#apart from a few party poopers
bobafoe · 6 months
it’s actually surreal seeing so many people defend logan… i used to dream of days like these
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emphistic · 6 months
Obsessed with your work frfr. Can I get a fic or anything you're comfortable with sukuna's friends coming over to his place and the reader sleeping in his bed or smth and him getting all protective and his friends teasing him. Thanks!
"You two are so annoying," Sukuna muttered into his mic, looking back at your calmly sleeping figure on his bed.
"Don't be such a party pooper, 'Kuna!" Gojo's laughter sounded through the pink-haired man's headset.
"I told you already, don't call me that."
"Aww, so your girlfriend can call you pet names but little ol' me can't? You're really showing your true colors here, man," Gojo feigned to cry.
"Could not care less," Sukuna rolled his eyes, his fingers swiftly clicking on the keyboard as he continued his game.
"I am to going to come over there and fuck you up."
"Satoru—" Geto tried to stop his white-haired friend.
"Try me. I'll kick your ass." Sukuna quickly retorted.
"Nah, I'd win."
A pinging sound was emitted through the Discord call as Gojo disconnected. Geto sighed, "Let's hope he's not actually going."
"Knowing him he's probably just going to rejoin the call. Give it a few minutes."
The few minutes were given and Gojo did not rejoin the call or the game lobby.
Sukuna drummed his fingers on his desk, clearly bored. "Damn, that idiot is really out of it today, huh. Died three games in a row to a bunch of newbies, and now thinks he can beat me in fight."
"I'll see if I can catch him midway, and drag him back," Geto suggested.
"Good luck with that," Sukuna chuckled.
Another ping sounded through Sukuna's headset as Geto left the call. The pink-haired man disconnected from the call as well, and sat up from his chair, slowly walking over towards you.
He admired your sleeping face, the fall and rise of your chest slightly hidden beneath your (his) sweater, the drool dribbling down your chin onto his pillow — which he didn't mind.
He gingerly brushed aside a strand of your hair so he could get an even better look at your face. Despite having been together for more than two years now, Sukuna still blushed at the thought and sight of you. Could you blame him though?
Sukuna slightly jumped at the sound of his doorbell ringing. He looked down at you to see if you had woken up from that but you only shifted a bit, unconsciously nuzzling your face into his palm, seeking his warmth.
What the hell? Was that dumbass actually being for real? Sukuna thought, as he reluctantly pulled away from you and walked out his room to go open the door.
This time, instead of the doorbell ringing, there was a pounding on the door.
"Okay, okay! I'm coming!" Sukuna quickly unlocked the door and, lo and behold, standing outside was a scene he was not expecting to see, like, ever.
Gojo, bent down with his hands on his knees, dripping sweat and huffing and puffing. Tufts of his white hair were everywhere, even more messed up than usual. Geto, who was leaning on the wall for support, was not looking much better than his friend.
"I'm sorry," Geto said, his chest heaving, "I tried to stop him, I swear."
Sukuna scrunched up his face, "You ran . . . all the way over here? From your building?"
"Uh huh, that's right," Gojo held out a thumbs up, still heavily panting. "Let me in, I'm going to beat your ass up now."
"No way in Hell, Satoru. And even if I did, you are in no condition to go toe to toe with me," Sukuna pointed to himself with his thumb at the word 'me'.
"C'mon, dude. I need a water, my throat is as dry as your game," Gojo continued to pursue.
"Yeah, my game is just sooo dry, huh? I'm literally the only one here with a girl on my arm."
"Bro, just let me in," Gojo pushed Sukuna aside, and stumbled into his apartment. Geto glanced at Sukuna with an apologetic look on his face, "My bad."
Sukuna sighed, mouthing, "Don't worry about it."
The three men settled in the kitchen. Gojo stuck his head in Sukuna's fridge and searched for a cold drink. Having finally fished one out, he stood back upright, leaning on the counter and drinking.
"So," the white-haired male said, between gulps, "where's the girl?"
"The girl?"
Gojo nodded, still drinking. "Uh huh. Where she at?"
"Sleeping." Sukuna gestured to the closed door at the other end of the apartment.
"How rude of her, the most amazing, handsomest man is in her home and she is sleeping?" Gojo placed his water bottle on the counter, and put a hand over his heart, feigning hurt.
"’Don't blame her. I would do the same," Geto joked, Sukuna let out a reverberating laugh.
Gojo rolled his eyes, before storming over to your room. Sukuna quickly moved to standing in front of the door, blocking Gojo from entering.
"Hmm, what's this? You have something to hide, Sukuna? Perhaps . . . drugs? Substances? Or maybe, another girl in your bed?" Gojo rubbed his chin with both his index and thumb simultaneously.
Sukuna scowled at Gojo, "You don't know shit. I do not have another girl in there."
Gojo raised a brow, "Then why would you not want me entering?"
"Because you would wake the girl up, obviously," Geto added, coming to Sukuna's defense.
Sukuna sighed, "Fine, you wanna see so bad? Be my guest." Sukuna turned around and twisted the knob, pushing the door open. He was the first to step in.
Gojo snickered, his eyes landing on your form, "Guess you don't have another girl in here."
"Will you quiet down? You're going to wake her up and she's going to kick you two out. You know she gets more cranky than anyone else," Sukuna whisper-shouted, not helping his cause.
"Tch, she would never kick me out. I'm a literal blessing to be near," everyone rolled their eyes at Gojo's remark.
At this, you rolled over in bed, opening your eyes to glare at the three men in your bedroom.
"I've been awake for the last two hours, you assholes. You guys are so loud that even when Sukuna is wearing headphones I can still hear Gojo screaming his head off. I mean, seriously, do you guys ever close your mouths? For, like, even a second."
The three men all switched their gazes between you, and each other. Geto was the only one sensible enough to apologize to you, before stepping out of the room and leaving you to continue glaring at Sukuna and Gojo, who were now both sweating buckets.
"Baby, I swear, I tried to stop them—"
"Don't 'baby' me," you glowered at your lover.
"Oooh, someone's in trouble," Gojo didn't even attempt to muffle his laughter.
"You: Gojo, get out. Sukuna, you can make your own dinner."
"Wha– babe, please, you're cooking is way—"
"Don't make me say it again."
Taglist: @starlets-things @sad-darksoul @mochimoee @r0ckst4rjk @lillycore @deepchromatose @yinyinyinyinyinyin @fivehoneyharg @desihopelessromantic @lich1 @hannas16 @acroso @msvalsius
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xxchumanixx · 6 months
tim bradford x reader
tim knows the reader has a crush on him and so he likes to play around with her about it (flirt, etc) maybe a confession at the end after the reader has finally had enough
Stop talking
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Tim Bradford x reader
Warnings/Tags: hurt, angst, fluff Word count: 2.508 Authors note: Hello love, I hope you'll like how I wrote it! I'm not a hundred percent happy with it, but that could just be me being tired of studying. Anyways, let's get going!
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Tim and you had been best friends for years now.
You two had went through thick and thin.
He was there with you, whenever you needed him, being your shoulder to cry on or being your support.
You were there for him, when things with Isabel went downhill, her addiction breaking him apart piece by piece, until she had left him in the middle of the night, shattering him completely.
You remember him calling, frantically asking where she went. But you didn't know, being as clueless as him - even more so, not knowing that she was doing drugs in the first place.
When he then confessed her addiction, you nearly lost it. He had went through all of this suffering, carrying this burden for months, all alone.
He should have told you, even if you might would have ratted her out - she couldn't have been going on carrying a weapon whilst being high.
A responsibility she wasn't able to hold anymore.
You've been there for Tim, never letting him down. But as you were taking care of him, supporting him, something inside you slowly shifted.
Or maybe it had been there all along, but you never would have dared to dig further.
You fell in love with him, as wrong as it was. You couldn't love him, not like that, he was your best friend. But as time carried on, your feelings only grew stronger.
It didn't help that he dated a few women over time, breaking your heart again and again.
Somehow along the way of you being his heart mender, he became your heart breaker.
One night, when you were drunk as hell, having gone out to a party, you might have let it slip - or at least hinted at it. You didn't remember everything, but you were quite sure that he knew about your feelings.
Still you hoped for the contrary.
He occasionally would flirt with you - nothing he never did before, no matter with who. But it made your heart flutter, nonetheless.
Especially since he did it more frequently. You weren't able to tell a joke and an earnest flirt from him apart anymore.
It went from him brushing your hand, hugging you on a night out with a few friends to him kissing your cheek, whispering things into your ear.
Nothing seemed too serious, but it confused you, fueling your feelings for him even further. He wasn't like this before.
"Come on, don't be a party pooper!" Tim complained, pointing at the shot of tequila in front of you. Rolling your eyes, you downed it, before slamming it back on the table, after you had refused to drink it at first.
"Happy now?" you retorted, narrowing your eyes at him, even though you weren't really angry with him.
You were at the bar with a few friends, including Tim. He had brought a round of tequila shots to your table, causing you to grimace.
The last time you had tequila, you almost confessed your feelings to him.
He nodded proudly, grinning at you, the action making you swallow, as your heart beat a tad faster.
He would be the death of you.
"What do you say we dance a little?" he asked, already standing up, not giving you any chance to protest. Rolling your eyes playfully, you grabbed the hand he was offering you, following him onto the dance floor, to where most of your friends had already went off to.
Your fingers tingled as they came in contact with his, sending pleasant shivers up your bare arms.
He normally isn't one to dance, you noted. But he seemed a little different the past few weeks, anyway. Maybe it's nothing.
He chuckled, as you clumsily followed his movements.
Yeah, you really weren't one to dance, either.
He approached you, hands on your hips as he started to guide you. "I'm not that bad." you complained, causing one of his brows to rise. "Tell that to my feet." he retorted, grinning.
You blushed, looking away for a split second, as his hands sent a certain warmth through you.
"Are you okay?" he wanted to know, sounding worried. You nodded, sending him a smile that was meant to reassure him.
Even if he wasn't yours, he was at least for this moment.
His fingers dug into your waist, his thumbs brushing circles on your skin, were your shirt had cutouts.
Maybe you shouldn't have listened to Angela when she told you to buy it. It seemed a little flimsy, nothing you would have typically picked.
It just was too exposing.
Now, you were pretty sure every being on planet earth was able to see the goosebumps forming on your skin.
Tim tugged you a little closer, his breath fanning over your face. He did that often lately, you noted again. He more frequently would seek your proximity, even if it was just a brush of his hand against yours, or something as simple as a hug.
He did it on purpose, you were sure of it by now.
He had to bite his tongue, when you entered the bar earlier. Angela really had it coming for him, your shirt with the cutouts surely her doing.
She knew that it was complicated - at least for him it was. He had refrained from thinking about you in a different way more than once, knowing it would lead to no good.
At least not for him.
He wasn't blind, and he wasn't dumb either. When he had picked you up from a party a few weeks ago, you said something that wouldn't leave his mind.
"I'm never the one."
He had asked what you meant, his gaze briefly wandering towards you, as he drove on the still crowded streets of LA.
"I try so hard but I'm never the one." you had just mumbled, looking out of the window. "I'm so dumb. I'm in love with my -" your words were drowned out by someone honking, clearly unhappy with Tim stopping at a red light.
He could only assume what you were talking about, or rather who, having to bite his lip as the possibilities of how your sentence would have ended pointed at him - your best friend - as well.
It wasn't like he didn't harbor some feelings for you, too. No, in fact they kept him up at night, plaguing his thoughts even when he was dating someone.
But they weren't you.
When you cared for him when Isabel left, he truly learned to value you. He got to know you in a different way, not the best friend one, but the passionate woman you were.
And he couldn't help but keep thinking about it. About you.
"You look good tonight." Tim noted, causing you to blush again, as you swayed to the rhythm of the music. A smile lightly graced your lips, as your eyes met his, the intensity of his stare stealing your breath.
"Thank you." you returned. "You look pretty good as well." He chuckled, smirking. "I know, baby." he agreed playfully, causing you to huff out a laugh, shaking your head at him.
The endearment made your heart flutter, the sound of it still ringing in your head.
You liked it.
It added to the list of names he had called you during the past few weeks: darling, sunshine, sweetheart and now baby.
But, over the time he acted different towards you now, it came to bother you a little bit. Did he nowadays call everyone of his friends baby? Did his hands brush those of others like they did yours?
You knew it was silly - to even interpret something into it, was silly as hell.
But you couldn't help it.
Sometimes, like right now, as one of his hands slid a little more downwards, his face inches from yours, you were unsure, not knowing why he did it.
Did he even know himself?
His cologne clouded your senses, the room slightly spinning, and you finally had enough.
"Excuse me." you mumbled, slipping out of his grasp, before hastily making your way towards the front door, pushing it open.
You needed fresh air, otherwise you couldn't think straight.
Fighting against the tears in your eyes, you let out a silent, frustrated cry, hands balling into fists, after you stopped a few feet away.
Something you realized a while back, came to your mind again.
Either you had to quit your friendship, or you had to get rid of these feelings for him.
Both options were heartbreaking.
The door pushed open behind you, steps echoing through the night, before he stood before you. Of course his protective instinct had to kick in.
"What happened?" he wanted to know, confusion and worry etched into his features. "I'm good, just needed some fresh air." you lied, trying to reassure him, not looking at him though.
He shook his head, not believing you. "Y/N, you know you can tell me everything." he tried to get you to open up, but you just snorted.
You didn't mean to, really, it just slipped out.
He leaned down, his eyes searching yours. "Y/N." he pressed, even more worried by your reaction.
"Are you having fun?" you snapped at him, finally looking up. He leaned back a little, brows furrowing. "What do you mean?" he asked, knowing that you didn't mean hanging out at the bar.
You huffed, barely being able to contain a frustrated laugh.
"Do you like making a fool out of me?" you asked a bit louder, arms crossed over your chest. "Because I don't. Whatever it is you are currently going through, don't let it out on me."
His mouth was agape, as he tried to process what you said. "What do you mean?" he wanted to know, though it seemed to dawn on him. He really should have kept more to himself.
"I mean your-" you searched for the right words, getting frustrated again. "Your constant over the top flirtatious behavior, the touches! Maybe I'm just misinterpreting things, but something's been different for the last couple weeks!"
He huffed, brows raised. He was right with his assumption, he had to admit that he went overboard with it. But he wanted to test his theory - and he had desperately hoped he was right.
"Do you remember the night I picked you up, after that party you went to?´" he inquired, biting his cheek.
Of course you did - how could you not if you almost spilled the truth in your drunken state?
"What about it?" you gave back, not sure if you really wanted to hear it. "Do you remember what you said?" he asked, eyes fixed on yours. Inhaling shakily, you licked your lip.
"I don't know what you mean."
His eyes rolled, as he shook his head, getting worked up. His patience was running thin, you playing dumb not helping the case.
"You know exactly what I mean." he deadpanned, arms crossing over his chest. Trying to hold back the tears that welled up, you looked down at the ground. "And?"
He sighed, taking a small step closer.
"I know what you feel."
He risked it, he had to. He didn't have the patience to play around. He needed to know if he was right.
"I know that you have feelings for me."
Your heart stopped, before it doubled its speed, as your cheeks grew unbearably hot.
"You don't know what I feel." you tried to deflect, shaking your head as a tear managed to spill. "You don't know how it feels to love someone you can't have, to watch the person you have feelings for go out on dates. To watch said person delve into a relationship, breaking your heart over and over again."
He sucked in a breath, finally having his confirmation.
"But I-" he wanted to interject, but you didn't let him.
"You don't know, how hard it is to have to choose." you continued, briefly looking up at him. His face was contorted, like he was in pain, as he opened his mouth to speak - but you didn't let him, again.
"Either I get rid of these feelings as quick as possible or I distance myself. It both fucking hurts to think about."
He grew impatient, his hands clenching and unclenching at his sides, as he waited for you to shut up. But you were rambling on, eventually causing him to snap.
"You-" He didn't let you talk this time, as he grabbed your face, pulling you closer, not giving you any time to process, as his lips met yours. They moved demandingly against yours, his hands tilting your head to get better access.
When your mind finally processed what was happening, you returned the kiss, leaning towards him.
Why was he kissing you?
Not that you complained, though. It felt heavenly, his lips being soft and warm. They moved in synch with yours, his tongue licking into your mouth.
When he let go of you after a while, you gasped for air, eyes wide as you looked at him.
"Stop talking." he muttered, breathing heavily, his pupils blown wide. "I wasn't sure if I heard you right. But I had to try - I had to know it. Yes, I fooled around by flirting with you, but that was to find out how you'd react."
One of his hands brushed a few strands of hair out of your face, before it stilled on your cheek.
"I have feelings for you, Y/N." he admitted and the butterflies in your stomach exploded. "I know that it's wrong, but fuck it. After what happened with Isabel, I didn't want to fall in love with someone like you again - someone that knows me like the back of her hand, someone that knows all my weak spots. But I was wrong. I never should have dated someone just to get rid of these feelings for you - instead I should have asked you out on a date."
Mouth agape, you stared at him, pure happiness and warmth pulsing through you.
"And that's what I'm gonna do now." he continued, eyes locked onto yours. "Do you want to go out for dinner with me?"
A tear managed to escape your eye, but he was quick to wipe it away.
"Yes, Tim, I'd love to." you spoke shakily, smiling at him through the tears in your eyes. "And yes, you are right - I do have feelings for you. I just never thought you would even consider me."
He rolled his eyes, muttering a bullshit.
"Let's go out and we'll see if my flirting is appreciated now." he offered, smirking a little. Huffing, you swatted at his arm. "It was appreciated, thank you very much."
He laughed, one of his arms wrapping around your shoulders, as he guided you back to the bar.
"Let's go, or we'll be arrested for not paying our bills."
"Our first date being in a cell at the police station - how romantic!"
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delusionalgojoslut · 2 months
*this is one of my first writings and the shortest still trying to build the courage to post the rest but i would love any constructive criticism*
Going out with your friends has an unexpected consequence?
(Gojoxfem reader implied consent if you squint cnc play, drugs, spit PV, non con/dub con etc) *not proofread* *pretend you saw the conversation where they agreed to cnc im into bdsm kinks and dark kinks*
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Satoru hated when you went out with your friends every other weekend was girls' night out, and every other weekend, you drank too much and came home with your friends, and their annoying laughter aggravated him to no end. He glanced at the clock, expecting you to come home in a few hours. But to his surprise, he received a text from your best friend, aki
* Hey..gojo, i think you should come pick up Y/N shes acting really weird i think someone slipped something in the drink they gave her*
Satorus heart dropped, but his anger flaired up. "Why the hell would she accept a drink from someone?" he grumbled to himself quickly, getting into his car. He clicked the little dot on his phone that showed your location and headed there. He hands ready to rip apart whoever slipped you something.
You were having the time of your life when slowly you started to feel off. everything was colorful, and you were laughing and falling all over your bestie aki.
"Y/n, you only had like two drinks. How are you this wasted?"aki whined, whipping out her phone, texting someone simultaneously helping you sit down
"Awlll sssome body is being a party pooper," you giggled, rolling your eyes as you felt your body start to feel limp on the couch
The music was blaring, but it seemed so quiet all of sudden. You felt relaxed and sleepy.
Then you saw satoru bounding up the stairs to your vip section, his soft white hair bouncing with every long stride he took up the steps
"Baby!" You exclaimed excitedly, raising your hands that quickly dropped "oops i guess my arms got fat, " you laughed, falling to the side on the couch
Satoru rolled his eyes, turning towards aki. "Who the fuck sent her a drink?" His voice was harsh. Your friends really annoyed him he looked over your friends one by one as they shrugged, clearly scared of his reaction and the way he looked at them.
"Dont you have some famous eye thing you find the guy!" Aki slurred her wirds as she spoke to satoru
"That's not how it works, you dumbass," Satoru said, annoyed
Aki just threw her hands up saying "at least i called you."
Satoru glared at her, turning to scan the crowd for anyone looking your way or acting suspicious. He clenched his teeth, realizing that everyone there looked sleezy to him, and he couldn't kill them all.
"Fucking useless friends" he hissed turning back around to picking you up in his arms
"Weeeeee!" You cheered as he carried you "why are you taking me away" you pout looking up at his face. His lips pressed in a hard line as he clenched his teeth
"Your drunk. And i told you a million times not to accept anything from anyone" he said flatly
You wanted to speak but you slowly were drifting off to sleep the drug finally taking full effect. The cool air was the last thing you felt before your eyes closed
Satoru looked down at you as he stood outside the lounge
"Geez baby" he said laying you down in the backseat he checked for your pulse your heart was beating and you were breathing so he decided to just take you home to sleep it off.
When he made it back to the house he gently picked you up put of the back seat and sat you up on the bed trying to wake you up
"Baby girl open your eyes for me" He said shaking your shoulders you just mumble something incoherently and raised your arm quickly dropping it again. he let your shoulders go and you fell back on the bed spraled out with your right knee slightly bent
Satoru looked down over you rubbing his temples
"What am i going to do with you" he said brushing some of the hair from your face.
God you were beautiful to him his eyes trailing down your body your to your cute little skirt with the leather garter on your thigh of course someone wanted you. With curves all in the right place and your plush lips.
Satoru found himself becoming aroused seeing you all helpless. He pulled your crop top down exposing your breast he squeezed them softly rubbing your nipples with his index fingers , "look at you" he said softly licking his lips before he brought his lips to your nipples suckling them and running his tounge over them one by one.
A soft little moan escaped your lips making the bugle in his sweatpants grow bigger and twitch "fuck" he said grabbing himself "baby girl?" He said turning your face towards him.
