#apologies if i lost focus or this sounded rambling there was a lot to cover here
Hi! I saw your request were open and I just found your fics and I love them! I lost my childhood dog this weekend and I was wondering if you could write a Logan x trans male reader where he comforts the reader if you want to!
Hello, dear Requester! I can do this for you! (This wasn't specifically centered around Reader being transgender, however if you'd like a version where it is, feel free to shoot me another request!)
| A Need at Night | Wolverine/Logan Howlett X [Trans-man] Reader
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  An awful day made better by your lover, who simply holds you close
Quick Notes :  This is my first attempt at writing from the Reader's perspective! My apologies for this taking so long, I’ve been a tad busy in my daily life, so this had to be put to the side. However, I have finally completed it! Requester, I hope this is able to provide some comfort for you. I’m terribly sorry for your loss - a beloved pet is a part of the family - and I wish you the best for your time recovering from such an event :[ 
  Story Details :  Roughly 700 words, Reader is referred to as ‘You/Your,’ Reader is a trans-man but body parts are described neutrally (general statement), Reader is on Testosterone (not a focal point), Logan is a softie for Reader, Cuddling, lots of fluff but a bit of angst at the beginning,
  You had been having a rough day. Not only had you woken up late for work, you’d also hit your head rolling out of bed, nearly slipped in the shower, put your shirt on backwards, and to top it off, work had been utter shit. 
 So now here you were, laying in Logan and yours shared bed with the TV on - playing some random show you’d put on without really looking at what it was - and most of you covered in the thick, fluffy comforter you kept on the bed. It didn’t seem to be helping your crappy mood much, but at least the feeling of warmth it gave you made the day just a tad more bearable. 
  Logan wasn’t home yet, and you’d already messaged him that you didn’t feel up to cooking and that he could pick up something on the way home (preferably something greasy and comforting, like pizza). To your disappointment, he hadn’t responded, most likely wrapped up in the damn X-Men meeting he’d told complained to you about before you’d left for work that morning. You loved Logan dearly - you really did - but his grumbling and huffing had only tripped up your day further; instead of exchanging your usual ‘good morning’ kiss and sharing a pot of coffee, you instead had to rush out the door while he dragged himself after your hurried form.
  The sound of the front door creaking open drew you from your thoughts, the familiar scent of cigar smoke drifting into the bedroom. Speak of the devil and he shall appear…
  Groaning softly, you covered your eyes with your arm and rolled over so your back was facing the door. You just wanted to wallow in your self-pity until you fell asleep - maybe cry about your bad day a little - but now you had to deal with your lover. 
  A frown was etched on your face when the door to your bedroom was pushed open, Logans’ heavy steps echoing through the room as he approached your grumpy form.
  “I brought home takeout,” He stated bluntly, kicking off his shoes as he climbed into the bed beside you.
  You grunted, glaring at the wall in annoyance as Logan immediately scooped you into his arms, holding you against his form as he buried his face in your hair. A rumbling sound pulled itself from the mutants’ chest, and reluctantly, you relaxed into his form. As if sensing your heavy mood, Logans’ hands trailed down your sides in that subtle way that always seemed to draw your focus out of your thoughts.
  “Rough day?” He murmured softly, resting his chin in the crook of your neck as his eyes drifted towards the TV. 
  The only thing you could do was groan in reply. 
 Logan gave a huff of amusement, simply enjoying your closeness in a way that was so common for the two of you; he’d hold you close and you’d rant or ramble about the day. It was a routine you’d come to enjoy, even now, when you were so cranky and annoyed that you wanted to grumble at the man.
  “It was awful,” You said at last, brows furrowed in frustration as you rested your head against the pillow, “Work was shit. My boss was practically on my ass my entire shift and I couldn’t get my list of things done!”
  The mutant hummed for you to continue, one of his arms coming up to slip beneath your head so you were laying against him instead. At the motion, your irritation faded somewhat; it was nice to be held.
  “I had a pounding headache from hitting my head this morning,” your voice was softer - less aggravated - as you relaxed fully into your lover’s hold, “and I just wanted to sleep today…”
  You trailed off, expression weary as you let your eyes drift closed. The mutant was quiet after you finished speaking, the hand not beneath your head slowly running up and down your side comfortingly; he was always there for you, and this was no different.
  “Rest, love of mine. I’m here for you,” Logan murmured gently, placing a small kiss against your skin, “I’m here.”
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commander-krios · 11 months
Pressing tiny kisses against your lover's shoulder while they're bent over a desk, trying to focus even though your touch is distracting them.—For whoever speaks up
Here it is! Something sweet written for post-game Aly/Gale. I posted it on AO3 as well if anyone prefers to read it there.
Tell Me About the Stars
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A glow was coming from the study where Gale liked to sit reading, for hours sometimes after his lessons with Arabella and Yenna were finished. Usually he’d get lost in some experiment, some new piece of history that would leave him riveted to the book, turning page after page until he absorbed every word he could until his eyes crossed. Tonight seemed like another one of those nights.
A light knock on the door didn’t even disturb him, bent as he was over the desk, texts and scrolls scattered in an ‘organized mess’ as he liked to call it. Alyril’fryn entered quietly, propping the door open slightly to keep it from slamming behind her. Then she carried a bowl to where he stood, not even noticing her presence until she set the food beside his work.
“Ah, there you are!” He exclaimed, dark eyes dancing in the light of the candles. With a smile, Gale glanced down at the food, steaming in the wooden bowl. The spot between his eyebrows furrowed adorably. “What’s this?”
“Jaheira dropped some stew off earlier.” Alyril wrapped her arms around him, settling her hands against his chest. She pressed her lips against his shoulder, lingering against the warm fabric of his robes, enjoying the solid feeling of his body against hers. He tsked low in his throat, a sound that she knew all too well. “It’s delicious and you need to eat something. Don’t make me call her back-”
A gentle chuckle followed the unspoken threat.
“Is it that late already?” He asked, gaze on the window where the sun had long descended below the horizon. Now the sky was an inky black, white pinpricks sparkling in the dark. “I apologize for missing dinner. Again.”
“No apologies necessary.” Alyril stood on her tiptoes to press a kiss at the base of his neck, lingering briefly at the warmth of his skin. “What are you working on tonight?”
“Do you remember the myconids we met in the Underdark during our daring adventures? Well… their ethical and moral standing against violence are so interesting, considering their lives in the Underdark. To be around so many violent species and to abhor it so vehemently, I would love to return one day to speak to them in length.” 
As he rambled, Aly’s mouth trailed along the curve of his neck, hot kisses against his skin as if he was oblivious to her. She would love him to the end of her days and there was something so sweet about his passion for learning, for understanding the weave and the world around him. It was infectious most days, but tonight, Aly basked in the sound of his voice, her mind on other matters entirely.
It was long before Gale paused to glance over his shoulder, raising a curious eyebrow at her. “What are you doing?”
Alyril pressed her face into his shoulder, trying to hide the smile that curled her lips. “Oh, me? Nothing.”
Her hands ran along his chest, the elaborate embroidered robes smooth against her fingers, and she sighed softly, when he covered her hands with his own, squeezing her affectionately.
“What did I do to deserve you?” Turning in her embrace, Gale cupped her face in his hands, thumb brushing gently against her cheek, his smile still making her heart flutter wildly in her chest after all of this time. “I’ll make it up to you. Tell me what you want. I’d steal the stars from the sky for you.”
Alyril stared up at him, mesmerized by the flecks of dark gold in his brown eyes and the way the light of the candles highlighted some of the lighter tones in his hair. She reached a hand up to run her fingers through the strands, like silk across her skin. “I only need you.”
With a sigh, Gale leaned closer, pressing a soft kiss against her forehead. “And I’m forever grateful for it. I know I’ve been scarce a lot this week.” His hands lingered on her face, his touch gentle, and Alyril felt safe and at peace. 
“Your work is important.”
“You are what’s important.” His hands trailed across her cheeks, brushing against the curve of her neck before settling firmly on her shoulders. “So now that I’ve pulled my head out of my back-end, what shall we do?”
Alyril fought a grin, but failed when she noticed the intensely tender way he watched her. With Gale, she never felt afraid or unsafe. Never felt anything except peace. There weren’t many times in her two hundred years of life that she could say that.
“You said something about the stars?”
He chuckled quietly, mouth against her hair. “You’d truly want me to tear them from the sky? I’m not sure if I’m capable of such a feat.”
“I want you to tell me about them.” She met his gaze, studying how his eyes creased at the sides, how he watched her with nothing but adoration and devotion. “I spent a lot of my childhood in the Underdark. I didn’t know they existed for a long time.”
He brushed a strand of silver hair over her ear, touch lingering against her neck. “Is this your way of getting me to lecture you to sleep?”
“I won’t deny that I enjoy the sound of your voice. Almost as much as you do, in fact.” She teased, earning an affectionate smile in return. 
“You’re amusing. And adorable.” Gale glanced at the bowl steaming beside his never ending work and she knew he was contemplating how to rid himself of the food. Without actually eating it. Shaking his head, he turned those eyes on her, pinning her beneath his stare. “And my favorite distraction.”
His arms encircled her waist, pulling her flush against his body, warming every part of her that touched him. He bent closer to brush a kiss against her lips, a taste of what more awaited her if she wanted it. Perhaps another night, when he wasn’t as exhausted. For tonight, she wanted him close and that was enough.
Taking his hand, she led him to the sofa that faced the large veranda windows, the view of the sea stretching to the horizon. Alyril curled against him once they settled in, resting her head on his chest, eyes focused on him instead, more beautiful than any landscape. There was grey in his beard now, grown a little thicker now, giving him more of that distinguished appearance he craved. His hair was longer as well, usually pulled out of his face during the daily lessons he gave to the girls, but now it hung loosely around his shoulders. She preferred him in this state: relaxed, content, fulfilled.
Gale tilted his head and smiled at her, his fingers stroking against her hair. With a happy sigh, she leaned into him, relaxing against the soft planes of his body, warm and more loved than she’d ever been.
“Let me tell you about the stars.”
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renardtrickster · 3 years
One talking point I particularly despise is when a left-wing figure (typically a content creator) is subject to harassment by their left-wing fans, and right-wing commenters remark on the situation as though it was an inevitability, the natural consequence of "appealing to that kind of crowd" and that they "eat their own" and what not. He who lives by the cancel culture, dies by the cancel culture, blah blah blah fap fap fap.
An example of this is Lindsay Ellies getting harassed by her audience to the point of mental crisis and quitting her online career because she had a dumb take on that Disney movie about the dragons that I don't care about, and a blog I followed commented on it twice, dropping the "appealed to that sort of crowd" and "eat their own" lines. And first, let's be real, it's basically a way to neutrally phrase "I'm not too concerned about her getting harassed, sucks to suck, but, y'know". They took a vaguely disapproving tone, but building a large part of your online presence and identity around condemning harassment only to react so softly to someone getting harassed into quitting isn't a good look. The fact that he's so passive on a lefty tuber getting harassed while condemning and running a blog dedicated to condemning a (really shitty and deserves all the hate he gets) leftist guy and all the harassment that comes from him, is probably not a coincidence, nor the fact that he's in the anti-SJW sphere, nor the fact that other anti-SJWs do the song and dance too anytime a leftie experiences pushback of any kind in any capacity. Shit, not even anti-SJWs. Jordan B. "Red Skull" "woman bad" "Lobsters Lord" Peterson pulled the same line on Ethan Klein when he removed his interview with JBP (because deleting your own videos because you no longer approve of them is cancel culture if you were in the video now???) saying that Ethan is now appealing to a woke mob that will hold him to increasingly impossible to uphold ethical standards and that the second he falters, they will devour him with glee and JBP will look down sadly at H3H3's nibbled corpse bones because once they used to be friends because this man talks in such an overwrought manner, god shut the fuck up.
This is roughly in the same ballpark as the "lefties bad because they agree with each other too much, until they're bad because they disagree with each other too much" oscillation I've talked about before. Partly because it touches on the latter criticism, but more so because there's a weird unintended implication in there. The same implication, in fact! Those leftist content creators are stacking up the dominos of their own doom by taking hard stances against reactionary actions and behaviors, which is training their audiences to enforce the same ethical standards, leading to them eventually turning and crumbling to dust. Cool story, I instantly believe this is a thing that happens and is not a persecution fantasy-by-proxy cooked up by a fevered brain. One question though, why does this never apply to any other kind of political commentator? Take, for instance, JBP! He constantly rails against the danger and insanities of wokeness, women in the workplace, diversity and equality, gender ideology, Cultural Marxism, The Chaos Dragon, and not cleaning your room. This would surely instill in his audience an ethical and ideological standard against those things, so is he not worried about the eventual mutiny? All that time talking about not changing the world before your own room is clean, yet he became a public speaker while still struggling with a benzodiazepine addiction? What about perceived slights? He supports gay marriage, that's kind of a Cultural Marxist-y thing to do. Even outside of him, where are my conservative victims of their own audience? Where are my grifters who got cancelled for not saying "Jesus would have loved Nixon" hard enough? Where are my pundits who were deplatformed for NOT hating Jews? And don't give me that "conservatives don't do cancel culture" shit, I saw what happened to D&D, The Dixie Chicks, Rock & Roll, Pokemon, as well as Coca-Cola, Gillette, Cathode Ray Tubes, and several other things!
I lay before you, a few possibilities.
A. "Cancel Culture", defined here as "when people push against or criticize public figures over some controversy, in any capacity", is something that happens to basically every large public figure at some point, conservatives just essentialize it to lefties because they want to perpetuate the stereotype of leftists being rabid circular-firing-squads who eat their own, while also lowkey condoning harassment against people they don't like in a socially acceptable manner.
B. Conservatives don't fret over their audiences holding them to a higher political standard because they know their audiences would be okay with them doing anything short of saying "Hitler was right", and even that isn't a hard enough line sometimes.
C. Leftist audiences being willing to criticize their guy, whether or not you think the individual criticisms hold water, is fundamentally a good thing and preferable to blindly swallowing everything your Far-Right Ideologue Waifu says, and it says something that "they disagree with each other too much" is seen as a negative quality, especially in light of point B (and the TERF/Trad Solidarity I mentioned in posts before, among other things).
D. Conservatives just don't like it when people say "transphobia is bad" and have to hide that idea behind seventeen proxies because they can't just say "it makes me feel upset when I get pushback for calling trans women sex offenders in disguise".
E Jordan B. Peterson is fucking insane and all he vomits is pseudoscientific Jungian word salad and reactionary/fascist?/incoherent nonsense dressed up in rookie-tier self-help guru advice for failsons with no father figures in their life.
F. All of the above!
G. OP said vaguely problematic things in the above paragraphs even though the context makes it clear they were insulting bigoted conservatives, I am going to play into stereotypes and prove the people this post describes right by cancelling OP, i am very silly.
Place your votes now!
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oomisluvr · 3 years
sakusa takes care of a drunk reader, a drabble
synopsis: y/n is talking to a stranger about her sex life and kiyoomi is on damage control. it's an uphill battle to finally tuck her into bed. give this man a break, please.
“he be blowin’ my back out, girl.”
“she means we very gently and very passionately make love.”
“just beatin’ this pussy up!”
“i do no such thing.”
“absolutely drillin’ and killin’ my shit.” you motion with your hands. sakusa reaches out to stop you, a blush deep on his face.
“this boy folds me like a pretzel.”
“my ankles be touchin’ my ea- mmph!”
sakusa covers your mouth with his hand, “you’ve lost your talking privileges. give me your drink, babe,” you glare at him, defiance burning in your eyes. he glares right back, “now, y/n.” he looks to the woman you were talking and apologizes on your behalf.
you relent, releasing your grip on the drink you were holding. sakusa take it and relaxes the hold he has on you, "you always kill my fun, omi!"
"no, i keep you safe." his gaze softens and his voice follows, "c'mon, it's late now. let's get you home."
you're surprised by the gentleness in his tone. wordless, you nod, extending your arm for him to take and lead you out of the club. it's raining tonight, and sakusa all but demands you to stay at the entrance doors while he runs to get the car.
you'll get emotional if you think about it too much, about exactly how much he sacrifices for you. he accommodates for you in every aspect of his life, oftentimes without you ever having to ask. you're part of him, an extension of his own body. he quite literally could not live without you. he loves you, with everything in him. he really didn't have to come out with you tonight, but you know he did it because he cares about your safety.
when the car pulls up, sakusa jumps out, umbrella in hand, escorting you to the passenger door, opening it, and closing it once you got situated. you giggle at the little jog he does to get to the driver's side. the sound of rain hitting the windshield makes you sleepy. upon noticing your tired state, kiyoomi removes the jacket from his shoulders, draping it across your figure. you yawn, snuggling into the heavy fabric and allowing his scent to lull you to sleep.
the next time you wake up, sakusa's at the passenger side of the door, lightly shaking you.
"c'mon, we're home now." he stretches his hand to pull you out, closing the door behind him, and snaking an arm around your waste, bringing you to your shared apartment.
after fumbling with the keys, he unlocks the door and kicks off his shoes, turning the lights on. sakusa leads you to the couch, descending on one knee to remove your heels, fighting with the straps and buckles.
"try taking it off with your teeth."
"try tak- what the hell? i'm not doing that."
"awww, c'mon, you know you like my feet."
"y/n, stop being weird," you wiggle your toes, making him loose his grip on the clasp of your shoes, "and stop moving."
you giggle, still feeling buzzed from all the alcohol you downed, "i know you secretly have a foot kink."
"i do not."
"it's okay, it's okay," you soothe, roughly ruffling his hair, "it's just me and you here. you can tell me if you wanna suck on my toes. i won't judge," finally removing your shoes, sakusa stands to his feet, stretching his hand for you to take.
"i don't know where you're getting this from, but you need to go to bed. i think you're delirious." you pout like a child, not wanting the fun to be over.
"fine. only if you carry me." you flop back on the couch to emphasize your unwillingness to walk yourself, stretching your arms up, "please, oomi?"
you're so cute, but sakusa can't let you know that. huffing loudly, he bends down to pick you up with ease, arms hooked under your legs and back, "you owe me in the morning. i didn't sign up for this."
you giggle, enjoying the attention from him, "you're so strong, oomi. look at these muscles." you grab his bicep, "what is this? a bowling ball? is there bowling ball in here? did you eat a bowling ball?" sakusa fights back a smile, but a blush manages to break through.
strolling through the bedroom, sakusa drops you on the bed, leaning down to kiss your forehead, mumbling in your ear, "why are you only nice to me when you're drunk, hmm? pretty girl." leaving you on the bed, sakusa digs through your dresser, approaching you with your usual pajamas, "put this on."
"no." you resist.
"put them on me." you kneel up on the bed, manipulating your arms and back to reach the zipper of your dress, dragging it down and shimmying out of the loose fabric, "look, i made it easy for you."
sakusa will never get used to seeing you in just a bra and panties, and his face turns beet red at the sight. you're sitting on your thighs now, legs folded behind you, feet touching.
"you're so difficult," he sighs, his blush only deepening when he moves to touch you, "arms up." you giggle, shaking your head and crossing your arms, he clenches his jaw in an effort to focus on the task at hand.
"oomi~" you flirt, "i still have my bra on. i can't sleep with a bra on. it's not good for me."
"then take it off."
"take it off for me."
"i won't go to bed until you do."
"fine. turn around." you shuffle on the bed, your back now facing him. with anxious hands, he unclasps your bra, the soft fabric falling to the bed. your bare back greets him, and he bats away impure thoughts. before you can turn around, sakusa grabs your arms and forces the shirt on you.
"oomi! don't be so rough."
"then listen and i won’t have to be so rough,” yanking the shirt over your head, he sighs, “there. all done.” you’re scrambling to get under the covers when sakusa grabs your ankle, “not yet. you need to do your skin care,” you open your mouth to protest, but kiyoomi interupts you, “let me guess, you want me to do it?”
you nod your head in excitement, “carry me oomi!” scooping you up, he carries you to the bathroom, setting you on the counter space. you’re rambling about god-knows-what, incoherent and broken sentences flow from your lips. sakusa tries his best to listen, he really does, but he can’t tel the difference between makeup wipes and micellar water.
