#1st generation black dragons
spooky-bunnys · 11 months
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It was a boring Tuesday at the S&S Bike Shop. Business was kinda slow. Shinichiro didn't really have anything he needed to do. He was still waiting for a certain part for a bike he'd been working on. He already asked a buddy to get it for him. He heard the jingle of the front door and quickly turned to see who it was.
(Name) was bored to say the least. His brother wasn't home due to him needing to runs some errands. So (Name) came up to the brilliant idea of teasing his boyfriend. So he put on the tight shorts he knows his boyfriends loves seeing him in. Along with his boyfriends favorite shirt.
(Name) giggled and slipped on his shoes before making his way to his boyfriends shop. As he walked (Name) ignored everything around him. Just enjoying the weather and sunshine. This as perfect bike riding weather. Maybe when he brother is done with his errands they could go for a ride.
Upon noticing his boyfriend's shop (Name) quickly made his way towards the door. Before he could even touch the handle a hand shot out in front of (Name) opening the door. Startled (Name) followed the hand and was met with an old classmate of his. Both appeared startled at the reveal.
"(Name)-san?" (Name) smiled nodded and headed inside and thanked the male. "Yeah. Thank you. How have you been?" The classmate immediately replied. Neither noticing the annoyed Shinichiro behind the counter. As the two men chatted, Shinichiro was growing more and more annoyed.
As they approached the counter. Shinichiro heard the unknown male ask for (Name)'s number which upset him greatly. (Name) politely told him that he already had a boyfriend. When the man asked who (Name)'s boyfriend was, Shinichiro cleared his throat with an annoyed expression and a raised eyebrow.
(Name) smiled brightly and nodded towards the annoyed shop owner. The male froze and quietly apologized. Shinichiro quickly rung the male's items up and sent him on his way with a forced smile. After the male left Shinichiro turned to (Name) his face unamused. (Name) giggled quietly and kisses hs cheek.
"Shin I was bored so I decided to come and visit you!" Shinichiro's facial expression didn't chance. (Name)'s smile fell and he felt nervous. "Is everything okay?" Shinichiro look towards the door, then turned back towards (Name) and rose a brow. (Name) 'oh'd and began to explain how they were in the same English class back in High School.
Shinichiro listened carefully and locked the store door and turned the sign. (Name) hadn't even noticed too focused on the story he was telling his boyfriend. Shinichiro finally broke (Name) from the story when he pulled him towards the back of the shop with a jealous look on his face. (Name) confused just followed.
(Name) let out another breathy moan. His shirt (technically Shinichiro's) was thrown somewhere behind the duo. (Name) was caged on the counter arms wrapped around Shinichiro's shoulders. His legs wrapped around Shinichiro's waist to keep him still.
Shinichiro's hair was a mess. He had a hand gripping (Name)'s waist and another in (Name)'s messy let down hair. Shinichiro pulled away slowly admiring the hickies and bite marks he's left on (Name)'s neck. The possesive side of him practically purring at the sight.
(Name) looks up at him with swollen lips and half lidded eyes. He pulls Shinichiro back in for more kisses before moving to his neck. Hoping to leave his own marks. After leaving quite a few marks (Name) pulls back and smiles at the site. Shinichiro shivers at the cute smile on (Name)'s face.
Shinichiro kisses (Name) softly and leaves kisses down his neck. After he bites down rougher making (Name) squirm and moan louder. Thats when the back door is thrown open. Startling the two. When they turn to the door they see a very horrified Imaushi Wakasa. It takes a few moments for Wakasa to say anything.
"Oi! Get your fucking perverted hands off my baby brother!" Shinichiro doesn't move. Not until Wakasa literally rips him away from (Name). Upon seeing his half naked baby brother Wakasa quickly takes off his jacket and covers (Name). Then he whips his head towards Shinichiro with an expression that could kill.
(Name) avoided eye contact from the three staring men from his place on Shinichiro's lap. Shinichiro had a hand on (Name)'s hip and another holding a cigarette. Enjoying the hand thats playing with his hair. Knowing (Name) did that when under a lot of stress.
Wakasa is just glaring at the grinning Shinichiro. Takeomi and Benkei are trying to understand what they had jut been told. "So wait," Benkei rubbed his eyes. "You're telling us. You walked in on Shin kissing-," he was interupted when Wakasa practically growled. "Eating. He was EATING my baby brother." Benkei sighs and rubs his eyes again.
Takeomi looks conflicted. "So you walked into Shin 'eating' (Name). Then called us here for an emergency meeting." Wakasa's eyes didn't leave Shinichiro while nodding. "Yeah, because I distinctly remembered tell all three of you. That my brother was completely off limit. So do you care to tell me. Why you broke Bro Code Shinichiro."
Shinichiro opened his mouth to answer, but Wakasa beat him to it by asking an important question. "Wait when did all this even start?!" (Name) hid his face and mumbled. Wakasa looked confused and told him to speak up. "Since that time you left town," Shinichiro answered rubbing (Name)'s back. Wakasa threw his arms ups.
"THREE MONTHS! THIS HAS BEEN GOING ON FOR THREE MONTHS!?" (Name) flinched at the raised voice. Wakasa's eyes softened and he took a deep breath. "You guys have been together for 3 months? How did this even happen?" (Name) then goes on to tell him about how (Name) went to a party with some friends. But his drink had been spiked.
Wakasa's face fell and he sowly sat down listening to (Name)'s every word. "I tried calling Omi and Benkei, but neither answered! But I was able to get ahold of Shin. I don't remember anything after the phone call though." Wakasa quicly turned to Shinichiro. Shinichiro put out his cigarette. He then explained how when he had arrived (Name) was passed out.
He then explained how he took care of (Name) after that. Of course the worst possible thing popped into Wakasa's head and he tried lunging at Shinichiro. Benkei caught him and told him ti let Shinichiro finish. Shinichiro then explained how he took (Name) to the closest hospital and they pumped his stomach.
"See Shinichiro was only doing what was best for (Name)." Wakasa was released and he quietly thanked Shinichiro and patted (Name)'s hand then he froze. Remembering something. "Wait. If you guys have been together for three months. Then the banging around from last month and moaning...we're you really rearranging your room?"
(Name) blushed and hid his face in Shinichiro's chest. Shinichiro replied with a smug grin. "Well I was rearranging something." This time it took Benkei and Takeomi to hold Wakasa back. (Name) smacked Shinichiro's chest and huffed. "Aniki I'm sorry. I didn't know how to tell you about us."
Wakasa glared at Shinichiro who only smiled brightly. "You were the one who said I'd be single forever if I kept going for girls." "That doesn't mean you go for my baby brother you perverted asshole!" Takeomi grunted and held the struggling male tighter. "Shin stop making it worse! If we lose our grip on him there's no tell what he'll do to you!"
Shinichiro shrugged. "If it's for (Name) I'll gladly get beaten up by him." Wakasa stopped struggling and huffed. After seeing his we done the two males released him although they hesitanted momentarily. Wakasa fixed Shinichiro under a heated glare. "Now I'm inly accepting because I know you'll treat him rightly. But for now on anything you do to him, I'll do to you."
Takeomi tried aruging stating if Shin could break bro code, why couldn't he? Wakasa and Shinichiro turned and glared at Takeomi. Shinichiro nodded and gave (Name) a quick peck. Wakasa without missing a beat tried giving Shinichiro a kiss. While the two male's were struggling and rolling on the floor Benkei pulled (Name) away from them and huffed.
Takeomi leaned towards (Name) with a wide grin. "So (Name) have you ever thought of a three way?" (Name) frowned and barely dodged his brother and boyfriend who quickly tackled the smirking male. Benkei shook his head at them and quickly lead (Name) away not wanting him to see what would probably happen next.
"How about we go get some ice cream (Name)?" (Name) confusingly nodded and followed the bigger male. Ignoring the yelling for him to come back and help him. As they were walkng away (Name) asked Benkei something. "Why is Aniki so mad? At least I'm with Shinichiro and not Takeomi." Benkei hadn't laughed as hard as he did in a while.
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Takeomi and Shinichiro are interchangeable btw
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lifeonmarz-blog · 3 months
The 12 houses explained: short word format
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1st: Aries, Mars, Yang, Dragon, Bee, Face, Eyes, Eyebrows, Voice, Accent, First Glance, Passion, Drive, Self Esteem, 3rd Eye, Intuition, Hard on yourself, Mutable, Patience, Leader, Stoic, Muscles, Neck/Head tension, Animals, Intensity, Head scarf, Tender headed, Attracting energy vampires, Hard headed, Red, Purple, Sexual energy, Humor, Introvert/extrovert, Fear of child baring because loss of freedom, Judgement, Lymph nodes, Guitar, Fast talker, Sharp talker, Forward thinking, Warrior, Personality, Spine...
2nd: Taurus, Venus, Yin, Panda, Neck/Throat, Throat chakra, Mouth, Thyroid, Heart, Pink, Blue, Fluid, Security, Resources, Musician, Silent, Introvert, Nose, Scent, Taste, Parent, Singing, Arms, Dancing, Food, Breeze, Partnership, Sharing, Values, Luxury, Pleasure, Easy going, Soft spoken, Naivety, Split decisions, Indecisive, Moon, Father, Sturdy, Poker face, Children, Trustworthy, Grit, Victory, Horses, Trials...
3rd: Gemini, Mercury, Yin/Yang, Jack Rabbit, Hands, Feet, Speech, Tongue, Lungs, Fast pace, Exercise, excitement, Bounce back, Joy, Vigor, Youth, Fidget, Anxiety, Habits, Expressive, Musician, Storyteller, School, Journalist, Moral system, Networking, Group, Siblings, Questioning, Stocks/trading, Choices, Dedication, Picky, Options, Dare Devil, Flirt, Long lasting, Hopes, Trees/Forest, Art, Comedian, Chances, Materials, Time, Loyal, Boundaries, ...