When you gave no response he squeezed your cheeks a little parting your lips for him. he kissed your lips forcing his tounge into your mouth he squeezed your cheeks harder to open your mouth a little more sucking in your tounge into his mouth a string of spit fell to your chin when he pulled away
"god this is sexy..you all helpless and shit" "so much better than when we play cnc" he breathed against your lips letting your face go, your head falling to the side
He climbed on the bed kissing your neck down to your breast sucking in your nipples again his hand found its way down your side lifting your skirt up and sliding his fingers between your legs rubbing against the silky pink panties you hand on he could feel your wetness through your panties
"Fuck.. so wet f'me even when you're passed out?" He grinned pulling your panties to the side he slipped his fingers between your folds lighly brushing across your clit and then bringing his fingers into his mouth tasteing your juices.
"Im going to record this and make you watch it while i fuck you later" He pulled out his phone propping it up on out dresser before he climbed back onto the bed down pulling your panties off quickly putting his mouth over you wet cunt "mmmhmm" He hummed slipping his tounge between your sticky folds sucking on your clit he slipped one finger into you and felt your pussy clentch on his fingers "oh baby you like this" His voice trembled he felt like he was about to lose his mind with how bad he wanted to ravage you.
Pushing another one of his long slender fingers into you again you clenched down on his fingers only this time he heard you moan it almost made him nut in his pants right then. he kissed up your stomach grabbing your face again and licking the drool that started to spill from your mouth before he kissing you Swallowing every little one of your choked whimpers as he worked his fingers in and out of you. Pressing his thumb against your swollen clit
Your body starts to twitch and your moaning came out more you were about to cum he pulled his fingers out and stuck them in your mouth before bringing his mouth back to your lips lapping up all your drool mixed with your sweet juices
"Damn...Not yet baby i want you to cum in my mouth" he said taking a pillow to put under your head
He adjusted your limp small frame putting your hands by your sides and pushing your legs apart kissing the insides of your thighs, he pulled his sweats down freeing his aching cock thumbing off the precum and pressing it against your clit and he pumped his cock rubbing your circles on your clit.
"Fuck your so wet" he said rubbing your clit a little harder before putting his head between your legs and licking your wet slit spitting on it and watching it slide down slowly licking it up again.
"fuck" his mind was clouded he wanted to cum in you on you all over you he was about to lose his mind humping the bed and moving his head back and forth as he ate you out. Stuck in a trance with the state of you and the way you tasted he let out a growl before latching on your throbbing clit
"eese" you wimper in your slumber and your body started to twich again satoru watched your face the only thing moving was your eyebrows which were furrowed "You saying please? Huh? Ok, pretty ..cum for me baby thats what you want i know" he spoke against your hot sex latching onto your clit again swirling circles around it determined to make you cum whike you were knocked out.
Little huffs left your mouth and satoru flicked at your clit with his tounge and worked his fingers in and out if you before he heard a little gasp and felt a gush of wetness on his waiting tounge. Your were cumming and your body still lay limp except for the little twitches it had from feeling his mouth on you as he egarly sucked up all of your juices bringing his head up he saw that your breathing was heavier and he smiled, loving that you could still cum in the state you were in.
"Good girl" he placed a kiss on your lips before lifting one of your legs over his shoulder and pushing the other further apart taking his cock and rubbing it over your wet slit he couldnt stand it anymore he needed to be in you. he pushed his way in your velvet walls groaning from how tight and wet you were "fu-fuck baby" "you feel so fucking good" he rolled his hips snapping it into you with one hard thrust he bottomed out squeezing the fat on your thigh he pushed your leg back making your knee touch the bed giving him better acess and fucking you deeper he made his thrust slow and methodical watching as his cock appeared just to disappear back into you leaving the hairs above the base of his cock wet
Slowly you opened your eyes a little confused about why you couldnt move your arms and why you felt so full and sensitive. You couldnt move your lips properly but you tried to speak "sato?" You groaned feeling him fuck into you.
Satoru looked at you his crystal blue eyes dancing with delight "shh baby its okay" he said slowing his pace
"You didnt listen...shit..."" you took a drink from someone didnt you?"
You looked at him through your eye lashes trying to nod your head but made no progress it was like you were in a paralyzing dream but you were awake and it didnt click that you were drugged you could barely focus on his words with how deep he was fucking you
"i know baby.. i should be mad" he thrust his hips harshly again making you let out another moan "but it worked out for me because now i can fuck my pretty pussy without you trying to get away" he smirked sighing as he felt your velvet walls grip onto him everytime he pulled back "god this pussy is so greedy" he licked his lips
He kept one of his hands on your thigh keeping your leg pinned to the bed still fucking you slowly "you already came once baby do you remember?" He looked down at you your eyes were open but low and your lips were slightly parted while you still had some drool spilling out the side of your mouth
"Fuck" he groaned "...dont look at me like that youll make me cum before im ready" he abruptly grabbed both of your legs lifting them over his shoulder and pulling your hips down as he gave you another hard thrust making your eyes roll back "shit...i should really ... really fucking thank the guy" he said with a hint of gratitude in his voice
You try to speak but only little whines left your throat. You could feel yourself about to cum again your breathing picked up and satoru took both of your legs folding you in half into a mating press putting both hands around your neck using your neck for leverage "huh" you grunt as your airflow was cut off you wanted to squirm away put your hands on his chest so he wasnt so deep but you couldn't move you took everything he had to give your eyes rolling in the back of your head when you felt the coil in your belly snap and a flood of dopamine filled your mind and body your pussy throbbing around satoru as you creamed on his cock
"Fu-fuck ahh" satoru groaned as he pushed into you harder, you were cuming so hard so much you walls threatened to force him out "oh no baby..fucking take it" he grunted squeezing your neck tighter "imagine if it wasnt me fucking you like this..someone else couldve had...had this pussy" "shit..this pussy is mine" he said Shutting his eyes he opened them looking down at you with your lipstick smeared all over your face and his hand around your throat. Tears filling your eyes as he pounded into you and that look you gave him.. the helpless damsel in distress forced to take all his cock sent him over the edge and he couldnt hold it back anymore
"ahhhh fuck" his body shook as he filled you with his thick ropes of cum he gave you more thrust emptying every drop he had into you his heavy body collapsed ontop of yours. He let go of your neck and you gasped for air you legs falling open as he laid between them kissing on your neck
"Fuck baby that was hot" he kissed your lips and you blinked more. slowly regaining some more consciousness
"I bet that did wake you up" he chuckled he reluctantly pulled out of you and flipped you over on your stomach
"Sato?" You try to call for him still unable to move your lips to form his name
"Dont worry baby..im gonna take care of you" Satoru said turning your head to face him "now that your up you can watch a movie" he smirked kissing your lips
He sat his phone right in your line of eyesight and pressed play taking your arms and pinning them at the small of your back "good girl now watch me fuck you while i fuck you again for not following simple rules" a loud smack against your ass caused you to wimper "im starting to like you better when you're drugged."
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homeofthelonelywriter · 3 months
Adventures of a Songbird | The Future is a Foreign Land
(A/N) Another part, this time reflecting my current obsession "The Future is a Foreign Land". I'm not well.
Pairing: Simon x fem!Reader (platonic for now)
Warning: my obsession with Ghost and this song, pls help
Synopsis: Let's just say you got your callsign for a reason.
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Finally, the day you waited for every few months had arrived. As soon as your alarm went off, excitement filled your body. After all, you could spend half of the day training what you wanted, and after that, there would be a huge barbecue. No rules, no bossy Price yelling at you, no cardio, and most importantly, no party pooper Ghost and good food afterward. Heaven.
You popped in your earbuds, the new song of one of your favorite bands playing on loop, while you got ready for the day. All too soon, you were on your way to the mess hall to get breakfast and listen to the monthly speech about enjoying the day but keeping the training serious.
Once you sat down with the rest of the Taskforce, you pulled out your earbuds and joined in the conversation, quickly noticing that Ghost wasn’t there. To a questioning look from you, Johnny just shrugged before he continued to stuff his face with porridge. If you weren’t already used to that display, you’d be slightly disgusted.
“So, what did you guys choose for training today?”
Price looked from one member to the other. Johnny answered through a mouth full of goo, making you visibly cringe.
“Hand-to-hand combat. Excited tae shaw some recruits what’s business.”
You chuckled, Johnny was right after all. For some reason, hand-to-hand was a favorite amongst the recruits. You understood its importance, but you were happy if you could skip it for a day. Kyle was next to answer.
“I’m doing survival in the woods.”
Price, who had rolled his eyes at Johnny’s answer, nodded appreciatively at Kyle’s. Then he turned to you.
“Oh, uhm, I’m going to the shooting range. Spend some time on aim et cetera.”
A small smile spread on Price’s lips, but again he nodded, so you didn’t pay it any extra mind. Well, you really should have.
As soon as you were done with breakfast and the speech was over, you left the mess hall and made your way to the shooting range, your earbuds back in your ears, and the music flowing. You started to hum along, a smile on your lips. That smile only grew when you entered the building and saw that it was mostly empty. There were the two soldiers at the front who were responsible for general safety and handling the weapons. Besides those, there were only two other soldiers, both recruits. So, you checked out your favorite gun, as well as a few magazines, and went to the other end of the range.
You quickly got ready, putting on the earmuffs and taking the weapon apart to check if everything was okay before you put it back together and loaded it. Before taking on the stance, you turned up the music. Then you were ready.
You were completely in your zone, slightly swinging your hips as you quietly sang along to the song that was playing on repeat. And all of that while shooting at the target.
“When it all burns down. When it all burns down. I will hold you close for the minute. Yeah, I'll hold you for the minute it takes.”
With the last word, you shoot one more time, before putting the safety back on and placing the gun down in front of you. You press the button to move the target sheet closer while taking off the earmuffs, heaving a sigh of relief as that also takes off the pressure from your ears. You would never get used to that.
The sheet was about to finally be close enough to properly inspect when the music suddenly faded from your left ear. You quickly turn to look in that direction, just to be met with the broad chest of Ghost. And between his fingers, and awfully close to his ear, was your earbud.
“Hey, give that back!”
You reach up to pluck it out of his fingers, but he easily swats your hand away with one of his, while listening to the song. And to your surprise, he starts to slightly nod along.
“It’s good.”
Ghost hands the earbud back before moving to the station next to yours. Without any further acknowledgment, he starts to prep his gun just as you did, before taking aim. You manage to pull your earmuffs back on, just in time to not be deafened by the shot. You scuff at him, annoyed but also surprised at what had transpired earlier.
You decide to continue with your training until the barbecue is announced via the intercom. You, along with the other soldiers, cleaned up and handed the guns back, before making your way to the back of the mess hall, where the grills were already hot and food was already ready.
You grabbed a plate and piled it with all your favorite food, before finding your team and sitting down with them. While you were chatting about what everyone had done during the last few hours, you couldn’t help but complain about the music that was being played.
“I just hate it.”
Without saying anything, Ghost stood up and left the table. You thought nothing of it, at least not until “The Future is a Foreign Land” started playing. You quickly looked over and saw Ghost moving back towards your table, from the direction of the soldier who was in charge of the music. And sure enough, that soldier looked like he had just wet his pants.
Once Ghost sat down again and the others were preoccupied with another topic, you leaned over to him, placing a hand on his bicep.
“Thank you.”
He just nodded in response, but you swear that you could see a slight crinkling around his eyes, even with his balaclava hiding most of his face.
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Call of Duty - Masterlist
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kitashousewife · 1 year
Hi Heids! writing prompt idea; you're at a party playing spin the bottle and its your turn, surprise surprise it lands on Kita 👀
ooooh perfect thank you baby!!
"what are we, thirteen?" aran derides as atsumu waves him off, placing a newly empty bottle on the ground. everyone gathers around in a circle and he smiles.
"don't be a party pooper!" atsumu smiles when he notices everyone sitting down, including you. he gives you a knowing smirk and you can't help but roll your eyes at his behavior. he's been like this all night long.
"who wants to go first?" he smirks, looking around the room for a brave volunteer. someone's hand shoots up a few seconds later, and the game began.
a week ago, atsumu texted you to invite him to his place for a little get-together. some people you knew, others you didn't, and a lot of good food. it had been a while since you saw a lot of your friends, due to busy schedules and other life events. since the summer was coming to a quick close, you decided to go and make the most of it all.
the night had been great so far. catching up with friends, getting the scoop on their lives and enjoying the last bit of sunshine from atsumu's backyard. everything was low-key and relaxed, until it wasn't.
"looks like yer up," osamu calls your name and slides the bottle over to you with a sympathetic smile. you sigh and shuffle to the middle of the circle. atsumu, from the other side, smirks and raises his brows at you.
"anyone ya hope for it to land on?"
"not you, that's for sure," you mumble, giving the bottle a good spin while your pal gives you a faux pout.
each rotation of the bottle makes your stomach bubble with nerves. truthfully yes, there were a few people in the room that you wouldn't mind for the bottle to land on. one in particular though, you'd never be so lucky.
or so you thought.
"well well well," atsumu snorts and elbows the grey-haired man next to him. "looks like yer a winner, kita-san."
your throat runs dry when you look up and lock eyes with him from across the circle. you sit up slowly, still in slight disbelief that you've become so fortunate tonight. the man you've had a crush on since high school is now crawling toward you on a random saturday night.
"good to see ya," his voice is quiet but you hear him loud and clear despite the murmuring going on around you.
"you as well,"
"we don't have to do this, ya know. i could kiss yer cheek if it would make ya more comfortable."
doubts flood your mind and you can't stop yourself before the words come tumbling out of your mouth.
"n-no, i want to kiss you kita-san."
the two of you are kneeled, inches apart. you can smell his cologne and feel his breath on your nose. his hand comes up, and gently tilts your chin up, placing his lips on yours.
you hear those around you gasping and cheering, but it sounds far away. kita's lips move with yours for a short moment before he pulls away. your lips part as you catch your breath, and his eyes are half-lidded when the two of you finally look at each other.
"i think that's enough fun and games for the night, huh? suna, will ya grab some more ice?" atsumu winks at his friend before everyone goes back to their drinks and company, leaving the two of you alone. kita helps you to your feet before giving you a small smile.
"i hope that was okay," he seems worried, eyes searching your face for any signs of discomfort.
"more than okay," you blurt out, causing kita to grin.
“would ya like to come get some air with me?” his hands are in his pockets now, attempting to seem relaxed when in reality, he is just as flustered as you are. you nod, following him out to the backyard.
“i can’t believe atsumu decided to play that,” you laugh, not entirely sure why you said that. of course you believe he would do that.
“glad he did though,” kita mumbles, looking at you with a small smile. “been wantin’ to do that for years.”
“do ya remember and the end of my third year, a couple weeks before graduation?” you nod. “after school, i walked with ya home? i tried so hard not to kiss ya then.”
your mind is spinning, and you can’t catch your breath despite your best attempts.
“okay,” you breathe, almost laughing at how insane this night turned out to be. “this whole time, you felt the same way?”
kita looks at you, cheeks dusted pink and hair a little messy from fidgeting with it tonight. he looks like a dream, and you can’t stop staring.
“can i kiss ya again?”
you step closer to him, and he puts a finger under your chin to tilt it up.
“gotta make up for lost time.”
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blueberrylixie · 1 year
gray thunder
rock band! jilix x fem! reader
word count: 10, 280 (yes this is a whole ass novel don't bully me)
content warnings: threesome, no m x m, soft dom!felix, soft, possessive jisung, pet names (sweetheart, love), they call reader slut, oral sex (m and f receiving), vaginal penetration, pussy job (barely), double penetration (both holes lol), fingering, overstimulation, cum swallowing, unprotected sex, creampie (use protection kids!),
let me know if i missed anything in this one-shot bc i tend to miss stuff! if you want to skip to the smut, scroll to the white heart divider! but i promise the build-up is worth it ((;
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You had never been more nervous than you were at this moment. Your stomach was so filled with butterflies, you were scared they might fly out of your mouth in the form of something more solid. You had been waiting for tonight for the past three months, ever since you and your best friends bought tickets to see your number one favorite band in the world.
Black Petal.
You took a deep breath, your fingers playing with the bottom of your black velvet miniskirt.
"Are we going to drink tonight?" One of your two best friends asked from her spot next to you.
You all had taken an Uber to the concert venue, which was about half an hour away from your shared apartment.
You rolled your eyes. "No, we're not babes. We want to remember this night for the rest of our lives! We can't be drunk for the entire thing."
Your other best friend, who sat to your right, nodded. "We definitely shouldn't be drinking. This is going to be the best night ever, I don't want the only thing I remember to be the toilets. Not like last week."
"That's so real," you agreed.
The car finally pulled up to the entrance of the venue and stopped. The kind driver opened both doors for the three of you, and you piled out and into the line, which had already started outside the door.
"I can't believe we got here four hours early, and the line is already this long!" One of your friends complained as you got behind the fifty or so people who were already waiting. "Should I beg some of them to let us go ahead? What else is my pretty face good for?"
"Maybe we could sit on the ground and wait? These heels hurt my feet so bad," Your other friend suggested hopefully.
"We should flash the security guards, maybe they'll let us in," you joked.
You and your friends claimed that you were each like thunder, lightning, and rain.
You were the thunder, loud and a natural leader. You liked to share your opinions, and didn't care what other people thought about them. You wore whatever the hell you liked, said what you wanted, and were known to flirt around with any man within your reach. Of course, you left your friends' guys alone, but everyone else was fair game. A few people might find you obnoxious and over-the-top, but what was the fun in being liked by everyone?
Your second friend was lightning. She wasn't nearly as loud, but her personality was bright, and she made herself known in her own way. She didn't like to be the center of attention, but she was the most loyal, supportive friend who would die for those she loved in an instant. She always got scared of your crazy plans, but went along with them without question. Everyone loved that girl. You swore she'd done the impossible in getting everyone on her side.
Your last friend was rain. She could be quiet sometimes, or loud and lively at others. She was the mom friend, telling you off after you had all gotten punished for your insane ideas. But you knew she always had a great time, even if she wouldn't admit it. Sometimes people found her to be a bit of a party pooper, but what no one knew was that she had the best sense of humor out of anyone you'd ever met.
Thunder, Lightning, and Rain. That was you and your friends.
Finally, the line started to move as people were let inside.
The three of you started jumping up and down. Or rather, you and Lightning jumped up and down while Rain sighed, humoring you. She still held your hands though, and a smile was hidden behind that stormy face.
You were all let in, and immediately raced towards the pit. There was no assigned seating for your ticket tier, and you had hoped to get as close to the stage as possible.
You found standing space almost at the front of the pit, mere feet from the stage. Only two other people stood in front of you.
"Holy shit, how did we get so lucky??" Lightning squealed, hopping around and clapping her hands together. Her hair, which was pulled in two ponytails on the side of her head, bounced up and down as she jumped.
"I hope they notice us," you said, staring at the stage. The fact that your favorite band, consisting of eight of the hottest men in the world, would be standing on that stage in the very near future, was mind-blowing to you.
"They'll notice the two of you screaming at the top of your lungs," Rain laughed. "Maybe they like the mysterious one though. That's what I keep telling myself, at least."
"Maybe they'll see me because I'm taller than you both!" Lightning exclaimed. "Even with sneakers, I'm still taller!"
"Oh shut up," you rolled your eyes, nudging your friend with a fake pout. "Everyone knows guys like short girls!"
"Yeah, we're closer to the ground, that's good for other things too," Rain smirked, and you gasped playfully.
"I didn't know you were so dirty-minded!" You teased.
"Yeah, ewe!" Lightning pretended to cover her ears.
"What?? We look hot, even I can admit that!" Rain insisted.
Along with your velvet mini-skirt, you wore a cropped glittery gold tank top, with a loose neckline that scooped so low you had initially been afraid of a nip-slip. That would probably make headlines. You wore black boots with three-inch heels, just in case there were tall people standing in front of you. Thankfully, they were each about your height, so you'd have the perfect view.
Lightning wore an entirely light blue ensemble, consisting of a gauzy dress that hit three inches above her knees, with matching light blue leg warmers and blue sneakers. She hated high heels, and boasted that she could afford to wear comfortable shoes because she always towered over everyone anyways. Her hair was tied with matching light blue ribbons. She looked like a leggy piece of cotton candy.
Rain wore a black silk slip dress with lace along the bottom and top, and four-inch stilettos that you had no idea how she could walk in without face planting. She always wore some sort of heel, because she insisted she could watch the two of you better from a higher vantage point, even though it was just a couple of inches. Her hair was tied in a bun on the top of her head, making her look even taller. Still, she was shorter than Lightning.
"We do look so hot," you said decisively, running a hand through your hair, which was in a half up, half down style.
"There's no way they won't notice us, huh?" Rain's eyes gleamed with excitement. As calm as she usually was, you knew how crazy she could be when it came to Black Petal.
"They're just so amazing, aren't they?" Lightning sighed, closing her eyes as if she was imagining them in front of you right now.
"I can't believe they're actually going to be here," you agreed as you stared up at the stage. They had to be coming any minute now, right?
Suddenly, the lights dimmed so low it was practically pitch black, and music started playing.
"Holy shit!" You exclaimed, covering your mouth with one hand and grabbing onto Lightning with the other. Rain gripped your forearm so tight you thought it was going to fall off.
Then, the lights flashed back on, and all eight members of Black Petal were standing on stage, looking so hot you almost sobbed.
To the right of the stage was Changbin, the drummer, his hair mussed like he'd already been head-banging for the past hour. His arms were fully exposed in a leather vest, showing off those dizzyingly huge muscles that made your mouth water. In front of him stood Hyunjin, the rhythm guitarist. He wore a black Celine tank top that draped his lean-muscular frame perfectly. He licked his full, perfect lips as he grinned out at the crowd, like he knew he was hot.
