aphrodicted · 3 years
Sometimes people approach me to ask why in the interactive readings in which they ask about their next love interest they always seem to talk about someone just like them.
The answer is simple, but one that saves an effort in the future many don't want to do.
When we ask about our future partner and the answer seems to be someone just like us, the Universe is probably telling you that your next relationship should be with yourself. What do I mean by this? It's essential to have a good relationship with yourself in order to have a fruitful relationship with others. In the end, and I think it's a generalized thought, the relationship we have with ourselves is a reflection of the relationship others have with us. For example, if we treat ourselves badly and we don't trust anything we do, those around us will soon do the same: they will treat us badly and will not trust us.
When an interactive reading about love or a future partner talk about "someone" just like ypu, it's possible the Universe is asking you to improve your relationship with yourself in order to welcome future relationships in the future.
Working with yourself is essential. If we don't value ourselves or seek to have a relationship to get rid of that feeling of loneliness without first having tried to understand that feeling... the relationship will be a failure and not only will we hurt ourselves, but the other person will also get hurt from one or other way.
Learning to be with yourself is hard work. Understanding yourself and accepting both your flaws and your virtues is even more difficult. And getting to forgive ourselves for everything we have experienced and for the decisions we made is harder. However, these are some of the steps we must take to not only clean our interior and be able to welcome our future, but to reconcile with ourselves and understand that the image others have of each one of us doesn't define us. You are the one who can know you best, therefore, what others say or think is not your responsibility.
And something very important. If a person like you appears to you as your next partner, you probably need not only to reconnect or reconcile, but to fall in love once more with yourself.
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aphrodicted · 4 years
Thoughts about God and its nature
Human beings have always needed, for centuries, to think something or someone, with a hierarchy higher than their own, moved the strings of a world created by their hands with the help of beings of lesser rank, but with more power than being human. Those threads indicated the development of the world in which he lives, some have interpreted as destiny, others as a mission of life and a few as the meaning of life. The reality, in the end, is the human has always kept an intuition, a faith (not a belief) that someone or something protected his life from injustice, but it reminded him of what his learning was based on experiences with a powerful message. Everything that happened was for a reason that, in many cases, humans could never understand due to lack of resources to turn to in search of that answer. However, he or she had the innate knowledge something was hiding behind their misery or their glory. If his existence made sense, how could the events that comprised his life not have it?
God, the Father, the Creator of the world and system in which we live, uses us as tools to bring its purpose to Earth. We are part of its existence, its divine sparks, so we came to this world to understand this. Being part of said Being, we are little gods with a specific mission we will carry out, consciously or unconsciously, because that is how we have been assigned before incarnating. It isn’t an imposition, but a promise of the soul with its Superior. Someone or something needs us here and we agree to restore that bond or cleanse that karma that ties us to a new experience within a physical body that, in some way, becomes a cage for the soul.
Then, when the human obtains those resources necessary to understand a part of his nature and who he is within this great community of people, the true form of that God everyone talks about, but few seem to know, is revealed before his eyes. It isn’t a man, but neither is it a woman. It has no human form, although it cannot resemble an animal, fish, plant, or mineral. God is above all these because it has been their Creator. Its vibration, its existence, its essence... is much higher. So, given this information, what image of God should we have?
Somehow, God will present itself to us through a figure familiar to us. Something with which we can relate it to that feeling that God awakens in us. Do we relate God to peace and peace to the dove? God will appear before us as a white dove. God approaches us from pure love, mercy, so it will not use images or forms that can create unease or other negative emotions within us.
However, we must understand God isn’t only male, but there is also female energy within it. Therefore, and from my humble point of view, referring to God as He can lead to errors and exclusions of the feminine aspect, of great importance in Creation and, therefore, the triggering of many events explained in the different books on the subject most important religious for mankind.
God is man and woman, masculine and feminine, sacrifice and love, rigor and action, right and left, Father and Mother, Yin and Yang, darkness and light, gestation and insemination.
This idea leads us to the conclusion that, if we wanted to represent It in a human figure, God should have male and female features, as well as genitalia of both sexes. The male member will help inseminate the seed, but it will need a female reproductive system not only for birth, but also for the gestation of its most perfect Creation so far: the human being. In addition, both pectoral areas should be represented symbolizing the importance of both, although the female one will be of vital help for the care and development of that Creation that has just arrived in the World. That female part, with its milk, will deliver energy to what is sheltered inside for months, and that quality of the maternal fluid may dictate the quality of life of the native in their first months and even years.
