#aph raffle
askbadlydrawnrussia · 6 years
500+ Followers!!
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Thanks to everyone who follows me and puts up with my shitposting! Ily all <3  
Raffle Time!
To celebrate, I’m going to be doing a raffle for (slightly badly drawn) art requests for 5 of you! Just like or reblog this post to enter. You don’t have to be following to join!
The raffle will end on 11/30/18, at the stroke of midnight (CST). 
Thank you all!!
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mr-nauseam · 2 years
The latino need to call my blorbos for diminutives no matter how short their names are
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Yup! We’re now doing a raffle to thank everybody who purchases a copy of the zine!
The amount of tickets you have increases your chances, 
£3 = 1 ticket
£10 = 2 tickets
£15 = 3 tickets
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ask-aphicelandics · 5 years
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— @hana-noiazei
It’s Medieval Norway! I hope you like it!
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ask-deus-romano · 6 years
| Art raffle |
|| So, I’m somewhat late with this one, but since the blog is already over a year old, I thought I’d do a lil art raffle to celebrate! It will run until the 5th of January, so a little bit over two weeks, though I might extend the time a little bit if needed. You can enter either by liking or reblogging this post. By doing both, you’ll have two entries. ;3c I will pick 3 random winners, and there will be 3 prizes! I will contact the winners directly and announce them once the pieces are finished. The prizes will be following: 1st - A fully colored piece of art.
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2nd - Lineart with minimal coloring if desired.
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3rd - One of my ‘red sketches’ with minimal coloring in if desired.
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If you have any questions, don’t be afraid to shoot me a message or an ask! Good luck everyone!
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ask-idol-nyoskorea · 6 years
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For @writingandchocolatemilk, the raffle winner!✨ She requested RusAme for the pairing icons so I hope you like these ;3;
Separate icons for each boi will be dropped in your PMs soon~ Thank you for participating and supporting the blog~! 💙))
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ask-hungary-prussia · 6 years
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Beauty Memories - Liechtenstein and Switzerland | 
Drawing requested by the other winner of the “400 followers” event! @misa04 that for some kind of reason tumblr never let me @ you
Hope you like it
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neioo · 6 years
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It’s here—the final publication of the Are We Humans? series (found for free on AO3)
Altogether, depending on shipping, the cost is around $35-$40 without me making any profit. If you are interested in purchasing the set, or a singular copy, [please fill out this form]. The instructions on how to proceed are in it. 
The shop will be open indefinitely! So your purchase can happen at any date, though it has to be through me and that form.
What Do We Want? (Prequel—Can be read on its own and recommended to read first now)
Nation Avatars. They are immortal beings representative of a country who have clear-cut roles in society. The turn of the century, however, brings an ever-evolving political landscape that they must learn to navigate. Just as they think they are mastering their new way of life, though, the Second World War begins, and everything crumbles. The Axis Powers want nothing more than to use them for experiments. The Allied Powers see their lives as expendable and meaningless. Some Nations are complacent. However, others aren't and will change the dynamic of everything by going against their country. Who are they? People? Nations? What do they want in life? Most can't fathom an answer to any of those questions.
Are We Humans? (Original)
Nation Avatars. They’re immortal beings who represent a country. They look human, feel human, but are they really? That’s the question they strive to answer after faced with extreme cases of dehumanization during the Second World War. Just when they think the worst is over, the Cold War strikes and they’re challenged with new obstacles. It’s these obstacles that lead them on their own paths of self-discovery. Are they their own person or their country? Most would say their country. Others would disagree…
Don’t Forget Us (Sequel)
They thought it was over once the ‘Plan’ was completed. Time had passed. Most of their wounds had healed, but unknown to them, there were still other Nations, forgotten Nations, who continued to be tortured and experimented on.
All until one man, also forgotten, decided to rescue them and craft his revenge.
His actions cause the secrecy of the ‘Plan’ to crumble. Those who were involved are exposed. And as their punishment, they’re forced to work as pawns. Their ideals are again challenged—their humanity put to the test. Are they doing the right thing? Who can they trust? But most importantly:
Are they to blame?
If you’re wondering what has changed since past publications, that will be under the “read more.”
Thank you. Truly
It’s finally over ^^;
Fixed the entire Korean War chapter to make it historically accurate since I actually learned about the Korean War in my college class in South Korea. Thanks professor Moon
Better build up to ameripan stuff/more payoff with ameripan stuff
Robert, Frank, and Kazimir’s characterizations are more consistent  
Hong Kong’s human name is completely different thanks to my Chinese translator telling me how stupid the one name Hima picked for him was. Siu Chun >> Kha Loung
Cut out scenes that serve no purpose to the plot/made me cringe
Filled out some plot holes/gave characters motivations to do certain actions that were glossed over before
I have lived in China and Korea now for two months plus since I first wrote DFU so I now can write a setting in China and Korea more accurately. Particularly the restaurant in Beijing scene, Yong-Soo living in Seoul…it feels more authentic now lol
DFU was really fucking long before I started. It was 210k. For perspective, Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows is 198k. So yeah. Now it’s 160k
I cut out filler, slimmed down certain arcs, filled out emotional moments
Gave more consistent characterization to Juhaina and improved her chapters
Gave more consistent characterization to Robert and Kazimir and improved their chapters
Better improved emotional arc with Robert and Ilse
wdww OC’s make an appearance now
As for WDWW I didn’t really edit anything pertaining to the plot lol
Of course, no one is under obligation to buy this series or even read it again. But if you do, I promise it will be a better experience. I hope it will be one ;; If you find any typos/grammar issues, cut me some slack orz
Comments are always appreciated. If you do end up re-reading, let me know what you think. It will make my day
And again, thank you
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flyingsassysaddles · 6 years
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Raffle Winner #2 
Local woman kills goth girlfriend and nyahs, more at 7
 SeyBela for the second place winner, @astra-the-cat! These two are just the most fun thing to draw!! 
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wervinsky · 7 years
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Have a little raffle in my IG so go and check it out :^
IG: czepczik
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reithf-arts · 7 years
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Portugal and Nyo Portugal for @d-joana-a-shippadora as first place prize from my raffle! (I’ve never drawn them before and my style needs updating but I hope it’s good!)
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ask2pphili · 7 years
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//Art Raffle Prize for @ask-miss-andorra !! Effects can work wonders omg- I hope you like it!! ;; o ;; APH Andorra OC is not mine but belongs to @ask-miss-andorra 's mun APH Spain belongs to Himaruya Hidekaz
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glamraneth · 7 years
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Raffle Prize #3 - Canary Islands 
Speedpaint: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EZdm39Y0KU0
Nova1500′s Hetalia OC :)
If you’re interested in joining an art raffle or a similar event, you can follow me on DeviantArt, Instagram or Twitter as those are the places I’ll most likely be hosting an event on ^^. 
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ask-idol-nyoskorea · 6 years
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For all the Valentines I was unable to submit straight to the submission box (as a heads-up, I made 43 in total; not all sent through tumblr ^^) @ask-aph-la-catracha @pocchama @sunfloweraru @ask-human-ameviet @belgiqueen @ask-xiao-mei-x-jia-leon @ask-the-prussian (in that order~)
This was fun! 💙
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ask-hungary-prussia · 6 years
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I know I was supposed to draw it past monday butttt I’m really sorry T_T 
This is a wip for one of the drawings of the 400 followers event I’ll have to finish it tomorrow cause in 6 hours I’msupposed to wake up---
I think Liecht turned out cute somehow
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jackce · 7 years
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APH Seborga
For Pauline Teyssier <3 (2nd place in a Patreon’s raffle)
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