In the middle stood the two vocalists, Jeongin and Seungmin. Jeongin donned a black suit jacket without a tie. Half of it was unbuttoned, giving just a hint of his entirely bare chest. Seungmin wore a short-sleeved black blazer with a fitted white tee underneath, highlighting his built stomach, with his shaggy brown hair draping over his forehead perfectly.
To the other side stood Minho, the second bassist, with Christopher, the keyboardist and lyricist for all their songs, behind him. Minho had black jeans that showed off his amazing thighs, and a matching black button-up, the sleeves rolled up to his forearms, exposing veins and hotness all over the place. Christopher looked drool-worthy in a tight black t-shirt and jeans, a black baseball cap over his messy hair as he stood behind his instrument, those perfectly large hands ready to play.
Jisung, the lead guitarist, and Felix, the first bassist, stood a few feet away from Minho. Jisung, who stood next to Felix, with his curly brown hair so long it almost covered his eyes, looked stunning in a suit, with a tie loose around his neck. Felix wore a black tank top and a loose-fitting fishnet long sleeve that still showed off his perfect arms and collarbone. His blond hair, which graced the nape of his neck, showed off his perfect skin even more, and you thought you fell in love right then and there.
They all looked fucking incredible.
"Hello Seoul!" Seungmin yelled, from his spot at the front of the stage.
The three of you screamed so loud, you knew your voice would be gone by the end of the night.
"We're Black Petal, and we're so excited to be here performing for you tonight! We've got some really special songs lined up, and we hope you enjoy them! Now who's ready to rock??" Seungmin looked around the stadium, which was completely sold out.
The entire room shook with the yells and screams from each and every person.
"I don't think they sound very excited, do you Seungmin?" Jeongin grinned at his bandmate, and they both shook their heads.
"We wanna hear you louder, Seoul!" Jeongin shouted, and the stadium boomed again with the crazed cries of their fans.
"Hell yeah!" Seungmin smirked at the crowd, and your heart stuttered at the sight. Damn that man and his famous smirks.
The band started off with one of their most well-known songs, and you, Lightning, and Rain squealed like little girls. You started jumping and singing along to the music, just the same as everyone else.
But you barely noticed those around you as you gazed up at the eight men on stage. The way they held themselves, the way they moved, entranced you. They were hot, and they knew it.
Jeongin and Seungmin came closer to the crowd, taking their microphones off the stands and singing right up next to the crowd, on your side of the stage. Holy shit, were your idols really standing a few feet in front of you??
Seungmin's chocolate brown eyes reflected off the hot stage lights, his blazer all the way open and his white t-shirt practically glued to his chest from sweat. Normally, you found sweat disgusting, but you just wanted to pull him closer and-
"Holy shit, he's looking at me!" Rain covered her mouth in a silent scream as she stared at the other vocalist, whose jacket was so loose it was practically all the way open. She was usually so calm, it was crazy seeing her so worked up.
Jeongin grinned down at the crowd, and it really felt like he was looking right at you guys. Maybe he was.
Before you could react, he was reaching down, that perfect hand of his inches away. He grabbed Rain's hand, pulling her so close to the edge of the stage that she had to stand on tiptoes to keep contact. Her cheeks were so red you thought she might burst a blood vessel as she stared up at Jeongin, who kept singing with that perfect voice of his, all the while staring at her like she was the only girl in the room.
"Holy shit she's living her main character moment!" Lightning gaped at her friend, twisting one of her ponytails around her finger over and over again. "Ugh, I'm so jealous!"
Before she could complain anymore, Seungmin, who stood next to Jeongin, winked down at her, and she instantly silenced, her mouth agape as she waved her free hand at him. He just chuckled and walked back to the center of the stage.
Jeongin, who had finally let go of Rain's hand, much to her chagrin, followed his friend. They put their arms around each other's shoulders as they finished out the first song.
"Holy crap girl, what the fuck????" You screamed at Rain, grabbing the hand Jeongin had held. "How was it?? What did it feel like??"
"I think I blacked out!" she gasped, staring down at her hand in awe. "Was that real?? This is a dream, this has to be a dream!"
"Seungmin stared right at me, I swear he did!" Lightning giggled, eyes following the second youngest band member like he was a juicy piece of meat. "He's sooo hot, and those eyes!"
You sighed inwardly. You were so glad your friends were getting so much attention from the band. Of course they were, they were gorgeous! But you couldn't help feeling a little left out. Did the guys not see you standing there too? You knew you were a catch. If your friends were getting noticed in this crowd of thousands, was it really that crazy to hope they might notice you too?
The second song started, and this time the bassists and guitarists came out front. Minho and Hyunjin stood next to each other, with Jisung and Felix on your side.
They started off with a crazy guitar riff from Jisung, which had all the girls practically melting down when he finished, his hair hanging in front of his face, a tired yet elated grin on his face. Felix followed with a funky bass riff that had everyone's jaw on the floor. When the full song started, the rest of the guys joined in force, their instruments a part of them as they played.
But even though you were supposed to be paying attention to all of them equally - and you did love all of them - you couldn't keep your eyes off a certain curly haired brunette and blond-haired bass player.
And somehow, they seemed to sense your heated gaze. Both of them looked up in unison, and your eyes met theirs. As if in synch, they both grinned at you, before approaching the crowd, just as Seungmin and Jeongin had.
But this time, both of their gazes were fixed entirely on you, like you were the prey and they the predator. Your entire mouth dried up like someone had forced you to eat a bunch of cotton balls.
You tried to swallow and bring some moisture back, but with two of the hottest men you'd ever witnessed just staring at you, it didn't work.
"Hey beautiful," Felix whispered, that deep voice instantly sending shivers down your back and heat to your center. He wasn't miced up, so no one could hear what he was saying. Your friends stared at you, eyes wide with shock and excitement.
"What's your name?" Jisung chimed in, running a hand through that perfect hair of his. His voice was softer than Felix's low one, but it still sent your heart thumping, your brain going fuzzy.
You could barely get your name out over the screaming of the crowd. With both of them so damn close, everyone was freaking out.
But out of all the people there that night, Felix and Jisung were talking to you. They were asking you what your name was.
You might be going crazy, but... from the way they were staring at you, to Felix's Adam's apple bobbing and Jisung's arms flexing, were they interested in you?
Jisung repeated your name, the word sweet like syrup rolling off his tongue. You understood what Rain said now. This felt like a dream. None of this was real. You were going to wake up in bed absolutely devastated in the next couple minutes.
Felix motioned for you to come closer, and you accidentally shoved the girl in front of you out of the way so you could stand next to them
"S-sorry!" You exclaimed, but you weren't really paying attention. This was a once-in-a-lifetime moment.
Minho and Hyunjin were carrying the bass and guitar while their members were distracted. They kept looking over at Felix and Jisung, a little confused about what they were doing, but they didn't try to stop them. They probably thought they were just interacting with fans, a usual occurrence at their concerts.
But there was nothing usual about this. At least not for you. You hoped they didn't flirt with all of their fans.
Felix leaned in so close to you, his lips brushed the curve of your ear, one of his hands coming down to caress your cheek. You visibly shuddered, and you could feel his mouth turn up in a pleased grin.
"Meet us backstage after the show, won't you Love?"
You couldn't say anything, your brain going completely blank as you tried to process his words. After a moment, you found it in you to just nod in agreement.
"Good," Felix stepped back, giving Jisung a conspiratorial nod, before turning back towards the stage and continuing to play, as if he'd never stopped.
Jisung waved at you with a cheeky grin before following Felix back to his spot.
You stared after them, unable to even sing along despite this being one of your favorite songs.
Was this really happening? Did the Lee Felix and Han Jisung just ask you to meet them after the show? Or so you assumed, based off the "we" Felix used when he invited you.
You weren't stupid. You knew what they wanted.
"What did they want??" Lightning gasped from next to you, grabbing your wrist so tight you thought the circulation might cut off. "They were whispering in your ear!!"
"The way he touched your face was so hot," Rain gushed.
"He wants to meet up with me after the concert," you said breathlessly.
"Oh my gosh????" Lightning squeaked. "Can we come with?? Maybe some of the other guys want to meet us too!!"
"Both you and Jisung?" Rain covered her mouth. "That's so hot."
"I know, I'm kinda freaking out right now," you said in as calm a voice as you could muster.
"Did you say yes?" Lightning breathed. "Please say you said yes."
"Who do you think I am? Of course I said yes!" you laughed in what you hoped was a cool-girl laugh.
But holy shit.
This was something you had, admittedly, fantasized about. After all, who didn't think about sleeping with any of the members from Black Petal? They had all gone viral not just for their looks, but their insane talent as well. They were known as the best rock band in Korea. Anyone would die to be in your position right now.
But they wanted to sleep with you. You sure as hell weren't going to turn down that offer.
The rest of the concert went by in a haze. You enjoyed every second of it. Every song, all the funny banter they had between each other. You sang at the top of your lungs, jumping around with your friends. You watched as some of the other members came over, notably Minho and Hyunjin, who also seemed to take an interest in your friends. They grinned at you with an almost knowing look on their face, like you were off-limits or something. You couldn't quite tell what they were thinking, but you didn't mind too much.
Because you still couldn't take your eyes off of Jisung and Felix.
The two stayed next to each other for most of the concert, which was a nice excuse to get to stare at them both the whole time. You could see Changbin and his perfect arms as he played the drums. Christopher with his big, calloused hands on the keyboard.
But really, you were just watching Felix and Jisung, who now stood in front of them. You weren't sure if you were imagining it, but it felt like they looked your way a lot more than they looked at everyone else. Every time your eyes met, your cheeks heated up. Their gazes were hot and heavy, like they were communicating their desire to you without words. But you didn't look away. Even with these literal celebrities, you knew when a man was into you. You were known to enjoy the attention of as many of them as possible, and they were no different.
Quite the opposite, in fact. It was somehow a million times hotter to have caught the attention of two of the biggest celebrities in the country. Men who women flocked to.
Now, even just for a night, they were yours.
The show ended with a bang.
"Thank you so much, everyone! This was Black Petal!" Seungmin called. The entire group waved goodbye, the crowd yelling and cheering, before the curtain closed, and they were gone.
People started filing out of the concert hall, but for a few minutes, you couldn't move. Had that all really just happened? Were you about to go out there and meet the band? Specifically Felix and Jisung?
"C'mon, let's go!" Rain nudged your arm, and you started from the contact.
"You're gonna take us with you to meet the band, right?" Lightning giggled, playing with her hair again. "I can't believe they actually talked to us! And want to meet us!"
You nodded, linking arms with each of them before making your way slowly through the crowd, and towards the stage. They wanted you to meet them back there, right? You just hoped it wasn't all a big joke, and security wasn't ready to tackle you when you showed up.
But apparently, the band must have told everyone that you were coming. Security just nodded at you as you headed backstage, as if they knew you personally. Their manager, a short woman maybe ten years older than you, stood outside their dressing room door.
"Hi!" You said as confidently as you could muster. "I'm-"
"I know, please come in," the woman nodded to all three of you before unlocking the door and letting you inside.
The room was surprisingly spacious for being wedged backstage. It was at least twice the size of your apartment, which you had to admit, wasn't large to begin with. The lights were headsplittingly bright, so much so that you had to squint. Two tables sat by the door, with a dozen or so chairs around each one. Another table was filled with snacks and drinks, and three half-full pizza boxes. There was a couch in the middle of the room, which looked surprisingly comfortable. A few managers paced around the room, talking on their walkie talkies to people outside.
Then you saw them.
All eight men were halfway done changing, and they were wandering around in lounge pants, no shirts to be seen. While they looked exhausted, they were comfortable being only half clothed. Holy hell. You could barely keep yourself from raking your eyes down each of their bodies.
Let's be real, you failed, miserably.
Jisung was the first to notice you. When he turned around, a slice of pepperoni pizza in his hand, his handsome face lit up like fairy lights. His eyes turned to half-moon crescents, his smile bright and excited.
"Hey, you made it!" He motioned you over, and you had no choice but to obey. It was like an invisible force was pulling you towards him.
Felix noticed the two of you almost instantly. He finished his slice of pizza, licking his pointer finger in an almost pornographic manner before approaching you, a sly grin on his face.
"Took you long enough," he chuckled, his clean hand coming to rest on the small of your back. Your eyes widened, but you didn't say anything, nor did you move out of his grasp. You didn't want to react so openly in front of his band mates, or even your friends, who knew basically everything about your sex life.
"What did you want with me?" You asked, trying your best to keep any sign of nervousness out of your voice. You sounded a lot more confident than you felt. How could you be, when two of the men you were literally obsessed about literally stood right in front of you?
Felix raised an eyebrow, glancing between you and Jisung, then back again. "I don't know much about you yet, Sweetheart, but I didn't take you for an idiot."
Heat flamed up your face, and you crossed your arms. "I could just leave, if you're gonna be mean. I get enough dick as it is without yours in the mix."
Felix let out a hoarse laugh, taking a sip from his water bottle. His eyes now glowed with a newfound interest.
Jisung instantly reached out and grabbed your wrist, shaking his head as he brought you even closer to him. You could smell a hint of his cologne, which smelled like woodsy pine, mixed with his sweat. Heat emanated off his bare skin like an open fire. And you were the moth, drawn to it.
"Don't leave, Love," he said softly, rubbing his thumb against the back of your hand. "Lix is just messing around, aren't you Lix?"
The blond-haired male shrugged and nodded, the hint of a grin still playing on his lips.
"I kid Sweetheart, I kid. We just want you so badly, we were impatient. That's all."
The hand that had once rested on your back replaced itself again, squeezing lightly.
"So, tell us about yourself," Felix's hand moved to your side and started rubbing, an inviting smile replacing that crafty look he'd donned a few seconds ago.
You paused, unsure of what to say. Why would these men, who were literal superstars, want to learn about you?
But you stopped your self doubt before it could go any further. They had gone great lengths to invite you and your friends here. If they were asking, you had to assume they were actually interested.
Besides, you were an interesting person, weren't you? You had an exciting life. Friends. Money. A good job. Who wouldn't want to get to know you?
"I work as a divorce lawyer here in Seoul," you said proudly, feeling more comfortable as you started talking about things you knew. "I graduated with my law degree last year, and I was hired straight out of an internship at the law firm. Those are my two best friends over there, and we go out together all the time. You guys are our favorite band, we love you so much," you couldn't help but gush, cheeks heating at the words.
"We love to hear it," Felix purred, leading you over to the cushy leather couch, which was still vacant. His hand immediately came to rest on your left thigh. Jisung claimed your right one, his head resting on your shoulder as you continued to speak.
"Outside of work, I go out clubbing, I love dancing. I love animals, and I volunteer at the animal shelter on the weekend," the words spilled out of you, as if you had known these men for a lot longer than a short thirty minutes.
"We saw you dancing to our music," Jisung grinned, his lips ghosting the nape of your neck. "It was pretty hot."
"We couldn't keep our eyes off you, Sweetheart," Felix nodded, his hand squeezing your leg.
"I-I couldn't stop looking at you guys either," you stammered against your will, but both men seemed to delight in your nerves.
"You ready to get out of here, Love?" Jisung asked, sliding his hand into your hair now, fingers dancing across your neck.
"Where are we going?" You asked, confused. Were they really just asking you to find somewhere to fuck them? Smooth.
"Our hotel, of course," Felix's lips slid down your neck, dusting kisses all the way down to your chest, and up again.
Your breath stuttered as you tried to get your bearings. You rubbed your thighs together as covertly as you could, wetness already pooling in your panties, but judging by their satisfied smirks, they both noticed. "I-what about my friends?" Was all you were able to choke out.
Felix glanced over at them. "I think they'll be okay. They're in good hands."
You watched the rest of the group out of the corner of your eye. Rain was chatting with Jeongin, who had shown her a great amount of interest during the show. Christopher had appeared at her other side, offering her a slice of pizza, as if you three hadn't just eaten before the show. Changbin watched them with an interested expression as he drank from his water bottle, those biceps flexing as he leaned against the table next to him.
Lighting was being cornered by the three remaining men. Despite being almost the same height, she looked small next to Minho, who had his arm propped up against the wall. He looked like he was interrogating her, based on the way her eyes widened further and further the more he spoke. Seungmin was watching them, an amused expression playing across his lips, while Hyunjin had his back up against the wall on her other side, his face barely a few inches away from her face.
They certainly looked like they would be fine without you. You could afford to leave them for the night. It wasn't like they weren't used to it. You all had sex lives.
You just had one more question. You weren't sure if it would make this whole situation even more awkward, but you had to ask.
"And... I would be leaving with the two of you?"
Both men looked at each other, similar smiles painted across their uniquely handsome faces.
"We're a package deal, Love," Jisung was the one to answer. His voice was calm, innocent even, as the two men stood up and started to put shirts on.
But you saw that hungry glint burn both of their eyes.
You knew you were in for a crazy night.
The short Uber right over to their hotel was torture. You could barely walk to the car you were so aroused, and when you finally got in, sandwiched between both of them, they refused to keep their hands off you.
It was pure heaven, if heaven was simultaneously physically painful. Jisung, being the possessive man that you were learning he was, had pulled you so close you were basically sitting on his lap, his hands roaming all over your back and ass, his lips leaving kisses against the outside of your tank top, not caring if he left wet marks. Felix had slid over next to you, sucking harshly on your neck as he slid your already short skirt up so high it was bunched around your waist, soaked panties exposed.
"Fuck, you're already so wet and we haven't even done anything," Felix snickered, his fingers ghosting over your pantie-clad core.
You shook beneath his stare, trying to move your hips against his curious hand. But he denied you, moving away right as you tried to satisfy your hunger.
"Be patient, Sweetheart," he slid his hand under your chin, bringing his face so close to yours, you could smell the mint gum he was chewing. Those dark eyes bored into yours, his alight with desire. You bit your lip and he groaned, pulling away and running a hand down his face.
"You're gonna be the death of me," he groaned as he sat back in his seat.
"It's only a few more minutes," Jisung encouraged you as he continued pawing at the front of your shirt. You slid a hand into his curly hair, your eyes closed as you pulled your lower lip into your mouth.
You could be patient. Because something told you it would be worth the wait.
The three of you could barely make it inside the heavy wood door of their hotel room. Jisung had fumbled with the key, trying to get it to scan, for much longer than normal, before shoving the door open and dragging you to the couch, which sat in the middle of the soft white carpet.
The lamp in the living room automatically turned on, bathing the three of you in soft orange light.
The room was uncharacteristically large, with the bed situated in the corner, a tv a few yards in front of it. The entire place was the definition of lavish.
However, you scarcely had time to study the place, before Jisung, always impatient, pushed you onto the couch and straddled your hips, coming to hover mere inches above you before placing harsh kisses all across your neck, along your shoulders, your chest.
"I-I can't wait," he breathed against your skin, his fingers tracing your collarbones like they were masterpieces, his mouth coming to land on yours in a bruising kiss.
You immediately reciprocated, kissing back with equal reverence, opening your mouth and pressing your tongue against his lips, asking for entrance. He obliged, making soft, almost desperate whining noises as you explored him. He tasted of strawberries and desire, and you moaned against him, wrapping your legs around his waist to pull him closer.
"Have you forgotten about me already, Sweetheart?"
Felix, who had taken his time removing his shoes and fixing his hair, approached you, a disdainful look on that gorgeous face of his.
You had never thought Felix would be sadistic, or mean in any way, or any situation. In fact, he, along with Jisung, were known for being the sweet, nice ones of the group. The reality - at least in bed - was so far from that, it sent shivers down your spine. What else would surprise you tonight?
"No, of course not Lix," you cleared your throat, trying to keep the thudding of your heart in check. "How could anyone forget you?"
Jisung grinned at his friend apologetically. "We just got carried away, Lix. She's all yours," he glanced at you, that same glint appearing in his eyes again, "for now, at least."
You reluctantly unwrapped your legs from his waist, your core already pulsing with need. You just needed one of them - ideally both, but you'd take whatever you could get - to satisfy your needs.
"There's my pretty girl," Felix grinned wickedly down at you, his eyes crinkling up at the edges, his freckles barely visible in the dim hotel light. "I think we've done enough waiting now, haven't we?"
You found yourself nodding furiously, your hands reaching out to beckon him closer. He followed, approaching you like a starved animal.
When he got close enough, he gripped your waist with such force you let out a squeak of surprise. His lips smashed against yours with even more strength than Jisung's as one of his hands wandered up your shirt and ripped it off, leaving it a mangled tangle of threads as he threw it onto the ground. You were left in your lacy black bra, your nipples fully exposed to the chilly air. They instantly turned to stiff peaks, as they brushed against the front of Felix's plain white t-shirt.
You whined at the sensation, clawing at his back, desperate for more contact. You continued to kiss him back fervently, moaning needily into his mouth over and over again.
His teeth came out to bite your bottom lip and suck on it in an almost caring manner, taking the time to explore every crevice of your mouth. Your hands tangled in his hair, tugging as if you wanted him to let go, when you wanted anything but.
"Ji, Ji, please touch me," you gasped, breaking the kiss with Felix to look up at the other man, who was sitting and watching you in a chair a few feet away. "I-I need you both."
Felix smirked down at you. "One man isn't enough, is it?"
"You're more than enough Lix," you assured him, and he closed his eyes, his entire body shuddering at your words. "But I want you both, if you're offering yourselves."
"We are," Jisung said instantly, coming to your side, pulling the cups of your bra aside and latching onto your left nipple. He started sucking and licking like his life depended on it, as Felix started moving down the length of your body to your core, which was still pulsing with desire.