“sorry to interrupt you, angel,” he kisses you on the forehead to calm your protests, “but which one do i use? the micellar water, right? you said the wipes burn sometimes...”
“aww oomi,” you bring your legs to wrap around his legs, pressing him into you, “you know me so well,” you mumble against his lips. your arms wrap around sakusa’s neck, hands tangling into the soft hair at his nape, lips building a rhythm against his.
it takes everything in sakusa to stop you, but he knows where kisses like this lead and getting you in bed is top priority.
“no, y/n,” he breaks the kiss to peer into you, “you need rest.” his eyes are soft and full of love, “let me take care of you, baby. sit still, please.” you nod and give him a quick peck, a silent promise to give him the reigns. relaxing the hold your lags have around him, kiyoomi gets to work.
he dabs the micellar water on your reusable cotton pad, gently swiping it across your face. you close your eyes, humming and mumbling the words of a song he heard earlier. using this time, sakusa admires the softness of your face, love swelling in his chest.
“all done.” you kiss his cheek in thanks, moving to hop off the counter. his hands fly out to hold your hips, keeping you placent, “not so fast.” he moves away from you, searching through the cupboards to find all the pieces of your routine.
after gathering his materials, he starts with dropping a clear, cool serum on your face.
“remind you of anything?” you joke, giggling mindlessly at your own joke.
"stop talking."
"boo, go back to being nice!"
you sigh loudly, swinging your legs and humming louder. sakusa works moisturizer into your skin with such vigor, your body starts to move. for good measure, he squeezes your cheeks, making your lips appear fish-like, laughing when you whine, "oomi, stop! let me go! are you done yet?"
moving to put all your things away, he nods, "yes, y/n. all done."
"carry me back then!"
"i lied. you still have to brush your teeth." you open your mouth to speak, "and no, i will not brush them for you."
"but i'm tired!"
"too bad. look, i even put the toothpaste on for you." he hands you the toothbrush. you snatch it out of his hands and vigorously brush your teeth. smiling at your attitude, sakusa begins to do his own nightly routine.
looking at him through your peripherals, you admire his physique. he really is built like a greek god. shamelessly, you rake your eyes over his body, observing the contraction of his muscles; the way the light reflects from his skin. sakusa kiyoomi truly is beautiful. catching your stare, he pokes your stomach.
"stop looking at me."
"what? i can't look at you?" foam flies everywhere.
"not like that."
"like what?"
"like you want to eat me."
"i do." you spit out the toothpaste, rinsing your toothbrush and putting it away.
you straightforwardness makes him blush, "tomorrow. i'm all yours tomorrow, but for right now-" he approaches you, his lean frame towering over your own, "-let's get you in bed."
you don't have to ask him to carry you; he does it anyway, throwing you over his shoulder and laying you on the bed.
"are you going to tuck me in, oomi?"
"what kind of question is that? of course i'm going to tuck you in."
i know i reference sakusa picking the reader up a lot but this man is 6'4" 176.8 pounds (192 cm, 80 kg) and could therefore bench press you without breaking a sweat, no matter what your weight is. my baby is strong. periodt.
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camslightstories · 3 years
It’s not that easy
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Alex Danvers x Reader, Maggie Sawyer x Reader, Sanvers x Reader
Notes: Hey guys! How are you doing? I finally finish this request which took a lot of me but here it is. I really hope you guys like it and I’m sorry for being so inactive lately!
My inbox and messages are always welcome for everyone so just text me to chat anytime! I wanna heart your requests, opinions, theories, questions and more!
Request- anonymous
Taglist: @captain-josslett​ @aznblossom @multi-images
The Department of Extranormal Operations was often overwhelmed by silence, people knew what they had to do and they did. No one in the right mind wanted to deal with the director, Alex Danvers in any type of situation. The black lead walls made the building feel safer even though there were at least a hundred elite trained agents walking around it.
The long led lights on the roof illuminated the room. A three target sheets at the other end of the roof. Various pads around your body protect you in the training. A table in front of you with different sharp objects of all sizes.
The difficulty you had as you started to concentrate on the training after your new powers started to show up. Your mind now was invaded by thoughts that took control of you. Pressure in your mind as your telekinesis started to show up in the most unexpected moments and unfavorable moments.
Sometimes the things you wanted or thought about would land in your head or back, leaving marks or pain around your body, you remembered how you got some of them but not the others. And as one of the new recruits on the DEO instead of being on the field regularly, you were on the tech and backup side beside Winn earning the trust of the group.
Most of the time your moves were uncoordinated and clumsy and it got worse every time you would catch the side of a certain director or detective. Your focus was lost completely when you realize the couple entering the room hand by hand with Supergirl and Winn, not so long behind.
Failing to begin obviously you caught both of their glances making them smile, and when you were about to return a smile when a cup flew straight into your nose. The red liquid dripping from your nose and upper lip was now covering your hand as you clutched it in your face trying to relieve some of the pain, only making it worse as it stung.
You were so distant in what was happening in front of you, that you didn't notice when the couple ran in front of you with concerned looks on their faces. Until a soft hand caught your jaw tilting it up carefully as they watched the wound. You stood in shock as you felt the closeness with the director’s girlfriend, observing every small detail of the Latina.
Her brown eyes squinted in concentration, you couldn't really compare them chocolate, or your favorite espresso shot, they were hypnotizing without any other thought. She was biting the inside of her cheek, as her eyebrows came together when she focused her attention on you. Small dimple in her cheek as she focused on you, her hair dropped from her shoulders with small highlighters at the end of it. The small little freckles around her nose popped out every time she would scrunch her face in concentration. And every little detail was there, and you couldn't help but memorize them.
Your eyes turned away when you felt the first burn in your face, immediately crunching your nose as a reaction to the discomfort making the couple laugh softly. Your face had moved so fast as you heard the laugh of Alex Danvers for the first time, it was soft, addicting, and combined with her girlfriend’s laugh unforgettable.
Maggie claimed as she kept holding your face with the stuffed alcohol cotton in her hand. Her tone with gentleness and a hint of control, you didn't even protest since your focus was on hoping there was not an evident blush on your cheeks.“Y/N, you need to stop doing that adorable thing while I clean the wound up, okay?”
“Sorry” You murmured under your breath as you felt a stare, looking to your side to find the DEO director watching you intensely with a spark in her eyes. A spark you couldn't identify even if you tried, there was something odd about it. It did not hold anger, jealousy, or any negative feeling but uncertain like if she was wearing her feelings on them. You didn't even think twice before apologizing looking up to the ceiling immediately, hoping for the moment to end.
The redhead director asked when her girlfriend finished helping you. “That's it, agent Y/L/N. How are you feeling?”
“Fine, good- great. Thank you” You rambled out immediately standing straight up in front of her with difficulty as you did thanks to the various pads around you. Averting our eyes from them, only to find the superheroine and her friend containing their smiles.
Alex and Maggie looked at each other as you ran out of the situation the moment your name came out of Winn's mouth. Your blushed cheeks never disappeared as you helped the brunette man and neither did the small smile in their faces when you subconsciously would steal glances from them immediately looking down when they caught your glance.
The tension of the room was thick as you and the rest of the new recruits stood listening to the Director Danvers orders. Your undivided attention was on the redhead woman as she spoke, only shifting your glance when the redhead stared back at you discreetly.
Even when you tried to now lose focus when she spoke, you found yourself zoning out as you stared at her. Some of the important details remained in your head as for the rest, like when people say it ‘in one ear, and out the other’.
You found yourself being called out by the director before the rest of the recruit walked out of the briefing room, your hands fidget with themselves as you stared unsubconsciously at the redhead while she did the same. Quickly noticing the director started, your eyes widened in embarrassment for a second making her tilt her head questionably.
You thought and before realizing it she smiled blushing furiously at you. You started to shift in your feet when she started speaking. Her voice sounded different, it wasn't the same tone she would usually use in the agents, it had a hidden sense of corner and care and you couldn't help the butterflies in your stomach as she spoke.
“I will like for you to be with me and the rest of the Supergirl team during this mission”
You stared at her wide-eyed as the words fell out of her mouth. You nodded quietly as you felt your mouth go dry, the anxiety creeping inside of you as she dismissed you. You couldn't help but deliberate on the fact that your boss and the NCPD detective are well aware of your immense crush on both of them.
Your thinking of the different excuses you could make up when they would ask about your attraction, or your falling for them was interrupted when you ended up crashing into something harshly in the training room, falling face-first into the floor. Groaning at the throb of your head, you murmured harshly to yourself. “What is next to a fucking mat?”
The moment you realized the words fell out of your lips, it was already too late. The blue mat had already hit your side. You kept silent before getting up, throwing the training mat directly into the wall in annoyance. Cursing your powers as the pain inflicted by your misunderstood words and thoughts was now getting irritating.
And certainly didn't help that you couldn't get out of your head, certain couple. Their smiles, their laughs, their little details on their expression or attitude when they are focused on something, or the way their eyes light up at the mention of motorcycles, guns, or pool.
You couldn't get enough of them. And as much as you tried and tried, falling every single time, you couldn't get them out of your head. You knew the moment they found out about your attraction to them was going to be just like the rejection in movies, you begin rejected, and get heartbroken once again.
Kara stood beside her sister, hands-on her belt, biting her lip in a way to suppress her smile as she looked at Winn. Winn looked at the Danvers Sisters before speaking, explaining the options for the mission without letting go the teasingly open remarks to the redhead and the Latina, every time your name would come up.
Alex would immediately blush and tell the brunette to shut up, while the Latina kept quiet, shaking her head at the group antics. Every once in a while the couple shared a knowing look with a small smile, and when they did Kara would make a teasing remark to them.
“Golly, you guys got to get your crush under control” Kara claimed quietly so only the couple could hear, ignoring the blonde both of them turned to glance at you when the Brunette technician had called you.
“It’s not that easy” both of them murmured staring at you.
You stood beside Winn as he gave you various things for the mission, a mind control shield that for you helped control somewhat your powers, which he called the ‘de-tel control’
And as the brunette technician talked to you, you felt a glance on your back. Turning around you saw the Latina and the redhead snapping their heads immediately to their side with blushed cheeks. You looked at them questionably before turning back, and as you did the faint whispered from Kara caught your attention “And you say I'm the oblivious one”
Ignoring it, you kept your attention on the technician explaining what you were going to have during the mission. But a certain gut feeling didn't let you understand half of what Winn had said.
You stood beside Kara in front of the warehouse door, your hand reaching for the alien gun, Winn had given you under restricted rules. The heroine scanned the place only to shake her head because of the lead walls, while you stood at her side listening to Winn through the comms explaining what the scans signals were giving out.
The moment the blonde gave you the first sign to move inside with her you activated the ‘de-tel control’ at the side of your head. A small beeping sound invaded your ear, coming directly from the shield, ignoring it you kept registering the place with precaution. When the couple announced in your ear that they had arrived you couldn’t help but smile as the two sisters annoyed each other.
Neither of you guys could find something in the Warehouse after checking the place. The Director of the DEO looked annoyed as she spoke in her earpiece directly to the technician while Kara and Maggie wandered around checking everything again. You stood at the side scratching your head as the throbbing pain in your head began to fill in.
You kept quiet as the frustration began to fill you, with the pain in your head it felt almost impossible to concentrate on the mission. Walking to one of the sides of the warehouse where lines of shelves were, you stared at a solemnly black box on the first shelf, and as you did the pain on your head increased.
The pressure of the shield didn’t really help, it felt like someone was pressing a gun to your head and the frustration didn’t really help. You were about to take the thing off when the red-headed Danvers appeared at your side, a hidden smile in her face as she talked to you, rambled to you specifically.
“Y/N, how are you feeling? It seems as we arrived too late, but Winn is running more scanners to determine if there is something we missed, it's really nice-...great for you to work with us, Agent Y/L/N”
Kara and Maggie staring at the two of you curiously with a small smirk and a beaming smile. Both of them frowning seconds after as they stared at you worriedly. You were about to ask for the sudden change when the racking pain overwhelmed your head, you didn’t register the moment you felt into your knees crying at the ripping pain.
You felt as if you were underwater as the oxygen inside of you started to leave your system. You hear the familiar voices distantly, so far away to reach for help. Your vision went blurry as you felt your body giving in.
Alex had knelt down next to you, calling your name out various times. Her hands went to grab yours as you gripped tightly your hair, crying out of pain.
The redhead didn’t register the moment her girlfriend and sister stood beside her with the same worried expressions. Kara stared at your hands carefully as Maggie and Alex tried to make you let you as you hurled yourself unconsciously. Noticing the beeping light at the side of the device on your temple, she didn’t hesitate to take it out as fast as she could without hurting you further.
The pain had slowly calmed down, the beeping sound on your ear now stronger than ever made you turn to where the black box stood. Your mind seemed to concentrate on the box and the sound, you couldn’t hear what they were saying, somehow the pain had gone away but the feeling of being underwater stood stronger than ever.
The black box flight directly into the wall cracking it open revealing the items inside, the heroine immediately determined the same beeping sound before yelling into her comms. “We have a bomb, Winn!”
The blurred voice through the comms invaded your ears “That’s what triggered the device and Y/N pain! You guys need to get Y/N out of there now!”
“I can turn it off, get Y/N out of here” Kara claimed to look at the couple.
You felt two arms lifting you up in bride style before you felt the exhausting feeling gaining over you, everything seemed to barge in your senses before your blurred vision became black.
Alex and Maggie sat at the chairs beside your bed. Worry expressions on their faces as they did. The med bay had been cleared out by the Director the moment they arrived, the redhead with you unconscious in her arms walked in, immediately checking you herself. Kara had arrived shortly after, stopping Winn from coming into the room and explaining what had happened to you.
The blonde knew the moment her friend would walk in saying he may have not tested your shield and didn’t think of protection against bombs, the least he was going to receive from the couple was a punch or maybe two.
And even after all she couldn’t help but smile at the crushing of the couple, it had been a few weeks since they had revealed it to her and she has been teasing them nonstop. With their nonstop talking about you, the social media stalking, the long looks, and the special caring treatment they would give you every time you were around.
Alex and Maggie both looked like kicked puppies staring at you with worry and nervousness as laid on the hospital bed wired into various machines. Neither of them had left your side after 36 hours of you being out.
The first thing you registered as you slowly opened your eyes was the bright white light on top of you, and the thirstiness on your throat. Sitting up still adjusting to your surroundings you reached for a table, wanting to drink water.
You didn’t register the couple on the chairs until the cup of water on the table was brought out without the right instruction, showering all of your head with it.
You cursed without thinking when you started to rub your eyes only to be cut off when a teasing voice made you know you had actually said it. “Fucking-”
“I had no idea someone could sound so adorable cursing” The Latina woman claimed with Alex by her side.
You blushed before clearing your throat trying to hide your embarrassment as you spoke. “Hey”
“How are you feeling? We have been worried sick” The redhead said as she grabbed your hand carefully, scared of you pulling away.
“I’m...” You started only to stop when the Latina grabbed your left hand, in the same way, her girlfriend had done.
“Great, good, amazing” You stumbled in your words as the butterflies in your stomach began to move rapidly, so fast you felt your heart on your ear, and by the looks, on their faces, they had registered by the rapid beeping of the monitor.
You walked down the hallway a few hours later with the basic sweats from the DEO. The butterflies in your stomach hadn’t left since the bed moment with your crushes and certainly didn’t help the fact that every time you would look at them, they seem to increase.
The loose grey sweatshirt helped you hide your hands in the long sleeves, as you walked anxiously out of the med bay. But before you could go downstairs to grab your things and go home for the ‘rest’ you needed which Alex had ordered. Two voices behind you made you turn out as fast as you could.
With your heart in your sleeve, and the anxiety in your chest you gave the couple a small smile before speaking, a tone higher than your regular voice. “Hey guys”
The two of them furrowed their eyes before shaking their heads simultaneously, you looked at them worriedly only for them to reassure you with smiles. Before anything else could happen Maggie spoke up, fidgeting with her hands as she did.
“Y/N, we like you… like a lot and we were wondering if-”
Finished Director Danvers “You would let us take you on a date?”
Your eyes widened in surprise, and your cheeks blushed completely as you stared at them lost of words. The couple shifted in their feet awkwardly waiting for your response, as you kept quiet the Danvers woman started to speak again nervously looking at you.
“And if you don’t, then that's completely fine. We understand and we never wished-”
Cutting the redhead speech you beamingly smile at them. “YES!”
You cleared your throat as you watched them giggled at your response before straightening your back before responding again. “I would love to, I mean”
They nodded and told you, they would pick you up by 7 at your apartment. You walked away almost bouncing in your with butterflies moving incredibly fast in your stomach and your ears full of your beating heartbeat.
And without any surprise, months after you couldn’t help but fall more in love with your girlfriends. And somehow the strong ear-filling heartbeat and the butterflies on your stomach never left.
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naps-and-lemons · 3 years
Exposing Riddle Part Dos
summary: after finding out tom has been secretly reading the same books he’d dog on the reader for enjoying, another discovery is made, putting him on blast once again.
i just wanna say i hope none of my favorite tom riddle writers see my content. it’s so out of his character and sooo not canon but so amusing for me to write. these are all unedited btw apologize in advance for errors. so much chaos also scroll all the way down for a surprise xx
“do you wanna know what i hate?” you say out of nowhere.
tom looks up from his divination homework catching a glance at your parchment. noticing you were nearly done with your astronomy chart conclusions, he decides to reward your productivity by not lecturing you to focus on your work.
“do i have a choice?” he deadpans, dipping his quill in ink to continue writing.
“no you don’t,” you say honestly, “but i hate it when the main character always needs to be saved-“
“mhm” he responds numbly.
“by a man” you finish.
the brown haired boy stopped writing mid sentence, making you smirk before he can see it.
you and tom riddle had a lot of things in common; academic validation, ambition, and little interest in teenage woes your classmates thought meant the end of the world.
but he was old fashion, and you were open to deeper thinking and new ideas. you enjoyed challenging him, mostly because you liked seeing him try to hide his flustered face when he found himself cornered.
“what do you mean? how else is she to be rescued from a danger in a climactic scene?”
“i don’t know. rescue herself, show her love interest that she can take care of herself and she doesn’t love him just because he’s always there to save her.” you shrug.
“that’s absurd. that’s why there’s no stories with that sort of plot line.” he scoffs. taken aback by his lack of effort to see your side you bite back.
“but the misunderstood villain plot line is just soooo much better…” you tease, your eyes widen in realization and your smug look drops, “…which isn’t a bad plot line, no not at all” you ramble on.
tom clears his throat and sits back in the wooden seat, arms crossed over his chest with an amused look.
“alright, tell me what you know.”
“nothing.” you deny, looking anywhere but at him. tom gives you a look.
“okay i read your diary-“
“you what-“
“it was on accident!” you defend innocently.
“(y/n) how can you mistakenly read a book with my name printed on the cover?”
“it was folded in one of the novels you borrowed from me you must have been writing and reading and forgot to- oh merlin…” you trail off getting lost in your thoughts, weaving through clues and connecting the dots.
“what?” tom snaps.
“ you were writing a fan fiction”
“a what”
“you inserted yourself into one of the stories. that’s why the names sounded so familiar.” heat rises to his cheeks, but you were too shooketh to enjoy his flustered state.
“that’s ridiculous,” he shakes his head in denial.
he pushes his chair back and smoothly collects his things.
“excuse me, i have the chart my astronomy observations”
it was literally 7:00 pm there were no stars to chart at this hour.
“okay voldemort”
vid creds to owner
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candychronicles · 5 years
A little bit of love
hello dear friends! it’s been quite a stressful day for me and a lot of other people in the tumblr community for various reasons, so i felt it was imperative to write a little bit of comfort from some of our favorite characters. i got this lovely idea from the amazing @adoringwords​ pls follow if you don’t already hehe so thank you to evy!! hope you can all find a bit of solace in these words and feel a little more comfortable tonight.
