#apologies if this is worded weirdly i am tired
roblox-ads · 7 months
i do want to apologise for not posting about palestine at all until now, i rarely use tumblr aside to post stuff to this blog and rarely my main blog
i'm going to resume normal posts, but i'll try to reblog links and other stuff to support palestine inbetween. please do not be afraid to tag me in these types of posts so i can reblog and help spread awareness 🍉
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varpusvaras · 2 months
The whole base was already in a wild, celebratory frenzy as they got there.
Fox did prefer it that way. He did not wish to draw too much attention to himself. It would be for the best if he handled any and all reunions in a more private setting, and slipping away from everybody was much easier when everyone were busy celebrating their victory.
That plan did vanish the moment he stepped off the bridge and saw Breha standing there, looking directly at him.
Fox looked back. He had learned to read her quite well over the years, but right now, it was rather difficult to tell what was the leading emotion on her face at the moment. Perhaps it was needless for him to even try to decipher any of them. He was going to have to face her and whatever she had for him anyway.
So Fox walked towards her, never looking away, and Breha stood there, her eyes just as much unflichingly looking at him.
Fox stopped a couple of paces in front of her. She didn't say anything yet, just kept looking at him, and Fox knew that whatever it was she was about to say to him, he still had one thing to do regardless.
So he bowed his head and bend his knee.
"I offer you my deepest apology", he said. "For disobeying your word, and for forcing orders upon you, Your Majesty."
He barely got the words out, when Breha was already dropping on her knees as well, and Fox quickly straightened up, just in time to catch her in his arms.
Breha buried her face against his shoulder, not at all caring about anyone around them seeing it all. She was shaking, and Fox wasn't sure if she was crying, or if everything that had happened during the day had finally caught up on her.
It was all certainly cathing up on Fox. He was tired, like he had been running up and down a mountain for the whole day, and his legs and arms were starting to sting in that exact way that always prefaced them going slightly numb and weak for a while.
Still, he held onto Breha, pressing the side of his face on top of her head, and let her take her time.
"I am so, so angry at you", Breha said into Fox's shoulder. Her voice was definitely a little thick, but it didn't sound like she was yet crying. "Do you understand?"
"Yes", Fox said. He held her a little tighter. "I understand."
Bail was talking with Dodonna when they got to the War Room.
Fox looked around a bit. He didn't see Leia there, which he was at the same time a bit disappointed and relieved about. He did want to see her. Breha had told him that she was relatively fine, with few minor surface injuries, and a light headache from a mind probe, but Fox wanted to make sure himself.
But he also owed her an apology as well, and he wasn't sure if he could handle more than one of them at a time.
He didn't wish to interrupt the conversation, but Dodonna noticed him and Breha first, and he quickly tapped Bail on the arm. Bail raised a brow at him.
"What is it?" Fox heard him ask over the noise of the rest of the base, that was very much reaching the Room as well. Bail's head turned around as he followed Dodonna's eyes. "Is something- Fox!"
Fox felt weirdly almost giddy from the way Bail's face lit up as he saw him. Bail rounded the command table and crossed the rest of the room quickly in long strides, and Fox had barely the time to do anything before Bail had wrapped his arms around him and pulled him close.
Yes, Fox was definitely tired. He carefully pulled his arms a little more apart from where they were pressed against Bail's body, and he leaned his head against his chest. His arms were definitely a bit more tingly than they had been a moment ago, but not yet numb. His feet were, for the most part, but he could still stand on them, so Fox ignored them for the time being.
For now, he simply closed his eyes and breathed in deep.
"I was so worried", Bail said.
"I know", Fox said. "I'm sorry."
Bail didn't day anything to that. Fox just felt him breathe in a little deeper as well, and his arms tightened ever so slightly around Fox.
They stayed like that for a while, before someone carefully cleared their throat somewhere behind Bail.
"My apologies, Senator Organa, but we need you in the command center."
"Of course." Bail loosened his hold on Fox and leaned away a bit, and that was the moment Fox's legs decided to not let themselves be ignored anymore, and made very clear the fact that leaning most of his weight onto Bail had been the only thing that had kept him upwards still.
His weight shifted forwards as Bail leaned back, and his knees buckled immediately. Bail was very quick to step back towards him and tighten his hold again, so Fox's didn't go crashing down onto the floor. He probably wouldn't have been able to stop his fall himself, as he couldn't feel currently anything below his knees and elbows.
Breha was quick to step in as well, as her hands came to keep Fox upright from his side, and together they managed to keep him somewhat upright still.
"Are you alright?" Breha asked. Fox felt a little guilty for being relieved over the fact that she didn't sound upset at him anymore.
"Yes", he said. He was a little out of breath now, despite the physical support. "I'm just a little tired."
They both knew what that meant. Bail let out a deep sigh.
"I think you are a bit more than a little tired, my love", he said. "I'll be in the command center in a moment. I'm just going to take my husband to our rooms to rest."
"Yes, Sir." Breha pushed him up a little more, so that Bail could more easily let go of him in order to bend down enough to lift Fox's legs on his arms.
"Watch your back", Fox reminded him.
"You watch your back", Bail shot back at him. He got his other arm properly around Fox's back and hoisted him up.
"Both of you watch it", Breha said. She put her hand on Fox's knee and patted it gently, before turning around. "It's better if we take you to our rooms anyway. Leia will hear sooner than later that you are here as well."
"I don't doubt that", Fox said. He leaned his head back against Bail as they started to make their way down the hall. It wasn't thankfully a long way to the lift from the Room, nor would it be from the lift to their quarters, if Fox had understood the layout of the base correctly. This was the first time he had been there in person, after all, so his only frame of reference were the drawings he had seen of the layout, and what Bail and Leia had told him about it. "I'm a bit surprised that she isn't already here."
"She is a bit busy at the moment", Breha said. "She has become quick friends with the pilot that made the final shot. He was the one who saved her from the battle station as well."
"Really?" Fox had not been able to see who he had communicated with, and General Kenobi that been the one to sign the messages between them, so Fox hadn't known who else exactly was there. "I should extend my gratitude to him as well."
"Yes." Breha hummed, thinking for a moment as they walked towards the lift. "You should meet him. His name is Luke Skywalker."
Fox's heart made a couple of extra beats.
He swallowed.
"I really should, then", he said.
They stepped into the lift.
"We should also warn you", Breha said, as the doors closed. "The moment Leia knows that you are here, everyone else is also going to know."
"Who is this 'everyone else' we are talking about?" Fox asked.
There was a strange sense of foreboding creeping up on him, now.
"There were others, too, going in to save Leia from the Death Star, and to sabotage the station", Breha said. "Some of them are here now, too. Including your brother."
This time, Fox's heart left out a couple of beats.
There was only one brother that Breha could refer to with such gravitas as she did now.
"Cody?" Fox managed to ask around the piece in his throat that had suddenly formed there. "Is Cody here?"
Breha breathed in, and nodded, and Fox realised that the day was far from being over for him.
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crabonfire · 7 months
sick mercs (1/3)
characters: offense class
warnings: none, fluff and crack (I think)
note: I hate making things into parts BUUTTT pyros ALONE ended up being super long, so I'm making them based off of class!! and...its 2 am so I should probably be asleep instead of writing anyway. Parts 2 and 3 will feature the other classes, and will be written tomorrow! Cause its late and I'm tired! okay love u
no but why did I make pyros so long 😭 it was a whole fic wtf
reposts and shares appreciated (u///u)<3
•When he's sick he's SUPPPERRR dramatic over it cause when he was a kid his ma was super doting and stuff, and since he was the youngest it made sense. But with you he tries to be all suave and tough, not wanting to admit the fever he has is absolutely killing him, oh the runny nose he has? That's just cause...he...ate something spicy. Not cause of a flu, no...
•He makes an effort to not talk or see the team at all today, and weirdly, he only ever gets sick on ceasefire days. It's like his body isn't used to not doing anything and that gives him a chance to do a bunch of stupid stuff, that, in the end, gets him sick.
•So he's stuck in his room. When you or anyone else knock on his door he pretends he's asleep, and sometimes, he really is. But, when you catch him in the kitchen stealing one of Heavy's sandwiches, he's sniffling, his face slightly red (redder than usual) his expression one like a kicked puppy.
•When you confront him about it, he just acts like he's not sick.
"I'm not sick, okay?"
But when you put your foot down, getting him back to bed and getting the right medicine from the medic, he has this certain look on his face. His cheeks are red, probably because of his fever, but, it might also be caused by you.
The moment your voice turns soft, or stern, depending on how kind you wanna be to his stubbornness, his lips curl into a grin, and immediately he whines and melts, acting like his sickness is the end of the world.
"Ah, my head...ohhhh my head. Hurts so bad. Maybe if ya kiss it...I'll feel better." He says, his voice weak as he closes his eyes, shifting in bed like some sort of damsel in distress.
• He'd be real obedient as you give him medicine and stuff, and stare up at you with bright eyes, as if the little fucker wasn't acting so brave about it before. The moment anyone walks in or sees him being doted, he'll push you away (maybe even physically, in panic) cause he's scared to ruin his reputation.
But when they're gone, he'll apologize and cling to you like a parasite. Muttering and mumbling incoherent things for your attention. He's an ass, but he loves you.
• He'd always tell you how much he appreciates you as you stay by his side, his very dizzy and sick brain making him slur his words, that cheeky grin still plastered on his face.
"You care about me...haha."
"You're so sweet, you love me, don't you?"
You know how some people get super weird and sorta high when they're super sick? Yeah that's scout with you.
• Like Scout, absolutely DENIES that he's sick.
• Entire day there's a gigantic frown on his face, he cannot stop sneezing. He sneezed on Scout, and Scout was convinced that he was gonna die.
Engineer is the first to speak up after seeing the soldier violently sneeze without closing his nose. But, his stubbornness gets in the way and he merely brushes him off. Then, half the team begs you to talk to him. So you do.
"Hey Soldier, uh, you...you're looking a little pale."
You chuckled, "No, pale in a bad way. And I notice you've been sneezing a bunch, are you feeling okay? Did you catch a cold?"
He frowns, and yet again, denies any accusation that he's sick. It doesn't take long, though, when you convince him to stay in his room (or yours, which he'd prefer) so you could "surprise" him. He takes that as an invitation for something else and was a little disappointed when he realized it was a trick to get him to rest.
He starts to yell as you take his helmet off. You simply laugh, placing it nearby. "Yeah. I trapped you, and now, I order you to stay in bed while I go get some medicine. Am I clear?"
He scoffs at your command. "And what if I DON'T stay?" He remarked, you frowned. "Then you'll be disappointing all the...Americans that spent so much time curating and- crafting the very medication that keeps us healthy."
You made that shit up on the spot, but you knew whenever you spoke to him like a commander did, he'd always listen. He thought about it for a moment and grumbled in reply;
• He does as you ask, staying completely still in bed, staring up at the ceiling with a frown, occasionally muttering things to himself as if this very action is the worst thing in the world. When you come back, tray in hand with medicine and a glass of water, his expression softens slightly.
You sit down on the bed, he sits up, and as you hand him the medicine, something warm grows in his chest. He stays silent as he takes the medicine reluctantly, before he stares at you with an unreadable expression.
You smile ask what's wrong but he shakes his head. A big grin appears on his face as he realizes something and he chuckles, but he doesn't tell you what he's thinking about.
"Thanks, cupcake."
• You take care of him, keeping a watch on him for a while as you beg him to get some rest for his cold. He agrees but only if you stay with him, and you do. He holds you tightly as he braves through his cold, head nuzzled in your shoulder as your treated like a Teddy bear.
He felt happy. Someone cared for him, and he didn't know why, but that realization made his heart feel full. Not the type of full he'd usually feel after a hard victory, or the type of full he'd feel after messing around with demoman all day, but a type of full he could feel only with you. He really cared for you, and he was honored you cared for him just as much.
• You could honestly never tell pyro was sick. Sometimes they'd spend days with you as normal, very much sick, but they'd never show it. That's also because they had a strong immune system, and only got sick every couple of years or so.
The one time they've ever gotten sick around you, was during the hottest day in Teufort. Everyone was sweating their asses off, so you could imagine how bad it was for them. Having to be around fire, wearing a heavy, thick, fire retardant suit all day? Oh, it was bad.
They sat at the locker room for longer after battle had ended, seemingly staring off into the distance. Everyone else had left, so did you. But when they didn't come out for an hour or so you checked in on them, visibly worried.