"Please Lix," you begged, although you weren't sure for what, your hand still in his hair as he gazed up at you, eyes so blown out they were entirely black.
Felix pulled your skirt off, leaving you in your matching bra and panties. He gazed at you appreciatively, licking his lips once before tugging them clean off, throwing them into a pile along with your ruined top.
He spread your legs, gazing upon your soaked cunt with a smug grin on his face. If you weren't so turned on, you would have kicked him.
"Please Lix, I'll keep whining until you touch me," you breathed, using your hold on his hair to push him closer to your aching center.
"Since you've been such a good girl, Sweetheart," he murmured, before diving in.
His mouth encased your entire pussy, licking and sucking, emitting the most obscene sounds you'd ever heard. His tongue worked in and out of your cunt, one of his hands coming up to massage your sensitive clit at the same time.
You gasped, rocking your hips up to meet his mouth as he slid a finger inside of you.
Jisung switched to your other nipple, and you pulled him up for a long, passionate kiss. His hands continued to massage your breasts as Felix added a second finger, pumping them both in and out of your cunt, which was so wet it was dripping onto the couch.
"F-fuck Lix, please don't stop!" You panted, voice muffled by Jisung's full lips against yours. "Feels so fucking good."
Felix chuckled against your core, and you shook at the sensation. His tongue fucked you in and out in rhythm with his fingers as he simultaneously sucked hard on your clit, making you see stars.
"Please, Lix, I'm close!" You moaned, gazing up at Jisung pleadingly, your mouth half-parted as he watched you with such intense desire you knew you were finished.
"You wanna cum, Love?" Jisung whispered, stroking your hair as he pinched each of your nipples. "You're being such a good girl for us, just cum in Lix's mouth, yeah?"
You nodded, your eyes unable to leave Jisung's face as he reached down to touch your core as well, rubbing your clit at the same time as Felix fingered you.
And that was the end for you.
"O-oh shit!" You cried, hands gripping the edges of the couch as you tumbled over the edge, your vision going white as you came so hard, your body lifted off the couch, and you collapsed back down in front of Felix, gasping and shaking as you stared at both men in front of you.
He continued to lick and suck on your drenched cunt, lapping up every drop of release that came out of you, until you started whimpering with overstimulation. He finally let go, licking his lips and sliding back up your body to press his lips against yours. You could taste yourself on his tongue, but it just turned you on further.
"Now Jisung is gonna make you feel really good, Sweetheart," Felix murmured against your mouth, breaking the kiss to slide both of his fingers, which were coated with your release, into your mouth.
You whimpered in response, watching as Jisung removed his pants and positioned himself at the entrance to your cunt, which was still fluttering with pleasure from your first - and best - orgasm.
You sucked on Felix's fingers, wrenching a moan from the man, as you watched in awe as Jisung stroked his cock once, twice, before rubbing his length up and down the entrance of your soaked cunt, groaning as the lewd sounds filled his ears and wetness began to envelop him. He was completely hard and very long, a bit on the skinny side, but so pretty. Your mouth watered, tempted to lick the bead of precum slipping across the tip.
"Please Ji, inside," you implored, gazing down at him with wide eyes.
Jisung groaned, unable to resist you. "You sure you're ready, Love?" He said, his voice low with barely-tethered control.
You nodded silently, and Jisung reared his hips back, before slipping the tip of his cock, which was positively throbbing with bridled desire, inside your cunt.
"More," you gasped, your body instantly tightening around him as he struggled to push himself further in.
Felix stood next to you, his cock uncomfortably hard in his sweatpants, creating an obvious tent right by your face. It brushed the side of your cheek, and you turned, reaching out and tugging his pants down, leaving him in his boxers. Just from the outline of him, you could tell he was huge.
"Do you need help there, Lix?" You asked in the most sultry tone you could muster, batting your eyelids up at him.
At the same time, Jisung bottomed out inside you, letting out a guttural moan as he did so, your cunt tightening around him so he could barely breathe.
"Fuck, Love," he growled, his eyes squeezed shut. He began thrusting in and out of you in quick, shaky jerks, unable to control his movements.
Felix smirked and nodded, tugging his boxers off and kicking them to the side. His cock, heavy with arousal, sprung free, and you instantly reached out, grabbing hold of the base.
He was certainly thicker than Jisung, maybe an inch shorter. The tip of his cock was angry with arousal, precum already smeared across his length. You licked your lips, eager to please.
Felix hissed an oath through his teeth, his eyes barely slits as he gazed down at you. Your body rocked back and forth from the power of Jisung's thrusts as he held your waist, fucking into you with messy shoves of his hips.
"Fuck yeah, just like that baby," Felix praised you, and your cunt tighened at his words. Jisung whimpered at the added pressure, his hips stuttering for a moment as he got his bearings.
You suck your tongue out and kitten-licked Felix's cock, tasting the salty warmth of precum spread throughput your mouth.
"Don't fucking tease me, Sweetheart," Felix spat, grabbing the back of your head and pushing you onto his length without warning.
Your eyes widened as you immediately gagged on him. He was thicker than you'd expected, and longer too. His tip hit the back of your throat, bringing tears to your eyes, but you refused to give up. You started bobbing your head up and down, sucking with just the right pressure, taking him fully until your nose hit the small patch of hair against his pelvis. You breathed in the musky smell of him, a sexy, ocean scent you were now addicted to. You pulled him out of your mouth, swirling your tongue along his tip and over the prominent vein along the side of his length. He groaned through gritted teeth, throwing his head back and thrusting himself against the back of your throat again and again, his hand still gripping your hair.
Jisung removed his hands from your hips, his fingers going to play with your clit, rubbing your already-sensitive nerves as he bullied himself deeper inside of you. He hit that spongy part deep inside of you, and you let out a tortured gasp, your cunt fluttering around him as his fingers moved faster, eagerly chasing your release. Your hips bucked up to meet his, and he almost came on the spot.
You started whimpering so loudly, your entire body shaking so hard, Jisung knew you were close. He continued to slam his cock against that perfect spot, the squelching sounds of your cunt driving him crazy p, until you squirmed underneath him, your entire body seizing up, moaning around Felix's sensitive cock, until you finished around him, all garbled whines and moans. 
Jisung knew he couldn't last much longer. The sensation of your tight pussy getting impossibly tighter as you came sent him over the edge.
"Fuck Love, you keep doing that, and I'm gonna cum inside you," he bit out, pushing the sweaty hair from his eyes as his hips continued to stutter forward, your hips still moving against him, milking him till the end.
"Please cum inside me," you whimpered softly, your voice almost unintelligible around Felix's girth.
Felix groaned, laughing as he thrust himself into your wet mouth. He grabbed your chin, forcing your mouth open further. He closed his eyes, letting out a choked grunt, before finishing down your throat. He tapped his cock on the outside of your mouth a few times, before saying, "Fuck dude, I guess you got no choice now. She's begging for it."
You opened your mouth to show both men you'd swallowed all of his warm, salty cum. Felix pressed his lips against yours, Jisung's cock getting impossibly harder. What kind of other-worldly being were you?
Jisung all but snarled, his body falling on top yours as he started to hammer into you, all sense of control forgotten. You begging for him to cum inside you, swallowing Felix's cum like the obedient slut you were, had undone him. He couldn't hold on any longer.
"Shit, shit, shit, you know what you're doing don't you you little slut," he panted, the words almost foreign on his lips as his hips turning to sloppy jerks, as he pounded in and out of your wet heat a few more times, before emptying his cum deep inside you.
You moaned loudly. Now that Felix had finished, you were able to fully express your pleasure as you bucked your hips up against him, wrapping your legs around him once more. Your throat was deliciously sore, your mouth still covered with Felix's cum, but you found it that much hotter.
"Fuck Ji," you hiccuped, teary eyes landing on the man as he gently slid out of your cum-stained pussy, collapsing on top of you. Letting go of Felix, you pulled Jisung close to you, pressing your lips against his, your hands going to his strong, sweaty chest, fingers roaming all over his body, continuing to explore him. He moved against you, not caring that you tasted of Felix's cum. In fact, he found it extremely sexy. His cock, which was exhausted from his eagerness to please you, had already begun to get hard again. Were you that irresistible? Of course you were.
"Wanna switch places?" Felix grinned in satisfaction, his perfect white teeth glinting in the orange light of the hotel lamps. "It's about time I had a turn in this gorgeous pussy."
Your cunt clenched at his words. You'd felt how big he was in your mouth. You could only imagine how big he'd be inside of you.
Jisung smirked, glancing from you to Felix. "Can I have a turn in her other hole?"
You opened your mouth to protest, but Felix shrugged before you could say anything. "That is our thing, isn't it?"
You glared at both of them, hurt coursing through you. "You do this with all your fans? That's really flattering. Maybe I should just leave you to it, I'm sure you'll find someone-"
Felix stopped your fighting words with a passionate kiss, his tongue swiping over your bottom lip as you melted into his touch.
"No one is better than you, Sweetheart," he cooed, kissing down your neck before biting on a soft vein. You whined, but didn't move.
"You better be telling the truth," you grumbled, but you had already folded. You would give these men anything they asked for.
Jisung took the opportunity while Felix was sucking on your neck like a vampire to slot his mouth against yours. He was a lot less smooth with his movements than Felix, clearly just as needy as you were.
"Mm, Ji, you taste so good," you murmured against him, one of your hands moving to each man's hair.
He groaned, his eyes fluttering shut at your words. "I need you again, Love," he sighed dreamily, his hand going down to stroke his cock as he continued to kiss you so sloppily, drool ran down your chin.
Felix kissed down your stomach, along your hips, ghosting against your bare pussy, and sucking your inner thighs, leaving bruises all the way.
"You ready to be on top, Sweetheart?" He smiled wolfishly at you, his mocha eyes glinting with seduction.
"It'll give me space in the back," Jisung added to comfort you, running a hand through your hair before you had time to protest. You shut your mouth, nodding obediently. Felix glanced at Jisung, impressed by his convincing skills.
Felix was about to give in anyways and flip you over onto your back, when you decided it was time to take charge instead. You weren't a dominant woman in bed, persay, but you loved the look of surprised desire in a man's eyes when you made the move on them. Seeing as Felix was clearly used to taking control in the bedroom, you wanted to shock him a little.
So you sat up on the couch, gripped his muscular shoulders, and pushed him into the couch. His eyes widened with pleased astonishment as he let himself be shoved down, his head hitting the soft material beneath him as you hovered over him. Just that look alone caused your cunt to clench around nothing, a quiet moan escaping your kiss-swollen lips.
You straddled his waist, lining his thick cock up with your aching center, before impaling yourself on all eight inches of him, taking him all the way to the hilt.
You let out a guttural moan, throwing your head back as Felix grunted underneath you, his hips immediately thrusting up to meet yours, pounding into you at a bruising pace.
You whimpered as his cock hit your g-spot over and over again. You reached behind you, seeking pleasure from the other man in the room. He was spreading lube onto his cock, prepping himself for what was sure to be a tight squeeze.
"Ji, please, kiss me," you gasped, bouncing yourself up and down on Felix's cock.
"Fuck yes, baby," Felix grunted, breaths coming hard and fast as he was already coming undone. "You think you can take control, huh? I'll let you have your fun for now, then you'll see."
Jisung wrapped his arms around the back of your waist and pressed his lips to your impatient ones. Your body was twisted around so you could kiss him, and you watched out of the corner of your eye as he continued stroking his cock. The squelching sounds from Felix fucking into your pussy mixed with the sounds of the lube on his dick was like a symphony, and your entire body shuddered from the pure hotness of it all.
Jisung slid a finger against your hole, and you moaned, your head falling against his shoulder as you broke the kiss.
"Please, be careful," you breathed, your eyes fluttering as you tried to stay present for both men, everything threatening to overwhelm you. "I-I've never done this before."
"Fuck, she's never been fucked in the ass before," Felix cock hardened impossibly more inside of you, and you squeaked in pleasure, your hips rising and falling with such intense need you didn't know what to do with it all.
"I'm honored to be your first then," Jisung murmured, nipping your earlobe before sliding a finger inside of you.
"O-oh shit," your breaths came in short, quick bursts as you tried to accommodate the foreign sensation. It wasn't painful, yet, just uncomfortable.
"Just getting you ready for me," Jisung murmured against you, kissing your jawbone as he spoke. "Don't want to hurt you."
Jisung wasn't quite as thick as Felix, but he was longer. Still, you weren't sure if he was going to fit in such a small hole.
He added a second finger, gently scissoring them in and out. You squirmed against him, gasping when a searing pain zipped through you, down your spine.
"You're doing amazing for us, Love," Jisung praised, holding your waist steady with his free hand.
"I think she's ready, Jisung ," Felix hissed beneath you, his movements becoming progressively sloppier, his brain going foggy as he became drunk on your perfect cunt. "I'm gonna bust way too fucking fast in this tight pussy, and I want both of us to be inside her before I do."
You whined, turning your body back around so you faced Felix again. You weren't sure if you would be able to watch as Jisung entered you. It was all so overwhelming, but you loved it at the same time.
Jisung's long cock prodded against your hole, and you shook against him, gripping Felix's lean, veiny arms. You had drooled over those arms for years, and now you were able to hold them, kiss them. You leaned down so your chests pressed together, your sensitive nipples brushing against his chest. You nestled yourself against his neck, breathing heavily as you fucked yourself up and down on his cock, equal parts excited and terrified for what was to come.
"You're being the perfect little slut for us, aren't you Sweetheart?" Felix's deep voice was hoarse with lust as his cock hammered in and out of you, sweat slipping between your two bodies. "You were practically begging for us to fuck you in both holes, weren't you? You wanted this."
Despite his harsh words, he lifted your chin up before mashing your lips together. His eyes were closed as he licked your bottom lip, an extremely vulnerable moment despite what was happening.
Jisung gently pressed the tip of his cock into you, and the tightness nearly took his breath away. Gasping from the unexpected pleasure, he gripped your waist as he slowly eased himself in.
"O-oh, Ji please, slower," you breathed, your eyes, which had been blissfully shut moments before, were now wide open, gazing down at Felix with a mix of pleasure and pain, excitement and fear.
Felix ran his hands along your spine reassuringly, pressing his lips against your arms, which were now propped against his chest.
"You're doing so well for us, Sweetheart," he purred, his other hand brushing the hair back from your shoulder. "You're making Jisung feel so good, he might cum early."
"Not true," Jisung growled through gritted teeth. He was trying to go slow for you, he really was. But the tight heat of your body just did something to him, something no other woman had done to him before. You were addicting. You were his.
You squeezed your eyes shut for a moment, letting your body get accustomed to the sensation of two people inside of you at the same time. It hurt like hell, to be honest, but it was also somehow liberating, knowing you could give pleasure to two men like this.
"You can move again," you finally murmured, glancing back at the man behind you and nodding. You wanted to make him feel good. And you wanted to know if it could make you feel good too.
Jisung kept moving, watching you every second to make sure you weren't in too much pain. Slowly, he bottomed out inside of you.
You collapsed back on top of Felix, who hadn't moved once since Jisung started entering you from behind. He didn't want to overstimulate you. He found himself wanting to put your needs before his own. That was new for him.
Jisung sat there for a moment, a silent question hanging, asking if you were okay for him to move.
"P-please move," you finally got out, the intense sensations of Felix's thick cock and Jisung's long one causing both holes to clamp down on each of them. "I-I think I'm ready."
Felix didn't need to be told twice. His hand slid into your hair as he began thrusting in and out of your sopping cunt, pulling you close so he could gaze into your eyes. As much as he didn't want to admit it, he had already fallen for you. He didn't want you to be with anyone else. You were his. His and Jisung's.
Jisung, with one final glance to check in on you, began moving in time with Felix's thrusts. When Felix moved in, Jisung moved out. The two of them had shared multiple women in the past, so they fell into an easy, practiced rhythm. But this time, it felt different, to both of them. Jisung could feel his heart physically ache in his chest as he gazed down at you, sweat shining off your back, your hair a mess, as you pressed kiss after kiss against Felix's neck, tortured moans spilling from your lips like a prayer.
"Please, faster," you sobbed, tears staining Felix's skin as both men had their way with you. The pain you once felt had opened up to reveal a new kind of pleasure, one you had never felt before. The sounds of both cocks thrusting in and out of you caused you to whimper, your body wracking with shudders against them.
Felix reached down between your legs, his thrusts not slowing, as he rubbed harsh circles against your aching clit, and you were undone. He touched just the right spot over and over, You whimpered his name over and over again, your hips stuttering forward, out of your control.
"I-I'm going to cum, Lix," you panted, bouncing up and down on his cock faster and faster, chasing your orgasm. You threw your head back as you tumbled over the edge, your hips bucking against him, your whole body quaking as you came down from your high.
He growled against you, his fingers dipping into your cunt before licking the arousal off of them. His hips pounded harder into you, his eyes lighting with the fire you knew meant he was close. You let him pound into you, your orgasm rising to crescendo again, his cock pressing so deep against your cervix you could feel him in your stomach. You pressed a hand against him, and he groaned loudly, his hips stuttering with pleasure. You watched in fascination as his perfect, toned abs flexed, and without warning, he emptied himself deep inside of you.
Jisung watched in fascination as the two of you came together, and his hips instantly sped up. He had tried to hold off until you came, and now that you had, he let himself free, using you however he liked.
You turned around, lasering him at him with a coquettish stare. Those entrancing eyes drew him closer to you, his hips snapping forward of their own accord as he kept eye contact. You whimpered, biting your lip and gazing at him pleadingly. He thrusted as hard as he could, his eyes screwed up, his fingers pressing so tight against you, they were sure to leave bruises on your hips.
"Fuck me Ji, harder," you begged, staring at him with those doll-eyes, your hole sucking him in further.
"L-love-" he choked out, managing a few more sloppy thrusts before releasing inside of you. He stayed inside your warm, tight body before pulling out and tugging you on top of him, completely spent.
Felix grunted as you toppled over to lay on Jisung's chest, the two men moving to sandwich you in an embrace. Despite the couch being small, you didn't mind these two lean men squeezed right next to you. Jisung, who spooned you from behind, pressed his warm lips against your neck over and over again, sending tingles down your spine. You shivered, giggling softly, nuzzling him with your nose in response. Felix, who had turned to face you from his position in front, held your waist, pulling your face close as he kissed your lips over and over, like he couldn't get enough.
"I bet you entice all the ladies with these moves, don't you?" You tried to smile at your joke, but it felt forced. You couldn't imagine what it looked like to them.
"We don't do this for anyone else," Felix said simply, tracing circles against your soft skin. "We always kick them out after."
"Right after," Jisung agreed.
"We wouldn't want to give them the wrong idea, ya know?" Felix kissed the side of your mouth, winking at you.
"Next time, I want to be in your mouth," Jisung broke in, play-pouting as he breathed in the floral scent of your hair.
You hid a smile, just shrugging your shoulders carelessly. "Will you be able to last in my mouth, Ji?" You smirked as he frowned, pretending to be hurt as Felix chuckled lowly at your words.
But inside, you were grinning like a fool.
There would be a next time.
laska's note —
wow, this was SO long and i half apologize, half don't for that. i got a bit carried away hehe. this is a late happy birthday gift to jilix so wish our men a happy birthday!
part of the story was set up, so i gave you a marker for where the smut starts! this one shot is going to be a series, with lightning and rain getting their fun too! so definitely keep an eye out for that. please leave as many comments as you'd like, i love to read them! again tysm for your support on these, they're great fun for me! love you all <33
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kitthepurplepotato · 8 months
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Chapter 13 - Walking in circles.
Summary: Fuck the summary, this is the last angsty chapter and it ends on a positive note, so if you were waiting for the angst to end, you can read now! (Warning: it’s 90% angst and 10% comfort though, so if you are hyper super sensitive, wait for the next chapter.)
Warnings: Swear words and a lot of tears and some sad suggestive stuff, because that’s a thing.
First Chapter Master List
To do list (Midoriya Izuku)
P.s - this bit is not medically correct for human beings. These people heal differently + this is a fanfiction, don’t forget that.)
After care (chest):
- Change the hydrocolloid dressing on Midoriya-san’s chest once a day for 10 days and use the provided ointment.
- Once the scar stops oozing completely, remove the bandages but use the prescribed cream three times a day to keep the fresh tissue moisturized and clean.
- Do not soak the scar but quick showers are okay after 3 days. Do not use soap, the cream has antibacterial properties anyway.
- Sudden, harsh movements can open up the scar so please refrain from doing anything excessive.
Aftercare (arms)
- Midoriya‘s left arm has a metal plate inside to stabilize the fractured bone and it also has a cast to protect it while it’s healing. Nothing here to do really, just keep the arm away from harm’s way. Do not scratch the skin underneath the cast, even if it itches because it might get infected. (No, you can’t scratch it with black whip. I asked - Ei)
- Wheelchair for 3 days to keep the scar on the chest from being pulled.
- After three days, small walks around the house are allowed but nothing else.
- Rehabilitation starts after a week of rest.
- Lifting: small plastic bowl of food is okay, but no heavy plates, no actual workouts, definitely no cars and buildings until advised otherwise. Try to avoid opening doors for the first week. Use a small water bottle to drink, preferably drink with a straw. (Do not lift All Meowth! - Kacchan)
- Please refrain from sexual intercourse for at least until the scar gets healed, which is approximately 2 weeks. Do not lean on your arms. (What he’s trying to say is that you can still do it after 2 weeks if you are the bottom. Just be gentle. You should be fine with being on the top after a month if you are careful, yes, I asked, you are welcome. - Ei)
- Drink plenty of fluids, a healthy diet is advised. Take the prescribed medicine after meals and rest as much as possible.
“Welcome home!” Eijirou pops a party pooper as Inko wheels his son into the apartment.