TAGS: @katsukisprincess​ @togasknifes​ @redbeanteax​ @jojosmilktea​ @bratwritings​
Tumblr media
a soft huff left your lips as you wearily dropped your bag on the floor, kicking off your shoes and half-hazardly flinging your coat on the rack. life had been kicking your ass and you weren’t quite sure what to do about it. stress, anxiety and sadness weighed heavily on your shoulders and you were drowning in your feelings. 
Sero Hanta
“babe?” a soft voice called out from the living room.
“hey,” you wearily replied, walking over and dramatically flopping yourself on Sero’s lap.
his hands immediately came up to your hair, running his long, slender fingers through it. he wasn’t sure what was going on and wasn’t really sure what to say either, but he could feel the tension slowly leave your body as you leaned yourself into his touch, eyes fluttering in relief. he continued his motions with one hand while another came to rub at your shoulder, your arms, your sides, simply trying to help and ease you even more.
“thank you,” you replied softly, humming in approval. despite the stresses of the day, you knew that your boyfriend would always find a way to make you feel better.
“anytime,” he whispered back, smiling down at your frame, heart bursting out of his chest. he wasn’t the best with words at times like this but he wanted to always make sure you knew you were loved and would have someone there to make you feel better.
Shinsou Hitoshi
Shinsou appeared in front of you, a frown on his face, lilac eyes attempting to peer into your own but your head was hung in pure exhaustion. a soft tsk left his lips as he crouched down, finally catching your eyes with his own. there was nothing but concern laced on his face, a small tilt to his head as he silently questioned what was wrong.
“‘Toshi,” you whimpered, chin wobbling as you tried not to cry in front of your love.
he immediately stood up, wrapping your shaking frame with his own, holding you close, chin on the top of your head, encouraging you to let it all out. it started with small hiccups but soon turned into great big heaves as you sobbed into his chest. he softly stroked your hair, kissed your head, held you close, anything he could do to give you some bit of comfort.
“i’m not sure what happened love, but i’m here for you. please know that i won’t ever let you be alone in these trying times. always come to me when you’re feeling down. you’re never a burden and i want to help you,” he murmured in your ear, reassuring you more than anything that he was there for you and not ever going to leave you alone.
Mirio Togata
“y/n?” Togata questioned with an unusual frown on his face, hands placed on his hips, assessing the situation.
“it’s nothing Mirio, just, not feeling good today,” you admitted half-handedly, not wanting to bother your boyfriend, especially knowing he dealt with a lot more stress than you on a daily bases.
“well you’re not feeling well, so that is something!” he exclaimed, not taking your nonchalance to heart and instead scooping you up with his arms, body cradled to his warm chest.
you squeaked as he effortlessly picked you up and placed you gently on the couch in the living room, bundling you in a blanket and promising a quick return with a small peck on your forehead.
moments had passed as you stared blankly ahead, but suddenly, your lover had returned, a smile on his face and a pile of drinks and snacks in his hand. he turned on the tv to your favorite Disney movie, snuggled in the blanket with you and, throughout the night, fed you your favorite snacks and drinks.
“thanks Mirio, i really needed this,” you admitted, smiling as you snuggled into his side more.
“of course love! i am always here to help!”
Tamaki Amajiki
you heard no one in the apartment, so you made your way towards the bedroom, being stopped as Tamaki walked out and bumped into you, surprise written on both of your faces.
“welcome home bunny,” he greeted, reaching forward to caress your cheek, frowning when he noticed the blank look on your eyes.
“a-are you okay?” he asked, internally slapping himself for even asking knowing full well that something was wrong.
“everything sucks,” you admitted bluntly, attempting to sneak past him into the bedroom. 
you honestly just wanted to sleep your problems away and certainly didn’t want to bring Tamaki into the situation but you also knew you couldn’t lie to him. you were almost to the bed when a gentle grab of your arm stopped you.
“(y/n),” Tamaki started, turning you around and gently pulling you to his chest, kissing the top of your forehead, his body shakier than yours, clearly upset that you were sad. “let’s take a nap, yeah? and then we can maybe get some takeout s-snuggle some more, please?”
you responded wordlessly, slipping out of his grasp and moving back towards the bed. Tamaki beat you to it, pulling back the covers, helping you out of your daily clothes and into some pjs, tucking you into the bed before practically sprinting to the other side, slipping under the covers himself and drawing you to his side, wrapping his gangly frame around your body, essentially acting like a second blanket. 
his warm body and slow, even breaths lulled you into a comfortable sleep and Tamaki verbally sighed, happy that you were, even if it was only for the moment, at peace.
Eijiro Kirishima
“hi babe! i made some cookies for today! would you like…” he trailed off, noticing your jutting lip and clenched jaw.
“aw babe, no i’m sorry! if you don’t want one you don’t have to have one!” he exclaimed, frantically waving his hands, attempting to hide the food from your sight.
you continued to watch the scene unfold, your hold on your emotions weakening before you dropped to your knees. well, you almost dropped, but strong arms wrapped around your body before you got a chance to fall, gently pulling you to the floor, rocking you back and forth.
“that isn’t about the cookies, huh?” Kirishima joked, sniffling with you, attempting to hold back his own tears. 
seeing you in so much pain took a real toll on him, too, but he would never tell you, wanting to simply comfort you. he just loved you so damn much that he felt your pain. 
for what seemed like hours but was really just a few minutes, the two of you rocked on the floor, Kirishima cradling your body with his own, his soft words of love and encouragement bringing you down to a sniffle. 
“do you want to talk about it?” he asked, pulling his head away from your own and looking at you with a toothy grin.
“no, i think i’m okay, but i would like a cookie now, please.”
Kirishima, without warning, scooped you off the ground, setting you on the counter and pulled the cookies out, placing the whole plate in front of you. if cookies were what you needed, he would feed you the whole damn pile and more. anything to make you happy.
Denki Kaminari
you heard the sounds of video games being played in the living room, soft cheers and curses from Kaminari as he played. you attempted to sneak behind him into the bedroom but tripped over his shoes that were strewn about, falling to the floor with a thud, blinking owlishly as you tried to understand what was going on.
all the frustrations of the day caught up with you and, without even realizing it, you began to cry, throwing the shoes at what you thought was the wall but really was your boyfriend who came out to see what was going on.
“whoa, babe, i’m sorry, did my shoes make you trip? oh shit, oh shit, oh shit…” he rambled, seeing you on the floor, crying, hands and knees red from catching your fall. 
he ran over to you, almost tripping himself, scooping you in his arms, apologizing over and over again about the shoes, not understanding what was going on but not wanting to leave you to cry alone.
“it’s not about your stupid shoes Denki,” you cried, pushing him away, frustration evident in your voice. he moved away, sitting crossed legged away from you, panic evident on his face. “it’s just, everything. i’m so tired, i don’t know what to do, but i’m not happy right now.”
“oh baby, fuck, and i just made it worse. i’m so sorry. here, c’mon, come lay with me,” he cooed, helping you up off the floor and to the couch.
your head laid gently on his legs, blanket wrapped tightly around his body, as he began playing video games, explaining the situation to you, making funny commentary and even helping you learn, cheering you on every time you did something good and encouraging you when you were struggling. 
after a few hours, you two were sitting side by side, elbows bumping, competitively playing, lost in your own world, laughing and crying and screaming, letting your emotions out in a healthy way.
“i’m so proud of you babe!” Kaminari exclaimed after you finally managed to beat him, reaching up to give you a high five. “and not just because of the game. you’re so amazing and smart and i’m so happy to be with you. i’m sorry i’m not the best with words but i hope i helped you at least a little bit today.”
“you did Denki, you really did, so thank you so much. now stop changing the subject. i wanna play again, and i’ll beat you yet again!”
Bakugou Katsuki
“oi, quit making a racket out there, i’m trying to focus!” Bakugou called from the kitchen, presumably working on something important.
when he didn’t hear you yell something back to him, he cocked his head, confused, and scooted his chair out, walking out to investigate what was going on. he didn’t see you by the front door and that only confused him more. soft shuffling could be heard from the bedroom so he made his way towards the door, busting it open and seeing nothing.
“where the hell are you?” he asked, turning on the light and seeing a lump under the comfort, the bed softly shaking as you attempted to stop crying.
Bakugou sighed, heart breaking at the sight, feeling mad at himself for yelling at you earlier. he moved towards the bed, flinching as he saw you curl into yourself, pulling the blankets tighter around your body.
“shitty woman, let me in. i’m cuddling you,” he stated matter-of-fact, pulling the blanket out from under your body, wrapping his arms around you and dragging you close to him, a sigh once again leaving his lips.
“why didn’t you come and talk to me?”
“you sounded busy. i didn’t want to bother you,” you admitted, hiccuping as you attempted to catch your breath from crying.
“i know i act like an ass sometimes, but i want, no i need, you to know that you are more important than some stupid paperwork and i absolutely want you to bother me over that. do you understand? don’t come hide in here, i’m here to make you feel better, okay?”
“o-okay,” you cried, turning around and nuzzling your face into his neck, inhaling his caramel scent and instantly calming down.
“i love you, you dumbass, i really love you,” Bakugou admitted, kissing the top of your head and squeezing you tighter, signaling that he was not going to let you leave this bed anytime soon.
Izuku Midoriya
you grabbed the side of the wall, steadying yourself and breathing deeply, preparing to enter the house and face the ever cheery Midoriya. you knew even one ounce of sadness and he would pounce on you like a mother hen and, while that was probably what you needed, that was not what your boyfriend deserved, knowing he has his own stressful days often. you always kissed his scars, ran your fingers through his hair, did everything you could to make him feel good, and you needed to be able to do that today, no matter how you were feeling.
that plan went out the window, however, as you walked into the house, Midoriya instantly walking over to grab your face in his hands and reaching forward to plant a kiss to your lips.
“what’s wrong, my love?” he asked, eyes wide with concern, glassy from trying to hold back his own tears. 
“Izuku, it’s nothing, really. how was your day?” you asked, putting on a fake smile, hoping that you would be able to trick him.
“my day was just fine, so don’t worry about me, okay? let me take care of you today.”
you sighed, shoulders sagging as you let go of the brave face, tears pricking the corners of your eyes. Izuku led you into the kitchen and helped you sit down, bringing you a cup of water and some food, watching to make sure you ate and drank something. once you were done and dishes were in the sink, he brought you into the bathroom, setting up a warm bath for you and leaving you to relax. 
when you padded into the bedroom, adorned in a fluffy robe and silky pjs, Midoriya had soft music playing, sweet smelling candles and thick blankets all set up. he sat at the side of the bed, eyes hopeful and pleading, arms outstretched as he silently asked you to join him. you melted into his arms, limbs meshing together as you found a comfy cuddling position, a huff leaving your lips as you finally relaxed.
“thank you ‘Zuku,” you whispered into his chest, squeezing him tightly in a hug.
“you do so much for me (y/n), i wish i could repay you for everything you have ever done. i will go to the ends of the earth just to make you happy. i love you so much.”
Shouto Todoroki
you sighed, tension gripping your body, stiffly moving to the couch and sitting down next to Todoroki in the living room with a huff.
“what’s wrong?” he asked simply, turning so he sat cross legged on the couch, motioning for you to move and join him.
when you were resituated, you sighed once more, going into detail about everything you were feeling. you didn’t hold back on any detail, tears coming and going, a wide range of emotions flitting between your face, from sadness, to anger, to confusion, to defeat. through it all, Todoroki sat and listened, eyes never leaving yours, hands gripping your own, soothing circles being rubbed into them with his thumbs.
when you were done, he removed one of his hands from your lap and wiped your tears away, finally cupping your face and leaning in for a long and soft kiss, bringing your breathing down to a normal pace, your heart racing from love, not anxiety. 
“what can i do to help you?” he asked once he pulled away, his hand staying on your cheek, other squeezing your hand in encouragement.
you blinked once, twice, three times. your brain simply couldn’t process the fact that you had such a wonderfully loving person in your life who just wanted to take care of you and help you.
“you’ve done so much just by listening. can we just eat and relax tonight? i know you’re really busy and if…” you began rambling, being cut off once again by a pair of lips on your own.
he pulled away, eyes twinkling in mischief. “i’ll order your favorite food and we’ll stay in tonight and eat on the couch. you can keep talking to me about your feelings all night if you want. i’m here for you and i’m going to make sure you feel better. don’t worry about my schedule. nothing is more important than making you feel better right now.”
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professortennant · 4 years
Their first kiss happens in the locker room in Manchester after a surprising, underdog win for AFC Richmond (though perhaps she should start reevaluating what is and is not surprising when it comes to the Ted Lasso coaching method). 
The boys are rowdy, jumping up and down, cheering and chanting and spraying water, sports drink, and a few stray bottles of beer like they’ve just won the bloody World Cup and not just another league match. 
But the energy of it is infectious. Now that she cares about the future of this time, now that she’s not working to actively destroy it--after all, it would be all the sweeter to take Rupert’s team all the way to the championships, a feat he could never manage, and then bar him from participating in club celebrations--she finds herself all the more invested and engaged. 
(She actually blocks out the thirty minutes in her calendar every morning with Ted and finds herself tucking her hair back behind her ear, eyes flicking to the office door as their time draws nearer, a strange fluttering of nerves and excitement at the prospect of being the center of Ted’s overeager focus.)
So in this dirty, sticky, smelly locker room, the air crackling with exuberance and excitement, she doesn’t overthink the impulse to grab Ted’s hand, yank him into the away team’s office, away from prying eyes, and press her mouth to his, both of them still smiling into the kiss, maybe neither of them as swept up in the moment as she believed.
It’s the exact outlet for all of this emotion that she needs, every feeling concentrated in the electric touch of his mouth to hers, her tongue sliding ever so tentatively against his, letting him share this moment with her. They break apart to gulp breath and that should be the end of it--just one little kiss. But he surges back against her, mouth covering hers, teeth tugging at her bottom lip and his tongue sweeping across the sting of pain to soothe it. Her fingers dance across his jawline and her nails scratch at the base of his neck, itching to bury themselves into the thick, floppy hair that’s teased her since he arrived in her office. His fingertips burn a mark into her hip, pulling her closer, and she just about stops herself from sinking too far into the kiss before pulling away, breathless and grinning.
Ted looks shellshocked, eyes still closed and his hand heavy on her hip. Beyond the office door, they can still hear the Richmond team chant, whoops and hollers and then the sound of music blaring.
“Wow,” he finally says, eyes flickering open and looking dazed in a way that makes Rebecca feel immensely proud. She’s still got it. “Listen, if this is a new employer-employee incentive program for winning, I gotta say, I’m all for it.”
She bites her lip and looks down, forces herself to step back, shaking her head ruefully. “I’m sorry, that was wildly inappropriate of me. I just got caught up in the moment. It absolutely won’t happen again. I apologize.”
It’s an out, she knows it is. From the slight head tilt he gives her, hazel eyes gentle and appraising, he knows it, too.
“No harm, no foul,” he agrees, putting extra space between them and reaching for the office door, ready to rejoin his team. He stops, fingertips on the doorknob and turns back to her. “But I gotta say, boss, feel free to get caught up in the moment with me any time.” He winces, wrinkles his nose. “Nope, nope, that sounded better in my head but came out a lot creepier than I intended, like that one time at homecoming when Ms. Fisher told me--”
She laughs, reaches for him--a gentle press of her hand to his arm--and the motion stops his rambling. "Go join your team, Coach Lasso.”
His eyes drop to her lips, just obvious enough that she notices and it makes her suck in a breath of anticipation. She could blame her kiss on excitement, but if he reached for her now, if he cupped her cheek and drew her back to him, she would be lost with no excuse and only the truth: She wants Ted Lasso. 
But he doesn’t reach for her, seems to sense her fear, gives her the space he suspects she needs right now.
“See you tomorrow, boss.”
She watches him go and leans back against the door, a hand pressing to her stomach to soothe the fluttering of nerves. 
She is unbelievably fucked.
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haikyuu-tee · 3 years
- Too Much
So I decided to write angst. If anyone hasn’t listened to Two Week Notice by Leanna Firestone I highly recommend it. For some reason listening to it made me lowkey think of Kenma and now I have hurt myself. She’s real short but I just really wanted to write something again. Please enjoy!
TW - Breakup, angst, all hurt no comfort.
Pairing: Kenma x GN!reader
Kenma wasn’t used to having to be vocal about his feelings. He knew communication was the main component to a healthy relationship, but sometimes it was so exhausting. You should just know when he needs his alone time. Just like he can tell what you need from a few loud sighs, or a smile that doesn’t quite reach your eyes. He knows he can’t blame you for not being as perceptive of him. He was used to looking for patterns, years of game play be it video or volleyball has trained him to read others pretty well. You on the other hand carried yourself with such blissful optimism that sometimes things slipped past you. Such as his particularly sour mood these past few weeks. You tried your best of course, doing things you felt were thoughtful. Making him meals and snacks to eat on stream, doing his laundry, or other chores that had been sorely neglected. 
Any normal week Kenma would be thankful for your meddling. After all it was one of the things he fell in love with about you. You didn’t hesitate or think too deeply about your actions, you did what felt right on instinct. For the first part of your relationship it kept him on his toes, it made him watch you, curious about what you’d do next. He used to be in awe of your confidence, your ability to say and do whatever you wanted without caring what other people thought. It was always your differences that he admired, and it was now your differences that were gnawing at the less savory parts of his current psyche.
You were too different. Too confident. Too loud. Too in his face. Too annoying. He hated thinking that, and somewhere more rational he knew he didn’t mean it. However, that didn’t matter as you came bustling through his room door for the 3rd time that hour. “Hey, sorry to interrupt again, but I thought if I put this big pillow under your desk I can sit with you while you play? This way we can hang out together and you won’t have to worry about losing focus yeah? I just need like 5, maybe 10 minutes tops to get it set up. Ya know I actually saw this on tiktok it was really cute. I can put all of my stuffies here, and I can set up twinkle lights, and put some of my drinks in your mini fridge, and I can read my manga and cuddle against your lap. Doesn’t that sound great?! We can spend the day together even if you have to work.” The exciting rambling of your melodic voice would usually make him melt, but right now in irritation it sounded shrill and suffocating. “Don’t touch my setup or my desk.” He dismissed you, not even glancing up from the screen to watch your face drop. “But- Kenma I wouldn’t ruin your setup. There is plenty of space under your desk. You won't even notice me I promise… I just… We haven’t really spent a lot of time together lately. I just thought this would be a good compromise so I can hang out with you a little bit.” 
Kenma ignored the way your voice softened as you explained. Instead he paused the game and turned in his chair to bore into you with exasperated eyes. “We spend every day together. All I ask for is one space where I don’t feel suffocated by you and you can’t even give me that. Do you even realize how exhausting it is for me to be around you? Or are you just too stupid to notice it? Just leave me alone.” He turned around, not giving you an inch to argue as he resumed his game. He put his head set on, and made a petty show of turning the volume higher when he heard you suck a breath in to start talking.
He knew his words were too harsh, covered in venom and barbed wire. He knew he didn’t mean them. It was just the stress of fame, and work. It was the stress of editing, of trying to keep up with all this attention, on top of everything else. That’s all, and he thought you’d know that. However, later when he comes out to apologize he realized it was his turn to be unperceptive. The absence of food bubbling on the stove was his first hint that something was off. He looked all over, panic rising in his throat when he noticed your side of the closet was empty. Kenma didn’t even know what to do when he finally grabbed his phone and noticed the text you had sent nearly 2 hours ago at this point. 
“I’m sorry. I can’t stay anymore. I’ve been trying to hold us together for weeks now, but I can’t keep doing this. I’m sorry if I annoyed you, or made myself too comfortable in your space. I’m sorry I was too scared to ask what I was doing wrong. I’m sorry. I hope you’ll be happier, Kenma. I love you.”
How could he have been so blind? How could he complain about you not noticing his needs when he was obviously too blind to see yours? He wanted to take it all back, the lump in his throat making it hard to breathe, and the heat behind his eyes blurring his phone screen. When he tries to call you and it goes straight to voicemail he knows he’s lost you. He knows there is no taking back the harsh words, no taking back his avoidant behavior. Kenma knew this was the end, not one he wanted but one that was inevitable to him. You were too different. Too bright, too kind, too considerate for someone like him. If only he had noticed sooner that you were both slipping away from one another. Maybe he wouldn’t have been left alone in this suddenly too cold, too dim, and too big empty house.
