#that story gripped you by the throat and pulled you along for the ride and by god you took it
rimouskis · 1 month
sigh someone on twitter extolled the virtues of furiosa and said it was better than fury road. I just saw furiosa. they are wrong.
#the brilliant thing about MMFD was how it needed no backstory.#it required no explanation of who these people were or why they wanted what they wanted#that story gripped you by the throat and pulled you along for the ride and by god you took it#bleh. also I didn't really care for the numbered parts of the story that communicated the passage of time#I guess that's where the “saga” came in but I do think one of my favorite parts of MMFD was that...#it was a contained storyline! there were clearly so many other parts/facets of that world we didn't see#but we didn't need to see them becasue that wasnt the story that film was telling#and I feel like ... I dunno. MMFD was perfect. furiosa was not perfect. furiosa was not needed?#we already knew enough from MMFD about why furiosa had wound up as an imperator#seeing the full story I genuinely don't feel like I gained anything new about her and her character#everything we watch her become (or even begin as) in furiosa... all of it is apparent in MMFD#idk this movie felt extraneous. bummer!#good news is i was really worried about ATJ playing furiosa but she did fine. i have no complaints about her!#anyways anyone who wants to discuss come hit me up in the comments or reblogs or askbox whatever#I wish to dig into this lol#man that tweet got my hopes up. but i did not have the reaction to this that i wanted to have#when i saw MMFD in theaters it was a religious experience. that movie rewired my brain. I'd never seen a female action star like furiosa#all furiosa did was make me want to rewatch MMFR#also jesus christ I just realized I'd been typing MMFD for some reason. lol forgive me I'm on my phone sitting in the theater parking lot#pretend I typed MMFR that whole time
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tiannasfanfic · 1 year
White Wedding
Eddie Munson x Reader (Smut)
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| Eddie & Steddie Masterlist | AO3 Link |
Summary: After your wedding, Eddie takes full advantage of having you alone during the limo ride to the reception.
Rating: Explicit 18+
Author Note: Afab reader, they/them pronouns (if any), no Y/N, no Vecna AU. Not specifically mentioned in story that Eddie is a Rockstar, that’s just how I imagine this version of Eddie. Reader wears a white wedding dress and lingerie, and has their hair and makeup done, so implied femme leaning Reader (at least for their wedding). No other descriptions of the dress, hair or makeup. Filthy newlywed smut ahead!
CW: Kinda Perv!Eddie and Perv!Reader; Smut (p in v, f recieving oral, fingering, spit for lube); exhibitionism (sex in a moving limo); mild corruption kink (Eddie).
Word Count: 1,953
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After you and Eddie get married, the first time you have any alone time together as husband and wife is in the limousine on the way to the hotel for your reception.
Eddie hasn’t been able to stop staring since he first laid eyes on you as you walked down the aisle towards him. You look so breathtaking and ethereal in your wedding dress, with your soft makeup and hair done in a way that compliments your facial features.
Not long after you get on the road, he leans forward to tell the driver to take you on a small circle around the city and keep driving around until he says otherwise. The driver is paid by the hour, so he doesn’t care.
When the privacy divider is once again closed, Eddie’s slides down onto his knees in front of you. His lips devour yours in a passionate kiss as his hands travel up under the skirt of your wedding dress, pushing the fabric up along the way. Once all the fabric of your skirt is bunched up around your waist, he pulls back a little to take a good look at you and groans deeply at the sight before him. Even though he was expecting some sort of lingerie under your dress, nothing could have prepared him for the ensemble when he sees it. It was all in white to match your dress, there was absolutely nothing virginal or pure about it aside from the color.
Covering your legs were a pair of thigh high stockings, each one held securely in place by tiny straps belonging to the garter belt that circling your waist. Your panties were little more than a simple triangle of lace held together with a few strings, the weave of the lace loose enough to tease him with the barest glimpse of what was underneath. Letting his gaze travel lower, he can’t help but follow the line of your panties with his eyes to fully take in the sight of your lace clad pussy…and he nearly chokes on his own spit when he realizes they are crotchless.
“Fucking hell, sweetheart,” Eddie groans, licking his lips as his hands spreads your thighs wider so he can get a better look. “You wrapped her up all nice and pretty for me, didn’t you?”
You slowly rolled your hips off the seat and up towards him, giving him a better view between your legs for a moment before settling back down. The result was another groan from Eddie, and he moved his hand so he could start softly rubbing your clit with his thumb. A soft moan leaves your lips and Eddie shivers.
“Want play with your present now or later?” you ask him, batting your eyelashes with an innocent smile.
He doesn’t bother answering verbally, instead he ducks his face down to your pussy to run his tongue through your folds. The moan that leaves his mouth at your taste makes his lips vibrate against you and you moan rises from your throat in response. One of your hands comes to rest on the back of his head, fingers gripping into his curls and giving them a soft tug in that way he loves, making Eddie groan again.
He brings the fingers of his free hand down spread you open, giving him better access to your wet core so he can dip his tongue inside. With his tongue flicking in and out of you and his thumb rubbing circles around your clit, the feeling makes you start grinding your hips up off the seat against his mouth.
“God, baby,” you moan, head thrown back against the backrest of the seat. “Feels so good.” Your hips continue to rock up into his face and he starts timing the motions of his tongue with the motions of your hips. “Always so good to me, baby. Always taking care of me.”
“Always will, sweetheart,” he groans into your pussy, your breathless praise going straight to his cock and making his own hips rut forward into the empty air. Then looks up at you to watch your face as he slowly sinks his middle finger into you. “My pretty little wife deserves only the best.”
As he starts fingering you, his lips make their way to your clit, where he starts kissing over it and around it. Your hips arch up higher, pushing yourself up into his face. He makes a sound of pleasure at this, then begins rapidly flicking his tongue around your clit.
“Oh fuck!” you cry out with a gasp, gripping his hair harder.
Your thighs are already trembling on either side of his head, a sure sign your orgasm was approaching. Eddie felt his ego soar. He always took pride in how fast he could make you cum, but this had to be a new record.
He rocked his fingers into you twice more, feeling you get closer and closer to the edge with each one, and then pulled them out of you without warning. The needy gasp that left your mouth made his cock throb painfully as he rose onto his knees between your legs.
“Eddie, please,” you whined softly, reaching out for him and grasping at his shirt to pull him closer as he started working open the front of his belt. “Need you so much, baby.”
It only takes a moment to get his pants open and pushed down below his ass along with his boxers. He quickly slots himself between your legs, then grasps the base of his cock to guide the head to your center and starts to sink himself into you.
The sounds that leave you both are loud, probably loud enough to be heard over the driver’s music, but you didn’t care, and Eddie didn’t seem to either. He only gave you both a few seconds to adjust before setting a quick pace that had you moaning even louder than before.
“Mm, this pussy is officially mine now,” Eddie grunted out, then groaned as you clenched around him at his words. “Legally mine even. Mine to do whatever I want to it.”
You clench around him again and he curses before slowing his thrusting down. As much as his balls were aching to release in you, he wasn’t ready for this to be over yet. You felt like a dream right now, looked like a dream right now. You are perfect. So perfect that part of him is sure he’s going wake up as soon as he cums and discover it all really was just a dream after all, and he’s not ready to risk that just yet.
After he’s given himself a few seconds to calm down, Eddie slides a hand under one of your thighs to lift your leg up, bringing it up to hook around his waist. You moan deeply as the head of his cock pushes deeper into you, this new angle opening you up to him even more.
With your one foot that was still free, you push down against the floor for leverage and start rolling your hips up to meet his thrusts, matching your movements with his so your bodies are perfectly in sync. His head drops down and his eyes close, responding to your sounds with loud groans of his own.
His lips once again seek out yours in a heated kiss and you respond eagerly. You both lose track of everything around you, forgetting where you were and even what you were doing before his cock was inside you. Even though he kept that same steady pace that was slower than he normally goes, it wasn’t long before he pulled back from your lips just enough to speak.
“Not gonna - fuck!” he groaned, his thrusting stuttering for a few seconds before resuming the previous pace. “N-not gonna last much longer, sweetheart.”
“Cum in me, baby,” you moaned against his lips, feeling your own orgasm close. “Want you to me up.”
Eddie’s whole body nearly convulsed at your words, and he fought the urge to start slamming into you without mercy. He manages to maintain the same pace as before, but his thighs shake with the effort.
“Yeah?” he pants, gripping onto your thigh even tighter, as if it’s helping him hold onto the last of his composure. “Want me leaking out of you all night?”
You bite your lip as you grin up at him.
“Yeah, want my- fuck!” you said, and moaned as he aimed a sharp thrust into you. “Want my pussy dripping when you’re done.”
Eddie started pounding into you hard and deep. He could feel you were close, but not as close as he was, and he needed to change that fast. Pulling his upper body off you, he leaned back so he could once again see his cock disappearing inside you. The sight always made his cock twitch, but he didn’t enjoy the view for long. He slowed down his pace just long enough to he could spit down onto your pussy, aiming for you your clit.
The feeling of his warm saliva hitting directly on your sensitive nub made a small shiver travel through your legs. Before that feeling can fully fade, Eddie makes another jolt go through them when he starts to rub the pad of his thumb over your clit, making quick circles around it as he resumes pounding into you.
Your moans are nearly a scream once you tip over the edge, his name leaves your mouth almost sounding like a wail as you cry it out towards the ceiling. A sound close primal growl erupts from Eddie. His fingers dig into your thigh so hard it’s right on the edge of pleasurable pain and unpleasant. There will be a bruise later, but you know that’s not the only mark you’re going to have after the wedding night and honeymoon.
Eddie thrusts into you harder, making you gasp and cry out at the sharpness before he finally stills, his hips twitching as cum spurts from the tip of his cock, filling you just like you wanted.
You are both still for a few moments, just lying there with Eddie halfway on top of you, his head buried in your neck with his cock still inside you. But then, once you both came down from your highs, it seemed to hit you both at the same time exactly what just happened, and the two of you simultaneously erupted into giggling fits.
The marriage was consummated, and you both just fucked in the back of a limo.
By the time you and Eddie arrived at the reception, you were nearly thirty minutes late. Both of you were prepared to get yelled at, but no one batted an eye once you walked in.
As it turns out, due to some unforeseen issues that came up with the room, the hotel was late in getting the reception hall ready. It was almost another half hour before you all could go in and get things started.
The reception starting late was the only snag to happen during your wedding. Once it got started, the wait was forgotten, and everyone had an amazing time. Nearly all your friends and the family you wanted there were able to attend, and that thrilled you both. The night was filled until the wee morning hours with dancing, laughter, good food and good drinks.
But, about halfway through, you managed to pull Eddie away from all the fun into a broom closet. Between how happy you were and how sexy he looked in the suit he chose for the event, you were desperate for a refill, and he was all too happy to oblige.
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hazelfoureyes · 3 months
Besties Get Banged (part2)
⟢Angel Dust x PornstarReader - Besties get Banged smut💦
Part 1 ꒰აMaleReader ✧ FemaleReader໒꒱ Part 2 ꒰აMaleReader ✧ FemaleReader໒꒱
Val leaves set and Angel offers the sofa of his dressing room to continue what you started.
「warnings/promises: Bottom Angel x Top MaleReader, anal creampie, Angel bounces on your dick, quick fuck, kisses, frotting, cuddles」 same story as female reader; just different bits and bobbles
minors dni 🧯
Angel’s hand slipped into yours as soon as Val was called off set. You two had been corrected for your behavior by the overlord, but luckily his square headed prince needed him.
“Ya know, I have a private dressin’ room.” Angel’s fingers tugged your hand, “With a sofa.”
The benefit of so many arms was how easily he could close the door, lock it, and pull open both of your robes all while you struggled to shake off your slippers.
His mouth left yours as he gently pushed you back toward the purple chaise lounge near the balcony door, “You whole?” 
A common question amongst Val’s employees, especially those who found comfort in each other after his abusive power trips. Not are you hurt, that implies just physical harm. Not are you okay, you can be okay and not be okay. You understood very well what he was asking, are you mentally and physically comfortable to continue?
You nodded, “Yeah, you?”
“He doesn’t get to me as badly anymore,” two hands on your face, two on your hips. Ah, you wish you could touch him more, with as many hands as he had soft places to caress. Angel lowered you, lithe body coming to rest on yours as his hips began moving against your crotch. Soft cock slowly growing against your own, lube being rubbed along your length by his ministrations.
As soon as he was confident you were hard enough to enter him, he straddled your hips and sank down. The sigh he made, the weakness that came over his face as he felt you stretching him open made you shudder. Being enclosed into his tight but welcoming ass brought you a groan, you found Angel to be such an apt name now. A streak of electricity travelled from your spine down and forward to your crotch as you watched him begin to bounce.
Angel wasted no time in finishing the fucking he had been dreaming of just an hour earlier. His arms came down, fingers exploring your chest and stomach. Hungry for your affection, for the tenderness he so desperately needed, his mouth crashed into your cheek. Sloppy, happily unprofessional, he kissed and licked his way to your mouth, already open and waiting to receive him. 
He tasted like candy on your tongue, sweet and melting. Every gasp and moan he pulled from himself riding your cock seemed to echo in your throat.
“Shit, close,” he whined, “Already”. He found your hands with his, pulling them up as he leaned back. Your arms offered stability as he began shallow but quick movements. 
“Cum for me? Please.” A needy whine.
You sat up, grabbing him by the ass and raising him up. Two arms wrapped around your neck as he held tightly. Gripping that tiny waist you began to chase your release,  pistoning up into his heat.  Angel was gasping a chorus of “fuck”s into your neck.
He pulled you in for another kiss, lips pressing into yours with no rhythm or goal.
One of his hands came between your bodies, trying to meet you at the edge. “Cum inside me,” His hand was furiously stroking his red and leaking cock, eyes shut, his attention focused on the place where you were inside him, the heat and the stiffness of how aroused he made you. As he whispered, “so close” and whined “baby” into your ear with gasped breaths, you thought about feeling Angel Dust wringing your balls empty and quickly reached your orgasm. 
“Cumming!” was all you could manage as your teeth clenched and head came down onto his shoulder. Your hips kept moving, drawing out as much as you could. 
Angel’s hand pulled off, your stomach painted in long ropes of his cum. He brought back his hand after a brief pause, moaning as he gripped and pulled every last drop out onto his knuckles. You watched him dribbling down his hand and onto you.
His hips kept grinding, jerking with overstimulation. His still twitching hole gripped you and made you groan as you fell back. 
“You came so deep,” he ground down in a circle motion, you hissing and smacking lightly at his ass.
“Sorry.” You offered.
“Whaddya apologizin’ for? I’m not complainin’.” He smirked down at you,m.
You slipped out, soft and spent. 
Hot, he leaned down onto your chest. His mouth kept finding its way back to you, lazy but content kisses peppered across pink cheeks and flush lips. 
Rarely he could be held so gently while sober, so he took his time in enjoying your tenderness. Four arms wrapped around you and squeezed, “Val’s not gonna let us work together again.” He said it matter of factly.
You sucked in through your teeth, “Yeeeeeah… I’ll probably get canned.”
Angel pursed his lips, “Well, I know a solution to both problems.” He pulled back, beaming down at you, “A place with free rent where yous’ can easily see me anytime we want. How do ya feel about group activities?”
Angelic Choir: @yea-no19 (sorry it look a month!)
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upsidedownwithsteve · 10 months
I’m so happy you’re up for writing for WTTW! It’s one of my all time faves, can’t believe it’s been a year?!
