#apologies for gabriel looking like a literal vampire
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#fort Fitzgerald#rom cyrus#rom damian#gabriel torrence#jia liang#Rachel carter#cyrus amser#sierra ramirez#michael charles#revenge of magic#rom#I FORGOT EMBER WND ELLORA AND XENEA…..#and everyone else…… rip#my art#apologies for gabriel looking like a literal vampire
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guardian angel
requested by: anonymous
request: Could you write something with Gabriel being the guardian angel of Sam and Dean's little sister?
summary: sam and dean’s younger sister is a klutz. after cracking under the pressure of living up to her brothers’ reputation, gabriel, her guardian archangel, makes her feel better.
warnings: mild language. angst. gabriel being a turd bucket, and then being a sweetheart. fluff.
i sit around the big map table in the bunker with sam and dean. with my arms crossed, i lean back in my chair. damn, they’re insufferable at times, but, this time is worse than ever before.
“what do you mean i can’t come on the hunt with you?” i ask, outraged.
“i mean exactly what i said, y/n.” dean’s voice raises, daring me to top it.
i match his volume. “why can’t i come?!”
“because i said so, okay?” he gets up to his feet. he’s louder than me, and bigger than me. he always has been.
“this is some misogynistic bullshit.” i bring my tone up the slightest.
this really pisses him off. “i am not a misogynist for wanting to keep my little sister safe. sorry, that’s not how it works.”
“i’d be safe on the hunt!” i look over at sam for back up. he’s always been the more reasonable one.
he shrugs his shoulders and mouths the word, ‘sorry.’
“when have i ever not been safe on a hunt?!” i retry my approach.
“just about every damn time!” his voice booms through the bunker, ricocheting off the walls.
“i’ve never gotten hurt!” i look back over to sam, my eyes begging him to stand up for me.
“maybe you’ve never gotten that hurt... but you are super clumsy.” his voice is low and quiet compared to mine and dean’s.
“see, i’ve never gotten that hurt, just like, scratches and stuff.” i give him a smug look.
“you fall around so much, there’s a chance that this time could be the time that you get seriously hurt.” sam’s sympathetic with me, trying to get me to calm down.
sam has always been the level-headed sibling. he’s always the mediator. even when we were younger, the only person he’d argue with was dad, and he didn’t get the balls to do that until he was older. still, he’s 6 years older than me and has made it his personal duty to protect me. he enjoys playing the role that dean always got to play when we were little.
dean and i, though, are always at each other’s throats. it not that we don’t get along, because we do, but we both inherited our father’s stubbornness, whereas sam was blessed with mary’s mediating abilities. dean’s a whole decade older than me, so he thinks he’s all tough.
“i can take care of myself,” i reroute the conversation. i find myself saying that line a lot.
“when dad died, he made it my responsibility to take care of you and i’m not gonna let you go out and get hurt.” dean spits.
when dean brings up dad, out of respect, he knows that i’ll do what he says. that’s why he doesn’t bring him up very often. i lean backwards in my chair quickly, but too harshly. the chair goes flying down to the ground.
i close my eyes and prepare for impact, but it never comes. i feel myself being pushed up and back to the chair’s neutral position. my brothers look confused, and so do i.
“did you...?” my voice trails off, looking at dean.
“my reflexes are quick, but not that quick.” he shakes his head. “but, see? you’re clumsy.”
“dean, can i at least pr-“
“you’re not coming. i’m serious.” he says sternly.
“sam?” i turn to him, pleading with my eyes.
“sorry, y/n.”
i huff and push my hair away from the table, standing up. “fine. i’ll go to my room and be useless.”
as i whip around, my elbow bumps into the chair, which goes tumbling to the ground, charting course to land right on my feet. but, i’m yanked backwards, away from the chair.
“ow!” i yelp at the grip on my waist. “dean!”
“that’s wasn’t me.” he throws his hands up.
“seriously? i’m not stupid.” i gripe.
“it really wasn’t him.” sam confirms.
irked, i shrug it off. “whatever.”
i walk to my room and flop on the bed. what a lousy day. apparently i’m too clumsy for anything. frustration bubbles up in me. when are they gonna stop treating me like a little kid? i’m 25 years old.
i grip my pillow in my hands. stupid brothers. stupid hunting monsters. stupid clumsy feet. stupid everything. it’s not fun being the weakest link.
i groan and chuck my pillow across the room, but it stops midair. i blink, “what the fuck.”
i grab the gun from my bed side table, and when i turn back around, the pillow is gone. i stand up at the foot of my bed, holding the gun ready. something weird is going on.
something that feels a lot like my pillow smacks me in the back of the head. i turn around and point the gun at the wall. there’s nothing there. i let out a deep, shaky breath.
suddenly, my pillow is being held to my face from someone behind me. i let out a scream, and the pillow immediately falls to the ground. i turn around and with a sweep of my feet, knock the intruder to the ground. i stomp on their leg and cock my gun, pointing it at their head.
“who the hell- gabriel?”
footsteps pound down the hallway. it’s no doubt sam and dean, alerted by my scream. i look at him, absolutely confused.
“call off your attack dogs and then we’ll talk.” he says before disappearing again.
sam and dean burst through the door. dean is the first to speak, “what happened?!”
“there was a snake!” i lie. “he slithered back into the wall.”
“you scared us, y/n.” sam relaxed.
“well, the snake scared me.” i half-apologize.
they roll their eyes and leave. i shut the door behind them and cross my arms at gabriel, who has reappeared, but this time on his feet.
“why did you try to suffocate me with my pillow?” i whisper.
“just having some fun, darlin.” he smiles.
i’m not amused. “why are you here?”
“well, if you haven’t noticed, you’re a little clumsy.” he teases.
“if you’re just gonna bash me for it, you can leave.” i warn, aggravated.
“that’s not why i’m here. although, it is super funny.” he smirks.
“i will scream.”
“fine, fine. i’m your guardian angel, or whatever.” gabriel admits.
“my what?” i raise an eyebrow.
“all those times you should’ve gotten hurt out there, but didn’t? that was me.” he comes clean.
“so, you’re the prick that bruised my waist from grabbing me so hard.” i roll my eyes.
“i’m the prick that stopped you from breaking your toe.” he sasses. “let see the bruises.”
“gabriel, no-“
“seriously, let me see. i’m not supposed to let you get hurt.” he demands.
“it’s just some bruises.” i counter.
“that’s still an injury.” he points out.
i reluctantly lift my shirt up to my ribcage and hold it there, allowing him to look at the purple bruises he left. it’s an awkward moment, for sure. his eyes linger there for what seems like forever. i clear my throat, and he snaps out of it and walks toward me.
i let my shirt drop to it’s neutral position and back up, “what are you doing?”
“healing you.” he states.
“gabriel, it’s literally just a few bruises.” i screw up my face.
“it’s bruised down to the bone.” he informs me.
“what the hell?!” i lift my shirt up slightly and look at the bruises again. “all you did was grab me!”
“i’m an archangel, sweetie. we’re rough.” he winks.
“ew.” i throw my pillow at him.
“seriously, c’mere.” he beckons me toward him.
i roll my eyes and walk toward him, holding my shirt up. his large hands grip my waist, sending jolts of butterflies through my stomach. light radiates from his fingertips, and when he pulls away, the bruises are gone.
i gingerly press on my side, and there’s no pain at all. i look back up at gabriel, who is inches away from me. my face flushes red and i clear my throat, taking a step back.
“thank you.” i swallow.
“you’re welcome.” he nods.
dean’s shouts echo through the bunker. “we’re leaving now! remember to stay inside and call jody is you need anything.”
“gabriel?” i smirk.
“you might have to protect me from my brother’s fists.” i grin.
“what? kid, don’t make my job harder. y/n-“
i take off towards the garage, taking a short cut, and hop in one of our spare cars. it’s a pickup truck. i sink low into the seat so the boys won’t see me. i hear them as they walk into the garage.
“i kind of feel bad, dean.” i hear sam say as they approach their car. “she really wanted to come.”
“so? she’ll be fine.” he shrugs.
“she’s upset.” sam reasons.
“and she’ll get over it. should we take the truck?” he asks. my body tenses up. oh god, please don’t take the truck.
“it’s too cramped in there.” sam shakes his head.
“you’re right.”
the door to the impala closes and i watch as they drive off. gabriel pops into the passenger’s seat beside me.
“this is the stupidest thing you’ve ever done. they’re gonna kill you.” he tells me.
“good thing i have a guardian angel.” i smile cheesily.
i speed off after them and follow them through the twisting roads. i wonder if they’re suspicious of me. they probably are. they’ve probably already recognized the car.
my phone rings, making me jump. i pick up. “hello?”
“is everything okay at home?” sam’s voice asks through the phone.
“yep. hey, where you guys even going?” i ask.
he sighs, “a vampire hunt. it’s not too far, but stay home. we should be back soon.”
“fine. bye, sam.” i hang up the phone. “ready to watch me kill some bloodsuckers, gabe?”
“y/n, you should go home.” he leans back in the seat.
“if you say that again i’ll make your job even harder by crashing the car.” i joke.
he scoffs. “seriously, go home.”
“listen, i don’t even need a guardian angel in the first place, much less another person bossing me around.” my tone becomes serious.
“you do need a guardian angel.” he rolls his eyes. “you’d be dead by now without me.”
“bullshit. i don’t need- or want a guardian angel. so, go away.” i huff.
“y/n, c’mon-“
“go away and stop guarding me, gabriel.” i demand.
he sighs. “fine.”
he disappears and i slam on my steering wheel. i watch as sam and dean pull into a warehouse. i wait until they walk into the building to park and get out. i walk up behind them and tap them on the shoulder with a shit-eating grin on my face.
“y/n, what the hell?” dean whisper shouts. “get out!”
“i’m here to help, there’s no reason in sending me home now.” i smile.
“i’m killing you when we get home.” he groans as vampires come running towards us.
i take my machete and start slinging, one by one demolishing the nest by cutting their heads off. i get carried away. i’m doing really good!
a pair of fangs plunge into my neck and start sucking. a sharp pain coarses through my body. i scream and writhe under their touch. i feel the blood flowing out of my neck and into their mouth, but i’m utterly helpless.
i’m pushed to the ground, away from the vampire. i look up and watch as gabriel decapitates him. he looks down at me, his face saying all i need to know. if he were to speak right now, he would say- “i told you so.”
he quickly leans down and presses two fingers to my neck, healing my injury, and then vanishes into thin air. sam and dean come running over to my side.
“are you okay?” sam asks.
“did it hurt you?” his voice is threatening.
“no, i killed him.” i lie. “i just fell.”
dean is furious with me, so he drives home alone, while sam accompanies me in the truck. after a few minutes of driving, he turns to me with a smile on his face.
“you faired pretty well.” he’s full of pride.
i know i really didn’t, and i’d probably be dead if it weren’t for gabriel. “i know.”
back at the bunker, i sit on my bed, hugging mh pillow. i was raised by one of the best hunters ever, and i suck at hunting. i’ve had every resource i could imagine to get better, and all the experience i could have, and i still suck.
i cry. the hot tears stream down my face. i’m really not good at anything, am i? i’m the worst winchester. i can’t do anything. i need a guardian angel to save my life because i can’t even handle myself with a dumb vampires nest. sam and dean were right; gabriel was right; everyone was right about me.
the bed dips a little in the corner. i look up and see gabriel sitting there, watching me. i sniff and wipe the tears away, trying (and failing) to cover up the fact that i’m upset.
“you’ve gotten stop surprising me like that.” i force a laugh.
“i’m always watching, y/n. i know you’re crying.” he’s sympathetic, but i don’t want him to be.
i deflect. “always watching? that’s creepy.”
“a little, but enjoy the show.” he laughs.
“ew, gabe.” i crinkle up my nose.
“why are you crying?” he asks, getting back on topic.
“do we really have to talk about this?” i groan.
“well, i am your guardian angel.” he shrugs.
“i’m not hurt.”
he adds, “physically.”
“it’s a story for another time,” i sniff.
“no, no. now.” he corrects.
i roll my eyes and hesitate. “i’m the worst winchester.”
“you’re all pretty insufferable, and stubborn.” he waves a dismissive hand.
“gee, thanks, but, thats not what i mean.” i press my lips into a grimace. “i can’t hunt. i need a stupid guardian angel to watch over me so i don’t die. i’m not good at anything.”
“i bet you’re good at something.” he reasons.
“nope.” i shake my head.
“hm...” his eyes flicker down to my mouth. my breath hitches.
he leans in, before i could even protest (if i wanted to), and kisses me. gabriel, the archangel, kisses me. my hands work through his hair momentarily before he pulls away.
he breaths, “you’re good at that.”
my face flushes red. maybe i do need a guardian angel.
#supernatural#supernatural imagines#supernatural fanfiction#gabriel#gabriel x reader#gabriel imagine#sam winchester#dean winchester#gabriel x you#gabriel archangel
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“Flirting” - Gabriel x female!reader
Summary: Gabriel likes to flirt with the reader who unfortunately is easily flustered in general but especially because of her feelings for him. The Problem? The reader can’t tell if he is sincere or only teasing and making fun of her reactions.
Warnings: suggestive themes, mild swearing (because Dean)
Category: mostly fluff (maybe a little sad at one point)
Words: about 12.000 (wow, I always get carried away… would you like long pieces spilt in two?)
Note: I just recently finished season 8 (so please no spoilers, I already managed to avoid them for so long) so I know that the timelines don’t really match but I didn’t want them to still be moving from motel to motel for this. Also, I know the bunker doesn’t really have a living room area but I decided to add one in the library anyway… Note 2: I miss this archangel way too much for only seeing him in like … four episodes? (I cried twice in the episode … I might have been drunk too though) Note 3: I wanted to focus on my final exams but I had this idea floating around in my head and ‘to get rid of it’ I just decided to write it down... so here my very first piece about a character from supernatural.
“Flirting” - Gabriel x fem!reader
You had never been good with flirting, neither with starting it nor with responding to it. Sometimes you just didn't realize it was sincere flirting and not just teasing or you got too flustered to properly respond and avoided the situation of answering altogether. Or sometimes you just got angry because of it. How could people stay calm and then playfully respond when someone was flirting with them? Whenever someone tried his luck on you he would definitely not get lucky that night. Your responses would either be blubbering like an idiot or not speaking up at all. To be fair these reactions were far more pleasant for the one starting the flirty banter than for the first guy to ever try his luck on you. When that boy tried to hit on you, you hit him back… literally. Well, what did he expect when he used that horrendous pickup line on you. You couldn't remember the concrete context anymore, only that it happened on school grounds and that it was definitely not his time and place to use that line on you.
"How are you not cold? You’ve been naked in my mind this whole time."
You had been fifteen, maybe sixteen years old at that time and at first you had just blankly starred at the boy your age who looked pleased and proud of himself. However, he only had that expression on his face for a second before you had punched him in the nose in anger and embarrassment. You would have liked the story to end there but of course you had gotten in trouble for it. The boy's nose had started bleeding immediately and a teacher had intervened not a second later. You got escorted to the principal and the boy to the school nurse. Your mother was notified, you were forced to apologize and you even got suspended for a few days. But at the end it had been definitely worth it because after you told your mother why you had punched the boy she laughed heartily and bought ice-cream on the way home. "Some people just have it coming."
Nowadays you don't react as violent to flirting but you still can't handle it normally and often resolve to running away. You just got flustered far too easily which embarrassed you greatly. The problem? You now were a skilled hunter with two hunter best friends who happened to know an archangel who couldn't stop flirting with you. Whatever situation you were in or regardless of the time you weren't able to escape his more often than not very dirty comments. It seemed like he declared it his mission to make you flustered at least once per day, often more than once. The problem? You really, sincerely and without a doubt liked him. Why? You had no clue since he enjoyed tormenting you so much but there was something about him that lured you in every time.
Maybe it was his eyes. His brown eyes that weren't dark yet warm and with so much depth they dared you to look further and search for answers to questions you didn't even know. An enigma that didn't want to be resolved but egged you on to search for a resolution you would never find anyway. And even though they were brown it wasn't a solid color. Sometimes, when they caught the light just right, you swore you could see specks of green in them like the renewable leaves growing on the branches of an oak tree after a cold, unforgiving winter. But you often couldn’t look at them long enough to find those small specks. Their brown color itself was like a pot of golden honey illuminated by the beams of the rising spring sun that tricked your mind into a false sense of calmness. Because whenever you would look at them for a moment too long, when you would almost lose yourself in them he would notice and his calm demeanor would instantly change into a teasing glare with a smirk to match.
Maybe it was the way he carried himself in such a carefree and confident way that made you jealous sometimes. Even though being reserved and careful weren't bad traits for a hunter you found it fascinating how easy-going Gabriel's attitude could be and you wished you could let lose more often too or just be surer of yourself like he was. Just a tiny bit. However, that confidence more often than not evolved into smugness that most of the time made you roll your eyes in annoyance. The smile that would form afterwards was always suppressed by you tightly pressing your lips together. His ego was big enough as it was.
Maybe it was him supporting you and the Winchesters on hunts sometimes. He was quite skilled even without relying on his angle powers because wiping away a whole vampire nest with one finger clicking wasn't entertaining enough for him. No one complained because one set of hands more was always welcomed. (Okay, Dean sometimes complained.) Of course, if something wasn't going according to plan or someone was about to get hurt he would step in immediately. Or well, almost immediately because it seemed like it always took him a second longer to save Dean and Sam than when saving you.
Maybe it was his sense of humor that made you snicker and laugh heartily when it wasn't dirty or suggestive. You liked his pranks he pulled on Dean and Sam. Mostly because of their reactions though. Whenever you heard Dean yell through the bunker in anger and frustration you could already guess who had crossed his path. Though sometimes you also became a victim of one of Gabriel's pranks but you rarely got mad because of them. If anything you had waited for the opportunity to have a reason to strike back at him for all the times he had made you flustered. However, your pranks weren't anything compared to what he could and would pull off.
Maybe it was how approachable he could be sometimes. When you felt stressed or upset he would start a conversation with you to distract you and to set your mind at ease. He was surprisingly easy to talk to or at least whenever he wasn't in a flirty mood which unfortunately he was in often since the last couple of days. You would almost say he got more aggressive with his flirting, not even bothered when Dean or Sam would be present which made you even more flustered. You hated getting flustered over it. You were a hunter for crying out loud. You faced monsters no one would dare to even imagine but you couldn't handle a guy flirting with you? That was your pathetic weakness? But what was equally as embarrassing was whenever Sam tried to talk with you about it and how you should tell him about your feelings. At first you denied it, obviously, but Sam wouldn't butch and you gave in after a few awkward conversations.
"Are you my mom or something? Asking me that question again and again until I finally answer?" Sam gave you a sour look but continued to stare at you with his arms crossed. "Uh, fine" you gave in and rolled your eyes. "You were right all along. Are you happy now?" "It is a first step" he replied and let his arms fall down to his sides. You shook your head and your arms before your chest immediately. "Nope, not happening." "You have to tell him eventually so why continuing to wait? You are a fierce hunter you can tell someone how you feel about them." You rolled your eyes and laid your head in your hands. Why couldn't Sam just let you be? You knew Gabriel's flirting wasn't well liked with the Winchesters but you were the one he targeted so it was your problem and not theirs. You looked up again with a warning glare. "Yeah right, Sam. I'll just walk up to him and have a serious conversation for once. You witnessed how aggressively flirty he is currently. I can't talk to him about it. He won't listen and I will only feel more stupid because of it. I'll just hope it goes away" you explained but let the last sentence be open for interpretation if you meant Gabriel's flirting or your feelings. It was a disaster. Why did you even feel that way about him? He makes you feel so confused and embarrassed all the time and you didn't like that at all. You furrowed your eyebrows, shrugged your shoulders and sighed in defeat.
"Why the sour face, sugar?" a familiar voice asked that made you tense up immediately. You turned your head to the left and saw Gabriel leaning against the doorframe. Shit! Had he heard you? Your eyes darted back to Sam in question but he shook his head almost unnoticeable. So Gabriel wasn't standing there for long. A wave of relief washed over you. At least something good was happening to you. Glaring at Gabriel again you huffed. "It is none of your business" you replied defensively and crossed your arms before your chest. "Oh, come on. Now I'm really curious" he said and licked his lips which already made your cheeks slightly heat up. 'Traitor' you thought to yourself. "Just a rough day" you gave in with a small, polite smile, knowing that he wouldn't let you be if you didn't answer. By the sight of your smile his eyes seemed to lighten up before his grin grew almost sinister.
"I didn't think you'd like it rough." Your eyes widened in shock and if your face wasn’t red before it definitely was now. "That's not... wha- I didn't!" you began to stammer. Why would he even say that? Did it even make sense? With your nails digging into the flesh of your arms and wide eyes you stared at the smug archangel. Sam gave out an artificial cough of discomfort which made you look at him with one raised eyebrow. "That's what I was telling you about!" you tried to express over your eyes. He only stared right back at you, seemingly as caught off guard as you. You looked back at Gabriel who didn't even bit back his teasing smirk. "I have to go!" you choked out and squeezed through the door and by Gabriel without hesitation. You didn't care that he probably would be pleased by it, you just had to leave right now and he was standing in the only way out of the room. You needed a break from this. You needed some distance before your face would heat up enough to cook a three course meal on it. Luckily he didn't hold you back just followed your movement with his eyes and let you run away. When Sam coughed again his eyes snapped back to the taller Winchester with one eyebrow raised in question. "Really, Gabriel?" Sam asked annoyed. The archangel only shrugged with a grin and buried his hands in the pockets of his jacket before teleporting away.
In the past you had handled Gabriel's flirty comments far better than nowadays. Maybe the reasons for that were that he didn't do it that often back than and maybe because you hadn't yet realized how much you really liked him. Now it felt like mockery to you. Was he teasing you so much because of it? Did he know? The problem you always had with flirting was that you could never tell if it was sincere or just a way to express friendly banter. Or in Gabriel's case: teasing you just for fun. Did he do it just for fun? Everything would be so much easier if you just knew what his deal was. You would know if you were making yourself false hopes or if you really had a change. But with the current situation you weren't ready to test the waters.
You groaned and let your head fall on the opened book on the table. Sam and Dean had gone out on a hunt a few days ago and you were left behind with research duty. You didn't hate researching for them or research in general but after a few hours of reading an old and complicated worded book while sitting in the same position the lines just got blurry and your body sore. Even with some sweets as "nerve food" you weren't able to get back to your concentrated state. With your arms draped over your head and your nose buried in the book you closed your eyes for a moment. You swore that next time you wouldn't let them leave you behind again. Especially since it was difficult enough to avoid Gabriel with them around to shield you if necessary but when they were gone you were an even easier target.