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tiny-slasher · 4 years
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Billy Lenz x Reader | Coffee Shop AU | Part 2
(Mild blood tw)
The lights were beginning to worsen the never-ending headache Billy always seemed to have. They were too bright- and if the loud music blasting in his ears wasn't bad enough, the crowd of people loudly conversing sure was. Overly loud noises never managed to drown out the bad thoughts from Billy's mind...it just made them yell louder.
"Sorry, your drink is almost finished!"
Billy just glared at them, even folding his arms to make a point. Nearly ten whole minutes of his life wasted on waiting for a drink he probably wouldn't even enjoy. He prided himself in being able to brew quality beverages, even if his customers didn't have enough tastebuds to appreciate them. There was no way this...person could possibly outdo him. Their customers probably only came for the horrible music, and loud laughter of others. Overrated, and extremely irritating.
"Here you go! One latte," they said, giving Billy that smile. "Sorry, it's a lot busier here today than usual. You picked a heck of a day to come visit!"
"S'fine," Billy said, grabbing his to-go cup and giving them a wide and plastic smile.
"You okay? You look a little pale..."
They nodded in reply, wringing their hands a bit guiltily. As Billy sipped on his latte (which was disgusting), they leaned over the counter and gave him a kind smile.
"I was going to close up early today anyway, if you still feel like sticking around?"
Stick around? In this nightmare?? Who the hell did they think they were-
They had the nerve to wink at him as they went back to work. It made Billy want to vomit. If it weren't for the small child picking out a cookie not five from him, he would have, if only to see the look on their face - see if they winked and gave him that sickening smile after that! As it was, they would steal glances in his direction every so often, oblivious to the compulsions running through Billy's thoughts, and itching at his fingertips.
They should be thankful he had recently started working on that in therapy, otherwise they'd have been in a real mess. Literally.
Billy tapped his foot, watching the way the faux leather of his boot shone in the harsh lights above him, too dull to reflect the scowl on his face. Despite the atmosphere, Billy felt himself less bothered by the ordeal than he'd expected.
That was beginning to change with the increasingly loud complaints from the child near him.
"I don't want- I want the cookie! Mama, please- are you listening? I don't want a muffin! MAMA!"
Billy slammed his drink onto the counter before his fist, now clenched from annoyance, could crush the cup. As it was, some of his latte splashed out and hit him on the back of the hand.
"Take these again, for to the noble mind. Rich gifts wax poor when givers prove unkind," Billy mumbled, clenching his jaw.
He felt them turn to look at him, and he wondered if they had actually heard him over the loud, obnoxiously generic jazz music blasting throughout the room. He couldn't bring himself to look at them, knowing it would only overwhelm him to do so. Still, the hairs on his neck stood up as he continued to ramble, trying to drown out everything and regain some composure.
Slowly, he felt his heart rate slow, and his nerves calm. He managed to relax his hands enough to stretch out his fingers, sighing at the feeling of his joints releasing. He straightened his back, took in a deep breath, and-
His leg nearly gave out as the whining kid shoved themself into his side, completely ignoring him and continuing to complain about their mother's choice of muffin. Billy's hands gripped the counter as he nearly fell to the ground, and narrowly avoided splashing scalding hot coffee all over himself and the child beside him. The kid glanced in his direction once, but then continued to pay him no mind - clearly focused on getting the dessert he wanted, instead of apologizing.
There was a loud ringing in Billy's ears as he grit his teeth and clenched his fists, angry and humiliated at not only being knocked over, but being ignored. Not even the kid's mother paid any mind to him, or apologized on their behalf.
Only harsh pants of breath escaped his lips as he tried to regain self control. His fingernails dug into the palms of his hands, no doubt leaving welts behind. He shook so hard he couldn't see clearly.
"She s-speaks mu-much of her f-father. S-says s-she...hears..."
Billy could no longer feel his fingers, or his toes. His heart felt as if it had stopped beating, and was simply sitting outside of his body. He felt a pressure around his waist, and visually he could tell that he was moving, but all he could focus on was the ringing. It sounded similar to an old rotary phone...
Brrrrrring! Brrrrrrring!
His vision grew dark for a moment, before white lights fulled the area. He could see a shape in front of him that seemed so familiar...
It was a person...he knew this person...but...
He heard his name whisper through the noise. He could feel a pressure over his hands, gentle but grounding. He felt the way his lungs expanded as he breathed a bit too quickly, and as his heart raced in his chest. The shape in front of him cleared a bit as his shaking subsided, revealing a pair of concerned eyes staring back at him.
"Billy? Are you alright?"
Blinking once, Billy took in his surroundings. He was sitting in a chair in what he assumed was a back room, filled with boxes of unopened coffee grounds, and unused to-go cups. Rectangular ceiling lights burned into his eyes as he stared directly into them. He saw the carcass of a bug lying in the cover of one, wondering how long it had been there. It was some sort of beetle...
He turned back to them.
Suddenly, everything came rushing back to him. His eyes widened and felt his throat tighten as his pulse picked up from fear.
"Did I hurt anyone?" his voice was a frightened whisper.
Confusion took over their features, staring almost in disbelief at him.
"No...you were having some sort of panic attack, I think."
Billy's shoulders slumped in relief, and he tried to wish away the nausea in his tummy. He fought the urge to rip at his hair, and instead settled for staring up at the light again and letting it burn into his retinas.
"I took you back here where it's quieter...I'm sorry, I didn't really know what else to do..."
"S'fine..." Billy mumbled, unable to look at them.
As he glanced down, he realized their hands were holding his clenched fists. He jerked his hands away as if they’d been burned, his heart threatening to leap out of his throat.
They backed off upon seeing his reaction, looking a bit lost.
Staring down, he relaxed his hands, watched as the crescent shapes in his palms beaded with blood. A few of the cuts were fairly deep, considering he’d just trimmed his nails (for this exact reason).
"Oh no, here I'll get some bandages for that-"
They got up and left the small room, rustling what sounded like a container nearby for medical supplies.
Billy sighed, disappointed in himself. He'd had another episode...the first one in a while...and he hadn't been ready for it. He should have been. He knew he had been in a weird mood all morning, but he still decided to get coffee and visit them. He knew it was a bad idea. He should've have been more prepared. He should have done better.
Useless. Pathetic. What a pathetic excuse of a human being. No wonder he had no friends. No wonder his family wouldn't speak to him. Who would want to hang out with such a sad, miserable-
"I'm back! I brought some bandages and disinfectant!" their voice was so soft and gentle as they quietly opened the door.
“I’m back...” Billy whispered too quietly for them to hear.
They kneeled in front of him, opening up a packet with a disinfectant wipe.
"Can I see your hands?" they asked him, patiently waiting for him to respond.
He nodded, still unable to look them in the eyes, and held open his hands. The alcohol burned as it ran against the cuts on his palm, but he deserved it. He deserved to feel pain-
"You doing alright?" they asked, cutting off his thoughts. "I hope it doesn't burn too much...these look painful."
"...I've had worse."
They glanced up at him, brow furrowed, but said nothing. Setting the wipe down, they grabbed the bandages and began wrapping one of his hands. He watched how they ran it around and around, pulling it snugly, but not too tight. Definitely, not as tightly as he would have, if he'd been doing it himself.
"I'm sorry for what happened... You didn't deserve that."
Yes he did.
"I understand if you want to leave..."
See? They didn't even want him. They were trying to get rid of him, just like everyone else-
"But, I’d love if you stayed. I already turned the closed sign on the door..."
Billy watched the bandage wrap his other hand, as the two of them sat in silence. They were being so sickeningly sweet to him, as usual.
"You just want me to tell you my latte recipe."
Their laugh was so abrupt and loud and made Billy jump, but he couldn't help but notice the butterflies in his stomach at the sight of their smile. It was brighter than the damn lights.
"Nah, it would take away the magic. I prefer not knowing," they giggled. "It's your iced coffee you should watch out for."
"Fuck iced fucking coffee."
They covered their mouth, trying to contain their laughter. It didn't work, but Billy found it extremely annoying that he could stare at their teeth anymore.
He reached up and grabbed their wrist, catching them off guard, and gently pulled their hand down. Their smile began to wilt out of confusion, and Billy frowned in disappointment.
Probably because he was being a creep. Disgusting, filthy, nASTY-
Billy let go of their wrist with a sigh. Their eyes searched his face, tucking a strand of his hair behind his ear.
"You always seem to have so much on your mind..." they whispered.
Billy grimaced and turned away from them. He swallowed down the acid reflux creeping up his throat.
“I'm always here, if you need someone to vent to. I’d be happy to listen."
Disgusting. It made him sick.
Slowly, Billy looked into their eyes, seeing no signs of malice. He ignored the beat his heart skipped.
"Come on, I'll make you some iced coffee," they winked with a smile, standing up and offering their hand to him.
He stared at it for an abnormally long length of time, looking at the shape of their nails.
Hesitantly, he reached out his own hand and took theirs, acknowledging the way their skin felt against his fingers. It was more comforting than he was willing to admit, and much more intense now that he was aware of it.
He was beginning to suspect that they knew that before he did.
They were horrible.
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youreacowgirllikeme · 4 years
note: this was a request from @dappertapper69 , I hope you like it :)
words: 4238 (oops)
warning: alcohol, swearing, smut, unprotected sex (pls don’t do that) hope that’s it
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“Focus, damn it! “you told yourself, hastily writing down some notes on your tablet before looking back up to where your boss was standing in front of the white board. It was the daily morning meeting, so you still were a bit tired, but that’s what coffee was for and it was certainly not the reason you weren’t able to pay attention.
It was him, your boss. Right now, he was showing some poll graphic, but your eyes were fixed on his muscular arms and rolled up shirt sleeves. He looked so good when dressed casually, the top two buttons of his dress shirt were undone, and you desperately wanted to run your hand into the neckline.
Yes, your boss was hot, but he was also really intelligent, kind and funny to no ends. The whole package, and your crush on him was big.
But your boss was also Jake Tapper, the lead anchor of CNN Washington, and there was no way he would ever see you this way. No, he was your mentor, and you basically owed everything you had right now to him.
You’ve met about a year ago at a debate Jake was moderating. Covering the event had been the first major job you’ve gotten from the newspaper you we’re working at back then, and while you weren’t really satisfied with print media, you had to take what you could. But meeting Jake had changed your life for real. You had started talking about what you were currently writing about, and you showed him some of the freelance articles you had done in for various political blogs.
He had liked your work, you exchanged numbers and two weeks later, a job offer from CNN Washington was on your desk, assistant producer for The Lead with Jake Tapper. You had to read the letter three times before actually believing it. It was the opportunity of a lifetime, and you had no doubt who was behind it.
You didn’t hesitate for a moment, you directly called Jake to confirm, and two weeks later you were all packed up and ready to move to DC.
Jake went above and beyond to make sure your transfer was smooth in every sense, he helped you find an apartment, gave you a two-hour long office tour on your first day of work and regularly checked up on you in the first weeks to see if you were adjusting. He still did that, to be honest, even now that you’ve worked here for months and had learned the ropes.
But you didn’t mind at all, you have learned so much from Jake, journalism-wise as well as when it came to politics, history and literature. His general knowledge was so impressive, another thing that made him so ridiculously attractive to you.
But considering all the facts, jeopardizing your entire career by making a move at Jake was just impossible. But Lord, you wanted to.
You were so caught up in daydreaming that you didn’t even notice that the meeting was over, everyone already left except for Jake. He was packing up his stuff and looked over to you.
“Y/N, everything alright. You’ve been really quiet today, and you look exhausted. Is there something you need?” He asked, sounding genuinely concerned.
Bless his heart, you thought. There was definitely something you needed from him, but you would not go there. And it wasn’t like you could tell him that the reason for your exhaustion was the wet dream you’ve had of him last night, one that made you wake you up drenched in sweat and with soaked panties, unable to fall asleep again.
So you just dismissed him. “I’m fine, don’t worry. Just a lack of sleep.”
“You know you can always come to me when there is something up.” Jake said, putting his hand on your arm in what was meant to be a friendly gesture, but just got you even more worked up. You had it bad for the man, and that was why needed to get out of this situation right now.
“Of course, I know.” You gave him a tight smile, hoping he would buy it. “But I really need to go now, lots of stuff to do. I’ll see you.”
Later that day, when you were alone in your office booth, you texted your friend who was working in another department of CNN.
I def need to let off some steam tonight. Club? Xx
She texted you back a couple of minutes later.
Run in with the hot boss again? ;) But sure, let’s do it xx
Even though it was a weekday, the club was bursting with people. You already were on your third or fourth round of shots, and the base was humming through your body, blasting away your worries.
You dragged your friend over to the dancefloor when you heard your favorite song starting to play, the alcohol creating a warm and fuzzy sensation you totally got lost in.
When you woke up the next morning, you regretted every decision you ever made. You didn’t remember how you got home last night, and your head felt like someone had smashed it in with a hammer. And on top of all, you were late for work.
When you finally got the office, everyone was already coming out of the morning meeting. You carefully made your way inside the meeting room, where Jake was still packing up his stuff, as always. As you approached him, your heart almost jumped out of your chest, as it usually did when you were alone with him, but now with the added fear of his anger.
But when he glanced up and saw you, he looked…relieved? You were confused, you had expected a telling-off, but he appeared as if he was happy to see you.
“Thank god you’re alright, Y/N, I was so worried when you didn’t show up this morning.”
It was when he took a closer look at you that he noticed your appearance, and undoubtedly sensed the alcohol still lingering. He had a very keen sense of smell, something he told you a while back. You swallowed when you saw his expression shift from friendly to irritated.
“You’re hungover.” He stated matter-of-factly, his voice cold.
“Jake, I’m really sorry, I-“you began to apologize, but he was not having it.
“Look, it’s really none of my business how you decide to spend your free time, but I expect you to act professional when it comes to the job, and that doesn’t include showing up late and hungover. I will let this one slide, but this happens again, and we have a problem, am I clear?” he was definitely angry, and you should be intimidated my that. You really felt remorse, but seeing Jake worked up like that also made your stupid brain come up with thoughts of him throwing you on the desk of the briefing room and working out his frustration on you.
“I said, am I clear?” Jake asked again, you had clearly zoned out again.
“Yes, sure, clear.” You said in a small voice, now immensely ashamed that you had disappointed Jake, after everything he had done for you.
“Again, I am really so sorry.” You called after Jake as he was making his way out of the room, but he just dismissed you with a wave of his hand.
The thoughts you had about Jake didn’t leave your mind for the rest of the day. You wanted him so bad and seeing him constantly when he was so out of reach was getting harder every day. You desperately needed to clear your head, the only way you knew. So, against your better judgement, you texted your friend again, and a couple of hours later you found yourself in the same club, drunk and dancing without a care in the world.
You almost hated how much you needed this, the music, the people surrounding you, the alcohol flowing through your veins, making you forget everything.
You lost count how many drinks you’ve downed, but you lost sight of your friend as well, so you decided to go outside for a smoke and some fresh air.
You picked your phone out of your pocket to message your friend when a fantastic idea hit you.
Why not call Jake? You were having a great time, and it only made sense that you should share it with him, because you really liked him, right?
“Y/N? It’s the middle of the night, what’s wrong, did something happen?” a still sleepy, but increasingly alarmed Jake asked from the other side of the phone.
“Hiii Jake, oh my god, I’m having the best time ever here, it’s so fun, you should come too! C’mon its Friday, you should party a bit.” You basically screamed into your phone, your voice slightly slurred from too many drinks.
“Shit, it’s Friday morning, which means there is still work tomorrow. Wait, are you drunk? Where are you?” Jake asked, his voice was full of anger now, and under normal circumstances you would be really worried about that, but right now, you did not care a single bit.
“Oh, I’m at that great new club downtown, it’s called the red…I can’t remember, something with red, and the people are so nice, but I lost my friend, so I think I’m going home soon.” You rambled on, the alcohol loosening your tongue.
“There is no way in hell you’re going home like this, Y/N. You stay right where you are, I’m coming.”He definitely sounded infuriated now, and even your intoxicated brain understood the instructions.
“Alright, Jakey, I’ll see you.” But he had already hung up.
You kept aimlessly walking around in front of the club for a while, making drunk small talk with other club goers, when suddenly, someone grabbed your shoulder and yanked you around. It was Jake, tired looking and with a deep frown on his face.
“Jaaaaaake, you came!” You exclaimed and threw your arms around his neck. He stiffened against you and softly pushed you away.
“Y/N, you’re wasted. Come on, I’m getting you home.” He said, voice leaving no room for arguments. He grabbed you by the wrist and basically dragged you to his nearby car, pushing you into the passenger seat. When he leaned over you to buckle your seatbelt, he came incredibly close to you, and again, you spoke without thinking.
“You smell so nice, Jake, like a forest.”
He just gave you a puzzled look and walked around the car to get in the driver’s seat.
The drive to your flat passed in tense silence, you were busy staring at Jakes hands angrily gripping the steering wheel, wondering if they would feel as good around your neck as you imagined. You could feel a tingle between your legs and started squirming a bit, until Jake grabbed your bare tight just below the hem of your skirt and snarled “Stop moving like this, I have to focus on traffic.”
You had to stifle a moan at his rough touch, but if he noticed he didn’t comment on it.
When you finally arrived at your building, Jake had to support you while getting into the elevator and to your door, you weren’t that steady on your feet anymore and by now, more of a tired than a giddy drunk.
“That’s mine.” You said and started fumbling with your keys. “You wanna come inside?”
If you had been sober, you would’ve noticed the pained expression that flashed over Jakes face just before it hardened again.
“No, I certainly won’t come inside, but this is what you are going to do. You will drink a glass of water, brush your teeth and set your alarm, so you will be on time at work tomorrow where we can discuss” he gestured angrily between the two of you “whatever this stunt was. Understood?”
“Yes.” You answered meekly “and thank you for taking me home!” you called, but Jake was already on his way back to the elevator.
When your alarm woke you up only a few hours later, you felt like hell. And that was because you could remember everything. No blissful blackout this time, you were able to recall every vivid, horrible detail of how you had made an absolute fool out of yourself in front of the man you admired most in the world. You owed him one hell of an apology, and you were not really sure how to go about this.
You entered the office like a beaten dog, shoulders hanging and praying to the gods you looked better than you felt. Jake ignored you in the morning briefing, so you stayed behind to face his wrath. When you were finally alone, you spoke first.
“Jake, about last night, I can’t even begin to tell you how sorry I am. Not only did I act extremely reckless and unprofessional, but I also took advantage of our friendship, which is something that a value more than anything. I accept whatever repercussion you see fit, I just hope you can see how sorry I am.” By the end of your little speech you were almost crying, your disappointment in yourself and your fear of Jakes reaction were making you physically sick.
Jake stayed silent for what felt like forever, and when he finally spoke, your anxiety was almost killing you. “Yes, I am immensely angry about what happened last night. But most of all I’m worried. The Y/N I know doesn’t act that irresponsible, getting absolutely wasted two nights in a row. I went to talk to your friend down in the sports department earlier this morning. I know, that might be considered unprofessional, but she’s just as worried as I am. She told me you’ve been drinking a lot lately, and always more than you should. What is wrong, Y/N, what are you hiding from me?”
That was the perfect timing to tell him everything, how he was on your mind all the time, how you wanted to kiss him, touch him, be with him in every way possible, so bad that it was keeping you up at night or haunted your dreams. But you couldn’t, there was too much on the line.
“Nothing, work is just stressful, I’ve been working overtime so much; I had to blow off some steam. I’m just sorry I dragged you into this.”
Jake stepped closer to you, and you could feel your heart speed up at the way he was looking at you, something like heated curiosity on his face.
“So, this has nothing to do with the way you threw yourself at me last night, or how you told me I smelled nice?” he asked, his deep voice making goosebumps break out all over your skin. “Or with the fact that you tried to invite me into your apartment?”