4th: Cancer, Moon, Yin, Owl, Family, Mother, Compassion, Creation, Birth, Life, Regret, Sleep, Nipple, Breast, Anus, Stomach, Womb, Bellybutton, Heart, Sacral, Blue, White, Yellow, Ocean, Cold, Night, Cycle, Fly on the wall, Unspoken secrets, Pores, Suicide, Whispers, Distracted, Outsider, Alchemy, Caregiver, Chef, Guidance, Critical, Teeth, Passage/Gateway, Humming, Drums, Weight on your back, Pressures, Gratefulness, Gratitude, Obedience, Horse, Animals, Words that cut...
5th: Leo, Sun, Yang, Lion, Spine, Heart, Pets, Fun, Youthful, Children, Love affairs, Expression, Dance, Gymnastics, Loud, Bright colors, Short trips, Friends, Aunts/Uncles, Get togethers, Cars, Innovative, Actor, Protection, Magician, Gardening, Gossip, Alchemy, Adulthood, Relaxing, Bonding, Self destruction, Slick words, Hard work, Spotlight, Sharing, Rebuilding, Clothing, Renewed vision, Drawing board, Companionship, Grounding...
6th: Virgo, Mercury, Yin, Ant, Crane, Praying Mantis, Work environment, Routine, Structure, Time, Patience, Health issues, Hygiene, Nervous system, digestive system, Pancreas, Gallbladder, Notebooks, Writing, Movies, Home, Relaxing, Forgiving, Generous, Social Life, Bonding, Practice, Foresight, Letting go, Stable, Helpful, Tense, Pressure, Negative thoughts, Reminisce, Addiction, Sorrow, Indecision, Indigestion, Saving Finances, Strong will, Codependency, Maturing, Realizing, Criticism, Self Honoring...
7th: Libra, Venus, Yin, Dragon Fly, Peacock, Marraige, Partnership, Contracts, Joint endeavors, Kidneys, Bladder, Blood, Caring what others think, Voice, Accent, Culture, Rebuilding, Learning new ways to do, Home decor, Learning gratitude, Giving, Reseveing, Welcome home, Comfort, Jot, Warmth, Spring, Flowers, New thought processes, Building Legacy, Defending yourself, Possessions, Slower living, Connecting to nature, Center of attention...
8th: Scorpio, Pluto, Mars, Yin/Yang, Vulture, Jaguar, Phoenix Death/Rebirth, Fears, Dark, Dreams, Escaping, Running, Hoarding, Lack, Homelessness, Strength, Stamina, Restart, Hard work paying off, Legacy, Against all odds, Elimination system, Pelvis, All the holes in the body, Burgundy, Purple, Black, Sex organs, Releasing worries, Manipulation, Smothering, Misunderstood, Coffee, Over giving, Partnership, Friendship, Sensuality, Secretion, Body odor, Roses, Fruit trees, Chapel, Railroad, Balancing, Power, Unseen forces, Intimidation, Relaxation...
9th: Sagittarius,Jupiter, Yang, Donkey, Whale, Shark, Liver, Legs, Posture, Religion, Long distance, Foreign travel, New ideas, Creative thoughts, Energy, Witty, Nomad, Idealistic, Larger than life, Focused on success, Friendship, Gatherings, Social Life, Relaxing, Luxury, Boundaries, Tired, Mental Illness, Restrictions, Insecurities, Grandparents, Quiet time, Relationships, Sharing, Attention, Harmony, Rebirth, Hard work, Getting over, Time, Late night thoughts, Male role model, Weight on your back, Responsibilities, Greedy, Guarded, Proud, Protection, Unique, Lavender...
10th: Capricorn, Saturn, Yang, Sheep, Alligator Honey Badger, Cactus, Sterile, Marble, White, Grey, Cold, Winter, Snow, Reputation, Social status, Farming, Popularity, Bones, Skin, Nails, Hair, Sharp, Leather, Goat, Structure, Skin conditions, Over explaining, Hard on others/yourself, Violin, Holding onto the past, Hard choices, Seeing others happen, Collecting, Finding purpose, Unique interest, Creative ways to make money, Standing up for yourself, Tunnel vision, Sharing, Networking, Group efforts, Working on love...
11th: Aquarius, Uranus, Yin/Yang, Moose, Mongoose, Snake, Friends, Parties, Organizations, Goals, Hopes, School, Science, mutable, unique style, Different friend groups, Water, Lakes, Rivers, Driving, Circulatory System, Pituitary glands, Changing course, Fear of change, Social media, Learning to stand alone, Trusting intuition, Defending loved ones, nonchalant, Increasing expectations, Std, Dead tree, Sticking it out, Elders, Community, Taking a stand, Protest, Elections, Politics, Numbers, Releasing restrictions...
12th: Pisces, Neptune, Yin, Fish, Birds, Friends, More to go around, Letting go, Releasing Past, Decor, Eye for style, Luxury, Opinionated, Energy field, Subconscious, Mountains, Fog, Spa, Skincare, Hygiene, Safety, Frienemies, Luck, Protection, Unprovided jealously, Foreign, Secret, Being watched, Self expression, Confidence, Talents, Anxiety, Depression, Breath, Dreams, Sleeping, Ufc/boxing, Always wanting more, Magician, Plants, Sunshine, Exotic, Target, Maturity, Completion...
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nanaosaki3940 · 11 months
TokRev in Final Timeline (Kazushi Yamagishi's Wikipedia)
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Credit: Marin (@RanHaruchiyo) on Twitter. The original Twitter post - Link
Toman's Commander - Manjiro Sano aka Mikey
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I asked Mikey-kun if he had ever lost a fight and he said, "Only once. To a guy with a regent head who would never give up."
Toman's 2nd Commander - Takemichi Hanagaki
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He sometimes makes eye contact with Mikey-kun and gives him a distant look like he's lived twice his life. Feel irritated, even though he’s Takemichi!!
Toman's Vice-Commander - Ken Ryuguji aka Draken
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He fights with Hanma once a week. Seems like he had 48 victories out of 52 fights.
Toman's 1st Division Captain - Keisuke Baji
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He and Chifuyu sometimes talk about the old vice-captain (Ryusei Satou). "He was very flirtatious and a jerk." Both of them laugh.
Toman's 1st Division Vice-Captain - Chifuyu Matsuno
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He’s close with Takemichi even though he's not in the same squad and don't have much contact with him.
Toman's 2nd Division Captain - Takashi Mitsuya
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I said, "Mitsuya-kun, you get along with everyone, don't you?" and he said, "Except you." Maybe he is a wolf in sheep's clothing.
Toman's 2nd Division Vice-Captain - Hakkai Shiba
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He often gets into fistfights with his big bro, Taiju. How can you defy a monster like that?
Toman's 3rd Division Captain - Haruki Hayashida aka Pah-chin
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The first squad has a lot of strong fighters. One of them, Osanai, who’s cared about by Pah-chin, is said to be strong at the captain level.
Toman's 3rd Division Vice-Captain - Ryohei Hayashi aka Peh-yan
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He has an alliance with Senju and Kazutora who want to win Mikey-kun. Senju’s the only one who seems to be taking this alliance seriously, even though he’s the one who made it.
Toman's 4th Division Captain - Kazutora Hanemiya
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He and Akkun have been together every day since the Mizochu Incident when they had a one-on-one fight, and I'm a little bit jealous.
Toman's 4th Division Vice-Captain - Atsushi Sendo aka Akkun
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The vice-captain of the fourth squad, Sendo Atsushi!! He’s the savior who put us in the fourth squad.
Toman's 5th Division Captain - Haruchiyo Akashi
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Mikey believer. He is often banned from meetings because of his bad character. NOTE: the person to watch out for When I followed him, I found that he often meets with Mucho, one of the big four of Tenjiku. He is a traitor definitely!!
Toman's 5th Division Vice-Captain - Senju Akashi
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The captain of the 5th squad substantially Finally I witnessed his cheating!! They were both eating chocolate mint ice cream from Seventeen Ice, and Takemichi looked good as he said, "We finally made good on our promise.” I have to report this to Hina-chan!!!
Toman's 6th Division Captain - Nahoya Kawata aka Smiley
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He recently changed her hair color from apricot to nasturtium orange. He was angry that no one noticed.
Toman's 6th Division Vice-Captain - Souya Kawata aka Angry
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Apparently, there is a band and he is the leader. The vocalist is Mitsuya, the guitarist is Kazutora, the bassist is Akkun, and the drummer is Angry.
Toman's Strategist - Tetta Kisaki
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BAKAmichi’s partner. I wonder what it is about each other that attracts them even though he’s so smart like that?
Toman's Assistant - Shuji Hanma
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He's still growing in height, apparently.
Black Dragon's 10th Generation Leader - Taiju Shiba
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He's so strong in fights that he's like a wild gorilla, but he gets top grades in school apparently.
Black Dragon's Elite Guard Captain - Hajime Kokonoi
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I was following him to try to get some information about Koko-kun, but on the contrary, he took advantage of my weakness.
Black Dragon's Attack Squad Captain - Seishu Inui
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Inupi-kun apparently always keeps Koko-kun's wallet, who is careless with money. My fave from BD! He looks like me somehow huh?
Tenjiku's Boss - Izana Kurokawa
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Unlike BD and Toman, Tenjiku is under his dictatorship. Apparently, he considers his members slaves.
Tenjiku's 1st Heavenly King - Kakucho
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A prodigy in fights. He can compete with Mikey or Shiba Taiju in a one-on-one fight He is my fave from Tenjiku! Perfect! I strive to be like him in the future.
Tenjiku's 2nd Heavenly King - Yasuhiro Muto aka Mucho
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The most “personable person” in Tenjiku.
Tenjiku's 3rd Heavenly King - Ran Haitani
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When he talks to someone, he immediately starts talking at a distance of one centimeter. As a matter of fact, he seems to be very short-sighted.
Tenjiku's 4th Heavenly King - Kanji Mochizuki aka Mocchi
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He seem to like Yukimi Daifuku.
Tenjiku's Executive - Rindo Haitani
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I watched him all day long. In the morning, he drank in the park. In the afternoon, he drank with the homeless. In the evening, he drank with people in the off-site betting office. Finally, he drank in the nightclub at night!!
