#apollo scenerio
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starrydali · 1 month ago
I wanna be apollo's controversially young girlfriend
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sparklesandpudding · 10 months ago
"But you belong to me"
-Men who'd grow overwhelmingly possessive once they start realizing their own feelings towards you were far greater than normal. No matter how toxic the relationship, nothing will get in-between you both. Haters can fucking die, his words not mine. Anything and anyone can watch cus he ain't afraid to show his love for you. Whether it's physically, mentally, emotionally, spiritually, and so on. You aren't allowed to talk to anymore people once you're with him, he can give you everything you need. And will absolutely drag you with him everywhere he goes, or goes with you anywhere you go.-
- MICHAEL KAISER bllk, ALEXIS NESS bllk, Taehun seong, KAHAKU to your eternity, SILVA ZOLDYK hxh, CHROLLO LUCILFER hxh, Qin Shi Huang ror, HADES ror, POSEIDON ROR, JIHOON LEE LOOKISM, light yagami death note, APOLLO ror, SAE itoshi bllk, RIN itoshi bllk.
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mbiwald · 10 months ago
If you are ace person that isn't completely disgusted, or just doesn't care about sex: is there a specific scenerio, person, creature, that you would be willing to fuck? For whatever reason.
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apollos-boyfriend · 1 year ago
hey in the scenerio that Something happens i have a joke url i want to switch to temporarily. How did you do your matpat-hater celebration change?? I'm guessing it's something like having the url on a sideblog and switching accounts to that one...???
if possible please explain it to me like im ten
it’s a side blog yeah!!! so let’s say for example i wanna change my main to schlarklezyaoi. i’ll go to my schlarklezyaoi sideblog and change its url to something different, usually just by adding a number at the end. you can also delete the blog to get the url, but tumblr has this rare glitch where sometimes deleting your side deletes your main and i don’t like risking it.
from there, i change my main url to schlarklezyaoi, then go back to the sideblog and change that one to apollos-boyfriend, so i don’t lose my main url
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solace-seekers · 4 years ago
okay but do you think if any apollo offspring met Zia they would get along in a “idk why because i’ve never met you but you feel like a sibling to me” way or do you think there’d be this weird divide of “for some reason it feels as if we are far too similar to ever get along and i half hate your guts on principle” since she hosted Ra for a fat minute
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i-can-summon-yams · 5 years ago
Camp Half Blood Tour (post TOA)
Cabin 1 (Zeus)
This cabin is empty now
Sometimes it just starts raining inside for no discernable reason
Don’t go inside if you’re afraid of being randomly electrocuted
People still go inside anyways
There’s little memorial shrines for children of Zeus throughout the centuries until now (his children don’t tend to live long and happy lives)
Also people go in on dares to see if they’ll get hit by a randomly manifested bolt of lightning
Cabin 2 (Hera)
It used to be The actual scariest place in camp
Eventually some people did go in to remodel, our former camper Jason drew up some really nice plans (what with Hera being his patron)
Hera is the goddess of marriage and family, the cabin is supposed to be a safe space
There are some demigods she hates who refuse to go in but for the most part the cabin has become more comfortable (blankets and pillows strewn around, books all over)
It’s a nice place to escape crowded cabins (unless Hera personally dislikes you)
Cabin 3 (Poseidon)
Poseidon’s two demigod children, Percy and Tyson, live in California now, but they stay here when they visit
Tyson made it fancier, it has lots of sheild and tridents that he built lining the walls
There’s also a magic Iris message fountain in there and campers are allowed to use it to make calls home when Percy’s gone
Cabin 4 (Demeter)
The plants are taking over
Honestly it’s just as much of a home to assorted nymphs trying to keep out of monster infested woods as it is to Demeter’s children
The campers here are in charge of the strawberry fields and therefore money
There’s lots of ideas for strawberry-related products or new breeds of strawberries strewn around
Also tons of advertizing ideas and financial plans (most of which involve adding more farmland)
There’s always at least one camper arguing that camp should switch it’s cash crop to rhubarbs or something because that’s obviouly the superior plant
The floorboards, bedposts, and doors all have plants growing out of them
Cabin 5 (Ares)
It’s so well defended no one other than the children of Ares have ever gotten in
Oh my gods is that a land mine?!