“Jake, it’s not how it looks like, I swear. I won’t bother you like this again, ever, I promise.” Your voice starting to become panicked, this couldn’t be happening, he couldn’t know.
But Jake just chuckled and leaned down to whisper into your ear.
“I think I know exactly how this looks, Y/N.”
He took a step back, suddenly looking calm and collected again, as if the moment you just had never happened.
“I have to go now, but I see you tonight. The office party in the bar down the road, you remember? I expect everyone to at least show up for a while.”
Great, you thought, having totally forgotten about the event. You just wanted to curl up in bed and feel sorry for yourself, but obviously that wasn’t in the cards for you today.
And so, a couple of hours later you found yourself in said bar, surrounded by your colleagues. You already had a short talk with your friend, ensuring her that you weren’t mad that she talked to Jake, you were convinced it came from a place of concern.
You kept it at two drinks, but it was enough to lighten your mood a bit. Jake was talking to someone in another corner of the room, and he looked fantastic with a casual blazer and no tie. There were moments when you felt like he was watching you, but you were never able to make eye contact and were too shy to approach him directly.
It got late and people were starting to hit the dancefloor. You decided to give it a go as well, and soon you were totally lost in the music.
Suddenly, you felt a set of strong hands on your hips and the presence of a warm body behind you. You spun around to tell whatever creep decided to grope you to let it go when you saw that it was Jake. He was smirking down at you, moving his body to the music. You weren’t sure what to do, you were incredibly nervous, but having him close felt so good. Deciding to be brave, you just took his hands and put them back on your hips, giving him a small nod. His grin broadened and you could see his eyes sparkling in the dim light of the dancefloor. He pulled you closer until your bodies almost were almost touching, you put your hands around his neck and started to lightly move against him.
Jakes eyes were darkening as he looked down at you, and his grip on your hips tightened noticeable. Being the center of his attention like that, in combination with the pulse of the base and the pleasant warmth of the alcohol in your system made you slightly lightheaded, you felt like you were in your own little bubble, just you and Jake. You started to lightly gyrate your hips, and you could swear that you heard him groan over the sound of the song playing. He pulled you even tighter against his body, by now you were grinding against each other, never leaving each other’s eyes, and your body felt like it was on fire. The tension between the two of you was so thick, you could cut it with a knife. Your faces were coming closer and closer to each other, and your heart was basically jumping out of your chest by now, when suddenly, someone burst your bubble.
“Jake, we need you in the studio, there’s been an incident with…” some agitated guy tried to scream over the music, and you couldn’t make out all the words, but the next thing you heard was Jakes voice as he leaned down to address you.
“I have to go for now, but this isn’t over. I’ll see you on Monday.” It sounded promising, and a delicious shudder went down your spine at his words, easing away some of the frustration you felt at being interrupted.
The weekend was long, you didn’t call or text Jake, unsure what to say. So you just tried to distract yourself until it was finally time for work again.
The week started with the usual morning meeting, and you and Jake weren’t even trying to hide the glances you were giving each other. The dynamic between you had definitely shifted, and the tension only increased over the course of the day.
He was purposefully standing closer to you than usual, you let your hand lightly brush against his leg when he was sitting next to you at lunch and during the afternoon shows ad breaks, his eyes were fixed on you, never leaving you out of sight. You looked back, biting your lips and Jakes eyes widened, he looked like he wanted to devour you. You knew that sooner or later you had to face him and address what was going on. So when you got a message from Jake shortly after the show was over, telling you to meet him in his office, you basically ran there.
In front of his door, you took a moment to collect yourself before you knocked and entered.
Jake was leaning against his desk, tie and suit jacked discarded, arms crossed over his chest.
You made your way over to him and when you were close enough, he put his hands on your hips, like he was picking up right where you left it Friday night.
“You know.” He said, and his voice was a bit husky. “I’ve been in quiet the state since our dance Friday night. And your little touches here and there haven’t helped at all.”
He accentuated his words by pulling you flush against his body, and you moaned simultaneously when you felt the evidence of his arousal pressed against your belly.
You smirked and got on your tiptoes to whisper into his ear “I see, now what am I supposed to do about that?”
You pressed a kiss to his neck, and the deep groan he let out was almost sinful.
He reached out to grab your jaw and kissed you in a way that made it clear that he had lost his usually tight control. You held onto him with both arms while he spun you around and probed you up onto his desk, sending papers and pens flying in all directions. No one of you cared.
His hands found their way under your skirt, climbing up until his fingers were stroking over your already soaked panties. He pressed a finger to your covered clit, and you couldn’t suppress a loud moan.
“God, Y/N, how are you already so wet, I have barely touched you.”
“Get on with it then, please.” You groaned, spreading your legs to give him better access. He complied, pushing up your skirt. You lifted your hips so he could swiftly slide your panties down your legs, exposing your glistening center to the cool air of his office.
His fingers crept up your tights again, parting your lips and plunging two digits inside you while his thumb was rubbing your clit in light, circular motions, the pressure creating the most perfect sensation.
“Yesssss.” You hissed and tried to move your hips into the direction of his fingers to increase the friction, this wasn’t nearly enough for you.
“Please Jake, I need more.” You looked up at him and his eyes darkened.
“Don’t worry, I’m going to take care of you.” He whispered, withdrew his fingers and opened his fly. He pulled down his trousers and underwear, revealing his cock. You licked your lips at the sight of it, you were definitely going to enjoy this.
“You better come over here right now.” You whispered, and Jake stepped between your legs, the tip of his cock nudging at your entrance, teasing you.
“Damn, Tapper, fuck me already.” You groaned, and a second later he was thrusting into you in one fluid motion, instantly setting a brutal pace. You slapped your hand over your mouth to suppress the scream that was bursting out of you at the feeling of being filled so roughly. By now, you were almost lying almost flat on his desk, various clutter digging into your back.
Jakes hand were on your hips again, grabbing them tightly while slamming into you over and over. You had to keep your hand pressed to your mouth to prevent your loud cries from spilling out. Jake was hitting a perfect spot deep inside you with each hard thrust and you already knew you wouldn’t last long.
“I’ve been thinking about this for the whole weekend, throwing you on that desk and fucking you.” He growled through his clenched teeth and hearing him talk like that made your arousal spike. You had never seen him so unhinged, and it was glorious.
“You feel so good inside me Jake, so good, please fuck me harder.” You whimpered, and when he deepened his thrusts it only took another moment till you hit your peak with a guttural cry, a disfigured version of Jakes name falling from your lips.
He fucked you through your climax, never slowing down. Beads of sweat were beginning to form on his forehead, your mixed breathings and groans and the sound of skin slapping against skin echoing through the office.
When he reached between your legs to rub your clit again, it almost felt like too much, you were overstimulated, but he was relentless, rubbing and pressing until you were on the edge of another orgasm.
“Jake, ugh, I’m going to come again.” You cried, and when he pinched your bud between his fingers you felt like you died and went to heaven. The walls of your pussy were fluttering and clenching down onto his cock as you hit your second peak, this time dragging Jake along with you over the edge. He gave one last forceful thrust and released himself deep inside you with a growl.
After he pulled out, Jake helped you get up from the desk and pulled you against his chest.
“You should have told me earlier.” He said, voice still slightly breathless. “How you felt.”
You lifted your head to look him in the eyes.
“I wish I had.” You answered. “Would have saved me a lot of trouble.”
“What is this too you?” he asked, his voice strangely emotional “What do you want from this?”
“I want you. If you’ll have me?”
The kiss he gave you in response was all the answer you needed.
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cafedanslanuit · 4 years
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♡   f l u f f v e m b e r   2 0 2 0   ♡ 
♡  week three  —  kuroo tetsurou   |   first date
♡  summary  —   it was just a boba date, what could go wrong? apparently, everything or highschool student kuroo tetsurou finds a way to epically mess up his first date with you
♡  masterlist  ♡
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It was Kuroo’s first date.
No, scratch that. He had had dates before. But it was the first time he had ever asked someone out. Kuroo had managed not to stumble over his own words as he invited the libero from the girls’ volleyball team to a boba date. Kuroo waited for you after class and walked you to the gym, as your team was using the space that day. He noticed the blush on your cheeks as you agreed, trying to play it cool. He couldn’t blame you as he was trying to do just the same (he did wish he was doing a better job, though). You gave him your number and waved him off as you joined practice.
“What do you think about them?” he asked Kenma, as he walked him home after school. He hadn’t stopped talking about you in the past few weeks, bothering his friend about this joke you had made or the way he caught you staring in awe at a stray cat on the street. ‘Ask them out’, had been Kenma’s only advice (and a not-so-direct manner to shut him up). He then had watched Kuroo rehearse the question about whatever a boba date was in front of his mirror for a long time while he played with his Switch.
Kenma let out a long sigh, his eyes darting to the sky.
“They’re okay.”
“Just okay?”
“They offered me their notes one day I missed class,” Kenma remembered. Kuroo smiled and kept walking, hands in his pockets.
Tomorrow was going to be easy. He would meet you near the park and you would walk to this boba store he had found out was very popular on Instagram. You would walk around town, it would get cold and he would offer his jacket. Yes, Kuroo Tetsurou had it all planned and he was confident it was going to be a date to remember.
He really wished he had chosen his words more carefully.
Kuroo was already at the park when he realized he had forgotten his leather jacket. He cursed under his breath as he sat on one of the park’s benches. It’s going to be fine, he told himself. So what if you can’t lend her your jacket? That doesn’t mean anything. You both can still have a good time. He sighed and passed a hand across his face.
Keep it together.
He looked up at the sky and saw the grey clouds from that morning still lurking around. It had been raining for a couple of hours, but it had thankfully stopped before ruining his date. The air was cold, but it was nothing he couldn’t handle. He just had to focus on being himself, relaxing and having a good time.
Kuroo turned around and saw you walking to him. It felt unreal to see you without your uniform, but he had to admit he liked it. It was like getting to know another part of yourself, a bit of what you liked and the knowledge you had dressed up knowing you were going to meet him. Still, you looked comfortable and he greeted you with a smile. He didn’t fail to notice the sweater you were carrying on one arm. Of course.
“Hey,” he replied, standing up and going to meet you. “Should we go?”
The walk to the boba store was filled with small talk and your laugh as he cracked a joke or two. He remembered why he asked you out in the first place, how your sole presence could brighten up even the grey clouds above both of you and make him forget all about the forgotten jacket. He watched you stare at the menu board and hum to yourself as you picked your order and told the girl behind the bar something he didn’t pay attention to.
“And you?”
Your voice brought him back from his daydreaming, and he finally looked at the board above both of you. His eyebrows furrowed as he noticed the different combination and options shown there. Four steps? Thirty five flavours? Wait-- did he read correctly? Thirty-five? Kuroo was convinced it would be like going to Starbucks and just now he was realizing his mistake. Who invites someone over for boba tea when they don’t know anything about those stores themselves?
“Do you like mango?” you asked, once again bringing him back to reality. “The matcha mango one is really good and kind of sweet. I think you’ll like it,” you said, offering him a smile.
“Sure, that sounds good,” he said, his eyes darting to the other options on the board. “And also a couple of chocolate chip cookies,” he told the cashier, who added it to the list.
“Oh, I love those,” you muttered to yourself, and he grinned at your excited expression. Kuroo took his wallet out to pay for your drinks.
A chill ran down his spine as he found his card slot empty. Scared, he looked in every compartment of his wallet, and then inside his jeans pockets. Nothing. A vague memory of him needing some cash and taking out the card from his wallet to go to the ATM the day before crossed his mind. Of course. He hadn’t put the card back to his pocket when he returned home.
He couldn’t face you now. Who the hell takes someone to a boba store, not only not knowing anything about boba, but also forgets his money? He counted the cash he had and realized it wasn’t enough to cover for everything. Fuck. Fuck.
“I’m so sorry, I left my card at my house,” he said, his eyes fixed on his almost empty wallet.
“Oh, it’s okay,” you say, taking out your wallet and handing your card to the girl in front of you.
“I’ll pay you back, I’m actually so sorry”, he apologized, masking his deep embarrassment with a smile. You smiled sweetly at him while shaking your head and he managed to feel even worse than before.
As you waited for your orders, you looked at how nervous Kuroo looked. He didn’t look like the confident guy who you had been talking to the past few weeks, who always had a funny remark or proud smirk when he won a debate. You nudged your shoulder at him, forcing him to look at you again.
“Hey, did you manage to talk to the science teacher about that problem he got wrong?” you asked, trying to take his mind out of it. His eyes lit up, and he started rambling about the chemistry problem he noticed the teacher had been wrong about.
You kept listening to Kuroo as he picked up your order and looked for an empty table to sit with you. He found one at the back of the store and led you there. Kuroo sat in front of you and you watched him take special care in popping the lid of his drink with the straw, as if he was scared of somehow messing it up. You hid your smile and poked the lid of your own drink, taking a sip and humming at the known flavour.
“Had you come here before?” he asked.
“No, I usually go to one that is next to my house, but this is really good. The thirty-five flavours plus the toppins really gives you a lot to choose from,” you smiled, taking another sip and munching on one of the pearls. “How is practice going?”
“It’s good. We’ve actually invited some schools over next week for practice matches, so it should be fun. How is your knee going?”
You blinked at him in surprise.
“Hey, you remembered,” you said, a smile drawing on your lips.
“Of course I did,” Kuroo said, rolling his eyes playfully. “I’m a nice person.”
“No doubt there,” you chuckled. “I’m actually feeling a lot better. I still have another appointment with the physical therapist tomorrow and--”
You proceeded to explain about how your therapy was doing and Kuroo listened to you, all his senses focused on no one but the person in front of him. He wondered if you knew about the little mannerisms you had when you talked and daydreamed about telling you all about them, only this time you would be resting in his arms. He thought about taking the hand that was resting on the table but forced the thought out of his head. No, maybe in a while. It was too soon.
Kuroo has been on dates before, sure. But it was the first time he was the one who asked someone out. His previous dates had been fun, but they had also felt like he was talking to any other friend, hence why there never was a second date. So, this newfound nervousness was tearing him apart, forcing his confident self into unknown territory. He took a sip of his drink and noticed a combination of citrus and sweetness. Somehow, knowing you had picked it made it even better. You laughed at your own joke and he smiled back, entranced by your spontaneity, being thankful you had agreed to go out with him. Maybe--
Kuroo coughed.
You kept talking, unbothered.
He coughed again.
It took a couple of seconds for you to realize he was choking.
“Oh no, water? Do I bring you water?” you asked in fear. He saw you standing up, attempting to go ask for some water, but he tapped the table, making you look back at him. Kuroo shook his head and patted his chest with force twice. He coughed inside his hand a couple more times and finally he felt the damn pearl travelling down his esophagus and the air entering his lungs once again.
You took his drink and moved the straw up, making sure he only drank liquid and handed it to him, trying to soothe him. He didn’t look at you as he drank a few more sips, mentally kicking himself for being so entranced in watching you he forgot about the damn pearls in his drink. You waited for him to take a deep breath and continued your conversation.
(You didn’t mis the way Kuroo was way more wary whenever he brought the straw to his lips).
Almost an hour later, you decided to walk around town, finding a small volleyball court behind an Elementary School. You convinced him into joining some kids playing volleyball there, who were in need of someone to set for them. He watched in awe how you laughed, even if both you and him were not used to setting for someone. By the end, the sun was setting and you said goodbye to them, getting lost in the streets of Tokyo as the night started.
The signs from the stores shined brightly against your skin, making you look even prettier than before, Kuroo noticed. He knew it was almost time to let you go, but he had to admit he didn’t want to. Still, he was thankful he had gotten over the initial awkwardness. Spending the afternoon had only taught him more things about you to like, and he wished there was a way both of you didn’t have to go back home that night.
As you were both waiting to cross the street, he thought about holding your hand again. It was a small gesture, but he thought it was enough to let you know how he felt about you, in case you had wondered about the nature of the date. There wasn’t an inch of him that wasn’t intoxicated in your existance, the sound of your laugh, the way you talked with the kids as you played volleyball with them or the way you handed him his drink after he choked. Kuroo was falling, and he was falling hard. Honestly, if he didn’t end up kissing you by the end of the night, it would only be because he wanted to take his time and do things right by you.
The traffic light changed from green to yellow and Kuroo noticed a car speeding up. He put his arm in front of you and pushed you slightly backwards, shielding you, as the car passed in front of both of you.
Immediately followed by a big splash of water staining his white shirt.
Of course. It had been raining earlier after all.
The light turned red and the rest of the people started crossing the street, a couple of people looking back at the highschool student with the wet shirt.
Okay, it was a sign. Maybe it just wasn’t a good day to go out.
Kuroo let you move him aside and grab the hem on his shirt, squeezing it and trying to get rid of all the excess water. He watched you as you did, knowing there was no point. Even if it magically dried, the water was dirty and had already left an ugly grey stain.
It was time to call off the date.
“I’m so sorry,” you whispered, squeezing his shirt as much as you could. Kuroo shook his head and gently guided your hands down. That wasn’t the way he expected to touch your hands for the first time.
“No need to be sorry, it wasn’t your fault,” he assured you, forcing a smile. “I’ll just throw this to the washing machine and it’ll be as good as new. But, um-- probably should head back now. Can’t get sick when we have those practice matches next week,” he explained, with a small shrug.
You nodded, slightly biting your lip. Before he could talk again, you took the sweater you had been holding under your arm and offered it to him.
“It’s over-sized, so it will fit you just fine,” you say, holding the sweater in front of him. You noticed the doubt in his eyes. “C’mon, I don’t want you to get sick either. And it isn’t really cold anymore, so I’ll be fine.”
Kuroo took your sweater and put it on. You had been right, it was big so it fit him nicely. Not to mention your scent was now even closer to him, a lovely mix of flowers and a bit of sweetness filling his senses. He looked at you, who were smiling softly at him and wished this date had turned out different.
“I’ll give it back to you Monday,” he promised, but you waved your hand.
“Don’t worry about it, take your time. Kind of looks nice on you,” you joked, pinching the hem of your sweater.
Why were you so sweet? You were trying for him not to feel as bad as he felt in that moment. It was probably one of the most laughable dates you had been in, he thought.
Forcing another smile, he offered to walk you to the station, to which you said it was fine. He should hurry and get home, so he didn’t catch a cold due to his wet shirt. Right. It was understandable you would want to finish the date soon.
Kuroo said his goodbyes and turned on his heel, the fake smile dropping from his face as soon as he did. He hadn’t taken more than two steps when he felt someone gripping on the sleeve of the sweater, forcing him to stop.
“Kuroo!” you called. He turned around again and faced you, his right eyebrow raising questioningly. “We should keep going back until we try all the thirty five flavours,” you said, a small smile playing on your lips.
He couldn’t stop himself from laughing, but this time, it was different. Despite everything that had happened, your eyes were still looking kindly at him, your lips slightly parted after basically asking him out on a second date.
And there wasn’t anything in the world Kuroo wanted more than that.
Before he could stop himself, he leaned down and pressed his lips against your forehead. He heard a small gasp eliciting from you, but then felt your hands closing on the sweater he was wearing. When he looked down at you again, he noticed how red your face was, all the remains of the confidence you had just shown him gone.
Kuroo smiled again. He could get used to seeing you like that.
“We should,” he agreed with a small nod.
In the middle of a busy street in Tokyo, no one paid attention to the tall highschool boy threading his fingers on your hair, but you could have sworn the whole world stopped every time Kuroo Tetsurou set his golden eyes on yours.
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inkandpen22 · 4 years
Somewhere (2/?)
Pairing: Sirius Black x Female!Reader 
Warnings: None
Word Count: 2.3k
Part Summary: The disco is everything Y/N imagined it would be. However, the night isn’t exactly as she imaged. Then, she meets a certain wizard who turns her whole world upside down... 
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I sip on my now warm drink, the only drink Brady has allowed me to order since we got here. Jay does his best to keep me entertained as we sit at one of the high tops by the bar. I considered convincing him to order me another drink, but I know that’s a lost cause. He would never defy Brady. All Jay talks about is work, he and Brady work for Parliament. Nothing gets a girl to like you quite like political talk, especially when she doesn’t understand it all. I’ve mentioned dancing at least four times, Jay doesn’t seem to have any interest in it. This is a disco, it’s made for dancing, not sitting around. Longingly, I watch Lauren and Brady out-stage everyone on the dance floor, including their friends. I find myself envious of them, a feeling I’ve become familiar with after watching from the sidelines for most of my life. 
