#apartment renovation paris
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artisan-peintre-paris · 10 months ago
entreprise de peinture paris
Depuis 14 ans - notre “entreprise de peinture et rénovation à Paris” est à votre service pour réaliser tous vos travaux de rénovation et peinture intérieur sur paris et île-de-france.
Vous allez acheter ou vous possédez déjà un « appartement, maison, studio, loft ou duplex à Paris » ou en Île-de-France et vous souhaitez connaître le budget pour vos ‘travaux de peinture et rénovation intérieure’ ou savoir les prix des artisans peintres ou des ‘entreprises de peinture et rénovation à Paris’ ? Notre « entreprise des peintres en bâtiment à Paris » vous offre un devis gratuit et détaillé pour tous vos travaux de l’enduit, pose de toile de verre, voile de verre, papier peint, carrelage et des parquets flottant etc.
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Notre 'entreprise de peinture en bâtiment à paris' est spécialisée dans la domaine de peinture intérieur, travaux de l’enduit, pose de papier peint, rénovation de sol et murs ( revetement sol murs ), pose carrelage, ponçage et vitrification des parquets, travaux d'électricité et mise aux normes, rénovation de salle de bain, rénovation de la cuisine etc…
Notre “entreprise du bâtiment à paris” réalise les chantier de rénovation et peinture dans tous les arrondissements de paris ( ( paris 1, paris 2, paris 3, paris 4, paris 5, paris 6, paris 7, paris 8, paris 9, paris 10, paris 11, paris 12, paris 13, paris 14, paris 15, paris 16, paris 17, paris 18, paris 19, paris 20 )
Notre “entreprise de peinture et rénovation intérieur à paris” est également disponibles dans tous les départements d’île de france ( paris, hauts de seine, val de marne, val d’oise, seine saint denis, seine et marne, essonne etc)
Donc si vous habitiez dans banlieu ( Vincennes, Versailles, Montreuil, Créteil, Noisy le Sec, Saint Mandé, Fontenay sous Bois, Nogent sur Marne, Ablon sur Seine, Alfortville, Boissy st Léger, Bonneuil sur Marne, Charenton le Pont, Choisy le Roi, Créteil, Ivry sur Seine, Limeil Brévannes, Maisons-Alfort, Mandres les Roses, Marolles en Brie, Orly, Périgny sur Yerres, St Maur des Fossés, Saint Maurice, Santeny, Sucy en Brie, Meudon, Champigny sur Marne,Valenton, Villecresnes, Villeneuve le Roi, vanves, malakoff, rueil malmaison, clamart, fontenay sous bois, le kremlin bicêtre, villejuif, antony, bagneux, nanterre, puteaux, courbevoie, colombes, asnières sur seine, melun, meaux, chelles, meudon, les lilas, bagnolet, alfortville, cachan, fontenay aux roses, orly, nogent sur marne, thiais Villeneuve st Georges, Vitry sur Seine, Ivry Sur Seine, Clamart, Vanves, Montrouge, vanves, Le Kremlin Bicetre etc) et vous avez un projet de rénovation et peinture intérieur de votre appartement, maison, boutique, restaurant etc - N’hésitez pas à contacter notre entreprise de peinture et rénovation bâtiment à paris pour un devis détaillé, précise et gratuit.
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Rénovation d'appartements à paris
La construction, la rénovation et la transformation d'un appartement sont des tâches difficiles dans les zones urbaines, en particulier dans des villes comme Paris, capitale française de la mode et de la lumière. Les Parisiens sont réputés pour leur style de vie. Cependant, un bon style de vie n’est pas seulement un rêve pour les clients fortunés, mais aussi pour les gens ordinaires. Tout le monde aime vivre dans une grande maison.
De nombreux clients exigent à présent des équipements dernier cri pour leurs nouvelles maisons afin de disposer des meilleures installations pour rendre leur vie plus sûre, confortable, intéressante et, bien sûr - la maison est le lieu où les meilleurs rêves deviennent réalité et conduit à une meilleure vivre et se détendre.
Notre ‘entreprise de peinture paris’ comprend bien la lourde tâche de rénover un appartement existant à Paris. Notre équipe de professionnels veille à ce que vous disposiez de la meilleure main-d'œuvre et des meilleurs matériaux pour la tâche fastidieuse de rénovation ou de mise en peinture de votre propriété à Paris. Dotés des dernières tendances et modernes, nos plans d’appartements s'adressent à chaque client en fonction de ses goûts et de son budget limité.
Travaux de l'enduit et peinture paris
Notre ‘entreprise du batiment paris’ comprend bien la lourde tâche de rénover un appartement existant à Paris. Notre équipe de professionnels veille à ce que vous disposiez de la meilleure main-d'œuvre et des meilleurs matériaux pour la tâche fastidieuse de rénovation ou de mise en peinture de votre propriété à Paris. Dotés des dernières tendances et modernes, nos plans d’appartements s'adressent à chaque client en fonction de ses goûts et de son budget limité. L’optimisation de l’espace, l’embellissement des intérieurs et la conception des espaces de balcon s’effectuent facilement et nos travailleurs expérimentés offrent un soutien continu à nos clients avec des conseils approfondis pour chaque étape de la rénovation. Ces conseils étape par étape aident les clients à obtenir leur appartement écologique et esthétique dans les meilleurs délais et à un prix abordable. Asseyez-vous et détendez-vous au sujet de la planification quotidienne pendant le processus de rénovation pendant que notre ‘entreprise de peinture paris’ se charge de l'assistance et des conseils fournis à une main-d'œuvre qualifiée et à des matériaux de construction brillants.