Let’s move on
Cabin 6 (Athena)
Look, just because Athena’s kids are smart, that doesn’t mean they’re actually organized
They cooperate very well to stow everything away for Cabin checks and they always win, but at any other time the entire cabin is covered in papers and opened books
If there’s no actual battle happening to strategize for, they’ll just make plans for every theoretically possible scenerio
They also read and reread Greek mythology constantly so they can recognize monsters
They’re a very helpful group to talk to before a quest
Cabin 7 (Apollo)
It’s always ready to be converted to a hospital within 30 seconds of notice
Not as flashy as the Ares Cabin, but it’s actually the best foritifued place in camp when it needs to be
Listen, you do NOT want your foes to be able to get into your hospital
They’ve recently also started a therapy wing, a lot of campers really need someone to talk to at times, and they’re allowed to go to the hospital when they need it
The campers also never have any rest, the cabin is constantly expanding because 1) Apollo is a hoe and has way too many demigod children and 2) there’s always someone who was injured because they fell off a pegasus or got burnt by the climbing wall
This is also the music cabin, but they eventually had to build a seperate (soundproof) practice room because the hospital patients did not appreciate being woken up by the bagpipes at 2am
Also the campers all wake at at like 5am and often serenade the entire camp so be prepared for that
Cabin 8 (Artemis)
It’s also usually empty, but the hunters of Artemis stay here when they’re at camp
The walls are painted with trees and wolves, it’s really pretty
But there’s not much that’s actually functional inside because the hunters are so good at bringing their camp with them that there’s not much they would need
There is a huge stock of arrows though, just in case
Cabin 9 (Hephaestus)
You can go in, and it’ll probably be fun, but there’s no guarentee you’ll ever come out
There’s so many projects going on at any given time
At this point, there’s a safety goggles dispenser as you walk in the door, because sparks and scraps of metal are flying constantly
Are they supposed to be keeping their projects in the bunker or workshop? Yes. Does that stop them from “just tinkering on this one project for a second?” No.
If you break a weapon or sacred object, this is the place to go. One of the campers will literaly take it from your hands and start hammering at it before you can even explain what’s wrong.
Cabin 10 (Aphrodite)
Has become the official relationship advice cabin
Do you need help talking to someone you have a crush on? Do you want to know if your crush likes you back? Do you need to eat an unhealthy amount of chocolate? Are you frustrated that your friends won’t realize that they like each other already?
This is the place for you
They also have a collection of retro camp half blood shirts throughout the years if that’s your thing
And they know all the celebrity gossip outside of camp, they’ve replaced the internet
Cabin 11 (Hermes)
You know how the Aphrodite cabin has celebrity gossip? Hermes has the memes.
Honestly if you really want internet access they’d probably be willing to rig something up for you, even if it does attract monsters
It’s become less and less crowded as the additional cabins are built and demigods are claimed
Finally got remodelled to have enough bunks that no one is sleeping on the floor
Except for the people who want to sleep on the floor
You personal items are not safe here, trust no one
Also do not play any games involving dice against the Hermes kids, they will win and you will jot be able to figure out how
Cabin 12 (Dionysus)
Dionysus doesn’t actually have many demigod kids (he’s also very attached to his wife Ariadne) so the cabin is surprisingly unoccupied a lot of the time
That’s not the same thing as empty though
Dionysus is the god of transgendered people, so his cabin has become the official LGBTQ+ center
There are pride flags EVERYWHERE
Also there was a moonshine rig made by some Hermes and Demeter kids a while ago but that’s not important shh
Other cabins
We’ve been over the original twelve cabins, but they’re far from everything
Starting two years ago, we’ve been trying to expand the cabins, and work has gone quickly
Annabeth, the previous Athena head counselor, started drawing up plans first, then the mantle was taken up by Jason, son of Zeus, and now plans are made by a committee of head counselors
There’s not enought time to hit every cabin on our tour, but here’s a few highlights:
Cabin 13 (Hades) - sometimes you’ll see zombies coming out of this cabin, don’t worry, that’s normal, they’re supposed to be here
Cabin 20 (Hecate) - the place to go if you want to learn more about magic or the mist. Just be warned, the campers probably won’t steal your cash, but they’re not against taking eyebrows or toenails
Cabin 23 (Hestia) - the safest and comfiest place in CHB, but it only appears if you really need it. Campers frequently argue sbout whether or not it’s actually real.
