myfavoritesstuff · 3 months
An Angel’s Descent
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Quote: “The Devil is real. And he’s not a little red man with horns and a tail. He can be beautiful. Because he’s a fallen angel, and he used to be God’s favorite.”
Summary: A lone angel. That’s what she was. Her name: Evangeline. That’s what she knew about herself. Lucifer, a fallen angel and the ruler of Hell. A powerful being. One seeks out comfort and a companion while the other looks for a way to get back at Heaven.
Note: I am back! This story is purely fictional and has some differences then what the bible says. I don’t know how long I’m making this. I might post this on Ao3 and Wattpad if I end up liking this.
⁺˚⋆。°✩₊✩°。⋆˚⁺ ⁺˚⋆。°✩₊✩°。⋆˚⁺
Chapter 1 (coming soon)
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
. ⋅ ˚̣- : ✧ : – ⭒ ⊹ ⭒ – : ✧ : -˚̣⋅ .
Angel Aesthetic for this Story
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Devil Aesthetic for this Story
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spacesis-art · 1 year
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After playing through afterparty, i couldn't resist drawing the monarchs
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krusher24k · 10 months
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"I hear people blaspheming My
Name, I'll be free
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morningstarscratch · 2 months
The devil is real.
Hes not a little red man with horns and a tail. He can be beautiful.
Because he is a fallen angel.
And he used to be gods favorite.
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i have many names, the father of lies, Lucifer, The Lightbringer, The Old Serpent, Satan, The Lord of the flies, The Devil, The Morningstar, The Adversary, Apollyon, Dragon, The Apostate, Old Scratch, et cetera, et cetera.
You may take your pick of those, or use something entirely different~
Ooc: partners list
Ooc: children + nephew
Ooc: I'm pulling as much of my canon as I can from DC versions of Lucifer, the presence (god), the angels, etc. This may go against what you believe for these entities if you are religious so I would like to state that none of what my Luci says in character or what I use for his lore reflects my IRL thoughts towards any religions.
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enchantress-emily · 1 year
Good Omens Fic Recs, Round 2
Time for another rec post with some excellent GO fics that have been added to my AO3 bookmarks since the first time I did this!
Villainous by @ineffablepenguin
Once Upon A Time…
There was a red-haired sorcerer who lived alone in a high tower, and a blond prince who lived in a palace full of people. And they were both of them desperately lonely.
The Kingdoms of Empyrion and the Sorcerers of Apollyon have hated each other for hundreds of years, ever since the Great War. They do not interact, other than to occasionally try to kill one another. And they certainly do not make friends.
Crow is an exhausted sorcerer who just wants everyone to leave him the hell alone: for the Sorcerer’s Council to stop harassing him to live up to his potential, and for wannabe Empyrion Heroes to stop attacking his tower to try and kill him. Until one day when he meets Prince Azra of the High Fells, who doesn’t behave anything like he’s supposed to…
A splendid adventure that brings in the vibes of multiple fairy tales and fantasy stories without being based on any specific one. (See the list of Easter egg references at the end!) It's made clear that Azra is noticeably chubby and that Crow wouldn't want him to be any other way, which is something I always appreciate in a fic. The spice level (E) is higher than I typically read, but the story is well worth a little awkward skimming of sex scenes.
Morningstar Abbey by @andromeda4004
No one who had ever seen Aziraphale Fell in his youth would have supposed him born to be a hero. His situation in life, the character of his father and mother, his own person and disposition, were all equally against him. But when a gentleman is to be a hero, the attractions of a comfortable, quiet home cannot prevent him. Something must and will happen to throw his destiny in his way.
One should never forget that between a hero and his destiny, one will always find a villain.
Trusting parish rector Aziraphale attempts to navigate Regency Bath, the marriage market, and the complexities of his own heart in this take on Jane Austen's Northanger Abbey, written for the Ineffably Austen event, March 2023.
I enjoyed this recently-completed fic very much! The author put a lot of thought into creating a more inclusive version of the Regency era, detailed in the author's notes at the end of each chapter. There's plenty of Georgette Heyer influence along with the Jane Austen.
What We Make of It (Shotgun Wedding) by charlottemadison
The important thing, Crowley tells himself -- the most important thing -- is Adam, his brilliant, creative, empathetic nephew. Being fourteen's hard enough; the kid didn't ask to deal with the weight of the world on top of it.