Tenjiku's Executive - Shion Madarame
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He often gets sick to his stomach.
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cheesus-doodles · 6 months
An Unfortunately Timed Birthday
Yandere Koko
Happy belated Birthday to Koko! missed the actual day of 1st April by a couple of days but truly, having a birthday then instead of the other 364 days of the year XD
truly sorry for the reposts yall, but this fic isn't appearing in the tags for reasons ;-;
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"Come on, hop on!" You insisted as you patted the pillion seat of the motorcycle. “Let’s get started already!”
It was the first time Koko swore he had seen you on one, yet you already looked way too comfortable seated in the saddle of the overly-large bike where you had been waiting for him outside his house. Where did you get that? And without him knowing? Did you even have a license?
But those were questions that he decided to keep to himself for now; after all, he didn’t want to be a wet blanket on your very visible excitement. "I don't ride bikes," he mumbled, though the black-haired boy was quick to correct himself. "I mean, in general. Not just when you’re the one driving.” A pause, and silence as the tension churning in his gut. Fuck. The more he spoke, the more he was driving his foot further and further into his mouth. Maybe he should have just stopped at his first sentence.
Despite the day being especially cool, the usually oppressive afternoon sun tucked away behind clouds, though this was one of those days that the Black Dragon delinquent wished it was hot. At least you wouldn't be able to see the nervous sweat beading on his forehead. Fortunately for him, you looked merely confused at his words, cocking your head. “Then how will we get there?”
“Get where?”
“To the park, of course!” Your expression once more burst into smiles as you waved your hand about excitedly. “I have a whole day planned for us! We’re going to play baseball, and then we’ll go for a looonnnggg ride in the countryside before we eat ice cream for dinner!”
Koko couldn’t bite down the grimace growing over his face as you spoke despite his best efforts, the furrow of his eyebrows surely as clear to you as to him. Don’t get him wrong, there certainly was nothing better than spending time with you, but this growing list of his most hated activities - was this what you truly wanted to do? On his birthday? The boy shivered. Playing ball games, riding motorcycles and no food; absolutely not. But how should he play this without hurting your feelings? "Listen," he started carefully, sliding his hand into yours as those slit eyes ever so carefully watched your expression. “How bout we head out to a nice restaurant instead? Your favourite has space, we could take it easy and-”
“Koko!” You rebutted instantly, and his face fell. “I can’t let you treat me, it’s your birthday!”
He sighed, resigning himself to his fate. At the end of the day, he just couldn’t say no to you. “All right then.”
Yet just as he was about to climb onto the motorcycle, you suddenly burst into laughter, shoving the unsuspecting delinquent away before clambering off the bike yourself. “I’m kidding, Koko! April Fool’s!”
The realization hit said boy like a truck, and he let out a loud groan. So it was all a prank. Rolling his eyes, he couldn’t stop the long-suffering grin from pulling at his lips as you threw yourself at him, pulling him into a tight hug and pressing a kiss to his cheek. “The bike?”
“I borrowed it,” you hummed. “Not sure where Inupi got it from though.”
Ah. Inupi.
“So what’s the real plan?”
You pulled out a simply enormous picnic basket from its hiding spot, tucked neatly behind the trunk of a nearby tree. “I got your favourites all here. Let’s find somewhere cool.”
Such an unfortunately timed birthday indeed, Koko mused to himself as you tugged him down the street, leaving the motorcycle parked where it stood outside his house. But all this was worth if he could spend such a special day with you.
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k9offline · 5 months
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last edited: 22/08/24
Welcome to my kin blog! Heres some stuff to get to know me, my identity & my blog. I'd prefer if you read this before following me, but im not ur dad. Just know i block freely.
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🍁 You can call me Red! Or my real name, if you know it. Im an autistic 16 year old guy (he/it) and i identify mostly as a canine cladotherian— But i have other identities. Im also goth & scenemo, which isnt important but i wanted to say it lmao
🍁 I am brazilian american (1st generation) but ive never been to the USA despite this, and i am self taught in english so im sorry if i fuck up 💀 im also learning french though i heavily dislike it.
🍁 I have a mate and he is the goat (hes a cat actually) and he does not post at all but you should still follow him @vampiresvanity
🍁 I love getting new mutuals!! please ask to be my mutual i probably will never say no. and feel free to dm me as long as youre under 25
🍁 i follow from @120red
fandoms: homestuck, warrior cats, furry, scott pilgrim, pokemon, etc
games: wolfquest, planet zoo, the wolf among us, rdr2, transformice, stardew valley, brawl stars
books: dracula, frankenstein, owls of ga'hoole, wings of fire, watership down
music: my chemical romance, modern baseball, lapfox trax, pierce the veil, insane clown posse, korn, the cure, scary bitches, s3rl, yaelokre, sublime, etc
movies & shows: wolfwalkers, how to train your dragon, wolfblood, MTV downtown, invader zim, the lion king, oliver & company, bunnicula, animaniacs, sweet tooth, etc
collectibles: littlest pet shop, charlie bears, plushies, feathers, crystals, model horses, random ass trinkets
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╰┈➤ KEY:
★ = spiritual
☆ = psychological
✮ = physical
𖤐 = all of the above
✦ = heartype
✰ = copinglink
? = still figuring it out
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🥩 Dhole (Cuon Alpinus) 𖤐
🥩 Wolf (Canis Lupus) 𖤐?
↳ 🦴 Sea Wolf
↳ 🦴 Yellowstone Wolf
🥩 Wolfdog (Canis Lupus x Canis Lupus Familiaris) ☆✮
🥩 Werewolf ☆✮
🥩 American Crow (Corvus brachyrhynchos) ✦
🥩 Dog (Canis Lupus Familiaris) ?
↳ 🦴 English Cocker Spaniel ✦
↳ 🦴 Border Collie 𖤐
🥩 Black Flying Fox (Pteropus alecto) ✰
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Im also dave strider from homestuck and fan from inanimate insanity but i do not talk about it much here
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this blog is where i post mostly about alterhumanity! this may be my experiences, tips for others, aesthetic shit and bla bla bla. its mostly just a space for me to be open about it.
WILL BLOCK: antikin, anti agere/petre, proshippers & comshippers, zoos, kink/nsfw accounts
THIN ICE: kin-for-fun, non alterhumans in general
BYF: i curse a lot. i change my pfp based on the 'type i feel most connected with. thats practically it lol
#info :: information about me/my blog
#favs :: favorite posts
#asks :: answering asks
#howls :: stuff about alterhumanity
#barks :: random unimportant posts
#wags :: stuff that made me happy
#wholewolf-reblogs :: reblogs
#my art :: drawings i make
#stuffs :: misc things i make
#moodboards :: moodboards. duh
#home :: hearthomes & nature pics
#me if u even care :: 'type pics lol
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pixel gifs by @bugsb1te
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horizon-verizon · 5 months
Phoebe Campbell saying about Baela and Rhaena “There’s a little bit of tension because of their separate upbringings, Baela was raised with grandma & grandpa, Rhaena by stepmom and half siblings. Rhaena feels quite a lot of resentment there.”
So... that garbage fanfic wants to put the dragon twins against each other ?? They aren’t Arya and Sansa, Baela and Rhaena actually love each other, and unlike Sansa, Baela never bullied her sister. And why would Rhaena resent the fact that she had to live with her stepmom and half siblings ??
This is if--and only IF--Phoebe is correct in how the show will decide to characterize Rhaena, and since they literally acted the character, shot all the scenes, and haven't gone on record with bad takes, I think we don't have much a reason to suspect otherwise.
Link to the article that came out today and what anon refers to:
BranwynHlfwitch over at Twitter has a whole thread pointing out other stuff how Ryan Condal has never had a great grasp on the plot or really of history & historians.
I think that part of it is they are trying to develop these characters for their larger roles they're planning during the Dance & the way they decided to go about that is to create conflict b/t the fan fav sisters. And I think they might try to to argue or imply that she is resentful bc of not just second-son syndrome, but basically Baela was picked by their grandparents to be closer and let Rhaena be. Why not both of them, if they are already seeming to break tradition? It will likely folow the theme of silent rejection the show allows the audience to quickly assume from episode 6, where Rhaena bemoans Daemon ignoring her bc of her not hatching an egg...which I already talked about.
Baela--for a very dumb reason--becomes the "ward" of the Velaryons & Rhaenys wants Corlys to name Baela as his heir...presumably without consulting Daemon, the girl's father or Viserys, the head of the house Baela is actually a part of and who would determine how his house's possible heirs inherit what over other candidates...bc Baela & Rhaena are both technically still in line for the throne though they aren't titled as princesses. Just way down and the claims would get stronger the more people before them die...which we already see in the bk.
Anyway, Baela is seemingly older than Rhaena instead of being her twin as by canon; she has a dragon where Rhaena does not; she is, bc she is older, taken to Driftmark to learn the ways of a leader as if she might become the head of a house or whatever even though we also know that Corlys has definitely not named her his heir by his & Rhaenys' conversation in the last episode (so for 6 years why is Baela there without being named when they could just visit each other--her and Rhaenys--by ship and dragonback [pic below] idk, the spectacle of it?).
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And while Rhaena loved her dad, loved her stepsiblings/1st cousins-once-removed & I believe that Rhaenyra was a great stepmother to her, because the show did not show us their lives, they will take advantage of that and present us with a lot of stuff like this--breaking lore and going along with the breakage to build their own tale but also sometimes not showing a logical progression from that point of breakage [again, lok to the link abt cradle-bonding].
Yes, there's the argument that Daemon is merely worried over Rhaena's being singled put and left out or belittled, sidelined, for not having a dragon as he felt being a second son/child even with his dragon...but again, look to my post about cradle-bonds and the history of dragon bonds he supposedly knows and it becomes still dumb when he still ends up doing the very thing he's supposed to have feared for his daughter, to her.
Would it have helped if the writers actually developed these people's lives before the Dance and actually think through their plot decisions if they planned to make Rhaena-Daemon's deal this, absolutely! But we have what we have.