"Pi? You okay?"
You saw them, still sitting in the same bench, looking off into the ground. You walked over to them, placing a hand on their shoulder. They jolted, as if awoken from a deep sleep. They turned their head, their breathing was loud in the quiet room, but it was heavy and ragged. You frowned in worry.
"What's wrong?"
• They muffled something even you couldn't understand, their voice was quiet, before they shook their head and got up. They almost stumbled, but you kept their balance. They leaned their head on your shoulder, and you could feel the heavy breaths they exhaled through their mask. You turned to them, placing a hand on their shoulder.
"It's a hot day, huh? Can't be feeling too good especially in that suit of yours."
They mumbled in reply, and you took that as a sign that they must've been real affected by the heat today. "Lets get you to your room, I'll get you a nice cold glass of water, okay?"
• You headed back to their room, allowing them to sit for a bit as you went and got some ice cold water. You sat by, the door locked as they lifted off their mask to take a sip. You could feel the heat they radiated, even from a short distance.
"Pi, I think you might have a fever."
They chugged down the water, before turning to you, lifting their mask back down. They went quiet for a moment before they nodded. You frowned, "Why didn't you say anything?" They shrugged, shaking their head. "Mmh mmhf mmh mmh mmhf mmhf mm mmhf." (I didn't think I was sick at first.)
You sighed, before humming. "I'll go get some medicine, you should probably lie down- maybe take the suit off first. I won't look if it'll make you uncomfortable." You stared at them, waiting for their response. They paused hesitantly, before nodding.
• When you got back, they were in bed, gas mask still on, but now in their tank top and unicorn themed shorts. They didn't show their body often, as they felt insecure of the scars they had. When they saw you, they pulled the blanket up to their chest, which you didn't comment on.
You walked over with a large bottle of water and some medicine, placing it on a nearby table.
"Medic said you just need some rest and a lot of water, so...don't forget to drink."
You didn't quite know what to do with the pyro. They were quiet, which, to you wasn't that unusual. But you could feel the nervousness, and you felt worried, as they didn't seem too good. They murmured a "thank you," staring up at you as you sit by them.
"Do you want me to leave?"
In truth, you didn't want to, and they didn't want you to either. But you didn't want to make them uncomfortable, as the only other times they've showed their body to you were in intimate situations. You didn't want to overwhelm them, but you wanted to take care of them. They shook their head, before mumbling;
"Mm mmhn mmhf mm mmhh mmhf mm mmhn mmhnf mmh." (You don't have to stay if you don't want to.)
"I'll stay for a bit. You need your rest and.. I wanna make sure you're okay."
That sentence could make them melt if the heat wasn't already doing that to them. They let out a hoarse giggle. You always made them swoon, even if the things you said weren't overly romantic. It always meant a lot to them, as they never really had someone who cared.
That noise always made you smile, as you stared down at them. It was silent for a while as you two looked at each other. Even under the mask you could tell they had a smile. You've only ever seen that smile once, and the thought of it makes your heart race. You soon broke the silence, slowly getting up.
"Drink your meds and get some sleep, okay?
• As you left, they couldn't help but smile. They got up to lock the door, before taking off their mask and flopping into bed. Not forgetting to do as you said, they fall fast asleep with you on their mind.
Even in their dreams your their, and even with this small, common gesture of caring for them, they cant help but feel a bit weak in the knees when they think of you. They thought the engineer was sweet, but you? They should call you sugar.
It was the first time they had someone worry so much, the way you frowned at them made their chest tighten, and weirdly, in a reaffirming way. In a way that made them realize they weren't so bad, and they were capable of being cared for.
Maybe they were getting too into it, but they didn't care.
I did not expect pyros to be long. Like I was writing and suddenly as I was looking back I realized how much I was yapping. Shit. Anyway, defense and support classes will be written by tomorrow, probably the one or both. Yay!
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hardbeingcasual · 1 year
hiii ! this is a req for ethan landry! a super sweet reader who's best friends with ethan but introduces her friend to ethan but the friend falls for him & ethan obviously wants the reader but reader gets all insecure & then they confess ? love ur writing btw <3
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at the end of the day, ethan landry
warnings: angst ??? if you’d even call it that, but fluff in the end, mentions of y/n, jealousy
thank you so much anon for your request and your kind words <3 , ps ghostface doesn’t exist in this story !!! the friend is kinda like an oc but she’s irrelevant ,whatever !
♪ at the end of the day by wallows / masterlist
The bright lights from the party you were attending slowly started to mess with your mind, along with the amount of alcohol you had drank tonight. You were fighting the urge to leave, but Ethan hadn’t even shown up yet. He said he would, and you know he will.
You were starting to get sick of your friends company, all she did was try to shove drink down your throat and try to matchmake you with random guys, who definitely were not your type.
Eventually, the boy you were waiting on finally showed up, his hair was a mess and he was sweating like he ran there.
He spots you sat alone on the couch, staring at the liquid in your cup as it swirls around in the red plastic.
“Y/N, I am so sorry.” The apologies stumbling out his mouth were rushed.
You shrugged as it were nothing, “Its alright, let’s have fun shall we?”
Ethan nods as he motions for you to grab his hand so he can pull you up off the comforter. “Have you been here alone the whole night?” His tone was dipped in concern and guilt.
“No, I had my friend, don’t know where she is now, though.” You answer, hand still in Ethans as you drag him to the drink table.
You hear your name being shouted from the big crowd, your eyes roll as you recognise the voice, “Speak of the devil,” You say, making Ethan raise an eyebrow as he sees a blonde girl walk towards you both, but it was more like a wobble, as she was totally drunk. She bumped into a few people as she made her way towards you.
“Hey, Cynthia.” You greet, in a less enthusiastic way.
Her eyes dart to Ethan, looking him up and down, “Who’s this?”
“Cynthia, Ethan, Ethan, Cynthia.” You introduce them, suddenly feeling awkward with Cynthias stare.
“Ah, so this is the famous Ethan?” She smirks, eying you both.
Ethans head whips to you at the blondes words, “You speak about me?” He asked, flattered.
You shrug, “Sometimes.” You mumble, suddenly finding interest in your shoes.
“Let me get you guys a drink!” Cynthia insists.
“I’m okay.” You tell her, making her turn to Ethan.
“Me too, I have Econ tomorrow.”
Cynthia rolls her eyes, “You guys are lame.” Her eyes shift to Ethan, “Hey, Ethan, we should dance!” Before the boy could get a word in she drags him to the dance floor.
You stare at them go, Ethan turning back to you, an innocent look on his face, you would’ve found it funny if you were in the mood, but you were tired and just wanted to go home at this point.
You were sat on the same couch as earlier, again. Bored out of your mind. Cynthia had completely stolen Ethan from you, after you waited so long for him to even appear.
You got up from your position, making your way out the door, not noticing Ethan watch you leave from his spot where he was awkwardly dancing with Cynthia against his will.
He excuses himself from the girl, ducking under her arms that were weirdly placed on his shoulders, making his way after you.
He sees your retreating figure in the distance, making him jog a little to catch up to you. He shouts your name, “Wait!” He eventually does catch up, bending over with his hands on his knees, catching his breath.
He looks up from the ground to see your confused expression, He stood up straight now, putting his hands on both of your arms, “Are you okay?”
You nod, “Yeah. Sorry, I was getting tired.” You tell him, swallowing down the regret as you and Ethan held eye contact.
“Sorry, for leaving you, she sorta just — dragged me.”
You snort, “Yeah, she does that. She has no care. I wish I was like that.” You didn’t know if it was the alcohol talking or true honesty, but you haven’t had any alcohol in like two hours and you felt a little bit sober than earlier.
“Look, Ethan.” You sigh as hesitation takes over your words, you swallow your nerves as you look up to the boy, who was obviously taller. “I really like you.” You confess, your eyes watering a little. Which was random, why are they watering? Who knows.
Ethan was speechless, you suddenly felt embarrassed that you’d even say that. You probably just ruined everything. “I’m sorry, thats stupid, pretend it never happened —” Before you could get another word out Ethans hands were on both sides of your face, his lips were on yours in an instant, the kiss was slow and steady. On of your hands was on his cheek, the other at the back of his head, trailing it along his curls.
If it was any other time you would be embarrassed that you were kissing in the middle of the street, but right now you didn’t care.
tags @larccroft @bisexuabed (lmk if you want added)
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crazylittlejester · 5 months
I have two suggestions today: Sky and Wars bonding over crappy health conditions, and/or Wars teaching Wind first aid.
YOU GET BOTH!!!!! my apologies for odd spelling mistakes or weirdly autocorrected words- I am dyslexic 💅
First one (279 words) [Wars and his blood sugar issues + Sky and my headcanon he has epilepsy]:
Sky groaned, letting himself sink further into the grass. He still felt sore and exhausted from his seizure an hour or so ago, he’d just been lucky Wolfie had smelled it before Sky had felt it coming and had pushed him to lay down. This one had crept up on him fast, he hadn’t really been paying too much attention to himself. The whole group had been focused on the captain all day after he’d almost fainted from low blood sugar that morning. Warriors was of course doing better now, they’d gotten enough food in him, but watching his normally tan face go pale and his lips turn white had been a bit startling to watch.
“Doing okay?” Warriors asked, flopping down in the grass next to Sky.
“Tired,” he answered honestly, letting out a loud sigh.
“We’re stopping for the day,” the captain told him, stretching out until his spine popped. “Take all the time you need, kid. Take a nap if you want.”
“…Could you go get me some water?” Sky whispered, feeling a but guilty for having to ask. The captain was tired too and he’d JUST laid down.
“Of course,” Warriors smiled, even though Sky could see him fighting to keep the grimace off his face. He wobbled a little on his feet, and Sky frowned in concern.
“You okay?” He asked his brother as the captain raised a hand to his head.
“Yeah, I’ll be alright. Just feel a bit off still, I guess,” he shrugged, walking closer to the others where the water skins were, coming back quickly.
“Thanks,” Sky murmured when Warriors helped him sit up.
“Any time,” his brother smiled softly.
Second one (568) [Wars teaches Wind first aid]:
“Wind!” Warriors called to the sailor, squeezing his leg tightly and fighting to keep his expression neutral.
A group of bokoblins had caught them off guard, and while it hadn’t taken long to get rid of them, they hadn’t managed to dispatch them all before Warriors had gotten shot in the thigh. Wind had been asking him to teach him better first aid for a while now, with the captain being the only one of the group with field medic training, and there’s no one he’d rather have the kid practice on than himself.
The little sailor dropped down next to him, eyes wide in shock. “Oh Hylia, are you okay?”
“You still wanna learn first aid?” Warriors grimaced, trying to keep the strain out of his voice. The arrow had to have been coated in poison because he’d been shot plenty of times before but this BURNED like nothing else. They had red potions, he’d be fine. This wasn’t the war, they had plenty of supplies. He was going to be FINE.
“Y- Yeah?” Wind stammered, staring up at him in worry.
“Great,” the captain got out, breathing heavily. “Okay so we’re really lucky because the arrow went all the way through. I want you to take this knife and cut the tail off the arrow.”
Warriors handed his brother one of the knives he kept in his belt, ignoring how the kid’s face paled a bit. He bent his knee, lifting his thigh off the ground to give Wind a better angle to cut the arrow at. The captain instructed him to hold the arrow steady as he sawed through it, explaining to him while he worked that this would hurt a lot less than just snapping it in half and also reduce the likelihood of getting splinters stuck in the middle of his leg.
“Okay good, good,” he wheeze when the tail came off and Wind handed him his knife back. “I think you know what comes next, bud.”
“I’m sorry…” the sailor’s voice wobbled as he grabbed the end of the arrow and carefully ripped it out of Warriors’s leg.
The captain was just proud of himself for not yelling, it was hard to ignore every inch of the arrow as it was pulled through his leg. Eventually it was out, and Wind chucked it far away from them, it landed in the grass with a soft thud. Warriors let out several shaky breaths, blinking away the tears from his vision before forcing himself to smile at his brother.
“Good, good, that was good. And what’s next?”
“Red potion,” Wind nodded, handing it to him. Warriors downed it gratefully, letting himself flop back while he felt his leg knitting itself back together.
“Perfect,” he coughed, fighting to keep his eyes open. Controlling his expressions and tone had been a lot more exhausting than he’d thought it would be, but he’d much rather tire himself put than scare Wind.