"What's the problem, sweetcheeks? Can't concentrate?" You stifled the surprised yelp and after that the annoyed groan that threatened to spill over your lips. Speaking of the devil ... or well archangel. Now you really wouldn't be able to concentrate anymore.
You looked up slightly to see Gabriel standing next to you, leaning his head down to take a close look at you. His face was so close to you that you could feel the faintest ghost of his breath on your lips. You tensed up immediately, not able to move away or break off the eye contact. His golden eyes held you captive. But there was something else then golden-brown too. Where those the green specks you sometimes thought you saw? You gulped, biting your lip as you saw his eyes wander down to them. You felt a push, a desire to- but you can’t. Not this way. Straightening up you were finally able to escape his eyes and looked to the other side, not wanting to be so close to his face anymore. He didn't even really do anything and you could feel your face heat up already. What were you? Twelve? Why couldn't you just for once control your body around him?
"It's just painful sitting on this chair for hours" you said trying to have a normal conversation with him again but you should have known better. "Need a pillow to sit on? I can be yours if you want" he said without missing a beat. Your head whipped around to meet his gaze again. You wanted to be mad and lecture him but the moment you locked eyes with him you were unable to speak up properly. He still was only inches away from you and grinned wickedly, a mischievous glint in his light brown eyes. You wanted to look away, hide your eyes but you were unable to free yourself from his hypnotic gaze. These golden honey pots just lured you in every time. You wished you could drop threw a Scooby-Doo like trap in the floor right now just to escape this situation. Or maybe a monster could waltz in and threaten your life? At least that would be something you could handle. Instead you stammered something not even you could decipher, with your heart beating violently against your rips. How did he even know so many suggestive sayings? Clenching your fists, and digging your nails into the palms of your hands in the process, you leaned back to try and increase the distance between him and you. You had noticed that personal space wasn't necessarily something angels understood by being around Castiel a lot too. However, Gabriel sometimes took it to the extreme. Or maybe it just felt that way because every time he got close to you, your body burned up without him needing to say anything.
You blinked rapidly while you could feel the blush creeping up your neck and face. The smirk on Gabriel's features only seemed to grow as you drove yourself further into embarrassment. Then he suddenly decided you were tortured enough and took a step back before sitting down on the opposite side of the table, still eyeing you to not miss the slightest bit of your reaction. "What was- don't you ever shut up?" you angrily spit, finally able to form a coherent sentence again. The archangel leaned back in the chair with his arms crossed behind his head. Clicking his tongue the smile vanished from his face as he seemed to think about it for a moment, looking up at the ceiling before directing his piercing glance back at you. His smirk already back on his features. "Only when my mouth is preoccupied with something sweet" he said and wiggled his eyebrows suggestively. Your face grew even hotter and before he could add anything else to it you grabbed one of the chocolate bars you had brought with you for your research session and threw it at him. He caught it with ease. "Here and now shut up!" you bellowed and shifted your focus back to the book. You swore that you wouldn't look up at him again and instead just ignore his antics. "Not what I meant but also not bad" Gabriel said pleased and unwrapped the candy. You of course knew what he had meant but you wouldn't let it happen. Not in that way.
The next morning you got a call from Dean, telling you that the hunt has been successful and that they would return now. Though that meant you would still be alone till the evening because the hunt had been far away. You sighed and clamped the phone between your head and shoulder so you could climb the kitchen counter to get a mug from one of the cupboards. It was far too early. Okay it was ten in the morning but you had been up almost all night, ready for any phone calls so you could help if needed. But then you had fallen asleep and Dean's phone call had startled you awake. You had jumped up, ready for any sort of bad news or him yelling a question about the monster through the speaker only to hear that the hunt was successful and finished. So know you needed some well-earned coffee.
"Are you okay?" Dean asked but you mentally translated it to 'Is he bothering you?'. "No, everything's alright, don't worry" you answered after you stood safe on your feet again with the mug in your hand. You poured the hot, dark liquid into it and sat down at the table. "Does that mean he stopped?" the older Winchester questioned further. You bit back a laugh. "No, of course not. But yesterday wasn't as bad" you lied. Every single day seemed to get worse or at least Gabriel seemed to get even straighter forward with his dirty comments as the days went by. If that was even possible. "If you need an archangel blade just tell us" Dean joked but you could hear the slightest hint of sincerity in his tone too. "Will do, Deano" you laughed back and shook your head. "I'd say drive carefully but I know I would only waste my breath" you grinned and took a sip of your coffee. You could almost see Dean rolling his eyes at you through the phone. "We will be back in a few hours." After that the line went silent and you put your phone back into your pocket.
You were able to drink about half of your coffee in peace when Gabriel decided to show up. He didn't say anything and if you wouldn't know it any better you would have said that he looked tired. Or hungover. He sat down in front of you, buried his head in his hands and closed his eyes, not speaking a single word. That was unusual. You raised one eyebrow at him. Something was up. You downed the rest of your coffee and stood up to refill your mug. Should you say something? You debated about it in your head but as always your friendly side won. Screw it.
"Hey Gabriel, do you want some coffee too?" you asked, your back facing him because you were too afraid of seeing his smirk again. You were begging for a normal answer. "That would be great" he only said which made you breathe out in relief. "Coming right up." Knowing Gabriel's sweet tooth habits you poured in a not so healthy amount of sugar into his mug and stirred it before walking back to the table. You set the cup down in front of him and returned to your place, drinking your coffee in silence and avoiding his eyes. "Thanks, sugar" he said and for the first time you blushed but not because of you feeling overly embarrassed or being angry at him. "No problem."
Then everything was quiet again but you were still debating on talking to him. He seemed really down which was not only unusual for the archangel but also quite alarming. It was also the longest time you two had spent together without him instantly using a flirty comment in a while. You thought about what Dean had said on the phone earlier. Did he stop? Maybe he didn't feel like annoying you anymore. Even more suspicious. Glancing up you observed him for a few moments. He didn't meet your eyes just stared into his coffee mug, his shoulders hanging low. Now that made all your alarm clocks inside your head ring and yell in worry. He would never let an opportunity pass to challenge you with his eyes. Normally he always felt your eyes on him and would meet your gaze almost instantly. You sat up straight. This wasn't normal.
"Hey, Gabe?" you spoke up to get his attention which he gave you immediately. "Yeah, sugar?" he slightly grinned at you and you hesitated. Maybe he was only playing with you again. It wouldn't be too farfetched. You shook your worries away, your friendly side winning once again. "I just wanted to ask … is something wrong? You seem down" you said. Now a little unsure of yourself because of his grin you began to fidget with the cup between your hands. Maybe this has been a mistake. Maybe you should have just enjoyed the silence for once. "I'm just feeling a little off today" he answered, his smile vanished and he looked back down at his coffee. So your suspensions had been right. You took a sip of your coffee, ready to relax again and breathe out in relief when you caught the smallest glint of roguishness in his eyes. And before you knew it his typical smirk had returned as he looked up at you. "Would you like to turn me on?" Instantly you choked on the small sip of coffee and coughed it back into the mug as it burned your mouth. Now your face really grew hot out of embarrassment. Cursing yourself you tapped against your chest to stop the coughs from fighting their way up. You had to get out of here. "Forget that I said something" you wheezed and stood up with your cup in one hand and the other one pressed against your chest. You had to leave this room right now. "Oh, come on" Gabriel called after you with laughter in his voice. "That one was a real banger." You only groaned audibly and continued your way to your room.
You had barricaded yourself in your room for the next few hours. Luckily you had made it angel-prove after an incident that had involved Gabriel a few weeks ago.
After a tiring hunt you had just wanted to bury your head in your pillows and sleep for 24 hours straight. But you couldn't even get as far as sitting down on your bed. You were only able to take one step inside your room before it happened. You saw Gabriel presenting himself on your bed, grinning at you and one second before it happened you realize what was about to go down. But at that point it was already too late for you to react and you were soaked in some kind of strange, gooey liquid. You couldn't force back the yell of surprise and disgust as the cold substance clung to your clothes and hair. "Gabriel!" you growled and wanted to jump forward, ready to strangle him. Normally you wouldn't get to mad at his pranks but your nerves had been on edge all day and this was the last straw. However, you weren't even able to take one step forward. It seemed like you were glued to the ground. Confused you looked down and tugged on one of your legs with all your might but it wouldn't really butch much. "What is this?" you grumbled and wiped off some of the slime that sticked to your face and hair. Only that it stretched a little but other than that it stayed tangled in your hair. You could hear the archangel snicker which made you look at him again.
"Gum here often?" he asked with a smirk, holding his head up with one hand while lazily lying on his side. It would have been the perfect pose for a magazine cover wouldn't it be for- wait. What did he just say? "Gum?!" you yelled with your eyes wide in horror which only made him laugh even more. He poured liquid gum on you?! "Gabriel, get me out of here" you demanded while continuing to struggle against the gum. "What do you offer in return?" he talked back still in his model position. You groaned and stopped struggling because you only tangled yourself more in it anyway. Rolling your eyes you shrugged your shoulders in defeat, letting your arms fall down to your sides. "What do you want?" you asked annoyed. Gabriel shifted, now lying on his stomach to face you directly with his head in his hands.
"What about a kiss?"
You bit back an angry remark and instead thought of a loophole in his proposition. You needed to get out of here and maybe even get some revenge. But at first you needed some more time to think. "Really? Pulling of this dirty trick on me to get a kiss?" you asked with one raised eyebrow. "I know some more where that one was coming from" he responded with a wink. You rolled your eyes and crossed your arms before your chest as far as possible. The familiar heat was already tinting your face red again while you grumbled to yourself. "Snap the gum away and you can get what you want" you grumbled and turned your head away from him. He jumped up immediately like a little kid who had heard Santa Claus leave the presents downstairs. "Your wish is my command" he said theatrically and snapped his fingers. The gum you were stuck in disappeared in an instant. Relieved you let the tension in your shoulders out and prepared yourself for what was about to happen. Gabriel walked a few steps towards you with a smug grin on his lips and his arms stretched out. "I'm waiting."
Your eyes widened. He wanted you to do it? To start the kiss? You groaned internally and bit your lip so it wouldn't threaten to spill over them. "Fine" you growled and walked up to him. You had to make this quick without him noticing what you were planning to do. You stood before him and hesitated for a moment. You felt his eyed looking down on you but you were unable to meet his gaze just yet. Wasn't this something you had wanted? Yes, but not under these circumstances. And you refused to play under his rules. You had to concentrate now so you breathed in deeply before grabbing him by the collar of his jacket and bringing him down to you. You saw the confident glint in his eyes, the sureness of victory, as you pulled him down. He didn't even saw it coming. You took one last deep breath and mustered as much strength as you could in your tired state to headbutt him across the face. He let out a surprised yelp and groaned. You didn't think you would actually be able to hurt him with it you had just wanted to get back at him and his surprised face was all you wanted. After the headbutt you let go of him immediately and pushed him towards the door. "That wasn't a kiss" he complained as you tried to shove him out of your room. "Yes, it was" you hissed and pushed him over the ledge of the doorway and grabbed the door, ready to close it but you paused and looked up at him with a grin. "I hope you enjoyed my Liverpool Kiss!" you sing-songed in a sickly sweet manner before shooting him an angry glare and throwing the door in his face.
After that you had decided to secure your room because even though you mostly enjoyed his pranks you didn't want them to happen in your room. Also, you didn't need him snooping around there. So if Gabriel really wanted to enter the room you would have to destroy the sigils you drew on your door and walls first. But he would have to give you a good reason to do so.
Now it was almost four pm so you had spent a good six hours in your room. Dean and Sam still hadn't returned tough, probably because of a stopover at a diner. Your stomach growled at the thought of something to eat. However, that meant you had to leave the room and probably face Gabriel again. But you couldn't stay hungry in your room either. You groaned and stood up from your bed. When you remembered correctly there should be leftover pizza in the fridge. The thought of something to eat spurred you on so you tiptoed to the kitchen as fast as possible.
It only took a few moments to heat the pizza pieces up again but it felt like an eternity to you. But now you sat at the table again and to ate your favorite pizza with your mouth watering. It was perfect. Only that it wasn't. "You've got a piece for me too?" You flinched and looked up from your plate to see Gabriel sitting in front of you. How did he get there without you noticing? "Ehm" you stammered and leaned back to increase your distance to him. You wanted to be cold and say 'No' but your good, friendly side won once more. "Of course." You shoved the plate in the middle of the table so you both could reach it. You two ate in silence which you appreciated greatly because you wouldn't have been able to handle his flirting right now. And even more surprisingly was that he was the one to put away the empty plate after you two finished the rest of the pizza. He didn't snap his fingers and made the plate disappear, no he stood up and grabbed it before you could and put it in the dishwasher. "What is happening?" you wondered but stayed quiet. Better not addressing it and provoking him to any sort of dirty comments again. You just raised one eyebrow at him as he came to a halt in front of you, looking down at you with a special glint in his eyes you couldn't quite sort into any category. You eyed him skeptically.
"Want to join me in the library?" he asked and reached out a hand for you to take. Now you raised both eyebrows in confusion. What was he scheming? Tilting your head you glanced suspiciously at his hand and back up to his eyes but you couldn't find anything to support your worries which was the only evidence you needed to know that he really had something planned. "Why? What do you want to do?" you asked too curious for your own good. Even though your instincts told you not to trust his seemingly sincere demeanor you decided to grab his hand anyway. He clasped your hand and the glint in his eyes immediately shifted to something mischievous. But before you could speak up or withdraw your hand he pulled you up on your feet and against his chest, his other arm wrapped around your waist so you weren't able to escape. Your eyes widened as you unsuccessfully tried to push yourself away from him with your free hand. With your hand pressed against his chest and your whole body tense you looked up to meet his smug gaze. You wanted to narrow your eyes, hiss something, be mad or do anything but the moment you locked eyes with him you froze once again. Why was this always happening? But surprising you the most was that the tension in your shoulders released almost instantly. Under the warmth of his eyes you felt like melting, like ice-cream in the heat of the summer sun, with your cheeks growing hot too. His lips were dangerously close again, his breath tickling them in the most challenging way and the only thing you wanted was to accept it, to go along. But you couldn’t and you won’t. Not this way. Not under his rules. Shaking your head you broke the eye contact once again with great difficulties and cursed yourself for ignoring your instincts. You were a hunter! You were supposed to rely on instincts if everything else failed. Angry at yourself you bit your tongue to stifle any unholy outbreaks. Refusing to meet his eyes again you continued to stare at his chest with your free hand clenching into a tight fist and pressed against his jacket. Your emotions shifted in an instant and you suddenly felt the powerful urge to run away and hide but unfortunately for you, you couldn't. Gabriel leaned down to your ear, only slightly before he spoke up again.
"Preferably you."
Your body tensed up immediately and you were sure the archangel was well aware of that though he didn't react to it. Your eyes snapped up to meet his in fiery anger you used to conceal how flustered you really were and the familiar heat had already established itself on your cheeks again. You were able to feel his body pressed against yours before too but now after those two words you seemed to be painfully aware of everything. Oh, how you hated the way he had made you flustered with his comments right now. And you hated the fact that you sincerely liked him in that moment too. Your nostrils flared as you huffed, unable to speak up. Or rather you didn't trust your voice not to break right now. "But watching a movie would do it too" he added with a toothy grin and let go of you. Quickly you took a few steps back and tried to regain control over your body. You were so hot you probably could replace the heating system of the bunker. "So" he dragged the word and shoved his hands in the pockets of his jacket. "Care to join me?"
After the stunt he had pulled on you, you would have normally taken the first change to run back to your room as quick as possible. You were furious and embarrassed and furiously embarrassed. Still you decided to accompany him into the living room area. Why exactly were you doing this? You weren't able to answer yourself. Maybe because you missed hanging out with Gabriel without having to hear these comments all the time, wondering off they were sincere or not. So you sat down on the couch but as far away from the archangel as possible. You didn't want to fall even further into your pit of shame. Luckily he didn't make a single move to get any closer to you so you were able to enjoy most of the movie. However, after a while you got hungry again and decided to grab some snacks from your secret candy hideout in the kitchen. When you sat down again you thought Gabriel had moved a little closer to your spot. But by the way he lazily laid there you doubted that. Maybe your mind was only playing tricks on you. Though something you did notice, were the glances he threw your way. Eyeing him from the corner of your eyes you realized that he wasn't only looking at you but at the sweets on your lab too. You shoved another gummy bear in your mouth and thought for a moment. Should you offer him some? You mentally groaned. Why were you always so nice? Why couldn't you just ignore him? Battling with yourself you finally gave in, rolling your eyes at yourself and muttering curses under your breath. You were so going to regret this.
"Hey" you said and turned towards him. His honey eyes immediately focused on you again. You groaned once more before you made your offer: "Do you want some sweets too?" What had you told yourself earlier? Ah, right: You would regret this. And by the tight-lipped smile on his face you now knew you definitely were about to. "You're the only candy I need." You stayed dead quiet, the bag of sweets still hold out for him. Narrowing your eyes at him you scowled. Even though you felt agitated you were far too tired to let it show except through the blush that crept up your neck. Actually pretty convenient or at least better than stammering like an idiot. You pursed your lips, a slight furrow between your brows as you stared pointedly at the archangel who seemed to grow uncomfortable with every second ticking by in which you didn't say anything. His smug grin turned into an unsure facade.
"But I would take some of the gummy bears too."
"So how was the hunt?" you asked Dean and Sam when they finally arrived back at the bunker. It was around six or seven pm and you were still seated on the couch with Gabriel spread out on the other side. After your unresponsiveness about his latest comment he hadn't dared to speak up again. You didn't really care. In fact you were even a little proud at yourself for not ending up a totally blushing mess and stammering incoherent sentences but staying silent and stoic instead. Why couldn't you react that way every time he did that to you?
"Fine" Dean mumbled and directed his attention away from you and to the small fridge to get his hard-earned bottle of beer. You only snickered and directed your eyes to Sam, crossing your arms on the back of the couch and placing your head on them while kneeling on the cushions. "Next time I want to join you two again" you said and made it sound slightly demanding. Sam chuckled and glanced at Gabriel who hadn't turned around, his eyes fixated on the TV screen. The taller Winchester nodded: "Alright." However, you shook your head at him and reached out your hand for him to grab. "Promise me." Sam eyed you confused with a small smile on his lips. His gaze darted back to the archangel and he let out a slight snicker when Dean joined them, handing his brother a bottle of beer. "So bad?" Sam asked while still looking at the archangel for a few seconds more before directing his gaze back to you. You huffed and pushed one strand of hair out of your face before reaching out your hand again which the younger brother finally accepted. "You have no idea."
Almost two weeks later and you still haven't found another hunt which meant that either the world was uncharacteristically peaceful or the monsters got better at disguising themselves. Anyway, that also meant that you had been trapped inside the bunker with Gabriel for two more weeks. And it slowly but surely got to a point where you weren't sure if you could go on like this. Neither did Gabriel's comments stop nor your feelings for him. Damn that honey-eyed archangel luring you into his trap every time. But at least he had been away for a few days now, giving you some peace at last. He said he had to sort something out and left immediately afterwards. You had to admit that you kind of missed him but at least he wasn't bugging you right now. Or not in person anyway because him leaving didn't make your thoughts stop circling around him. You needed a distraction. Your fingertips and mind ached for a new hunt.
With a sigh you let yourself fall onto the couch in the library and closed your eyes. The bunker hadn't been this peaceful in a long time. It should have been pleasant so why did it irritate you instead? Did you really miss Gabriel's dirty comments? Did you really miss the feeling of embarrassment all day long? With a huff you draped your arms over your face. No, you missed seeing Gabriel's eyes sparkle with these refreshing specks of green. You missed having a normal conversation with him about a random topic one of you picked. You missed hanging out with him before he decided to flirt with you all the time. You missed him. You shook your head. Damn, you really were hopeless.
"(Y/N)?" echoed Sam's voice through the bunker and to your ears, interrupting your thoughts. Groaning you opened your eyes and removed your arms from your face. "Yeah?" you yelled back and waited because you could already hear his and Dean's footsteps coming closer. You only sat up to face them when you could hear them enter the library. "Please tell me you found a hunt" you begged and leaned forward against the back of the couch. The two brothers shook their heads in unison. "No, we need your help" Sam started but got interrupted by Dean. "Or rather we need Gabriel's help" the older brother said. You raised one eyebrow in question. Why would they need Gabriel's help? You mustered their faces and noticed discomfort flashing over them for a split second. What were they plotting now? "For what?" you asked and tried to sound casual. You put your head in your hands to keep it upright and to not miss any signs that would tell you what they had planned. "That's not so important" Dean started which only made you even more suspicious. Why didn't they just tell you? Were they thinking about pranking Gabriel back? Or ask him about something for a hunt? But they told you they didn't have one. So what exactly were they up to? "The problem is that that son of a bitch won't answer our prayers" Dean finished and cursed angrily. You rolled your eyes. Typical for the archangel. It kind of became a prank in itself to ignore the Winchesters. "So we need you to try it" Sam added and looked at you with an apologetic smile on his lips. You groaned and leaned your head back. That couldn't be real right now, could it? Hadn't you just thought that you missed him? Well, yeah. But if you called him through a prayer he would tease you about it one-hundred percent. Because it is what he always did. "Do I have to?" you asked with a pleading look in your eyes and pouty lips. 'Oh please, just for once be on my side!' you thought not really directed to anyone specific. "Yeah, sorry. But he usually answers yours no matter what" Sam excused and rubbed the back of his neck in discomfort. When he really felt so apologetic about you calling for Gabriel they probably had something serious to discuss with him. You really didn't want to do it, Gabriel would never let you live it down but apparently you had no choice. You groaned again. "Fine" you stretched the word before closing your eyes. They definitely owed you for that and whatever was about to happen.
"Hey, Gabriel. I need you so could you please send your feathery ass over here? Thanks."
You purposely didn't say that it wasn't you but the Winchesters who needed him because you had realized fairly quickly that he wouldn't come if you made it clear you were praying to him on behalf of Dean and Sam when he was ignoring them. Would he catch onto that then he wouldn't even answer your prayers. You breathed in deeply to prepare yourself for what was going to happen and then slowly opened your eyes again to meet the golden ones of a curtain archangel. Gabriel stood only a few inches in front of you with his typical grin on his lips. "Couldn’t live without me, sweetcheeks?" he asked and tilted his head to one side. Rolling your eyes you pointed behind him to Sam and Dean. "They need you, feather brain" you explained. You could see his demeanor change the moment he laid eyes on the two Winchesters. His carefree attitude vanished and was replaced by an annoyed glare he directed at the two brothers. You wondered how often they had tried to call him before coming to you to make him so displeased. "I know" he snarled which took you by surprise. Out of instinct you put your hand on his shoulder which made him turn to you again. The mischievous glint in his eyes and the smirk on his lips returned in an instant. "So you had been purposefully ignoring them?" you asked with your eyebrows narrowed. "Yep" he answered unmindful and shrugged his shoulders. His hand sneaked towards your face and before you knew it he had already cupped your cheek. Your body froze instantly and your mind exploded into uncontrollable chaos. What. Was. He. Doing? Your eyes widened and your breath got caught in your throat. Stifling the cough you turned away so his hand would leave your skin. Breathing in deeply you tried to control yourself again but when you heard Gabriel's chuckle you spun back around. Rolling your eyes at him you pushed him into the direction of Sam and Dean. "Be decent" you tried to say warningly but it came out more as a whisper. He groaned and rolled his head back dramatically but didn't say anything else, just walked to the Winchesters who gave you a thankful look. You glared at them, making sure they knew that they owed you one now. Then they turned around to leave the library with the archangel in tow. However, you still had one question to ask.