“Really?” Katsuki facepalms himself, waiting for the other shoe to drop as Midoriya has an unpleasant frown on his face instead of a happy one and while you feel bad about siding with the other two instead of Eijirou on this, but… well… there is time and place for a celebration. “We are going.”
“Thanks for everything, guys.” Izuku gives them a sad smile but he doesn’t tell them to stay.
This is the first time when being alone with Izuku doesn’t sound appealing. It’s not because you need to take care of him, hell, you have no problems with doing that, it’s more about the fact that you already know he’s not going to let you do that.
You are terrified of being rejected by him, terrified to see that uncomfortable smile on his face, the one he usually gives to the overly enthusiastic fans when they come too close or ask questions that are too personal.
You know what Izuku needs now has nothing to do with his feelings towards you but there is a voice inside your head telling you that you are just not good enough, that you should just let his mother take care of him and give up before it starts to hurt even more but you try to think about Izuku’s words, about the way he looked at you when you two had a few minutes alone, about the touches you two have shared right before the accident… you know that deep inside, Izuku genuinely wants you here and even if you’ll need to hide in the bathroom to cry sometimes, you know it’s worth it. He’s worth it.
Inko and All Might stays over until you get Izuku’s food heated up. You feel terrible for giving a grown ass man a plastic bowl of Katsudon but you managed to find an All Might themed set in the small convenience store just a few streets down this morning; it comes with a bowl, a plate, a spoon and a fork. You decide to give the utensils to Deku too, just in case it makes him smile a little bit. It’s probably easier for him to eat with a fork right now, anyway.
Just as you make your way out of the kitchen, All Might bursts out laughing at your shenanigans.
“That’s so sweet but also, why is my face so weird?!”
“I have a feeling the makers of this bowl did not pay for the license to use your actual picture so they… made their own version of it.” You smile as you point towards the kitchen. “There is more if you want to eat!”
“No, we are fine, but I do want to see how it turned out! Do you mind if I take a bite?” Mama Inko sneaks closer to the bowl in your hand and steals a piece of meat. “Hmmm, lovely! Good job!” Inko smiles and ushers All Might towards the main door. “We will leave you two, please keep us posted! Izuku, be a good boy and don’t make your Sweet Pea cry!”
“Okay, honey, do not aggravate the kid.” All Might mutters and Izuku looks at him with an incredulous face, but there is a tiny smile on his lips as he watches the two leave.
“Will they ever stop treating me like I’m a big baby?” Izuku mutters with a fond smile on his face.
“You’ll forever be their baby, Izu, deal with it.”
“But I’m your baby now.” He mumbles under his blushed nose; he looks like a teen trying to flirt for the first time and it’s so fucking adorable you want to kiss him senseless.
“You are. But they don’t need to know that.” You smile back but you can barely finish the sentence before Izuku speaks up again.
“Are you okay, Sweets?”
You almost drop the cup of water in your hand. That question came out of the blue. Are you… okay? You have no idea. Your mind is a mess, you are so fucking worried deep inside you want to yell and cry and break something but you are also happy to be able to be with Izuku right now, to help him, to be close to him.
“A little bit shaken, I guess.” You admit. “It’s a lot but it’s also what I agreed to, it just hits different when you are actually in the situation. But overall, I’m just glad you are alive.”
“I’ll… need some time” He repeats his words from yesterday. “Can we stay in our own rooms for a while?”
It hurts. It really fucking hurts but you brace yourself to smile, making it look like it’s no biggie, even as the world crumbles inside you.
“We can… use the living room as a common space. If you ever feel like talking or just co-existing, just come out. Send me a message when you need any help and please, ask for help, because I will really miss you and if me helping with your dressing or heating up your food is my only way to see you, I’ll gladly take it.”
A few more minutes until Izuku finishes his food. You can do this. You are strong. You are still loved. This is not the end of the world. Just keep the act up for a little bit more for his sake. Please.
“I love you.” Izuku announces confidently. “And once I’m… better… mentally and physically… I’ll show you how much. I promise I’ll make it up to you, for all the pain I’m causing right now. I’ll bring you all the stars from the sky if I need to.”
“I love you too, Izu-Izu.” You try your best to smile but a few stray teardrops manage to escape. Izuku doesn’t comment on it, because Izuku’s face is just as wet as yours.
Izuku wasn’t lying when he said he won’t… communicate too much. He only comes out of his room when he gets hungry or when he needs help with the bandages. He’s more than capable to do his everyday things even in the wheelchair; it’s a super high tech one which can go up and down, making the change between sleeping and moving around quite easily manageable even alone. He could probably do his bandages alone as well, with no problem whatsoever but he asks for your help anyway, probably to be able to see you a little bit without the need of a conversation, to steal a few touches before he retreats to his room again, to let you have a bit of time with him even though the distant look in his eyes tells you he’s not ready to do that yet, but still, he gives you a chance every day, let’s you change the bandages and kiss his forehead after you are done. It feels like an atonement, like a silent way of saying “thank you”.
You cry a lot when he’s not around, mostly at night, before you fall asleep with tear-streaked cheeks. You even get some acne overnight, probably from sleeping with a dirty face.
Izuku doesn’t sneak into your bedroom like how he used to. Not on the first night, not the second and not the third but on the fourth night, you hear the door open and close, you hear the buzzing of his wheelchair, you feel the bed dip by your side but you are terrified to make a noise, terrified to scare him away so you keep pretending you are asleep, you let him snuggle closer and try your best not to shiver as Izuku’s lips find your nape and he starts peppering small, slow kisses there, to the only area he can reach. He stays for an hour, maybe two, he runs his nose through your hair, mumbles into your skin, words jumbled and incomprehensible, then goes back to his room and acts like nothing had happened when you meet up in the kitchen in the morning.
There are ink marks on Izuku’s hand the next day, his eyes dark and lifeless like he haven’t slept at all. You call the doctor that day, ask him if it’s okay for him to write. You should probably say something about his lack of sleep as well, but… you just can’t. It feels like a backstab to do so. Izuku have promised he’ll take care of himself so you can’t help but trust him for a little bit longer.
Izuku keeps coming to your room every night but he never stays. Some nights, he doesn’t say anything then some nights he mumbles up a storm, mostly about the villain gang or about how much he hates not being able to help with the investigation. Then he mumbles about missing you, mumbles about how much he wants to kiss you, to hold you in his arms, to carry you to bed like in the “good old days.” There is one time when you mumble back an almost silent “I love you”. Izuku cries. Then he leaves after he’d cried enough.
You change his bandages. You kiss him on the forehead. You give him something to eat. He takes the meds. He pets All Meowth and goes back into his room. There is even more ink smudged on his hand. He’s not sleeping well. He admits he’s been talking to a therapist through the phone. He gives you kisses at night. You change his bandages. He says thank you when you put the All Might bowl down in front of him. He takes a deep breath, his face buried in your hair as he cries, feeling safe to do so under the cover of the night. You silently cry with him. Then you change his bandages again. It goes on an on for a full week like a never ending circle of nightmares.
Something new happens on the seventh night.
It’s the first night Izuku can’t make himself to leave.
It all starts as per usual, with Izuku sneaking under your covers, peppering kisses on your nape and your neck, the touch so light it barely touches your skin yet it still sends thrills down your spine. Then starts the muttering, half-sentences mumbled into your your skin then comes the wetness, Izuku’s tears as he mumbles louder, unable to whisper, choking on his sobs but he does not stop peppering kisses all over your neck.
Then… it happens.
Izuku’s “healthy” arm snakes around your hip, his thumb playing with your hipbone, his body slowly shifting closer and closer until he’s flush against your back.
“I love your body shape so much. Have I ever told you that? Probably not. I love how I can just… do this.” He moves up, his hand finding the small of your waist, relishing in the softness, grabbing into the skin possessively and you can’t help but whimper.
Here goes nothing. Now Izuku knows you are up. This is when he usually leaves. Will he just stand up and go away now? You really don’t want him to. Would it be too much to hold his hand in place? You have no idea what to do, how to make your point across without scaring him away, but…
“I wanted to do this so much a week ago, when…” Izuku chokes on another sob.
“I would’ve liked it. A lot.” You admit, finally feeling brave enough to speak up.
Warning: suggestive. A tiny bit of… frottage? Is that the word? I dunno. It’s literally 5 seconds though.
“I also wanted to do this…” He whispers, his voice cracking; suddenly, he tries to move on top of you but he has nothing to lean on; he makes a frustrated noise which breaks your heart. With all the strength you can gather half asleep, you try to keep him up long enough so he can put his working hand on the other side of you, then you keep your palm flat on his chest, keeping him up with shaking arms. Izuku moves to his favorite place right away, face hidden in the crook of neck and his tongue pokes out to lick your collarbone only a few seconds after, tiny whimpers leaving your lips as he finally finds his balance and dips down, grinding between your legs a few times before he breaks down, his body falling into you without a warning.
“It was so perfect back then… you are so perfect, yet…”
There is no way any words can get into the man’s thick skull so instead of words you decide to speak with your body; it’s a little bit hard to breathe with his whole weight on you but that’s the least of your concern as you pull Izuku up by his chin and kiss him with so much fervor it takes him several seconds before he can even react.
After not being able to kiss him for so long you can’t help but devour the shaking man on top of you, your hips arching from the bed to be as close to him as humanly possible, all the love, all the adoration, all the lust loud and clear as you kiss him deeply, tongue massaging his own while Izuku whines frustratedly, probably from the fact that he can’t touch you and keep himself up at the same time. You try to soothe his troubled soul by caressing his side and his back with your one free hand, wandering around the areas where Izuku isn’t bandaged up.
It goes on for several minutes until both of you need a breather; Izuku looks at you with deep, dark eyes, the bags even darker under it, panting and tired but after 7 days of acting like a shadow of himself, finally, there is a glint of emotion on his eyes, an emotion other than sadness, a little half-happy shine that makes your heart leap out of your chest as you stare into them with the same intensity. There are no words strong enough to describe what you are feeling right now and by the look of it, Izuku feels the same; without a word, he slowly rolls off you, ending up on your side of the bed as he let’s out a big sigh and pulls you closer, his face hidden in his favorite spot. He takes a deep breath and lets himself relax for the first time this week, mumbling “I love you” as the sleep takes him almost right away.
“I love you too, Izu-Izu.” You mumble into his hair, your fingers buried into his messy curls as you follow him to the land of dreams.
It’s 10AM and Izuku is still fast asleep next to you. For the first time this week, your tears are happy tears. You decide to let him sleep in for longer, clearly, he needs it; there’s a week worth of insomnia he have to sleep off, a week worth of tears, a week worth of stress. You leave a kiss on Izuku’s curls, making the man scrunch his brows adorably then you leave the warmth of the bed to make some breakfast.
You decide on omurice. It’s filling and tasty and you can also make cute little All Might drawings on the top of the rice which will for sure make Izuku’s day a tiny bit brighter!
The clock hits 12 when you hear rustling from your bed so you start to make some eggs to finish the dish. Izuku opens the door but instead of coming to the kitchen he disappears in his room. You can’t help but sigh.
Are we doing this again? You were 100% sure this is over. Maybe you were too naive.
“Izu?” You try to knock on his door but there is no answer; hell, there isn’t even a movement in the room, no signs of a person being inside which makes you so worried you break your own promise to not bother your boyfriend until he’s ready to talk.
When you open the door, the room is empty.
Don’t freak out. - You tell yourself as you look around the surprisingly messy room just to find an opened notebook on Izuku’s desk.
Diary chapter 243
I want to see you. I really do. But my mind is a mess and I can’t stop hating myself for being so reckless when I promised you I’ll come back to you unharmed. I can’t help but hate myself for trying to make everything perfect, despite the fact that deep inside, I know that whatever I do, if you are a part of it it can’t be anything but that.
I hate myself because I promised you I’ll take care of myself but I still don’t. My eyes hurt, I’m tired and I can’t feel my fingers but I can’t help but move those books around, ruin the order until it makes sense again, open the door to another world and loose myself in the tiny details as I’m trying to decipher words and sentences I’m not supposed to read nor understand right now, in my weak state. I’m nothing but a shell but I still can’t give up, I can’t stop helping, even if my actions do nothing good to my body and they make everyone around me mad. It’s extremely selfish, really.
The world won’t crumble if I rest, but my own world will if I loose you.
Maybe… it’s time for me to let my friends take over. Maybe, I do deserve a bit of rest.
Maybe, after a few weeks of atonement, I’ll feel like I deserve you too.
I’ll keep my books in order from tomorrow. I promise.
“Move the books around? Keep them in order? What?” You mumble to yourself as you make your way to Midoriya’s bookshelf to take a peek.
“Y-you can sleep in my room, Sweet Pea. You… can. Just don’t touch the bookshelf in the middle. Please. I beg you.” You remember Izuku’s words from a few months ago; needless to say, you make your way towards the forbidden shelf, because at this point, you can’t give a single flying fuck. Izuku will understand.
Izuku’s collection of All Might books are uncomfortably out of order. It starts with the third volume, then it’s just a mess of random numbers. You have a slight urge to clean that up but you take a deep breath instead and start to think. There must be some kind of logic behind it. There is a reason why Izuku left his diary open today, there is a reason why it was so obviously left on the desk. When Izuku wants to keep secrets, he’s more than capable to take them with him to the grave. It took him months to tell you the truth about his quirk and he still managed to keep All Might’s secret safe until the man himself decided to tell you the rest of the story.
He wants you to find him. This is the last challenge.
You stare at the numbers for several minutes, trying to make a connection, to find some logic behind it but honestly, it just looks like a mess.
Maybe… it’s not the whole shelf you need to make sense of.
There are 7 volumes next to each other in the middle, if you look at the numbers, they make out All Might’s birthday.
That’s it.
That’s the key to whatever Izuku wants you to find.
When you push the first book in, something clicks, so you decide to push them all in, in order. Suddenly, the whole shelf moves backwards and disappears behind the one next to it.
Your heart leaps out of your chest as you take a look inside.
There is a staircase running down to a creepy, barely lit hallway. You take a deep breath and make your way down just to find a single All Might themed note on the floor.
“Don’t freak out.”
Just as you read the note the “door” behind you closes itself and you can hear the books moving back to their original place with 7 little clicks.
Oh, boy.
Another deep breath. You can do this. You just need to find… a door? A fucking chamber? A pot of gold? Is it guarded by a basilisk? Do you need to play chess with your own life on the line? Wait, that’s two different movies.
Thankfully, there are no booby traps around here so you just keep walking, straight for a while then turn right then left then up the stairs again then there is a small door in front of you with a little panel, probably an electric lock next to it that opens with a set of numbers. There is another post it.
“Another date of birth, I know, it’s silly. Hint: The person I love the most.”
Well, shit. You have no idea when Izuku’s mother was born. You’ll die in this hallway. You try Katsuki’s; it doesn’t work. Fuck. It’s definitely not All Might’s because he already used that. As a last resort, you try yours; and for your surprise, the door clicks and opens by itself.
“You found me.” Izuku looks at you with teary eyes, fumbling with a bunch of paper he has thrown around the desk in the side of the room.
This room… is absolutely mental.
Think about that meme with the conspiracy theory guy but ten times worse.
“Holy mother of shit, Izuku, what the actual fuck is this room?!”
Izuku gives you an adorable giggle at that. You have a really strong urge to call the mental hospital on him or on yourself for enjoying this.
“If you tell anyone… I’ll need to kill you.” Izuku mutters with a blush on his face. “And I really don’t want to kill you so please don’t tell anyone. Actually, I wouldn’t kill you, I wouldn’t be able to kill another human being even if I tried and I can definitely not hurt you as you are important to me and you also take care of my place.. so…”
You can’t help but laugh. He’s so fucking adorable, goddamnit!
“Work on your threatening method a bit in the future will ya?”
Izuku gives you the fondest look you’ve ever seen on his face. Oh how much you love this man, it’s actually ridiculous.
“I really should.”
…Next Chapter!
Potato ramble:
- haha funny story so i completely forgot that Izuku is supposed to have an office And the secret room is supposed to open from there and not his room but I already had hints in the story about it being around Izuku’s room so I had to… well… improvise. 😂
- Izuku was able to stop using the wheel chair in three days so he was able to get down on the stairs without a problem, in case you wondered. He’s been writing his diary in the fist three days then he went into his secret room to continue with his conspiracy theories. There will be more info about this room and about his work in the next chapter.
TL: @garfieldthomas @porusuniverse @stickygumchewer @sixxze @mily-moo @aei-sedai-moiraine @aymasakusa @katsuari @kenzie-deadly @shiviwrites07 @lukerycyja-reblogs @cloroxisadelectabletreat @coffeent @kisskissshutmydoor @bobcar1 @yazminetrahan @cringefan @ronimacaroni77 @thekookiecorner @dangerousluv1 @emperatris-rinaka @shotos-angelic-whore @angelsdemonsmonsters @norvacaine @rei165 @unofficialmuilover @yao-ai @happydragonfrog @eeerreehhh @vinivave
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gurugirl · 2 years
Okay, hear me out… stepdad!harry and y/n on vacation. Y/n gets jealous of her mom and Harry, but Harry likes seeing her all jealous and needy so he plays it out for a bit. But eventually he gives into her and is all sweet and reassures her that he only wants her 😖😫🤧🫶🏻
Also, I’m literally obsessed w your writing 💛
A/n: Vacation stepdad Harry! Hope you enjoy! Also, not sure who made the shit edited pic of Harry I used, but - eh, thanks? 2.1k words
Warning: Smut (oral f receiving), some light angst and jealousy - NOT PROOFREAD - this is stepdad!harry x stepdaughter!reader and they have a totally inappropriate relationship - do not read if you're not into it :)
stepdad!harry masterlist
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You were dreading a vacation for the first time ever in your life. Because this time, it meant you'd be with your mom and Harry together nonstop. You'd have to watch them together, and at the end of the day he'd be going to their room for the night, not yours.
Your mom booked two rooms at the resort where you were staying. The rooms were not adjoined, which you were thankful for. Even on the flight you sat apart from them. By yourself, next to an old woman who snored the entire time. And that wasn't so bad to be honest. At least she wasn't trying to talk your ear off.
The resort was gorgeous with pool areas, a night club, a few restaurants and the beach which allowed you access to the ocean was all right there. Your room was basic but the bed was comfortable and you had a good view from your tiny balcony.
When you met up with your mom and Harry at the seafood restaurant they were already there, looking cozy and sweet together. You thought you'd throw up. You knew Harry was putting on an act. He'd told you over and over again what to expect. He admitted to you the way he felt for you and that nothing could compare to his feelings for you. That gave you solace. But it was still a hard pill to swallow seeing them flirty and touchy.
You could barely eat your meal. You tried not noticing the way your mom kept touching Harry's arm and the way Harry responded by touching her back. You hated the way he'd whisper into her ear and it'd send her laughing loudly. She was quite a bit drunk by the time the server had cleared your table and you all were ready to leave.
"Let's go to the pool together and enjoy some sun!" Your mom spoke as she grabbed Harry's hand and pulled at him.
"Nah. I'm just gonna go and walk around the resort. See what's around," you spoke and saw Harry frown at you. Your mom let out a strange wet gasp, "No, come with us, Yn! Don't be a party pooper!"
You rolled your eyes and chose not to respond. But you did concede and follow them both to the adult's only pool.
You found a chair and and slid your dress off, draping it over the back of the seat and laid yourself over the cushions wearing your cute little green bikini that you hoped would have Harry looking.
And it did. Harry noticed your little swimsuit. He also noticed other people noticing. He didn't like that but he couldn't do anything about it. He and your mom laid next to one another and held hands. Harry kind of liked watching you get jealous of him. He liked that you were fuming. It might have been mean, but he knew that you were aware of his feelings. He had warned you beforehand. But it was kind of cute to watch you get all huffy with him. He'd take care of that later.
After another few rounds of cocktails your mother had hit her limit. Harry helped her back to her room and you assisted. She was slurring and kissing all over Harry's neck, "Just need to sleep it off and then I'm gonna suck your big dick so good baby..." your mom spoke and you nearly gagged and vomited all over her.
Harry just laughed, "Sounds good. Can't wait."
He knew she was going to be out and would never remember saying that, especially since she said it right in front of you. Yeah, she was quite intoxicated. She'd be out for the rest of the night.
Once you and Harry got your mom into her room you excused yourself so Harry could help her change and tuck her into bed. Before you could open the door Harry put his palm on the frame and turned you toward him, "Stop being a brat. I'll see you in fifteen minutes in your room."
You yanked your arm away from him and narrowed your eyes at him, "No you won't. I'm not going to my room. You can stay here and let my mom suck your cock for all I care."
You were pissed and Harry only smiled at you, making you even more mad, "Go to your room. If you aren't there in fifteen minutes I'll come find you and drag you back there."
You left and stomped your way down the hall. You hated the predicament you were in. It never got easier.
But you did go to your room because deep down you knew what Harry was doing was for your mom's sake. She couldn't know about you two or it would end in disaster.
You stripped out of your bikini and put on a robe from the hotel and opened up the door to the balcony to let in a breeze. You were already feeling better.
Just as promised, fifteen minutes later, Harry was knocking at your door. You put on your angry face and swung the door open ready to argue and pout and make him feel sorry for you having to put up with him and your mom being lovey-dovey. But when you took him in you nearly melted and lost all the resolve you had to be angry with him. He was holding a small bouquet of flowers and had a bottle of white wine in the other hand.
He stepped into your room and handed you the flowers and then pushed you backwards, closing the door behind him, cocky smile on his face. He continued walking you backwards with the bottle of wine in one hand and the other cupping your face. His eyes were soft and he his lopsided grin was cute but you wanted to slap him. And then kiss him.