“Are… are you okay?” The kid asked softly.
Warriors propped himself up on an elbow with a groan, looking at his leg to see it had perfectly healed up. There was just a small silvery scar that would fade with time. “Yup.”
“Good.” Wind fell on top of him, squeezing him tightly, and the captain rubbed his back comfortingly. “Thanks for teaching me, but please don’t… try not to get shot again.”
“I’ll try,” Warriors laughed.
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worstghost · 2 years
König oral/blowjob headcanons because I am feral for this man (f!reader again) this is kinda elaborating a bit on the sub!könig stuff I did. I feel very strongly that he's actually a switch lol.
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♡Loves to touch you, not exactly a fan of being touched back unless he's really desperate for it.
♡Loves loves loves praise. You'll lay him back on the bed and kiss down his stomach, telling him how beautiful he looks and how much you love him. He's trembling already, massive cock bobbing against his navel every time you get close.
♡You can tease him until he's begging, sniffling, tears running down his cheeks. He'll whisper a 'Please, liebling, please.' urging you to touch him more. Sometimes he loves being overstimulated, but you two always have a safe word if it gets to be too much.
♡He goes back and forth on control, he loves to be bossed around, but sometimes when he's sitting on the bed and you sink between his knees, he'll get the full perspective of just how much bigger he is and it stokes some sort of fire in him.
♡He loves gently holding the back of your head with his massive hand, apologizing when you gag while trying to fit him down your throat. He does feel bad, but you're doing such a good job, how could he stop you?
♡Weirdly thinks it's impolite to make you swallow his cum, he'd much rather finish on your face and chest. It never takes him long unless you're dragging it out to tease him. He'll falter every now and then when you beg him to cum down your throat, telling him how much you would love it. He couldn't deny you, of course, and fucks your face until you have tears streaming down.
♡He feels so guilty after, and apologizes for being so rough, but you assure him that you loved all of it, and you love him and nothing he could ever do would change that. It takes a lot of aftercare for the both of you to be comfortable again and he promises to return the favor.
♡And he does, happily, greedily. This man eats pussy like it's his favorite pastime. He'll pull his mask up to reveal plush, bitten lips, and a long wide tongue. All pink and sweet, eager to taste you.
♡Loves having you on top, once you're relaxed again he'll lift you onto his mouth effortlessly.
♡Or if you're tired and want to lay back, he's more than happy to slide between your thighs, kissing and licking up to your center. He's messy, sloppy, with his first few swipes, just dying to get started. The more noise you make, the more excited he gets.
♡He truly acts as if this is the only meal he'll get, sliding his arms under your hips and grasping your thighs with bruising strength he's barely holding back.
♡He'll go slow if you ask, but patience is not in his vocabulary. He wants it now, wants you to scream his name and tell him how much you love it. If you get him really worked up, he'll sit up and pull your hips to him instead of the other way around, leaving you to dangle nearly upside down as he mouths at you.
♡He'll hold your leg to his chest, letting you fall open and slide two long fingers in while he sucks your clit. He feels so incredible when you're moaning his name, shaking and whimpering until you cum, drenching his chin and fingers.
♡If you can squirt, you'll never hear the end of it, he wants to make you do it every single time and until you're begging him to let go and give you a second, he'll keep trying.
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lady-raidia · 9 days
Hi my dear) if you accept requests for RoP, could you do an Elendil x young!reader where Elendil is in love with reader, but he has two problems: 1) he is terribly insecure due to their age difference 2) he feels guilty before his first wife for allowing himself to love again
And perhaps reader helps him get through these bad thoughts and just romance and love! Thank you for your creativity! 💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕
I am back from the dead and I feel extremely ashamed. Many things have happened in my life and my mind was so overwhelmed that I neglegted my baby/tumblr blog and your requests. 😞 I apologize from the bottom of my heart that I just vanished, but I hope to make up for it by dropping some requests that are sitting on my laptop for quite some time. Please feel free to share your thoughts with me! Otherwise, I hope that everyone of you is doing well and that you are enjoying the new season of RoP! Also to the person who send me this request: Again, I am so sorry for the delay or for giving you the impression that I have abandoned everything! 😭 I still hope that you like what my brain spilled out because I really loved that idea! In fact I loved it so much that I have to split it into two parts so that it isn't too lengthy. I hope you enjoy! ✨💕
Pairing: Elendil x Reader
Summary: Your heart always belonged to the captain of the Sea Guard, and while you were so sure of your feelings towards him, he tried his best to deny any thoughts and feelings he had towards you. But will he be successful?
Warnings: A little bit angsty but with a turn to something sweet! Otherwise, just some cheesy lines (again) and weirdly written sentences. What is grammar lmao?
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Life has always been kind to you as if the Valar themselves had blessed you with pure luck. That’s why you have decided early on in your life what your purpose will be. As a newly trained healer, you have fulfilled your desire to help people and to ease their pain in body and soul. Even though the injuries seem to be the same each day, the people who come for treatment are not. Except for three young men who just love to get in trouble, and end up injured enough that they need to be treated in the Healing Houses. Isildur, Ontamo and Valandil – as soon as you hear their names, you frown, knowing full well that they got into trouble again. Lucky for you, they rarely end up in the Healing Houses together, unlucky for Isildur he is the one who gets injured the most. And if you are not treating him, you are treating sailors from the sea guard who were not quick enough to escape the pirates, that are roaming the seas. Even though your patients tend to be different each day one person visits the Healing Houses regularly, visiting either his son or his comrades. Elendil, captain of the sea guard caught your attention the moment you laid eyes upon him. But he did not pay much attention to you. You were just another healer, who tended to those who needed care.
But the more often he visited, the more he felt intrigued by you. You and your soft voice, the sweet smile and the caring words you speak every time you see him. “Seeing your children getting hurt can tire your soul, captain. Don’t forget to take care of yourself.” The day you said these words to him, something stirred up inside of him. He told himself that you were giving him advice as a healer but his inner self wanted to believe that you actually cared for him. His heart started to beat in a rhythm that was made for you but his mind tortured him with denial. He was too old for you, too scarred from life that just had begun for you. This is what he told himself over and over again, not wanting to believe that the warmth in your eyes was only meant for him and only him.
The next time he was in the Healing Houses was not because of his son or one of his cadets; he was the one who needed caring. His ship and crew got attacked by pirates and even though they managed to escape rather swiftly, the pirates didn’t want to let them go without damage. Two arrows were shot and both of them hit Elendil in the chest while he tried to save his crew from the attack. Luckily, no one else got hurt but his wounds were serious and needed immediate care. When they arrived back in Armenelos, his comrades brought him to the Healing Houses immediately and you were the first and only Healer available. You tended to his wounds very quickly but the worry in your eyes was clear. The arrows hit a nasty spot but the wound itself was not deadly. Yet, it was hard for you to contain your feelings, but you had to stay calm, had to hide the feelings you had for the captain of the sea guard.
Days passed and Elendil slowly regained his strength. With your permission he was allowed to walk around the grounds of the Healing Houses, but only during the day for short periods. He listened to your words, except for this night. He was haunted by nightmares of the past, unable to fall asleep again. Quietly he got up from his bed, a cold chill running over his skin. His chest was exposed only covered in white bandages to make his wounds heal faster. But he didn’t pay much mind to the coldness he felt on his skin since another coldness was creeping up his thoughts.
Slowly he walked towards the window and sat down on the sill, staring out to the sea that is bathed in moonlight. The night was quiet and he couldn’t help but wonder. Wonder why his heart craves to be close to you, wondering why the gods were so cruel to him. He had a wife once but she was taken away from him too quickly and before their life together even started. Yet after all these years his heart still belonged to his perished wife, never did he think or crave other women. But for reasons unknown he can’t help it, his thoughts are always wandering back to you and it drives him insane. You are only a couple years older than his daughter, he shouldn’t want you. It’s not right, his wife would … he shakes his head, trying to get rid of these haunting thoughts and feelings. No, he promised to be loyal to his wife until the day he dies and he will keep this promise.
He let out a heavy sigh, not realizing that he had got company. “Is something the matter, captain? You look rather gloomy today.” He turns around in surprise, but with a soft smile on his lips while you look at him with worry in your eyes. “No, I’m just … reminiscing on the past.”, he replied. “Usually when people tend to think about the past too often they seem to get lost in it. Even stuck.” You said gently, moving to sit beside him on the windowsill. Elendil stays quiet thinking about your words, the smile on his lips slowly vanishing. “I am not the type of person to get stuck.” He tried to sound confident as he always does, but there is a hint of vulnerability hidden behind his words. You look at him unsure if you should speak your mind or just leave it be. There is so much you want to say, so much you want to confess but he is your patient after all. Yet, it is also your duty to heal the mind not only the body.
“With what your son has told me, I would politely disagree with that.” Elendil looks at you, surprise in his eyes and a hint of I-will-kill-my-son-later. “Isildur? What did he say this time?” “He shared his worries with me. He is worried about you because you can’t let go.” Your voice is quiet but your words … there is something eerie inside of them. Slowly and with care you take one of Elendils hands, holding it as a mother would hold her child's hand after it was haunted by nightmares. Elendils body starts to tingle but he pays it no mind, still too focused on your words.
“I am sorry, I did not mean to pry.” You say feeling as if you have crossed a line, taking your hand back and making a move to leave. But Elendil quickly grabs your hand again, wanting you to stay. “No, you did not pry. In fact … I think you might be right.” He holds your hand even tighter now, desperate to have you with him a minute longer. His touch makes your heart skip a beat but this is not the time to admit that. He is your patient and what he needs now is someone to talk to, someone who will calm the storm in his mind.
“Isildur spoke of his mother. I am sorry for the loss you had to bear.” Elendil nods, the memories of his late wife are with him every day. The memories that were once so sweet, became something agonizing. The guilt of not being able to save her is nearly costing him his sanity, only the sea, the sound of the waves crashing against the ship kept his mind at bay. But he did not realize that his own children were worried about him. He thought he was hiding his feelings rather well. “No loss is easy to bear. The feeling of guilt that comes after … it’s driving me insane.” For a moment you are witness to another side of the captain. His bright smile, confidence and authoritative demeanour are gone and all you can see in front of you is a man that suffered a lot and doesn’t know how to help himself. It breaks your heart to see him like this, the man you have longed for so long.
“I don’t know anything about your wife, but do you think she would have wanted you to suffer?” Your voice is barely a whisper but the words are clear as day. Slowly Elendil shakes his head, still holding on to your hand. “No …” “Then it is time that you start to forgive yourself. I know that the loss of someone you love makes you feel as if the world stops spinning. But the world did not stop and I can promise you that there is so much waiting for you.” You for example. You always wanted to be closer to the captain of the sea guard, to hear his low voice speaking to you, his rough hands touching you. But you always held back your thoughts and never acted them out. Even now you are holding back. His peace of mind is now your priority. Your feelings come second. Elendil lifts his head, looking into your eyes as if he is trying to find something. And you look back, getting lost in his eyes that made your heart beat faster since the first time you laid your eyes on him. For a moment you two stayed like this, looking into each other's eyes, devouring each other's souls. You could feel how Elendil was pulling your hand, wanting you to come closer. And you do follow his lead, stepping closer, only inches between the both of you. When Elendil rises from the windowsill his eyes are fixed on you. You could feel the warmth that is beaming from his body, you could smell the saltiness of the sea that is lingering in his hair. Your heart and soul long for him, yearning that this moment will never end. Slowly, you lift your free hand up, wanting to caress his cheek, to finally feel his skin under your fingertips.
“Y/n, we need your help. There is an urgent matter.”
Just before you could taste the sweetness of this moment, you had to let it go. Unwillingly you drop your hand and it is hard for you to hide your disappointment. Just as you are about to turn around, tending to the next emergency, Elendil holds on tight to your hand, not wanting to let you go. For now.
“Meet me, tomorrow night at the beach where the moon shines the brightest.” You nod, whispering I will before you rush to your next patient, leaving Elendil and a sense of newfound hope behind.
To be continued ...