Please could I request a cute little blurb set during the drive back maybe? Something cute and loved up and maybe a little smutty (for the sluts) (aka me)
Or anything else from this AU you feel like writing!
“Pull over.”
“Pull over.”
You were on a road outside of a town in Utah, Carmel and the ocean long left behind. It was almost dusk, that golden kind of light draping over the canyons, making the desert landscape look pink, like a dream. Everything was cotton candy, soft and sweet, including the boy driving.
“D’you need to pee or something?” Steve asked and he peered down at the map that was thrown across your legs. “There should be a gas station somewhere along here if—”
“Or something,” you replied, your answer vague enough to have Steve frowning but he was already pulling off of the road, pink and red dust kicking up from the wheels.
“What’s wrong? Are you ok— oh.” He realised what was happening when you arched up, hips lifting from the seat, just enough for you to hook your fingers into the sides of your underwear and peel them down from underneath your dress. “Oh my god, okay, yeah.”
His belt was unbuckled instantly, a comical quickness to his actions, the buckle hitting the door panel with a thud and he was sliding the divers seat back quicker than he could keep up with, his other hand hitting the horn.
It was all laughter into mouths, pretty, sweet, urgent kisses over the stick shift and Steve wasn’t shy about urging you into his lap. He kissed you until you were breathless, until the sky went from pink to lavender and the clouds in the distance rolled a little closer. It wasn’t a busy road per se, definitely sleepy at this hour but headlights flashed over your both as an old truck blurred past and it just made everything a little more exciting.
Steve was making the nicest noises, needy gasps and groans as you rocked over him, his jeans unbuckled just enough to free his cock and he threw his head back at the feel of how wet you were, letting you nip and lick at his throat, his jaw.
And when he got close and the stars started to blink from between the rock formations, Steve gripped your hip with one hand and urged you to ride him faster, the windows wet with condensation, the car rocking in the most obvious way. He used his free hand to slip down the straps of your dress from your shoulders, tugged the flowery material down over your tits until you were wearing it around the middle of your waist like a belt.
You were so on show it was obscene.
“I’m close,” you moaned and Steve just thrust up to keep you, cock sliding in and out with slick sounds.
You grabbed at his hair, tugging, gazing down at him with hazy eyes. He was tanned, sunkissed and freckles with his lips pink and parted for you, staring right back with pupils blown wide.
“Christ, you’re so pretty,” he murmured and his voice was gone, wrecked. “Gonna come for me? Just for me?”
You nodded, gasping, pulling at his hair until he groaned and took over, holding your hips still so he could fuck up into you until you came, clenching down on him.
And if that happened in every place you stopped on the way home, well. That wasn’t a vacation story you needed to share with friends.
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hungharrington · 1 year
listen. listen. having steve ride/grind on your thigh. he is so good so love and so beautiful god bless his soul :')
i'm listening alright 😮‍💨 MDNI this entire blog is 18+ warnings: alcohol (steve has had sum tequila! but he is not drunk), grinding & a bit of exhibitionism, sort of dom!reader, gn!reader
look, you know when you bring this up i've gotta be thinking of pussy drunk steve, right? steve who's just stuck in a whimpery ramble, his eyes all screwed shut and cheeks flushed pink, just begging for you to let him fuck you? and that's good, that's fucking great but god imagine it's when you two are at a party. it's a house with two stories and upstairs is where the party is really at, with music pumping loud and people dancing and chatting. downstairs is quieter — there’s only a few stragglers, people trying to find the spare empty bathroom from time to time, and then there’s you and steve, sitting so close together on one of the couches, his arm propped up along the back, his hand on your knee. you’re both turned to face each other, knees knocking in the middle.
steve's had tequila tonight — and tequila makes him horny. you know that and he knows that. there's no doubt about it, in the dark glint of his eyes, that steve is feeling it- especially when he turns, eyes watching the last noisy partygoer thump up the stairs, waiting til she's out of view before he pounces. his hand on your knees slide up, gripping at your inner thigh, leaning over you enough that his knee has started trying to work between your thighs, following his wandering fingers. his hot mouth finds your neck. he’s so so messy with it, sloppy wet kisses that alternate between gentle kisses and harsh sucking, as his fingers dance higher and higher — it’s enough to make you keen up into his touch, a whisper of steve’s name escaping your lips, “steve.”
steve groans at the sound of his name on your lips, much too loud for your liking. you try to shush him in between your gasping breathes but he won’t hear it, another too noisy gravelly moan scraping out his throat as his hand slides up at he cups between your thighs— hungry at the heat he finds there. you slink a hand up around his neck and wind it into the hair at the nape of his neck and pull. steve’s mouth leaves your neck to give a guttural whine, right as his hips cant forward, grinding his hard on against your thigh roughly. you realise what he’s done a second before he does.
“oh?” you say, just a hint of teasing. is that how tonight’s gonna go?
“stop teasin— uh” steve starts to snark back but his words are stolen by the moan that comes out when you pull his hair again. your other hand makes quick work, slithering down his front to tuck your fingers into the belt loops on his jeans. you tug forwards and steve’s hips follow easily, giving another filthy grind on your thigh. you grin devilishly and steve meets your eyes through his own hazy half-lidded stare— his hand between your thighs shifting to grip your waist before his hips move again, purposeful this time in how he rubs up against you. it’s a combination of a pitiful and glorious sight; steve beginning to move desperately, those little whimpers falling from his lips, eyes torn between screwing closed tightly and drinking in the sight of you. the party lingers on behind you, a reminder of the lack of privacy that threatens your little bubble on the couch. better make this quick.
you give another pull on his hair and steve’s head drops back, exposing the line of his throat for you. he’s started murmuring softly, whispering, “baby, baby, fuck, baby,” in that voice that keys up the coil in your stomach in a way nothing else can. you press your thigh up, right as steve rocks forward and relish in the jagged pretty moan he makes. leaning in, you lick a bold stripe up his neck and find that sensitive spot beneath his ear- delighting when you find it, indicated by steve’s tightened grip and the fast buck of his hips.
“baby,” he moans whiningly, head tipping back forward. with the tequila and the heat of the situation, the party looming just nearby, you know it’s not gonna take him long. you don’t let up, timing the movement of your thigh with the tug on his belt loops as you nibble on your neck. it makes steve shiver, hands on your waist growing tighter and tighter, and he hides his face into the curve of your neck as his motions grow sloppy. “m’gonna- oh fuck— m’gonna—”
“shhh,” you hush him, partly because he’s getting too loud and partly just to mock him a bit. “i know, i know,” you coo, and then pull his hair once more and steve whimpers loudly, his hips rolling roughly once, twice, before he shudders with a soft cry. his face buries further into your neck, hands on your waist sliding around to hug himself closer to you. you can feel his entire body twitching against yours, hips still moving through the end of his high and you soothe over the hair you pulled, murmuring sweet praises in his ear the whole time.
a loud clatter on the stairs makes you both jump, your head shooting up to see who it is. a girl in heels, clearly on the tipsy side, navigates down the stairs noisily — though she stops and gasps loudly when she spots you.
“oh my god!” she says in concern. “is he okay?”
you realise that steve’s hunched position looks an awful lot like he’s being crying. steve’s body shudders as he fails to hold back a little laugh, still running off his delirious high. you do your best to nod solemnly and run your hand down his back.
“he’s okay now,” you say, giving him a pat of the back dramatically, then mime a little cry to the girl to sell the whole act. the girl let’s out a little aw! before she seems remembers the bathroom she’d be seeking, rushing off on her teetering heels.
steve pulls his head out of your neck when it’s been quiet for a moment, checking the downstairs for other people. when he doesn’t find any, he narrows his eyes at you. “i can’t believe you told her i was crying!”
“you technically were,” you point out, then put on your whiniest voice, mocking his moans. “m’gonna— oh, baby— sfmh—“
you’re cut off by steve’s hand over your mouth, his glare outmatched by the crimson on his cheeks. adorable. you push him off you gently and stand up.
“c’mon, i wanna dance.”
steve looks at you incredulously and then gestures at the incredibly telling wet stain on his jeans. you pout, and then hold out your hand, ushering him up anyways. when he doesn’t make a move to get up, you pout harder and bend over to whisper in his ear— “you know, if your hips are against mine, i doubt anybody’s gonna notice…”
you get your dance.
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spooky-bunnys · 8 months
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It was a boring Tuesday at the S&S Bike Shop. Business was kinda slow. Shinichiro didn't really have anything he needed to do. He was still waiting for a certain part for a bike he'd been working on. He already asked a buddy to get it for him. He heard the jingle of the front door and quickly turned to see who it was.
(Name) was bored to say the least. His brother wasn't home due to him needing to runs some errands. So (Name) came up to the brilliant idea of teasing his boyfriend. So he put on the tight shorts he knows his boyfriends loves seeing him in. Along with his boyfriends favorite shirt.
(Name) giggled and slipped on his shoes before making his way to his boyfriends shop. As he walked (Name) ignored everything around him. Just enjoying the weather and sunshine. This as perfect bike riding weather. Maybe when he brother is done with his errands they could go for a ride.
Upon noticing his boyfriend's shop (Name) quickly made his way towards the door. Before he could even touch the handle a hand shot out in front of (Name) opening the door. Startled (Name) followed the hand and was met with an old classmate of his. Both appeared startled at the reveal.
"(Name)-san?" (Name) smiled nodded and headed inside and thanked the male. "Yeah. Thank you. How have you been?" The classmate immediately replied. Neither noticing the annoyed Shinichiro behind the counter. As the two men chatted, Shinichiro was growing more and more annoyed.
As they approached the counter. Shinichiro heard the unknown male ask for (Name)'s number which upset him greatly. (Name) politely told him that he already had a boyfriend. When the man asked who (Name)'s boyfriend was, Shinichiro cleared his throat with an annoyed expression and a raised eyebrow.
(Name) smiled brightly and nodded towards the annoyed shop owner. The male froze and quietly apologized. Shinichiro quickly rung the male's items up and sent him on his way with a forced smile. After the male left Shinichiro turned to (Name) his face unamused. (Name) giggled quietly and kisses hs cheek.
"Shin I was bored so I decided to come and visit you!" Shinichiro's facial expression didn't chance. (Name)'s smile fell and he felt nervous. "Is everything okay?" Shinichiro look towards the door, then turned back towards (Name) and rose a brow. (Name) 'oh'd and began to explain how they were in the same English class back in High School.
Shinichiro listened carefully and locked the store door and turned the sign. (Name) hadn't even noticed too focused on the story he was telling his boyfriend. Shinichiro finally broke (Name) from the story when he pulled him towards the back of the shop with a jealous look on his face. (Name) confused just followed.
(Name) let out another breathy moan. His shirt (technically Shinichiro's) was thrown somewhere behind the duo. (Name) was caged on the counter arms wrapped around Shinichiro's shoulders. His legs wrapped around Shinichiro's waist to keep him still.
Shinichiro's hair was a mess. He had a hand gripping (Name)'s waist and another in (Name)'s messy let down hair. Shinichiro pulled away slowly admiring the hickies and bite marks he's left on (Name)'s neck. The possesive side of him practically purring at the sight.
(Name) looks up at him with swollen lips and half lidded eyes. He pulls Shinichiro back in for more kisses before moving to his neck. Hoping to leave his own marks. After leaving quite a few marks (Name) pulls back and smiles at the site. Shinichiro shivers at the cute smile on (Name)'s face.
Shinichiro kisses (Name) softly and leaves kisses down his neck. After he bites down rougher making (Name) squirm and moan louder. Thats when the back door is thrown open. Startling the two. When they turn to the door they see a very horrified Imaushi Wakasa. It takes a few moments for Wakasa to say anything.
"Oi! Get your fucking perverted hands off my baby brother!" Shinichiro doesn't move. Not until Wakasa literally rips him away from (Name). Upon seeing his half naked baby brother Wakasa quickly takes off his jacket and covers (Name). Then he whips his head towards Shinichiro with an expression that could kill.
(Name) avoided eye contact from the three staring men from his place on Shinichiro's lap. Shinichiro had a hand on (Name)'s hip and another holding a cigarette. Enjoying the hand thats playing with his hair. Knowing (Name) did that when under a lot of stress.
Wakasa is just glaring at the grinning Shinichiro. Takeomi and Benkei are trying to understand what they had jut been told. "So wait," Benkei rubbed his eyes. "You're telling us. You walked in on Shin kissing-," he was interupted when Wakasa practically growled. "Eating. He was EATING my baby brother." Benkei sighs and rubs his eyes again.
Takeomi looks conflicted. "So you walked into Shin 'eating' (Name). Then called us here for an emergency meeting." Wakasa's eyes didn't leave Shinichiro while nodding. "Yeah, because I distinctly remembered tell all three of you. That my brother was completely off limit. So do you care to tell me. Why you broke Bro Code Shinichiro."
Shinichiro opened his mouth to answer, but Wakasa beat him to it by asking an important question. "Wait when did all this even start?!" (Name) hid his face and mumbled. Wakasa looked confused and told him to speak up. "Since that time you left town," Shinichiro answered rubbing (Name)'s back. Wakasa threw his arms ups.
"THREE MONTHS! THIS HAS BEEN GOING ON FOR THREE MONTHS!?" (Name) flinched at the raised voice. Wakasa's eyes softened and he took a deep breath. "You guys have been together for 3 months? How did this even happen?" (Name) then goes on to tell him about how (Name) went to a party with some friends. But his drink had been spiked.
Wakasa's face fell and he sowly sat down listening to (Name)'s every word. "I tried calling Omi and Benkei, but neither answered! But I was able to get ahold of Shin. I don't remember anything after the phone call though." Wakasa quicly turned to Shinichiro. Shinichiro put out his cigarette. He then explained how when he had arrived (Name) was passed out.
He then explained how he took care of (Name) after that. Of course the worst possible thing popped into Wakasa's head and he tried lunging at Shinichiro. Benkei caught him and told him ti let Shinichiro finish. Shinichiro then explained how he took (Name) to the closest hospital and they pumped his stomach.
"See Shinichiro was only doing what was best for (Name)." Wakasa was released and he quietly thanked Shinichiro and patted (Name)'s hand then he froze. Remembering something. "Wait. If you guys have been together for three months. Then the banging around from last month and moaning...we're you really rearranging your room?"
(Name) blushed and hid his face in Shinichiro's chest. Shinichiro replied with a smug grin. "Well I was rearranging something." This time it took Benkei and Takeomi to hold Wakasa back. (Name) smacked Shinichiro's chest and huffed. "Aniki I'm sorry. I didn't know how to tell you about us."
Wakasa glared at Shinichiro who only smiled brightly. "You were the one who said I'd be single forever if I kept going for girls." "That doesn't mean you go for my baby brother you perverted asshole!" Takeomi grunted and held the struggling male tighter. "Shin stop making it worse! If we lose our grip on him there's no tell what he'll do to you!"
Shinichiro shrugged. "If it's for (Name) I'll gladly get beaten up by him." Wakasa stopped struggling and huffed. After seeing his we done the two males released him although they hesitanted momentarily. Wakasa fixed Shinichiro under a heated glare. "Now I'm inly accepting because I know you'll treat him rightly. But for now on anything you do to him, I'll do to you."
Takeomi tried aruging stating if Shin could break bro code, why couldn't he? Wakasa and Shinichiro turned and glared at Takeomi. Shinichiro nodded and gave (Name) a quick peck. Wakasa without missing a beat tried giving Shinichiro a kiss. While the two male's were struggling and rolling on the floor Benkei pulled (Name) away from them and huffed.