If God is composed of both masculine and feminine energies, there is no living being without both energies. These energies shouldn’t be related to gender, much less to sex, but it would be absurd not to manifest that feminine energy in representations of God. An act that has been repeated for centuries by stripping the female part, the Mother, of her role in Creation. The sacrifice of the Mother seems to have been unjustly extended to our times.
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aphrodicted · 4 years
If the soul ends up enclosed in a physical body, the body acts as a cage for the soul.
The physical body, in the end, is the obstacle for the soul and God to unite and, therefore, we will only achieve that union when we don’t need to make use of the physical body or reason to return to the Physical World.
This physical body, or cage, will be better or worse depending on the Karma we bring in this incarnation, and if it has an impact on our health, and the characteristics of that body that we will use in this life.
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aphrodicted · 4 years
Thoughts about the Nine of Wands and 2020
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For some time now, my cards seem to want to communicate with me to give a message to all those who visit both my blog and my other social networks. This year has been very hard for all of us, many of us have had to say goodbye to family members or people of great importance in our lives, while we learned a new way of life that, on some occasions, has been difficult for us to understand and apply in our day to day life. Today, there are still people who don’t understand the esoteric, even metaphorical, meaning of everything is happening in the world and prefer to live in the same way they did months ago when no one expected or believed possible the chaos it has possessed our routine for the last time.
My cards stir restlessly, almost crying out for special attention, and they ask me to hear a specific message. That message comes from the hand of an uncomfortable card for many, although hopeful for many others. The Nine of Wands, somewhat shy, appears among its companions and expands on its explanations. Also, it’s a card that has been appearing in many, many of the readings I have been offering over the last month. Something very normal, however, since we are about to end the year and the Nine of Wands is a fundamental essence to close a cycle.
The Nine of Wands is usually associated with work and action because it belongs to the suit of Wands. This association isn’t wrong, but I think it limits your messages. Cards shouldn’t be limited to a single message or function, but rather be interpreted by adapting the message of the card to the situation that comes to us from the hand of a client or even our personal situation if we ask for ourselves.
The card features a man holding a stick and watching as he leaves behind eight remaining wands. Those wands must be associated with the eight wands of the previous card, Eight of Wands, which are announced as a quick arrival, almost a blessing fallen from Heaven and presented before us as a divine help or a quick and ephemeral reward we must take advantage of in the moment it appears. It’s an opportunity with a limited time, that only the one with sufficient awareness will be able to perceive, collect and use these wands. The person without consciousness will not be able to make use of these wands, since they are connected with everything Below, but aren’t connected with what is Above. That consciousness can be related to the World of Emanations, although if the human being doesn’t have that connection with the Higher... it’s impossible for the higher "orders" to penetrate their body, that cage that keeps them even further away from their true nature.
Therefore, the consciousness and connection of the person not only with their divinity, but with their life mission and the karma that comes to be cleansed in this incarnation will be important to understand the magnitude of the message of the Nine of Wands and, furthermore, in what point is the person: in the beginning, middle or end of the understanding of that card. It will also be important to recognize what has been the use we have given to those fleeting wands that have appeared as a hopeful breath in our lives. Have we used them correctly? Have we made an incorrect use of these? Have we not used them and discarded their essence into disuse? Our attitude to the gifts and helps that are given to us, although it may not seem like it, also has a great impact not only in the present, but in our next life.
In the end, to understand the Nine of Wands we must not only look at the design of the card, its colors or its different messages, but also the number and the element to which it belongs. The Nine of Wands is part of the fire cards, so it will be related to the first element that appeared in the Creation of the Universe we now know. It’s the primordial element and, in a way, the most united to the Divine. Fire is the seed, the idea that suddenly appears in our mind and we don’t know where it came from, but we are certain we must carry it out to the end. Therefore, the message of the card is something must be finalized yes or yes, it may not have the force a Major Arcana could have, but it’s a situation, a learning or a lesson that must occur.
The number nine has a character of withdrawal and interior recollection. It’s the number of fullness and spiritual forms, since it contains the triple triangle (3 x 3) is associated with Wisdom. The number 9 talks about the end of a stage because it’s the limit that human beings can reach. There is nothing beyond nine, but a return to the beginning, since 10 symbolizes the return to the primordial unity and, therefore, a new stage. The nine symbolizes the end of a cycle of materialization that must be internalized and understood, since everything externalized is a reflection of what happens inside us. Therefore, the state of this end of the cycle will be the manifestation of how we are internally.
The Nine of Wands announces to us the end has arrived and we must leave that situation permanently. It isn’t an abandonment like the one symbolized by the Eight of Cups, but a final farewell to a cycle, a situation or an experience that cannot contribute anything else because it has reached its limit. Those eight wands the man leaves behind have nothing more to contribute, so he absorbs what he has learned and starts a new stage with everything he has achieved. The Nine of Wands asks the person to go and clean up in order to focus on a new stage because they need to start from scratch and learn something new. However, before relearning, the person will need to do what the number 9 symbolizes: withdraw and internalize all the experiences lived.