And if taking care of Adam means Crowley has to tough it out at a job he can’t stand, so be it.
And if Crowley's job means that Adam’s charming English teacher is NOT a romantic possibility, well, that's just how things go.
But the occasional drink with Aziraphale proves hard to resist. They frequent the same pub, so who can object to them saying hello? Briefly sharing a table? Perhaps a little conversation? The painful knowledge that it can’t be anything more -- not without somebody getting fired or sued or both -- well, that can't be helped.
Until Crowley stumbles onto a terribly reckless idea...
Oh my goodness, the gorgeous emotional intensity of this fic! It's the slowest of slow burns, but the pace allows ample room for the gradual realization (for both the characters and the reader) of just how well Crowley and Aziraphale's respective strengths and weaknesses mesh with each other to make a strong, stable whole. As I said about Villainous above, the story is very much worth having to skim over some scenes that are more explicit than I usually like.
You're Just a Little Under Rehearsed by MickyRC (@one-with-the-floor)
Drama teacher Crowley loves directing the Tadfield Community Players' shows—interacting with the rest of the staff at the community center, not so much. So when he meets the new accompanist for this year's musical, he's shocked to find that he might actually like him. Possibly more than like, if he's being honest.
Aziraphale is fresh from leaving a long career as a church pianist, and hoping that a new job will get him out of the lonely rut he's found himself in. The attention and kindness of the flashy community theater director are unexpected, but not unwelcome. Far from it.
But with a community theater to run, a show to put on, and a disgruntled R.P. Tyler looking for any excuse to get rid of Crowley and his theater program, will they be able to make a relationship work? And, more importantly, can they make sure the show still goes on?
Very fun and wholesome, packed with putting-on-a-play shenanigans (Peter Pan, in this case). The Crowley is Good With Kids AO3 tag is in full force here; his interactions with the younger members of the cast, especially the Them, are really well-done.
the many-venomed earth by curtaincall (@fremulon)
It’s the trial of the century: bestselling mystery author Anthony Crowley stands accused of poisoning his former lover. He’s got means (arsenic), motive (the breakup), and opportunity (a meeting the night of the murder); his guilt seems certain.
Certain, that is, to everyone except Lord Aziraphale Eastgate, rare book collector and amateur detective. Aziraphale’s not sure why he’s so convinced of Crowley’s innocence, but he’s determined to save him from the gallows--by finding the real murderer before it’s too late.
This is a mashup with Strong Poison, one of Dorothy Sayers' Lord Peter Wimsey/Harriet Vane novels, and the combination works really well. Peter’s intelligence and post-case moral qualms both transfer nicely onto Aziraphale, and the plot and characters hit the same beats as the original novel without being an exact copy.
A Soft Kind of Strength by @anonymousdandelion
"Y’r soft,” Crowley mumbles one day, drowsily nuzzling into Aziraphale’s well-cushioned lap. “Ssosoft.”
Aziraphale blinks, smiles bemusedly, and ruffles his partner’s hair. “Yes, dear, I’m well aware. Go back to sleep.”
“Ssssoft,” Crowley repeats, more insistently, and it seems he hasn’t quite dozed off again after all, fixated now on whatever thought grabbed his half-asleep and half-inebriated brain. He lifts his head, rolling so he’s looking up into Aziraphale’s face. “You. Soft. S’good. Good thing. Y’know that, that, that s’good, right?”
I'm a big fan of Soft Aziraphale (in every sense of the word), and this sweet fic makes the excellent point that, rather than his being secretly strong under the softness, his softness is his strength.
Temperance by effing_gravity
In the wake of the Fauxpocalypse, Aziraphale does his utmost to live his best and pettiest life.
In which Aziraphale makes a point of both consciously ignoring Gabriel's remarks about the shape of his corporation and dispensing blessings and gentle encouragement to humans struggling with their own body image issues.
Keeping Tabs by @a-case-of-the-hiccups and FriendshipCastle
A juxtaposition of Heaven's archive of Aziraphale's miracles compared with the sadly lacking state of Hell's temptation logs.
This fic was obviously written by people with cataloguing experience! I like the OCs in charge of Heaven and Hell’s respective departments, especially the tetchy, bespectacled archivist angel Pravuil.