Show!Rhaena could come to just resent her sister for all this perceived favoritism.
I may be wrong, who knows.
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dwightschrute11 · 6 months
Edit (2 months later) I’m going to revamp this character sheet soon (I absouletly despise it). Don’t trust it 🫵😭
Character Sheet - Calypso
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General Information
Full name: Calypso Salutations
Nicknames: Cal, Callie, The new fifth year 
Pronouns: She/her
Date of Birth: May 1st, 1875
Zodiac Sign: Taurus 
Personality Type: ENFP-T
Alignment: chaotic good
Nationality: British 
House: Ravenclaw
Wand: Dragon Heartstring, oak wood, slightly springy
Patronus: Nebelung cat (curiosity and kindness)
Boggart: her fathers bloated corpse shameful of Calypso
Amortentia: fresh rain, the black lake, earthy dirt, and apples
Physical Appearance 
Hair color and style: blondish white, most often seen down in loose curls. 
Eye color: Fern green 
Skin tone: almond with warm undertones and complexion 
Height: 5’7
Weight: 131 pounds 
Clothing style: loose, almost never wears her vest over her blouse; prefers longish skirts and her blouse sleeves pushed up, and usually is either wearing Mary Jane’s or traveling boots
Accessories: a locket given to her by her father before he passed
Details: freckles along her cheek bones and nose, as well as her upper arms and shoulders. Has an ancient magic scar along her right cheek extending slightly into the upper part of her neck. 
Positive traits: reliable, witty, strong, helpful, relatively friendly, caring, loyal, open minded, determined 
Negative Traits: stubborn, competitive, reserved,can be sarcastic, secretive (most of the time), reckless
Strengths: strong in the face of danger and would sacrifice herself for others (which can sometimes be a bad thing), always looking to help others
Weaknesses: bottles up emotions and struggles letting people in to her real self (including her inner demons), has anxiety, nearing the end of fifth year she commonly feels numb or overwhelmed
Likes: flying / quidditch, relaxing near the lake, gardening, exploring, reading, watching performances 
Dislikes: condescending or overly cocky people, those who hurt her loved ones, dugbogs, pumpkin juice, 
Fears: fear of abandonment, not being good enough, her being the cause of pain 
Goals: to be free, to find true happiness, to cure Anne, to see her mother smile
Calypso was born in a small cottage in London, Cornwall to Clementine and Oliver Salutations, who were both muggles—but her father was a man who always believed in some sort of magic, if in the trees or in a faraway land, if a presence in every nook and cranny or even just an idea. Her mother, a woman bound by rules who wasn’t the type to dream, always brushed away her husband’s ideas, and tended to get mad when ever he spouted those ideas to Cal. Cal herself wasn’t the most certain, but as a child, she was in a state of content and happiness as long as she was with her father—but tragedy struck the Salutations home when her father mysteriously drowned in the ocean, his bloated body found by young Calypso a day after his disappearance. Traumatized and heartbroken, Calypso lost that nostalgic feeling of happiness quickly, the wound deepening even more when her mother began to develop Alzheimer’s. she forgot Calypsos face, her smile, her hand—she was a husk of her former self, leaving Calypso to take care of her for many years. She received the basic school learning as a child, but a year after her father died, they ran out of money to continue affording school. She taught herself using the books she had at home and those she borrowed, and often ridiculed herself  in the mirror. She barely ate, still haunted by her mother’s screams and father’s bloated body, and became bony as the years went on. It was only when she got her Hogwarts acceptance later that, for once, she felt hopeful, free—excited. She asked an old family friends to take care of her mother before being whisked  off to Hogwarts by Professor Fig..blissfully unaware of the powerful tendrils of ancient magic running through her blood. 
Love interest: (I don’t know yet 😭) 
Good friends: Sebastian Sallow, Ominis Gaunt, Natsai Onai, Poppy sweeting, Samantha Dale, Garreth Weasley , Imelda Reyes 
People she dislikes: Leander Prewett, Nerida Roberts, Grace Pinch-Smedley
Pets: Highwing, vivarium creatures, one cat (later) 
Thanks to @masqueradereveler21 for letting me use the questions they used for their own character sheet!
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Top 10 black dragons members! (Since today is their day and we need something to forget the other depressing events of today)
10. Takemichi. Ok ok I know we're starting off with the mc but look he was announced the leader of the 11th gen and then it was completely forgotten about. He has 0 feats as the 11 gen leader, he literally gave us nothing. I actually think he forgot he was even in charge of them.
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9. Hakkai. So we see Hakkai in the black dragons in exactly 2 timelines. Firstly we see him lead them down a very dark path (Kisaki's fault) and secondly we see him turn traitor and fight against them (100% right choice). He didn't exactly do anything wrong from a plot pov but from a black dragon pov he was a terrible member.
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8. Shion. Leader of the 9th gen as he likes to remind us. He was pretty bad as a leader though, I mean this is the gen where the black dragons ended due to him losing against the toman founders and then losing territory to the Haitani brothers. So yeah not a great run as leader.
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7. Izana. He started off with good ambitions for the black dragons, he just wanted to make Shinichiro and protect what was dear to him. Unfortunately after Shinichiro mentions he wants Mikey to take over after Izana he leads the black dragons down a rather bad path, completely destroying the ideals Shinichiro had tried to implement.
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6. Taiju. Although he did help to revive the black dragons and did a good job with turning them into a fearsome gang he didn't exactly uphold the first gens morals and legacy, actually he did such a bad job Waka and Benkei tried to murder him over it (well at least that seemed to be one of the reasons).
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5. Koko. A very important edition to the 10th gen, without him and his money making skills the 10th gen likely wouldn't have been as successful. He also seemed to take on a leadership role often and was also the elite guard captain.
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4. Takeomi. Now I know he's very hated in the fandom but we can't ignore how crucial he was to the 1st gen black dragons. Nicknamed the god of war he came up with many of the first gens fight plans and strategies. He was an important part of the first gens successes.
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3. Wakasa & Benkei. Ngl I can't separate these two, it feels unfair to put one above the other when they mainly seemed to fight as a duo and have the same roles. Both were important to the 1st gen black dragons and mainly seem to have been the muscle and fighting power behind the black dragons. They're both also fiercely loyal, even years later hitting Shion and getting overly annoyed at Taiju because of how their generations went against Shinichiro's dreams.
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2. Inui. He actually doesn't have many feats in the black dragons despite being in the most generations. But his loyalty and dedication to the gang is arguably the biggest we've seen. He got arrested for them, did all kind of crimes for Izana and Shion, founded the 10th gen, put everything he had into protecting the 10th gen including being willing to commit murder and then got Takemichi to start the 11th gen. He dedicated his whole life to the black dragons.
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1. Shinichiro. The man, the myth, the legend. Was there any doubt in him being first? The one who decided to found the black dragons and start it all off. It was his moral code and leadership that made the black dragons into the strong gang it was known as, setting it up to be a powerhouse for many generations and inspiring multiple delinquent's even after he left.
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mattyriddlesbitch · 12 days
Hi before I start I just wanna say I adore your head cannons, they are so good I can't stop rereading them even during classes
I would like to ask for coffee
Physically I am a little curvy, like thick thighs and a little tummy. I have brown skin and brown almond/doe eyes with long lashes and I have medium dark brown hair with very few pink streaks (kind like aria from PLL or Elena from TVD) i'm 5'6 and l love keeping my nails a little long and almond shaped with either white or black nail polish.
I am smart if i want to be, I am like and A student but only if i dpn't procrastinate because I have a terrible procrastination problem.I love to paint, or experiment with any art media whilst listening to music, I am generally a very creative person. I also love reading (I've written some stuff aswell) ,mostly romances (i adore a period romance) and I am obsessed with the theater anything from the skill of acting to the deigning of the costumes and sets (I am currently acting in Macbeth). I am and ambivert and tend to yap a lot and be absolutely wild around people I'm close to but usually i stick to myself. I love harry potter, percy jackson, house of the dragon and vampire shows. My favourite book is the 1st hunger games novel. I listen to every type of music but my favourite artists are artic monkey, neighbourhood, florence + machine and billie ellish. I do have a lot of anxiety that started from the many toxic friendships i've been in and i come from a pretty toxic household with strained relationships to my parents. I also have OCD and am pretty chill but can be very short tempered at times and I am dyslexic. My love language is touch and just some one who can assure me and tell me that they love me, don't make me feel like i'm burdening them. I generally curious and am open to learning new things. My favourite colour I black or purple and I am more into eating salts and spicy over sweet things. I love jewellery and especially rings, I own a lot of jewellery of all types, chunky, simple, real silver and gold and ones with stones in them. I wear a lot of skirt and sometimes wear cargo pant or jeans, most of the tops I wear are fitting and I also love layering with like sheer overtops and other stuff. I am a converse and boots girlie. I also do like make up but mostly just wear eye make up and blush.
I hope this is enough information about who I am as a person and my style.
Definitely going with Theo here. I think he would love all the creative stuff about you with acting and art and music. I think he would love to yap with you and listen to you yap. Would totally love to buy you all that jewelry too. Just tell him and he'll get it or just hand you his card. He is so touchy and affection and is so good at being reassuring and comforting. I also think he would love your fashion sense too.
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hamletisintown · 1 year
Faes and Celestials - General lore
The Faes of my imaginary world are bug-inspired fantasy people. They have features taken from/inspired by real-life bugs, while still mostly looking human. The rules for how these features work/are distributed are still pretty loose because I can't make up my mind and I like to keep my options open. Some will have magically retractable features, while others may just have them all the time. Some will have certain features that others don't. I'm just doing me, who cares about rules.
There are many types of Faes, from the tribal societies of Spiders to the hellish and mythical underwater cities of Crustaceans, not to mention a whole range of different insects with different societal organizations. I'll cover each of those in more detail in separate posts.
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(ID under the cut at the end of the post)
Celestials take inspiration from both real-life birds and angels/dragons. The bird inspirations aren't as strong as the Faes' bug inspirations because I kinda gave up halfway through (sorry, I'm simply not as knoweldgeable about bids nor as into them as I am with bugs), but they're technically here.