The wand the man carries in his hands is the experience, the knowledge learned, the mistakes he shouldn’t make again... what will help him understand why he should close this stage and focus on a new one, although this may cost him pain and suffering.
The wounds symbolize the sacrifice and the rigor used during this long process he has had to cope with over a long period of time. In addition, the wounds will help him internalize what is necessary more quickly, since the widsom will penetrate his body throught his wounds and reach those places where it must go.
On the other hand, it seems vitally important to highlight the bandage on his head. The head is much more than a simple part of our body that holds us together with the other members. The head is the seat of consciousness, the source of vision and guidance, the executor of the soul's will. For this reason, the head is above other parts of the body, since if it will be in any other position, its function will be difficult to fulfill, as well as to guide the other members of the body. Furthermore, if the head were separated from the body, the instructions given to us by those Above wouldn’t have the influence they have on us. We couldn’t connect internally with those instructions, since it would act as an external force and not as an internal force that comes from within us. A body attached to its head will avoid falling into negative influence, as the man reflected in the Nine of Wands card does by leaving those eight wands behind and entering a new stage without being attached to his past.
If we look closely, the bandage is located at the level of the crown chakra. This may refer to a blocked crown chakra that doesn’t allow you to connect with the Divinity, so you will not be able to understand the lesson that this period of materialization has wanted to leave implanted within you. The struggle exercised for so long will be insignificant for this person and the end of that struggle will not bring peace and this individual will continue to fight for something that has no sustenance. He or she will continue to fight for something that is dead and this will cause, later on, an emptiness within and a deeper disconnection with the spiritual. That emptiness will transform this person into a distrustful one who will be continuously alert. On the other hand, the bandage can also announce that crown chakra healed, although still protected by being vulnerable to any other interaction.
In summary, the message of the Nine of Wands is the following for all of you in relation to what has been lived this year. That well-known phrase of "we have won a battle, but not the war" is a reflection of how we should face the next year. 2020 has been a tough time for everyone, but full of lessons that very few seem to have understood from a higher point of view. All the efforts you have made during this year, depending on the nature of these efforts, will have their reward, but what you will find will not be fortune but rather a reputation, thanks or recognition for everything you have done.
Analyze everything that happened during this year and meditate on what aspects or situations have helped you to live a moral victory. The victory we have all achieved after the events will not be a material reward, but a moral reward... something much deeper that not everyone will be able to enjoy because of that low awareness I spoke about in other paragraphs.
The end of the year 2020 represents the end of a struggle, but not the end of a war that must continue next year and we must be prepared to leave no one behind. It’s a war we must all face in order to be victorious, although it will be a costly war that will force us to sacrifice a lot. However, what lesson is not accompanied by sacrifice or rigor? It’s something that will always be linked to learning, since the human being, on some occasions, seems not to know how to learn if there is no pain involved.
On the other hand, struggles and efforts are never in vain if the person has managed to understand something. You always learn something from the events we live and, in addition, I dare to say coincidences don’t exist and everything we experience has a meaning that acquires a meaning at some point.
Finally, and it seems fundamental to me, the past should be used as a source of experiences, but never as a melancholic refuge to turn to when things don’t go as we wish. The past must remain in the past and must not invade our present or limit or control our future. The past cannot be changed, but we can change our present and condition our future based on our present. The past should help us not to make the same mistakes and be used as a source of knowledge that will help not only us, but all the people around us.
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aphrodicted · 5 years
Remember that giving too much is not always the right way. It’s important to give from humility and generosity without expecting anything in return, but forgetting our own well-being for others is not necessary. Nor will it lead us to the future we desire. Beware of giving too much and not receiving! When you give and don't receive, you stay empty. Don't go back to that. Not for romantic relationships, friendships, at work or with your family.
If they ask you for a new opportunity: it's fine, but their proposal must be stable and everything they promise you must be fulfilled. Everything delivered by both parties doesn’t fall in a broken bag.
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aphrodicted · 5 years
Soulmates, companion mates and soul families
A soulmate is every part of the same soul. The concept of soulmates are the soul that emotionally completes another soul has been disclosed, and it isn’t true.
Soulmate is a part of the same soul. If a meeting between soulmates happens the experience is so deep, so strong, so inseparable. The attraction cannot be described during the meeting. Soulmates don’t have to remain together throughout life, since they can relate to cause an awakening of the being of both. After having found each other, they can never be dissociated in mental and sentimental planes, they will always be united by an unconditional love.