"Baby, don't be angry. I know you want to be but we talked about this," he set the bottle of wine down on the cabinet and then cupped the other side of your face with his newly free hand. He still walked you backward until you were against the bed. He gently nudged you back to sitting and then removed his shoes before grabbing you by your waist and moving you deeper into the bed, pushing you toward the pillows as he climbed over you and then untied your robe.
You let him open up the thick cotton and expose your naked body underneath. Harry smoothed his hands from your tummy up to your breasts and then leaned over you to place a small kiss at each nipple.
He looked up at you with innocent eyes, "You know I love you. Right? More than anything or anyone." He continued kissing over your breasts and you were quickly coming undone. Harry let his lips trail down to your sternum and lower toward your belly. His soft lips covered every inch of your skin as you remained silent still being a little stubborn.
Harry chuckled against your hip bone and then looked up at you, his light green eyes looking hungry and desperate, "I mean it. Please. You're all I want. All I can think of anymore. Don't be mad."
With his eyes still on you he brought his lips back to your hip bone before lowering to you pelvis and then like magic, the moment his mouth met your labia and then his tongue licked inside and found your clit you sighed and couldn't stop the smile from taking over your features.
"There she is. There's my good girl. Want your pussy licked baby? I'll show you how you're the only one I want. The only one I need."
You moaned and nodded at Harry and you saw him smile before delving in and covering your pussy with his mouth. Harry kept his eyes on you as he licked upward and stroked your clit, getting you all slippery and whiny until he knew you were ready for his fingers.
"No one does this to you but me," he said in a deep voice as he pushed his middle finger into your entrance and began stroking upward and then in and out. He put his mouth back over you, using his tongue to dance around your clit and it drove you crazy. You needed more pressure and he knew it, but he loved driving you crazy.
He added a second a finger and his fingers moved a little quicker as started to suck on your clit using his tongue to massage and encase your sensitive bud.
You put your hands into his hair and began to pull when you spread your legs further apart to give him as much access as he needed. You closed your eyes when his slurping and fingering felt like a warm zipper coming undone on your flesh. You groaned.
Harry used his free hand to pinch your thigh and you popped your eyes back open to look down at him with heaving breaths.
Harry lifted his mouth to speak to you, his lips grazing your pussy as he spoke his words, "Keep your eyes on Daddy. Want you looking at me when you come."
So you did your best. He always wanted you to watch when he ate you out. The way his tongue worked you, his lips sucked at you, his fingers fucked into you... and the sound of him slurping your cunt.
You began to moan in high, breathy noises. Harry's cheeks were shiny with you. He kept his eyes on yours as he continued his attack on your pussy and with his free hand he began to hold you down as you started to buck upward when you felt your end bubbling out.
"Daddy... oh my god!" Your words were moans and your ears began to ring as you struggled to keep your eyes open and on Harry's.
"Come on baby. Come on my face... come in Daddy's mouth," Harry grunted his words out and you noticed that he was gently rocking himself into the bed as he was working you to your end.
"Fffuuck!" You yelped as you released and fluttered your eyes closed for only a second before you felt Harry pinching at you again and you peeled your lids open and watched Harry as he continued licking and sucking with his fingers inside of you as you came. You moaned nonsense words and high pitched breaths as he at you out until you were so sensitive you were trying to push at his head but he had a vice grip on you and he didn't let up.
Harry's mouth was still eating away at your pussy and you squeezed your eyes closed, "Harry! Please!" you gasped your words as he licked over you clit, up and down, side to side. He slide a third finger inside of you and you opened your eyes and craned your neck to watch.
You began to feel your second orgasm wind around your insides as Harry's tongue didn't stop swiping over you. Everything was so wet and slick on your pussy with your own arousal and the spit Harry was using on you as he smoothed his mouth up and down.
The moment your second orgasm hit you felt like you were levitating. Harry had three fingers inside of you, knuckles deep as he sucked you in. He held you down and you writhed as you whined and moaned his name.
Harry laughed as you quivered and tears fell from your face. He knew he'd overstimulated you but he loved watching you struggle and come over and over again.
When you came down and your breathing was still a bit hard Harry lifted his face and began taking his clothes off. You watched him from your prone position with a smile of relief on your face.
Harry's dick was plumped and leaking at the tip already when he grabbed your thighs and dragged you to pull you closer.
"Daddy needs to come inside his baby now. Show you how much I love you. Fill you up with my come."
You were already so fucked out and you hadn't even technically been fucked but you nodded with a smile and Harry leaned down to kiss your mouth, he tasted like you.
He put his hands into your hair and gently smoothed it back. He looked at you for a moment with the soft eyes you loved so much. You loved it when he looked at you like this. It spoke everything to you that you wanted to know.
"Okay? Can I make love you to you now, baby? Want Daddy's cock?" Harry's lips were wet with you and his irises nearly completely covered by his pupils.
"Yes. Fuck me daddy. Make love to me."
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hearts4hughes · 2 years
hurt - jack hughes
jack hughes x fem! reader
warnings: swearing, mention of alcohol, let me know if i missed anything :)
a/n: pt 1 is here. i’m sorry this is so rushed, i’ve been kinda in a writers block, but i felt bad for not posting a part 2. hope you enjoy reading lovies!
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it’s been two weeks since my fight with jack and needless to say, i’m doing awful. i’ve spent most of my time alone in my apartment eating ice cream and mopping.
as of today thought, it’s my ‘turning point’ according to olivia and julianna. they are both currently over my house, pulling me out of my depression hole, or trying to at least.
“no excuses, y/n! we are going out tonight,” olivia urges, shuffling through my closet, grabbing a sparkly minidress, and throwing it on my bed. i pick up the flimsy material, raising a brow.
“i just don’t know,” i lay back down, covering myself with my blanket, “what if we accidentally run into him?”
“don’t be a party pooper,” i hear julianna’s muffled laugh from my bathroom, guessing she’s going through my makeup, “do you know how many clubs there are in jersey, bae? there’s a very little chance that we are going to run into him.”
she wasn’t wrong, but i had a feeling i was just going to be that unlucky. “fine,” i rub my eyes, throwing the blankets off of me, “let’s go get drunk.” both olivia and julianna cheer in response as we begin getting ready.
right as we walk into the night club, i’m led straight to the bar. after 5 shots and three vodka martinis, it’s good to say i’m plastered. currently, i’m grinding on some hot guy on the dance floor, when i hear a familiar voice.
“y/n?” i turn around to see a very surprised niko, “i haven’t seen you in a few of weeks,” he brings me into a big hug.
“hey what’s up,” i break out into a smile, always happy to see niko, “what are you doing here?”
niko doesn’t say anything and i catch julianna making her way over here, with a worried look on her face.
suddenly, i turn around, being met with jack’s face.
shit, shit.
“y/n,” jack starts to talk, but before he can finish i push him away and go full speed to the exit.
“wait, y/n!” i feel a heavy hand grab onto my wrist, pulling me back, “just give me a few minutes to explain.” i try to pull away from jack, but his grip on my wrist was strong, “please.”
“i’m not even joking when i say you have 5 minutes,” my words are stern, but i meant them to be.
jack fixes his hat and begins, “i’m in love with you.”
“that’s your apology?” i scoff, “that’s great, jack, really that’s fucking fabulous. i’m in love with you too, but that doesn’t make anything better.”
his face drops as he stares at the floor, “no, no, i have an apology too.”
“go on then, spit it out!”
“i’m sorry! i’m sorry for everything,” he blurts out, “i came over your apartment that night because i wanted to tell you how i felt. i wanted to tell you that i loved you,” he closes his eyes in frustration, “but when i saw you getting ready for that date, i got jealous. i was jealous that someone else was taking you out. so i acted recklessly and yelled at you.”
i don’t say anything, allowing him to continue, “i’m sorry for everything, y/n. and you don’t have to accept my apology, just know that i really mean it because i love you and i never want to see you upset.” without a doubt, i hug him,
“i’m sorry too, jack.”
he begins to hug me back and we both stand there, bathing in each others embrace.
“you don’t have anything to be sorry for-” i cut him off before he can finish his sentence, smashing my lips onto his. it doesn’t take long before he’s kissing me back.
“i love you so much, jack.”
“i love you more.”
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priniya · 2 years
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summary: first love is the one you never forgets, they say, and they’re right. there’s no way in this world that you would ever forget how you fell in love with tsukishima kei
notes: another part of seijoh!reader x kei tsukishima universe. check the other one out here. big height difference, kei tsukishima being an idiot in love, reader being kinda oblivious. mentions of teenagers kissing, reader calling tsukishima “pretty boy”. not proofread.
words count: 4.7k
a soft sigh escaped from between your lips as you tried to mentally prepare and calm yourself before walking into the gymnasium of karasuno high school to see your best friend. you’ve been friends with kageyama for at least a few years now, and if he kept his attitude then you know you could call yourself his only friend.
you two were supposed to hang out after classes, but yet he simply forgot in all likelihood. at the very thought of it, you rolled your eyes a little annoyed, nonetheless you signed up for that. a few minutes had passed before you finally found the courage to open the heavy door and face the confusion rosing on each boy’s faces as they noticed you. a strange girl in an aoba johsai uniform with a tired expression.
“hey, looking for someone?” a silver-haired boy asked, walking up to you with a warm smile forming on his lips, ready and eager to help. he emanated with kindness and sweetness, and you couldn't not reciprocate his smile.
but before you could answer that you’re looking for a friendly crow, who presumably lost track of time and forget about a hangout he was the one to come up with, your friend jogged up to the two of you, an embarrassed grimace on his lips. “oh my god, y/n. i’m so sorry.” he blurted out, not being able to look into your eyes.
“the king can apologize?” you teased, earning a snort from someone at the gymnasium, and you playfully rolled your eyes, not paying too much attention to that. “please don’t tell me you did anything beside forgetting about our hangout.”
“i was about to go with hinata–” he started, and you didn’t even want him to finish. your heart stung upon hearing tobio’s words, but you didn’t want him to see it.
your relationship with the number nine was… complicated, you could say. started with being paired up to something in art class at your primary school when he wasn’t so obsessive of volleyball, sweet times, definitely. then, you were the only one to defend him in front of oikawa who has never been the nicest towards your friend, and then you became a manager to both prevent any possible fights between him and his teammates, and to make sure he wasn’t pushing over his limits. then, high school came, and you picked different schools, so it felt like you were drifting apart from each other. years of friendship rusting and becoming a brief memory in your minds. “listen, i can cancel–”
“don’t. i’ll just tag along, i already told mom i’m gonna be home later.” a soft smile landed on your mouth, biting back the bitter feeling in the back of your mind. your head turned to the silverhead who talked to you earlier. “is that okay if i stay here until the practise ends?” “yeah, no problem.”
you sat on the bleachers, putting both headphones on prior to opening the book you’ve been reading on a certain page. no one really paid attention to you, except for the one time when you caught eye contact for a brief second with the tall, blonde guy standing in the back of the room.
when the practice ended, you prayed in your mind that you wouldn’t start an argument with tobio, because of this whole ridiculous situation. “tsukishima and yamaguchi are going with us as well, okay?” your best friend said before jogging after the ginger boy to the changing room, leaving you no time to react.
you didn’t want to be a party pooper, but you wanted to spend some time with kageyama since you were slowly drifting away from each other. you couldn’t blame yourself for backing out a little when you walked down the street with the first years. the only thing you could hear was muffled laughs from the two boys at the front.
you walked behind a guy who you had an eye contact with and his friend, paying zero attention to your surroundings as you thought about the nicest way possible to just bail and go straight home. “watch where the fuck you’re going, bitch.” you heard as you accidentally hit someone’s arm with your own.
“a grown ass man calling a fifteen years old a bitch, wow. progressive.” the blonde haired boy, tsukishima, muttered under his breath loud enough for you and the guy you bumped your shoulder into, to hear. “stop embarrassing yourself.” he added with an eye roll as the man spoke something any of you could hear.
“should’ve kept your head a little higher than your feet.” he remarked, having you as the target. you could give him that, but by the way he formed his sentence, you would never admit it.
your destination was a cozy pizza place styled as it’s a friday evening in the eighties. tables covered by red and white pieces of fabric with particular, american french fries stands and red cups to drink in. you occupied one red couch (there was a lot of red) with a boy named yamaguchi.
yamaguchi seemed to be the sweetest of them, he would send you warm smiles whenever you looked at him or try to make a proper conversation with you (which wasn’t so hard after he realized that volleyball doesn’t really interest you as tobio). you’d be thankful for that to the end of your life, really.
“no way! tsukki and i are coming as well!” tadashi exclaimed happily after hearing about your plans to go to tokyo for the arctic monkeys concert soon. “huh?” you noticed the blonde-haired boy raising an eyebrow at the mention of his name.
“don’t worry, we’re just gossiping about you.” a smile spread over your face as you replied right before your new companion explained the topic you two talked about. “didn’t expect you to listen to arctic monkeys.”
“what did you expect then?” he asked, you grinned even wider. “one direction, or maybe ellie goulding.” you chuckled, proud of your joke when the boy snorted with a shadow of a smile and shook his head.
“you say that? you probably listen to justin bieber, britney spears or taylor swift. i bet.” he smirked as you rolled your eyes playfully, taking a sip of your coke with a few ice cubes. “don’t you?”
“you know a lot of white artists, tsukishima-san. you’re not that edgy as you tryna be?” yamaguchi laughed at your words, reciprocating your beam, his eyes drifting from his friend to you, not wanting to miss any of your hilarious bickering.
the rest of the hangout contained a lot about the music you three liked (hinata and kageyama were in their own world for most of the time, sadly), how they ended up in karasuno and other things that actually didn’t matter. it was… better than you anticipated. the four of you (tadashi had to leave earlier) bit goodbyes and were about to go your own ways, when you felt a light tap on your shoulder.
“he doesn’t walk you home?” you heard tsukishima’s voice and stopped in your tracks to turn your head around and raise it to look at him. “huh?” slipped through your mouth. “the king. he doesn’t walk you home? it’s almost midnight.” the boy frowned as you shrugged, not really getting why he is so bemused. “he never does.”
you really thought he’s gonna leave you alone after this, letting you go home with j cole as your only companion, instead he walked beside you, one earphone plugged in his ear. “you don’t have to do it.”
“l/n, your house isn’t the only house in that direction.” he looked at you out of the corner of his eyes. well, you were pretty, even beautiful, he could give you that, and tobio must’ve been lucky to be by your side most of the time growing up. however, as soon as his thought hit him, he denied everything. it wasn’t him who thought of you as beautiful, you were the king’s friend with a similar music taste to his, but that was all.
“what you’re listening to?” you questioned, putting the comfortable silence between the two of you on hold. it was the moment when he realized you were looking at him, more obviously than you intended to. “lemme guess, britney spears hit me baby one more time or maybe pitbull and kesha timber?”.
“you really think i’d ruin such a peaceful walk with kesha?” his remark made you chuckle. “the war is over by cage the elephant.” even in the dim light, he could see how your eyes flickered at the mention of the song.
“give me the earphone.” you demanded. “what?” he asked. “oh c’mon, just give it to me, i love this song.”
if you knew tsukishima, you would be surprised that he didn’t refuse your request, because he never had done a thing like that. but now he did, and it shocked him as well. you got a little closer to him and smiled, humming the lyrics under your breath. once you stood on the porch, you sent him a grin and waved.
“thank you, if it wasn’t for you and yamaguchi i would be stuck with those lovebirds.” he shrugged, saying a quiet no problem before you spoke out again. “i hope to see you soon, goodnight, and thanks for walking here with me.”
as soon as the doors were closed behind you, you couldn’t stop the burning feeling on your face and tingling one in your stomach. it was the first time someone had ever walked you home, even if your house was just on their way, the first time you cherished a silence between you and someone who wasn’t your best friend. tsukishima kei was a complete stranger to you, a classmate and teammate of tobio, he was someone you probably won’t see for a long time. at least, you thought so.
but you weren’t the only one who felt… weirded out about the effect the meeting had on you. when kei finally got home, after a twenty minutes bus ride, contemplating upon his decision of walking you home even if he lived on the other side of town. it was the first time he had ever felt the urge to keep talking to someone or just to be around them for a longer moment. his only justification was that you were decent enough for him to tolerate talking to you, even though you occupied his mind throughout the whole ride home and the following day.
however, you’d see tsukishima earlier than you thought. you were sitting in one of sendai’s coffee shops, highlighting various things in your textbook with green, yellow and red markers. exhaustion painted all over your face as you let out a heavy sigh, prior to rubbing your face angrily.
“it’s not healthy to rub your face like this.” a familiar voice claimed out of nowhere, and after you put your hands down you saw the blonde karasuno middle blocker, looking at you with an amused mimic.
“tsukishima-san.” you tugged on a smile involuntarily. “it’s also not healthy to be frustrated by things like these, yet here i am.” you remarked, earning a playful eye-roll from the blonde-head.
“organic chem?” you nodded. “and what’s the highlighters for?”
“glad someone asked.” you picked up three pens. “red’s for things i completely don’t understand, yellow for i’m working on it, and green for things i get. as you can see, there’s mostly red here, and it makes me soo miserable.” you explained, a little embarrassed, you have heard from karasuno setter that tsukishima has had it easy with studying and was a genius. from one other description you got from hinata, there was a high chance that he would make fun of you since he’s a heartless, tower-like, genius.
“uh…” he rubbed the back of his neck. it was supposed to be a quick coffee pick-up and leave, meet up at tadashi’s house and study together, but you clearly needed more help than his or yamaguchi’s grades. he sent a rushed text to the green-haired boy about a cancellation of their plans, and looked at your textbook once again. “let me grab my coffee and i’ll try to explain everything, alright?”. “thank you.”
chemistry has never been so easy for you, like when tsukishima tried to explain different constructions, reactions with various compounds and other things you thought you would never understand, and just fail a class. you often caught yourself looking at him, instead of the notes and book. well, you couldn’t tell, but he felt it, every trace of your eyes on his face, what he missed was your beam whenever you understood something.
“you’re a god in human clothes.” you exclaimed, packing all your things in the bag you swung over your shoulder. “i owe you something huge if i’ll pass.” he sent you a shadow of a smile and shook his head.
“l/n-san, no need for that really” he paused for a second. “unless, you want to give me your number so i can call you when i’ll need a favor.” he tilted his head, handing you one of the three highlighters, and then, as you nodded, his phone. you put in your number and sent a message to yourself.
“would you mind tutoring me sometimes?” you blurted, not being able to look him in the eyes. your question wasn’t anything bad, curiosity ringing in your voice, however it was your second meeting and asking him such a question seemed… a little off. you expected him to deny with having no time for any extra activities like that, but well–
“sure, just call me whenever you need something.”
you took his words very seriously, which led you two to meet up every few days, either it was at your house or the coffee shop you met for the second time. at first, it was plain studying, kei tutoring you in more scientific studies while you helped him with classes who you could classify into more humanistic. but then… you started blabbing in the freetime, sharing waaay too many stories with him, not really expecting him to share his own as long as he wasn’t comfortable enough to speak.
and nobody besides yamaguchi knew about your little study dates, so you could imagine kageyama’s reaction beforehand when you appeared at the karasuno’s gymnasium doors, a smile tugged on your lips as you asked sugawara if you could talk to the blonde middle blocker for a second. you could imagine the surprise painted on all tsukishima’s teammates faces when he jogged up to you, a soft beam on his lips as he bent, so you were able to whisper into his ear, without being eavesdropped by others.
“there’s halloween soon… would you like to come over and do a movie marathon with me?” you heard how he laughed at your words but nodded. “you came here just to ask me that?” “mhmm” you dragged out the word.
he scanned your face for a minute, noticing a pinkish blush spread all over your cheeks because of the closeness between the two of you, and also because you felt his breath on the cheek. “let’s do a pre-game tonight, what do you think?”
“hmm, good idea. i’ll go get some snacks and come by to pick you up, alright?”
as soon as you left, your new friend was covered in questions about how, when, why and once again when it happened, but tsukishima would never bother himself so much to answer any of them. he was happy to be asked to spend both halloween, and that one night with you, instead of kageyama. that he was the one you wanted to spend your free time with.
when the training was finished, tsukishima noticed you standing next to the front gate, headphones in your ears as you waited with two bags, filled with snacks of all kinda since you didn’t really know what his favorite ones were. “i can’t believe you just didn’t walk in and stayed here freezing.”
“it’s finee. i never get cold.” you giggled, putting your headphones into the bag you had swung over your shoulder, heavy with school books, notebooks. “shush. at least give me those bags, mkay?” he rolled his eyes, snatching the two bags of candies from your hand and then a few minutes in walking, he also took your school bag, saying that it wasn’t as bad as it seemed. well, it was quite bad, so he had another reason to not give them back to you.
and before kei could even notice, you two were sitting on the couch in your living room with lots of bowls filled with anything. gummies, chips, cookies, candies, fruits, basically everything – your explanation, you wanted to guess his favorite, just like that. you rested your head on the boy’s shoulder almost immediately when you sat down, blanket threw over your legs.
well, you liked horrors, you really did, but you decided on going along with the stereotype of girls being afraid of scary movies, so you could sneak your hand around his arm and cuddle to it while watching. a genius move to get closer. when he didn’t protest, you grinned to yourself, forgetting to notice the red blush that crept onto his face.
it was exactly that night when you bothered to notice how you started to develop a small crush on your new friend, but since things like this happen almost all the time with the teenagers, you just wanted to wait till they fade. (spoiler alert: they didn’t.)