There are 2 types of Celestials, Angels and Dragons (I'm not sure I like those names but I haven't found anything better yet).
Angels are pretty much what you'd imagine with this name, normal human-looking people who can sprout wings. The wings do take very different shapes from person to person, some can be basic feathered wings but some will be like. Electricity arc vaguely shaped like wings. It can be anything, really, but it does allow all of them to fly. There's definitely some big christian influences in their culture, but we'll cover that in some other post.
Dragons are also human-shaped but they can have scales and slit pupils. They're like spicy humans. And some of them can turn into actual dragons, but those actual dragons are like. Inspired by the idea that birds are dinosaurs and dragons are inspired by dinosaurs and anyways, what if dragons looked more like feathered dinosaurs than just fully scaled lizards with wings y'know? (at least following the typical european dragon designs, I know there are other types of dragons on other cultures, but this is the one I'm most familiar with).
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(ID under the cut at the end of the post)
More about: Faes Celestials
1st picture: A digital drawing of 3 spider-inspired fantasy characters standing next to each other. They all have tan skin in more or less unnatural shades, from pinkish brown to purplish brown to straight-up blueish purple. They all have several pairs of eyes, either 3 or 4 pairs. They all expose the skin of their torso heavily.
2nd picture: A traditional drawing of a merfolk character with crustacean traits, such as chitinous plates covering their body, extra pairs of bug-like legs along the sides of their tail, and antennaes. They are laying down on the floor with their arms crossed in front of them and their head laying down on their arms.
3rd picture: A digital drawing of 4 butterfly or moth inspired fantasy characters. Their names, pronouns, and the species of moth/butterfly that inspired their design is written at the top. Morphée (he/him, Hyalophora cecropia) is a small child with light skin and short black hair, wearing a cape colored like a cecropia moth's wings. He's holding an ivory-colored mask in his hand. Thanatos (he/him, Spilosoma lubricipeda) is a man with light skin and long spiky black hair attached in a high ponytail, dressed in dark blues and black, with a thick black cape covered in white spots, reminiscent of a moth's wings. Hypnos (he/him, Spilosoma lubricipeda) is a light-skinned man with short black hair dressed in a white kimono and a white cape with fur on the shoulders and black spots, that make it look reminiscent of a moth's wings. All 3 of these characters look like they're related to each other. Finally, Aupébine (he/they, Cithaerias pireta aurora) is a small androgynous-looking person with light skin and long white hair that fades to pink, attached in a low ponytail. They're dressed in fancy old-fashioned army clothes with frills and lace, and a transparent cape with the motifs of a butterfly's wings on it.
4th picture: A digital drawing of 4 bee or wasp inspired fantasy characters. Their names, pronouns and the insect species that inspired their design is written at the top. Anthéa (they/them, Apis mellifera ligustica) is a small feminine-looking person with brown skin and shoulder-length curly blond hair, shaved on one side of the head. They're wearing a bustier dress that looks like a narcissus flower, and their skin is sprinkled with golden glitter. Chardon (he/him, Bombus lapidarius) is a tall fat man with black skin and vitiligo patches visible on his face and arms, and black kinky hair attached in a high ponytail. He's wearingsunglasses, a chestplates and leg armor, and has a very big and fluffy fur patch draped over his shoulders. Bee wings are visible behind his back. Quince (he/him, Sphex pensylvanicus) is a tall and slender man with black skin and straight short black hair slicked back. He's wearing black clothes with blue and purple iridescent borders, and black leg and arm armor. He's also wearing pendant earrings and has a scar over his left eye. A pair of purplish blue iridescent wings are visible behind him. Nemesia (they/them, Vespa velutina) is a feminine looking person with brown skin and long wavy brown hair that fades to blond. They're wearing golden leg armor with hornet markings on it, and golden arm armor as well. A pair of brown translucent hornet wings are visible behind them.
5th picture: A digital drawing of a male knight character with tan skin and brown hair slicked back and attached in a low ponytail. He's dressed in shades of blue and grey, with some golden armor pieces, and is holding a golden spear with one hand. He has a halo and wings that both look like blueish white electric arcs.
6th picture: A digital drawing of a male knight character. He has slightly tan skin and straight black hair attached in a knot in the back of his head, with some bangs falling over the side of his face. He's standing straight and resting his hand over the tip of the hilt of a saber that is planted in the ground. He's wearing full plate armor and has a cape draped over his shoulder that is colored like a crowned crane's wings, white on the upper part and dark red on the bottom feathers. He also has a golden halo that is reminicent of the crowned crane's crown of yellow feathers.
7th picture: A digital drawing of 2 male twin characters. They have brown skin and ark brown hair of the same cut but slightly different lengths. They're both wearing masks shaped roughly like the skull of a dragon, with horns. They're both dressed in slightly different shades of blue. One is wearing a tabard over a chestplate and chainmail, while the other is wearing a fantasy military-looking coat with a long dark cape that drapes around his neck.
8th picture: A digital drawing of a dragon. It has a long snout, reminiscent of some dog breeds, and a long neck covered in black feathers. Its scales are dark grey with some golden motifs around the eyes and on the chest. It also has slender, tipped back horns. Its eyeshave black sclera and golden irises. /end ID]
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Kidnapper: I have your partner. Shinichiro: What? I don't have a partner… Kidnapper: Then who just called me a lowlife bitch and spit in my face? Shinichiro: Oh my god, you have Wakasa.
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kibermonakh · 2 months
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Charlotte Vindemiatrix Hicks (Weinrot by father), local half-blood pyromaniac extraordinaire on 1st year and on 7th
wand made of dogwood and dragon heartstring, 14 inches
During classes she always sets something on fire. And during breaks. And at any given time. Potions turns into Snape’s worst nightmare, because Charlotte is worse than Neville, not because she doesn’t know what she’s doing, but because she purposely boils such a hellish mess that it’s scary to breathe towards the cauldron - it can (and probably will) suddenly explode.
She really loves any spells related to fire, and if they are not then she will somehow relate it herself (in the first year, she burned the canopy of her bed in the dorm using lumos and a magnifying glass; in the second year, she lit a fire by casting an animating charm on two stiks...). A menace girl, definitely.n animating charm on two sticks... ).
For up to 7 years she lived with her muggle mother, who, at the first sign of magic, threw Charlotte off to her wizard father. The man already has his own family and he didn’t know about Charlotte, but oh well, it means he’ll have to take a magical child... because it's shameful to leave your blood in a poor situation.
In general, Charlotte is considered a bastard, although she was born before her half-brother, but she is also forgiven a lot because she is not an heiress.
Gray strands are a Weinrot family feature, they begin to turn gray very early - their magic influences something, no one knows what exactly. Some say these are the remnants of some kind of curse, others that the ancestor conjured something for himself, others that gray-haired Weinrot is like a crazy Black - just a usual normal thing to see. [ Actually Charlotte's distant great-grandmother (in the 1600s) was not born, but created through a necromantic ritual from the rib of a dark witch, Weinrots'  blood & hair and the body of their premature stillborn baby. Hence the early gray hair - magic of death should not be used to create life. But it was used and therefore many Weinrots had and still have disorders of habits and desires ( pyro-/klepto-/dacno- and other similar manias) ]
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bergdg · 10 months
Analyzing Invention: Some Data for the Inventor's Fair 2023
As a way of introduction, the Inventor's Fair is a Magic: the Gathering card design contest blog here on Tumblr. Each week, a contest is announced and members of the community submit designs throughout the week meeting the design specifications. At the end of the week, a few winners and runner-ups are selected, with commentary given by a series of judges. It's a fun exercise in creativity, one that I have participated since November 2022.
This past week, I decided to go back and compile some data about the blog, from January 1st, 2023 to Dec 2nd, 2023. I got some general data and then did a dive into data on the winners and runners-up. I would have loved to look at data for all of the entrants (on average, 23 each contest), but that was just a little too much for the time I have.
If this all sounds interesting to you, continue reading past the line.
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To start, let's look at that general data:
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Image: Line graph showing the weekly totals for entrants and a rolling 3-week average.
To start off, there have been 48 contests thus far during the year, with 4 more potentially planned (yes, Dec 31st would be the posting date for one of the contests, so it is technically a 2023 contest).
In the above graph, I included a 3-week rolling average as a trendline: basically the average shown for a week is the average of that week with the two weeks preceding).
The highest participation happened from February to mid-May, which corresponds to the Spring Semester in the US school system (my area of experience).
The contest with the greatest number of entrants: Teamwork Makes the Dream Work, which started on April 16 and had 36 entrants.
The contest with the lowest number of entrants: Re:Vision, which was the most recent contest and had only 8 entrants.
Now let's dive into some of the stats around the winners and runners-up:
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Image: Bar graph showing the entry counts for winners and runners-up.
There have been 50 unique entrants who have been either a winner or a runner-up so far this year. Many entrants have been part of the contests since the beginning of the year. The most recent entrant to have their first win/runner-up was @aethernalstars, in the Nov 12th contest Lost Caverns of Ixalan's Lost Vault.
The entrants with the highest numbers of wins/runners-up so far:
@spooky-bard: 22 total, with 16 wins
@izzet-always-r-versus-u: 16 total, with 10 wins
@nine-effing-hells: 15 total, with 7 wins
@hypexion: 14 total, with 5 wins
(tie) @deg99 and @bread-into-toast: 13 total, with 8 and 7 wins
Congrats to these entrants for some spectacular submissions!
So what makes a winning entry? Mostly the awesome creativity of the entrants, but here are some stats about the cards themselves that I found interesting.
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Image: Bar graph showing the card types of cards that were submitted and were selected as a winner or runner-up
By far the most popular card type was creature (and this includes Artifact Creature and Enchantment Creature submissions). Granted, there were several contests asking for creatures, like Rebels and Dragons. But it is such an overwhelming favorite that I just had to call it out.