"I have one question before you three leave" you said which made them stop and turn around to face you again. Straightened up a little and collecting yourself, you directed your gaze at Gabriel who instantly challenged your eyes. You huffed and tried to withstand his golden ones. You couldn't back down now. "Why do you only answer my prayers?" you asked genuinely confused and narrowed your eyes in question. Gabriel smirked at you and shoved his hands in his pockets while slightly leaning back. He let his gaze wander over your face while casually standing next to the Winchesters who threw warning glances at him. But he decided to ignore them. "Because, sugar" he started as his grin grew even more. You gulped, already knowing that this wouldn't end well for you.
"You're prayers are the only ones I want to hear, though not necessarily with an audience" he finished with his head held proud and high.
You choked on your spit and your face grew hot not a second later. Did he really just say that in front of Sam and Dean? You couldn't believe it. You turned your head away, not able to hold his piercing eyes. Your body immediately sunk into itself and you just wanted to hide in the darkest corner of the earth where no one would be able to find you. You just wanted to disappear right now because you felt utterly humiliated which was only worsened by your body's reactions. Your mouth was dry and your nails dug themselves into the flesh of your legs as your eyes darted back to Gabriel's. "What the, what the hell is your-" you stammered, not even sure what you were trying to say and achieve. Luckily the Winchester collected themselves fairly quickly and dragged Gabriel out of the room before you could embarrassed yourself in front of him even more or get even more embarrassed by him. You couldn't believe that you really had thought you missed the archangel. Unfortunately, you still did. You huffed and let yourself fall back onto the couch though you couldn't suppress the small smile from forming on your lips. You were a mess. Why did you like him again? But regardless of how often you would continue to ask yourself this it wouldn't change the fact that you had the biggest crush on him. And maybe, only maybe did you start to enjoy his attention even though you didn't like the type of attention and the way it made you flustered.
You grumbled and pressed the palms of your hands against your closed eyes. You had to do something about it. Sam's lecture sprung back into your memories. Maybe you should tell him? But would he take it seriously? You turned to lie on your side and furrowed your eyebrows on wonder. Where you considering believing his flirting was sincere? Was it? Or did he do it because he liked to torture you and see your embarrassing reactions? You groaned, your thoughts torn. You couldn't tell him about your feelings as long as you weren't sure if he was sincere with his flirting or not. It was just oh so wonderful that you were incapable of noticing the difference.
After you had summoned him through your prayers and the Winchesters had a talk with him, even though you had no idea about what, Gabriel seemed to stick around again. At least he had stayed in the bunker for a few days now. However, you had ignored and avoided him as far as possible ever since. You had decided that when you couldn't tell if he was sincere with his flirty comments you had only one other option to stop all this: your feelings had to go away. And maybe it was childish thinking but if you didn't talk to him maybe they would magically disappear? You could wish right? The only problem was that avoiding an archangel wasn't that easy. And since the only angel-prove room was yours you had stayed in there for most of the week so far.
At the moment you laid on your bed and stared up at the ceiling in a half asleep state when your stomach started to rumble. With a groan you straightened up, debating whether you should risk going to the kitchen to eat something or not. But obviously you couldn't just stay in your room forever which was why you tiptoed to your door and listened for anything unusual before opening it. On your way to the kitchen you noticed how uncharacteristically quiet the bunker was and you began to wonder where everyone was. So you took a detour to the library first. But surprisingly the room was empty. Narrowing your eyes in suspicion and confusion you turned around to continue your search in the other rooms only to yelp in surprise as you run into someone. Taking a step bad you cursed mentally. Of course it had to be him. "Who're you looking for, sweetcheeks?" Gabriel asked with his signature smirk on his lips. He leaned against the doorframe with his arms crossed before his chest and his golden eyes looking down at you. You felt your cheeks heat up again but didn't let your body have the time to shut down in an embarrassing panic again. "Where are Dean and Sam?" you asked him. "You weren't looking for me? That hurts" he said and put his hand over his heart with a pained look you knew was only for show. Rolling your eyes you crossed your arms before your chest and glared at him with one raised eyebrow. The archangel only chuckled. "They went out on a hunt." Your eyes widened. "They what!?"
Not wasting one second you pushed past him and ran to your room to get your phone. This had to be one of Gabriel's many pranks, right? After their last hunt they went on without you and after you had called Gabriel for them the owed you! They had sworn to take you with them again. They couldn't just have left you behind, right? Why would they leave you behind with Gabriel? They knew the reason for your little self-quarantine! Biting your lips you suppressed an angry yell of frustration. Did that mean you were trapped in the bunker with Gabriel again? You couldn't believe that. This had to be another prank. In your rush you didn't even notice the archangel following you only after you had grabbed the phone from your nightstand and turned around. He stood before your opened door, unable to come any closer which seemed to annoy him greatly by the look on his face. You couldn't suppress the grin from forming on your lips. Making your room angel-prove had to be one of your best decisions so far. Then you turned your attention back to the phone in your hands and dialed Dean's number.
"(Y/N)? What's the matter?" he asked after a few seconds of the phone ringing. You huffed, instantly angry again. "What's the matter?" you bluffed and felt your eyes twitch. "You left for a hunt. Without me!" Dean winced at your outburst but you weren't done yet. The owed you, they had promised to take you with them again. You felt betrayed but also panicked. You had to stay alone in the bunker with Gabriel and his comments again? "You two had sworn to take me with you!" you yelled while pacing around in your room, very aware of Gabriel's eyes following you. "Well" Dean started but paused for a moment. "Things sometimes go differently than planned?" he tried to soothe your nerves. Unfortunate for him it didn't change anything. "What the hell is that supposed to mean? You could have just told me that you had found another hunt and not just leave without a word" you continued. So they really had left you behind on purpose and it wasn't one of Gabriel's many pranks. You gritted your teeth. Now you really felt betrayed. "You two will turn around and take me with you" you demand, well aware that they probably wouldn't do so. "Sorry, (Y/N) but we are already a few hours away from the bunker. Next time we will take you with us again" Dean promised and even though he sounded sincere you couldn't bring yourself to believe him. "Yeah, right" you wanted to say more but got interrupted by another voice.
"(Y/N)?" chimed Sam's voice out of the receiver now. He had probably snatched the phone from Dean's hand after hearing your angry outburst. "Sam" you growled warningly. Especially he knew why you wanted to leave the bunker so desperately and still he had decided to go without you. "Let me explain" the younger brother started. "Yes, Sam. Please enlighten me" you demanded and sat down on your bed, glancing at Gabriel from the corner of your eye. He hadn't moved an inch, mustering you. You couldn't read the expression on his face. "Talk to him" Sam said. Confused you furrowed your eyebrows and stared at the floor in front of you again. "What do you mean?" you asked slowly. Something was up. "You heard me" Sam only talked back. "This has to stop. Tell him." "I'm not the one who started this!" you spat. The reality slowly sat in. You were alone with Gabriel again. You couldn't escape those feelings no matter what you tried to do against it. "I don't care. This dancing around has to stop" Sam only said. "Are you serious? Sam, I swear-" you started but then only heard the peeping sounds of a disconnect call. Did he really just hang up on you? You looked down at the phone in your hands with wide eyes. You couldn't believe this. Perplexed you shook your head.
"What did they say?" Gabriel asked and interrupted your thoughts in the process. Turning around to look at him you raised one eyebrow. "You couldn't tell?" you asked back sarcastically with the hint of a smile on your lips. "They left without me." You gulped, thinking about Sam's ultimatum. Gabriel only shrugged his shoulders which made you huff in annoyance. "You'd really rather be on a hunt right now?" he questioned. You huffed out a yes, still angry at the two brothers and then put the phone back on the nightstand with a little more force than needed. They better hoped that when they returned to the bunker that your mood had improved by then. "Oh, someone’s panties are in a twist. Want a hand untangling them?" the archangel smirked. You spun around to face him with an angry glare. The only problem was that your body once again betrayed you. Your cheeks and ears were getting hot and you crossed your arms to dig your nails in their flesh again. Your eyes grew wide again, not believing what you just heard. The archangel in front of you seemed very pleased by your reaction which led to you avoiding his gaze. Damn it, you were just too easily caught off guard and flustered. Since you couldn't come up with anything to say to that you grabbed the door and threw it shut. Gabriel's laugh was very audible through the wood as you walked back to your bed and sat down, hiding your face in your hands. You couldn't do this anymore. Your feelings wouldn't just magically disappear, what were you thinking? He needed to stop with the comments or...
"I have to talk to him" you whispered. Groaning in defeat you let yourself fall backwards on the bed.
You decided that the only plausible solution was to talk to Gabriel, just like Sam had told you. Though that didn't have to be right now, right? So you waited. You had grabbed something to eat from the kitchen later that day and had sprinted back to your room immediately. Luckily you hadn't run into the archangel again. After that you had spent the rest of the day and the next one in your room, alone. When the third day arrived you couldn't avoid the topic no more. This had to end. You were just being difficult and stupid right now. You couldn't spend the rest of your life in this room, hoping to never run into the archangel again. You had to start talking. Pacing around in your room you told that yourself over and over again. But every time you had hyped yourself up enough to walk to the door you hesitated with grabbing the handle. You backed away every time. "This is ridiculous" you grumbled. You were behaving like a nervous teenager. You could hunt and kill monsters so you should be able to talk to people as well. But Gabriel wasn't an ordinary person. Groaning you hid your face in your hands and sat down at the edge of your bed. This had to stop. You knew you couldn't avoid it. But why was this so difficult? Why were you so difficult? There were only silly comments. He only wanted to toy with you a little, he had been the trickster after all. So why was this affecting you so much? Because you liked him. Grumbling at your own thoughts you had to agree with them.
"This has to stop today" you mumbled to yourself and stood up again. "I know what to say, now I only have to walk up to him and-" your monolog got interrupted by a knock at your door. For a split second you caught yourself considering hiding somewhere. You knew who was standing in front of the door, unable to open it himself. But then you cleared your throat and walked to the door, your hand on the handle. "You can do this" you thought and opened the wooden door. Looking up you wanted to open your mouth to say the things you had practiced in your mind all day only to freeze on the spot. The moment you locked eyes with him all your thoughts seemed to take the emergency exit, leaving you empty without a clue what to do. Gabriel was standing in front of you, not leaning against the wall like usual. His hands were buried in the pockets of his jacket, a frown on his face that was normally decorated by a grin. What was the matter?
"Gabriel?" you heard yourself ask before you registered that you had opened your mouth to speak. Biting your tongue you waited for an answer. Was he toying with you again? The archangel turned his gaze away from you for a second, looking at the floor before bringing his eyes back up. The gold in them seemed dull and you were unable to find any specks of green. It seemed like the green leaves had fallen from the branches. "Can we talk?" he asked. You narrowed your eyes in suspicion. The last time he had seemed down he just wanted to catch you off guard with one of his comments. And now you were unsure if you could trust the look on his face. But wasn't talking exactly what you had wanted to do? With a sigh you nodded but stayed on the safe side of the door. Just out of precaution. "Ehm, oka-" you wanted to agree but he interrupted you. "Well they say that kissing is a language of love, so want to start a conversation with me?" Your face grew hot the second he had finished the sentence. He had tricked you again. Your gaze fell to the ground as you just wanted to disappear right now. Grabbing the door to stable yourself you tried to think of something, anything to do or say. But if your head had been completely empty before, then it was crowed now. Your thoughts were running wild while you tried to process if he had really said what you thought you heard. Clenching your free hand into a fist you looked up again, meeting his golden eyes that still seemed rather dull even with the smirk on his lips. "Can't you just stop?" you had wanted to yell, sound annoyed and throw the door in his face but instead you stayed frozen in place and only a drained whisper left your lips. His grin didn't falter though you thought that you saw something shift in his eyes. Was that concern?
"I'm not in the mood for your remarks" you continued. Why were you still standing there? You wanted to close the door so badly so why couldn't you move? "I could get you in the mood" Gabriel talked back, not missing a beat while your face turned even redder, you could feel it. You gasped and stared at him with your mouth wide open. Did he really just say that? Your embarrassment got mixed with rage as you squinted, furrowing your brows.
"What's the matter with you?" you asked after you had finally found your voice again. Out of instinct you took one step forward, out of the safety of your room, with one finger accusingly pointed at him though he didn't back away. "Why are you doing this?" Your other hand let go of the door as you took another step forward. "Doing what, sugar? You have to be more specific" he said with a grin, challenging your eyes with a piercing glance. But you wouldn't back down, not today. "Why are you always dropping suggestive comments around me?" you asked more clearly. The archangel opened his mouth to answer: "They're only suggestive if you think they are." Your face fell, eyebrows raised in shock and with the heat returning to your cheeks you took one step back. You stammered something incoherent while positioning yourself in a defensive stance. No. Shaking your head you tried to compose yourself again. Not today. "That's exactly what I mean. Just stop it!" you growled. "And if I don't want to?" Gabriel challenged you further. You felt the unsureness creeping up your back. Maybe you should stop now before you embarrass yourself more. Your mind yelled at you to run, to flee but you couldn't. Your feet were glued to the floor just like during the prank that had driven you to make your room angel-prove. "Then at least tell me why you are doing this" you demanded with your voice slightly breaking. This hasn't evolved how you had wanted it to.
Gabriel took one step forward and you wanted to counter with one backwards but before you could force your feet of the floor he had cupped one of your cheeks while grabbing your hand that was still pointed at him in an accusing manner. You were trapped and unable to move. Not that you could anyway. The archangel grinned down at you but the grin didn't reflect in his eyes. They were still dull and up close they even seemed tired to you. He pushed one stand of hair behind your ear in such a soft and caring manner that it left you breathless. What was happening? With your mouth slightly agape you tried to find words even though you weren't really sure what you wanted to say. "Maybe because I like to tease you" the archangel started. He slowly moved your hand closer to him until it was pressed against his chest. You could feel his heart beating beneath your fingers. Your eyes darted to your interlocked hands and then back to his golden eyes. "Maybe because I like to see you get flustered so easily" he continued and caressed the side of your face. A tingling feeling began to fight its way through your stomach and up to your chest, to your violently beating heart. What was happening? Why were you letting this happen? "Maybe because I like the way you blush. Maybe-"
"Stop it" you said, pulled away from him and stepped back into your room. Your gaze was directed to the floor, you were unable to meet his eyes. You felt your heart beat against your rips, you felt your short breaths stutter over your lips. Your eyes were wide and pleading. They were pleading him to stop as you looked up again. "Just stop with your comments I can't continue like this" you couldn’t stop the words from flowing over your lips now. Looking up again you saw that expression in his eyes again, a expression you couldn't read. Maybe it really was concern. "I can't continue wondering if all this is a game to you or if you are sincere..."
"You can't tell if I'm sincere?" he interrupted you. Was that hurt in his voice? You must have imagined that. You shook your head and choked out a "No". "So Dean and Sam had been right" he muttered more directed to himself than to you. Right? Right about what? You squinted in confusion. Gabriel on the other hand wanted to take one step forward but was stopped by the invisible barrier of the sigils. Cursing under his breath he took one step back and instead reached out a hand to you. Even more confused your eyes wandered between his golden ones and the outstretched hand. He didn't say anything, didn't request you to take his hand with words because what he didn't say out loud, what his eyes said in silence was enough for you to understand what he meant. With the slightest hint of hesitation you grabbed his hand and let him pull you out of the room again. Why were you doing this?
The archangel looked down at you with questioning eyes, his free hand hesitating to move. You almost unnoticeably nodded. He cupped your cheek again, like before but it felt different though you couldn't put your finger on it. Almost intuitively you placed your free hand on top of his, tilting your head slightly to the side. Your thoughts were running wild again but it didn't feel as chaotic as before. A strange sense of calmness draped over you, let your loud thoughts disappear into the background. Was this a dream? Gabriel led your interlocked hand back to his chest, placed yours over his heart again that seemed to spike by your touch. Were you imagining things? Your own heart skipped a beat when he stepped closer, decreasing the distance between you two. Normally you would have stepped back, tried to escape but surprisingly you wanted to do the opposite. You wanted to get closer. The desire you had locked away for so long pulled you to him. He stroke over the skin of your cheek, let his hand wander through your hair and to the back of your head. This wasn't a game anymore. Has it ever been one? You let out a shaky breath as you found the confidence to get even closer, to press yourself against him as you watched his golden eyes. The dullness you had noticed before was long gone and the greens of the leaves have returned to their full, former glory. You only then realized how close you have gotten to him. So close that you could see the greens in his eyes clearly for the first time and feel the ghost of his breath on your lips. Your heart decided to skip a beat, the smell of him hypnotized you. You always thought that he would smell like candy. His lips parted only slightly, a small grin still present on them. However, it wasn't a teasing one, the grin was sweet, almost shy. The slight push of his hand behind your head was left unnoticed as you gave into your desire, closed your eyes and the space between your lips. You never felt so helpless and full of courage at the same time. So simultaneously out of control and powerful. But these feelings quickly washed away into nothingness. Only the kiss, only Gabriel mattered. Your hand that was pressed against his heart clung to the fabric of his shirt, keeping him close while the other one slowly found its place in his soft hair. It's nothing like you every experienced and nothing like how you imagined it. It was so much better, sweeter, more passionate. The taste of sweets on his lips lulled you in even more, driving you forward to deepen the kiss. The hand behind your head stroke through your hair, leaving behind a tingling sensation that made you gasp. His other hand slowly moved to your waist, caressing your side and pulling you even closer. You never felt so complete, so at peace. The kiss felt like cotton candy clouds, like him wrapping his wings protectively around you even though you had never seen them. You felt safe and protected and like every part of your body dissolved into his. You had wanted this for far too long.
You parted, pulled away only slightly. Out of breath and with your face flushed, you opened your eyes in an instant. You haven't moved away from him, your knees far too weak to even hold you up on your own so you hold onto him instead. Short, choppy breaths left your lips, your chest heaving heavily. You let the hand behind his head fall down and he caught it immediately in his, interlocking your fingers while the other one was still placed on your waist. You didn't know what to think. You felt overwhelmed and at peace, confused and complete all at once. And without you wanting to you suddenly felt your eyes filling themselves with water and before you could stop it or do anything to prevent it the first tears were already trickling down your cheeks. Pressing your eyes closed you turned your head away and let out the sobs that had waited behind your lips all this time. "You were sincere."
You freed yourself from his hands and instead clung to him, face pressed against his chest as the battle of your confusion and relief raged. You didn't care that your cheeks were hot and red in embarrassment or how you cried into the fabric of his shirt. He had wrapped his arms around you, pulling you close as you felt the muscles of your chin tremble and the tears shaking your body. And then it was over, and you hiccupped against his shirt as you tried to catch your breath. Pushing away slightly you glanced up at his eyes that shined done at you like the summer sun with a small grin on his lips which you returned. "I hate you." Gabriel's eyes widened in shock as you looked at him with a mischievous twinkle in your eyes. "Now hol- now hold on one second" he laughed out loud. "Not what you expected?" you asked with your smirk growing to the ends of your cheeks. The archangel shook his head, still chuckling slightly. "Now you know how I felt, you feathered dick!" He glanced down at you again, challenged the roguish glint in your eyes. "I guess I deserved that" he admitted and leaned back down to you. You only nodded, still smiling. Gabriel's lips ghosted over yours again, making your breath hitch and your body freeze in anticipation. But he smirked and moved to your ear instead. Your heart skipped a beat as you waited, wondering what he was up to. And then with a husky whisper he asked: "Want to move on to pound town now?"
You pushed away from him and shot him an angry glare while he only looked down at you with a chuckle. "Moment ruined."
#supernatural#supernatural gabriel#supernatural gabriel x reader#gabriel x reader#gabriel imagine#supernatural image#supernatural dean#dean winchester#supernatural sam#sam winchester#image#x reader#supernatural characters
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I saw there were no timestamps for LESTAT: THE MUSICAL online so I bit the bullet and watched it for the first time and recorded this iconic bullshit myself in a play-by-play P.1
(WARNING: this is all bullshit that I found funny or interesting, apologies if not all the stamps are helpful.) I spent two hours on this so please reblog or like it. Part TWO will come soon. (I also commented the stamps ON the youtube comments for the video so you can use them there for convenience.)
Tagging all the vampire chronicles (??? related) people I know: @cara--corvaia , @lestatthebiprince @i-want-my-iwtv @vamp-prince-mikhael @tomorrow--mourning @moasfuck @hotvampiregoss @fuckinglovemanga @theweightwecarry @just-another-vcblog @thevampirelesthot @her-golden-hair Sorry to bother you if you dont know me, this is just a blatant ploy to befriend you all, and also, did I mention, you’re cool by the way.
2:57 - Lestat can’t get his knife back in its fucking sheathe 3:22 - Lestat’s dad looks like Geralt of Rivia and you can’t change my mind. 4:00 - Gabrielle is That Bitch P.1 5:00 - Nicholas?!?! *scooby-doo “AROOO?” noise* 5:50 - Gabrielle is That Bitch P.2 SHE can BELT, y’all 6:10 - Lestat literally left 2 seconds ago and Gabi sings about how he’s gone.
8:33 - First clap of the night, thank god, it was way too quiet so far
8:52 - the stupidest fucking hats ive ever seen
9:08 - Lestat is called a “country boy” and NICHOLAS!!!!
9:40 - titties joke
9:50 - this dude in a BERET is sending me, what ERA is he FROM what the FUCKKK
10:00 - someone’s head blocks the gay agenda
10:38 - “yo dawg i heard you liked bad acting so i put some bad acting in your bad acting so you could badly act while you badly act”
11:50- the audience laughs at obvious ‘only one bed trope’ that is obvious
12:20 - Nicholas possibly fucked himself with a violin?
12:33 - pig noises
13:05 - the audience laughs at obvious Top Nicholas
13:50 - catholicism
14:05 - thats GAYYYYYYY p.1
14:50 - Lestat is bitten by this rando and cums instantly
15:00 - thirsty boi om nom nom
16:43 - Lestat can have a little kiss, as a treat.