“he’s hot.” you mumbled, your mouth stuffed with chocolate cookies as a certain actor, looking like tsukishima appeared on the screen. “i hope he doesn’t die, the prettiest always dies first.” he snickered at your comment and let his head fall on yours for a brief second. “it’s okay, pretty boy, we’re gonna look cute all cuddly together.”
“you’re impossible, know that?” he replied, nudging your side lightly. “no wonder why you’re friends with the king, for real.” you gasped, turning your head towards him with an offended grimace.
“what’s that supposed to mean, hm? i call you a pretty boy and for what?” your eyebrows were knitted as you scanned his face for any signs of difference, like the redness on the cheeks. “just to laugh at my friendship with tobio. you should be grateful! you rat.” trying to bite back the laughter that wanted to escape your mouth, you turned your gaze back to the tv.
“now you’re calling me a rat? fine.” he let out and immediately after that, began to tickle you which led to him being on top of you, laughing like you never heard him do so, while you begged him to stop.
tsukishima has never been a big fan of physical touch as a sign of affection, either if it was his mom, yamaguchi or someone else that mattered in his life. but it was different with you, not only he couldn’t care, he felt as if he needed to feel you somewhere next to him, your head on his shoulder, holding pinkies like people in movies (he wasn’t on that stage yet) or anything else. he felt like he needed it to function as a normal human being, and it was another thing that weirded him out, why and since when does he feel like that?
“okay! okay! hahaha- you’re haha not a rat. i’m sorry!” you called out, interrupted by salves of laughs every few seconds “please pretty boy let me breathe!” he stopped upon hearing your request, yet not shifting from his position, eyes highly focused on your lips. friends do that sometimes, don’t they?
next thing you saw was your hands on the back of his neck, pulling him closer for a kiss. it was a moment you know you would probably regret later, but you couldn’t care less about anything as you felt his lips on yours. you were caressing small circles on his skin before putting your hands in his hair, playing with it gently while he cupped your face in his palms, making you smile unwillingly.
when he pulled away a few minutes later – when the pretty blonde boy from the movie died – his eyes were fixated on yours as you tried to calm your short breath. you didn’t have to look into a mirror to know that your lipstick was smudged, hair whenever they wanted to be, and a grin tugged onto your lips involuntarily. he reciprocated the smile as he helped you got back into your previous position without saying anything, but the tension between you told you he didn’t regret it, neither should you.
and you didn’t. because friends sometimes kiss each other. because friends sometimes dream about their friends, right? it wasn’t just a poor excuse to not recognize your crush on the middle blocker anymore. friends do that, and it’d be an ass move to question this.
you went by the same logic when he sent you a link to his spotify playlist named idiot :) with songs’ titles, creating a sentence or moreover a question. would you go out for a coffee with me? there was no chance that it could be a date. but you agreed either way, there wasn’t anything that would make you feel like wasting your time with him.
you went to the same coffee shop you two were going to whenever you couldn’t study at your house. but the tension was a bit different from last time you were there. tsukishika kei was different, all smiley and happy, which was definitely not the tsukishima you knew, but you could stick up to that since a smile suited him soo much. you spent at least four hours talking and laughing, and you could notice how the blonde boy warmed up to you to tell you stories from his life without discomfort.
“you know it’s a date, right dummy?” he questioned, the tone of his voice sounding so soft that you almost melted at his words before processing what he just said. it was a date. real date that people who like each other go to. kei tsukishima like you and just confessed it in his own way. god, how stupid you were for not realizing it earlier.
“who do you think i am, pretty boy?” you replied, cocking your head to the side with the prettiest smile you could ever send him. oh god. you definitely weren’t only friends as you thought earlier.
the day of your date was also the day when you learned that he lied to you about where his house was located, because the opposite side of the city wasn’t anywhere near your house, and you could feel thousands of fireworks exploding underneath your skin, when the meaning of the small gesture finally hit you. he wanted to spend more time with you and also know if you got home safely. OH my god.
“your house isn’t near mine, and yet i’m the impossible one?” you chuckled, standing on the porch of his house at eleven past morning waiting on your mom to pick you up. he joined you in laughter prior to blushing with embarrassment as you found out about his lie. “don’t worry, pretty boy, i think it’s cute.” you smiled tenderly, placing your hand on his cheek, caressing it softly.
the way he smiled at you made your legs weak, the way his eyes traced around your whole face before landing on your mouth prior to finally taking the initiative and kissing you. the kiss, besides being interrupted by a honk of your mom’s car, was even more sweet, more delicate and softer than the first one. he bent his knees so you wouldn’t have to stand on the top of your toes. the tingling and burning in your belly couldn’t stop at his action.
“thank you for today, tsukishima”.
“kei.” “huh?” you asked, confused. “you can call me kei if you want.” he explained, making you die internally. his given name, you could refer to him like that. oh my lord.
“then, thank you for today, kei.” you whispered, placing a kiss on his cheek before walking up to your mom’s car, waving at him through the window, which you lowered before pulling off. “it’s y/n, by the way!” you called out.
since that day you started to see him more often in places like a train to your school, even though he would have to switch to bus after your stop to get back on the way to karasuno, or to get picked up by him on the days when he doesn’t have afternoons trainings. it made you feel special, like a main character of some teenage drama or more accurately, teenage love story.
the day he finally found enough courage and asked you to be your girlfriend happened almost two months after your first date, but it didn’t mean you wouldn’t go out in the meantime. sometimes taking yamaguchi, yachi and the lovebirds so you could call it a triple date.
it was a day – a morning – before christmas when you were supposed to set off to tokyo to visit all of your family and spend the holidays there. it was around three in the morning when your mom claimed that kei was standing with flowers and a present bag in his hands at your porch.
“what you’re doing here?” you laughed quietly, pulling him into the warmth of your house. “i couldn’t sleep knowing i won’t see you till after new year’s eve.” he confessed, making you beam.
“you’re so stupid, dummy” you shook your head as he handed you the bouquet of your favorite flowers and the present bag. “wait, i’ll find a vase and will go get your present.” he nodded without saying anything, his eyes following your every step.
you came back a few minutes later, holding your present for him, finding him in the living room with a cup of tea cupped in his hands. “open it first.” you pleaded, sitting beside him on the couch.
you decided on giving him a hoodie of his favorite band, some cds and books he told you he wanted to get himself after christmas and a photo album hidden in a handmade paper camera that showed your favorite photos of you two when you open it.
at the same time you opened his bag, and smiled at the arctic monkeys’ vinyl of worst favorite nightmare you wanted to buy so badly, a hoodie of his you said was the best, and what made you tear up, a copy of pride and prejudice by jane austen with his notes inside. a thing you once told kageyama you would die to get from a person you care about.
“kei…” you whispered, wiping away the tears prior to wrapping your arms around his neck. “it’s one of the best presents someone ever got me. i- thank you so much.”
“no. i’m the one who should thank you.” he caressed your back with his free hand softly. “not only for the present, but also for being here with me.”
“there’s also another thing.” he added, cutting you as you opened your mouth to disagree. “i can’t let you go to tokyo without saying this… i love you y/n, endlessly and i’d die to know if you’d like to be my girlfriend?” tsukishima let out on a single breath, looking you in the eyes. “it’s okay if you-”
“i’d love to, kei.” you answered, kissing him softly. “if i have to start the new year with someone, i’m glad it’s you.” you added after pulling away to catch your breaths.
and like that. you ended up in the backseat of your car, in your favorite hoodie of your freshly new boyfriend, listening to a playlist he has made you a few weeks ago and waiting for him to wake up so you could show him your grandma’s house, his words ringing up in your head whenever you mom or dad brings up his topic.
“i love you.”
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gretavangroupie · 2 years
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Warnings: None for now ;)
Chapter One
“She blooms wild and burns bright” - Butterflies Rising
Chapter Two
It had officially been three weeks since you moved to Nashville. Your best friend Amelia had finally convinced you to move in and be her roommate after many months of trying. 
You visited her quite a bit as it was and figured you are still young and since you work remotely you had nothing to lose. It was the first time you had lived away from your family and that scared you, but in good way. You would have to learn to rely only on yourself knowing that there was no one coming to your rescue. Well other than Amelia. 
Amelia had been your best friend since the 3rd grade. She was the fun and free spirit to your quiet, homebody. She was the sun to your moon. Vastly different but bonded through life. 
Amelia not only had a different personality than you did, she was also more attractive than you, or so you and every boy in high school always thought. She was the one with the gorgeous boyfriends while you were always the one in the background. You didn’t mind though. You learned from her. Mistakes and successes, and knew what to look out for. 
Amelia had spent much of this past year single, enjoying her new life in Nashville. You wished you could contain even an ounce of her carefree and outgoing spirit. Part of you thinks that it’s why you finally decided to move to Nashville. 
She had always called you “penny girl” because in third grade you found a penny on the playground and gave it to her. From then on you became best friends. She called you Pen so often that sometimes you weren’t even sure if she remembered your actual name.
You hear the apartment door unlock, and realize she is home from work. It’s around 5:40, and you know she gets off right at 5:00 but Nashville traffic can be rough to say the least. 
“Pen? Are you here?” Amelia said almost yelling.
“Hey! Im in here, as usual…” you replied trying to match her tone. 
You spent a lot of time in the third bedroom which you had both decided to turn into a home office for you. Working from home was really nice, but you also felt a bit isolated. It was hard for you to make friends this way, but you figured Amelia’s friends would just become yours too.
A few seconds later she flitters into the room.
“Hey Penny girl how was your day? Traffic was a nightmare.” She said running her two sentences together, almost incoherently.
“Same as usual, too much work, not enough day.” You replied dully.
“Well, what do you say we make something good for dinner and then play on Raya all night?” She asks.
“Raya?” You reply.
“Uh, yeah? The dating app? It’s the one for creatives and influencers. You kind of have to have a big following to be invited to use it. I only have it because of my work social media account. It’s invite only so it kind of weeds out the weirdos. It’s so much fun to look through all the gorgeous men around us.” she says smiling questionably.
Nashville is definitely a hotspot as far as single, beautiful men go.
“Are you looking for a boyfriend? I thought you were enjoying the single life!” you said with air quotes.
“Ugh pen don’t be a party pooper” she said with an eye roll.
“Okay, okay, I’m not. Let’s do it.”
“Yay! I am so excited! Maybe we will even find you a man!” She said excitedly.
“Oh! No, Amelia, I just moved here, I need to settle in still!” You replied, frowning at her.
“We’ll see” she said with a smirk.
It was just past 9 o’clock, we made a delicious dinner and had polished off a bottle of red wine that she had bought for me when I moved in, to celebrate our new adult lives in Nashville.
We were perched on the couch sitting right next to each other. She had her phone in her hands, holding it right between us, and we were swiping left and right on Raya.”
Of course, half of the men she swiped right on were a match already. You both laughed out loud every single time she had a match and made up imaginary scenarios on how the guy would inevitably say or do something that would make you wish you had never swiped right in the first place. 
You of course knew a gorgeous man when you saw one, but you weren’t into the overtly masculine types that she was into. After reading a few of the profiles out you realized that a majority of these men were aspiring musicians trying to make a name for themselves in Nashville. 
She saw the look on your face when you made the realization.
“They are all like that babe. Every one of them. My advice? Stay away. They are all trouble.” She warned.
“Oh, they aren’t really my type. I don’t think I could ever date someone like that, you know?” You say, looking at her.
She turns up the corner of her mouth, “you never know Pen… you need to make yourself a profile! Oh! Can we, can we please?!” She exclaimed.
“I don’t know Amelia…I don’t have a big following or an invite..” you say with eyes begging her to drop it.
“I can send 1 invite a year! I pick now, and once you swipe through a few guys it will show you more people like what you’re interested in!” She says hopefully.
“Okay, I guess if you’re sure you want to use your invite on me, but it’s not serious and Im definitely not going on any dates.” you say sternly.
About 30 minutes later Amelia loudly exclaimed “It’s perfect!” A cue that your profile was done. She had taken it upon herself to fill out your details, and hand selected what she thought were your best photos. She had always been good at things like this, where it would take you ages to decide. After looking over her selections and making a few minor “about me” changes, you decided that it was good enough. This was just for fun anyways. 
The main profile picture was a photo of you from back home, standing in a lush field of over grown weeds and wildflowers. You are smiling but not looking at the camera, just past it. You had on your favorite dress of that summer, a white bohemian Free People number that you paid way too much for. You look happy and carefree, two things you weren’t sure you actually were. 
The second photo was a photo of you with Amelia at a concert a few months ago. You had driven down to see her and she roped you in to going to a show. Your hair was down and wavy and you had very minimal makeup on. You hardly wore make up as it is. You aren’t the best at it, so the more simple the better. 
The final photo was a photo of you visiting Sedona, Arizona. You were standing on the peak of a mountain, what was arguably the most beautiful view you had ever seen in your life. Decked out in hiking gear and a large backpack, you looked happy and at peace. 
Your “About Me” section read: 
“Nashville Transplant”, 25, Artist, and a few of your interests and hobbies.
You both laugh a little and swipe through a few guys, none catching your interest just yet. 
“Oh, well. Thanks Amelia, I think I am going to head to bed, that wine hit me harder than I thought. I am exhausted.”
“Night pen!”she said.
You do your night time routine, shower, brush your teeth, do your extensively long skin care routine that Amelia has forced you to start doing, you put your pajamas on and climb into your perfect fluffy bed. 
You can’t help this nagging feeling that you should just swipe through a few more profiles before you fall asleep.
You reach over and grab your phone off of the nightstand and open Raya. Again you’re met with countless men who just aren’t your type, buff, chiseled and stunningly hot no doubt, just not for you. You didn’t feel like you belonged with someone who looked like that. 
After about 10 minutes you find a handful of cute guys and swipe right nervously. 
The first, a tall average build guy named Kyle, with blonde shaggy hair, blue eyes and works as a web developer. 
The next an average height, moderately fit brunette baseball player with green eyes named Davis.
The last guy is named Josh. He seems on the shorter side, something that has never bothered you. He has brown eyes, curly brown hair and a stunning smile, however it says he is a musician. You take what Amelia had told you into account, but you realize that in Nashville everyone calls themselves a musician. 
You bite the bullet and see what happens. You probably won’t even match with these guys to begin with.  After a few more minutes of swiping and a few more cute ones swiped right on, you decide to go to bed.
You shoot up suddenly when you hear an alert on your phone. You glance at your alarm clock. 2:27AM.
You look at the offending message on your phone.
~ Congratulations! You Have A New Match! ~
You groan, damn Amelia making you get that app. You silence your phone and fall back asleep.
Next thing you know your alarm clock is going off, 7:00AM comes early. You lie in bed checking twitter for the latest news for a few minutes before you get up.
You slowly make your way to the kitchen to make coffee for Amelia and yourself. She’s already been up for an hour getting ready for work. She does the whole nine yards. Hair, make up, perfect outfit and doing it all before coffee. You wonder how she does it.
You deliver her cup to her in her bathroom and say your good mornings before walking back to your room.
About 20 minutes later Amelia is leaving for work and you are almost done getting ready for the day.
You spend most of the day completely over whelmed with work. You work as a virtual assistant and spend most of your time calling to confirm appointments, schedule meetings or order whatever item your boss needs that day. It’s a very fulfilling job that only someone extremely organized could handle. 
Around 3 o’clock you hear your phone ding from the other side of your desk.
~You Have A New Message on Raya!~
You had completely forgot about your 2 in the morning match. You quickly open the app to see who you matched with. Josh. You click on the picture of his face, and it opens the message which reads:
Josh: I am so glad that we matched, you seem lovely! Was that photo of you taken in Sedona by chance?
You take a minute and scroll through the rest of his photos, you hadn’t looked at them before, just his profile photo. As you scroll you see a photo of him standing with what looks to be his friends all huddled up together. One of the guys in the photo could easily pass at his twin and you figure they must be related.
The next photo is of him but it looks to be a professionally shot photo, and you tell your self it must be related to the “musician” detail of his profile. In every photo he is wearing a smile that is one of the most genuine you’ve ever seen. You can tell he has a kind soul.
You think for a minute what you want to say back to him.
You: Hi! I am also glad we matched, I didn’t think I would get any matches to be honest. My friend made me sign up with her one invite. Yes it is in Sedona, good eye. Have you been?
A message jumps back within a minute, almost as if he was waiting for your reply.
Josh: Well I, for one, am I am very glad that she made you. Of course you are going to get matches, you are beautiful. I have been to Sedona once or twice. Do you get to travel much?
You blush a deep pink, and your chest heats up. You weren’t sure you could still do that. It had been a very long time since you had received a compliment from someone who wasn’t a friend or family.
You: That is really sweet of you. Thank You. I travel a normal amount, not as much as I wish I could though. How about you?
You try to keep the banter as light as possible, not revealing too much about yourself too soon.
Josh: I would say that I am afforded the luxury of traveling more than the average person. While I do love traveling, usually for work, and sometimes there is no greater feeling than sleeping in the peace of your own home. Speaking of home, what brought you to Nashville?
At this point you have completely forgotten about the work that you are supposed to be doing. After reading his message you decide that you will answer him back after you finish your work tasks for the day. 
Those last two hours went by extraordinarily slow for a Friday, and you couldn’t help it that your mind kept wandering back to this mystery guy, Josh. You kick yourself for letting this happen since you promised yourself this was just for fun and that you weren’t going to take it seriously.
You decide to message him back and explain how your best friend convinced you to move in with her and how the rest is history. You and Josh message back and forth for quite a while exchanging questions and getting to know each other a little better.
Your last message to him was sent 6:17PM, and he usually replied to you fairly quickly since you began chatting this afternoon. You asked about his family and what brought him to Nashville. Two or three hours pass and you continually check your phone but, there is nothing there. You and Amelia finish up dinner and you suggest that you watch a movie to take your mind off of it. Throwing your phone onto your bed, you walk back to the living room and watch the entirety of ‘Legally Blonde’, Amelia’s suggestion of course.
After the movie had ended you both decide to turn in for the night. You walk back to your room, pretending that you’re not dying to check your phone to see if you have any new messages from Josh. You pick it up and turn it over. You have three messages from Josh. 
Josh: My brothers and I recently moved here from Michigan. We all live pretty much walking distance from each other so it is really nice.
Josh: I am so sorry to leave you hanging earlier, my phone died right as I got to the studio, and I think one of my brothers must have taken my charger out of my car, the one time I need it of course. 
Josh: I know this seems forward but would you like to exchange numbers?
His last message was sent well over 45 minutes from the previous two and an hour had passed since this last message. You thought about how you wanted to respond. Of course you wanted to give him your number, but you didn’t want to seem too eager either. Begrudgingly, you decided that you needed to ask Amelia. You slowly walked to her door and knocked quietly.
“Come In!” She said.
“Hey, I have a… question for you, but please don’t laugh at me.” You said embarrassingly. 
“Oh my god what?!” She exclaimed.
“So I matched with someone on Raya and…” 
“I KNEW IT!” She interrupted. “You were checking your phone all night! I knew something was up. Oh my gosh tell me, what’s going on? Who is it! Show me!” She bursted out.
“No way, I am not showing you anything yet. I just need your advice on how to respond to this message” you say sternly. 
You explain the situation and read out his last few messages, hoping that she would know what to do. After all she does this all the time.
“You need to message him back like, right now! Give him your number! It’s obvious you kinda like him Pen, and he is clearly feeling you right back! What is the worst thing that could happen, I mean you can always block him if you need to” she says. She puts her hand on your shoulder to reassure you that it’s not as big of a deal as it feels. You thank her, say goodnight, and gather up your courage to type a response back to him. Its nearly midnight at this point so you’re sure he won’t see it until the morning. 
You: Siblings, gotta love em I guess. Don’t worry about it, I had a movie night tonight anyways. Sure we can exchange numbers!
You type in your number and hit send, heart beating out of your chest. Why do you feel this way?
You set your phone down and do your usual night time routine. It is late so you try to hurry so that you can still try to get 6 or 7 hours. After you finish up you get in bed and turn off your lamp. 15 minutes is your new record. Just as you begin to get drowsy you hear your phone vibrate on your nightstand. 
Your heart begins to beat rapidly at the realization that it’s probably him since your friends and family know not to text you this late. You pick up your phone and on the screen is a message from an unknown contact.
Unknown: Hey pretty girl, I’m sorry, I know its late but I just wanted you to have my number too. Rest well.
You could have died right then and there. Pretty girl?! You’re fairly positive that no one in your life has called you such a cute name before. You quickly text back. 
You: Thank you, you too. With a smiley emoji. 
You set your phone back on the nightstand and doze off dreaming of what could be.
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spoldhamauthor · 1 year
FREE Halloween Read! 'Night Duty'
If you would like a short, spooky read to get you in the mood for Halloween then here is your Free Read for 2023, courtesy of me! If you enjoy it, take a minute to let me know. Plenty of other free reads on my site too, plus links to all my books. Thanks and I hope you enjoy it. PS Cover art virtually created by NightCafe. https://www.spoldhamauthor.com/halloween-2023
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“What do you reckon then? About those ghost walks Kenny was on about?”
Emma, despite her warm-looking coat, is hugging her arms tightly around herself. Every now and then she missteps, trying to walk in a straight line like a sober person.
Walking alongside her, she bumps into me as she weaves her way down the street. I have had a few pints myself, though I think I am surer of foot than her. I let her use me as a buffer as she walks. Better than letting her wander into the road.
Not that there is much traffic. It is late, dark, very cold and this is the quieter part of town. We have had a fun evening with friends, one of whom, Kenny, spent most of the night raving about a ghost walk he went on last weekend. He took a fair bit of ribbing over it, which strangely enough developed into a more serious conversation about the afterlife.