Notre “entreprise de peinture à paris” a pour objectif d'apporter à ses clients les meilleures technologies en matière de construction à un coût abordable.
"entreprise du bâtiment à paris" vous apporte les maisons les plus belles et les plus fonctionnelles qui soient brillantes à utiliser. Nous avons choisi les matières premières durables et les nouvelles technologies pour rénover votre appartement, salle de bain, salon, cuisine, chambre, etc. à Paris.
Chaque client a le droit de vivre pleinement son espace résidentiel et "entreprise du bâtiment à paris" pense qu’il est possible de le réaliser avec une planification appropriée, une innovation et une compréhension juste des exigences du client tout en transformant votre appartement. Nous planifions la rénovation et la peinture de chaque partie de votre appartement et proposons de meilleures solutions pour embellir l'intérieur de votre appartement.
Rénovation de votre appartement, studio, maison, loft, restaurant à paris.
Rénover une maison existante, une villa de luxe, un appartement, un bureau, un hôtel, un restaurant, un centre de villégiature, un hôpital, une clinique, une cuisine ou une salle de bain est en effet une décision importante et le résident ou le propriétaire doit tenir compte de nombreux facteurs. Le prix est un facteur important pour chaque client et les clients recherchent des matières premières de qualité à utiliser à un prix raisonnable. Comme nous avons une vaste expérience de la rénovation d’immeubles à Paris et en banlieue, nous pouvons vous assurer que vous obtenez le meilleur de nos services au prix minimum. Dans notre devis, vous trouverez une description complète et étape par étape de nos services. Nous travaillons également avec nos clients pour minimiser le coût total de l'appartement et terminer nos travaux dans les délais.
La première approche en matière de rénovation consiste à utiliser au mieux les espaces et les matériaux existants pour obtenir le résultat souhaité. Un compromis accablant entre qualité, budget  et taille des cours. Il peut arriver que certains clients recherchent un relooking personnalisé de la cuisine ou du salon au lieu de la rénovation complète d’une maison ou d’un appartement.
Il existe des espaces commerciaux tels que des hôpitaux, des hôtels, des centres de villégiature et des cliniques qui recherchent également un relooking professionnel de leur espace de travail.
Parmi les nombreuses entreprises de construction existantes, "entreprise du bâtiment à paris" offre un avantage remarquable en fournissant un projet clé en main à ses clients. Notre équipe de spécialistes est toujours à l'avant-garde pour donner le meilleur de la rénovation et de la construction à votre porte. Nous offrons un excellent service à la clientèle. Nous sommes toujours disponibles pour répondre à toutes vos questions concernant le réaménagement de votre appartement.
"entreprise du bâtiment à paris" comprend les exigences sur mesure de chaque client à un niveau méticuleux et répond à leurs exigences respectives à un prix abordable. Planification du plan directeur, estimations des matières premières, conseils en design d'intérieur et suggestions pour améliorer la rénovation et la rénovation de votre appartement.
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Notre « entreprise de peinture à paris » est spécialisée dans les travaux de peinture et de décoration. Notre « entreprise de rénovation » est composée d'artisans qualifiés dans le domaine du plâtrage et de la peinture. Pour tous types de projets de peinture et de rénovation, nous pouvons également travailler en collaboration avec un designer d'intérieur expérimenté.
Dans notre "entreprise de peinture à paris", nous utilisons des produits et des peintures de haute qualité, selon le budget de nos clients. Généralement, nous travaillons avec les peintures suivantes ; Farrow and Balls, Zolpan, Tollens, Sikkens, Architect, Ripolin, Dulux Valentine, Seigneurie etc.
La plupart des clients préfèrent des couleurs différentes à l'intérieur de leur "appartement ou maison à Paris". Dans un tel cas, nous invitons nos clients à choisir la couleur parmi des milliers de couleurs différentes. Cela aide nos clients à avoir la couleur dans leur appartement selon leur choix et leurs goûts.
Choisissez « notre entreprise de peinture à Paris » pour vos projets de rénovation, de peinture et de décoration.
Travaux de peinture intérieure
Avec plus de 14 ans d'expertise dans le domaine de la rénovation, nos équipes de « peintres professionnels » savent exactement quoi faire pour que le travail soit fait rapidement et professionnellement. Grâce à nos travailleurs qualifiés et efficaces, nous pouvons offrir des prix compétitifs à nos clients.
Pour des résultats de bonne et haut qualité, il est important que le travail soit fait en respectant pleinement toutes les étapes du travail de rénovation ou de peinture. Nos « peintres professionnels à paris » veilleront à ce que toutes les étapes soient réalisées dans le bon ordre.