16:55 - “Well, I’m out” *creates fire out of nowhere, walks through it, and dies*
20:10 - every time he says ‘thirst’ take a shot no just kidding dont haha unless…
22:19 - one guy in the audience tries to clap then stops
25:00 - tender ass love ballad is a tender ass love ballad
29:00 - coming out to your mom as dead
30:00 - Gabrielle’s voice gives me literal chills
32:20 - do NOT laugh do NOT laugh this is NOT funny at all this is serious
33:30 - Mulan
33:55 - Gabrielle is That Bitch P.3 she really out here
34:50 - Moooo-ooom, you’re embarrassing me.
35:50 - Gabrielle is That Bitch P.4
37:00 - antonio banderas the 300 year old EDGY BOY
40:26 - armand has a teen voice crack (“thousands of yEaRs”)
42:20 - this random person shoots their shot at armand and gets nerfed
43:19 - “you would be beautiful if someone held you under a waterfall for several hours” HGHJGGHGHGHJGJH why would you say that?!
43:35 - humans pretending to be vampires tell vampires to pretend to be humans pretending to be vampires.
44:29 - armand drops nicholas like a sack of potatoes and made me laugh
46:00 - that moment when suck your boyfriend too hard ladies amirite no wait never mind he’s dying this is bad actually 46:40 thru
50:00 - vampires pretending to be humans pretending to be vampires BUT MAKE IT A HIGHSCHOOL MODERN DANCE SHOWCASE
50:50 - armand said: nice theater. shame if i were to….steal it hundreds of years later.
51:45 - they literally said “Nick was so pure his brain exploded rip”
53:12 - get PWN’D armand you slut
56:12 - if you listen closely you can hear my heart breaking
57:00 - Gabrielle is That Bitch P.5 this whole song is bamf material
58:55 - long-ass head kiss
1:00:30 - Gabrielle is That Bitch P.6 INCREDIBLE BELT
1:00:50 - everyone is clapping! Clapping! Oh god, wait! Oh god they’re kissing! He’s kissing his mom! Clapping...peters out… you hear people go ‘oh’.... he is… kissing his mom...clapping...ends…
1:01:00 - “I love you my son.” people laugh because incest
1:04:19 - world’s saddest cookout
#interview with the vampire#lestat the musical#lestat: the musical#lestat#lestat de lioncourt#nicolas de lenfent#lestat x nicolas#louistat#vampire chronicles#anne rice#you guys have no idea how long i worked on this
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#8yrsago Tim Powers's Hide Me Among the Graves: secret history of the vampires that stalked the pre-Raphaelites

Tim Powers's latest novel is Hide Me Among the Graves, and it is a fine example of the work of a much-beloved author, and a spooky ride through Victorian London to boot. In Hide Me, Powers retells the lives of pre-Raphaelite sculptor Dante Gabriel Rossetti and his siblings, notably the poet Christina Rossetti. Powers is justly famed for his secret histories, fictionalized accounts of real historical persons that turn the coincidences of their lives into deep mysteries to be plumbed for stories. Here is a near-perfect example of how well this trick works, especially for Tim Powers, whose special gift is to be able to write about superstition and the supernatural in a way that literally raises the hairs on my neck and puts gooseflesh on my arms, though I am as staunch an atheist materialist as you will ever meet.
Here, the spookiness revolves around two ancient vampires -- one of them having started her life as Bodicea -- who haunt London, and whose bite and blood grant poets and painters access to surpassing beauty and art. These two beasts are working to destroy London, to call down an earthquake that will kill everyone in the city, and their plan requires the blood and cooperation of the Rossettis, who are -- at times, and always motivated by access to the numinous -- willing accomplices to this plan. As a variety of personages fictional and real chase each other through the superstition-steeped cobbles of London, and through the ancient and haunted cloacae that run beneath the streets, we're exposed to a dreadful and terrifying Victorian world.
Powers's treatment of superstition works so well, I think, because he deals with it without apology. There's never a sense that superstition is just a kind of alternate physics, with its own rules that are different from the ones we're accustomed to. The supernatural world of Tim Powers has an internal logic, but it's the logic of dreams and the id, not the logic of the scientific method. Powers's work engages with something prerational that is buried deep, deep in our brains, and that won't be bullied into submission by mere reason.
If you'd like to know more about Powers's work, have a look at our other mentions of his work.
Hide Me Among the Graves
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the shadows among the stars: chapter three
Summary: Sequel to the alchemical wedding. Garcia Flynn and Lucy Preston have timewalked to 1590 London, in search of answers about the mysterious manuscript Ashmole 782. But as they tangle with alchemists, assassins, witches, vampires, daemons, queens, and emperors – and the de Clermont family themselves – they quickly realize that their quest will be far more difficult than they ever imagined, and their relationship will be challenged as never before. In the present, their formidable enemy Michael Temple is more powerful than ever, the rival creature factions on the Congregation scheme and intrigue against each other, and in both centuries, the danger and the shadows are only deepening. Rating: M Status: WIP Previous: Lady Clairmont
Chapter 3: Much Ado About Nothing
Flynn does not get much done for the rest of the day. The looming terror of the audience with the Queen tomorrow overshadows his concentration, and he is still too rattled by the encounters of the morning. Intellectually, he should have remembered that the de Clermonts do own that hunting lodge in Essex, that Gabriel was often in and out of London (in and out of London indeed) and there was a chance of meeting him here, but somehow it never connected to the possibility of actually doing so. Seeing Gabriel as he used to be in his unapologetic peacock playboy splendor, unfathomably rich and handsome and incapable of giving a single shit, but so open and light and happy… it impresses on Flynn ever more sharply how much of a shell of his former self Gabriel is these days. Poisoned and unconscious and only a few degrees from dead, but even before that, there was so little left of his vibrant and voluminous and vivid soul, corroded by grief and guilt and rage. It almost seems like murder.
That is not even going into the shock that it was to see Christian again. Flynn might have expected to see Gabriel, if he had thought about it, but Christian has been gone for so long and so unbearably that having his absence suddenly filled again was literally unthinkable. At least Gabriel has been physically present, if emotionally and mentally absent, but Christian… God, he’s just the same. Of course he is. It’s another one hundred and seventy-two years until he’s murdered, and to the end, he was always like this. Flynn’s heart twists like a fist every time he replays it. Christian is entirely innocent of the nuance of politics and the plausibility of feeble cover stories and anything else (you could argue that was the flaw that cost him his life, but at least Christian’s black-and-white view of the world allowed for endless kindness and not moral hypocrisy). He just wanted to rush to wish his uncle and his new aunt well. And to sit there and know what’s going to happen to him, to him and his loving, laughing father… Flynn almost wants to shout a warning, to tell them somehow, but how on earth could he do that? He can’t. And yet, he would give anything at all if he could.
Flynn sifts aimlessly through the papers and books on his desk, not really expecting to find anything relevant. He needs to make contact with the School of Night, aside from just an apparently jealous and brooding Christopher Marlowe, and find out what they’ve been working on, without sounding as if he has suddenly forgotten the past several months. He is also interrupted periodically by Robert Parry and the servants, who have to ensure that the installation of Lucy’s new quarters and possessions is proceeding to his approval, and Flynn, trying to forestall further disruption to his already tenuous concentration, barks at one of the younger grooms until he scuttles out, close to tears. Once he’s gone, Flynn sinks back in his chair and curses to himself. No matter what he has said to Lucy about respecting the customs of the time, he does not need to fall into all his old bad habits. Which, it seems, he has made a damn good start at doing.
Having assured himself of being left alone for at least a few hours, Flynn makes questionable use of it at best, as he keeps zoning out instead of working. He finally gives up in disgust around three o’clock, gets up, and goes out to the main house, where the servants all look somewhat nervous that he has returned to shout at them for not magically conjuring Lucy’s room from the air. “My lord,” Parry says. “We are doing the utmost that we – ”
“Aye, I am sure it is the best that can be achieved,” Flynn says gruffly. “It was a great surprise to thee, I know. Thou hast my apologies for the distemper.”
[read the rest on AO3]
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Hunters on the Hellmouth
first chapter
previous chapter
TW: Inspired by events in BTVS 7.16 “Storyteller” and BTVS 7.22 “Chosen.” Discussions of miscarriage and abortion. Here’s a cheat sheet for keeping track of the Potentials.
Chapter 41: The Witch
Giles had seen Buffy’s heart break many times, but when Dean disappeared mid-kiss, Giles knew this time she might break in two.
Go to her. Go to her. Despite the urging of his heart, Giles did not break from the crowd gathered on Buffy’s front stoop. Shame froze him. He had been afraid to chase her when she had withdrawn weeks ago, apparently burdened by her secret pregnancy. Afraid to ask. And when the whole house had turned their backs on her, he’d gone along with them.
There Buffy stood -- barely a day post-demon possession -- suddenly alone.
Go to her. Go to her.
Dawn brushed past Giles and the Potentials to hold her sister’s hand and whisper in her ear.
Buffy, dry-eyed with her face set firm, turned to them and said, “Let’s hit the books. We need to focus on Caleb.”
“Excuse me?” asked Dani. “Dean was in charge, and now he’s gone. We should hold a vote.”
“No need,” said Giles, enjoying the flutter of rage across the girl’s face. “Buffy’s in charge.”
“I didn’t hear Dean say that,” she retorted.
“He didn't have to,” said Dawn with her chin held high.
“Buffy’s in charge,” repeated Betje as other voices joined the chorus.
Giles turned back into the house with a knot of Potentials in his wake. He had no idea what to do about Caleb or even if he was still alive after the fire, but Buffy needed focus. He was halfway up the stairs to grab research materials when he came barrelling back, nearly running Spike over.
“Oi! Watch it. Don’t damage the goods,” Spike said, rubbing his chest suggestively.
“It’s you! You’re the key!” Giles said, eagerly.
“Key? ‘Aven’t ‘eard that in a while.”
Ideas and memories flashed in Giles’ head faster than he could capture them. The First -- Lucifer -- had been chasing them for months because the first creature it had met in this world was Spike. But why did an archangel care about what a vampire thought was important? “The First spent weeks with you. What did it want?”
A twinge around Spike’s eyes betrayed his feelings about that time. “Information. Basic Sunnydale Who’s Who and What’s What.”
“But did it try to get in you? Read your mind or possess you?” Gabriel and Castiel had traveled through dimensions in their vessels; Lucifer had not.
“Night I ran into it ‘twas just a light, but it shot through me, jumped out looking like ‘er,” he said, pointing at Buffy as she entered the house.
“Got an idea?” Buffy asked. She still held her sister’s hand while Xander and Anya flanked her.
“Vessels,” said Giles. “It’s literally been staring us in the face this entire time. Lucifer needs a vessel. He wants Sam. He tried Astrid. There are very few options here for demons, let alone an archangel.”
“So he tried to use Spike,” she said with a quiet horror.
“But Spike didn’t give his permission--”
“--so Lucifer was ejected.”
“I ‘ad an angel in me?!” Spike curled his lip in disgust. “Now I need to shower.”
The idea seized Giles, his voice loud as he paced in the foyer. “What if, Lucifer found another vessel? Inferior, but enough to give him some form. Not a vampire because they are already possessed by demons, and obviously not the Slayer.”
“A witch!” Xander exclaimed with a giant smile. “They’re the only other group that can be possessed!”
Dawn raised an eyebrow at him. “You’d think you’d be less excited with your best friend being a witch and all.”
“Not possessable!” he cheered, pointing at himself with his thumbs. “For once, the Zeppo has the superpower!”
“Maybe that’s why he didn’t die,” Buffy muttered.
“I, um, I got to Caleb at the winery,” she explained, the tiredness settling into her eyes. “Shoved my sword in and did not take home a prize.”
“I had the same reaction when you stabbed me,” Anya stated proudly, “and that was after Sam shot me in the head.”
“You two,” said Giles pointing at Buffy and Spike, “tell me everything about your interactions with Lucifer and Caleb. We’ll go back through everything again. If we want to kill Caleb, we need to cut off the power source.”
Barely half and hour back in her house without Dean, and between the walls, the air, and the constant jostling of bodies, Buffy was going to explode. “I’m going to check on Will and our new guests. Dawn, Anya, see if the girls need anything, and I’ll do a supply run.”
“You mean ‘we,’ oh carless one,” said Xander, happily closing his book.
“You, me, and vampire-infested buildings.” She flashed a lucky us grin. Just like old times. “Grab a couple of the better fighters to go with us. ”
Upstairs, she cracked open Willow’s door to find her still sleeping off her possession by Hecate. Buffy sneaked inside, hoping to find a few of Tara’s clothes for Ellen.
Willow stirred and muttered, “Sam?”
Crouching by the bed, Buffy brushed her friend’s hair from her eyes. “Just me.”
“Where’s Sam?” Her voice was soft and small. Tender, sleepy Will without a hint of terrifying goddess.
Buffy smiled tightly. “He came down after you fell asleep.” Willow needed to rest; she would break the news about the Winchesters later.
Jo was considering changing into a skirt when her mother, wrapped in a towel, ducked into the bedroom. “I don’t think anything in here will fit you, Mom.” Jo pointed at the flood-high hem of the jeans she’d put on.
Ellen smiled, a far away look in her eye. “Not sure my skin could handle clothes right now anyway.”
“Aren’t you cold?” Jo had turned the water up as hot as she could, but it still felt icy. The flannel she’d found barely helped.
Ellen nodded and sat on the bed. “Everything just kinda feels… sharp. Hard.”
Jo sat beside her. She knew exactly what her mother meant. Only a little noise from downstairs breached the quiet bedroom, but Jo had felt a roar in her ears since they’d arrived. She remembered holding her own guts in with her hands, growing cold and numb as blood gushed from her body. Her brave mother had offered to set off an explosion to save the Winchesters, their only hope at killing the Devil. Jo didn’t remember the explosion. Then nothing. Only it wasn’t nothing, but she was having a bitch of a time remembering what had happened. Then suddenly they were in someone’s backyard in the blazing sun.
“I died, didn’t I?” Jo whispered.
Ellen squeezed her hand. “We both did, baby.”
Jo let the words dissipate in the air. She couldn’t think about them now. Maybe not even later. So she looked around the room, trying to figure out what sort of person it belonged to.
Brown floral wallpaper and crochet pillows gave it the feel of an older woman’s room. The tangles of cheap jewelry on the dressing table, clothes strewn across the floor, and posters -- reproductions of Waterhouse paintings -- screamed college student.
Then Jo spotted an unbelievable picture from the nightstand. Dean Winchester in sunglasses and a t-shirt, his radiant smile highlighted by the sun, stood on a boardwalk, ocean behind him, with his arms around the blonde they’d spoken to.
“Mom, what was that girl’s name again?”
“Buffy? Bitty? One of those country club names.”
“She doesn’t seem like Dean’s type,” she said, handing the picture to her mom.
Ellen beamed. “They look happy.”
Jo snickered. Dean Winchester was the handsomest, cockiest hunter she’d ever met, and she had spent years pining after him. Nothing obvious. Sneaking glances when he’d come in the bar. Calling every few months to check in on him, his husky rumble making her melt as she kept the conversation light and friendly.
Trouble was, Dean was like most hunters. Emotionally distant. Messiah complex. Can’t-get-close-to-people bullshit. Jo wanted him, but she wanted him to settle down. She wanted his big heart to find a home, to trade in the revolving door of women for one woman who knew his life and his worries.
Even though he had often checked out her ass, Dean hadn’t had the guts to make a move until the day before she died. Even then, knowing it may be her last opportunity to sleep with that beautiful man, she couldn’t bring herself to be a desperate pity fuck.
It took her dying for him to be real with her. She had no idea how long she’d been dead, but his soft, warm lips gently apologizing for her fate as he finally kissed her was practically yesterday.
“Happy? Mom, we’re talking about Dean Winchester. Didn’t you say he was trouble to the core?”
“I said he was troubled. Boy ain’t had an easy life.” Ellen pushed her damp hair back and squinted at her daughter. “I also said he wasn’t for you.”
Ellen wrapped her arm around her daughter, combing her hair with her fingers. It felt familiar and surreal at the same time, like discovering everything in your house had been painted the same shade of sickly pink.
“You okay, baby girl?”
“I will be. I don’t remember living being so exhausting.”
There was small knock at the door before Bitty/Buffy came in with an unconvincing smile on her face. She handed Ellen a green skirt. “I hope it fits. How are you feeling?”
“Pretty damn good for a dead woman,” said Ellen. “That don’t seem to phase you any.”
“Read the book and saw the movie.” The blonde scanned Jo. Her eyes lit up for a brief second when she saw the ill-fitting flannel. “Well, that’s a look. I could see if one of the taller girls has pants you could wear, but pickin’s are slim. Probably best we head to the mall. You can join us if you feel up to fighting.”
Jo did feel like fighting. Something in her felt caged and angry, but she didn’t know why. Although she doubted patrons at a crowded mall would appreciate her need to punch something. “Pants would be great, but cash is not so great.”
“Oh, oh yeah. Quick recap, (because my sister has this whole ‘Welcome to Sunnydale’ speech, and I don’t want to step on her thing): Welcome to Sunnydale, California. This town sits on a Hellmouth, which I guess you call a Devil’s Gate. Lucifer and his minions have driven out the entire town save for a few people on my team. Anyone else who stayed has been turned into a vampire.” She breezed through all of this lightly, as if it was a rundown of what she’d done over the summer.
“So we’re less about the shopping and more about the pillaging supplies from a vampire-infested abandoned mall. Which is where the do-you-feel-like fighting thing comes in. Bobby Singer is downstairs if you have more questions. Let me know in an hour if you want to go.”
Bitty/Buffy stopped her hasty exit when Jo asked, “Where are Dean and Sam? Things are kinda fuzzy, but I swear I saw them.”
“They had to go,” the blonde said without looking back.
Spike was confused. He hated being confused. The Winchesters (and the angels) were gone, caught a feathery red eye to destiny. He’d seen it happen.
But who were the new people?
Granted, he was used to new faces showing up out of the blue, but Potentials were not generally grizzled long-haul truckers. The man was mostly interested in the books and Giles, but he still gave Spike that sleeps-with-a-gun feel that Dean had. By the time Buffy came downstairs with two women who were probably and certainly not Potentials, he was ready for some answers.
Abandoning Giles and his endless questions, Spike followed the three women, Xander, and some Potentials outside. “Where we going?”
Buffy turned to look at him. Suddenly, he was reminded what it felt like to have your heart thrill so much, it forgets its beat. Only a day before, she’d appeared as a demon and beaten him soft. Now, she was practically radiating light.
“You up for some shopping?” she asked.
He shrugged. “Could do with some new boots.”
“So could some of the girls. Plus, Jo and Ellen are going to need some clothes.”
Spike nodded at the mysterious Jo and Ellen. “I’ll drive.” He held up the Impala keys he’d nabbed from the key tray.
Although Spike longed to drive Dean’s Impala since first laying eyes on it, he’d mostly picked up the keys as a gag. Show Buffy the keys. See what she did.
A disproportionate panic swept over her face. Eyes wide, she shook her head in tight nos.
She doesn’t think he’s coming back.
Before Buffy could protest and before Spike could toss her the keys, Xander butted in. “Drive what?”
Buffy crossed her arms. “He thinks he’s driving Dean’s car.”
“Funny,” said the blonde -- Jo or Ellen? “You’re not what I would have expected Dean’s best friend to look like. I mean, he barely let’s Sam drive that thing.”
The stranger scratched at her arm like the very air bothered her and squinted at the sun with disapproval. She had a nervous, trapped energy about her. It felt familiar to Spike.
Xander laughed. “Dean and Spike get along like oil and water if oil and water were trying to murder each other.”
“Yet you’re the one with a Winchester wallop.” Spike pointed at the purple bruise on Xander’s jaw.
“I can fit four.” Xander slinked away, tail between his legs.
Having no desire to stress Buffy out, Spike tossed her the keys. “Just ‘aving a laugh, pet.”
Buffy tenderly held the keys for a heartbeat before handing them to the older woman. “Ellen? We just need to follow the other cars.”
“Sure, honey. Something normal sounds pretty good right now.”
The four of them silently piled into the Impala -- Ellen and Buffy in the front. Jo shooting Spike curious side-eye across the expanse of the backseat. It was mid-April, yet Ellen cranked up the heat.
After a few turns, Buffy cracked her window. “It fades after a while. The cold.”
Jo peeled her dark eyes off of Spike. “What are you talking about.”
“It was warm, wasn’t it?” Buffy sounded far away. “It was warm and quiet. Now everything feels cold and loud and painfully bright. I won’t motivational poster you and say it gets better, but the intensity fades.”
“How do you know?” Jo asked.
“It’s been two years for me,” Buffy replied. “More for Spike.”
Recently resurrected then? Seeing Jo’s twitching discomfort in the daylight had thrown him. Since they knew the Winchesters, they must have been resurrected and brought here by the angels. The trucker-looking fellow was probably the same story. Sam and Dean’s parents? They had never mentioned a sister; although they’d dropped the news of another brother like a bomb only a couple days before.
Jo’s body loosened a bit, as if the intense fight or flight warring in her brain had finally settled on sitting. She looked out the window on the abandoned town. A few buildings here and there had been damaged by vampires, who were no doubt nesting inside during the day, but most were simply abandoned. “A lot of people die here?”
“Part of the human condition,” Spike said. “Only, sometimes it doesn’t take.”
They pulled up to the mall. Ellen, examining the smashed glass doors, said, “Mind if I just play getaway driver? This skirt ain’t exactly made for kickin’ ass.”
Buffy shrugged. “There’s a learning curve, but sure. We won’t be long.”
Buffy issued orders to the small band of Potentials who’d arrived in the two other cars. “There are probably dozens of vampires hiding in there, but lucky for us most of them are asleep. So stay quiet and don’t wander off. We’re in and out. Remember,” she said, handing a stake to Jo, “anyone who’s not us gets a stake through the heart.”
With a small grin, Jo twirled the stake in her fingers. “A stake? Next you’re going to tell me they’re repelled by garlic and crosses.”
“They are,” said one of the Potentials, eagerly.
“I just feel extra stabby today, though,” said Buffy.
“I can get behind that,” Jo muttered.
Inside, there was a shoe store immediately to their right. Buffy pointed at Xander and his carload to break off while she led Jo, Spike and the rest to The Gap.
With no concern for style or sizes, everyone began to shove clothes into their bags. Jo was pulling jeans from the shelf when a man walked out of the dressing room.
“Want to try something on?” he asked with a hungry smile.
Buffy lept between them. One, two kicks in the face. Suddenly, he was snarling and yellow-eyed. Buffy hooked his head with her heel, yanking him to the ground. She plunged the stake into his heart.
Jo seemed most surprised when the vampire turned to dust.
“Makes clean up easy, doesn’t it?” Spike whispered in Jo’s ear. “Think we got time to hit up the food court?”