Takeomi leaned towards (Name) with a wide grin. "So (Name) have you ever thought of a three way?" (Name) frowned and barely dodged his brother and boyfriend who quickly tackled the smirking male. Benkei shook his head at them and quickly lead (Name) away not wanting him to see what would probably happen next.
"How about we go get some ice cream (Name)?" (Name) confusingly nodded and followed the bigger male. Ignoring the yelling for him to come back and help him. As they were walkng away (Name) asked Benkei something. "Why is Aniki so mad? At least I'm with Shinichiro and not Takeomi." Benkei hadn't laughed as hard as he did in a while.
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paddockbunny · 2 years
DAMMMMMMNNNNNN YOUR STORIES ARE SO GOOD!!!!! 🥵🥵🥵🥵 can you do getting caught giving them a blowjob for Max and Charles (or if you don’t have time to do both then either of your choice) PLEAAAASE 🔥🔥🔥🔥🥰💞
Summary : Simple, you're almost caught giving Charles a blowjob and Max is caught eating you out. Rating : 18+ Pairing : Charles Leclerc x Reader & Max Verstappen x Reader Word Count : 1,839 Trigger Warnings : 18+, NSFW, Oral Male receiving, Oral female receiving, language & Christian Horner Gif Cred : @frankieslewis & @downinmalibu 💞 Authors Note : One small change because I was working on it before this ask. I've changed Max's to him getting caught going down on you instead, hope you don't mind Anon.
Charles Leclerc
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You drove up here some times when Monaco felt so small. When it felt isolating and stifling. Especially with the Formula One circus in town. You liked living here normally except from this one week of the year. You weren’t sure if it was because it was all to close to home for what Charles did. You loved the buzz of race week but when it suddenly became an overcrowded spectacle and you weren’t into it. You hated how everyone wanted a piece of him and how you couldn’t walk down a street holding hands like you usually did. It was as if everyone knew everyone and the world got infinitely smaller. Sometimes you both just needed some space and tonight was one of those nights. You absentmindedly hummed along to the song playing on the radio as Charles pressed down on the gas, speeding up the winding, weaving roads. The engine of his Ferrari roared like a lion. Being in the car with Charles made the rest of the world melt away. He had that effect on you. He relaxed you, even when the roles should have been reversed. Charles pulled into the familiar spot. It wasn’t incredibly secluded but secluded enough. You could see the highway and some other cars scattered around but you were pretty much alone.
It only took ten or so minutes until you were bent over the center console of the car. After all, this was what usually happened when Charles suggested coming up here. Either he had his hand over in your knickers (why you always wore skirts or dresses), you were bent over sucking him off like you currently were or he’d have the seat fully reclined and you’d be in his lap riding him for dear life. Your mind wondered back to the last time he had you up here at nearly 3am. He wanted to get out of the car and fuck you over the bonnet but you were far too shy and far too worried about getting caught. Charles’ hand tightened his grip on the back of your head and you moaned as he shoved your head down a little more so you were practically deep throating him.
“Fuck, baby…” dripped over his parted lips and you could tell he was feeling it, he was getting into the work your mouth was putting in to pleasuring him when suddenly your head pulled back and Charles was turning away from the window of the car.
Immediately, you readjusted your own position in haste and tried to pull your skirt back down to cover up your semi exposed lower half - Charles started this all by reaching over and making sure you weren’t wearing any panties which resulted in him driving one handedly as his fingers got too busy inside of you to use it to drive with. Your body instinctively closed in on itself for protection from whoever was now at the window. Charles looked completely dazed and utterly confused as suddenly the person on the outside banged on the window again and fear struck into his core thinking Monegasque Police had just caught you giving your famous boyfriend a blowjob in the drivers seat of his Ferrari just days away from the start of the Monaco Grand Prix. However, thankfully it was not police.
“Leclerc, Charles Leclerc, oh my God!” She screamed, “Can I get a picture?” It was an overeager female fan and your heart rate increased when you saw the phone. “Charles, her phone. What if she’s been recording?” You pointed out noticing how he hadn’t been able to completely finish doing up his fly. Just as he went to press the button so his window could go down he told you to calm down, the windows were tinted. You watched in semi horror as the window proceeded to go down half way. “I am with my girlfriend. I’m sorry, not to tonight.” The girls face turned and you had to swoop in as he started the engine of the car. You knew it was a close call. Far too close for comfort. It could have been highly embarrassing for both of you if it wasn’t smoothed over quickly, just incase she had seen more than Charles inferred she could have.
“Offer her tickets Charles. Trust me.” “Uh yeah, no picture but uh, how about tickets? What’s your name?” Charles could have taken the picture. It would have been easier than to explain to the Ferrari team why a fan was having tickets put aside by a driver. But it was the only thing you could think of in a hurry. She told him her name and you wrote it down in your phones notes while she gushed over your boyfriend’s talent. He gently started pulling away from his parking spot and let out an exasperated shaky breath. “Close call.” “No shit!’ You exclaimed and finally relaxed back in your seat as he pulled back on to the road and accelerated. “It’s this fucking car.” You blamed the object “Huh?” He absolutely loved his car and you knew it. “It’s not exactly inconspicuous, the massive 16’s on the side?” You rolled your eyes. “If you want to start having risky sex then maybe you need to buy a Lexus.” You watched as his nose crinkled and he made a sick sound while you couldn’t help but laugh at him.  
Max Verstappen
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He hadn’t had the best day. The car hadn’t been playing game with him. There was something off and everyone knew it. He asked to have some time alone in-between third practice and qualifying to get his head into the zone. That meant no media, no extra things and no interruptions but what it did include was you. They gave him an hour or so before he had to get back into the garage and learn the data.
You tried talking to him. First about the car and practice but then about general things because you sensed he didn’t want his mind on work. Max’s tension was obvious in his shoulders. And it was especially obvious to you in particular because you hated seeing him like that. So you told him to sit on the floor, between your thighs, to work on getting some of his stress out. “There?” You asked when he made a low groan as your fingers dug into the flesh of his fireproof clad shoulder. “Yeah babe, right there.” He said with a grown and it sounded way more sexual to you than the way he probably meant it too. It sent a spark rushing through your core. You felt Max’s hands on your bare ankles and slowly drawing them further up your legs. “Max…” You breathed heavily and it was like an unwritten verbal command to him because before you knew it he was turned on his knees facing you. Those greenish blue orbs bore into you as his hands continued upwards and disappeared under your skirt. An anticipatory sigh that left your mouth was taken as a signal for him to keep going, which he did. With him pulling down your panties and pushing open your thighs.
It only took a few seconds and then you felt his tongue run across your already wet folds. He didn’t need to be doing this. He should be getting in the zone and focusing on what he had to do this afternoon for improvements but here he was on his knees, unselfishly spoiling you. And besides it should have been the other way around. It should have been you on your knees as he fucked your mouth, not him on his knees eating your pussy before he went out for Quali. He moaned against you, his tongue flicking your clit before he replaced it with his forefinger and stared caressing you like only he knew how.
His name left your mouth repeatedly in heavy, undulating sighs while he continued his task to make you cum. Max’s mouth was made for this. You told him many, many times that his tongue was magical and as much as it inflated his ego, it also made him more passionate about eating you out at any given opportunity. Just like he was doing right now. Then, as you were teetering on the edge, right on the very tip of an orgasm, the door to his driver’s room opened;
“Hey Max we’re going to try a different…OH SHIT!” The voice of Christian Horner filled the room and as your boyfriends pillow-y full lips – and expertly trained tongue – pulled away from their previous position, you clamped shut your thighs practically almost trapping him between them. Horner was the last person on earth you would want to ever see you in that position. The sheer thought he had witnessed what he had just witnessed made you want to curl into a ball and just die. How could you possibly look him in the eye now he potentially hadn’t just seen your intimate parts but also the fact he knew what you looked like when you were about you climax? And, Horner had such a big fucking mouth that you knew Max would get ribbed for this from his team – because everyone would know, from PR to mechanics, EVERYONE! - and that meant you would too.
Christian left with multiple apologies falling from his mouth but was laced with an insincere, sniggering undertone. “FUCK!” You moaned and sunk back into the sofa. Right before you closed your eyes you watched Max as he sat back on his legs and rolled his head back before letting out a large, frustrated sigh. “It’s ok, he won't say anything.” He said in an attempt to make the situation better but he knew as well as you did that he was lying. There was a long, pregnant pause before he spoke again; “Do you uh, wanna, I don’t know, continue?” “No, Max! I don’t.” You couldn’t believe that was even on the cards. His boss had just walked in on you while he was going to town on your pussy, it didn’t exactly ignite your soul on fire or fill you with lust. You were completely taken about by the insinuation that he actually did want to keep going so had to clarify it. As you went to grab your panties from the floor he frowned and so you came out with it; “Wait, you do?” “You taste so good…” “Fuck off, Max!” You practically scolded him as his hands went back to your thighs and made an attempt to part them again. But all you could think of was how badly you wanted to take a shower and scratch the memory of Horner walking in on Max eating you out, out of your brain. “I’ll finish tonight then.” He suddenly got up and winked at you. He was insufferable. What made him think you’d be in the mood when by tonight, you and your pussy would be talk of the whole F1 paddock?  
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iamthecomet · 8 months
Kinktober - Day 24 - Forced Fem
Watersports later. But FIRST: 900ish words of Aeon/Rain forced fem. Aeon makes such a pretty girl.
“Prettiest girl I’ve ever seen,” Rain purrs. He nuzzles his face into the side of Aeon’s neck. Hands running down Aeon’s sides and the curve in his waist to rest at his hips over the silky fabric of the slip dress.  
Rain can’t stop staring. Looking over Aeon’s form in the mirror in front of him as he pets at Aeon’s hips. Thumbs dragging over prominent hip bones, visible through the dress. It’s pale blue, the same color as Cumulus’ eyes apparently–at least that’s what Aeon said when he showed up in it. It’s Aurora’s, given with permission not to stain it. 
Rain is definitely going to owe Aurora a dress. When Aurora wears it, it sits at mid thigh–on Aeon it’s a little higher. Helped along by the way his cock tents the fabric in front. Rain doesn’t think he’s wearing underwear, but he doesn’t know for sure. Has been trying to puzzle it out for the last fifteen minutes. 
Craning his neck to try to see when Aeon was knelt in front of him, back the mirror, dress riding up over the curve of his ass. Focused entirely on the small slivers of skin he could see as Aeon sucked on the head of his cock. Eyes drawn to the reflection of Aeon’s feet resting unders his ass. Clad in dainty white socks. 
He’d almost cum like that–embarrassingly fast. The wet heat of Aeon’s mouth paired with the visual almost ruined him. Rain still not sure he’s going to last long enough to get inside Aeon. Rain’s pressed tight against Aeon’s back. Rutting his leaking cock against the small of Aeon’s back. Smearing pre-cum over the pretty fabric. Aurora will kill him. Right now, he doesn’t care. Can’t. He’s too focused on the way the silk drapes over Aeon’s skin. The matching choker fastened tight around his neck. The little heart charm dangling from it. Rain itches to say it again. Pretty. It’s the only thing he can think
The eyeshadow matches too. Powder blue. Rain wasn’t sure what to expect when Aurora promised she’d get Aeon ready for him–it wasn’t this. Pale pink lipstick, soft blush high on Aeon’s sharp cheekbones. The dark eyeliner makes him look doe-eyed. Innocent. Rain wants to wreck him.  To dig his teeth into every soft piece of him. 
Rain clenches his fists in the fabric at Aeon’s hips, dragging the skirt further up his skinny legs. Aeon trembles in his grip. Head lolling back against Rain’s shoulder. 
“Say it again,” Aeon whispers. 
“What? That you’re pretty?” 
Aeon shakes his head. “No–the other–call me–fuck.” 
Aeon’s cheeks flush violet beneath the blush. Rain watches him in the mirror, watches his throat work as he tries to figure out how to ask. Rain could wait him out. Force him to say it. That’s always fun. Watching his partner crumble as they ask for what they really want. 
“What? A girl? You want me to call you my good girl?” 
Aeon makes a noise like the words hurt–but the way his cock kicks tells another story. There’s wet spot forming there too, one to match the back. Aeon nods, hard, turning his head to mouth at Rain’s neck. Sloppy. Wet. 
Rain chuckles. He dips his fingers under the hem of the skirt, pulling it up, until his fingers graze over Aeon’s balls. No underwear, he was right. Aeon hisses, cock kicking as Rain slides higher. Runs his finger along the soft underside of Aeon’s cock. Tracing a vein. 
“Missing something?”
Aeon shudders. Eyes searching for Rain’s in the mirror. Rain’s stomach twists as momentary panic flits over Aeon’s face. Worry. Brow furrowing as he tries to figure out what he forgot–what he missed in Rain’s instructions. 
“Good girls don’t usually forget their panties.” 
The noise Aeon makes sounds like it’s been forced from him. Dug up from somewhere deep in his gut. Startled, pained. Rain turns his head to hide his grin in Aeon’s hair. 
“I–thought–fuck. I thought you’d like it if I didn’t–”
“I do,” Rain says, mouth dragging over one of Aeon’s horns. “But still. If you want to be a good girl, you have to act like one.” 
“Rainy,” Aeon’s hips twitch. Cock kicking under Rain’s fingers as Aeon tries to roll his hips against what little friction Rain is giving him. The movement rocks Aeon’s ass back against Rain’s cock. It spits more precum onto the dress. “Rainy I can be good. I am good.” 
“A good what?” 
Aeon swallows but doesn’t answer right away. Eyes wild, darting over Rain’s face as he tries to force himself to say it. He opens his mouth and nothing happens. 
Rain pulls one hand away from Aeon’s hip, uses it to grab him by the jaw. To pull him away, hold him so Rain can look at him for real. The angle probably hurts Aeon’s neck, Rain’s fingers biting into his cheeks definitely do. But he doesn’t react to the pain. He just blinks up at Rain with his mismatched eyes–already glassy. Lips swollen from his time spent swallowing Rain’s dick. 
“Say it,” Rain barks.
Aeon fights with hismelf for another breath but when it finally comes, it pours of out him in a rush. “Girl,” he spits, “I am a good girl. Please, Rain. Please I promise I am I–”
Rain shushes him. He leans down to press his lips to Aeon’s forehead, too softly to be anything but a threat. 
“Prove it.” 
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sweetracha · 1 year
Choose a Flavor
There are two versions of this story based on what experience you want to have. Will you be a good girl or a brat?
Flavor Selected: Brat
Sugar Content: Spicy Sweet (SMUT!)
Allergy Warning: Hard Dom Chan, Titles (Master and Daddy), Pet Names (Bunny, Baby, Doll, Etc), Dumb is used, Spanking, Denial, Overstim, Begging, Pet Play? (Name and Outfit more than Roleplay), Illusions to aftercare
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Here you are now standing in his playroom. It was perfect, everything you could have dreamed of and more. You had seen it once before when you were going over consent contracts. Chris wanted to make sure you felt comfortable in this space. He made love to you in the black silk bed that sat on the middle wall. He was so sweet, soft, and sensual in those moments. You wondered how he could ever be a dom.
Trying to drown out your busy mind you took in the sights. Christopher, or Bang Chan as you learned was his dom persona, had an eye for detail. The room was decorated with leather and silk, reminding you of the silk piece he had you wear tonight. Red lights colored the corners tastefully. Paddles and other impact gear were organized along the walls. Ropes were twisted neatly on the bedframe. A wand and some other toys were charging on the black wood nightstand. Finally, you took in the scent of the room. Sharp whiskey and leather filled your senses, a perfect match to Chan’s cologne. Being so lost in the art of it all, you didn’t hear the door close or footsteps behind you.
