first place was a bad thing, and I shouldn't have done it.
Tori said she didn't want to lose our friendship or leave on bad terms, so I asked the other girls to censor all of their mature messages (not only NSFW stuff, but also just bad/sad stuff/news from irl news sources) so she could talk to us without being exposed to any type of bad things (because she was also venting a LOT to us at the time and said she wanted to forget the real world for a moment.)
I also made a Discord server with just me, Tori, and our two friends. The server doesn't exist anymore, as my friend deleted it, but I basically divided the server into two sections so we could talk about anything we wanted as a group without bothering/triggering Tori.
But...It was also in that server that Tori started saying extremely concerning things.
Not only did she become progressively mean with time, but she also said she and her sister PROUDLY doxxed someone, and she was RACIST towards my friend, saying that she, a (probably) white person had the RIGHT to call my friend the N word because she wasn't (in her words, not mine) "actually black". Just for context, this friend is BLASIAN (black and asian) so she was being racist AND xenophobic at the SAME TIME. (Sadly, neither me or said friend have the screenshots to prove it, only the memory of it. But all 3 of us can back this up because we saw the conversation happening.)
She also, somehow, found out the school address of another one of my friends AND their ZIP Code, and sent a google streetview picture of said friend's school saying that she didn't live "too far away" which scared the shit out of me and the other girls.
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I hope you can see the screenshots properly. I wasn't the one who took them, so they are pixelated.
Those are the screenshots where Tori says she doxxed someone, and tried to guilt trip my friend into giving her their address so she could doxx them too.
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Screenshots of me and my friends talking about the situation, and about the fact Tori kept on posting NSFW on her (then) TikTok account and talked about it to her other friends who were probably younger than her.
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Screenshots of Tori being mean to me and my friends out of nowhere and for no reason. (The blue line was an unrelated message I deleted for the sake of space)
And, well, Tori being racist to our friend was the final straw. Sure maybe she was exagerating/lying about the doxx thing but we couldn't accept her being racist. So, I, Aline, ghosted Tori, which angered her quite a lot.
But instead of deleting the server, I just left it with Tori and my two friends in it (which was a dumb mistake). My two friends were left with this teenager they didn't like and were AFRAID OF while she stalked both me and them. I don't know what her objective was with all this but if she wanted to scare us, well then she did.
Our friends were so scared of her that they were afraid of cutting off their friendship normally. One of them even told me they were afraid Tori would doxx her if she unfriended her, and we were all looking for ways to get this girl out of our life so we could be in peace once and for all.
However, Tori used to LEAK Sleepacross' Patreon.
And why is this important? Well, because she once sent a google drive link with said patreon images to us once (I wasn't online at the time (it was late at night and I was in school) so I didn't see it) but her drive was e-mail locked. So basically, she had to approve which e-mail would be able to see the contents of her drive.
And this is how she was able to get a hold of my friends' personal e-mails. She could've very well deleted them from the drive's history but she KEPT THEM SAVED and used them to STALK and HARASS my two friends once they blocked her.
And after my friends blocked her e-mail address, Tori started STALKING AND HARASSING my OTHER friends, block evading and asking them to message me about why we left her.
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Above are screenshots about the entire e-mail situation, as well as a the very e-mail Tori sent my friends and the conversation I had with the friend who received Tori's messages.
Tori said she didn't want to be my hater but she didn't know why I blocked her. And well, the answer is simple: Tori is transphobic (more on that below) Racist, xenophobic, ableist, Doxxed at least TWO people and is PROUD of it, found out where our friends lived and THREATENED TO DOXX THEM if they ever got on her bad side.
So like, aside from the fact we shouldn't even have talked in the first place, we were just scared that this TEENAGER would doxx us online and do something bad to us.
And also, remember when Tori said she didn't like NSFW or Hand Jumper anymore? Well, turns out she was lying. Because not only does she still post about Hand Jumper, she uses pictures from the webtoon to say the most CRUDE AND AWFUL THINGS I've EVER seen someone say.
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Above are screenshots of Tori being ableist and transphobic (this was back when the olympics were going on and she sided against the woman who was suffering transphobia without even being trans at all)
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And remember when Tori nearly used the N word against a black person? Well it seems she isn't above using slurs at all because she (a cisgender girl) called a trans person a slur with no remorse and with no reason. (Just Tori suddenly turning on her friends and being mean for no reason, i guess.)
Yesterday Tori got her friends together and started calling me names and making threats against my life. And I don't care whether they are just joking and being teenagers or not, but what they are saying is extremely problematic, especially because I know some of the people in that server are adults as well and should know better
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I personally don't care about their threats and what ill they have to say about me. Let them speak, I don't care. Nothing these children ever say about me will be worse than the things I have to live with on a day-to-day basis, so like yeah keep talking. Your words can't reach me.
However, I am still making this post anyway. And you may say:
"Woah Aline, but aside from Tori's server and friend group this situation was private! Why are you exposing this at all?"