Adopt Don't Shop by @luckyspike
Inspired by Chekhov's cat AU comics 'Good Meowmens', here is a fanfic in which Anathema and Newt are humans, and Aziraphale and Crowley are cats. Not disguised as cats, not trapped in cat bodies, just actual elderly cats that are inseparable.
A truly excellent bit of crack! Aziraphale and Crowley’s personalities come out surprisingly clearly in their cat selves. For extra fun, play spot-the-angel/demon with the other cats at the shelter!
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devilishbirds · 8 months
tell me about those freaks
ok bro!!!!!!
so first and foremost there is apollyon. a centuries old (Really could be interpreted as early 40s for her race.) demon usurper who hates her life, and took their position with an iron grip, but has too much pride in themself to just give it back. Years of torturous conditions by heavens regime (they assumed her to be a threat [shes genderfluid btw. unrelated] because of not-very-well studied conditions of mental health) shaped her into the incredibly erratic and depressed figure she is today.
Second, I want to talk about Bezeliel. Current angel, working girl in a little cafe upstarted by those who want to do something with their immortal lives, and currently Apollyon's biggest fan (lesbiab). Mid thirties in the same way A would be, and isn't in the loop about the whole banishment schtick. Apollyon never really told her (forgot). Like shes utterly smitten with her. I don't get it.
There's the rest of the Seven Deadly sin crew, or Hell's crown sovereigns Lucifer Chevalier-Morningstar and Ba'alzebub are married, and have a kid who lucifer kind of just stole. his name is damien and hes the heir to the throne of pride if lucifer kicks it.
Mammon is just a shitty wine aunt. Hell of a lot of money to throw around, almost completely apathetic, disinterested in the wellbeing of others if it doesn't have a cash flow.
Leviathan is just a fucking dragon. end quote Asmoday and Satanas are the best of friends and are never seen apart.
Then there's belphegor who i really havent worked out much beyond twitch vtuber
characters are hard dawg
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rachaelmayo · 2 years
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As previously hinted, these are the mostly-not-so-fluffy angels (and a couple of really-not-angels).
Almost all of these were commissioned for the Tremorworks RPG quite a while back. The art director provided specific descriptions, then told me to have at it. I could get out pretty far in the field as far as the actual appearance of the angelic critters; the weirder, the better. So there is some Old Testament flavor, as well as some additional elements the director wanted.
Identities, in order:
Malachai - okay, this one's pretty fluffy Seraphim Prince - yes, that is a Holy Hand Grenade Mardero - definitely not an angel Metatron Archon Apollyon Dominion Throne Wormwood Sandalphon Principality Azrael Power Ancient Memory - a rock, rather than an angel Cherubim Archangel Psychopomp - also not really an angel My Cup Runneth Over - definitely not an angel
Of the colored pieces, a couple of notes:
The scruffy-looking angel with the brown background, Ancient Memory, was a commission. The commissioner wanted a "graveyard angel" that looked like it was crumbling apart.
The final image, the fellow with entirely too many rainbow wings, is an OC called Morningstar, who belongs to a former DeviantArt artist TheBlackButterfly.
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justices-blade · 8 months
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☆ JANUARY 2024 !
status: passed
skill points acquired: (1 event, 1 monthly) total skill points: 28 -> 30 skill point allocation: faith d (2) -> faith c (4) | rank up! acquired physic. claim sent.
acquired sword avoid+, runesword, morningstar and gospel of tau from event: apollyon ouranos. | claim sent.