En Savoir Plus
'apartment remodelling contractors in Paris' | apartment builders & renovators in paris.
Combien coûte la rénovation d’un appartement à Paris, Boulogne Billancourt, Neuilly sur Seine, Courbevoie, Levallois Perret, Charenton le Pont etc.
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« Peintre à Paris » : ‘entreprise de travaux peinture et rénovation à paris’
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mehanizem · 2 years ago
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The refreshingly retro Lunain is a piece of Paris at its finest
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trendynewsnow · 12 days ago
Transforming a Haussmann-Style Apartment: A New Home and Showroom in Paris
A New Chapter in the Heart of Paris When Nathan Litera and Lyatt Samama embarked on their journey to find a new home in the vibrant center of Paris, they sought more than just a living space. The couple envisioned a residence that would also serve as a stunning showroom for their flourishing interior design firm, allowing them to showcase the full range of their creative talents. At 41 years old,…
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leibal · 4 months ago
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Loft Charlie is a minimalist apartment located in Paris, France, designed by parages. Despite its compact size, this apartment undergoes a transformative renovation that redefines the use of space. The renovation centers around a strategic reconfiguration of the apartment’s layout. Service rooms, including the kitchen and bathroom, are consolidated towards the core of the apartment.
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octuscle · 11 months ago
I want to turn myself into a twinky fuck toy for a wealthy man. Can chronviac help me with that?
Well, as they say, everything's bigger in Texas… I'm a junior partner in a large New York asset management firm. We take care of the high net worth clients. To get into our client file, you have to have over USD 100 million in free liquidity. Our clients are demanding. But we are the best. And we do everything for our customers. Really EVERYTHING!
When I took over the clients of a colleague who had retired a month ago, I thought Chuck Tex was a stage name. Until I had my first appointment with him. His record was more than impressive. Heir to old oil and cattle nobility. Classic career of the Texas oil barons. School in New England, studied in Paris, Oxford and Zurich, founded his first start-up company at the age of 20. And sold at 25 for USD 500 million. Now in his mid-30s, he had not yet inherited a cent from his family, but thanks to his excellent education and connections, he had already amassed a fortune on a par with that of his old man. I expected… Actually, I had no idea what I was expecting… But I certainly didn't expect this:
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Chuck looked like a porn star. Or a marriage fraud. Or just like a man who I couldn't wait to throw me on the bed and fuck me mercilessly. His handshake was firm, but finely dosed just before the pain threshold. His gaze could certainly cut through steel plates. But I was a professional, I kept my composure. After I asked him what I could do for him, he got straight to the point. First of all, he needed some cash for his stay in New York. USD 10,000 would be enough. Gladly 100 dollar bills. But hot off the press, please. That was no problem. I sent a short memo to my assistant and she would take care of it. But the real reason for his visit was a project in Greenwich Village. He had bought a few buildings there that he was renovating. His aim was to restore the Village to its former charm. That's why he wanted to create cheap apartments, studios and stores and eliminate expensive office space. The whole thing was not intended as an investment, more as a hobby. A kind of gay and creative Disneyland. I briefly wondered why I wasn't actually a billionaire… And then I asked Chuck what my role was. Whether I could help with the financing or with saving taxes.
Chuck just grinned. No, saving taxes wouldn't fit in with his understanding of patriotism. And he would have financed it all with his last start-up exit. But he would need someone to take care of the real estate. Someone to ensure the right tenant mix. Someone to give his studio apartment the right finishing touches. I briefly went through my network in my mind. I had a gay acquaintance who owned a number of bars and restaurants. And I also knew a good project developer. And one of my school friends was a hip interior designer. I smiled and said I probably had just the people he needed. Chuck smiled back. It made my heart stop. He didn't want anyone from my network. He wanted me. I was about to say that I was flattered, but that I wasn't available for such projects right now. But instead I said "Of course, Daddy". Did I want to accompany him to the construction site? "If I may, Daddy!" At that moment, my assistant came in with a bundle of freshly pressed banknotes. Chuck smiled and said he needed me for the rest of the day. Please cancel all my appointments. I nodded to her and followed Chuck like a dog to its master.
In his limousine, Chuck asked me if I had ever been to Texas. I answered in the negative. But the boots I was wearing looked authentic. Yeah, they were my pride and joy. But I wouldn't have ridden a bull yet. I shook my head and giggled like a schoolgirl. Chuck kneaded the bulge in his pants and said that I would definitely be fucked by a bull today. I only got out a "Thank you, Daddy". Chuck let me sit on his lap. He undid another button of his silk shirt and exposed his right nipple. Like a puppy on its mother's teat, I began to suckle. Chuck kneaded my bulge and said that I was a good boy.
The car came to a halt in the second row in front of an old brick building. The walls were covered in high-quality graffiti. There was a closed table dance bar downstairs and some kind of jewelry store upstairs. Some kind of jewelry on display. Made of stainless steel. On closer inspection, piercing jewelry, cock rings and stainless steel dildos. I looked in the shop window like a child in the window of a candy store. Chuck took my hand, pulled me into the stairwell and told me that I could choose something later if I was good. He stroked the long hair on the back of my neck. I love my Mullet. I look a bit like the young cowboys on Daddy's Daddy's farm.