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crazy-as-a-jaybird · 10 months
ok here goes nothing
merry Christmas, @allytheally
— — —
Fandom: Avatar the last airbender
Lee: Zuko
Ler: Katara
Word count: 1,200
Warnings: just tickling and mentions of an injury
Summary: Zuko can be grouchy about many things. Sunny days. Pain. Rest. Being cared for. Being cared for by Katara. Probably being tickled by Katara?..
timeline between ‘The Southern Raiders’ and ‘The Ember Island Players’
— ⭐ — ⭐ — ⭐ —
Zuko was preoccupied thinking about how much he hated his life. While it wasn't the newest feeling for him, he could see the conditions were becoming more and more ridiculous as the said life wore on. Screw firebending training. Screw Aang, even if he was the one to catch him before that uncalled for fall could end in something more severe than a twisted ankle. And if he didn't at least make fun of him afterwards (unlike a certain wolftail guy), instead trying to bring up how everyone trips sometimes, metaphorically or not, and it's nothing to be ashamed of. Pathetic.
Zuko had probably spent several YEARS just sitting in the chair of earth Toph had made for him, staring at the sky above the Western Air Temple. While Katara had attempted to reduce the swell with ice, her main instructions were resting and letting his body heal itself.
Zuko did not like resting. First, it wasn't productive. Second, the less busy he was the more his anxieties gnawed at him.
He turned his face away as the sun once again peeked merrily out of the clouds. At that moment, the celestial embodiment of his power looked like it was mocking him...
Zuko squinted in the direction he was now facing.
Ah. At least the sun couldn't approach him. Like the figure in blue clothes was currently approaching from aside, for the third time that day.
Zuko felt his face growing hotter from what the sun wasn't to blame for. Even after that fulfilling journey of avenge, he felt slightly uneasy around her. Well, enmities of the past don't fade in the blink of an eye. But the fact she had to look after him in this vulnerable position didn't make it less awkward.
“Let me see your leg”, – Katara murmured, sitting down by his side and laying her careful hands on his injury.
“One thing for sure, it still hasn't fallen off”, – Zuko scoffed.
The waterbender mirrored his frown, slowly unwrapping the bandage.
“And they call me a drama queen.” When she looked up at him the next second, her gaze seemed more tired than annoyed. “Listen, you're not a burden just because one of your feet doesn't work right now.”
Zuko clenched the armrests of his chair, as hard and reliable as the bender who had created them.
“Well too bad, I'm not a contribution either. What am I supposed to do with this other foot here?”
It reminded of the everlasting dilemma about whether the glass is half-full or half-empty. Could have reminded, if any of them was up for humor.
“This childish talk is certainly not what I've expected from the oldest member of the team”, – Katara grumbled, seemingly running thin on patience but nevertheless sneaking in a reminder of who he was right now.
Nearly identical sighs came from both of them, apparently as a replacement of mutual apologies for the irritation. Then Katara took some water our of her flask, swirling it around the hapless limb. It made Zuko clench harder. Every time she did it, he was seriously taken off guard by the sensation, and being taken off guard was another thing he did not like.
The remedy was both heavy and weightless, it was sliding gently over his skin, leaving a weirdly tingly trail behind.
The question of whether waterbending affected everyone that way or he was just weird himself added to the skyscraping pile of questions that tormented him.
“Zuko, does it really hurt that bad?”
The healer's voice was caring, but Zuko could swear there was something suspicious about it. Or maybe he was being paranoid.
He shook his head.
It was almost funny how hard he was trying to hold it in, almost cute. After how twitchy he acted during the previous healing sessions, it wasn't hard to figure out, if hard to process. Hard to believe she used to be afraid of him. Zuko, the Fire Nation prince with ticklish feet.
After wrapping his ankle up again, Katara changed her position a little, now looking down at his other limb.
“I thought about your question, Zuko.” Her hand settled down on his sole, her fingers curling up against his toes. “And I believe we do have a use for this foot right now.”
Now it was definitely suspicious. In the worst way.
Before Zuko could ask any more questions, she dug in, sending a few very heart-stopping bolts through his body. (And he had thought he could handle an actual lightning hitting him. How funny.)
He would have tried so hard to keep acting gloomy until she would step back if he'd known this was the thing on her mind. But unfortunately, the surprise tore a few chuckles out of him before he could do anything to shut them out.
Katara seemed satisfied, but unwilling to stop yet. Zuko pressed his back into the chair, desperate to wriggle away from the ticklish “examination” of his toes even though there was absolutely, completely nowhere to go.
She held his leg down firmer, fixing it in place.
“Hey, don't you remember what I said about sitting still?”
This recommendation was simply upsetting before, but so much more torturous in this context. What did he say about the worsening conditions?..
“Yohohohou cahahAHn'td-dothistome!”
Giggles, squeals, whines. It was just idiotic. Zuko gritted his teeth in an unequal battle against all of them.
Katara rolled her eyes. How dare you!..
“I'm doing what I'm supposed to. You know what they say, laughter is the best medicine.”
She wiggled her fingers up to his knee experimentally, although Zuko felt like this was more of a discovery for him than for her. He never expected himself to be that sensitive. Not now. Not after everything he's been through. He just can't...
“But I doubt it will work if you lock it all inside...”
And then her hand dashed higher and attacked his tense stomach.
Zuko was lost in shrill cackles, flushing up so hard the right side of his face probably reached the color of his burn. His body went limp, giving up on even trying to fight back. Worse, worse, so much worse...
The prince didn't know if it was a wheeze or a moan (what's more humiliating?), but the next thing he knew, the touches slipped away with just the tingles remaining.
“Sorry, Zuko. Here, take this.”
Katara led a small portion of soothing water over his face and hair and another one to his lips. The firebender swallowed it eagerly.
“Thank you.”
He regretted opening his eyes as soon as he saw Katara's glinting with some leftover mischief.
“For what, to be specific? For the water? For the treatment? For the tickling?”
She didn't even want an answer.
Zuko was glad his hands weren't injured and he could cover his face. What wasn't so good was that he could still hear her laughing heartily at his groan and feel her ruffling his wet hair.
Her footsteps tapped softly across the floor as she left him to deal with the misery and the newfound fluster by himself.
“Remember, I'm not far. Call me if you need anything else. And I mean anything...”
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artistsfuneral · 1 year
The Road to Kaer Morhen - p. 7
(There's coloring pages for this fic in my ko-fi shop now!)
Jaskier sighed, his face softening. “I am your friend, Aiden. I know we haven't been traveling together for long, so it might not mean that much to you yet, but I am your friend and I protect my friends, Aiden. That's the only important thing right now.” The Cat stared at him with a horrified frown on his pretty face. But unable to accept the bard's sketchy reply, he started to argue, “That is not an answer! Look at you, fucking- look at what you've done! I have never met any creature with such destructive power!”
“I am not a monster, Aiden!” Jaskier gasped, suddenly feeling just as frightened as the witcher in front of him. “I'm not some creature from your bestiary that you're hired to kill because I go about eating children for breakfast!”
Almost immediately after realizing the words that had left his mouth, Aiden wanted to apologize for them. Just how many times had he been on the other end of this exact same conversation? How many times did he have to justify his mere existence, simply because he was a witcher, a Cat Witcher of all things? How many times had people turned on him after they'd seen him fight, after they'd seen him fall into a haze of blood lust? How many times had friends betrayed him before?
And what kind of monster had tears in their eyes after being accused of such things? Aiden felt like an awful person. “I- I'm sorry, Jaskier, you're right, it's just-” he couldn't help but to take a glance at their surroundings; the destruction and chaos left behind. Next to him Jaskier sniffled and willed his tears away. “I know. It can be a lot, I'm sorry if I scared you, sunshine, but I promise- I would never hurt you. I'm a protector, not a fighter.” Aiden sighed before rubbing at his tired eye to further ease the stinging. “Alright, dandelion, I will trust you to protect me then,” he said, certainly not expecting Jaskier to fall around his neck and hug him tightly. “Thank you.”
Later, Aiden watched with a mix of apprehension and curios fascination as the bard walked around the soldiers' campsite and cleaned up a big portion of the mess he had made, to prevent attracting necrophages and the like. The Cat was entirely intrigued by the fact that Jaskier, who was more than a head smaller than him and had the slim physique one would expect from a traveling bard, seemed to posses the strength of a full grown, healthy witcher. Though, he wouldn't doubt Jaskier being even stronger than that. “Can you carry a horse?” Aiden blurted out, without really thinking about it too much. The bard froze on the spot, both hands full of several heavy metal pieces that were part of the redanian armor. He looked at Aiden, then at the four horses that were now calmly resting a bit further away from their initial spot, then back at Aiden. “Why would I carry a horse?”
The witcher snorted, “It's not about the why, it's about the ifs and coulds.” Jaskier blinked at him once, twice, before shaking his head and returning to his task. “If I ever feel the desire to carry a horse around for fun, you will be the first to know.”
“That's all I ask for,” Aiden grinned, for now satisfied with simply watching Jaskier flutter around the camp like a little bird. Every now and then the bard would find something worthwhile and place it either near their packs or right into Aiden's lap, like the sword he had mentioned earlier, a new, clean tunic, or a pair of sturdy leather boots that fit him surprisingly well. It didn't take long until the bard had them both cleaned up and wearing two new outfits. Although Aiden wasn't exactly comfortable with the distinctive lack of armor, the bard was quick to reassure him that that was taken care of as well, he just wanted Aiden's injuries to fully heal this time around, before making him carry any extra weight. Which made sense, even if it left Aiden feeling weirdly exposed.
Not that Jaskier was looking any different. Somehow the bard was wearing even less than him. Whereas Aiden's short sleeved honey colored tunic could still be worn in town without leading to some sort of kerfuffle caused by public indecency, Jaskier had somehow managed to squeeze himself in a sleeveless, skin tight garment that would have Aiden drooling, had it been his lover Lambert in front of him. Though, he admitted he had stared at Jaskier for quite a bit, when the bard had walked back towards his resting place. When he asked the bard about it, Jaskier proudly declared that it was his own design. Of course it was, Aiden thought with fond exasperation.
“Now, I don't think you'll object to us heading further east into the forest before we make camp, given the whole,” Jaskier waved his hands in a way that indicated the entirety of their surroundings, “situation.” Aiden chuckled, “Can't say I'm fond of the idea of cuddling.”
“Oh gods, no,” the bard shuddered before extending his hand to help Aiden up. He accepted without hesitating. “Alright then, now we just have to decide which horses we will take with us.”
Jaskier gasped, looking at the witcher in shock. “Which ones? Aiden, no.”
Somehow the witcher had a bad feeling about this.
“Aiden, they're friends. We can't separate friends, that would be cruel.”
“You can't be serious about this.”
“They'd make a nice present for Vesemir, don't you think?”
or: how many horses will the author have to draw? (why am I doing this again😳)
please like and reblog if you voted
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"But they're friends Aiden", Jaskier said with the biggest, most adorable puppydog eyes, knowing full well that Aiden still felt guilty about earlier. (Such an evil little man ❤)
If you have any ideas on what J might've looted in camp lmk!
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littlemissneverseen · 3 months
Okay, so some time ago I wrote a solinh fanfic in french, and I thought I'd translate (and completely rewrite it) for the free day of @solinhweek.
(Please keep in mind I am not a native English speaker. I apologize in advance for any sentence worded weirdly or anything that doesn't seem right in English. It is also a bit purple-prosy and kinda cringe, so keep away if you don't like that.)
Anyways, here you go!
Falling rain - A solinh fanfiction
Pairing: Solinh (Sophie Foster x Linh Song) Genre: Angst Word count (Prologue & Chapter 1): Content warnings: Mentions of war, death, ... (let me know if I should add anything) Other: Established relationship, happens after canon events (they're both in their twenties)
Prologue "Good night," I whisper, without really believing it. But she deserves to hear those words, to see that she's safe. As safe as she can be, at least. Because I know that behind her closed eyelids and soft smile, behind her angelic face, the worst demons are tormenting her. War never left us. Not really. The memories always remain, hiding in the shadows, waiting for a good time to come back and haunt us. They're there when I end up in tears, remembering those I have lost and hating myself for surviving, for not having fought harder so they could be by my side. They're there when I wake up in the middle of the night scared not to find another person by my side. Scared that they took her too. They're there when I see a shadow in the calm of the night or reflections in the sunlight, a reminder of the electric glow of force fields. And I wonder if it will all start again. War beat me up, tortured me. And its grip never relaxed. They already took so much and can't wait to rip everything away from me again. I try to forget. But I see them everywhere. In a strand of blonde hair. The glow of a flame. A stretching shadow. In her eyes, filled with regrets and sorrows I know I will never be able to make her forget. In her tired and pale face. War never left us. Not really. The demons just managed to bury themselves deep within us. They make us regret, doubt. Why should I deserve to be happy if others cannot even be anymore? Sometimes, I let myself forget, for just a few moments. But panic always comes creeping back A call to order, a reminder of the haunting. It never ceases to whisper into my ear, it's breath on my neck. Everything is your fault. You could have saved them. You failed. And nothing you cherish will escape my claws. And often, I want to believe it.