accessed: priest, troubadour mastery: pending
completed threads: ✦ ✦ ✦ ✦ ✦ ✦ dropped threads: ✦ threads not yet allocated to mastery: 29
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wearelondonhq · 2 years
the following blogs/characters have not fulfilled the activity requirements. please unfollow:
@mrmxrtell (oberyn martell)
@piiecesofmem0ries (angel, antonio sanchez, dean winchester, ezra fitz, killian jones, lucifer morningstar, mark kincaid, ponyboy curtis)
@dreamedlcves (alicia spinnet, allison argent)
@sulits (caroline forbes, clarke griffin, feyre archeron)
@faiirytles (cal kestis, gwen stacy)
@fearofthebat (bruce wayne)
the following characters need to make an in character post within the next twenty-four hours, in order to not be unfollowed:
@itwcsmcroon (kate bishop, michelle jones, sue storm)
@hallowedreveries (apollyon, carlos cervantez, harry vanderspeigle, loki, paul hill)
@hcpefuldreams (chloe decker, emily cooper, felicia hardy, kara danvers, sirius black, tiana rogers, veronica sawyer, wade wilson, wendy darling)
@legacyofsins (ahsoka tano, jason todd, neteyam)
@unfortvnatesvuls (ben solo, maya hart)
@hopeshattered (jonathan byers)
the following characters are reopened as we never received blogs:
forty quinn
vex'ahlia vessar
luna lovegood
criston cole
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mikeladano · 2 years
The Adventures of Tee Bone Man Chapter 8: Castle Communications (by Harrison Kopp)
The Adventures of Tee Bone Man Chapter 8: Castle Communications (by Harrison Kopp)
By Harrison Kopp THE ADVENTURES OF TEE BONE MAN CHAPTER NINE:  CASTLE COMMUNICATIONS   Lucifer Satan Diablo Apollyon Morningstar was not a happy chappy. The Lord of Hell not only had to eternally endure the knowledge that his finest warriors were vanquished at the hands of Tee Bone Man, Superdekes and The Snowman, but, having finally recovered their remains, was now faced with the task of…
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therapisttothedevil · 4 years
Intermission || Linda/Lucifer/Billy
Linda had been enjoying the show so far, it really was nice to enjoy a little theatre after being cooped up in the district for so long. She’d dressed up for the occasion in a shin length red dress with a plunging neckline, silver necklace, matching earrings and her favourite black Louis Vuitton stilettos (though she still seemed to be shorter than most). 
She stepped into the main foyer as the intermission began with the intent of getting a glass of wine when a very familiar figure in the crowd drew her attention (it was difficult not to notice Lucifer in a crowd, he had a certain presence to him). She started in his direction and noticed a shorter young man with him in a black suit decorated with flowers towards the bottom, very nice... young man...It didn’t take a genius to make the connection and Linda couldn’t help but smile, that had to be the famous Billy Lucifer was so taken with. 
Unable to resist the urge (she’d always been a sucker for a good romance) she headed over and waved a hand slightly, “Lucifer, hello, so wonderful to see you here.” she said, smiling up at the man before turning to his companion, “And you must be Billy,” she said, extending a hand, “I’m Linda Martin, it’s a pleasure to meet you.” She looked back at Lucifer and her grin widened, it was just nice to see him out with the young man. 
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elsawiththegoodhair · 5 years
When: Post-Riots Where: District X With: Lucifer Morningstar @apollyon-morningstar
In times of stress Bobby took it upon himself to try and help others to relax. The other’s in this case being his students, the riots had been hard on them all, whether they’d been there or not and a little ice skating and snowball fighting was the perfect thing to help ease their worried minds for an afternoon. Even if it came back later at least he gave them a reason to smile, laugh and just been teenagers for a bit. Given how he’d been raised he tried to treat them as fighters as little as possible.  
He’d come straight from training himself and hadn’t changed out of his ‘training gear’ since it hadn’t crossed his mind too. Since his body was a weapon in itself he didn’t bother with armour, he just wore speedos and flip-flops to train. Hell, he didn’t feel cold either so... Regardless, he had his hands on his hips as he kept an eye on the kiddos lobbing balls of snow about and skating. He spotted an errant snowball flying towards a passerby and quickly flicked his hand to shoot up an ice wall to catch it before it hit. 
Jogging over he lowered the walls and spoke, “Whoops, sorry bout that, kid’s got super strength and sometimes it runs away with him, haha.” It was only then Bobby twigged how drop-dead gorgeous the guy was and his next word was a slightly sappy, “Uhh... Hi.” 
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deliaquinzel · 5 years
Favours ||
With: Lucifer @apollyon-morningstar​ Where: Opulence When: Present Day
Delia knew that influence and connections tended to equal power and, more importantly, safety. Given how crazy this city seemed to be Delia wasn’t about to take any necessary risks. She’d heard a great deal about the owner of this club in her short time here and figured his MO seemed similar to many Mob higher-ups she’d dealt with in the past; getting him on side to some degree could save her a lot of trouble. So long as she ensured she could pay of course. 
So, she’d dressed up in her best red dress and hit the club; with a martini in hand she’d asked the staff where she could meet the owner and been directed to a booth that seemed almost in the centre of the club, safe to say the guy’s ego was probably up there; this was like going to see a king.   