As a note on other, I lumped things like planes and phenomenon into a single group, just to keep things simple (since there weren't that many)
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Image: Pie (donut) chart showing the colors that were part of the color identity of cards submitted and selected as a winner or runner-up
Here, there has not been any contests for making cards in a specific color. However, red is a clear favorite among entrants. This is a mix of mono-red and multi-color including red cards. Black, white and blue are all closely tied for the 2nd most popular card, with green being fifth amongst the colors. I included colorless, but that being a low count is to be expected as I looked at color identity instead of cost, so many land submissions were pulled into one of the color categories.
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Image: Table of the mana value of cards submitted submitted and selected as a winner or runner-up
Here, we see that the most common mana value of cards was 3 - 84 cards total! 4 (with 60) and 2 (with 41) came in 2nd and 3rd.
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Image: Pie (donut) chart showing the rarities of cards submitted and selected as a winner or runner-up
Entrants seem to really like submitting Rares (114 total) and Uncommons (92 total), as they made up almost 75% of all entries. The number for commons will get a small bump from a recent contest that is currently being judged: One for the Money, but nowhere near enough to dethrone the other two.
SO, if you were to submit a card, it seems like the best chance for a winning submission is a red/partially red creature that is rare/uncommon and has a mana value of 3/4. Looks like a Santa Clause card is up for the next few weeks ;)
Anyways, I hope you've enjoyed this nerdy dive into some of the data behind the @inventors-fair of 2023. Looking forward to what y'all come up with in the next few weeks!
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where-i-overanalyze · 2 years
conquering the Soul Eater manga timeline
this can be an open discussion because i haven't read Not and i unfortunately cannot get my hands on any officially translated volumes, so if there's anything that proves my alignments wrong, feel free to tell me and i'll update this!!! i break the timeline up by month and what year of the story we are in. i'm not doing math and not considering the exact days and alignments for what day of the week the dates are lining up on, that is something i am not willing to put myself through. this is post is long af, so if you don't care about all of my explanation, i'll put a summary of the timeline at the end for easy reading.
admittedly, the beginning half of the manga is easier to label because this is when we get some distinct timeframes, but it is still a horror. because of this, i'm going to use this as a reference to how time passes with the other events in the manga. i'll be referencing the Soul Eater wiki as a basic guide as much as i can and scouring the manga for any hints about how time is passing for everything else. honestly, if the second half of the manga was speed run, the entirety of Soul Eater could take place less than a year. i don't think that is the case purely because of the pace at the beginning of the manga, so let us begin.
November (1)
this is where everything starts: the prologue chapters, the remedial lesson with Sid and Stein, Kid enrolling in the DWMA. there is no specific day in which this all starts, the wiki says it's just "after October 31st," so i'm going to start us off on exactly November 1st for the beginning of all of this. every one of these events could easily be happening within the first two weeks of November.
following this, realistically it would be a day or two before Maka and Soul take on the extra lesson where they meet Crona. Soul gets slashed and, according to my google search, wounds that are large or "surgery incisions" usually take about 1 week to stop being super inflamed. total healing times vary, but i'll say that since weapons are kinda human kinda not, that Soul would be able to be up and walking around somewhat normally in about a week, maybe less. last week of November can be when Masamune and Tsubaki's fight takes place, so this is our entire first November stacked up.
December (1)
strong start! and from here on out, the timeline gets confusing. wiki says chapters 10-15 take place from December-February. this includes the Free jailbreak, the super exam, and the whole Nidhogg and Black Dragon mission for Kid. in the next chapter (15), we're at the DWMA Foundation Eve ceremony which is supposed to take place . . . on April 1st.
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this is one of the very few times we're given an exact date (Chapter 32), so i'm using it as an anchor for everything else. i'm also going to assume that these students sometimes have days off and breaks and have "normal" school life to a certain extent. i'm also going to assume that they have some sort of winter holiday off, whether it's some sort of Christmas or Yule or just the New Year doesn't matter; what actually matters is that they would get probably 2 or more weeks off of school because of it. they're in Nevada, which means that it is (maybe? probably?) the New years that is on January 1st.
let's say December starts with Chapter 9. it opens with the Witch's Mass where Medusa puts the snakes in Eruka. then it cuts to Soul having a general check-up on his wound. Stein gives Black☆Star the jar of funky water that will strengthen his soul for the phantom sword mode. for the sake of stretching this out to something reasonable, i'm going to say that this check-up takes place at least one week after the Witch's Mass, because Eruka trying to confront Medusa takes place the same day as the check-up and i doubt Eruka would have shown up to confront her like the day after the mass. after this, i want to say that the Free jail and bridge plot takes a while to set up, but . . .
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tomorrow. god, i have never hated a word more. this speeds up the entire chain of events with fighting Free on the bridge. i'd say that it takes 2-3 days to break Free out, for Maka and Soul's wavelength to get messed up, and then they fight on the bridge. this puts us at week 2 of December. Maka's hands are fucked up after the fight and Soul makes a comment about how he'll have to make dinner for a while by the looks of her hands, so i'm exploiting that and saying that is when DWMA has their "winter holiday break." while all of that is happening, Crona is harvesting souls and stuff w/ Ragnarok (shown at the end of Chapter 11). i'll say that this is all in preparation for the Nidhogg in a bit.
January & February (1)
and now, we do a little time exploitation. let's say they come back to school the 2nd week of January. Maka's healed, everyone's back, wahoo!! Chapter 12 is the super written exam, and this is where my exploitation comes in.
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test in one week, Maka's already been studying for a whole month. i'm imagining the first day back from winter break goes something like this: Stein walks into the room, writes "Super Written Exam" on the chalkboard, slaps it and yells "THIRD WEEK OF FEBRUARY," and Maka goes home that day and immediately starts studying. i know Maka's a nerd and reasonably was studying the whole year and between missions and whatever, but this is for my sanity. scores probably took a whole day to come out and be posted. anyone below Soul (Kid, Liz, Patty, and Black☆Star) had to take extra lessons, so those probably took up the remaining week of February.
March (1)
i am deeming March as the month of nothing but the Nidhogg mission. after the Nidhogg mission and Ragnarok eating all the souls on that boat, it's Kishin revival time at the party, which means the Nidhogg mission needs to be right at the end of March b/c then Kid knows about the Kishin being under the school and i doubt he sat on that information for a super long time or else he would've gone to investigate.
April (1)
April fools, it's Kishin awake time!! this covers Chapter 16-22 and it's got all the fun stuff: the first Crona redemption, the first Medusa death, and Lord Death calling together all of the Death Scythes. this is also supposedly the time when Maka checks out the Book of Eibon from the library, so i'm making the call that she did it after she connected with Crona and before the Death Scythes arrived b/c her purpose for taking it was because she wanted to know more about black blood and Medusa's research and somehow ended up there.
i really can't put a guess on how long it takes the Death Scythes to get to Death City because the speed at which people travel across entire countries in Soul Eater is insane. Kid flew from Egypt to Nevada and back within a day on his skateboard, there is no explanation i can come up with. for the sake of my sanity, let's say that it takes at least a week or two for the Death Scythes to get here b/c they have to find arrangements to take over whatever positions they had at their previous stations. the students are also recovering from various injuries and the city is rebuilding from the fight between Lord Death and Asura
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these panels make it seem like at least the DWMA has gone on a break for a bit because of all the Kishin junk and that the Death Scythes arrived the day before school was resuming. let's say that the "tomorrow" is going to start the Monday of the third week of April.
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this puts Crona's trial day of school as the Monday of the last week of April since Maka's day with her dad already happened (presumably the day before). Crona's been in the dungeon ever since April 1st, and their trial day is the same day that Arachne makes her first appearance (which is pretty rough smh, first day out of prison and you meet your evil aunt?? damn). this is all happening in Chapters 23-26.
from this point on, Maka's completely paralyzed for . . . an undisclosed amount of time. we've got Black☆Star's second run-in with Mifune maybe a day or two after Maka is set up in the infirmary at the DWMA. i used to think that the candy Black☆Star got from Mifune somehow cured her, but i have now realized that's not the case because,
May (1)
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the party Kid hosts that is interrupted by the runaway train happens on the same day Maka comes back to class for the first time. Azusa says that the runaway train mission happened on May 21st (in Chapter 38), which ultimately means that, according to the timeline we've got going, Maka was in the infirmary for almost the entirety of May. this truly does make sense since, in that time, Medusa took over Rachel and Rachel's family had enough time to put up missing posters for her. May 21st is also when Medusa makes her appearance to Crona and everything starts going bad for them, which means Medusa had enough time to get in contact with Eruka again. Kid then seems to spend the rest of May after the runaway train looking for information about Eibon.
June (1)
this is the point of no return, this is the last specific date the wiki has. after June 1st, we are absolutely in the dark as to when tf anything happens (according to the wiki), so i'm probably going to get even more picky about the details. June 1st is when Kid is in the library and realizes that the Book of Eibon has been checked out. a day or two after that, Crona gets the snake and puts it in Marie's drink. all of that happens in Chapter 32, and in Chapter 33 we've got the group soul resonance lesson.
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time exploitation time, Stein says "in the near future," so i will take that to mean "in a week" because that is the near future. a week after the group lesson, it's Lost Island Brew Tempest mission time. i'll say that the Brew mission happens on like in the middle of the second week of June (this also makes me realize that they don't have summer break! smh! i guess evil never rests, but whatever). this covers Chapters 34-37, Lord Death immediately calls for BJ after the Brew missions. i'll say that it takes BJ a few days to get to DWMA and his investigation takes place sometime in the third week of June. this happens on a day during the school week because Kid and Black☆Star have their fight where Kid absolutely demolishes Black☆Star, and Maka leaves her "Maka notes" at school and ends up overhearing a conversation between Crona and Eruka.