Chapter 1 In the room's darkness, a figure carefully got up from the bed where she had been lying and turned on a light, casting a soft light onto the room and revealing photos ornating its walls. She approached a window and opened it with a slow and careful gesture. For a few instants, the young woman gazed outside, enjoying the silence of the night before leaning over the window sill to breathe in the soft scent the rain had left behind. The light raindrops were still falling, losing themselves in strands of Linh's hair, leaving her hair gorged with water and sticking to her face. Silently, she moved away from the window, closing it gently. She left the room, pausing only to replace the bed sheets over her sleeping partner. At that moment, the bed seemed like an island lost in the middle of a storm, like a shelter where you could curl up, keep warm, and ignore the raging storm outside. She drew a shaky breath, she needed to get out. "Sleep well," she murmured on her way out. She would have liked to say so much more. She would have liked to whisper all the words she never dared to speak. She would have liked to confide, to finally open up. She could have. She did nothing of it. Linh liked to think of herself as a flower, waiting for the perfect moment to bloom. But each passing day felt like another in an endless winter, spring seeming further and further away, the warmth of the sun's beam slipping further away from her grasp. So she stepped away, regretting everything she hadn't been able to say, every word that had stayed thought, every scream that had stayed whisper. She delicately closed the door y, adding another wall between her and Sophie. Another hurdle to overcome. An ocean between two worlds. She almost wished to make a sound, to wake Sophie from her slumber. Maybe then she'd finally confess her truth. Maybe then she'd share her sorrows and pain. Perhaps then she'd finally blossom. On her tiptoes, Linh descended the stairs, shivering at the contact with the cold tiled floor, which seemed like frozen blades sinking into her skin. She shook her head to get rid of the morbid image. It was only the floor. Only the cold, cold floor. She walked out, naked feet against damp grass. There, she felt the raindrops against her skin. The soft breeze of the wind. She turned, expecting to see some sort of danger, a monster from her worst nightmares. She saw nothing. It was only a breeze. Only the cold of the night. Only herself, in the menacing darkness, too familiar to be a true friend. But she was never really alone.
Please let me know if you liked it, I haven't written much in English and would appreciate the feedback.
If I don't change my mind and decide I hate this fic, I should upload the rest soon.
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maxphilippa · 2 years
Beware of HybridAlex17.
CW: Guilt-tripping, Suicide Baiting, Manipulation, Stalking, Identity Theft, Death Threats. Please read this. It is very important.
Hello, I usually don't make these type of posts, but lately I've been too stressed to even be here on Tumblr due to a certain individual in The Lego Movie Fandom. And that person is @/HybridAlex17.
Weeks ago, I decided to cut ties with this person on a calm way due to the fact that I genuinely couldn't keep the friendship going on any longer. Truth is that this friendship made me feel like I was trapped.
I'm in no way invalidating his trauma and suffering, and of course, I will always try to help my friends in times of need, but Alex constantly needed me to "comfort him" and basically be there for him all of the time, making me responsible of his emotions since he's an very unstable person "who would think of the worst case scenario happening to me" if I didn't told him what I was doing at the moment. Of course, friendships are meant to work through bad and good times. But there's moments where you should realize that you have limits. I had mine.
And I couldn't possibly just stay any longer in a relationship where it felt like I had to take care of someone. That's not what I'm looking for. It never was. I felt unsafe and constantly scared about what he could do to himself if I said the wrong thing, as he was constantly feeling bad about everything. And call me what you want, but I realized that, I do not want to be there. But even then, I didn't have any hard feelings towards him. I genuinely wished him the best and to get better, but I couldn't be there to see that change. My mental health mattered. So I spoke to him very calmly about it, reassuring him that I do not hate him and I just wanted to cut our ties peacefully.
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(At the moment, I censored his name to protect his identity. This was before I blocked him.)
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Then, in reply, he guilt-tripped me, wishing that I never met him, that he died that one time, that this never happened, and everything. Despite me having high hopes for him to actually react properly, he didn't. So I ended up blocking him in all of his accounts and just calling it a day, because I didn't want to think of it. Sounds pretty fair by now, right?
Well, the story does not end there. Some more days later, he would then tag me on a PUBLIC POST (because he couldn't just DM me, I guess), apologizing for taking it too personally and for everything in spanish. I spoke to my friends about this at the moment because I really didn't feel like it was genuine. You would never post an apology towards someone unless you would want them to feel pressured to reply to you, right? Well then, because he did this already MORE THAN ONE TIME with me. I blocked him because I really didn't want to deal with it. It was tiring and I was hoping that he would just give up.
(This account of his does no longer exist.)
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But then, here comes the impersionation thing. Three days ago, my friends sent me an blog that was weirdly similar to mine. Lucy icon and the description, eh, ya' know. Very fucking basic. And look at the URL. A mix of the words Max and Philippa but changed to spell Philippines.
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And if that does not convince you, then take a look at this post.
"Android Emmet AU".
I swear to fucking God.
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You guys might or might not know that I'm the creator of the Android Rex AU, I created it on June 22 of the past year, being the second AU I've ever made. So he didn't only just made a weird puppet of me to pretend that we're still friends, he's STEALING THE WHOLE THING AND TRYING TO MAKE OTHERS THINK THAT IT IS AN ACCOUNT OF MINE.
But seriously though. Come on. He's not fooling anyone. It's an pathetic imitation of who I am, of what can I do. He's acting like he knows me enough, but he never even tried to. He could never replace me. He will never get me back. And he knows it. He knows it so well.
Yesterday, it was my birthday. Of course, it was a great day for me. But various anonymus asks came in for me then. The first ones were kind ones, but then, there were some that straight up wished that I was never born and that I died! And hey! Not to assume! But that was Alex in different accounts! Because he literally stopped once I turned the anonymus off and one of my friends stood up for me!
And you can see this by scrolling through my blog just a bit!
And once he realized that he fucked up, because they thought that this friend of mine didn't have any relation with me (despite the fact that I do have posts where I drew their guys), he blocked them and "apologized". Can't even take responsability for such a messed up thing.
And he just didn't stop there. Wishing me death? Expected it. But how did he know that it was my birthday? Because I blocked him before I ever publically told it. And that's when it hit me. An alt account. And someone sent me a post in which he drew Android Rex and Joseph, two of the main characters of my AU for my birthday, saying that he wishes the best for me and stuff.
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I never fucking told you when my birthday was. You could have never possibly known unless you were stalking me over an account. You use alternative accounts to boost your own art and don't even try to deny it. People will realize once they take a look. So many empty accounts. Instead of moving on and just fucking accepting that I cut ties with you because you made me feel scared of even entering this app, and learning from your mistakes, you're being a fucking creepy man. And don't deny it. You've done this to a bunch of people here. My close friends were affected by your shit.
And I know that you're going to see this.
And just so you know, since you crave my attention so fucking much to the point where you created a fake account that was "me" so you could still think that nothing happened, let me tell you something.
I was never angry at you. I stated that I wanted to cut ties because I couldn't be in such a toxic relationship. I respected you as a person. But then you tried to make me feel bad about my choice. About everything I do. Because that's what you're good for. Is this how you treat your friends? Because Good Lord. Seeing your true colors makes me think that we were never really friends since the start.
And even then? I'm not angry at you.
I'm disappointed.
And I already hit my favor quota on saying this in the most harmless of ways possible, but I'm feeling generous. So. Like. Have some dignity, would you? Don't be an asshole. Move on. I already did.
I hoped that you would move on. But you never learn anything, do you? You said how much you cared about me back then. I guess death treats, constantly stalking someone, and impersonating them is your way to care.
I will never be your friend.
And to those who read this post, please, do not harass HybridAlex17. As much damage he has done, he's not worth it. What I would be thankful of is that you guys report the fake account he made of me, since I can't do it myself. And let others know about him and his doings.
If you're a friend of HybridAlex17, then I'm deeply sorry. I do not have any hard feelings towards you, but I would rather not interact with anyone who is.
And with this, I'm done. Take care, all of you.
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b4b3tte · 1 year
Hi can u please make a Rowan x gn reader but afab where reader is a new student and shy little water nymph who is part of Bianca's clique and they become friends for a while but Rowan feels he's out of their league so they reassure him and it's friends to lovers? No rush, i like reading ur stuff 💞
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꒰ ⊹ ˚ Summary — outcast Rowan befriends a popular water nymph and accidentally develops feelings, he feels out of readers league since they are apart of a popular clique but Reader makes sure he thinks otherwise!! ( might make this a series!! )
Contains of — fluff,friends to lovers, comfort, kisses slight bullying,feeling like an outcast, negative thoughts and more!!
Babette’s note — Hi I am literally so fucking excited for this request like AAA- but tysm for requesting! At first I didn’t know what a water nymph was so I researched what it was and got an idea, I looked at some photos so please if I described or anything of the sort wrong I deeply apologize and would be more than happy to fix it! This is part one, part two is going to be full on fluff and if you want maybe some smut if you’d like :0!! Not proofread
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- Going to Public school while being a nymph was extremely difficult and frustrating. Having to get up early in the morning to hide your identity from other students was such a hassle.
- Your legal guardian decided to hire a private teacher but obviously it was expensive none of the less, that is when your legal guardian came across Nevermore academy, a school for outcasts
- your legal guardian thought it was a dream come true, finally having a school suitable for you, but after so many promises and lies that your going to finally fit in somewhere
- you didn’t think that this was any different but you were grateful for how hard they were trying to find a place suitable for you. The day of going to nevermore academy was the worse, you had second thoughts and got into a argument with your legal guardian
- you just wanted a private teacher so you can stay at home, you were tired of feeling like an outcast. But at the end of the day you realized that this might be the last chance you'll have at feeling normal at a school environment or in general.
- It’s been a month since you transferred to nevermore academy, and so far it’s been a blast not having to hide who you are and having a group of peers just like you was a dream, you became great friends with Bianca,divina and Kent a group of sirens
- you also befriended a shy outcast which other people refer him as a “ freak “ , “ geek “ , “ nerd “ , “ lazy “ , “ loser “. sadly the people who referred him as that were your group of friends
- they were fun to hang out with but you have to admit, they were rude to other students although on your free time you’d hang out with Rowan in the library, which happened a lot,
- it wasn’t a surprise that you both developed feelings for each other, of course none of you made it clear that you guys were in-love, rowan was the one that had the most doubt, you being in a popular clique already Made him feel worse about himself and bring more negativity in his mind “ why would they want someone like me? “
- rowan naturally had a negative mindset since he was little, mainly about his uniqueness and interesting mindset, yet you looked past that, you thought it didn’t matter but Rowan thought otherwise
- rowan was whispering to himself in his dorm room, Xavier was out and about so he was alone, meanwhile you were walking down the dormitory hallway going to return his study book since he left it in the library
- weirdly the door was cracked open, which made you think something was up so you slowly walked to the door and putting your ear to the door you only hear soft whispering so you open the door
- you see Rowan sitting at his desk and hear him say “ would y/n ever love me back? “ you were genuinely surprised at the sudden sentence Rowan said, you were at the lost for words really.
- you wanted to say something but also stay quiet, but the quietness turned to loudness from the unexpected ring from both ends of the door.
- one from being sent and one from being received
- “ oh shit “
- the ring was a text. A text from Rowan saying “ hey are you free right now? “ thing is you know Rowan heard the ring, so obviously he looked at the door and saw a figure.
- he quickly got up and opened the door, shocked to find out it was you.