Cabin 26 (Kymopoleia) - no demigod children live here, but make sure you stop by to pray for camp to not be destroyed in a hurricane every once in a while. This is also the first cabin that was built based on our past camper Jason Grace’s plans
Cabin 34 (the muses) - our most recently built cabin, although more are planned out every day. This is the place to go for help if you’re in tears because of writers block.
That wraps up the cabins section of our tour, check in next time to see the pavilion and training grounds
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urvoiceurwork-blog · 6 years ago
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Up & coming artist Victor Internet from Chicago headlined Dallas’ Summer Crush Music Festival at just the age of 18.
I was able to ask him questions about his music, of course, going on tour with Cuco, and advice for those trying to follow in his footsteps.
Leslie (Interviewer): Which musical artists have influenced you and your music?
Victor: I think a lot of people can say this but Frank Ocean would be my biggest influence just because he experiments with all kinds of sounds and styles, and that’s what I really want to do.
L: What or who influences your lyrics?
V: Stories that my friends tell me or just little scenerios that I make up in my head. A lot of it isn’t real and then there’s some that is, it’s just stuff that goes through my head and I’m like “this would make a really cool song”. I think that with song writing it’s a lot like story telling.
L: Did you ever think that you would be a big influence to those around your age and those that share a similar ethnic background?
V: No, I never did.The only person I saw doing this at first was Cuco but then Omar (Apollo) started coming up, as well as Jasper (Bones). I was then like “You know what maybe I can be like one of these people and inspire people who come from a shitty background.” I was brought up poor and I wasn’t given many opportunities because I was Mexican. Now that I have a platform and have those same people helping me, I’m hoping to be able to pass that on to kids like me.
L: Speaking about Cuco, how do you feel touring with him and did you ever think you would have a chance like this?
V: Touring with him is crazy because I found out about him when I was 16 and I was listening to him when I had a crush on someone and so Cuco would be on repeat. So, going on tour with him or even meeting him - it was never in my head. I never even thought that would happen, it’s crazy I feel weird about it. 
L: How did you find out that you were going on tour with him? 
V: I guess my manager/booking agency hooked it up, but Cuco had known about me for a while at least at the time. I think they might have been like “Victor might be a good fit.” 
L: What do you think holds you back from getting where you want to get?
V: Sometimes, I feel like I won’t make the impact that I want to, it feels weird because I still have people from my hometown making fun of me still and giving me shit for dropping out. I’m just scared that me dropping out is gonna turn out bad and it’s all gonna go to shit and that maybe I’m not gonna get anywhere but even if it does go down that way I just hope I can make a lasting impact on kids like me and encourage them. I want to see the next Cuco, Victor, Frank Ocean - I just want to inspire others and help them out in anyway I can. 
L: Did you think Tinder Song would get the plays it did?
V: Did I ever think it would? No, that song was a joke - it was just a dumb song, I made it in my room because I skipped school that day and I was just in my room writing lyrics. My friend Andrea told me about this tinder account that she had and I just started writing about it and while she was in class I sent it to her and was like “Oh my god I made a song about what you told me.” She thought it was stupid - she laughed at it and I laughed at it too because it was a really silly song. I then put it up and a bunch of YouTube channels were translating it and sharing it. I was like “why is this happening? This isn’t even my best work.” But now that I think about it I’m really grateful because I helped someone relate or connect to a song and when you make a connection to a song it really helps you get through whatever you’re going through. I’m really happy I did that
L: Lastly, what advice do you have for aspiring artists like yourself?
V: I would be a hypocrite if I started spewing out a bunch of advice because I still don’t follow a lot of the advice myself but the biggest thing would be don’t listen to anyone who’s trying to bring you down. At the end of the day, the world is going to end in 10 years, you only have a little bit of time left so do whatever the fuck you want, do it when you want. No one is going to stop you but yourself - just power through it and whatever makes you happy go for it.