Emma thought it was interesting. After a few minutes I got up, talked to a few mates at the bar, then played a couple of games of pool. The drinks had gone down a little too easy. Before we knew it, we were being asked, politely, to leave.
“What about them?” I respond to Emma, just a little too slowly. I grimace and check my watch. 12.50 pm. I need my bed.
“We should go on one, that’s what I mean! You up for it?”
I shove my hands into my pockets, drop my head to hide my smile, “Not really Em, you know I don’t believe in all that stuff.”
“You should have stayed, listened to what Kenny was saying. I mean, he’s sceptical too, but some of the weird stuff that happened…” Her voice trails off, her words slurred. She is more drunk than I realised.
“If he believes any of the stuff that happened on a ghost walk then he’s not as sceptical as he claims. They use actors, you know! You don’t really buy into all that, do you?”
She looks at me, unwraps an arm to loop around my elbow. At least I can keep her a bit steadier now.
“Well I don’t know do I, Josh? I like to keep an open mind. I mean, nobody really knows anything for sure, do they? Anyway, it might be fun, actors or not. Halloween’s coming up. I reckon we should book a ghost walk.”
“Really? Can’t you get one of your friends to go with you?”
“Party pooper!” She calls me, retracting her hand to stuff into her own pocket, “Scaredy-cat!” She jibes. I refuse to rise to her only semi-playful taunting.
We walk on in silence, the scrape of her boot heels the only sound apart from the distant hum of light traffic.
I hold out an arm to stop her, “Hang on! Something’s not right here.”
“What do you mean, not right? Get out of the way Josh!” She pushes my arm aside but comes to a begrudging stop a little behind me.
“Where the hell are we?” I turn on the spot, looking around. There is absolutely no sound of cars on the road anymore. Now Emma has stopped walking there is not even her footfall to be heard. The night is eerily silent. We are in a part of town I have never seen before.
“What the hell?” I whisper, wondering why my own voice has become so hushed.
“What?” Emma demands, blinking to take in her surroundings, “Very funny Josh! No need to take the piss out of me, just because I said I fancied going on a ghost walk!”
“I’m not taking the piss Emma! Look! Look around you! Do you have any idea where we are?”
I suddenly feel a lot more sober. Emma seems to appreciate how serious I am. She turns on the spot, just as I did, looking around for a landmark she recognises. There is not one.
“What the hell?” She echoes me.
“Exactly!” I exclaim.
We both stand there like idiots for a minute.
“We just go back the way we came,” I say eventually, “come on, about turn.”
I put an arm round her shoulder. Unresisting, she begins walking with me. We take only a few steps before a mist begins to fall around us. Light at first, it soon becomes a thick fog. We halt our steps again.
“This isn’t right!” Emma declares, “There’s no fog in the forecast!”
I keep the thought that this is probably nothing to do with meteorology to myself. Why am I, self-professed sceptic, even thinking that?
“I have never seen fog as thick as this before.”
“I think it’s what ye olde-time Londoners would have called a pea-souper.” Emma informs me.
“Well, we are not ye olde-timers and we’re not in London either!” I do not know why I am starting to feel panicky, I only know that I am. I take a deep breath, not wanting Emma to see it.
Even drunk she can read me well, though she is sobering up a lot, too.
“It’s okay Josh, we keep walking regardless, right? I mean, what’s the worst that can happen? One of us falls off a kerb?”
“Or into the path of an oncoming car!”
“Any driver out in this would have fog lights on and be driving really slowly. I can’t see that happening Josh. Come on.”
She loops her arm round mine again, tugging me forward. Reluctantly, I follow.
“It’s gone a lot colder,” I shiver inside my jacket, pulling Emma in tighter.
“That’s what Kenny said happened on that ghost walk,” she tells me unhelpfully, “It went a lot colder and everyone started getting the chills out of nowhere.”
“Not the best time to be sharing that!” I snap.
She looks up at me and giggles, “You’re not really scared are you, Mister Sceptical Man?”
“Of course I’m not scared!” I feel my good mood evaporating, “I’m just confused, that’s all. I have never taken this wrong turning before. Don’t you think it’s weird? I mean there, look!”
Ahead of us the fog lifts a little, allowing a patch of yellow light to shine through enough to show us black railings, a cobbled road.
“Is that a gas lamp?” Emma stops dead, staring.
I follow her gaze. For the briefest moment I get a glimpse of a tall, black pole, with what could only be described as a Victorian gas lamp atop it. It burned a mellow orange-yellow; straight out of a Dickens novel.
“That’s impossible!” I hiss, “No way! There are no naked flame street lamps in town anymore, they’re long gone!”
“What’s happening?” Emma asks plaintively. I have no answer to give her so I just shrug.
“How should I know? You’re the paranormal expert, you tell me.”
“No need to get snarky with me, Josh! I’m not an expert. It’s probably not even paranormal! I mean, how could it be? It’s just some freak weather event. Global warming or something.”
“How does global warming conjure up a Victorian street scene?”
“I don’t know, do I? Don’t raise your voice to me!”
“Now then sir, madam. What seems to be the problem?”
Emma and I jump in unison. I mean, we literally jump, stepping abruptly backwards, thumping awkwardly into one another. The figure before us has a long, neat moustache, blending into sideburns. A heavy-looking helmet sits on his head, the strap under his chin. He has a dark cape thrown over his shoulders.
I do not know if it is the lingering effects of the alcohol or the continuously swirling mist, but I cannot see any firm edge to his being. It is as if his body is as nebulous as the fog around us.
For a second it envelopes him completely, covering us in such a chill that we cling together. When it parts once more, the lamp is out. With no light behind him the strange figure seems more sinister.
“Causing a public disturbance,” he says in a dry, aged voice, “I could run you in for that.” Menacingly he taps his wooden truncheon into the palm of his free hand.
My tongue feels as solid as stone, useless in my mouth. I am unable to utter a word. Absurdly, I want to tell this officer that we were not causing a disturbance. That it was just a tiff.
I cannot speak. Judging by Emma’s silence, neither can she.
A noise begins. The sound of hard wheels rattling upon an equally hard surface. It is accompanied by the clack of horse hooves. With a chill, I realise it is an approaching carriage.
“What the fu..?” I manage to blurt. The officer cuts me off with a curt warning.
“No such language in front of the young lady!” He admonishes.
I risk tearing my eyes away from this weird apparition to face Emma, “This has to be a wind up, right? Kenny, maybe?”
Her eyes are wide as she looks up at me, her head shaking ‘no’ before I have even finished the sentence.
“This is no joke, Joshua. I think you know that. This is no prank. This is real.”
She sounds sad, all her earlier enthusiasm at possibly encountering a ghost gone.
“This can’t be real!” I whisper urgently, even though the apparition is right there in front of us, listening to every word, “This is a trick of the mind, or the light; or both. This is not real, Emma!”
“Not real?” The officer says, stepping a fraction closer, “How much have you had to drink tonight, sir?”
I do not know what to do. How to respond. What to say to make this go away; to make it not be happening. So I resort to an old tactic. I get angry.
“Back off, pal!” I say, stepping forward, even though I dread the thought of actually touching this thing, “You don’t exist anymore! You’re not even real police!”
Immediately it becomes obvious that I have offended him. Part of me wants to laugh. How do you offend a ghost? Then I see that he is not going to take such an affront lightly. Expecting a blow from the truncheon, I raise a protective arm but all he does is go for the whistle attached by chain to his chest. He puts it to his lips and blows.
A piercing, flat sound like a tiny steam train whistle rents the air. It lingers overlong, the fog parting where the sound travels. When it stops, the silence feels like a weight on my chest. My flesh crawls when I hear the unmistakable heavy tread of boots on the ground.
“Did he just call for back up?”
“What the hell is happening?” Emma demands, fear evident, “Josh, what’s going on?”
She is clinging to my arm, pulling me back from the apparition. I let her. Suddenly, I feel we need to be far away from here.
I find Emma’s hand, grasp it in my own, begin running blindly. She runs with me, both of us stumbling and panting. I hear footsteps behind us, more whistles, the rattle of coach wheels behind them. They are on our tail. Urging Emma on, I pull her behind me when I feel her begin to slow. We cannot stop.
At last, the noise behind us lessens, falls further and further away. It takes a while for me to understand that the fog has lifted and we are back in the clear air again. The night is cold but I can see lights, electric lights, brightening the gloom.
Relief turns my legs to jelly. Emma’s hand feels heavy in mine. I turn to look at her, breathless but smiling, ready to talk with her about what we have just gone through together. This will be a story we will tell for a long time to come.
I feel my grin evaporate when I see that she is not running along behind me. I am holding her hand, yes. I have no idea when her feet betrayed her and she fell. She is lying on the pavement, her clothes bloodied and torn, her skin scraped and ruched. There is a wide graze down the right side of her face. Her eyes stare up at me, unseeing. She is dead.
I cannot let go of her hand. This cannot be real. She cannot be dead. She cannot be.
Sirens approach like banshees. I don’t care. Blue lights cycle in the air. I am still staring stupidly down at Emma when someone takes a firm grip on my shoulder.
“Hands behind your back!” A commanding voice demands of me. I hear it but I don’t understand it. A second hand grabs my other shoulder.
“Hands behind your back!” Another voice takes up the command, “Do not resist! Hands behind your back, now!”
They force Emma’s grip out of my hand, wrenching my arms backwards. I feel the cold metal cuffs snap into place. A paramedic has come, is bending over Emma, checking her vital signs.
I am being dragged away. I keep turning to look at Emma, watching the paramedics do their thing.
“It’s no good,” I say to no one, “it’s no good. She’s dead. She’s dead!”
“I must caution you that you do not have to say anything, but it may harm your defence if you do not mention when questioned something which you later rely on in court.” One of the arresting officers says, almost mechanically, “Do you understand?”
“No,” I shake my head violently, “No, I do not understand! I don’t understand any of this!”
“How much have you had to drink tonight, sir?”
A chill runs through my bones. How much have you had to drink tonight sir?
“What’s happening? Why are you lot here? I don’t get it!”
“We got several calls about a man dragging a young woman violently and pretty relentlessly along the street, that’s why we’re here mate! Now get in the car!”
“What? That’s not true!” I am aware my denial sounds weak. I remember Emma’s cold hand in mine.
“Well clearly it is true, isn’t it? Going by the evidence. Now get in the damned car!”
The evidence? My stomach drops at the thought of that. I sink into the vehicle, all the fight gone out of me.
“Where’s Emma?” I ask suddenly. The officer in the driver’s seat swivels, looks at me oddly, “Emma? Was that her name?”
“Yes, yes!” I am growing impatient, “Where is she?”
“Well she’s dead I’m afraid sir. I mean, you ought to know that…”
“No, no! Where is she? Have they got her in the ambulance yet? She’s not still lying on that pavement, is she? On that street?”
“I am afraid she is, yes. There’s a protocol to be followed in case of deaths like this…”
I cut him off, “Can’t they do it in the ambulance?” I know I am wailing now, “Get her off that street, for God’s sake. Get her off it! That should be part of some bloody ghost walk, never mind Kenny’s bloody graveyard!” I am babbling now.
Tears are streaming down my face so I cannot see the officers face, but I hear the confusion in his tired voice.
“Ghost walk? Station Road? What are you talking about?”
“Station Road? It’s a real street then? Station Road? As in train station?” I ask, sniffing constantly, my throat hoarse. My heart already knows the answer to that question.
“No, not train station. Police Station. One of the first in this area back in the day. But we haven’t picked you up for a history lesson. Unless you feel like telling us what happened here, I suggest you stop talking, mate.”
I sag back onto the seat, suddenly exhausted. Who in their right mind would ever believe what happened? They would blame the drink or something.
I look out of the window. Just beyond the busy paramedics still bent over Emma’s lifeless form, I make out the outline of an archaic policeman. His helmet and uniform are out of time, his moustache and sideburns eccentric. A veil of white mist swirls around him.
Even from this distance, through the window, he catches my eye. He taps the peak of his helmet as if in salute, turns on his heel, his cape swirling dramatically around his shoulders. He saunters away; for all the world pleased with a good job done well.
The soft yellow flame of an antique street lamp blossoms into life for the briefest of moments, welcoming the ghost into its circle of light.
Then they are gone, taking all the light with them.
S P Oldham
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iamthekaijuking · 1 year
Did you see the new lore revealed about the Magalas in the new Sunbreak art book? For years we’ve know that the Magalas reproduce asexually, with a Shagaru releasing spores alongside its virus to infect and impregnate other monsters parasitoid style. Then the baby pops out chestburster style from the dying monster. Well new lore changes this slightly. The frenzied monsters don’t “give birth” to Gore, they become Gore! I guess the Shagaru virus rewrites the hosts DNA, slowly transforming them into a Gore Magala over time like how parasitoid wasps alter the dna of trees when forming galls around their young. The Frenzied monster probably forms a cocoon of sort around itself using its own tissues, eventually emerging as a young gore. That would also explain why Gore can by captured and why it isn’t an elder dragon, it has trace dna and elements of its former self that don’t get purged until it molts one final time!
The new gore lore is interesting, but (and I hate to be a party pooper) it kinda falls apart if you think about it for a bit.
Elder reproduction is a little weird, but this is too weird and we’ve never been given any indication that they can do this, and it’s virtually impossible for an animal to evolve a reproductive system that basically starts as a virus that transforms the host’s cells into its species exactly. And also why use an injured dying animal as the thing you turn into your baby?
Another thing is so many different monster species contract frenzy and magala spores, and very few if any of them make sense anatomically as something that could transform into a gore magala. Congalala and Seltas are not compatible species. The process of transforming them would kill and/or cripple them.
Plus monster hunter is not a setting where a The Thing reference feels compatible. The initial xenomorph ref made some sense since they reworked it into a wildlife disease, but it was still out of left field. Whoever wrote the lore for sunbreak is just kinda lazily trying to justify gore not having a classification when this lack of classification is there just to tie into the mystery aspect of 4u's story.
It’s cool sure and makes for interesting biology, but it just doesn’t fit with everything else about monhun we’ve been given.
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evansbby · 5 months
so I’ve known this girl for like two years, we met at uni, and she’s rlly nice. we’re really close and do a lot of stuff together (yes, I feel bad about doing this behind her back 😭). we’re in a lot of the same classes, so when we have an assignment or have to study, we meet up, and do it together. a few days ago, she invited me over to her place to study. who opens the door when I get there? the most delicious man I’ve ever seen in my lifeeee. man is 6’7, puerto rican, biceps the size of my head and has sleeve tattoos 😖😖 he’s like 43/44, I think? we eventually settled in their dining room to study, and from there, you can see into the living room if that makes sense. so I was waayy more focused on watching him than my studies. we were constantly flirting every time he ‘checked on us’ or if I saw him in the kitchen or hallway. did I act stupid so he could help me? abso-fucking-lutely. (he’s so smart which instantly makes him ten times hotter) anyway, it got really late and I got an uber there, so he offered to drive me back home. long story short, we started making out when we arrived at my apartment, and I ended up giving him head in the car 😭. I told him that I’m a virgin, so we exchanged contacts so he can, and I quote, “take my time with you”. so yeah, he’s coming over tomorrow to blow my back outt LMAOO. this happened like a few days ago, so he’s been teasing me endlessly on the phone 😪😪. plus, my bsf knows there’s a guy bc she saw the hickeys on my neck, she just doesn’t know that the guy is her dad 😬. I’m sorry, but he TALKED ME THROUGH ITTT. like I can’t not hook up with him 😭
PSA!!! before anybody says anything, he’s divorced and single. I’m 21, and I only JUST met her dad, so he didn’t know me as a child 💀
Okay firstly, a disclaimer; I know you’re an adult and you can make your own decisions. But I just have to say this, bc I’ve been staring at this ask for a while now thinking of how to answer it, PLEASE DO THINK THIS THROUGH! And yeah, maybe I’m being a party pooper but do think it through and if definitively yes, then go for it girlie!!! I know you are a legal, consenting adult. But yeah pretend I’m like your older sister with your best interests at heart bc this is what I’d tell any friend or cousin of mine who is 21!
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spctrsgf · 2 years
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summary: when life winds you up, you can always count on a certain man to bring you back down to the ground.
word count: 1.1k
warnings: language, like one innuendo, santi being snarky and then a lovesick bastard because COME ON that’s him
a/n: this is my first time writing for santi (im hella nervous but oh well) and i'm glad to start it off with pure self indulgent FLUFF
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You shuffled into your apartment, tired and about ready to fall face first into your bed. Still, you managed to stumble through your usual routine of locking the door, Santi’s tendencies rubbing off on you. You turned the door lock as well as slid in the chain that was bolted into the wall, heading over to the windows to shut the curtains. Only when you felt you weren’t being watched did you relax, bustling through pulling off your shoes and putting away your stuff with a tired sort of drawl in your step.
You wandered into the kitchen to make your favorite warm beverage, humming softly to a song you’d heard on the way home. The darkness of the apartment was a welcome one as you cupped the warm mug with your cold hands, the couch looking increasingly appealing. You plopped down onto it with a sigh, leaning back into the cushions. As you closed your eyes, an arm wrapped around your shoulders and yanked you towards its owner.
You were on autopilot. You slammed your elbow into their body, eliciting an oof from the person as you scrambled up and to the light switch. The warm white bulbs showered the room in light, and your scowl faded as you recognized his brown curls and wide caramel eyes.
You let out a breath you didn’t even realize you’d been holding, becoming flustered quickly when you remembered you’d elbowed the man hard in the chest. You rushed over to him, hands flying around him as you were unsure on how to help. “Are you alright?” You questioned, voice timid. “Do I-” he tucked his knees up into his chest. “Do I look okay to you?”
“Shit, Santi,” Your worries escalated exponentially at his slightly snippy tone. “I’m so sorry. I thought no one was home and it’s been a long day– I’m sorry–”
“Relax,” he smiled softly at you, yet it was laced with pain. “I’ll be okay.”
You scoffed, eyebrows knit in guilt.
“In a few seconds.”
Your eyes closed dramatically in shame. “I’m so sor–”
“If you say sorry one more time, I am actually going to hurl something at you.”
“Please don’t.”
Santi grinned, a real one. “Then stop apologizing.”
“But it’s my fault-”
“No. Apologizing.”
You rolled your eyes. “Why were you even hiding in the dark anyways? You know I spook easily.”
“Well, hiding is half the fun! Plus, I wanted to surprise you.”
“Yeah, good going on that one.”
“C’mon, it was kind of funny.”
“For you!” You screeched. “Not for me!”
“Jeez, fine! No need to be such a party pooper.”
“Santiago,” You growled. “Do not test my patience right now.”
“Why?” He tilted his head. “Long day?”
Your eyes fell from his and you hid your face behind your mug, suddenly embarrassed at his correct guess.
“Hey,” He got up from the couch, pushing the mug away from your face. “Why are you pretending that you can hide behind that?”
“I’m not.”
“Mhm, okay, very believable. I’ll ask again though. Long day?”
You nodded. “As per usual, sadly, but it was just like the last brick before the stack toppled.”
“You wanna talk about it?”
“Not really.”
“What do you wanna do?”
You shrugged. “I dunno.”
“Netflix and chill?” His lips curled into a smirk.
You grinned back at him. “Maybe not.”
“Just Netflix then?”
“How about Disney+?” You called behind you as you made your way to the kitchen, Santi hot on your heels.
“We are not watching the Star Wars sequels again.”
You groaned, head still inside the cupboard as you searched further. “Why not?”
“Because I can’t handle you dying every time that pilot dude comes on the screen.”
“Oh, come on,” you shut the cupboard, placing your found item into the microwave. “Poe is amazing. What’s not to love?”
“I can list several things.” He grumbled.
“Please. He’s hot and he reminds me of you.”
“I’m honored, but still,” You jumped slightly as he wrapped his arms around your waist. “Spare me, would ya?”
“You do know that you say that every time and yet we always end up watching Star Wars, right?”
He sighed. “Yeah.”
You turned in his grip, tangling your fingers in his hair. “What do you want to watch?”
He shrugged.
“That’s not an answer, Santi. Either you tell me or we watch Star Wars again.”
“Can we watch the original trilogy, at least?” The said man questioned.
You nodded with a smile. “Sure.”
Before Santi could respond, the microwave rang and you, much to your dismay, had to free yourself from his grip. You nudged his arm, but he didn’t let down nor go with you as you tried to move. You glared at your boyfriend as you grabbed his arms and tried to move again, this time with more force. “Let me go grab the popcorn–” You squealed as Santi lifted you effortlessly onto the countertop, placing a hand on your chest to halt your move to jump off. “Stay here,” he rounded the countertop, eyes still on your form. “I got it.”
“C’mon, that was supposed to be a gift for you.”
“Well, now it’s a gift from me.” He poured the popcorn into a bowl and ventured over to the couch, grabbing you on the way.
You let him pull you with a smile, let him snuggle you into his chest as he reached for the remote. The sigh that left your mouth was a happy one as you let your body relax into Santi’s warm embrace, finally content for the first time in a while. You marveled at the sheer comfort that he could make you feel, how just seeing him made you remember why you were still hanging on. So, as the movie started on the screen, you were able to focus on it instead of what was happening around you.
From above, Santi beamed down at you, placing a kiss onto the top of your head. He could feel it; the relaxation of your tense muscles as he came into view, the way you curled further into him despite all the luscious space on the sofa. He couldn’t have been more proud of himself for how safe you felt around him, the fact that he had managed to find someone who loved him as much as he loved them.
So, he let himself sink into you as well, throwing his arm over your shoulders and pressing your face further into his chest, towards the heart that beat solely for you. “I love you.” He whispered out into the darkness.
You smiled. “I know.”
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