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Hey thank you for reading!! I truly appreciate it!! Create a life that feels good on the inside, not one that just looks good on the outside!! Love you so much take care part two coming up!!🫶🤍⭐️
side note Someone please write me some rocky balboa fanfics<3 mwah mwah
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jasperakalucy · 2 years
lucy rambles about rtumblr lore hour lets go
froge and pleafy, dynamic duo, too curious for their own good, getting into shit. somehow latched onto aamit which is weirdly sweet, despite the mental anguish it must cause hhhhhhhim, it’s he/they, i mean he’s he they he uses
i am good at pronouns because i know words and have memory
its weirdly sweet, because he’s become very dad to them and like aamit may have had to do the same to fluffy in the past, fluffy’s now kinda... grown up 🥺 so aamit got a bit of a vacation but also might’ve been a bit lonely (definitely wasn’t just enjoying finally relaxing for even a second) and now has two beautiful horrible children
and fluffy and cupcler his previous children are very. well they’re fine i think. fluffy still needs therapy but see their last appointment, they actually got something out of it and in a SEMI NORMAL WAY too! look at that growth! they went and apologized, and yes they still have some deep seated issues but i really think they’re gonna need like, DBT and EMDR and every other thing in the book maybe but they’re slightly more functional and i’m proud of them! i wish i knew where the trust issues came from, ugh psych brain kicking in but boy do i WANT to therapy them and they do not want that from me 😔 anyway
cupcler is fine i have no notes on that wretched beast except i might draw him with hips because pleafy dared me. oh and body pillows “count as cups” and that’s been on my mind for hours
there was another part of this post but i got too personal so it got put in the google document of shame
anyway the layers of connections between you fuckers sometimes. the relationships you have from, evil scientists and their tired father, two best friends who don’t trust each other, a lover and a manipulator, a ghost and a manipulator, an ai and a manipulator, siblings who are not siblings but i see them as siblings and one is running toward their own destruction but which one is it actually? and being alone, an unfamiliar place. and your best friend needs time off and she adopted a kid so now you’re its uncle, and really they both needed a shoulder to cry on, don’t we all? and here i am, wondering if i fit in, and i hum to myself because i think the strongest current perception of me is in fact, weakness-
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astrolaurical · 2 years
Who said that? Going or not with escorts doesn’t mean that a person think bts are innocent or always sweet c’mon, (not believing/thinking that bts go with escorts doesn't mean believing that they are innocent, know nothing of the world or don't fuck lmao), of course they have sex, of course they date and of course they do all the things that every man does but this is another thing lmao, you just said that as it is a certainty which is not and many people can use your words to spread hate, just this. So stop with this nonsense just to justify something that was inappropriate to say in THAT way, it would be better to just know how to formulate sentences well because it takes a moment to take these and use them in the wrong way (especially from haters) as I have already seen! No one said that they are sweet lil innocent guys who don’t know what sex is and etc. so saying this is useless. And I’m saying all of this because I always see many people believing everything they read without any critical sense, use those words to create tiktoks or tweet to spread rumors. It is right to express one's opinion but to write as if it were a certainty, which is not, it is wrong
I will continue to delete all posts you send me, weird hate-filled anon. You contradict yourself in every single ask you send me. I’m posting this so you can see because I know you have my notifs turned on.
And I won’t stop talking about MY PERSONAL EXPERIENCES LIVING IN KOREA. Hence the tag #lifeinkorea. I have a lot of trauma from molka, the daily sexual harassment on the subways, being followed home, being sexually assaulted in an alleyway, the nth room, and more and I am tired of koreaboos viewing Korea and it’s men as utopian because of kdramas and then coming to Korea and being taken advantage of. I will not apologize for sharing my experiences to help others.
If you can’t handle that I am providing proof that idols do this with cited sources, go sit with yourself and see why. You are weirdly pressed ONLY about the possibility that bts could have had ~steamy paid nights~ but seem fine that they have ons or fwb. Seems like you might have some inner misogyny or hatred towards sex workers?
And if for whatever reason that post with a whopping 11 likes does go viral enough to get to antis (hmm I wonder how… maybe by people like you?) and it does get huge, then HYBE will shut down the rumors.
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a-hobit · 3 years
My super factual—unarguable— opinions about what Peter is the most “Peter” Peter.
Now to list my accomplishments the make me the best judge of this contest : because I said so.
(Seriously this is all my own opinion about the most recent or most well known variations of “Peter Parker”. I’m not judging on how close they are to emulating the 1960’s version of peter but the like face or personality that just screams “I am a good boy — killing people is never ok — Guilt complex a mile wide — beating yourself up for mistakes — who needs therapy when you have quips???” Kinda stuff!)
Aight to the list! Top to bottom is “worst” to “best” since all peters are still so good in their own ways.
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6# At the very bottom of my list is sadly the Peter Parker from “The Amazing Spiderman” comics from around 2014 — present. Two words. Tony Vibes. I don’t hate him and as “spider-man” he is quite literally perfect but when out of the mask Peter is just somehow arrogant?? Super confusing because he never says anything that I’m like “ugh” at its just how he’s portrayed by the artists i guess. He’s too confident and acts so much like Tony he basically is Tony. Also uh who hurt the artist who decided that they would draw him like THIS??? Not cute. AT ALL. I’m aware that he’s like 30 something in the run but he looks like Clark Kent not Peter. I really dislike him but its really evened out by how well Spider-Man is written. They’re almost like two completely different people which is SO annoying. He also weirdly “hits” on women (not in a disrespectful way)? Not inherently a bad thing but it just doesn’t feel right. It’s a no from me.
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5# It pains me to put him 2nd from last Peter B. Parker is Peter to the MAX but old and super tired. My gripe is not with his personality but with his design! Too long! The head is too long. I don’t know why but when i think of Peter and Spider-Man the head shape is not even close to this. I actually really really love how his personality is in the movie — he’s just so sad its hard to watch but he’s SO Peter. Beating himself up about his break up with Mary Jane and just losing his will to go on anymore. He feels like he has nobody that really cares or needs him anymore so he’s lost most of the sweet and innocent “everyone deserves a second chance” for everyone but himself most of all. The scene with Mary Jane in the ballroom is AMAZING such a Peter thing to do — foot in mouth syndrome — he wants so badly to not fail another person he cares about he’s so awkward and earnest. Ughhhhh I love him his personality is one of my favorites but the design kills me.
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4#…I’m sorry I know this is now getting a little mean but his head! It’s the wrong shapeeee. I’m aware I’m so shallow but there are other reasons why he’s lower on the list i promise. Didn’t really like how Peter skateboarded? Not sure why it just doesn’t suit the polite sweet science nerd who can barely get a word out without the stutter or an apology. There are so many things that I love about the way that Andrew portrays Peter’s personality. He gets the nervous PERFECT. He’s fidgety and so earnest it hurts. He cares so much its so good. Also of the live action spider-man he NAILS the kinda mean quips and jokes that Peter is known for. Constantly cracking jokes and being super annoying is exactly how peter is as spider-man so I really really love Andrew’s personality interpretation. It’s SO good i could talk forever he got totally screwed with the script but he killed it.
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3# Now I am aware that my fondness for the Tobey spider-man has no limit. I love him so much and he really got me through a bad childhood buuuutt his spider-man? I hate to say it is SO BAD. No jokes?? He’s too straight laced both as peter and as spider-man so he never really feels like “Peter”. His face shape and sweet shy demeanor? AHGHHHHGH ITS SO FUCKING CUTE. He’s so awkward!! His face does all these movements that make me think “oh my god he’s so out of it he’s so nervous i love him he’s such a good guy”. He just makes me think this guy really is innocent enough to believe not only that he can win against any of his enemies but also that everyone deserves that second chance. This is so important to me for a Spider-Man and peter to have a belief that is so strong held nothing could ever shake his belief. Maybe someone could make peter doubt his ability but never his morals. That’s what makes him such a good Peter Parker.
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2# You wouldn’t have been able to hear me say this before “No Way Home” because i really disliked the MCU Peter AND Spider-Man interpretation. It was not good at all. Somehow he was too geeky but not nerdy enough??? Does that make sense? He never really felt guilty about ditching his friends and responsibilities to be Spider-Man which is so important???? Like why is he just “eh” when he hurts anyone emotionally and ditches things he wanted to do like the group he was in Homecoming. It really started to tick me off. Peter as a person shouldn’t be that way so Tom never felt right to me. Then the fucking sun that was no way home made Peter so MISERABLE and i finally got to see him be selfless. Being spider-man is probably the most thankless job in the entire world and Peter just accepted that and more. He didn’t just fix the mistakes he made that affected him but by sacrificing his own happiness both involuntarily and then voluntary at the end he fixed the mistakes of people he believed in. It. Was. Perfect. I was so shocked that it as so good that i had the same kind of “this can’t be real” feeling i got during Sherlock season 4 LMAO except No Way Home was the complete opposite of that shit show. When Peter moved into that shitty apartment at the end with his GED book i sobbed and thought that he’s got to be the best live action spider-man just for that one fucking moment. God. Incredible.
Now last but never fucking least is my favorite Spider-Man interpretation in the entire world…
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1# The PS5 video game!! I can not sing the praises of this game enough it just oozes love for Spider-Man and Peter Parker. His face? PERFECT SO FUCKING PERFECT I COULD AND DO CRY ABOUT IT. The expressions are incredible. Peter is definitely confident and nerdy and sweet and kind and he has that crazy moral compass that no body can beat. He just — screaming, crying, sobbing I can’t even mention all the things i love about this man right here he IS Peter Parker and Spider-Man which is so hard to write its insane. He is devastated when he can’t bear his real life responsibilities and be a super hero at the same time and that is just!!!!!! No words only noises. Also he is just so funny i laugh at his terrible jokes whenever i play the game because they land so well because they’re super annoying and so bad. The worst dad jokes you’ve ever heard. I love himmm.
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1rsoldiersince2012 · 2 years
Rough Path to Memory Square (Doctor Strange x Reader [Earth-838])
Words: 5824 (chapters 31-33 / completed story)
You - Earth-838 Sorcerer Supreme's apprentice, now living under Mordo's wing, which you don't like.
Former Supreme Strange's lover and a gifted sorceress, drowning in her own despair, still not over Strange's death.
What happens when two intruders - America Chavez and Stephen Strange, visit your universe? Will you help them? Will you manage to convince the Illuminati that Stephen is not the real threat, but dream walking Wanda is?
Will your own feeling get in the way? Will you open your heart to Doctor Strange again?
Find my other accounts on ao3 and wattpad under the same name <3  
ao3: https://archiveofourown.org/users/1rSoldierSince2012
wattpad: https://www.wattpad.com/user/1rsoldierSince2012
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Chapter 31: Edge of a Broken Heart
A couple of hours later, America opened a portal to Eath-616 and Stephen, a solemn look on his face, left, kissing your knuckles, perhaps one last time.
You returned to your chamber, feeling tired and worn out. Too much has happened in one day. By request of America, she was getting ready to sleep in your room. You agreed. The bed was too big for you anyway. Sliding under the covers, you turn to look at the girl, she does the same.
"So, what was he like?" she asks, getting in a comfortable position.
"Who?" you ask, a bit confused.
"Your Strange. Was he anything like our Stephen?"
Our Stephen.
You blink a couple of times before answering. "He uhh... He was maybe a little like him. More bold, perhaps. Reckless. He often dived head deep into things he wanted to understand or learn. But he always had a soft side. Just didn't show it to everyone."
"Soft side, like when he almost killed you one time after using Darkhold?" she asks, eyes changing a little. But you let it slide.
"I know he didn't want to choke me, he had a bad dream, alright? Plus, he apologized for that."
"Or when he choked you on purpose. After he learned about your little whereabouts with the demon? And how you canceled his healthy hands deal? That's what you call a soft side?"
You look at the girl confused. She's still the same America, smiling and a little sleepy. Were you imagining things? "What are you talking about? I never told him about his canceled deal."
"You didn't have to tell him anything. He was the Sorcerer Supreme." America's face and your whole room disappears, like it was sucked into outer space and you, suddenly weightless, drop onto the dirty ground.
Weirdly enough, you find yourself in the universe which is almost destroyed by the incursion. Subconsciously looking at your side, you don't see anyone, although you were pretty sure you were experiencing déjà vu, but the depressing atmosphere of the universe turns your attention from that.
"I've got to find Strange." you said to yourself, thinking for a moment longer and then going where supposedly New York Sanctum was.
Lost in your head, you stumble on one of the thousand big stones and bricks scattered on the ground and almost fall to the ground with no one there to catch you.
"Why am I even going here? What am I doing here? What is this place?" you keep murmuring over and over again, walking frustrated because your foot still hurt, until you finally see the Sanctum. Standing there all alone in this vast place, not surrounded by old buildings like it used to be.