That's simple. Because Tori decided to include my friends into all of this. She can hate me all she want, send me death threats and suicide bait me all day, but if she has something against me, then she should keep it between me and her only. NOT the other girls.
She sent them all screenshots of our group chat (which were the few times we even spoke about NSFW) and didn't even censor my friends' names, and is trying to get her friends to rally against them, even if they literally didn't do anything wrong.
And I'm so sorry but. If I REALLY was the bad person Tori is making me out to be, surely she wouldn't go out of her way to block evade, stalk and harass my friends to get back into contact, with me, right?
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If I really was bad, then she would've thanked GOD that I left her life, but she didn't. She always found a way to stalk both me and the other girls. And it's clear from her message to my other friend (screenshots above) that she was clearly mad and upset that we left her, and this all culminated in her talking shit about me and giving people that never even interacted with me before the wrong idea.
ALL my friends, not just the ones who were originally part of our gc, are afraid of her simply because they INTERACTED with her in the past. They are afraid she will doxx them or get her friends to attack them.
And the thing that made me write this post at all is because my best friend is scared for her life and feeling extremely suicidal because of this teenager who just doesn't know how to get my name out of her mouth.
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My friends have been suffering with terrible anxiety and paranoia all because of Tori. Afraid of her and her little friend group, afraid of being doxxed and attacked online. They are afraid of interacting with the Hand Jumper fandom altogether because Tori is seen as some sort of "celebrity" and her word is law, especially because since she is a minor, people will always side with her no matter what.
So I made this post to finally pull off the bandaid and put the spotlight on myself, not the other girls.
Yes, it was my fault for keeping a friendship out of pity and not love. I was wrong for talking about NSFW near/with Tori. It didn't matter if I was also a minor at the time, I was still older and should have known better. It was wrong of me to do so despite me not having bad intentions. Sure yeah my existence (or lack thereof) in Tori's life would not have changed whether or not she interacted/wrote NSFW things before the right time, but I shouldn't have interacted with her regardless. Sadly, I was naive then. I was wrong, and I apologize. Not to the strangers who are reading this, but to Tori, who I shouldn't even have been friends with in the first place.
And to Tori, this message is for you once someone sends you this post:
Despite everything you did, despite all the horrid things you've said about me, all the death threats and harm you've commited to me and my friends, I want you to know that I don't wish any harm upon you.
I'm sorry for ghosting you instead of sending you a proper goodbye. You must have felt very confused, especially because the others left you soon after. For that I am also guilty.
But I also acknowledge the fact that you know that you are wrong, and that you know your age doesn't make you innocent, but you still bring it up as a defense regardless because you know people will side with you no matter what you've done.
Was I in the wrong for talking about NSFW around you? Yeah.
But you were also wrong for saying slurs, for being racist, for doxxing someone and threatening to doxx your friends if they ever left you. You were wrong to leak the patreon and for making a harassment campaign against me. I know I was wrong too but doxxing, stalking, racism and harassment are also crimes in the USA.
You were transphobic on your Tiktok, said an absurdly ableist statement that I still cannot believe is real, and even without me in your life, you interacted/still interacts with NSFW posts both on Tiktok and AO3 (and I don't doubt you do so on Twitter as well, but I can't log on the website). So while you and your friends can call me disgusting for liking porn and dead doves, you are not all that different from me and you know that.
And I know you know that doxxing, racism, transphobia and ableism is worse than any fanfiction either I or you could have written, but you can't accept that.
You are probably what? 15 now? You aren't 8 years old. You are not a child. You know the weight of your words and yet you decide to speak them anyway because you think the word "minor" will get you a "get out of jail free card", but that only works for so long.
So, yeah. That's it. This is the post. I was wrong but Tori is also no saint. And if you are her friend and you are reading this, I think it's better you reconsider your choices before she starts harassing you, too.
And if you are a bystander and want to cuss me out, then sure, go forth. Shit on me for calling myself a proshipper, shit on me for doing something I knew was wrong, call me a freak and block me I DON'T CARE.
Just leave my girls out of this, because they are not guilty of anything. They just befriended the wrong person who had all the wrong intentions. Any hate and harassment should come to me and NOT them.
That's all I have to say.
I hope september treats you with kindness, and that everyone stays safe out there.
(Below are just a few screenshots of me and my friends talking about the situation, both during and after this entire debacle. I didn't have a place to put them in on the original post.)
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timeausterrors · 4 months
i had the most infuriating interaction on twitter. so i want to have more productive and interesting conversations about homestuck now. tell me things you find unique or interesting with homestuck's writing/characters/themes etc! or tell me criticisms you have about it, its character choices or writing choices, etc! (pls dont come in to just say act 6 is bad or vriska did nothing wrong etc ! you can have those opinions but i want to spark conversations and debates around new and interesting topics or topics that don't get brought up as much!!) ALSO PLS NO HS2 i just want to talk about Homestuck as it is because i think there's still so much to dissect and explore!
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youchangedmedestiel · 6 months
What's going on on this fine Sunday here? I mean I'm enjoying my week-end quietly, scrolling over Tumblr, and I keep seeing by random posts about episode 15x18, about the confession scene of course.