“Hey, Jay,” I interrupt the boy’s rambling about the current status of the economy. He looks like his circuits just crossed or something. “I’m going to head to the bathroom real quick.” 
“Oh uh,” Jay nervously glances between me and my brother distracted on the dance floor. “I best come with you.” 
Hopping down from my seat, I look at the boy with a raised brow. “You want to come with me… to the ladies’ room?” I question, doing my best to hide my amusement. 
Jay rubs his hand across the back of his neck, comprehending his mistake. “Yeah uh right,” he releases a nervous laugh. “I’ll wait here I guess.” 
I offer him a reassuring smile and depart for the bathroom. Quite frankly, I just needed an excuse to get away from that painful conversation.
 I’ve known Jay since I was in kindergarten. He and Brady met in grade school and have been inseparable ever since. Once they entered high school, their group expanded and once Lauren came into the picture, so did her friends. Soon, all of them were like one big family, constantly together. Brady’s friends have seen me grow up and as a result, treat me like their little sister. There are pros and cons to the situation. On the positive side, I have a close group of friends I depend on. On the other hand, the boys follow Brady’s every word and it’s like having several bodyguards. Sometimes I wish I could break free, even just for a day or two, and experience the world out from under their constant supervision. 
The music and chatter of the club are deafening, it’s great! This place is everything I envisioned and more! The bright lights, colorful light-up floor, the spinning, shiny, ball above the floor. It makes all the place in Diagon Alley and Hogsmeade look dull. 
As I dance with the blonde girl I found earlier, I glance over James dancing with Evans beside me. “I don’t know about you, but I could use another drink!” I shout over the music. 
He nods, “I could go for one! You want anything, Lils?” He asks his soon-to-be wife. 
She shakes her head and offers, “but I’ll go sit with Marlene and the boys if you two want to head over to the bar.” 
Once the three of us are in agreement, I turn back to the blonde. She smiles at me naively. 
“It’s been great meeting you!” I tell her, patting her on the shoulder. “I’m going to go now!” 
The girl scoffs, apparently rather offended by my departure. She fusses and storms off in the opposite direction. Out of the corner of my eye, I see James struggling to suppress his amusement. Evans swats him on the arm in disapproval. Unfazed, I shrug, she’ll get over it eventually. James grips Lily’s hand, making sure not to lose her in the crowd as I lead the way back to where we left the others. Between bodies, I can see Remus, Peter, and Marlene around the shiny metal table with a pitcher of beer just feet away. I focus on getting there without losing my friends in the chaos. Abruptly, I’m shoved in the side roughly, colliding with someone. I stumble a little, having been knocked off balance. 
“Sirius!” James and Evans both call out my name nervously behind me. 
Swiftly a hand grips my forearm, catching me. “Oh my God! I’m so sorry, are you alright?” A female voice continues to apologize profusely. 
After stabilizing my footing, I snap my head in the direction of the boulder that rammed into me. Based on the amount of force that attacked me, I expect to be met with a giant muscular man, instead, my sight lands on a panicked young girl. Her eyes go wide as she stares at me with parted lips, words no longer leaving them. Merlin’s beard, she’s the most beautiful girl I’ve ever seen in my entire life.
I shuffle through the crowded bar area, moving down the steps leading to the dance floor. Spotting the hallway to the bathrooms across the room, I weave my way through people gathered around to watch the dancing couples on the floor. Music blasts over the speakers as the DJ plays a familiar ABBA song. Ugh, I wish someone would dance with me! I love this song! 
This is not how I expected tonight to go. For one, I’m at a disco, I should be dancing. Two, I’m eighteen now, I should be drinking. Three, I don’t want to spend my birthday listening to Jay go on and on about business. Maybe I should just go home. I’ll tell Brady I don’t feel well or something. Growing exceedingly frustrated, I travel through the crowded space more aggressively, not really caring to be polite as I make a bee-line for the bathroom. 
Suddenly, I’m T-boned by someone coming off the dance floor. I somehow manage to stop myself from falling over and reach out to catch the person who I ran into. A boy with glasses and a redheaded girl jump at the sight of the collision, shouting something. 
“Oh my God! I’m so sorry, are you alright?” I blurt out, feeling rather foolish. I suppose this is what I deserve for rushing to the bathroom. 
The guy tosses his head back, his shoulder-length jet black hair flipping away from his face. He turns in my direction and our sights meet. Chills course over my skin as I stare into his dark inkblots eyes. His lips part, visibly awestruck. He is by far the most gorgeous boy in the world. If I didn’t know any better, I would say we’ve met before. There’s something about his eyes, they’re unlike any I’ve ever seen before, yet they’re so familiar. 
“What’s your name?” He mutters softly. If we weren’t standing inches apart, I wouldn’t be able to hear it. 
“Y/N,” I answer with a gentle smile at the sound of his voice. “What’s your’s?” 
“Sirius,” he replies. 
An exquisite name. 
“Like the star?” I guess. 
He smiles, releasing a breathless laugh, “yes! Yes, like the star.” 
I giggle, goodness I could listen to his laugh forever. It’s the most wonderful sound. 
“Have we met before?” He asks the question I was wondering myself. 
I shake my head slowly, “I believe I would remember.” 
“But I swear I know,” he quietly confesses, much to my surprise. 
“And I, you,” I admit, utterly astonished. 
Out of my peripheral vision, the boy with the glasses moves to stand beside us. “Um, Sirius…” 
Sirius and I snap our attention to the gentleman beside us. Startled by our sudden unified motion, he jolts back slightly. 
“Y/N!” I hear Brady’s voice and then feel myself being pulled away from Sirius. Brady steps in front of me, getting into Sirius’s face. “You stay away from my sister!”
“Hey!” Glasses Boy steps between the two and shoves Brady in the chest. 
Instantly, Adam, Henry, and the others charge from around me. Jay scrambles to Brady’s side from where I left him at the bar. Lauren takes my arm, bringing me back to join her with the others a few feet away. 
“No wait!” I plead, moving to step in, but Lauren stops me. 
In another direction, three boys and two girls run over from the table area. They must be here with Sirius. Two of the boys are of average height, except one of them has a lot of scars. The third is shorter and appears hesitant to get involved. The girls, however, carry immense confidence. They stare at my brother and his friends fiercely. 
“Of course you’re here!” Glasses Boy remarks sharply at Brady. 
Jay jumps in, eagerly to confront his best friend’s opposer. “I could say the same thing about you, then again, I never would’ve guessed to see you out so carelessly.” 
Wait, they know each other? 
“Well you would know everything about carelessness, wouldn’t you?” The scar covered one questions, eerily calm. 
“Just get out, all of you!” Brady orders of the group. Then, turns his sights directly at Sirius in front of him. “You’re not welcome here.” 
“Oh please,” Glasses Boy dismisses with a scoff. He glides forward, hovering his face inches from Brady’s boldly. “What are you going to do about it… muggle?” He insults. 
Henry jumps at Glasses Boy from behind Brady, grabbing the stranger by the collar and punching him. 
“James!” The redhead screams. 
Sirius catches his friend as the boy lands into his chest. His round glasses hit the tile and crack on one lens. 
“Are you okay?!” Sirius checks on his friend, holding him up. 
James, as I know his name to be, whips his head around to reveal a bloody jaw.
 Enraged, Sirius storms at Brady, reaching into his pocket. “You’re going to pay for that,” he hisses and reveals his wand. 
Soon, all of them have their wands drawn, pointing at us. 
After seeing James bleeding, something snaps in me. I yank my wand out from within my back pocket and point it at the pompous muggle. In the blank of an eye, Y/N is in front of me wide-eyed. I hesitate, lowering my wand. I can’t hurt her, no matter who she is, I can’t do it. 
I pry Lauren’s hand from my wrist and run to stand between Sirius and my brother. I haven’t seen one in person for years. I stare at the object in Sirius’s hand in disbelief as it points directly at my chest. He blinks rapidly, lowering his wand with a nervous stare.
“You’re one of them?” I glance between the object and him. My voice shakes, “you’re a wizard?”
“I told you Y/N,” Brady remarks behind me, guiding me out of the way. “They’re dependable on their magic. They can’t do anything without it, pathetic.”
Sirius snickers mockingly, “says the man who has an irrational sense of superiority!” He raises his wand so that it hovers in front of Brady’s face. “Tell me, what’s it like be powerless and ordinary?”
“Hey!” A voice booms from a third-party. The disco owner dressed nicely in a suit is approaches with two giant bodyguards behind him.
Sirius and Brady don’t react, glaring at one another sternly. Sirius refuses to lower his wand despite the others swiftly hiding them away.
The owner appears beside Sirius and Brady.“No magic allowed in non-wizard establishments! Get out of my club!” He shouts and directs his henchmen to escort Sirius and the others out.
The bodyguards steps in front of Brady, ushering Sirius and his friends toward the exit. Sirius meets my gaze, his eyes pouring to mine pleadingly. Brady turns to me, gripping my arms to guide me away to the dance floor. I never break my attention away from Sirius and the two of us are lead apart. Despite everything, the fighting, the threats, his status as a wizard, I still find myself caring for him well-being. I’m drawn to him. I have to know him.
The cold night air rushes over my body as soon as I cross the threshold to the sidewalk. I wait along with Remus and Peter for the others to file out. The Longbottoms calmly exit, Frank keeps Alice close to him cautiously. Soon, James storms out with Lily and Marlene just steps behind.
“Well that was fun,” he remarks sarcastically. “Thanks for you that Sirius!”
“How is it my fault?! How was I supposed to know those arrogant swines would be here?” I defend loudly to my best friend as he continues bleeding.
He puts his now damaged glasses back on with a huff. “I told you this was a bad idea! I don’t understand your interest in muggles! They’re useless and self-righteous!”
“Well isn’t that the pot calling the kettle black! You’re the poster child for self-righteousness,” I insult, earning a look of surprise from James.
His features shift from surprise to anger and he moves to jump at me. Abruptly, Remus appears beside us, pressing against our chests. “That’s enough!” He growls, glancing between James and I.
I stare my best friend in the eye and it’s like I’m looking at a stranger. I don’t understand him at all. “Forget this,” I grumble. “I’m out of here.” Turning, I head down the sidewalk alone.
“Sirius!” Remus and the others call for me, all except James. “Wait!”
I ignore their voice, needing time to myself and a walk home alone. Until James settles down and figures out his wrong, I can’t be around him.
I can’t believe it, Y/N is Brady Y/L/N’s sister? Brady and his friends are everything that wizards hate in humans. It’s people like them that made us hide for centuries. They believe us to be like aliens and monsters. Brady and Jay actually work with members of the muggle government to prevent us from coexisting. They want to live separately and continue the hatred between our two worlds. They practically support the ideologies of Voldemort! If they were wizards, they’d probably be Death Eaters! How could she be related to someone so horrid? She’s can’t be like them. She can’t believe in those things. She’s incredible girl, woman, I’ve ever met.
“Y/N,” I repeat to myself.
No matter how many times I say her name, I never grow tired of it. Her laugh is the most beautiful sound in the world. Her eyes shine like stars. I’m drawn to her as though she radiates amortentia. All I wanted to was reach out and touch her, to feel her. My confidence fades in her presence and that never happens. She makes both exceedingly anxious yet excited, like anything is possible with her near me. I need to see her again.
Tags: @Princess-jules47 @buckysgoddess @emily1d97​
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skygirl5 · 4 years
12 Prompts of Christmas - #8 - Snow
A/N: this prompt begins an all new AU ficlet
EIGHT - Snow
A shiver traveled up the spine of Richard Castle when a clump of snow fell from the branch of a tree above, landed on his neck, and slid down towards his collar bone. Grunting, he hunched his shoulders and zipped up his coat a bit higher, regretting his decision not to grab a scarf before he’d left his Manhattan apartment and traveled two hours north west to his wilderness destination. He’d just been very on-edge and frazzled meaning he’d probably forgotten more than just some warmer items, but he could manage; his trip was only a few days long.
His day had begun just after six a.m., which was at least an hour before he would have preferred to be awake. He’d had himself a quick cup of coffee—no time to savor that morning since he was on a time schedule—and then gone upstairs to wake his daughter. Thankfully, her luggage had been packed the night before (SHE had been the one to remind HIM that was a good idea), but he needed to get her breakfast and then pack some snacks for her to have on the plane.
They shared a quick breakfast together and then, with a heavy heart, he gathered up her things and they made their way to Penn Station to get the New Jersey Transit train to Newark. Since his daughter was a minor traveling alone, Castle was allowed to walk her to the gate and wait with her until it was time to board, at which point the airline representative took charge of her. They hugged goodbye and he’d managed to wait until he was back on the train to the city before letting a few tears fall. The first Christmas without his daughter was definitely going to be as hard as he thought it would be, which was why he’d planned what he thought was a good distraction.
Back at his apartment he wasted almost no time throwing belongings into a suitcase of his own. Then, he got his car out of the garage, and began the two-hour drive towards northern Pennsylvania. He’d heard about the cabin from a friend of his and thankfully the owner said it was still available over the Christmas holiday even though he had only called a few weeks before, once his ex-wife Meredith had officially confirmed that, yes, she wanted Alexis to visit for Christmas.
When he thought he was nearing the cabin, Rick pulled off into the first grocery store he spotted and shopped for some essentials. He made it to the cabin about twenty minutes later and surveyed the interior, which had been advertised as “rustic” and certainly fit the descriptor. The interior had rustic looking wood panels on the walls and exposed beams on the ceiling. The furniture was obviously well used, and the kitchen appliances looked nearly as old as he was, but for a few nights it would do.
Though he hoped to get a fair amount of writing done in his free-from-distractions environment, Castle first knew that he wanted to explore the surrounding woods and lake, which were, after all, the main draw of that location.
He started out walking along the road, which was not the best due to a narrow berm made narrower by piles of plowed snow. After about ten minutes of walking, he noticed a path through the trees and hoped over the plowed banks of snow to access it. The path was well covered in footprints from both humans and dogs by the looks of it and it was paved beneath the cover of snow, which meant he wasn’t slipping or tripping on the uneven forest floor. About fifteen minutes into his stroll he was hit by the falling snow, but he didn’t let it bother his forest exploration. It was so tranquil and quiet. He hadn’t experienced such a walk since that summer when he’d walked down the beach in the Hamptons.
As Rick walked, he tried not to think. Maybe if he was in a different headspace he would have used the time to plot, plan, or think up dialog for his latest book, but in that moment, the turmoil in his chest was too great. He was so distracted with worry over Alexis that he knew that concern could soon consume him and he didn’t want that, so he used the walk as a meditation of sorts. He tried to keep his mind as clear as possible and if he had to think about something, he tried to focus on what he saw in front of him: trees stripped bare of their leaves now that autumn had come and gone, a small bird sitting on a naked branch, some rocks and stones on the ground.
When he came to a divergence of the path, he chose the one to his left, which seemed less traveled. In fact, the further he walked, the less footprints he saw marking the path. After what he estimated to be about twenty minutes, he grew concerned that he was going to become a bit lost and thought about turning back to the divergence and taking the opposite path which might lead him back to the main road when something caught his eye.
The path was well defined enough for him to see it curved to the right up ahead, but to the left he could see distinct footprints in the snow. The virgin fluff was otherwise undisturbed, but for the distinct walking path that cut directly through a cluster of trees. He walked over to the footprints and couched down. From a closer vantage point he could see they were crisscrossed with prints from a small animal, perhaps a rabbit, but were otherwise lone markings in the newly fallen snow.
Intrigued, several scenarios started to spin in his mind, and he decided to follow them to see where they went. He liked to use his story-on-the-fly exercises to keep his creative juices flowing. At that moment in particular, it would continue to serve as a distraction for him and keep his mind off his daughter.
Were the footprints made by a hunter stalking his prey? An old man missing his deceased spouse and going on a ramble in the quiet early morning? Or perhaps a mischievous child determined to explore, just like he had done during his younger days.
Rick took two steps forward but then thought better of it. Was leaving the designated path really a good idea when he was already feeling a bit lost? Probably not. Disappointed, but knowing it was for the best, he began to turn around when something up ahead caught his eye. Dangling from a tree branch about fifteen steps ahead he saw a green scrap of fabric, notable as all the green was gone from the trees. Curious, he walked forward, but when he reached out to touch the item it immediately fell to the ground; it had evidently barely been hanging on.
Castle scooped the green object from the snow and realized it was actually a green knitted mitten. He glanced between the mitten and the tree for several moments then realized this made sense. The mitten had been hanging at about hip-height in comparison to his stance. It was entirely possible the mitten had been in the coat pocket of the snow footprint maker and was snagged out by the branch.
Still holding the glove, Castle couched down again and examine the footprints ahead of him. In comparison to his own shoes they seemed a bit shorter and definitely narrower. His first thought was that they looked to be from a woman’s boot, and that would have made sense given that the glove in his hand was more feminine than not.
Now even more curious, he found himself unable to turn back and instead pressed on. The thicker the trees grew, the more difficult it was to proceed. He was constantly being hit in the shoulders and arms with twigs and sticks, but he kept going. Sometimes he needed to crouch down closer to the ground to see what direction the footprints were traveling, especially where the thick trees had prevented a lot of snow from falling.
More than a few times during his twenty-minute journey he’d been fearful that he might never find his way to a clearing, and then what would he do? Surely his cell phone wouldn’t work that far into the middle of nowhere. Thankfully, he could soon see a clearing ahead and let the panic dissipate from his mind and instead focused on how he might use his experience in a novel. Perhaps Derrick Storm could track an enemy through the woods—or maybe even a potential lover. Maybe both!
As the trees began to thin, the lake came into view, and Castle smiled to himself; he’d made it through the wilderness! He was so relieved that he almost forgot about the green glove he still held until he stepped into the clearing and caught sight of a figure by the lake. She was tall and wearing a long quilted coat as she stood just a few feet from the edge of the lake. With a grey and green striped hat on her head, he couldn’t tell much about her—at least not from that distance.
The clearing he stepped into gave him about twenty feet of clearance before it turned into the rocky shore of the lake. No other people or structures were in sight, though a low hanging cloud reduced visibility significantly. He took two steps towards her, his boots crunching against the newly fallen snow, then stopped when she turned in his direction just slightly. She brushed some of the hair back from her cheeks with bare fingers enabling him to see her profile. Instantly, the breath was sucked from his lungs for she was one of the most beautiful women he’d ever seen.
Thinking she might have turned in his direction due to the sound of his walking, he decided to approach cautiously. He walked forward, closer to the lakes edge, before cutting over in her direction. From that spot he could see more of her face: her petite nose and the slash of her well-defined cheekbone, in addition to the hints of her honey-brown eyes, which to him appeared heavy with sadness.
He took several more steps closer before saying softly, “Excuse me?” Despite what he thought was a delicate approached, she still jumped at the sound of his voice, so he apologized. “I’m sorry; I didn’t mean to startle you. I just…I found this and wondered if it was yours?”
When he held up the glove, her eyes widened with recognition. She glanced down at herself, stuffed her hands in her coat pockets, and only came out with one glove. “Oh, yes, thank you! That must have fallen out of my pocket somehow.”
He gave an easy smile and walked forward to pass the glove off to her. “No problem.”
She took the glove with another thank you and said, “You startled me; I didn’t realize anyone else was out here.”
He nodded in the direction over his shoulder and said, “I came from the trees…I just got here, was wandering around. Glad I didn’t get lost to be honest.”
“Are you renting one of the cabins for Christmas?”
“Mmhm. Are you?”
She shook her head. “No; my family owns one.”
He nodded. Her jaunt through the trees made more sense if she was a resident of the area and thus probably not as likely to get lost unlike a newcomer such as himself. “I see. I’m Rick, by the way.”
When he extended out his hand, she shook it and introduced herself as, “Kate.”