Despite the fact that Victor is still a relatively small artist, he’s gaining momentum at a good rate and is due to gain an even bigger audience after he tours with Cuco - numbers can tell you how well he is doing due to the fact he is close to having almost 300k listeners on Spotify and Tinder Song has reached over 5 million listens. 
You can catch Victor on tour with Cuco so grab your tickets here: http://www.loverisaday.com/
Follow & Listen to Victor Internet:
Twitter: https://twitter.com/victorintrnt
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/victorinternet/
Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/artist/6Ib0Di9b3kMxw9yD0DAyAC?si=6TWnoC_NRf6aJmT3oxLyYA
Soundcloud: https://soundcloud.com/victorinternet
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zeraorarb · 7 months ago
tumblr is interrupting my tag ramblings yet again…
dont dieee pleaseee
glad that u are getting that checked out
many plp will just ignore it and let it transform into sm terrible
hope it goes well!
also i just want to clarify i would never suspect u of casualty writing abt dying
under a poll
tho that would be in character a bit i must admit
(probably why my brain thought resonable that scenerio in the first place)
i do hope i didnt get hit with apollos red ball of prophecy
can i go back to dreaming abt likr
weird rw campaigns
rw monk collecting coins
rw saint being a ourple dust bunny
all that kinda reminds me of sm different
i dont wanna go on abt
cause heavy for no reason
but in february i had a bad/intense episode/period
and one of the chains that kept me down was like
“but who is gonna run the poll?”
‘i can't put that on anybody too much of a time commitment’
either way
i also dont dream a lot abt plp
if someone it will be a family member
and abt my dream brain’s coping mechanisms
tbh accurate
tho nobody super close ever died
it seems to be kinda my go to nonetheless
me in caveman era;
comrade caveman: its so sad that comrade cavebolt died today
caveman me: no he didnt
comerade caveman: ծ_Ô
Pick Your Favorite Rain World Room, Day 284.1 R5
There is a hidden slugcat in one of the rooms (they can be in any color). If u can see it comment or reblog with where they are and if u are first, u get a cookie!
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Credit for game screenshots goes to: Rain World Interactive Map, Rain World Wiki and me
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corruptedbunny-multimuse · 2 years ago
Scenerio- Phoenix introducing Franziska to Apollo- then Athena.
Apollo hadn't reacted too well to Franziska. For one thing, Franziska having hurt Phoenix the way she did back then. Then there was the whole ‘whipping’ thing. He outright ignored her on the few times she’d come over, only ever really speaking with Avil. He’d probably forgive her in time... probably.
Athena had reacted better... though, the relationship had been well past repaired by then. She was a little sad to hear about the short time they had been apart, but... well, at least they were together and happy again, right? She kind of hoped it wasn’t just because Phoenix had his badge back, but... they had reunited while he was still badgeless. Maybe it wasn’t...
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shanie-the-toyaddict · 4 years ago
In all fairness, in that long, rambling, bullshit post of a situation.
Apollo Crews would 100% be replaced by either Finn Balor or Daniel Bryan. Daniel Bryan would be the preferred choice.
Unfortunately, Finn is too busy on NXT and DBry's career is pretty much done at this point. Regardless, for the scenerio to play out perfectly, "Apollo" would have to be a Smackdown Heel who had history with BOTH Sami and Kevin.
Hmmm... Maybe Seth? They did have some barnstormers when he was Tyler Black. Or, possibly Adam Cole, come up from NXT? That might work, he has a history with Kevin especially...
I don't know. It's ridiculous. Leave it alone.
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starfanatic · 1 year ago
I’ve seen a few people who are like “Hey guys Zeus IS a good father, actually, so hating him for that is invalid” which I don’t hate him, I just hate that specific aspect of him.
But pretty much it’s obvious. Again, when Artemis gotten injured by Hera, Zeus immediately went to comfort he didnt say: “well hey why did you try to challenge the queen of the gods in a fight? Thats stupid.” He comforted her. So that already shows how much different he reacts to Ares.