The roof is disappearing in a smoke-like way, as if someone from above was trying to suck it in. Literally. You reach the building, not really expecting to find anyone there living, and standing apparently on what were supposed to be stairs to the main entrance - now it was just a weird pile of cement blocks. You fight your way up to the big door. However, you don't get a chance to knock - the door opens on itself, and you see what's left of the grand entrance - just stairs, stairs that once led to your lover's bed and embrace, now led to nowhere, or exactly where you were meant to be.
You walk up what looks like an endless staircase and get to the second floor, stealing a quick peek around, you see the familiar room only abandoned much, much more. As you come a full circle and turn back to your previous spot, a figure appears before you, almost giving you a heart attack.
"Hello, y/n." he says calmly.
"Motherfucker, you scared me." you gasp and put a hand on your chest, trying to calm your pounding heart.
"I'm sorry, didn't mean to." he smiles politely, taking a step back and giving you some space to return from the shock.
You take a good look at the man standing with his idiotic smile at you, hands behind his back. Then it hits you. It's Strange. However, a bit different. Different from whom, though? You shake your head a bit, trying to sort your racing thoughts.
Dark, almost black robes, gray steaks in his dark hair, gray eyes piercing right into you, rather longish goatee, and a menacing aura. The whole look put together created the man you knew your whole life -
"Stephen!" you shout run up to him, your hands grabbing his neck, his hands - finding their way to your waist, pulling you closer to him.
"Hey, I've missed you, y/n." he says, voice raspy in your ear.
"How? Wha-" you spill the questions, but he stops you when he put his finger on your lips.
"Hey, hey, don't ruin such a sweet moment." he smiles, caressing your cheek. You suddenly feel so obedient to this man this if he told you to jump through that broken window, you wouldn't even doubt to do it.
"How did I end up here?" you ask, closing your eyes and leaning into his touch.
"Oh, honey, you were always meant to be here. With me." Strange answers, using the moment that you're not looking and leaning closer to smell your cologne. He looks you up and down, a crooked smile playing on his lips. You fell right into his web.
"What are we going to do?" you ask, lifting your head to take a better look at Stephen.
"Whatever you want." he coos, you feel like you need to hear his voice just like you need to breathe. "But now, I want to play something for you." he kisses temple and goes to the piano in the corner. You follow him like a puppy and take a seat next to him on that small piano chair. You don't notice the mess in the room, although it's evident that a fight happened here not so long ago. At the back of your head, a little voice is telling you to snap out of something, but the pull of the man beside you is too strong.
Stephen seems happy with how close you sit, your legs touching his. Uncontrollably, he feels his pants tighten. You, however, feel this action. Just like you feel every speck of dust flying in the air.
"What do you wish to hear, dear?"
"Maybe Für Elise? Just slower." you say, lost in thought. He nods slightly and fingers touch the keys. You feel like you can't take your eyes off his hands, his scarred hands that gently push the keys, creating the most beautiful melody this dying world has ever heard.
"Stephen, I love you." you say in a dreamy voice.
"I know." he answers, feeling satisfied with himself.
When you reach to touch his hand, the view changes. You're back at the Sanctum, meeting your Strange in the hallway. He grabs your wrist and pulls you inside his room, panic evident in his face.
"Stephen, what's going on?"
"I need your help. Do you trust me?" he asks, holding your shoulders rather tightly.
"Do I? Yes, of course. Why?"
"Do you know where is the Book of Cagliostro?"
"Why do you need it? Mordo locked it up long time ago. Thanks to you, by the way." you squirm uncomfortably, but he doesn't let go of your hand.
"I have to do one thing." he looks away, hiding his eyes from you.
"What thing? You already know how to use the Eye of Agamotto." you ask, raising your eyebrow.
"I- it doesn't matter, I just need the book."
"No?" he quickly turns to look at you, nostrils flaring, an angry expression already forming on his face.
"No. Don't ask me to do something you know damn well I can't." you pull your hand from his rather harshly and graze his fingers. He winces, looking at you like you just committed the worst crime known to humanity.
"Oh, yeah? I thought you were going with me until the end of the line? Until the end of the world? What happened to that?" he asks, fury taking over.
You can't believe what's happening. He was never like this with you. "What are you even talking about, Stephen?" you plead.
Your Stephen changes into the Stephen you met a week ago, red Cloak on his shoulders, he's standing in the same room that once belonged to your lover but now is yours.
"I'm saying that you are worthless. You shouldn't be here. I could've sacrificed you instead of Christine. At least I was happy with her." he says and harshly bumps into your shoulder on his way out.
You blink a couple of times before finding yourself back at Wanda's doorstep. She opens the door and look at you with a funny expression.
"Oh, look who returned. My killer."
"Your what? Wanda, what are you talking about? Please explain, this day has been a wreck already." you say, wiping the sweat from your forehead. When you touch your own skin, you feel weird, as if a part of yours is missing.
"You wanted me dead. Back in the tunnel. Maybe you even craved this for years. I remember how you looked at me when I brought the Darkhold. Like hawk." she spits, nearing you, "how you watched every single move, afraid that I might steal your cocky little fling." she laughs, standing so close that you can hear her breathing. "Ha, can't even call him your boyfriend. He never wanted a relationship. You were just a fling. A game. A piece of fresh meat that entered his sight. You were just dragging him down with your nonsense. Knowledge and power - that's what he wanted. Not you." Wanda whispers last words in your ear and your head begins spinning. You close your eyes tightly, hoping that all of this is just a bad dream.
Everything stills for a moment. You dare open one eye and see America Chavez standing in front of you, holding something in an opaque bag.
"Oh, America, you're here." you say and want to engulf her in a hug, but she stops you by shaking her head.
"Don't come any closer, murderer." she sounds not like herself. Like a demon. You stop, afraid to move and afraid that one person who you trust the most might disappear, leaving you in this madness again.
"America, what are you saying?" you ask, and confused. She moves the bag in front of her, and it suddenly becomes transparent. You take a step back, looking at the bag, disgusted. "What is this? Why do you have that thing?" you see that the bag is full of blood, bright red, and something darker is floating in the middle of it.
"Thing?" America raises her eyebrows and a smirk appears on her lips. "What you call 'thing' is your child. The child you killed so recklessly following an arrogant man into the jaws of the enemy." she simply says, and you almost faint when everything hits you like a freight train.
"Please, stop, America." you beg, and see Strange appear in front of you. His hands grab your neck, and you feel how air doesn't reach your lungs anymore.
"You killed my child. You took my hands away again. You thought a little spell could erase my mind? I am the Sorcerer Supreme, you slut!" with each word, his grip on your neck tightens, and you desperately grab his robes.
Stephen wakes up, startled by your action, and notices your erratic breathing. "Y/n, y/n." he shakes your shoulders slightly, but you don't react. "What is happening?" he mutters and notices how your eyes move behind your eyelids, quickly tapping your face, he feels your skin burning, forehead sweaty. You don't respond to any touch, and Stephen quickly lights up a couple of candles beside, in order to get a better look at you. He opens one eyelid, with great struggle, although it shouldn't be that difficult to do. Your eye is rolled back, only the white is visible, hands now tightly grasp your belt.
"Y/n, please wake up." he shakes you again, not sure what is happening and what he could do. A tear runs down your cheek, eyes closed so tight that it looks like you're afraid to open them.
"No, no." you say, barely above whisper, and a little hope that sparkled in Stephen disappears when you don't open your eyes.
Something odd catches his attention, right in the corner of his eye he notices smoke rising from the table. "What?" he asks and runs to the object. Not a smoke. He has already seen this before.
Chapter 32: Everybody Wants to Rule the World
Stephen's hands continue to squeeze your neck, you feel the tears running down your face. "Please." you croak, tightly holding onto his robes.
"No mercy this time," he says, and starts squeezing harder.
You finally close your eyes and pray to all gods in existence to make this stop. "Stop this nightmare." you say, taking a deep breath as fingers on your throat loosen.
"You called, honey?" a voice says in front of you, and you open your eyes again, looking at the black mass before you. In a second it takes a human-like shape, still black, as if it was wearing a swimsuit.
"What are you? What is this?" you want to turn around, but you're seated on some sort of stone chair. The figure in front of you changes from black to green, and you finally see the features of a very pale man.
"This is my home. Well, technically it's your head but since I'm in control..." he shrugs comically and smiles, showing a row of sharp teeth. "I'm Nightmare."
"Yes, I can see what a nightmare you are," you say, struggling against the invisible force once more.
Strange, now carrying you towards the bedroom, hears one word from your mouth, "Nightmare." He barges into your room, startling America, who was still asleep. He hurriedly puts you on the bed and puts his hand on your forehead again. Still burning hot.
"What happened?" America asks, scrambling towards your body, weirdly straight as a chord.
"I- I don't know, she uh, she fell asleep, and then she didn't wake up, I can't wake her up. It's like she's stuck somewhere. And I think the incursion started." Stephen rambled so quickly that it took a moment for America to fully understand his words.
"Incursion? Can you fix it?" she taps your face, but quickly retracts her hand. "Oh God, she's burning."
"Get me a wet towel, run it under cold water, and I'll get her robes off," Stephen orders the girl, and she runs away. "Come on now, where are you, y/n?" he mutters, taking off the first layer of your attire.
"My name is Nightmare, you ungrateful brat." he spits, shooting up from his throne.
"Oh," you say to yourself and nod slightly. "I would say it's nice to meet you, but everything I've experienced wasn't nice at all."
"That's the point, right? You liked my little show?" he smiles, and it chills you to the bones.
"Liked? I-" you don't get to finish as he claps his hands loudly.
"Glad to help. You see, it was quite hard to get to you. I used to sneak up in your dreams, get to know you before the grand meeting." he begins pacing slowly in front of you.
"I'm flattered that you care so much about me. Why?" you strain a little and notice that your hands are a bit free, it becomes easier to breathe. If you're even breathing here.
"Your mind is interesting. I had to create a little scheme to, you know, wrap things up." he swings his finger in the air and laughs maniacally.
"Stephen, here!" America bursts into the room with a wet towel, noticing you lying on the bed with a t-shirt, and robes thrown next to you.
"Her pulse is high, it's like a fever, or something worse," Stephen says, tapping the wet towel on your face to cool you off a bit.
"Stephen, I don't think that's a medical problem," America says cautiously, afraid that in this state, Stephen might burst again.
"Nightmare..." he whispers, but then loud steps reach his ears.
"Y/n! Y/n, what did you do?" Mordo bursts into the room and notices America and Strange standing in front of the bed in defensive positions. "You. Did you see what you've done? Where is she?" Mordo steps closer to the bed and sees you lying there all sweaty and breathing heavily, hands tightly gripping the sheets. "What have you done to her?" Mordo quickly parts Strange and Chavez and slowly reaches to touch your forehead.
"She fell asleep. We both did," Strange feels a blush creeping on his cheeks. "Since then I can't wake her up. It's like she's stuck somewhere. And she keeps saying 'nightmare' from time to time."
Mordo thinks for a moment, looking at you apologetically. "She's trapped in Nightmare's World... The Dream Dimension."
"Where?" America asks loudly, meanwhile Stephen and Mordo look at each other.
"How do I get in there?" Stephen asks with a determined expression.
"You don't. She has to get out herself." Mordo falls silent for a moment, and Strange notices how he blinked out some tears. "You've caused too much trouble already. If you don't know, the incursion has started. Leave my universe before there's still something left to fix."
"No." Strange says, standing his ground. "The Sorcerer Supreme has to fix the incursion. But we have to save her now."
"How can we do that? If she's trapped in a dream?" America asks shyly, still fearing Mordo.
"My mind is interesting? You must be crazy then."
"I waited for your little protection spell to wear off. A smart move it was. To not let Scarlet Witch read your mind. I also know your deepest secrets, your desires and…" Nightmare falls silent for a dramatic effect. "I know that some trouble has landed upon the universe you're supposed to protect." he laughs, the whole place echoing the sound.
"Trouble?" you mutter to yourself, mind racing as fast as possible in this weird place you're trapped in.
"Yes. But don't you worry, darling, it doesn't concern you anymore."
"Like hell. Let me go! What do you even want from me?" you squirm in the stone chair, but despite your effort, nothing happens.
"I want to destroy you. Not physically though, I don't like getting my hands bloody. Hard to wash it off." Nightmare shudders mockingly. "I want to destroy your little brain, I want to break your soul. And when I break your soul, there's no reason for your body to exist."
"Nice uh, tale. But your little monologue still hasn't answered my question." you press your hands behind your back tightly, trying a couple of simple spells.