He took a moment to study her face now that he could see it closer up. She was definitely younger than him by more than a few years; he guessed her to be in her early twenties. Her eyes were indeed filled with an unexplained sadness, but her smile was warm and friendly. Though he’d wished to speak with her more, his gut told him he should leave her to her solitude, so he reluctantly decided to part ways. “Well it was nice to meet you and I hope you have a good holiday.” He rocked back on his heels, glancing out at the lake for a moment, but then looking back to her with a pit of a pitiful expression. “I, um, well seeing as you’ve probably been here before, perhaps you could point me in the right direction so I’m not circling this lake for hours? I’m afraid I got turned around.”
“What’s the address of your cabin?”
He laughed, having no idea; fortunately he still had the directions in his jacket pocket. “What an excellent question. Hold on. Um…” He hesitated while he skimmed through the folded up piece of paper. “Ah, here its: 817 lakeview.”
Kate nodded and pointed towards his left. “That way. About halfway around that big curve.”
“Thanks so much.”
“Not a problem. Happy holidays Rick.”
“You too,” he echoed. Then, he turned, shoved his hands down into his coat pockets, and trudged his way through the thickly laying snow.
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Reset - Part Three: Mr. and Mrs. Smith
a/n: Here we are at chapter three! This one's a bit of a long one, so buckle in! I hope you guys enjoy this!
Word count: 5317
[Part One] [Part Two] [Part Three: You are here!] [Part Four] [Part Five]
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You’re floating.
 You’re weightless, somewhere. There’s only darkness around you, enveloping you, and absolutely nothing else. You can feel something pressing down on you. You can’t open your eyes. You move your fingers and something flows through them. I’m in water, you think, sitting at the bottom of the pool while the rest of the world turns around me.
 You’re peaceful for a moment, enjoying the silence – your mind is blessedly quiet, you realize, and everything around you is still. You can’t hear anything but the beat of your heart, slow and steady. But time marches on.
 I’m in water. There’s a pressure building in your chest. I need to breathe.
 You inhale and water fills your lungs. You can’t hear yourself scream – you can only hear the quickening of your heartbeat and a constant drone. A distant humming, someone singing a tune you can’t recognize. But you’re drowning, you’re screaming, and then you open your eyes.
 You see the Doctor behind a pane of glass, submerged in water too. He’s still, and peaceful. Though the water slows your movements you raise your fists and pound at the glass. There’s still no sound, and you’re not breaking through. But you need to get to him before you drown or else he’ll drown too –
 You wake up choking, and with someone’s arms wrapped around you. You know exactly who those arms belong to, and it makes you panic even more – his arms around you should be a comfort but you just feel trapped.
 “What’s going on?” you hear the Doctor murmur behind you, his voice still thick with sleep. He hasn’t fully woken up yet. “Sweetheart?”
 You try to ignore the way your heart aches at the way he says sweetheart and focus on the way your lungs are burning instead. “Honey – wait, no,” you rasp out, “Doctor, let go of me.”
 “Doctor…” His voice is still low and sleepy, and you resist the urge to start bawling in his arms right then and there. You turn in his grasp to face him, letting your eyes drift over the features of his face. You’ve never seen the Doctor like this – still half-asleep – but to be fair, you’ve never seen him sleep at all. “Oh. Oh. What’s going on?”
 “I – I dreamed,” you hiccup, “I was – you were – it was so cold –”
 “It was just a dream then,” the Doctor says softly. He hasn’t let go of you yet, and you don’t want him to. “You’re alright now.”
 “Doctor,” you mumble pathetically, looking up at him, looking for comfort, “I’m sorry.”
 “Don’t apologize,” he says, and finally, presses you against him. The Doctor holds you tightly, resting his chin on your shoulder; you’re both hiding your faces now. “You have nothing to be sorry for.”
 You feel his hands on your back, rubbing gently. It’s comforting and it hurts. The dream feels normal – and maybe if you were normal and everything was normal, feelings wouldn’t be so hard.
 The Doctor pulls away, keeping his hands on your shoulders. He peers into your eyes, searching for something, and presses his lips to your forehead. Your heart flips, and you really wish it would stop doing that. “Are you alright now?”
 “I think so,” you lie. You watch as the Doctor’s face floods with relief and he smiles. Everything is alright for a little bit. “I just got scared.” Another lie, but not a whole lie. A half-truth.
 “Scared is good,” the Doctor says, patting your shoulders. “Scared is good in a place like this.”
 The Doctor sits up suddenly, snatching a small square of neon green paper stuck to the edge of your bedside table. He peels it off carefully and squints at the scribbly writing on it.
 “Marlene here,” he reads out, “you’re going to have to wait until I can find a way to get you out of there. You’ll still have to follow the scripts. Good luck. There’s something on the bed. It’s written in Gargontian.”
 You sit up and raise an eyebrow at him. “You can read Gargontian?”
 “You could too, if the TARDIS was here,” the Doctor explains. “It’s a beautiful language.”
 “I’ll take your word for it,” you say, and the Doctor frowns at you. The visit to Gargontin was mostly spent listening to the Doctor ramble about their technology and history. You just let the Doctor talk science to you – you enjoyed it, but he was constantly doing that thing where he spoke at breakneck speeds and expected you to understand him. But the trip wouldn’t have been as fun if the Doctor wasn’t around. You did get kicked off the planet, after all. “Something on the bed?”
 The sun’s already started to rise, sunlight already bathing your bedroom in a golden light. Just looking at the sheets brings to mind hours of comfort, and snuggling. Lots and lots of snuggling. And kissing. Lots of that too. You try to hide your blush as the Doctor jumps to his feet and starts patting the sheets. He snatches an envelope from the foot of the bed and rips it open, pulling out a piece of shiny paper.
 “It’s a letter,” he says, then sniffs the paper deeply, “ooh, lots of fancy script. Lavender scented, but they really tried. Here, you read this.”
 He tosses the paper at you and you just barely catch it. It is really shiny, embossed with swirling patterns and shapes, and smells a lot like a marriage certificate. In flowing, handwritten cursive, it reads:
 Dear Mr. and Mrs. Smith,
 Please join us for a tea party at the Central Hall Park later today. We’d like to celebrate your new move into our neighborhood and the start of a happy and successful marriage. We hope for your cooperation, and we’ll see you there!
 A happy and successful marriage. How long have you been blushing today? Has the Doctor noticed at all?
 “It’s an invitation to a tea party,” you say. “We hope for your cooperation? Sounds a bit ominous, don’t you think?”
 “Marlene did say to kill time,” the Doctor says, pointing at the letter. “And no specific time. Time. That reminds me, where are all the clocks in this place? Haven’t you noticed there’s no way to tell time other than looking outside?”
 “Can’t you guess what time it is?”
 The Doctor rushes to the window and sticks his head out – the sun’s already high in the sky, and you can already feel small beads of sweat start to build up on your forehead. “Hard to tell in a dream,” he calls back. “All I can say is, it’s morning.”
 You look at the letter again. “They said ‘later today’. I don’t think they’d want us to be late.”
 The Doctor sticks his head back inside. He pats you on the shoulder and practically dances out of the room. “Then we can leave now!”
 You already start walking – but out of the corner of your eye, you spot your nightgown fluttering with your steps and oh my god you’re in your nightgown. It’s made of a flowing, thin piece of fabric that you really feel doesn’t cover much. You remember teasing touches on your neck and shoulder in the dead of night – you feel heat rise to your face again, and you pause. “W-wait a second. Doctor?”
 The Doctor stops in his tracks. “Yes?”
 You cross your arms over your chest in a vain attempt to hide yourself. “I’m in a nightgown. I’ll, uh, have to get changed. I can’t really go to a party in a nightgown.”
 “Oh?” The Doctor blinks at you, then looks down at himself. “Oh. Right. I suppose I’ll have to get changed too.” He looks up at you innocently – it’s incredible how innocent he is with his age – “I’ll leave and give you some privacy.”
 You can only mutter a soft “okay” as he leaves the bedroom, softly closing the door behind him. You take a few steps backwards and look at yourself in the mirror. If regeneration produced any heat, and it must, considering the state of the TARDIS after regenerations, your face would be hotter than that. You lift your hands to your cheeks and feel the heat radiating off of them.
 You’d said it before but the mind wiping made sense – there were too many memories that didn’t make sense. Thinking of them like you were actors in a role didn’t help, either. All of that lying together in bed, spending time close to each other was real, and you’d actually done it, and the Doctor wasn’t mentioning it at all.
 It’s probably for the best that he doesn’t mention it, you think, the last thing I’d want him to think is that I’m actually in –
 “Okay,” you breathe out, “clothes.”
 You’re not trying to impress the Doctor. You’re not. You don’t even know what he likes (or if he likes, for that matter). Maybe I should wear a bowtie, you think, holding up a dress covered in ribbons. Maybe not.
 The dress at the very back of the closet is the one that catches your eye – it’s a simple, white dress that stops right below the knee. It’s cinched at the waist and covered in lace, and as you slip it on it’s incredible how much this dress reminds you of your –
 “Are you – hang on, what are you wearing that for?”
 You startle when the Doctor swings the door open – and he startles when he sees you in the dress. He’s frozen in the doorway, his eyes wide, his mouth hanging open slightly like’s he’s completely lost the ability to speak.
 “What?” you ask, “What’s wrong?"
 “Nothing, it's just –” He falters, and flaps his hands around, gesturing in your general direction. Suddenly, he sighs, wringing his hands, and looks up at you, defeated. Something in his voice breaks. “That dress – it looks like your wedding dress.”
 An image flashes in your mind – you and your husband standing together under an arch of flowers, surrounded by friends and family. Cheers erupting when the two of you finally kiss. It’s not real, you remind yourself.
 “Sorry, it’s the dampener,” the Doctor says, sounding so exhausted. He glances at you, something in his eyes that you just can’t read. For a moment, you lock eyes, and you think you know what it means, but he casts his gaze to the floor again, and he’s as unreadable as ever.
 Then – silently, and loud enough so only you can hear – he mumbles, “You look wonderful.”
 Warmth swells up in your chest. “Thank you,” you whisper. “You’re not too bad yourself.”
 The Doctor looks up at you through his eyelashes and smiles. Then your gaze travels down, and you snort – somehow, he’s managed to find a bowtie in the house and decided to wear it. He still looks quite smart, of course, but the bowtie… you giggle, and the Doctor frowns.
 “Why are you laughing?” Then, more authoritatively – “Oi, stop it.”
 You reach out and tug at the fabric. “Really? You just couldn’t resist, could you?”
 “Bowties are cool,” he says, in the voice that he uses when he’s trying to sound smooth.
 “Your point is?”
 The Doctor ignores you.  “Tea parties! I love a good tea party.” He holds out his elbow and you link your arms with his. He grins down at you, excitedly raising his eyebrows. “Let’s go undercover.”
 The streets of your quaint little town are livelier today. You frown at the noise. You can hear beautiful birdsong in the distance, and passing conversations. You can hear music, from a few streets down, and laughter from the house down the street.
 You can see your neighbors walking on the sidewalks, families and couples, and none of them are strangers. They all turn to face you as you walk arm in arm with the Doctor. They smile and wave, but none of them linger for too long.
 “Where is Central Hall Park?” you ask, blinking against the bright sunlight. "Why haven't we found it yet?"
 The houses in front of you disappear, revealing a big open clearing with acres of the greenest grass. You shiver at the warm breeze that blows across your face. Even the smell of the air has changed, from the smell of the suburbs to the fresh smell of cut grass and plants.
 "Whoa," you breathe, "how do you move a park?"
 "You don't," the Doctor says. He looks up at the sky. "But you can move people. You can move time. Look at the sun."
 You look up as well - the sun's setting now, when it was high in the sky just a few minutes earlier. "Did we walk here?"
 The Doctor wipes his brow. It comes away shiny, and now you can feel the beads of sweat just underneath your collar. The lace on your dress is getting itchy. "We walked here, and they cut it out. Like a movie, cutting out all the unnecessary bits. I don't know why I didn't notice before."
 There's a crowd of people in one corner of the park, all of them standing close to a gazebo built near a pond. They're mostly dressed like you, all dolled up in lace and ribbons, and their smiles are so big that you wonder if their jaws ever hurt.
 The Doctor nods towards the crowd. "There's our tea party."
 Somewhere in the crowd, you spot a head of curly red hair - the waitress from the diner, you realize. She catches your eye from across the park. Her eyes are still bright, and they bore holes into you as she stops and stares. She nods her head in your direction.
 "Oh - sweetie, we've been looking everywhere for you!"
 A frail hand takes yours. You look away from the crowd to see a small, elderly woman dressed in a pink dress that looks more like a cupcake. She smiles at you, warm and welcoming; you can't see her eyes behind her glasses. Beside you, the Doctor straightens.
 "Mrs. Smith, am I right?" she asks, her voice high and wavering, and you nod. "And this young man must be -"
 The Doctor beats you to it, smiling politely, leaning forward to take the old woman's hand and press a kiss to it. "I'm her husband, John Smith. It's nice to meet you."
 The old woman giggles, and you have to suppress one too. It's so strange hearing it from him, but it doesn't make you feel bad. "You've snatched up quite a gentleman, haven't you, Mrs. Smith? You lucky thing. Come, I want you to meet the others."
 She turns away and hobbles to the gazebo. All of the people there turn to face you - they all raise their hands and wave in perfect unison.
 You glance at the Doctor. "We're gonna follow her?"
 The Doctor's polite smile drops. He adjusts his bowtie and looks straight ahead. "We're gonna follow her."
 For an old lady, she walks quite quickly. She's already at the gazebo, chatting animatedly with her friends by the time you and the Doctor arrive.
 "Mrs. Smith, I'm Caroline," she says. She gestures to the women standing beside her - one of them a tall, thin woman with sharp features, the other a younger woman more your age. They're both dressed in pink, like Caroline. "The tall one is Gladys, and the young one's my daughter, Michelle. Say hi, Michelle."
 "Hi," Michelle says, crossing her arms over her chest. She doesn't look happy to be here.
 "She's a moody one." Caroline waves her hand dismissively. "I've been asking Gladys to help straighten her out, as they say. But enough about me. Let's talk about you."
 "About me." Instinctively, you reach for the Doctor - he's right by your side, and he lets you wrap your hand around his without question.
 "Yes, about you! You've just moved here!" Caroline beams. "Tell us everything. How did you meet?"
 "Follow the scripts", Marlene had said. You grip the Doctor's hand tighter, and he gives you a light squeeze. "Well, it was almost like he fell out of the sky."
 You can feel the Doctor's eyes on you now. He really did fall out of the sky - in the clothes of his past body and a broken TARDIS. Confused, and a little bit sick, walking around like a baby giraffe with limbs that should have been too long for his body. He pulled you into the TARDIS and you haven't left since. "Meeting him was scary, but magical. I wouldn't trade it for the world. In the end, he stole me away, I guess."
 The Doctor laughs, pulling you closer to him and leaning down to press a kiss onto the top of your head. "I'd like to make a correction - she stole me, actually."
 Your mind pauses, but your body moves on its own – you stand on your toes and press a kiss to the Doctor’s cheek. You hear the Doctor chuckle as you pull away.
 "How romantic," Michelle sighs.
 "Yes, I think so." Gladys drawls over her cup of tea. She looks at you through her spidery eyelashes. "I'm glad you decided to settle down, dear. Especially now, when your life must be so fraught with adventure."
 "Yes, dear," Caroline pipes in. "Young girls like you need to make their decisions earlier in life. I keep telling Michelle this, but she just won't listen."
 You're still frozen. Why did you want this, again? Why would you trade a life of adventure for a lifetime of mundanity?
 "Well -" The Doctor turns to look at you. You can only glance up at him for a second before suddenly being really interested in all the ladies' shoes. He sweeps his concern for you under the rug. "Marriage is its own adventure, isn't it, sweetheart? Hmm?"
 "Yeah," you mumble. Sweetheart. It's starting to get dark, a gloomy reflection of how you feel. "Yeah, it is."
 Caroline quickly perks up - the soft sounds of a guitar fade into your hearing. "Gladys, they're playing music," she says brightly, taking Gladys's hand and leading her away. "Michelle, you have fun!"
 All of a sudden, Michelle in her oversized pink dress, bored out of her mind at a stuffy event, looks a lot like you. "Sure," she calls back, then she quickly turns to face you. She looks absolutely taken with the two of you. Softly, so no else hears, she asks, "Did you run away?"
 "Yes," the Doctor replies, his voice just as soft as hers. "I started running and she decided to tag along."
 Despite yourself, you laugh. "You call it tagging along? You literally begged me to come with you."
 "And you said yes, so you're tagging along," the Doctor says. Michelle hides her smile behind her hand.
 "Good for you," she says. "I'm stuck here until I find someone to settle down with, apparently. Sounds boring, honestly. Are you bored?"
 "Never," you tell her, and it's the truth. "You can stay with someone forever and never have to stop moving."
 You feel the Doctor tense beside you, feel his grip on your hand tighten.  
 "Michelle!" a shrill voice cries - it's probably Gladys - and Michelle winces.
 "Sorry, I have to go," she says quickly. "Good luck, you two."
 You don't notice that Michelle has curly red hair until she walks away. The Doctor lets go of your hand and turns to face you, extending his hand with a flourish. "Shall we, my lady?"
 You giggle and take his hand. He leads you to a spot near the pond - you spot Caroline and Gladys dancing together without a care in the world.
 The Doctor slowly wraps one of his arms around your hip, settling his hand on the small of your back. He takes your hand in his, and, like you've done this a million times before, you rest your other hand on his shoulder. Slowly, you start to sway to the sound of gentle guitar plucking, and the sounds of the night.
 "Who taught you to dance?"
 He pauses in thought. Then, "The Queen of England."
 "You're joking."
 "I wouldn't joke about something like that!"
 You've never felt him so close before. You've never felt his heartbeats this close before - they seem to beat in time to the rhythm of the song. The Doctor's hand wrapped around yours is a familiar comfort, but here it means something else.
 This isn't real. All of this is just following a script, living a lie until you can all go back to normal. And when you go back to normal, he'll never mention it again. You'll be back to running, running through the universe and running away from him. And one day, you'll stop running, and he'll leave you behind none the wiser. Stupid, stupid girl, you scold yourself. Your hand on the Doctor's shoulder feels so heavy now.
 "You've gotten awfully quiet," the Doctor mutters. His breath just nearly tickles your face. "What's wrong?"
 You want to tell him both everything and nothing. Instead you say: "I know you hate this."
 The Doctor lifts an eyebrow. "Hate what?"
 "This." You shrug, shaking your head. "Being slow. Talking to dull people. I know you'd much rather be on the TARDIS instead."
 The Doctor's silent for a moment - and in that moment, you think you're right - but then a smile spreads across his face, like a ray of sunshine. Your heartbeat feels shallow in your chest at the sight. "It's not so bad, sometimes. I've got you."
 You let out a breath you didn't know you were holding. A sliver of hope worms its way into your heart. "Really?"
 The Doctor raises his eyebrows. "Out of everyone in the universe, there's you. It does make the dull bits a bit more bearable."
 You're still swaying together, and you feel like you're floating. Hanging on to the ground with just a string, and if it breaks, you'll fall. The Doctor is so close now and you can't look away. You are drowning in his eyes, as cliché as it sounds. The unreadable look comes back - you watch as his smile grows gentler, as his eyes grow softer, and you recognize the look in his eyes because you saw it at your wedding -
 It's reverence. The Doctor is looking at you with a look that's reserved for when he gazes out of the TARDIS as it drifts through space, simply admiring the beauty of the stars. He's admiring you, shamelessly, and you don't know how much of it is "your husband" and how much of it is the Doctor.
 The Doctor leans his forehead against yours. You can feel his breath fan against your face, and you wonder if he can hear the way your heart is thudding in your chest. Just as he leans in further -
 The world stops around you. Even the music goes quiet, replaced by the faint whistling of the wind. Everything, including the people.
 "What happened?" Dread settles into the pit of your stomach. "Why did everything stop?"
 "They're watching," the Doctor says lowly. He doesn't lean away from you, but he's kept his gaze behind you. "Waiting for something."