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Maka Notes. anyways, Black☆Star gets suspended and goes to Japan with Tsubaki, BJ gets murdered, Stein is set up to be the murderer and he leaves with Marie to find the really culprit, and Crona leaves the DWMA all on the same day. a lot happens that day, RIP BJ, lived for two chapters. Crona was only at school for about two months, and one of those months was full of being worried about Medusa being alive!! makes me sad
July (1)
after that specific day, i feel like Chapters 41-43 have to take place in the tail end of June, if not the beginning of July. everyone has extracurricular lessons, Medusa surrenders herself, and Kim and Jackie run away from DWMA within a day or two after Chapter 43 now that everyone's extracurricular lessons are done. three days after Medusa surrenders herself, operation Capture Baba Yaga happens, which covers . . . Chapters 46-60. this is where things get even more uncertain for when things happen. there is an "unknown time skip" after Baba Yaga finishes up. i will be basing this time skip off of Black☆Star's insane amount of wounds that he has to recover from after killing Mifune (rip Mifune, wish he had lived tbh).
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Black☆Star's fingers are MANGLED. he has other injuries from this fight, but i think it's those fingers that are gonna give us the best bet as to how long the time skip actually is. we see some stuff right after the battle with Justin and Giriko, then probably 2-3 days after that (putting us at the end of the first week of July), Kim and Angela are granted permission to stay with the DWMA, and Stein and Marie confront Justin, providing me with my absolute favorite panels of the manga.
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we see Black☆Star's fucked up in Chapter 61, he's got his finger cast on, again this is probably 2-3 days after Baba Yaga, still at the end of that first week of July. with Black☆Star's broken fingers, we continue on.
August & September (1)
my google search says that "fractured fingers typically take 6-8 weeks to heal, but can take up to 3-4 months to fully regain strength." i won't say that it takes 3-4 months for Black☆Star's hand to heal, mainly b/c he wouldn't be able to stay inactive for that long, but i think the 6-8 weeks is reasonable considering those fingers were obliterated. people in Soul Eater heal pretty fast and Black☆Star is super strong, so we can settle on a solid 8-10 weeks before Black☆Star is healed enough and had some physical therapy to be sort of back in action in Chapter 62. all of the other students seem to be full healed and adjusted to this schedule they've got (Ox has also grown out his bald ass head, so that's another time indication). enough time needs to have passed for Maka and Soul to have acquired 99 souls for Soul to become a death scythe. they probably had gotten some souls in the gaps between actual events and whatnot, so it's not like they're going 0-99 in a matter of 10 weeks. so, we come into Chapter 62 at around the end of the third week of September with Stein and Marie returning after beating tf outta Justin, Black☆Star is well and healed, Soul becomes a Death Scythe, and the Spartoi is officially formed.
from here, we get Maka and Soul practicing flying and abilities now that Soul is a Death Scythe and we have Gopher and Noah's forces showing up. this is definitely the next day, maybe two days, so i'm gonna say that this is that start of a new week. it seems that everyone is kind of just spending time to train and get stronger in preparations for whenever the next move from the opposing side happens.
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this both emphasizes the fact that everyone is spending time getting stronger, and it also makes it clear that the other members of the Spartoi aren't on the Witch's Research mission while Maka is training and fighting in Chapters 63-65. Chapter 65 ends with a glimpse of Medusa telling Crona that they're going to start moving forward with her plan, and i will say that this ends September.
October (1)
full honesty, i can't tell how long it's been between Chapter 65 and Chapter 66. it obviously is after the run in with Gopher, but how long? i don't know!! for some reason, Maka was not assigned the Witch's Research mission even though they were looking for Medusa and her lab, which probably could be good for her high ability soul perception.
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i get it, she wasn't assigned, but this whole mission consists of the rest of Maka's resonance team (minus Kid b/c he's stuck in the book) and team B, minus Ox and Harvard. maybe it was purely to play around with different team dynamics since Kilik wields Liz and Patty in Kid's absence (i'm also pretty sure they say that Kilik has the same type of ability as Stein when it comes to matching with weapons' wavelengths and whatnot). anyways, i think this whole mission probably happens over halfway into October for a few reasons.
firstly, Black☆Star being healed earlier doesn't mean he was Fully ready for missions yet. his appearance in Chapter 62 was probably his test to see if he was physically ready to take something on again. this seems to be his first mission after being recovered, so i'd say that the new Spartoi group had to do some adjusting now that everyone is ready to go by then. secondly, Gopher attempted to assassinate Maka, which probably put the DWMA more on alert since it's an enemy they haven't even seen before this point. this also might be why Maka isn't on this mission. they wanted to make sure that this mission went off without a hitch, they didn't want to rush into it so they super planned it, and it worked for the most part. lastly, Medusa said "It's time, Crona" at the end of Chapter 65. she probably already had preparations for all of this stuff, but i feel like since this is also her "reappearance" with Crona and her clown experiments, it works as a "time to get things moving" rather than "we're starting this right now." we also have no indication as to when tf she even says that, so it could be right after Maka's attempted assassination, or it could actually be right before the mission!!! with all of that, i am dubbing the Witch's Research (Chapters 66-68) mission to have happened at the end of the third week of October.
after all of this happens, Chapter 69 (nice) gives us some random school life where Soul is getting "Partner Requests" from other students, which also supports my idea that this happens late October rather than right after Maka's run-in with Gopher, because now Soul's been a Death Scythe long enough for the younger students to start trying to fuck around with Maka and Soul's partnership (unrelated but there's also some insane foreshadowing about Medusa's fuckin death in this chapter?? i might have to make my own short post about that b/c it's crazy to me). this picks up right after the Witch's Research mission (i think) because Black☆Star brings in Eruka in to Lord Death to help retrieve Kid from the Book of Eibon. there's a bunch of "one day earlier" and "the appointed day" when they're talking about performing the magic to send the Spartoi into the Book of Eibon, so for my mental health, i'm going to say that the Witch's Research team takes a day to get back, brings in Eruka the next day and Maka confesses to checking out the Book of Eibon, and then they perform the ritual to get the Spartoi in the book, which puts Chapters 69-72 in the third week of October (Kid's in the book for over two months!).
as for the entire Salvage arc, Chapters 72-81, once again there is little-to-no time indication as to how long it takes the Spartoi to get through the Book of Eibon. the DWMA teachers show up at Noah's hideout by the time the Spartoi are able to get Kid out, it's night time, but who knows!! i'm assuming that it's a mission that takes only one day based off of the fact that the witches and other Spartoi members that didn't go in the book are still hanging around the site of the ritual where the Spartoi entered even after the teachers have left to confront Justin and Noah.
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good news tho, Maka was pretty injured, which means that i can use her wound healing as a basis for time passing!! we get a lot of exposition from Lord Death, Kid, and Stein in Chapter 82, then we find out Tezca didn't die, and then we see Crona in Moscow fighting the Death Scythe stationed there. and no time indication. i'm assuming that since Kid apologizes to Lord Death for being missing and he's still wearing his little white coat, that all of their conversation must be right after they get back from that mission, which i think is probably the morning after their fight with Noah since they fought at night. this keeps all of their convo in the third week of October. as for Moscow . . . we must now return to Maka's wounds from Chapter 76.
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Maka gets kinda fucked up here by Giriko. even if it is a soul wavelength thing and meister's are super fit b/c of training and whatnot, Giriko is literally a chainsaw. she fights when they get out of the Book of Eibon, but i'm going to chalk that up the definite adrenaline she's feeling because she collapses as soon as that fight is over. google says that minor lacerations take less than 2 weeks to heal and major ones take 6-8 weeks to heal. i am realizing now as i type this that Kim's witch abilities could probably heal a lot of people faster (including Black☆Star earlier which i will choose to IGNORE b/c there still had to be enough time for Maka and Soul to get 99 souls) but i think i will choose to ignore that because i don't think the DWMA wants to use her like a school nurse.
November (2)
i want to say that it's been at least 3 weeks, if not a whole month. even if the timeline is fucked, if someone was really injured in the manga, there always seems to be enough time given to them to heal between big acts of the story. it's always kind of obvious when things happen back to back and Medusa probably makes adjustments to the black blood between missions, so i think that it's reasonable to give Maka the time to properly heal from those wounds. she and Soul look pretty casual in those panels, meaning they're able to have some down time.
also, that puts us at officially a whole year since the beginning; we're at the third week of November with Maka's healing time. we won't be over two years for the whole timeline since we're near the end, which kind of surprises me, but whatever. anyways, by the time Crona does their blood thing in Moscow, it seems that Maka has fully recovered from the Giriko fight. Maka, Soul, Kim, Jackie, and Stein go to Moscow after Crona does their blood orb thing, which is probably the day after it happens by the time they get there. it's also snowing in Moscow, and my google search says that it usually starts snowing in Russia around October-November, so that tracks. everyone finds out that the Ukraine blood orb happens while they're in Moscow. Justin shows up at the Ukraine blood orb during the day and Tezca gets decapitated, so some time has passed since the orb appeared b/c there is a significant lack of security and helicopters shown when it first appeared.
full disclaimer: things get very confusing after this point and i'm going to take some liberties to make things make sense. Kid confronts Lord Death about some raids that the DWMA have been doing in order to get people to find the Kishin, and then we see him go to the Lost Island to talk to Eibon, but then we also see Kid on the Lost Island while Crona kills Medusa, and then after Crona kills Medusa . . . Maka, Soul, Black☆Star, and Tsubaki are in some random village helping them hunt down a sky whale??? then, after they return and it's revealed that Crona has been added to Lord Death's list, Kid comes back from the Lost Island???? and then there is, presumably, some sort of a time skip because we see everyone preparing for the missions AND there has been enough time to build an entire air ship.
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i'll tackle the air ship last. first, i'm going to put a definite order for the events i just listed b/c they don't make sense. Kid's trip to the Lost Island is shown across multiple chapters (Justin killing Tezca, Crona killing Medusa, and the sky whale mission, which is Chapter 86-88) that talk about things that do not seem to be happening at the same time, so i'm taking advantage of this. Kid's mission being interspersed means that Tezca's and Medusa's death happen before Kid is actually in the Lost Island. i think it all goes something like this: Justin goes to the Ukraine blood orb, kills Tezca, skip a day or so and Crona returns to Medusa and kills her, the raid Kid asks about happens and the news comes out (via newspaper Kid is holding in Chapter 86), then he says he's going to the Lost Island. that probably takes at least a single day to prep. going to say that by the time Kid is actually on his way to the Lost Island, it is the 1st of December.