“Hello little bunny” Chris welcomed as he slide up behind you, gently wrapping a hand around your throat. “Are you ready to play little one?” you nodded in response.
“Words honey, don’t be a brat now” his grip tightened. 
“Yes Master” you meekly replied
“Good girl, here is how tonight is going to go. Every question I ask will be responded to verbally, Every order I give will be followed, and every word I say will be heard. Do this little bunny and Daddy will reward you greatly. If you fail to listen to me, however, you will be punished” His hand around your neck pulled you in close as he leaned into your ear and whispered “Hard”.
Tonight you were left with two choices. Be the good girl your dom wants you to be or have your fun and be a brat. Rewards or punishments were the ultimate questions. 
You picked to be a brat tonight
Chan spun you around so you were facing him, it didn’t matter if he had a shorter stature. Right now he towered over you. Leather-gloved hands came up to fix your pretty white bunny ears on top of your head. Christopher cooed at how innocent you looked in the dark space. He was going to have fun with you. Those same rough leather hands tilted your chin up to stare into his intense eyes.
“What are your safe words bunny?” You knew this was an important question to establish an answer but you couldn’t help yourself.
“Green for go, Yellow for slow down, and Red for stop…just like a traffic light” You rolled your eyes. “I thought even a soft dom like you would have known that.
You could see a fire in his eyes, he knew your games. His gentle hand became hash on your cheeks as he held your face. He lowered down to your level and got real close.
“Watch your tone brat, I won't repeat myself. Now what is my name tonight”
“Christopher but I guess because we are playing make-believe you are ‘Bang Chan’. How did you come up with such a clique porn name anyways” you mocked. The hand not occupying your face slithered to your roots. With a handful of hair, he yanked you back. Chris didn’t miss the way your eyes rolled as you let out a grunting moan.
“Fucking brat. Should have known you'd never be a good girl. But you know what princess? I know exactly how to tame you. At the end of the day, I know you just want to be my dumb little pet bunny.” He let go of your hair and made his way to the bed. The way he sat down on the edge made you realize just how massive his thighs were, if it was any other day you'd beg him to let you ride but not tonight.
“Come lay over daddy’s lap baby” he patted his slack-covered thigh.
“Oh what are you going to do, is the big daddy going to span–AH” You were cut off by Chan yanking you over his lap. Toes barely touched the wooden floor.
“Yes princess, master is going to do just that. He is going to spank your bratty little ass until it is bright red. I won’t make you count tonight, Im not sure your dumb little bunny mind can count that high” You were royally fucked and couldn’t have been more excited.
His first swat was light, almost to test the waters. When you didn’t show any signs of discomfort he swung again, harder. He continued his assault on your bum until you were wiggling in his lap. Moans were mixed with whines and huffs of air. He could get used to this.
“Look at these poor panties and babydoll daddy bought you, baby, they are getting ruined. Better take them off. Stand up. Now”
“Bunny, I suggest you turn around and face the wall right now and strip. I was going to let you off with only a few more but I see I need to teach you some manners, don't make this worse than it already will be”
You decided to do what he said for once tonight. Something about the venom that dripped from his words scared you a little. That familiar sub-fuzz began to overtake you. As you began to strip the silk babydoll gown you heard Chris moving in the background. He grabbed a few things and took his spot back on the bed. Like a king claiming his throne. 
“Back over my thigh princess, Im not done with you” This time you draped yourself over him.
He warmed up your now naked bottom which was already glowing a nice shade of red. Out of nowhere, he swung again. You could tell he was using his full force now. 
“I can’t believe you decided to be so disobedient tonight. I had so much planned for you but no, you had to be a brat. Now Daddy has to teach you how to be a good girl for him” he paused the rain of smacks to feel between your legs. “Awwww baby girl, so desperate now arent we” you moaned when he began to circle your clit. “So wet baby, probably being such a little brat because you were so uncomfortable” his digits now began to pump inside of you slowly. It wasn't enough to make you cum but it did keep you on edge. You whined and rutted your hips back in desperation. “Awwww shhhhh poor baby, I'm not done with you yet” and like that, he pulled out and spanked you with the same hand that pleasured you. He continued until you finally admitted defeat.
“Ouch, Daddy Im sorry! Please I'll be a good girl just please let me cum! I need you. I need master to touch me” You slumped in submission. Chan plunged his fingers back into your cunt and set a brutal pace. Moans and yells escaped your lungs are you were thrust into pure unimaginable pleasure. Just as Christopher felt you clench…
“Ask for it” he slowed down.
“What! Please No”
“Ask for permission to come babydoll”
“Please Master can I cum. PLEASE” you begged like your life was on the line.
“Fucking Cum” and with that you did. You spasmed on his lap as he finished you off. While he was still punishing you he wasn’t going to be too cruel. He helped you down from your high and gently laid you on the bed.
“Bunny, you took Daddy’s punishment so well. You did such a good job, Master is very proud. But it isn't quite done. Im going to wreck your sensitive little body one last time and you are going to take it” again with the faux comfort he was so good at. Just as you were going to get ready for him, he flipped you around.
“Oh, I forgot to mention. No looking at or touching Daddy. You are going to remain arched on all fours as I ruin you. And because I know my dumb little bunny can't follow any rules, Master will tie your wrists to the bed to help you” and he did just that. Black and white ropes were wrapped around your wrists and secured you to the bend. His leather hand slid down your back with pressure forcing you to arch. Then he slammed into you. He was done with teasing, done with making you beg, done with waiting. He needed his own pleasure. Chan was going to be selfish with your body. You were his after all, right?
He set an unrelenting pace that was backed by hard thrusts. Imediabity he found your g-spot and when you screamed out in pleasure he abused it with his tip. Too lost in how amazing you feel, Chan didn’t say much. The room was filled with moans, pants, grunts, and the occasional swear word. It wasn’t until you spoke up did he come back to reality.
“Can I come, Master?” Finally, you were being his sweet obedient girl.
“Yes bunny, come for Daddy” He followed his approval with long drawn out powerful thrusts, the kind he knew you liked. As you clamped down on him hard and came with a scream he filled you up. A howl-like moan left him and he emptied inside of you. Your poor body leaked from him. With two fingers we scooped his cum up and pushed it back inside you, mesmerized by the sight.
“Shhhhhh baby it's okay, we wouldn’t want to waste a drop now would we” he cooed with genuine care this time.
“No Daddy we wouldn’t,” you said with a sex-drunk giggle which eased his worries about being too hard on you.
“It’s okay now little one, I'm just Christopher right now bun” 
“Channie?” you slightly sat up with a sweet questioning expression on your face. He was going to marry you someday.
“Yes princess, Channie is here. Let's get you into a bath baby girl.”
Change Flavor?
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muffinsin · 7 months
something about the idea of bela with a dick getting very sensitive after orgasm and her tip being the most sensitive part of her dick is making me feral. could we get a little subby bela overstim story?
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Oh absolutely!🫠🤭
Bela’s legs are spread wide, her pale, slim thighs on either side of your head. She keeps her hand in your hair, pulling merely when she needs to in order to make you continue or tug you back where she wants you.
Her eyes are closed, her head down back, and little moans and gasps pass her lips occasionally as you work your warm mouth on her cock. She shivers when you take her deep in your mouth, her sensitive tip rubbing the back of your throat. She feels herself leak precum already, embarrassingly.
“More”, she demands breathily. Her thighs tense for a moment when you take her back down your throat before you opt for licking again.
You hold onto her thighs to steady yourself, her large and long dick down your throat. She moans softly as you work on her, drawing little droplets of precum from her tip every few moments. You know the poor blonde has been so worked up lately and won’t take long to cum, your precious darling already shivering and twitching slightly.
You moan around her dick, humming contentedly as she whimpers from it. Her hips thrust forwards momentarily, but stop when a firm hand sets upon her hip, stopping her. “Good, more”, she moans again.
You suck her cock inside your mouth, your hand massaging her soft thigh. She mewls quietly; your mouth feels like heaven around her, your tongue pure bliss.
Bliss, yes, pure bliss.
She looks down at you with an almost dazed expression. You hum again as your tongue drags along her cock, lips pressing to it as you pull back, then take her back in fully.
“A-Ah, yes”, she moans, hands moving from your hair to grip the seat armrest when you begin bobbing your head. The poor blonde feels so close and is overly aware of her tip, likely pink and drooling already, rubbing against the back of your warm throat.
You don’t need to see to know her nails have dug into the arms rest.
“Please”, she begs, ever so obedient for you, politely asking you for an orgasm like the good girl you know she can be for you.
You merely hum and moan around her again, sucking her like a lollipop and savoring her taste as she cums in your mouth. The blonde arches her back and moans quietly, her bottom lip trapped between her teeth, her brows furrowed, nails digging into the chair.
As she rides out her orgasm, thrusting weakly into your mouth, and at last calms and attempts to pull out your mouth, you smirk, gripping her hips tightly and sucking eagerly. Her reaction is immediate.
Golden eyes widen as she moans loudly, legs trembling and hips twitching. She whimpers helplessly for you.
Her chest heaves, nipples erect and standing tall as she feels her sensitive cock be sucked and licked. Your mouth is warm and wet for her, teasingly so. This must be the sweetest form of torture.
Her head is thrown back when you, after many more moments of teasing, lean back. “Lo-ove”, she gasps when you instead wrap your lips exclusively around her tip, one hand moving from her hip to wrap around her dick’s base, moving up and down and jerking the sensitive blonde off as you suck her most sensitive part.
“A-Ah! AH!”, she gasps, loud and desperate for you, her arousal and sensitivity clear as day. Her thighs shake and her mouth drops open.
You hum and moan, sucking the warm, red tip eagerly. She’s such a gasping, moaning mess. You know she’s close already by her loud moans and whimpers. Her hand slaps over her mouth in an attempt to muffle the loud noises that spill from her lips from the intense pleasure.
With pride you watch as the blonde woman cums again, her cheeks bright red when you wrap your lips around her to take all her cum in your mouth.
She watches you through lidded eyes, which widen and stare helplessly when you let her dick drop from your lips and instead wrap your fingers around her bright red tip.
When her hand shoots down in a desperate attempt to stop your efforts and give her sensitive tip a rest, you move the hand on her hip to it, restraining the blonde’s wrist with your fingers and pulling it aside.
She whimpers loudly as you lean close, lips brushing against hers, muffling her raw moans with your tongue. She tastes herself on you, on your tongue and lips. Her legs tremble so much, it’s a miracle she hasn’t fallen from the chair yet. Her hips twitch helplessly, causing her cock to thrust into your hand and in turn make her even more sensitive.
Her eyes focus on you when you kiss her warm cheek. “You can give me one more, pretty girl”
It wasn’t a request, she knows this.
Her head is thrown back when you go back between her legs, licking her twitching dick as your fingers work around and tend to her tip. You suck and lick eagerly alongside her shaft, smirking and moaning at her delicious reactions. “Please! AAH! Please!” She begs, her face uncharacteristically warm and pink.
“It’s sso mu-A-AA! Mu-uch!”, she moans, panting and mewling for you. The submissive woman feels her third orgasm approaching rapidly, her tip so sensitive it hurts and aches at the same time. She feels lightheaded from the pleasure, the familiar feeling in stomach spreading.
You pull away for a mere moment, your hand releasing her wrist and gripping her chin instead. Golden, hazy eyes find yours when you pull it forwards, demanding the blonde to face you.
“Now cum for me, Bela”
With your fingers teasing her most sensitive spot this way, and you so close to her, she can’t help but follow the command, screaming and moaning in ecstasy.
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jellyluvr · 1 year
Did I scare you?
- Tate langdon x fem!reader ⋆ ˚。⋆୨୧˚
Alright so this is basically just gonna be a written version of when Tate scares violet. But it's not violet it's you. Of course some smut I can't leave that out 💅
Also I can't recall the scene perfectly so things might be a little off. Especially the start.
Tw: touchy, forceful, masked man basically, and tate trapping you. Or the masked, man whatever you want. No penetration! Still sexual contact tho. I forgot what it was called sry.
S: tate had written on the chalk board upstairs to go to the basement so you did. Only to find a surprise.
You walked down the stairs with caution, the click of your boots echoing throughout the dingy basement. You hated your basement. It was disgusting. That was why you didn't understand why tate wanted to meet down there. Regardless, he was your boyfriend. You had to meet up with him.. he would've gone berserk if you didn't.
So, you finally hit the concrete floor, calling out tates name. You turned the corner, looking for any source of light. As you walked, a tight rubbery hand clasped over your mouth, pushing you into the concrete wall swiftly.
You screamed into the hand, trying your best to fight back as you kicked and pulled. The rubber suit hung on your clothes, making your shirt ride up. He pushed into you, seeming to almost grind into your stomach. He didn't say anything. He just moved and kept your mouth shut. Your eyes were wide with fear, but you could no longer fight back.
With his body pushed into yours you were restricted from all movement. Sure, you could squirm but the did nothing but make your shirt pull up. Either way, it had been pulled up by the man. His left hand went up inside your bra, the rubber covered hand sticking to your skin. You cried out more, feeling his fingertips play with your nipples.
You moved your torso more, trying to get him to stop but there was no use. You began to cry, squirming as much as possible now. The man looked up at your face, his finger going in your mouth as his thumb pushed down on your tongue. You bit down on the finger, but it did nothing. Not a single thing.
The man continued his assault with you, flipping up your bra and staring at your tits. He fondled with them, his single hand going into your skirt. He expected panties, but you had been dumb enough to wear none. Guess you had plans with tate that evening. He could've almosted laughed if it wasn't for your slick. The rubber finger moved oddly quick against your folds. He had never thought you would've been aroused but it made it even more fun for him.
Working quickly, he pulled off your shirt and stuffed it in your mouth, your hands now being free to go to his mask. He gripped your wrist quickly, grabbing the other and pinning them above your head. Your tits stood attention, and it made him so horny. His bulge was very visible in the tight suit.
And if he was being honest.. he hadn't worn any underwear either. With one swift movement he pulled your skirt down fully and grinded his hips into yours. A groan left his lips, but it wasn't enough for you to identify who he was. You were left with no choice but to cry and let the man have his way with you.
Real quick note: I'm guessing the rubber suit had a zipper where his junk is so if there isn't just pretend. It helps the story go along.
K back to it >
He unzipped the zipper between his legs, pulling his cock out from its restraints. He let out a low moan, his hot tip rubbing into your folds. With you standing and him standing there was no penetration. Yet, he still began to thrust into you, but only thrusting into your slick warmth.
His eyes rolled back as he moved his body into yours, muffled moans escaping your throat as your clit got the attention it desperately needed.
His tip moved along your entrance, rubbing you perfectly. It didn't take any time before you began to feel your orgasm coming closer. Tate didn't have that much longer either.
As you two had.. your little session.. your only thoughts were where was tate? He would've helped you.. right? He should've been down here already.. and that's when it clicked. You looked up at the man infront of you, your eyes meeting.
Tate seemed to sense your realization, but it was too late as you two both reached your orgasm. Somehow, perfectly, you screamed tates name right when you hit your climax, making tate laugh some. His eyes wrinkled, and he pulled the shirt from your mouth before his hands went behind his head, a zipper noise following.
His blonde hair peeked out, and once his face was visible, he laughed so much more.