We had just arrived at Chuck's empty apartment when I got down on my knees in front of him and unbuttoned his pants. "First you strip for me, boy," Chuck ordered. He tossed me a cowboy hat that was in a closet. "Everything but your briefs, boots and hat!". Eagerly awaiting the reward, I did everything I was told to do. "And now lube yourself up". He threw me a bottle. And I did as I was told. I could feel my hard-earned muscles disappearing. I felt younger and younger. Although it was hard as steel, my cock was getting smaller and smaller. "I think you need a little more decoration, boy," Chuck said and put a chain on me. Satisfied, he looked at me as I sat on the floor and could hardly wait for my reward.
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Chuck took his boner out of his pants. And I leaned back in anticipation. I wanted to be a good houseboy. And today was the housewarming party.
Chuck's pic found @mensuited, yours @hellishin
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architectureofdoom · 2 years ago
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Cité des Poètes, Gian Paolo Minelli.
The Cité des Poètes is a housing complex of some 900 homes within the suburbs of the town of Pierrefitte-sur-Seine in the Seine-Saint-Denis region near Paris.  Part of the complex, the Georges-Brassens social centre and the Robert-Desnos apartment buildings, were designed by the architects Yves and Luc Euvremer, Jean Renaudie and Mila and Geronimo Padron-Lopez. The Robert-Desnos buildings are comprised of a series of blocks with intricate, extremely varied plan-forms and staggered sections which created tiered apartments many of which had their own cultivatable terraces. On the perimeter of the complex, the Georges-Brassens social center sheltered the blocks from the adjacent motorway.
The construction of the complex was subject to multiple delays, with construction onsite suspended for a year before 1981 and final completion not achieved until 1994. The complex suffered from maintenance issues and deterioration even before completion and was the subject of not a little controversy and adverse publicity. The planned social mix of tenants was never realised and the suggestions of several rehabilitation studies were never acted upon. Authorities considered partial demolition  less than a decade after the project was completed.
In 2004 residents expressed their protest against the prospect of demolition, through a petition signed by 811 tenants. Architects also joined the chorus of protest; a coalition, including the French branch of Docomomo, drew up plans to demonstrate the economic advantage of renovation. But by 2010 the legal wrangles culminated in a court order to allow the proposed demolition work to proceed.
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nancynancydrewdrewdrew · 8 months ago
Noisette is Bad at Making Treasure Hunts
I'm really not sure if Noisette actually wanted anyone to find her treasure, or if she still harbored a ton of resentment and fear towards the city and wanted to clear her conscious before death by making it appear that she had done the work to ensure it would be found without actually making it possible for someone to do so. If she really wanted the stained glass to be returned, she could have just written in her will "the stained glass is in xyz, please give it back the following places:"
Instead, if her goal really was to have someone find the hidden stained glass after she died (as she states in the game in her final letter) she was bad at following through on her goals. The fact that Nancy was able to do so is due to so many contrived coincidences that would completely make it impossible for her treasure to be found in the real world. To find her treasure you need:
a) access to her moulin. This is in IMO her stupidest move in the whole game, she was director of public works (or something like that) and instead of trusting the moulin to the city when she died she did nothing and let it go to auction to a private buyer. Literally the only person in the entire game who gives a shit about her and the treasure (Lynn Manrique) can't do anything to find it bc Noisette didn't ensure that the treasure would be accessible to the public
okay, so maybe she intended for whoever purchased the moulin to find her treasure. Nope! because...
(Okay, I have a lot of thoughts here and this ended up being really long so the rest is under the cut!)
b) you would also need access to another completely private residence, Hans's old apartment. Nancy is lucky that Dieter still lives there and he works in the fashion industry, which coincidentally the owner of the moulin is in. But what are the odds of that?? Also, it states in the game that Hans went to Germany after the war and never returned to Paris. So did he just hang on to an empty apartment that whole time or did Dieter randomly end up in the same apartment as his grandpa? Paris was fine with a German soldier occupying an apartment during the war and never wanted to re-allocate it afterwards?
okay, so there's someone that has access to the moulin and Hans's apartment, they can find the treasure, right? Nope!
c) you need a very specific mechanic key to open the panel in the apartment wall. A key that for some reason only Hans had? She never spoke to him again after the war, so I'm assuming in order to hide her diary afterwards she had her own key, but that's not a part of the treasure hunt or clues at all. Nancy got Hans's key out of pure coincidence, so how was someone else supposed to open the panel? okay, someone living there managed to open the panel, maybe some construction workers discovered it during renovations. So can they find the treasure? No! d) The panel is locked, and you need to 1. know that the hazelnut symbol refers to Noisette and 2. know her life story to the point that you'd know her life fell to shit in 1945. if you weren't connected to the mystery, good luck!