Eventually she fought her over and found the guy, damn... He certainly cut a fine figure in a suit. Clearing her throat, and doubting it would be heard over the music, she stood before him and spoke, “Lucifer Morningstar? I’d like to talk to you about a favour.”
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fxrstmxther · 5 years
Mother & Son || Goddess & Lucifer
Goddess had spent a few days doing research of sorts, her divinity gave her the capacity to take in exceptionally large amounts of information with ease; hence we already knowing everything her host body had known about human law, but some things came much more slowly, like human behaviour and customs. They simply made no sense. 
But, she was doing her best, so she’s dressed in a black sparkly piece of closing that barely covered her from breast to butt and very pointy shoes she suspected were supposed to be used as weapons when other humans became aggressive? It was difficult to be sure. And she’d grabbed the magic card humans used when they wanted things before heading to a club that had put hope in her heart.
Lucifer hadn’t been in Hell when she’d finally escaped and she was not about to chance any of his siblings would be peaceful with her while she was still there, it had been heard to flee without seeing whoever he’d left in his stead but... the risk was too great. Now, both of them on Earth, she hoped Lucifer would listen to her. 
Stepping inside she moved around the other humans, all too jerky for her liking, trying to hide her disgust and wound up where they were all attaining liquid sustenance. “You!” she pointed at one of the few humans on the other side of the chest-high barrier, “I am here to see Lucifer Morningstar. I’m his mother.” she yelled with a nod, the very confused human stared at her for several moments before she narrowed her eyes, “Get him, now.” she snapped, sending them scurrying off while she looked around uncomfortably.
Honestly why would her son be here? With all these humans... Whatever had drawn his attention?  
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memoriesofkrypton · 4 years
Despite Kara’s troubles with Anton, she had no intentions of keeping Lucifer away from his grandchild (or Anton away from his own daughter, for that matter). She wasn’t spiteful like that. Family was something too valuable to be taken lightly; that was something she understood after being separated from her own for so long. It was important to her to maintain family ties regardless of any other conflict.
She avoided asking Lucifer anything about Anton whenever they met up. It was difficult. There were no sides in this situation (that was how she saw it, at least), but she knew Lucifer might get defensive no matter how she approached the subject. She knew there was a misconception that she was trying to change him, or force him to be something he wasn’t, and it often frustrated her that her intentions were so easily misunderstood. What she wanted was for Anton to decide on his own what and who he wanted to be, instead of having it dictated to him because of where he came from. It wasn’t until recently that she realized Anton himself believed he had to change to appease her. That was what prompted this separation. It was his choice and should be what made him happy, not what made her happy. That wasn’t fair for either of them.
Instead of lingering, she took a walk around the small park to give Lucifer and Eva some time alone. There was a coffee shop on the corner and she sat there for a little while, reading, but eventually ordered two coffees to go so she could get back before the sunset. Already she could feel a chill in the air. 
She heard the singing long before the park was in sight. A smile tugged at her lips and she continued quietly as possible so Lucifer wouldn’t be alerted, even though she wasn’t certain just how effective even her sneaking would be on someone paranormal. She just didn’t want him to stop. As the park came into view and she saw them on the bench she slowed down so she could watch, listen, and enjoy the moment.
“I didn’t know you could sing,” she finally said once the moment was over, unable to hold back a smile, and offered him one of the coffee cups. 
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thierryvilleneuve · 3 years
Thierry might have underestimated how quickly Roman discovered his second job, but he wasn’t about to make that mistake with Lucifer. He knew who he was. Everyone did. However, it went without saying that he seemed much more... laid back than Roman, for lack of a better word. After knowing his fair share of people, Thierry knew that those with the most power didn’t typically have the need to throw their weight around or exploit others to demonstrate it. Lucifer didn’t carry himself as if he were waiting for a reason to remind anyone of who he was. He didn’t feel threatened working at Opulence. 
The threat was elsewhere. It wasn’t that Thierry expected Lucifer to involve himself with Roman, or even care about what he was doing, but he wanted to at least inform him. Transparency wasn’t typically something he offered anyone, but he didn’t want to make trouble for this place. He liked it here and he didn’t want to leave, though he would if Lucifer asked. At some point he might not have a choice. 
He waited to approach him so he wouldn’t be interrupted. Knocking softly on the doorframe, he waited in the doorway instead of assuming he was welcome inside. “Do you have a few minutes, sir?”
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