"Did I scare you?" He asked, a shitty grin plastered over his face. You felt embarrassed. So pissed.. but you had got what you wanted.
"You prick.." you huffed out air, wiping your tears before fixing your bra and pulling up your skirt. You rolled your eyes, tate chuckling in response. You heard his zip up his flap, still having some giggles.
"I scared you." He said in a sing song tone, watching you walk back up the stairs. You sighed, saying no under your breath.
As you walked, you felt very uncomfortable with the cum of yours and his in between your thighs.
You were in well need of a new boyfriend and shower.
♫⋆。♪ ˚♬ ゚.
Alright what do yall think? Definitely pretty short but I have a lot to work on so I gotta get it done!!
Thx 4 reading 😘
Also does anyone know what that's called? I'm afraid to search it up cuz I don't want porn. Anyway, here's the taglist
Taglist: @kaismanwich @tatelangdonsgirll @daylas-life @kaiju-superstar @luttic @howtobesasha
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animasola86 · 4 months
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6: A Special Kind of Liquid
This is a rather unusual story about a girl (reader) who comes across a special little friend that she likes very, very much. But does she love it more than she loves her boyfriend (Sebastian)?
Summary: Things continue and take a strange turn as you and Sebastian (literally) ride out the effects of the strange aphrodisiac the squid has "blessed" you with. (Last chapter of the Squid Smut Series!)
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Pairing: Sebastian Sallow x f!reader Genre: Smut // Words: 8.8k // [READ ON AO3]
WARNINGS: NSFW! Explicit sexual content! Excessive amounts of cum. Oral sex. Vaginal sex. Breeding kink. Deep (impossible) penetration. (Additional tags on AO3!) Read at your own risk!
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“You'll wake it...” you whine out quietly as Sebastian adds another finger, rubbing his groin against your leg almost needily.
“I'll be very quiet,” he hums back, pushing his fingers firmly in and out of you, while you hold your breath, hoping not to disturb the squid nestling in your bum.
Your breath hitches when he suddenly claims your mouth, pushing his tongue into it at the same time as he pushes a third finger into your wetness. Moaning against his lips, you're barely able to kiss him back, but he doesn't mind, closing his lips around yours, licking and sucking and nibbling, delving deeper, just like his fingers as he curls them inside you, expertly rubbing against your g-spot. Your limbs twitch as you force yourself to not lose it all over again.
But too late, as soon as your muscles contract, clamping down on his digits, you feel a deep thrumming inside your bowels. With a strained wail, you melt into his touches, letting him finger you senseless, kiss you breathless, and when he gently rolls you fully onto your back and lies on top of you, your eyes roll back as that special kind of vertigo assaults your senses once more.
His erection presses between your legs, guided by his wet fingers, and when he enters you with one swift motion, easily bottoming out in you, you moan into his mouth, your body jerking up under the sudden intrusion. The squid inside you stirs, but instead of moving along with the rapid rhythm of firmly slamming hips, it just thrums deeply, a constant vibration making your insides churn even more as the tension and pressure builds and builds.
Loud groans and grunts fill your ears as you lie beneath Sebastian's broad body, motionless, spent and at your absolute limit, yet he doesn't seem to care as he ruts into you with reckless abandon, pounding his length deep inside your tight space, each stab accompanied by wet squelching noises followed by shrill squeaks falling from your aching throat every time he prods your cervix almost brutally.
It feels as if he's splitting you right open, his weight and strength pushing you into the cushions, fingers gripping soft flesh, adding to the already existing bruises. And deep inside you is a throbbing sensation, making your muscles clench tighter and tighter around whatever occupies your cavities. You cry out soundlessly, body squirming and writhing, fighting the overwhelming assault on your senses.
Something warm floods your bowels, that burning liquid, oozing from the squid, seeping into your flesh, numbing the tension. You feel it stirring inside you, woken by the ruthless pistoning of the thick cock, whose bulging veins scrape over your sensitive flesh, whose thick head almost pierces your womb, whose girthy shaft rubs along your stretched entrance. Heavy balls slap against your bum, causing the creature lodged within to move with every thrust.
Your mind slips then, as exhaustion grips you, pulls you along, drags you into the darkness as everything happening to you fades to black...
You wake up with a sticky feeling between your thighs, on your whole body to be exact. Stirring on the lumpy, slightly damp surface of the couch, you roll onto your back, legs falling open, globs of white creamy substance seeping out of your clenching holes. You inhale sharply, tasting something bitter on your tongue before a pungent smell attacks your nostrils. Something warm and thick drips down your chin, and when you move, there's more of it on your breasts and your stomach. Even the couch is covered in it.
Leaning up on your elbow, you look around, feeling drowsy and confused. There's a strange emptiness inside you, no pressure or specific aches, although your insides churn, and when you shift again, something seems to be almost sloshing around inside you. You frown deeply. Despite the abundance of cum on your skin, there are two things you are missing immediately. The familiar tension of having a little squid shoved into one of your holes, and Sebastian.
Your eyes wander through the dimly lit Undercroft. What happened? You wonder, scratching your neck, retrieving your hand with more white stuff on it. What the bloody hell happened?
Breathing deeply, you sit up, rolling your shoulders. “Sebastian?” you ask quietly, your voice hoarse and barely recognizable. Slowly the soreness returns to your muscles, especially to your throat. Raising a hand to rub it gently, you take another look around. “Sebastian?”
Suddenly you see him, sitting on the floor, legs hugged to his chest, back turned to you, in a corner far away from you. Your eyebrows furrow. You stand up carefully, wiping at the sticky stuff on your skin, as your legs wobble beneath you. You almost lose your balance, yelping quietly, before you hold onto a nearby barrel to steady yourself. The longer you stand, the more your loins hurt, but you breathe through the pain and slowly make your way towards the crouched form of your boyfriend.
When you place a shaking hand on his shoulder, he flinches, issuing a strained little growl, but he doesn't look at you. You see his body shuddering slightly.
“What happened?” you ask aloud, your voice still raspy, and speaking hurts more than you've thought.
He doesn't reply immediately, head sunken on his arms. When he speaks, his voice is low and raw, muffled. “I... lost control...”
You frown even more, slowly going down on your knees, your hands on his arm as you urge him to look at you. He doesn't. “What do you mean?” you ask, although you have a notion what he means. But maybe you need to hear him say it.
“It's because of that thing...” he mumbles, slowly raising his head as he points ahead of him. There, in a little cage designed for singing birds, sits the not-so-little squid, shaking in its place as if humming violently, its eight arms coiled around the bars of its confinement.
You feel a wave of anger washing over you, seeing your precious pet treated like this, and you wince as you lean forwards but are held back by Sebastian's strong hand pulling you away from the cage. You stare at him, and when you meet his brown eyes, he quickly looks down again, shame plastered all over his freckled face.
“What do you mean?” you ask the same question again, slightly more demandingly and pointedly, despite the gravelly rasp of your broken voice, as you fall back on your knees slowly.
“Those... liquids that it... exudes...” he tries to explain, his voice feeble, strained as he stares at the squid. “Those must have... hallucinogenic properties... or... work like an... aphrodisiac...” He takes a shuddering breath. “I... don't know what happened... one moment I was... on top of you, and the next... I... ugh...”
You watch him closely, your anger switching with confusion and then... understanding. Looking down at your soiled body, you swallow hard, immediately wincing when your throat aches from the motion. He looks at you then, noticing your discomfort, and his eyebrows furrow even more, a truly saddened look sinking into his dark eyes.
“I am sorry,” he breathes, pressing his lips together to stop them from trembling. “I... I would never...”
“I know,” you whisper back as his voice breaks, and you put your hands back on his arm, scooting closer. He slowly relaxes under your touch.
“Are you hurting?” he asks softly as he leans his head against yours.
“I'll be fine,” you reply, moving one hand into his hair, lazily digging through his locks. “I might need a bath... and a deep scrub...”
His body shakes slightly when he lets out a short chuckle. “But no more dips in the Lake, okay?”
You shudder deeply as your eyes wander to the squid in its cage. Several emotions rush through you, ranging from disappointment to relief to a feeling of loss and a strange yearning. You are deeply conflicted. You know you probably shouldn't keep the (not-so) little creature. It had been fine for a whole month in which you've had the most amazing experiences, but seeing that it went all down the drain in just one night, you realize this might not work in the long run.
Not if you wanted to stay with Sebastian.
You have to choose, and in the end, the choice is pretty obvious. With a deep inhale, you wrap your arms around him and wedge your body right between his bent knees, pressing your sticky skin against his, and instead of being repulsed by it, he hugs you back, pulls you into his lap and crosses his feet behind you, really caging you in. He pushes his face into the crook of your neck and breathes deeply, his arms tight around your shoulders.
“Shall we bring it back?” you whisper after a long moment of resting in the comforting embrace before you turn your head slightly and look towards the little cage.
Your eyes widen when you realize the bars of it are bent out of shape and the cage itself is completely empty. When Sebastian notices the same thing, he quickly pulls you to your feet and lifts you off the ground by wrapping one arm under your rear, securely holding you against him.
“Where is it?” he gasps, looking around frantically.
Your heart is beating faster as you lean your arms on his shoulders, following his gaze. His bare feet tap around quietly as he walks you back to the couch, yet he doesn't put you down, instead holding you against himself protectively, his face grazing your breasts when he turns his head left and right. You look down at him, leaning back slightly.
“Forget about it,” you whisper hoarsely. He meets your gaze, tilting his chin up. Your hands cup his face. “It's probably already in the sewers and then back home in no time...” Your words fill you with a sense of loss as you imagine your cute little squid pet swimming through the Lake, probably looking for its next unsuspecting victim.
He shifts you on his arms, tightening the grip around your backside. “What if it comes back... for more?”
You shiver at the thought, unsure if it's fear or arousal. “I think I'm safe,” you say with a slight smirk, rubbing your thumbs over his cheeks. “As long as you don't come in contact with it...” you add teasingly. His face warms under your touch, and he looks away with a deep exhale.
“You know, I almost wish I'd remember what happened...” he then whispers, gently putting you down on a nearby crate (after checking for any lurking creatures). “I mean... seeing you like this, covered in my cum...” He clears his throat. “Must have been quite the experience...”
You snort, swaying your feet as you press your legs together and lean back on your arms. “It's also quite impressive... I mean, the sheer amount of it...” you breathe out with a soft chuckle, looking down at the dried up flecks on your stomach. Curiously you poke at it, scratching it off your skin mindlessly. His hand finds your wrist, and you look up in surprise.
His dark eyes bore into yours. “Come on, let's get you cleaned up!” he says firmly, ready to scoop you up into his arms again.
You hold him back. “I thought you liked seeing me like this...”
He scoffs. “I... do, but... next time, I want to be present when I... do that,” he mutters almost stubbornly, letting his eyes wander over your skin. “I want to see it hit your skin, feel the pressure when it shoots out, see it dripping down your body...” He licks his lips, his voice a breathy whisper as he stares at your mouth. “I... want to see you... swallow it all...”
A deep shiver makes you gasp softly before you reach your hands out and grab his arms, pulling him closer to you. He steps between your thighs, gently pushing them open, his gaze still scanning your body. Your fingers glide over his chest downwards, the muscles in his stomach tensing as you graze them.
“I want that too,” you whisper back breathlessly, that tension in your gut coiling up all over again.
Biting your lip, you look up at him, seeing the same desire burning in his brown eyes. Without breaking eye contact, you lower your hands until they brush against his erection. You're surprised he is already this hard, his tip coated in precum and the veins on his shaft throbbing badly as you move your fingers over them. You don't want to tell him this, but you have the feeling he's bigger than usual. Much bigger.
“Is this... still –” you stammer slightly, looking down finally, confirming your suspicion. He is huge! (He's always been rather big, but not this big...)
“– from that bloody squid thing? Yes. I've been this hard since I came to... Some potent stuff, eh?” He inhales sharply, probably in quite the discomfort in this state. Though you'd like to think you might be in more discomfort, imagining him doing it all to you with that thing. Especially your throat hurts just looking at his girth.
“Potent, yes,” you chuckle softly, trying to laugh it off, as you wrap both of your hands around his length, gently squeezing him. “So, do you need some help with this?” you offer quietly.
He raises his eyebrows, surprise plastered all over his freckled face. “Really? After everything I've done to you?”
“What? Do you expect me to run away just because you fucked me a little too hard?” You chuckle, continuing to stroke him expertly.
“A little? I... I think I did a little more than that...” he stammers, tilting his head.
“I thought you can't remember...”
“I can't... it's all a blur... but...” He extends his hand and tucks a strand of hair behind your ear. “Just looking at you, I know I've been pretty rough with you...” He cups your cheek and presses his thumb against your bottom lip. “I've certainly fucked your throat,” he says quietly before his hand moves down your neck, his long fingers tentatively closing around it, squeezing lightly. “Choked you too...”
You inhale deeply as you follow the movement of his hand downwards. He brushes his fingertips against your breasts before flicking your nipples that harden under the touch.
“And I've fucked your tits...” he utters, letting a finger glide through the valley between them, scraping at a speck of dried cum. “And unloaded all over you... from your face to your chest to your stomach...” His hand moves lower, teasing your mound. “And by the looks of it, I might have fucked both of your holes... and filled them to the brim...” He teases a finger between your folds, the wet squelching sound confirming his words.
You swallow hard before you take a shuddering breath, licking your swollen lips as you watch him raise his hand, seeing a thick glob of creamy cum on his fingertip. Without even thinking, you let go of his cock and cradle his hand between your fingers instead, bringing it closer to your mouth. You hold his heated gaze as you extend your tongue and lick along his calloused fingertip, tasting his still warm essence. His eyebrows shoot up as he watches you closely, a deep shudder rushing through his body.
“And I believe we're both still under the influence of that squid juice, huh?” he says, his voice hoarse, his whole body tense as he steps slowly closer, pressing between your legs.
“Probably,” you reply, your own voice a breathy whisper. As your heart beats faster inside your heaving chest, you can only focus on one thing: the taste lingering on your tongue.
For a long moment, or so it seems, you just stare at each other, taking in the sight of the other's arousal, trying to make sense of those intense feelings inside you, the need, the yearning, the burning desire. Your breath hitches, and when you make up your mind on what to do, you place your hands on his chest and push him back before you jump off the crate, grab his shoulders, spin him around and not so gently shove him against the old wooden box.
He gasps, and when you get down on your knees in front of him, your hands gliding down his body until you grip his thighs, he inhales sharply as you start licking up and down his hard member, breathing heavily against his hot flesh. Cursing under his breath, he leans back, his body tensing under your ministrations.
Your mind is filled with that special kind of dizziness, no coherent thought is able to penetrate the haze inside it, all you do is follow the instincts of your body, its urges. And so you lap at his cock as if it's the most delicious piece of meat you've ever tasted (he probably is), your tongue gliding up from his base in one long broad stroke, over throbbing veins and tight sweaty skin, until you curl it along his tip, sucking and nibbling on it hungrily.
His noises range from shuddering breaths to deep groans to low growls and sinful moans. Looking up at him from beneath your lashes, you see his face contorted in nothing but pleasure, his eyes closed, eyebrows knitted, mouth hanging open. You continue your assault on him by closing your lips tightly around his tip, hollowing your cheeks and sucking hard, pulling more and more drops of precum out of his slit that you lap up with fervour.
Your own noises are muffled, rapid huffs against his skin, deep hums vibrating through his cock as you take him deeper into your mouth, your tongue pressed to the underside of his shaft, feeling his erratic heartbeat thrumming against it, while your lips tighten around him as you bob your head back and forth, the friction on his hot skin causing you both to groan deeply.