So you made it in the panel, you have her diary, and you have the paper with the eyes. That doesn't help at all unless you...
e) know what Noisette's last words were! If that was an important clue, why not write it down somewhere??
f) YOU NEED A FRENCH RESISTANCE WWII DECODER. Noisette was said to have died recently when the game came out in 2006. You're telling me that in the sixty years between the end of the war and her death she never once noticed that no one has one of those just lying around? She couldn't have changed that step or at least hidden "ma cherie" in one of the lock boxes? In the game we get incredibly lucky that we just randomly stumble on one, and even in that case it's known to be so rare that we need to jump through hoops to get it.
That's all well and good, but there's more! g) you need to be able bodied enough to use ladders, swim through tunnels, and more. And you also have to be willing to break the law and go into restricted areas of the catacombs, AND swim through flooded areas?? of the catacombs?? where they have dead bodies?? who would do that?? h) once you do that, you need to have a working knowledge of the metro system, otherwise you need to go back and do it all twice. And that's assuming that there are no line changes or renames in the time between making the puzzle and someone finding it! You also have to hope that no one has made any changes to the art in the park in that timeframe
Okay it took a while but you found the treasure!!
I) Now you're locked in so you better hope you know how to use the code she likes to get out, otherwise you're stuck there forever and you're dead. If you didn't pick up a random code book while visiting the park, sorry!
This ended up quite long, but my overall point is that it would be completely asinine to assume anyone would be able to discover the treasure. Even Nancy finding it was contingent on a ton of random coincidences and deus ex machinas that would be unreplicable in the real world. I love the puzzles and the vibes of this game but the I hate the plot and after writing this I'm realizing how much I really hate Noisette as a person lol
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mrhaitch · 20 days ago
Good morning Mr.Haitch (I’m assuming it’s morning)
How was your weekend? Mine flew by, and I’m still feeling burnt out from the all-nighters I pulled to finish all my assignments.
Onwards to the questions
1) would you rather eat the same thing for the rest of your life (but it’s something you hate) or dress up in the same outfit for the rest of your life (but it’s a fashion atrocity that you committed during your teens)
2) what is your least favorite thing about being an academic?
3) can you draw/ sketch?
4) I don’t know how I never asked this before but do you also have tattoos? And if you don’t, do you see yourself getting one in the future?
5) Have your kids ever said/ done something, that amazed you to some degree?
6) what’s the worst shenanigans your kids have gotten up to?
Sorry for bombarding you with questions so early in the day.
(Also if that academic-anon is reading this, I wanted to say I see you and I feel you. Believe me, performing exceptionally in your exams doesn’t equate to happiness, and this is coming from someone who has gotten straight As all her life. Burn out, depression, constant sense of anxiety doesn’t simply go away if you scored better. Agreed, that you would feel a momentary sense of accomplishment, but like I said, it would be temporary.
I understand your need to perform better than your siblings, to be recognized as someone who has achieved something. Those are things that would help you respect yourself. Do you respect yourself? Because other’s opinion doesn’t matter until you respect the efforts you put into your work. So what if you’re not performing how you want right now, atleast acknowledge the hard work that went into it. Pat yourself on the back for these little victories. You woke up, you faced another day, and one day when you look back, you would surely be proud that you persisted.
You did good. You tried. And that’s what matters 🫂)
It is morning. The weekend was busy as usual, but we spent some time with Haitch's family which was nice.
1) Well my most embarrassing teenage outfit was oversized t-shirts, combat camo cargo trousers, and trainers that were falling apart - which was awful, but very comfortable. It'd have to be that one.
2) It would have to be the insane workload and level of expectation from managers. Teaching, research, pastoral care, administration, supporting with open days, applicant days, working shifts on the clearing phone lines, graduation, exam invigilating, assessing, public appearances, conferences, social media, dealing with the press. It's an endless horror show where, in the UK, you could STILL do all that and still be made redundant so the university can renovate their sports hall.
3) Hah. No.
4) I do not. I've got some ideas, which Haitch and I have talked over. I'd like to memorialise my PhD with a plague doctor tattoo somewhere (PhD during COVID = plague doctor, no one can take that title away from me).
5) I remember our oldest saying sarcophagus without any hesitation or errors once. To be honest, though, when your kids learn to speak it's an endless series of amazing and surprising moments - especially when their personality begins to coalesce.
6) A couple of years ago we went to Disneyland Paris for my 30th birthday. Big family thing - my parents and youngest brother came along. We'd gone somewhere for lunch and our eldest was kicking off, just bored and overstimulated, so I took him for a walk around the corner. We passed a staff member who smiled and waved, I smiled and waved back, but then I saw her face pivot to shock, and then she covered her mouth to suppress a laugh. When I looked around at my son, I discovered he was flipping her off from behind my back. I picked him up under my arm, mumbled a barely comprehensible apology in french, and took him away for a bollocking.
I'd also like to add that I agree with everything you've said for academic-anon, couldn't have said it better myself. I'm not very emotionally articulate first thing in the morning.
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yelenasdiary · 1 year ago
Okay so Yelena/Florence moves to Paris and finds this small building that also has an apartment on top of it. She decides to buy it and make it a little bakery since she loves to make pastries. She puts up fliers/papers all around the city to look for a few people to help her. Cue in Reader needing a job since she's fresh out of college and was looking for a job. She goes in for an interview and is immediately hired on the spot. The two get along quickly and become friends.