The telepathic bond is very strong among soulmates. Both of you will know each other's life even if you don't see each other. Soulmates have to evolve in balance and then find themselves in the planes of ether to become one soul again. You can have more than one soulmate, since it can unfold in the process of incarnation of several bodies.
Another group are companion mates: they are souls of a compatible vibration. When they meet there’s harmony in all the bodies and planes of being. Yes, lasting relationships can occur, since their mission is to help, complement and blend with the other soul in the process of evolution as a whole.
Soul families are those linked in mission, apart from their individual mission, they have a mission with their soul families. When two beings are soulic relatives, they have a strong relationship, often confused with soulmates or companion mates. When soul families complete their mission, which generally has to do with bringing another member of the soul family into the world, the feeling that united them (that’s usually believed to be a couple's love) becomes a very strong brotherly love.
—Federica Zosi (Akashic Records, 2018)
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aphrodicted · 4 years
Talk about how you first began your relationship with Aphrodite
I’ve decided to participate in “30 Days of Aphrodite” created by @thepastelpriestess, so today I’ll explain how my relationship with Aphrodite began and I'll continue with the other questions.
My relationship with Aphrodite began in 2015. In one of the Art History classes we began to analyze "The Birth of Venus" (1486) when we were studying Botticelli's art. The moment the painting was projected, I felt a strange connection when I saw Aphrodite's face. I left the classroom (my body was still there, but my mind was not) and stopped listening to the people around me: it was just me and Aphrodite, there was nothing else that worried me.
After that first meeting, Aphrodite began to appear everywhere. Some friends went out for a drink and someone named Aphrodite referring to the painting we had studied days ago. I spent time on the internet and the ads were related to Aphrodite. My daily life was suddenly filled with Aphrodite and the elements that were related to her.
A few months later, I started a relationship with a boy and forgot Aphrodite. I focused on my relationship, enjoying the summer and meeting new people. Somehow, my love relationship separated me from Aphrodite, although I still had it very much in mind, especially in my artistic creations. However, it was not until the end of this love relationship that Aphrodite did not officially return to my life. And, as if nothing had happened, in 2018 everything went back to the way it was before: my life was filled with Aphrodite again and, although I did not think about her, Aphrodite appeared to remind me that she is by my side.
The beginning of my relationship with Aphrodite has nothing enigmatic, but it did mark the beginning of a new cycle in my life. She has managed to awaken a new woman in me that, in the past, I never believed I could be. In the future, I will explain to you in which areas of my life Aphrodite has awakened a new me.
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aphrodicted · 5 years
The power of the word has existed for a long time with us. The word is a source of energy, and this energy can be shared positively or negatively with those to whom we address our speech.
Words leave traces in the people who receive them and, in addition, in the people who pronounce them. The energy we emit when reproducing or listening to certain words remains in us and impairs our balance. Everything they tell us is in our mind, but the written word has more strength, since it remains written in time.
The vibration of the words are very powerful. Therefore, before speaking: you need to think about how and with what energy you transmit your ideas, your thoughts or your feelings with others and with yourself. Not only do you hurt those around you, but you too.
Remember: be careful what you say, since you create your own reality.
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aphrodicted · 5 years
Thoughts about our Existence
God, the Universe... is within us. They’re on all planes of our existence. In our past, present and future; in us, in the nature that surrounds us or in that friend that we see every day. We have the key to consciousness. We’re the only ones who can wake up spiritually and connect with our ascended self.
The limits don’t exist: we’re unlimited beings. We build our own limits: fear, insecurity, rage, excessive materialism, selfishness. Only we can destroy these limits when we become aware of who we really are. Therefore, if we create and destroy our boundaries, are we who create and destroy opportunities? Are we who decide what our present is and what our future will be? Of course. The lessons we have to learn are always voluntary. We aren’t obligated to learn what the Universe or God wants to teach us. Our free will has its own voice in this life, and we’re the ones who decide to follow the directions of the Universe or not. Therefore, we’re the creators of everything that happens in our lives. Our breath, our voice, our thoughts and our experiences come from the present, so we must live the present, the here and now.
The word "forgiveness" in hebrew (מחילה) contains the syllable "li" (lislóaj), which means "it’s for me." Forgiveness is always for us. We must forgive ourselves (for letting ourselves be hurt) and forgive the other for the pain suffered. Self forgiveness is one of the most important lessons we must learn. On some occasions, it can also become the most difficult act. When we have forgiven everything (ourselves and the other), there’s no temptation to suffer again... because it will not happen again in the future.
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