 Everyone around you has gone completely still. The couples in each other's arms all turn to face you, their bodies frozen like statues. They're all smiling. Their eyes are like mirrors, and they gleam in the light of the moon.  
 An idea bursts into your mind, and you're scolding yourself again, but you lock eyes with the Doctor. "Hey. Do you trust me?"
 "That's my line," he says, both amused and confused.
 You untangle your hand from his and cradle his face with your hands. His skin is warm underneath your palms. "Now it's mine. Do you trust me?"
 The Doctor stares at you, peering into your eyes and searching for something like he did in the morning. He seems to find it this time. "Always."
 "Good," you breathe, and you try to ignore the way your heart is beating out of your chest. "Here I go."
 You lean in and press your lips to his.
 You don't expect it to feel so real. Your first thoughts of I'm doing this because this is probably what the people watching us want, and I'm just following a script - they're all washed away when the Doctor leans further into you. He melts into your touch, and you let your eyes slip shut. You're crazy for doing this and he's crazy for agreeing.
 You don't even notice the music start up again. You're just completely lost in him, and the sliver of hope that's wormed its way into your heart starts digging deeper and deeper into you. It hurts, but it's real, and that's what matters.
 You're breathless when he pulls away. "Don't tell me the Queen taught you to kiss like that too."
 The Doctor laughs, and brushes his lips against yours. "I have so much I want to tell you."
 "Guys, GUYS!"
 You spin around and find Michelle bolting towards you. She comes to a stop in front of you, resting her hands on her knees, the hem of her pink dress muddied. Her red hair bounces as she takes deep breaths in and out.
 "Michelle?" you ask, and Michelle shakes her head vigorously.
 "Yes, but also no," Michelle pants. "It's me! Marlene! I'm piloting. Nice work, by the way."
 The Doctor squints at Michelle, leaning down to take a closer look at her face. "You're piloting Michelle's body?"
 "It's as simple as you think. Michelle isn't real, anyway, so it's not that hard to just take a microphone and a keyboard and just..." Michelle - or Marlene - mimes typing, then clicks her tongue. She glances behind her, and when she turns to face you her face is pale. "Oh, no. I got carried away."
 "What wrong?" You reach out and grab Marlene's shoulders. She shudders.
 "I couldn't stop her," she says quickly. "The Director. She found out what I was trying to do, and she's locking you guys in. Forever. I'm so sorry. 11B - If you stay here any longer, it's going to kill you."
 The Doctor's voice is tight. "Why? Why would it kill her?"
 Marlene shivers. "The simulation can only run on one mind. You had to go through three more resets before I could get the neighbors to an acceptable state without you noticing, because you notice all the time something is wrong -"
 "Yes, and?" The Doctor takes a few steps forward, his shoulders hunched, and Marlene stumbles backward.
 "11B, this is your dream." Marlene looks up at you with huge, sorrowful eyes. "We built all of this on you."
 "Hang on, hang on," the Doctor raises his hands. "This whole simulation's based on her mind? A human? You said the wiping affects the mind - I'm a Time Lord, why not use mine?"
 "Because this isn't what you want!" Marlene cries. "I'm sorry, I can't get you out of here."
 But this isn't what you want either - or is what you want just the same thing with a different wallpaper? "What happens? What happens to him if I die?"
 "No, don't," the Doctor says darkly. "Don't ask that question."
 Marlene, teary-eyed, just shakes her head, and whispers another apology.
 The Doctor mutters something under his breath, his voice almost a growl but not quite. You look at him and he pauses, his brows furrowed and his mouth set into a hard line. This is what he's like when he doesn't sweep his worry under the rug.
 "Doctor, I'm sorry," you start, but he shushes you.
 "Hush. Thinking," he says. "There's always a way out. A door, a door -"
 You lock eyes with him, the same thought running through your mind - the blue door in the house that looked like the TARDIS doors that woke you up - "In the house!"
 The Doctor claps his hands together and snaps his fingers, hope starting to bloom on his face. "Yes, and how did you find that door?"
 "I don't know, I just... found it."
 "No, you made it." The Doctor places his hands on your shoulders and shakes you slightly. "You made that door and Marlene doesn't have to make an exit for us because you're clever!"
 You blink at him. "I'm clever."
 The Doctor has that manic grin on his face when he's just figured something out, running on the high of discovery. "Yes! You're the architect of this dream - it's why the simulations never work; it's why they keep resetting us. It's because you're doing something so smart and you don't even know it."
 You blink at him, and then at Marlene - and then, out of curiosity, you think that the gazebo isn't there anymore. The whole structure shimmers in the air and disappears. You gasp when it fades into the air, leaving a patch of flowery grass behind.
 "You have as much control over this world as I do," Marlene says, a little awed. "Oh, we should have put a dampener on you."
 "Yes, you should have," the Doctor says, his voice full of pride. "You can make us a way out of here."
 Marlene looks around, frowning. "But there aren't any doors. You can't make a door without any walls. This place does have rules."
 Your eyes fall on the pond, and you let the same manic smile spread over your face. "Rules are meant to be broken. Fancy a swim?"
 "Oh, you're brilliant," the Doctor cries, grabbing your face in his hands and planting a big kiss onto your hair - you squeeze your eyes shut and grin.
 "You two really are compatible," Marlene teases.
 "Shut up," you say, but you're grinning.
 The pond doesn't look deep, but tonight it looks deeper than the Marianas Trench - it seems to stretch all the way below for miles and miles. You slip your shoes off and wade in, feeling the pebbles underneath your bare feet. "I miss the ocean," you tell the Doctor. "We're going to a beach after this, yeah?
 The Doctor catches up with you, standing next to you in the water. "Definitely. I think we should go to Helnypso - practically abandoned now, but used to be a tourist hotspot a few thousand years ago. We could go then, with all the gift shops, if you fancy that. Or we could -"
 You shoot the Doctor a look, and he quiets down, smiling sheepishly.
 "I'll be there when you wake up," Marlene calls, "try not to panic! Good luck!"
 You wade in further - it reaches your midsection, and you let your hands float on the surface of the water. You feel like you're standing on the edge of a cliff. You look down and you can't see the bottom of the pond anymore.
 "Leap of faith, then," the Doctor says quietly. "Are you scared?"
 You are. Terrified. But - "Scared is good in a place like this," you echo, and you watch the Doctor's expression turn into one of wonder. You grab his hand. "Geronimo."
 You take the plunge.
 You’re weightless. There’s only darkness around you, enveloping you, and absolutely nothing else. You can feel something pressing down on you. You can’t open your eyes. You can feel your hand gripping the Doctor's, like a lifeline.
 You’re peaceful for a moment, enjoying the silence – your mind is blessedly quiet, you realize, and everything around you is still. You can’t hear anything but the beat of your heart, slow and steady. But time marches on. And as time marches on, the world around you disappears, the murky water of the pond turning into the pristine clean water of…somewhere else.
 You wake up.
Taglist: @hufflepuff-always-and-forever​, @starlingelliot​
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ghoulishhusband · 3 years
I just realized I can actually talk here. Like this is my account fuck u
Fucking uhhhhhh, hi ig lemme ramble abt my God ocs yea?
Ignore this part if you don't wanna hear (likely) unedited rambles lol it doesn't matter
CW: neglect/abuse, assholery/narcissism, manipulation, tread lightly!
read the under cut owo
Also don't steal my art I'll fucking?? Fight you????
I have three main gods that I wanna talk abt especially bc they've been on my mind lately.. Less get it, side notes are in (parentheses) and are bolded cause I have perception issues whoo I don't want it to jumble together is my point lol
First up is my asshole,
they/them (preferred)
god/godself (i like pronouns that fit my characters, so I'm giving a bunch away for one night only at--)
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ID : Giodine is colored with gold-ish yellow skin and ginger hair. Their eyes are a muted purple and they have tiny eyebrows. Their lips are a muted brown and are full looking, their nose is sharp and points down. They have wings for ears and is wearing a blazer with a long-sleeved, collared shirt underneath it. The background is beige with a yellow square and a dark purple square partially encompassing it. It is signed GH (for ghoulish husband), Spork, 21.
(lemme know if that helps at all! I'm sure I can do better so lemme know!)
If they look weird here it's bc I accidentally made their face too long but believe it or not this is in fact just a doodle Ik I'm so fuckin talented babes.
Anyways, they're basically the first God to ever exist on my version of earth (though even that is fickle rn, world-building is hard unless I hyper-focus on it, and haha Guess What I Haven't Been Thinking About) and they're very egotistical and selfish. As I'll probably yap about later is how they're manipulative as well, especially to another God I'll mention, and very neglectful to the other... other one.
Their partner(professionally), or fiend as they call him, is sam who for the first few eons was, unsurprisingly, absolutely terrible to him. A few tender moments are few and far in between in what could only be described as a completely rancid relationship. I'll describe giodine's side and in sam's lil ramble, I'll describe his :]
I have to explain this because it's a big part of the lore and how they can't work together, even when one of them is very much near The Void (technical death for gods) BUT basically, with Sam, giodine created purgatory. The issue here is that they basically seduced sam into doing it. Well, even if they hadn't, sam was in lesbians(happy pride month lmao) with giodine and would've done it anyway. But the ISSUE is that with the creation of purgatory came complications. See, my gods have to take time to develop into their power, and considering giodine was first and sam was around 666th.. you see the issue. Sam wasn't into his complete power yet and thus lost a giant part of it that went into purg.
See, giodine saw no problem with this (until much later, they do get a VERY SLOW BURN redemption arc cause this ain't even the worst of it), they got what they were aching for out of them and thusly had no need for..sam. They laid him in the spot where she was made (fwi it isn't inherently sexual, it can be, but literally, they just merged together-- taking bits and pieces of each other (which sam did not have enough of) and earth and light yadda, yadda I'll post the story I wrote for that later if I'm up to it) and left him there in the grass.
Again, they saw no problem with that, the deed was done, they didn't care anymore. A common issue in their qualms, sam and Giodine. They did find an issue in Sam finding an issue in the lack of aftercare, which resorted to any message going to or coming from sam going straight to his assistant and going back through them for a couple of thousand years. They found that infuriating-- how could he not face them over something so small! and for years?! it was ridiculous. After forcing a face-to-face meeting, a heated proclaim of hurt from sam, and a bitter agreement to meet up every now and again, they got what they wanted from him. Again. It was a business after all, there was no point in making it harder than it needed to be. 
Giodine doesn't necessarily like boundaries and tends to overstep sam's frequently. They also don't like his reaction to his boundaries being long jumped over, which thusly ends up in disgruntled messages being sent back and forth between them and his assistant for a month or three. It slowly gets through to them, but they tend to say some stupid shit and if they want sam to stay, they have to try and avoid mentioning how "overly sensitive" he is to something that happened eons ago.
(quick mention, there isn't like. time. here. so in all honesty, giodine probably counted earth days instead of Heaven 'days' to get that) Soon into their arrangements to meet, they seem to get on at least tolerable terms, obviously, a few meetings where neither of them feels like going apeshit and taking proper shapeless (or in sams case, he's got a newfound form for ANGER OO just for giodine 🤗) forms isn't going to fix a grudge that has yet to be apologized for by the way. But it's a start to a very long process down the road. Tolerance.
Giodine as an entity is very fickle and rude and demanding. They tend to have a short temper that no one else is allowed to have or comment on-- They were the first therefore they were the most important!
This is very obviously an issue. But it's mostly directed to purgatory. Almost all of their seething rage is pointed towards the poor entity, she's barely been alive yet and they already seem to hate her for things she doesn't know how to do. Honestly, I don't think Purg will ever fully forgive them for the unnecessary abuse of her character, but just as Sam and Giodine get on better terms, they had barely just begun fixing the hole in their relationship. As of now, Sam/Giodine don't have any minor plot points with purgatory other than the major one so I don't have a lot to say about their relationship right now. Maybe one day.
I'd go into details, seriously, but I just wanna ramble about their relationships with each other and their impact on each other's existence. Hope you don't mind a few secrets 😉
But, now, it's time for a new God, one I think most people take a liking to...
Sam (Samuel)
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ID: Sam is surrounded by clouds in the light blue, fading to a darker blue sky and the yellow sun. His horns are a darker beige, which is being highlighted by the sun shining down on him, he also has pointed ears. His skin is red which is very prominent in the sun. His eyes are completely yellow, his hair, beard and mustache are also black. He has an orange scar crawling up to his Adams apple. His wings are a darker grey which is also being highlighted by the sun. His nails are painted black and his hand is holding up the black fabric barely covering his shoulders. Around the painting is a gold and red shaded frame with swirls complimenting each side and a crystal at the bottom of it. It is lightly signed GH, for ghoulish husband.
Sam, Sam, Samuel.
If you don't realize right away, Sam is basically Satan, he's the ruler of hell
Like how giodine was the first to appear on earth, as mentioned before sam was 666th for funnie reasons. Sam was made from bugs, dried blood, and sunlight which sounds pretty gross, but he's far from it. He's a silly, yet neat, guy. He wears Hawaiian shirts and khakis (not around giodine lmao) for cryin' out loud! how bad of a person can he be? Apparently to giodine (for a while obviously) he was the most retched entity to exist. This very much hurt him considering the amount of fake care they showed him before. With a mixture of confusing feelings (which wasn't supposed to be a thing but Univerce went "lmao you'll be fine" and left... short explanation, Univerce is the Universe and is the entity who simply builds these planets and gods that'll appear there and leave them to their own devices, xyr not extremely important in this story. Nor would they care.) and feeling used, he decided that no he wasn't going to take that.
If there is one thing Sam knows how to do is to self preserve himself, even if that means getting passive-aggressive notes sent to him every once in a while. While this period, Sam was surprisingly the least productive (unfortunately giodine knew this and eventually mentioned it in one of their meetings which made him hide away cause like hell giodine was going to be critical of /him/) but he managed. It wasn't terrible, but unfortunately, Sam being able to talk it out with someone who does practically the same work as he does and gets newer, more helpful ideas was better in the long run.
Unsurprisingly, Sam was the first to initiate the healing of his and giodine's relationship but it wasn't reciprocated. Who would've figured, aye? Giodine kept pushing it back onto him and ignoring any progress that could've been made before. Which was frustrating.
The painting above was 'painted' by giodine, which is sorta where their relationship gets somewhat on an understanding of each other. Giodine gets to take a deep long look into who Sam is and tries to express it but it never fit him, it makes them realize that they never really-- truly got to know him. And all it does for Sam is make him even more confused about his place in giodine’s mind. He figured it's another fluke to get him to do something, so he ends up distancing himself when they start actually reciprocating his friendship advancements.
Suddenly, like a flash, Sam was forced to stay with giodine which is where the majority. I'll explain.
Sam...isn't actually the ruler of hell. Anymore, anyways depending on the timeline. His and purgatory's relationship has always been complicated, she always avoided him, and when they talked she always seemed scared of him. So in the end, they've never been close. Distant. Sam always wanted to talk to her, he made her, but if she didn't want to talk to him he wouldn't force it. But imagine his surprise as Purg singlehandedly took over hell in a hazed frenzy.
And not only that, had a personal vendetta against him!
Well, that would be the only explanation to Sam considering how he ended up broken and barely 'alive' at the hands of her. Horns broken and in tatters, pain and almost obliterated it felt like a hate crime. He didn't know what to do when he made it to the office, Purgatory was creating chaos outside his door and barely being able to breathe he felt like it was the end. So he called giodine. 
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ID: Purgatory is surrounded by flowers that are dark grey and white. The light fades down into a dark green. The light shines down on top of her straight, white hair that has yellow flowers tucked into it.  Her skin is a dark brown and has a orange-ish yellow scar on her shoulder trailing up to her neck. Her skin is also highlighted by the sun. In one of her eyes, her sclera is black with an orangey, glowing iris. As for the other eye it it has a white sclera and the same, glowing orange iris. She has wings for ears, one dark grey and one white along with beige horns. She has a white fabric covering her chest. The frame is gold with white accents, but also has vines and moss crawling up the side. 
(may have goofed a bit and forgot to color the sclera of her other eye white but ignore that pls)
Purgatory was made by Sam and Giodine, but to her it felt like a mistake. Why make someone that you’re going to be terrible to, she believed. Giodine seemed to hate her and eventually made her section almost obsolete because she simply wasn’t able to keep up with the backlog that she wasn’t taught to deal with. Not only that, she didn’t have any help with any of it, it was almost like she was expected to just do it on her own. Until Death came along to help, but that’s not what we’re going to be talking about right now. 
And also, Purgatory is Purgatory yadda, yadda, I wont insult your intelligence.
Giodine’s thought process (other than wanting to be Real Close to Sam and once that thought filtered out, promptly ignored it) was that all the extras that don’t fit in either category of their thought of good and evil they’d go to her. (doesn’t matter cause in Sam's system it filters through ‘levels of assholery’ and depending on how bad you are you either just vibe in the upper city under rule of capitalism and possibly many under paying jobs or being actually tortured for his amusement if you’re just evil. Morally grey. Anyway, it could work p well in heaven if giodine wasn’t such a damn stickler.) But in the end, every day, less and less people ended up in purgatory, leaving her with barely any people and more verbal abuse from giodine who ‘HAS to take them or they would be more dead than they already are’. You see the pain she has to go through, right? 
~Idea section, this is probably not canon anyways so dont take it serious~ 
My thought is that another oc (BA, you may have heard of him idk) takes over simply because Purg took multiple hims from alternative timelines (which isn’t allowed but what’re they gonna do, undead a dead clown? multiple times from multiple timelines???)) because she adored him and they figured ‘well we gotta redo purgatory may as well do it like this’ and make him a demi-dead-god. i think thats a cool idea right? anyhoo
~Idea section over uwu~
Purgatory overall is a fairly timid character, she doesn’t like conflict, is easily overwhelmed, and generally keeps to herself. She doesn’t see the point in being in any drama if she’s just going to be yelled at and scolded even if it’s not about her. The only way i could describe her taking over hell is this: 
She was tired. She was angry and after feeling like nothing was in control or in her hands, she snapped. Why doesn’t she get anything or get to be ‘all powerful’ but they do? She knew if she took on Giodine she’d likely get thrown to the void, but sam? He felt fair game. Considering her fear of both of these gods, she planned and got her courage up to take him over. She had considered negotiations but in the end, she ended up going into a haze and ruining everything in sight. She was more powerful than she thought and once she started, she didn't stop until Death restrained her and Sam was already in pieces at God’s doorstep. 
The aftermath was fuzzy for her and for everyone really. Godine was planning a take back hell while actually worrying for sam, sam was planning for a retirement, and she was being consoled while trying to get in contact with sam to apologize. Giodine wouldn’t dare let her talk to him, until she just showed up in their office. She didn’t have a problem with Sam, honest, she just was going to take shit over, but it got out of control. 
Spoiler, Sam took her apology and they actually became.. somewhat closer after reaching an understanding. 
I wanna say that giodine took them being okay and sam retiring as good as sam did about purg running hell, but they didn’t. Giodine and purgatory actually barely got along in the first place, and only begun ‘working’ on their bitterness toward each other because they both had sam to encourage it. I can’t say for certain if they’ll get better, as theyre both undying and have time, but I’ll just say for now its uncertain. 
Also, Death is Purgatory’s girlfriend after all of that lmao.
And.. yeah, i hope this makes sense and that you like my drawings and ramblings about my lil story in my head, i guess this is my way to develop it without just keeping it to myself cause god forbid i keep things to myself hshsh. If you made it to the end, thank you for taking the time to read and attempting to process everything, and even if you didnt read and just looked to look at my art thank you to!!
I may post some art over on @ghoulishhusbandart cause.. it was my art account before i completely forgot about it but i might reboot it! But if you wan art NEOWWW follow me on insta (ik cringe lmaoo) by the same name as this account @ghoulishhusband​ or just click that insta link! also ignore the fact that giodine is the only one without a portrait, maybe I’ll replace it the next time i draw but im graduating on monday and my dad’s coming TOMORROW?? so i won’t have too much time to do it... but i hope you like my art anyways :]
ok!! ty!! ily!!
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