Your eyes flutter shut as you force him deeper until he hits the back of your throat, and despite the initial soreness and reluctance of it, you press forward, your hands gripping his hips as you pull your head closer until your nose is pressed into his curly hairs and his cockhead is buried deep inside your throat, blocking your airways, enhancing the dizziness inside your head.
He lets out a strained grunt, stumbling against the crate, before his hands grab your hair, fisting it roughly as he pulls you even closer, holding you there until tears press past your lashes and the urge to gag grows stronger. Eventually you do, the uncontrollable shudders of your body making you twitch against him as spit and bile force their way up your throat, and as your fingernails dig into his skin, he releases you, and you lean back, spluttering and coughing, precum and saliva dripping from your lips as you take deep rasping breaths.
Wiping your soiled mouth, your chest heaving, you don't even care about the state you're in, you go right back to sucking him off, licking and nibbling and bobbing your head, repeating the motion, deliberately swallowing around him, until you feel him twitching inside your mouth. You lean back then, mouth wide open, tongue extended, hands gripping his base and balls, his heavy cock bouncing slightly against your lips as he climaxes with a loud drawn-out groan.
Holding your face in place, you barely flinch when his cum hits your skin, the first erratic drops painting your cheek and the bridge of your nose before the rest shoots right into your mouth, piling on your tongue, more and more, until your cheeks bulge when you have to swallow it, more spurts hitting your closed lips when you do, dripping down your chin, before you open up again, taking more.
The squid juice seems to lose its potency slowly, because apparently, unlike last time, he is able to stop at some point, though you've still received at least three mouthful and numerous hits to the face and to your chest. He is panting when he is finally spent, his own hand gripping his still erect penis as his eyes wander over the mess he made on you.
You lean back on your knees and lick your lips, wiping some lumps out of your eyes, before you scoop some up on your fingers to bring them to your mouth, though not to lick it off but to push your digits deep into your mouth to suck on them. He takes a shuddering breath, and the next thing you know, he is kneeling in front of you, pulling at your hand, grabbing your face and forcing his tongue into your mouth.
You kiss him back with need, your head spinning, all your senses so heightened you feel as if you're floating. He's holding you steady, your tongues entangled, licking and sucking, soft moans and whimpers falling from both of your throats. He ends up sitting with his back pressed to the crate while you climb onto his lap, his erection bumping against your stomach as you straddle him.
The kiss continues, messy and desperate, and after you grind your pelvis against him for a few long moments, his hands wander down your sides, pinching at your hips before grabbing your rear, kneading your soft flesh, pulling your cheeks apart and pressing you even closer to him. You shift only slightly, one hand between your bodies, until you grab his cock and guide it towards your needy entrance, your juices coating your sensitive skin, your walls already clenching in anticipation.
Lifting your hips a bit, you let his tip slip into your warmth, the stretch to your skin more than you've anticipated, but you keep going, slowly lowering yourself onto him, letting gravity assist you, until he is fully sheathed inside you, crown bullying your cervix, your walls moulded to his shaft, balls teasing at your folds. He fills you to perfection, and you moan deeply into his mouth as your hands lace around his neck, thumbs pressing against his throat teasingly.
His dark gaze meets yours while his hands grip your hips, deepening the bruises he's already left there, and you shudder under the sensation. Licking your raw lips, you stare at him, then dive back in to shove your tongue into his mouth, your combined moans echoing through the Undercroft. You don't even move at first, relishing in the fullness of having him inside you, warm and hard and throbbing, and for the tiniest moment your thoughts wander back to your little squid friend as you wonder where it is and if it will fill you out like this ever again.
Those thoughts dissipate the second Sebastian starts bucking his hips up, spearing you as he pushes even deeper, and you gasp against his lips, the sudden sting piercing through your nerves. Leaning back, your hands on his shoulders, you try to control your heavy breaths, watching him with a hunger you've never felt before.
Then you finally shift on your knees, straining your muscles to lift yourself up, and your walls cling to his cock as you move upwards, only to clench back around him once you slam down again forcefully. The motion causes him to groan while you press your lips together, a concentrated look on your face as you relish in the sharp pain whenever he hits your cervix. Repeating the same agonizingly slow rhythm, your body is soon covered in goosebumps, quiet whimpers escaping past your trembling lips.
His fingers dig into your hips as he lets you ride his erection, watching you with his pupils dilated and his tongue between his lips, breathing loudly through his nose. As you arch your head back, your hair falling over your shoulders, you moan loudly, your own slow pace driving you nearly insane. The more you move, the wetter you become, the combination of old and fresh liquids squelching with every downwards slam of your hips.
You feel dizzy again, barely able to keep going, and so it's him who picks up speed as he grips your hips even tighter, denting your skin, and starts thrusting upwards, bending his knees for you to lean against and for him to have better leverage as his thighs strain against your cushioned arse.
And while he bounces you on his lap, impaling you roughly with each quick snap of his pelvis, your fingers dig into his shoulders before you slump forwards with quiet, irregular whimpers, your forehead brushing against his as he looks at you intently, your eyelids fluttering as much as your walls flutter around his cock.
The sound you issue is a strained gasp, your throat unable to convey the sensation bubbling up inside you as you come with a force that shudders through your body like an earthquake. Your fingernails sink into his skin as your body convulses, your muscles contract, clamping down on him hard, and he groans under the pressure, barely able to keep moving as you tighten up almost impossibly.
He wraps his arms around you as you shiver, your orgasm crashing through you in waves of uncontrollable twitches, your head rolling back, your mouth hanging open as you stare up at the vaulted ceiling even though you cannot see a thing as bright lights and black spots dance in tandem at the edge of your vision, the familiar sensation of dizzy weightlessness taking over everything you feel.
While you float above it all, Sebastian anchors you to the ground, his embrace bone-crushingly strong as he grits his teeth and works his hips against the tight hold of your walls, his legs trembling as he pushes his feet firmly against the dirty floor, his knees shaking, his thighs straining, while he slips in and out of your contracting cunt until he lets out an almost animalistic growl as the tension within him breaks free.
With one final upwards thrust that pushes him deeper than ever before, he releases his load inside you, warm and sticky and unrelenting, cock twitching and spasming, his balls tightening as he empties himself fully, filling you to the brim and beyond until it slowly starts dripping from your tight connection. He collapses against you, holding you with his muscles aching, his head resting on your shoulder, his heavy breaths loud in your ear.
Eventually you come to, your head spinning, the warmth flooding your insides enough to ground you again. Your arms snake around his neck, hands rubbing over sweaty skin, your chest heaving against his. Both panting and exhausted, bodies pushed to their limits, you remain sitting on his cock for a long while, muscles clenching and relaxing around him, more of his seed dripping out of you.
You feel sticky all over and you couldn't care less. There's still not a single coherent thought inside your mind, there's only instincts. The smell of sex lingers in the air, and it fills your nostrils as you inhale deeply, sucking it in as if you can't get enough of it. And you can't. You slowly loosen your grip around Sebastian's shoulders and lean back against his propped-up legs, shifting on top of him.
He also moves back, head resting against the crate as he watches you out of hooded eyes, licking his lips while breathing loudly through his nose. You hold his gaze, hearts beating in tandem as you assess the situation, seemingly gathering your strength, knowing you are not done yet.
And sure enough, after the tension between you gets to both of your heads (or sexes more likely), his hands find your waist and he pulls you off his lap with ease, even though your walls cling to him as he does, and when he gently lies you down between his legs, your connection breaks and his cock slips out, followed by several globs of creamy cum that spill from your oversaturated cunt.
You're lying on your back, not even bothering about the dusty stone floor, looking up at him as he scrambles over you, your chest rising and falling fast, and when he leans down to press open-mouthed kisses to your quivering breasts, you gasp softly and relax beneath him, your skin tingling as he starts sucking on it hungrily, slowly working more and more bruises into it.
Breathing heavily against you, he makes his way up to your neck, continuing his ruthless assault as he nibbles on your pulse, sucking and licking, while you squirm slightly against him, your hands clawing at his arms, that tension in your stomach building up all over again. You press your feet to the ground and angle your hips up, missing the close contact as you push your pelvis against his needily.
He leans back and looks at you from under his lashes, his eyes nearly black with his pupils dilated, and the hunger within them almost scary. You swallow hard, ignoring the sting to your throat, and lick your lips. You see him clenching his jaw, that muscle flexing under his skin, and then he is in your face, mouth claiming yours for a searing kiss that leaves you completely dizzy.
But it's only a short, intense one before he leans back again, settling between your spread legs on his knees, his hand wrapping around his surprisingly still erect cock. You watch him breathlessly, the heat pulsing inside you, and when he pushes his tip against your folds, you inhale sharply, expecting your muscles to protest, but because his cum is still coating your walls, he slips in with ease, pushing into you with a loud squelching sound as he presses his seed deeper.
The sensation sends goosebumps over your limbs, even more so when he repeats the motion once more, and once more, over and over again, always fully pulling out, watching new globs of cum spilling from your clenching entrance, then pushing back in, until you're slightly gaping and all his seed is deposited deep enough to stay where it is. Only then does he enter you fully, easing his passage into your tight warmth with tiny thrusts before he bottoms out with a deep sigh falling from his lips.
You're a mewling mess, your stomach tensing as he fills you again. But he doesn't move yet, he stays there, sheathed as far as he can go, as he grabs your legs and presses them to your chest, holding your thighs firmly in place as he leans over you. Your arms are splayed beside your head, sweat trickling down your temple, your eyes unfocused as you look up at him.
He watches you, his breaths heavy, his dark eyes wandering over your flushed skin, over the love bites blooming on the soft mounds of your breasts and on the slender column of your neck, and over the fresh and dried streaks of his cum sticking to your chest and face. Seeing you marked like this, makes his heart race and his cock pulse inside your warm embrace. Marked as his.
It might be the squid fluid still clouding his mind, but maybe it's something else, something he's always stored away because he thought it might be too much, too strange, too outlandish to even think about.
Well, not as outlandish as your desire to shove a small tentacle monster into your holes, but still nothing he would just talk about freely. Not now while you're both stressed about exams and the future, even though those things have not crossed either of your minds during however long you've spent in this sex frenzy now.
But the thought comes back to him now, as he sees you splayed out beneath him, your feet dangling in the air, held wide open while he is balls deep inside your clenching cunt. He wants to go deeper. He wants to really mark you, deep within, he wants to fill your womb until you're overflowing, until any protective charm or potion gives out, he wants to breed you.
And seeing how achingly potent that stupid squid has made him just by oozing its fluids all over him (and you), it's the only thing he can think about now that his mind has passed the more animalistic phase of just rutting into you uncontrollably. Now the same rutting has a purpose.
It's like a sign from the gods, not that he ever believed in any higher power, but somehow the existence of a tiny sea creature that had the audacity to crawl into your pussy uninvited, which has been his for the last two years, made him realize that he needed to do more. He wanted to support you in your needs for unusual satisfaction, he wanted to be cool about it, but deep within he wants you to himself, inside and out, all of you, it should all be his!
With the squid gone, to hopefully never be seen again, this is his chance. To reclaim you, to show you that you don't need a strange creature to satisfy your deepest, darkest desires. All you'll ever need is him.
And while he imagines prodding your cervix, forcing it open to penetrate your womb so he can fill it to the brim and beyond, you lie beneath him, wondering why he is smiling down at you with that strangely absent look in his dark eyes. Has he forgotten that he's buried balls deep inside your needily clenching cunt? Should you remind him or rather use the quiet moment to try and catch your breath, knowing that he will probably continue your squid-juice-induced lust for each other.
You don't have to ponder this for too long, because suddenly he snaps out of it again, inhaling sharply as his fingers tighten around your thighs, pressing them firmer down as he shifts on top of you. But instead of using the position he's in to really piston his hard erection into you, he collapses on top of you, smothering you under his weight, his arms snaking past your legs as they cradle your head between his big hands. You can't breathe, but you also don't care as he kisses your earlobe and whispers:
“I love you.”
These three quiet words, barely audible, said with passion and desperation, make you shiver more than how his cock currently prods your deepest point. Exhaling the rest of the air left in your lungs, you wrap your arms around him and hold him close, as close as possible, hands flat on his shoulder blades as your bodies mould together even more.
You feel his muscles moving under your touch, and while his lips press to that sweet spot right below your earlobe, his hips press down on you hard, and with the very uncomfortable stone floor in your back, not giving you any leeway, you can't help but cry out loudly as he impales you deeper than ever before, that sharp sting shuddering through you painfully.
The dizziness is back inside your head, and as he starts to give you short but rapid stabs, you're quickly overcome with that mixture of pain and pleasure, so close to the edge of making you scream in agony and mewl in nothing but bliss. Balancing the rather unfamiliar sensation, you groan and grunt with every slam of his hips against your tightly folded body as his cock slips in and out fast, now really pistoning into you with ease, with your juices flowing freely and your walls fluttering around him, stretching more with every deep thrust that seems to pierce right through your cervix.
He growls into your ear, arms tight around your shoulders as he holds you during his relentless assault, unaware of the tears streaming down your face and the quiet squeaks of discomfort that fall from your trembling lips, he doesn't even care that your fingernails draw blood on his back as you cling to him helplessly. He keeps going, faster and faster, in and out, deeper and deeper as he pounds away at you, balls slapping against your bum, those wet squelching noises echoing through the Undercroft.
It is when he seems to breach territory he might have never breached before, that you come around his cock with a shrill drawn-out scream, your walls clamping down on him, possibly trying to pull him back as his thick tip forces its way through your cervix, not that you are able to even think about any anatomical formalities while your body spasms wildly under the sensation, your toes curling up as you stretch your legs into the air and sink your fingernails even deeper into his skin.
Breathing seems impossible in that moment as your eyes roll back and your mouth hangs open and the pain explodes into a million tiny lights, blinding you, numbing you, almost paralysing you. While you are thrown around like a leaf in a storm by your unusual orgasm, Sebastian grunts loudly as he pulls back one last time before burying himself so deep inside you that the tight squeeze makes him come instantly.
With his twitching cock lodged inside your breached gate, his thick cum spurts right into your womb without any hindrance, and despite the shaking of his limbs, knowing that the squid juice is slowly losing its potency on him, he still fills you up, more and more with every erratic spasm, every squeeze of his tight balls, every pulsing of blood in his bulging veins.
His breathing eases in your ears as he slowly relaxes on top of you, while you lie beneath him, trapped by his body and an overwhelming feeling of nausea as he pumps you full of his seed.
He could stay like this forever, having you under him, deeply connected, claimed as his. But he notices the ragged breath you're trying to maintain, the way your body tenses around him, the way you're quietly... sobbing? His head is still void of any rational thought, the primal need he's just satisfied burning through him like a wildfire, yet when he lifts his head slightly and looks at you, looks at the strained expression on your flushed, wet face, your eyes squeezed shut, lips trembling, eyebrows furrowed, something pushes past the haze.
Worry... and guilt.
And eventually he slips away, the way out apparently easier as the way in, and when he does, he rolls you around with him, adding to your dizziness, until you can relax on top of him, your legs finally able to stretch fully again, your body unfolding as you rest on his warm body, though he quickly spins you around once more, making you lie on him with your back pressed to his chest and his cock squished along the cleft between your bum cheeks, before he places his big hands gently on your stomach, holding you in place as you lean your head against his shoulder, breathing deeply into his touch.