Everything else is up to you whether they start dating or not. Just basically full on fluff
You're Hired!
Pairing: Baker! Florence Pugh x Reader (Platonic)
Summary: Finally getting a job also meant you gained a new friendship.
Fluff | No Warnings | 0.8K |
AC: Thank you for this!! I went with Florence as you can tell! I also don’t think I’ve written a ‘variant’ for a celebrity before, I hope you enjoy it!! Sorry it’s not super long but I’m open to doing a part 2! X
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After a long few years of back-to-back filming and press tours, Florence decided to do something a little different. She brought a building in the heart of Paris that had a small apartment on top of what she'd turn into a bakery. She's worked hard coming up with a menu that would offer plenty of baked goods, desserts, and a small list of main meals. The bakery would give her the chance to explore her skills as a baker and cook and a slight change to her busy lifestyle. 
The bakery took a few months of renovations before everything was set in motion for the opening to be planned. Of course, the actress turned baker would need staff, so she printed off plenty of flyers and plastered them all around the city. A week after doing so, Florence's diary was booked for the following week with interviews for potential staff. Of course, she had to keep in mind that there might be a few people only applying with the chance to meet the actress, but she was confident that people would respect her enough to let her do her job.
Fresh out of college and looking for work, you stumbled across one of the coming soon bakery flyers. You'd decided to take a gap year, meaning you'd work for a whole year before working out what your next step would be. This would give you the chance to save and hopefully explore and learn new things about the new chapter of your life. You wanted to make your parents proud considering they sent you to college in Paris and saved you the hassles of student debts. 
You'd been applying for jobs for months, a few interviews here and there but lucky just hadn't been on your side, maybe it was because your French lacked a little, but you still were able to understand what you needed too. After sending your resume and cover letter to the email on the flyer you couldn't help but build up some hope that you'd hear back from the owner. The job was basically a perfect fit for you, you had all the skills listed and it was only a few blocks from your small apartment. 
It was a Thursday afternoon when you stepped foot into the bakery, smiling confidently as you shook hands with Florence, keeping it stickly professional. 
"Hi, I'm Y/n, it's lovely to meet you" you spoke, shaking the blonde's hand with a firm grip. This was something Florence noticed instantly, she smiled, "Thank you for coming in, please take a seat" she offered before sitting down with your resume in front of her. "I noticed you just finished college, congratulations! That's big" Florence smiled once more as she looked up from your resume. 
"Thank you, it was a long road, but I really enjoyed it!" you replied, hoping your answer didn't sound too fake. Of course, college came with its pros and cons but you will forever wish you'd never be under the amount of stress college gave you. 
"You should be very proud! Now, I won't keep you too long, I know these interviews can be a lot, I just have a few questions and by the looks of your resume, that alone answers most of them" she replied with a light chuckle. 
"Sure, I'll answer anything you want" you smiled. 
"Have you ever dealt with an unreasonable customer? How did you handle it, and how would you handle it today?" 
After answering the woman's questions, the two of you found yourself getting side tracked and sharing stories with one another. The bakery was full of laughter, and you no longer felt like you were even at a job interview. 
"I'm not going to bother telling you that I'll call you, you've got the job!" Florence smiled.
"Are you serious?! Thank you so much! I promise you won't be disappointed!" Your hands were shaking with the last of your hidden nerves leaving your body. 
"I can tell you're a hard and honest worker, I'm very excited to have you join the team! We open in two week's time so you have plenty of time to prepare for whatever you need, I'll have a uniform for you to pick up next week and I'll email you any documents I need signed before end of next week" Florence went on to explain. You stood from your chair and shook your new boss's hands once more before thanking her. 
A year later, you found yourself promoted to manager of the bakery, Florence thought you were the best fit for when we would return to her other job. Not only that, the two of you grew closer as friends and you were happy to say that Florence was one of your closest friends! 
There were many nights spent laughing over wine and cheese boards, baking goods for the following morning, sharing different ideas for the long-awaited future for the bakery. You were sad to know that there would be a time when Florence would return to acting but she promised it wouldn't be for a long while yet!
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artisan-peintre-paris · 10 months ago
Interior renovation & remodeling at best prices | 'Paris Renovation Contractors'
Do you have a ‘interior renovation project’ for your home, apartment, hotel, studio, boutique or office in Paris or in the Paris region? And, you are looking for an ‘interior renovation contractor’ for the renovation & design services from A to Z?
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Before positioning new partitions, false ceilings or even new kitchen or bathroom furniture, the old ones must be demolished and evacuated. This may also require the demolition of electric installations, and plumbing modifications. Once the demolition stage is over, only then renovation work can be started.
We carry out the demolition, as it is required by the project and evacuation work at the approved sorting center before starting our renovation work. As our interior renovation company has its own team of ‘professional painters’, electricians, tilers, masons, and decorators, we do not need to contact other apartment builders for your ‘high-end renovation’ project. You will have one interlocutor during the whole renovation process to better organize. This will also make it simple for you to renovate your Parisian property. On our side, it does help us to manage in a more effective manner, and thus save time and money.