Dean rolled over, seeking out Buffy’s warmth, and curled his body around hers. His morning hardness grew firmer as he pressed against her backside. Barely awake, he nibbled her neck, his fingers stumbling to find a way under her pajamas.
Buffy sighed, “We don’t have time, baby.”
“I miss touching you.”
“You don't want to be late for our big day.”
Everyone in the Winchesters’ apartment was up just before sunrise. Buffy could feel the reason for her sleeplessness flipping in her stomach and pounding behind her eyes. With barely a word between them, the group stumbled to Dean’s Impala and drove back to the Summers’ house.
Willow sat on the back porch with a steaming mug of coffee in her hands. Dean’s family and Dawn headed inside while Buffy grabbed a chair by her friend.
“Here to rouse the troops? We’re fresh outta bugles.”
“Nah. Let ‘em sleep.” Buffy had pushed them to the breaking point the last time they attacked Caleb, and they still failed. A few more hours of sleep wouldn’t be the deciding factor next time.
“Feeling better, Will?”
“You mean, do I not feel like I’m made of lightning, or am I okay with this being the vessel for the goddess of witchcraft thing?”
“The former, the latter will be...latter.”
“Just Willow here. Singular and non-floaty.” She gulped the last of her coffee and stared at the bottom of the cup, divining nothing. “I think that happened before. The vessel gig.”
The only time Buffy had seen anything close to that was when black-eyed, veiny, dark Willow tried to destroy the world after Tara’s death. She hoped that wasn’t one of Hecate’s faces.
“Remember the night Dawn was attacked in the house, and Lucifer came to me dressed up as Tara?”
Buffy nodded.
“I blacked out. Whited out? The last thing I remember was this growing light. Then I woke up in a burned circle of grass. I had no idea what happened, but I think since Lucifer was trying to get me to kill myself, Hecate came to my rescue.”
“Maybe that’s why he targeted you?”
Willow’s doe-eyes were heavy with thought. “Maybe. I’m not sure how I feel about housing something the Devil is scared of. That’s not usually the plot in a rom com or plucky musical.”
With a sleeping goddess in her and her boyfriend capable of hosting an archangel, this was the only topic that could direct Buffy away from her concern for Dean. “Maybe don’t think of it as being taken over. What if Hecate is like Cinderella, and you’re her slipper?”
“No one wants to grow up to be the shoe in that story.”
Buffy shrugged. “More terrible metaphors are in the works. They’re my favorite past time as of yesterday.”
Willow eyed her with a frown. “You miss him?”
Snuggled in his t-shirt in his bed, she’d lain awake reminding herself Dean was the best hunter alive. Alive. The few moments she managed to sleep, she had dreamed of his fingers in her hair, his breath tickling her skin. “Of course!”
“‘Cause you guys were kinda on the outs for a while, then one possession and you’re back to being joined at the hip.”
Buffy picked at some flaking paint on her chair, and mulled over how much she was willing to expose. Everyone save Giles was probably just as confused, but her pain wasn’t a balm to soothe a itch of curiosity.
“I was going through something, and I didn’t know how to talk with him about it.”
“You know who is always up for a talk? Your neighborhood Willow, located conveniently down the hall. We’ve been through a ton of stuff, Buffy. I don’t understand why you didn’t think you could talk to me.”
Willow liked Buffy’s relationship with Angel when it was a crush, but had turned against it and her once it became deadly serious. Her friend didn’t understand how being alive again was a curse and how that despair drove her to Spike. How could she expect Willow, in the midst of both mourning and sorting out her sexuality, to carry any of the pregnancy weight?
“I don’t think we fixed us,” Buffy said.
“You went dark, Willow. Really dark. By the time you came back, Dean and Sam were here, and it felt easy to just move on. I did the eggshell walk for a little bit, but mostly I was wrapped up in Dean. Maybe I never got off the eggshells, because it didn’t feel right to dump this on you.”
Tears welled in Willow’s eyes. “I know we can’t go back. I can never make it up to you--”
“You don’t have to make up!” Buffy grabbed her friend’s hand and squeezed. “What we need is time. You and me. Maybe Xander, but definitely you and me. Hey, how about we do some sort of road trip, huh? The three of us? After we bag the Devil, the girls deal with things while we have much needed friend time.”
Willow nodded and offered a weak smile. “Will you ever tell me what happened?”
“Later. Now is for coffee,” Buffy said as she headed inside.
Bobby was used to research. Piles of yellowing books, strong coffee, and a sore back were his preferred methods of learning. Much better than the knock-in-the-teeth experience style. Although, Andrew and Dawn’s “Welcome to Sunnydale” basement conference has been some of the most informative hours of his life.
For instance, everyone was making their fight harder by not differentiating demons from monsters. Anya -- defensive in a way that people with secrets are -- had insisted that a creature born on earth and with no dealings with the soul or Hell was still a demon. Bobby had some theories he wanted to test before he took her word. He’d picked up from Andrew’s nervousness and constant invocation of heroic stories that the boy felt he needed to redeem himself for something. Dawn’s swings between pride and shame when talking about her sister -- Buffy the Vampire Slayer -- had tipped him off that something was wrong. Later, when Buffy gently insisted they all travel back to the Winchesters’ apartment at night instead of staying in her own, or one of the nearby houses, made it evident that everyone in that house had betrayed her.
Bobby would get to the bottom of everything eventually, but first, he had to survive the Apocalypse. As luck would have it, he had a book for that.
While Bobby knew better than anyone that this fight turned fresh-faced kids into battle-scarred husks faster than anything, he struggled to call anyone in the Summers’ house an adult. Anyone but Giles.
Thankfully, Bobby didn’t have to venture far into the house before finding Giles. Propped over a book at the dining table, the Watcher was either completely engrossed or had fallen asleep. With only the smallest twinge of guilt for robbing Giles of his respite, Bobby tossed a book on the table, causing Giles to jump in his seat. Asleep.
“Rough night?” Ellen asked, settling into the chair beside Giles.
Giles rubbed his eyes and yawned. “Relatively calm until the screaming began around three. A couple of the girls had rather vivid nightmares.”
“Don't know why,” said Jo, picking up a book and making a face. “Lucifer is out to get them. No big deal.”
Ellen snatched the book from her hands. “Coffee, Little Miss. Get some for Bobby, too.”
For a second, Jo’s face flushed with teenage exasperation before she headed to the kitchen.
Redirecting her attention, Ellen asked, “Where are the girls now?” She glanced at the knot of girls lounging around the living room. “The screaming ones?”
“We moved them to Buffy’s room so they’d stop disturbing the others. I haven’t heard them in a while, so I assume they’re still asleep.” Giles checked his watch. “Is that really the time?”
“Sorry, Rupert. We thought we’d get right to business today.” Ellen offered an apologetic smile. “Speakin’ of, point me at those girls when they’re up. I don’t understand a lot about wherever the hell we are, but I’m sure mothering is still the same.”
A small smile broke free on Giles’ lips. “No doubt they need that. Some of these girls haven’t seen their families for six months.”
Bobby cleared his throat. “The squeaky blond boy said they’re here because they're the next vessel for Artemis, who is currently asleep inside of Buffy, and that’s why she’s a super-powered vampire-killing machine. Right?”
Giles nodded. “In short.”
Bobby pushed the slim book he’d dropped on the table toward Giles. He’d gotten it from a book dealer probably two decades before, as a ‘thank you’ for saving her son from a poltergeist. The book, Huntress Bound by The Order of the Oracle, contained a ludicrous story about how the goddess of witches captured and enslaved the goddess of the hunt. It was warped from years of propping up the nightstand in Bobby’s bedroom. “Archangel Asshole insisted I bring this.”
Giles was agape as he flipped through the pages, muttering, “Yes,” over and over. Finally, he looked up. “Bobby, are you any good at research?”
“Good at it? My research is the only thing that’s been keeping those idjits alive all this time.”
She straightened his tie. Dean looked even more impossibly handsome in his grey three-piece suit. His mossy green eyes sparkled in the late morning sun. Would it be bad luck to kiss him now?
“You are beautiful,” he said, skimming his hands over her waist and down her hips. The sequins on her gown clattered under his fingers.
“You don't think it's too much?”
“You're perfect.”
Holding hands, they turned to look at the ivy covered church. It was now or never. “Ready?” she asked.
Dean flashed his machete in reply.
Buffy kicked in the doors.
Buffy unlocked the apartment door. Sunnydale was only occupied by her people and vampires, but locking the door felt good.
She had been itching to patrol. Fresh air. Time alone. Violence. She didn’t need to go far from the apartment. Though they turned it off at sunset, the generator on the roof was a rumbling call that tasty humans lived inside. She’d dusted six vampires just on her street, each kill softening the anxious needles in her brain. Maybe tonight, she wouldn’t have that nightmare again.
She tiptoed into the kitchen to grab a bottle of water before bed, only to find Jo with a bottle of whiskey, pictures scattered around her on the floor.
Gently, Buffy removed the whiskey from her hands, and gave Jo a bottle of water. “Rough day?”
“I wanted to know if getting drunk felt the same.”
“Does it?”
“Feels pretty good.” Jo grinned at her. “I’m not usually a mess like this, I swear. But I come back from the dead to ‘The Pantheon Realm’ where my friend is dating ‘a slayer’ which totally sounds like something he would have killed when I was alive.” She used finger quotes around her words. “Although my life did involve cities laid to waste by Lucifer and his demons, so at least one thing’s consistent.”
“You think I’m a monster?”
“No! But you’re freaking me out! Everything is familiar, yet not familiar. Bonus! Now that I’m alive again, it looks like I’m going to die. Blaze of glory round two!”
Buffy understood. Heaven was rest. Hell was coming back to a fate-packed to-do. “You’ve been alive for three days. If you want to stay here tomorrow and chill, that’s fine. Maybe drive off into the sunset? You don’t have to help fight Lucifer.”
“Hey, I died helping fight Lucifer!” Her eyes were ablaze as she pointed at Buffy. Soon, she slumped back against a cabinet and ran her finger over the pictures of the floor. Jo chuckled and held a picture too close to Buffy’s face. “What is this?”
It was from Buffy and Dean’s vacation to San Francisco on Halloween. They’d stopped to watch a parade where a drag queen was affronted by their lack of costume. The queen’s solution was to dump a bag of hot pink glitter on Dean. In the picture, Buffy was laughing as he tried to rub the glitter on her. It was Sam’s favorite picture, and he made sure it was prominently displayed on the refrigerator.
“On Halloween, Dean and I took a little vacation--”
“That! That crazy, opposite day stuff is what I’m talking about.” Jo’s voice was loud and slurred. “‘Went on a vacation’, with Dean Fucking Winchester? He’s not the guy anyone goes on vacation with! He’s the guy who finds you crying in your beer after your boyfriend dumps you on vacation. He’s the guy who promises you one night of great sex before running away from any feelings he may have stirred up. Dean Winchester is much more interested in sluts than girlfriends.”
Dean had barely talked about Jo. Ellen yes. Bobby at length. Jo got short statements. She was “a kid” who was “in over her head.” “Somethin’ to prove.” He’d spoken of her death once.
Yet, on more than one occasion, Lucifer referred to Jo and Dean in much more intimate terms. Buffy hated it when they’d had to discuss her relationship with Spike, so she never asked about Jo. She was the past. She was buried.
“Sounds like you spent a lot of time with him,” Buffy replied.
Jo waved her bottle of water dismissively. “I’m happy for him. I am. God knows that man needs more people than Sam.” Her voice dropped to a whisper. “It’s just that...well...I don’t have superpowers. Is that all it took to get noticed?”
Buffy’s heart broke for Jo. Jo, ripped from death to be dealt a crappy life. Aching from the newness and unfairness of it all. Pining for the right man met at the wrong time.
“Will you girls quit yer snivlin’ and git to bed?” growled Bobby from the couch.
Their friends and family waited quietly in the pews while the choir of Potentials sang:
There are many here among us
Who feel that life is but a joke
But you and I we've been through that
And this is not our fate
So let us not talk falsely now
The hour's getting late.
At the head of the church stood Caleb in his vestments, clapping along with the music. With each slap of his hands, one of the Potentials exploded in a puff of blood. He was flanked by a pus-pocked corpse on a fly-riddled green horse and a white robed creature with huge black wings astride a pale horse.
Pestilence charged them. Buffy grabbed the bridle and swung up, kicking the rider off. “I got him. Go!” Dean shouted as she galloped toward the priest.
Death was missing.
“Do you think this is far enough from the house?” Anya asked, tightening her grip on her axe. “You said you burned stuff that one time.”
“Because my life was being threatened by an archangel. This is just a friendly chat between frenemies,” Willow said. “Besides, I’m much more concerned about the vampires.”
At an intersection down the street, she and Buffy sat holding hands inside of Hecate’s symbol drawn in sand. According to the books, the goddess could be summoned under a full moon with appropriate sacrifices of food; they were surrounded by bottles of wine and honey bears.
Snarls drifted past the double ring of Potentials surrounding them.
The idea was that Buffy’s spirit would be able to use Willow’s vessel state to call Hecate. Then Buffy just had to convince the resentful, former friend of the goddess within Willow that she hadn’t been betrayed, and maybe she could use her powers to help a little. “Easy peasy,” Buffy grumbled.
Willow began, “Hecate! Crone Goddess of the Moon! Power, great power. Grant me this boon.”
One of the Potentials stepped back, knocking over a candle.
“Give us some room, girls! This could get weird...er.”” Buffy righted the candle and wiped some warm wax from a honey bear. “I hope mildly melty is still goddess approved.”
“Half step out!” Jo shouted. The group shuffled.
Willow tried again. “Mistress with three faces, I accept my role. Lead me to the path. Your name writ on my soul. Hi, it’s Willow Rosenberg again. Remember? You were in my body a week or so ago yelling at some --”
Everything went deathly silent. Before Willow’s eyes, the Potentials transformed into gnarled black trees. Mist and moonlight shot through their twisted branches. Buffy, still in her meditative pose, crumbled into an ash heap; in the middle of the ashes, lay a single golden pebble.
Willow didn’t dare to breathe.
The glow of a light appeared to her left. A naked, torch-bearing figure stepped out from behind one of the trees. Her skin was as dark as the night and freckled with stars. She phased in and out of three faces -- one screaming, one old, and one calm. Her pearl eyes fixed on Willow.
“You have summoned me more than any other vessel.” Her voice was musical and animal. A whisper and a cry.
Willow wasn’t sure how to respond. Hecate hadn’t asked a question, and Willow wasn’t sure if the declaration was surprised or annoyed. Willow bowed her head to the ground, arms open wide in reverence, and waited.
A chill snaked from the top of Willow's head to the tips of her toes.
“Rise, girl. What do you want?”
Willow stood, but didn’t dare look up. “Lucifer is here. His brother Michael is coming.”
Hecate lifted Willow’s chin with her hand, forcing her to look in her glowing eyes. “Why does this worry you?”
“They’re going to destroy the world.”
“Not the whole world. Only part.”
Fear rushed out of Willow’s body. “Only part! Only! Part! Do you hear yourself?”
“My concerns are not human concerns. The world is ancient. It burns and floods and freezes in the span of my heartbeat. The world will change, but I will remain.”
“Why do you think the angels would leave you alive?” Willow asked. “Lucifer is trying to wipe out Artemis’ vessels. Why not yours next?”
Something like surprise flitted over the goddess’ calm face. “I am witchcraft itself. I will remain.”
“Oh, you got an army up your, uh -- No sleeves, okay. Have you been busy calling all witches? Huh? No, you haven’t. Meanwhile, Artemis is still locked up and --”
“Do not speak to me of the Huntress!” Hecate thundered. The stars on her skin grew as if they might supernova with her rage.
Willow put her hands on her hips. “Artemis was your friend.”
“The Huntress was closer to me than a sister. She turned her back on me! How could a mortal like you understand the pain of that break?
Willow didn’t just remember skinning Warren. She remembered trying to kill Buffy. Trying to kill Giles. And those memories haunted her with each hug, each encouraging word, each smile. “I know how rare true friends are. I know every moment of pain is worth it.
“My friends and I are prepared to fight the angels, but we haven’t even been able to get past his creepy priest groupie. But we’ll keep fighting. We’ll die fighting. Saving the world is worth it.”
The calm face did not change. “Then I shall again prepare myself to search for another vessel.”
An idea popped into Willow’s head. “Why me? Why are you using me as your vessel?”
“You had the potential to be the strongest witch in the world. A lesser witch could not contain me.”
Hecate was eternal. Witches may live long lives, but not that long. Besides, Willow was born in the 80s. “What happened to your vessel before me?”
“He...disappointed me.”
“Did he have a name?”
Hecate blew out her torch and stepped back into the rapidly shrinking trees. “Gregor Skrivanek.”
Buffy, in a meditation pose across from Willow, looked at her quizzically. “Gesundheit?”
There was a twang and a wizz as one of the girls fired a crossbow. “If we’re finished being freaky, I’d kinda like to go back inside,” said Jo.
Before she reached the steps to trample Caleb, Buffy tumbled and bounced down the rest of the aisle. Her horse had turned into a toy. Likewise, she was small and limp, unable to move on her own. Caleb, scooped her up in his giant hands. “Did you think this was about you?”
He turned her toward her friends and family. With the snap of his fingers, they were ablaze. “Did you think you could save them?”
“The blame is on me,” he continued. “I let that vampire’s obsession with you trick me into thinking you mattered, but you don’t. You’re empty. You try to fill it with school, with shopping, with any man who is desperate enough to fuck you, but you’re a little doll who needs other people to pose her.”
He turned her away from him, toward Death at the end of the aisle, his scythe and robes spattered with blood, and dangling from his hand -- Dean’s head.
In a weird way, it was comforting to have all the Scoobies gathered around the dining table researching monsters. Almost homey, if it was even possible to feel at home in her own house again. Of course, Buffy’s semi-fond memories of high school slaying didn’t involve Spike sitting next to her as they researched monsters, or Andrew Wells fiddling with a camcorder. They didn’t involve researching how to kill a human either.
Xander’s eyes were practically cartoon hearts locked on Ellen as she replaced his empty plate with a second helping of sloppy joe, cornbread and green beans. “You’re just the most amazing, Ellen.”
Smiling, she tousled his hair before checking on the Potentials in the other room.
Xander ravenously tucked into his food.
“Xander, you got a little.” Dawn wiped at the corner of her mouth.
Anya glanced at the sauce smeared on Xander’s face. “It's just pride.”
Xander mock laughed before taking a giant bite of cornbread.
“It’s been a long, dark time since we’ve had seconds,” Andrew declared, zooming his lens in on Xander. “But Ellen knows all sorts of recipes. Tomorrow, she’s going to teach me to --”
Dawn paused from note-taking. “Andrew, what are you doing?”
“I’m making a documentary of our gallant heroes. My redemption arc heavily features. I’m, like, the Vader of the group.”
“Don’t show interest, or he’ll think you care.” Anya slammed her book closed. “Why can’t we just set him on fire again?”
“I don’t want to be on fire,” replied Andrew, meekly.
“Not you. Caleb,” she clarified. “Fire is the traditional, time-respected way to off a witch.”
Willow scrunched her face in disgust. “One, I’m generally not a fan of the burned-at-the-stake scene. Had a close call once. A singeing, if you will. Two, I have a theory--”
Buffy tuned out while Willow explained again. The goal was to kill Caleb, but to kill him, they had to return him to a much more human state. When Dean had asked her if she was ready to kill a person, she’d bristled. While it wasn’t the Slayer’s job to deliver justice in the human sense, Caleb had clearly chosen the path of evil. She’d plunged her sword in him without hesitation. However, in light of Willow’s plan, Buffy couldn’t help but wonder if Caleb -- once separated from the archangel controlling him -- could be saved. Was he simply another victim of Lucifer?
Ellen drifted back into the room, her eyes on the windows. She sucked on the insides of her cheeks when she was nervous, and she’d been nervous ever since Jo, Bobby and Giles left town two days ago to follow some leads.
“Has she called?” Spike asked, gently reaching out to touch Ellen’s arm.
Ellen smiled and patted his hand. “A few times. Thought they’d’ve been back by now.”
“Don’t tell him I told you,” Spike lowered his voice to a whisper, “but stodgy ol’ Giles is right decent in a fight. She’s in good hands if it comes to that.”
Before Ellen could respond, the Impala pulled up outside. She smiled at Jo, still in her bland detective suit, coming up the walk with the Winchester's green cooler. Buffy recognized the relieved mom look. Ellen was doing a good job not steamrolling everyone between her and her daughter’s embrace.
Jo arrived with a triumphant smile. “Not even rusty.” She handed her mom the cooler. “Stopped for food before Apocalypse-zone. Got some fresh stuff!”
“Thanks, hon.” Ellen set the cooler on the table and wrapped Jo in a bear hug.
Bobby, tie loose and trucker cap back on his head, set a box of files on the table. “Had a minor setback, but we got it.”
“What happened?” Buffy asked.
“I’m afraid I am not a convincing FBI agent,” Giles said with a sigh. He glared at Andrew. “What is he doing?”
Undeterred, Andrew zoomed in. “Set the scene for us, Giles. You’re sweating bullets in the FBI office, surrounded by men in black who’ve been trained to sniff out a lie. What do you do?”
Bewildered, Giles again looked to the group. “What is he doing?”
“‘E’s keeping calm.” Spike reached into the box for a handful of files. He handed one to Buffy.
“Meet Gregor Skrivanek,” Bobby said. “Box one.”
“Of how many?” whined Anya.
“Three more in the trunk,” Jo said with a smirk.
Anya closed her book and left the room.
“Did you get the mementos we need for the spell?” Willow asked.
“That’s box four.” Jo smiled. “It’s in the backseat. Although they’re less mementos and more burnables.”
“Burning is the goal!” Willow smiled.
Buffy opened her folder, a thick police file from Boston. It contained three coroner reports and photos of three different teenage girls. Two slashed at the throat. One was just a head. All were bloated and distorted from floating in water.
“Get it all,” Buffy said. I’m ready.
DAY 12
On yesterday’s patrol, Buffy had captured a vampire minion and gave him a message for Caleb.
Highway 1 bridge at 10. Alone.
Caleb was cocky. He’d show.
The wind whipped around Buffy as she stood high above the ravine on the bridge headed out of town. She pulled her coat tighter -- not tight enough to outline the ax hanging from her belt -- and passed the time by watching Orion, Dean’s favorite constellation. Willow had told her Orion the Hunter was the only man Artemis loved. (“Later she maybe killed him, but that’s totally not your story! Not a blueprint!”) It was a cute bit of trivia, but it didn’t matter.
Dean was no more Orion than he was Michael’s toy. She was more than a holding cell. If they were anything, they were masters of their own fate.
“You came,” Caleb shouted down the bridge. “I’m surprised after the beating I handed you last time, but then you are an arrogant bitch.”