You don't question the weird position, you just want to come down from it all, your body screaming for a different kind of release, a break. Your arms and legs fall to the side, spent and boneless, and you don't even care how sticky you feel, from tears to sweat to cum dripping from your clenching hole. He seems to care though, at least about one of those things, as you suddenly feel one of his hands slipping from your stomach to cup your mound, his fingers blindly prodding at your entrance, pushing his seed back into your aching walls and holding it there.
You let him do whatever makes him happy, you just close your eyes and feel your consciousness slipping as all the escapades you just experienced catch up with you. With his hands on the small bulge in your belly and securely holding your pussy to prevent any more leaking, Sebastian is determined to remain like this, holding you trapped in his arms, but his stamina is fading too, and without being able to control it, his grip on you slips as he too slips into a deep slumber.
With both of you completely passed out after the unusual exertion, none of you notice the quiet scratching sound as the squid drags its body over the stone floor of the vast room, its tentacles pulling it forwards as it approaches the heap of limbs you two have coiled up into.
Sleeping soundlessly, your legs have fallen open, and with Sebastian's hand falling away as well, letting thick chunks of cum drip from your depths, there is nothing stopping the creature from crawling closer to your warmth.
Instead of slipping inside you with its head first like usual, it positions its tendrils at your opening, thin tips poking deep, squelching through the white substance seeping from you, and slowly the squid lets its tentacles pull it up and into your wetness, the wide base struggling to fit at first, but then, with a quiet pop, it slips inside, vibrating slightly to move closer to your core, and there, at your bruised cervix, it extends its tendrils, pushes right into your womb and erases any claim of ownership from the boy lying beneath you as it slowly feeds off his fluids now.
And when the bulge in your stomach is gone completely, the squid forces its way back out of you, causing you to stir slightly as it stretches your walls and pushes past your clenching entrance. Once it plops onto the floor with a wet squelching noise, it grows even more, its eight tentacles thick and long and covered in bumps and suctions cups, its body wider and longer and more rounded, its head a perfect triangle with soft edges.
Out of its base, where its puckered mouth still devours the feast it just snatched from your insides, it suddenly grows two additional tentacles, a lot longer and thicker than the others, its tips wider and almost egg-shaped. One of those makes its way back between your legs, teasing your folds before it slips in once more, struggling to fit before a pulsing motion goes through the appendage. When it retreats once more, it is much thinner.
The other new tentacle then does the same, pushing its rounded head into you with a loud pop, then undulating against you, slipping deep and leaving you a tiny parting gift before it pulls out again.
Then the squid lifts its body onto its eight arms (or legs), using the additional tendrils as support, and slowly crawls back into the shadows, away from the pile of unconscious bodies, a quiet tapping and popping sound echoing eerily through the Undercroft as it does so.
And luckily none of you have witnessed the strange transformation and behaviour, because none of you would sleep this peacefully otherwise.
You wake up to a soft mumbling that seems to move through the room. Stirring slightly, you find yourself wrapped in an abundance of warm blankets, covering you from head to toe, and you're lying on the lumpy couch that smells like... soap. Actually everything seems to smell of soap as you take a deep inhale and slowly open your eyes.
You feel groggy, your eyelids heavy, your body too wrapped up to move, but you still feel your muscles aching despite the warmth seeping through them. Licking your dry lips, you look around in confusion, your head pounding horribly.
The murmurs continue, and eventually you find their source. Sebastian is slowly walking through the Undercroft, completely dressed, pointing his wand at everything and mumbling under his breath, and you see water and soap bubbles and steam spurting from its tip. He's cleaning the entire place, you realize, and with that thought, the memories come back, albeit scrambled and kind of foggy.
Groaning quietly, you close your eyes as you remember the things you two have done during your drug-induced frenzy. You feel hot all over, but the shivers still rush through you, causing your muscles to ache even more. A sudden sob escapes you as you feel a sharp pain piercing your insides, and as sudden as the noise, as quickly he is with you, kneeling in front of the couch, his wand clattering to the floor, as his hands gently cup your face.
You stare into brown eyes full of worry, and you blink slowly, swallowing hard, wincing again, forcing yourself to smile.
“Shh,” he makes and rubs his thumbs over your cheeks. “Take it easy. Don't move too much.”
You inhale sharply, closing your eyes for a moment. “Wh–” you start, but he shushes you again, scooting closer, one hand on your face, the other tucking a wild strand of hair behind your ear before it leaves you again.
“Here, drink this, it'll help with the headache,” he offers then, holding up a small vial containing a green liquid. Wiggenweld. You gag slightly just thinking about tasting the bitter potion. “Trust me, it'll make it better!”
Screwing up your eyes, pursing your lips, you oblige reluctantly, letting him help you drink the awful thing. At first you would rather continue being in that gut wrenching pain, but then the effects settle in and at least the headache slowly fades away. You let out a strangled noise.
“How bad is it?” he whispers.
You can only groan, feeling... everything. Except one thing. Your memories are hazy, even more so when you try to remember more. You see an empty cage in your mind, but the feeling of loss you've experienced is replaced with something like relief, because there's that one memory, the last one you have, even though it's very flimsy and you're barely able to catch it. But you know it happened. You just know.
Your pet isn't gone. It has been here, with you, inside you, before everything has turned to black. But it is no more.
“Wh-where... is it?” you rasp barely audible as you open your eyes and look at Sebastian.
A dark shadow crosses his worried features, turning his freckled face into a stoic mask, his jaw clenching hard. He stares at you, long, unblinking, his eyes narrowed. After everything that's happened, after everything he's done, and is doing now to make up for those other things, the first thing on your muddled mind is that stupid squid?
“Gone,” he says coldly, his voice low. You frown at his tone, but then sigh and turn your face away. “But I'm here,” he adds quietly, sounding almost pleading now. You look back at him, your eyes wandering over his face. The shadow is still there, but his features soften slowly. “And I'll always be here for you...”
You furrow your eyebrows before you swallow hard, ignoring the strain to your throat. Wriggling out of your blanket cocoon a little bit, you raise a shaking hand to touch his jaw, fingertips brushing over the tensing muscle. He relaxes slightly, his own hand holding your face as he leans closer. You feel his hot breath on your raw lips.
“I'm sorry,” you then whisper hoarsely. He frowns at that, surprise washing over him.
“You're sorry? What for?” he asks, his voice slightly higher as he stares at you in disbelief.
“For... letting it influence me so much,” you reply quietly as you lower your eyes. “I... I should have been... satisfied... with what you're giving me... and I am, I am, Sebastian!” you repeat frantically as you look back at him, your hand slipping around his head to grab the back of his neck. “I love you...” you add in a breathy whisper. “And I don't need... a special pet... I only need you...” Even as you say this, you feel a strange emptiness eating at your insides. Might be the loss of a special little friend, but it's probably just withdrawal from its literally addictive properties.
He watches you closely, definitely noticing the conflict in your wavering gaze. “I love you, too,” he whispers and leans in closer, his nose nuzzling yours. “But don't fool yourself, love, you miss that bloody thing...”
You bite your lip and sigh, trying to hold his gaze. “Maybe... that's why I'm sorry... it's not fair...”
His turn to sigh before he huffs a quiet laugh. He doesn't say anything though, he just closes the rest of the distance and gently presses his lips to yours, his eyelids drooping. You kiss him back softly, closing your eyes and leaning into the warmth of his mouth which quickly spreads all over your aching body. The blankets feel hot and suffocating now, and you struggle slightly against them.
Yet instead of helping you loosen them, he moves his body onto the couch next to you, pushing you against the back of it carefully, one arm wrapped around you as the other cradles your head while he keeps kissing you. You squirm in his tight embrace, slowly leaning back, your eyes fluttering open.
“Why did you wrap me in so many blankets? I'm not cold...” you whisper against his lips.
His mouth twists into a smirk, and you feel his cheek warming up under your touch. “I... uh... heard warmth is good against sore muscles,” he says hoarsely. There's a twinkle in his dark eyes.
You scoff lightly, a strange thought creeping into your mind. “So you're not trying to... incubate something?”
His eyes widen, and he leans back quickly, his face, however, bright red. “What? No!” he says a tad too fast, looking along your body. “I... I... uh...” he stammers before clearing his throat. “Probably didn't work anyway,” he then adds under his breath, sounding almost disappointed as his free hand runs along your side and hovers over your stomach a little too long.
“You... want it to work?” you whisper barely audible.
“Would you?” he replies quietly, looking back at you almost timidly.
You blink slowly, trying to understand what he is even implying (though you're way past implications at this point, especially with his hand rubbing slow circles over your stomach). “How did we get from... fucking like rabid animals to... this? Wondering about... our future?”
“We're probably still high on squid juice,” he chuckles humourlessly, before his eyebrows shoot up. “Hang on, our future? Did you say our future?”
You frown, a deep throbbing in the back of your head. “Didn't you start this by trying to... breed me?” you whisper, your lips contorting into a smirk.
His eyes widen even more. “You remember that?”
“I was there, Sebastian!” you laugh and hit his chest playfully. “Of course I remember that... as a matter of fact, I can still feel it!” you add and shift slightly in your blanket cocoon, feeling the sharp sting deep inside your body. A shudder rushes through you as you remember how it felt when he breached your cervix.
His eyebrows furrow deeply, and he swallows hard. “I... I just want you to know that I... I wasn't thinking clearly, okay? That... that stupid squid and its... juices... I–I would have never done this, not without discussing it with you first, I was just so... so...” He inhales deeply and leans his head against yours. “I guess I was jealous after all... I wanted to... make you mine again...” he adds quietly, chewing on his lips.
You slip your fingers into his hair and gently massage his scalp. “But I am yours...” you whisper softly.
He breathes loudly against you. “All mine?” he asks, looking and sounding almost childlike when his deep brown eyes wander over your face, a tiny smirk playing around the corner of his mouth.
Laughing softly, but not too much as the motion seems to stir up all your aching muscles, you nod, gripping his hair tighter. “Yes...”
The smirk turns into a wide smile, lighting up his entire face. Huffing a seemingly hopeful exhale, he snuggles against you, gently pressing you against his chest as he holds you, kissing the top of your head. His heartbeat is hammering against your ear as you close your eyes and lean into his warmth.
You've always been his, through thick and thin, ever since he swept you off your feet in your fifth year (or rather the other way around). For two years you were completely committed to one another, unconditionally, depending on the other on more than one occasion.
And as you lie in his warm embrace, you realize that you've let a tiny magical creature slither its way between you, trying to lure you off the beaten path, seduce you away from him, and even though you've enjoyed the ride (quite literally), you know you'll never need anything else, anyone else, but the freckled boy holding you tightly.
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End notes: Thank you for joining me on this unusual ride! This started as a weird little idea and escalated quite a bit. I apologize for it being so vile, I honestly have tried to write less... lewdly, but seems I just can't. Or I'll have to try again, on something else. You'll see!
You may also have noticed some hints I dropped in this chapter for a possible... sequel? One day, the Squid Smut Series may continue with more Squid x Reader adventures!
Until then, thanks again for reading and braving the filth! I appreciate each and every one of you, even if you just read this without engaging for very obvious reasons. I don't blame you. I wouldn't admit to liking this either, and I wrote it! XD (And to those who have shown their support: thank you so much! It means the world to me!)
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61 notes · View notes
gyustiger · 2 years
includes sexual themes, by continuing, you are confirming that you are 18+.
includes; blowjob, edging, public service
"you're sleepy? really? while you're driving?" you sighed.
"I can't help it..." he yawned for the nth time this ride.
"alright, park."
"you heard me. park the car."
as the car pulled over to the side of the road, you unbuckled your seat belt and glanced over at your lover. a smile etched onto your face as you placed your hand on his thigh.
"w-what are you planning...?"
"just shut up and focus on what I'm about to do,"
with a nod from him, you slowly unzipped his pants and took out his dick. limp and soft, you thought. you left small kitten licks and kisses along the base as you felt it getting hard in your palm.
his breath hitched as he bit his lip, mumbling something under his breath as he gripped onto your hair. hollowing your cheeks, the head of his cock hit the back of your throat, gagging you slightly as tears welled up in your eyes.
"oh god..."
his dick twitched in your mouth, he was close. you knew it. right before he did though, you pulled away and tucked his hardened dick back into his boxers.
"lets get back home quickly and without any issues and maybe i'll continue,"
"got it,"
long story short, you two arrived home safely and didn't sleep that night despite being deathly tired from your long trip.
childe, itto, kazuha, xiao, gojo, aizawa
533 notes · View notes
Helping Hand 4
Warnings: non/dubcon, mentions of divorce, and other dark elements. My username actually says you never asked for any of this.
Characters: Jonathan Pine, 40s reader
My warnings are not exhaustive but be aware this is a dark fic and may include potentially triggering topics. Please use your common sense when consuming content. I am not responsible for your decisions.
As usual, I would appreciate any and all feedback. I’m happy to once more go on this adventure with all of you! Thank you in advance for your comments and for reblogging.
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Silence. Excruciating and embarrassing. Here you are, a middle-aged woman, accepting a ride after being as good as stranded at your minimum wage job. How very respectable.
Streetlights flood in through the window and you let your mind flicker with the flashes of yellow. The tension is enough to make you want to throw yourself out of the car. You wring the strap of your bag and tap your thumb on your phone case.
“So, how was your day? Rather long,” he breaks the lull.
“It was… a day,” you answer, certain to keep your eyes out the window.
“Ah, yes,” he shifts his grip on the wheel, “forgive me for presuming overly much of myself, but have I upset you?”
You clear your throat as you mull your response. You should be honest. How long had you held your tongue and suffered? Why do that again? And for another man.
“Why didn’t you tell me who you are?”
“Hmm, yes, I suppose I was duplicitous but I thought maybe you might make the connection. When you didn’t…” he lets the end dangle, “I sort of enjoyed you not knowing. It always changes things.”
“Well, it would. It should. You’re my boss.”
You look down at your lap. This was easier when you were young, when you were ignorant of how little you didn’t know. Now, you’re all too aware of everything you’ve missed out on. Of all the glaring blind spots you have to fill in.
“Maybe,” he allows, “but we get on. Yes, I’m your boss, but it doesn’t have to be strained. You do your job well, neither of us need to worry about that.”
Easy for you to say, you bite down on the retort. You instead untangle your hand from your purse and rub your neck. You’re tired, you don’t have the energy for this. After a long shift, your call with Andy, and missing your bus, you just want to roll into bed and forget it all.
“I hate to pry but you didn’t have anyone to pick you up? A husband perhaps?”
You snort without thinking. You try to disguise it with a cough but it’s obvious. You drop your hand into your lap.
“Divorced. Starting over, if you can’t tell,” you blink at the road ahead. Your own isn’t as well-lit or certain.
“That’s tough. I can’t say I’ve been there,” he says.
“Still married?” You counter.
“Never done,” he turns the wheel slowly, “almost. Once. She didn’t show up at the wedding.”
“Oh, I’m sorry,” you don’t know what’s worse. The price of a divorce or a wedding without a bride.
“Don’t be. It’s a story to tell. A bullet dodged, I think. I suppose I could be on your end, starting over.”
“You’re right. I definitely have it worse.”
Your phone lights up and you squint at it before blacking the screen. Andy’s all caps message can wait. Along with the rest.
“Urgh, just here,” you point to the brown building before the corner. “Sorry, that’s me.”
He taps the break and steers up along the curb. He hums, “this is… a very interesting neighbourhood.”
“Trust me, I know,” you peek out the window and adjust your purse on your shoulder, “I’ll just get my keys now and run right up. It’s not that late.”