And yes Ares IS very violent it’s apart of his nature, but thats exactly it. He is SUPPOSED to be violent, hes the god of war. I see Athena more as the goddess of battle strategy then war if anything. But then again, Ares did nothing to Zeus to deserve this weird treatment.
He never tried to betray Zeus, ever. He never went against Zeus’ orders unless he was trying to protect his family,
Apollo constantly goes against Zeus’ orders or straight up tries to usurp Zeus’ throne. Being turned mortal and into a servant is DEFINITELY a slap in the wrist in this scenerio.
Another thing to note is that there is 0 myths were Zeus does anything nice or says anything nice to Ares. There is for literally every other kid besides perhaps the mortal children. Thats legit fucked up.
Side note because im not sure if this is a true, but isnt Ares the god of manliness and courage?
Unpopular Opinion about Zeus' Parenting
He was in NO WAY a good father to Ares. "But Ares was violent! Ares was embarrassing!" ARES is the god of WAR, he NEEDS to be violent. When other gods like Athena or Apollo do something violent, Zeus all of the sudden doesn't mind it? Or gives a little slap on the rest? He is NOT a good father. You are supposed to love your kids. If anything, Ares' VIOLENCE and ANGER came from the fact that both of his parents has hated him from the start. I'd be pretty angry too if I grew with parents who didn't even want me. He's humiliated and belittled constantly, no shit he's violent. I'd be violent to. If Apollo was in Ares' position, Apollo probably would be violent as hell too.
You can understand that Zeus being a "bad" god is a stupid claim, while also recognizing that he has flaws.
It ALSO doesn't help that Ares has done nothing to Zeus to deserve this treatment, in comparison to Athena and Apollo who BOTH have betrayed and attempted to usurp Zeus' throne.
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i-can-summon-yams · 6 years ago
You know the saddest part of Jason’s death in The Burning Maze?
It wasn’t actually “tragic.” Jason didn’t fail at the quest: his group got the boots, his friends all got out alive, and he got to die gloriously, defending a god and his love interest, and will be rememberes forever, not only by Camp Jupiter, but by the gods. He got the best case scenerio: a perfect life of training, a worthy quest, some down time at the end. And even his death was perfect. Look at Magnus Chase and their standards for Valhalla: you have to die fighting; those who die peacefully end up in Helheim. So Jason’s death wasn’t unfair, or at least Apollo wouldn’t have thought so before he became mortal. That was why it was so important for Apollo to see Jason’s death, because it makes him start to realize that a hero’s story is almost inevitably a tragedy. I mean, we all read the beginning of The Lightning Theif, we know “being a half-blood is dangerous” and “scary,” but the gods don’t realize that. Until now. Which is where Jason has the chance tomean something huge, because if Apollo does remember him as he promised, it could end up telling the real story of all heroes to the gods.
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corruptedbunny-multimuse · 2 years ago
Continuation of the last scenerio? When exactly the continuation is- is your choice. Could be one of the few times with Fran crying.
It had been a long time since Phoenix had seen Franziska. The hurt had never really left, but it had ebbed away. He had to admit, he... really missed Franziska.
Rena had come to work for him before Apollo did, Avil occasionally giving updates on what was going on with Franziska. Phoenix was... honestly pretty upset... but if Franziska didn't want to speak with him, that was fine.
(...maybe we weren't really meant to be,) he thought as he stopped playing piano. The thought hurt, but... she hadn't reached out to him once. Maybe her feelings for him had disappeared when he lost his badge.
Phoenix sighed and turned to leave, before he saw a very familiar woman.
It looked like she had been crying...
"...Franziska...?" Phoenix started, before he cautiously walked over... then was surprised by the prosecutor wrapping her arms around him and crying. Phoenix relaxed a bit, then held her in return.
They didn't need to say anything to know they were apologizing to each other.
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yonemurishiroku · 2 years ago
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The post is a banger as it is and this additional tags are just straight up a rollercoaster I can’t---
if will wasnt with nico i assure you apollo wouldve snagged nico for his own
have u seen the way he talks about him💀
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