She bit back a grin. It was almost too easy. “Don’t pretend you know me.”
“Don’t I? Buffy Summers became the Slayer without any training because who would have guessed such a shallow waste of space could be anything? Certainly not her daddy who ran away in terror. Now she tries to fill the hole by spreading her legs for any old guy who shows an interest.”
He smirked at her with the hungry glare of a middle-aged man parked outside a middle school. “People think Lucifer has Daddy issues, but he’s not still trying to gain approval. He can flex his own power.”
“Kind of a crappy story,” said Buffy. “Not very accurate either. I give it two stars, but one of those is a pity star.”
She slowly walked toward him. “Here’s a story I heard recently. About thirty-five years ago, a boy named Gregor was born with the most powerful magic skills history had ever seen. Of course, floating objects over his crib frightened his parents, so they dropped him off at an orphanage. He grew to despise the nuns who ran the place. Conveniently for him, he was the lone survivor of a fire at the orphanage when he was six. By the time he was thirteen, every orphanage and foster home he went to after that found a girl dead within six months of his arrival. He was never tied to the deaths though, because he was using magic.”
Snarls echoed from underneath the bridge. Buffy had expected Caleb to bring backup; although, she tried to not dwell on what could be climbing so high above the ravine.
“Are you trying to appeal to my humanity?” Caleb sneered. “This is more nostalgia than anything.”
Buffy continued. “Murder. Murder. Murder. Always girls. Probably misplaced mommy issues over being given up. But when Gregor turned sixteen, he was caught strangling a girl and sent to a juvenile detention center where he supposedly found God. When he got out, he changed his name and became a priest. And a serial killer.”
“Nice story--”
“I wasn’t finished.” The power of her voice stopped him in his tracks. “If this boy had been a powerful warlock, why did he start choking girls. Why did he get caught?”
Caleb cocked his head to the side, clearly desperate to know.
Two pairs of feet thudded behind her at the entrance to the bridge. She couldn’t deal with them now. Caleb had to be first or the spell wouldn’t work.
“It’s because Hecate cut him off. He was supposed to be her star, her vessel to move about the Earth when needed, but he was too maggot-riddled for her.” Hecate's sense of morality may be different from theirs, but it was clear she held women in higher regard than men.
Shots zipped through the air. Whatever was behind her roared.
With Caleb distracted, Buffy closed the gap between them and slapped him across the cheek, leaving an ashen handprint. The contact of their skin blazed white hot as his body, no longer a vessel, ejected the bit of Lucifer’s grace that could fit inside.
Doubled over on his knees, Caleb growled. “What did you do, you bitch?!”
“Magic,” she replied as she swung her axe down on his neck.
One swing for her. One for Dawn. For Grace. For Vi, Sophia, and every Potential he’d killed. Buffy, whose personal code was to never kill a human, chopped him to bits for every girl he’d murdered.
She spun around. Two Turok-Han were heading up the highway towards the tall trees where Bobby, Jo, and Ellen were perched with rifles and blessed bullets. Bobby had been right. The bullets hadn’t killed the vampires, but they had slowed and distracted Caleb’s minions.
Buffy took a deep, stuttering breath over the bloody mess in the road, grabbed a chunk of his hair, and tossed Caleb’s head into the ravine below.
“Hey!” she barked. The vampires stopped to consider who to kill first. “Miffed about being shot? Don’t lose your head over it.”
With a running start and two hand springs, Buffy was between them. She twirled her ax above her head. The vampires’ heads popped off, and they crumbled to dust.
Buffy rose. Her grin to the stars. Blood dripping from her ax, from her fingertips.
Bobby and the Harvelle’s stumbled out from the brush.
“Well that went off without a hitch.” Ellen wrapped her arm around Buffy’s shoulders and gave her a squeeze.
“Yeah, Will’s spell turned off his vesselness.” Buffy’s hand had been covered in the ashes of some objects Caleb had owned. After Willow wrote the spell in the ash, all they needed to make it work was skin-to-skin contact.
They all began the trek back to where the Impala was hidden. Buffy resisted the urge to bounce. “God, I wish Sunnydale wasn’t shuttered up. I’d kill for a burger.”
“Nothin’ like the Apocalypse to make you miss the little things,” said Bobby.
Buffy missed one thing that wasn’t so little, but she wouldn’t let her mind drift there. The dream would come again, for sure. Tonight, however, she would live in the moment. She’d beaten back the Devil.
next chapter
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Week 19 in Rosedale is over, so let’s do the weekly recap! :D Week 19 was the time of the great ‘Bandican folder failure’ so I lost quite a lot of pictures, so apologies that some of the recaps are so short!
Births: 13 Deaths: 6 (-1 for a genie revive)
Nicholas gave birth to his and Costel Couderc’s baby girl Sadie.
Costel moved in.
Sadie turned into a toddler.
Iola turned into an elder.
Bellamy turned into a teenager.
Vesuvia turned into a child.
They adopted two pets; a puppy named Jynx and an adult cat named Citrine.
Asher turned into an adult. He then entered a relationship with townie Vera Chambers, and they moved out on Monday morning.
Tharen and Rigel turned into adults. Tharen entered a relationship with Sofia Bledel, and they all moved out at the end of the week.
Joseph’s alien abduction from the week before resulted in the birth of another son, Vega!
Leia turned into a teenager.
They adopted a new kitten called Chai!
Socks ate some Kibble of Life.
Jason and Kelly went on a date. Kelly then immediately died, causing Jason to have a conflicting line of memories about her dying, the date being horrible and then inheriting some money.
Hera turned into a teenager.
Jason rolled some wants about finding a new girlfriend, so he went on a handful of dates with downtownie Davina Cofield.
Hera spawned a social bunny that made fun of her while she was sleeping.
Hera tried to fix the computer and started a fire! She then caught the whole room on fire and died as a result! Thankfully, Jason used the genie lamp and brought her back to life (successfully; no zombies this time!)
Jason rolled a want to propose to Davina, so they got engaged and quickly married in the kitchen.
Grimmy and the Hula Zombies came in a ‘two for one’ deal for Mae and Carlos!
Vivienne continued making robots until she reached the gold badge! She then made herself a robot girlfriend named Claire!
Dean entered an informal relationship with Hayley Brewster!
Someone set the kitchen on fire again.
Grimmy came for Ronica one five consecutive nights, but she beat him at the game of chance every single time.
Hayley left Dean an ElectroDance Sphere after their date.
Teagan and Lane turned into teenagers.
Colt woohooed with Apple Brewster.
Lane got a womrat.
Dean and Colt turned into adults. Due to the ROS roll of needing to get someone pregnant, Colt invited over the most attractive townie he knew called Tameko Clarke, fell in love, asked her to move in and successfully got her pregnant.
Dean moved out with his cat Bella, and Colt moved out with Tameko and their unborn child.
Ethan got chased by bees.
Nova drank straight from the bottle at their new bar.
Evelyn turned into an adult. She then went on a blind date and fell in love with townie Candice Barnett! And when I wasn’t looking, Evelyn fell pregnant.
Kayla and Zenith turned into teenagers.
Evelyn and Candice moved out.
Gwyneth and Leland went to her restaurant to serve dinner to townies. Once again, Gwyneth and her max cooking skill burnt the cake slice.
Hayley turned into an adult. Thanks to ACR, Hayley saw Lirit Wheatley on the side of the street and immediately went to woo her. They made out, woohooed and got Hayley pregnant...
The quadruplets turned into teenagers.
Hayley gave birth to Lirit’s newest daughter, Cheyenne, to an audience of most of her siblings.
Someone set the kitchen on fire!
Apple turned into an adult.
Aeryn and Garrus got into a fight in the bathroom, then both glared at their older brother Saros like he’d done something...
Not wanting her sister to raise a daughter on her own, Apple moved out with Hayley and Cheyenne.
Due to ROS, Bailey had to have a 2-day affair. Most of the two days was spent trying to get her to romantically interact with Ronica Swafford, local marriage-ruiner.
Emmett turned into an adult. He had a string of bad luck trying to find a girlfriend.
Ali the cat died!
Joel turned into an adult and went into immediate aspiration failure.
Bailey set the kitchen on fire.
The matchmaker left the family a genie lamp! Emmett then wished for beauty.
After his genie wish, Emmett went on a successful date with townie Jessica Ingham.
Grimmy came for Daryl!
Danica used the treadmill to get fit.
Roman turned into a child and started painting.
They lost §17,500 in a stock-market crash (thanks ROS).
Kaylyn turned into an adult.
She entered a relationship with townie Anya Colville, who ended up getting her pregnant.
Grace sold some paintings.
Maximilian turned into a teenager.
They got another cat named Skittles.
Valentina got started on a novel.
Alexis turned into an adult.
She entered a relationship with Joel Mazza and they got married at the end of the week.
Grimmy came a few times for Kit but as he’d wished for the ability to cheat death, he didn’t actually die.
Angelica turned into a toddler and then a child.
Rose turned into an elder.
Lirit was caught cheating with townie Marietta Sanna. She then rolled a want to get engaged to her, so she and Marietta moved out, leaving Rose and Angelica behind.
The ROS roll for the week was for good witchcraft, so Regina turned into a witch.
She and Bernie got married at the park.
Lucas and Lucio moved into a tiny home after leaving Regina the week before.
Lucas entered a relationship with townie Leonie Olsen.
They got married, and Leonie fell pregnant and gave birth to a baby daughter named Astra.
They moved into a much larger home.
Deigo turned into a toddler and then a child.
Isaiah kept working at his toy shop and gained a few business levels.
Kat and Kent moved out of the apartment and into a proper house.
Kent woohooed with townie Yvonne Ki.
Kat befriended local-high warlock Trey Girdler.
Noah went into multiple aspiration failures.
Altair turned into a toddler then a child.
Jonathan gave birth to his second alien son, Vulcan. He then turned into a toddler later in the week.
Noah fell pregnant but didn’t give birth.
Jonathan sold some paintings.
Victor, Anthea and their young son James moved into their own house.
Grimmy came for Victor!
Anthea made money where she could, but spent most of her time looking after her son and the garden.
James turned into a toddler.
Sian Evans and Audrey Swafford moved into a small house together as roommates as neither of them could afford a house on their own.
Sian got into a poking match with a townie.
Sian angered the bees.
Audrey woohooed with townie Edward Wren.
Sian woohooed with townie Holly Goth, and also local evil witch Lyndsay Browne after Audrey wanted to learn the witchy ways from her.
Audrey then turned into an evil witch herself.
Sian and Audrey eventually woohooed with each other.
Lizbeth, Nathaniel and Marilyn moved into their own home.
Lizbeth gave birth to a son named Asra! He then turned into a toddler later in the week.
Marilyn turned into a toddler then a child.
Lizbeth proposed to Nathaniel!
Micah and Joy moved into their own tiny home; one built by Micah’s own father Ethan many weeks before!
They went on an outing to Mountain Lake, where they saw Micah’s father and a couple of friends and extended family.
While Micah was at work, Joy woohooed with townie Benito Rossi!
Andy and his fiancée Odette moved into their own house (there’s a lot of that this week).
Odette found some buried treasure!
Andy woohooed with local servo Claire Arbon while Odette was off saving people from fires!
Due to the ROS roll, Joseph Villiers came over and turned Andy into a werewolf!
Andy cheated again, but this time with the newly-married Davina Cofield!
Andy and Odette got their Garden Club application rejected.
Once again, Davina Cofield was involved in cheating drama as she and Toby woohooed multiple times while Gillian was at work.
Gideon turned into a toddler then a child later in the week.
Gillian gave birth to twins, Valentine and Tallulah! They turned into toddlers later in the week.
Gillian fell pregnant to risky woohoo literally seconds after giving birth. She went into labour a second time in one week and gave birth to another daughter, Demeter.
Uncle/nephew warlock/vampire combo Sawyer Couderc and Gabriel Lauper moved in together.
Gabriel nearly combusted in the sun twice.
Sawyer went on a date with townie Payton Dyer, and during the date rolled a want to fall in love with someone completely different - his best friend, townie Chantelle Dynamite! So after his date (and natural woohoo) with Payton, Chantelle was invited over for one.
After a couple of dates, Sawyer proposed to Chantelle and she moved in.
Chantelle opened Pleasant Post so that she could open up the Business career track. Pleasant Post was awarded a good review and the Best of the Best award on its first day.
Sawyer and Chantelle had their wedding party, with many family and friends attending. Toby Mazza was one of them, and naturally cheated on his absent girlfriend and mother of his four children (again) with Payton Dyer, Sawyer’s ‘ex’.
Newly married Sawyer and Chantelle moved out.
Leia and Zephyr moved into a beautiful beach lot and built their house.
Leia gave birth to a baby girl named Brigitte, who turned into a toddler later in the week.
Leia then fell pregnant again and gave birth to a second daughter named Nadia.
Rachael and Bella moved into a house of their own.
Bella gave birth to a daughter named Amber, who turned into a toddler later in the week.
Due to the ROS roll, Rachael was abducted by aliens. She came back with a little green present and gave birth to another daughter, Alya, later in the week.
Bella’s uncle Frankie and her father Kit came over for visits. Kit spent most of the time watching sports on the TV and yelling, like most old men do.
Rachael went to work pregnant and in her underwear...
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There’s no place like home - part 6.

Summary: The reader has had a unique gift all her life. While considering it a curse, she discovers the identity of her real father after her mothers passing. Journeying towards her new life, she finds herself thrown within the Winchester’s world. Is it her destiny?
Setting: End of season 13. This takes place during episode 13.18.
Warnings: Language. Flashback are italicized. POV may switch after certain sections.
A/N: This is my awkward part of the story and I apologize. I hadn’t rewatched the episodes yet when I had started posting to mesh these in correctly to the episodes. Dean and Sam would not have left Gabriel. I promise that will not happen again. Additional note that the description of the handling of psychological files is not HIPAA compliant, it just had to work this way for the story. Your therapists are not reading your files at home!
Remember all comments and feedback are welcomed! If you want a tag in future posts regarding this series or other writings please send an ask! As always thank you for reading! Enjoy!
Series Masterlist

Gabriel was still a beaten and broken man hiding in the darkness of the bunker when they had returned, unwilling to speak or have anyone come close to him. Cas had just arrived, unknowing how bad the situation truly was. Ketch followed Dean on a mission to apocalypse world to find mom and Jack leaving his brother to watch and wait for their return. When Cas had heard what Dean was doing, he was furious at how Sam could let him do that, going into that world practically alone was a suicide mission. When Castiel saw Gabriel huddled in the dark corner of a room in the bunker, the gravity of the situation at hand hit him.
“Where were you Sam, while you left Gabriel alone in this condition?” Castiel demanded.
“There was something we had to take care of Cas,” Sam replied while thinking about those last couple of days.
“Who is Y/N,” Castiel growled while reading Sam’s mind, his eyebrows pushing together in concentration while holding back his fury towards Sam.
“You know I hate when you do that,” Sam replied with an annoyed tone while sitting down in the War room. “She is Bobby’s daughter, Cas. We just found out and well…we had to go and see for ourselves.”
“I understand your reasoning Sam, but you’ve wasted precious time that we did not have,” Castiel replied in a serious tone, not shifting his facial features as he spoke.
“I know Cas. No more distractions,” Sam said solemnly. That was easier said than done. Y/N. The mysterious girl who showed up at one of the worst possible times. Y/N, the girl he needed to push out of his mind and forget. The girl he needed his brother to forget, at least for now. That was going to be the hard part. He saw the way his brother looked at her, he had never quite seen it before. Sure his brother did have the way with the ladies, but this was different. With Lisa his guard was up to protect her and Ben, but with Y/N? It was like they had known each other all their lives the way that they bantered back and forth, it was just so…natural. Saving the world again almost seemed like the easier task now.
The drive to Lawrence wasn’t as horrible as you had thought it would be. Yes, you were going on only about two hours of sleep from the night before but there was something freeing about being in your baby on the open road again with the wind blowing your hair and the tunes turned up. Everything felt like it was going to be alright for once in a long time.
Almost 7 hours later you found yourself parking in the driveway at your new home. A simple one-story cottage house tucked away in the woods on the outskirts of town, away from the business of people. Just the way you liked it. You allowed yourself to appreciate the change you were about to walk into, your new home. Your new start.
Walking in the front door you sighed heavily at all the boxes and furniture that the movers had left in stacks. You definitely had work to do, but you happily accepted the challenge for the next 5 hours. Setting up all the furniture just right and stacking the unneeded boxes for another night. Except for one. The patient files stored on little flash drives you had collected over the last decade since you were in your doctoral internship. Inside the box, they stayed tucked away within the small safe. You pulled it open to double check that they were all still safely secured, counting them one by one noting the dates of each. One had fallen underneath the couch as you started to place them back carefully in the safe. After pushing yourself to the floor to retrieve it, you glanced at the dates written on it. Something about it made you grab your laptop to open it up, imputing your password to unlock the contents. As you glanced through the initials one stood out in your memory more than the others, C.S., but why? You opened it and sat on the floor with your back against the couch, eyes widening as your past flooded back into your mind.
“Oh, my…Chuck.”
“Charles Shurley, white male early to mid-30’s complaining of severe headaches, anxiety with paranoia symptoms, insomnia, and vivid nightmares,” you read out loud before grabbing your new patient from the waiting room. You rocked back and forth in your office chair while looking over the intakes notes. “Admits to using alcohol to help himself sleep,” you gave a little scoff as you read it. “Don’t we all buddy.”
You walked out to the waiting room, expecting a somewhat nervous man patiently waiting but what you found was a clearly shaken soul that looked like he was seconds away from jumping out of his own skin. Standing directly to the left of him, a bright glowing light figured with no face. An angel. This guy had a literal, honest to fucking God angel watching over him. You diverted your eyes away from it, not knowing exactly what it was doing here, with this man crumbling in his chair. Angels were unpredictable usually with their own “holy” twisted agendas.
“Charles,” you called out from the doorway.
He jumped up from his seat and followed your lead towards your little corner office that was sparsely decorated for use of other future interns when you left in a month. Honestly, if they hadn’t of been so short staffed at the moment you would be finishing up the termination and referrals for the people you had already been working with, not taking on a new client. The Angel followed him closely behind, you keeping it in the corner of your eye. This was going to be interesting.
The two of you sat down in the somewhat comfy leather chairs, perfectly at the 90-degree angles you were taught they should be in. You crossed your legs as you watched him stare nervously at the ground. The Angel stood guard next to him, unfaltering.
“Charles, I’m Y/N,” you stated while trying to ignore the celestial entity in your office. “Were you informed prior to your consent signing that I am a doctoral student and not a licensed psychologist?”
He nodded his head yes in reply, still focusing on the ground. His hands trembling on his lap. His left foot bouncing off the ground.
“Charles? I will have some general questions for you for assessment purposes, but first, why don’t you tell me why you are here?”
“It’s Chuck actually,” he said while raising his eyes to yours.
“Okay, Chuck,” you politely smiled. “What can I help you with?”
“I’m going to sound crazy. You will probably end up throwing me in a padded room and tossing the key.”
Your gaze moved over towards the celestial being. Being followed by angels, now that was crazy. You shook away your thoughts and gave your best professional tone. “Are you harming yourself or others or have any plan to do so?”
“No,” he replied quickly.
You gave him a little half smile as you sat back a bit farther into the chair, not wanting to piss off his angelic handler by getting too close. “I don’t think there is any reason for that then.”
“You are going to think it’s crazy.”
“I’ve heard a lot of crazy stories Chuck,” you said with a friendly smile, trying to calm down his nerves while thinking of how this situation was definitely in the top 10 of crazy.
He took in a deep breath and straightened himself out in his chair before replying. “I have these dreams. Almost like nightmares. When I wake up I can still remember every detail.”
“Remembering details in one's dreams is pretty common,” you stated in reply. “Sometimes we remember our dreams more because of the memories of events that happen to us during the day prior.”
“Yeah well, I don’t exactly go hunting wendigo’s, vampires, werewolves, and ghosts during the day.”
Your heart and breathing stopped suddenly at his words. What did he just say? Did he just say what you thought he said? You looked at his angelic guard in nervousness. It’s light flickering a yes to your thoughts. This guy is a goddamned prophet.
“You are having dreams about supernatural entities?” you questioned while readjusting yourself to keep your expressions and body movement as calm as you could be.
“Not just them, but also these guys. Brothers and a dad hunting them across the country.”
“Are these individuals perhaps someone you may have met before?”
“No, I’ve never seen them, but in the dreams, I am not exactly interacting with them, more like watching a television show unfold.”
You felt yourself nod in reply. Definitely a prophet. But how much did he know? Did he even believe?
“Are you religious Chuck,” you questioned calmly.
“Like God and that stuff? I mean I know about it but I don’t exactly go to church or anything like that,” he replied in confusion to your question.
“Some people find religion to be an outlet when dealing with stress,” you calmly replied, answering his unspoken question. “So did you have prior knowledge or interest in the supernatural before these dreams started?”
His eyebrows scrunched while contemplating his answer. “I mean, I’ve read Dracula, and I’ve seen the Patrick Swayze movie but other than other that it had never been a hobby of mine.”
“Had never been? So is it now?” you questioned while wondering how far he had dug into the truth.
“After I have a dream, I research some things about it online,” he replied quietly. “Almost everything I dreamt is right there, black and white.”
“So what do you do after?”
“I wake up and start writing it all down,” he said with tears forming in his eyes. “It’s like I can’t stop myself from doing it. Like someone is making me do it.”
You looked over to the Angel, hatred forming in your eyes at what they were doing to this poor man. A man who had no clue what was happening to him. How far were they going to push him until he completely shattered?
“What happens if you don’t Charles?”
“My head feels like it is about to explode. I can’t do anything until I get it all out. I can’t think. I can’t sleep, and when I do sleep more of the story comes to me.”
“May I ask what you do for a living Chuck?” you asked to change the subject. His general background you were going to need anyways for your assessment, might as well do your job even though this was not what you expected to walk in. “Nothing right now, it’s been too hard to try and do anything else since this began.”
“What kind of work would you like to be doing?”
“Well I went to school to be a writer,” he replied sheepishly.
You gave him an empathetic smile. “Well then maybe these dreams can be used as a blessing in disguise then.”
“What do you mean?”
“You said it was like a show playing right in front of you that you feel the need to write down, so do it,” you said while taking a quick glance toward the Angel. “Don’t stop yourself, take control. It could very well possibly reduce your other symptoms that you are having if you allow yourself to do it. Maybe you could turn it in for publication.”
“Then the whole world will think I am crazy,” he exclaimed.
You gave him a little shrug. “Use a pen name or blog them anonymously. Just get the story out of your system or you very well may drag yourself even further down.”
“A pen name,” he said quietly. “Monster Hunters by Joe Smith.”