The plumbers of our team are very professional and take every care to ensure proper supply of water to the ‘kitchen and to the sanitary facilities’ in your apartment.
For this, our plumbers will be able to calculate the volumes and flow rates, draw the network, prepare the pipes and the inlet and outlet pipes.
For the sanitary installation (‘kitchen, bathroom, shower room, laundry room’), our plumber will put in place all the elements necessary for their proper functioning in your luxury apartment in the Paris region.
Once the plumbing work is finished, the installation of the partitions or ‘false ceilings’ can be done. However, in certain cases, especially when the remodeling of kitchen and bathroom is required, plumbing can also be done after installing partitions and false ceilings. This is often followed by the electricity work. Once the plumbing, masonry, electric work is completed, the apartment is now ready for our ‘professional painters’ and decorators..
We are at your disposal to advise you in making your choices. Our ‘interior renovation company’ has a ten-year guarantee for the plumbing work.
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zerotwentysims · 1 year ago
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Renovated Chateau
My take on a renovated French Chateau. It's a combination of traditional architecture and modern furnishings. Fully Furnished CC Build.
Main level : entrance hall, central staircase, formal living room, games salon, formal dining room, kitchen/informal dining, half bathroom, cloak room and secundairy staircase/elevator to all floors.
Upper level : family living room, full bathroom, 2 large bedrooms and master apartment (with it's own dining/living area, full bathroom and walk-in closet).
Basement : half bathroom, gym/pool/sauna, full bathroom, butlers quarters (with a private bathroom), vault, laundry, utility room and storage room.
Greenhouse : with it's own vegetable garden
Guesthouse/garage : self contained guesthouse, comes with an open plan living/dining/kitchen, bedroom, full bathroom and closet.
Gardens : formal landscaped gardens and barbecue area
Lot size : 64x64, designed for the Hound's Head lot in Brindleton Bay. This build also looks good on the Dresden House lot in Windenburg.
Packs used for the exterior/shell/gardens : Get Together and Strangerville,. Jungle Adventures, Vampires and Cottage Living were used for some minor details. Many other packs used for the interior.
I won't upload a CC Free version since there too many elements in this build that just won't look good without CC in my opinion. On request I could send/upload the shell without CC though.
Available on the gallery, ID : zerotwenty-sims (please tick "include Custom Content", or download the TrayFiles directly below)
In case of any questions : please feel free to drop a line
Free CC used from following amazing creators:
ZT : Marble Murals Part II, Valium Painting
KTA : Classic Paintings 2, Marble Floors 4 and 5, Old Tiles 3 and Wood Floors 19
Harlix : Bafroom, Baysic + Baysic Bathroom, Orjanic, Jardane, Tiny Twafellers, Kichen and Harluxe
Felixandre : every pack (see note)
SkinnyAfter5 : Short Hedge
Ravasheen : Uplifting Elevator
SimFileShare : Tray Files
Note : I used Chateau Part 5 and Part 6 (library and the panel interior walls/curtains) which are still on Early Access. If you don't have these packs yet I suggest to replace the library with the library pack from Strange Storyteller Sims (free) and the panel walls/curtains with ones from Felixandre's previous packs like Paris, Florence, Trianon or London.
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subtilitas · 2 years ago
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Clément Lesnoff-Rocard - Edge apartment renovation, Paris 2022. Photos (C) Laurent Kronental.
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mariearchiv · 6 months ago
Film. Meshes of the Afternoon [14min] x Artikel -> Post
Architektur - NEVER TOO SMALL: Narrow, Light-filled Paris Apartment Renovation, 42sqm/452sqft [9min]
Kunst - Astrid Reuter: „Für ein Butterbrot“? // Astrid Yukiko: Hip Hop ist schwarze Kultur, nicht umgekehrt
Mode - Non solo boho. Come indossare i pantaloni palazzo in modo elegante: 8 outfit di stile della primavera estate 2024 // SHUSHU/TONG SS24: SHUSHU/TONG SS24 | Femininity, Exonerated from Girlhood // artikel 2
Literatur/Feuilleton - Paul Auster, The Art of Fiction No. 178 // The Dior Book Tote Club with Natalie Portman [4min]
Artikel 2 - Bennett: Early, Erotic and Alien: Women Dressed as Men in Late Medieval London
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leibal · 3 months ago
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Projet MARCADET is a minimalist apartment located in Paris, France, designed by Romuald Fontaine Architecture. The renovation of a 50-square-meter apartment in the eighteenth arrondissement exemplified a thoughtful blend of raw and natural materials, marked by subdued and warm tones.
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laresearchette · 7 days ago
Monday, November 04, 2024 Canadian TV Listings (Times Eastern)
CFL FOOTBALL (TSN2) 2:00pm: Lions vs. Roughriders
NBA BASKETBALL (SN) 7:00pm: Bucks vs. Cavaliers (TSN2) 7:30pm: Lakers vs. Pistons (SN Now) 7:45pm: Celtics vs. Hawks (SN/SN1) 10:00pm: Raptors vs. Nuggets
THIS HOUR HAS 22 MINUTES (CBC) 8:00pm: 2024 One-Hour U.S. Election Special
MURDOCH MYSTERIES (CBC) 8:00pm: Murdoch, Watts and Choi investigate the overdose death of a bookkeeper living in new workers' housing.