And well, I feel really attacked. I was fine before I see those posts. Now not so much, thanks!
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coulsonlives · 1 year
Omg, Dante Basco ships Zutara! My life is complete.
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icecreampizzer · 8 months
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a couple of loatm doodles that I don't think I've uploaded here yet! AHH. sillies. these are all from different dates as well, with the oliz one being the newest.
text post sources: [desire to be desired] [tomodachi style fight]
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reverieaudios · 7 months
I just woke up and somehow in my sleep I remembered my old tumblr username that I forgot forever ago so just for shits and giggles I searched it because "there's no way it still exists, I totally deleted it lol" and
it is very much still there oh no oh no
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wren-of-the-woods · 1 year
Criminally Underused Bird Nicknames for Jaskier
I love "Lark" as much as the next Witcher fic reader, but there are so many more options we could explore! Here are a few:
Jay / Bluejay This one has excellent potential because 1) jays are incredibly beautiful, colorful, intelligent, and social and 2) their songs are terrible. (Examples here, here, and here.) As such, it'd be perfect for a fond-yet-teasing nickname for Jaskier. Plus, it sounds like the first letter of his name!
Magpie Magpies are corvids like jays, so they're similar in many ways. This one has the extra connotations of collecting shiny things for bonus fun teasing <3
Sparrow Sparrows have lovely songs! They tend not to be very colorful, but they're very cute and the name sounds endearing. I've seen this one used in fic occasionally and I like it!
Sanderling Sanderling is an adorable name for an adorable bird -- they're little sandpipers that run around on beaches! It works perfectly as a reference to Jaskier's role as the Sandpiper and I think it's really sweet.
Peep Peep is a general term for the smallest few species of sandpipers (they're hard to identify at the species level, so calling them peeps is most convenient). It's similar to Sanderling in that it references Jaskier's role as the Sandpiper and sounds adorable!
Bonus: Songbird I have seen this one used in a few fics and I love it every time! It's vague enough to let you imagine whichever bird you want while also sounding very sweet.
Extra options include, but are not limited to: warbler, finch/goldfinch, nightengale, robin, kinglet, titmouse, mockingbird, and starling.
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thegreenleavesofspring · 10 months
Babe I've been blocked by people you've never even heard of.
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cherrystonefemme · 1 year
My favorite moments from my lesbian™️ professional life:
1- That time I got to tell a nun that until she was ready to behave more maturely we would not be having a conversation
2- The terrified look on my well-meaning boss's face when I said "Are you aware that one of the signs in the front hall has the word faggot?"
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cerealmonster15 · 3 months
the block button isnt enough i need to set things on FIRE
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timeausterrors · 4 months
i had the most infuriating interaction on twitter. so i want to have more productive and interesting conversations about homestuck now. tell me things you find unique or interesting with homestuck's writing/characters/themes etc! or tell me criticisms you have about it, its character choices or writing choices, etc! (pls dont come in to just say act 6 is bad or vriska did nothing wrong etc ! you can have those opinions but i want to spark conversations and debates around new and interesting topics or topics that don't get brought up as much!!) ALSO PLS NO HS2 i just want to talk about Homestuck as it is because i think there's still so much to dissect and explore!
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sreegs · 2 years
does anyone have a link to the audio post (or maybe it's a video) that has the AI voice of eminem rapping "penis serious / no penis delirious / suck your dad off disappear / that's penis mysterious"
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rimouskis · 4 months
sigh someone on twitter extolled the virtues of furiosa and said it was better than fury road. I just saw furiosa. they are wrong.
#the brilliant thing about MMFD was how it needed no backstory.#it required no explanation of who these people were or why they wanted what they wanted#that story gripped you by the throat and pulled you along for the ride and by god you took it#bleh. also I didn't really care for the numbered parts of the story that communicated the passage of time#I guess that's where the “saga” came in but I do think one of my favorite parts of MMFD was that...#it was a contained storyline! there were clearly so many other parts/facets of that world we didn't see#but we didn't need to see them becasue that wasnt the story that film was telling#and I feel like ... I dunno. MMFD was perfect. furiosa was not perfect. furiosa was not needed?#we already knew enough from MMFD about why furiosa had wound up as an imperator#seeing the full story I genuinely don't feel like I gained anything new about her and her character#everything we watch her become (or even begin as) in furiosa... all of it is apparent in MMFD#idk this movie felt extraneous. bummer!#good news is i was really worried about ATJ playing furiosa but she did fine. i have no complaints about her!#anyways anyone who wants to discuss come hit me up in the comments or reblogs or askbox whatever#I wish to dig into this lol#man that tweet got my hopes up. but i did not have the reaction to this that i wanted to have#when i saw MMFD in theaters it was a religious experience. that movie rewired my brain. I'd never seen a female action star like furiosa#all furiosa did was make me want to rewatch MMFR#also jesus christ I just realized I'd been typing MMFD for some reason. lol forgive me I'm on my phone sitting in the theater parking lot#pretend I typed MMFR that whole time
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