“You may want to visit other possible names for the book title about the supernatural,” you replied with a little chuckle behind your voice. “Also you might find and use a name that means something to you.”
“Supernatural,” he replied while staring off in the distance. “I like it.”
When Dean came back alone he was furious to discover that Gabriel had split during his absence. Mom, Jack, Ketch and now apocalypse world Charlie were counting on him to bring them back. To save them all. The weight of two worlds now weighing on his shoulders.
He pushed himself into his room, throwing everything that laid on his dresser in anger in one quick swoop. He sat down on the corner end of his bed and laid his face into his hands. What was he going to do now?
“Dean,” said the gruff voice of Cas while standing still I the doorway, observing the destruction Dean had made in his path.
“Not now Cas,” Dean said while not looking up to him.
“Dean, this is not your fault,” Cas stated solemnly. “We will find Gabriel, we will get to them.”
Cas continued talking about hopeful possibilities, none of them would be easy. What Dean wouldn’t do to just run away from it all, but he couldn’t. There were too many people counting on him. People he loved were on the other side. In this world, all the others he would and has laid down his life for, and now another person just got added to that list, Y/N.
“You are thinking about Bobby’s daughter,” Cas asked while already knowing the answer.
“How did you…”
“Sam informed me of her unexpected arrival,” Cas stated, interrupting Dean.
“Yeah well, that’s a whole other situation that we don’t have time for,” Dean quipped back.
“Dean, maybe you should take some time,” Cas said while feeling the frustration radiate off if Dean. “Maybe go and see her. Get your affairs in order while we figure out the next move.”
Dean sat there quietly pondering the idea. Every plan so far all had the same possible no-win situation if they did manage to get to them and stop Michael. These could very well be his last days on this earth at least. Seeing Y/N again, at least one last time sounded like the best plan he had heard all day. One last time to forget that the worlds were about to crumble all around him.
Keep Reading Part 7 Here
Tags: @jaylarkson @waywardbaby @snffbeebee @iamabeautifulperson18
#theresnoplacelikehome#dean x cas#sam x cas#reader#dean winchester#sam winchester#castiel#gabriel#supernatural series#supernatural fanfiction#spn fanfic
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I'm going to be roleplaying with someone and they want to do a mother/son relationship, like not in the usual way. Like, what is the ACTUAL relationship between Gabrielle and Lestat? What is it really? I want to do a thread, but I don't want to trigger anyone or make it look all grim and incestuous. And I sincerely apologize if I've offended you by asking the question. I just dunno.
[By the way, I usually answer things with a relevant fanart/image/gif, but in this case, I think it’s too serious a topic for that.]
“And I sincerely apologize if I’ve offended you by asking the question.”
No offense taken, it’s a fair question!
I am a little wary that this is a bait set out by those who see things in RP/fiction as “promoting” something in real life. A bait set to invite the kind of anti-shippers who are looking for a way to tear me down regardless of how I respond, when all I ever want to promote is:
The 3 Laws of Fandom.
(And I’ll quote a relevant piece of it from @ozhawkauthor, but please read the whole post):
“Much (though not all) fandom is about shipping. There are as many possible ships as there are fans, maybe more. You may have an OTP (One True Pairing), you may have a NOTP, that pairing that makes you want to barf at the very thought of its existence.
It’s not up to you to police ships or to determine what other people are allowed to ship. Just because you find that one particular ship problematic or disgusting, does not mean that other people are not allowed to explore its possibilities in their fanworks.
You are free to create contrarian content, to write meta about why a particular ship is repulsive, to discuss it endlessly on your private blog with like-minded persons.
It is not appropriate to harass creators about their ships, it is not appropriate to demand they do not create any more fanworks about those ships, or that they create fanwork only in a manner that you deem appropriate.
These three laws add up to the following:
You are not paying for fanworks content, and you have no rights to it other than to choose to consume it, or not consume it. If you do choose to consume it, do not then attack the creator if it wasn’t to your taste. That’s the height of bad manners.
Be courteous in fandom. It makes the whole experience better for all of us.”
I want to make it very clear that I’m answering this as someone who supports exploring dark themes and taboo topics in fiction/RP. As long as you are not violating real living person’s rights, or invading any real living person’s space*, then you are doing nothing wrong. I’ve been blocked. I try to tag for things that can be triggering/upsetting to others, but I will not self-censor to appease everyone, so I absolutely support ppl unfollowing/blocking me if what I post makes them uncomfortable.
*Posting your fic/RP with the appropriate warning tags is a form of respecting others’ space and rights. If they don’t like your writing, they can block you, too. Their dashboard is their responsibility.
“I want to do a thread, but I don’t want to trigger anyone or make it look all grim and incestuous.”
I think grim and incestuous could be very interesting to explore; not every fic/RP can be a fluffy Coffee Shop AU!
Re: Concern about triggering anyone, I’ll repeat myself, it is everyone’s responsibility to curate their own fandom experience and as long as you are tagging and putting content under cuts, it is their responsibility to protect themselves. If they are incapable of that, then they should ask a trusted person to monitor their internet use.
People are triggered by many things, not just taboo and darker themed writing. This person’s triggers are Jello, Popsicles, Soup Broth, please read it! And to quote from that post, “a lot of ‘activists’ on tumblr aren’t looking to actually help anyone or make anything better: they’re sadists cruising for new victims.”
TL; DR: Anon, do what you and your partner are comfortable doing.** If RPing it as a ship squicks you both out, don’t do it. If Rping it as a ship is exciting to you both and you want to explore that taboo, go for it! Just be sure to tag it with the right warnings, and add cuts so that ppl will be protected from content they may not want to see. You can also RP privately however you like, there is no rule that says RP must be done publicly.
**If your RP partner is pressuring you to RP something you are uncomfortable with, then I would suggest not RPing that with them, and similarly, if you are pressuring your RP partner to RP something they are uncomfortable with, I would suggest not pressuring them into it.
Hit the jump for my response, cut for length, and discussion about possible incest between fictional characters.
“I’m going to be roleplaying with someone and they want to do a mother/son relationship, like not in the usual way.”
Is there a “usual way” to RP? If you’re suggesting in the ship way, it is something I’m sure exists.
Ppl RP with canon in mind, or without it.
“Like, what is the ACTUAL relationship between Gabrielle and Lestat? What is it really?”
That is a question with a ton of landmines, so I’m not going to say that they are definitely a ship or definitely not, it’s up to the individual reader/RPer to decide based on their reading of canon, or diverge from canon and write the characters however they see fit. This kind of exploration is one of many ways to engage with the characters and I see nothing wrong with canon-compliant or not canon-compliant writing, either way.
Personally, I can see both sides of the argument.
>>Not as a ship: There are some who see them purely as a mother and a son, and DEFINITELY nothing more. She does come to his rescue at the rock concert (how did she know to go to him? She has telepathy, but being his fledgling, she cannot read Lestat’s mind; she could have picked up the warnings from other vampires, or Louis might have contacted her), there are several times in canon when she asserts herself in an authoritative manner. She’s protective of him when he’s in a coma, and she slaps some sense into him when necessary. All these things can be filed under “motherly.”
It’s easy to not ship them, so I don’t really need to provide further canon evidence, they are, biologically, mother and son! There’s nothing more to add to that.
>>As a ship, Unpopular Opinion: one could argue that they can be shipped, because:
A) He becomes her maker, which changes their relationship to him being more of the “parent.”
- During the initial phase of Lestat turning Gabrielle in TVL, as he’s taking her life, he says she’s no longer his mother (to be fair, this is the kind of intimacy a vampire feels when feeding on anyone, but still, worth mentioning):
Myknowledge dimmed and flickered and there was no mother anymore,no petty need and petty terror; she was simply who she was. She wasGabrielle.
- Then, once she’s turned, she insists on being called by her name instead of “Mother,” so some take that as proof that she doesn’t see herself as being his mother anymore, in the mortal sense of the word.
B) The act of making a vampire is extremely intimate, it has been compared to childbirth. It’s the most intimate act a vampire can share with anyone. I believe in fanon that it creates a physiological bond between maker and fledgling, so one could extrapolate to say that the act itself could create a ship.
Note: In most maker/fledgling relationships, there is some assumption that turning the fledgling is done to bind maker and fledgling as a ship; essentially making the fledgling into a companion for the maker and the maker into a companion for the fledgling. In this case, Lestat turned Gabrielle in order to save her life, not knowing if he would even survive the act, so I don’t think this was a factor here, neither of them necessarily intending to be in a relationship together, but the physiological bond discussed above would still be a possibility.
Also worth mentioning is that he asks for her consent, as he had not been asked for consent himself, and the question is very clear:
No words again, just the silent thrust of it, and the question, more immense than could ever be put into words, Do you want to come with me now? DO YOU WANT TO COME WITH ME INTO THIS NOW? I hide nothing from you, not my ignorance, not my fear, not the simple terror that if I try I might fail. I do not even know if it is mine to give more than once, or what is the price of giving it, but I will risk this for you, and we will discover it together, whatever the mystery and the terror, just as I’ve discovered alone all else. With her wholebeing she said Yes.
^This could be construed as him wanting her for a companion and her agreeing to it.
C) LET’S TALK ABOUT SEX. This is a point of debate for many fans, whether the Ricean vampires can have penetrative sex. In my opinion, in canon they cannot, and while penetrative sex is NOT A REQUIREMENT to a relationship (there are relationships where there is no penetrative sex and they are no less valid than those which do have it, in my opinion), the incestuous aspect of a Lestat/Gabrielle ship is alot less squicky for me knowing that they aren’t able to literally bone in the mortal way. Some would argue that the bloodsharing is more intimate than penetrative sex, and that’s fine, but still, being unable to literally bone is just so much less squicky, in my opinion. But ppl made fanart of essentially that and it was still very funny, to me!
Call it what you will, but the first bloodkiss shared in canon is between Lestat and Gabrielle on the night she is turned.
^^^ALL THAT SAID, I wouldn’t shoot anyone down who ships it, they are both adult fictional characters. One could argue that there is some canon evidence to support it, but canon evidence is unnecessary.
Again, Anon, do what you and your partner are comfortable doing. If RPing it as a ship squicks you both out, don’t do it. If Rping it as a ship is exciting to you both and you want to explore that taboo, go for it! Just be sure to tag it with the right warnings, and add cuts so that ppl will be protected from content they may not want to see. You can also RP privately however you like, there is no rule that says RP must be done publicly.
If your RP partner is pressuring you to RP something you are uncomfortable with, then I would suggest not RPing with them, and similarly, if you are pressuring your RP partner to RP something they are uncomfortable with, I would suggest not pressuring them into it.
#Anonymous#anon#ask#RP#for rpers#squick#laws of fandom#fandom#advice#on RP#iwantmyiwtv has opinions#quote#lestat#lestat de lioncourt#the vampire lestat#lestat your oedipus complex is showing#gabrielle de lioncourt#vampire physiology#ozhawkauthor#incest discussion tw#ship#shipping#ship and let ship#roleplay#long post#unpopular opinion
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Title: Long Lost
Main Characters: Simon/OFC (other characters will be mentioned a lot but none will have much of a backstory besides these two.)
Chapter: One
POV: Third Person
Summary: There is a new member of Alexandria that has a bone to pick with Simon.
Warnings: Cursing, Eventual Smut, Hitting/Slapping, May Be A Slightly Slow Build
Notes: This will not match up to the show/comics completely, just FYI. Also, I apologize in advance as this is quite long. I hope to be able to add to this maybe twice a week. Maybe more. We’ll see what happens. I hope you enjoy!!!
-------------------------------------CUT HERE---------------------------------------
Father Gabriel was on watch at Alexandria. A chill had taken to the air so he brought with him a sweater and a hot cup of tea. He also had a book with him, one he found rummaging around his house. “Dead Until Dark” by Charlaine Harris. It was a romance novel involving vampires, shape shifters, fairies, etc. It wasn’t a very good book in Gabriel’s opinion. But with nary another book in sight besides the Bible he didn’t have much of a choice if he wanted to take his mind off things. As the sun started to rise Gabriel yawned and saved the page in his book. He stretched his arms above his head and looked behind him to see if his replacement was on their way. That’s when he heard it. The unmistakable roar of an engine. There was a vehicle nearby and from the sounds of it, it was not your average car. Gabriel whistled, giving the signal to those in nearby houses that someone unknown was approaching. Gabe got down on one knee and looked through the scope of his rifle before lining up his shot.
Rick, Daryl, and Carol ran across the field to the perch where Gabriel was. Rick climbed up first, followed by Carol while Daryl climbed up on the opposite side, aiming his crossbow. A few seconds later a large, military green truck pulled up about 20 feet from the gate. Rick leaned down a bit to Gabriel. “Who do you see?” Gabriel focused his scope so he could see into the front of the truck. “The driver. That’s all. No passengers visible.” Rick nodded and pulled his gun from it’s holster. “Show yourself!” He shouted to the person in the truck. Several seconds later a sunroof popped open. Shortly after that a young woman climbed out from inside. She had two machetes in holsters on either leg which she slowly removed and held out a bit so the people currently aiming at her could see what they were before placing them down at her feet. She pulled the bottom of her hoodie up to her chest and did a slow spin on the roof of the truck to show that she had no other weapons before putting her hands in the air.
Rick gave a hand signal to Daryl and Gabriel which told them to keep their weapons aimed while he and Carol put their weapons away. Rick called out to the mysterious young woman once again. “What’s your name? Where did you come from?” “My name is Amber. I came from Fort Washington, Maryland.” She didn’t want to give more information than was requested of her. Not yet anyway. “Where’d you get that truck?” The young woman quickly looked up to catch a glance of the person asking her the questions. “An air force base about fifteen miles east of here.” Rick’s face fell in disbelief a bit. “There’s a military base within driving distance of here?” Amber gave a soft chuckle. “It’s not easy to get to. It helps to have a big ass truck.” Rick felt a smile tug at his lips. He nodded to Daryl and Carol who proceeded to climb down from their perches. Rick leaned down to Gabriel again. “Go get Maggie.” Gabe nodded and climbed from the watch tower before running towards Maggie’s house.
“Two people are gonna come out to you. One is gonna search you. The other is gonna search your truck then drive it in here. Ok?” Amber knew if she wanted to get on the other side of that gate, get somewhere remotely safe, she had no choice. “Ok. I’m gonna climb down from here. I’m gonna leave my machetes on the roof.” As Amber started to climb down she heard the questioner start to speak. “Uh you may wanna grab those. There’s walkers heading your way.” Amber turned and saw about a dozen walkers coming from the woods to her right. She grabbed her machetes and quickly climbed down from the truck before Rick gave a signal to Daryl and Carol to not open the gate completely yet. The three Alexandrians watched in amazement as Amber mowed through the walkers two at a time. She obviously had experience swinging those machetes. Once all of the walkers were taken care of she turned and looked up at Rick before dropping her weapons. “Can I come in now?” Rick told Daryl and Carol to open the gate. Carol did a pat down of Amber and watched as Daryl completed his search of the truck. He walked around the back unlocking and throwing the doors open. “Holy shit.” There were boxes of supplies as well as about half a dozen large gas cans piled in the back of the truck. In the middle appeared to be a sleeping bag and two small pillows. Daryl and Carol gave Rick the “all clear” signal before heading back inside the gates.
Rick made sure to close the gates up tight and walked over to Daryl as he climbed out of the truck. “What’s in the back?” “A lotta shit. Shit we need if we wanna do anything about the Saviors.” Rick walked around to the back and opened the doors so he could climb in. He looked at Daryl. “Bring her around here.” Daryl grabbed Amber’s shirt and pulled her around to the back of the truck. “Hey watch it.” She protested. Rick looked at her. “What’s in here?” Amber sighed softly. “Are you gonna let me stay? Because if you’re not, sending me out there without this stuff is a death sentence. I’ve made it this far on my own. I don’t wanna die because of some asshole.” Rick quirked an eyebrow and was a bit taken aback by this woman’s brashness. He nodded a bit. “We don’t know if you can stay yet. Someone is gonna interview you, get to you know, then they’ll let me know if you should stay or not.” Amber nodded. “Well until that decision is made I can’t tell you what’s in here.” Amber knew well enough that they could open the boxes and figure out what was in there on their own. But she had a couple tricks up her sleeve.
A moment later Maggie appeared. “Maggie, this is Amber. She wants to know if she can stay with us.” Maggie nodded in understanding. “Ok. Let’s go.” Amber followed behind Maggie, walking about a third of a mile before walking up the steps to what Amber assumed was this woman Maggie’s home. Maggie led Amber into the living room and gestured at an armchair. “Please, sit.” Amber obliged, plopping down in the seat. She had almost forgotten what real furniture felt like. Maggie sat in a matching armchair across from her. “So…you’re gonna like, interview me or something?” Maggie nodded a bit. “Just some basic questions to get to know you a little better. Would you like some water?” Amber licked her lips and nodded. She was low on water in the truck and had been trying to conserve so she was incredibly thirsty. Maggie got up from the chair and disappeared into the next room, returning a few seconds later with a glass of water. Amber accepted the glass and took a swig, her eyes widening when the liquid touched her lips. “This is cold. You have cold water here?” Maggie smiled and nodded. “We do. One of many things we have to offer. But these resources are precious. That’s why we need to make sure that you’re a good fit for our community.”
Amber nodded and took another sip of the water, taking the time to savor the coldness. She hadn’t had a cold drink in literally years. Maggie picked up a notepad and pen. “So, Amber. Where are you from?” Amber put the glass down on the table in front of her and crossed her legs. “Bethesda, Maryland.” Maggie scribbled on the pad. “And you arrived here alone correct? How long have you been alone?” Amber sighed softly. “I’ve been alone since the beginning. I’ve never been with another group. People are scarce nowadays. I’ve come across a few groups but I watched them from afar and didn’t like what I was seeing so I split.” Maggie nodded as she scribbled some more. “So why do you want to stay here then? You haven’t had a chance to observe us.” “I know. But you have walls.That’s a hot commodity. It’s getting more and more dangerous by the hour out there. If I’m on my own much longer I don’t think I’ll survive.” Maggie didn’t scribble anything down this time. She just watched Amber as she talked. “Before all this what did you do?” Amber smiled a bit as she remembered her pre-apocalypse life briefly. “I was a tattoo artist most of the time. But I also tutored high school kids in chemistry and taught kickboxing classes.” Maggie raised her eyebrows a bit and nodded. “So you know how to defend yourself then?” Amber nodded in response.
Maggie put down the pen and pad and leaned forward a bit. “I just want to apologize in advance if this question is a little sensitive. But I do need an answer. What about your family? Parents? Spouse? Kids?” Amber felt a tear sting her eye but she quickly wiped it away. “I was married.” Amber unzipped her hoodie slightly and pulled out a chain that was around her neck, her wedding rings secured on the chain. Maggie proceeded. “What happened to him?” Amber shrugged. “No idea. He was at work in D.C. Everything went down in our neighborhood so fast. Some people had already abandoned their homes. But we stayed. We had to. My husband worked for the government so he was desperately needed when all this started to go down. He tried to get me to leave and go to a cabin we had in a secluded area by the Potomac River. But I wouldn’t leave without him. The neighborhood got swarmed by a group of…walkers you call them? I tried to call him but the phone lines were dead. So I just locked all the doors and windows and locked myself in the attic. My husband was a bit of a doomsday preper so we had loads of food, guns, ammo, water, etcetera up there. I figured it’d be the safest place to go. And I waited for him. And I waited, and waited, and waited. And after about six months I figured he wasn’t coming. At first I was so angry that he didn’t come for me. But then I thought, what if the worst has happened? So I packed everything I could carry and made my way to D.C. When I got to his building I was surprised by how untouched it looked. There was no dead ones anywhere in sight. I managed to get into the building and I looked for him, any sign of him, but there wasn’t one. I didn’t see his car in the parking lot either so I didn’t know if he had taken it or if it had been taken after. I holed up in the building, in his office specifically, and I grieved. Then I moved on. Because I had to.”
Maggie let out a breath that she felt she had been holding for hours. “Oh my gosh, I am so sorry.” Amber smiled softly and shook her head. “It’s ok. I’ve made my peace with it.” After a moment’s pause Amber continued. “Anyway, I stayed in D.C. for a short while. The further into the city I got the more dangerous it became so I knew I couldn’t stay there. So I left and just stayed on the outskirts for as long as I could. Then I remembered that there was an air force base not too far away. I’d driven my husband there once or twice. So I made my way there. It took a long time. The main roads were too crowded with cars and dead bodies to navigate. But when I got there I was so relieved. It had tall reinforced steel gates. I climbed over and explored. It was a ghost town. I was the only one who had been there in a while. I let myself relax for a few days then I found the truck I drove here in and loaded it up with as much supplies as I could and parked it at an exit just incase I need to make a quick getaway. But for a while, a long ass while, I was safe. And kinda happy even though my husband was dead and I was pretty sure my whole family was dead too. Then one day a herd showed up, broke down one of the gates in the middle of the night. I barely made it out alive. That was about four or five months ago. Since then I’ve been driving around as little as possible. That monster is a tank but it is a bitch on gas. I observed other groups like a mentioned before. And then eventually ended up here.”
Maggie finished scribbling notes and looked up at Amber with a smile. “Stay here. I’m gonna go talk to Rick. Make yourself comfortable.” Amber nodded and took off her hoodie. Her left arm was covered in a full sleeve of tattoos. Her right arm was about half a sleeve that she never got the chance to finish. She turned over her left hand so her wrist was facing up and ran her fingers over the tattoo there. A date. 10-22-05. The day she got married. She smiled softly to herself but quickly snapped out of it when she heard the front door open. Rick walked in and over to Amber before extending his right hand. “Welcome to Alexandria.” Amber breathed a sigh of relief and felt like she could cry. She stood and hugged Rick tightly. “Thank you so much.” Rick laughed softly and returned the hug. “Ok. Now let’s head out to that truck.” Once there Amber went over everything she had. Food, medicine, gas. All very valuable items. She chewed her bottom lip as she contemplated telling them about some things she had hidden. She wanted to keep some things secret just incase. But at the same time she knew that the community could probably use it. She’d overheard Daryl mention something about ‘doing something about’ another group. “There’s one more thing.” She lead Rick and Daryl to the cab of the truck. She pried off the bench seat top and hidden underneath were guns. Shotguns, handguns, rifles, silencers. Rick literally gasped. “Do you have ammo?” Amber nodded. “Well these are all loaded to capacity. There’s close to two hundred guns in there. Also…” Amber trailed off and went to the back of the truck. She hopped inside and moved some boxes to reveal a hidden compartment. She lifted the lid and pulled out a large tool box that was filled to the brim with ammo. Rick grinned wide. “Amber you may just be my new best friend.” Amber smiled and jumped out of the truck and helped the group bring everything inside various homes.