“I’ll stay until I see you make it inside,” he shifts into park, “just to be sure.”
“You really don’t have to–”
“I want to.”
“Alright, thanks. Have a good night, Jonathan.”
“You too,” he grins, “you’ve earned a good night’s sleep.
You smile, sheepish and stiff. You pull the handle and let yourself out of the car. Your hip pangs as you stand but you don’t show the pain. You gently close the door behind you.
You cross the pavement, your keys clutched tight as each step is quicker than the last. You can’t help it. You have a bad feeling. You’ve heard the shouting at night and a few times, the banging in the hall kept you awake.
You shove your key in the hole, cranking it with all your strength as the lock sticks. You sense a shadow behind you and hope it’s just another resident. You jar the door open only to hear a growl.
“About time,” Andy sneers, “I’ve been sitting out here for an hour.”
You face him in surprise. You keep a hand on the door.
“Why?” You ask sharply.
“You hung up on me. You haven’t answered me all day. God, you are just the same childish girl I married.”
“Right, Andrew, exactly, and we are not married anymore. I’m tired, I’m going to bed. I’ll call you when I have time.”
“You have time now,” he insists.
“I don’t,” you rebuff curtly. “How did you even find out where I live?”
He shrugs, “it was on the paperwork.”
You cringe. Of course, lawyers stick together. You can’t trust any of them.
“Not tonight,” you say, “sorry, Andrew.”
You turn and he grabs your arm. You try to free yourself but he’s just as stubborn as he’s always been. You jar your shoulder but only pull it at a bad angle. You cry out and Andy grunts, suddenly releasing you.
You turn and flatten yourself to the front door as you watch the skirmish. You recognise Jonathan as the light above you shines over the conjoined bodies. He has his arm around Andy’s neck, your ex-husband clawing at his sleeve.
Jonathan turns and flings Andy away from him, spinning to place himself between you and your uninvited guest.
“Go. Now. Or I’ll call the police,” Jonathan warns.
“Who the hell are you?” Andy sneers.
“Who are you?” Jonathan counters, his hand open and closing, ready to throw a punch.
“I’m her ex-husband. We’re talking.”
“Ah, ex,” Jonathan chuckles, “so that mean there’s no more talking.”
“Mind your business–”
“My business? I heard her tell you to go. So my business is making certain that’s exactly what you do.”
Andy scoffs and puts his hands on his hips. He juts his jaw out and looks at the man in front of him, then leans over to glare at you. He shakes his head in disbelief.
“You moved on fast,” he accuses.
You swallow. You won’t argue with him. “Good night, Andrew.”
“Yes, good night, Andrew,” Jonathan opens his hand and gestures towards the sidewalk.
Andy curls his lips and throws up his arms. He grumbles and turns on his heel, stomping off as you stand in another mortified silence. You swear, this man has been sent to see you at every low.
“Uh, thanks,” you utter, “and I’m sorry–”
“None of that is needed,” he turns to you, “are you okay?”
“Yeah, I’m an adult. I’m fine.”
“Yes, you are a strong woman. I’m sure you didn’t need me here but I am happy I was,” he tidies his silk tie, “and now I shall leave you to your peace. It seems you don't get much of it.”
He nods his head and pivots on his sole. You deflate as you watch him go. It might just be worth it to quit to save what’s left of your pride.
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partypoisonzz · 2 years
(it feels good) to know you're mine (frank iero x reader smut)
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Kinktober 2022 Day 1: Dirty Talk/Daddy Kink
Reader Pronouns: She/Her
Era: Revenge (2005)
Backstage Quickie
Daddy Kink
Praise and Degradation
Possessive Sex
Word Count: 1,776
Disclaimer: This explicit story was written by an adult, for adults. If you are under the age of 18, please do not interact.
The springs in the ratty dressing room couch creak with your every move. You know that everyone on the other side of the door will probably hear it and know exactly what you're up to, but, well...
"Fuck, yeah. Just like that, baby..."
...they could probably figure it out, whether or not the couch was involved.
You whimper, slamming your hips down harder against Frank's. He throws his head back with a deep groan, exposing his throat. You waste no time attacking the hollow of his neck, licking from his collarbone up to the scorpion tattoo just below his jawline.
He hisses in response. "Fucking dirty girl," he murmurs in your ear. "You're always taking it one step further, huh? Seeing what I'll let you get away with?"
You smile sweetly at him, — or try to, anyway. It's kind of hard to keep a straight face when you're riding the fuck out of your boyfriend in a desperate attempt to blow off some steam before showtime. "Always, Daddy," you manage.
Those two words seem to flip a switch within him. Frank's eyes darken as he tightens his grip on your hips. "What did you just say?"
You grin. "I said, 'always.'"
You yelp as he squeezes your hips, pulling you towards him roughly. "Always what?" he demands.
Though his evident frustration satisfies you immensely, you do your best not to show it. In your experience, it's always been more fun to play coy. "I always, — ah... Always try to see what I can get away with..."
"Uh-huh." You gasp as he thrusts up into you with a surprising amount of force. "And what the fuck did you call me?"
Your heart flutters at the edge in his voice. God, you love it when he gets aggressive with you.
Your reply escapes your lips, barely audible. "Daddy."
"Can't hear you." He rolls his hips into you with another low groan. "Speak up, baby."
"I said... Oh, fuck!" You cry out as he hits the spot inside of you that always manages to make you see stars.
"Spit it out, angel." His pace becomes even more punishing, his hips snapping against yours with quick rhythm. His fingers dig into your side hard enough to leave behind bruises.
You attempt to steady your breathing and regain your composure. "I said," you force out, voice trembling, "always, Daddy."
Frank fucking growls in response to your answer. "That's my good fucking girl," he says. "It's a shame you have to be so fucking disobedient when it could be so easy. But you like that, don't you? Pushing my buttons?" He quickens his pace again, a smirk surfacing on his face. "You like pissing me off, right? Seeing how much I can take before I finally fucking snap?"
Your face burns at the accusation. Truth be told, you do like pissing him off, but it's not like you'll readily admit that. Then again, considering he's fucking you so hard that you can hardly think, you really can't do much to argue your case, either. "I... I don't..."
Frank chuckles. "What's wrong, baby? Cat got your tongue?" He slams into you particularly hard, eliciting a high-pitched shriek.
His face appears to soften. "Aww, sweetheart." One of his hands abandons your hip in favor of cupping your face. He runs his thumb along your jaw before tightening his grip. He holds your head in place, forcing you to look him in the eye.
"Look at you." His voice drips with a condescending sort of sweetness as his eyes bore into yours. "Can't even talk because Daddy's made you go cockdumb."
You let out another pitiful noise of surprise as his other hand comes down hard against your ass, inspiring a sharp sting.
"What happened to that fucking mouth of yours, hmm?" he demands. "Seemed like it was working just fine earlier. You can only talk back when you've got the upper hand, right?"
You only attempt to argue because you know you can't let him be right. "N-no," you stammer. "It's just..." You trail off with a whine as the knot in your stomach begins to tighten. Fuck, you're getting close.
"Just what?" Frank presses. "Tell me, baby. Tell me what's going on in that pretty little head of yours while Daddy fucks you."
At this point, you know that you're fighting a losing battle. When it comes to Frank, you almost always are.
"You fuck me so good, Daddy," you whine, accepting your defeat. "Filling me up, fucking me hard. It feels so fucking good, I can't—" You let out another shrill moan as he hits that spot inside you again. "Fuck, Daddy!"
Frank laughs. His composure is infuriating. "You like that?" he asks. "Like telling me how good it feels? Like when Daddy fucks you so hard you can't even fucking think?"
Knowing that you've officially lost the battle, you give a jerky nod of your head. "Mmm-hmm."
"There's my good girl," he praises you. "Knew I could put you in your place. Just took a little extra work, s'all." He slows down his pace, rolling his hips up into you slowly but deliberately. His eyes stay locked with yours as he loosens his hold on your face, stroking your jaw gently. "Tell me who you belong to, angel."
You whine, attempting to match his rhythm with your own movements. "You," you murmur.
Frank increases his pace again ever-so-slightly, still staring into your eyes. "Speak up."
You choke out a moan that sounds more like a sob. "You," you repeat. "I'm all yours, Daddy."
"Fuck." Without warning, he speeds up again, his pace becoming erratic. "Good fucking girl. My good girl. All mine."
You dig your nails into his shoulders as you move against him. "All yours, Daddy," you assure him, voice coming out high-pitched and strained. You aren't sure how much longer you can last, but you know that you won't come until he says you can.
He laughs, and it's all you can do not to melt. Even when he's fucking the life out of you on some random venue's couch, his laugh sounds the same, — infectious and misleadingly innocent. "All mine," he repeats. "Holy shit, how did I get so lucky?"
Before you can register what's happening, he presses his lips against yours. He kisses you hard, his tongue brushing over your own. He pulls back the hand that was cupping your jaw, only to tangle it into your hair and tug.
You moan into his mouth before pulling back. "Fr- Daddy," you stammer. "I'm getting close. I don't..."
He kisses you again, quick this time, before pulling away. "Go ahead, baby," he urges you. "Come all over Daddy's cock. That's it..."
Practically as soon as he gives you permission, you let out a loud cry. The trembling begins in your thighs before taking over your entire body. Without any conscious thought, you lean forward, burying your face, — along with your teeth, — in Frank's shoulder.
"Shit." Frank lets out a guttural groan before going still. He releases inside of you with a slight jerk and a low sound from deep inside his chest.
For a moment, the two of you sit in silence. You keep your head rested on his shoulder as you try to regulate your breathing. Frank pulls his hand away from your hip, only to wrap his arms around your waist.
Finally, he speaks. "Honey?"
"I hate to ask, but... can you get up for a minute?"
You whimper before lifting yourself off him.
He chuckles. "I'll only be a second, I promise." He pats you on the arm before crossing the room and discarding the condom in the waste basket.
With that, he returns to the beat-up couch, pulling you back into his arms. "There we go."
You hum in acknowledgement, burying your face in his neck.
He rubs slow, gentle circles against your shoulder. "Didn't expect you to bite me," he remarks. "That was... a surprise, but not necessarily a bad one."
You laugh. "Well, then. I won't warn you next time."
He snorts. "Like you did this time?" he asks before leaning down and pressing a kiss to the top of your head.
"Hey," he murmurs into your hair. "Guess what?"
You cast your eyes up in his direction. "What?"
You can feel his smile, though you can't necessarily see it. "I love you."
A smile spreads across your face. "Love you, too."
The blissful silence returns for only a moment before you hear a rap on the door.
"Frank!" Ray calls from the other side. "We've got ten minutes, man!"
"So put your fucking clothes on!" Gerard chimes in.
You roll your eyes as Frank releases you from his grip. "That's my cue." He stands up, beginning to collect his discarded clothes from the floor and pull them back on.
"You should probably get ready, too," he advises you as he zips up his jeans. "I'll be looking for you in the crowd, y'know."
"Front row, baby." You stand up, reaching for the panties that you haphazardly tossed to the ground earlier.
Frank casts you a sidelong glance as he readoes his belt. "Do you really have to put those back on?" he asks.
You freeze in the process of stepping into the underwear. "Not necessarily," you reply.
That sly grin that you know so well lights up his face. "Then don't."
With a mock sigh of desperation, you toss the garments back to the ground, reaching for your shorts instead.
Once the two of you are dressed and have done your best to remedy your disheveled states, you step out of the dressing room.
Frank's bandmates eye you with a shared look of combined horror and amusement.
"Could you two try to be a little quieter next time?" Ray requests, arms crossed in front of his chest. "I wouldn't be surprised if the whole venue heard you."
Frank shrugs, throwing Pansy's strap over his shoulder. "Free performance before the show."
Ray sighs and shakes his head. "That's what the opening act is for, Frank."
"We're better than the opening act." Frank's lip ring gleams under the warm humming light before he steps forward, leaning in to kiss you again.
You give him a quick peck, pulling back with a smile. "Knock 'em dead."
"I will." His eyes dance as he reaches down to squeeze your hand. "I've already killed my nerves. Nothing's stopping me now."
He lets go of your hand when Ray calls for him to follow the rest of them. You watch as he steps onstage, grinning at the thought of the teeth marks hidden beneath his T-shirt.
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justice-for-skull · 4 months
"The Sexy Fight" - Evenness in Matrimony
This is an alternative version that I wrote for Lucy and Lockwood's fight at the end of chapter 7! It was attempt like number 4 in my re-writes to that chapter, trying to get all the emotions / actions / beats in line. I loved this version, but it would have changed the rest of the story , so I had to do another re-write...if anyone was like "I wasn't sure if they were going to hit each other or kiss each other" when reading the fight—this is for you XD
Lucy noticed how they were standing. Lockwood had crowded her against the brick wall, his hands clutching her arms. Her own hands, to her surprise, were tucked under his waistcoat. She did not move them.
“When this season ends, do you know what will become of you and what will become of me?” she demanded.
“You seem to have some notion.” Lockwood pressed his hands flat against the wall, boxing her in and looming over her. “Tell me.”
She looked up at him defiantly. She could see the small explosions of light reflected in his eyes, which kept dropping lower to her lips. “You will head to the countryside and shoot birds and ride horses and smoke cigars with your visitors—”
“Oh, I smoke cigars now, do I?” said Lockwood mockingly. He dipped his head lower. She could feel his breath against her throat.
She shivered and grabbed at his shirtsleeves, twisting the fabric to pull him closer. The warmth of his skin seeped into her fingers. “Listen—these visitors they will ask you ‘Were the rumours true, about you and that upstart Miss Carlyle?’”
She could feel the light brush of his lips at the skin of her neck. Her breath hitched. She rested her cheek against the top of his head. “And you can say ‘Oh, she turned my head for a bit but who hasn’t been misled in love,’ and you can laugh and drink to my health, but I—” 
A particularly large firework slashed bright and white through the night sky above them. She heard the crowd’s astonishment. Her knees buckled when she felt his kiss, open mouthed and hot against her pulse.
“Oh, Anthony,” she sighed. He finally took his hands off of the wall and wrapped them tight around her waist. He pulled her close, so they were pressed warm and snug against each other.
There it was. All she had been longing for these past few months. His hands were large and strong as he held her hips. She moved her own hands, one sliding along his back, the other wrapping around to grip his hair. 
Then she realised what was happening. 
“No, Lockwood, no! You must listen to me!” When she pushed him away this time, he let her have her space. His hair was in disarray, his face was flushed. He seemed dumbfounded.
Lucy took a gasping breath. “You will be perfectly fine at the end of the season. But if I do not marry, I will be alone, up north, locked inside with my mother, who can only keep her fists off of me when I threaten her with your retaliation.” She gasped again. She had never admitted it so bluntly to anyone before.
Like a sail that had lost its wind, Lockwood seemed to slump. “Oh, Lucy,” he went to wrap her up in his arms again, but she held him back. 
“Did you not think of that, when you were pretending so well?” Lucy began to cry.  “When you made us all believe and it chased everyone else away? When you toy with me like this? How long, do you think? How long before she—or I—” 
“You need never see her again.” He grasped her arms so she was forced to look directly at him. “I would never let anything bad happen to you. Never, Luce, Never. You must know that.”
“How could I know that?” she asked. “How could I know, when you could have at any moment—” She hiccupped. She took a deep breath and tried again. “When you have held my happiness in your hands for all this time and—” She could not continue.
“And?” Lockwood’s eyes darted back and forth across her face.
“And you have been so clumsy with it,” she whispered.
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