WILD ROSE VETS (APTN) 8:00pm: Dr. Cori's team is busy when they find a mysterious scar on a new shop cat and assist a puppy who was hurt after leaping from a car. Dr. Allison discovers an infection in a dog but is less confident in her dancing abilities as she learns to jig.
NFL FOOTBALL (TSN1/TSN3/TSN4/TSN5) 8:15pm: Buccaneers vs. Chiefs
HORSE WARRIORS (APTN) 8:30pm: Tensions rise as Leon suspects his rider, Tyrone, is responsible for two consecutive losses due to moonlighting as a rider for other teams. Logan steps up to ride for the Old Sun men's team when they lose their previous rider, Justin Maguire.
PLAN B (CBC) 9:00pm: Mia seeks therapy to address her controlling behaviour; Paul attends counseling while Mia supervises his visits with his daughters; Mia's unresolved issues resurface, leading to a family confrontation.
DESTINATIONS OF THE DAMNED WITH ZAK BAGANS (Discovery Channel Canada) 9:00pm (SERIES PREMIERE): Zak Bagans sends his team to Armero, Colombia, where thousands perished after a volcanic eruption in 1985.
PARIS HAS FALLEN (CTV Drama) 9:00pm: A protection officer and an MI6 operative team up after a terrorist attack; they suspect a mole as they race to thwart a larger conspiracy threatening Paris.
THE TRAITORS CANADA (CTV) 10:00pm: One player finds themselves the focus of suspicion from many of the guests; the future of another player's game is on the line in the latest mission; loyalties are torn apart as The Traitors continue to turn on one another.
TOP CHEF CANADA (Food Network Canada) 10:00pm
DIVIDED BY DESIGN (HGTV Canada) 10:00pm (SERIES PREMIERE): Ray and Eilyn compete for a $150,000 renovation project with clashing homeowners' tastes; the delay of Moroccan tile pushes Eilyn's schedule.
ACTING GOOD (CTV Comedy) 10:30pm: Grouse Lake Grouse Break
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orangeoctopi7 · 9 months ago
Alright, my turn for wild speculation about Pokemon ZA
I think the majority of us agree that the game is going to take place in the Pokemon equivalent to Haussmann's Renovation of Paris. The official Pokemon page also stated that the game is going to take place entirely within Lumiose City.
With no more evidence than a quick glance through the Wikipedia page for the Haussmann’s Renovation of Paris, Vibes, and “I Think It Would Be Neat”, I have a few observations and ideas.
Lumiose City is separated into five sections around a hub. This is clearly shown on the blueprint/map that we see in the teaser.
The map for Legends Arceus was five areas around a hub. (Ok technically it was seven if you count Jubilife Village and Volo’s camp as areas, but I don’t)
What if, in the game, we are exploring/documenting the Pokemon in these five areas before they are redeveloped? I can see this happening in a couple of different ways.
These five areas are more or less undeveloped and unpopulated by humans at the start of the game. We’re recruited to go in and catch/document the pokemon that live there to help the urban redevelopment team better understand how to construct each area in order to fulfill the “Vision of beautiful coexistence between people and Pokemon”. The city expands into these areas as the game progresses.
The main evidence against this idea is the teaser specifically says “Urban REDevelopment Plan”. Unless they see imposing human construction on the environment so that it is friendly to both people and Pokemon as redevelopment.
This would be the obvious tie-in to Zygarde, the Pokemon that’s supposed to be the protector of the ecosystem, probably not happy about people expanding into and trying to redesign the natural ecosystem. 
These five areas are populated by humans, but like the medieval parts of Paris that were renovated by Haussmann, they are dark, cramped, and falling apart. We’re basically dungeon crawling through a half-abandoned medieval ruin, catching Pokemon as we go and helping the people who still live there relocate. The renovations expand into these areas as the game progresses.
This would mean exploring the crumbling medieval Lumiose, renovating buildings that had been standing for 3000 years. We get to learn more about the lore of the ancient war without having to actually set the game during that time period, which would be a little much for an E-rated Pokemon game.
This one seems more likely to me since it’s more in-line with the Haussmann Renovation, but it’s also important to remember that this is a fictional game set in a fictional world that only borrows elements from our own. It’s not going to match up one-to-one. 
In fact I’m hoping the game also incorporates elements of the 1889 World’s Fair and the completion of the Eiffel Tower, even though that takes place after/towards the tail end of the Haussmann Renovation.
These five areas are populated only by humans, and people are reluctant to let Pokemon in, like in Jubilife Village in Legends Arceus. The city is being redeveloped to make it more habitable to Pokemon, and we are recruited to capture Pokemon and bring them into the city. The renovations expand into these areas and we see more Pokemon in the city as the game progresses.
This would be less sad than forcefully relocating people and Pokemon, but I still really want to explore a crumbling medieval Lumiose City.  
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