"Why you? Oh. I thought it was simple. Broken heart. Broken soul. Exciting adventure. Great powers I can take from you. Sorcerer Supreme. Even greater powers I can take from you. And, perhaps a way to control more people if you die." he counts on his fingers each thing and in the end, he has seven fingers down. "Fresh soul. Exactly what I needed."
"Why does everyone think I have great powers?" you blow the air out and hang your head, still trying to do a spell.
"Because you do. You may not have realized your full potential, but I see it. I also see how you've been trying to do a spell behind your back for the past few minutes." he says, turning his back on you, and looking at his throne.
"Shit," you murmur under your breath, but everyone gathered next to your bed hears this.
"She probably tried spells, but unsuccessfully. When you're trapped by the demon himself, you don't expect to have your powers with you." Mordo sighs and sneakily touches your hand on his way to standing up. The touch chills you to the core, even in the depths of your soul you feel that.
"I'm going to the library. You-" Strange points to Mordo, "hold off the incursion. And you stay with her." he points to America, who quickly nods.
"You're not the one to give orders, Strange. You're the reason all of it is happening." Mordo harshly puts his pointer finger to Strange's chest, but the latter doesn't move a muscle. "If I could turn back time, I would make sure that you two would have never stepped a foot into my universe."
"Oh, I bet if you had the Time Stone, you would have made sure every version of me was eliminated, right?" Stephen asks, watching in satisfaction how Mordo's eyes widen. "Yeah, I know about your little schemes and whereabouts. I know you despised me. Believe, the feeling's mutual. But right now we have things to do."
Mordo glaces at Stephen and America, casting one last look at you before leaving the room.
"I'll be right back. I hope. Cool her off as much as you can." Strange taps America's shoulder and quickly walks away to the library.
In the corner of your eye, you notice a white-headed figure wearing something similar to purple, sneaking behind one of the stones. Why in heaven this guy needed those stones here, you can't wrap your mind. Trying not to make it obvious that you're looking at the person, you direct your whole attention to the man rambling in front of you.
"I think it's time to begin our little play, right? I'm sure you're tired of sitting there, but you can't complain when you have such a great view, right?" Nightmare turns around and smiles at you. Fucking narcissist.
"You want me to be your Juliet or what?" you roll your eyes at the demon.
"As much as I love humour and Shakespeare, I'm not really fond of being Romeo. I'm more like a spider, you know. And you" he comes closer, standing full height before you. And yeah, your head is somewhere near his crotch. If he even has that sort of thing. Disgusting. You look up, him up in the eyes. "You're the silly little fly, who got trapped in my web." He touches your cheek, wiping the loose hair away from your eyes.
You wait for a harsh grip on your face, but never feel it.
"Hey there, wandought!" the person who was sneaking behind the stone shows up, and you see that it's a woman. A beautiful one. Focus y/n, focus.
Nightmare quickly turns around and notices the intruder, "Who dares to disturb me?"
"Me. Come here and fight, I can show you a good time." the woman winks and sends a blast of light purple energy towards Nightmare. He falls to the side, hiding behind another stone, whereas you feel how nothing is controlling you anymore.
"Great," you mutter and blast chaos magic towards the man, a little surprised that your powers actually work here. The woman looks at you a bit surprised but continues sending blasts at the demon.
"You can't defeat me, you pathetic witches!" Nightmare shouts, and you feel how your vision becomes darker and darker.
"No!" you shout, grabbing your head, you can't let him get in your head again, you wouldn't survive this time.
"Block your mind!" the woman shouts, appearing beside you, and you see that she's almost transparent. You shake your head and notice that it's not really her, but one of the illusions of her. Smart.
Taking a deep breath, you close your eyes and think about all the nice things you've experienced, imagining a literal wall protecting your mind. In a moment, you feel a strange feeling leave your body, your mind has never been clearer.
"Now it would be a good time to help!" the woman shouts, fighting directly with Nightmare. You see him struggling to hold off and without hesitating to help a stranger, who literally saved your life.
"Bolts of Balthakk!" you shout and golden bolts of lightning appear, mixed with purple faltine magic, they manage to put Nightmare to his knees. You send a final blow - Chains of Krakkan and everything falls silent. Nightmare looks at the two of you, straining against the magical chains.
"Pretty good job there." the woman says, catching her breath and you see her hand in front of you. "Clea." she smiles, and you notice her perfect eyeliner that emphasizes her eye colour.
"Y/n. Where did you come from?" you ask, shaking her hand, she's got a strong grip.
"I can sort of travel through dimensions. But I wanted to get that bastard. Lucky for you, y/n, I came here on time. Now, I think you should come back to your universe. And who knows, maybe we'll meet again." she smiles, and you feel like someone is pulling you from the place, sucking your soul back into your body.
You wake up with a loud gasp, taking as much air as possible in one intake, that scares the hell out of America and Strange, who was ready to perform a spell. "Holy shit." is all you can say.
Chapter 33: Don't Let the Light Go Out
"Oh, you're back! Thank God!" America engulfs you in a hug, and you quickly tap her back a couple of times.
"Yeah, yeah, what happened? What trouble is there?" you ask, looking around the room, then noticing that you're out of your robes and dressed in a shirt.
"What?" Stephen asks, loudly, closing the book and looking more nervous than he is usually around you.
"Trouble! What's happening? I've been warned that something is happening." you catch your breath and get out of bed, already grabbing a jacket from the rack. "Stephen!"
He looks guiltily at the ground before forcing himself to lift his head towards you. "We think the incursion has started."
"What?! Why are you still here, we have to go, to do something. Anything!" you grab the door handle and run into the corridor, hurrying to the lobby.
"Y/n, wait, Mordo's dealing with it..." Stephen's words echo in the place, and you stop mid-step.
"I could use the help of the Sorcerer Supreme if she's already up!" Mordo shouts after hearing your voice ring in the corridor.
You stop at the top of the stairs and look at the view at the end of them - Mordo, alone, creating various spell combinations, stands in the middle of the lobby, a huge book open on the table near him. A table that is slowly disappearing into thin air.
"What the hell..." you whisper and, as fast as possible, run down the stairs to the man. "When did it start? When did you start?" you ask him, gesturing first at the table, and then at the open book.
"Since you fell into Nightmare's trap, probably. And maybe half an hour ago." Mordo says not looking at you but focusing on the book.
"How long I've been out?" you ask Strange, who appears at the top of the stairs.
"Couple of hours."
"In that shithole, time goes differently. Fuck. Alright, how bad is it?" you say and drop your jacket on the ground, already taking a step towards Mordo, looking at the spells he's performing.
"You're in no condition to do anything! How did you even manage to escape?" Mordo asks, quickly glancing at you.
"Didn't you say a moment ago that you needed help? Anyway." you roll your eyes and, reading a spell twice, begin the incantation. "Some dimensional traveler helped me."
"Really? Who?" Stephen asks, reading the spell too.
"Some girl." you purposely did not mention her name. "I almost got out."
"I'm really glad you're back." Strange shoots a quick smile before casting a spell. America watches three powerful sorcerers unite for the first time in perhaps forever, for the greater good.
"You do know that you'll have to leave. Along with the girl." Mordo says, eyeing Strange and you.
"Girl stays. She's not dangerous. I am the one who caused this. I leave." Stephen says, focusing entirely on his hands and not the people beside him.
"Don't boss me around, especially when I have to fix your mess," Mordo says through gritted teeth.
"I wanna remind who gives orders now. And it's not you. He is... Grown enough to decide for himself. Although as a guardian of this universe, I think it would be best for Mister Strange to..." words get stuck in your throat. You had to make a decision, as hurtful as it is. But it's for the best. "To temporary put his journeys to this universe on hold."
The lobby becomes silent. Strange looks at the floor, Mordo's hands drop to his sides, he turns with his whole body to look at you. "Never have I expected for you to make such a smart decision. I see the title has really changed you. For the better, I hope."
"Focus on the problem, Mister Mordo." you look ahead of you, watching how magic leaves your hands, not thinking about what just happened, but instead, thinking how one's magic can be purple... Déjà vu hits you again, as you remember Sinister Strange's magic being purple. You shake your head slightly. Surely there is no way these two might be connected by something bigger power.
Strange knows why you're acting like this. All professional and polite, hiding a harsh truth. You both knew that soon will come the inevitable time to put a stop to your multiversal travels, but you never thought it would come so soon.
What felt like hours later, only it was merely 15 minutes, you drop your hands, feeling weary and breathless, although you draw power for the spells from the Dark Dimension and not yourself, this one made you especially tired. "You think it worked?" you ask, looking around the Sanctum, noticing that the table is no longer disappearing into nothingness.
"I think so. But he has to leave." Mordo says, wiping the sweat from his forehead.
"I know," you say and guiltily look at Stephen.
"One last moment, Miss?" he says, putting on a fake smile and gestures to the Sanctum's library. America's eyes follow you both until you're no longer in sight. Stephen closes the doors heavily and sighs.
"Stephen, I'm sorry." You begin before he even has a chance to open his mouth. "It was selfish of me to use you like that. To pretend you're someone else. It was selfish and stupid to try to replace him with another him... It was... I'm sorry if I ever gave you false hope." you sniff a little, feeling the tears build up in your eyes.
"Maybe it was me who gave you the false hope. Don't blame yourself." Strange says, stepping closer to you, and cautiously puts his hand on your shoulder.
"You'll take care of America, right? I'll push Stark to make that device, I... I just want her to be happy. Not only that, but I also want you to be happy, Stephen. Return to your universe and find your happiness. Find someone who will love you the way I do."
Stephen tears up, you try to hold yourself together, to be as strong as possible, because this is the moment where your life changes completely. Admitting to yourself that your Stephen is gone, and nothing will bring him back, no one will replace him. And you're simply not capable of fooling yourself any longer. You can't destroy this Stephen's future for selfish reasons, he has a whole lifetime before him. You just can't take this away from him.
"Why the goodbyes are so difficult?" Stephen whispers, connecting his forehead with yours. You close your eyes and a single tear slips away.
"Maybe because we lose a part of ourselves in the process," you whisper back and just enjoy the moment, the closeness, the warmth radiating from the man. One last time.
"I wish all the best, y/n. You managed to turn around my life in a week. I'd say that's a record." He huffs a short laugh, placing a kiss on your cheek.
"So long, partner. I'd say we make one hell of a team." You linger for a moment longer before pulling away.
"I go get America. She's staying here?" Stephen asks now standing a step away from the door.
"Probably. But if you... Need company, I can manage on my own." You smile and he nods. Neither of you say goodbye because you knew that this would put a full stop to your story.
Returning to the lobby, you see Mordo sitting in the corner, an unreadable expression on his face and America, sitting at the end of the stairs.
"Take me back home?" Stephen asks the girl, and she stands up, looks at both of you weirdly but doesn't say a word, already getting ready to open a portal. "You're coming with me or?"
"I..." America looks at you, and you nod encouragingly. "Yes. I'll go. Bye, Y/n." She shortly waves and punches into the air in front of her. The Portal opens with a loud bang and wind comes out of nowhere from worlds beyond.
You smile at both of them, nails digging into your palm, a way to keep you from crying. Stephen takes America's hand, and they both step into the portal. Hall becomes silent again.
"It's for the best," Mordo says, reminding you of his presence.
"I know. You can go home now," you say, turning to go upstairs. "Thank you for your help, Mister Mordo."
"Y/n, I know what he meant to you. But it was just pretending." Mordo says before opening a portal and leaving you all alone in the Sanctum Sanctorum.
"I know." You softly whisper to no one. "I know."
*** Days, weeks and months flew by, and you carried on, crying yourself to sleep from time to time, as emotions and memories took over.
Stark created the device, however, succeeded only after the 3rd time. Stephen sent you an update that everything's been going well in his universe. And he actually met an interesting woman recently. America's still learning, often visiting you, and helping you create a plan for the search for her moms.
Today you, after training the students, returned to the main grounds of Kamar-Taj, only to be informed by Mark about a man waiting outside.
Opening the doors to the one who's seeking magical help, you see a familiar face standing in front of you. "Let me guess," you say, fixing your belt, a knowing smile playing on your lips, "You're... Wong?"
"Yes, Master, how did you know?" The man asks, looking astonished.
"Well, Sorcerer Supreme knows a lot of things." You smile and let the man inside. Your journey just begins, or maybe comes to an end?
The End!
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