When they got to the pantry Amber whistled as she looked at the bare shelves. “Well it looks like I got here just in time.” Rick turned and looked at Daryl who nodded. Rick turned to face Amber and sighed. “Well since you’ve agreed to stay here and to share your supplies with us it’s only fair that I tell you why these shelves are bare. There’s a group called the Saviors. They are not good people. A while back they killed two of our men, one of which was Maggie’s husband. Their leader beat both of them to death right in front of us with a baseball bat.” Amber’s jaw was slightly ajar and she had a pained look on her face. “Oh my god. I am so sorry.” Rick nodded. “Thank you. Since then we’ve been working for them. They claimed that they provide protection in exchange for fifty percent of our stuff. But really it’s our stuff in exchange for not killing any more of us. Now these supplies are gonna do two things. One is we can use some of it as our offering for the Saviors. Two is we can hide the rest to use when we fight them.” Amber nodded. “The Saviors? I’ve heard that name before. Two of the other groups I was scoping out had deals with them too. One group was called the Kingdom I think. It’s run by a real whack-a-doodle who calls himself King Ezekiel. The other place, the Hilltop. That seemed like a good shot for me. But their leader is a punk ass bitch.” Rick got a laugh out of that. “Gregory. Yeah he’s not great.” Amber furrowed her eyebrows. “So you know about that group?” Rick nodded. “Yeah. And the Kingdom too. Ezekiel is actually a great leader and not as crazy as you’d think. The Kingdom has agreed to fight with us against the Saviors. The citizens of the Hilltop are on board but Gregory isn’t. But we’re working on it.”
Amber absorbed all the information Rick had given her as she helped them unload supplies. After they were done Rick showed Amber to the house she’d be staying in. For now she had the house to herself. About an hour later Carol showed up with a basket of food as well as a casserole. “Welcome.” Carol said before hurrying off. Amber rushed to the kitchen to see what was in the basket. Canned fruits and vegetables, two packages of pasta, pasta sauce, and at the bottom was a small foil wrapped item. Amber dug down and scooped out the item. “Oh my fuck, it’s chocolate.” She said to herself. A few short minutes after Carol had left Maggie showed up with a bottle of wine. “Can I come in?” “Yes! Yes, of course!” Amber opened the door for Maggie. “Thank you so much for the wine.” Maggie smiled. “There should be glasses in your cupboards.” Amber dug around and found two glasses. She placed them on the counter and poured herself a full glass of wine before tipping the bottle over the second glass. Maggie quickly covered the opening of the glass. “Oh, no thank you. I’m…I’m pregnant.” She said as she placed a hand on her stomach. “Oh my goodness, really? Wow. How exciting!” Amber then realized that Maggie’s husband had been one of the men killed by this other group no too long ago. “Oh no, oh I’m so sorry.” Maggie smiled and shook her head.” No need to be sorry. It is exciting despite everything.” Amber smiled and got Maggie some water before the two sat on the couch in the living room.
Amber sipped her wine and licked her lips before turning to Maggie. “Can I…I mean do you mind if I ask you about your husband?” Maggie smiled and nodded. She told Amber all about Glenn, her father, and her sister. How her and Glenn met, fell in love, and lived for each other. Amber wiped away a tear. “That is truly beautiful.” Maggie smiled. “Thank you. What about your husband? Could you tell me more about him?” Amber smiled softly. “Yeah. Well we met when he came in for a tattoo at the shop I was apprenticing at. He walks in all tall, mustachioed, and handsome. Comes right over to me and starts flirting, asks me my name and says he’s gonna get my name tattooed on his chest. I said ‘Well that’s a stupid thing to do.’ and he responds, ‘Why is it stupid? I’m gonna marry you anyway.’ I was twenty one at the time and he was thirty seven so at first I rejected his advances. But we actually became pretty good friends. One day he comes in to the shop with flowers and was wearing a dress shirt and slacks. He walks over to me, hands me the flowers, kisses the back of my hand, and tells me how I’m the most beautiful woman in the world and would I do him the honor of having dinner with him. I admit I was a bit swept off my feet so I agreed. And a year later we were married and he did what he said he was gonna do and tattooed my name on his chest. My parents were very against the whole thing because of the age difference. But eventually, as I did, they got over it and realized what an amazing man he was. We tried to have kids but for whatever reason I just couldn’t get pregnant. It caused a few fights between us but after a few months we decided to adopt instead. All of this started happening a month before we were supposed to meet our daughter.”
Maggie placed a hand comfortingly on Amber’s shoulder. “I’m sorry.” Amber smiled. “I still think about her sometimes, ya know. We were gonna name her Charlotte. Sometimes I’m so mad that I never got the chance to have kids. Other times I’m kinda grateful because I can’t imagine raising kids in this mess.” Amber realized what she had just said and gasped. “Maggie I am so so sorry I just said that. I can’t believe I just did that.” Maggie stopped Amber. “Hey, it’s ok. I’m scared as all hell to have this baby. It’s one more mouth to feed on top of the fact that any cries could attract walkers. But I’m happy too. Not everyone could do this.” Amber nodded and took another sip of her wine. “Do you have any pictures of your husband, Amber?” Amber shook her head. “Unfortunately no. When I left the house I only took necessities. Not too long after I left I regretted not taking at least one picture. But since I was headed to his office I figured I’d just take the picture he had of us on his desk but when I got there it was gone.” Maggie perked up a bit. “Well that could be a good sign. Maybe he grabbed it to keep with him before he tried to go back to the house for you.” Amber shrugged. “Maybe.” Maggie continued talking but Amber zoned out. She kept thinking about him. She couldn’t stop. Maybe he did try to go back for her. But he would have found her as long as he was alive. She just knew that he was dead. Maggie gently tapping her arm pulled her out of her trance. “I’m sorry. What?” Maggie laughed softly. “I asked his name. What was your husband’s name?”
Sorry the ending was so predictable!
#Steven Ogg#Simon TWD#Simon#The Saviors#TWD Fanfiction#Simon X OFC#Simon's Thirst Squad#Maybe?#If It Doesn't Suck?
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>m-m-m-my corona
holy shit fam it’s weird as fuck out there. how y’all living? I’m doing fine. I’m doing just fine.
Let me catch you up:
I fixed my >tired problem, after a solid year of gaslighting from doctors (as if I needed more reason to hate them), when a doc who lives out near my parents (i.e. the sticks) decided to try me out on something on spec to see if it worked and holy shit it worked and I’ve been taking it every day since.
This came at the end of a 3 month period of fmla at work, during which I did not get paid and mostly just felt awful, but occasionally enjoyed some interesting commercial substances.
So that happened. Uhh, what else. Oh! I came to some conclusions about my life. The one that comes to mind is that I don’t like being touched because of my time in hospitals, where people come at you with a smile and a needle and say nice things and then hurt you (as if I needed one more goddamn reason to hate fucking doctors).
I fell briefly in love (!!!!) with a new girl at work who turned out to be in a committed, long-term lesbian relationship (LMFAO). This was an experience that was strange for a few reasons: first, the last time something like that had happened was so long ago (see my post on functional memory) that I had begun to doubt it would happen again, or even that it had happened at all; second, that it felt bad but it was a good bad, it was a tension that I sort of liked and was exciting and while I was pretty busted up about it I wasn’t, like, destroyed or anything, and I think that’s probably because I wasn’t in any kind of actual relationship with her; third, and I apologize for this, was that she is a person of color, and while I have always harbored some amount of attraction to brown people, she is of a particular persuasion that I’ve never felt attracted to before; fourth, that I was fucking ready to cosplay as peter gabriel in shock the monkey at dragon con in order to impress her, which is fucking wild (I still have most of the pieces assembled, and while there ain’t gonna be no con this year (more on this in a bit) I will definitely still pursue this costume--also it involves “clown white” makeup, which is good if I need to get jokerfied in the future (more on this as well, sit tight fam)); fifth, that the nature of my fantasies about her at the time weren’t sexual (ok, they weren’t all or even mostly sexual), it was more like I was imagining us cooking dinner or watching tv or shit, weird domestic shit I can’t even fucking fathom, and would have thought impossible to fathom just a few months ago.
Anyway I still love this girl but it isn’t like a pining romantic love, it’s more like I think she’s cool and I want to hear what she has to say and I want her to talk to me, which is how I feel about my friends so I guess I consider her my friend, and I hope she at least comes to think of me that way.
Also, I considered quitting my job, because they wanted me to work on Sundays occasionally, i.e. work either 7 or 11 days in a row depending on the weekend situation at work and I don’t fuck with that shit. Now I’m glad I didn’t because lmao it turns out the entire world is on fucking fire holy fuck it’s so bad out there.
Meanwhile I’m holed up in a bunker at an undisclosed location and it’s honestly the motherfucking dream. I spend all my time cooking and playing video games and doing little chores here and there and I feel so fucking relaxed and good I can’t even explain it, and I feel guilty as hell because everyone out there in the world is feeling the fire and I’m just coasting. I’m even still getting paid and I still have my insurance wtf is going on I don’t want to look at it too hard in case it stops being true.
Before all the ‘rona shit I was only working 30 hours per week on doctor’s orders and let me tell you it was fucking paradise. I never want to go back to 40 hours a week, FUCK YOU CAPITALISM.
Oh and I moved out of my apartment, because it doesn’t make sense to live there any more what with the state of the world in complete fucking shambles.
I feel so strange because on some level I felt this shit coming. Like it’s a weird validation of my inner doomerism that’s hard to describe but all I feel is smug, like I knew better than everyone even if I was shaky on the details of the nature of the coming crisis.
Anyway it’s May 2020 so I feel like I’m going to look back on this and wonder how I could have been so naive but I wanted a record of how good I feel.
Like shit is just absolutely tits up out there. There’s no more cons, there’s no more movies, politics is upside-down and backwards, people are in the streets complaining about haircuts while other people are being sacrificed to the blood altar of the money god, these things are happening literally simultaneously.
I’m more or less completely converted to socialist ideology, and anyone not converted is going to earn my utmost scrutiny, because if this shit doesn’t convince you that we were all participating in a shared delusion while vampires sucked the vitality our bodies and the wealth from our society than I don’t know what to tell you, you’ve gone full ostrich and I can’t imagine what it could possibly take to pull your head out of the sand.
Shit’s coming, y’all. After the ‘rona I mean. Things will get worse before they get better. But I have my clown white and I have an old military jacket and if I gotta become secret ginger revolutionary man then I’m down with it, because, and this is important, there can be no growth without the fire.
hold on fam, keep it together, one day we’ll be ok again.
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Gabriel's first lucid meeting with Jack Morrison was no less bizarre than the previous three mentioned because he woke up with a pounding headache, his side itching in the most annoying manner, and the memories of uncanny heavenly visions. As soon as he moved, the man in the chair next to the bed jerked awake, stared at him with a look that clearly communicated he wasn't all there, and then glanced at his watch.
"Motherfucker." Gabriel decided the deflated tone with which the cuss was enunciated left absolutely no room for feeling offended by it. "Nineteen minutes. You don't dare to move, I'm going to get someone."
At first, the man simply started to slide off the chair until he managed to catch his balance, barely avoided tripping over his own uncooperative legs, and then shuffled towards the exit from the room where he briefly turned back and gave him a look full of doleful spite.
"I'm serious. Or it's syringe time again. Sir."
Holy shit. Gabriel's mind blanked for a second there because according to his wobbly recollections he had somehow managed to propose to a trash panda that went through a woodchipper. The dark circles under the eyes, at least three days worth of stubble, and the disheveled and blood-soaked uniform were telling a good story somewhere there if one were feeling generous enough to look for it.
"I don't know. Give him something to read, ma'am?" Came from the corridor and Gabriel could almost literally hear it in the tone that it was paired up with hands thrown up into the air. "Hour. At minimum."
"Did you, at least, apologize?" Ana raised one eyebrow from the doorway as she passed it, inspected the chair, and then decided against sitting in it, choosing instead to stand with one hand braced against the bed.
"Fuck. No. Who knows?"
"Everyone," Ana looked at him with exasperation and used her 'I'm so disappointed with you' voice - and that was a good moment to start panicking, Gabriel decided, because he would never live it down. His life was finished. He needed to go underground and change his name.
"Gabriel, you broke his nose." Wait, what? The relief on his face must have given something away because Ana slowly angled towards him. "What did you think you actually did?"
"...tried to explain the whole expanded Transformers timeline?" The bait was weak but to Gabriel's utmost luck Ana seemed to snag it. Hook, line, and sinker.
"Merciful God, poor guy. I don't know what's worse, broken nose or that, and that's me saying that when I know what you get up to in your free time. Please tell me you managed to at least retain some dignity and had not started to tell him about your doll collection..."
"They are models and action figures, Ana!"
"They are dolls!"
"I guess the patient's cognitive processes are scrambled a bit yet because if my sister wants to play with them, they are damn well dolls, or whatever she wants to call them," the trash panda was back, with a big steaming glass cup of coffee in his hands. Or rather, some tar-like sludge that tried to imitate coffee judging by the acidic smell of old socks it seemed to produce. Gabriel hissed when Ana elbowed his arm, the one that got assaulted with the syringe.
"What he wanted to say," she glared at him and Gabriel deflated under her gaze, "was...?"
"I'm sorry. For, you know, your face," Gabriel side-eyed the trash panda as he put his cup down on the table and started looking through the instruments lying there.
"He is very sorry," Ana agreed.
"Oh, that, s'okay. I'm told it builds character," the trash panda was wobbling back to the bed with something in his hand, probably to stab him again, and Gabriel was frantically trying to save face.
"It won't happen again."
"I'll make sure it won't," Ana agreed. (It did happen again, and Gabriel had been positively apologetic about it but he really didn't deal well with the standard issue painkillers, and besides, Jack should be ready for it and just fucking dodge. But that was a completely different story and it would do no-one any good to get sidetracked in the narrative.) The suspect instrument of torture turned out to be a small light the trash panda shone into his eyes with no warning and Gabriel winced in pain.
“Extreme reaction, presumed vampirism.” Ana raised her eyebrows at the diagnosis. “Now, sir, please look at my finger.”
“I’m fine. This is stupid.”
“Sir,” the trash panda rolled it on his tongue with a face of someone who had the upper ground and was not afraid of any quantity of sand. A real bastard, Gabriel was sure. “Please look at my finger, or it’s the syringe again.”
Now, anyone who could—and would—stab him in the manner that still elicited a jab of phantom pain in his arm was not to be trifled with. Not to mention the trash panda being in the possession of the potentially life-ruining blackmail material. Scratch that, definitely life-ruining. Under duress, Gabriel complied, but without any enthusiasm – which he clearly communicated with his sour expression.
“Good, good, I’m leaving him in your hands.” Ana straightened and moved to pat the trash panda on his shoulder. At the last moment she reconsidered and vaguely touched his back where his uniform seemed mostly clean. Mostly was the key word in the previous sentence.
“He’s not supposed to be up for another hour.”
“I’m sure you’ll find a way to keep him in the bed.”
“Don’t I have any say in this?”
Eerily, both Ana and the trash panda focused their attention on him and simultaneously told him a loud resounding ‘no’, after which Ana just left the room and the trash panda dejectedly shuffled back to retrieve his cup of the coffee-imitating gunk. Gabriel waited several seconds, took a deep breath, and prepared to bargain with his collection of custom figurines in the worst case scenario.
“Now, sir, you move that butt off the bed and I’m doping you up to the gills again,” the trash panda muttered over the rim of the cup, eyes only half-open and staring at some undisclosed point in the space.
“I’m a medical officer, and I will have MPs cuff you to the bed. And then, I will take pictures. I also know some people with a lot of followers. It will go viral, that’s a promise.”
“Are you threatening me with...?” Gabriel stared at him in confused disbelief.
“Yes.” The trash panda sipped on the contents of the cup again. “I don’t want my whole work to go fuck itself, I’m counting on a glowing review, and a few days of good sleep in the brig.”
“You what?”
“In the last fifty hours I managed less than two hours of sleep and that’s also your fucking fault. Sir. And I just don’t give a fuck anymore.” The trash panda shrugged in the accompaniment of a maniacal chuckle, almost spraying a bit of coffee with the snort.
“Sure. A glowing review. I can do that. Just,” Gabriel squirmed on the bed, “don’t tell anyone. Please.”
“What?” It was the trash panda’s turn to look befuddled as he tried to stay in touch with his feeble connection to the reality that was very obviously fraying on the edges. “Oh. That. No way, I’m telling everyone.”
Shit. Gabriel made peace with the fact that his life was finished. Dead. Buried. Six feet under.
“Like, what, that a fucking ‘super-soldier’,” the trash panda made a one-handed air quote, which, truthfully, was a tad hurtful, “like, broke my nose while my hand was getting all intimate with his small intestine and right kidney?”
The pantomimed motions were far too realistic, especially that repeated push, pull, and tug. Gabriel winced again. Okay, he could live with that.
“So, like, read something,” the trash panda sunk back into the chair, “and I’ll see you in an hour. Sir.” With one hand, he fumbled with something on his watch, and then the bastard had the audacity to just fall asleep on the spot with the cup held steady by some unexplainable force in his hand.
Gabriel, slowly, and with some considerable reservations, started to explore the possibility of being in the presence of a real life cryptid. Unshaved, foul-mouthed, and with an attitude.
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#7yrsago Tim Powers's Hide Me Among the Graves: secret history of the vampires that stalked the pre-Raphaelites

Tim Powers's latest novel is Hide Me Among the Graves, and it is a fine example of the work of a much-beloved author, and a spooky ride through Victorian London to boot. In Hide Me, Powers retells the lives of pre-Raphaelite sculptor Dante Gabriel Rossetti and his siblings, notably the poet Christina Rossetti. Powers is justly famed for his secret histories, fictionalized accounts of real historical persons that turn the coincidences of their lives into deep mysteries to be plumbed for stories. Here is a near-perfect example of how well this trick works, especially for Tim Powers, whose special gift is to be able to write about superstition and the supernatural in a way that literally raises the hairs on my neck and puts gooseflesh on my arms, though I am as staunch an atheist materialist as you will ever meet.
Here, the spookiness revolves around two ancient vampires -- one of them having started her life as Bodicea -- who haunt London, and whose bite and blood grant poets and painters access to surpassing beauty and art. These two beasts are working to destroy London, to call down an earthquake that will kill everyone in the city, and their plan requires the blood and cooperation of the Rossettis, who are -- at times, and always motivated by access to the numinous -- willing accomplices to this plan. As a variety of personages fictional and real chase each other through the superstition-steeped cobbles of London, and through the ancient and haunted cloacae that run beneath the streets, we're exposed to a dreadful and terrifying Victorian world.
Powers's treatment of superstition works so well, I think, because he deals with it without apology. There's never a sense that superstition is just a kind of alternate physics, with its own rules that are different from the ones we're accustomed to. The supernatural world of Tim Powers has an internal logic, but it's the logic of dreams and the id, not the logic of the scientific method. Powers's work engages with something prerational that is buried deep, deep in our brains, and that won't be bullied into submission by mere reason.
If you'd like to know more about Powers's work, have a look at our other mentions of his work.
Hide Me Among the Graves
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#6yrsago Tim Powers's Hide Me Among the Graves: secret history of the vampires that stalked the pre-Raphaelites

Tim Powers's latest novel is Hide Me Among the Graves, and it is a fine example of the work of a much-beloved author, and a spooky ride through Victorian London to boot. In Hide Me, Powers retells the lives of pre-Raphaelite sculptor Dante Gabriel Rossetti and his siblings, notably the poet Christina Rossetti. Powers is justly famed for his secret histories, fictionalized accounts of real historical persons that turn the coincidences of their lives into deep mysteries to be plumbed for stories. Here is a near-perfect example of how well this trick works, especially for Tim Powers, whose special gift is to be able to write about superstition and the supernatural in a way that literally raises the hairs on my neck and puts gooseflesh on my arms, though I am as staunch an atheist materialist as you will ever meet.
Here, the spookiness revolves around two ancient vampires -- one of them having started her life as Bodicea -- who haunt London, and whose bite and blood grant poets and painters access to surpassing beauty and art. These two beasts are working to destroy London, to call down an earthquake that will kill everyone in the city, and their plan requires the blood and cooperation of the Rossettis, who are -- at times, and always motivated by access to the numinous -- willing accomplices to this plan. As a variety of personages fictional and real chase each other through the superstition-steeped cobbles of London, and through the ancient and haunted cloacae that run beneath the streets, we're exposed to a dreadful and terrifying Victorian world.
Powers's treatment of superstition works so well, I think, because he deals with it without apology. There's never a sense that superstition is just a kind of alternate physics, with its own rules that are different from the ones we're accustomed to. The supernatural world of Tim Powers has an internal logic, but it's the logic of dreams and the id, not the logic of the scientific method. Powers's work engages with something prerational that is buried deep, deep in our brains, and that won't be bullied into submission by mere reason.
If you'd like to know more about Powers's work, have a look at our other mentions of his work.
Hide Me Among the Graves
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Tim Powers's Hide Me Among the Graves: secret history of the vampires that stalked the pre-Raphaelites #5yrsago

Tim Powers's latest novel is Hide Me Among the Graves, and it is a fine example of the work of a much-beloved author, and a spooky ride through Victorian London to boot. In Hide Me, Powers retells the lives of pre-Raphaelite sculptor Dante Gabriel Rossetti and his siblings, notably the poet Christina Rossetti. Powers is justly famed for his secret histories, fictionalized accounts of real historical persons that turn the coincidences of their lives into deep mysteries to be plumbed for stories. Here is a near-perfect example of how well this trick works, especially for Tim Powers, whose special gift is to be able to write about superstition and the supernatural in a way that literally raises the hairs on my neck and puts gooseflesh on my arms, though I am as staunch an atheist materialist as you will ever meet.
Here, the spookiness revolves around two ancient vampires -- one of them having started her life as Bodicea -- who haunt London, and whose bite and blood grant poets and painters access to surpassing beauty and art. These two beasts are working to destroy London, to call down an earthquake that will kill everyone in the city, and their plan requires the blood and cooperation of the Rossettis, who are -- at times, and always motivated by access to the numinous -- willing accomplices to this plan. As a variety of personages fictional and real chase each other through the superstition-steeped cobbles of London, and through the ancient and haunted cloacae that run beneath the streets, we're exposed to a dreadful and terrifying Victorian world.
Powers's treatment of superstition works so well, I think, because he deals with it without apology. There's never a sense that superstition is just a kind of alternate physics, with its own rules that are different from the ones we're accustomed to. The supernatural world of Tim Powers has an internal logic, but it's the logic of dreams and the id, not the logic of the scientific method. Powers's work engages with something prerational that is buried deep, deep in our brains, and that won't be bullied into submission by mere reason.
If you'd like to know more about Powers's work, have a look at our other mentions of his work.
Hide Me Among the Graves
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