December (2)
Kid can only be in the magnetic field for 20 minutes, so he is on the Lost Island the same day Maka and the gang deal with the sky whale, because that's the day they find out Crona's been added to Lord Death's list and Maka senses the Kishin on the moon, and then they have to plan how to get to the moon. from there, we have the preparation time skip and, according to my google search, it takes usually over a year to build an air ship/blimp.
there's no way it took the entire DWMA that long to build the air ship purely b/c 1) if it had taken a whole year, i'm pretty sure it would've been mentioned, 2) fantasy type world, DWMA has magic tools in the air ship, so there were probably some magic tools involved in the actual making of the ship, 3) the Spartoi search for Crona and train while the whole time the DWMA was preparing and planning, and i really doubt it took Maka a whole year to think about the church and, honestly, that Crona could survive on their own for a year without being noticed again (both because they're crazy and probably can't take care of themself very effectively, and that people were probably on the look out for another "black blood" event and nothing ever surfaced).
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Crona hasn't been seen "since the incident in Russia," which means the DWMA has been looking, but they've gone radio silent in regards to causing any problems. Maka has been trying to see the whole world at once this entire time, so she's getting sensory soul overload, and probably can't do a search like that super often, maybe once every other day or so to try and actually get results that make any sense.
considering all of this, i turn back to the construction of the air ship. this is a mission that is extremely important, so the DWMA is putting a lot of power and planning into it. there is no previous mention (that i know of) of an airship owned by DWMA, so i'm assuming they're starting from the ground up with the help of any magic tools that speed up the process. with that, i and going to say that the air ship took AT LEAST a month to build, probably more than that.
January (2)
magic tools or not, you can't prevent all general workplace construction errors with better tools. maybe the DWMA did already have an air ship, maybe it didn't actually take that long, but it makes the most sense to me with the evidence given. there's the point to be made that "oh, why would the Kishin not come attack them if they're all just spending the time building a blimp?" Stein makes a point of saying that it would be "disadvantageous" for the Kishin to leave the moon because he still gets to spread madness from there whether they fight or not. i really doubt they'd be able to cut down an entire construction process that usually takes upwards of a year to anything less than a month. it can't be too quick because then the plans to go to the moon and find Crona would be too hasty and ill-prepared. the negotiations with the witches also began before the DWMA attacked the moon (Chapter 97). plus, i'm going to use this panel as a way to confirm to myself that things did take a bit of time to prepare.
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"finally" meaning that those moon bitches had to wait a while before DWMA got to the moon. from here, we're basically at the end. even if the air ship took less or more than a month, the entire manga finishes up with the battle on the moon, which takes, at most, two days of straight fighting.
what i have decided on puts us at the very beginning of January, and that's where it ends!! Chapters 91-112 all happen within that two-ish day battle and that's where it ends. there is no 113th chapter of Soul Eater. hypothetically, if there was a 113th chapter where a funeral for Lord Death and a coronation ceremony for Kid took place, those events would probably take place within the second and third week of January.
here is the summary of the entire timeline:
November (1): very beginning of the manga, Crona and Medusa's introduction, Masamune is defeated
December (1): Medusa puts the snakes in Eruka, Free is released from witch prison and he fights Maka and gang on the bridge, winter break for the students?
January (1): essentially nothing, come back from an assumed winter break
February (1): super written exam
March (1): Nidhogg mission
April (1): Kishin revives on the eve of DWMA's anniversary, Maka befriends Crona, the Death Scythes (Maria, Azusa, and Justin) arrive, Crona trial day at school, Arachne wakes up and Maka is paralyzed, Black☆Star fights Mifune for the second time and gets the candy
May (1): Maka gets better from being paralyzed, Medusa possesses Rachel, runaway train, Medusa approaches Crona again
June (1): Kid realizes the copy of the Book of Eibon is missing, Crona puts the snake in Marie's drink, Lost Island Brew Tempest mission, BJ shows up and instantly is murdered, Crona runs away from DWMA
July (1): Maka meets the Clown in the factory, Medusa surrenders herself, Kim and Jackie run away and join Arachnophobia for a minute, Baba Yaga mission, Kid gets sucked into the Book of Eibon, Kim and Angela are allowed to stay at DWMA
August (1): everyone recovers and gets strong after Baba Yaga
September (1): Soul becomes a Death Scythe, Maka and Soul learn how to fly, Gopher tries to kill Maka
October (1): Witch's Research mission, Spartoi goes into the Book of Eibon to rescue Kid
November (2): Crona kills the Death Scythe in Moscow, Crona destroys a city in the Ukraine, Justin kills Tezca, Crona kills Medusa
December (2): Kid goes to the Lost Island to talk to Eibon, Crona is put on Lord Death's list, Maka senses the Kishin on the moon, construction of the air ship is started
January (2): Maka finds Crona in the church in Italy, the moon battle begins and ends, Lord Death dies and Kid is named the new Shinigami.
and that is the end!! if you've made it to the end of my madman rambling, please converse with me if you have any thoughts on this. DM, reblog, reply, whatever, let me know what you think. it took me multiple days to write all this up and actually look through the manga thoroughly enough to kinda figure out how and where everything happens. i did it out of pure frustration that it's hard to tell the order of things and i'm glad i found a way to make it make a bit more sense
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crimsoncold · 5 months
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A list of Fanart by @crimsoncold
Organized by Fandom, includes links to posted art work (in white) and a list of ongoing series (in green), in progress works (in blue), and soon to be posted pieces (in red)
(All artwork will be tagged and made searchable with #Crimson Cold)
A Song of Ice and Fire/Game of Thrones
Jon Snow x Sansa Stark (Jonsa):
Family Portrait in the godswood of Winterfell
A Shared Dream of Family (day time version)
A Shared Dream of Family (night time version)
Wedding in the Godswood (winter version)
Wedding in the Godswood (spring version)
A Bedding at Winterfell
Future in Winterfell (A Jonsa Collection)
Jonsa Beyond the Wall (A Wildling AU)
Escape to the Free Cities/Essos AU
The QITN and her Lord Commander
Jon meets Alayne (WORK IN PROGRESS)
Jonsa Regency AU
Jonsa Period Drama Portraits
Jonsa Modern Hockey AU
Jonsa Post-Apocalyptic AU
Aemond Targaryen x Sansa Stark (Aemondsa):
The Lady Wolf and her Dragon Knight
Alayne Stone and her Dragon Knight
ASOIAF/GOT Second Generation: (HIATUS)
Robb Stark, Jon Snow, Sansa Stark,
Arya Stark, Bran Stark, Rickon Stark,
[House Stark]
Willas Tyrell, Garlan Tyrell, Loras Tyrell
Margaery Tyrell, [House Tyrell]
Arianne Martell, Myrcella Baratheon
Myranda Royce, Mya Stone
ASOIAF First Generation: (HIATUS)
Brandon Stark, Eddard Stark,
Lyanna Stark, Benjen Stark,
[House Stark]
Catelyn Tully, Elia Martell
Arthur Dayne, Ashara Dayne,
Jaime Lannister, Cersei Lannister
Robert Baratheon, Rhaegar Targaryen
ASOIAF 1st Gen Masterpost
ASOIAF Stark Family Portraits
Ned and Catelyn, Robb and Jon,
Sansa and Arya, Bran and Rickon
Miscellaneous asoiaf/got:
Alayne Stone Sansa Stark, QITN
Jon Snow Sketch Sansa Stark Sketch
Harry Potter
Harry Potter x Hermione Granger (Harmony):
Family Picnic (TO BE POSTED)
Dancing in the common room (IN PROGRESS)
Sirius Black x Hermione Granger:
Family Outing to Diagon Alley (TO BE POSTED)
Attack on Titan/ Shingeki no Kyojin
Erwin Smith x Levi Ackerman (EruRi):
Expedition beyond Wall Rose
The Witcher/Wiedźmin
Geralt of Rivia portrait (WORK IN PROGRESS)
Fae Jaskier | Dandelion (WORK IN PROGRESS)
Star Wars
Padmé Amidala x Obi-Wan Kenobi (Obidala):
Tatooine AU (TO BE POSTED)
Queen Amidala (TO BE POSTED)
Miscellaneous Fanart
Charles and Anna Cornick (from the Alpha & Omega series by Patricia Briggs)
Kate Daniels (from the Kate Daniels Series by Ilona Andrews)
Check below for a bit about me as an artist and what my posting is going to look like...
Sudden Inspiration and a backlog of art...
For several years I was without the energy or drive to engage in the hobbies I loved so much growing up.
In 2020 (facing a sudden surplus of both free time and solitude) I started to encourage myself to take time for things that had no other purpose than making myself happy. Slowly I once again started to create art that was for my own enjoyment and done at my own pace.
A huge inspiration became the various fandoms I was a part of and by 2021 the ideas I had for various fanart pieces soon became nearly overwhelming- after a multi year drought I was finally excited to make art again!
It would however take me a while to find the courage to share my work anywhere - like many artists I sometimes struggled to see the worth in my own work and soon the absolute plague of AI generated images and AI content scraping was making me dread the idea of sharing anything publically. But with positive encouragement from friends (and holding to the firm belief that any art work/song/story/or creative piece made with the passionate effort of an inspired individual will hold vastly more worth and outdo any AI generated thing in terms of quality, impact, and longevity) I finally decided to just enjoy fully engaging in fandom and posting my fanart for anyone to enjoy.
So right now I have a 2-3 year backlog of fanart I've been working on but never posted anywhere so I'm making a master list up above that will have links to each individual piece organized according to Fandom, Concept/Series, and Pairing.
Also included in the list are completed but not yet posted pieces and in progress pieces that I will post at a later date (hopefully this will encourage me to complete and to post my 50+ backlog of art pieces steadily over time while I focus on making new fanart).
- Crimson Cold
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